WHISTLE Zidell Launches Its Namesake BargeINSIDE THIS A crowd of hundreds gathered filled the workspace. VideoISSUE: at Zidell in June to watch the clips from ’Built by Zidell’ and last barge slip into the employee interviews playedBarge Launch 1 Willamette River. Zidell has overhead. Photos and render- been building barges on the ings of what the future ZidellTFA Golf 2 South Waterfront property Yards might look like flashedTournament 3 since 1961 and Zidell Marine across a giant screen. 277 was, just as you guessed, As guests dined on lunch andWellness the 277th barge built by the dessert the production crew company. The massive group was hard at work in the slipMark Your 3 of onlookers was made up of way preparing to give theCalendar 4-5 friends, family, employees and barge another big push. 6 even the media! Once the crane way and wa-Photo 6 terfront were again lined withGallery The ceremony began with a guests, Zidell’s production warm welcome from Jay Zidell crew used all their might andTFA Sales which was followed by a per- machinery in an attempt to getMeetings formance of the Star Spangled the vessel moving. Banner by musicians from the Then finally, just after 3pm, theTotal Eclipse Oregon Symphony. Special barge began to slide. People guest Ted Wheeler, Portland’s exclaimed “IT’S MOVING” asCongratula- 7 Mayor, gave an encouraging the barge picked up speed andtions 8 speech and expressed his ex- headed toward the river. Some citement about Zidell’s vision cheered, some whistled andEmployee for the future of the property. some teared up as Zidell’s finalSpotlight barge, Zidell Marine 277, made When the speeches concluded its splash in the Willamette. 2018 and the vessel had beenVOLUME 1 blessed our very own Char- “IT’S MOVING!” lene Zidell christened the barge. And then… we waited. -Most of the crowd Once the barge was released from the hold-backs it stayed put, but the crew was pre- pared to give it a nudge and once they did, it still stayed put! Guests headed into the old shop where an extraordinary celebration awaited them. A local jazz group, Key of Dreams, played lively tunes while the sound of guests ex- changing Zidell memories
PAGE 2 TFA Golf TournamentThe well attended, planned and Men’s Long Drive: Oluf was TFA’s John Durr, an Eaglesorganized TGA Golf Tourney McDowell & Dave Riewald fan.for 2017 was another suc- Women’s Long Drive: Hilarycess—par for the course! Alter & Claudia Riewald For a total of $4.000 for the Men’s Closest to the Pin: Dave Morrison Center!! Thanks toThis year the weather was Riewald & Tony Moran all the participantsperfect for the 15 teams that Women’s Closest to the Pin:took on the historic Oregon Kelli Bestwick & Claudia Finally, thanks to all that helpedCity Gold Course and its 18 Riewald in the planning and organizingholes for 5,872 yards of tree The day ended with a catered this year—Tammy Beeler, Patlined fairways. lunch and raffle, which all pro- Benavides, Gretchen Chas- ceeds going to the Morrison saing, John Durr, Scot Marshal1st place went to the ZM Center. and Suzie Bayless. Suzie wasteam—Four All About It recognized for her work put-Troy Bennet This year the day of Golf Raffle ting on the TFA Gold Tourney#1 Chris Killough raised $1,191 in ticket sales for the past 14 years and willBen Lambert and $2,315 in personal and be passing the club on to Tam-Tom Sawyer Company/Supplier donations! my Beeler. In addition, there was a raffle2nd Place went to TFA team— weeks prior for 2 tickets to Story By: Kirk GoodwinInternational Thugs the Seattle Seahawks homeJohn Peachey game versus the PhiladelphiaKelli Bestwick Eagles, donated by Bob Thor-Charles Harada ton of Custom Plate. This sup-Bruce Davis plemental raffle raised an addi- tional $674. The big winner
WELLNESS PAGE 3 MARK YOUR CALENDAR 2018 Personal Wellness Daylight Savings Time Ends Company Sponsored Sunday, March 11th In addition to our yearly company-sponsored events, Wellness events : each employee is eligible to be reimbursed for the cost Remember to set your clocks forward Shamrock Run 3/18/18 of one personally chosen wellness event, at a maximum one hour before going to bed. of $40 for the calendar year.Race for the Roses 4/29/18 · The company will reimburse the cost of the partici- Warrior Dash 5/19/18 pation fee of an employee plus one guest , at a max- Company Hike Challenge imum of $40 per person. June-September 2018 ORRace for the Cure 9/16/18 · The company will reimburse the employee and all of the employees insured family members on a compa- ny provided insurance plan, at a maximum of $40 per person. (Covered family members do not all have to participate in the same event)Company Hike ChallengeThe third annual company hike We always get some great Gorge were sadly cut shortchallenge has come to an end!Every year the wellness team photos, and this year did not due to the Eagle Creek wild-puts together a series of sug-gested hikes. Employees are disappoint. fire. The fire was originallyencouraged to get togetherwith each other, family and The challenge runs from April reported September 2nd and St. Patrick’s Dayfriends to complete the hikes through October and the win- several hiking trails and facili- Saturday, March 17ththat are most appealing to ners get… bragging rights! Be ties stayed closed throughthem. on the look out for next year’s October. Many trails have Remember your green to avoid being announcement so you can get reopened and we are excited pinched! started early in the season. to see the photos for 2018! This years hiking efforts in the First day of Spring Tuesday, March 20th “April showers bring May flowers”
