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MAY 2018 • Local Kids Magazine • Facebook@ Local Kids Magazine • (760) 559-9402 • 3
March for Babies 5K, in it’s 42nd Year, Takes Place at VVC On Saturday, April 21, a crowd of about500 walkers participated in the March forBabies 5K walk around the Victor ValleyCollege lake. This was the 80th anniversary for Marchof Dimes, and the 42nd year for the walkathonnow named the March for Babies, which is afundraiser for the organization. The event brings awareness of and raisingfunds for the prevention of premature babies,birth defects, and infant mortality. CHiPs TV show stars Robert Pine andLarry Wilcox showed up to greet the event’s PHOTOS BY BRUCE LA CHANCE Start of the 5k walk. participants, and both have racked up 20 years attendance at the event. The local March for Babies 2018 chair- person Rich Smith, COO of Victor Valley Global Medical Center said the event had soRich Smith, is the local area’s far raised $125,000 Riding in style with a little help from daddy at the March for2018 March for Babies chairman. Babies 5k walk. this year.4 • MAY 2018 • Local Kids Magazine • Facebook@ Local Kids Magazine • (760) 559-9402
Today’s Woman Foundation Announces New Executive Director Today’s Woman Foundation is hired and the first employee to manage and her Bache- Margaret Smithpleased to announce Margaret Smith Human Resources for the City where lor’s degree is in Exec. Directoras its new Executive Director effective she worked for approximately 12 years. Business/Public Today’s WomanApril 1, 2018. Foundation President Administration.Cindy Bostick adds, “I’ve had the privi- In early 2000, she left her position Margaret andlege of working with Margaret for well as the City’s Administrative Services Smitty have trav-over a year planning and implementing Director, responsible for Human Re- eled many thou-workshops for women in the community, sources and Risk Management to work sands of milesand her compassionate heart, coupled for the County of San Bernardino, Hu- in their motorwith a very effective leadership style man Resources Department in various home. Travel-makes her the perfect choice to help capacities and retired as the County’s ing and quiltingfurther the work of the Foundation, es- Human Resources Benefits Chief. are her passions.pecially with at-risk women. Margaretdesigned Today’s Woman Foundation’s During her career, Margaret served To d a y ’s on many high desert boards as a vol- Woman Foun- unteer in numerous community serviceacclaimed Helping Women to Self Suf- capacities including High Desert United dation is a non-profit 501(c) (3) entityficiency program, an 8-week course Way, Victor Valley Business and Pro- founded in 2004 by three local womenfor individuals who are emerging from fessional Women’s Organization, San – Mary Grove, Lisa Price and Anna Sugi.domestic violence situations, addiction Orco Regional Business and Profes- Additional information about projectsand co-dependency.” sional Women’s Organization, Hesperia the Foundation is engaged in can be Rotary, and the Victor Valley Bicycle located at www.TodaysWomanFoun- Margaret retired in May 2013, after Tour. Margaret obtained her Associate of or on Facebook at Today’s36 years of employment, as a Human Arts degree from Victor Valley College Woman Foundation.Resources professional in the PublicSector. Her career began in Los AngelesCounty in 1978 where she worked forover 10 years. She, along with her hus-band, Thurston (Smitty) and their twosons (Frank and Brandon) moved to thehigh desert in 1988. At that time, Smittymoved his business, Smitty’s ConcretePumping, from Long Beach to Hesperiawhere his parents also lived. Shortlyafter moving to the High Desert, theCity of Hesperia incorporated. Margaretbegan working for the City in October1988. She was the seventh employee Are You Happy? 5Successful? Change Your Life for the Better Now! Live each day to the fullest! You’ll Learn How To: • Find Life’s Purpose • Use Mind-Body-Spirit • Feel/Think Positive • Live Healthier/Longer • Manifest Abundance • Master Success Scheduled in Sets of 4 Weekly Classes Call Charles Today! (760) 963-1261MAY 2018 • Local Kids Magazine • Facebook@ Local Kids Magazine • (760) 559-9402 •
