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Home Explore COMPANY PROFILE 3 a pdf


Published by qaisara_tulip, 2021-06-02 16:21:54

Description: COMPANY PROFILE 3 a pdf


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company profile est 2012 COMPANY PROFILE

company profile est 2012 Contents. 02 03 01 About Us 04 02 Our Vision 05 03 Our Objective 06-19 04 Founder 20-23 05 Our Service 24 06 Our Clients 25 07 Media 08 Our contacts

company profile est 2012 About Us. Tulip Adlink Ventures (002690540) subsidary to Tulip Art Media Sdn Bhd contributed upgrade its services to local market since 2012. With the strong hold o our company philosophy, highest satisfaction, quality & creativity, we are committed to the highest level of quality to serve each of our customers better. We provides a comprehensive range of advertisement services at competitive price in indoor & outdoor ad- vertising, close collaboration with advertising agency, developer, supporting public relations agencies, ser- vicing corporate & private companies. Our dedicated personnel with experience begin their services the moment you make the first call. From quick, efficient order handling to helpful customer services representati ves, we are dedicated to under- stand the many & diverse needs of individuals, thu we are attuned to your specific needs.

company profile est 2012 Our Vision. Our vision is to provide our customers with a full range of services from the very beginning start their busi- ness. Grow with them & develop a strong working relationship that catalyst to both the companies. Support the in the developing stage with the hope to able to nurture the growth of both of our companies.

company profile est 2012 Our Objective. TULIP is focused on giving its customer the needs that are required or expectation that is supposedly forth coming in an industry, which dictates direction. Lever- aging from our abundance resources and strategic al- liance with our business partners, TULIP is able to offer a cost effective alternative to the management of your total advertising & promotion budget. Notwithstanding this, TULIP also provides its customer with strategic net- work support with much value added services without compromise in quality of its product.   Outdoor advertising has for the last decade evolved to become a major media much to the amazement of in- dustries’ players. Therefore, it is desirous that a reliable and systematic approach be adopted to safeguard the industry from triads and unscrupulous service provid- er, which tarnish the well-being of the industry. TULIP is committed to ensure that customer’s welfare are taken care appropriately and will continue to be a pillar of support both in terms of tech- nicality advises as well as …long after the program are executed.

company profile est 2012 ManagingDirector. The company is spearheaded by its Managing Director, Ms Zaliza Bt Bentong has more than 18 years of experience in advertising field. She has been exposed to a wide repertoire of advertising activities but finds outdoor as the cream of the crop.   Zaliza is by and large, the biggest shareholder of Tulip Art Media Sdn Bhd and subsidiary Company TULIP ADLINK VENTURES and the portfolio which she has embarked on ranges from launching of programs to increase product margins, strategic alliances, international business development, marketing and operations.   Zaliza holds a :-   1] Master Business Admint (MBA) UiTM Shah Alam 2] Bachelor of Degree in Management with Hons. from University of Sains Malaysia (USM), Major in Marketing, Minor in Communication 3] Professional Diploma in Internet Business & Marketing Strategies, OUM  

company profile est 2012 Our Service THE OUTDOOR MEDIA DEV. SPECIALIST • Flyover advertising panel • Wall Billboard • Billboard 10’ x 40’ • Minipole • Spectacular Board 20’ x60’ • Unipole V shape 20’ x80’ • Road directional sign • Temporary advertising ( bunting & banner ) • Others

company profile est 2012 Our Expert/ Experience Flyover Advertising Panel

company profile est 2012 Our Expert/ Experience Wall Billborad

company profile est 2012 Our Expert/ Experience Minipole

company profile est 2012 Our Expert/ Experience Spectacular Board

company profile est 2012 Our Expert/ Experience Unipole V shape

company profile est 2012 Our Expert/ Experience Build Unipole

company profile est 2012 Our Expert/ Experience Build Unipole

company profile est 2012 Our Expert/ Experience Road Directional Sign

company profile est 2012 Our Expert/ Experience Temporary Advertising

company profile est 2012 Our Expert/ Experience Billboard

company profile est 2012 Our Expert/ Experience Build Unipole

company profile est 2012 Our Expert/ Experience Build Unipole

company profile est 2012 Our Expert/ Experience Build Unipole

company profile est 2012 ODuevrelCopelrients.

company profile est 2012 O DuevrelCopelrients.

company profile est 2012 Our Clients. Hypermarket Automobil

company profile est 2012 Our Clients. Educations/ Enterprenuer

company profile est 2012 Media. Ms. Zaliza have been recognize by RTM because of her achivement in Business. And become a successful Business Women. She have appeared in RTM channel for a show name Cik Gayah Stylo. The show is about Ms. Zaliza usual activity and lifestyle. In that show also TulipArt have become a sponsor to the team crew of the show.

company profile est 2012 Contact Us. For any requirement regarding business that you willing to contribut with us, Thank You!