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2018-2019 - Staff Directory

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STAFF DIRECTORY 2018-2019 Brookville Local Schools 75 June Place Brookville, Ohio 45309

BROOKVILLE LOCAL SCHOOLS 2018-2019 STAFF DIRECTORY Administration Offices 75 June Place Brookville, OH 45309-1621 Superintendent - (937) 833-2181 / (937) 833-2787 Fax Treasurer – (937) 833-5582Superintendent Mr. Tim Hopkins x 3001Superintendent’s Admin Assist x 3000 Mrs. Wanda Denlinger x 3003Treasurer x 3005 Mrs. Tiffany Hiser x 3004Assistant Treasurer Mrs. Amy MuhlenkampGeneral Assistant to Treasurer Mrs. Rhonda Haynes – EMIS Coordinator Board of EducationMember Term Expires 2022Mr. Joe (Ronald K.) Mellon, Jr. 833-5108 (H)President 2022Mrs. Judy Hoover 833-4234 (H) 2019Vice President 2019 2019Mr. John Gordon 833-2098 (H)Mr. Rick Phillips 830-5707 (C)Mr. Scott Rutherford 884-2998 (H)Regular meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the third Monday of the month at theBoard of Education Administration Building.

BROOKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 1 Blue Pride Drive Brookville, OH 45309 (937) 833-6761 / (937) 833-6302 Fax Mr. Chris Bronner Principal ...................................................................................... x 2121 Mrs. Lynne Sayre-Nickell Mrs. Stephanie Hinds Assistant Principal (Grades 7-12) ............................................... x 2119** Mr. Brian Sprada Mrs. Jessica Sewert Director of Curriculum, Professional Develop. & Instr. Tech. ..... x 2111 Mrs. Jennifer Phillips Student Activities Director………………………………………833-9611/x2110 Mrs. Marcy Crabtree Ms. Anna Duckro Secretary..................................................................................... x 2103* Mrs. Sherril Spangler Mrs. Erin Ketchen Secretary.....................................................................................x 2117/2101 Mrs. Jennifer Davis* Mrs. Angela Sprada Curriculum/Activities Director Secretary. .................................... X 2132 Mr. Zachary Amand Guidance Counselor (Grades 10-12).......................................... x 2139 Mr. John Barrera Mrs. Megan Baumgartner Guidance Counselor (Grades 7-9).............................................. x 2141 Mrs. Amy Boyd Ms. Katie Boyd Guidance Secretary .................................................................... x 2133 Ms. Katelyn Brohman Media Specialist ................................................................ x 2104* Mr. Austin Brown Clinic ...........................................................................................x 2124/2125 Mr. Mark Brown Mr. Scott Caudill TEACHERS * Mr. Peter Chakiris Mr. Jeff Davidson Science .......................................................................................x 2320/2700* Mr. Lane Harris Math ............................................................................................ x 2325 Mrs. Deana Herbert Business...................................................................................... x 2327 Mr. Michael Hetrick French ......................................................................................... x 2309 * Mrs. Susan Hollon Math ............................................................................................ x 2331 Mr. Robert Hope English ........................................................................................ x 2313 Ms. Brittany Hunley Mrs. Paula Hutsell Instrumental Music ...................................................................... x 2507 Mrs. Kristen Ketron Mr. Marcus Lamb Social Studies ............................................................................. x 2312 Mr. Gregory Pigg Mrs. Anna Porter Social Studies ................................................................................. x 2314 Mrs. Ashley Rieger Mrs. Melissa Ross Industrial Arts ..............................................................................x 2505/2503 Mrs. Ann Stammen Mr. David Weekley Science ....................................................................................... x 2321 Mr. Nick Wright Vocal Music................................................................................. x 2500/2501 Intervention Specialist................................................................. x 2324 Social Studies ............................................................................. x 2316 Family Consumer Sciences ........................................................ x 2502 English ........................................................................................ x 2315 Intervention Specialist.................................................................x 2326/2328 Spanish ....................................................................................... x 2307 Business Education / Computer Science.................................... x 2317 Intervention Specialist................................................................. x 2324 Physical Education/Health ..........................................................x 2164/2311 Science ....................................................................................... x 2322 Art................................................................................................ x 2506 English ........................................................................................ x 2310 Math ............................................................................................ x 2329 Spanish ....................................................................................... x 2308 Vocational Agriculture…………………………………… ..............x 2505/2504 * Shared with Intermediate School** District Personnel

