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Home Explore Flammable Refrigerants

Flammable Refrigerants

Published by AUTC, 2020-11-04 06:41:21

Description: Flammable Refrigerants
Learning Resource Manual

Keywords: Hydrocarbons,Learning,Resource,Flammable Refrigerants


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The Environmental Issues Ultraviolet light The Sun emits ultraviolet radiation in the UVA, UVB, and UVC bands, but because of absorption in the atmosphere's ozone layer, 99% of the ultraviolet radiation that reaches the Earth's surface is UVA. UVA light is also known as \"black light\" and, because of its longer wavelength, can penetrate many windows. It also penetrates deep into the skin and is thought to be a prime cause of wrinkles. UVB light can cause skin cancer. The radiation excites DNA molecules in skin cells, which can lead to mutations and, in turn, result in cancerous growths. UVC rays are the highest energy and therefore, most dangerous type of ultraviolet light. They have been linked to DNA breakdown which leads to human mutation. These carcinogenic and mutagenic connections are one reason for the concern about ozone depletion and the ozone hole. The International Agency for Research on cancer of the World Health Organisation (WHO) classified all categories and wavelengths of ultraviolet radiation as group 1 carcinogens in April of 2011. This is the highest level designation for carcinogens. The Ozone Layer Ozone (O3) is a triatomic molecule, consisting of three oxygen atoms. It is much less stable than the diatomic species O2. Ground-level ozone is an air pollutant with harmful effects on the respiratory systems of animals. On the other hand, ozone in the upper atmosphere protects living organisms by preventing damaging ultraviolet light from reaching the Earth's surface. It is present in low concentrations throughout the Earth's atmosphere (approx. 15 – 35 km above the surface). It has many industrial and consumer applications as well as being used in ozone therapy. Depletion of the ozone layer therefore has the potential to result in increased instances of: • Accelerated skin cancers (melanomas) in humans and animals • Genetic mutation (DNA breakdown) • Eye damage (snow-blindness and cataracts) • Reduced plant yields (farms)

• Death of marine life (especially plankton) • Damage to building materials and plastics. When chlorine based chemical substances such as the CFC'S and HCFC'S used throughout the refrigeration and air conditioning industry are released into the air, they decompose and release the chlorine. Concerns were first raised back in 1974 when it was discovered that chlorine (and bromine) worked as a chemical catalyst in depleting the gases present in the ozone layer, thereby destroying it. All Refrigerants are given a rating that indicates their ability to degrade (or damage) the ozone layer. This rating is called the 'Ozone Depletion Potential' (or ODP). R11 was used as the benchmark and was given a value of 1, while a gas that had no harmful effect was given a value of 0. The Greenhouse Effect The Earth receives energy from the Sun in the form of radiation. The Earth in turn, radiates much of this energy back out into space. If it were not for many of the gases present in our atmosphere, the surface temperature of the planet would be 15°C to 20°C colder than it is now. These naturally occurring, heat trapping gases are known as 'Greenhouse gases' and include water vapour, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and ozone (O3). They absorb much of the earth's radiant energy and contribute to keeping the land, atmosphere and oceans at a comfortable temperature. This is known as the Greenhouse Effect. The composition of the atmospheric gases has changed rapidly throughout the 20th century with the advent of new industries and technologies, and scientists now see dramatically increased levels of not only the natural gases such as CO2, CH4 and N2O but also the 'new' man made greenhouse gases such as CFC's, HCFC's and HFC's. Global Warming As a result of the rise in atmospheric greenhouse gases, scientists currently predict a global average temperature rise of 5°C by the middle of this century. Such global warming would cause the polar ice caps and mountain glaciers to melt rapidly and result in appreciably higher coastal water levels. The rise in global temperature would also produce new weather patterns and extremes of drought and rainfall, seriously disrupting food production in certain regions. Copyright - Global Warming Art.

The majority of countries around the world have taken a range of measures to combat these events. These events include the 1987 Montreal Protocol, which established timetables for phasing out CFC and HCFC substances, and the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which established limits on allowable greenhouse gas emissions. All Refrigerants were given a rating that indicates their ability to function as a greenhouse gas. This rating is called the 'Global Warming Potential' (or GWP). CO2 was used as the benchmark and was given a value of 1, while a gas that had no warming effect was given a value of 0. Total Equivalent Warming Impact (TEWI) The total equivalent warming impact is a measure of the total impact of a refrigeration system on global warming. Refrigeration systems can contribute twice to global warming: • Directly through emissions of those refrigerants that are greenhouse gases • Indirectly through the use of energy generated by burning fossil fuels. This increases carbon dioxide emissions. TEWI = direct effect + indirect effect This value is used to gain a 'big picture' comparison of any improvements to the reduction of global warming that may be achieved by the introduction of a 'new technology' or system. The TEWI can be reduced by: • Using a refrigerant which has a global warming potential which is as low as possible • Reducing emissions of that refrigerant • Improving the energy efficiency of a system by using an efficient refrigerant as well as by implementing energy efficient techniques and technologies. Note that TEWI is currently undergoing an international review. The costs relating to life cycle analysis and final destruction are being considered for inclusion in the rating. Refrigerant Categories A vast range of refrigerants are available today. All are either a naturally occurring substance within our environment, with a common example being ammonia - R717, or have been chemically produced. The predominant refrigerants to have been used since the Second World War have all been variants of the fluorocarbon family which includes the categories of CFC's, HCFC's and HFC's. CFC's CFC refers to the category of chemically formulated 'ChloroFluoroCarbons'. It indicates that the refrigerant is composed of Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon. These are classified as controlled substances under current Australian legislation and are therefore not available for common use (have been phased out). The refrigerants that were commonly used are: R11 R12 R502 Hi-Rise Centrifugal Medium Temp Low Temp Commercial Refrig, Commercial Refrig A/C, Solvent Domestic Fridges ODP = 1 / GWP = ODP = 1 / GWP = ODP = 0.23 / GWP = 5590 4000 8500

CFC's typically possess a very high ODP (due to their chlorine content) and a very high GWP. HCFC's HCFC refers to the category of chemically formulated 'HydroChloroFluoroCarbons'. It indicates that the refrigerant is composed of Hydrogen, Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon. Only two HCFC's are used in refrigeration or air conditioning systems. R22 R123 Residential and Replacing R11 Commercial A/C ODP = 0.04 / GWP = ODP = 0.014 / GWP = 93 1700 Within the European Union nations, the importation or manufacture of equipment using R22 was banned from 1 January 2004 while new HCFC refrigerant was available until 2010 and recycled refrigerant until 2015. Here in Australia, the importation of equipment using R22 was banned as of 1 July 2011, while declining quantities of new HCFC refrigerant will be available until 2015, by which time, our importation quota will have been reduced by 90%. Total phase out is planned by 2020 (for all developed countries). Note that the protocol allows for the importation of minor quantities of new HCFC refrigerant (up to 0.5%) until 2030 for ‘servicing purposes’. HCFC's typically possess a Low ODP but a high GWP. HFC's HFC refers to the category of chemically formulated 'HydroFluoroCarbons'. It indicates that the refrigerant is composed of Hydrogen, Fluorine and Carbon. A very large range of HFC refrigerants are available today, depending on their intended purpose, either in pure form (a single compound) or as part of the '400' series of refrigerant blends. R134a R401A R404A Medium Temp Medium Temp Medium and Low Commercial Refrig Commercial Refrig Temp Commercial and Domestic ODP = 0.03 / GWP = ODP = 0 / GWP = Refrig 1120 ODP = 0 / GWP = 1300 R408A R409A 3260 Medium and Low Medium Temp R410A Temp Commercial Commercial Refrig Residential A/C Refrig ODP = 0.04 / GWP = ODP = 0.019 / GWP ODP = 0 / GWP = = 3060 1530 1725 HFC's typically possess a Zero ODP but a moderately high GWP. HFO's and R32 HFO refers to the latest category of chemically formulated 'HydroFluoro-Olefin' refrigerants. It indicates that the refrigerant is composed of Hydrogen Fluorine and Carbon but possesses different properties to HFC’s due to the way in which the carbons link to each other. They have been classified as a slightly flammable substance by ASHRAE and possess shorter atmospheric lifetimes than other synthetic refrigerants. The product currently known as HFO-1234yf has been undergoing performance reviews as a ‘near drop-in replacement’ for R134a in automotive air conditioning systems.

HFO-1234yf HFO-1234ze HFO-1233zd ODP = 0 / GWP = 4 Blowing Agent Blowing Agent ODP = 0 / GWP = 6 ODP = 0 / GWP = 4 HFO's typically possess a Zero ODP and a minor GWP. CO2 and NH3 These are Carbon Dioxide and Ammonia (respectively). They are both naturally occurring substances and were the only refrigerants available in the early years of this industry. CO2 operates with extremely high pressures and therefore fell into disuse when the synthetic refrigerants were discovered. It is currently undergoing a revival in the supermarket industry due to the improved materials and technologies available today. Ammonia is toxic and slightly flammable but has excellent heat transfer properties and has therefore remained the refrigerant of choice within the industrial refrigeration sector. R744 R717 Carbon Dioxide Ammonia ODP = 0 / GWP = 1 ODP = 0 / GWP = 0 HC's HC refers to another category of naturally occurring substances known as Hydrocarbons. It indicates that this range of refrigerants’ are composed of Hydrogen and Carbon. They are flammable substances with very short atmospheric lifetimes – a few weeks compared to the 100 years+ for CFC's. Once in the atmosphere they break down to carbon dioxide and water. Hydrocarbons contain no chlorine or bromine and therefore have no ozone depletion potential. With regard to the TEWI, hydrocarbon refrigerants virtually eliminate the direct effect because of their very low global warming potentials. Their improved operating energy efficiencies also reduce the indirect effect as they typically require less electrical energy to operate. R600a R290 R1270 ISO-BUTANE PROPANE PROPYLENE ODP = 0 / GWP = 3 ODP = 0 / GWP = 3 (PROPENE) ODP = 0 / GWP = 3 HC's typically possess a Zero ODP and a minor GWP. Section Summary • The ozone layer helps to reduce the harmful effects of the suns' radiation on the planet by blocking almost all lethal ultraviolet light. • The greenhouse gases currently accumulating in the atmosphere could cause the planets' surface temperature to increase, resulting in a rise in ocean levels and dramatic weather shifts. • ODP – Ozone Depletion Potential • GWP – Global Warming Potential • TEWI – Total Equivalent Warming Impact • CFC's are no longer available and HCFC's are being phased out because of their harmful effects on both the ozone layer and global warming.

