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Home Explore Body System Project

Body System Project

Published by melodie.carrbadillo.919, 2016-11-07 10:14:52

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Body System Project By: Melodie Carr Badillo

INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM:● derm/o,dermat/o : Skin● kerat/o : Horny,hard,cornea● xer/o: Dry● xanth/o: Yellow● erythr/o:Red● pedicu/o:Louse, lice● onych/o: Fingernail, Toenail● myc/o : fungus● pil/o : hair● lip/o:P Fat, Lipid● rhytid/o: wrinkle● albin/o : white

Function: ● Largest organ in the human body. Consisting of hair, skin, nails and exocrine glands. Protects body, it retain body fluids, protect against disease, eliminate waste products and regulate body temperature

Diseases/Disorder ● Eczema: inflammation of the skin ● Scabies: skin rash caused by mites ● Psoriasis : skin cells build up and form scales and itchy dry patches ● Acne : Skin disorder that causes a variety of blemishes on the skin

Careers:★ Medical Assistant: prepares patients for examination, takes vital signs and medical history performs basic laboratory test and cleans and maintains equipment★ Nurse Aide : provides basic and essential patient care such as bathing, bedmaking and feeding

Vocabulary★ Epidermis: top layer of the skin only, protection layer★ Dermis: Deeper layer of the skin, thickest layer gives skin strength★ Hypodermis: Flexible connection to the skin and underlying muscles, fat storage layer★ Sudoriferous glands: Known as sweat glands, active during puberty where they produce a thick oily liquid that is consumed by bacteria living on the skin★ Sweat glands: helps regulate body temperature and water content by secreting sweat >★ Haird: helps control loss of body heat★ Nails: protect the dorsal surface of the last bone toe and finger★ Tactile : pertaining to touch★ Perception Is the ability to recognize sensory stimulus★ Heparin: released in response to injury, is an anticoagulant

MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM:my/o: muscle Carree: Physical Therapist ,myel/o: spinal cord, bone Orthopedistmarrowoste/o: Bonecost/o; Ribcrani/o:skull-pexy: surgical fixationchondr/o: cartilagearthr/o : Joint-plegia: one affected withparalysiskinesi/o: movement

Function:❏ Makes movement possible . Moves body fluids and general body heat

Vocabulary★ Red Bone marrow: Manufactures red blood cells hemoglobin, white blood cells and megakaryocytes that produce thrombocytes★ Hematopoietic: formation of red blood cells★ Yellow Bone Marrow : composed chiefly of ft cell and functions as a fat storage area★ Compact bone: the hard, dense, and very strong bone the forms the outer layer of the bones★ Proximal epiphysis: the end of the bone that is located nearest to the midline of the body★ Distal Epiphysis: end of the bone that is located farthest away from the midline★ Foramen: opening in a bone through which blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments pass★ Process: normal projection on the surface of a bone that serves as attachments for muscles and tendons★ Articulate: joins or comes together in a manner that allows motion between parts★ suture : jagged line where bones joint= and form a joints that does not move

Disease/Disorder: ● Arthritis: painful Inflammation and stiffness of the joints ● Osteoporosis: Bones become more brittle and fragile from loss of tissue ● Tendonitis : Inflammation of a tendon, most commonly from overuse but also from infection. ● Muscular dystrophy : hereditary condition marked by progressive weakening and wasting of the muscles

Nervous System:neur/o : nerve, nerve tissueencephal/o :brainmyel/o: Spinal cord, bone marrowambu/o: Walk-esthesia: Sensation feelingmening/o: membranes, meaningpsych/o: mindconcuss/o: Shaken together, violently agitated

Function:● Coordinates the reception of stimuli, Transmits message through the body

Disease/Disorder ● Alzheimer's: progressive mental deterioration that can occur in middle or old age. ● Epilepsy : Neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance , loss of consciousness. ● Multiple Sclerosis: Disease involving damage to the sheaths of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord ● Causalgia: Severe burning pain in a limb caused by injury to a peripheral nerve ●

Carree:● Neurologist : medical Doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the nervous system● neurological surgeon: Just like a neurologist but performs surgery

Vocabulary★ Central nervous system : includes the brain and spinal cord★ Peripheral nervous system: 12 pairs of cranial nerves extending from the brain and 31 pairs of spinal nerves extending from spinal cord★ Autonomic nervous system: peripheral nerves and ganglia on either side of the spinal cord★ Tact: Bundles or groups of nerve fibers located within the brain or spinal cord★ Ganglion: Knotlike mass or group of nerve called bodies.★ Plexus : network of interesting nerves and blood or lymphatic vessels★ Innervation: supply of nerves to a body part. Stimulation of a body part through the action of nerves★ Stimulus : anything that excites or activates a nerve and causes an impulse★ Impulse: wave of excitation transmitted through nerve fibers and neurons★ Neuron: basic cell of the nervous system ,3 types of nerurons.