BROOKVILLE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL 2 Blue Pride Drive Brookville, OH 45309 (937) 833-6731 / (937) 833-6756 Fax Mr. Erin Wheat Principal ...................................................................................... x 2120* Mrs. Lynne Sayre-Nickell Asst. Principal (7-12)................................................................... x 2118 Director of Curriculum, Professional Develop. & Instr. Tech. ..... x 2111 Mrs. Stephanie Hinds Secretary......................................................................................... x 2102 Mrs. Karen Boehringer Secretary..................................................................................... x 2115 Mrs. Emily Harris Guidance Counselor (K-6).............................................................. x 1050** Mrs. Chelsea Worly Guidance Counselor (7-9)........................................................... x 2140* Mrs. Sherril Spangler Media Specialist .......................................................................... x 2104 Mrs. Jennifer Davis Clinic ........................................................................................... x 2124* Mrs. Angela Sprada TEACHERS Ms. Stephanie Altchuler Fourth Grade............................................................................... x 2213** Mr. Alan Arnett Fourth Grade Physical Education ............................................... x 1301 Mrs. Megan Baumgartner Mr. Christopher Beck Foundation .................................................................................. x 2108 Mrs. Allie Beers Mrs. Mary Blakesly Fourth Grade ............................................................................................ x 2215 Mr. Brad Boyd Mrs. Teresa Brooks Fourth Grade............................................................................... x 2209 * Mr. Austin Brown Ms. Alivia Byerly Fifth Grade .................................................................................. x 2222 * Mr. Peter Chakiris Ms. Erin D’Ettorre Seventh Grade................................................................................ x 2419 Ms. Joyce Dorsey Ms. Ann Drake Intervention Specialist Seventh Grade ....................................... x 2409** Mrs. Becky Dunn Ms. Kelsi Fannin Instrumental Music, Band Director.............................................. x 2507 Mrs. Rebecca Fellers Mr. Chad Fitzwater Sixth Grade. ................................................................................ X2229 Mr. Doug Freeman Mrs. Beth Fullenkamp Industrial Arts ..............................................................................x 2505/2503 Mr. Jay Fullenkamp Mrs. Sarah Gulley Fifth Grade .................................................................................. x 2216 Ms. Danielle Hardin * Mr. Lane Harris Seventh Grade ............................................................................ x 2418 Mrs. Erin Haydon Mrs. Heather Helmstetter Seventh Grade ............................................................................ x 2414 Mrs. Lauren Henry Mrs. Anne Hines Fourth Grade Art ......................................................................... x 1300 * Mrs. Susan Hollon Ms. Jennifer Howard Seventh Grade ............................................................................ x 2416 Mrs. Teresa Huelskamp Mrs. Jill Lenser Eighth Grade ............................................................................... x 2413 Mrs. Belinda Linville Mrs. Angela McSurley Sixth Grade ................................................................................. x 2226 Mrs. Jennifer Rhoades Mrs. Peggy Ristau Fifth Grade .................................................................................. x 2225 Ms. Sarah Sano** Mrs. Jessica Swett Intervention Specialist................................................................. x 2408 Mrs. Sharon Turner Mrs. Taylor Walden Physical Education...................................................................... x 2174 Eighth Grade ............................................................................... x 2415 Fifth Grade ................................................................................. x 2223 Vocal Music.................................................................................x 2500/2501 Sixth Grade ................................................................................. x 2227 Seventh Grade ............................................................................ x 2417 STEAM........................................................................................ x 2207 Intervention Specialist Fifth Grade.............................................. x 2214 Family Consumer Sciences ........................................................ x 2502 Eighth Grade ............................................................................... x 2410 Fifth Grade .................................................................................. x 2221 Sixth Grade ................................................................................. x 2224 Eighth Grade ............................................................................... x 2412 Eighth Grade ............................................................................... x 2411 Intervention Specialist - Fourth Grade ........................................ x 2218 Intervention Specialist................................................................. x 2212 Fourth Grade............................................................................... x 2211 Fourth Grade Vocal Music Teacher ............................................x 1304/2214 Intervention Specialist - Sixth Grade .......................................... x 2231 Sixth Grade ................................................................................. x 2220 * Shared with High School** Shared with Elementary School

BROOKVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3 Blue Pride Drive Brookville, OH 45309 (937) 833-6796 / (937) 833-5354 Fax Mrs. Shawn Thomas Principal ...................................................................................... x 1039 Mrs. Stephanie Hinds Mrs. Chelsea Hoelzle Director of Curriculum, Professional Develop. & Instr. Tech. ..... x 2111 Mrs. Julie Caylor Director of Student Services.. ..................................................... x1045 Mrs. Laura Staggs * Mrs. Chelsea Worly 833-6419 / 833-5932 (fax) Mrs. Nancy Cera Mrs. Brooke Lucas Secretary..................................................................................... x 1000** Mrs. Emma Stowers Mrs. Nicole Newbauer Secretary..................................................................................... x 1051** Ms. Marti Early Guidance Counselor (K-6) ........................................................... x 1050 Ms. Kathy Dafler Speech Pathologist ..................................................................... x 1308 Speech Pathologist ..................................................................... x 1211 School Psychologist .................................................................... x 1055 Case Manager for School Psychologist ...................................... x 1038 833-6419 / 833-5932 (fax) Substitute Coordinator………………………………………… 833-6350/x1206 School Nurse............................................................................... x 1102 TEACHERS Mr. Frank Allen Preschool Special Education ...................................................... x 1312* Mr. Alan Arnett Physical Education...................................................................... x 1301 Title I Reading Recovery ............................................................ x 1206 Mrs. Mona Bailey Intervention Specialist................................................................. x 1213 Ms. Angela Barrera Intervention Specialist................................................................. X1409 Ms. Katie Bigelow Second Grade ............................................................................. x 1202 Mrs. Katie Blevins Third Grade ................................................................................. x 1204 Mrs. Caitlin Broerman Third Grade ................................................................................. x 1201 Mrs. Donna Brown Third Grade ................................................................................. x 1200 Mrs. Beverly Cox Kindergarten................................................................................ x 1217 Mrs. Jalynn Cunningham First Grade .................................................................................. x 1214 Mrs. Kristina Dobberstein Art................................................................................................ x 1300* Mrs. Becky Dunn Third Grade ................................................................................. x 1203 Mrs. Rachel Esterline Third Grade ................................................................................. x 1207 Mr. Nathan Feitshans Second Grade ............................................................................. x 1215 Mrs. Melissa Hinze Kindergarten................................................................................ x 1311 Ms. Kayla Henderson Kindergarten................................................................................ X1304 Mr. Logan Kindell Intervention Specialist................................................................. x 1209 Mrs. Casey Lathrop Kindergarten................................................................................ x 1314 Mrs. Michelle Loughman Kindergarten ................................................................................... x 1313 Mrs. Charlotte Monroe First Grade................................................................................... x 1216 Mrs. Danielle Moore Second Grade ............................................................................. x 1210 Mrs. Jessica Nawroth Multiage 1-3 ................................................................................ x 1205 Mrs. Kirsten Page First Grade .................................................................................. x 1221 Mrs. Mallory Randall Multiage 1-2 ................................................................................ x 1212 Mrs. Chrissy Shore Vocal Music Teacher .................................................................. x 2214* Mrs. Jessica Swett First Grade .................................................................................. x 1219 Ms. Chelsea Tiley Library Media Specialist.............................................................. x 1101 Ms. Beth Young * Shared with Intermediate School** District Personnel

