Uninterruptible Power Supply Solution
Thai Industech Co., Ltd. was established in February, 2006 with a paid-up capital of Thai Baht 65 million. The objective of the company is to offer effective engineering solutions and products in the area of Pipes and Joints material handling systems and electrical power management systems such as Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), Stabilizers and Generators to our clients. To that effect, the company provides expert consultancy and engineering design services friendly application support; and quick assembly and installation services to meet our clients’ specific requirements. Its marketing strategy and focus are founded upon providing you, our esteemed customers, with the highest quality in Pipe & Joint racking systems and effective power management solutions with fast responses and deliveries. Based on our extensive experience of more than 15 years in the industry we are committed to support our esteemed clients with the highest ethical standards and utmost responsibility and respect for the environment. Besides we also assure you of our sincerity and fairness in all our dealings; and emphasis on client confidentiality. Last but not least we value continuous improvement and strive for service excellence with professionalism to meet your highest expectations. บรษิ ทั ไทยอนิ ดสั เทค จาํ กดั กอ่ ตง้ั เมอ่ื เดอื นกมุ ภาพันธ์ 2549 ดว้ ยทนุ จดทะเบยี นชาํ ระแลว้ จาํ นวน 65 ลา้ นบาท วตั ถปุ ระสงคข์ อง บรษิ ทั คอื การนาํ เสนอโซลชู นั่ ดา้ นวศิ วกรรมทมี่ ปี ระสทิ ธภิ าพและผลติ ภณั ฑข์ องทอ่ และขอ้ ตอ่ รวมไปถงึ ระบบ การจดั การวสั ดแุ ละระบบบรหิ ารจดั การพลงั งานไฟฟา้ ครบวงจร เชน่ เครอื่ งสาํ รองไฟ เครอื่ งรกั ษาแรงดนั และเครอื่ งกาํ เนดิ ไฟฟา้ ใหก้ ับลูกค้าของเรา เราพรอ้ มใหค้ าํ ปรกึ ษาโดยผเู้ ชย่ี วชาญและบรกิ ารออกแบบทางวศิ วกรรม การสนบั สนนุ ทรี่ วดเรว็ รวมไปถงึ การบรกิ าร ทยี่ อดเยยี่ มเพ่ือตอบสนองความตอ้ งการของลกู คา้ ดว้ ยกลยทุ ธก์ ารตลาดทมี่ งุ่ เนน้ ถงึ ผลติ ภณั ฑท์ มี่ คี ณุ ภาพในทกุ ๆ โซลชู นั่ ไมว่ า่ จะเปน็ ผลติ ภณั ฑข์ องทอ่ และขอ้ ตอ่ หรอื ระบบบรหิ ารจดั การพลงั งานทมี่ ปี ระสทิ ธภิ าพดว้ ยการตอบสนองทรี่ วดเรว็ และ การส่งมอบงานทต่ี รงเวลา จากประสบการณอ์ นั ยาวนานของเรากวา่ 15 ปใี นอตุ สาหกรรมเรามงุ่ มน่ั ทจี่ ะสนบั สนนุ ลกู คา้ ดว้ ยมาตรฐานทาง จรยิ ธรรมสงู สดุ และความรบั ผดิ ชอบสงู สดุ ตอ่ สงิ่ แวดลอ้ ม เรามงุ่ มนั่ ในการพัฒนาอยา่ งตอ่ เนอื่ งดว้ ยความจรงิ ใจ เพื่อการ ใหบ้ รกิ ารเป็นเลิศอยา่ งมืออาชพี สําหรับคุณ
ACE BRIGHT CHALLENGER DYNAMIC 600-1000 VA 600-1200 VA 1-3 KVA 1-3 KVA DYNAMIC RT DYNAMIC DYNAMIC RT 1-3 KVA 6,10 KVA 6,10 KVA ENTERPRISE FORCE GENIUS 10-80 KVA 60-300 KVA 10-800 KVA LEAD ACID BATTERY GEL BATTERY • 12V7.2AH • 12V9AH • 12V12AH • 6-FM-38J • 12V17AH • 12V22AH • 12V55AH • 6-FM-80J • 12V75AH • 12V100AH • 12V120AH • 6-FM-150J • 12V150AH • 12V200AH • 6-FM-200J
UPS Product Line RANGE OF PRODUCTS DYNAMIC CHALLENGER BRIGHT ACE ( 1-3 KVA ) , ( 6 ,10 KVA ) ( 1-3 KVA ) ( 600-1200 VA ) ( 600-1000 VA ) RANGE OF POWER
Ace 600 - 1000 VA 5 +(66)2-559-0866-8