Special sensesirid/o: ieis, color part of eye-cusis: hearing-opia:vision conditionot/o : hear. Hearingtympan/o : tympanic membrane, eardrumopthalm/o: eye vision-metry: to measure

Function: ● the 5 senses, Your sight, Hearing, Sense of smell, taste and touch .

Diseases/ Disorder: ● color blindness: Abnormal condition characterized by the inability to clearly distinguish different colors of the spectrum ● Myopia: lack of imagination, foresight or intellectual in sight ● cataract : Lens of the eye become progressively opaque ● optic atrophy : affects the optic nerve, which carries impulses from the eye to the brain

Careers: ● Ocularist : dispensing optician who specializes in fitting artificial eyes ● Ophthalmic laboratory technician: Grinds, finishes , polishes and mounts lenses for eyeglasses and contact lenses

Vocabulary★ nystagmus : involuntary, constant, rhythmic movement of the eyeball★ Retinal tear: occurs when the retina tears as it is pulled away from its normal position★ Retinal detachment : retina is pulled away from its normal position of being attaches to the choroid in the back of the eye★ Uveitis: inflammation anywhere in the uveal tract.★ Diplopia: perception of two images of a single object★ Hemianopia: blindness in one half of the visual field★ Monochromatism: lack of the ability to distinguish colors★ nyctalopia : condition in which the individual has difficulty seeing at night★ Amblyopia: dimness of vision or the partial loss of sight without detectable disease of the eye★ Scotoma: blind spot abnormal area of absent or depressed vision surrounded by an area of normal vision

Cardiovascular Systemcardi/o heartangi/o: blood or lymph vesselshem/o, hemat/o: blood, relating to bloodBrady-: slowTachy- fast, rapidthromb/o -clot-emia: blood, blood conditionleuk/o- whiteerythr/o: redarteri/o artery

function : ● Pumps blood that carries oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Carries liquid waste to the lungs and kidneys


Disease/ Disorder 1. Heart attack: SUDDEN SOMETIMES FATAL OCCURRENCE THROMBOSIS OF HEART MUSCLE 2. heart valve, :oPENS OR CLOSES INCUMBENT ON DIFFERENTIAL BLOOD PRESSURE ON EACH SIDE3. congenital heart disease : abnormally in your heart structure that you're born with4. cardiomyopathy : chronic disease of the heart muscle

Vocabulary★ PERICARDIUM: is the double walled membranous sac that encloses the heart★ Pericardial fluid: between the layers prevents friction when the heart beats★ Myocardium: middle and thickest of the three layers, consists of cardiac muscle★ Endocardium: lining of the heart, forms the inner surfaces that comes in direct contact with blood being pumped through the heart★ Atria: two upper chambers of the heart, are receiving chambers★ Interatrial septum: separating wall or partition★ Interventricular: pumping chambers.★ Tricuspid valve : controls the opening between the right atrium and the right ventricles★ Cardiac apex: the narrow top of the heart★ Pulmonary circulation: is the flow of blood between the heart and lungs

RESPIRATORY SYSTEMbronch/o : Bronchial tube, bronchuscyan/o: bluelaryng/o : Larynx, throat-oxia : oxygen conditionOxy: swift, sharp, acidpleur/o : pleura , side of bodypneum/o : lung,airpulmon/o: lungthorac/ot chesttrache/o windpipe , trachea

Function:● Brings oxygen into the body for transportation to the cells. Removes carbon dioxide and some water waste from the body

Diseases/ Disorder: ● Asthma; SPASMS IN THE BRONCHI OF THE LUNGS, CAUSING DIFFICULTY IN BREATHING . ● Chronic Bronchitis: INFLAMMATION AND SWELLING OF THE LINING OF THE AIRWAYS ● Cystic Fibrosis: HEREDITARY DISORDER AFFECTING THE EXOCRINE GLANDS, CAUSED PRODUCTION OF ABNORMALLY THICK MUCUS ● Pulmonary hypertension: type of high blood pressure that affects the arteries in your lung and right side of your heart

careers :● respiratory therapist : Clinicians trained in advance airway management , maintain the airways during management of trauma● Pulmonologist: physician who possesses specialized knowledge and skill the diagnosis

Vocabulary★ Upper respiratory tract: consists of the nose, mouth, pharynx, epiglottis, larynx and trachea★ Lower Respiratory tract: consist of the bronchial tree and lung.★ Nasal Cavity: where air passes through★ Nasal septum: is a wall of cartilage that divides the nose into equal sections★ Mucous Membrane: form of the epithelial tissue that lines the nose★ Mucus: mucous membrane helps to moisten, arm, filter the air that enter the nose★ Cilia: thin hairs located inside the nostrils★ Olfactory Receptors : sense of smell located upper part of nasal cavity★ Sinus : air filled cavity within a bone that is lined with mucous membrane★ Maxillary Sinuses: largest of the paranasal sinuses