DIRECTOR OF SUPPORT PERSONNEL & TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION SUPERVISOR Mrs. Judy Berry - Bus 5 Mr. Jeffery Requarth – x 3011 Mrs. Sue Caplinger - Bus 3 Mrs. Tracey Willoughby – Secretary – x 3010 Mrs. Linda Clark - Bus 8 Mrs. Mandy Brooks - Bus 2 833-4724 / 833-0724 fax Mr. Jeffrey Derringer - Bus 16 185 S. Orchard, Brookville, OH 45309 Mr. Brian Mendenhall - Bus 15 Mrs. Cheryl Hoops - Bus 6MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Mrs. Jamie Keller - Bus 9 Mrs. Danette Papie - Bus 4 Mr. Matt Maleski – x 2617 Ms. Jill Settle - Bus 10 Mrs. Neysa Sharritt - Bus 12CUSTODIANS Mr. Frank Casson - Mechanic 833-5214High School/Intermediate SchoolMr. Chris Hoover ____________________________________________Mr. Doug LambMr. Tony Linville TECHNOLOGYMr. Wendell PattonMr. Kenton Paullus x2618 Mr. Rick Dobberstein - Coordinator x 2107Mr. Scott Petry 833-6761 Mr. Chris Storer – Technology Elementary Maintenance Tech x 2105Mr. Kelly Clark ____________________________________________Mr. James GarwoodMr. Dwayne Rhoades x1309____________________________________________ LATCHKEY 833-5859 x 1403 ES FOOD SERVICE Mrs. Denise Kump - Coordinator Mr. Mark A. Porter – x 2610 ____________________________________________ Food Service Manager 833-6761 / 833-0903 fax PARAPROFESSIONALS High/Intermediate School Cafeteria High School/Intermediate School Mrs. Gaylene Bowman Mrs. Leslie Moyer Mrs. Leta Shatsby Mrs. Rebecca Colston Mrs. Kim Nelson Mr. Matthew Terry Ms. Sheila Finger Mrs. Marcy Norby Mrs. Carol Wigger Mrs. Donna Garwood Mrs. Leslie Reich Mrs. Denise Winner Mrs. Connie Honious - Lead Cook Mrs. Dawn Strain Elementary Elementary Cafeteria Mrs. Jessica Baughman Mrs. Becky Grossman Mrs. Sharon Beck Mrs. Jacqueline Munn Mrs. Billie Hoops Ms. Teresa Brock Mrs. Karen Peak Mrs. Kimberly Williams - Lead Cook Mrs. Saundra Bruchs Mrs. Teresa Penick Mrs. Nicolle Carnes Mrs. Lise Puskas Ms. Marti Early Mrs. Linda Smoot Mrs. Kim Ebbing

EXTRACURRICULAR POSITIONSAthletic Site Manager - High School - Winter Sports Scott Petry (BKB) / Dwayne Rhoades (FB)Athletic Site Manager - High School - Soccer - Boys Dwayne RhoadesAthletic Site Manager - High School - Volleyball Scott PetryAthletic Site Manager - High School Soccer - Girls Dwayne RhoadesAthletic Site Manager - Intermediate School - FallBaseball – 9th Grade – as needed Jeff Davidson (Fall), John Barrera (Winter)Baseball – Assistant Coach – Varsity/ReserveBaseball – Head Coach – Varsity Logan KindellBasketball - Assistant BKB - (JV Boys Head Coach) Erich HauptBasketball - Assistant GKB - (JV Girls Head Coach)Basketball - Head Coach - 7th Grade Boys Jeff DavidsonBasketball - Head Coach - 7th Grade Girls Braden KindellBasketball - Head Coach - 8th Grade Boys Chris WilliamsBasketball - Head Coach - 8th Grade Girls Aaron CrabtreeBasketball - Head Coach - Varsity Boys Dave KindellBasketball - Head Coach - Varsity Girls Amanda O'DellBasketball - Ninth Grade Basketball - Head Boys Amanda O'dellBasketball-Assistant Varsity Basketball Coach - Boys Laura StaggsBasketball-Assistant Varsity Basketball Coach - Girls Maggie SkinnerCheerleading Coach - 7th & 8th Grade - BasketballCheerleading Coach - 7th & 8th Grade - Football Trevor CashCheerleading Coach - High School - Basketball Robyn FeitshansCheerleading Coach - High School - FootballCross Country - Assistant Head Coach Jon BlandCross Country - Head Coach - 7th & 8th GradeCross Country - Head Coach - Coed Varsity Logan KindellFootball - 9th grade - as needed Jacob HeckFootball - Assistant Coach - 7th & 8th Grade Justin HeckFootball - Assistant Coach - 7th & 8th Grade Marcus LambFootball - Assistant Coach - 7th & 8th Grade Jay FullenkampFootball - Assistant Coach - Varsity/Reserve Braden KindellFootball - Assistant Coach - Varsity/Reserve Shawn HeinFootball - Assistant Coach - Varsity/ReserveFootball - Assistant Coach - Varsity/Reserve

