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Home Explore The Visual Dictionary of Science & Energy

The Visual Dictionary of Science & Energy

Published by Flip eBook Library, 2020-01-27 03:41:28

Description: The Visual Dictionary of Science and Energy takes the reader into a fascinating journey through pure science (chemistry, physics, mathematics) and the main sources of energy: geothermal and fossil energy, hydroelectricity, nuclear energy, solar energy and wind energy. Convenient and affordable, this book is the perfect tool to discover the exciting world of science and energy!


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149pressurized-water reactorfuel: enriched uraniumEnriched uranium: uranium produced by treating naturaluranium to increase the quantity of fissionable isotopes(uranium-253) contained in it.moderator: natural waterNatural water: water found in its natural state.coolant: pressurized waterPressurized water: natural water kept under a preset pressureto prevent it from boiling.concrete shieldingConcrete structure that holds back radioactive productsin the event of an accident.steam generatorDevice that uses heat from the coolant to turnwater into steam to activate the turbine.steam outletSteam from the generator is carried to the turbineand generator to produce electricity.feedwaterPiping carries water from the condenser to thesteam generator, where it is turned into steam.NUCLEAR ENERGY

150boiling-water reactorIn this second most common reactor, boiling occurs directly in the reactor core; it is used mainly in the UnitedStates, Sweden and Japan.reactor tankSafety containment wall that separates the reactor from the rest of thebuilding.reactor coreCenter section of the nuclear reactor where fission reactions take place.pumpDevice that continuously circulates water inside the reactor.control rodTube that contains a neutron-absorbing material (boron, cadmium) thatis introduced into the reactor core to control its power.dry wellCompartment around the reactor tank; it holds back radioactiveproducts in the event of an accident.condensation poolWater-filled basin that is used to lower the pressure in the reactor tankin the event of an accident.NUCLEAR ENERGY

151boiling-water reactorfuel: enriched uraniumEnriched uranium: uranium produced bytreating natural uranium to increase thequantity of fissionable isotopes (uranium-253) contained in it.moderator: natural waterNatural water: water found in its natural state.coolant: boiling waterBoiling water: natural water that boils andvaporizes on contact with the heat releasedby the fuel.feedwaterPiping that carries water from thecondenser into the reactor tank, whereit is converted into steam.concrete shieldingConcrete structure that holds back radioactive products in the event of anaccident.steam outletSteam produced in the reactor tank iscarried to the turbine to produceelectricity.NUCLEAR ENERGYwet wellCompartment containing water thatreduces the pressure in the dry well inthe event of an accident.

152metallic contact gridMetal grille that collects the electric current being generated.negative contactMetal element that ensures that theelectric current flows through thecircuit to which it is attached.positive contactMetal element that ensures that the electriccurrent flows through the circuit to which it isattached.positive/negative junctionContact area in which electrons are exchangedbetween two layers to create an electric current;radiation moves the charges between these regions tocreate voltage.positive regionLayer of semiconductive material(silicon) to which boron is added toproduce a layer with insufficientelectrons.negative regionLayer of semiconductive material (silicon) to which phosphorous is added to release radiationAll the electromagnetic waves emittedby the Sun.antireflection coatingCoating product that is deposited on thenegative region to reduce light reflectionand optimize solar radiation absorption.SOLAR ENERGYsolar cellDevice used to convert solar energy directly into electric energy (photovoltaic effect).

153glassTranslucent covering (glass, fiberglass,polycarbonate) that allows solar radiation topass through; the heat produced is trappedin the collector.coolant outletThe coolant exits the collector at high temperature (up to about 175°F) andis stored or used immediately.flow tubeTube containing a coolant (water, air) that is used to recover andcarry heat to the absorbing plate.insulationMaterial placed on the back side of the collector to reduce heat radiationAll the electromagnetic waves emittedby the Sun.coolant inletCold coolant flows into the circulation tubes toabsorb the solar energy trapped by thecollector.absorbing plateBlack metallic sheet that harnesses heat from solar radiationand transfers it to the coolant fluid.frameCollector’s insulating case that isenclosed in glass.SOLAR ENERGYflat-plate solar collectorDevice that collects solar radiation and heats a coolant, which in turn will be used in residential settings to heatwater or the home.

154solar-cell systemUnit that is usually made up of 36 solar cells, each of which produces a voltage of 0.5 V; it is used to power low-voltage devices.glassGlass covering that allows solar radiation to pass cellDevice used to convert solar energy directly into electricenergy (photovoltaic effect).negative contactMetal element that ensures that the electric currentflows through the circuit to which it is attached.terminal boxBox in which the electric cables powering the batteryare connected to the collector’s positive and radiationAll the electromagnetic waves emittedby the panelInterconnected solar cells that aremounted onto a protective support; itusually produces between 15 and 20volts.frameSealed box that is encased in glass and contains the solar-cell panel.SOLAR ENERGYpositive contactMetal element that ensures that the electric currentflows through the circuit to which it is attached.

