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Home Explore Unitec Brand Guidelines

Unitec Brand Guidelines

Published by Stanley Zeng, 2022-08-01 03:11:42

Description: 47510_Unitec_Brand_Guidelines_P2_


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Brand guidelines

Contents 01 02 Our purpose, aspiration and values 04 Our purpose 05 Tone of voice 05 Our Logo 07 Primary logo 08 Stacked logo 09 Horizontal logo 10 Think. Do. Logo 11 Customer life cycle 12 Print clearspace rules 13 Digital Clearspace rules 14 Logo don’ts 19 Graphic devices 20 Colours, fonts and imagery 21 Colour palette 22 Typography 24 Photography 26 Illustration Application examples 01

Our purpose We enable better futures for students, communities, and public and private enterprise. Our aspiration To be a world leader in contemporary applied learning and an agent of positive economic and social change. 02

vOuar lues Our values guide our thinking, our decision making, our actions. They bind us together and make us stronger as one team. We live our Kaupapa through our values. We are a bicultural organisation in a multicultural environment. We actively embrace multiple perspectives and experiences, and place huge value on the benefits that diversity can bring. And at the end of the day we all have one fundamental thing in common – we care about learning and teaching and making lives better. Living Te Noho Kotahitanga is how we demonstrate that partnership in how we work every day. It anchors all our values. If we’re true to living Te Noho Kotahitanga and show generosity of spirit, focus on our student and customers, be enterprising and accountable, we will achieve our aspiration. 03

pOurromise UNITEC GUIDELINES | FEBRUARY 20 When students are proud of their time Personal at Unitec, advocacy is spread far and Because each of our students and customers is on wide through communities, families a personal journey with individual needs and hopes, and industries, we become recognised we support and share responsibility for it. as the place to become better. Accessible If the question is ‘can I study at Unitec?’ then the We will deliver a great experience answer is always ‘yes!’ There is a place for everyone for all of our students. An experience at Unitec. You can bring your whole self and be that is personal, accessible, successful – as you. real and transformative. Real We’re straight up, unpretentious, challengers, and we call it how it is. Transforming We acknowledge our students and customers are at a crossroads on their personal journey. They expect their lives to be transformed by education – and we promise to deliver. 04

Tone voice of Thinking and doing runs through every If all else fails, remember: part of Unitec. Even when we talk. > Write with warmth > Be clear That’s why we’re creative and imaginative at times. But we > Write with inclusiveness don’t shy away from being practical and sensible either. > Be down-to-earth > Don’t be dull We don’t say ‘future’ or ‘success’ like other universities, > Don’t drone on, and on, and on. And on. our focus is on better outcomes. > Don’t use jargon > Don’t use big words unnecessarily When we talk about courses we don’t use confusing See page 27 for radio script example. jargon. Our language is straightforward so we’re accessible to every Kiwi. 05 Most importantly, our tone is friendly, inclusive and approachable. Because our students come from all walks of life.

loOurgo 06

Logo 1 2 Primary Logo This is our primary logo and should always be used as our core identifier for all communications. This ensures that the Unitec brand is recognised with clarity and consistency. This also means we must not use any of the simplified versions in the first instance for any external facing communication. Note: DO NOT copy logos from Primary logo formats this document. Final logo files are supplied separately. 1 Stacked with tagline and Māori translation 2 Horizontal with tagline and Māori translation Green gradient boxes indicate the primary background and is not to be used as a logo lockup. Please refer to page 17 and 18 for correct logo lockup devices. 07

Logo 1 2 5 Stacked logo Here are some examples of how we use our logo. The Shield on its own may be used but only with prior approval from the Unitec masterbrand team. 33456 Note: DO NOT copy logos from Stacked logo formats Stacked logo usage 5 Reversed on colour from Unitec’s colour palette this document. Final logo files are supplied separately. 1 Tagline and Māori translation 3 Reversed 6 Positive in colour from Unitec’s colour palette may 2 Simplified/no tagline 4 Reversed on brand gradient only be used under special circumstances and only with approval from the master brand team 08

