Summer 2018
2 summer camps 2018WelcomeOur Mission: We inspire and empower our students to discover, to engage, and to imagine the limitless nature of themselves and the world.FA is recognized as an accredited school by the Virginia Board of Education and by the Virginia Association of independentschools.There shall be no discrimination by the school in the selection of the Board of Trustees, in the employment of personnel, in the admission ofstudents, or in the administration of the school programming because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, orhandicapped status in violation of existing state or federal law or regulations.Innovation Camps Everyday Adventures Sports Camps Visual and Performing Academic Camps Questions? Arts Camps
3summer camps 2018 Goodies and Good BooksEveryday Adventures STEAM AcademyInstructor: STEAM Academy Instructor: Caroline Anderson and Arianne MannGrades: Adventure Team Grades: FA faculty J K -8 K -1 Date/Time: June 11-15, 9-noon Cost: $200Date/Time: All, 9-noon Visual and Performing Arts CampsCost: $150 Unearthing Ancient sculpture- building techniques; Uncovering the Chinese Terra Cotta Army SecretsAfternoon AdventureInstructor: STEAM Academy Instructor: Mirinda ReynoldsGrades: Adventure Team FA faculty J K -8 Grades: K -1 Date/Time: Cost: July 16-20, 9-noon $200
4 summer camps 2018 Sports Camps SoccerInnovation Camps Intro to EngineeringInstructor: FA Engineering Experts Instructor: FA Varsity Players and Grades: Coaching StaffGrades: K -1 K -4Date/Time: July 16-20, 9-noon Date/Time: June 25-29 and July 23-27, 9-noonCost: $200 Cost: $180Young Chefs Field HockeyInstructor: Dana Fischer Instructor: FA Varsity Players and FA faculty Coaching StaffGrades: K -1 Grades: K -5Date/Time: Date/Time:Cost: July 30-August 3, 9-noon Cost: July 9-13, 9-noon $200 $180
5summer camps 2018Everyday Adventures Goodies and Good Books STEAM AcademyInstructor: STEAM Academy Instructor: Caroline Anderson and Arianne MannGrades: Adventure Team FA faculty J K -8 Grades: K -1 Date/Time:Date/Time: All, 9-noon Cost: June 11-15, 9-noonCost: $150 $200Afternoon AdventureInstructor: STEAM AcademyGrades: Adventure Team J K -8Date/Time: All, noon-3 p.m.Cost: $75
6 summer camps 2018 VA Fishing Adventure Outdoor AdventureInstructor: FA faculty Steve LaMonica and the Instructor: Virginia OutsideGrades: FA Outdoor Adventure Team Adventure Team 5-8 Grades: 5-8 Date/Time:Date/Time: June 18-22, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. July 16-20, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.Cost: $400Outdoor Adventure, Jr. VA Fishing Adventure, Jr.Instructor: FA faculty Steve LaMonica and the Instructor: Virginia Outside FA Outdoor Adventure Team Grades: Adventure TeamGrades: 2-4 2-4Date/Time:Cost: July 9-13, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Date/Time: July 23-27, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $400 Cost: $400
VRE to DC! 7summer camps 2018 Visual and Performing Arts Camps Unearthing Ancient sculpture- building techniques; Uncovering the Chinese Terra Cotta Army SecretsInstructor: Arianne Mann and Kimberly McGehee Instructor: Mirinda ReynoldsGrades: FA faculty FA faculty 4-6 Grades: K -1 Date/Time:Date/Time: July 16-20, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost: July 16-20, 9-noonCost: $400 $200Play Local! Academic Camps Coming Soon!Instructor: Steve LaMonicaGrades: FA faculty 5-8Date/Time: June 25-29, July 23-27, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.Cost: $300 Register online!
