Synonyms and Antonyms
อศั จรรย์ (Adjective) amazing astonishing astounding extraordinary fabulous fantastic improbable incredible unbelievable wonderful
โกรธ (Adjective) angry aroused enraged exasperated excited furious indignant mad wrathful
ความโกรธ (Verb) anger arouse enrage exasperate inflame infuriate madden nettle
คาตอบ (Noun) answer acknowledge reply respond retort
ถาม (Verb) ask put a question to demand question examine query expect quiz seek information inquire from inquire of request interrogate
แยม่ าก (Adjective) awful abominable bad dreadful poor terrible unpleasant
แย,่ เลว (Adjective) bad rotten contaminated sinful corrupt spoiled depraved tainted evil wicked immoral
สวย (Adjective) beautiful graceful comely lovely dazzling magnificent elegant pretty fair fine
เรม่ิ (Verb) begin commence inaugurate initiate launch open originate start
ใหญ่ (Adjective) Big enormous gigantic great huge immense large sizable substantial vast
กล้าหาญ (Adjective) bold gallant brave heroic courageous intrepid dauntless valiant doughty valorous fearless
หยดุ พัก, ทาลาย (Verb) atomize break crash demolish fracture rupture shatter smash wreck
สวา่ ง, ฉลาด (Adjective) bright brilliant gleaming intelligent knowing radiant shimmering shining shiny smart
เงยี บสงบ, ระงบั (Adjective) calm composed detached level-headed mild peaceful quiet still serene unexcited
มา (Verb) advance approach arrive come near reach
เยน็ (Adjective) chilly cold cool frosty frigid icy wintry
คดเค้ยี ว, ทจุ รติ (Adjective) bent crooked curved hooked twisted zigzag
รอ้ งไห้ (Verb) bawl bellow cry roar scream shout sob weep yell yowl
ตัด (Verb) chop cleave crop cut gash nick prick sever slash
อนั ตราย (Adjective) Dangerous hazardous perilous risky uncertain unsafe
มดื , ดา, คลา้ (Adjective) black dark dim dismal dusky gloomy shaded shadowy sunless
ตัดสนิ ใจ (Verb) choose decide determine resolve settle
แนน่ อน (Adjective) certain clear definite determined distinct obvious positive sure
อร่อย (Adjective) appetizing delectable delicious delightful enjoyable exquisite palatable savory scrumptious toothsome
อธบิ าย (Verb) characterize describe narrate picture portray relate recount represent report record
ทาลาย (Verb) destroy demolish end extinguish kill raze ruin slay waste
แตกตา่ ง (Noun) contrast difference disagreement dissimilarity incompatibility inequity
ทา (Auxiliary verb) accomplish achieve attain carry out conclude do effect enact execute
น่าเบอ่ื (Adjective) boring dull dumb insensible lifeless slow tiresome tiring unimaginative uninteresting
กระตือรอื ร้น (Adjective) alive to eager enthusiastic fervent interested involved keen
จบ (Noun) close conclude cessation discontinuance end halt finish stop terminate
เพลิดเพลนิ (Verb) appreciate bask in be pleased delight in devour enjoy indulge in like luxuriate in relish
อธิบาย (Verb) account for clarify define elaborate explain interpret justify
ยตุ ธิ รรม (Adjective) fair honest impartial just objective unbiased unprejudiced
ตก (Verb) descend drop fall plunge topple tumble
ผดิ (Adjective) counterfeit deceptive erroneous fake fallacious false fraudulent groundless spurious
โดง่ ดัง (Adjective) celebrated distinguished eminent famed famous illustrious noted notorious renowned well-known
เรว็ (Adjective) expeditiously fast hasty like a flash quick quickly rapid speedy swiftly
อ้วน (Adjective) burly chubby chunky corpulent elephantine fat fleshy full plump
กลวั (Noun) anxiety apprehension awe dismay fear fright horror panic scare terror
ชว่ ยเหลอื (Verb) abet aid attend assist back befriend benefit encourage help relieve
บนิ (Verb) coast cruise flee flit fly glide hover sail skim soar
สนกุ สนาน (Adjective) amusing comic comical droll funny humorous laughable silly
ได้รบั (Verb) accept acquire catch earn find gain get obtain pick up
ไป (Verb) depart disappear fade go move proceed recede travel
ดี (Adjective) good excellent, fine, superior, wonderful, marvelous, qualified, kindly, friendly, pleasant
ดเี ย่ียม (Adjective) considerable distinguished grand great much mighty noteworthy powerful remarkable worthy
ใช้ (Verb) consume employ exercise exhaust expend spend use utilize
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