Logo 1 2 Horizontal formats 34 6 In special circumstances only such as hoardings these versions can be used. 3 5 Note: DO NOT copy logos from Horizontal logo formats Horizontal logo usage 5 Reversed on colour from Unitec’s colour palette this document. Final logo files are supplied separately. 1 Tagline and Māori translation 3 Reversed 6 Positive in colour from Unitec’s colour palette 2 Simplified/no tagline 4 Reversed on brand gradient may only be used under special circumstances and only with approval from the master brand team 09

Logo 1 2 Think. Do. logo usage 4 5 6 7 When the intended audience of the communication has not previously engaged with Unitec, then the Think. Do. logo should be used. For example, recruitment campaigns. There is no need to use the ‘Think.Do’ logo when the intended audience has already engaged with Unitec. For example, on the Unitec website. The ‘Think.Do’ logo and the Shield may be used on its own, but only with prior approval from the Unitec masterbrand team. Note: DO NOT copy logos from Think. Do. logo formats Think. Do. logo usage 6 Reversed on colour from Unitec’s colour palette this document. Final logo files 7 Positive in colour from Unitec’s colour palette are supplied separately. 1 Tagline and Māori translation 4 Reversed 2 Simplified/no tagline 5 Reversed on brand gradient 10

Customer life cycle Logo usage 1 2 3 Each stage of the customer lifecycle has its own corresponding logo. Please check this reference guide to determine which logo is suitable to use. Note: Primary colour palette to be used Note: Primary and secondary colour palette can be used Note: Refer to our alumni guidelines for correct usage Note: DO NOT copy logos from Customer lifecycle 2 Current student 3 Alumni this document. Final logo files are supplied separately. 1 Prospective student 11

Logo Clearspace Print clearspace and Use the ‘e’ in Unitec to determine clearspace around the logo. minimum size rules 1 2 Use these rules to determine clearspace 10mm and minimum size of the logo. 1 Minimum size is 25mm when using the Māori translation on the stacked logo format. 2 Minimum size when using the simplified stacked logo is 10mm. 3 In special circumstances where the stacked logo needs to be smaller than 10mm we can use the shield by itself at 5mm minimum size. 4 Minimum size is 40mm when using the Māori translation and Think. Do. in the horizontal logo format. 5 Minimum size when using the simplified 25mm and simplified Think. Do. horizontal logo is 15mm. 3 40mm 5 4 Note: DO NOT copy logos from 40mm 15mm this document. Final logo files are supplied separately. 12

Logo Clearspace Digital clearspace and Use the ‘e’ in Unitec to determine clearspace around the logo. minimum size rules 1 2 Use these rules to determine clearspace 40 pixels and minimum size of the logo. 1 Minimum size is 100 pixels when using the Māori translation on the stacked logo format. 2 Minimum size when using the simplified stacked logo is 40 pixels. 3 In special circumstances where the stacked logo needs to be smaller than 160 pixels we can use the shield by itself at 5mm minimum size. 4 Minimum size is 160 pixels when using the Māori translation and Think. Do. in the horizontal logo format. 100 pixels 3 5 Minimum size when using the simplified and simplified Think. Do. horizontal logo is 60 pixels. 160 pixels 4 5 Note: DO NOT copy logos from 160 pixels 60 pixels this document. Final logo files are supplied separately. 13

Logo Do not rearrange the logo Do not change the logo’s Do not colour the logo outside of Do not add effects to the logo typeface the colour palette Logo donts For all Unitec logo formats the following variation examples are not permitted. Do not add a pattern or graphic to the logo Do not use the logo Unitec Do not use the logo on a busy background or make it difficult to read without the shield Do not distort the logo Do not crop the logo Do not change the proportions of the logo Do not screen the logo as a watermark Do not place logo or faculty descriptor over large background areas of lighter colour in any of our weave graphics 14

graphic devices 15

Graphic devices The Unitec Weave The Unitec Weave is based on the Raranga. The origination of the Unitec Raranga design comes from discussions with Rob Ruha our Taurahere Marae and influenced from the carving in Ngakau Mahaki - Te pou Te Noho Kotahitanga - Reside in Unity. This graphic system is grounded in the idea of binding and connecting diverse cultures, people, backgrounds and disciplines. 16