• An increasing number of communities around the world are pushing to phase out the use of HFC's in favour of natural refrigerants. • Refrigerant categories and their issues: Category ODP GWP Flammable Issue CFC Very High Very High No Already Phased HCFC Low High No Out HFC Zero High No Being Phased HFO Zero Insignificant Slightly Out Affected by Kyoto Protocol New Synthetic Category HC Zero Insignificant Yes Natural R32 Zero Medium Yes Synthetic • Hydrocarbon refrigerants have NO ozone depleting potential. • Hydrocarbon refrigerants have a far lower global warming potential than any of the synthetic refrigerants in common use today. • The TEWI rating for hydrocarbon refrigerants is also lower. Introduction to Hydrocarbon Refrigerants What is a Hydrocarbon Refrigerant? Hydrocarbons are composed entirely of carbon and hydrogen. The majority of hydrocarbons found naturally occur in crude oil (oil refineries), where decomposed organic matter provides an abundance of carbon and hydrogen. They are more commonly recognised for their use as a fuel in BBQ's and butane lighters but have been used as refrigerants for over 100 years, mostly in very large industrial plants but recently in small self-contained refrigerators and freezers. Types The hydrocarbons used at present include ethane, propylene (also known as propene), propane and isobutane. Ethane Chemical formula: C2H6 Refrigerant Number: R170 Use: Low stage of Cascade systems Propylene Chemical formula: C3H6 Refrigerant Number: R1270 Use: Not used in Australia at present Propane Chemical formula: C3H8 Refrigerant Number: R290 Use: A/C and self-contained cabinets

n-Butane Chemical formula: C4H10 Refrigerant Number: R600 Use: Not a suitable refrigerant Isobutane Chemical formula: C4H10 Refrigerant Number: R600a Use: Domestic refrigerators Each of these may be used as a single substance or can be mixed to form 'blends' by various refrigerant manufacturers. Note that there are two versions of butane; n-butane (normal) and i-butane (isobutane). Although their chemical formula is the same, their material compatibility and thermal properties are very different. n-butane is not a satisfactory refrigerant and must not be used as a replacement for isobutane. Typical Applications Hydrocarbon refrigerants are available for a very wide range of applications, including the direct replacement of R12, R22 and R502 refrigerants. Note however, that although retrofitting to a hydrocarbon refrigerant is possible, it is not an accepted practice as the systems that use hydrocarbon refrigerants require a number of additional modifications to make them safe and maximise their operating efficiency. Altering an appliance from its original certification voids its compliance specification and warranty, this includes changing the refrigerant. The following are examples of the applications in which hydrocarbon refrigerants are currently being used: • Domestic Refrigerators – Isobutane (R600a) has become the refrigerant of choice for all refrigerators being produced throughout Europe with an estimated 300 million refrigerators already in use. China is currently producing approx. 12 million HC fridges per year. Hermetic compressors running on a hydrocarbon refrigerant represented 65% of Embraccos’ sales in 2009. • Coca Cola has been trialling its drink cabinets on natural refrigerants (HC and CO2) since 2004. They operate an estimated 10 million cabinets around the world dispensing an average 756,000 drinks every minute. One of the goals in their 2011 sustainability report is to have all new cabinets HFC free by 2015, with an interim goal of 50% by 2012. • Gree, one of the worlds’ largest manufacturers of air conditioners, opened its first R290 production facility in July of 2011. They plan to convert 18 of their 32 production sites in china as part of the country’s HCFC phase out management plan. • November 2011, Unilever signed an agreement with its Brazilian supplier (Metalfrio) to replace all synthetic gases with natural hydrocarbons in their range of self-contained commercial cabinets - R290 for the refrigerant and cyclopentane as the foam blowing agent. • Waitrose, a UK based supermarket chain have opened a number of stores featuring HC refrigerants in the display and merchandising cabinets. Their latest store (opened in Nov 2011 in Bracknell), features a number of world first ‘green’ attributes including a grass roof and ‘presence controlled’ LED lighting. • An English company converted its 2,000 pubs over to an innovative refrigerated 'back bar' cabinet operating on a blend of Propane + Isobutane. This conversion is estimated to eventually save over $2.2 million dollars per year in energy costs.

• The refrigeration equipment in a number of petrol stations in England has been converted to a secondary refrigerant system using a hydrocarbon in the primary system and glycol in the secondary system. • The A/C system in a large telephone exchange in Denmark was fitted with a 360 kW chiller plant that uses Propylene as the primary refrigerant. The total refrigerant charge is 27 kg. Recent Initiatives The following are examples of the current initiatives being undertaken across the globe with respect to the introduction of hydrocarbon refrigerants: • 600 technicians from the West African country of Ghana received training in the handling and design aspects of HC refrigerants in Italy (Nov 2011). • International compressor manufacturers Bock, Frascold and Dorin have released a range of commercial semi-hermetic compressors for the HC market. Hermetic compressor manufacturers Danfoss and Embracco have been producing HC compressors for the domestic market for many years now. • In December of 2011, the US EPA listed Isobutane, Propane and a blend of the two (referred to as R441A), as acceptable substitutes, subject to use conditions, for synthetic refrigerants currently used in domestic and small commercial self- contained (stand-alone) units. • All teachers of refrigeration and air conditioning across Australia will have been provided with an opportunity to attend training in the safe handling and servicing of HC self-contained systems by the end of 2012.

Properties The Thermal design properties (pressure/temperature charts, pressure/enthalpy diagrams etc.), for the hydrocarbon refrigerants have been included in the appendix located at the back of this document. The following topics discuss the basic thermal and physical properties. Flammability Hydrocarbons are flammable when mixed with air (or oxygen) and ignited. The quantity of hydrocarbon vapour required to make the mixture flammable sits within a very narrow band. The example provided below is for Propane however, all of the others are similar. 100% Propane / 0% Air Too much Propane (will not ignite) 81% (UFL) 50% Propane / 50% Air 9.5% (UFL) Flammable Flammable Region Region 0% Propane / 100% Air 2.1% (LFL) 2.5% (LFL) Not enough Propane Acetylene + Air (will not ignite) Referring to the figure on the left above, if there is less than 2.1% of propane in the air then there is insufficient fuel (the hydrocarbon) for combustion. If there is more than 9.5% then there is insufficient oxygen for combustion. While the mixture is within these bounds it is said to be in its 'flammable region'. The bottom of this region is called the 'Lower Flammability Limit' (LFL or LEL) and conversely, the top is known as the 'Upper Flammability Limit' (UFL or UEL). Note that these values may also be expressed in kg/m3 or g/m3. For example, the LFL of 2.1% for propane is equivalent to 38 g/m3 (or 38 grams of propane/1000 litres of air). The UFL is equivalent to 174 g/m3. The figure on the right shows the flammability region for acetylene in air and is provided as a comparison. Although the flammability region is narrow and usually difficult to achieve naturally, a dangerous situation will occur once it does. This is due to the relatively low ignition temperature, the very low quantity of energy required to ignite it and the very high quantity of energy released once combustion starts (see table below). This is why they are very commonly used as a fuel. Property kg/m3 Isobutane Propane + Propane Propene Propane 554 Isobutane 492 (Propylene) + Liquid Density 533 507 Ethane 493

25°C & kg/m3 2.440 2.025 1.832 1.745 1.723 101kPa Vapour g/m3 44 41 38 44 38 Density % 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.5 2.2 25°C & g/m3 207 182 174 176 171 101kPa % 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.1 9.9 °C 460 465 470 455 475 Lower Flammability Limit (LFL) Upper Flammability Limit (UFL) Auto ignition temperature Flash Point °C -83 -94 -104 -108 -106 Min. ignition kJ 2500 2500 2500 2800 2500 energy kJ/kg 49500 50000 50500 49000 50500 Energy of Combustion Liquid Density Hydrocarbons are less dense (weigh less per litre) than the current range of refrigerants. At 25°C, a litre of R134a (liquid) weighs 1.21 kg whereas a litre of R290 weighs only 0.49 kg. In other words, the density of R290 is 40% that of R134a. Broadly speaking, expect the mass of refrigerant required to charge a system with a hydrocarbon to be approximately 40% to 50% that of the mass required when using a fluorocarbon. The following list provides more accurate ratios. Original IsoButane Propane + Propane Propene (or Propane + Refrigerant Isobutane Propylene) Ethane R134a 46% 41% 41% R22 46% 44% 41% 42% 41% R404A 56% 45% 50% 42% 50% R410A 53% 54% 47% 51% 47% 51% 48% As a rough starting point, assume 40 grams of hydrocarbon refrigerant will replace each 100 grams of synthetic refrigerant (then adjust as required). Lubricant Miscibility Hydrocarbons mix well with all of the current compressor lubricants, especially mineral and POE as indicated in the following table: Lubricant Miscibility and Viscosity

Mineral Fully soluble. Excessive solubility at high temperatures (use next higher viscosity grade to compensate). POE Solubility is generally excessive (may need to use a viscosity grade that is AB one level higher than normal to compensate). PAG Fully soluble. Use normal viscosity grades. PAO Solubility not consistent – depends upon conditions. AB+M Use normal viscosity grades. Soluble Soluble. Use normal viscosity grades. LPG Liquefied petroleum gas is a mix of approximately 60% propane and 40% butane and is typically used as a fuel for heating appliances, vehicle engines, and increasingly, replacing CFC's as an aerosol. Propylene and other gases are also present in small concentration. A powerful odorant (or stenching agent), ethane thiol (also known as ethyl mercaptan), is added so that leaks can be detected easily. LPG must not be used as a cheap alternative HC refrigerant as it is not just propane as many believe, the mixture is inconsistent, can contain a range of contaminants (water, acids, free particles etc.), which will cause serious damage to the system, and the quantity of mercaptan may not be desirable. Molecular Size During the phase-out of R12 in the early 1990's, Australian car manufacturers selected R134a as the preferred refrigerant in all automotive air conditioning systems. Throughout those early years, many systems were losing their refrigerant charge without any detectable leakage points being found. The flexible rubber hoses were eventually pinpointed and the cause was the smaller molecular size of R134a when compared to R12. The hoses made for R134a systems today incorporate a barrier that is small enough to prevent R134a from passing through. This issue may repeat itself for the hydrocarbons as they have a smaller molecular size when compared to R134a Compatibility Metals The hydrocarbons are fully compatible with the existing system construction metals such as: • Steel (Ferrous) • Stainless steel • Cast iron • Aluminium • Copper • Brass/Bronze Plastics and Elastomers All of the hydrocarbons apart from propylene possess similar compatibility characteristics to those of the fluorocarbons and therefore do not react with the current range of gasket materials, seals, O-rings or service gauge hoses. The following chart provides further details:

Material Isobutane Propane Propylene Ethane EPDM Severe Severe Severe Severe FKM Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Natural Rubber Severe Severe Severe Severe Neoprene Excellent Severe Good Nitrile Rubber (NBR) Excellent Fair Severe Excellent Nylon Excellent Excellent NA Severe Polycarbonate Severe Excellent NA Polypropylene Excellent NA NA Polyurethane Severe Fair Severe Severe PTFE (Teflon) Excellent Excellent Excellent PVC (tube/pipe) Fair Good Fair Silicone Severe Fair Severe Excellent Viton(O-Rings) Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Severe Severe Excellent Excellent Excellent No reaction Good Slight corrosion or discoloration may occur over time Not recommended for continuous use. Softening, loss of Fair strength and/or swelling may occur after prolonged exposure Severe Not recommended for any use Lubricants Hydrocarbons possess full chemical compatibility with virtually all of the existing lubricants including: • Mineral oils (M) – The original oil • Polyolester oils (POE) • Alkyl Benzene oils (AB) • Polyalkylene Glycol (PAG) – Common in Automotive • Polyalpha olefins (PAO) – Primarily used in low to ultra-low temp. • Semi-synthetic (AB+M) Note: The hydrocarbons will react with silicone or silicate (agents/solutions that may be 'field' added to a compressor sump to reduce oil foaming. Tools and Equipment Hydrocarbons and R32 are fully compatible with the materials used to manufacture existing: • Recovery units must be intrinsically safe • Service gauge manifold sets (including the hoses) • Vacuum pumps must be intrinsically safe However, existing equipment needs to be assessed individually to ensure: i) The manufacturer’s manual/specification states that it is designed for use with flammable refrigerants. ii) All electrical components fitted to the device (including switches, pressure controls and motors) are sealed in a flameproof enclosure (i.e. are suitable for use in a flammable environment)

Leak Detection Equipment Hydrocarbons and R32 are compatible with: • UV additives • Many electronic leak detectors (check with manufacturer) • Ultrasonic However, the recommended leak detector for hydrocarbon systems is a soapy water solution (or similar commercially available product) as currently practiced with the synthetic range of refrigerants. Do not use halide lamps (they only work with gases containing chlorine and use an open flame). General Considerations • Soldered joints are preferred to flared joints to minimise the chances of refrigerant leakage (applying best practice for critically charged systems). • External sources of ignition (naked flames, sparks from electrical equipment, etc.) must be isolated from the system (including any tools used). • Energy requirements to drive the compressor are lower than for the comparable synthetic refrigerant. • The hydrocarbons do not react to form acids when exposed to moisture (although a risk of corrosion still exists, as it does in any existing system). Continue to employ current cleanliness and evacuation practices. • The system will not explode if an electrical short occurs internally within a correctly charged system due to the absence of air.

