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Home Explore (DK) Children's Encyclopedia: The Book that Explains Everything

(DK) Children's Encyclopedia: The Book that Explains Everything

Published by Flip eBook Library, 2020-01-02 06:57:20

Description: This engaging, traditional-style general reference book for kids ages 7–9 encompasses all that DK is about: age-appropriate, jargon-free text accompanied by detailed images on a variety of topics all in one place, from science and nature to history and the arts. It is a must-have resource for every student's shelf.

Packed with information, each single-page entry—organized A to Z—in DK Children's Encyclopedia features a key topic explained in a concise, age-appropriate, highly visual manner, with fun facts and extensive cross-references revealing the links between subject areas. Kids can learn about Ancient Rome, chemistry, evolution, microscopic life, robots, vikings, and so much more.

Written, edited, and designed by a team of experts, vetted by educational consultants, and properly leveled to the reading age, DK Children's Encyclopedia is DK's landmark reference title and the ultimate book of knowledge for kids.

Keywords: Africa, Aircraft, Childresn, Encyclopedia, Animals, Asia, Astronaut, Asteroids, Atoms, Bigbang, Birds, Antartica, Atmosphere, Art, Astronomy, Bicycles, Biology, Black Hole, Body Cells, Brain, Bronze Age, Cars, Castles, Cats, Cells, Chemistry, Circuits, Climate Change, Clocks, Clouds, Comets, Communication, Coding, Compass, Computers, Constellation, Coral Reefs, Deserts, Digestion, Dinosaurs, Dogs, Early Human, Earth, Earthquakes, Electricity, Elements, Engines, Erosion, Europe, Evolution, Explorer, Farming, Film, Fish, Flags, Flowers, Food Chains, Forces, Forest, Fossil, Fuels, Friction, Fruits and Seeds, Galaxies, Gases, Gems, genes, Glaciers, Gravity, Habitats, Heart, Hibernation, Human Body, Insects, Internet, Invertebrates, Iron Age, Jupiter, Lakes, Knights, Language, Law, Life Cycle, Light, Liquids, Lungs, Machines, Magnets, Mammals, Maps, Mars, Materials, Measuring, Medicines, Mercury, Metals, Metamorphosis, Meteorites, Migration, Milky Way, Mixtures, Money, Monkey and Apes, Moon, Mountains, Muscles, Mushrooms, Musical Instruments, Myths, Legends, Native Americans


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299 classification 22 cliffs 93 climate change 25, 51, 60 , 122, 143, 198 clocks 61 , 159 clones 119 clothing 27, 62–63 the cloud 138 clouds 64 , 270, 271 coal 110 codes 66–67 coding 65 , 66 coins 169, 201 college 273 colonies 21 color 26–27 Columbus, Christopher 96, 180 comets 68 , 164 communication 66, 69 , 138, 215, 250 compasses 70 , 182, 218 compounds 58, 168 computer games 69, 71, 241 computers 71 , 137, 192, 212, 280 circuit boards 59 coding 65, 66 Internet 69, 138 condensation 57 conduction 157 conductors 188 conifers 109, 126, 194 conscientious objectors 279 conservation 72, 281 Constantinople 262 constellations 73 constitutions 123 construction 48 container ships 224 continents 50–51, 275, 293 Cook, James 96 cooking 104–105 copper 47 coral reefs 74 core, Earth’s 135 cornea 226 costumes, traditional 63 countries 275, 292 courts 145 crafts 75 , 132 cranes 48 craters 164 crayons 280 creation 37 