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Home Explore 1984


Published by HillcrestHuskiesAlumni, 2020-10-13 23:14:35

Description: 1984 Hillcrest High Yearbook

Keywords: HHS,1984,Hillcrest,Huskies,Midvale,Utah


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12 Seward. Jill 57 9 Sm•th Shane 101 10 Stone Troy 93 Oh ya' Class of 84 H•llcre t ports 12 Sharp. Eweco 57. 181. 193. 196. 9 Sm1th , Spence 101 II Stott. Ryan 76. 128 209 are the best o\"' on to Pov.ell CU at 10 Sm•th . StaCie 93 II Stowe, Krm 76 the U' Donut runs were great' Cho~r 201 9 Sm•th , Tracy 101 , 202 12 Strand. Monty 58 was run Hey hfe \" great Edo Brada I luv u' 9 Sm1th. Travos 101 12 Strasburg. Annette 58. 171 10 Thomas. Ann 93 Viae C. Bernu> C. the gang BAD' AP 10 Sm•th , V1ctor~a 93 12 Thomas. Brad Engl\"h what a cla•s' Hadlock your 12 Snow. DeAnna 39. 57. 176 A twenty-one gun salute to the class 12 Thomas. Cindy 58 too much ES C. WG Summer means 10 Snow, Maureen w1th class, 841 Lookout world. here Fr~ends. fun. class of 84 # 11 12 Snyder. Amy 57. 136 come the 84 class' Thanks for the I 0 Thomas. Mela01e 93 CAL\" memones, Hus.ktes1 II Thomas. Suzanne 77 10 Sharp. Jam1e 92 State Track ch mpoon for 3 years. I 0 Strasburg. Janeen 93 10 Thomas. T1ffam 93 I 0 Sharp. Julie 92 Thanks R Pearcl'. J . Ronk . L II Street , Brad 77 . 125. 209 12 Thome. Denise 58 10 Sharp. M Todd 92 Seavers. And Dad. I love you' Dan 10 Str~ngham , Mark 93 10 Thompson , Anthony 93 I 0 Sharp. athan 181 and Matt you too Take care' 9 Stromberg , London 101 9 Thompson , Brett 101 12 Sharp. Ryan 57 10 Snyder. Danny 76. 138, 209 137 II Strong. Tammy 77 12 Thompson. Cory 58 II Sharp, Tracy 76. 132 10 Snyder. Matt 93, 137. 139 II Strottner, Tom 77 II Thompson , Er~ck 77 II Sharp. Wiley 76 Soccer 1623 I 0 Stroud , Dav1d 93 10 Thompson. Jeffrey 93 Soc•al Stud1es I 06 I 0 Stubbs, Kelly 93 II Thompson. Randy 77 9 Shaw Crndy I 00, 190 10 Sok Hy 93 10 Sub•c. Debbie 93 12 Thompson. R~gie 58. 199 12 Shaw. Jonia 57. 194 I 0 Somer>, Julie II Sullenberger, Andrea 77 Mom, I drd 1tl XPre Ions. 79 Tango: I 10 Shaw Matthew 92 Songleaders 39 II Sullivan . Sue 77 hate CGuls Mem-UBAMF\"\" 2 12 Shearer. Alecia 57 9 Sonksen, Lor1 101 10 SumSion Kelly 93 BAD 4U Trtl' Look out 4us 84'\" I I Shelby Scott 76 I 0 Sonne, Robert 93 I ' Suzuko, aoko 77 12 Shepherd. Dayna 57 Soph . Basketball 150 9 Swad .h . Dav1d 101 #91LU CU al D B~rd Rock on HHS 10 Shepherd Lame 92 Soph Cheerlead rs 41 12 Swain. Allison 58 UR2KA I 0 Shepherd Sean 92 Soph Class Off1cers 80 10 Swapp . Dav1d 93. 30. 150 10 Thompson. Stanll y 93 12 Sheriff. Layne 92 Soph Football 130 12 Swapp. Susan 36. 58. 142. 198 12 Thompson. Tr~nt 58 12 Shields. Curtis 57 Sophomores 81 95 Tenn pract•ces pent watch1ng the II Thornell, Sandra 77 12 Shirley. Shireen 57 II Sorensen . Paul 76. 169. 