solar-cell system155incandescent lampLamp in which a filament heated by an electric current produceslight rays.diodeElectronic component that ensures thecurrent flows in one direction only; thisprevents the system’s battery fromdischarging overnight.batteryUnit that stores the electricity producedby the collector and retrieves it to power adevice, here an incandescent lamp.fuseElectric connection device devised for interrupting thecurrent in the event of electric overload by melting oneof its components.SOLAR ENERGY

156solar furnacePlant that concentrates solar radiation to reach very high temperatures (over 5,400°F) as part of a research effortto develop experimental materials (including astronautic materials and ceramics).reflecting surfacePolished metallized glass that receives solarradiation and direct it to the parabolic mirror.hillHeliostats are placed on slopes to preventenergy loss due to shade or theinterception of reflected rays byneighboring of heliostatsHeliostats: remote-controlled adjustablemirrors that follow the Sun’s trajectory andconcentrate solar radiation toward the boiler atthe top of the tower.SOLAR ENERGY

157solar furnacesolar radiationAll the electromagnetic waves emitted by the ray reflectedSolar rays that reach the heliostats are sent to the parabolicmirror.parabolic mirrorCurved mirror that concentrates the Sun’s rays toward one pointin the furnace (the target area).furnaceReaching temperatures of over 5,400°F, it is mainly used toprocess and develop areaPoint where solar rays reflected by the parabolic mirror converge.towerStructure atop which the furnace isplaced to collect luminous energy; itusually reaches a height of 65 ft.SOLAR ENERGY

158production of electricity from solar energyHeating the coolant directly with solar rays turns water into steam, which then turns the turbo-alternator toproduce electricity.boilerEnclosure in which the concentratedheat from the Sun’s rays raises thetemperature of the coolant.towerStructure atop which the boiler sits and collectsluminous energy; it can reach 325 ft in height.coolantFluid (e.g., a mixture of melted salts) thattraps the heat from concentrated solarradiation and carries it to the ray reflectedSolar rays trapped by heliostats aresent to the radiationThe Sun emits waves in the form ofluminous radiation (41% visible light,52% infrared light and 7% ultravioletlight).bank of heliostatsHeliostats: remote-controlled adjustable mirrors thatfollow the Sun’s trajectory and concentrate solarradiation toward the boiler at the top of the tower.SOLAR ENERGY

159production of electricity from solar energypumpDevice that ensures that the coldcoolant liquid flows to the boiler.cold coolantAfter releasing its heat to the steam generator, the cold coolant returns to the boiler.steam generatorDevice that uses heat to convert waterinto steam to activate the turbo-alternator.condenserCircuit that cools the steam from the turbine and condenses itinto water, which is reintroduced into the steam generator.transformerDevice used to alter the electric voltage; the voltage isincreased at the plant outlet in order to carry the current overlong distances.electricity transmission networkElectricity is carried over vast distances by a network ofcables that extends from the power plant to consumers.turbo-alternatorDevice that uses steam to convert the mechanical forcegenerated by the rotation of the turbine into electricity.SOLAR ENERGYhot coolantThe coolant extracts heat from theboiler and carries it to the steamgenerator and turbine.

160solar houseSolar energy can be used to heat and supply hot water to a home.ventilationPiping that ensures that fresh air enters and stale air exits the home.circulating pumpApparatus that circulates the cooled coolant from the heatexchanger to the solar collector.expansion tankReservoir for absorbing water expansion; it keeps the waterpressure in the system steady.heat exchangerApparatus used to release the heat of the coolant liquidgenerated by the collector to the home’s water system.water-heater tankApparatus that produces clean hot water by gasor electric heating; this auxiliary system is usedwhen there is insufficient sunlight, mainly inwinter.service pipePipe connecting a public water supply to the tankInsulated metal tank that contains clean hot water to bedistributed in the home.SOLAR ENERGY

161solar househeat exchangerDevice that transfers the heat produced Apparatus that ensures that the cooled water flows from the pool to the solar the collector to the home’s hot watersystem.Trombe wallSolar collector with double glazing on a wall that faces south; it is used to distribute heat in aroom.circulating pumppoolMan-made basin designed forswimming.filterDevice that holds back impuritiescontained in the pool collectorDevice that traps heat from solar radiation andreleases it to the coolant fluid.SOLAR ENERGY

162solar radiationAll the electromagnetic waves emitted bythe Sun.Trombe wallSolar collector with double glazing ona wall that faces south; it is used todistribute heat in a room.shutterFlap gate used to control the entry of heat into thehome.warm airAir heated by solar radiation is introduced into the roomby convection.double glazingEach of two glass plates placed in frontof the concrete wall; they allow solarradiation to penetrate and retain theheat.absorbing surfaceBlack wall that catches solar radiation and converts itinto heat.cold airFresh air enters the home at the base ofthe air gap and is heated on contactwith the wall.concrete wallMasonry structure that is about 15 in thick; ithas a black surface to absorb heat from the Sunto heat the air.air gapSpace between the wall and the glazing inwhich air flows; as air heats up on contactwith the wall, it rises naturally in this houseSOLAR ENERGY

163rotorPart of the windmill that turns; itconsists of rotating blades, which drivethe windmill machinery.stepsStructural element for accessing the inside of the windmill.postStructure on which the windmill rests and millThe mill body pivots on a vertical axis when a tail pole isactivated by the miller.tail poleOrientation device opposite the rotor; it isactivated by a winch and turns to keep thesails in the direction of the wind.WIND ENERGYwindmillMachine that converts wind energy into mechanical energy; it was used in the past to mill grain and pump water.