creation stories 42, 178 crocodiles 124, 210 cruise ships 224 crust, Earth’s 85, 135 crustaceans 139 cubed units 269 cuneiform 47, 280 currency 169 cycling 36 Cyrillic 280 cytoplasm 41, 56 Dd da Gama, Vasco 96, 180 daimyo 131 dairy products 106 dams 211, 270 dance 76 dark matter 116, 263 dark zone 187 Darwin, Charles 95 day 77 Day of the Dead 206 deciduous trees 109, 126, 261 decimals 112 decomposers 107 deep-sea zone 187 defense system, body 225 Degas, Edgar 28 Deimos 156 democracy 123 Denmark 102 denominators 112 dermis 229 deserts 78 , 126, 270 diamonds 118 diaphragm 149 dictatorships 123 digestion 79 , 130 digital clocks 61 digital money 169 digital radio 203 dinosaurs 80 , 111, 184, 202 directions 70 Diwali 207 DNA 67, 119 doctors 160, 274 documentaries 100 dogs 81 , 95, 152, 153 dolphins 154 dormice 129 dragons 178, 206–207 drawing 28, 219 dreams 231 drinks 97, 106, 148 droughts 60, 143 dust mites 165 dwarf planets 196 Ee ears 127, 225, 235 Earth 83 , 233, 263, 289 atmosphere 33 changing 50–51 gravity 125 inside 135 magnetic field 70, 135, 151 moon’s orbit 32, 171 orbits the sun 32 rotation 77 seasons 221 surface 84 weather 271 earthquakes 84, 85 eating 79, 104–105, 249 echinoderms 139 eclipses 77 eco homes 244 ecology 38 Edison, Thomas 137, 217 eels 101 eggs 39, 86 , 146, 163 Egyptians, ancient 12, 17 , 66, 152, 162, 218, 258 Eid 207 Eiffel Tower 94 electorate 123 electric cars 52 electrical engineering 91 electricity 87 , 120, 192 circuits 59 conducting 157 insulators 157, 195 power stations 110 electronics, recycling 205 electrons 34, 58 elements 58, 90 elephants 12, 19, 154 elliptical galaxies 116 email 69 emojis 280 energy 60, 88–89 electricity 87 food 106, 107 fossil fuels 110 engineering 91 engines 52, 89, 92 , 260 English language 144, 280 Enigma codes 67 environment 121, 198, 205, 258 epidermis 229 equality 189 erosion 93 erratics 122 eruptions, volcanic 268 esophagus 79 Europa 141 Europe 94 , 276, 277, 292 evaporation 57, 168 evergreen trees 261 evolution 82, 95 , 286 exercise 173 exosphere 33 experiments 218 exploration 180–181 , 267 explorers 96 exports 257 expressions, facial 99, 173 eyes 54, 119, 226 Ff faces 99, 173 factories 97 , 133, 174, 212 fairy tales 43 fall 221 fan dancing 76 farming 98 , 105, 140, 274 fashion 27, 62–63 fat, body 229 fat cells 41 fats 106 faults 85 feathers 39 feeling (touch) 256 feelings (emotions) 99 ferns 194 festivals 206–207 fiction 44 filaments 103 film 43, 100 , 190 filtering 168 fins 101 fire 82, 105 fish 22, 74, 101 , 120, 181, 266 eggs 86 farming 98 sharks 223 fishing 72 flags 102 , 193 flammability 157 Fleming, Alexander 218 flight 137, 209, 259, 277 floating 227 floods 60 flowers 103 , 194 fog 271 food 104–105 digestion 79 farming 98 nutrition 106 plants 191 taste 249 food chains 89, 107 football 239, 241 forces 108 buoyancy 227 friction 114 gravity 125 magnets 151 forests 72, 109 , 126, 202, 204 Formula 1 52 fossil fuels 51, 60, 88, 110 fossils 80, 95, 111 , 202, 219 foxes 81 fractions 112 French Revolution 113 friction 108, 114 Frobisher, Martin 96 frogs 15, 78, 129, 163, 236, 266 fruit 98, 106, 115 fungi 38, 174