Football - Head Coach - 7th & 8th Grade Doug FreemanFootball - Head Coach - Varsity Mike HetrickGolf - Assistant - as neededGolf - Head Coach - Boys Scott CaudillGolf - Head Girls - as neededIntermediate School Head Site Manager (Fall) Nathan FeitshansIntermediate School Head Site Manager (Winter) Tony HarrisSoccer - Assistant Coach - Varsity/Reserve - Boys Brent PalmerSoccer - Assistant Coach - Varsity/Reserve - GirlsSoccer - Head Coach - Varsity - Boys Erin D'EttoreeSoccer - Head Coach - Varsity - Girls Tony HarrisSoftball - Assistant Varsity/Reserve Robert HopeSoftball - Head Coach - 7th & 8th GradeSoftball - Head Coach - Varsity Anna Porter / Teresa HuelskampSwimming - Assistant Coach - Coed Varsity/Reserve Jenny GardnerSwimming - Head Coach - Coed Varsity Robert LenserTennis - Assistant Coach - Varsity/Reserve - BoysTennis - Assistant Coach - Varsity/Reserve - Girls Kelsi FanninTennis - Head Coach - Varsity - Boys Chris BeckTennis - Head Coach - Varsity - Girls Chris BeckTrack - Assistant Coach - 7th & 8th GradeTrack - Assistant Coach - Varsity/Reserve Deana HerbertTrack - Assistant Coach - Varsity/Reserve Jon BlandTrack - Assistant Coach - Varsity/Reserve Brad BoydTrack - Head Coach - 7th & 8th Grade BoysTrack - Head Coach - 7th & 8th Grade Girls Nathan FeitshansTrack - Head Coach - Varsity Robert HopeVolleyball - Assistant Coach - Varsity/Reserve John BarreraVolleyball - Head Coach - 7th grade Lisa MasonVolleyball - Head Coach - 8th GradeVolleyball - Head Coach - Varsity Sydney SchererWeight Room Supervisor - Fall Teresa HuelskampWeight Room Supervisor - SummerWeight Room Supervisor - Winter Brittany HunleyWrestling - Assistant Brad BoydWrestling - Assistant Coach - 7th & 8th Grade Mike Hetrick Mike Hetrick Nick Wright

Wrestling - Head Coach - 7th & 8th Grade Sam SampsonWrestling - Head Coach - VarsityWrestling - Ninth Grade Wrestling - Head Richard DobbersteinAudiovisual Coordinator Austin BrownBand DirectorBand Director - Assistant Ashley RiegerClub - Academic Competition Team Belinda LinvilleClub - Art Club Advisor Joyce DorseyClub - Art Club - Intermediate School Deana Herbert/Marcus LambClub - Builder's Club Advisor - 7th & 8th Grade Ann StammanClub - Class Advisor - 10th GradeClub - Class Advisor - 11th Grade Amy BoydClub - Class Advisor - 12th Grade Amy BoydClub - Co-Class Advisor - 9th Grade Carol WiggerClub - Co-K-Kids Advisor - Grades 4-5-6 Denise WinnerClub - Co-K-Kids Advisor - Grades 4-5-6 Paula HutsellClub - Future Teachers of America Advisor Melissa RossClub - Honor Society Advisor Amy BoydClub - Journalism Advisor Kirsten PageClub - Junior Great Books (BES) Ann StammanClub - Key Club Advisor Sherril SpanglerClub - Link Crew Amy BoydClub - Modern Language Club Advisor Paula HutsellClub - Muse Machine AdvisorClub - Pilot Program Advisors (a) Jenni PhillipsClub - Power of the Pen Advisor Ann DrakeClub - Relay for Life (BHS) Carol WiggerClub - Co-Robotics Deana HerbertClub - Co-Robotics Marcus LambClub - SADD Co-Advisor Teresa BrockClub - SADD Co-AdvisorClub - Safety Patrol Advisor Beth Young/Kristina DobbersteinClub - Science/Ecology Club Advisor - (BHS) Ann DrakeClub - Science/Ecology Club Advisor (BES)Club - Science/Ecology Club Advisor (BIS)Club - Speech and Debate Team Advisor

Club - Student Council Advisor - High School Amy BoydClub - Co-Student Council Advisor - Intermediate School Belinda LinvilleClub - Co-Student Council Advisor - Intermediate SchoolClub - Varsity \"B\" Advisor Sara GulleyClub - Vocal Music AdvisorClub - Yearbook Advisor - Intermediate School Lane HarrisColor Guard Advisor Lauren HenryDrama - DirectorDrama - Set Construction (1 or 2 persons) Holly ClassWinter Guard Advisor

BROOKVILLE SCHOOLS EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 2018-2019Every school year the weather (snow, ice, rain, and wind) causes us to think about closing school.We will follow two (2) basic plans in the case of an emergency: Plan I: In case of inclement weather, we will announce that all buses and time schedules shall operate on a two (2) hour delay. Plan II: In the case of inclement weather or unforeseen conditions, we will close the schools at the earliest possible time.The following telephone procedure will be followed:Superintendent................................. Mr. Hopkins ..........Makes automated call to all employees.Substitute Coordinator...................... Ms. Early ..............Calls pre-scheduled substitutes.Director of Support Personnel .......... Mr. Requarth ........Calls essential personnel who may need to be at work.If it is necessary to use either plan, we shall make the decision as near 6:15 a.m. as possible andannounce our decision at 6:30 a.m.In case children must be returned home during the day, we will inform radio and TV stations andthen call the bus drivers.Bus drivers are not to begin their routes until the safety of the children is assured. Any road that isimpassable shall be bypassed; therefore, buses should not try to travel roads that other vehicleshave found impossible to travel.All staff members living outside the school district should check media outlets and keep theirtelephone lines clear so that they do not have to make a trip on a very bad day, only to find thatschool has been closed. Timothy L. Hopkins