Apple Valley Mayor Art Bishop Speaks at HDAOR Meeting The monthly membership meeting ments and property taxes to qualify for required documentation, contact thefor the High Desert Association of Real- the program. town’s housing division at (760) 240-tors (HDAOR) was held at El Pescador 7000, ext. in Victorville on April 25. For more information on this pro- gram, including rates and terms and Bishop also addressed questions The speaker was Apple Valley about the vacant Lowe’s building andMayor Art Bishop who gave an update PHOTOS BY TERI WHEELER the Super Walmart to be built. He saidon things happening in the Town of that he hopes the Super Walmart willApple Valley. Art Bishop receives a thank you gift be coming soon, and that it will bring from HDAOR President Kari Leon. attention to that corner of the town’s He highlighted the residential re- commercial section.habilitation loan program, where lowincome residents have the opportunity to He also talked about new projects,get home repairs of up to $25,000 using including the Big Lots distributionthe interest-free 30-year loan. center which will create 600 jobs, and also the Tractor Supply store that will Eligible improvements include: locate in town.Health, safety and code violations;energy conservation, accessibility im- Apple Valley has received a grantprovements for disabled, and necessary of nearly $4.5 million grant will helprepairs for deferred maintenance. fund the widening and realignment of the intersection that connects Highway The home must be valued at less 18 and Apple Valley Road. Those fundsthan $299,000 (the current HUD limit, will be matched with San Bernardinoeffective 3/2018), have a good credit County Transportation Authority (SBC-history and be current on house pay- TA) Measure I funds and Apple Valley Transportation Impact Fees (TIF) toAdvertise Your Real Estate Business cover the $8.92 million cost. Call Donna Drover today to advertise Your Ad Here! your business to families in the Reach 1,000’s Donna ilsocaanl HexigpherDieensceertdaardeav.ertising, marketing, and media specialist. of local Residents & Business Owners by runningWe offer ads from as small as a business your ad in our publications:card in our Agent & Affiliate businesses Local Kids Mag, Senior News & directory, all the way to full page. Desert News Post! Advertise your family-friendly listings! Donna DroverDonna Drover, Real Estate Advertising Specialist (760) 559-9402(909) 331-2644 - Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] • MAY 2018 • Local Kids Magazine • Facebook@ Local Kids Magazine • (760) 559-9402
Coldwell Banker Home Source Announces Home Makeover Contest Coldwell Banker Home Source countered some unfortunate eventshas completed yet another successful with the passing of her husband andHome Makeover. From the final- mother within months of each otherists, Susan Shrum of Barstow was and a flood in her home due to heavyselected as the 2017 winner and in rains which has made it almostearly July Coldwell Banker Home impossible to keep up on certainSource along with contest partners household repairs. When asked toand media partners Y102, 106.5 sum up her feelings about the make-The Fox, Talk 960, Kat Country over, she said she was overwhelmedand Daily Press arrived at Shrum’s and grateful.home, where the team completelysurprised them as the winner of the Gold sponsors Raines Electric2017 Home Makeover Contest. and Thompson Family Plumbing, and Silver sponsors Midway Home Susan Shrum is a longtime resi- Solutions, Carpet Club, Countrydent of Barstow and had recently en- Oak & Stove, and Bronze sponsors HD Art and Frame and In 2012 the first annual Home Steeno Designs all went Makeover Contest was launched and above and beyond to owners Jason and Chris Lamoreaux help out. along with their Coldwell Banker Home Source real estate team are The annual Home excited about continuing this event Makeover giveaway and are thrilled for the upcoming is hosted by Coldwell Home Makeover which has already Banker Home Source kicked off. The deadline to enter is in an effort to give back June 29, 2018. Call CBHS offices in to the community while Victorville (760) 684-8100, Phelan working with local busi- (760) 868-8000, or Barstow (760) nesses, such as those 256-1033 to find out more, or e-mail above, to showcase their [email protected]. products and services. MAY 2018 • Local Kids Magazine • Facebook@ Local Kids Magazine • (760) 559-9402 • 7