Ace 600-1000VA Specification Model SAE 600 SAE 800 SAE 1000 600VA/360W 800VA / 480W 1000VA / 600W Capacity (VA/WATT) Input 220/ 230/ 240V 140 - 300 V Nominal Input Voltage 50/60 Hz (auto sensing) Input Voltage range 220/ 230/ 240V Input Frequency range 2-6 ms typical, 10ms max (13ms max for Generator or Step input). Bypass 220/ 230/ 240V Bypass Voltage Transfer time ±10% 50 Hz ±1% Output Simulated Sine Wave Output Voltage 0.6 Voltage regulation Output Frequency 12V 12V 24V 12V/7.2Ah x 1 Sealed Lead Acid 12V/7.2Ah x 2 Waveform 12V/9Ah x 1 Output Power Factor Battery 15-30 min Depend on Load 1.2 A Battery DC Voltage Solid green led lighting Battery Type Solid yellow led ash Battery number Solid red led lighting Backup time short circuit, Overload, Overcharge and overdischarge protection Charge current Sounding every 0.5 seconds LCD indicators Sounding every 10 seconds AC Mode Sounding every second Battery Mode Sounding every 0.5 seconds Fault Continuously sounding Protection Overload capacity DB9/ RS232/ USB port for option (RS232 and USB ports cannot be activated at the same time) Audible Alarm Battery mode 287 x 101 x 142.5 287 x 101 x 142.5 338 x 149 x 162 Low Battery 4.5 5.2 8.5 Overload 0-90 % RH @ 0-40˚C (non-condensing) Fault Less than 40dB Communication interface IEC/EN 62040-1;IEC/EN60950-1 Physical IEC/EN 62040-2;IEC61000-4-2;IEC61000-4-3;IEC61000-4-4;IEC61000-4-5;IEC61000-4-6;IEC61000-4-8 Dimension (DxWxH)mm. IEC/EN 62040-3 Net Weight (KGs) Environmental Humidity Range Noise level Standards Safety EMC Design +(66)2-559-0866-8 6
Bright 600 - 1200 VA Line interactive Tecnology 4 4 3 12 2 1 21 7 +(66)2-559-0866-8
Bright 600-1200VA Specification Model SBC 600VA SBC 800VA SBC 1000VA SBC 1200VA Capacity (VA/WATT) 600VA/360W 800VA/480W 1000VA/600W 1200VA/720W Input 110/120V or 220/ 230/ 240V Nominal Input Voltage 81-145 V or 162-290 V Input Voltage range 50/60 Hz (±10%) Input Frequency range 110/120V or 220/ 230/ 240V Bypass 2-6 ms typical, 10ms max. Bypass Voltage Transfer time Output 110/120V or 220/ 230/ 240V Output Voltage Voltage regulation ±10% 50 /60 Hz ±1% Output Frequency Simulated Sine Wave Waveform 0.6 Output Power Factor Battery 12V 12V 24V 24V 12V/7.2Ah x 1 12V/7.2Ah x 2 Battery DC Voltage Sealed Lead Acid Battery Type 12V/9Ah x 1 12V/7.2Ah x 2 Battery number 15-30min Depend on Load Backup time Charge current 1.2 A Typical recharge time 6-8 Hours to 90% full capacity System Features The 5th Green LED lighting (The 1st to 4th Green LED Lighting to indicate load level) LCD indicators LED1(Green) :>100% Load level, LED2(Green) :>75% Load level, LED3(Green) :>50% Load level, LED4(Green) :>25% Load level AC Mode The 5th Green LED Blinking (The 1st to 4th Green LED Lighting to indicate battery capacity) (Green LED Lighting) LED1(Green) :Battery Voltage > 25V , LED2(Green) :Battery Voltage > 23V, LED3(Green) :Battery Voltage > 22V, LED4(Green) :Battery Voltage > 21V Battery Mode (Amber LED Flashing) Solid red led lighting short circuit, Overload, Overcharge and overdischarge protection, Surge Protection, Noise Protection Fault Protection Sounding every 10 seconds Audible Alarm Sounding every second Battery mode Low Battery Battery Replacement Alarm Sounding every 2 seconds Sounding twice every seconds Overload Fault Continuously sounding USB/RS232 (Optional),Supports Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/2008,Windows7,Linux,Unix and MAC Communication interface Physical 298 x 101 x 142 338 x 149.3 x 162 8 4.25 4.9 7.8 Dimension (DxWxH)mm. Net Weight (KGs) 0 ~ 40˚C Environmental 0-90 % RH @ 0-40˚C (non-condensing) Operation temperature Less than 40dB (1 meter from surface) Humidity Range Noise level Standards IEC/EN 62040-1;IEC/EN60950-1 Safety EMC IEC/EN 62040-2;IEC61000-4-2;IEC61000-4-3;IEC61000-4-4;IEC61000-4-5;IEC61000-4-6;IEC61000-4-8 Design IEC/EN 62040-3 +(66)2-559-0866-8 8
