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Home Explore Amot program

Amot program

Published by grafiki, 2023-08-23 05:12:06

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burial, memorial & thanksgiving service for the late (October 5, 1957 - June 20, 2023) �

ORDER OF SERVICE The Methodist Church Ghana Bisease Circuit Wesley Society Officiating Clergy 1. Rt. Rev. Richardson Aboaye Andam, BA, MPHR (Bishop Cape Coast Diocese) 8. Very Rev. Abraham A. otoo – Mankessim 2. most Rev. titus awotwe kofi pratt [immediate past presiding bishop] 3. rt. rev. daniel de-graft brace [immediate past bishop] 9. Rev. Eva Noonoo – Fijai Wesley Methodist church 4. rt. rev. john hervy-ewusie [pst bishop] 5. very rt. rev. samuel kweku bassaw [synod secretary cape coast] 10. Rev. Seth Kobina Amoah – Adiembla MT Olivet Methodist Church 6. very rt. rev. ato baidu [supt. minister bisease circuit] 7. very rev. emmanuel kwasi arhin - sekondi 11. Pastor Callistus Madilo – Resident Pastor of Winners chapel International Church. Ashaiman Lebanon Branch. 12. Rev. Father John Mansah- Ajumako Roman Catholic church 13. Rev. Father Augustin Abeka – Bisease Roman Catholic church Society Stewards organist choirmistress Time Bro. Joseph Mensah & Bro. Evans Mensah Bro. Isaac A. Rockson Madam Patience Sakyebea Burial Service - 9:00AM burial service at the grave side 1. Processional Hymn 9. hymn can 152 MHb 468 1. hymn CAn 163 MHB 494 2. Sentences 10. sermon 2. committal 3. Purpose of gathering 11. affirmation of faith 3. vote thanks 4. hymn CAN 14 MHb 50 12. offering13. announcements 4. hymn can 324 mhb 5. prayers 14. hymn can 181 mhb 548 5. benediction 6. biography & tributes 15. concluding prayers and lord’s prayer 7. hymn can 172 mhb 528 16. benediction 8. bible readings 17. dead march in saul a. Roms 8:31 b. John 11:17-27 18. recessional 1 | Remembering Mary Krampah

Biography of the late I 1 Cor 15:52-55 her father’s late wife. The nickname AMOT was coined from n a moment, in the twinkling of an the name Ama Otum by Mr. Ato Kwamina Acquah of Tema, eye, at the last trump: for the trum- her father’s uncle also of blessed memory. May his soul rest in pet shall sound and the dead shall be peace. raised in corruptible and we shall be EDUCATIONAL LIFE changed. O, death, where is thy sting? AMOT started schooling in 1961 at the age of four (4) at Breman O grave, where is thy victory. Benni Catholic Primary School. Her father was transferred to Breman Kokoso Catholic School as the headteacher of the HER BIRTH AND BEGINNINGS school which made her continue her education in that school. Mrs. Mary Krampah affectionately called AMOT was born on the 5th She later followed her father to Ajumako Bisease Catholic Mid- day of October, 1957 at Breman dle School where she obtained her Middle School Certificate Benni in the Central Region of in 1974. AMOT became the school Prefect due to her high level Ghana to Mr. Thomas Sampson of discipline; she was also active member of the school’s net- Quainoo alias Yaw Kweanu and ball team. In the same year, she enrolled at the Bisease Senior Mrs. Mary Quainoo allias Esi Commercial College (BISCO) and successfully passed out with Eduah both of blessed mem- a certificate. ory. AMOT was traditional- ly named Ama Otum after 2 | Remembering Mary Krampah