Section Summary • Hydrocarbons are a flammable compound of carbon and hydrogen when mixed in the correct proportions with air. • They are finding wide use in areas such as domestic refrigerators, split system A/C's, automotive A/C, commercial shops and office A/C systems in numerous countries around the world. • Propylene is the only hydrocarbon refrigerant that is not fully compatible with current materials, components, lubricants and servicing equipment. • A few specially designed systems are operating on propylene across Europe however it is not currently being used in Australia. • They will only ignite when within a 2% to 10% mixture with air. • The system charge is approximately 40% to 50% that of the quantity (weight) required for an equivalent fluorocarbon refrigerant. • A typical 22kg fluorocarbon refrigerant cylinder will hold 9kg of hydrocarbon refrigerant. • All blended hydrocarbon refrigerants are zoetropes (components separate during phase change) • Hydrocarbon refrigerants will be cheaper. • Operating costs will typically be lower due to improved energy efficiency. • Hydrocarbon refrigerants are a good alternative to current refrigerants but are not suitable for all systems. A number of safety issues must be addressed. • Hydrocarbon refrigerant must not be retrofitted into existing appliances. • Existing vacuum pumps and recovery units must be checked before using them with Hydrocarbon refrigerants to ensure: ­ The manufacturer’s manual/specification states that it is designed for use with flammable refrigerants. ­ All electrical components fitted to the device are sealed in a flameproof enclosure. • Modified servicing techniques are essential due to the increased flammability risk of hydrocarbon refrigerants. • Additional precautions are required to minimise refrigerant leakage. • Do not use LPG as a cheap substitute • Check for sources of ignition around the system including: (a) a naked flame (b) exposed incandescent material (c) hot surfaces (d) radiant heat (e) a spark from mechanical friction (f) a spark from static electricity (including clothing that may generate static) (g) an electrical arc as produced by contactors, relays and general switches (h) any electrical, electronic, mechanical or other equipment.

Acts, Regulations and Codes General Legislation Explained Law is generally governed by a framework of Acts, Regulations and support material including codes of practice and standards. Legislation Acts Compliance is Mandatory The Legal Framework Regulations Codes of Practice Compliance is Voluntary (except when referenced by an act or regulation) Standards Industry Standards and Guidance Notes Acts \"Who makes them?\" These are made by parliament and are enforced by government departments. \"What do they do?\" They set out legal rules that govern workplaces in order to minimise the chances of people in workplaces suffering injury or illness. \"Where do they apply?\" Any place where people perform work. A workplace is not necessarily a building; it can be a factory or a vehicle. It is anywhere defined by the Act as a workplace. \"When are they enforced?\" Not complying with an Act is considered an offence and can result in a fine, the issuing of an improvement notice or a prohibition notice. Note that a breach does not only result after an accident or injury has occurred. Performing an act or function that may lead to an accident or injury will also constitute a breach (e.g. using a dangerous piece of unguarded machinery).

Regulations \"Who makes them?\" A Regulation is made under the principal Acts governing WH&S legislation. What do they do?\" Regulations support an Act by outlining how the general obligations of the Act will be applied in the workplace. Not complying with a regulation can result in a fine, issuing of an improvement notice or prohibition notice or imprisonment. \"Where do they apply?\" Where the principal Act applies. \"When are they enforced?\" Like an Act, any section of a regulation can be breached at any time and does not have to result from a serious accident. Codes of Practice \"Who makes them?\" They can be made by industry bodies, associations or World Standards. State and Territory governments are able to approve these COP’s through the powers of the principal Act (at which point they become a mandatory requirement). \"What do they do?\" They are the supporting material additional to Acts and regulations. They give practical advice and guidance on how to comply with the general obligations set out in the Act and Regulations. \"When are they enforced?\" A breach of a code of practice will only be a direct breach of an Act or Regulation when it is referenced by that Act or Regulation. However all codes of practice can be used as evidence in court to demonstrate what an employer should have been doing to comply with the obligations under the Act or Regulations to ensure a safe workplace. For this reason it is best to comply with the requirements of a code of practice, unless another solution achieves the same or better outcome. Standards \"Who makes them?\" There are two main sources of standards relevant to health and safety: 1. National Standards produced by the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, in consultation with state and territory authorities, employee unions and employer associations. 2. Standards produce by Standards Bodies, in consultation with overseas standards bodies, Employer and employee organisations, and representatives from state and territory governments. \"What do they do?\" National Standards usually deal with workplace problems such as noise or dangerous working environments. Exposure Standards are guides which are used in controlling exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace. Standards usually provide technical and design guidance notes. \"Where do they apply?\" National Standards are adopted by States and territories into their WH&S legislation. When are they enforced?\" Standards are only enforceable by law when they are specifically included in a State/Territory health and safety regulation. Be aware that current legal practices with regard to litigation make it essential that the individual applies the practices recommended by the most stringent standard. This may include international standards. Industry Specific Standards/Codes of Practice and National Guidance Notes \"Who makes them?\"

Relevant employer associations, trade unions and industry bodies. The government statutory agency that deals with Safe Work is responsible for Guidance Notes. \"What do they do?\" They provide practical advice and guidelines for controlling hazards and risks. \"Where do they apply?\" Guidance Notes will apply to any workplace \"When are they enforced?\" They are not enforceable by law. Industry specific standards usually aim to achieve the same or better result than general national standards or codes of practice. Duty of Care What is duty of care? Duty of care places into a legal form a moral duty to anticipate possible causes of injury and illness and to do everything reasonable to remove or minimise these possible causes of harm. All Duties within the Work Health and Safety Act are to be complied with so far as 'reasonably practical'. This allows the duty holder to choose the most efficient means of controlling risk from a range of possibilities. A number of factors are taken into account to determine what would be reasonable and practical. These factors include the: • Nature and severity of the hazard • Knowledge of severity of the hazard • Knowledge of solutions • Availability of solutions • Common standards of practice • Cost of solutions TRAINING Anyone working on refrigeration and air conditioning systems containing flammable refrigerants such as Hydrocarbons and R32 should be trained to include the following: Knowledge of legislation, regulation and standards relating to flammable refrigerants Detailed knowledge of and skill in handling flammable refrigerants, personal protective equipment, refrigerant leakage prevention, handling of cylinders, charging, leak detection, recovery and disposal Training of persons to achieve competence in safety aspects of using flammable refrigerants should be undertaken by any person working on stationary refrigeration or air conditioning systems using flammable refrigerants. This includes site supervisors and managers, maintenance personnel, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics, appliance service mechanics, contractors and engineers. In summary, employers, manufacturers, designers, supplier's, persons in control of workplaces and persons who erect, service, maintain or install plant and equipment must ensure: • Safe property: this includes premises, safe plant and equipment, materials and substances (raw materials, chemicals, products, stock etc.) • Safe systems of work: this includes work practices, manufacturing practices, standard operating procedures and administration procedures. • Safe people: this includes providing staff with suitable information, instruction, training, supervision, tools and PPE.

Who does the law protect? Each state/territory has a central piece of law, the principal WH&S Act, which protects all persons in all workplaces. This includes: • Employees – casuals, seasonal workers, permanent staff and employed family members. • Contractors – all maintenance and repair services provided in your business. • Other persons – this covers all visitors to your workplace no matter how short the visit e.g., volunteers, the general public, customers, the police, government inspectors, couriers and delivery persons. One State even covers trespassers. Who is responsible? The WHS Act specifies who is responsible in relation to their role in the workplace. A person may be responsible in more than one capacity, for example, an employer and manufacturer. It is not a defence to argue that someone else had an overlapping responsibility. The requirements typically cover; • Employers (referred to as a PCBU) • Persons in control of workplaces • Manufacturers, designers and suppliers • Persons who erect and install equipment • Employees (referred to as Workers) Remember: No one person's obligations in the workplace outweigh or supersede another person's obligations. Can you be found personally liable? WHS legislation allows for directors and officers of a business to be held personally accountable for a breach of an Act. Managers and employees can also be held individually accountable for a breach of an Act. There is some simple advice: • Managing directors must visibly and actively demonstrate that they support their managers in achieving health and safety solutions. • Managers must ensure that they support their supervisors in achieving health and safety solutions. • Supervisors must ensure that they allow employees to raise health and safety issues and follow up on these issues. They must also ensure that employees act in accordance with the training and information that has been provided for them. • Employees must co-operate with management and their efforts to comply with their health and safety responsibilities. Remember!! Every level of management (managing director to lowest ranking employee) is responsible for health and safety. This responsibility cannot be delegated.

The International and Australian Acts, Standards & Codes Applicable to Hydrocarbon Refrigerants and Appliances Purpose In this topic you will learn about the legislative and guiding documents that may (or do) pertain to the handling and storage of Hydrocarbon refrigerants and the associated systems/appliances as produced by some international, federal and state governments. Note that this information is offered as guidance on the various and numerous legislative requirements created to date (some of which are in Australia and may noy apply) but is not to be construed as a replacement or legal interpretation in any way. Refer to the originating document at all times. International Standards EN 378 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements This 4 part European standard is similar in content to the Australian and New Zealand standard AS/NZS 1677 Refrigerating Systems, except that it is more recent and considered more stringent in its requirements. The pertinent parts of this standard are discussed later in this chapter. ISO/DIS 5149 Refrigerating Systems and Heat Pumps – Safety and Environmental Requirements This 4 part International standard contains many improvements, particularly when compared to AS/NZS 1677. It parallels the content of EN 378 very closely and is currently in draft form but is nearing release for public comment. National Legislation that applied in Australia Ozone Protection & Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989 This national act describes the system of controls that must be used in the handling, use, manufacture, import and export of substances that deplete ozone in the atmosphere and identifies the substances under its control. The hydrocarbon series of refrigerants are a natural substance and do not fall within the scope of this act. Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Regulations 1995 This regulation deals with licensing issues together with recording and reporting requirements for controlled substances. The Hydrocarbon refrigerants do not fall within the scope of this regulation. Work Health and Safety Act 2011 The main object of this Act is to provide for a balanced and nationally consistent framework to secure the health and safety of workers and workplaces. Under a COAG (Council of Australian Governments) initiative, all of the states and territories of Australia have agreed to adopt and implement this national model. It came into effect in the ACT, New South Wales, Northern Territory and Queensland on the 1st January 2012 and supersedes the relevant legislation in those states. Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 The object of this Regulation is to prescribe matters under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 to enable that Act to come into operation on 1 January 2012.

