Volume 9 // Issue 5 // May 2020 //MaJorLeagueGamIngGet paid to play your favorite game! Drone RacIng Next level RealIty Is League Workout now vIrtual How DRL is quickly Examining electric muscle Frequently asked questions rising in popularity. stimulation workout suits. about virtual reality.$9.99 // cyber.com
30. 148. 77. 14. EdItor's Letter// A few words from the executive editor. 23. Software// What’s new and changing the tech we use every day. 30. TrendIng// Sports Tech looking at the most popular trends in sports technology. 48. CIrcuIts// Staying up to date on hardware advances. 54. ArchIve// Exploring the possibilities of electronic muscle simulation suits. 60. Cache// Looking at historic technology that paved the way for modern tech. 88. Extranet// Interview with tech icon Bill Gates. 124. Render// Celebration 3,000 meters above sea level. 132. Code// Creative coding is all around us. 148. FAQs// Answering questions about virtual reality.6//Cyber
54. 124. 77. The Future of Sports// Competitive gaming and eSports has been growing at light speed. Players, teams, leagues, and developers have been making millions just like traditional athletic sports. 93. game of the month// Each month we rate and play the hottest of video games whether it be a console, PC, or on a mobile device. This month we are looking At the highest grossing mobile app Clash Royale. Drone racing leagues have taken the world by storm. To some, it might look like a bunch of nerds playing with their small model aircraft, but drone racing is becoming a serious sport. 110. Rarest AchIevement// Looking at people who are doing things that no one has ever thought of or has been able to do. Interviews to see what puts them above the rest of everyone else in their field. 136. VIrtual RealIty// VR has been one of the most talked about tech out right now. We are going to see how far we can take virtual reality space and what we can expect to see in the near future. May-7-2020//7
ContrIbuters EdItors Samuel g Borden WrIters James Kelly JOESPH BALY MIchah LandIs Tyler SPALDING Director VIckI Meloney Designers Samuel G Borden LINA PHAM Robbert SmIth Photographers AlIcIa MIller ChrIstIan Caba Producer James Borden Alex QuIn PublIsher Matthew Borden ACCOUNT MANAGER WILLIAM JANCZEWSKI WEBMASTER BrIan PEASE QuestIons and comment [email protected]//Cyber
Photo by Alicia MillerThe Future Is Now Technology is constantly changing and evolving the way people do things every day. Making everyday objections easier and more efficient for people to do. Technology is in every part of our lives from telephones to toothbrushes. The world has never been more connected and we want to ensure that you stay updated on the worlds fast-paced technological world. In this edition of Cyber Magazine, we are going to analyze the advancements in technology in the sports industry and talk about what the future of sports might look like. This month’s Features are focused on the future of sports. We are going to highlight Major League Gaming (eSports) and what it is. How the top MLG players are becoming rich from playing their favorite games. We will also be probing into the Drone Racing League to see why racing drones are becoming a serious sport that has quickly come to rise in its popularity in a short period. Cyber is going to examine how technology is affecting the world of sports and it’s athletes today. Can high-end high-tech training suites truly increase your workouts by ten times? How new state of the art equipment is giving athletes a slight edge and improving athletes overall game. The future is now, don’t be left out of date! Samuel G Borden Executive Editor May-7-2020//15
Top Sports tech Angela Scott-BriggsTechnology is becoming an essential part of sports and the growth of sports activities is anopening possibility for technology integration. Many technologies designed for individualtraining, professional sports and the fan experience have been developed. RIse of everyday Emergence of modern More start-ups sports Wearable Tech Smart Arenas to be foundedWearable tech will become more While it’s amazing to watch A number of sports start-upspopular in 2020. Apple watches, your favorite team live action are expected to enter the market.Fitbits, and other wearables with many like-minded fans, These days many people areare becoming an ever-present nowadays fans stream into taking to sport as exercise or assight in almost all sports events. stadiums with their smartphones. a future profession. AccordingAccording to Mounir Zok, a With some arenas having free to Devinder Singh Bhusari,director of technology and Wi-Fi connections, sporting sites who launched the tennis firminnovation