PAGE 6 TFA Sales Meetings The outlook for TFA in 2018 is sent their team’s prior year’s to go in 2018 then we are well a positive one. TFA just con- accomplishments and their on our way to having a good cluded their 2018 Annual Sales 2018 goals. year, THAT is a good problem Planning Meeting in October. to have. “ The final day is dedicated to Each year the Outside Sales reviewing the Outside Sales Article By: Tammy Beeler Team makes the trek to Port- Team’s outlook for the market, land to participate in a two day customers and opportunities; event where the Production, culminating in a 2018 Sales Sales and Executive Teams Forecast that will drive TFA’s discuss and share information 2018 Operating Budget. regarding the market, manu- facturing process, maintenance The week’s final event was and quality. Each department celebrated in the usual and is given an opportunity to pre- customary TFA man- ner…..with food and camara- derie. This year the Friday night dinner was hosted at Andina in the Pearl District. Jay made his customary speech and stated “If TFA’s growing backlog is any indica- tion of how things are going Total Eclipse of the Sun On August 21st 2017 employ- just before the sun goes down. ees left their workstations mid- If you are in the range of totali- morning to witness a rare ty, it will be the most extreme. phenomena. The Sun, Moon and Earth came into perfect While most employees came alignment for a brief couple of to work, some traveled out of minutes. town to view the eclipse in the path of totality. They returned During an eclipse, the Moon to work with reports of bad comes directly between the traffic but felt the great experi- Sun and Earth, casting a shad- ence was well worth the wait! ow on our planet. The result of this rare occurrence is a darkening in the affected area similar to the lighting at dusk,
CONGRATULATIONS PAGE 7Suzie Bayless worked at learned about computers and our go-to “Sherlock Holmes”Tube Forgings for 29 years— databases during her time at to track down any mysteriesfrom 1988 through 2017. TFA, expanding into the Sys- or discrepancies. She under- tems Specialist role. Gretchen stood how every are of TFAShe started as a Labor Clerk, Chassaing was her mentor in affected every other area.and spent her first day on the that area, and Suzie was proudjob inputting Physical Inventory to be dubbed “Gretchen Jun- Suzie was always proud oftags. Wally Browning was her ior” during her first year work- being a “shop girl” and anSupervisor for 28 of her 29 ing with Gretchen. Her final “inventory girl.” She’s veryyears here. He gave her a shop position at TFA was “Material proud of the systems she puttour during her interview, and Control Assistant/Systems in place and the databases sheshe stopped him partway Specialist.” created, and so are we.through the tour and said, “Iwant the job!” During the year that I super- In addition to implementing vised her, she trained new over a dozen new computerSuzie said that what she appre- employees, wrote reports for systems, programs and creat-ciated most about Tube Forg- multiple departments, and ing hundreds of reports. Suzieings was that we allowed her upgraded the programs she’d co-coordinated 14 years of golfto learn and grow in the direc- created so we could use them tournaments!tions that interested her. She for many more years. She was Article By: Amy Faucon Tammy Beeler It’s a Boy! Celebrated 20 years with Gloria Valenzuela & David The Zidell Companies in Ahumada (TFA) wel- September 2017. Tam- my is the Inside Sales comed their new baby boy Christopher Ahumada Manager at TFA and started her career with Valenzuela on September us at the Zidell Marine 20th, 2017! Reception desk in 1997! This was also Tammy’s Christopher’s Stats: Born: 12:01am second year partici- Weight: 7lbs 9oz pating in the Warrior Length: 20.5” Dash. Mark Brand Celebrated 20 years with The Zidell Companies in December 2017. Mark is one TFA’s National Sales Manager and currently lives in Denver, Colora- do. Mark recently took a trip to South America to hike Machu Picchu with his wife.
EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT Hilary Alter - ZRZ This Whistle is brought to you by: Development Associate∙ 5 years with Zidell Articles : Hilary grew up in Woodinville, WA—about 25miles Tammy Beeler NE of Seattle. Throughout Junior High and High Kirk Goodwin School she played the Tenor Saxophone and Bassoon. Amy Faucon Hilary attended the University of Oregon where she Morgan Waldroff received her B.Arch in Architecture with minors in Art History and Environmental Studies. While at U of O she attended almost HR Reporter: every Ducks Football game and was an active member of the Kappa Kap- Liza Maness pa Gamma sorority. She currently lives in North Portland with her hus- band Michael and their Wheaten Terrier, Daphne, who occupies most of Editor: their time as they enjoy taking her to the dog park and on hikes. Prior to Sheila Rofinot working at Zidell, Hilary was managing a wine shop in NE Portland and had considered becoming a sommelier! Layout & Production: Morgan WaldroffRachel Crawford - TFA A special thanks to every-Inside Sales Representative∙ 3 years with Zidell one who submitted pho-Rachel grew up in Gresham, OR playing competitive fast pitch Softball and tos. This publicationVolleyball and traveled across the country for both sports with state would be very boringteams until the age of 18. She now plays co-ed slow pitch softball, whichshe says gets pretty competitive! Her other hobbies include riding motor- without you!cycles, sport ATVs and doing a lot of off-road four wheeling with her sig-nificant other. Today Rachel lives in Portland with her three fur-babies, Join the Whistle!two Doberman Pinschers and a Miniature Pinscher. Who’s the boss? The Do you love to write,miniature! have a great photo or idea for an article? We David Nelson - ZMC want to hear from AP/AR Specialist∙ 7 months with Zidell you! David was born in Olympia, Washington and moved to the Vancouver Please contact Morgan and Portland area at the age of 12. He recently graduated from at : Washington State University. David is not married but is currently in a long term relationship. He enjoys being active, working out and play- [email protected] ing sports. David is also very close with his family and spends most of or 503-937-2242 his free time with them. When he feels like relaxing he will stay in and watch movies or play with his pet cat Mamba.If you’d like to volunteer for Employee Spotlight, please contact Morgan Waldroff or Tammy Beeler!
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