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Home Explore Western Seoul November 2013

Western Seoul November 2013

Published by, 2014-07-02 03:27:46

Description: Western Seoul November 2013


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Western seoul mAgAzine A DArk SiDe The SecreTS Of k POP reveAleD! inSiDe The iDOlS recOrDing inSiDe! cOnTrAcTS WeSTerniSing BeAuTy The SASAeng PrODucTS fAnS kPOP & exceSSive STAlking iTS effecTS TerrifieS iDOlS On SOcieTy, PlASTic Surgery AnD The iSSue 1 nOvemBer 2013 SOUTH KOREA fAShiOn inDuSTry A SILICONE SOCIETY

Ws WESTERNIZING m A g A z i n e PRODUCTS! BEAUTY CONTENTS A D A R K S I D E T O K P O P Editors Letter 3 The ideology behind Western Seoul Magazine and this Novembers issue The K Pop Industry 5 An in depth look at the Korean Pop Industry Want To Become A Star? 7 The audition process YOU can enter for a chance of stardom! SM Entertainment Model Trainee Contract 9 Take a look inside your idols’ contracts and day to day lives Management Infuence 11 KPop & Its Effects Read about the management 18 On Society teams that spend every day with your idols. K-Pop and its links with Plastic Surgery, The Sasaeng Fans 13 your appearance and Meet the fans which are the contents of ruining idols lives your cosmetic bag Going global 15 25 In this issue How K-pop is planning for Refrences their global take over.

Ws WESTERNIZING m A g A z i n e PRODUCTS! BEAUTY CONTENTS A D A R K S I D E T O K P O P Editors Letter 3 The ideology behind Western Seoul Magazine and this Novembers issue The K Pop Industry 5 An in depth look at the Korean Pop Industry Want To Become A Star? 7 The audition process YOU can enter for a chance of stardom! SM Entertainment Model Trainee Contract 9 Take a look inside your idols’ contracts and day to day lives Management Infuence 11 KPop & Its Effects Read about the management 18 On Society teams that spend every day with your idols. K-Pop and its links with Plastic Surgery, The Sasaeng Fans 13 your appearance and Meet the fans which are the contents of ruining idols lives your cosmetic bag Going global 15 25 In this issue How K-pop is planning for Refrences their global take over.

Editors Note H ello Readers! In this special edition of Western Seoul, we explore the world of K-pop through western eyes and see how western societies view Korean Pop Culture. Reports particularly in Western media show great concern regarding the cold stark reality that goes un- seen behind the bright lights of K-pop stardom. South Korea with its many advancing technologies has now over taken Brazil and the USA to become the worlds Cosmetic Surgery capital. The rise in procedures has had unfortunate influences over K-pop stars and consequently their adoring fans. This months issue looks at the moneymaking machines and the processes that contrib- ute to the successes of the K-pop industry and its starlets. It will reveal the good, the bad and the ‘temporarily’ ugly features of the K-pop culture, its links with cosmetic surgery and the effects upon South Korean society and it’s fashion and beauty industries. We hope you enjoy this special edition of Western Seoul and its accompanying tracks from your favourite K-pop stars. Yours, Gemma Hagan EDITOR IN CHIEF 3

Editors Note H ello Readers! In this special edition of Western Seoul, we explore the world of K-pop through western eyes and see how western societies view Korean Pop Culture. Reports particularly in Western media show great concern regarding the cold stark reality that goes un- seen behind the bright lights of K-pop stardom. South Korea with its many advancing technologies has now over taken Brazil and the USA to become the worlds Cosmetic Surgery capital. The rise in procedures has had unfortunate influences over K-pop stars and consequently their adoring fans. This months issue looks at the moneymaking machines and the processes that contrib- ute to the successes of the K-pop industry and its starlets. It will reveal the good, the bad and the ‘temporarily’ ugly features of the K-pop culture, its links with cosmetic surgery and the effects upon South Korean society and it’s fashion and beauty industries. We hope you enjoy this special edition of Western Seoul and its accompanying tracks from your favourite K-pop stars. Yours, Gemma Hagan EDITOR IN CHIEF 3