170, 198. football players. Helium. the stdnt 10 Thornley. Jeffery 93 govt room. mornmg announce II Thorpe. Jody 77 Cia s of 84 # I Here I come snow 183 ments , school sweater books 10 Thropp. Hank 93 College H1 g~rls! Thanks Steve Y for II Sorrels. Darlene 76 II Swensen . Ranae 77 10 Tidwell , Darrell 93 makmg 84 great! You've been a great II Sosa. Mary 76 Swrmmmg 155 II Tidwell , Steven 77, 195 school HHS Thanks\" Swmg Cho~r 186 10 T1mpson , Mrchael 93 I I Shoell, Stephen 76, 195 Speech 112 II Swmk Jam1e 77 12 Tinker. Susan 58 9 Shortmo. Tara 100 Speech Club 174 12 Swink. Torey 58. 139. 193·4. 137 12 Tobler. Bruce 58 II Shulsen , Stacy 39, 76, 195 12 Spencer. Gladys 57 X Cntry C. Trak were fun: thanx to all I Tolman D•ane 77 II Shuman. Steve 76 Sewrng. English , Gymnastics, Span my fr~ends. exp JC C. JM HS C. Sem II Tondro. Kather~ne 77 10 Shuman. Ter~lyn 92 1sh Wow I really made 1t1 Thanks Cnsl were fun Hstles 2Fun but not II Toomb>. Katr~na 77 12 Shurtz. Cindy 57. 194. 196 Thanks Mom and Dad Look out 2Fun to stay' Bye 4 ow 10 Toone. Bekki 93 Congratulations class of 841 Sterlrng world here I come Semor 84 II Sw1tzer . Leslie 77 10 Topalion . Hope 93 Scholar, FHA. Nat 'l Honor Society. I 0 Sperry Rodney 93. 187 II Sylv•es. Stacre 77, 171. 199 10 Topham . Shannnn 93 Good luck to all I love you DC 12 Sperry. Vance 57. 139. 155. 186-7. II Sysomvang. Souvath Track 136137 12 Tran. Ngoc 58 I 0 S1gler M1chael 92 183 10 Tall. M•chael 93. 128 0 Trapp . Jodv 93. 181 12 Silva. Gerry It was an expenence to bt> remem 10 Trenfoeld , Lrsa bered I hope to use some of the II Tanner . Lanette 77 12 Tripp. Kristi 58 9 S1mons. Denms I 0 I thmgs I have learned And some I 10 Tr~pp . Peter 93, 130 II S1mons. Jeff 76 10 Tanner. M1ke 93 12 Tripp. Rich~ll~ 58. 153. 194 10 Simmons . Lori 92 wdnt to never U!l.f\" agatn II Troester. M1ke 77, 201 , 239 12 Simpson. Gary 76 I 0 Spoers. Laur~e 93 10 Tanner. atalie 93 II Trotter, Kathy 77 10 Sims , Stephame 92 II Sp1lker, Ken 76. 128. 209, 220 9 Trussel , Allison 101 I 0 Sindt , Sher1 92. 155 12 Tanner. Ricky 58 II Tschaggeny . Ross 77, 1623 II S~rstlns. Bill 76 Sp1r1t Leaders 202 3 9 Tuck , Amy 101 , 205 II S1u , Douglas 76. 195 II Spr~ngmeyer , Wendy 76 II Tafoya . Mar~a 10 Tucker, Derek 94 9 Tucker, Jod• 101 Sk1 Club 181 Stage Crew 185 II lapp. Donnie 77, 148 II Tucker Ron 77 II Skmner. Charlene 76 10 Staker, Ter1 93 10 Tunson. K•m 94 10 Skmner, Robb1e 92 12 Staley. Carrie 57. 132 10 lapp. Jody 93 10 Turner Andrea 94 10 Slaugh , Tr~c•a 92 10 Tv.1ggs Pamela 94 10 Slotboom , Joan I Good bye HHS' Vball #I\" Thanx Les1 II Tarbet Jerrold 77 II Tyc~sen. Br~an 77, 114. 168 10 Smart. M1chelle 92 We really made 1t1Sorry RC. no more 12 Tycks~n. Eric 58 12 Smart. Shawn GJ 1 # 12' 84 has class ' Darin and me 'I Taylor, John 77 10 Smethurst. Debb1e 92 118 together forever' Glad 1t\"s over P • I love you . You re II Sm1th. Arlene 40 76. 