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Home Explore Anti Sexual Harrasement Training for all employees

Anti Sexual Harrasement Training for all employees

Published by akshay.kishwan, 2018-06-25 02:06:51

Description: Anti Sexual Harrasement Training for all employees


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Purpose Policy Background Panalpina – Anti Sexual Harassment Policy• Purpose of this training is to make “India has been following guidelines laid you understand the internal down by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India • To educate and sensitize all Panalpina Anti Sexual Harassment in 1997 in its judgment Vishakha v. State employees about what conduct Policy and know how. of Rajasthan. In 2013 the government of constitutes sexual harassment and India passed a law called the Sexual what does not;• It is a statutory & legal compliance. Harassment of women at Workplace All employees should be aware of (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, • Ways and means Panalpina adopt to the Policy’ Objective, Scope, 2013 (“the Act”) to codify what conduct prevent occurrence of any such complaint redressal procedure and constitutes sexual harassment, the ways event, and in the event of member details of the Internal and means to prevent occurrence of any occurrence, to enable a fair Complaints Committee. such event, and in the event of mechanism for enquiring into such occurrence, to enable a fair mechanism conduct. for enquiring into such conduct. The Indian Penal Code also deals with different offences related to “sexual harassment”. In consonance of these laws and core commitment to the Constitution of India, PANALPINA formulated a policy against sexual harassment at workplace and formed its Internal Complaints Committee (“ICC”) and to conduct inquiry into sexual harassment complaints arising within PANALPINA.”

What is Sexual Harassment: What is not Sexual Harassment:Sexual harassment would mean and include the following, jointly or severally: • Sexual harassment does not refer to normal conversation that all• Physical contact and advances; or• Demand or request for sexual favors; or parties affected find acceptable.• Making sexually colored remarks; or• Showing pornography; or • It does not refer to office relationships that are freely entered into• Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature. without intimidation or coercion.

Who & what is covered under the Anti- If you are being harassed: Internal Complaints Committee (theSexual Harassment Policy: “ICC”): • Know your rights: Sexual harassment• Every employee across the Company – PA’s central ICC functioning from corporate permanent, temporary, on training and is illegal; both the law and the office has 4 (four) members. on contract; PANALPINA Code of Conduct for its • Chairperson/Presiding Officer (CHoHR)-• An alleged act of sexual harassment Apeksha Singh. that has occurred during or beyond employees prohibits Sexual office hours; • Member – (Ex. Asst. to the CMD – India) Harassment. Renu Seth.• An alleged act of sexual harassment, which has taken place within or outside • Speaking out: Speaking about sexual • Member (Senior Legal Counsel) also PANALPINA’s premises; harassment is an effective tool in ‘Convener’ of the ICC.- Mridulendu combating it. While speaking about it, Ranjan.• All the employees, workers and the problem becomes visible, it is trainees (whether in the office premises acknowledged that it exists, and this in • Independent NGO member (to be named) or outside while on assignment). turn leads one to take effective - Charandeep Kaur. measures against it Each PA BU with more than 10 staff also has • Talk to immediate supervisor, its stand-alone ICC and anti harassment manager or HOD: All Heads of the policy which is duly intimated to all staff at departments, managers and supervisors BU’s and displayed at its premises. have an obligation to provide a work environment free from sexual An aggrieved staff can complain with any of harassment and to take corrective the ICC members at a BU or at Corporate, action. having ICC at BU’s do not curtail right of corporate ICC to entertain a complaint from a • Approach the ICC (Internal BU staff. Complaints Committee) at PA Corp or at BU. Kindly Login to CONNECT for detailed Anti Sexual Harassment Policy & BU ICC members details