300 Gg Gagarin, Yuri 31, 33, 181 galaxies 37, 116 , 167, 263 Galilean moons 141 Galilei, Galileo 32 games 69, 240–241 Ganymede 141 garbage 121, 198, 205 gases 57, 110, 117 Gaudi, Antonio 245 gears 61 gemstones 118 genes 119 gerbils 152 Germany 102, 277 germs 160, 225 Giant’s Causeway 94 gills 101, 120, 174 giraffes 12, 95, 124 glaciers 55, 93, 122 glass 48, 75, 205 glasses 226 gods and goddesses 18, 132, 158, 179, 183, 208 gold 44, 90, 199, 200–201 Golden Gate Bridge 46 goldfish 101 governments 123 GPS 155, 182, 215 grasshoppers 134 grasslands 124, 126 gravity 108, 125 Great Barrier Reef 74 Great Red Spot 141 Great Wall of China 16 great white sharks 223 Greece, ancient 18 , 67, 241, 269, 272, 278 alphabet 284 medicine 160 philosophy 189 theater 253 green transportation 258 Greenwich Mean Time 255 griffins 178 Gris, Juan 28 growing up 146 growth 231 guinea pigs 153 gunpowder 279 gymnastics 239 Hh habitable zone 83 habitats 126 conservation 72 coral reefs 74 deserts 78 forests 109 grasslands 124 intertidal zone 254 mountain 172 oceans and seas 187 polar regions 197 rain forests 204 seashore 220 hair 119, 130, 154 Halley’s Comet 68 hammerhead sharks 223 Hammurabi, King 145 hamsters 152 Han Dynasty 16 Hang Son Doong cave 55 hard drive 71 Harry Potter 44 hearing 127 heart 128 heat conducting 157 friction 114 helicopters 13 helium 90, 117 heraldry 142 herbivores 107, 154 herds 21 hibernation 129 hieroglyphs 17, 66 hill forts 140 Himalayas 84 Hindi 144, 280 Hinduism 207, 208 Hippocrates 160 Hokusai 28 HoloLens 69 home school 273 homes 244–245 animals 23 caves 55 hominins 82 horse-drawn vehicles 258 houseboats 245 Hua Mulan 178 Hubble, Edwin 167 Hubble Space Telescope 33, 215 human biology 38 human body 130 brain 45 breathing 149 carbon 49 cells 41 defense system 225 digestive system 79 energy 88 feelings 99 genes 119 heart 128 ingredients 130 life cycle 146 muscles 173 senses 127, 226, 232, 249, 256 sickness 225 skeleton 228 skin 229 temperature 252 water 121, 130, 148 humanoid robots 212 humans, early 82 , 180, 202 hunting 243 huntsman spiders 238 hurricanes 246 Huygens, Christiaan 61 hydroelectric power 120 hydrogen 58, 120 Ii ice ages 51, 202 ice caves 55 igloos 245 igneous rocks 213, 214 imports 257 Incas 132 , 236 India 29, 63, 102 ancient 19 , 42, 272 Industrial Revolution 89, 133 inheritance 119 insects 105, 134 , 139 pollen 103 spiders 238 instruments medical 160 musical 175, 176–177, 188 insulators 157, 195 International Space Station 31, 33, 212 international trade 257 Internet 69, 138 intertidal zone 254 intestines 41, 79 inventions 16, 20, 136–137 , 217 invertebrates 22, 139 , 238, 286 Io 141 iris (eye) 226 iron 135, 140, 164 Iron Age 140 irregular galaxies 116 Islam 76, 207, 208, 262, 272 Istanbul 262 Jj Japan 63 Imperial 53, 131 jet engines 92 jet lag 255 jewelry 47, 75, 118, 200 jobs 274 joints 228 jousting 142 Judaism 207, 208, 277 judges 145 jumping spiders 238 Jupiter 141 , 233, 289 juries 145 Kk kangaroos 154 Kenya 102 Kepler-16b 233 keyboards computer 71 musical instruments 175 kimonos 63 Kindertransport 277 kiwis 186 knights 142 , 278 Ll lakes 122, 143 , 211 land pollution 198 language 66, 67, 144 computer 65 Latin 144, 284 Latin dance 76 latitude 182 lava 135, 234, 268 law 145 leaves 27, 109, 115, 191, 194, 248, 261 leeches 160 legends 178 lemurs 12, 170 length 159 lens (eye) 226 Leonardo da Vinci 209, 218–19 leopards 54 levers 