for the U.S. Olympic are changing the live in-game Shaishya Edu & Sports a fewCommittee, wearable tech was a experience with new services years shortly after leaving his jobkey part of USA’s success at the such as access to instant video with Indian Oil Corporation, thelast Olympic Games—the country replays, ordering food, location- future is very bright for sportswon 121 medals at Rio 2016. The based advice for available start-ups. Sports tech is a newfuture of wearable technology parking, and the quickest and emerging sector with someis not on our wrist. This year, route home. New technology 4000 companies worldwide andexpect to see many, built-in LEDs is constantly changing sports over five billion has invested overand body sensors. arenas and how they function. the past five years”. Apple Watch Training Mask 3.0 vR Goggles50% of all smartwatches Most popular and best Virtual reality is the most are apple watches. selling training mask. used tool for sport start-ups. May-7-2020//31
ElectrIc SuIt Workout Christina Stiehl What if a full-body workout was only a matter of hooking yourself up to a system of wires and electrodes, doing a few lunges and squats, and calling it a day? That seems to be the lofty claim of Electric Muscle Stimulation or EMS, which are promising a rigorous workout in just minutes of simple training. \"It's a fitness targets select muscles. trend embraced by celebrities EMS has been around in the exercise and athletes,\" science world for decades—and it’s been disputed as an effective way to train Including Victoria’s Secret models muscles for just as long. Alessandra Ambrosio and Romee Strijd, former professional hockey player Sean If being able to achieve muscle definition Avery, and even the world champion in just minutes sounds too good to be sprinter Usain Bolt. true, it might be. Overall, the research is limited and conflicting, and many On these machines, people are hooked up are small studies that are looking at to electrodes that attach near major muscle performance in well-trained athletes. groups. The EMS delivers tiny pulses of For instance, one recent study in trained electricity to the muscles, causing them to athletes (the abstract did not specify how contract, similarly to how muscles contract many subjects were part of the study) after receiving signals from the brain, says found that 10 sessions of EMS improved Tedd Keating, Ph.D., associate professor of their sprinting performance, and a 2012 exercise science at Manhattan College. review of 89 trials in healthy young adults found This is supposed to help strengthen your that EMS training at muscles, or so claim the clubs and fitness three to six weeks gurus that tout this device. The Core Club, led to significant a private members-only club in New York strength and speed City which boasts a $50,000 initiation fee, gains, noting that charges around $145 per EMS session for trained and elite members, according to the New York Post. athletes were Using the Miha Bodytec machine, members able to see just get strapped into a wetsuit-looking outfit as impressive and are hooked up to a network of wires improvement and electrodes. A trainer controls the in their electric pulses on a control panel, which performance as less-trained subjects though they were already performing at a peak level.54//Cyber Using EMS to workout
\"EMS can be good for sending blood flow to the muscles to prevent swellIng and Inflammation\"GaINs ResultsHowever, a 2017 study in 21 male cyclists found that EMS did Although, Girandola says it likely won’t help with muscle growth.not improve endurance or strength performance in a 20 minute “If you want to get a muscle to get bigger and you do mus-cletime trial after four weeks of EMS. On the other hand, some of contractions, it doesn’t get bigger unless you put a resistance to it,”the more recent research, like this study looking at the effect of he explains. In other words, simply squeezing your muscle won’tEMS on squat performance, supports the claim that EMS may increase its size—you actually need to add enough of a challenge toincrease strength, especially when used in tandem with traditional stimulate muscle growth. (This doesn’t nec-essarily have to meantraining methods as opposed to using EMS by itself. This is what lifting weights, either. Using your bodyweight, as you do during amany EMS sessions at fitness clubs offer: performing simple circuit pushup or squat, can be an effective form of resistance, too.)training while hooked up to EMS. EMS may not help increase muscle size, but it still has its place inFor those who aren’t looking for performance improvements, there’s the physical therapy and sports rehab