Tongue TwisterCranes carry crates of crafts.Fun This MonthScarf¡Hola!Find thePicturesCan you find eachof these 10 picturesat another place inthis magazine?A n s w e ro n p a g e 3 8 .M y s t e r yP h o t oThank a friend or neighborby decorating a paper platewith pictures of food Write a.thank you note on the back-.Give the toys you ve’outgrown to a youngercousin or friend with a(parent s permission’).Make breakfast for familymembers who often domost of the cooking.Write down reasons to bethankful for something thatis hard but rewarding to do,such as homework or chores.1 .2 .3 .4 .Sebastian madescarves for his friends.Who will get each scarf?Sophia loves stripes.Gavin s favorite’color is green.Parker doesn t’like patterns.Fahima likes fringeon a scarf.Answers on page 38.This World Hello Day, try to say helloto 10 people in your life. Wave to a neighbor, or smileat a younger kid in school. World Hello Day is about spreading peace by reaching out to others. What else could you do to make the world a friendlier place?WorldHello Day isNovember21!FOUR WAYS TOGive ThanksKonnichiwa !Hello!Stumper
By Christine French CullyEditor in ChiefDear ReaderWrite to me!Christine Highlights [email protected] part of our mission to help make the worlda better place for the children of today andtomorrow, Highlights is committed tomaking responsible business decisionsthat will protect our natural resourcesand reduce our environmental impact.AWARDSHighlightshas beengiven awards by The Associationof Educational Publishers, TheEducation Center, LLC, Family ChoiceAwards, Freedoms Foundation, Graphic ArtsAssociation, iParenting Media, Magazine Design and Production,National Association for GiftedChildren, National Conference ofChristians and Jews, National Parenting Center, National SafetyCouncil, Parents’ Choice, Parent’s Guide to Children’s MediaAwards, and Printing Industry Association.HighlightsKids.comis a participant in the Kids Privacy Safe Harbor program of theChildren’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) of the Council of BetterBusiness Bureaus.PARENTS:If your child isnot quite readyforHighlights,callto switch toHigh Fiveatany time.HL1119_182736NOVEMBER 2019 • VOLUME 74 • NUMBER 11 • ISSUE NO. 817Founded in 1946 by Garry C. Myers, Ph.D.,and Caroline Clark MyersEditor in Chief: Christine French CullyVP, Magazine Group Editorial: Jamie BryantCreative Director: Marie O’NeillEditor: Judy BurkeDesign Director: Patrick Greenish, Jr.Senior Editor: Joëlle DujardinAssociate Editors: Allison Kane, Linda K. RoseAssistant Editor: Patty CourtrightCrafts and Activities Editor: Lisa GloverCopy Editor: Joan Prevete HymanSenior Production Artist: Dave JusticeProduction Assistant: Susan Shadle ErbContributing Science Editor: Andrew BoylesEditorial Offices: 803 Church Street, Honesdale, PA 18431-1895. E-mail: [email protected]. To submit manuscripts, go to (Writers younger than 16: please use the postal address above.)CEO: Kent S. JohnsonSVP, International and Global Content Licensing: Andy ShafranBusiness Offices: 1800 Watermark Drive,P.O. Box 269, Columbus, OH 43216-0269.Copyright © 2019, Highlights for Children, Inc. All rights reserved.HIGHLIGHTS FOR CHILDREN is published monthly.Cover price: $5.99ISSN 0018-165X (print); ISSN 2330-6920 (online)Printed by LSC Communications, Glasgow, KY.Designed for home and classroom use.Periodical postage paid at Columbus, Ohio; Toronto, Ontario; and at additional mailing offices.U.S. Postmaster: Send address changes to Highlights for Children, P.O. Box 6038, Harlan, IA 51593-1538.Canada Post: Publications Mail Agreement No. 40065670. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to P.O. Box 99 Stn. Main, Milton, ON L9T 9Z9.Sometimes we make our list of customer names and addresses available to carefully screened companies whose products and services might be of interest to you. We never provide children’s names. If you do not wish to receive these mailings, please contact us and include your account number.To order, make a payment, change your address, or for other customer-service needs, such as changing your contact preference, please contact us:• Online:• Call: 1-800-255-9517• Write: P.O. Box 5878, Harlan, IA 51593-1378Explore New PathsWhen is the last time you tried something new? After George W. Bush, our 43rd President, left the White House, he wanted to try something very different.Now he is using his new talent for portrait painting to honor the men and women who have served in our military. “President and Painter” (pages 16–17) is an inspiring reminder of the sacrifice and courage of veterans.This story also shows us that it’s important to try new things. The world offers so many interesting paths to explore that we can keep growing and learning all our lives. That’s what I hope to do. Someday, I want to learn how to draw or paint. I’d also like to learn to speak Spanish fluently. I’d even like to learn how to raise a baby goat! Wouldn’t that be fun?Are you open to an adventure in learning? I hope you’ll write and tell me what’s on your list of new things to try. I can’t wait to hear from you.Your friend,This magazine of wholesome funis dedicated to helping children grow in basicskillsandknowledge,increativeness,in ability tothinkandreason,insensitivityto others in high,ideals and worthy ways of living—forchildren are the world s most important people’.Portrait photo courtesy of the George W Bush Presidential Center..George W Bush s portrait .’of Sergeant First Class Ramon Padilla.