CAREER LIFE After marriage, she joined the Methodist Church at Ajuma- AMOT worked at Mando Sec- ko Bisease in the early 1990s and later moved to Takoradi to ondary School as a typist and join her husband. She joined the Adeambra Methodist Church later to Enyan Denkyira Rural (MT. OLIVET) the Fijai Methoodist Church (Wesley) and was Bank as a cashier from the an active member of Christ Little Band till she was called by early 80s to 2001. her maker. MARITAL LIFE In 2001, she resigned from AMOT has her first child, Adwoa with Mr. DeGraft Blank- Denkyira Rural Bank in or- son Biney and later met her sweet husband, Mr. Albert Afari der to join her husband in Ta- Krampah in 1984. Their marriage was blessed with two boys, koradi. In 2006, she got a new Kweku and Kojo. appointment at Universal In the year 2020, AMOT suffered a mild stroke and had to trav- Merchant Bank (UMB). She el to Tema to stay with her first child Adwoa for medical treat- worked with UMB for twelve ment. By the grace of God, she recovered fully and went back (12) years and retired in the to work. year 2018. On her retirement, Unfortunately, on the 20th day of June, 2023, AMOT complained she decided not to idle there- of pains at her work place and was rushed to Fijai Hospital but fore, took another appoint- unfortunately, she was pronounced dead on arrival. ment at Lucky Bazaar Lim- REST IN PEACE, Mary Sampson Quainoo ited at Takoradi as a Cashier, Rest well, Ama Otum (AMOT) where she worked until she Dimirifa Due met her untimely death on the 20th day of June, 2023. CHRISTIAN LIFE AMOT was a celebrated and distinguished Christian who ex- pressed her faith in Jesus Christ till the very end of her life. She was born into a Catholic home as both parents were de- vote Catholics. AMOT was a C.Y.O member and a choirister in the Catholic Church at Ajumako Bisease. 3 | Remembering Mary Krampah


Tributes 5 | Remembering Mary Krampah

Tribute by husband “ If we live, we live for the“ My light went out and my whole life was in total Lord and if we die, we die shambles on that unfortunate Tuesday, 20th for the Lord. June, 2023 when my dearest wife passed away Therefore, whether we live at Fijai Hospital-Takoradi. or die, we belong to the In fact, this is a day, I wish never to remember because Lord. that day did me more harm than good. It was a terrible (Romans 14:7-8) shock for me and the family but such is life and no one 6 | Remembering Mary Krampah

can run away from it. The ways of the Lord are not our You were indeed a “Great Fighter”, you have finished ways, neither his thoughts our thoughts. the race as Paul said in the Holy Book. The only thing What a shock! It has not been easy for me since the left for you now is the crown of glory which I know the sudden exit from this earth through the gate of death. Lord has already prepared for special people like you. My only consolation is that the Most High God has My final words for as I bid you farewell is that, all that received you into His Kingdom. you sacrificed, labored and toiled for will never be in Ama, as I affectionately called you, you always opened vain. your arms to the poor and the needy. You watched over This solemn promise I make to you this day, I pray and the affairs of your household. trust the good Lord will grant me the strength, wisdom My beloved wife, you always sacrificed your comfort in and grace to accomplish it. order to give me a better life. Ama, Da Yie Ama, you did so much for me and no amount of words Da Yie, Medↄfo Soronko can adequately express my sincerest gratitude for all Da Yie, Medↄfo Papa you did for me. As we mourn your painful departure Nyame Mfa Wo Kra Nsie today, I want you to know that I will never forget the Amen sacrifices you made and how hard you fought to en- sure the well-being of the children, Sister Afua Afari- wah and me. 7 | Remembering Mary Krampah