Challenger 1-3 KVA Can add extra charger for longrun ( optional ) Short circuit Protection Surge protection 480 Joules 9 +(66)2-559-0866-8
Challenger 1-3 KVA Specification Model SCC-1K / SCCH-1K SCC-2K / SCCH-2K SCC-3K / SCCH-3K 1000VA/900W 2000VA/1800W 3000VA/2700W Capacity (VA/WATT) Input 200/ 208/ 220/ 230/ 240Vac 110 ~ 300Vac at 60% load , 160 ~ 300Vac at 100% load Nominal Input Voltage Input Voltage range 45 ~ 55Hz/55 ~ 65Hz Input Frequency range ≥ 0.99 @Nominal voltage (100% load) Input Power factor 200/ 208/ 220/ 230/ 240Vac Bypass 0ms Typical Bypass Voltage Transfer time 200/ 208/ 220/ 230/ 240Vac 90% Output ± 1% Output Voltage Voltage regulation 45 ~ 55Hz/56 ~ 64Hz Pure Sine Wave Output Frequency Waveform ≤ 3% (Linear load) ≤ 6% (Non-linear load) Harmonic distortion (THDv) 88% 89% Efficiency 0.9 Output Power Factor 24V 48V 84V Battery 12V/9Ah 12V/9Ah 12V/9Ah Battery DC Voltage 2 4 6 Battery Type 15-30 min Depend on Load 27.4Vdc ± 1% 82.1Vdc ± 1% Battery number 1.0 A Backup time 54.7Vdc ± 1% 5 hours recover to 90% capacity Charge current Charging Voltage Load level, Battery level, AC mode, Battery mode, Bypass mode, and Fault indicators Typical recharge time System Features Sounding every 4 seconds Sounding every second LCD indicators Continously sounding Alarm Sounding twice every second Battery Mode Low Battery Supports Windows® 2000/2003/XP/Vista/2008 Windows® 7/8 Linux,FreeBSD and MAC Power management from SNMP manager and web browser Fault Overload capacity 368 x 144 x 215 468 x 191 x 340 26 Communication interface 10 21 Smart RS-232/USB 20 ~ 90% RH @ 0 ~ 40˚C (Non-condensing) Optional SNMP ‹ 55dB @ 1 Meter Physical IEC/EN 62040-1;IEC/EN60950-1 Dimension (DxWxH)mm. IEC/EN 62040-2;IEC61000-4-2;IEC61000-4-3;IEC61000-4-4;IEC61000-4-5;IEC61000-4-6;IEC61000-4-8 Net Weight (KGs) Environmental IEC/EN 62040-3 Humidity Range Noise level Standards Safety EMC Design +(66)2-559-0866-8 10
Dynamic 1-3 KVA Can add extra charger for longrun ( optional ) Generator input support Short circuit Protection 11 +(66)2-559-0866-8
Dynamic 1-3KVA Specification Model SDC-1K / SDCH-1K SDC-2K / SDCH-2K SDC-3K / SDCH-3K 1000VA/900W 2000VA/1800W 3000VA/2700W Capacity (VA/WATT) 220/230/240 Vac Input 200~290 Vac (Full load) Nominal Input Voltage Input Voltage range 50/60Hz±10% Input frequency range ≥ 0.99 Input Power factor 200/ 208/ 220/ 230/ 240Vac 200~290 Vac (Full load) Bypass 0ms (Mains Battery) Bypass Voltage Bypass Frequency range 200/ 208/ 220/ 230/ 240Vac Transfer time ± 1% Output Synchronized with the utility on AC mode; 50/60(±0.1)Hz on battery mode Output Voltage Voltage regulation 3:1 Output Frequency Pure Sine Wave Crest Factor <3% (linear load) Waveform >89% Harmonic distortion (THDv) >94% (high efficiency mode) Efficiency 0.9 Output Power Factor 36Vdc 72Vdc 72Vdc Battery 12V/9Ah x 3 Sealed Lead Acid 12V/9Ah x 6 Battery DC Voltage 12V/9Ah x 6 Battery Type 15-30min Depend on Load Battery number 1.0 A Backup time 5 hours recover to 90% capacity Charge current 409x144x215 Load/Battery/Input/Output/Operating Mode Information 25.5 Typical recharge time 13 30s at 100%-150%;300ms at >150% System Features 1. Sounding every 4 seconds (Battery Mode) LCD indicators 2. Sounding every seconds (Low Battery) 3. Sounding twice every seconds (Overload) Overload capacity 4.Continuously Sounding (Fault) Audible Alarm RS232,USB,SNMP (optional) Communication interface 466x199x337 Physical 24.6 Dimension (DxWxH)mm. 0~40 °C Net Weight (KGs) 0 ~ 90% RH @ 0 ~ 40˚C (Non-condensing) Environmental ‹ 55dB Operation temperature Humidity Range IEC/EN62040-1,IEC/EN60950-1 Noise level IEC/EN62040-2,IEC61000-4-2,IEC61000-4-3,IEC61000-4-4, Standards Safety IEC61000-4-5,IEC61000-4-6,IEC61000-4-8 IEC/EN 62040-3 EMC Design +(66)2-559-0866-8 12
Dynamic RT 1-3 KVA Generator input support Short circuit Protection 13 +(66)2-559-0866-8
Dynamic RT 1-3KVA Specification Model SDCRT-1K/SDCRTH-1K SDCRT-2K/SDCRTH-2K SDCRT-3K/SDCRTH-3K CapacMityo(VdA/eWlATT) 10S0D0VCAR/M90-10KW 200S0DVCAR/M18-20K0W 300S0DVCAR/M27-30K0W 1000VA/900W 2000VA/1800W 3000VA/2700W CapaciItnyp(VuAt/WATT) NominaIlnInppuutt Voltage 200/ 208/ 220/ 230/ 240Vac NIonmpuint aVloIlntapguet Vraonltgaege InIpnputuFt rVeoqltuaegnecyrarnagnege 200/ 20181/02~2209/02V3a0c/ 240Vac InpInupt uFrtePqouweenrcfyacratonrge 45~16150H~z(2a9u0toV-adcetect) 45~65H≥z0(a.9u8to-detect) IGnpeuntePraotworerinfapcuttor Co≥m0p.9a8tible Bypass 200/208/220/230/240 V Max.voltage: +15%(optional +5% +10% +25%) Bypass Voltage 200/208/220/230/240 V Min.voltage: -45%(optional -15% -20% -30%) Bypass Frequency range ±10% Transfer time 1. 0ms (Mains Battery) 2. <4ms (Mains Bypass) Output Output Voltage 200/ 208/ 220/ 230/ 240Vac Voltage regulation ± 1% 50Hz or 60Hz (Synchronized to Mains) Output Frequency Utility Mode Output Frequency Battery Mode 50/60Hz±0.02Hz Waveform Pure Sine Wave Harmonic distortion (THDv) ≤ 3% (Linear load), ≤ 5% (Non-linear load) AC Mode(full load) up to 90% >85% Efficiency Battery Mode(full load) >94% 0.9 ECO Mode(full load) Output Power Factor 24Vdc 48Vdc 72Vdc Battery 12V/9Ah x 2 12V/9Ah x 6 Sealed Lead Acid Battery Standard Model 12V/9Ah x 4 DC Voltage Long-run Model Depending on the capacity of external batteries Battery Type 15-30 Min Depend on Load Battery Standard Model Depending on external batteries capacity number Long-run Model 1.4A Backup Standard Model 6A/12A(double board) time Long-run Model 4 hours recover to 90% capacity Standard Model Charge Long-run Model current Typical recharge time System Features LCD indicators Load/Battery/Input/Output Operating Mode Information Overload AC Mode capacity Bat. Mode Load<100%~150%:30S;Load>150%:300ms then shut down UPS completely Bypass. Mode Load<100%~150%:30S;Load>150%:300ms then shut down UPS completely Audible Alarm Load>130%:60S then shut down UPS completely Line Failure,battery Low,Overload,System Fault Communication interface Smart RS232/USB Port/RJ45/SNMP Card (independent to RS232) Physical Dimension (WxHxD)mm. 440x86.5x430 (2u) 440x86.5x572 (2u) 440x86.5x696 (2u) 15.1 22.2 25.5 Net Weight (KGs) Environmental Operation temperature 0~40 °C 0~90% (non-condensing) Humidity Range Noise level <50dB (at 1 meter) Standards IEC/EN62040-1,IEC/EN60950-1 Safety IEC/EN62040-2,IEC61000-4-2,IEC61000-4-3,IEC61000-4-4, EMC IEC61000-4-5,IEC61000-4-6,IEC61000-4-8 IEC/EN 62040-3 Design +(66)2-559-0866-8 14