• NUMBE6AutumnEnjoy the dreamy silence.7The TimbertoesMabel makes a discovery.8Sticky Treat Sushi-Colorful candy creations.10Goofus and GallantGallant knocks first.20The Case of the Missing TurtleJames panics when his favorite turtle goes missing.22How a Parade Is MadeArtists and builders work for a year to create the Macy s ’Thanksgiving Day Parade.Dear Highlights,201Start withsitandstayto helpkeep her safe andwell behaved-.2Move on topawandfetch.Praise her whenshe does well!3Ask a parent,a veterinarian,or a librarian formore ideas.o mber22Congratulations Tommy Here are a few ideas,!.—Tommy Minnesota,11Gallant Challenge!Yourideas can help others.12My SciFind out why food steams when it s hot’.14Hidden PicturesGet ready for the animal obstacle course!15JokesPickles bulls and mufflers,,.16President andPainterGeorge W Bush honors.veterans with his art.18CraftsTic tac doughnut and--a groovy giraffe.Fold It!November 11 is Origami Day in Japan.364 NOVEMBER 2019
28 Who Is Your Hero?See which real life heroes-kids admire.29 You re the ’Movie Director!Tell us about the movie youd like to make’.31 Paws and ThinkVisiting the farmers ’market.32 Patience to PoseSahana wants to do well in her school s yoga contest’.34 Your Own PagesSee drawings and poems by creative kids like Owen.36 The Brave KnightWill the knight s unusual ’idea work?38 RiddlesFind out what loses its head in the morning and gets it back at night.39 BrainPlayDoes everyone like the same smells?Building BalloonsGo behind the scenes of Macy s ’Thanksgiving Day Parade!Red PandaOwen BeckmanAge 9 • Nebraska NOVEMBER 2019 5
AutumnIn the dreamy silenceOf the afternoon, aCloth of gold is wovenOver wood and prairie;And the jaybird, newlyFallen from the heaven,Scatters cordial greetings,And the air is filled withScarlet leaves, that, dropping,Rise again, as ever,With a useless sigh forRest—and it is Autumn.ALEXANDER POSEY was a well known author during the late 1800s and early 1900s -.He was a member of the Muscogee Creek Nation in what is now Oklahoma Posey (),.was the owner and editor of the Eufaula Indian Journal. His poetry and writings often advocated for improving conditions in Indian Territory.By Alexander Posey Art by Floyd Cooper•
By Rich Wallace • Art by Ron ZalmeTheTimbertoesThe harvest was huge.She picked the last squash.Mabel went back once more.A mouse scurried away.She put the squash back.She was thankful that she could help.We have plenty for winter.Was this your dinner? NOVEMBER 2019 7
Photos by Jim Filipski Guy Cali Associates Inc,,.Stack androll sweetcandytreats.Sticky-Treat 1231.Place 2 tablespoons of butter in a large microwave-safe bowl. Heat for 5 seconds in a microwave oven and stir Repeat .until melted.2.Add 2½ cups of marshmallows to the bowl Heat for .15 seconds and stir.Repeat until melted.3.Stir in 3 cups of rice cereal.4.Scoop the sticky rice onto a sheet of parchment paper.Place another sheet over it Use a .rolling pin to flatten the sticky rice until it is ¼ inch thick.Remove the paper.5.With a pizza cutter,cut the sticky rice into 1 inch by 4 inch--- -rectangles.6.Cut fruit rolls into 5 inch pieces -.STACK ITFold a sticky rice -rectangle in half .Place a piece of candy on top .Wrap with a piece of fruit roll.8 NOVEMBER 2019
Sushi123Ask an adult for help with anything sharp or hot.Make “wasabi with ”food coloring and icing.Make “ginger with ”strips of taffy.Real sushi is a Japanese dish made with rice fish and ,,vegetables.ROLL ITMarshmallow creme
GoofusandGallantThere s some of Goofus and Gallant in us all ’.When the Gallant shines through we show our best self,.YOURGoofus and Gallant Moments“I felt like Goofuswhen I didn t study when’my parents asked me to.”Edward Age 10 Alberta Canada,,,“I felt like GallantwhenI cheered up my brotherafter my cousin was meanto him.”Maddox Age 6 Florida,,Tell us whenyou ve’felt likeGoofus or Gallant Visit!HighlightsKids com or write to.Goofus and Gallant Moments803 Church StreetHonesdale PA 18431,Art by Leslie Harrington.Goofus calls people names when he gets angry.Even when he s upset Gallant ’,avoids name calling-.When a door is shut ,Goofus barges in.When a door is shut ,Gallant knocks.10 NOVEMBER 2019
GALLANT CHALLENGE!I learned a trickthat might help.Want me toshow you?Lived It,Learned ItSometimes there’s a problemyou just can’t solve on your own.What do you do? Do you asksomeone for help?That’s what the kids whoseletters are published in “DearHighlights” (page 42) did.Reaching out to others can giveyou some great suggestions.But just as other people’sideas can help you,yourideascan help others.“In My Experience. . .”Think about experiencesyou’ve had, mistakes you’vemade, or solutions you’ve found.What have you learned that youcan pass on to other kids?For example, you and yourbest friend may have had anargument. But then you figuredout a way to work things out sothat both of you were happy.Or maybe you used to getangry when you didn’t wina race. But now you use thatfrustration to push yourselfto improve.What things have you learnedthat might be helpful to others?What I Know NowTell us about helpful things you ve learned that you can ’share with other kids .Include your name age ,,and address Send to.What I Know Now803 Church StreetHonesdale PA 18431,What you ve ’learned can help someone else.Art by Renée Kurilla. NOVEMBER 2019 11
MYSCPhoto by Jeff MauritzenIsland HomeUnlike most mockingbirds the ,Galápagos guh LAH puh gus (---)mockingbird doesn t mock ’ “,”or imitate other birds Found ,.only in the Galápagos Islands ,off the coast of Ecuador in South America this is the most ,common of the islands four ’native mockingbird species It is .at home in many of the islands ’dry coastal and forest habitats,,.Galápagos mockingbirds usually live in pairs or small groups but may live in groups of 20 or more .Each group defends its territory .Parents may get help raising their nestlings often from their young ,of a previous brood.When it eats fruit ,the seeds are left in its droppings.That spreads the seeds across the bird s habitat’.It builds a nest of twigs or thorns in a tree or cactus ,lining the inside with soft plant material.Weighing less than a tennis ball ,the Galápagos mockingbird flies well but it often —runs instead.Powdery pollen shows that this bird was poking into the cactus flower likely ,going after nectar or an insect.With its long beak it eats ,foods such as centipedes ,cactus fruit and nectar ,and ticks it removes from iguanas.That steam you see rising from hot foods shows that heated water is escaping into the air.Almost all our foods contain water We usually think of water .in its liquid form But like other .,substances it can take the form of a ,solid liquid or gas Water freezes to ,,.form a solid ice and evaporates ()to form a gas water vapor().Water evaporates around us all the time without our noticing it ,such as when spilled water dries up.When we heat a food we raise ,its temperature along with the ,temperature of the water it contains .As more and more of the heated water molecules change from liquid form to gas the heated water vapor ,escapes from the food.Then as it hits cooler air the ,,water vapor turns back into tiny liquid water droplets in the air We .see this condensation as steam“”.Why does food steam when it is hot?Joseph Imgrund Age 9 Illinois•12 NOVEMBER 2019