ALLEN, Frank BECK, Christopher BOYD, AmyExt. 1312 Ext. 2215 Ext. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Kimmel Rd 3250 Federalist Dr 430 Maple StClayton, OH. 45315 Kettering, OH. 45440 Brookville, OH 45309(937) 371-1484 (937) 681-3563 (937) 572-5665ALTCHULER, Stephanie BECK, Sharon BOYD, BradExt. 2213 [email protected] Ext. [email protected] 170 Parkview Dr [email protected] Taft Ave New Lebanon, OH. 45345 430 Maple StBeavercreek, OH. 45431 (937) 608-0037 Brookville, OH 45309(678) 576-0613 (937) 572-5666 BEERS, AliAMAND, Zachary Ext. 2209 BOYD, KatieExt. 2320/2700 [email protected] Ext. [email protected] 1687 Sunset Creek Ct [email protected] Ridge Rd Bellbrook, OH. 45305 4627 Whitegate DrEnglewood, OH 45322 (614) 395-3195 Beavercreek, OH. 45430(937) 470-7177 (937) 681-5035 BERRY, JudyARNETT, Alan [email protected] BROCK, TeresaExt. 1301 1394 Johnsville-Brookville Rd [email protected] Brookville, OH 45309 14402 Providence Pk802 Stone Ridge Pl (937) 687-2518 Brookville, OH 45309Tipp City, OH 45371 (937) 833-2030(937) 838-6796 BIGELOW, Katie Ext. 1409 BROERMAN, CaitlinBAILEY, Mona [email protected] Ext. 1204Ext. 1206 1047 Laurel Tree Ct Apt C [email protected] Troy, OH. 45373 10541 Wolf Rd11470 Havermale Rd (937) 216-8045 Versailles, OH 45380Farmersville, OH 45325 (937) 564-6702(937) 545-7050 BLAKESLY, Mary Ext. 2222 BROHMAN, KatelynBARRERA, Angela [email protected] Ext. 2313Ext. 1213 720 Bright Ave [email protected] Vandalia, OH 45377 823 Peach Hill Dr4416 Linchmere Dr (937) 898-6748 Centerville, OH 45458Clayton, OH 45415 (937) 903-8080(937) 336-2499 BLEVINS, Katie Ext. 1202 BRONNER, ChristopherBARRERA, John [email protected] Ext. 2121Ext. 2325 7894 Jamaica Rd [email protected] Miamisburg, OH 45342 792 Randy Sue CtPO Box 374 (937) 866-5263 Brookville, OH 45309Phillipsburg, OH. 45354 (937) 833-1745(937) 238-5920 BOEHRINGER, Karen Ext. 2102 BROOKS, TeresaBAUGHMAN, Jessica [email protected] Ext. [email protected] 212 Foothill Dr [email protected] Heckathorn Rd Brookville, OH 45309 9910 Westbrook RdBrookville, OH. 45309 (937) 833-4138 Brookville, OH 45309(937) 833-6917 (937) 654-0554 BOWMAN, GayleneBAUMGARTNER, Megan [email protected] BROWN, AustinExt. 2108 209 Bramblebush Trl Ext. [email protected] Beavercreek, OH 45440 [email protected] Brandt Vista Ave (937) 702-9002 423 S. Beech StHuber Heights, OH. 45424 Bryan, OH. 43506(575) 921-4735 (937) 750-2232

BROWN, Donna CERA, Nancy DAVIDSON, JeffreyExt. 1201 Ext. 1308 Ext. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Park Vista Rd 6183 Dodson Pk 63 Meadow Brooke AveEnglewood, OH 45322 Brookville, OH 45309 Brookville, OH 45309(937) 836-7781 (937) 416-8018 (937) 776-6036BROWN, Mark CHAKIRIS, Pete DAVIS, JenniferExt. 2312 Ext. 2503/2505 Ext. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Park Vista Rd P.O. Box 15 14 Hay AveEnglewood, OH 45322 Brookville, OH 45309 Brookville, OH 45309(937) 836-7781 (937) 833-4880 (937) 833-0442BRUCHS, Saundra CLARK, Kelly DENLINGER, [email protected] [email protected] Ext. 3000444 Sycamore St 4138 Phillipsburg-Union Rd [email protected], OH. 45309 Union, OH. 45322 103 Brookside Dr(937) 248-6068 (937) 836-3915 Brookville, OH. 45309 (937) 248-5041BYERLY, Alivia CLARK, LindaExt. 2229 [email protected] DERRINGER, [email protected] 4138 Phillipsburg-Union Rd [email protected] Plattsburg Rd Union, OH 45322 14237 Providence PkSouth Charleston, OH 45368 (937) 836-3915 Brookville, OH 45309(937) 631-6597 (937) 833-3979 COLSTON, RebeccaCAPLINGER, Sue Ext. 2610 DETTORRE, [email protected] [email protected] Ext. 22165388 Heckathorn Rd 404 Durwell Ave [email protected], OH 45309 Brookville, OH. 45309 3145 Ashton Brooke Dr Apt 1(937) 833-1783 (937) 529-1647 Beavercreek, OH. 45431 (440) 829-7087CARNES, Nicolle COX, [email protected] Ext. 1200 DOBBERSTEIN, Kristina7001 Loner Ln [email protected] Ext. 1214Brookville, OH 45309 135 Willis Way [email protected](937) 833-0712 Germantown, OH 45327 184 Preakness Ct (937) 307-7719 Vandalia, OH. 45377CASSON, Frank (513) 461-9056Ext. 3014 CRABTREE, [email protected] Ext. 2132 DOBBERSTEIN, Richard7860 Jamaica Rd [email protected] Ext. 2107Miamisburg, OH 45342 10647 Air Hill Rd [email protected](937) 866-1797 Brookville, OH. 45309 237 Old Carriage Dr (937) 570-0069 Englewood, OH. 45322CAUDILL, Scott (937) 771-0669Ext. 2314 CUNNINGHAM, Jalynn (937) 212-5359 [email protected] Ext. 1217428 Maple St [email protected] DORSEY, JoyceBrookville, OH 45309 3784 State Route 49 Ext. 2418(937) 248-9698 Arcanum, OH 45304 [email protected] (937) 692-9934 90 Delray CtCAYLOR, Julie Clayton, OH 45315Ext. 1000 DAFLER, Kathleen (937) [email protected] Ext. 1102212 S. Wolf Creek St [email protected] DRAKE, AnnBrookville, OH 45309 525 Meadow Glen Ave Ext. 2414(937) 833-3610 Brookville, OH 45309 [email protected] (937) 833-5852 830 Union Blvd. Apt. 103 Englewood, OH 45322 (937) 836-4206