164sailbarElongated piece of wood that forms asail.hemlathThick wooden sailbar on the sideof the frame that keeps thenarrower sailbars inside the sail.frameAll the sailbars forming the outline of the sail.galleryPassageway used to move around themill floor.towerStructure that supports the cap; ithouses all the machinery for millinggrain.capMovable upper part of the tower thatcontains the rotor; it turns to positionthe sails facing the wind.sailWooden structure that is attached tothe stock; the force of the wind turnsit to drive the rotor.sail clothCloth attached to a sail that collectswind energy; a large sail cloth is usedfor weak winds and a small sail clothfor strong winds.fantailOrientation device that is attached tothe cap, allowing it to rotate to keep thesails in the direction of the wind.floorLevel for accessing the inside of themill; grain is usually stored at its base.windshaftCylindrical part on which the sails turn;it transmits the movement of the rotorto the windmill machinery.stockWooden arm to which the sail frame isattached.tower millThe tower mill appeared later than the post mill; itconsists of a usually circular, stationary body anda roof that rotates with the help of a fantail.WIND ENERGYwindmill

165vertical-axis wind turbineWind turbine whose axis is perpendicular to the wind.bladeAerodynamic part that is attached tothe central column; the force of thewind turns it to drive the rotor.rotorRotating part of the wind turbine thatis usually made up of two or threeblades; its rotation drives thealternator to produce electricity.guy wireCable that connects the top of thevertical axis to a concrete base to holdthe wind turbine in an upright position.aerodynamic brakeEmergency braking system; it consists ofshutters attached to the blades, whichautomatically deploy when the wind turbinegathers too much speed.strutHorizontal piece that connects theblades to the central column tostrengthen them.central columnVertical cylindrical part to which theblades are attached; the force of thewind on the blades causes it to rotate.baseStructure that supports the wind turbine’s rotorand houses the equipment used to produceelectricity (including the gearbox and thealternator).wind turbines and electricity productionWind turbine: machine that harnesses energy from the wind and converts it into mechanical energy to activatethe alternator.WIND ENERGY

166horizontal-axis wind turbineThe most common type of wind turbine; its axis positions itself inthe direction of the wind.towerTower that reaches 260 ft in height; it supports the nacelle androtor and houses the electric cables.bladeAerodynamic part that is attached to the hub; the force of thewind causes it to rotate to drive the rotor.nacelleMetal structure that encloses and protects the mainmechanical elements of the wind turbine (including thegearbox and the alternator).hubPart of the rotor to which the blades are attached; it turns the low-speed shaft.WIND ENERGYwind turbines and electricity production

167nacelle cross-sectionball bearingPart that consists of steel rings with steel ballsinserted between them; it reduces friction as the shaftrotates.anemometerInstrument that measures wind speed using cups that rotatearound a mobile shaft at varying speeds.wind vaneInstrument that indicates wind direction using a vane that rotatesaround a vertical axis.low-speed shaftCylindrical part that transmits the rotor hub’s movement tothe gearbox; the low-speed shaft usually turns at 20 or30 rpm.speed-increasing gearboxPart that increases the rotational speed of the rotor todrive the alternator.high-speed shaftCylindrical piece that transmits the high-speedmovement of the rotor to the alternator; it turns atabout 1,500 rpm.alternatorRotating machine that is driven by the high-speed shaft; it converts mechanical energyinto electric energy and then directs it to thetransmission network.lightning rodMetal rod that is attached to the nacelle;it protects the wind turbine fromlightning, which it directs toward theground.WIND ENERGYwind turbines and electricity production

168production of electricity from wind energyWind farms contain a group of wind turbines, which aredriven by the wind; they produce electricity and carry italong the transmission and distribution networks to whichthey are connected.horizontal-axis wind turbineThe most common type of wind turbine whose axisis parallel to the direction of the wind.first voltage increaseIncrease in voltage: transformers carry high-voltage electricity produced by the alternatorto reduce loss during transport.second voltage increaseenergy integration to the transmission networkThe electricity produced is integrated into the network.high-tension electricity transmissionUsing high-voltage lines to transmit electricity over long distancesreduces the strength of the current and, as a result, energy losses.voltage decreaseBefore integrating the electricity into the homenetwork, the voltage is progressively decreased to240 V.transmission to consumersThe electricity is carried to areas ofconsumption by low-voltage distributionlines.WIND ENERGYwind turbines and electricity production