Holey HandEach of your eyes sees the world from a slightly different angle Your brain blends the .two views together to get a more accurate picture But .what happens when your brain adds together two very different pictures?TRY THIS :Hold a long cardboard tube up to one eye .Cover the other eye with your hand but keep both eyes open ,.Slowly move the hand that s ’covering your eye away from your face Keep it against the .side of the tube.As your brain combines what your left eye sees with what your right eye sees it sees a ,hole in your hand If you don t ! (’see the hole at first try tilting ,the far end of the tube inward.)By Dougal Dixon Art by Robert Squier BorealopeltaBorealopelta was discovered by a construction worker whose excavator bucket hit something very hard ,different from the rock around it The fossil .was well preserved .Chemicals in it even gave scientists an idea of the dinosaur s coloring’.WHERE:Alberta Canada,HOW LONG:18 feetWHAT IT ATE:Low plantsWHEN:110 million years ago25220114566PresentTriassicJurassicCretaceousCenozoicbohr ee AL oh PELT ah -----“northern shield”Bony plates in the skin of its back like ,a modern alligatorLong spikes ,useful for defenseBorealopelta is on display at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in Alberta Canada,.Light colored belly with a -darker back a combination ,that can help animals blend in to hide (from predators)
Want a challenge?Fold back page 15 to hide the picture clues.Visit for more puzzling fun!In this big picture find the bowling ball teacup bowl toothbrush cell phone ring golf club ,,,,,,,,flashlight orange ruler shovel drinking straw pickax carrot crown sailboat feather and sock,,,,,,,,,,.Running the Obstacle Course!By Neil Numberman14 NOVEMBER 2019
Picture CluesAnswers on HighlightsKids com..STARTJ O K E SEvan:There was a one story-house Everything was red..The couch was red The table.was red The walls were red..What color were the stairs?Kevin:Red?Evan:There were no stairs!It was a one story house-.Evan Quick Ohio,A book never written:Cars andTrucksby S U Vee. ..William Klyberg Rhode Island,Farmer:Nevergo to abull themed-restaurant.Friend:Why not?Farmer:Becausebulls chargetoo much.Ashlyn PerryAlaskaMake us laugh!Send a joke or riddle along with your,name age and address to,,,803 Church StreetHonesdale PA 18431,“Knock knock,.”“Who s there’?”“Pickle.”“Pickle who?”“Pickle someoneyour own size!”Savannah Lindley Oregon,I was dreaming about a muffler last night When I woke up I .,was exhausted.Piper Julio Virginia,Waddles hears Jasminecalling his name at thedog park Can you help.him get back to her?Answer on page 38.Where s ’Waddles?BONUSCan you also find the spoon canoe ,,artist s brush ’,and needle?bowling ballringbowlrulersailboatpickaxteacupflashlightcell phoneshovelfeathercarrotgolf clubdrinking strawsockcrowntoothbrushorange
President and George W Bush honors veterans with his art..After his years in office George W Bush ,.had a busy schedule but wanted a new “adventure To the .”surprise of many (including former First Lady Laura Bush ),he decided to take up painting.Many of President Bush s paintings are ’of men and women whoerved in theU S. .y His book .Portf Courage :A Commander in Chief’Tribute to America s ’Warriors is a collectionof these portraits alonwith each veteran s ’personal story.President Bush recetook time to answer soquestions for the readof Highlights.Why did you decide to paint veterans of recent wars?As President and through the work with the Bush Center in Dallas Texas I ve gotten to ,, ’know many men and women who volunteered to serve iour nation s military I ride ’.mountain bikes and play gwith them I also get to tal.them about how they canleaders in their communitionce they leave the militarjust like they were leadersthe battlefield.Lance Corporal TimothFast FactsGeorge Walker Bush43rd U S President. .Served 2001 2009–PAINTING SECRET:Uses only red blue yellow ,,,and white paints to create all of his colors.
PAINTEResidential Cuzmik A _ ;ube Backg.njoynz.One of my art instructors ,Sedrick Huckaby suggested ,I paint people that I knew but others didn t I instantly ’ .thought of paintin wnwarriors I had gknow I wanted.determitheir derve in new ways as. So I painted trsacrifica the he ary behind ur book?e vetee boot met Cen dinner . nervous to is story of traumatic anxiety in the room His anguish was .apparent to me which ,affected my first painting of Chris.A few weeks after the dinner I received a letter ,from Chris He told me that .speaking at the event was a “daunting task but that it ,”gave him a sense of relief once he was finished After .reading his letter and learning how well he was doing I ,decided to repaint him His .second portrait is the same face same person but ,,with a new outlook and bright future.hat is your painting ocess like?I didn t start painting until ’I was in my 60s I read a book .by Winston Churchill the [itish prime minister during orld War II called ]Painting a Pastime, and I thought eresting from photos .good bnd and good htingimportant .ve chosen subjects :r ranch as worl; know dent a;tourse I also. painting lle me ike ey n t ’PRESIDENT BUSH S ’ADVICE TO KIDSWhen I was growing up I ,dreamed of things like winning the Little League World Series .When I was 10 my uncle took me ,to a New York Giants game to see my hero Willie Mays play the ,,outfield Fifty years later Willie .,Mays came to the White House as the honorary commissioner for a youth tee ball game on the -South Lawn I told everyone I ., “wanted to be the Willie Mays of my generation but I couldn t hit ,’a curveball So instead I ended .,,up being President.”Always be open to learning new things even if you don t ,’think you ll ever use the ’information In college I took a .,class about American oratory .We read famous speeches and I ,was struck by the power of words to shape history If you would .have asked me at the time what the most valuable thing I learned in that class was I probably ,would not have said how to structure a speech But I ve .’remembered the model for a [good speech all my life And as it ].turns out my life has included ,quite a few speeches.Sergeant First Class Michael R Rodrig.