16f I 0 Stand mg. Matt 93 II Taylor. Julie 77 a fox H1 mom . told you I'd do 1t H20 12 Smith. Ben 57 10 Stanley Stacie 93 , 142 3 sk1 , 1t\"s great' See ya round HHS II Sm1th. Brenda 76 136 12 Stapel. Gordon 57 t2 Taylor. LeAnn 58 Brmg me new life' II Sm1th . Brent 76 I 0 Stapel James 93 10 Tyler Bruce 94 , 130. 137. 190 10 Sm1th , Carla 92 II Stauffer Calvm 76. 137 139, 195 10 Taylor, Scott 93 10 Sm1th . Cherlynne 93 12 Stauffer. Doug 57. 194. 196 I7 10 Sm1th , Chr~stme 92 12 Stauffer. Michelle 57 12 Taylor. Teddi 58 Htstorian wassgreat! Fuomspi was 9 Sm1th . Christopher 101 fun. thanx friends. on 2 USU glad and 10 Tea. Br~an 93. 139 10 Smth , Colleen 92. 161 sad 1t's through, 67 VW HHS only for 10 Sm1th Esther 93. 181 the best. ILU Jem. Seeya 12 T~a. Shari 58 10 Sm1th James 93 II Steadman. Kent 76 12 Smith, James 12 Steele. Bryan 57 II Tempest . Dav1d 77 10 Sm1th . Jodie I 0 Steele Cyndy 93 II Sm1th. Kathy 10 Steele R1cky 93 12 Tempest. Kathrine 58 10 Sm1th . Lezlee 93 II Steele. Roland 76 II Sm1th . Lori 76 12 Stephenson. Ramai 58 Tenno Boys :4(}141 10 Sm1th. M1chael 93. 130 Sterling Scholar 196 7 I I Sm1th M1ke 76 10 Stevens. Chad 93 Ten\"' . G,,J 42143 12 Smith. Mike 57 12 Stewart. Mike 58. 156. 209 12 Stidham. John 58. 208 12 Terrill. Janine 58 Thanks mom C. dad you 're really II Stidham. M1ke 76. 156 great' MS you·re the best' 67 Must 10 St•dham . Tern 8v. 93 9 Terry , Tanya 101 136 #I Tycksen C. M1llerberg thanks for 10 Stoc~ . Bret 93 the good time 1 Goodbye Stomps 226 10 Thao. lee 93 10 Sm1th . M1tch<'ll 93 , 130 12 Stone. Lori 58 II Sm1th . Randy 76 . 139 I 0 Stonl', Paul 93 I I Thao. Poa 77 II Sm1th . Rrc I 0 Thole Rachel 93 '12 Tholen. Trent 58. 137. 172 \\1.-at r ~ung 1 r at Kath our I ker 1 one o'er Rob don t t the Mu t ng dirt\\ Pnl<l Pong gre I lar~ Jd,, I eah' 12 Tholen. T ler 58. 155. 156-7. 137 47

12 Utter, Michelle 58 Vote N1xon 1n 84 for honest govern II Wllberger, Sharon 10 Yack, Eddy 95. 130 ment Down w1th commun•sm Bring 10 Wilcock, Lesa 95. 136 10 Yang, Hl<'e 95 10 Valenc•a Debra 94 back D•ck Nixon Vote Rep. Ray 10 Wilcock, Shauna 95 12 Yap, Pay Shian 60 11 Valentme. Jess1ca 77 186·7 Floyd, N1xon, Reagan are my 1dols 10 Yates, Dav1d 95. 181 10 Valenzu Ia. Patricia 80. 94. 184, 136 10 Wahlquist, Susan 94 9 WilcOX, Ang1e 101, 220 11 Yates, Holly 78 12 Valenzuela. Robert 58. 162·3 11 Wamwnght. Juhe I 0 Wilcox Usa 95. 176 1 1 Yates, K1m 78 11 VanAiphen. Corinne 77 11 Waldron. Gary 64. 78. 128. 185, 209 11 Willard, Nera 10 Yates, M1chelle 95 11 VanAmen. Thea 78 10 Walker Andrew 94 10 Willden. Darnn 95 10 Ybarquen. M•cheal 95 12 VanBallegooie. Sheila 59. 58&7 12 Walker. David 59. 18&7 10 W1llet, Chen 95 10 Walker K1m Mane 94 Yearbook 200·201 Thanx 2 gret frnds' Made 1t thro good 10 Walker. M1chael 94, 184, 187 9 Williams. Jon 101 10 Yeates, Julie 95 (, bad HHS ends but friends (, II Walker. Wade 78. 