Berlin Metropolitan School Secondary School Trips
BMS Secondary School TripsWe are pleased to announce our 2017 Secondary School trips. Anexcitng program has been devised full of fun, adventure andlearning.Our School Trips are designed to enrich the lives of our students andinspire them to learn and develop into internationally mindedpeople.The trips offer opportunities for students to achieve certain aspectsof the IB student profile and we believe that they are a once in lifetime experience which students will never forget.Our school trip program is as follows: Grade 7 – History and Ethics trip to Nuremberg Grade 8 - Sailing trip to Holland Grade 9 – History trip to Rome Grade 10 – Post IGCSE trip to Wagrain Grade 11 – CAS trip to Budapest Optional Ski trip - Austrian Alps (only 30 places available)If you wish your son or daughter to attend the school trips pleasereturn the reply slip which you can find at the back of this brochure.For more details on the individual trips, payment information andimportant documents please go to the followng website:
Grade 7 Nuremberg Why Nuremberg? „It was awesome. We hung The grade 7 trip encourages stu- out, had fun and had many dents to nurture their curiosity adventures. We saw lots of and aims to develop their skills for things and overall it was a inquiry and research. Students will explore the historic blast“ city of Nuremberg in an inquiry based trip as they discover historic„I thought it was nice, the teachers sites and reinforce their class- were cool and the city was nice. I based learning and the value of liked staying in a hotel with my primary sources. friends“ This trip builds upon prior learning as students will discover Nurem- „Great experience, something berg's unique place in history fromdifferent, seeing the teachers act the Middle Ages to the Moderndifferent is pretty cool, they are Day. Students will also have the oppor- actually very fun“ tunity to visit Nuremberg Castle and explore the Nazi party rally Trip Leader grounds, as well as the Germanic K Malinowski History Museum and other famous sites.
400 EuroProposed ItineraryDay 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 A tour of Scavenger Visit to the “Trail of Investigation of Nazism”, Nuremberg’smedieval hunt Germanic from role in the Nuremberg IndustrialNuremberg A workshop National Laws to Revolution e.g.including the on medieval Museum Nuremberg the firstcastle, games with Trials railroaddungeons interactive Medievaland medieval activities DinnertortureroomsFor more information on the trip please go to:
Grade 8 Sailing Why Sailing? „Last years boat trip was The grade eight trip offers students a absolutly amazing, we had loads unique opportunity to experience sailing, of fun and learnt alot. We saw not only will they learn the art of handling many beautifull landscapes. The a boat under sail, they are continuing a practice that dates back thousands of best trip ever“ years. The skills learnt are essentially the same as those our ancestors used to ex-„The best experience I had with my class plore the world. ever“ Today's boats are faster, safer, and more„I liked it because we could walk aorund comfortable than those of our predeces- the towns on our own, we had a bit of sors, and life afloat need not be a physicalindependence and freedom. Swimming hardship, but the challenge of travellingin the harbour and playing on the beach was great“„We experinced strong rain, wind and under sail and the rewards of a safe arrivalwaves. Teamwork was key. Best trip are little changed and still have few equals. ever“ It is important that our BMS students un- derstand the importance of balancing Trip Leader different aspects of their lives and it is very S Saunders important that our students become well rounded individuals who recognise the importance of balancing their intellectual, physical, and emotional needs. The sailing trip offers this in abundance as students become risk-takers and collaborators as they tackle new skills while working as part of a team. cook food for a large group of people.
380 EuroProposed ItineraryDay 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Leace BMS Sail to Sail to Sail to Sail to Stavoren Lemmer. 5.45 Enkhuize Arrive in Visit open Explore the Visit the Bus journey Kampen air museum town and old fishing to BMS Sail to Lelystad relax on village and Arrive and the beach World 22.30 hours expolore Heritage approx the town SiteFor more information and to register your child onthe trip please go to:
Grade 9 Rome Why Rome? „Wow, the Colesseum, Trevi Fountain Students in Grade 9 will exploreand meeitng the Pope was all pretty cool. the historic city of Rome on an inquiry based trip that will What a great city“ examine the historical, political, and cultural significance the „Rome was amazing. The teachers Eternal City has had over the last 2were great tour guides, the new lots of millennia.stuff and the ice cream was amazing“ While in Rome students will experience Italian culture living Photo Heading„I loved every minute of this trip and did like a Roman, learn about the not want to leave“ historical, political and social influence of the Vatican and have Trip Leader an opportunity to explore the B Brackrog political and social foundations of ancient Rome visiting such famous sites as the Roman Forum and Colosseum. Students will leave Rome with the opportunity of watching history come alive as they explore many of the foundations of Western civiliza- tion.