A mum like no other, you made too much sacrifices in our lives; you th be united as siblings. We love you mum and say a big thank you. A affectionately called her was our best friend and loved us uncon Tributediscrimination. Aunty Mary, you touched so many lived by your act of cheerful giving by chilkdinrdehnearted woman that loved to help others. “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall You also thought us biblical lessons frfoomr uths.eABsibyloeu, i.dee.pgaivrtintgo, loving o there be mourning, nor pain anymore, for the former things others. your maker today, who have passed away” Rev 21:4 will pray for us on our Our dear mom like no other. We are consoled by the many happy bmiretmhdoariyess?we shared together and We still find it do hard to believe you are gone and still have that void in our heart, that no one can fill except God. God because heaven has received an aMnugmel., thank you for Mum, you are an example of a perfect mother, so caring, lov- Maa AMOT, as you watch over us froamnmatkhiinneagovuefnra,mlaivilgeyrse. aiYmtolpueograatlc--y that wi ing, strong, disciplined, honest and above all, precious jewel. in our hearts. ways worked at your A mum like no other, you made too much sacrifices in our lives; you thought us to always be united as siblings. We love you relationships with your mum and say a big thank you. Aunty Mary as we affectionate- Mum, you will be the first to call us osniboliunrgbsirathnddayfsriteonpdrsayasfor us. As ly called her was our best friend and loved us unconditionally maker today, who will pray for us onwouer byiortuhrdacyhs?ildren are without discrimination. beneficiaries as such Aunty Mary, you touched so many lived by your act of cheer- Mum, thank you for making family ciom-pexoirstatennt cien. our lives. You alwa ful giving. You were such a kind hearted woman that loved to help others. relationships with your siblings and fWrioenrddss acsawnneoytouerxcphrielsdsren are be You also thought us biblical lessons from the Bible, i.e. giving, how thankful we are loving others and forgiving others. co-existence. We are consoled by the many happy memories we shared to God for bringing you to us. You will forever remain in our together and we are grateful to God because heaven has re- Wheoarrdts.cWanenlovt exyporuesssohmowucthhankdfwulewperaayrethtoatGtohde fHoor lbyriSnpgiirnitg you to u ceived an angel. rvwaeanmicldluaKfuiinlmoljiotnyhaoeorueuvrhamachivueseuasirmlntesgf.ytyoWionuueohaulaolrvrveleeiavldeyeyfost..uiAnsdoowumorualc,ivhKeaws.neAdkduwwaeonapd,raKKywotjehokauatrtehme iHssoilny Maa AMOT, as you watch over us from heaven, a great legacy Dimirifa due, due, due Maa Amot that will forever keep you in our hearts. Dimirifa due, due, due Maa Amot Mum, you will be the first to call us on our birthdays to pray Yensusu dℇ ebegya yℇn hᴐ dℇm. Da yie Auntie Mary Nyame nye wo Ntsema Obatam pa 8 | Remembering Mary Krampah

PHOTOGALLERY 9 | Remembering Mary Krampah

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11 | Remembering Mary Krampah

Tribute by siblings Ps. 116:15 GWT, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death Growing up with you and of his faithful ones.” our late mum and dad “We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create was filled with so many something that will”. wonderful experiences, Sister AMOT would forever be our celebrated sister as she memories, seasons of joy has definitely created something in us that will last forever and laughter as we played – we learnt forgiveness, trustworthiness, faith in God and games, helped each other interactive human relations from her; with household chores She Was Fiercely Protective And Very Defensive Of Us. and academic work. She Never Stop Loving Us Despite All Consistent Wrongs. You were exceptional She Was A Role Model For Us In Many Ways. at academic work and She Corrected With Gentleness And Rebuked With Great overly disciplined at all Authourity As A Concerned Sister. times; we just had to learn She Was Always Honest In All Her Communications And hard work and optimism Listens Attentively To You When You Are Speaking. (always hopeful for a better future) from you. Sister AMOT, our soul weeps with grief knowing that we Sister AMOT, it was our prayer for you to live long and con- have lost you to God and would forever miss you; you were tinue your motherly role in our life as you fitted in the boots simply superb in all your ways, thoughtful, hardworking, so of mama very well at all times – in wise counsel, compassion- sacrificial and generous without measure. ate care and available to help us even in difficult seasons of We lived always inspired by your resilient spirit, devotion to your life. God and all men irrespective of their status – poor or rich, Rest well dear Sister AMOT! young and old. Rest in Perfect Peace Sister!! Damerifa Dua! Dua!! Dua!!! 12 | Remembering Mary Krampah