world.still not sufficient evidence to support EMS as being effective inClose up detail of an EMS suit/ Photo courtesy of Miha Bodytec EMS machines have been used in a rehabilitative setting for years,body composition changes. While one small study in obese elderly says Keating, and can be effective to prevent muscles fromwomen in Germany found that a weekly 20-minute EMS atrophying. For example, a 2014 study published in Criticalsession significantly affected metabolic markers and waist Care Research and Practice found that EMS has beneficialcircumference, and another found “positive effects” on effects on intensive care unit patients and could be andecreasing abdominal fat in a study in 46 non-athletic effective tool in muscle preservation. In addition,elderly women, there’s little research on other many physical thera-pists and other rehabpopulations and widespread implications can’t professionals use EMS to enhance blood flowbe extrapolated from these small, specific and reduce muscle spasms, and studies aresamples. Plus, there’s no real evidence that looking at EMS and its effect on loweringEMS will increase your muscle mass, other health markers like cholesterolKeating says. That’s because while or glucose levels. In the studies ofEMS contracts muscles, it doesn’t elderly women men-tioned above,provide any resistance, explains the authors note that EMS mayBob Girandola, Ph.D., associate be beneficial in certain ways forprofessor in the department of human obese, nonathletic people who arebiology at the University of Southern unwilling or unable to exercise.California. “When you send a signal, anelectrical signal from the brain or the spinal Girandola, who has been hooked up tocolumn to a muscle, it contracts,” Girandola tells an EMS machine before, says it’s a pleasantSELF. “The idea being that you’re sending these feeling. “As long as it’s not at really highcontractions, but doing that does not really do anything voltage, feels like...a massage without the manualunless the muscle contracts against a resistance in order to manipulation,” he explains. In fact, it’s not unlike thegain muscle mass that people desire.” muscle-shocker ab belts that have been sold on late night”. May-7-2020//55
Competitive gaming, betterknown as eSports, is growingat light speed. Teams, players,leagues and game developersare pulling in multiple millionsin revenue every year.Los Angeles had never seen anything Gamesquite like it. The city’s Staples Centre When it comes to games, there are someusually played host to Lakers and Clippers unquestioned big dogs: Dota 2, Leaguebasketball games – or in the off-season, of Legends (LOL), Heroes of the Storm,rowdy rock gigs. It had certainly never Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO).seen a capacity crowd turn up to watch a The first three are MOBAs (multiplayerbunch of geeks play video games. online battle arenas) – team games with complex rules, heavy difficult curves,And it wasn’t just the 13,000-strong crowd. and obsessive fan bases. CS:GO is a moreIt was the 32 million people watching straightforward first-person shooter.online. The event was the League of There are others, but really, these are theLegends Finals, and the prize for the most important ones; LOL alone pulls in overskilled team was the Summoner’s Cup – 67 million players every month. Muchand $1m in cash. Tickets for the event sold of its money comes from in-game micro-out in under an hour, and subsequently transactions.popped up on third-party sites likeStubHub with prices in the hundreds of The companies that make these gamesdollars. Riot Games for LOL, Blizzard for Heroes of the Storm, Valve for Dota 2 andBut the eyebrow-raising aspect of all this: CS:GO don’t feel a particular need toit happened in 2013. Competitive gaming discuss their finances with reporters.eSports, to use the most common term The leagues are a little more open. Takeis even bigger now. To pick a few more the European Gaming League (EGL), anumbers, the website eSportsEarnings.com UK-based organization that puts togetherestimates that over $181m in prize money tournaments and events for gamers.has been given away in the past few years,and game publisher Activision recently Glen Elliott, the man in charge, startedbought the biggest gaming league, Major his career in banking, but he’s alwaysLeague Gaming (MLG), for 46 million. been a competitive gamer. A few yearseSports is, by any metric you care to ago he decided that he enjoyed doing thatmeasure, a massive business. more than he enjoyed being a senior sales77//Cyber
The Futureof Sports Rob BoffardeSports arena showing the ROSSETTI’s Inverted Bowl arena concept/Image courtesy of ROSSETTI.