Dynamic 6-10 KVA 15 +(66)2-559-0866-8
Dynamic 6-10KVA Specification Model SDC-6K /SDCH - 6K SDC-10K / SDCH-10K 6K / 5.4k 10K / 9k Capacity (VA/WATT) Input 220/230/240 Vac 120~276 Vac Nominal Input Voltage Input Voltage range 50Hz:45~55Hz;60Hz:54~66Hz(auto sensing) Input Frequency range ≥0.99 Input Power factor Max.voltage:220V:+25%(optional +10%,+15%,+20%) Bypass 230V:+20%(optional +10%,+15%) 240V:+15%(optional +10%) Bypass Voltage Min.voltage:-45%(optional -20%,-30%) 50Hz/60Hz ±10% Bypass Frequency range Transfer time 1. 0ms (Mains ↔ Ba�ery ) 2. 0ms (Mains ↔ Bypass ) Output Output Voltage 220/230/240 Vac ±1% Voltage regulation ±1%/±2%/±4%/±5%/±10% of the rated frequency (optional) Output Frequency Utility Mode 50/60(±0.1)Hz Output Frequency Battery Mode 3:1 Pure Sine Wave Crest Factor Waveform <2% (with linear load), <5% (with non-linear load) Harmonic distortion (THDv) >93.5% Efficiency 0.9 Output Power Factor Battery ±96/108/120Vdc (optional) Battery DC Voltage Sealed Lead Acid Battery Type 12V/9Ah x 20 Battery number Backup time 15 - 30 Min Depend on Load Charge current 1A(Standard unit);Long run unit Max.current 10 A (charge current can be set according to battery capacity installed) Typical recharge time System Features 6~8 hours (to 90% of full capacity) LCD indicators Input Voltage , Input Frequency,Output Voltage,Output Frequency,Load Percentage,Battery Voltage, Inner Temperature&Remaining Battery Backup Time Status LED & LCD display Line Mode,Back up Mode,ECO Mode,Bypass Mode, Battery Low,Battery Bad,Overload & UPS Fault Overload Line Mode Load≤110%:last 60min,≤125%:last 10min,≤150%:last 1min,>150% turn to bypass mode immediately capacity Bypass Mode 40A(Breaker) 60A(Breaker) Short circuit Hold Whole System Overheat Line Mode: Turn to Bypass;Backup Mode :Shut down UPS immediately Audible Alarm Communication interface Line Failure, Battery Low,Overload,System fault RS232,USB,SNMP card(optional),Parallel card (optional),Relay card (optional) Physical Dimension (DxWxH)mm. 502x250x616 Net Weight (KGs) 62 / 18 64 / 20 Environmental Operation temperature 0~40 °C Humidity Range 0~95% (non-condensing) Noise level <55dB Standards IEC/EN62040-1,IEC/EN60950-1 Safety IEC/EN62040-2,IEC61000-4-2,IEC61000-4-3,IEC61000-4-4, EMC IEC61000-4-5,IEC61000-4-6,IEC61000-4-8 IEC/EN 62040-3 Design +(66)2-559-0866-8 16
Dynamic RT 6,10 KVA 17 +(66)2-559-0866-8