150 life on Earth 50, 83, 247, 270 tree of life 286 life cycle 146 light 147 light bulbs 59, 217 lightning 87, 246, 252 lines of symmetry 248 lionfish 101 lions 54, 107, 124 liquids 57, 148 , 159 lizards 78, 210, 266 log boats 258 longhouses, Viking 267 longitude 182 longships, Viking 267 Louis XVI of France 113 lunar rovers 259 lungs 149 Mm machines 133, 150 Machu Picchu 132, 236 madrasas 272 Magellan, Ferdinand 96 magma 135, 213, 268 magnetic field 70, 135, 151 magnetism 108 magnets 151

301 magnometers 70 mammals 22, 86, 154 , 266 mammoths 51, 202 Mandarin 144, 284 maps 155 , 182 Europe 292 the world 292–293 Marie Antoinette 113 markets 274 Mars 156 , 233, 237, 289 marsupials 154 masks 35, 200–201, 253 mass production 97 materials 58, 157 buildings 48 changing states 57, 148, 234 elements 90 plastic 195 mathematics fractions 112 measuring 159 multiplication 287 numbers 185 shapes 222 symmetry 248 volume 159, 269 matter 192 Matterhorn 172 Maya 158 measuring 159 temperature 252 volume 269 meat-eating plants 194 mechanical engineering 91 mechanics 192 medicine 137, 160 , 218, 274 equipment 192 robots 212 medieval period 44, 142, 160, 278 meerkats 107, 124 melanin 119, 229 melting 57 membranes, cell 41, 56 memory 231 Mercury 161 , 233, 289 Mesopotamia 121 mesosphere 33 metals 30, 162 , 200, 205, 234 precious 199 metamorphic rocks 213, 214 metamorphosis 163 meteorites 24, 162, 164 meteors 200 metro systems 260 Mexico 206 microbiology 38 microorganisms 38, 165 microscopes 165 migration 166 milk, mammals 154 Milky Way 40, 116, 167 , 247, 263 minerals 30, 118, 214 mines 110, 162, 200 minotaur 178 Mississippi River 184 mitochondria 41, 56 mixtures 168 mobile phones 69, 182, 190, 250, 280 Model T Ford 259 molecules 34, 58 mollusks 139 monarchy 123, 290 money 169 , 201 monkeys 124, 170 monotremes 86 monsoons 221 the moon 161 , 171, 219 eclipses 77 gravity 125 landings 31, 171, 181 lunar rovers 259 tides 254 moons, planets 141, 156, 161, 183, 196, 216 Morse Code 66 mosques 262 moss 194 motherboards 71 motor racing 52 motte and bailey castles 53 mountains 50, 51, 84, 122, 172 mouth 79, 249 movement energy 88 friction 114 muscles 173 movies see film mucus 225, 232 Mughal Empire 19 multiplication 287 mummies 17 muscles 130, 173 mushrooms 174 music 131, 176–177 , 188 instruments 175 musicals 100 myths 178 Nn Native Americans 14, 179 natural selection 95 navigation 70, 73, 155, 182 , 215 negative numbers 185 Neptune 183 , 233, 289 nerves 41, 45, 127, 229 nervous system 45, 130 nests 23 neurons 45, 256 Newton, Isaac 125 newts 15 night 77 Nile, River 12, 17 nitrogen 117 nonfiction 44 North America 184 North Pole 180 nose 149, 225, 232 notation, musical 177 novels 43 nuclear physics 192 nucleus 34, 41, 56, 58 numbers 112, 185 numerators 112 nurses 274 nutrition 106 Oo Oceania 186 oceans and seas 187 coral reefs 74 exploration 181 garbage in 198 habitats 126, 197 prehistoric life 202 sea battles 279 sea levels 51 seashore 220 tides 254 volcanoes 268 water cycle 270 oil 110 Olympic Games 18, 241 optic nerve 226 oral history 42 orbit Earth 32 moon 171 Pluto 196 orchestras 188 Osman I, Sultan 262 ostriches 86 otters 21 Ottomans 262 ovaries 103 oxbow lakes 143 oxygen 34, 49, 58, 117, 120, 128, 191 breathing 149 Pp pain 256 