Tribute by in-laws Prov. 31:30-31NETB, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting, Mama AMOT, May the Lord grant you a peaceful rest until weCamScanner but a woman who fears the LORD will be praised. Give her meet again. Indeed, we will forever give you your credit due credit for what she has accomplished, and let her works praise you now and forever. her in the city gates. Mama Rest Thee Well! We are gathered here today to celebrate the life our Mother- Rest In Perfect Peace Mama AMOT!! in-Law Mrs. Mary Krampah aka Mama AMOT. Damirifa Due, Da Yie Mama!!! We would forever be grateful to her because of the wonderful daughter and sons, precious gifts from God she birthed, nursed and brought up in Christ which we are privileged to have as our wife and husbands. Thank you so much Mama AMOT. We are all delighted to have experienced such a godly woman who was so supportive in many ways especially to us her in- laws till her untimely demise. Mrs. Mary Krampah was a very special mother to us and we cherished every moment with her so much as she was very respectful, humble and used every opportunity to share godly advise with us. Her occasional calls to check on us was always refreshing. She never imposed herself on us but was ready to communicate support and encouragement when the opportunity came up with great joy and caring love. 13 | Remembering Mary Krampah


Tribute by friends Mrs. Krampah, affectionately known to us as Amot, was not encapsulate all she’s CamScanner just a friend, but a beacon of unity and love since our school done for us, but we days. Despite the age difference, she always interacted with can wholeheartedly us on equal terms, showing immense humility. Even though say, “Thank you, and we attended different schools, she was the thread that wove well done, Amot.” us together, the anchor that grounded our bond. Amot epit- omized selflessness and was ever-ready to share her wisdom May the Lord cradle without discrimination. your soul in eternal Whenever we convened, especially in Besease, Amot was the peace. Damirifa Due, Due, Due ne amane hunu. Da yie. Until CamScanner heart of our gatherings. It was a cherished ritual to fetch we reunite, Amot, you will live on in our memories. May the food from Auntie Efua Nkuma’s farm, cook together, and rel- Lord safeguard your soul. Damirifa due, due, due ne amane- ish the meal before heading to church. Her presence ensured hunu. that we always felt included and loved. The void left by Amot’s passing has deeply wounded our spir- . its. We fear our joyful camaraderie will never feel the same again. Though she is no longer with us in the physical realm, her memories are etched in our hearts. We are profoundly grateful for her unwavering love and support. The last con- versation with her feels so precious now; if only we’d known it would be our last, we would’ve cherished every moment even more. Amot’s guidance, especially to Maggie, Baaba, Gifty and oth- ers has been invaluable. Words fall short when attempting to 15 | Remembering Mary Krampah

Tribute a school mate - 1974 A Tribute to our School Mate, our School Girls` Prefect, our Her unexpected departure has left a void that seems insur- School Netball and Handball Captain, mountable. How can we replace such an organizing force for Mary Ama Sampson Quainoo (alias Amot). our planned program? Amot, in your absence, guide us to the To the cherished family of Mary Ama Sampson Quainoo, one who might take your place. Though your sudden depar- affectionately known as Amot, the girls’ prefect of Catholic ture has broken our hearts, your memories, etched with your Middle School, Ajumako Besease in 1974, we extend our deep- good deeds, will forever live on. est condolences. Her loss has deeply saddened not just us, Rest in eternal peace, Ama. As you make your journey, may her schoolmates, but also the entire community that knew you find serenity in the embrace of the Lord Jesus Christ. and loved her. Prepare a haven for those of us you’ve left behind, for we find Only a day before Father’s Day, she reached out to me, Kwesi solace in the belief that one day, we shall reunite. Your tran- Nana Taylor, and our dear friend Kofi Ananse, both times sition reminds us of the omnipotence of God, the true author from outside Ghana. Her vibrant voice resonated with health, and finisher of our destinies. bearing no sign of ailment. The joy in her voice was evident All our mates, including Kwasi nana Taylor (Alias Godfather) as she wished me a pleasant Father’s Day. But, in a twist of and Ananse are devastated by this news. On behalf of all fate, by mid-week, a message from Rev. Sampson Kwabena our classmates and schoolmates, we bid you farewell, Mary. Essel of the Assemblies of God Church, Kumasi branch, Rest until we meet again. Continue your good works in the bore the grim news of her departure. This sudden loss has hereafter. Rest in the hands of the Lord. Damirifa Due Ama. been an overwhelming shock, for she was not just a school Damirifa Due. Da yie, Ama, Da yie, until our paths cross again. prefect but also an active member of the CYO, and a beloved Amen. chorister in the Catholic Church at Ajumako Besease. Mary’s radiant smile, her consistent joy, and her warmth have left an indelible mark on our hearts. 16 | Remembering Mary Krampah