Dynamic RT 6,10 KVA Specification Model SDCRT-6K / SDCRTH - 6 SDCRT-10K / SDCRTH-10K 6K / 5.4k 10K / 9k Capacity (VA/WATT) Input 220/230/240 Vac 120~276 Vac Nominal Input Voltage Input Voltage range 45~55Hz/54~66Hz ±0.5Hz Input Frequency range ≥0.99 Input Power factor Bypass Bypass Max.voltage:220V:+25%(optional +10%,+15%,+20%) Voltage 230V:+20%(optional +10%,+15%) 240V:+15%(optional +10%) Bypass Frequency range Transfer time Min.voltage:-45%(optional -20%,-30%) Output 50Hz/60Hz ±10% Output Voltage 1. 0ms (Mains ↔ Ba�ery ) 2. 0ms (Mains ↔ Bypass ) Voltage regulation 220/230/240 Vac Output Frequency Utility Mode ±1% Output Frequency Battery Mode ±1%/±2%/±4%/±5%/±10% of the rated frequency (optional) Crest Factor 50/60(±0.1)Hz Waveform 3:1 Harmonic distortion (THDv) Pure Sine Wave Efficiency Output Power Factor <2% (with linear load), <5% (with non-linear load) Battery >93.5% Battery DC Voltage 0.9 Battery Type Battery number ±96/108/120Vdc (optional) Backup time Sealed Lead Acid Charge current 12V/9Ah x 20 Typical recharge time System Features 15-30 Min Depend on Load Maximum current 6 A ;charge current can be set according to battery capacity installed. 6~8 hours (to 90% of full capacity) LCD indicators Input Voltage , Input Frequency,Output Voltage,Output Frequency,Load Percentage,Battery Voltage, Overload Line Mode Inner Temperature&Remaining Battery Backup Time capacity Bypass Mode Load≤110%:last 60min,≤125%:last 10min,≤150%:last 1min,>150% turn to bypass mode immediately 40A(Breaker) 60A(Breaker) Short circuit Hold Whole System Overheat Line Mode: Turn to Bypass;Backup Mode :Shut down UPS immediately Audible Alarm Line Failure, Battery Low,Overload,System fault Communication interface RS232,USB,SNMP card(optional),Parallel card (optional),Relay card (optional) Physical Dimension (WxHxD)mm. 443x131x580 (3U) 64 Net Weight (KGs) 62 Environmental 0~40 °C Operation temperature 0~95% (non-condensing) Humidity Range Noise level <55dB Standards IEC/EN62040-1,IEC/EN60950-1 Safety IEC/EN62040-2,IEC61000-4-2,IEC61000-4-3,IEC61000-4-4, EMC IEC61000-4-5,IEC61000-4-6,IEC61000-4-8 Design IEC/EN 62040-3 +(66)2-559-0866-8 18
THREE PHASE UPS Enterprise 10-80 KVA 19 +(66)2-559-0866-8
THREE PHASE UPS Enterprise 10-80 KVA Specification Model 3EC-10K EC-15K 3EC-20K 3EC-30K 3EC-40K 3EC-60K 3EC-80K 10KVA/9KW Capacity (VA/WATT) 15KVA/13.5KW 20KVA/18KW 30KVA/27KW 40KVA/36KW 60KVA/54KW 80KVA/72KW Design IEC/EN 62040-3 IP Rating IP20 +(66)2-559-0866-8 20
THREE PHASE UPS Force 60-300 KVA 21 +(66)2-559-0866-8
THREE PHASE UPS Force 60-300 KVA Specification Model 3FCM-60K 3FCM-100K 3FCM-200K 3FCM-250K 3FCM-90K 3FCM-150K 3FCM-300K Capacity UPS cabinet 10~ 60KVA/9 ~ 54KW 10~100KVA/9~90KW 10~200KVA/9~180KW 250KVA/225KW 90KVA/81KW 150KVA/135KW 300KVA/270KW (VA/WATT) 25KVA/22.5KW HPM module 10KVA/9KW, 15KVA/13.5KW, 20KVA/18KW 25KVA/22.5KW, 30KVA/27KW Input Nominal Input Voltage 380/400/415Vac, (3Ph+N+PE) Input Voltage range 208~478Vac Input Frequency range 40 ~70Hz Input Power factor ≥0.99 Bypass Max.voltage: 380V: +25%(optional +10%, +15%, +20% ) Bypass 400V: +20%(optional +10%, +15% ) Voltage 415V: +15%(optional +10%) Min. voltage: -45% (optional -20%, -30%) Bypass Frequency range Frequency protection range: ± 10% Transfer time Mains to Battery:0ms; Mains to Bypass:0ms Generator Input (Soft start) Support Output 380/400/415Vac, (3Ph+N+PE) Output Voltage ± 1% Voltage regulation 1.Line Mode: ±1%, ±2%, ±4%, ±5%, ±10% of the rated frequency(optional) Output Frequency 2.Battery Mode: 50/60(±0.1)Hz 3:1 Crest