Top games awarding Prizes Top Paid Players by game Top Paid game platforms starcraft HotS Mobile 8% 15% Lol 17% 15% $$$$255160,133,40,163,7264,,5439,353311,18 FalleN Console 33% $3,572,777 $3,572,777 $12,176 23% 23%CS:GO Faker $1,169,713 pc $686,972 34% 5 71% $748,339 71% $290,000 KuroKyDota 69 91% ,741
trader at Merrill Lynch. According to Elliott, “I’d say the average salary for a North attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,the big numbers routinely seen in media American player is around $50,000,” he and it’s known for focusing the mindreports are a little misleading and certainly says. “And that’s salary. Tournament and keeping you alert. It’s also ideal fordon’t apply to the majority of companies in winnings and sponsorship and streaming gamers looking for an edge. In the wake ofthe industry. money are on top. They can earn quite a bit Friesen’s admission, ESL instituted a drug“No one’s ever made money in eSports,” if they are successful. testing policy, becoming the first – and so Elliott says. “Some of the successful teams far, only – league to do so. (It declined to and players are doing it, but it’s taken a “I still think sponsorships are vital. We’re comment for this story.) not at the point where we can dismissvery long time for them to get to that stage. them, and I don’t think we’ll ever be able to. “We don’t have a doping policy at theIf you look at the financial side of eSports, They’re just growing, and now non-generic moment,” says EGL’s Elliott. “We areeven the companies who are well-oiled companies are coming in to sponsor teams. looking at it and we are speaking tomachines, this is all still a new business It’s always going to be important to us.” publishers about what their requirementsthat has a long way to go. Eighty percent of The catch, of course, is that much as you are. There is an issue. It’s mainly downa league’s revenue comes from sponsorship, might enjoy gaming, you aren’t going to to how young the industry is, and the factand there aren’t a lot of sponsors out there. make bank as a professional gamer. You that there never used to be big companiesEveryone is looking into it, but no one just aren’t. In 2013, Philip Hübner of the running the teams or the leagues. A lotwants to go first.” Extreme Masters league calculated that of that is changing, and the industry is the best players make around 600 moves becoming more professional.”Leagues a minute – ten moves a second. These are professional athletes, as committed to their Of all the people we spoke to, no one reallyEGL started off on what Elliott calls a sport as any basketball player who ever agrees just how big a problem dopingshoestring budget, but he now says that is. O’Dell says he has “absolutely no idea”it’s pulling in “several hundred thousandpounds” a year, about it:helped along by Strangely, more direct cheating\"From my own experience,a partnershipwith ad agency is somethingBBH. While that has largelywhen I was a pro player, IEGL is certainly become a non-doing quite factor in eSports.well for itself, In the past, you could tweakcouldn't even have a beer.it’s not exactly your settings tobeing bought allow auto-aimIt would muck up my aim.\"for $46m, like in first personMLG. Running shooters, or seta league is a took the floor for the Lakers at the Staples up mouse macros, combinations of keystime-consuming, difficult business, and Centre. They train for hours every day and designed to help automate tasks (such aswhile Elliott says it’s a lot of fun, it’s not have to pay close attention to their physical setting an automatic weapon to fire withalways particularly lucrative. Stadium and mental health. “Very few people can one click of the mouse instead of holdingevents, in particular, are notorious for make it at the top level,” says O’Dell. So if down the button). “It doesn’t happen atlosing money. Riot Games admitted that it you don’t want to run a league, don’t have all in something like, I’d say, 99 percentlost money on that Staples Centre gig, and an idea for a game that can topple LOL, and of professional tournaments,” says O’Dell.doesn’t make any profit on the league it can’t click ten times every second, then “There are rules in place, like having toruns, League Champion Series. what can you do? submit your [settings] in Counterstrike tournaments before you play. With LeagueMichael O’Dell is the managing director of Fair Play of Legends, we’re not allowed to useBritish professional gaming squad Team peripherals that have been out of the studio.Dignitas. His title should give you an idea of You could just cheat. In 2015, Kory Friesen, They’re looked after under lock and key injust how he approaches what he does; this known as SEMPHIS, openly admitted the studio in Los Angeles, and when weisn’t a bunch of teenagers in a basement. that his Counterstrike team used the drug turn up to play, we get our kit.”O’Dell (whose gamer name is Odee) says Adderall in an ESL tournament (Electronicthat players if they’re good enough to both Sports League) in Poland. They werewin tournaments and impress sponsors, competing for $250,000 in prize money.can make quite a comfortable living. Adderall’s a weird one. It’s used to treat May-7-2020//80
Drones lighting up the night sky by racing
