KLANG VALLEY 4 LOCALS – 33 EDITION 8 Months Exposure in 5 platforms. For the insertion date, kindly find the timetable below for reference. Please note that the calendar & publish date might change under certain circumstances. CALENDAR PLATFORMS ARTWORK & MATERIALS PUBLISH DATE Client must provide about 10 raw January 5 pages of E- pictures & some information to write Upon received 2022 catalogue in the e-catalogue. artwork & Please refer the link here for sample of confirmation from E-catalogue clients https://online.pubhtml5.com/xvgw/lx ks/#p=1 Client must provide about 10 raw pictures & some information to write in the article. February Article in For examples: Activities, tickets, Upon received 2022 klangvalley4locals. promotion, contest, Location, booking artwork & steps, & other uniqueness. com.my confirmation from Please refer the link here for sample of clients articles. https://klangvalley4locals.blogspot.co m/ & https://kl- theguide.blogspot.com/ March 1st Video posting in Opt 1: Bluedale will do a 30s- 1min Upon received 2022 KV4L FB & IG slide video based on clients’ pictures & footages from post in our page. clients Opt 2: Client may provide a ready video for us to post in our page. Bluedale Publishing- Klang Valley 4 Locals 33
April 2022 2nd Video posting Opt 1: Bluedale will do a 30s- 1min Upon received in KV4L FB & IG slide video based on clients’ pictures & footages from post in our page. clients Opt 2: Client may provide a ready video for us to post in our page. Client must provide 2 months earlier a Every 4 months ready artwork to advertise in the (April 2022- July printed & e-copies of KV4L 33 issue. Every issue is 4 months of duration. 2022) Apr 2022 Printed & E-book of Sample of E-book: Printed copies will -July 2022 Klang Valley 4 http://online.pubhtml5.com/xvgw/da be sent out to the Locals gc/#p=1 distribution channels & e-book can be read/ download from website & mobile app KV4L. Aug 2022 3RD Video posting Opt 1: Bluedale will do a 30s- 1min Upon received in KV4L FB & IG slide video based on clients’ pictures & footages from post in our page. clients Opt 2: Client may provide a ready video for us to post in our page. Notes: Clients must provide: - 10 pictures & 1 page info for E-catalogues - 10 pictures & 1-2 pages info for article write up - 10 pictures/5 short video clips for social media posting - 1 ready artwork for ad slot in KV4L printed & e-book. Bluedale Publishing- Klang Valley 4 Locals 33
PLATFORM 1: SAMPLE OF 5 PAGES OF E-CATALOGUE (html5 format) Page 1: E-catalogue Cover Page 2: Introduction Page 3: Gallery Page 4: Gallery Page 5: Promotion & Offer Bluedale Publishing- Klang Valley 4 Locals 33
PLATFORM 2: SAMPLE OF ARTICLE WRITE UP Bluedale Publishing- Klang Valley 4 Locals 33
PLATFORM 3: SAMPLE OF HALF PAGE AD IN PRINTED & E-BOOK KV4L Bluedale Publishing- Klang Valley 4 Locals 33
PLATFORM 3: SAMPLE OF FULL PAGE AD IN PRINTED & E-BOOK KV4L Bluedale Publishing- Klang Valley 4 Locals 33
LIST OF CLIENTS FOR PREVIOUS ISSUE KLANG VALLEY 4 LOCALS Mios Kitchen Waroeng Warung Nasi Batavia Lemak Hijau Gombak Salai Power Apam Balik Warong Pojok Unique Bluedale Publishing- Klang Valley 4 Locals 33
LIST OF CLIENTS FOR PREVIOUS ISSUE (BEYOND KLANG VALLEY 4 LOCALS) Satey Kluang Golf Kellypojaw Teluk ani Event & Iskandar Cafe Guthrie Golf & Cendol Murtabak Edaran Restoran Selera Country Club Kampung Majid Special Sharifah Tanjung Cheese No 1 Enterprise Hulu Burger Ledang Golf Kapten Murtabak D'raje Resort Steamboat Singapore & Grill LIST OF CLIENTS FOR OTHER PUBLICATION ( Kuala Selangor The Guide) Sky Mirror Mustawa Family Cafe VN Ramadass Pottery Nasi Goreng Melimpah Viral Restoran D’Niz Patin Orie Puncak Alam Hussin Fauzi Farm Satay Hut Warung Aunty Lejen Warung Soto Pasir Penambang Warung Cucu Tok Ketua Corner Bluedale Publishing- Klang Valley 4 Locals 33
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