The KPop The K-pop songs are written not only to appeal These videos are highly promoted on the to the South Korean fan bases but also to have website, they are some of the most watched mass-global appeal. Therefore, like the songs videos to date and help catapult Korean Industry from Lady Gaga and alike K-pop tracks are stars into international limelight. PSY is a typical example with his first worldwide not inhibited by Korea’s socially conservative culture and beliefs. The songwriters are also single ‘Gangnam Style’ that now has over often Korean Americans who have travelled to 1 billion hits on YouTube. K Korea from the West to conquer the K-pop This increased rate of social networking orean Pop Music, or K-pop as it is industry. They understand Western society and most commonly known, is not just help Eastern and Western music tastes and digital distribution of K-pop related a type of music that can be found videos have aided the rapid expanse of conform in order to produce multi-million dollar in the East, for its artists and fans involved it is a culture, a way of recognition. Some of the most successful groups today life. Think large groups of fresh-faced tracks to propel K-Pop stars into global K-pop beyond Korea and into the far West. teenyboppers, performing meticulously re- The idols have highly over active beginning their global expansion are girl hearsed dance routines all to the sounds of Twitter accounts and their management groups groups, Girl’s Generation and 2NE1 bubblegum pop and power ballads to R&B control fan pages that are available in a mul- (pronounced twenty one) and boy bands, and Euro dance. tiple of languages. SHINee (shiny) and TVXQ The leading girl and boy bands in K-pop, re- (Tong Vfang Xien Qi), translating to Boy band group SHINee ferred to as ‘idols’ have been seen to cause ‘The Risising Gods of the East’. complete hysteria within the media and amongst their fans, turning a working industry into a fanatic civilization across the whole of South Korea. Kpop as a music genre has taken its inspiration for success from the rise of the internationally known pop groups which began in the mid 90’s. These included the likes of The Spice Girls, NSYNC and No Doubt releasing catchy pop songs with hugely popular music videos, subsequently generating hundreds of thousands of fans worldwide. Within the Korean culture there is a term named ‘Hallyu’ translated it means ‘ THE KOREAN WAVE ’. This is the export of all things cultural and in- cludes film, television dramas, historical culture, celebrities and of course K-pop, its now most profitable export. K-pop’s international growth is down to its strong desire to globalize and its music industries’ K-pop star PSY embrace of social media and the video site The K-pop industry has also reduced the YouTube. usually lengthy time period that fans have to wait to see their favourite bands new music video and in most cases upload them to directly to YouTube. 5 6

The KPop The K-pop songs are written not only to appeal These videos are highly promoted on the to the South Korean fan bases but also to have website, they are some of the most watched mass-global appeal. Therefore, like the songs videos to date and help catapult Korean Industry from Lady Gaga and alike K-pop tracks are stars into international limelight. PSY is a typical example with his first worldwide not inhibited by Korea’s socially conservative culture and beliefs. The songwriters are also single ‘Gangnam Style’ that now has over often Korean Americans who have travelled to 1 billion hits on YouTube. K Korea from the West to conquer the K-pop This increased rate of social networking orean Pop Music, or K-pop as it is industry. They understand Western society and most commonly known, is not just help Eastern and Western music tastes and digital distribution of K-pop related a type of music that can be found videos have aided the rapid expanse of conform in order to produce multi-million dollar in the East, for its artists and fans involved it is a culture, a way of recognition. Some of the most successful groups today life. Think large groups of fresh-faced tracks to propel K-Pop stars into global K-pop beyond Korea and into the far West. teenyboppers, performing meticulously re- The idols have highly over active beginning their global expansion are girl hearsed dance routines all to the sounds of Twitter accounts and their management groups groups, Girl’s Generation and 2NE1 bubblegum pop and power ballads to R&B control fan pages that are available in a mul- (pronounced twenty one) and boy bands, and Euro dance. tiple of languages. SHINee (shiny) and TVXQ The leading girl and boy bands in K-pop, re- (Tong Vfang Xien Qi), translating to Boy band group SHINee ferred to as ‘idols’ have been seen to cause ‘The Risising Gods of the East’. complete hysteria within the media and amongst their fans, turning a working industry into a fanatic civilization across the whole of South Korea. Kpop as a music genre has taken its inspiration for success from the rise of the internationally known pop groups which began in the mid 90’s. These included the likes of The Spice Girls, NSYNC and No Doubt releasing catchy pop songs with hugely popular music videos, subsequently generating hundreds of thousands of fans worldwide. Within the Korean culture there is a term named ‘Hallyu’ translated it means ‘ THE KOREAN WAVE ’. This is the export of all things cultural and in- cludes film, television dramas, historical culture, celebrities and of course K-pop, its now most profitable export. K-pop’s international growth is down to its strong desire to globalize and its music industries’ K-pop star PSY embrace of social media and the video site The K-pop industry has also reduced the YouTube. usually lengthy time period that fans have to wait to see their favourite bands new music video and in most cases upload them to directly to YouTube. 5 6