600 EuroProposed ItineraryDay 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Fly to Rome Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Check in to Visit an Italian Audiance with Visit the Bus to the hotel Market Airport the Pope Colosseum Explore the Picnic in Ostia Vatican Tour Visit the Fly back tocity on a short Antica Visit the Roman Forum Berlinwalking tour Sistine Evening Trastevere Walk Chappel walking tour of the cityFor more information and to register your child onthe trip please go to:
Grade 10 Wagrain„Hanging out with freinds by the beach Why Wagrain? was pretty cool“ Our grade 10 students have been „The opportunuty to chill after the working hard for nearly two yearsexams is good and the teachers were on their IGCSE and this is an op- portunity to celebrate this hard good fun“ work and achievement. „Great trip, sports, swimming and In addition some students will bebeaches, and no school work what more leaving at the end of the academic year and it is a chance for friends do we need“ to say goodbye in a fun and re- Photo HeadingTrip Leader laxed environment.S Saunders The trip will also give students the opportunity to experience activi- ties which revolve around sport, teambuilding and leadership. Students will also get the oppor- tunity to travel to the wonderful Austrian town of Wagrain nestled high in the Austrian Alps in the province of Vorarlberg. Students will be staying in the amazing Markushof Jugend Hotel.
460 EuroProposed ItineraryDay 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Leave BMS Explore Explore the Teambuildung Visit15.00 the Alps Flying Fox Baumseilgarten Waterworl Arrive in and enjoy Salzachöfen Afternoon of d Amade Wagrain a guided sporting and check tour of Climb ing at activities Bus journey in to the Flying the to BMS Markushof Fox Hochseilgarte Jugenhotel Kesselfall n am SeeFor more information and to register your child onthe trip please go to:
Grade 11 Budapest Wagrain „A great way to celebrate not only Why Budapest?CAS but the end of two years of hardwork. I realöy enjoyed the kayaking“ Our grade 11 will be traveling to Budapest as part of their CAS pro- „Good trip, good fun, a mix of gramme. Straddling the Danube activites. I enjoyed pretty much River, with the Buda Hills to the west and the Great Plain to the everything“ east, Budapest is a gem of a city. The CAS trip serves a dual purpose: Firstly, it supplements the CAS curriculum by providing Photo HeadingTrip Leader opportunities for addition- A Perkin al CAS experiences in the three strands. Students may fbe involved in physiacl activities, service and creativity as well as immersing themselves in Hungarian culture. Secondly, the trip is an opportunity to take a break from the academic rigours of the Diploma Programme, and the final occasion for BMS stu- dents to travel abroad as a group before they go their separate after graduation.
600 EuroProposed ItineraryDay 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Cycle ride Visit the Visit to the Service Visit to along the Terror Sentendre, Danube Museum Statue Park activity a small River town known for Tour of its artists Budapest and galleriesFor more information and to register your child onthe trip please go to:
Ski Trip Why Ski? „For me, personally, snowboarding We will be travelling to the brings me in tune with nature and wonderful Austrian resort of brings me one step closer to the Wagrain, a splendid naturally elements. It's a complete physical imposing mountain range locat- ed in the west of Austria close expression of freedom“ to the Swiss border and we will be staying at the Markushof I don't want to leave skiing early. I Jugenhotel.want to feel like I've done everything I Photo Heading can do“„You cant buy happiness but you can buy a ski pass“ This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to experience breath-taking scenery and the cultural charm of an Austrian ski resort. We anticipate that interest in the ski trip will be high, and as their are limited places available (only 30), please return the reply slip to Mr Saunders as soon as possi- ble to confirm your participation.Trip LeaderS Saunders
The Ski Trip includes the following: 800 Euro Return coach travel Full medical and travel insurance cover 6 nights’ full board accommodation 6 days hire of skis, boots, helmet and poles Ski tuition 6-day full lift passFor more information and to register your child onthe trip please go to:
ATTENDANCE PERMISSION SLIPName of Student (Please Print):_____________________________________________________________Grade: _________Passport: EU Non- EU Country__________________________Please tick the following:I will be attending the grade tripI will not be attending the grade tripI would like to attend the optional ski tripI would not like to attend the optional ski tripAll students must have a written permission slip. If they do not have a signedpermission form, they will not be able to join the class trip. Please note thatcancellation fees apply to all cancelled attendance of the class trip.Please return this permission slip by January 16th 2017.Signed (parent/guardian):_____________________________________________________________Date: _______________________
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