1/10 second hand 55Aaboveground pipeline 106absorbing plate 153absorbing surface 162accept machine 138access gallery 115access shaft 132actinides 20actinium 20acute angle 75, 76additive color synthesis 37adjustment for horizontal-circle image 68adjustment for vertical-circleimage 68administrative building 130aerodynamic brake 165afterbay 113, 115, 122, 123air gap 162air hose 90air leg 90alcohol bulb 52alcohol column 52alidade 68alidade level 69alkali metals 14alkaline earth metals 14alkaline manganese-zinc cell31alternator 29, 167altitude clamp 50, 51altitude fine adjustment 50,51aluminum 15americium 20amorphous solid 9amount of substance,measurement 71ampere 70amplitude 35analog watch 57analytical balance 63anchor wires 100anemometer 167angles, examples 76angles, measure 68anode 30, 31anticline 99antimony 15antireflection coating 152anvil 67aperture changer 46aperture diaphragm 46arc 77arch dam 122arch dam, cross section 122argon 16arm 43, 45armature 28armature core 29armature winding 29arsenic 15asphalt 103astatine 16astigmatism 39atom 8atomic number 12atoms 8attraction 34automatic tank gauge 108azimuth clamp 50, 51azimuth fine adjustment 50,51Bball bearing 167bank 131bank of heliostats 156, 158bar 24barium 14base 22, 43, 44, 60, 61, 165 bulb unit 132base plate 69basin 131basin side 133bathroom scale 64battery 27, 155beaker 21beam 60beam balance 60beam diameter reduction 46bearing pad 140becquerel 71belt loader 84, 89bench 86bench height 87berkelium 20berm 121beryllium 14bevel gear 25bevel square 69biconcave lens 40biconvex lens 40bimetallic helix 54bimetallic thermometer 54binocular microscope 44biology 74birth 74bismuth 15bit 90, 98black 37blade 118, 165, 166blasting charge 97blood factor negative 74blood factor positive 74blower 145blue 37body 42, 58body tube 45bohrium 19boiler 158boiling-water reactor 150boron 15bottle 21bottom cap 30, 31bottom deck 111bottom ring 117bottom road 95brace 127branch 27breather valve 108bridge 42bromine 16brush 28brushes 29bucket 118bucket ring 118bucket wheel excavator 89buffer tank 106bulb 27bulldozer 89bund wall 108bundle 128bunker oil 103busbar 114bushing 113, 115, 126buttress 119buttress dam 119buttress dam, cross section119Ccadmium 19calandria 143calcium 14californium 20candela 71canned failed fuel 139cantilever 122cap 164capacitor 32capillary tube 53carbon 16carbon dioxide gas coolant144carbon dioxide reactor 144carbon rod 30carbon-zinc cell 30case 54, 55, 65casing first string 102cathode 30, 31cells 27Celsius 71Celsius scale 52Celsius temperature,measurement 71center 77center wheel 56, 59central column 165central focusing wheel 42central pumping station 106ceramic capacitor 32cerium 17cesium 14chain 58chain reaction 10chemical bond 8chemical elements 12chemistry 8chemistry symbols 24chlorine 16Christmas tree 101, 102, 106chromium 18chuck 91chute 94circle, parts 77circuit breaker 114circulating pump 160, 161circumference 77clamp/holder 22clamping block 66clamping screws 66claw-pole rotor 29clay core 120click 56, 59clinical thermometer 53clip 65clock mechanism 59coal mine 86coal storage yard 84coal-fired thermal power plant85coarse adjustment knob 45cobalt 18coil 28cold air 162cold coolant 135, 159cold heavy water 147collector rings 29color synthesis 37column of mercury 53commutator 28concave lens 39, 40concrete drain 109concrete shielding 144, 146,149, 151concrete wall 162condensation 9condensation of steam intowater 136condensation pool 150condenser 43, 44, 46, 82,85, 142, 159condenser adjustment knob44condenser height adjustment45condenser water outlet 142conduction 11cone 81confined aquifer 82connection pin 33connection point 129constriction 53containment building 134,141control lever 91control panel 47control rod 145, 146, 148,150control room 113, 143control visual display 47convection 11convection current 11converging lenses 40convex lens 39, 40, 48conveyor 84, 88, 93coolant 134, 158coolant inlet 153coolant outlet 153coolant: boiling water 151coolant: carbon dioxide 145coolant: pressurized heavywater 146coolant: pressurized water149cooling cylinder 41cooling tower 83, 85copper 18cornea 38coulomb 70coupling bolt 118crane 101crater 86crest 35crest of spillway 112cross cut 94cross section of a buttressdam 119cross section of a gravity dam123cross section of ahydroelectric power plant 114cross section of a power plant132cross section of an arch dam122ENGLISH INDEX169ENGLISH INDEX

