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Home Explore Sivasagar Tourism

Sivasagar Tourism

Published by Utpal Saikia, 2023-07-18 21:24:03

Description: Sivasagar Tourism


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The saga of ONGC

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), a Maharatna company and the largest crude oil and natural gas company in India, has its Assam Asset headquarters at Nazira of Sivasagar district.

One bud and two leaves

The Tea industry in Assam is about 172 years old, occupying an important place and playing a very useful part in the national economy. Since Assam has the perfect atmosphere for production of rich and malty TEA, Sivasagar is also bestowed with many lush green Tea Estates with Old British-era Bungalows.

People and Culture

The Sivasagar district has a distinct identity as a place with diverse cultural traditions of different ethnic and linguistic groups of people. Bihu, originating in this place during Ahom rule, is the most popular agricultural festival of the Assamese. All the other groups of the district also take part in the festivities with equal traditional fervour. Ethnic tribes such as the Misings, Bodo, Naga, Deuri, Adivasi community et al have their own traditional festivals and rituals which are celebrated with all pomp and gaiety. They also have their unique traditional dress and food habits.

Anthropologists and historians sometimes differ about tribes living in the area known as ‘Soumarpeeth’ covered by the present Sivasagar district in pre-historic times. However, there is little doubt about people belonging to Indo-Chinese and Tibeto-Burmese groups inhabiting this past of the country during such days. Those were Mongloid people termed as ‘Kirat’ in ancient Indian literature. The term includes such ethnic groups as Koch, Kachari, Moran, Muttak, Barahi, Chutia, Rabha, Hajong, Lalung, Mech etc.

Sanshi bark and Agar

“Agar wood” is one of the scented trees being cultivated in south eastern countries. Though, it is considered as one of the endangered species in India, one can find the artificial cultivation in the north eastern region, particularly in the state of Assam as it has high demand in Middle East & Western countries. In the Sivasagar district, the belt adjacent to the Naga Hill range i/e- Amguri to Namti provides heavenly environment for the Agar wood plantation and its processing in extracting oil and its by-products as it is more remunerative than sandal wood. If, a Tourism circuit is developed, the entire belt can give a tourist the ultimate aroma of Agar wood.

Tradition at its best

Having the legacy of prodigious Ahom dynasty, the Sivasagar district has traditional weavers representing various communities and with attractive designs of Textiles. The Ligiribari village is the 1st model Handloom Village. The journey in the rich process of traditional thread making to weaving can give a Tourist a lifetime experience of traditional Handloom, Textile and Sericulture

 Sivasagar district is endowed with a number of rivers like the Dikhow, Disang, Dorika, Diroi, Namdang, Jhanji etc. The rivers here bear significance as they were used as waterways by various tribes, the Ahoms and also the British. The many wetlands and man-made tanks scattered in the district are natural habitats for migratory birds too.

The first ever Assamese news magazine ‘Orunodoi’ was published from this place way back in 1846, as also the first ever session of the Assam Sahitya Sabha, the highest literary body of the state was held here in 1917. The monthly paper ‘Orunodoi’ printed at Sibsagar Mission Press was published at a time when Assamese was superseded by Bengali to serve as official language in schools and government offices during the British regime. It is curious to note that the measure to restore mother tongue Assamese to its rightful position was first taken not by the native people but by a group of missionaries from distant land. This is hometown to many renowned personalities of Assamese music and culture, literature and politics. As many as seventeen Presidents of Assam Sahitya Sabha are from Sivasagar. All these make Sivasagar a heritage town as well as the cultural capital of Assam.

Communal harmony and peaceful co-existence Temples, Dewalayas, Satras, Namghars, Than etc. of the Hindus, Masjid and Dargah of the Muslims, Churches and cathedrals of Christians, Buddhist Monasteries, Sikh Gurudwars and Jain Mandirs — all are revered with equal faith and sanctity.

General Information Entry fee for ASI Protected Monuments (Rangghar, Kareng Talatal Ghar, Gargaon Palace, Joydol, Charaideo Maidams) : For Indians: Rs.25/- For Foreigners: Rs.300/- For the nationals of Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Afghanistan, Maldives, Pakistan, Thailand & Myanmar : Rs.25/ Entry fee for Assam State Archaeology Protected monuments (Na Pukhuri Archeological Site and Charaideo Maidams) is Rs.5/- for both Indians and Foreigners. No entry fee for minors up to the age of 15 years. Opening timing: Sunrise to Sunset every day. The entry remains free for visitors on World Heritage Day (18 April) and during World Heritage Week (19th November to 25th November)

General Information Entry fee for Tai Museum: Rs.10/-for Indians and Rs.25/- for Foreigners (Thursday close) Max. Temp. 39 º C Min. Temp. 11 º C Annual Rainfall: 2432 mm STD Code: 03772 District Administration, Sivasagar: 03772 222137 Civil Hospital, Sivasagar: 03772 222305 Police Control Room, Sivasagar: 100/ (03772) 222801/222923

Guest Room Dormitory Conference hall In-house Canteen Sivasagar Tourist Bungalow 03772 222394

Tourist Information Officer, Sivasagar | +91 8133089993 | [email protected]

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