The provisions of this Regulation are substantially uniform with the ‘Model’ Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 prepared by Safe Work Australia. All of the states and territories of Australia have agreed to adopt and implement this model. It came into effect in New South Wales and Queensland on the 1st January 2012 and supersedes the relevant legislation in those states. This regulation applies to all places of work. It describes the duties of employers (now referred to as PCBU’s) and workers with regard to workplace safety. It contains no direct reference to the hydrocarbon refrigerants or the associated appliances. Hazardous Substances Information System The HSIS is a federal government internet resource that allows you to find information on substances that have been classified in accordance with the Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances [NOHSC:1008(2004] 3rd Edition and/or have National Exposure Standards declared under the NOHSC Adopted National Exposure Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants in the Occupational Environment [NOHSC:1003(1995)]. It provides the following information: UN Cas Product Classification Labelling TWA STEL Carcin. No. No. 5 mg/m3 mg/m3 8 12 3 4 F+ ; Xn ; R: 6 7 12 - 40 - 3540 101 75-45-6 R22 48/20 , S: 4960 8 (2) - 9 - 16 4240 102 75-71-8 R12 - 33 103 8 F+; T R: 45 - 46 - 12 S: 811-97- R134a 2 53 - 45 Notes: C 106 74-87-3 Methyl F+; R12; Carc. F+; R12; S: 207 3 Chlorid Cat3; R40 (2) - 9 - 16 Xn;R48/20 F+; R12, S: e (2) - 9 - 16 196 75-28-5 R600a F+; R12 Carc. - 33 9 Cat. 1; R45 Muta. Cat. 2; 197 74-98-6 R290 8 R46 F+; R12 107 115-07- R1270 7 1 F+; R12 Explanations: Column 1: This is the number that the UN has associated with each Product/Substance in the Dangerous Goods List. Column 2: A Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number (CAS No.) is assigned to a single chemical by the Chemical Abstract Service based in the United States. Some mixtures are also assigned a CAS Number. The CAS number serves as a unique identifier of the chemical. Column 3: The name of the Product or Substance. Column 4: The Classification of the substance with abbreviations for above table being: F+ Extremely Flammable

T Toxic Xn Harmful R12 Extremely flammable R40 Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect R45 May cause cancer R46 May cause heritable genetic damage R48/20 Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation S2 Keep out of reach of children S9 Keep container in a well-ventilated place S16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking S33 Take precautionary measures against static discharges S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible) S53 Avoid exposure-obtain special instructions before use Carc. Cat1 Established human carcinogen Carc. Cat3 Substances suspected of having carcinogenic potential Muta. Cat2 Probably human mutagen Column 5: The product container labelling requirements. It uses the same abbreviations as the classification header above. Column 6: Exposure Standard - Time Weighted Average Column 7: Exposure Standard - Short Term Exposure Limit Column 8: Shows whether the product is a cancer causing agent (carcinogen) or not Column 4 indicates that R600a (Isobutane) is classified as a category 1 carcinogen and cat.2 mutagen although it is not shown as a carcinogen in column 8. To clarify this, poor grades of isobutane (those of low purity) can contain minute quantities of butadiene. It is this butadiene component that is a carcinogen and mutagen. The high purity versions produced and sold as refrigerant grade isobutane do not contain butadiene. The situation is similar for Methyl Chloride. Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail This is currently in its 7th edition and is also known (and commonly referred to) as the 'ADG' code. It identifies each of the Hydrocarbon's discussed in this manual as dangerous goods and provides the following Information UN Substance Class Special Packagin Test Test Fill No. or Prov's g Perio Press Rati Div'n Instruct's d . o 4 (Year (kPa) 3 5 s) 12 2.3 7 8 6 2900 0.5 2.2 4 100 AMMONIA, 23 P200 5 2700 1.0 2.1 3 5 ANHYDROUS 101 R22 P200 10 8 103 ETHANE P200 10 5

107 PROPYLENE 2.1 P200 10 2700 0.4 7 2.1 P200 3 2.1 AU03 P200 196 ISOBUTANE 10 1000 0.4 9 9 197 PROPANE 10 2300 0.4 8 3 Explanations: Column 1: This code parallels the United Nations 'Recommendations on the Transport of dangerous goods'. This is the number that the UN has associated with each Product/Substance in the Dangerous Goods List. Column 2: The name of the Product or Substance. Column 3: The Class or Division No. Allocated to the substance 2.1 A Flammable Gas 2.2 A Gas that is not flammable and not toxic but can cause asphyxiation 2.3 A Toxic Gas Column 4: Special Provisions 23 Flammable but only under extreme fire conditions in confined areas AU03Transport of un-odorised LP gas is prohibited. A leak detector must accompany the substance if it is not odorised. (An Australian requirement only) Column 5: Packaging Instructions required for the transport of the substance. P200 A lengthy and detailed packaging code that specifies among other things, the information shown in columns 6, 7 and 8 Column 6: Bottles, cylinders and tanks must be tested at the frequencies specified in this column Column 7: The pressure at which the bottle, cylinder or tank must be pressure tested to ensure integrity Column 8: The ratio required to safely fill a bottle, cylinder or tank. Multiply the Water Capacity (WC) of the cylinder by this ratio to determine the safe mass that the cylinder can hold Dangerous Substances Act 2004 The purpose of this Act is to protect the health and safety of people, and to protect property and the environment from damage, from the hazards associated with dangerous substances. It contains no direct reference to the hydrocarbon refrigerants, the appliances they are used in, or Class 2.1 flammable gases. Gas Safety Act 2000 This act and its associated regulation 'Gas Safety Regulation 2001' deal with the installations and work methods performed by a gasfitter. They contain no direct reference to the hydrocarbon refrigerants or the appliances they are used in. The term 'Hydrocarbon' exists within the dictionary description of a 'gas' but has no other occurrence. Australian Standards National Standard NOHSC: 1015 Storage and Handling of Workplace Dangerous Goods (as amended) This national Standard provides information and guidance for the storage and handling of dangerous goods, including those in consumer packages on retail premises. Part B deals with cylinders for class 2 dangerous goods It states that:

• Dangerous Goods of class 2 in a container with a capacity of not more than 500 litres shall be referred to as 'Packaged dangerous goods' • Packaged dangerous goods are exempt from many of the clauses within this standard. AS 1940 The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids (as amended) This Standard deals with combustible liquids that have been placed in class 3 of the ADG list. It does not deal with class 2 gases so has no application. AS/NZS 1596 The storage and handling of LP Gas (as amended) This Standard specifies requirements for the location, design, construction, commissioning and operation of installations for the storage and handling of LP Gas in cylinders and bulk tanks, and includes the management of emergencies. It specifically states that refrigerating systems, as addressed in the AS/NZS 1677 series are exempt from this standard. AS 4332 The storage and handling of gases in cylinders (as amended) This Standard sets out requirements and recommendations for the safe storage and handling, in cylinders, of gases that are classified as Class 2 substances in the ADG Code (i.e. gases that are compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure, including refrigerated liquefied gases, mixtures of one or more gases with vapours or liquids of substances of other classes, articles charged with a gas and aerosols having a capacity of greater than 1L) Its contents are discussed further in the last chapter of this manual (Cylinders and Storage). AS/NZS 1677 Refrigerating Systems (as amended) AS/NZS1677.2:1998 is Australia’s and New Zealand’s primary refrigeration safety standard which details the minimum safety requirements for fixed applications of all refrigeration systems. AS/NZS1677.1:1998 covers the refrigerant classification according to its physical properties. The pertinent parts of this standard are discussed later in this chapter. Both of these standards were released in 1998 and are now being revised by standards committee ME006. The proposal is to use the latest edition of the equivalent International Standards (ISO) and make the appropriate minor changes in an Appendix ZZ to suit Australian and New Zealand regulations. The applicable ISO standards are as follows: • ISO 817 – Refrigerants – Designation and safety classification • ISO 5149 – Refrigerating systems and heat pumps – Safety and environmental requirements Both of these ISO standards are currently under revision themselves and it is envisaged that they will be published in early 2013. It is expected that Standards Australia will publish the Australian/NZ version of these documents at the same time. ISO 817 will be used to replace Part 1 of AS/NZS1677 and ISO 5149 will be used to replace part 2 of AS/NZS 1677 ISO 5149 is in 4 parts and is much more comprehensive that the current Part 2 of AS/NZS1677. As well as covering all the safety aspects it will also cover environmental aspects. Quite often environmental concerns clash with safety aspects and this has led to some confusion with the applicability of AS1677 and Codes of Practice targeting environmental aspects. The release of the Australian version of ISO5149 should help remove any confusion over safety and environmental aspects of a system. The development of ISO5149 has been largely drawn from the material in the European Norm Standard EN378:2008 which is published in 4 parts. ISO 5149 will also be published in 4 parts as follows: Part 1 – Definitions, classification and selection criteria Part 2 – Design, construction, testing, marking and documentation

Part 3 – Installation site Part 4 – Operation, maintenance, repair and recovery AS 2931 Selection and use of emergency procedure guides for the transport of dangerous goods (as amended) The purpose of this Standard is to enable prospective users of EPGs (Emergency Procedure Guides) to select and use the correct EPG for the type of dangerous goods cargo. It is intended as a guide, stemming from AS 1678 Emergency Procedure Guides and the ADG Code. AS 2030.1 Gas cylinders - General Requirements (as amended) This standard specifies the requirements for the design, verification and manufacture of all gas cylinders for the storage and transport of compressed, dissolved and liquefied gases, of water capacity ranging from 0.1 kg to 3000 kg. It also provides safe fill ratios for various gases. AS 4484 Gas cylinders for industrial, scientific, medical and refrigerant use – Labelling and colour coding (as amended) This Standard specifies the legible identification of the cylinder with the name or abbreviated symbol or, where applicable, the refrigerant number of the contained gas and specified colours for the external cylinder surfaces. It is not referenced by any Act or Regulation and does not apply to imported cylinders so is finding less compliance today. AS 4211.3 Gas recovery or combined recovery and recycling equipment (as amended) This Standard is Part 3 in a series of Standards which provide minimum equipment requirements for recovery or combined recovery and recycling equipment. The objective of this Part is to provide manufacturers of recovery or combined recovery and recycling equipment to be used on commercial and domestic systems with minimum equipment requirements. Test methods to determine equipment performance are also included. AS 1216 Class labels for dangerous goods (as amended) This Standard sets out details of the design and selection of labels appropriate to the classes, divisions and subsidiary risks of dangerous goods as designated in the Australian Dangerous Goods Code (ADG Code). AS 2381.1 Electrical equipment for explosive gas atmospheres (as amended) This Standard specifies general requirements, additional to those required for basic electrical safety, for the selection of electrical equipment and instruments, and associated equipment, and for the electrical equipment’s installation and maintenance to ensure safe use in hazardous areas where flammable materials are generated, prepared, processed, handled, stored or used. AS/NZS 60079 Explosive Atmospheres The objective of this series of standards is to set out the requirements for the design, selection and erection of electrical installations in hazardous areas associated with explosive atmospheres. These requirements are in addition to the requirements for electrical installations in nonhazardous areas. This series of standards will replace AS/NZS 2381 in September of 2012. Examples of relevant series: • AS/NZS 60079.0 Equipment – General requirements • AS/NZS 60079.1 Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures ‘d’