Tic-Tac-Doughnut1. Cut off four 1-foot-long pieces from a1-inch-wide magnetic strip. Cover them with colored tape.2. From craft foam, cut out 10 doughnuts.3. Use craft foam and puffy paintto decorate five one way and five another way.4. Add a magnetic strip to the back of each doughnut.A Game for 2 PlayersBy Maureen WebsterCrafts18 NOVEMBER 2019
GiraffeCordKeeperSlitBy Kelsey Sorge1.Onthin cardboard,draw a giraffe’s headand neck. Cut outthe shape.2.Glue the shape ontofelt. Cut it out.3.Cut a slit in the neck.4.Decorate the giraffewith felt,puffy paint,andwiggle eyes.Tuck t e hearbuds here.Harvest CoastersBy April Theis1. On craft foam, draw fruits and vegetables. Cut them out.2. Trace the foam shapes on corrugatedcardboard. Cut them out.3. Glue the foam shapes to the cardboard shapes with tacky glue.4. Add details using craft foam and markers.TO PLAY:Place the four strips on a magnetic surface ,as shown Standing .several feet away ,players take turns tossing their doughnuts toward the game board .The first player to land three in a row is the winner.CRAFT CHALLENGE! Make animals from wiggle eyes paint and acorns ,,.Share your result on HighlightsKids com..Make This Next Month !Photos by Jim Filipski Guy Cali Associates Inc Background by iStock Getty Images Plus PhonlamaiPhoto,,.//. NOVEMBER 2019 19
The Case of theBy Marne Ventura•Art by Gaia BordicchiaEvan sat in his backyardclubhouse. It was a chillySaturday morning in November. At the same time each week, Evan’s Detective Agencyopened for business. He helped neighbors solve mysteries.“Help! Molly’s gone!” Someone pounded on the door.Evan jumped to open it.His next-door neighbor James rushed in and paced aroundthe room. Tears ran down hischeeks. He was still wearingpajamas. His hair stuck up. His boots were muddy.Evan pulled out a chair.James sat down and put hishead on the table. “Someonemust have stolen her,” he said.Evan patted James on theback. “Calm down, James. There might be another explanation.”James looked up hopefully.“Do you think you can find her?”Evan picked up a penciland his notebook. “I’ll need a complete description.”“She’s a turtle. You’ve seen her before, Evan.”“Color? Size? Did you notice any special markings?”“Olive green. With black lines.Really pretty. Her shell is thislong.” James held up his hands.About six inches,Evan wrote. “What else?”“Her neck is pale yellow.”James began to cry. “What if a raccoon took her?”“Take a breath, James.” Evangave James a tissue. “How longhave you had Molly? Where did you get her?”“She showed up one day lastspring. She likes our lily pond.”Evan wrote more notes.“I check on her every morning. She’s very shy. She divesunderwater when she hears me.”James sobbed. “What if a coyote got her?”Evan jotted down more notes.“Let’s go to the pond. Show mewhere Molly was before she disappeared.”James followed Evan to the backyard.“She likes to sit on that rockin the sun,” said James, pointing. “She stretches out her neck and smiles.”Evan scribbled in hisnotebook. “Was she on the rock the last time you saw her?”“Yes, she’s there everymorning, as soon as the sun isup. But she was not there today! What if she’s sick?”Evan lifted a lily pad to see ifMolly was underwater. No turtle, “She s’there everymorning.But nottoday!”Missing Turtle“Someone musthave stolen her.”20 NOVEMBER 2019
just the reflection of the clouds that covered the sun. He added this information to his notebook. “I’ve found some good clues,” he told James. “I need to check some facts online. Meet me in my office in 30 minutes.”Evan hurried home and asked his mom if he could borrow her laptop. He opened the browser and typed turtles in Northern California. He clicked on images. He found a photograph that matched James’s description. It was on a website written byscientists who study turtles.He found more facts on azoo website. He printed twopictures of turtles and a page ofinformation and brought themto his clubhouse. He pinnedhis notes and printouts to theevidence board. He studiedthe information. He tappedhis pencil against the tableas he thought.James showed up early, butEvan was ready. “Did you find Molly?” James asked. He was no longer wearing pajamas.“Not exactly,” said Evan, “but I know where she is.”“Is she OK?”Evan pointed to the papers on the wall. “Let’s look at the clues. First, I think I know why Molly likes your pond.”“Why?”“Molly is probably a Western Pond Turtle.”“That makes sense.”“I also know why she stopped sunning herself on the rock.”“Raccoon? Coyote? She’s sick?” A tear ran down James’s cheek.“James, think about the weather lately.”“It’s colder?” James sniffed.Evan nodded. “What do some animals do when it’s colder?”James thought. “Bears hibernate. Ducks fly south.”“You’re on the right track,” said Evan.“Molly flew south?”“Not south,” said Evan. “And, of course, she didn’t fly. It’s possible Molly is spending the winter in the mud at the bottom of the pond.”“So she’s not gone?”“I believe your turtle will come out in the spring,” said Evan. “But you might not want to call it Molly anymore.”James opened his eyes wide. “Someone switched Molly with a different turtle?”Evan pointed to the wall. “Which picture looks more like your turtle?”James pointed to the one with the pale yellow neck. Its shell was shorter from top to bottom. Its tail was thicker and longer than the other turtle’s tail. Its head was bigger.“That’s a male Western Pond Turtle, James,” said Evan. “So maybe your turtle needs a different name!”“Let s look at ’the clues.”“Which picture looks more like your turtle?”
Big balloons like this one need up to 90 handlers to hold the lines!How a By Allison KaneTake a look behind the scenes of the Macy s ’Thanksgiving Day Parade.22 NOVEMBER 2019
Parade IsMadeThis year marks the 93rd Macy s Thanksgiving ’Day Parade At the .Macy s Parade Studio in ’Moonachie New Jersey a ,,crew of painters animators ,,sculptors carpenters and ,,others works year round to -prepare for the big event .Inside the 72 000 square,--foot warehouse the ,parade s floats balloons ’,,and costumes come to life.John Piper vice ,president of the parade studio has been a part of ,the team for 38 parades .“When people are on the sides of the street looking at our giant balloons ,enormous floats amazing ,marching bands and ,great talent their eyes are ,popping and their jaws are dropping he says ,”.“We make a kid out of everybody And that s .’what it s all about’.” NOVEMBER 2019 23
The Red Power Ranger balloon was the longest balloon in last year s parade ’.One arm is the length of a school bus!BalloonsEach year new balloons are ,added to the parade Artists start .with sketches in the design room .Then 3 D models of the sketches -are created in clay Based on the .models the full size balloons ,-are sewn and hand painted-.Before parade day all old and ,new balloons are thoroughly checked for holes and leaks .Balloons are inflated inside the parade studio and must stay inflated for six hours If a balloon .doesn t pass the six hour test it s ’-, ’searched for holes and patched up.The Design Room24 NOVEMBER 2019
Quite a Crowd3 5 million spectators .watch the parade on the streets of New York City That s enough .’people to fill 64 YANKEE STADIUMS!John Piper holds a three inch -plastic person The team uses .this for scale to see how big a six foot person would look -next to the full size balloon-.A balloon might weigh around 600 pounds until it s ’filled with helium Then it weighs 330 pounds.-!3 After the models are finished fabric for the full size ,-balloon is cut sewn and sealed together The balloon is then ,,.painted while inflated so that the fabric is stretched tight.2 An artist paints a clay model of last year s ’new Goku balloon Goku .is a character from the Dragon Ball anime series .The full size balloon is -five stories high!1 Balloon artists make two clay models for each balloon They paint one model .white They mark where to attach lines for .people to hold and where to put inflation and deflation ports The other model is .painted with the exact colors that will be used on the actual balloon.A Colorful Downpour10 000 pounds of ,confetti rains down on parade goers That s as -.’heavy as THREE CARS!
