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Home Explore HIC Infographic PDF

HIC Infographic PDF

Published by steve, 2022-06-07 08:55:21

Description: HIC Infographic PDF


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Harborough Innovation Centre, (HIC), established in 2010, is a vibrant, eco-friendly hub providing flexible office space with bespoke business support for new and thriving small, to medium enterprises. Situated in Market Harborough; a beautiful town in rural England, south Leicestershire, the HIC enjoys close proximity to the town centre boasting an array of independent shops, boutiques alongside high street brands, as well as excellent restaurants and bistros across the Harborough district. Features: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1. 52 office suites ranging in size from 157sqft. up to 1,065sqft. With 24/7 access for tenants. Call us directly on: 01858 414 200 Email us on: [email protected] Visit us online at:

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