Apple Valley Library Re-Opens After Three Long Years Mayor Bish- After three long years, the Newton Captain America and Belle greet attendes of the opening. op commentedT. Bass Apple Valley Library reopened that they arewith a new look! The opening was cel- probably the onlyebrated with a grand re-opening party high school bandon Saturday, April 28. With over 1,800 to regularly per-visitors in attendance, it seemed like form Apple Val-most of the town was there! County ley’s theme song,Librarian Michael Jiminez welcomed “Happy Trails,”the crowd and introduced dignitaries, written by fa-including Mayor Art Bishop and Su- mous residentpervisor Robert Lovingood. Dale Evans. Youth participated with a presenta- Barbara Da-tion of colors by a local Scout troop, visson, repre-and musical entertainment by a com- senting the Bassbined Phoenix Academy and Granite Foundation, pre-Hills High School bands, under the di- sented a lovelyrection of Mr. Javier Alcantara-Rojas. bouquet whichVisit a Local San Bernardino County Branch Library included the “Little Newt” caricature,Many county branch libraries are closed Fridays & Sundays; Hesperia is of town founder and library namesake open every day including Sun. (1-5pm).Here is a list of local libraries: Newton Bass. • Adelanto, 11497 Bartlett Ave, 92345, (760) 244-4898 Following the ceremony was92301, (760) 246-5661 • Lucerne Valley, 33103 Old Woman the re-opening of the Friends of the Library Bookstore, filled with great • Apple Valley, 14901 Dale Evans Springs Rd, 92356, (760) 248-7521 bargains, library tours, library card re-Pkwy, 92307, (760) 247-2022 • Needles, 1111 Bailey Ave, newals, and raffles, For the kids, there were face-painting, crafts, a balloon • Barstow, 304 E Buena Vista St, 92363, (760) 326-9255 artist, a DJ, great prizes, and photo ops(760) 256-4850 • Phelan, 9800 Clovis Rd, 92371, with Captain America and Belle from “Beauty and the Beast.” Go check out • Crestline, 24105 Lake Gregory (760) 868-3053 the expanded children’s section, theBlvd., 92325, (909) 338-3294 • Phelan Serrano Library, 9292 expanded “large print” section, and new computers among other improve- • Big Bear Lake, 41930 Garstin Sheep Creek Rd, Phelan, 92371, ments. If you love to read, you’ll loveDr, 92315, (909) 866-5571. (760) 868-0583 our new library. Hours are Mon -Wed. 11-7, Thur. 10-6, and Sat. 9-5. • San Bernardino County Law Li- • Victorville,15011 Circle Dr,brary, 15455 Seneca Rd, Victorville, 92395, (760) 245-4222CA 92392, (760) 243-2044 Wrightwood, 6011 Pine St, 92397, • Hesperia, 9650 Seventh Ave, (760) 249-45778 • MAY 2018 • Local Kids Magazine • Facebook@ Local Kids Magazine • (760) 559-9402
Renaissance Pleasure Faire Continues through Mother’s Day A mere 10 minutes east of Pasadena lies a land seem- ingly thousands of miles away. It’s a land of imagination and wonder - a recreation of a seaside town built hundreds of years ago, and teeming with remarkable sights, sounds, and savory delights. It’s here where jousting knights, saucy wenches, regal ladies, and the court of a beautiful and gracious queen mix with today’s hipsters, history buffs, fantasy lovers and families. The Original Renaissance Pleasure Faire – the world’s oldest – presents its 56th anniversary season, which began April 7th, and continues each weekend through May 20, at the Santa Fe Dam RecreationArea in Irwindale, CA. Thousands of performers roam the 23-acre lakeside shire, including Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth herself, and Sir Francis Drake, as well as a bevy of knights,ladies, peasants, and more colorful characters that one could count! There are 16 stages of entertainment featuring more than 40 performance groups, such as magicians, dancers, jousters, witty comedians, musicians, storytellers, jugglers and improvisation troupes. The invigorating Entertainment lineup includes something for everyone. Brand new this year, internationally renowned artist Arsene Dupin shares his amazing illu- sions and ingenious comedy with The Magikhana