paint 26 painting 28, 201, 243 palaces 244 Panama Canal 184 pandas 29 Pangaea 50 parchment 44 Paris 275 parrots 39 Parthenon 18 particles 34, 58, 90 gas 117 liquids 148 solids 234 Passover 207 peas 115 pencils 280 pendulums 61 penguins 21, 24, 39, 197, 266 pens 280 percussion instruments 175, 188 periodic table 90 perspective 209 Perugino, Pietro 209 petals 103 pets 54, 81, 152–153 pharaohs 12, 17 philosophy 189 Phobos 156 photo messaging 69 photography 190 photosynthesis 191 physics 192 , 217 pirates 193 pitch 235 pixels 251 place value 185 planes 13, 92, 277 planets 181, 219, 289 dwarf planets 196 Earth 83 , 263 Jupiter 141 Mars 156 Mercury 161 minor planets 183 Neptune 183 Saturn 216 solar system 233 types of 233 Uranus 264 Venus 265 plankton 165 plants 38, 194 cells 56 flowers 103 food chains 89, 107 fruit and seeds 115 habitats 126 photosynthesis 191 trees 261 plastic 121, 137, 195 , 198, 205 plates, tectonic 85 platinum 199 plays 253 Pluto 183, 196 poetry 43 Poland 277 polar bears 25, 197 polar habitats 126, 197 poles 151 police 145 pollen 103

302 pollution 60, 72, 198 polygons 222 pop music 176 population 275 pores 229 pottery 18, 75, 262 power stations 110 prairies 124 praying mantises 139 precious metals 199 prehistoric life 202 prehumans 82 presidents 290 primary colors 27 primary consumers 107 primates 170 prime ministers 289–290 printing 28, 44 prisms 147 processors 71 producers 107 programming, computer 65, 66 prominences 247 protein 105, 106 protons 34, 58 Proxima Centauri 242 pulleys 150 pulling 108 pupils 226 puppets 253 pushing 108 pyramids 12, 17, 35, 158 Qq questions and answers 189 Rr rabbits 153 racket sports 240 radio 203 radio waves 203, 250 railroads see trains rain 211, 221, 246, 270, 271 rainbows 26 rain forest 126, 204 , 236 RAM 71 reactions, chemical 58 recycling 72, 195 red giant stars 242 reflecting colors 27 reflection 147 reflective symmetry 248 religion 206–207, 208 , 291 remote control 203 Renaissance 209 , 218 renewable energy 89 reptiles 22, 86, 210 , 266 reservoirs 143 retina 226 rice 16, 29 right and wrong 189 Ring of Fire 84 rings, planetary 216, 264 rivers 55, 93, 121, 143, 211 , 270 robots 71, 97, 150, 181, 212 , 237 rock cycle 213 rock music 176 Rocket (steam train) 136–137, 260 rockets 237 rocks 214 , 234 erosion 93 metals 162 space 164 roller coasters 88 Rome, ancient 20 , 28, 62, 144, 230, 272 Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad 219 room temperature 252 roots 115, 174, 191, 194 rotational symmetry 248 royal courts 62–63 Russia 275 Ss Sahara Desert 12, 78 sailing boats 224 salamanders 15 saliva 225 Samurai 131 San Andreas Fault 85 sandstone 213 saris 63 satellites 138, 182, 215 , 251 Saturn 216 , 233, 289 sauropods 80 savannas 124 scales 101, 159 schools 272–273 science 217 218–219 , ancient Greece 269 ancient India 19 biology 38 chemistry 58 physics 192 Renaissance 209, 218 science fiction 100 scientists 217, 274, 285 scorpions 139 Scott, Robert 24 Scratch 65 screws 150 sculpture 28 sea see oceans and seas seahorses 101 seashore 220 seasons 221 secondary colors 27 secondary consumers 107 sedimentary rocks 213, 214 seeds 103, 115 senses 225 hearing 127 sight 226 smell 232 senses continued taste 249 touch 256 separation, mixtures 168 servers 138 