AR? TB ehind all of the fame, adoring fans 1. Walk In Auditions and celebrity lifestyles, there are dark Many people willingly enter themselves into an audition held secrets that have been trying to at a music agency head quarters. Due to the growing surface for a number of years. popularity of K-pop these auditions are often in groups of These secrets would reveal what really goes on behind the closed doors of the idols and music O BECOME A S the rest performing a song, dance routine and in some entertainment giants that rigorously control 10 auditionees at a time, each expected to stand out from every possible element of this industry. cases even an acted scene. Koreans also submit video Unlike in Western society where the ‘big wigs’ auditions and enter themselves onto TV talent shows. of the entertainment world seek out fresh new Those who are successful progress on to the next stage. talent, Korean’s seek out success themselves, often attempting to jump on the road to stardom from the tender age of just 9 years old. They 2. The Callbacks enter lengthy audition process which usually The successful performers are invited back for another consist of three main stages. audition of the same format, however this is in front of industry composers, songwriters and choreographers. What Are the Chances? Even though they have signed a contract with a 3. Final Stages record label there is no definite promise that the If they succeed at the previous stage, they enter the final individual will be put into a group or developed audition; this is held in front of the Head of a particular fully as a solo star. The individual will go through entertainment company. If they impress in this final audition rigorous daily training for sometimes up to they are given a contract to sign to become a ‘trainee’ and thirteen years with only hopes of being debuted soon begin preparations to become a K-pop star. and launched into the public eye. ANT T W KPop Star Hunt- Starts November on tvN 7 8

AR? TB ehind all of the fame, adoring fans 1. Walk In Auditions and celebrity lifestyles, there are dark Many people willingly enter themselves into an audition held secrets that have been trying to at a music agency head quarters. Due to the growing surface for a number of years. popularity of K-pop these auditions are often in groups of These secrets would reveal what really goes on behind the closed doors of the idols and music O BECOME A S the rest performing a song, dance routine and in some entertainment giants that rigorously control 10 auditionees at a time, each expected to stand out from every possible element of this industry. cases even an acted scene. Koreans also submit video Unlike in Western society where the ‘big wigs’ auditions and enter themselves onto TV talent shows. of the entertainment world seek out fresh new Those who are successful progress on to the next stage. talent, Korean’s seek out success themselves, often attempting to jump on the road to stardom from the tender age of just 9 years old. They 2. The Callbacks enter lengthy audition process which usually The successful performers are invited back for another consist of three main stages. audition of the same format, however this is in front of industry composers, songwriters and choreographers. What Are the Chances? Even though they have signed a contract with a 3. Final Stages record label there is no definite promise that the If they succeed at the previous stage, they enter the final individual will be put into a group or developed audition; this is held in front of the Head of a particular fully as a solo star. The individual will go through entertainment company. If they impress in this final audition rigorous daily training for sometimes up to they are given a contract to sign to become a ‘trainee’ and thirteen years with only hopes of being debuted soon begin preparations to become a K-pop star. and launched into the public eye. ANT T W KPop Star Hunt- Starts November on tvN 7 8

