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Home Explore Monument in Memory of Lord Byron

Monument in Memory of Lord Byron

Published by byronlib, 2021-04-04 17:07:31

Description: The Sacred Town of Messolonghi
The memorial column to Byron to commemorate the centennial of his death


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The Sacred Town of Messolonghi __________ The memorial column to Byron to commemorate the centennial of his death

The story of On this spot was Christos Kapsalis the monument renovation house in which Byron stayed from 5 by the Messolonghi Byron Society of January until 19 of April 1824 and where he breathed his last. Watercolour 20.5 x 29.0cm / W. Purser Athens, Museum of the city of Athens Christos Kapsalis blew up his house the night of the EXODUS of 10 Apri1 1826 including wounded men and women and children not to be captured by the Turks. In 1924 the University of Athens ho noured the centennial of Byron’s death by erecting a commemorative marble column, work of the sculptor Antonios Sochos.

Before the Renovation

The restoration begins

The operations are almost completed

The Inauguration, 24 May 2015

Wreath- laying ceremony

The works continue