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Home Explore sar ระดับปฐมวัย 2564

sar ระดับปฐมวัย 2564

Published by schoolbky, 2022-04-30 21:15:16

Description: sar ระดับปฐมวัย 2564


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Design Thinking . 69.23 11 20.28 2. 72.77 18.65 3. 67.65 21.57 4. 35 52.77 17 31.52 65.61 23.00 88.61

. 40 6 9.77 2. 43 3 8.14 3. 36 10 17.77 4. 42 86.8 4 9.44 84.48 11.28 95.76 . 69.23 20.28 9.77 2. 72.77 18.65 8.14 - 3. 67.65 21.57 17.77 4. 52.77 86.8 31.52 9.44 65.61 84.48 23.00 11.28 -


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