Graphic devices LAYOUT EXAMPLES The Unitec Weave Headline headline goes in here goes The Unitec Weave, or Raranga, here is what connects and creates consistency Sub-heading can go headline through Unitec communications. here if needed goes image It’s a flexible and organic device here that is used to highlight and change heading perceptions, or frame up stories from goes here Unitec. Use the Weave to house text, headlines, or additional content. image image Secondary message goes here. Publina, ur, coniquo es, vendam tem dio od tat aliquatisi. Tet vel ute vendre ENROL NOW Discover a better way to study. Think. Do. numus cononve, nemul hoc mo arbi conullan henisAcil eraessit ipit doluptat Enrol now at publia? Hae restelicae cri pl. Ordium euis dipis do eui bla feuisse ndreet, sum » 0800 10 95 10 que apeOmmy nit dolor il ero dolenit Tet vel ute vendre conullan henisAcil » WWW.UNITEC.AC.NZ MINIMAL FRACTAL utpatie moluptat wis ero eu facilisisim eraessit ipit doluptat euis dipis do eui verat. Niscidunt nisUt in vel ea feugue bla feuisse ndreet, sum Tet vel ute COMPLEX FRACTAL MEDIUM FRACTAL Cyan areas indicate where colour gradients from our palette would be applied. 17

Graphic devices HEADER EXAMPLES Headline Headline goes in here goes in here Fractals are available in a Headline range of shapes and colours. goes in here Sub-heading can go Sub-heading can go here if needed here if needed At your discretion, fractals can be Sub-heading can go applied to any piece of communication, here if needed Headline Headline goes in here goes in here STAND ALONE LOGO HEADER EXAMPLE Note: This is our primary lockup using Left corner lockup our primary colour palette Sub-heading can go Sub-heading can go here if needed here if needed Headline goes in here Sub-heading can go here if needed Right corner lockup STAND ALONE LOGO EXAMPLES Note: DO NOT copy lockups from this document. Final logo files are supplied separately. 18

Graphic devices FOOTER EXAMPLES Everum eum lanieni enimil iscid ut exceped Otatemp eliquis Fractals are available in a Everum eum lanieni enimil iscid ut exceped range of shapes and colours. Otatemp eliquis Everum eum lanieni enimil iscid ut exceped Otatemp eliquis At your discretion, fractals can be Note: This is our primary lockup using our primary colour palette applied to any piece of communication, Everum eum lanieni enimil iscid ut exceped Everum eum lanieni enimil iscid ut exceped Otatemp eliquis Otatemp eliquis STAND ALONE LOGO FOOTER EXAMPLE Everum eum lanieni enimil iscid ut exceped Left corner lockup Otatemp eliquis STAND ALONE LOGO FOOTER EXAMPLES Right corner lockup Note: This is our primary lockup using our primary colour palette Note: DO NOT copy lockups from this document. Final logo files are supplied separately. 19

colour fonts imagery 20

Colour palette PRIMARY COLOUR PALETTE C93 M29 Y85 K20 R59 G114 B78 The new colour palette GRADIENT (FROM CMYK AND RGB ONLY) has been developed to create flexibility, energy C86 M41 Y55 K44 and vibrancy. R49 G81 B80 Our green gradient makes up the C86 M41 Y55 K44 C93 M29 Y85 K20 BLACK C0 M0 Y0 K77 WHITE primary colour palette with the addition R49 G81 B80 R59 G114 B78 R86 G90 B92 of black, grey and white. The primary PMS 561 PMS 342 PMS425 colour palette should be used whenever #305150 #39724E #5F5F61 the primary logo is used on external communications. SECONDARY COLOUR PALETTE A secondary colour palette has been C50 M0 Y100 K0 C80 M0 Y40 K0 C100 M0 Y9 K30 C55 M5 Y5 K0 C30 M0 Y5 K25 C30 M15 Y35 K5 developed to inject more depth and R122 G184 B0 R90 G172 B167 R0 G131 B169 R125 G188 B224 R149 G176 B188 R175 G183 B162 liveliness to the Unitec brand. This palette PMS 376 PMS 326 PMS 314 PMS 2985 PMS 550 PMS 5655 can be used for all communications, and #A0BF4A #59ACA7 #0082A6 #7CBCE0 #94B0BB #AEB7A1 is designed to enhance, not supersede, the use of the primary palette. C52 M61 Y0 K2 C60 M35 Y15 K0 C22 M17 Y15 K0 C0 M75 Y65 K0 C0 M80 Y70 K35 C0 M80 Y100 K0 C0 M61 Y97 K0 C0 M25 Y90 K0 C20 M0 Y100 K0 R140 G108 B208 R121 G145 B179 R22 G93 B142 R213 G102 B88 R147 G64 B56 R211 G91 B43 R227 G131 B34 R239 G193 B67 R216 G222 B63 PMS 265 PMS 646 PMS 240 PMS 1787 PMS 484 PMS 7417 PMS 158 PMS 142 PMS 390 #7F70AF #7991B3 AD5D8D #D46558 #933F37 #D25A2A #DA7F30 #E8BA61 #D8DE3F 21