“It has that thrill of a 100-meter dash or horse racing.” Yes, Nicholas Horbaczewski was referencing drone racing in an article in The New York Times, praising the thrills of a non-traditional sport that has received more public recognition and visibility on television over the last nine months than ever before.It wasn’t until last year that Horbaczewski Horbaczewski, it was a growing but still an untapped niche even knew what a drone was. After his community that had major potential first glance of one flying around Long In the past year, drone racing technology and radio Island, though, the founder and CEO of communications system has been tested and improved, with the Drone Racing League was hooked. all the parts coming together for the Drone Racing League in early 2016 at the Miami Dolphins’ stadium. It was the league’s “I just thought it was one of the first foray into large-scale competitive racing, and it was then coolest things I had ever seen,” that Horbaczewski and his team knew drone racing could be Horbaczewski said. “It was so early. orchestrated at a high level. The technology wasn’t really there. It wasn’t quite a sport yet. I was “At that point, we knew we could do it,” Horbaczewski said. like, ‘This has so much potential. “And then it was like, “Should we do it? Will anyone really like We need to figure out how to this?’ We thought it was cool. We released the Miami episode make this great.’” with YouTube, Twitch, and EpicTV in Europe. We got an overwhelmingly positive response. Can this be done? Should this The need and desire to be done? Now, we’re in the third phase of really growing it out start another business and into a property and sport and building the global audience for it.” embark down his own “We wanted someone who believed in drone racing as much entrepreneurial path as we did and the potential it had,” Horbaczewski said. “Also, lingered. Following recognizing that it was a new sport, and it doesn’t necessarily some due diligence, come with a built-in audience. So you have to have someone who wants to go on that journey with you.” Horbaczewski discovered a potential The Drone Racing League found that partner as it recently opportunity with announced a multi-year agreement with ESPN to carry a 10-episode package for the 2016 fall season, which will include drone racing, where an in-depth look at 25 pilots away from the competitive field and stationary pilots fly also races in cities such as Detroit, Los Angeles and Miami. Drone quadcopters around racing league will also have european outlets such as Sky Sports Mix and 7Sports will have broadcast rights, too. an obstacle filled course at 80 miles Finding a broadcast partner like ESPN, which has built properties per hour via a around non-traditional programming such as professional poker, CrossFit, X Games and now e-sports, was integral to growing the cockpit-like league itself but also the sport as a whole. camera view. According to May-7-2020//103
A celebration 3,000 meters above sea level Susanne Enninger The rink and its surrounding area were illuminated by floodlights and effect lighting from Osram, turning the event into an impressive peak-top spectacle. The company is introducing LED lighting integrated into fabrics. This technology was exposed to extreme conditions. LEDs from Osram was integrated into the clothing, helmets, and puck, showing how they can cope with tough sports and freezing temperatures.124//Cyber Image courtesy of Osram
VIrtual RealIty Greg Marchilena VR headsets have been popping up everywhere. Don’t know much about VR? Don’t be embarrassed, we have the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about virtual reality out there. What Is Virtual RealIty? What Do People Use Vr To Do? Virtual reality replicates or simulates an Anything and everything. Virtual reality environment. This environment could be can be used for education, research, real or imaginary; it also could be created entertainment, and more. Businesses and using photography, videography, computer institutions use virtual reality to increase animation, or a combination of the three. brand awareness and drive conversions. When someone enters virtual reality, they In fact, about 75 percent of Forbes World’s have a full 360-degree view of what is Most Valuable Brands have created some happening around them. type of virtual reality or augmented reality experience. How Does VR Work? Has VR Been Around Forever? The easiest answer is that virtual reality “tricks” your brain into thinking you’re Not forever, but a while. There was a boom someplace else. A virtual reality headset in virtual reality technology in the 1980s shows you an image, and when you move, and 1990s. Unfortunately, VR technology the device modifies the image to make at the time didn’t live up to the hype, it appear as if you’re actually inside a which alienated consumers and added to different environment. the tech’s demise. Another factor in VR’s early bust was the creation of the internet, You Mentioned a VR Headset? and a massive shift in interest to this new technology. A virtual reality headset is what you use to enter virtual reality. They are lightweight Excited Now? devices that you place over your eyes. There are two main types: mobile Because in every way possible and computer. A mobile virtual virtual reality is better than it reality headset like, Google was the first time around. Cardboard or Samsung Both the hardware and Gear VR, works with software have improved a smartphone. You to the point where the just pull up your hype is appropriate. favorite VR app, Not only this, lock your but mobile smartphone virtual reality in the headset, is leading to the and start democratization enjoying. A computer of VR. Many industry virtual reality headset experts are comparing is significantly more today’s VR industry to the powerful (and expensive) smartphone industry. than a mobile headset. This type Image courtesy of Oculus VR of VR headset hooks up to high- performance computer, which allows for better graphics, among other things.148//Cyber
Not for publication, For educational use only.
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