• AS/NZS 60079.10.1 Classification of Areas – Explosive gas atmospheres • AS/NZS 60079.11 Equipment protection by intrinsic safety ‘i’ • AS/NZS 60079.12 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres – Classification of mixtures of gases or vapours with air… • AS/NZS 60079.14 Electrical installations design, selection and erection • AS/NZS 60079.15 Explosive Atmospheres – Equipment protection by type of protection ‘n’ • AS/NZS 60079.17 Electrical Installations inspection and maintenance AS/NZS 60335.2 Household and Similar Electrical Appliances – Safety The objective of this series of Standards is to provide manufacturers, designers, regulatory authorities, testing laboratories and similar organizations with safety requirements designed to give the user protection against hazards that might occur during normal operation and abnormal operation of the appliance and which may be used as the basis for approval for sale or for connection to the electricity supply mains in Australia and New Zealand. AS/NZS 60335.2.24 Particular requirements for refrigerating appliances, ice cream appliances and ice makers AS/NZS 60335.2.34 Particular requirements for motor compressors AS/NZS 60335.2.75 Particular requirements for commercial dispensing appliances and vending machines AS/NZS 60335.2.89 Particular requirements for commercial refrigerating appliances with an incorporated or remote refrigerant condensing unit or compressor Proposed Hydrocarbon Code of Practices AIRAH is currently developing a Hydrocarbon code of practice to provide a good working document that will cover issues associated with design through to operation and emergency response for new refrigeration systems as well as issues associated with retrofitting existing systems. It is due to be completed by the end 2012. Toxicity and Flammability Groupings for Hydrocarbons AS/NZS 1677 Part 1 states: Refrigerants have been classified into three flammability groups as follows: (a) Group 1—Non-flammable. (b) Group 2—LFL ≥ 3.5% volume. (c) Group 3—LFL < 3.5% volume. All of the hydrocarbons we are looking at have a lower flammability level of between 1.8% and 2.5%. This puts all of them in Flammability Group 3 It further states that: Refrigerants have been classified into two toxicity groups as follows: (a) Group A—LC50 ≥ 10 000 ppm. (b) Group B—LC50 < 10 000 ppm. The term LC50 is a calculated concentration of a substance in air, exposure to which, for a 4 h period of time, is expected to cause the death of 50% of the entire defined experimental rat population. All of the hydrocarbons we are looking at have an LC50 > 10000 ppm. This puts them all in Toxicity group A

These two groups were joined to form the following table Toxicity Group Flammability Group A B LC50 ≥ 10 000 ppm LC50 < 10 000 ppm 1 Non flammable A1 B1 2 LFL ≥ 3.5% volume A2 B2 3 LFL < 3.5% volume A3 All hydrocarbon refrigerants fall into the safety group classification of A3. They are highly flammable but not toxic. The common synthetics such as R134a, R22, R404A and R410A are all in the A1 group. This standard states that Group A3 refrigerants shall be odourised in a manner functionally equivalent to that required for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). Alternative safety provisions may be approved. The European Standard EN 378:2008 places all of the hydrocarbon refrigerants in the same A3 grouping but does not place a requirement on the addition of an odourising agent. As a result, note that the familiar smell may not be present in new cylinders of hydrocarbon refrigerant that have been imported into the country. Occupancy Classification AS/NZS 1677 Part 2 contains a table showing the various 'Categories of Occupancy'. For the purposes of the discussion in this manual, a reduced version is presented below. Categories General Characteristics Examples I Rooms, parts of buildings or buildings Public areas of buildings, where none of the people present are hospitals, theatres, personally acquainted with the supermarkets, schools, hotels, necessary safety precautions dwellings, restaurants II Rooms, parts of buildings or buildings Business or professional where some of the people present are offices, acquainted with the general safety small shops, small restaurants, precautions of the establishment places for general manufacturing and where people work III Rooms, parts of buildings or buildings Manufacturing and processing where only authorized persons have facilities, e.g. chemicals, food, access, who are acquainted with beverages abattoirs, cool general and special safety rooms, non-public areas in precautions of the establishment and shopping centres and facilities, where manufacturing, processing, or and other such typical places storage of material or products take where access is restricted to place. only authorized persons As an example, a high wall split or ducted system for a home would fall into category I whereas a corner shop or milk bar would fall under category II. Abattoirs, where members of the public would not normally be present, would sit in category III.

Limitations on the Charge of Refrigerants of Group A3 AS/NZS 1677.2 section 2.6 makes the following general statements about A3 refrigerants: • Direct expansion systems using A3 refrigerants shall be permitted only in systems with restricted charge or in occupancy categories where only competent staff are present. • The refrigerant charge in systems situated below ground level shall be restricted to 1.0 kg. • Where the refrigerant charge exceeds 2.5 kg and the area is classified as hazardous in accordance with AS 2430.3.1 the electrical equipment within the space shall be in accordance with AS 2381.1 • Very small sealed systems with a refrigerant charge of 0.25 kg or less may be sited in any location or category of occupancy provided there are no sources of ignition within the refrigeration system or other area where the refrigerant could gather. For category I occupancies it states: • A refrigerant charge of up to 1.5 kg for each individual (Direct) system is permitted provided sudden loss of refrigerant could not raise the concentration of the refrigerant to or above the practical limit in an occupied space and provided there are no sources of ignition within the system or other area where the refrigerant could gather. For category II occupancies it states: • As for Category I occupancy, with the maximum charge restricted to 2.5 kg for (Direct) refrigerating systems installed in an occupied space. For category III occupancies it states: • As for Category II occupancy. In addition, any type of system may be used provided it is at ground level or above and meets the following: o For systems located in an occupied space which is not a special machinery room:  Max charge = 10 kg o For refrigerating systems with the high pressure side (except air-cooled condensers) located in a special machinery room or in the open air:  Max charge = 25 kg o For refrigerating systems with all refrigerant-containing parts located in a special machinery room or in the open air:  There shall be no restriction of refrigerant charge, except as required by regulations, i.e. local planning and building regulations. Note: Each Category contains additional information however it has not been included here as it falls outside the scope of this manual. A statement within Category I above mentions the 'Practical Limit'. These are refrigerant density values that must not be exceeded within the occupied space should a leak occur that allows the total charge to escape into that space. This value is given as 8 g/m3 for all of the hydrocarbon refrigerants. Example: A milk bar proprietor wishes to have an old self-contained 3 door upright bottle cabinet replaced with a new cabinet. You have the opportunity to supply a cabinet charged with R290. It has a specified charge of 145g. Is it suitable for this situation? The milk bar has floor measurements of 4.5m x 5.0m with a ceiling of 2.8m. It falls into occupancy category II which allows for a 'direct' refrigeration system charged with a maximum of 2.5kg of a hydrocarbon refrigerant.

The volume of the shop is 4.5m x 5.0m x 2.8m = 63m3 The practical limit for this shop is 8 g/m3 x 63m3 = 504g The specified charge is less than the practical limit in this situation and is therefore acceptable. Note that although the occupancy category allowed for a refrigerant charge of 2.5kg, the maximum practical charge for this situation is only 0.504kg. EN 378.1:2008 Appendix C also provides limitations on the maximum refrigerant charge permissible with hydrocarbon refrigerants and starts with the following general statement: • A factory sealed refrigerating system with less than 0.15 kg of A2 or A3 refrigerant can be located in an occupied space which is not a special machinery room without restriction. Note this statement is in contrast with the requirement in AS/NZS 1677.2. The appendix in this standard also provides a method for calculating the permissible refrigerant charge. Although it specifies additional criteria in the calculation of maximum permissible charge and the 'practical limit' is not 8 g/m3 for all of the hydrocarbons, the result is the same for the scenario outlined above (using the Australian Standard). There is one point of difference worth noting between the 2 standards. EN 378.1:2008 treats Air Conditioning systems for human comfort separately to refrigeration systems. Section C3 in Appendix C deals with the 'Charge limitations due to flammability for A/C systems or heat pumps for human comfort'. This section starts with a general statement: • A factory sealed refrigerating system with less than 150 g of A2 or A3 refrigerant can be located in an occupied space which is not a machinery or special machinery room without restriction. And then continues with a different set of conditions and calculations to those used for refrigeration systems. Please refer to the standard if you require further information. Section Summary • Acts and Regulations are legal documents produced by federal and state governments to protect the individual members of their societies. • Codes, Standards and Guides are documents produced by interested parties to provide a clearer explanation of a regulation (or act) and to offer examples in its application. • Codes and standards may become legal documents if referenced by an act or regulation. • 'Duty of care' is a legal term that is used to entreat every citizen within a society to accept and execute their moral duty to anticipate possible causes of injury and illness to their fellow citizens and remove or minimise these causes whenever reasonably possible. • Every individual within an organisation is responsible for everyone else's health and safety and it cannot be delegated • The storage, handling, use or application of hydrocarbon refrigerants are not within the scope of the ozone protection act, its associated regulation or COP's • The ADG Code identifies all of the hydrocarbon refrigerants as Class 2.1 Flammable gases. • The HSIS national database states that poor or low purity Isobutane may contain dangerous quantities of Butadiene (a known carcinogen and mutagen). • All hydrocarbon refrigerants fall into the safety group classification of A3. They are highly flammable but not toxic. • AS/NZS 1677 is very similar to the recently upgraded EN 378 in most respects. Preference should be given to the European standard where doubt exists or conflict arises.

• The International Standard ISO 5149 - Refrigerating Systems and Heat Pumps – Safety and Environmental Requirements, is expected to be released in 2012. • Although the standards state a limit on the maximum charge for an A3 refrigerant based on the occupancy category, make sure you check the practical limit for the actual situation (size of premises). Emergency Procedures and Incident Management WorkCover and OHS WorkCover and OHS is generally covered by State, Federal or Individual companies The purpose of WorkCover and OHS is to increase the competitiveness through productive, healthy and safe workplaces. They are dedicated to promoting productive, healthy and safe workplaces for workers and employers. WorkCover's main statutory function is to administer work health and safety, injury management, return to work They can oversee: • work health and safety • licensing and registration of high risk activities • workers compensation insurance • workers compensation benefits • sustainable return to employment for injured workers Synthetic Refrigerants Fire and Explosion Approx. 730°C Auto-ignition temperature Flammable limits Not Applicable Upper (UFL) Not Applicable Lower (LFL) Hydrogen Fluoride - becomes Hydrofluoric Possible Decomposition products acid on contact with water Hydrogen Chloride - becomes Hydrochloric ADG Code classification acid on contact with water Exposure Limit Carbon Monoxide Chlorine 2.2 (non-flammable & non-toxic) 1000ppm or 4240mg/m3 TWA These gases may decompose on contact with flames or extremely hot surfaces (approx. 370°C), to produce highly toxic and corrosive by-products.