Show. Sound and Fury invites the audience to participate in their original parody plays. The Tortuga Twins (all three of them!) are back with their “asthma attack inducing” comedy, Jack Dagger proves that he has earned his titled of Living Legend from the International Knife Throw- ers’ Hall of Fame, and Aaron Bonk risks his life with machetes, whips, swords, and fire. Revisit old friends such as The Washing Well Wenches, “Wet Dirty Women, Good Clean Fun!” Belly laugh at the antics and hijinks of the Clan Tynker Family Circus. MooNiE! The Magnif’Cent will tickle your funny bone with his whimsical companions. Join Broon for his zany vaudevillian smack down. Watch Sky Kings Falconry with their free-flying falconry and birds of prey, and witness Draiku’s aerial delights. Sing along with local favorites such as the Poxy Boggards, The Merry Wives of Wind- sor, and the Story Wrens. And for international dance and musical flare, don’t miss the world-renowned Seraphim Arabesque, who will share hypnotic movements and have you dancing in the aisles. Elizabeth I, whose reign is noted as the start of the English Renaissance period, greets fairgoers throughout the day, and also holds audience at a royal tea. Tea with the Queen is at 4:00 pm Daily in the St. Cuthbert Guild Yard, where authentic English scones, tea sandwiches, tarts and tea are served. Reservations are required. Admis- sion is $26 for adults and $13 for children, and includes a commemorative teapot.MAY 2018 • Local Kids Magazine • Facebook@ Local Kids Magazine • (760) 559-9402 • 9
“Say No to Drugs” Kids Day Celebrates 15th Year in Hesperia Frank Kelly, founder and CEO of The event featured games,No Drugs America Inc., continues to speakers and a free bike giveaway.spread his message of drug use preven-tion with his 15th annual SAY No to “Besides educating parents andDrugs Kids Day event. The 15th annual kids about the dangers of illegalHigh Desert communities event was drugs and the illegal use of legalheld on Saturday, April 21 at Hesperia drugs, our purpose is to stop drugCivic Plaza Park. use before it starts with our kids, preschool through high school,” Attendees included parents and stated Kelly.children, who were informed about thedangers of both legal and illegal drug For more information, calluse. Information on how to prevent youth 760-951-4951 or visit becoming addicted focused on both and alcohol abuse, and the on the Sheriff Equestrian horse, Betty,dangers of under-age drinking. waits for kids to pet her. PHOTOS BY BRUCE LA CHANCE Dog Rescue Looks for Summer Volunteers Beagles and Buddies is a non-profit You can help. Beagles & BuddiesChildren compete in a hula hoop con- 501©3, a 15 acre no-kill dog rescue is participating in Big Sunday the entiretest, held by the High Desert Sexual and sanctuary working hard to provide month of May and June and is need ofAssault Services booth. care needed to rehabilitate and re-home volunteers. All ages, groups, talents, and homeless dogs. Currently there are sev- paw lovers are welcomed and they will eral programs customized to the needs feed and hydrate you. of all the animal residents awaiting adoption. Please contact Cheyanne.beagle- [email protected] for event As a result of the good work be- vendor and sponsor forms. You can ing done, Beagles & Buddies is now share in this feel good day of ac- expanding and pleased to announce knowledging friends, neighbors and the opening of the 2-acre DOGS HELP community through good works and HEAL CENTER. volunteerism. The Grand Opening celebration event Learn more about Big Sunday will be Saturday, June 23,, from 12 noon volunteering at to 5 pm, There will be many festivities to enjoy along with ribbon-cutting for the For more info and to volunteer call Memorial Park and Gardens, Dedication 626-444-9664 Beagles & Buddies, is Plaque presentation and demonstrations. located at 23430 Hwy 18, Apple Val- ley, CA 9230710 • MAY 2018 • Local Kids Magazine • Facebook@ Local Kids Magazine • (760) 559-9402