S.M. Entertainment Trainee Contract 2013 This page shall serve as our agreement between S.M Entertainment (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Producer’) offering training and possible recording services to you ______________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Artist”). The agreement shall commence as of the date hereof and shall continue until the completion of the Producers services. As a S.M Entertainment Kpop trainee you must fully acknowledge and follow the terms and conditions of this contract. SM Entertainment Terms & Conditions: CONTRACT & FEES Model Trainee Contract! 1. This contract is effective for thirteen (13) years, ending 8th November 2026, whether or not the artist has been successfully debuted or not. he K Pop trainee contracts often they were just ten years old. They move away 2. A $20,000 fee will be charged to any single member of the group who may wish to terminate their contract early. 3. S.M Entertainment will fund up to $500,000 per group member before and during their debut, however this will need to referred to as ‘slave’ contracts from home and attempt to carry on with their be paid back to S.M Management after a group/solo artist debutes. in the western society, are very studies to their best abilities and their T lengthy and can last as long as management teams become temporary TRAINING thirteen years. There is no definite promise parents, doing everything for them. 1. Training days will be Monday-Saturday, each day will be fourteen (14) hours that upcoming stars signed to such This usually means years later when they 2. Training MUST be attended at all times agreements will ever be debuted into return to the ‘real world’ many do not know the 3. Training will consist of gym activities, singing, choreography, swimming, the public eye as the new ‘it’ band and basics of adult living. Korean/English language lessons and acting lessons. management can ‘drop’ the stars at any time “Complaints from retired members range from and terminate their contract. not knowing how to pay their taxes to not know- LIFESTYLE ARRANGEMENTS 1. Food and accommodation will be supplied free of charge throughout the duration of your training period. Some Kpop wannabes who don’t make it into ing how to use public transportation. While You will live with the members of your group or with other training solo artists. the limelight after years of boot camp style some agencies attempt to solve this problem 2. Only breakfast and healthy snacks are allowed, drinking water after 7pm is forbidden to reduce bloating training often need counseling sessions. This by providing counseling programs and private 3. You will be given a new (stage) name, you must only answer to this name may seem extreme, however these individu- tutoring of standard high school courses, this 4. You must only be heard speaking Korean in public als have sometimes been a trainee since is limited to a very small number of large 5. Socializing is only allowed on Sundays (free day), this will only be with your other group members or agencies.” (Shin, 2012) those of management. 6. You MUST refer to male members of your management team as ‘APPA’ (father) and ‘UMMA’ (mother) for female members of your management team. 7. You will be given a minder 24/7 hours a day, they will accompany you at all times, including W/C visits in public. 8. Sunglasses MUST be worn at all times when in public to prevent tiredness (pre-double eyelid procedures if applicable) S.M Entertainment reserves the right to: 1. Remove personal phones from artists and replace with a single phone for kpop group use 2. De-activate all personal social media platforms of the artist(s) 3. Prevent all romantic relationships until after debuting with S.M Entertainment 4. Allow make-up to be applied by the artist(s), this will only be done professionally and when applicable. 5. Choose a ‘middle or front’ girl/boy of the group, this individual will be heavily promoted and the face of the group 6. Monitor and control the diets of the artist(s) if applicable 7. Send artist(s) to cosmetic surgery consultations if applicable It is hereby agreed that I (the artist(s)) agree to all points stated in this contract and wish to begin the training contract with S.M Entertainment. Signed: S.M Entertainment Head Producer: _______________ Artist(s): _______________ 10