170cross section of an electronmicroscope 46cross section of anembankment dam 120crossarm 127, 128crown 57crude-oil pipeline 106crusher 84crystallization 9cube 80curium 20cut-off trench 120, 123cyan 37cylinder 81Dd quark 8dam 113darmstadtium 19data record system 47death 74decagon 79deck 95declination setting scale 50,51degree 75degree Celsius 71depolarizing mix 30derrick 98, 100, 106dial 54, 57, 58, 60diameter 77diesel oil 103digital display 64digital thermometer 54digital watch 57diode 155direction of electron flow 27,31discharge bay 138displacement 35display 62distance traveled 65distance, measure 65distribution panel 129diverging lenses 40diversion tunnel 112divided by 72dodecagon 79door access 63double glazing 162double pulley system 26dousing water tank 134, 143dovetail 49downstream face 123downstream shoulder 121downstream toe 121draft tube 115, 116draft tube liner 117drain valve 109, 110drainage blanket 121drainage layer 121draw tube 44drift 94drill collar 98drill pipe 98drill rod 90drill ship 104drilling drawworks 98drilling rig 98drive pulley 29drum 59dry cells 30dry well 150dual-in-line package 33dubnium 19dump 88, 92dynamo 28dysprosium 17Eeffort 24, 26einsteinium 20electric charge, measurement70electric current, measurement face 86, 88, 9470electric potential difference,measurement 70electric resistance,measurement 70electrical circuit, parallel 27electricity 27electricity meter 129electricity transmission 126,137electricity transmissionnetwork 159electrolytic capacitors 32electrolytic separator 30electromagnetic spectrum 36electron 8electron beam 46electron beam positioning 46electron collector 31electron flow, direction 27, 31electron gun 46, 47electron microscope elements47electron microscope, crosssection 46electronic scale 62electronics 32elements, table 12elevation adjustment 49elevator 94, 138embankment dam 120embankment dam, crosssection 120emergency support vessel104empty set 72end cap 140end plate 140energy 8energy integration to thetransmission network 125,168energy release 10energy transmission at thegenerator voltage 124energy, measurement 70engine 99equals 72equipment lock 139erbium 17erecting lenses 49Erlenmeyer flask 21escape wheel 56, 59europium 17evaporation 9examples of angles 76examples of dams 119exciter 117exhaust port 91expansion chamber 53expansion tank 160eyepiece 42, 43, 44, 49, 50,51Ffactorial 73Fahrenheit scale 52failed fuel bay 139failed fuel canning 138fan wheel 28, 29fantail 164feeder header 143feedwater 144, 147, 149, 151female 74fermium 20field electromagnet 28field lens 49field lens adjustment 44field line 34field winding 29fifty 74filling inlet 111filter 161finderscope 50, 51fine adjustment knob 45fine adjustment wheel 66finely threaded screw 67first voltage increase 168fission of uranium fuel 135fission products 10fissionable nucleus 10five 74five hundred 74fixed jaw 66fixed platform 105fixed-roof tank 108flame 11flare 101flash tube 41flat-plate solar collector 153flexible hose 91flexible hose connection 91floating roof 110floating-roof tank 110floor 164flow bean 102flow tube 153fluorine 16focus 38, 39focusing knob 50, 51focusing lenses 46focusing ring 42force, measurement 70fork 59foundation 119foundation blockage 119foundation of dam 121fourth wheel 56fraction 73frame 28, 29, 67, 153, 154,164Francis runner 118francium 14freezing 9frequency, measurement 70front beam 61fuel 134, 146fuel bundle 140, 141fuel handling sequence 138fuel pellet 140, 141fuel: enriched uranium 149,151fuel: natural uranium 145,146fueling machine 138, 143,144, 147fulcrum 24fully reflecting mirror 41function keys 62furnace 157fuse 127, 155fuse cutout 127fuse holder 127Ggadolinium 17gallery 164gallium 15gamma rays 36gantry crane 113, 114, 115gas 9, 98gas burner 22gas lift module 101gases, noble 16gasoline 103gate 114, 115, 131gate operating ring 117gear tooth 25gearing systems 25generator 82, 117, 142generator unit 115, 116generators 28geometrical shapes 76geometry 75geothermal and fossil energy82geothermal energy 82geothermal field 82germanium 15glass 153, 154glass case 63glass slide 43, 44gnomon 57gold 19graduated cylinder 23graduated scale 61, 64grandfather clock 58gravity dam 123gravity dam, cross section123greases 103green 37ground 111ground surface 87ground wire 129guy wire 165Hhafnium 19hairspring 56hammer drill 90handle 48, 91hassium 19haulage road 86head of water 124headbay 113headframe 93, 94heat exchanger 144, 160,161heat production 135heat transfer 11heat transport pump 143heating oil 103heavy-water reactor 146heliostats 158helipad 100helium 16helix 80hemisphere 80hemlath 164hendecagon 79heptagon 79hertz 70hexagon 79high-pressure steam inlet 142high-speed shaft 167high-tension electricitytransmission 83, 85, 125,168hill 156hinge 42hoist room 93holder 22holmium 17hook 64horizontal clamp 68horizontal member 128horizontal-axis wind turbine166, 168hot coolant 135, 159hot line connector 127hour hand 58, 59hub 118, 166hub cover 118hull column 101hydraulic turbine 116hydroelectric complex 112hydroelectric power plant,cross section 114hydroelectricity 112hydrogen 13hyperopia 39ENGLISH INDEX

