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Home Explore 1977


Published by HillcrestHuskiesAlumni, 2020-10-13 11:33:12

Description: 1977 Hillcrest High Yearbook

Keywords: HHS,1977,Hillcrest,Huskies,Midvale,Utah


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The Judge, (Brian Hoesh), listens to the interrogation of Mr. VanFleet, (Dave Johanson), by Defense Attorney Stevens, (Steve Turner). Mike McCulloch portrayed Prosecuting attorney Flint. Barbara Sampson took the role of Robertta VanRenselar, wife of a Night Of January 16th dead gangster. \"Not Guilty\", was the verdict received at two of the three performances of the \"The Night Of January 16th\" staged by the drama department in February. The com- edy-drama, in trial form, was unique in that the audi- ence became the courtroom spectators, and twelve were chosen as jurors. It was the verdict of this jury that decided the outcome of the play. 197

Hypnosis Cracks Up Hillcrest Students really let themselves go when hypnotist, Vandermeed, vis- ited Hillcrest in February. The assembly was hilariously funny and very entertaining. The Great Van- dermeed is acclaimed the fastest hypnotist in Europe and he proved this on the stage with several of his victims. 198

And Then There Was. . \"The Battle of the Bulge\". First there was The Jug . . . then The Ax . . . and now THE BULGE. February 23 saw the beginning of a new tradition as the Hillcrest's fac- ulty met the Jordan faculty in an encounter aptly named \" THE BAT- TLE OF THE BULGE. \" Hillcrest lost a close one in the final seconds, but got their revenge a week later at Jordan. Steve Margetts, one of Hillcrest's top scorers. Constant control??? 199

Below: Georgann Apostol, Warren Beers, Lisa Homer, Greg luck, John Spence, and Susan Bailey.

Sweethearts' Ball Sweethearts' Ball, the annual Valentine's Dance, helped brighten up the bleak month of February. Crossroads played for this Sophomore sponsored, February 5 dance. \"Lost Without Your Love\" was the musical theme chosen. King and Queen, Greg Luck and Lisa Homer, reigned over the magical night. Also chosen as royalty were Susan Bailey, John Spence, Georgann Apostol, and Warren Beers. Students enjoyed the music of Crossroads at Sweetheart's Ball.

Husky Olympics On the scoreboard, the Seniors show superiority over the Juniors and Sophomores. Huskies get ready for the more dangerous competion. Husky Olympics that well-known traditional and rigorous event was carried on again at Hillcrest. Com- peting wildly in the usually unortho- dox events, sophomores and jun- iors fell to the also traditional vic- tors -the seniors. As bodies get mangled and crushed, Huskies proceed to squish fifteen guys into one small Volkswagen . 202

State Week Excited Hillcrest fans enjoyed going to State in basketball for 1976-77. Starting on Tuesday, Hill- crest played Olympus. Three sec- tions of the Special Events Center were filled with hundreds of screaming mouths, waving pen- nants, and painted green and white faces. The whole week was great with lots of school patrons and Husky spirit supporting the good ol' Green and White.

Rick Holt; Suzy Russell, Second Attendant; Ken Ward; Carrie Steel, Queen; Rick Jensen and Kelly Trujillo, First Attendant. The Junior Prom was held March 25, at the Capitol Rotunda. Music by Portrait and the theme \"Best of My love\" set the mood. The tradi- tional junior promenade down the Rotunda stairs honored juniors and their dates. Refreshments were served by the junior class officers. Carol Vandenakker was the faculty sponsor for the event. 204

junior Prom \"Best of My Love\" The traditional promenade gives juniors and their dates a little limelight and the lucky girl, a flower. 205

CAST (in order of appearance) Hines Kelly Jensen Scott Nelson Prez Mike McCulloch Tom Beard Hasler Bill Burns Gladys EvAnn Dahl Suzanne Davis Sid Sorokin Chris McCaffree Val Johnson Mabel Kathryn Lamoreaux Myrna Olsen Charlie Brian Heesch Babe Lisa Lester Nanette Forgie Mae Leona Ludwig Mabel (Kathryn Lamoreaux) reads her Babe (lisa lester) and Sid (Chris McCaffree) attend the company party at Hernando 's Hide- weekly magazine. away dressed for the occasion . 206

The Pajama Game Presented by Student Body Charlie (Brion Hoesch), Max (Bill Squire) and Mabel (Myrna Olsen) return from the picnic . A strike in a pajama factory sup- plied the plot for this year's musi- cal. The Paiama Game. leo Dean, Pouwell Vuyk, Jeanne Johnson, David Montgomery, and Julie War- ner plus many students, worked much of the summer to insure an entertaining production. Special thanks must be offered to the many people who provided special services to help the cast.

Gladys (EvAnn Dahl), Lars Boggess, and Hines (Scott Nelson) and Charlie (Brian Hoesch) dem- Prez (Mike McCulloch) and Gladys stop to Bill Squire donee at the Union meeting . onstrate the art of sharpshooting. talk about Hines on the way to the picnic. The girls of the factory gasp in amazement as Hines sings ''The Time Study Mon.''

The highlight of the musical: Kelly Jensen models a pair of pajama~. After pract1cing for months, Lorraine Lyman performed well in the dance at the company picnic.

style 1977 211


The jiving of times. The movement of rhythm. The coordination of effort. The combination of excitement. We move; We talk; We express, through our outer exhibits. 213

Hillcrest people like to \"get down '' to their favorite sounds: Art- ists like Elton John, Spinners, Bos- ton, Queen, and many others were on our top ten list. Music from mel- low to acid were all part of the atmosphere at Hillcrest.

Let's Boogie! Moving to the rhythm. Disco dances are \"in\" ... do the hustle . . . get up and Bump . . . shake your bootie. Slower vibes bring out that \"ani- mal\" instinct- Bear Hug! Whether they're jivin' to the newest dance or just doing their own thing, Hillcrest peo- ple've definitely got the beat! 215


Keep on Truckin' Trucking. Burning. Ripping. Haul- ing. Patching out. The high flying machine. The outlived junk. Muscle machine. Mags. Headers. Racing stripes. CB's. S-trock stereos. Bumper stickers. 2nd place 63 Chevys. Overdone bodies. Spore tires - spore passengers. Popping wheelees. Cruising. Dragging state. Uptown excitement. Out-of-town finals. Economy compacts. luxury gas guzzlers. 4-wheeling. Drag- ging. Cruising. Hauling. Parked 217



The beginning weave of style: denim, corduroy, leather, gauze, crinkle cloth, down. The extra spice of notions: Zippers, pockets, braids, stars, rhinestones, embroi- dery. The combination of both: T- shirts, levis, jumpsuits, jackets, vests, overalls. The added touches: crazy socks, scarves, turquoise and silver beads, chokers, chains, puka beads. The truckin' footwear: Earth Shoes, Adidas, wedgies, waffle stompers and boots. The transfor- mation of style: the foxy, good- looking, \"in\" clothing of 76-77. 220

hillcrest moves in style 221


Mark Sadler, Senior Class President, and Todd Tapp, Senior Class Vice President. Susie Clark, Senior Class Secretary Senior Class Officers This year's Senior Class Officers worked extra hard as a team to make it the best year ever for Hillcrest's Seniors. 226

Junior Class Officers Vice-President: lory Dejong Secretary: Kelly Trujillo President: Kerry Sharp. 246

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