DUCKRO, Anna FITZWATER, Chad HARRIS, EmilyExt. 2139 Ext. 2226 Ext. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] McDaniel St 9038 St Rt 503 N 12381 Temple RdDayton, OH. 45405 Lewisburg, OH. 45338 Brookville, OH. 45309(937) 751-9774 (937) 248-1428 (937) 902-2923DUNN, Becky FREEMAN, Doug HARRIS, LaneExt. 1300 Ext. 2225 Ext. 2500/[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Heckathorn Rd 6407 Oakhurst Pl 5252 Scioto Darcy RdBrookville, OH 45309 Dayton, OH 45414 Columbus, OH. 43026(937) 833-9186 (937) 269-4638 (614) 390-3007EARLY, Marti FULLENKAMP, Beth HAYDON, Erin833-6350 Ext. 2408 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ramblewood Ct 2011 Clearstream Way 805 Flanders AveBrookville, OH 45309 Clayton, OH 45315 Brookville, OH 45309(937) 371-9112 (937) 836-2143 (937) 902-4224EBBING, KIM FULLENKAMP, Jay HAYNES, [email protected] Ext. 2174 Ext. 30045729 Cedarwood Dr [email protected] [email protected], OH 45338 2011 Clearstream Way 198 Brooke Parke Ave(937) 962-2429 Clayton, OH 45315 Brookville, OH 45309 (937) 836-2143 (937) 689-6120ESTERLINE, RachelExt. 1203 GARWOOD, Donna HELMSTETTER, [email protected] Ext. 2610 Ext. 241721 Beechwood Ave [email protected] [email protected], OH 45309 412 N. Jay St 208 Pointers Run(937) 681-4143 W. Milton, OH 45383 Englewood, OH 45322 937-470-7180 (419) 230-1040FANNIN, KelsiExt. 2416 GARWOOD, James HENDERSON, [email protected] [email protected] Ext. 13118061 Back Bay Ct Apt 3D 5955 Seybold Rd [email protected], OH. 45458 Brookville, OH 45309 5061 Ashview Ct(937) 681-9735 (937) 854-1266 Huber Heights, OH. 45424 (937) 307-4325FEITSHANS, Nathan GROSSMAN, BeckyExt. 1207 [email protected] HENRY, [email protected] 15 Norris Dr Ext. 22078870 Grubbs-Rex Rd West Milton, OH 45383 [email protected], OH 45304 (937) 604-9909 6254 Blue Ash Rd(937) 564-6912 Dayton, OH. 45414 GULLEY, Sarah (419) 973-0264FELLERS, Rebecca Ext. 2415Ext. 2413 [email protected] HERBERT, [email protected] 7845 Salem Rd Ext. 232426 Wilderness Cove Lewisburg, OH. 45338 [email protected], OH 45309 (937) 430-1645 11054 Wolf Creek Pk(937) 603-3194 Brookville, OH 45309 HARDIN, Danielle (937) 833-6547FINGER, Sheila Ext.Ext. 2610 [email protected] HETRICK, [email protected] 1170 Whaley Rd Ext. 2316110 Shoreline Dr New Carlisle, OH. 45344 [email protected], OH 45309 (937) 545-2060 5451 North Hickory Ct(937) 833-5397 Lewisburg, OH 45338 (937) 962-5390

HINDS, Stephanie HOPE, Robert KINDELL, LoganExt. 2111 Ext. 2315 Ext. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Randy Sue Ct 2149 St. Rt. 49 2435 Cypress Point Apt GBrookville, OH 45309 Arcanum, OH 45304 Fairborn, OH. 45324(937) 833-1147 (937) 423-4673 (937) 902-5506HINES, Anne HOPKINS, Timothy KUMP, DeniseExt. 2214 Ext. 3001 Ext. 1403 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ackton St 585 Golden Maple Ave 530 W. Westbrook RdLewisburg, OH 45338 Brookville, OH 45309 Brookville, OH 45309(937) 269-2542 (937) 833-2079 (937) 833-2761HINZE, Melissa HOWARD, Jennifer LAMB, DougExt. 1215 Ext. 2410 [email protected] [email protected] 4403 N. Clayton Rd106 Chardonnay Ct 208 W. 2nd St Brookville, OH 45309Union, OH 45322 Arcanum, OH 45304 (937) 833-3721(937) 832-7586 (937) 524-1046 LAMB, MarcusHOELZLE, Chelsea HUELSKAMP, Teresa Ext. 2324Ext. 1045 Ext. 2221 [email protected] [email protected] 13101 Air Hill Rd8 Wilderness Cove 115 Heckman Dr Brookville, OH 45309Brookville, OH 45309 Englewood, OH 45322 (937) 833-9350(937) 572-2447 (937) 573-6059 LATHROP, CaseyHOLLON, Susan HUNLEY, Brittany Ext. 1209Ext. 2502 Ext. 2326 [email protected] [email protected] 885 Hunters Run Dr123 Stony Pointe Dr 807 Fallview Ave Brookville, OH 45309Springboro, OH 45066 Englewood, OH 45322 (937) 689-4087(937) 776-4693 (937) 329-1391 LENSER, JillHONIOUS, Connie HUTSELL, Paula Ext. [email protected] Ext. 2307 [email protected] Lexington Salem Rd [email protected] 209 Quail Hollow DrWest Alexandria, OH 45381 5678 N. Montgomery Co. Line Rd Brookville, OH 45309(937) 833-3197 Englewood, OH 45322 (937) 416-6938 (937) 430-0489HOOPS, Billie LINVILLE, [email protected] KELLER, Jamie Ext. 241214600 Westbrook Rd [email protected] [email protected], OH 45309 5778 Sulphur Springs Rd 15278 Lexington Salem Rd(937) 603-0908 Brookville, OH 45309 West Alexandria, OH 45381 (937) 833-4620 (937) 833-5999HOOPS, [email protected] KETCHEN, Erin LINVILLE, Tony14750 Westbrook Rd Ext. 2208 [email protected], OH 45309 [email protected] 15278 Lexington Salem Rd(937) 833-5806 304 Flanders Ave West Alexandria, OH 45381 Brookville, OH 45309 (937) 313-0649HOOVER, Chris (937) [email protected] LOUGHMAN, Michelle39 S Hill St KETRON, Kristin Ext. 1314Brookville, OH. 45309 Ext. 2317 [email protected](937) 903-1585 [email protected] 6292 Wellbaum Rd 530 Moose Ct Brookville, OH 45309 Brookville, OH 45309 (937) 833-2475 (937) 307-6658