171Iillumination mirror 69impervious rock 99inactive dike 131incandescent lamp 155incident neutron 10indium 15infinity 73infrared radiation 36injection well 83insulation 153insulator 126, 127integral 73integrated circuit 33intermediate booster station107international system of units70intersection of two sets 72iodine 16iridium 19iron 18is an element of 73is approximately equal to 72is equivalent to 72is greater than 73is greater than or equal to 73is identical with 72is included in/is a subset of72is less than 73is less than or equal to 73is not an element of 73is not equal to 72is not identical with 72is not parallel to 75is parallel to 75Jjack-up platform 105jacket 30jackleg drill 90jet fuel 103jewel 56joule 70KKaplan runner 118kelly 99kelvin 71kerosene 103kilogram 71krypton 16Llaboratory equipment 21ladder 111lagging 109lamp 44landing 95lanthanides 17lanthanum 17laser beam 41lawrencium 20lead 15length, measure 65length, measurement 71lens 38lens system 42lenses 40level 95leveling head 68leveling head level 68leveling head locking knob 68 measure of temperature 52leveling screw 63, 69lever 24lid 33lifeboat 101light ray 38lightning arrester 115, 127lightning rod 167limb top 44liquid 9, 11liquid crystal display 57liquid nitrogen tank 47lithium 14load 24, 26loading area 138loading bunker 92lock 130lock nut 67log chute 112low-pressure steam inlet 142low-speed shaft 167low-tension distribution line126, 129lower confining bed 83lubricating oils 103lubricator 91luminous intensity,measurement 71lutetium 17Mmachine hall 113, 115magenta 37magma chamber 83magnesium 14magnet 34magnetic damping system 61 medium-tension distributionmagnetic field 34magnetism 27, 34magnifying glass 43, 48main fan 92main inlet 108main leg 128main scale 66main scope tube 48main steam header 142main switch 129main tube 50, 51main wheel 59maintenance shop 92male 74manganese 18manganese mix 31manhole 109, 110manifold 101manometer 109manway 94maritime transport 93mass, measurement 71master gate valve 102mathematics 72matter 8mean position 35measure of angles 68measure of distance 65measure of length 65measure of thickness 66measure of time 55measure of weight 60measurement of amount ofsubstance 71measurement of Celsiustemperature 71measurement of electriccharge 70measurement of electriccurrent 70measurement of electricpotential difference 70measurement of electricresistance 70measurement of energy 70measurement of force 70measurement of frequency 70measurement of length 71measurement of luminousintensity 71measurement of mass 71measurement of power 70measurement of pressure 71measurement of radioactivity71measurement ofthermodynamic temperature71measuring devices 52mechanical shovel 89mechanical stage 45mechanical stage control 45mechanical watch 56mechanics 25line 127, 129meitnerium 19melting 9mendelevium 20mercury 19mercury bulb 53metallic contact grid 152metalloids 15metals, alkali 14metals, alkaline earth 14metals, transition 18meter 71micrometer caliper 67micrometer screw 68microscope 43microscope, binocular 44microscopes 43microwaves 36miners’ changing-room 93minus/negative 72minute 75minute hand 55, 58, 59mirror 43moderator 134moderator tank 147moderator: graphite 145moderator: heavy water 146moderator: natural water 149, open-pit mine 86151mole 71molecule 8molybdenum 18Moon dial 58mud injection hose 98mud pit 99mud pump 99multiplied by 72myopia 39Nnacelle 166, 167nacelle, cross-section 167negative charge 24negative contact 152, 154negative meniscus 40negative region 152negative terminal 27, 30neodymium 17neon 16neptunium 20network connection 129neutral line 34neutron 8new fuel storage room 139newton 70nickel 18niobium 18nitrogen 16nobelium 20noble gases 16node 27non-metals 16nonagon 79normal vision 38north pole 34notch 61nuclear energy 134nuclear energy, production ofelectricity 134nuclear fission 10nuclear fuel handlingsequence 138nuclear generating station142nuclear reactor 141nucleus 8nucleus splitting 10numeric keyboard 62Oobject 38objective 43, 44objective lens 42, 48obtuse angle 75, 76offshore drilling 104offshore prospecting 97offshore well 106ohm 70oil 96, 98oil processing area 100oil/gas separator 101oiler 90one 74one hundred 74one thousand 74operating dam 131operating floor 132optical sight 68optics 35ore 87ore pass 95osmium 19overburden 87, 89overhead connection 126overhead ground wire 128oxygen 16Ppackaged integrated circuit32, 33palladium 18pallet 59pan 60, 61, 63pan hook 61panel 95, 128parabolic mirror 157paraffins 103parallel electrical circuit 27parallelepiped 81parallelogram 78partially reflecting mirror 41parts of a circle 77pascal 71pediment 58pedometer 65Pelton runner 118pencil 140pendulum 58pendulum bob 59pendulum rod 59penstock 113, 114, 133pentagon 79percent 73peripheral joint 122perpendicular 75Petri dish 23petrochemicals 103petroleum trap 96, 97phosphorus 16photographic chamber 47photon 41physics 35pi 75pier 104pillar 94pinion 59pipeline 102, 107pitching 120pithead 92pivot 24plane surfaces 77plano-concave lens 40plano-convex lens 40ENGLISH INDEX