sewing machines 150 shadows 147 shapes 222 flat and solid 288 symmetry 248 volume 269 sharks 223 Shinkansen trains 260 ships 224 early 258 explorers 96 floating 227 paddle steamers 184 pirate 193 slave trade 230 Viking 267 World War II 277 shoguns 131 shops 274 sickness 160, 225 sifting 168 sight 226 sign language 144 signal flags 102 Sikhism 208 silver 199 singing 176 sinkholes 55 sinking 227 skeleton 130, 228 , 266 skiing 114 skin 119, 130, 225, 229 , 256 skydiving 33 skyscrapers 48 slate 213 slavery 230 sleep 129, 231 smartphones 138, 250 smell 232 , 249 smokers, ocean 187 snails 139 snakes 78, 124, 152, 210 soccer 239, 241 society Egyptian 17 Imperial Japanese 131 Incas 132 Roman 20 solar energy 60, 87, 89, 181, 192 solar flares 247 solar system 32, 37, 68, 167, 233 , 247, 263 see also planets soldiers 20, 142, 278–279 solidifying 57 solids 57, 234 solubility 148, 157 songbirds 39 sound 127, 235 sound waves 235 South America 236 South Pole 24, 180 space asteroids 30 astronauts 31 astronomy 32 black holes 40 comets 68 constellations 73 eating in 105 exploration 180, 181 galaxies 116 meteorites 164 Milky Way 167 pets in 153 robots 212 stars 242 travel 237 universe 263 see also planets spacecraft 181, 201, 237 Apollo missions 171 Cassini-Huygens 216 International Space Station 31 lunar rovers 259 Mars rovers 156 satellites 215 space probes 161, 237 space shuttles 237 Voyager 2 264 spacesuits 31 spaghettification 40 Spanish language 144 sperm 146 spice trade 96, 180, 257 spiders 139, 153, 238 spiral galaxies 116, 167 spores 174 sports 36, 121, 239 240–241 , spring 221 squares 222, 288 squires 142 stage 253 stalactites 55 stalagmites 55 starfish 139, 248 stars 37, 73, 167, 219, 242 states, changing 57 , 148, 234 static electricity 87 Statue of Liberty 184 steam engines 89, 92, 133, 136–137, 260 stems 115, 174, 191, 194, 261

303 steppes 124 stigma 103 stingrays 101 stomach 79, 225 Stone Age 62, 202, 243 stone buildings 48 Stonehenge 243 storms 60, 141, 246 storytelling 42–43 stratosphere 33 stratovolcanoes 268 streams 143, 211 street dance 76 string instruments 175, 188 submersibles 224 sugar 106 suits 63 sultans 262 summer 221 the sun 68, 89, 147, 233, 242, 247 Earth’s orbit 32 eclipses 77 movement 77 seasons 221 sundials 61, 255 sunlight 191 sunlit zone 187 sunshine 271 supernovas 242 surface, Earth 51, 84 , 135 suspension bridges 46 sweat glands 229 switches 59 symmetry 248 Tt tadpoles 163 Taj Mahal 19, 29 tanks 277 tarantulas 238 taste 232, 249 teachers 274 team sports 239 tears 225, 226 tectonic plates 84 teenagers 146 teeth 79 telegraph 69 telephones 69, 250 telescopes 32 television 251 temperature 252 Earth 64 measuring 159 planets 161, 264, 265 temples 18, 35, 158 termite mounds 23, 124 tertiary consumers 107 texting 69 thatch 244 theater 253 thermometers 252 thermosphere 33 theropods 80 thinking 45, 189 thunderstorms 246 tides 254 tigers 266 time 61, 159, 289 time zones 255 tin 47 Titan 216 toads 15, 266 togas 62 Tokyo 275 tongue 54, 232, 249 tools animals 170 first human 82 Iron Age 140 measuring 159 school 273 Stone Age 243 tornadoes 246 tortoises 210 touch 256 Toutatis 30 trachea 149 tractors 150 trade 96, 180, 224, 257 trains 14, 92, 133, 136–137, 260 Transit of Venus 265 transpiration 270 