Some mixtures of HCFC's and/or HFC's and air may be combustible if pressurised and exposed to heat or flame. The recent synthetics categorised as HFO’s are slightly flammable, and will break down into highly caustic hydrogen fluoride and carbonyl halides when exposed to flame, fire or sufficient heat. Spill or Leak • Evacuate any enclosed spaces or low areas such as cellars and pits • Disperse gas with forced air ventilation at floor level • Extinguish all sources of ignition (taking care not to create any new ignition sources as a direct result of your actions (e.g. arcing switch contacts when you isolate electrical motors etc.) • Use an electronic detector or other suitable means to locate leak source. • Keep upwind of spills. • Do not smoke or operate internal combustion engines • Exhaust vapours to external atmosphere • Contact Emergency Services if necessary Personal Protection • Glasses • Skin protection including gloves (preferably leather) • Positive pressure respirator in emergency situations • Observe exposure limits Hydrocarbon Refrigerants Fire and Explosion Approx. 420°C Auto-ignition temperature Flammable limits 10% (average) Upper (UFL) 2% (average) Lower (LFL) Water Possible Decomposition products Carbon Dioxide 2.1 (Flammable gas) ADG Code classification n/a Exposure Limit These gases are highly flammable. Keep away from open flame and sources of ignition. Do not smoke in storage areas or when handling. Low purity grades of Isobutane may contain traces of 1,3 Butadiene. This is a known carcinogen and mutagen. Spill or Leak • Evacuate all personnel paying particular attention to enclosed spaces or low areas such as cellars and pits • Disperse gas with forced air ventilation at floor level (ensure flammable concentrations do not build up in low spots (pits) or drainage points in the floor) • Extinguish all sources of ignition (taking care not to create any new ignition sources as a direct result of your actions (e.g.. arcing switch contacts when you isolate electrical motors etc.) • Use soapy water or similar to locate source of leak. • Keep upwind of spills. • Do not smoke or operate internal combustion engines

• Exhaust vapours to external atmosphere • Contact Emergency Services if necessary Personal Protection • Glasses • Skin protection including gloves (preferably leather) • Positive pressure respirator in emergency situations Risk assessment Risk assessment is a systematic approach to analysis of what can go wrong in a complex system. It is a fundamental requirement of most companies. A work place risk assessment and hazard analysis should be carried out for each task in a workplace.. Constructing an emergency plan: • Ensure that sufficient space exists between walls, fixtures and other structures so as to allow access for maintenance and emergencies • Ensure that a means of allowing hydrocarbon vapours to be directed to the outside atmosphere exists • Ensure alarms and monitors are fitted to alert staff and others to possible leaks (where large quantities of hydrocarbons exist) • Ensure adequate water supplies exist • Identify all suitable evacuation routes • Nominate one or more suitable assembly points • Ensure that you have provided sufficient and suitable protection for those personnel responding to the emergency • Identify and clear one or more access routes for the emergency services • Create one or more procedures to deal with containment of leaks and spills • Make sure you have considered all of the potential hazard situations that may arise including: • Fire • Explosion • Natural disasters (earthquake or vehicle collision etc.) • Chemical reactions on release of dangerous goods • Ensure your plan is appropriate to the size and complexity of your: • Installation • Resources • Personnel • Perform regular reviews and update your plan as necessary • Ensure all Personnel are familiar with the contents of the emergency plan and trained where necessary to cope with each situation that you have identified General Hydrocarbon Refrigerant Safety Hydrocarbon refrigerant and R32 is Flammable therefore care must be taken to ensure it is not ignited. However, in many respects the safety issues for hydrocarbon and R32 refrigerants are the same as for CFC, HCFC and HFC refrigerants • Contact with liquid refrigerant will cause a \"cold\" burn (similar to frost bite) which should be treated by bathing the area with cold water. Medical attention is necessary.

• Gloves, safety glasses and clothes which cover the body should be worn when handling refrigerant, e.g., when charging refrigerant into a system or removing refrigerant charge from a system. • Hydrocarbon and R32 refrigerant is heavier than air and so will collect in chest freezer / refrigerator cabinets, pits, trenches and basements. These areas should be ventilated to help get rid of the built up refrigerant. • Hydrocarbon and R32 refrigerant will displace air and this can cause suffocation. The refrigerant is listed as an asphyxiant. If affected, a person should be removed to an uncontaminated area and kept warm and still. Artificial respiration or oxygen may be needed. Medical attention is necessary. • Do not expect to detect leaking hydrocarbon or R32 refrigerant by smell Section Summary • WorkCover administer and enforce compliance with occupational health and safety (OHS) legislation. There is an equivalent authority in every state/territory. • The common synthetic refrigerants have an auto ignition temperature of 730°C. It is only 420°C for most of the hydrocarbon refrigerants • Highly Toxic and corrosive gases are produced when R32, HCFC's, HFC’s and HFO's decompose as a result of exposure to heat or flame. The HC's produce water and CO2 when they burn. • The synthetics have an exposure limit of 4.2 grams per 1000 litres of air. • Recommended PPE requirements are the same for both refrigerant types: glasses, gloves and covered skin. • Recommended Spill or leak procedures are virtually the same for both refrigerant types. The HC's require higher ventilation rates. • Direct bodily contact with HC's in both the liquid and vapour states has the same result as any other refrigerant: asphyxiation and burns. • Hydrocarbons and R32 will collect in low areas (e.g.. drain lines) and can travel very long distances. • Hydrocarbon and R32 refrigerant is a process that starts with the identification of possible hazards for a work activity. A risk matrix is then applied to determine the degree of risk associated with each hazard. • Hazard control is the final step in the process. Methods or procedures are devised to control each hazard, starting with the ones carrying the highest degree of risk. • These form the basis of your WH&S management plan. First Aid for Hydrocarbon Exposure Introduction Hydrocarbon refrigerants are highly flammable and R32 is mildly flammable therefore care must be taken to ensure they are not ignited but apart from this, in all other aspects, the first aid issues for hydrocarbon refrigerants And R32 are the same as for any of the synthetic refrigerants (i.e. CFC's, HCFC's and HFC's)

Acute exposure (Short Term) Cryogenic or frostbite \"burns\" may be experienced when handling Hydrocarbon and R32 refrigerants. Prolonged breathing of cold vapour may damage lung tissues. There are no other recorded short term effects. Chronic exposure (Long Term) Long term exposure to levels of Hydrocarbon and R32 refrigerants between 0.5% and 1% in air may lead to extra calcium deposits in body tissues, including kidneys and acidosis. Prolonged exposure to an oxygen deficient atmosphere (below18% oxygen) may affect the heart and the nervous system. First Aid Issues Swallowed: Liquid Hydrocarbon nd R32 may cause freezing injuries similar to burns to the mouth, oesophagus and stomach accompanied by a severe burning sensation. Vaporisation of the liquid in the organs of the abdomen will also generate excessive quantities of gas leading to extreme discomfort. Severe burning of tissue and eventually death may result. Symptoms include bleeding, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and a fall in blood pressure. Cold Hydrocarbon gas will cause severe irritation and burns to the gastrointestinal tract. Damage may appear days after exposure. Eyes: The hydrocarbon and R32 gases are not irritating to the eyes. Liquid Hydrocarbon and R32 will cause freezing of the eye. Permanent eye damage or blindness could result. Cold Hydrocarbon and R32 gas will cause severe irritation and burns, leading to redness and pain in the eyes. Permanent eye damage or blindness may result. Note: Never introduce oil or ointment into the eyes without medical advice! If pain is present, refer the victim to an ophthalmologist for further treatment and follow up. Skin: The hydrocarbon gases are not skin irritants. Liquid Hydrocarbon and R32 will cause severe burns and necrosis. Symptoms of mild frostbite include numbness, prickling and itching of the affected area. Symptoms of more severe frostbite include a sensation of stiffness of the affected area. The skin may become waxy white or yellow. Blistering, tissue death and gangrene may also develop in severe cases. Cold gas will cause freezing injury similar to a burn, leading to irritation, redness, itching and blistering. Inhalation: Inhalation of liquid Hydrocarbon and R32 or cold Hydrocarbon and R32 gas, will result in freezing injury similar to burns, leading to irritation to the nose and upper respiratory tract. Lesions of the nasal septum and pulmonary oedema may result. Symptoms include coughing, sore throat and shortness of breath. Damage may occur days after exposure. Severe scarring of tissue and death may result due to inhalation of liquid hydrocarbon. DRSABCD Action Plan These letters are an abbreviation of the steps or procedures that must be carried out if a first aid person (or emergency personnel), come across a person who is unconscious. D – Danger (to yourself or casualty) One casualty is enough don't become a casualty R – Response (shake and shout) yourself. S – Send for Help If the casualty does not respond move to the next step. A – Airway (Is it clear?) Get bystander to contact emergency services. Call 000 (Triple Zero) for an ambulance or ask someone else to make the call. Check that the tongue or other objects are not blocking the airway. Remove if necessary.

B – Breathing (look, listen and feel) Check if the casualty is breathing. Place patient in the C – CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resus.) recovery position if they are breathing. If not, move to the D – Defribulation next step instead. Perform 2 rescue breaths. If no signs of life, Commence CPR. Clasp hands in lower part of breast bone and do 30 compressions then 2 breaths (pushing down approx. 1/3 of body depth). Same procedure for adults and babies Performed by emergency services crew. Source: Section Summary • Short term bodily exposure to HC and R32 refrigerants will usually result in cold burns at the very least and frostbite in the more severe cases (especially if it's in a liquid state) • Long term exposure can cause Asphyxiation, nervous system depression and also lead to an increase in calcium deposits under the skin. • Swallowing a HC or R32 refrigerant is highly unlikely but would cause major freeze burns throughout the mouth and down into the stomach. Death would most likely occur (swiftly one would hope). • Contact with the eyes would most likely result in blindness. • Skin contact may result in 1st 2nd or 3rd degree burns. • Inhalation is also highly unlikely but would again result in freeze burns to the nostrils and down into the lungs. Again, death would be most likely. • DRSABCD is a code word designed to help people remember the steps in reviving an unconscious person. 6. MSDS and Hazchem Codes • A manufacturer of dangerous goods must prepare and provide a material safety data sheet (MSDS) for the dangerous goods before the dangerous goods are supplied to another person • A person who supplies dangerous goods must ensure that a current MSDS in relation to the goods prepared by the manufacturer is provided. • For all dangerous goods stored or handled on an occupier’s premises, the occupier must obtain from the supplier of the goods an MSDS and ensure that it is readily accessible to any person at the premises who could store or handle the goods. A similar set of statements exist in equivalent state and territory regulations. 8.2 MSDS Format A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a form containing data regarding the properties of a particular substance. They are an important component of workplace safety, and are intended to provide workers and emergency personnel with procedures for handling or working with that substance in a safe manner. This includes information such as physical data (melting point, boiling point, flash point, etc.), toxicity, health effects, first aid, reactivity, storage, disposal, personal protective equipment, and spill handling procedures. The exact format of an MSDS can vary from source to source within a country depending on how specific the national requirement is. According to the regulations, as a minimum the MSDS: • Must be in English