8 summer camps 2018Innovation Camps FA to the Bay Intermediate EngineeringInstructor: Kimberly McGehee Instructor: FA to the Bay Exploration FA faculty TeamGrades: 4-6 Grades: 4-8Date/Time: Date/Time:Cost: June 18-22, 9 a.m.-noon Cost: July 30-Aug 3, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $200 $400A Chef’s Table Sports Camps SoccerInstructor: Chef’s Table Hosts and Hostesses Instructor: FA Varsity Players and and local Chefs Grades: Coaching StaffGrades: 5-8 K -4Date/Time: August 6-10, 9 a.m.-noonCost: $300 (Includes lunch!) Date/Time: June 25-29 and July 23-27, 9-noon Cost: $180
9summer camps 2018Born to Win Academy Field Hockey Instructor: FA Varsity Players and Coaching Staff Grades: K -5 Date/Time: Cost: July 9-13, 9-noon $180 LacrosseInstructor: Coach Rick WrightGrades: 4-8Date/Time: June 18-22, July 9-13, August 6-10, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Instructor: Tyler Houston Grades: FA faculty and Varsity LAX CoachCost: $150 2-8 Date/Time: July 30-Aug 3, 9 a.m.-noon Cost: $180
10 summer camps 2018Tennis Visual and Performing Arts Camps FA to BroadwayInstructor: FA Varsity Coaching StaffGrades: 2-8Date/Time: July 16-20, 9 a.m.-noonCost: $180ArcheryInstructor: Steve LaMonica and FA Archery Instructor: Todd Pristas, Chelsea LaMonica, Sarah West ‘18, Assistants Grades: and Christin PristasGrades: 3-5 4-8Date/Time:Cost: July 30-Aug 3, 9 a.m.-noon Date/Time: June 11-22, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $180 Cost: $400 We’ll be closed on the 4th of July, but we’re planning 4 HUGE days of fun that week!
11summer camps 2018Everyday Adventures Outdoor Adventure STEAM AcademyInstructor: STEAM Academy Instructor: FA faculty Steve LaMonica and theGrades: Adventure Team Grades: FA Outdoor Adventure Team J K -8 5-8Date/Time: All, 9-noonCost: $150 Date/Time: June 18-22, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost: $400Afternoon AdventureInstructor: STEAM Academy Academic Camps Adventure Team Coming Soon!Grades: J K -8Date/Time: All, noon-3 p.m.Cost: $75
12 summer camps 2018 FA to the Bay Innovation Camps Intermediate EngineeringInstructor: Kimberly McGehee Instructor: FA to the BayGrades: FA faculty Grades: Exploration Team 4-6 4-8Date/Time: June 18-22, 9 a.m.-noonCost: $200 Date/Time: July 30-Aug 3, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost: $400A Chef’s Table Sports Camps TennisInstructor: Chef’s Table Hosts and Hostesses Instructor: FA Varsity Coaching Staff and local ChefsGrades: 5-8 Grades: 2-8Date/Time: August 6-10, 9 a.m.-noonCost: $300 (Includes lunch!) Date/Time: July 16-20, 9 a.m.-noon Cost: $180
Born to Win Academy 13summer camps 2018 Visual and Performing Arts Camps FA to BroadwayInstructor: Coach Rick WrightGrades: 4-8Date/Time: June 18-22, July 9-13, August 6-10, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Instructor: Todd Pristas, Chelsea LaMonica, Sarah West ‘18, Grades: and Christin PristasCost: $150 4-8Lacrosse Date/Time: June 18-29, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost: $400Instructor: Tyler Houston Take to the stage in a full-scale productionGrades: FA faculty and Varsity LAX Coach in the 2-week FA to Broadway! 2-8Date/Time: July 30-Aug 3, 9 a.m.-noonCost: $180
14 summer camps 2018July 2, 3, 5, and 6 will be an all-camp celebration!Instructor: FA STEAM Academy Afternoon Adventure will alsoGrades: Adventure Team be available for $50 J K -8Date/Time: July 2-3, 5-6, 9 a.m.-noonCost: $125Camp Intern Adventure Don’t miss the policies and procedures posted on ourwebsite at
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