Disneyland Resort Celebrates First Ever Pixar Fest Pixar Fest, the biggest Pixar celebration and yellow Ball from the original Pixar short, their unique powers in surprising newever to come to Disney Parks, brings guests “Luxo Jr.” Also new to the parade are charac- ways, as shown through dynamic and inno-together to celebrate friendship and beyond ters from the beloved film, “Up.” Wilderness vative visual technology. Like other elementsfor a limited time, now through Sept. 3, 2018. Explorer Russell appears astride the colorful in this spectacular parade, this new float flightless bird, Kevin, as Carl Fredricksen comes to life through dazzling LED lights, This first-ever Pixar Fest presents some and Dug follow behind with Carl’s tethered new music elements and high-tech, pop-artof the beloved characters and stories from house floating above. “Inside Out” also joins effects inspired by the mid-century-modernPixar Animation Studios in new and exciting “Pixar Play Parade,” with Joy and Sadness style of the films.ways at Disneyland Park, Disney California perched atop colorful memory orbs and BingAdventure Park and throughout the resort. Bong himself cheering them on. A collection of Pixar Shorts is featuredFilms such as Pixar’s “Toy Story,” “Coco,” at the Sunset Showcase Theater at Disney“Monsters, Inc.” and “Up” come to life for “Paint the Night”parade also returns, California Adventure during most of Pixarguests in a new nighttime spectacular, the re- and this time guests enjoy the parade’s Fest, including favorites such as “For theturn of two favorite parades with fresh Pixar more than 1 million, brilliant LED lights Birds” and “LAVA.” The short films rotatesurprises, new décor, musical entertainment, and catchy tunes at Disney California during the celebration.creatively themed food and beverage and Adventure. “Paint the Night” features palsevent merchandise. from “Toy Story,” “Monsters, Inc.” and In the Paradise Gardens area of Disney “Cars.” Another Pixar story joins “Paint California Adventure, guests will enjoy the The new multimedia fireworks show, the Night” in June, with a new, high- comedic, musical troupe Triple Dent Gum“Together Forever – A Pixar Nighttime energy float inspired by “The Incredibles” presents The Pixarmonic Orchestra. TheSpectacular,”celebrates the heart of Pixar and “Incredibles 2.” Mr. Incredible, Mrs. zany, seven-piece band performs a fun-filledas it lights up the sky over Disneyland Park, Incredible and Frozone will showcase repertoire of songs from Pixar films with un-connecting guests with characters they’ve their superhero awesomeness as they take conventional instruments such as cowbells,come to know and love. Along with daz- on their newest threat, the Underminer. kazoos, duck calls, sirens and slide whistles.zling pyrotechnics, projections on iconic Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack also showcase Guests also will encounter Pixar characterspark locations and memorable music, the in this Pixar Pals area of the park.heartwarming show celebrates the themeof friendship, an ever-present concept in Beginning June 8, the Pixar Pals DancePixar animation. Guests discover favorite Party at the Tomorrowland Terrace in Dis-moments from all 19 Pixar films, includ- neyland will get guests of all ages mixing,ing Buzz Lightyear and Carl Fredricksen’s mingling and dancing with some of theirHouse from the film “Up” flying over Sleep- favorite Pixar pals. The dance party is aning Beauty Castle. ideal time to get up close with Pixar char- acters such as Russell, Dug, Woody, Jessie, For the first time, “Pixar Play Parade” the Green Army Men and more.makes its way through Disneyland Park, be-ing led by someone new. The parade begins All these exciting additions comple-just as all Pixar films have, with an appear- ment the many existing attractions andance by the iconic and adorable Pixar Lamp entertainment in the parks that feature Pixar characters, at Disney California Adventure.American Art & FrameFine Custom Picture Framing• Originals • Photographs • Posters •Limited Edition Prints • MemorabiliaEsFtirmeeates • Stitchery & Crafts • of1S0t0y0le’ss • Any Kind of Art or Decor •We only use the the finest materials in all of our framing workServing the local community since 198620601 Hwy 18, Apple Valley, CA 92307Thom Bond (760) 242-8002 OwnerMAY 2018 • Local Kids Magazine • Facebook@ Local Kids Magazine • (760) 559-9402 • 11
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