Tribute by current and past staff of umb Brethren, we want you to know the truth about those who Auntie Mary, as we affectionately called her, always made have died, so that you will not be sad, as are those who have conscious effort to be diligent with her work as well as no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will take back with Jesus those who have died believing in Him. (1Thess 4:13-14) It was beautiful as long as it lasted, the journey of life. Every person leaves a stamp in this world in their own way. Similarly, you have left an indelible impression that will stay on. TRIBUTE BY CURRENT AND PAST STAFF OF UMB accommodating when it comes to customers both internal- We all are deeply grieved at your sudden and tragic demise. ly and externally. From cash collection and rounds to the Mrs. Mary Krampah, also known to us as Mary Sampson banking hall and the bulk bay. You won the hearts of most Quinoo joined present day Universal Merchant Bank which customers due to your warm reception at our bulk cash bay. was formally known as Merchant Bank in the year 2006 as She was the mother of the branch. A workaholic on a good a cashier with then Gocrest team to assist in taking care of connotation, a peaceful persona and your attention to details the funds of our numerous but cherished customers. Her self-discipline and passion for her work carried her on till our transition to present day as well her transition to Agate Mabort Company in the year 2016. 17 | Remembering Mary Krampah

“with a positive attitude at all times. Her emotional generosity was bigger than a mountain and her unflinching love for hu- manity came like a greener pasture. She would advise, counsel, correct, caution and even go to the ends of cooking for us. You retired and left the branch in December 2018, but kept on communicating and visiting to ensure our wellbeing. A mother, a friend, a sister, a colleague, all in one. Always bubbly and ready to serve. In our happy moments, she’s there to cheer, and in our sad days she’s there irrespective of the weather, time, or place. She would listen and never complain. The Takoradi family will not be the same without you. We believe that these words of the hymnist James G. Small based on Romans 8:38-39 is yours too.. {For we are convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor future, nor any powers, neither heights nor depths, nor anything else in all creation, will separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord}. We are all glad you came our way. Omay, Auntie Mary, Ama Quinoo, we pray the Lord keeps you in His bosom till we meet again. Amen. “Her emotional generosity was bigger than a mountain and her unflinching love for humanity came like a greener pasture. She would advise, counsel, correct, caution and even go to the ends of cooking for us. 18 | Remembering Mary Krampah

Tribute by lucky bazaar ltd We are gathered here today in memory of our dear Colleague, WE LOVE YOU DEEPLY AUNTIE AMA Mother, and Friend Mrs. Mary Krampah (Late). The late Mrs. Mary Krampah affectionately known by us, as Auntie Ama joined Lucky Bazaar on the 7th of October, 2021 as a Cashier. She was so jovial and liked by all who came in touch with her. She was dutiful at work and made sure the money she count- ed was always correct. She actively partakes in every activity that we were involved in and was never absent. She always met customers with her face beaming with smiles. She played a motherly role in our lives through her advice, counsel, and coaching with her life experiences. We always feel positive around her because of her positive energy. The company has lost a good heart loved by all. Aunty Ama, “DAMIRIFA DUE”. FARE WELL AUNTY AMA. May you rest peacefully in the bosom of the Lord. You will live further in our hearts as the fountain of LOVE. 19 | Remembering Mary Krampah