Artists paintthe Styrofoamsculptures afterthey ve been’sprayed.The flutteringfringe at thebottom hides thewheels making,the float seemto. . .float!Floating IdeasEach float designed and builtin the Macy s Parade Studio starts’with a brainstorming session.Before designing this Splashing“Safari Adventure float for”Kalahari Resorts last year parade,studio artists visited a Kalahariwater park for inspiration.After sketching a float s design’,artists build a clay model of thefloat Once the design and model.are final it s time to start building, ’.The Workshop26 NOVEMBER 2019
More than 50 million people watch the parade on TV each Thanksgiving.Will you be among them this year onNovember 28? parts of a float are carved from Styrofoam .Then they are sprayed with a substance that makes them hard water,-resistant and paintable,.The base structure of a float is made from steel rods On .this float the ,elephant s ’ears and head were made from aluminum because it is lighter than steel and easier to move On parade day .,people inside the elephant moved it around like a giant puppet. NOVEMBER 2019 27
Who Is We asked you to tell us about your real life -heroes Thank you for .your inspiring responses !Here are just a few.Baseball CoachMy hero is my baseball coach, Damon. He has inspired me to follow my dreams and taught me how to play.Tyler Evans Age 11 • OhioJ K Rowling. .My hero is J.K. Rowling because she wrote all the Harry Potter books and started Lumos, an organization that helps poor children. Because of that, she is my hero.Liam Tiles Age 9 • MichiganBrotherI look up to my brother the most, even though he is younger than me. When I am feeling sad or mad, he makes me feel better, just by doing nothing. Having him in my family makes me feel so much better.Zeynep Ada Tasdelen IllinoisMyselfI am my own hero because even if there are people who are not my friends, I still make sure they’re OK. I don’t like people feeling sad or hurt!Hannah Filby Age 7 • CaliforniaDadMy hero is my dad because he is an awesome dad. And he is a police officer and a firefighter and a coffee roaster.Sela Potter Age 11 • KansasJackie RobinsonJackie Robinson is my hero. He showed the world that you should treat people the same no matter what. He got cursed at, yelled at, and threatened, but that didn’t stop him. Stopping Jackie was like moving a 1,000,000,000-pound boulder. He was unstoppable. He was a good baseball player too. He was the first African American baseball player to play in Major League Baseball in the modern era. He was a great man.Thomas Lyerly Age 9 • AlabamaYOUR HERO?28 NOVEMBER 2019
MomMy hero is very sweet,We like to bake some treats.She is very supportive,She is my main motive.We love to talk and have fun,My sweet, amazing mom.Michael Densel MichiganSisterMy hero is my sister. Whenever I’m feeling lonely, she will play with me. We build mammoth forts and have Nerf wars. We play basketball and Wiffle ball games. We watch movies together. Even though we will argue, I still love her a ton.Sam Slaughter Age 9 • AlabamaMichelle ObamaMy hero is Michelle Obama. I love her so much! She does awesome things to improve the world.Elsie Mann Age 8 • MaineGrandmaMy hero is my grandma. She is very crafty. I love my grandma.Lucy KranendonkAge 8 • MichiganGreat Grandfather-My hero is my great-grandfather. Even when he was a little boy, he persevered. At a young age, he emigrated from Italy to the U.S.A. In 1941, he fought and saved lives in World War II! He later earned a Purple Heart. I love him and am forever proud to be his great-granddaughter.Claire Macedo Age 11 • MinnesotaSteve IrwinMy real-life hero is Steve Irwin because he fought for animal conservation. And I appreciate him because he gave me the inspiration to become a zoologist.Isabella Mazzaferro Age 12 • ConnecticutCRIKEY!You re the ’Movie Director!What kind of movie would you like to make? We want to know! Tell us what your movie is about and draw a scene ,from it. Be sure the idea is your own creation. Send toInclude your name age and ,,address. We must receive your work by December 1 2019 to ,,consider it for publication.Movies803 Church StreetHonesdale PA 18431, NOVEMBER 2019 29
A Puzzle for Every BodyBy Teresa A DiNicola.A different part of the body is hidden in each sentence Can you find the words.?EXAMPLE:Mike wore yellow shoes to the dance.ANSWER:eye.1.He added up the numbers.2.Dad went to every game.3.Should Erin leave early?4.We went to the beach in Mom s car’.5.Look how far my paper airplane went.6.My friend has two little gerbils.7.She left both umbrellas at home.8.The water tank leaked.9.I keep my goldfish in an aquarium.10.The elevator is going up.Answers on page 38.Nap Timefor TrollsBy Clare MishicaThree trolls live under the bridge The people.of Tilly Town want to cross the bridge when allthree trolls are napping Starting at 8 00.:A M. .,each troll repeats a sleeping pattern (See below )..At what time can the townspeople cross?Tuff TrollSleeps onehour up for,three hoursAnswers on page 38.Ruff TrollSleeps two hours awake ,for one hourHuff TrollAwake for onehour sleeps for ,two hoursBONUS!Find five things in the scene that rhyme withtroll.30 NOVEMBER 2019
At the Farmers Market’Paws andThink What are people selling at this market Why might farmers sell ?different fruits and vegetables at different times of the year? Why might people shop at farmers ’markets How is shopping at a?farmers market different from’shopping at a grocery store?Besides farmers who might sell,things at a local market? Have you ever been to a farmers ’market What did you notice there??Any fresh made -puppy biscuits for sale?Art by David Coulson.