172plastic film capacitor 32platform 62platinum 19plinth 58plus or minus 73plus/positive 72plutonium 20pneumatic hammer 91pointer 54, 60, 64polonium 15polygons 78pontoon 100pool 161Porro prism 42port 138positive charge 24positive contact 152, 154positive meniscus 40positive region 152positive terminal 27, 30positive/negative junction152post 163post mill 163potassium 14power plant 113, 130power plant, cross section132power source 27power, measurement 70praseodymium 17pressure gauge 102pressure tube 140, 141pressure, measurement 71pressurized heavy water 147pressurized-water reactor 148pressurizer 147, 148printed circuit 32printed circuit board 32printout 62prism binoculars 42product code 62production of electricity by the reactor, heavy-water 146generator 124, 137production of electricity fromgeothermal energy 82production of electricity fromnuclear energy 134production of electricity fromsolar energy 158production of electricity fromthermal energy 84production of electricity fromwind energy 168production of electricity, steps regular decagon 79124production platform 100, 107 regular hendecagon 79production well 82production/export risersystem 100promethium 17propagation 35protactinium 20proton 8protractor 69pulley 26pulsed ruby laser 41pulverizer 85pulvino 122pump 147, 148, 150, 159pumping station 107pylon 128pylon body 128pylon foot 128pylon top 128pyramid 81Qquadrant 77quadrilateral 78quark 8Rrack and pinion gear 25radiation 11radio mast 101radio waves 36radioactive nuclei 10radioactivity, measurement 71radium 14radius 77radon 16rail track 93ramp 87rare earth 17ratchet knob 67ratchet wheel 56, 59reaction direction 24reactor 135, 138, 143reactor building 141, 143reactor building airlock 143reactor core 145, 148, 150reactor tank 150reactor vessel 141reactor, carbon dioxide 144rear beam 61reception bay 139rectangle 78red 37reentrant angle 76refinery 106refinery products 103reflecting cylinder 41reflecting surface 156reflecting telescope 50refracting telescope 51regular dodecagon 79regular heptagon 79regular hexagon 79regular nonagon 79regular octagon 79regular octahedron 81regular pentagon 79reheater 142repulsion 34reservoir 113, 114, 119, 120, seismographic recording 96,122, 123reset button 55, 65resistors 32retainer 91reticle 49retina 38reversible reaction 24revolving nosepiece 43, 44rhenium 19rhodium 18rhombus 78right angle 75, 76right ascension setting scale50, 51ring 55, 64, 118Roberval’s balance 60rod 22roentgenium 19Roman numerals 74roof 88room 94rope 26rotary system 99rotary table 99rotation of the turbine 124rotor 116, 163, 165round-bottom flask 21rubidium 14ruby cylinder 41ruler 65, 66runner 116runner blade 117, 118, 132runners 118ruthenium 18rutherfordium 19Ssafety tank 147safety valve 135sail 164sail cloth 164sailbar 164samarium 17sand 120scale 53, 65scandium 18science 8scientific symbols 70screen 114scroll case 115sea 130sea side 132seaborgium 19sealing material 31sealing plug 30, 31sealing ring 111second 75second hand 55second voltage increase 168secondary inlet 108sector 7797selenium 15semi-metals 15semicircle 77semisubmersible platform105separator 31, 82, 142serological pipette 23service building 139service pipe 160shadow 57shaft 25, 28, 29, 54, 117shell 110shock wave 96, 97shunt 27shutter 162silencer 91silicon 15silver 19skip 95sliding jaw 66sliding weight 61sodium 14soil 122solar cell 152, 154solar collector 153, 161solar energy 152solar energy, production ofelectricity 158solar furnace 156solar house 160solar radiation 152, 153,154, 157, 158, 162solar ray reflected 157, 158solar-cell panel 154solar-cell system 154solid 9, 11solids 80south pole 34spacer 140specimen chamber 47specimen positioning control47spectrometer 47speed-increasing gearbox 167spent fuel discharge bay 142spent fuel port 138spent fuel storage bay 139,141, 143sphere 80spillway 112spillway chute 112spillway gate 112spindle 59, 67spiral case 116spiral staircase 109splash plate 109spray nozzle 108spring balance 64sprinklers 134spur gear 25square 78square root of 73stack 85stage 43, 45, 46stage clip 43, 44stairs 111stand 22start button 55states of matter 9stator 117stay ring 117stay vane blade 117steam 82steam generator 85, 143,147, 149, 159steam outlet 144, 147, 149,151steam pressure drives turbine136steel casing 31steelyard 61stem 53step setting 65steps 163steps in production ofelectricity 124stock 164stop button 55stopwatch 55storage tank 160storage tray 139stove oil 103straight stopcock burette 23strap 57strip mine 88strontium 14strut 165sublimation 9submarine pipeline 107substation 130substructure 98subtractive color synthesis 37sulfur 16sum 73sump 95sundial 57supercooling 9supply of water 124supply point 126surface prospecting 96suspension insulator string128suspension spring 59switch 27swivel 98symbol 12system of units 70ENGLISH INDEX