Factor Harmonic distortion (THDv) 95.5% ≤2% with linear load, ≤5% with non-linear load Efficiency 95% Output Power Factor 0.9/1(Optional) Battery ±192Vdc/±204Vdc/±216Vdc/±228Vdc/±240Vdc; battery quantity(optional) Battery DC Voltage sealed lead acid Battery Type Backup time Depends on the capacity of external batteries. Charge UPS cabinet 18A (Max.) 30A (Max.) 60A (Max.) 60A (Max.) 30A (Max.) 50A (Max.) 100A (Max.) current module 6A (Max.) (charge current can be set according to battery capacity installed) System Features Overload Line Mode Load≤ 110%:60min; ≤ 125%:last 10min; ≤ 150%:last 1min; ≥ 150% turn to bypass mode immediately capacity Bat. Mode Bypass Mode Load≤ 110%:last 10min, ≤ 125%:last 1min, ≤ 150%:last 1s, ≥ 150% shut down UPS immediately Breaker(10KVA: 20A/15KVA: 32A/20KVA:40A) Breaker(25KVA:40A) Breaker(25KVA:40A/ 30KVA:60A) Short circuit Hold Whole System Communication interface 1. UPS cabinet : RS232, RS485, Dry contact, Intelligent slot x 2(SNMP card, Relay card optional ) Physical UPS module: RS232 Dimension UPS cabinet 840 x 600 x 1400 1100 x 600 x 2000 600 x1100 x 2000 600 x 840 x 1400 1100 x 600 x 2000 443 x 580 x 131 (3U) (DxWxH)mm. module Net Weight UPS cabinet 149 152 290 290 158 170 307 32 25KVA/32; 30KVA/33.5 (KGs) module 10KVA/26; 15KVA/30; 20KVA/31 Environmental Operation temperature 0˚C ~40˚C Storage Temperature -25˚C ~55˚C 0 ~95% (non-condensing) Humidity Range Noise level <65dB <70dB Altitude < 1500m Standards Safety IEC/EN62040-1,IEC/EN60950-1 EMC IEC/EN62040-2,IEC61000-4-2,IEC61000-4-3,IEC61000-4-4,IEC61000-4-5,IEC61000-4-6,IEC61000-4-8 Design IEC/EN 62040-3 IP Rating IP20 +(66)2-559-0866-8 22
THREE PHASE UPS Genius 10-800 KVA Output isolation transformer Log history event up to 516 events 23 +(66)2-559-0866-8
THREE PHASE UPS Genius 3/3 10-80 KVA Specification Model 3GCT3-10K 3GCT3-20K 3GCT3-30K 3GCT3-40K 3GCT3-60K 3GCT3-80K 10KVA/9KW 20KVA/18KW 30KVA/27KW 40KVA/36KW 60KVA/54KW 80KVA/72KW Capacity (VA/WATT) Input >89% 380/400/415Vac, (3Ph+N+PE) (380-25%, 415+20%)Vac Nominal Input Voltage 50/60Hz (±5Hz) Input Voltage range ≥0.98(with filter) Input Frequency range Input Power factor 380/400/415Vac Upper limit: +20% (+10%, +15%, +20% adjustable) Bypass Lower limit: -40% (-10%, -20%, -30%, -40% adjustable) Bypass 50/60Hz ± 10% (±2.5%, ±5%, ±10%, ±20% adjustable) Voltage Mains to Battery:0ms; Mains to Bypass:0ms Bypass Frequency range >90% 380/400/415Vac >92% Transfer time ± 1% Output Output Voltage 50/60Hz(±0.05) 3:1 (Max.) Voltage regulation Output Frequency <3% with linear load >91% Crest Factor 0.9 Harmonic distortion (THDv) 384Vdc Efficiency sealed lead acid Output Power Factor 32 Pcs ( 30 - 34 Pcs ) Optional Depends on the capacity of external batteries. Battery Battery DC Voltage Load≤ 110%:60min; ≤ 125%:last 10min; ≤ 150%:last 1min; > 150% turn to bypass mode RS232,RS485, Dry contact, SNMP card(optional) Battery Type Battery number 570 x 800 x 1195 760 x 880 x 1600 Backup time 217 273 316 330 483 525 System Features Overload capacity 272 328 371 385 553 595 Communication interface <60dB 0˚C ~40˚C <65dB Physical -25˚C ~55˚C Dimension (DxWxH)mm. 0 ~95% (non-condensing) Net Weight (KGs) < 1500m Shipping weight (KGs) IEC/EN62040-1,IEC/EN60950-1 Environmental IEC/EN62040-2,IEC61000-4-2,IEC61000-4-3,IEC61000-4-4,IEC61000-4-5,IEC61000-4-6,IEC61000-4-8 Operation temperature IP20 Storage Temperature Humidity Range Noise level Altitude Standards Safety EMC IP Rating +(66)2-559-0866-8 24