Patience “How did you get to be so strong?”Sahana flopped onto the floor. “I’ll never be as flexible as you are, Dadiji.”Sahana’s grandmother had been bending and coiling her body for more than 50 years. She could stand on her hands and pull her body into a ball.“Sahana, your name means ‘patience.’ You need patience for yoga,” said Dadiji.Like many schools in India, Sahana’s school was holding a yoga contest. Sahana wanted to make Dadiji proud. But she could barely stand on one leg.Dadiji returned to the kitchen. Sahana kept practicing. She stood straight, arms frog. The pose made her thighs hurt at her sides. Mountain pose. Standing still isn’t that hard, she thought. She moved to her hands and knees and arched her back. Cat pose.These are easy, Sahana thought. The competition will be harder.She lay on her belly and pushed up on her hands. Cobra pose. Her arms soon got tired and she sank to the floor.She wandered into the kitchen.“Finished already?” asked Dadiji.“It’s hard,” Sahana said. “How did you get to be so strong?”Dadiji smiled. “Patience.”The next morning, Sahana was a By Annette GulatiArt by Nabigal Nayagam Haider Ali-Sahana wanted to make Dadiji proud But she could barely .stand on one Pose32 NOVEMBER 2019
She heard Dadiji s voice ’in her head .Patience.and she wanted to stop. Then she remembered her grandmother’s words. She took a deep breath and held the pose longer.Sahana practiced a new pose every day. But first, she went through the poses she had practiced the days before. She started to feel stronger. Her arms and legs stopped wiggling.The day of the yoga contest arrived.On the bus, Sahana’s stomach whirled like a summer monsoon. What if I can’t hold any poses?When the bus stopped at school, she ran to the gym. Her heart thumped.Families arrived. But Dadiji wasn’t in the audience. Dadiji has to see what I’ve learned, Sahana thought.“It is time to begin,” said their teacher. “Your first pose will be Eagle.”Sahana curled her left leg around her right leg. She bent her arms, winding one around the other. Focus.“Triangle pose.”Sahana stood with her legs apart and arms at her sides. She slowly bent to the right. She heard Dadiji’s voice in her head. Patience.Camel pose. Bridge pose. Bow pose.“Your last pose is the Wheel,” said their teacher.Sahana lay on her back with her knees bent. She took a deep breath and placed her hands on the floor behind her. She pushed as hard as she could to raise her stomach toward the ceiling. A few more seconds. But her arms felt soft and wiggly. Sahana sank to her mat. She would not win the contest.I messed up, Sahana thought. Dadiji would be disappointed. Maybe she’s not here. She glanced at the audience.Dadiji stood near the doorway, and she was smiling. Sahana immediately felt better.“Thank you, children,” said their teacher. It was the end of the program.The audience cheered wildly.“I didn’t know you could do all those poses,” Dadiji said when Sahana walked over to her. “I’m proud of you.”“I worked on being patient, like you taught me.” Sahana balanced on one foot and put her other foot on her thigh. With hands together, she lifted her arms into the air. Tree pose. “I will grow stronger every day.”What if I can t hold any poses’?
Your Own PagesThor Is Having a Nice Day in AsgardCaiden SmithAge 6 • MississippiTurner WadeAge 7 • TexasAubrie SmithAge 5 • New HampshireThe HOne day I looked out the window.I saw the letter made out of Hthe branches.But one day, the letter H was gone!My mother told me that the gardener had cut the branches off.Now I am waiting for the branches to make the next letter.Vaishnavi VenkateshAge 6 • CaliforniaPoetry HidesPoetry probably hides all around us.Maybe it hides in your toy box with all your action figures and dolls.Maybe it hides in your bedroom with your colored pencils and notebook paper.Maybe it hides in your classroom with all the desks and all the chairs.Maybe it hides in the flag with all the red, white, and blue.Maybe, just maybe, poetry doesn’t hide.Maybe it’s everywhere you look.Teagan McGuireAge 11 • IdahoGreen IceGreen ice.Green ice. Have you ever seen green ice?No I saw the green !snow. Oh nice,!Liam BooneAge 6 • WashingtonThe ZooThe zoo can have a lot of noise,such as cracking and creaking,grrring and purring,peeping and cheeping.The zoo can have a lot of noise.What noise can you hear?Joey KrausAge 9 • Pennsylvania34 NOVEMBER 2019
Share Your Creative WorkWe d love to see it’!Art must be on unlined paper.Poems must have fewer than75 words All submissions .must be created by you.Include your name age,,and address Mail to.Your Own Pages803 Church StreetHonesdale PA 18431,We cannotreturn yourwork so you ,might want to keep a copy.Ellie SchusterAge 6 • New JerseyInternational LT SeriesAlex ReiserAge 8 • FloridaEmily WebsterAge 10 • PennsylvaniaMy StyleSadie GarnerAge 9 • New YorkHelloI like to be friendly,although sometimes I can be a little shy.So I will just say hello to you,then you can pass right by.Emma SinkeldamAge 9 • MarylandThe SnowThe snow is falling on the road,more than the ground could really hold.While the lights twinkle and shine,a woodcutter cuts down a tree’s vine.While the children laugh and play,the adults make pottery out of clay.Michael LiAge 10 • TexasI soar through the midnight sky.Oh, I do fly very high.I have wings and sleep upside down,And I love to fly around.What am I?A bat, of course!EmeryAge 7 • TennesseeThe MoonThe moon so fullso brightI see iton this wonderful night.Phineas EdwardsAge 8 • Alaska
The Brave KnightBy Oz Spies Art by Deborah Allwright•The Brave Knight had neverrescued anyone. He was afraid of the dark. His stomachflip-flopped when his horsegalloped over the drawbridgethat led across the river to the fields beyond.The Brave Knight was not so sure he was brave.“Youmustbe brave,”exclaimed the people in thekingdom. “You are the only one who’s ever met the dragon!”But the Brave Knight knew the truth.A year ago, on a sunny day,he left the castle. The castle was built on a mountain. Heclimbed the rocky cliffs anddiscovered the dragon’s cave.He caught a glimpse of thedragon’s huge body. Loud snorescame from the sleeping giant.The Brave Knight shook.And he scrambled back down the mountain as fast as he could go.He wasn’t brave. He wasafraid of the dragon, just as everyone else was.Then, one day,something awful happened.The Brave Knightwas not so sure he was brave.One day the,drawbridge fellinto the river.