Typography THIN MEDIUM Our typeface, Soho Gothic, is chosen for its human feel. abcdefghilklmn abcdefghilklmn The preferred weights are light and regular, though there opqrstuvwxyz opqrstuvwxyz may be instances when other weights are necessary. ABCDEFGHJKLMN Soho Gothic is to be used for all communications. OPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHJKLMN The serif version of Soho Gothic is not available for use. 0123456789 OPQRSTUVWXYZ Primary LIGHT 0123456789 Soho Gothic abcdefghilklmn BOLD opqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHJKLMN abcdefghilklmn OPQRSTUVWXYZ opqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ABCDEFGHJKLMN REGULAR OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghilklmn 0123456789 opqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHJKLMN EXTRA BOLD OPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 abcdefghilklmn opqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 VerdanaWeb and digital default typeface REGULAR BOLD abcdefghilklmn abcdefghilklmn opqrstuvwxyz opqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHJKLMN ABCDEFGHJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ OPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 0123456789 22

Photography EXAMPLES Our phototgraphy style portrays human moments on the Unitec journey. Imagery should add vibrancy and capture subjects in an authentic and spontaneous way. Photography should show our people learning or teaching and engaged with their task or environment. Unitec is a place of thinking and doing, so our imagery should reflect this. When photography is used in a case study on a specific person, the subject may face the camera. If you are unsure of how to direct a shot please contact the marketing team. 23

Photography Situational Environment Conceptual We use photography in unstaged, natural Use of large-scale, long-distance shots can Comprised of abstract, composed photos that situations to tell the story of people learning. convey a sense of drama and have great can convey bold representations Subjects should be engaged in realistic activities impact. People in environment imagery do not of learning concepts. By using colour, that would occur during daily life at Unitec. have to be the focus of the shot, but when design or other conceptual communication The environments should represent real-world they are used, they should be learning in methods, metaphoric imagery can allude learning environments. In some instances, it will some way. Environment imagery can be either to a meaning without explicitly stating it. be helpful to select testimonial-style shots, inside or outside, and should inspire feelings A photo within this category should immediately with people directly facing the camera. of wonder and awe in the audience. convey its concept, despite being metaphoric in These images should still retain the vibrancy nature. and authenticity of life at Unitec. 24

illustration 25

Illustration Illustration can be used as a way to add dynamism and energy to communications. Illustration can be used with imagery, but the illustration should be used to highlight the idea or concept in the communications. When using colour in illustrations, the secondary colour palette should be followed as a guide. To ensure our illustration style is consistent. All illustrations must be drawn by Republik Communications. 26

Illustration taobleetaterrn way Illustrated style fonts can be used to create dynamic type lockups. Illustrated fonts have been developed for use in our recruitment campaigns. These fonts can also be used for any student facing and internal communications where they feel appropriate. These fonts can only be used for main headlines or pull out information and must be used in conjunction with the brand font Soho. MOONFLOWER abcdefghilklmn opqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 BOBBY J abcdefghilklmn opqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 27

application examples 28

Application examples LAYOUT EXAMPLES Headline Headline goes in here goes in here Headline goes in here Sub-heading can go Sub-heading can go here if needed here if needed Sub-heading can go here if needed Everum eum lanieni enimil iscid ut exceped Everum eum lanieni enimil iscid ut exceped Everum eum lanieni enimil iscid ut exceped Otatemp eliquis Otatemp eliquis Otatemp eliquis Note: This is our primary layout using Headline our primary colour palette goes in here Headline Headline Sub-heading can go goes in here goes in here here if needed Sub-heading can go Sub-heading can go here if needed here if needed Everum eum lanieni enimil iscid ut exceped Everum eum lanieni enimil iscid ut exceped Everum eum lanieni enimil iscid ut exceped Otatemp eliquis Otatemp eliquis Otatemp eliquis 29