• Must contain the date on which it was last reviewed or, if it has not been reviewed, the date of its preparation • Must clearly identify each hazardous substance to which it relates • Must set out the following information in relation to a hazardous substance to which it relates: o Its recommended uses o Its chemical and physical properties o Information relating to each of its ingredients, to the extent required by subclause (3) o Any relevant health-hazard information o Information concerning the precautions to be followed in relation to its safe use and handling • Must set out the name, and Australian address and telephone numbers (including an emergency number), of the manufacturer Employers must ensure that labels are appropriate and make MSDS accessible to employees who may be exposed to hazardous substances. All hazardous substances used in the work place must be listed in a register together with the relevant MSDS. Employees must have access to this register. The Hazardous Substances Regulation also requires that employers provide instruction and training to help employees understand the information on labels and MSDS and how to apply this information in the workplace. What does a MSDS look like and what is it saying? A recommended format and contents for MSDS has been adopted in most countries,. The format of the MSDS that you receive may be different, but you should expect to find the information outlined below. Material Safety Data Sheet format Section 1 Identification of the material and supplier • This is where you can check the identification against the label (make sure you have the right MSDS). • Check the recommended uses intended by the manufacturer and methods of application – follow these to ensure safe use. • This section also tells you how to contact the supplier. Section 2 Hazards identification This gives: • the classification • a statement of the overall hazardous nature • risk phrases • safety phrases. See also the transport information in section 14 for dangerous goods details.

Section 3 Composition and information on ingredients This identifies the material by its chemical identity and the ingredients if it is a mixture. In some cases this can be expressed as generic names and a range of concentrations. Section 4 First aid measures This describes first aid, according to the route of exposure. This will indicate medical attention and special treatment needed including a description of the most important symptoms (acute and delayed). This includes advice to medically trained personnel. Section 5 Fire fighting measures Look here for advice on fire fighting, including: • the types of extinguisher you should have • the most suitable extinguishing media • hazards from combustion products • special precautions for fire fighters. Section 6 Accidental release measures • emergency procedures • methods and materials for containment and clean up. Section 7 Handling and storage • precautions for safe handling • conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Section 8 Exposure controls and personal protection • exposure standards (if assigned – not all substances have these) • biological exposure limits (this is relevant to health monitoring – e.g. concentrations in blood or urine) • engineering controls – this shows how to reduce exposure and risks (e.g. ventilation methods) • recommended personal protective equipment (PPE) – the specific types of protective clothing (e.g. type of gloves, apron) and respirator (if required), to reduce exposure.

Section 9 Physical and chemical properties This covers a wide range of technical information, and includes appearance and smell. Section 10 Stability and reactivity This tells you conditions to avoid and incompatible materials (i.e. do not use or keep it near substances that are incompatible). Section 11 Toxicological information This describes the health effects (if any) from the likely routes of exposure. Section 12 Ecological information This tells you it's toxicity to organisms such as fish, its persistence and biodegradability and mobility in the environment. Section 13 Disposal considerations This recommends disposal methods and containers and any special precautions for landfill or incineration. Section 14 Transport information This includes the following information relevant to its dangerous goods classification (if any): • UN number • proper shipping name • Class and Subsidiary Risk • Packing Group • special precautions • HAZCHEM code (for fire fighting).

Section 15 Regulatory information This lists relevant legislation in Australia controlling use of the chemical (including poisons scheduling). Section 16 Other information Look here for the date of preparation or revision – MSDS must not be more than 5 years old. Hazchem Codes The HAZCHEM Code system was developed by the British Fire Service for use on vehicles transporting dangerous substances in bulk to provide immediate action advice when attending an incident. HAZCHEM Codes are developed and assigned to dangerous substances after careful study of their properties and characteristics. The HAZCHEM Code system has been adopted by most countries for bulk dangerous substances transport, generally through adoption Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea Road and Rail. The Hazchem guidance notes generally state that \"Erecting Hazchem placarding for substances not classified as dangerous goods, or placarding quantities well below exemption limits, (in our case for a flammable gas, 500 Litres) could result in an incorrect response by emergency crews, therefore endangering lives and property\" Although the requirement for using this system is outside the scope of this course, an example Hazchem form is provided in the Appendix Section Summary • Manufacturers, Suppliers and Occupiers (Premises owners) must produce and or provide MSD sheets on all dangerous or hazardous goods. • All states and territories have specified the minimum information that must be shown on an MSDS • MSD sheets should be reviewed at least every 5 years. • Employers must make MSD sheets readily available to anyone involved in the handling of the dangerous product. • Employers must provide training to help employees understand MSDS's • Hazchem codes are required by emergency services units (esp. Fire brigades) on any vehicle transporting bulk quantities of a dangerous substance (generally over 500 Litres). • Hydrocarbon and R32 cylinders must always be securely fastened and upright in a well- ventilated location within the service vehicle. • Avoid storing cylinders permanently in the vehicle.

Cylinders and Storage Introduction (these standards may vary) AS 4332 covers this chapter of the manual in detail and should be referred to at all times. Section 2 of the standard describes the 'minor storage' requirements which correspond with the scope of this manual. It states that quantities of Class 2.1 gases up to a maximum aggregate of 500 litres shall be classified as minor storage quantities. Storing Class 2.1 gases Cylinder Safety The standard procedures apply to hydrocarbon and R32 cylinders that apply to all refrigerant cylinders: • Do not remove or obscure labelling on a cylinder • Do not store or use cylinders in excessive heat or enclosed spaces • Do not expose cylinders to direct sources of heat such as steam or electric radiators • Do not repair or modify cylinder valves • Do not use machine oil to lubricate valve connections or fittings • Always use a cylinder trolley to move large cylinders, even for a short distance – never roll cylinders along the ground • Only use approved cylinder accessories • Never contaminate cylinders, i.e. take precautions to avoid oil, water or foreign matter entering cylinders • If it is necessary to warm a cylinder use only water or air, not naked flames or radiant heaters. The temperature of the air/water must not exceed 50°C • Always weigh the cylinder to check if it's empty – its pressure is not an accurate indication of the amount of refrigerant remaining in the cylinder • Do not use cylinders as rollers • Do not force connections on cylinders • Keep all cylinder valves capped off • Always secure cylinders in a vertical position when not being moved • Avoid static electricity build up 9.2.2 Storage Hydrocarbon and R32 refrigerants should be stored in the same way as other flammable gases. It is best to store these gases in an external location with the following precautions: • In a secure, locked compound protected from the weather, direct sun and any other sources of heat or ignition • Kept clear of any combustible materials, vegetation and refuse for a distance of 3m from any cylinder • The cylinders should not be stored next to the windows of an adjacent building in case leaking refrigerant is drawn inside the building • The cylinders should be stored upright and the cylinders secured to the enclosure • A cylinder used for the storage of Class 2 dangerous goods, when empty, shall be stored: o with the valve closed; and o away from a public place or protected place

The storage of hydrocarbon and R32 refrigerants indoors is discouraged, however the guidelines listed below should be followed in situations where it is necessary: • The cylinders must be stored at ground level, never below ground and should be easily accessible in the event of an emergency • The cylinder valves must be closed and capped • A flammable gas alarm should be fitted next to the cylinders at low level to give an alarm in the event of a leak AS/NZS 1596 specifies requirements for the location, design, construction, commissioning and operation of installations for the storage and handling of LP Gas, and includes the management of emergencies. The objective of this Standard is to provide designers, planners, operators and regulators with technical and procedural requirements for installations for the safe storage and handling of LP Gas. Although this standard targets bulk storage facilities, it is a valuable resource in the identification of hazards and possible remedies. Site Suitability Applying the following basic principles will assist in determining the suitability of your chosen flammable substances storage site. Ventilation Is there plenty of fresh air where flammable liquids or gases are stored and used? Good ventilation will mean that any vapours given off from a spill, leak, or release from any process, will be rapidly dispersed. If your storage quantities are increasing, you might need to consider the installation of a forced ventilation system Ignition Have all the obvious ignition sources been removed from the storage and handling areas? Ignition sources can be varied and they include sparks from electrical equipment or welding and cutting tools, hot surfaces, open flames from heating equipment, smoking materials etc. Containment Are your flammable substances kept in suitable containers? If you have a spill will it be contained and prevented from spreading to other parts of the working area? Use of lidded containers and spillage catchment trays, for example, can help to prevent spillages spreading. Separation Are flammable substances stored and used well away from other processes and general storage areas? Can they be separated by a physical barrier, wall or partition? Separating your hazards in this manner will contribute to a safer workplace. Levels Always avoid storing Class 2.1 gases below ground level. Look for un-trapped floor waste pipes that may allow large quantities of vapour to travel long distances underground. Access Ensure there is adequate access to the area for the emergency services crews that may arrive in an emergency. Also ensure that suitable fire protection equipment is readily available and easily accessible (Minor stores having an aggregate capacity of less than 1000 L may be protected with a

single, permanently connected water hose, provided that it is capable of depositing water on any part of the store). Sources of Ignition All known sources of ignition must be eliminated in areas that contain, or may contain, flammable gases. Electrical Equipment A major source of ignition that is easily overlooked is electrical equipment. When used or installed in hazardous locations, this equipment may need to be explosion-proof and properly installed. Electrical equipment includes not only the more obvious equipment such as • Motors • Generators • Motor controls • Switches • lighting fixtures Including the ones that only occur while repair work is being done: • The use of portable electric tools • Temporary lighting systems All possible sources of static electricity should be anticipated to prevent its build-up and discharge. Several methods of control may be used. It is necessary that conductive parts of a system be bonded together to eliminate the difference in potential between the parts, and the whole system grounded to eliminate the difference in potential between the system and ground. Hot Surfaces This includes any device that may attain a surface temperature of 450°C or higher. For example: • Thermal, MIG or TIG Welding equipment • Braze welding equipment (silver soldering) • Heater elements • Open fire places • Cooking surfaces • Petrol engines • Pilot light in gas hot water heating systems. Sparks Are often created by electrical equipment such as switches or contactors This list has been provided as a guide to assist with ideas in hazard identification but should not be considered to contain a complete and comprehensive listing of all possible ignition sources. Marking/Identifying Cylinders (may vary from country to country) It is important that each and every cylinder containing a dangerous gas or liquid is very clearly labelled to show its contents. AS 4332 classifies the refrigerants and describes the requirements for cylinder identification: “Gases that are compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure are classified in the ADG Code as dangerous goods of Class 2. Class 2 includes refrigerated liquefied gases... Cylinders shall be marked and labelled in accordance with the ADG Code and other relevant regulatory requirements.”