The drawbridge fell into theriver. The bridge was the onlyway to reach the lands on theother side. Those fields supplied all of the castle’s food.No one knew what to do.“I have an idea!” said theking. “I’ll use my canoe.” He putthe canoe into the river. But thecanoe leaked. The princess hadto throw a rope to the king to rescue him.The king tried to use a ladderto cross the river. But the ladder was too short, and it crashed into the water.After a week without adrawbridge, the kingdom was in trouble.“The only food left is two jarsof my famous pickles and theprincess’s applesauce!” said the king’s cook.The Brave Knight thought.He knew of something thatcould reach across the river.He gulped. “Wait here,” he told everyone.He needed a peace offering.I hope this will do,he thought, taking a jar of the cook’s delicious pickles.He climbed the mountain. Hisstomach flip-flopped. He tiptoed to the cave.The dragon was awake. Helooked directly at the knight and opened his mouth wide. The Brave Knight trembled.CRUNCH!The Brave Knight couldn’tbelieve his eyes. The dragon was chewing on a tree branch.The dragon burped.“So, you’renota people eater!” whispered the Brave Knight.“Here, try this.” The BraveKnight took out one pickle and placed it on the ground.The dragon ate it. He ateanother. The Brave Knightpetted the dragon’s bumpy skin.The beast gave him a slimy lick on the cheek.“We need your help,” said theBrave Knight. “Will you come with me?”The Brave Knight climbedback down the mountain. The dragon followed him.When they entered the castlegardens, people screamed. Theother knights mounted theirhorses. “Be gone, beast!” shouted the king.“Wait! He can help!” said the Brave Knight.The Brave Knight held out a pickle for the dragon. Hewhispered into the dragon’s ear, “Can you be our bridge?”The dragon bobbed his scalyhead. He stretched all the way across the river, where the drawbridge used to be.The Brave Knight climbed upon the dragon’s tail and walkedalong the dragon’s back. “Thank you,” he said.When he returned from theother side of the river carrying food, the people cheered.Then they all crossed theriver. First the king and thenthe rest. They all returnedto the castle with more food.That evening, the king’s cook made a feast.The Brave Knight sat withthe dragon, feeding him picklesone by one.Maybe,he thought,Iam a little bit brave after all.C“Wait The dragon !can help!”R U N C H ! NOVEMBER 2019 37
Answers124853976Covers: Dig In! by Howard McWilliam; What’s Wrong? by Chuck DillonIllustration credits:Page 2: Kevin Zimmer; 13: Russ Cox; 15: Jokes by Rich Powell, Where’s Waddles? by RobMcClurkan; 28: Cole Roberts; 29: Josh Cleland; 30: Nap Time for Trolls by Gina Perry, A Puzzle for Every Bodyby Lee Cosgrove; 39: Erin Mauterer.Photo credits:Page 2: iStock/Getty Images Plus/anna1311; 3: Gina Lenz;4: iStock/Getty Images Plus/Denisfilm; 4–5: Jeff Mauritzen; 6: courtesy of the Oklahoma Historical Society;12: (mug) E+/Getty Images/posteriori, (steam) iStock/Getty Images Plus/Anastasia Crowley; 22–23: WireImage/Getty Images/James Devaney; 24: Jeff Mauritzen, except (Red Power Ranger balloon) Xinhua/Alamy StockPhoto; 25: Jeff Mauritzen, except (Yankee Stadium) iStock Unreleased/LeoPatrizi, (cars) iStock/Getty ImagesPlus/Vladimiroquai; 26–27: Jeff Mauritzen, except (float in studio) Xinhua/Alamy Stock Photo; 28: (JackieRobinson) IanDagnall Computing/Alamy Stock Photo, (J.K. Rowling) WENN Rights Ltd/Alamy Stock Photo;29: (Steve Irwin) PA Images/Alamy Stock Photo, (Michelle Obama) World History Archive/Alamy Stock Photo;39: (rabbit) iStock/Getty Images Plus/MediaProduction, (fruit pop) iStock/Getty Images Plus/jenifoto, (flower)iStock/Getty Images Plus/malerapaso, (dominoes) Jim Filipski, Guy Cali Associates, Inc., (girl) iStock/GettyImages Plus/AaronAmat, (green turtle) iStock/Getty Images Plus/lighty25, (tortoise) iStock/Getty Images Plus/GlobalP, (boot) iStock/Getty Images Plus/HONG VO, (boy) iStock/Getty Images Plus/ 2Fun This MonthScarf StumperSophia Purple scarf with stripes:.Gavin Green scarf with stripes:.Parker Orange scarf:.Fahima Green scarf with fringe:.Mystery Photo— 15Where s’Waddles?page 30Nap Time for TrollsThe townspeople can cross the bridge between 12 00 :P M. .and 1 00 :P M. ., when all three trolls are asleep.Bonus! We found bowl roll :,,hole mole and fishing pole ,,.You may have found others.A Puzzle for Every Body1 . He added to every 2 .3 . Should Erin beach in 4 .5 . far my little gerbils 6 .7 . both umbrellas 8 . tank leaked fish in 9 .10 . The elevatorpage 43Picture Puzzler“ ’I m super tired I was .up all day!”Feathered FunniesR DID L E SWhy did the singer climb up the ladder?Hugh Choi California,Where is a dog s ’least favorite place to shop?Asher Yoder Florida,Where do owls go to school?Khloe Porter West Virginia,What did the painter say when he got up in the morning?Bernadette Caldwell Vermont,What loses its head in the morning and Chase Serkes Maryland,What did the sun say when it went onstage?Isaac Winter Texas,What do you call an insect artifact?Zoe Boespflug Colorado,What did the dog make in art class?Juliette McCrane Pennsylvania,1 . To reach the high notes The flea market .2 ..3 . Owl mentary school Good Monet A -.4 .“!”5 .pillow It had only one quarter left This is .6 ..7 .“my time to shine An ant ique Blueprints.”8 .-.9 ..gets it back at night?Why was the moon so sad?Grace Elstro Wisconsin,38 NOVEMBER 2019
Take your brain on a hike!STARTName some animals that are hard to tell apart.DoesHow does Would you rather have the same interests as your friends or different —?WHY?How wouldyou finish that sentence?What headlines could you imaginein a By looking at a food,can you guess what it tastes like?What kinds ofthings do youoften need tobe remindedabout?THEENDTurtle or tortoise?Beats me !I forgot yourbirthday!Name three thingsthatcanSQUASH other things.newspaperfor rabbits?W h a td o e s t h ew o r d“ C O L O R F U L ”m e a n t o y o u ?the spacing between dominoes in a line affect how they fall?I m the ’kind of person who . . .I read the Clover Times.Name a time when you encouraged someone. everyone like the same smells ?