Application examples Corporate and way finding* *Way finding identity to be updated in 2017 30

Application examples I am a beautiful Heading A quote. Rero vel BodycopySecestibus, omnis dolorum nos entem harunto Internal and onsite ipsandebitis dis maionec aeptatinis qui odit ium hil incto quature, omni- nonsendaecti hit undelen dipsum vid et landi ditaque dignimp orerumqui as aci occum beritaero ipsus nim quo ipiciam eaque pe volore ex eum Headline diti dolupta quostem faccatiume sit dolorum utem quiam, aut litectori- goes in here as et fugit, quodi asse nim labor mosa enihic tem. Heading A Sub-heading can go Heading B here if needed BodycopySecestibus, omnis dolorum nos entem harunto dis Sus Ipsam et ut remqui te pella dis exerat optaspe ditiis maionec aeptatinis qui odit ium hil incto quature, omnihit eatem vellori dunde dolenist, totatur seque eum undelen dipsum vid et landi ditaque dignimp orerumqui » Doluptam repelecerum nos in est id quis Velictureic tent beritaero ipsus nim quo ipiciam eaque pe volore ex eum quostem faccatiume sit dolorum utem quiam, aut litectorias voluptatis es volorrum et fugit, quodi asse nim labor mosa enihic tem. » Quas prem remquid uciendebis natam » Si omni od quidis non nus rempor as nobit Nem estotati Heading B cus doluptatque proreptate eni optatem sus Ipsam et ut remqui te pella dis exerat optaspe ditiis fugit opta si verae. Rit, cus et eost maximil igeneces sedio eatem vellori dunde dolenist, totatur seque eum toruptatis eicium conectatur apissuntiur resequia sae venis » Doluptam repelecerum nos in est id quis Velictureic tent invel invendelitae exceatius rem idenisquo qui velitat fuga. Nequae net et et aut iuscimpore natureribus natiuntem voluptatis es volorrum endenti sequi incium qui in rem fugiament aborporis quas » Quas prem remquid uciendebis natam et, siminit ibeatat aborro consed que porpostiis a ipidunt » Si omni od quidis non nus rempor as nobit Nem estotati ducimust, ut omnis sum fuga. Nequaecepta apidunt otatur cus doluptatque proreptate eni optatem fugit opta si verae. autatem non pro verendem. Rit, cus et eost maximil igeneces sedio toruptatis eicium conectatur apissuntiur resequia sae venis invel invendelitae Freephone 0800 10 95 10 exceatius rem idenisquo qui velitat fuga. Nequae net et et Student Central +64 9 8152945 aut iuscimpore natureribus Fax +64 9 815 2901 [email protected] BROCHURE Congratulations Name of recipient Recipient of a Unitec Success Scholarship supported by IBM Rick Ede Unitec Chief Executive 28 August 2016 CERTIFICATE 31

Application examples Internal and onsite Headline goes here POW01E| PoRwePrpIoNint TTemTplaEteMPLATE HI <name> POWERPOINT We haven’t heard from you. BUSINESS CARD We noticed you haven’t completed the U Matter questionnaire. If you want the chance to win a $500 Prezzy card to put towards travel, books, or anything else you’re after, then take part today. By answering a few questions, you’ll be contributing to the biggest research tool we’ve ever created. And you’ll get a free coffee* for helping us out. To get started, all you need is your student ID free $300 CARD COFFEE Freephone 0800 10 95 10 Postal Address Mt Albert Campus Waita¯kere Campus Student Central +64 9 8152945 Private Bag 92025 139 Carrington Rd 5-7 Ratanui St Fax +64 9 815 2901 Victoria St West Mt Albert Henderson [email protected] Auckland 1142 Auckland 1025 Auckland 0612 New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand Name Here Get started now >> Qualification 1 LETTERHEAD Qualification 2 (opt) LIKE TWEET FORWARD Job Title line 1 Job Title line 2 (opt) Unitec Institute of Technology Network name line 1 Private Bag 92025, Victoria Street West, Network name line 2 (opt) Auckland [email protected] Unsubscribe instantly Tel +64 9 000 000 Mob 021 000 0000 EDM 32

Application examples Events, apparel and merchandise 33

Application examples Campaign 34

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