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Published by rajni.aug, 2020-09-02 05:27:48



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HAPPY HOME PUBLIC SCHOOL PARENTAL CIRCULAR REGARDING TERM EXAM Dated: 2 September, 2020 Dear Parent Assessment is a part of the curriculum where students are exposed to logical and analytical thinking. This Assessment system helps the child to understand his/ her calibre and skill enabling him/ her to carve his/ her path of interest. The conduct of Online examination in this pandemic is a great challenge for the schools but accepting and finding solution is the need for the day. The school has decided to conduct Mid- Term Examination for students of Classes VI to XII from 16th September (Wednesday ) to 28th September,2020 (Monday) As schools would not be opening soon hence the mode of examination for the term examination shall be completely in Online mode. Let us understand how this Mid Term Examination system shall work. For Class VI to VIII Paper 1 : Objective Type Paper 2 : Subjective Type TIMINGS OF PAPER -1 & PAPER- 2 CLASS VI TO VIII PAPER 1: OBJECTIVE TYPE CLASS DURATION TIMINGS VI 40 minutes 8.30 am to 9.10 am VII 40 minutes 8.30 am to 9.10 am VIII 40 minutes 8.30 am to 9.10 am CLASS PAPER 2 : SUBJECTIVE TYPE TIMINGS VI 9.30 am to 10.50 am VII DURATION 11.30 am to12.50 pm VIII 1 hour and 20 minutes 11.30 am to12.50 pm 1 hour and 20 minutes. 1 hour and 20 minutes. Paper Pattern: In Paper 1 Objective Type 20 questions of 1 marks each MCQ based on conceptual knowledge will be taken on Google Forms (as conducted in PA1) Paper 2 Subjective shall be of 30 marks (pen-paper test) It will be conducted on Zoom platform. Link shall be sent to students by Class Teachers. Subjective Question paper shall be sent on the Whatsapp group 5 minutes prior to the beginning of Paper 2.

For Class IX to XII Paper 1 : Objective Type Paper 2 : Subjective Type TIMINGS OF PAPER -1 & PAPER- 2 CLASS IX TO XII PAPER 1: OBJECTIVE TYPE CLASS DURATION TIMINGS IX 30 minutes 8.00 am to 8.30 am X 30 minutes 8.00 am to 8.30 am XI 30 minutes 8.00 am to 8.30 am XII 30 minutes 8.00 am to 8.30 am CLASS PAPER 2 : SUBJECTIVE TYPE IX X DURATION TIMINGS XI 1 hour and 30 minutes 9.00 am to 10.30 am XII 1 hour and 30 minutes. 11.00 am to 12.30 pm 1 hour and 30 minutes. 9.00 am to 10.30 am 1 hour and 30 minutes. 11.00 am to 12.30 pm. Paper Pattern: In Paper 1 Objective Type 20 questions of 2 marks each (MCQ based) on conceptual knowledge will be taken on Google Forms (as conducted in PA1/ Unit Test) In Paper 2 Subjective shall be of 40 marks (pen-paper test) It will be conducted on Zoom platform. Link shall be sent to students by Class Teachers ( Class VIII to X) and Subject Teachers for Class XI & XII). Subjective Question paper shall be sent on the Class Whatsapp group 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the exam IMPORTANT GUIDELINES 1.On the Zoom platform your ward shall keep his/ her video on. Teachers shall invigilate students taking the exam. After completion of paper students will click picture / scan the answer sheet, convert into PDF and forward to the mail ID given by teachers. How to convert answer sheets into PDF ? First download scanner from Google playstore. After your ward scans the answersheet he/she can convert into PDF and attach to the mail ID given by the teachers to submit answersheet. 2.Uploading PDF copy of answersheet should not take more than 10 minutes. 3.Students are required to mention the following on the answersheet and in the subject column of their Email ID while uploading answersheet.

These are the mandatory inputs : Name of Student Class/ Sec Roll Number Subject Teachers shall apprise students how to compose mail and attach PDF and forward in the mail ID provided esp. for examination purpose. 4.Network issues should be checked before attempting examination. Mobile data should be upgraded in case not sufficient. No second chance will be given incase of network connectivity issues. 5.Students not appearing for examination in their school uniform shall not be allowed to take the examination. 6.No help should be provided by parents or friends during the examination. Incase student found in the room with some family member he/ she shall be debarred from taking the examination. In this regards a Virtual PTM cum Orientation program shall be organized from 7th September to 10th September. Kindly adhere to the given schedule. Classes VI to X Time 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm (after regular classes) Classes XI & XII Time: 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm. ( after class) Zoom link shall be shared by the teachers. Attend the PTM according to the Roll numberwise date given. 7th September - Roll no 1 to 10 8th September - Roll no 11 to 21 9th September - Roll no 22 to 30 10th September - Roll no 31 to 40+ You can enquire and clarify any query you have regarding the exam system or syllabus. Note: Clearance of outstanding fee dues is mandatory before the examination begins. Your cooperation and faith in us shall help us handle the pandemic situation whilst taking care of the emotional and mental well being of our students and teachers. Stay Safe and Healthy.. Regards Principal

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