AskizonaCeramics-ClassBy Lissa RovetchArt by Amanda MorleyDear Giving Up,I know exactly how it feelsto be disappointed with the waysomething turns out.Last month, my grandparentsplanned a visit around the timeof their wedding anniversary. Idecided to make them a specialpresent in my ceramics class.After spending forever sketchingout the design, I spent evenlonger trying to form the designout of clay.“I like your heart,” my friendMiley said.“Thanks,” I said. “It’s apresent for my grandparents.”She leaned over my shoulderand read the carefully engravedwords: “Together Forever.Happy 35th Anniversary,Poppy and Gran!”“I keep working and working,but I just can’t make it lookright,” I said with a sigh.“I know what you mean,” saidMiley. “I keep trying to get myelephant’s trunk right, but it’srefusing to cooperate.”“Aww, I think the trunk isfantastic!” I said.We had to wait until the next class for our creations to dry and get fired in the kiln. Then we painted on the glaze and had to wait again for the second firing. Finally, our pieces were ready to take home.“Yes! Mine came out awesome!” said this kid named Jake. He grabbed the tray off the shelf. CRASH! His mug, Miley’s elephant, and my heart shattered all over the floor.“My elephant lost her trunk!” Miley shrieked.“My piece is ruined too,” I said. “A broken heart doesn’t exactly make the best anniversary gift.”“And that,” our teacher, Rick, said to Jake, “is the reason our slow-down rule is so important.”“I’m sorry!” Jake said to Miley and me. “Really, really sorry!”“All is not lost,” said Rick. “Bring everything over to the repair station. Let’s see what we can do with some magic glue.”At first, the whole situation seemed kind of unfair. The magic “A broken heart doesn t exactly ’make the best anniversary gift.”CRASH!Success40 NOVEMBER 2019
glue worked only on Jake’s mug. The elephant trunk and heart were in too many broken bits to put back together. Luckily, Miley had a whole different way of looking at things.“You know,” she said, “now that my elephant has a short nose instead of a trunk, it looks kind of like a puppy with big floppy ears. I think I’ll call it my doglephant!”I laughed. “That’s the cutest doglephant I’ve ever seen!”“I’m guessing it’s the only doglephant you’ve ever seen,” she said, giggling. “But I’ll take that as a compliment anyway.”“It’s so cool how you just turned that accident around into something happy. I wish I could do that with this pile of pieces.”“Well, my dad is an artist. He always says creativity is messy and mistakes are happy accidents,” said Miley. She looked at the pieces of my heart. “If only the edges weren’t so messed up, you’d be able to fit these back together like a puzzle.”And right then, I knew what to do. About a month ago, we learned how to use mini tiles and muddy stuff called grout to make mosaics. I asked Rick if I could make one by using the pieces of my broken heart.“Excellent idea,” said Rick. He found a base I could glue the pieces onto, and he helped me mix the grout.When it was all done, Miley said, “That turned out great! You can still read the words and everything.”“It is pretty cool,” I said with a smile. “Thank you for helping me come up with the idea.”So, dear Giving Up, you should definitely NOT give up. My present didn’t turn out at all the way I’d planned. It turned out even better! My grandparents use my mosaic as their favorite trivet.Next time you feel disappointed that your art doesn’t look the way you’d like, remember what Miley’s dad says: creativity is messy. See if there’s some way to turn your “mistake” into a “happy accident.”Ciao for now,ArizonaAnd right then ,I knew what to do.“My dad always says creativity is messy.” NOVEMBER 2019 41
Dear HighlightsA woodpecker pecks on the roof every morning It .scares me.Abigail South Carolina,Have you ever seen the woodpecker If you haven t ?’ ,you and your parents might go outside in the morning to try to spot it with binoculars You .may feel less afraid once you know what the bird looks like.You could also ask your parents to do some research with you online or at the library You might be able to find videos .of a woodpecker pecking at a tree or a roof Learning why —!a woodpecker pecks may help you feel more at ease.If the woodpecker still surprises you in the morning you ,might say to yourself That s just the woodpecker and go “’”about your day Maybe soon you won t even notice the noise.’.My brother is in the military, and I miss him.Lucie Oregon,It must be hard to be apart from your brother Although .you are proud of the work he is doing not being able to see ,him still hurts.Talk to your parents about how you feel Together you .,can share how much each of you misses your brother Write .to him call him or send him a care package full of his favorite ,,things And ask your brother to write to you He might love to .!tell you about his job.Be sure to spend time with your friends and family and stay busy with activities you like That will give you more news to share .with your brother Being happy is a way to honor his service you .—will be enjoying the freedom he is working so hard to protect.I go fast on tests and quizzes for two reasons:I have a lot of homework that I want to start right away and I want to read ,the magazines my teacher has for us.Grant California,Reading can be a wonderful pastime And it sounds as if .you re a dedicated student ’who completes his homework every day Remember that your .priority is to focus on what your teacher asks you to do So when .you take a test or quiz be sure ,to give yourself as much time as you can Think carefully about .the questions before writing down your answers Then go .back to check your work When .you know you ve done your ’best you can feel good about ,moving on to another activity.It s great that kids magazines ’’are available in your classroom .Perhaps your teacher will let you and your classmates take them home sometimes If not .,a librarian at school or the public library may have issues you can borrow.Write to us!Please include your name age ,,and full address Mail to.Dear Highlights803 Church StreetHonesdale PA 18431,Or e mail us at Letters Highlights [email protected] by Keith Frawley.42 NOVEMBER 2019
Picture PuzzlerArt by Mitch MortimerFind 17 items that appear in the top image but are missing from the bottom image.Answers on page 38.
Visit our website!What s ’Wrong?Which things in this picture are silly ?It s up to you ’!
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