transportation 258–259 bicycles 36 cars 52 rivers 211 ships 224 space travel 237 trains 260 treasure 193 tree of life 286 trees 78, 109, 172, 261 trench warfare 276 triangles 222, 248, 288 Triceratops 80 Triton 183 Trojan War 278 troposphere 33 trunks (trees) 261 tsunamis 85 tundra 126 Turing, Alan 67 Turkey, Republic of 262 Turkish Empire 262 turtles 74, 210 twilight zone 187 twins 119 two-dimensional shapes 222 Tyrannosaurus rex 80 Uu U-shaped valleys 93, 122 UFOs (unidentified flying objects) 64 ultraviolet light 214 Uluru 186 underground trains 260 United Kingdom 102 United States 102, 123, 184 American West 14 Civil War 279, 290–291 presidents 290 slavery 230 universe 37, 40, 263 Uranus 183, 233, 264 , 289 urinary system 130 USB ports 71 Vv vaccinations 160 vacuoles 56 value 169 valves, heart 128 van Gogh, Vincent 28 Vatican City 275 vegetables 98, 106 veins 128 Venus 233, 265 , 289 Venus fly trap 194 vertebrates 22, 266 , 286 vibrations, sound 235 video calls 69 video games 71 Vikings 267 viruses 38, 160, 165 voice box 149 volcanic rock 213 volcanoes Earth 84, 135, 184, 213, 268 planets 156, 196, 265 volume (maths) 159, 269 volume (sound) 235 Voyager 2 spacecraft 264 Ww wading birds 39 wagon trains 14 war 67, 276, 277, 278–279 water 58, 106, 120–121 , 148, 211 boiling and freezing 252 changing states 57 energy 60, 89 life on Earth 83, 270 pollution 198 sinking and floating 227 water cycle 64, 270 water sports 121 waves 85 weapons see war weather 64, 66, 192, 215, 221, 246, 271 weaver birds 23 weaving 63, 75 webs, spider 238 websites 138 wedges 150 weighing 159 whale sharks 223 wheels 91, 136, 258 bicycles 36 cars 52 tractors 150 whiskers 54 white blood cells 225 white light 147 whole numbers 185 Wi-Fi 138 wild cats 54 wind Earth 271 Neptune 183 wind instruments 175, 188 wind sculptures 93 wind turbines 60, 87, 89 winter 221 winter sports 239 wireless gadgets 203 wolves 81 women at war 276 wood carvings 75 woodwind instruments 188 work 169, 274 working dogs 81 the world 275 map 292–293 World War I 276 World War II 63, 277 worms 139 Wright brothers 137 writers 283 writing 280 ancient China 16 ancient Greece 67 Bronze Age 47 systems 284 Xx X-rays 160, 192, 219 Yy yellow dwarf stars 247 Zz zebras 21, 124 Zheng He 96 zoology 38 zoos 281

304 The publisher would like to thank the following people for their help in the production of this book: Patrick Cuthbertson for reviewing the earliest history pages, Dr Manuel Breuer for reviewing the evolution page, and Patrick Thompson, University of Strathclyde, for reviewing the pages on cells, chemistry, and genes. Stratford-upon-Avon Butterfly Farm www.butterflyfarm. for allowing us to photograph their butterflies and other insects, and ZSL Whipsnade Zoo for allowing us to photograph their animals. Caroline Hunt for proofreading and Helen Peters for the index. Additional editorial: Richard Beatty, Katy Lennon, Andrea Mills, Victoria Pyke, Charles Raspin, Olivia Stanford, David Summers. Additional design: Sunita Gahir, Emma Hobson, Clare Joyce, Katie Knutton, Hoa Luc, Ian Midson, Ala Uddin. Illustrators: Mark Clifton, Dan Crisp, Molly Lattin, Daniel Long, Maltings Partnership, Bettina Myklebust Stovne, Mohd Zishan. 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