Our Program is categorized under four Pillars1) ADVOCACY, LOBBY AND POLICY DIALOGUEAdvocacy and Policy Dialogue sub-program is the major task that JFA-PFE strives toinfluence policies and laws by organizing forums, dialogues, experience sharingopportunities and conducting extensive researches. These initiatives have enabled theactors in the justice sector to identify gaps in numerous legal instruments; whicheventually led to substituting ineffectual policies, regulations and procedures with new,feasible and efficient legal instruments. Based on relevant and systematic researchstudies, concepts such as Restorative Justice, Community Service as Alternative toPunishment, Court Annexed Alternative Dispute Resolution are among the mainadvocacy issues.Interventions that are run under this sub-program are 1.1 Dialogue / Consultancy forums 1.1.1. Joined up Meetings 1.1.2. Discussion/ dialogue Forums 1.1.3. Sensitization Workshops 1.2 Pardon - pardon board meetings at Federal and Regional levels to grant pardon - Support the grant of pardons 1.3 Research, Assessments and Baseline - Surveys - Impact assessments - Research studies - Evaluations
1.4 Experience Sharing Visit and Tours - International meeting - best experience of other countries and bench marking - Local experience exchange intra and inter-institutions experience sharing forums 1.5 Policy, law and procedure formulation - Policy formulation - Manual and procedure development - New laws and Amendment of archaic and dysfunctional laws 1.6 Advocacy Through Medias and Campaigns - TV broadcast on human right reforms - Radio broadcast on human right reforms - Campaigns on E.M. and FGM (Harmful cultural Practices) 1.7 Backlog file clearance2. CAPACITY BUILDING TRAINING AND AWARENESS RAISING WORKSHOPSJFA-PFE’s overall vision and mission is to build the capacity and awareness of thelegislative, executive and judicial branches of government in order to promote fair,accessible, efficient, effective and quality justice in Ethiopia. Based on the justicesystem needs, support is rendered to top officials in order to make them abide by thesupremacy of the law while respecting human rights and ensuring effective justice.Capacity building trainings are powerful intervention strategy that heightens awareness,promotes active learning, and encourages productive discussion in the leadershiprealms of the courts, police, militia, and prison administration for the greater benefit ofthe Justice System.
2.1 Training for Parliaments and Legislative - Workshop for national and regional legislatives on Human rights , Early marriage and FGM 2.2 Training for Judges - Refresher Training for Judges - Not yet reached 2.3 Training for Police - Refresher Training for Police - Not yet reached 2.4 Training for Militias - Rural Police training 2.5 Training for Prison Administration Officials - Federal and Regional Prison officials on prisoners’ right 2.6 Training for City Administrators - Good governance and anti-corruption training3. Peace Building and Conflict Management 3 .1 Conflict studies in conflict prone areas 3.2 Holding Peace building meetings/forums Conference of Alliance of civilization in Ethiopia and also 3.3 international Conference 3.4 Victim & Offenders reconciliation forum for professionals 3.5 Restorative Justice in conflict/crime Prone areas4. HOLISTIC SUPPORT TO PRISONERS AND EX-PRISONERSTrue and effectual mission towards change requires a balanced and rounded approach.JFA-PFE desires to achieve such equilibrium not only by striving to impact policies and
upgrading the capacity of the human resource in the justice sector but also by renderingpractical assistances that directly impact the livelihood of inmates. JFA-PFE reachesnearly all the prisons across the country in addressing the difficulties of womenprisoners and their children. It administers projects that address the needs of thechildren of prisoners. In some circumstances, children are forced to live with theirmothers in prison. In other circumstances, children are not accommodated in prisoncells with their family therefore live in extreme indigence and are at risk tohomelessness. JFA-PFE holistic support includes the construction of high standardliving quarters and provisions from medication to counseling service. The underlyingprinciple of these interventions is the rehabilitation of inmates; Therefore, JFA-PFEprogram provides skills training, adult education opportunities, and training materialsupport. Project Task Description - Rehabilitation officers (psychologist, Health officers, Sociologist, Counselors) training - Up grading prison training institutions curriculum (in a way it captures HR elements) - Building School - Health Mobile clinic service delivery - psychiatric service for mentally ill prisoners - Vocational Training - Day-Care support for children living with imprisoned parents - Construction of women prisoners living quarters5. INSTITUTION Building OF JFA-PFE 5.1 On Job Training & Capacity Development 5.1.1. On job training on the issues pertaining gender development project management 5.1.2. On job training on planning, implementation management, monitoring and reporting 5.1.3. Purchasing of reference books in the area of human right 5.1.4. JFA-PFE Manual development such as sustainability and fundraising, Data quality management manual, succession manual, retention manual, etc. 5.2 Organizational Learning and Memory 5.2.1. Monitoring and evaluation & reporting
5.2.2. Strategic plan re5.2.3. Different reflection and reconstruction meetings (departmental meetings, organizational retreats …)5.2.4. Documentation & Publications of Thresholds, human rights and other relative documents
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