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Home Explore New User Guide for ECAMIA

New User Guide for ECAMIA

Published by MARK DE VILLA, 2021-12-16 02:43:24

Description: New User Guide for ECAMIA


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ECAMIA USER GUIDE (CDIO) HOW TO LOG IN ECAMIA SYSTEM? 1. Open your Web Browser (Google Chrome Only) 2. Type \"\" on the address bar of your Web Browser (Google Chrome) LOG IN PAGE 1. Log in to the system with valid credentials. Insurance Product : CAMIA DAILY INSURANCE ONLINE Username: [email protected] Password: PasS_123 2. Click “Sign In” Page |1

ECAMIA USER GUIDE (CDIO) DASHBOARD DASHBOARD View the summary of transaction, 1. Pending Enrollment 2. For Enrolled to SAGIP CARD CARE, PIONEER LIFE (Probationary) - from GPA Enrollment 3. Cancellation of Enrollment MENU BAR Page |2

ECAMIA USER GUIDE (CDIO) SUB MENU ITEM SYSTEM FUNCTIONS UNDER “ENROLLMENT” MENU 1. Allow users to ADD new Enrollment of staff for 1 “TRAINEE”. 2 3 2. Allow users to Upgrade, Downgrade, Search and 4 Cancel all the Enrollment of staff under “PROBATIONARY”. Allow users to add New Enrollment for direct Staff Only. 3. Allow users to Add, Search and Cancel all the Enrollment of Staff under “CONTRACTUAL” and “PROMOTION” 4. “STAFF RENEWAL 2018” menu are the List of Staff under the Old Database from spreadsheet. Function : allow users to Upgrade, Downgrade, Search and Cancel all the Enrollment of staff under “PROBATIONARY”. ADDITIONAL FUNCTION: Allow users to insert COMMENT by using this button . Page |3

ENCODING PROCEDURE FOR \"GPA INCLUSION\" (FOR TRAINEE) ECAMIA USER GUIDE (CDIO) 2 1 1. Click \"Enrollment\" then select \"GPA ENROLLMENT (For Trainee)\" 2. Click the \"NEW\" button and filled out the required information then click \"SAVE\" 3. After Click \"Save\" Button, the form will prompt if the transaction was \"Successfully saved\" or not. 4. Once submitted, the List view Enrollment will show for checking purposes., You can use the \"Search\" field by using surname to verify transactions 3 4 Page |4

ECAMIA USER GUIDE (CDIO) ENCODING PROCEDURE FOR \"SAGIP, CARD CARE, DAKILA PIONEER LIFE ENROLLMENT\" (FOR PROBATIONARY) 1 1. Under “DASHBOARD” menu, click the \"FOR ENROLLED TO SAGIP, CARD CARE, DAKILA PIONEER LIFE “tab to show the list of for enroll from GPA Enrollment. 2. Search by “Surname”, For Enrollment of Staff(PROBEE) to “SAGIP CARD CARE DAKILA“, 2.1 Allow users to “Clone” all the information from GPA Enrollment(TRAINEE) to \"SAGIP, CARD CARE, DAKILA PIONEER LIFE ENROLLMENT(PROBATIONARY)\" then filled-out the required information completely, then Click “Save”. 2.2 Use “Remark” for additional statement of the enrollment. 2.3 Allow users to abort or to cancel the Enrollment for “GPA Inclusion” 2.3 2.1 2 CANCEL CLONE Page |5

ECAMIA USER GUIDE (CDIO) DIRECT ENROLLMENT 1. Click “Enrollment” then select “SAGIP, CARD CARE, DAKILA PIONEER LIFE”, then click “NEW ENROLLMENT(For direct Enrollment Only)”. 2. Filled-out the required information completely, then click “SAVE”. Page |6


ECAMIA USER GUIDE (CDIO) ENCODING PROCEDURE FOR \"PIONEER LIFE\" (FOR CONTRACTUAL AND PROMOTION) 1. Click the \"Enrollment\" Tab to show the \"Menu\" and select \"PIONEER LIFE ENROLLMENT\" 2. For Adding new enrollment for \"PIONEER LIFE\"., Click the \"NEW\" button and filled out the required information completely then click \"SAVE\" 1 2 Page |8

ECAMIA USER GUIDE (CDIO) 4. After Click \"Save\" Button, the form will prompt if the transaction was \"Successfully saved\" or not. 3. Once submitted, the List view Enrollment will show for checking purposes. You can use the \"Search\" field to verify transactions. Page |9

ECAMIA USER GUIDE (CDIO) USE COMMENT TO YOUR ENROLLMENT The purpose of “COMMENT” icon is to allow users to add a remarks to enrollment of staff. e.g. Correction of Personal Information: Name and Birthday etc. Request for Deletion due to double enrollment. ADD COMMENT PROCEDURE STEP 1. Select Enrollment then select Product (GPA, SAGIPCARD CARE DAKILA or PIONEERLIFE) you want to add a remarks. P a g e | 10

ECAMIA USER GUIDE (CDIO) STEP 2. icon, Search the Surname of Staff. Then click comment STEP 3. The form will pop up, then add a remarks or comment inside the box. Now click this button if your comment want to proceed. Or click the button to abort. STEP 4. to view the list To view the status of your “COMMENT”, At the “MENU BAR” click the notification icon and the status of your “COMMENT”. P a g e | 11

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