LUCAS, Brooke NAWROTH, Jessica PETRY, ScottExt. 1211 Ext. 1210 Ext. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Stoner Dr 14765 Providence Pk 110 W. North StDayton, OH 45414 Brookville, OH 45309 P.O. Box 91937-890-4438 (937) 564-2324 West Manchester, OH 45382 (937) 678-9702MALESKI, Matthew NELSON, KimberleExt. 2617 Ext. 2326 PHILLIPS, [email protected] [email protected] Ext. 21176251 Lewisburg-Ozias Rd 172 Bayview Ave [email protected], OH 45338 Brookville, OH 45309 4998 N. Clayton Rd(937) 962-7053 (937) 833-4876 Brookville, OH 45309 (937) 830-5708McSURLEY, Angela NEWBAUER, NicoleExt. 2411 Ext. 1038 PIGG, [email protected] [email protected] Ext. 2311/2164 Gym3137 New Market Banta Rd 27 Heckathorn Rd [email protected] Alexandria, OH 45381 Brookville, OH 45309 14579 Providence Rd(937) 938-0588 (937) 770-1306 Brookville, OH 45309 (937) 620-1702MENDENHALL, Brian NORBY, [email protected] [email protected] PORTER, Anna35 Johnsville-Brookville Rd 539 Moose Ct Ext. 2322Brookville, OH 45309 Brookville, OH 45309 [email protected](937) 604-8128 (937) 830-4421 2005 Culver Ave Kettering, OH 45420MONROE, Charlotte PAGE, Kirsten (937) 266-9878Ext. 1313 Ext. [email protected] [email protected] PORTER, Mark610 Boxwood Ct 6693 Wellbaum Rd Ext. 2610Troy, OH 45373 Brookville, OH 45309 [email protected](937) 552-7975 (937) 833-3159 309 Maple St Brookville, OH 45309MOORE, Danielle PAPIE, Danette (937) 833-4871Ext. 1216 [email protected] 1473 N. Lutheran Church Rd PUSKAS, Lise708 Hile Ln Brookville, OH 45309 [email protected], OH 45322 (937) 854-2802 13450 Brookville Pyrmont Rd(937) 689-77578 Brookville, OH 45309 PATTON, Wendell (937) 474-1536MOYER, Leslie [email protected]. 2326 425 Arlington Rd., Apt. 9 RANDALL, [email protected] Brookville, OH 45309 Ext. 1221538 Meadow Glen Ave (937) 212-1215 [email protected], OH 45309 131 Heckathorn Rd(937) 833-9938 PEAK, Karen Brookville, OH 45309 [email protected] (937) 307-4368MUHLENKAMP, Amy 44 Brookside DrExt. 3005 Brookville, OH 45309 REICH, [email protected] (937) 417-1773 [email protected] Beery Blvd 111 Mound StUnion, OH 45322 PENICK, Teresa Brookville, OH 45309(937) 239-1912 Ext. 1103 (937) 681-6934 [email protected], Jacqueline 5532 Preble County Line Rd REQUARTH, [email protected] Lewisburg, OH 45338 Ext. 3011146 S. Hill St (937) 833-0625 [email protected], OH 45309 7495 Brookville-Phillipsburg Rd.(937) 833-5786 Brookville, OH 45309 (937) 551-2373

RHOADES, Dwayne SHARRITT, Neysa STOWERS, EmmaExt. 1309 [email protected] Ext. [email protected] 13380 Little Richmond Rd [email protected] Pinewood Dr Brookville, OH 45309 311 W Dorothy LnLewisburg, OH 45338 (937) 687-1030/789-8907 cell Dayton, OH. 45429(937) 770-1375 (937) 657-6792 SHATSBY, LetaRHOADES, Jennifer [email protected] STRAIN, DawnExt. 2218 12432 Upper Lewisburg-Salem Rd. [email protected] Brookville, OH 45309 7471 S. Rangeline Rd7770 Pinewood Dr (937) 833-3432 Union, OH 45322Lewisburg, OH 45338 (937) 698-4033(937) 770-1375 SHORE, Chrissy Ext. 1212 SWETT, JessicaRIEGER, Ashley [email protected] Ext. 2202Ext. 2506 1 Faircourt Pl [email protected] Union, OH 45322 PO Box 9914553 Kiefer Rd (937) 771-0604 West Manchester, OH 45382Germantown, OH 45327 (586) 556-2102(937) 902-4440 SMOOT, Linda [email protected] TERRY, MatthewRISTAU, Peggy 7400 Brookville-Phillipsburg Rd. Ext. 2326Ext. 2210 Brookville, OH 45309 [email protected] (937) 833-0267 17 Duerr Dr916 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd West Milton, OH 45383Arcanum, OH 45304 SPANGLER, Sherril (937) 698-0800(937) 423-2325 Ext. 2141 HS/2140 IS [email protected] THOMAS, ShawnROSS, Melissa 6267 Dodson Rd Ext. 1039Ext. 2310 Brookville, OH 45309 [email protected] (937) 833-2330 4814 Molunat Ln7605 Kimmel Rd Clayton, OH. 45315Clayton, OH 45315 SPRADA, Angela (937) 459-2433(937) 540-8601 Ext. 2124 [email protected] TILEY, ChelseaSANO, Sarah 342 E. Westbrook Rd Ext. 1219Ext. 2211 Brookville, OH 45309 [email protected] (937) 657-9299 131 Hunterfield Dr518 Forrest Ln Brookville, OH 45309Troy, OH 45373 SPRADA, Brian (937) 212-2964(937) 474-3466 Ext. 2110 [email protected] TURNER, SharonSAYRE-NICKELL, Lynne 342 E. Westbrook Rd Ext. 2231Ext. 2119 HS/2118 IS Brookville, OH 45309 [email protected] (937) 239-7702 5677 Cedarwood Dr420 W. Alkaline Springs Rd Lewisburg, OH 45338Vandalia, OH 45377 STAGGS, Laura (937) 962-8018(937) 890-8202 Ext. 1051 [email protected] WALDEN, TaylorSETTLE, Jill 7684 Pinewood Dr Ext. [email protected] Lewisburg, OH 45338 [email protected] Wolf Creek Pk (937) 545-5327 104 Esther DrDayton, OH 45426 Lewisburg, OH 45338(937) 837-4356 STAMMEN, Ann (937) 474-8618 Ext. 2329SEWERT, Jessica [email protected] WEEKLEY, DavidExt. 2103 6775 Wellbaum Rd Ext. [email protected] Brookville, OH 45309 [email protected] Poplar Run Pl (937) 307-4247 4228 Rosefinch WayBrookville, OH 45309 Miamisburg, OH 45342(937) 469-2977 (937) 247-5162