Digestive System fcholecyst/o : Gallbladderenter/o: small intestinecol/o, colon/o: Colon, large intestinehepat/o: livergastr/o: stomach , bellyor/o: mouth , oral cavity-pepsia: digest, digestionchol/e: Bile, gallproct/o: first

Career: ● Gastroenterologist: Physician who specializes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ● Heapatologist : specialist in the study of the liver

Function ● Digests ingested food so it can be absorbed into the bloodstream,. Eliminates solid waves

Disease/Disorder:● Abdominal Adhesion:bands of scar tissue that form between abdominal tissues and organs , causing them to stick together● Colon Polyps: small clumps of cells that forms on the lining of the colon.● Appendicitis, : appendix becomes inflaMED AND PAINFUL● Celiac Disease : SMALL INTESTINE IS HYPERSENSITIVE TO GLUTEN, LEADING TO DIFFICULTY IN DIGESTING FOOD

VOCABULARY★ Upper GI Tract: consists of the mouth, esophagus and stomach★ Lower GI tract: made up in small intestine, large intestine , rectum and anus★ Hard palate: bony anterior portion of the palate that is covered with specialized mucous membrane★ Rugae : irregular ridges or folds in the mucous membrane★ Soft palate: the flexible posterior portion of the palate.★ Edentulous : without teeth★ Permanent dentition : consist of 32 teeth★ Crown : Tooth is the portion that is visible in the mouth★ Duodenum : first proportion of the small intestine★ Jejunum: middle portion of the small intestine, extends from the duodenum to the ileum

URINARY SYSTEM-cele: Hernia, tumor, swelling-lysis: breakdown separation, setting free...cyst/o: urinary bladder, cyst,sac of fluidnephr/o: kidneyren/o: Kidney-uria: urination,urine-pexy: surgical fixation-ectasis: stretching, dilation, enlargementpyel/o: Renal pelvis, bowl of kidney

Vocabulary★ Edema: excessive fluid in the body tissue.★ Hyperproteinuria: ABNORMALLY HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF PROTEIN IN BLOOD.★ hYPOPROTEINEMIA: aBNORMALLY LOW CONCENTRATIONS OF PROTEIN IN BLOOD.★ nEPHROSIS: DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY, USED INTERCHANGEABLY WITH NEPHROTIC SYNDROme★ Diabetic Nephropathy: damage to the kidneys capillary blood vessels that is caused long term diabetes mellitus★ urination : voiding is the normal process of excreting urine.★ Urinary sphincters: control flow of urine from the bladder into the urethra meatus .★ Urethral Meatus: is the external opening of the urethra★ Female urethra: located between the clitoris and opening of the vagina.★ Renal cortex: outer layer of the kidney. Contains over one million microscopic units called nephrons

Function:● Filters blood to remove waste.Maintains the electrolyte and fluid balance within the body

Disease/Disorder : ● Bladder Cancer: Cancer the in the bladder, most often in the cells that line the inside of the bladder ● Chronic Kidney Disease: Kidney to fail ● Urinary Tract Infection : infection in any part of the urinary system ● interstitial cystitis : bladder pain syndrome, chronic pain that affects the bladder

Career: ● Urologist: branch of medicine and physiology concerned with the function and disorder of the urinary system ● Nephrologist: specialist on kidneys ● Transplant surgeons : person who surgically placing organs

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMcervic/o : neck ,cervix ( neck of uterus)salping/o : uterine ( fallopian) tube , Auditory( eustachian) tubeov/o: egg,ovumorchid/o: testicles, testis, testesoophor/o: ovarymen/o : Menstruation, mensesmamm/o : breastgynec/o: woman, femalecolp/o: Vaginiaprostat/o : prostate gland

Function● Produces new life. Female reproductive system has two function, produce egg cells, the second is to protect and nourish the offspring until birth. The male reproductive system has one function . Produce and deposit sperm.

Careers : ● Midwife : assists in labor and delivery ● Sonographer : conducts ultrasound test

Diseases/Disorder● Prostate Cancer: Cancer of the prostate gland● Breast cancer: cancer of the mammary gland● Uterine cancer : cancer of the uterus● Testicular cancer: cancer of the testicle

Vocabulary★ Scrotum: encloses, protects and supports the testicles★ Perineum: region between the scrotum and the anus★ Testicles: two smaller egg-shaped glands that produce sperm cells★ Seminal Vesicles : glands located at the base of the urinary bladder.★ Ejaculatory duct: two final portions of the seminal vesicles.★ Prostate gland: lies under the bladder and surrounds the upper end of the urethra★ Sperm: Male gametes.★ Urethra: passes through the penis to the outside of the body★ Cowpers glands : located on either side of the urethra just below the prostate gland and their ducts open into the urethra