139, 169, 187 137, I 1 Williams. M1chael 78 memones live forever Keep sm1len I 1 Williams. Paul 9 Yelsma, Brenda 101 (, keep swingm. Luv ya 195 11 Williamson, Kent 78 11 Yeng•sh, Debra 78 10 VanBallegoo1e. Wend• 94. 187 10 Wall. Chern 94. 202 10 Wilson. Brent 95. 137 10 Yergmsen. Brad 95 I I Vandebrake. Tammy 10 Wall, Elizabeth 94 10 Wilson. Bryan 95 12 Yohnke. Debby 60 11 VanderB<'ek, Arlene 78. 187 I 1 Wallgren. Leonard 78 11 Wilson. Robyn 78 10 Yost. Joseph 95 9 VanEkelenburg. Den1se 101 I 0 Wall1s. Chns 94 11 Wilson, Shaun 78 11 Young. David 78 11 VanFleet, Elyse 12 Wallis. Tim 59 10 Wilson, Ward 95 I I Young, Guy 78 9 Vang. Ma 101 12 Walster. Libbi 36. 59. 198 10 Winder&. R1 cky 95 11 Young, Karen 78 11 Vang. Seng 78 10 Ward Anne 94. 181 10 Winegar, Jodi 95 11 Young, M1chelle 79 10 Vang , So 94 10 Ward, Carne 94 10 Wines. Mary 95 10 Young, M1ke 95 9 Vang, Ma 101 I 0 Ward. Heather 94. 183 I 1 Vang. Seng 78 II Ward. Lane 78 9 Winget, Cheyend 101. 191 9 Young. Nick 101 10 Vang, So 94 II Ward. Matthew 78. 137 II Winkel, Derran 11 Young, Rodney 79 10 Vang. Thao 94 10 Wardell. Corey 94 10 Winn, James 10 Young. Troy 95 12 Vang. Xoua 59 II Wardle, J•ll 78. 1789 11 Wmn, John 10 VanKomen, Shane 94 11 Warner Doug 78 12 Zdunich. Kevin 79 11 VanStaveren, Brenda 78 12 Warner. Randy 59. 125. 209. 216 9 Winterer, Joseph 101 I I Zeib1g. Susan 79 12 VanValkenburg. Joey 59. 125. 156 10 Warren. M•chael 94 11 Wolf, Kevm 78 11 Zelenkov. Mara 79 10 VanWagenen. Jeanene 94. 142·3. 11 Warren, Wayne 78 II Wolff Troy 137 12 Ziegler. Linda 60, 178 184, 136 12 Zillner. Angie 60 12 VanWagenen, Jeff 59. 18&7 9 Wash. Fara 101, 136 9 Wolt. Wendy 101 10 Varoz, Lesl1e 94. 132. 153 9 Wahburn, M•chelle 101 12 Wong. Karen 60. 201 Thanx shash Poo Deb CE SW S Vars1ty Basketball 144 147 12 Waters. Sherrie 59 M01 Rmbr games part1es an Vars•ty Cheerleaders 38 t's been fun Good luck m the Future. good t1mes! Class of 84 1s f1 Varsity Football 124 127 Thanx Dave 4 all you've done! Class JR rmber Thumper Many memories done! We did it1 Vars1ty Wrestling 156 157 of 84 rules' I did 1t1 Look out world of HHS lmger: Friends. classes. 10 Zillner, Pamela 95, 202 I 1 Vasquez, Robert 78 games. donut runs. (, late mtes. I 0 Velez. M1chelle 94. 176 here I come\" II Wood, Tony 78. 183. 195 VICA 172 12 Weaver. James 10 Woodruff, Glenn 95 I I Vicchnlh, Dawn 10 Webb. Ryan 94 II Woodruff. Johnny 12 Vicchrilli. Randee 59. 125 II Woodward. Curt1s 78. 195 II Vicchrilll. Roger 78 9 Webb. Trav1s 101, 137 11 Woodward. Terry 10 Webber . Wendy 94, 142. 1534 12 Woolley. Doug 60, 137 Vice Principals 22·23 I 1 Websler Jenny 78 10 Woolsey. Scott 95 11 V1elstich M1chelle 78 I I Weeks, Missy 12 Woolsey. Shelley 60 I 1 V•llamore. Dwayne 78 II We1chers. M1ke 78, 128, 209, 162·3 10 Wooten. Kristme 95 12 Vincent. Darin 59. 125. 144. 180. 