S.M. Entertainment Trainee Contract 2013 This page shall serve as our agreement between S.M Entertainment (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Producer’) offering training and possible recording services to you ______________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Artist”). The agreement shall commence as of the date hereof and shall continue until the completion of the Producers services. As a S.M Entertainment Kpop trainee you must fully acknowledge and follow the terms and conditions of this contract. SM Entertainment Terms & Conditions: CONTRACT & FEES Model Trainee Contract! 1. This contract is effective for thirteen (13) years, ending 8th November 2026, whether or not the artist has been successfully debuted or not. he K Pop trainee contracts often they were just ten years old. They move away 2. A $20,000 fee will be charged to any single member of the group who may wish to terminate their contract early. 3. S.M Entertainment will fund up to $500,000 per group member before and during their debut, however this will need to referred to as ‘slave’ contracts from home and attempt to carry on with their be paid back to S.M Management after a group/solo artist debutes. in the western society, are very studies to their best abilities and their T lengthy and can last as long as management teams become temporary TRAINING thirteen years. There is no definite promise parents, doing everything for them. 1. Training days will be Monday-Saturday, each day will be fourteen (14) hours that upcoming stars signed to such This usually means years later when they 2. Training MUST be attended at all times agreements will ever be debuted into return to the ‘real world’ many do not know the 3. Training will consist of gym activities, singing, choreography, swimming, the public eye as the new ‘it’ band and basics of adult living. Korean/English language lessons and acting lessons. management can ‘drop’ the stars at any time “Complaints from retired members range from and terminate their contract. not knowing how to pay their taxes to not know- LIFESTYLE ARRANGEMENTS 1. Food and accommodation will be supplied free of charge throughout the duration of your training period. Some Kpop wannabes who don’t make it into ing how to use public transportation. While You will live with the members of your group or with other training solo artists. the limelight after years of boot camp style some agencies attempt to solve this problem 2. Only breakfast and healthy snacks are allowed, drinking water after 7pm is forbidden to reduce bloating training often need counseling sessions. This by providing counseling programs and private 3. You will be given a new (stage) name, you must only answer to this name may seem extreme, however these individu- tutoring of standard high school courses, this 4. You must only be heard speaking Korean in public als have sometimes been a trainee since is limited to a very small number of large 5. Socializing is only allowed on Sundays (free day), this will only be with your other group members or agencies.” (Shin, 2012) those of management. 6. You MUST refer to male members of your management team as ‘APPA’ (father) and ‘UMMA’ (mother) for female members of your management team. 7. You will be given a minder 24/7 hours a day, they will accompany you at all times, including W/C visits in public. 8. Sunglasses MUST be worn at all times when in public to prevent tiredness (pre-double eyelid procedures if applicable) S.M Entertainment reserves the right to: 1. Remove personal phones from artists and replace with a single phone for kpop group use 2. De-activate all personal social media platforms of the artist(s) 3. Prevent all romantic relationships until after debuting with S.M Entertainment 4. Allow make-up to be applied by the artist(s), this will only be done professionally and when applicable. 5. Choose a ‘middle or front’ girl/boy of the group, this individual will be heavily promoted and the face of the group 6. Monitor and control the diets of the artist(s) if applicable 7. Send artist(s) to cosmetic surgery consultations if applicable It is hereby agreed that I (the artist(s)) agree to all points stated in this contract and wish to begin the training contract with S.M Entertainment. Signed: S.M Entertainment Head Producer: _______________ Artist(s): _______________ 10

MANAGEMENT INFLUENCE A ll artists seeking success have a ‘Appa’ meaning father for the male close bond with the members of management members and ‘Umma’ meaning mother for the female management members. their management team, however, K-pop as in all areas of its industry takes this This is one of the main reasons the K-pop too far and some have criticized their industry has been heavily criticized with relationships, regarding them as bordering concerns management become temporary perverse. The majority of all potential artists parents to the youngsters away from home relocate to Seoul the capital of South Korea and are guided and worryingly sometimes and are re-housed in paid for accommoda- deceived through the promise of stardom into tion with their fellow band members. Due to becoming the moneymaking making idols their intense 14-hour training days, most of worshiped by millions. their time including socialising and even toilet trips are accompanied by at least one of their management team. High levels of respect are given to the management by the often young and impressionable wannabe idols, they see them as parental figures and refer to them as 11 12

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