WHEAT, Erin LONG-TERM POSITIONSExt. [email protected] BRISCO, Dianna802 Terri Dr Ext. 1040Brookville, OH 45309 [email protected](937) 833-4554 4954 Crawford Toms Run Rd. Brookville, OH 45309WIGGER, Carol (937) 833-4133Ext. [email protected] DURST, Ed4687 Crawford Rd 12943 Air Hill RdBrookville, OH 45309 Brookville, OH 45309(937) 833-3883 (937) 833-3255WILLIAMS, Kimberly ELLER, TimExt. 1305 7517 Lewisburg [email protected] Lewisburg, OH 45338185 Voyager Blvd (937) 409-8072Dayton, OH 45417(937) 269-9300 VANCE, Jennifer [email protected], Tracey 423 Sycamore StExt. 3010 Brookville, OH [email protected] (937) 833-587712915 Little Richmond RdBrookville, OH 45309 LATCHKEY AIDES(937) 232-7051 MILLER, DebraWINNER, Denise [email protected]. 2104 153 Salem [email protected] Brookville, OH 453096361 Wellbaum Rd (937) 833-1165Brookville, OH 45309(937) 751-0156 PHILLIPS, Megan [email protected], Chelsea 15 Terrace Park BlvdExt. 2138/1050 Brookville, OH [email protected] (937) 853-6429371 Leisure Dr Apt 1Brookville, OH 45309(937) 581-0007WRIGHT, NickExt. 2504/25053393 Preble County Line RdWest Alexandria, OH. 45381(937) [email protected], BethExt. [email protected] Wolf AveEnglewood, OH 45322(937) 405-8908

EXTRACURRICULAR HECK, Justin SCHERER, SydneyCONTRACT ONLY Jr High Football Asst 7th Grade Volleyball Asst 233 W. Westbrook Rd 133 Poplar Run PlBLAND, Jon Brookville, OH 45309 Brookville, OH 45309HS Cross Country533 Caleb Dr HEIN, Shawn SKINNER, MaggieBrookville, OH 45309 Varsity Football Asst Varsity Cheerleading - Football(937) 238-3888 401 East 1st St 215 Hunterfield [email protected] Arcanum, OH 45304 Brookville, OH 45309 (937) 692-8733 (937) 829-7354CASH, Trevor [email protected] Cross Country Asst KINDELL, Braden608 Meadow Glen Ave Varsity Girls Basketball WILLIAMS, ChrisBrookville, OH 45309 HS Football Asst 9th Grade Basketball(937) 608-4417 521 Adrian Ct 201 Jessica [email protected] Brookville, OH 45309 Brookville, OH 45309 (937) 416-6361 (419) 410-0140CLASS, Holly [email protected] Color Guard KINDELL, David150 Antwerp Ave Varsity Girls Basketball AsstBrookville, OH 45309 526 Meadow Glen Ave(937) 475-6348 Brookville, OH [email protected] LENSER, RobertCRABTREE, Aaron Varsity SoftballHS Boys Basketball Asst 11788 Diamond Mill Rd10647 Air Hill Rd Englewood, OH 45322Brookville, OH 45309 (937) 416-4324(937) 418-2422 [email protected] MASON, LisaFEITSHANS, Robyn Varsity Volleyball AsstJr High Cross Country 134 Ashmark Ct8870 Grubbs-Rex Rd Brookville, OH 45309Arcanum, OH 45304 [email protected](574) [email protected] MILLHOUSE, Jeffrey 9th Grade WrestlingGARDNER, Jenny 15076 Eaton Pk.7th & 8th Softball New Lebanon, OH 453455682 Cedarwood Dr (937) 475-4236Lewisburg, OH 45338 [email protected](937) [email protected] O’DELL, Amanda Jr. High CheerleadingHARRIS, Tony Jr. 12002 Westbrook RdVarsity Boys Soccer Brookville, OH 45309PO Box 181 (937) 902-9270Brookville, OH 45309 [email protected](937) [email protected] PALMER, Brent Varsity Boys Soccer AsstHAUPT, Erich 5200 Old Salem Rd7th Grade Girls Basketball Clayton, OH 45315773 Kimmel Trl (937) 654-2321Brookville, OH 45309 [email protected](937) [email protected] SAMPSON, Samuel II Varsity WrestlingHECK, Jacob 3771 Crawford Toms Run Rd.Jr High Football Asst Brookville, OH 45309233 W. Westbrook Rd (937) 681-1548 cellBrookville, OH 45309 [email protected]

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