11 We1chert. Tonja 78 10 Workman, Kendall 95 12 Workman . Theresa 60 206. 209 9 We1ss. Andy 101 12 Whorlton, Pamela 60 9 Voda. Foy 101 190 9 Weiss, Nanc• 101 Hello D1x1e' H1 JE (, AH 1It's been fun 9 Vo•gtlaender, Conme 101 10 We1ss. Tim 78 KM, RM, KD! Thanx for all the fun 9 Vo1gtlaender. Debb1e 9 Wells. Brett 101 times' Look Mom (, Dad I made 1t! It 9 V01gtlaender, Juhe 101 12 Wells. Lori 59 was fun at Ronalds1 10 Vogt. Usa 94 10 Wendnc. David 94 10 Worthen. Jod• 12 Wesemann. Kathy 59 12 Worthington , Denton 60 Volleyball 123133 I I Weseman. Steven 78 11 Wozab, Wade 78 10 Vollmer Jon 94 12 West. Pam 59 10 Wright. Casey 137 12 Vollmer. Joy 59. 63. 199 12 Westerlund. Tamara 59. 199 1I Wnght, Cynth1a 78 10 Voss. David 94 137 9 Wright. Jeremy 101. 137 11 Vranes. John We are free Cindy Booms. CC. KK. 12 Wright, Kathy 60. 198·9, 201 On 2 D1x1e Stef, Look Mom (, Deb I Stevy·Aiph•e Bes'buds always' Rub 10 Waddupa, David made 11, Good luck Lisa, HHS I Wat· crus lives Burnus (, W1ac Troy URA 11 Wade. Juhe 78 ch11 SF Hre Come MT. TO. (, me. Stum ! Luck to eel as Ed 851 Va II Wadley, R1chard 78, 1145 duba' Dah delights lmger 10 Wager . Roger 94 Jrnyl II Wright , M1chelle 78. 176 10 Wahl. Gretchen 94. 181 11 Western. Ann 78 9 Wnght, Staci I 0 I, 202 12 Wahlquist. Richard 59. 198 12 Wharton . Dani 59 10 Wnght. Stephame 95, 168, 187, 192 11 Wharton Vand1 78. 161 10 Wheeler. Jan 133 10 Xayachask. Tounmaly 11 Wheeler. Jeanne 94 I I Whetman. Shane 78. 128. 209 12 Yack, Debby 60 10 Whetman Susan 94. 178 12 Whicker. Rick 59. 114·5 11 Wh1mpey Jeffrey 78 11 Wh1pple. Jenmelyn 78 11 Wh1te, Brent 78 I 1 Wh1te, Chris 78 11 Wh1te, Collette 78 10 Wh1te Heather 95 I I Wh1te Karen 78. 155 12 White. Scotty 42. 59. 63. 125. 156. 206. 209. 217. 140.1 10 Whitehead. Shawn 95. 130. 150 10 Wh•telocl.. , Melody 95, 187 10 Wh1tes•des Bla1r 95 10 Whittemore. Anthony 95 12 Whiting. April 59 12 Wicklund. Cassy 59. 190 12 Widener. Trenna 60. 199

SCHOOL SONG Through all the seasons of the year and all the years to come, We'll sing our praises loud and clear to Hillcrest High we love so dear. Our colors in their splendor bright, long wave the green and white, We always will remember our spirit and our might. We're honored to belong to you, we'll keep our standards high, We'll cheer you in our victories and in defeat stand by. Though someday we must leave you, our hearts will always thrill. To the glory of your beauty on the crest of rolling hills. SCHOOL HYMN Where majestic mountains tower 'Neath the sky of blue, Stands our noble Alma Mater Glorious to view. So raise the colors, mighty colors, Green and white shall fly; Hail to thee our Alma Mater Hail to Hillcrest High, We will fight to bring her glory. And from day to day, We wi ll build a mighty spirit Proud in every way. So raise the colors, mighty colors Green and white shall fly: Hail to thee our Alma Mater Hail to Hillcrest High.