THREE PHASE UPS Genius 3/3 100-800 KVA Specification Model 3GCT3-100K 3GCT3-120K 3GCT3-160K 3GCT3-200K 3GCT3-300K 3GCT3-400K 3GCT3-500K 3GCT3-600K 3GCT3-800K 100KVA/90KW 120KVA/108KW 160KVA/144KW 200KVA/180KW 300KVA/270KW 400KVA/360KW 500KVA/450KW 600KVA/540KW 800KVA/720KW Capacity (VA/WATT) Input Nominal Input Voltage 380/400/415Vac, (3Ph+N+PE) Input Voltage range (380-25%, 415+20%)Vac Input Frequency range 50/60Hz (±5Hz) Input Power factor ≥0.98(with filter) ≥0.85 Bypass Bypass 380/400/415Vac Voltage Upper limit: +20% (+10%, +15%, +20% adjustable) Lower limit: -40% (-10%, -20%, -30%, -40% adjustable) Bypass Frequency range 50/60Hz(auto-sensing) ± 10% (±2.5%, ±5%, ±10%, ±20% adjustable) Transfer time Mains to Battery:0ms; Mains to Bypass:0ms Output 380/400/415Vac Output Voltage Voltage regulation ± 1% Output Frequency 50/60Hz(±0.05) Crest Factor 3:1 (Max.) Harmonic distortion (THDv) <2% with linear load Efficiency >92% >92.5% >93% >94% >95% >96% Output Power Factor 0.9 Battery Battery DC Voltage 384Vdc 480Vdc Battery Type sealed lead acid 40 Pcs Battery number 32 Pcs ( 30 - 34 Pcs ) Optional Backup time Depends on the capacity of external batteries. System Features Overload capacity Load≤ 110%:60min; ≤ 125%:last 10min; ≤ 150%:last 1min; > 150% turn to bypass mode Communication interface RS232,RS485, Dry contact, SNMP card(optional) Physical 805 x 1160 x 1600 945 x 1400 x 1900 1040 x 1640 x 1900 1040 x 2800 x 1900 1100 x 3900 Dimension (DxWxH)mm. x 1950 Net Weight (KGs) 800 903 1219 1425 1780 2050 3700 4500 6400 Shipping weight (KGs) 890 4750 6700 993 1349 1555 1950 2200 3950 Environmental Operation temperature <65dB 0˚C ~40˚C <70dB Storage Temperature -25˚C ~55˚C Humidity Range 0 ~95% (non-condensing) Noise level Altitude < 1500m Standards IEC/EN62040-1,IEC/EN60950-1 Safety IEC/EN62040-2,IEC61000-4-2,IEC61000-4-3,IEC61000-4-4,IEC61000-4-5,IEC61000-4-6,IEC61000-4-8 EMC IP Rating IP20 25 +(66)2-559-0866-8
STABILIZER 27 +(66)2-559-0866-8
STABILIZER +(66)2-559-0866-8 28
Energys Battery
LEAD ACID BATTERY SERIES (ABS) Flame retardant (UL94) +(66)2-559-0866-8 30
LEAD ACID BATTERY SERIES (Design lifetime 10 Years at 25°C) 31 +(66)2-559-0866-8
LEAD ACID BATTERY SERIES 12V 7.2AH 2 32 2 5.0 WATTS PER Block +(66)2-559-0866-8
LEAD ACID BATTERY SERIES 12V 9AH 5.0 +(66)2-559-0866-8 WATTS PER Block 33
LEAD ACID BATTERY SERIES 12V 12AH 5.0 34 WATTS PER Block +(66)2-559-0866-8
LEAD ACID BATTERY SERIES 12V 17AH 5.0 +(66)2-559-0866-8 WATTS PER Block 35
LEAD ACID BATTERY SERIES 12V 22AH 5.0 36 WATTS PER Block +(66)2-559-0866-8
LEAD ACID BATTERY SERIES 12V 55AH 5.0 +(66)2-559-0866-8 37
LEAD ACID BATTERY SERIES 12V 75AH 5.0 38 +(66)2-559-0866-8
LEAD ACID BATTERY SERIES 12V 100AH 5.0 +(66)2-559-0866-8 39
LEAD ACID BATTERY SERIES 12V 120AH 5.0 40 +(66)2-559-0866-8
LEAD ACID BATTERY SERIES 12V 150AH 5.0 +(66)2-559-0866-8 41
LEAD ACID BATTERY SERIES 12V 200AH 5.0 42 +(66)2-559-0866-8