Hymns MHB 50 MHB 528 3: Green pastures are before me, MHB 468 THE Lords my Shepherd, I ll not want, Which yet I have not seen; NEARER, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee! He makes me down to lie In pastures green; IN heavenly love abiding, Bright skies will soon be o’er me, Even though it be a cross that raiseth me, He leadeth me The quiet waters by. No change my heart shall fear; Where darkest clouds have been: Still all my song shall be, And safe in such confiding, My hope I cannot measure, nearer, my God, to Thee. 2: My soul he doth restore again, For nothing changes here: My path to life is free; Nearer, my God, to Thee, And me to walk doth make The storm may roar without me, My Savior has my treasure, Nearer to Thee! Within the paths of righteousness, My heart may low be laid; And He will walk with me. Even for His own names sake. But God is round about me, 2: Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down, And can I be dismayed? Darkness be over me, my rest a stone. 3: Yea, though I walk in deaths dark vale, Yet in my dreams I’d be Yet will I fear no ill: 2: Wherever He may guide me, nearer, my God to Thee. For Thou art with me, and thy rod No want shall turn me back; Nearer, my God, to Thee, And staff me comfort still. My Shepherd is beside me, Nearer to Thee! and nothing can I lack: 4: My table Thou hast furnished His wisdom ever waketh, 3: There let the way appear, steps unto Heaven; In presence of my foes; His sight is never dim. All that Thou sendest me, in mercy given; My head Thou dost with oil anoint, He knows the way He’s taken, Angels to beckon me And my cup overflows. and I will walk with Him nearer, my God, to Thee. Nearer, my God, to Thee, 5: Goodness and mercy all my life Nearer to Thee! Shall surely follow me, And in God’s house for evermore My dwelling-place shall be 20 | Remembering Mary Krampah

4: Then, with my waking thoughts bright with Thy praise, The Lamb shall take my sins away, he, and no other one, Out of my stony griefs Bethel I’ll raise; ’Tis certain, though impossible; shall conquer in the battle. So by my woes to be The thing impossible shall be, nearer, my God, to Thee. All things are possible to me. 3: And were this world all devils o’er, Nearer, my God, to Thee, And watching to devour us, Nearer to Thee! 4: All things are possible to God, We lay it not to heart so sore; To Christ, the power of God in man, Not they can overpower us. 5: Or, if on joyful wing cleaving the sky, To me, when I am all renewed, And let the prince of ill Sun, moon, and stars forgot, upward I’ll fly, When I in Christ am formed again, look grim as ever he will, Still all my song shall be, And witness, from all sin set free, He harms us not a whit; nearer, my God, to Thee. All things are possible to me. For why? his doom is writ; Nearer, my God, to Thee, A word shall quickly slay him. Nearer to Thee! MHB 494 A SAFE stronghold our God is still, 4: God’s word, for all their craft and force, MHB 548 A trusty shield and weapon; One moment will not linger, ALL things are possible to him He’ll keep us clear from all the ill But, spite of hell, shall have its course; That can in Jesu’s name believe: That hath us now o’ertaken. “Tis written by his finger. Lord, I no more Thy truth blaspheme, The ancient prince of hell And though they take our life, Thy truth I lovingly receive; Hath risen with purpose fell; Goods, honour, children, wife, I can, I do believe in Thee, Strong mail of craft and power Yet is their profit small; All things are possible to me. He weareth in this hour; These things shall vanish all: On earth is not his fellow. The City of God remaineth. 2: The most impossible of all Is, that I e’er from sin should cease; 2: With force of arms we nothing can, Yet shall it be, I know it shall: Full soon were we down-ridden; Jesus, look to Thy faithfulness! But for us fights the proper Man, If nothing is too hard for Thee, whom God himself hath bidden. All things are possible to me. Ask ye, Who is this same? Christ Jesus is his name, 3: Though earth and hell the word gainsay, the Lord Sabaoth’s Son; The word of God can never fail;

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