AS 4484 also describes the labeling requirements as: “The contents of a cylinder shall be primarily identified by the label, and the colours of the cylinder shall be a secondary means of identification. Identification is achieved by symbols and characters either directly printed or the cylinder’s surface.” Note: Due to the ‘secondary’ requirement for colour coding and the large variety of refrigerants available on the market today (especially blends), a number of refrigerant suppliers have ceased applying a colour code to their cylinders. Colour Coding The general basis of the colour code is to identify the characteristics of the gas. The ADG Code specifies the following: Toxic……………………………… Hues of Yellow Flammable................................... Hues of Red Oxidizing...................................... Hues of Black, White, or bright Blue Non-flammable, non-toxic............ Hues of Brown, Green or dark Blue Table 4 of AS 4484 shows the colour code for flammable refrigerants as: Band 1 Band 2 Body of Cylinder Red White Galvanised or White Band 1 (Red) Band 2 (White) Body (White or Galvanised)

Cylinder Types and Sizes The hydrocarbon and R32 refrigerants can be purchased in the standard 9kg and 4.5kg cylinders fitted with normal access valves or 9kg and 5.4kg disposable bottles. The disposable types must not be re-filled. They must have a one way, non-refillable valve. Some are also available in a disposable type of cylinder (typically 300 grams) that requires the fitting of an additional ‘access tap’. The disposable types must not be re-filled.

Transporting Cylinders The transport of hydrocarbon refrigerants in a service vehicle is to be treated the same as for existing requirements for Class 2.1 gases (e.g. Acetylene). Following is an extract of a guide titled 'Transporting Small gas Cylinders' by Workcover: Safe Transporting of Small Gas Cylinders of Flammable Gas This fact sheet is for motorists or trades people using flammable gases (e.g. LP Gas (propane) or acetylene), and who transport small cylinders in their own vehicles. Examples of small cylinders are typically those of the type used with barbecues (4.5 and 9 kg of LP Gas), acetylene cylinders (E size), and cartridges and aerosols designed for use with attachments. Dangers Serious accidents have resulted from gas leaking from cylinders while inside trade vehicles or cars. Leaking gas can explode when ignited - injuring the driver and damaging the vehicle. Leaks can occur if the valves used to regulate the flow of gas are not properly turned off or are faulty. Ignition sources can include electrical equipment in the vehicle, for example, using a remote locking mechanism. Lighting a cigarette in or near the vehicle could also ignite the gas. How to transport small gas cylinders Ventilation is the key to reducing risk of fire or explosion. Don't • Transport or keep cylinders in an unventilated van, unless in a purpose built compartment or cabinet. • Permanently store cylinders inside vehicles unless suitable ventilation is provided. • Attach the cylinder to the external body of the vehicle because of the potential risk of damage in a collision. Do Check for leaks from valves, connections and equipment by applying soapy water and looking • for bubbles. Smell alone is not a reliable test. Even though all hydrocarbon gases are odourised in Australia, imported gases may not be. Relying on the valves to prevent leakage • during transport is not sufficient on its own. • Ensure windows of the vehicle are wound down for cross flow ventilation. • If you are transporting the cylinder inside a trade vehicle, keep the cylinder in a purpose built • compartment or cabinet that provides adequate drainage or ventilation of any leaking gas to the outside of the vehicle. A side-mounted compartment with its own door (for example a well- side body) is suitable, provided the cylinder remains upright. Alternatively, an open vehicle such as a utility provides the best ventilation and avoids the risks of gas accumulation. Secure cylinders and keep them upright (the exception is those designed to be mounted on forklifts, but only when kept with the correct “TOP” orientation).(Insert: liquefied flammable gas must always be positioned so that the safety relief device communicates directly with the vapour space within the cylinder (OHS Regulation clause 174ZZA)) Unload the cylinder from inside the vehicle immediately on reaching your destination, unless the vehicle has a suitable compartment or cabinet.

Disposal of Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons are not a controlled substance and may be vented directly to air in an open area. R32 must be reclaimed not vented to air and passed back to the manufacturer or wholesaler Section Summary • Refer to AS 4332 for any information pertaining to the storage of class 2.1 gases. • All of the procedures and good practices currently used when working with cylinders containing synthetic refrigerants still apply to those containing a hydrocarbon. • The requirements for the storage of cylinders are also similar. • Check for any sources of ignition and ensure that any leakages cannot accumulate in low areas. • Storing hydrocarbons and R32 indoors is strongly discouraged. • Good ventilation and separation from ignition sources and other flammable items are the primary elements of safe storage. • The list of ignition sources can be vast and varied. • AS 4484 describes the labeling and colour code requirements for refrigerant cylinders. • Cylinders containing flammable and R32 refrigerants should have a red band then a white band around the neck. IP65 Standard - International Protection ratings.

Hydrocarbon Pressure/Temperature Chart Temperature R600a HR12 R290 HR22/502 (IsoButane) (R290+R600a) (Propane) (R290+R170) °C °F MINUS 10 MINUS 40 -40 -40 kPa psi MINUS 30 kPa psi MINUS 50 -38 -36 -72 -10.5 kPa psi 14 2 kPa psi -36 -33 -69 -10.0 24 3 48 7 -34 -29 -66 -9.6 -6 -1 34 5 61 9 -32 -26 -62 -9.0 10 45 7 74 11 -30 -22 -59 -8.5 10 1 57 8 87 13 -28 -18 -54 -7.9 18 3 70 10 101 15 -26 -15 -50 -7.2 28 4 83 12 117 17 -24 -11 -45 -6.5 37 5 98 14 133 19 -22 -8 -40 -5.8 48 7 113 16 149 22 -20 -4 -34 -5.0 59 9 129 19 168 24 -18 0 -29 -4.1 70 10 146 21 187 27 -16 3 -22 -3.2 83 12 164 24 207 30 -14 7 -16 -2.3 96 14 183 27 228 33 -12 10 -8 -1.2 109 16 202 29 250 36 -10 14 -1 -0.1 124 18 223 32 274 40 -8 18 139 20 246 36 298 43 -6 21 7 1.1 155 23 269 39 324 47 -4 25 16 2.3 172 25 293 43 351 51 -2 28 25 3.6 189 27 319 46 380 55 0 32 35 5.0 208 30 346 50 409 60 2 36 45 6.5 227 33 374 54 441 64 4 39 56 8.1 247 36 404 59 473 69 6 43 67 9.7 268 39 435 63 503 74 8 46 79 11.4 290 42 467 68 541 79 10 50 92 13.3 314 46 501 73 578 84 12 54 105 15.2 338 49 536 78 616 90 14 57 119 17.2 363 53 573 83 656 96 16 61 133 19.3 389 57 611 89 698 102 18 64 149 21.6 417 61 651 95 741 108 20 68 165 23.9 445 65 693 101 786 115 22 72 182 26.4 475 69 737 107 833 121 24 75 199 28.9 506 73 782 114 881 128 26 79 218 31.6 538 78 829 120 932 136 28 82 237 34.4 571 83 877 127 984 143 30 86 257 37.3 606 88 928 135 1038 151 32 90 278 40.4 642 93 981 142 1092 159 34 93 300 43.6 679 99 1035 150 1150 168 36 97 323 46.9 718 104 1092 158 1209 176 38 100 347 50.3 758 110 1150 167 1272 185 40 104 371 53.9 800 116 1211 176 1337 195 42 108 397 57.7 843 122 1273 185 1403 205 44 111 424 61.5 887 129 1338 194 1472 215 46 115 452 65.6 933 135 1405 204 1543 225 48 118 481 69.7 981 142 1475 214 1615 235 50 122 510 74.1 1030 150 1546 224 1689 246 52 126 541 78.6 1081 157 1620 235 1768 258 54 129 573 83.2 1133 164 1696 246 1848 269 56 133 606 88.0 1187 172 1775 258 1929 281 641 93.0 1243 180 1856 269 2013 293 676 98.1 1300 189 2100 306 1359 197

Operating Conditions for Hydrocarbon Refrigerant Systems Due to flammability of Hydrocarbons and R32 a lot of applications of tools, electrical components and fittings will apply to both refrigerants. Compressors for Hydrocarbon Systems Of the 3 compressor housing styles, the totally sealed hermetic compressor is preferred, while the open belt driven style should be avoided. All of the current compressor pumping styles are suitable for use with hydrocarbon refrigerants. Large industrial HC systems have been successfully using centrifugal and screw type compressors for many years while rotary and scroll compressors are seeing widespread use in air conditioning systems (particularly auto air systems). The most common style to date would be the reciprocating as its use is predominant throughout the small self-contained domestic and commercial markets. While the current materials used in the manufacture of compressors are totally compatible with the HC range of refrigerants, three other significant factors must be considered when selecting a compressor for use in a hydrocarbon system. Manufacturers Specification Does the replacement comply with the standards and specifications set by the manufacturer? Is the compressor suitable for use with hydrocarbon refrigerants? Ensure safety standards are maintained by fitting replacement components that meet or exceed the original manufacturers’ specification. Sources of Ignition The electrical devices related to the starting of the compressor must not be capable of igniting the gas vapours in the event of a leak in the compressor area. This can be achieved by fitting a solid state starting relay (also referred to as a PTC or Positive Temperature Coefficient relay). These have no contacts (sparking) and do not normally reach a surface temperature high enough to cause ignition. Note that any switches, relays or overloads that would allow the entry of vapour to their switch mechanism (e.g. the current coil and potential coil types), should be placed in a sealed enclosure. Thermal Overload Density Potential Coil The density of the suction vapour obtained by the various hydrocarbon refrigerants is considerably lower than that of the common synthetic refrigerants as is shown in the following table:

Specific Volume of Suction Density of Suction Refrigerant Vapour @ 0°C L/kg Vapour @ 0°C kg/L R404A 33.28 0.030 R22 47.14 0.021 R12 55.4 0.018 R134a 68.89 0.014 R290 96.66 0.010 R600a 234.14 0.004 In order to obtain a similar mass of refrigerant flowing around the system, it is necessary to increase the pumping capacity (or displacement) of the compressor. The information in the following table was obtained using a compressor selection tool called RS+3 by Danfoss and is a free download from their website: Compressor Refrigerant Input Current Rotation Cylinder Compressor Model R134a Power Draw speed Volume Displacement (A) (RPM) (ml) TLES7F (W) (L/s) 0.9 2900 6.49 130 0.314 This compressor was selected by the program for an R134a system requiring a cooling capacity of 145W with an evaporating temperature of -23°C and a condensing temperature of 45°C. To provide a comparison, the following compressor was selected for the same conditions on R600a. Compressor Refrigerant Input Current Rotation Cylinder Compressor Model R600a Power Draw speed Volume Displacement (A) (RPM) (ml) NLX10KK.2 (W) (L/s) 0.44 2900 10.9 89 0.527 This comparison demonstrates that R600a requires a compressor with a higher pumping capacity than is required to achieve the same cooling capacity on R134a (a 68% increase). As a result, hermetic compressors are now being manufactured specifically for use with hydrocarbons by companies such as Embracco, Danfoss, Panasonic, Electrolux and a large number of organisations based in China including ACC. As a guide, current Danfoss capacities range from: R600a LBP 29W to 190W R290 LBP 150W to 720W R290 MBP 260W to 1480W

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