Filing of Complaint & Inquiry Possible Recommendations by ICC: Complaints made with a malicious intent: As per law & PA’s Anti SexualIf methods followed by facilitators fail to generate a positive result, or fail As per law & PA’s Anti Sexual Harassmentto conclude, or if the victim is not satisfied with the prima facie response policy, Depending on whether charges by the Harassment policy, alleged victim are proved before the ICC or outcome, then the employee/victim may complain to ICC directly. proceedings, the ICC will recommend to the • If, on investigation by ICC, it is revealed that senior management of Panalpina any of the the complaint was made with a malicious The employee may do so by writing to all or any member of the ICC. following actions: intent and with the motive of maligning the concerned individual / tarnishing his/herEvery complaint should include contact details of the complainant / victim • Disciplinary action including pay image in the company and to settle and as much details, as available. deductions, separate fine and personal/professional scores, strict action demotion/freezing of future promotion or will be taken against the complainant on the All complaints should be lodged with the ICC within 90 days from the increment etc. similar lines as recommended against theoccurrence of the alleged incident or last such incident, as the case may accused. • Curtailment of other professional and be. financial privileges. • Insufficient evidence to support a complaint does not necessarily mean that the charge The ICC shall conduct its enquiries within the framework created by the • Termination/dismissal from the services of was intentionally false. Material,Act and the Rules. Powers, tenure and functions of each member of the the Company. circumstantial and factual both need to be produced before the ICC to prove the ICC shall be as per the Act and rules. • Filing a complaint before the relevant complaint. Both parties will have equal rights police station/Court of law. in this respect before the ICC. Every Business Unit head of a Panalpina office, or in his/her absence, next senior official there shall be authorized to collect and forward any • Mandatory written public apology, • The intent of this policy is to create a attendance in a sexual harassment harmonious and safe working environment. complaints to the ICC. workshop or counseling program. To ensure that this is upheld in both letter and spirit, we urge PANALPINA employeesAll enquiry proceedings shall be completed within 90 days from the date • Any other action that the ICC may deem fit to desist from lodging wrongful allegations. of complaint. and appropriate. This would apply to third parties also.

About She-Box For Registering ComplaintsThe Government of India (GoI) has enacted the Protection of For registering complaints through the SHe-Box, a valid email idWomen from Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, is required.Prohibition and Redressal) Act (the SH Act), 2013 with the To register complaint, please click on the tab “Register Yourobjective to create a safe and secure workplace for women Complaint”. The next screen will ask information about the naturefree from sexual harassment. of office where alleged act(s) of sexual harassment took placeThis Sexual Harassment electronic Box (SHe-Box) is an effort (Government/Private); choosing the right tab will open aof GoI to provide a single window access to every woman, complaint registration form.irrespective of her work status, whether working in organised After filling all the necessary details, kindly click on the submitor unorganised, private or public sector, to facilitate the tab for its submission. Once the complaint is submitted, aregistration of complaint related to sexual harassment. confirmation message, is sent to your email id (mentioned in theAny woman facing sexual harassment at workplace can complaint form) containing a link through which you can use yourregister their complaint through this portal. Once a complaint email id as userid for the account created on SHe-Box andis submitted to the ‘SHe-Box’, it will be directly sent to the ,generate a password to view the status of the complaint fromconcerned authority having jurisdiction to take action into the time to time.matter.

Repository of Resources on the Sexual Empaneled Institutes/Resource PersonsHarassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 To ensure safety and security of women at all workplaces, WCD is empaneling institutions/organisations willing to conduct awarenessThe Resources Section of the SHe-Box contain detailed raising exercises around the provisions of the SH Act.information on the issue of sexual harassment of women atworkplace. It contains the Sexual Harassment of Women at In the first round, 29 institutes/organisations were selected andWorkplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 empaneled vide notification dated 16th February 2017 (the list could bealong with Rules framed thereunder both in Hindi and English viewed in the Resource Section). Recently, to widen the outreach of thelanguage. The repository also features a Handbook which organisations/institutes working in various parts of the country, WCD hasprovides information about the SH Act in an easy to use invited fresh proposals from the organisations, both public and private,practical manner along with a training module to build conducting training programs/workshops on SH Act through ancapacity of government officials around the provisions of the advertisement dated 31.08.2017 published both in Hindi and EnglishSH Act. daily newspapers in a requisite proforma. Out of the huge number which applied, 112 are selected (both from new and old notification). The list of the same is uploaded in the SHe-Box. These empaneled institute has to submit quarterly reports through SHe- Box of all the training programs/workshop conducted by them under the SH Act.

HOW TO REGISTER A COMPLAINT IN SHe-Box In case you are Government Employee, select whether you are working with: Click on ‘Register Your Complaint’ tab Central Government Choose the Category to which you belong, select State Government whether you are @ Government Employees View Status of the Complaint by submitting @ Private Employees your email id and password so generated. Fill all the fields of the registration form and press the ‘submit’ button. A confirmation message will be sent to your email address provided in the registration form Click on the link Confirm my email and create my account! » provided in the confirmation email, to generate password.

THANK YOUPA.IN 01.07.2018

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