173Ttable of elements 12tail pole 163tailrace 115tank farm 107tank gauge float 108tanks 108tantalum 19target area 157technetium 18telescope 69telescopic sight 48tellurium 15temperature, measure 52ten 74terbium 17terminal 106, 126terminal box 154test tube 23thallium 15theodolite 68thermal energy 84thermodynamic temperature,measurement 71thermometer 52, 111thickness, measure 66thimble 67third wheel 56, 59thorium 20throttle valve 91thrust bearing 116thulium 17tidal power plant 130tin 15titanium 18tool 91toothed wheel 25top cap 30top deck 111top of dam 112, 120, 123,133top road 95toric lens 39torus 80total 62tower 157, 158, 164, 166tower mill 164training wall 112transfer canal 138transfer of heat to water 135transformation of mechanicalwork into electricity 124transformer 114, 126, 142,159transition metals 18transmission to consumers85, 125, 168trapezoid 78traveling crane 115treatment plant 93trench 88triangle 78tripod 51Trombe wall 161, 162trough 35tubing 102tubing head 102tubing valve 102tubular member 100tungsten 19turbine 82, 142turbine headcover 116turbine runner 132turbine shaft turns generator136turbo-alternator 159turbo-alternator unit 85turret cap 49Uu quark 8ultraviolet radiation 36underground mine 94union of two sets 72unit price 62ununbium 19upper confining bed 82upstream blanket 120upstream face 123upstream shoulder 120upstream toe 120uranium 20Vvacuum chamber 46vacuum manifold 46vacuum system console 47vanadium 18vapor 11ventilation 160vernier 61, 66vernier caliper 66vernier scale 66vertical shaft 94vertical-axis wind turbine 165vibrating mudscreen 98visible light 36vision 38vision defects 39visual transmission 46volt 70voltage decrease 85, 125,168voltage increase 83, 85, 124, wind vane 167137Wwarm air 162wash bottle 21washer 30water 83water cools the used steam136water hose 90water intake 114water is pumped back into thesteam generator 136water separator 90water turns into steam 135water under pressure 124water-heater tank 160water-steam mix 82watt 70wave 35wave wall 120wavelength 35weighing platform 64weight 58, 59, 60, 62weight, measure 60weight-driven clockmechanism 59wet well 151white 37wicket gate 116wind energy 163wind turbine, horizontal-axis168wind turbines 165winder 56winding adjustment 49winding mechanism 59winding shaft 95winding tower 93, 95windmill 163windshaft 164winze 94wire 33worm gear 25XX-rays 36xenon 16Yyellow 37ytterbium 17yttrium 18Zzinc 18zinc can 30zinc-electrolyte mix 31zirconium 18ENGLISH INDEX

Adapted from the famous Visual Dictionary, an international bestseller with more than 8 million copies sold, this new series of thematic and ultracompact books provides readers with a multitude of words and concepts that are encountered in everyday life.All the subjects are explained with highly realistic illustrations, accompanied by terminology and concise definitions produced by an experienced group of professionals.The Visual Dictionary of Science and Energy takes the reader into a fascinating journey through pure science (chemistry, physics, mathematics) and the main sources of energy: geothermal and fossil energy, hydroelectricity, nuclear energy, solar energy and wind energy. Convenient and affordable, this book is the perfect tool to discover the exciting world of science and energy!T H E V I S U A LD ICTIO N A RY OFS C I E N C E &E N E R G YliquidMatter having a definite mass andvolume but no shape; its atoms arerelatively mobile in relation to eachother.1110incident neutronThe fission of a nucleus releases two orthree neutrons, which in turn bombardother nuclei and divide them.nucleus splittingWhen the atom’s nucleus is bombarded by a neutron, it absorbs itand becomes unstable; it then divides into two smaller nucleiusually of identical size.nuclear fissionProcess by which the atoms’ nuclei become fragmented(e.g., in a nuclear reactor); neutrons are released andenergy is produced in the form of heat.fission products (radioactive nuclei)The nuclei of unstable atoms produced by fission emitrays that can be harmful to living organisms.fissionable nucleusOnly heavy nuclei, such as those ofuranium and plutonium, can undergofission following a collision with aneutron.chain reactionDuring nuclear fission, parts of the atom’s nucleusthat have been broken off by collision with theneutron will in turn bombard other nuclei toproduce more fission.incident neutronA free neutron comes into collision with an atom’s nucleus,which it then releaseNuclear fission is accompanied by a very largerelease of energy, which is derived from the forcesthat caused the nucleus’s cohesion.fissionable nucleusOnly heavy nuclei, such as those ofuranium and plutonium, can undergofission following a collision with aneutron.convectionHeat generation in a fluid that is caused by a variation intemperature resulting from the movement of molecules. Here, theheated water expands, rises and releases its heat to thesurrounding air.heat transferHeat transfer occurs in three ways that arerelated to molecular movement: conduction,convection and radiation.vaporGaseous state of water above its boiling point (waterboils and is converted to vapor at 212°F or 100°C).conductionHeat generation in a body (usually a solid) or betweentwo bodies in contact; the molecules vibrate but nomatter moves.solidRigid body possessing mass, volume anda definite form; its atoms are linked to eachother and are almost completely at rest.flameIncandescent gas resulting from the combustion of a mixture ofgas and air; it produces heat and light.convection currentMovement of fluid caused by a difference indensity, which transfers heat. The heated waterrises and is replaced by the cooler water fromthe surface.radiationHeat generation in the form ofelectromagnetic waves emitted by aheated body (solid, liquid or gas).C H E M I S T R YC H E M I S T R Ymattermatter

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