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Home Explore WCM Proposal

WCM Proposal

Published by lowa, 2018-07-14 14:49:39

Description: Wildernest Proposal for Community Association Management


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Wildernest Quality | Integrity | Experience Proposal for WATER TOWER PLACE Contents I. Company Information  Company History  Distinguished & Stable Track Record  Advantages of Wildernest  Meet Our Management Team  Community Management Comparative Analysis II. Community Association Management Considerations  Contract Negotiations & Savings  Management Agreements Based on Detailed Spec’s & Transparency  Certified Professional Community Managers  Accounting Services & Financial Management  Customized Website & Payment SolutionsIII. Our Concepts for:  Transition of Management  Pricing & ServicesV. ReferencesOn behalf of Wildernest, we appreciate this opportunity to present our Proposal and we welcome any questions you may have about how we can best be of service to your HOA. Page 2

Wildernest Quality | Integrity | Experience Company History: Distinguished & Stable Track RecordWildernest has long been an industry leader in the Community Association Management fieldhaving served with distinction Community Associations throughout Summit County for over45 years. Born from our mission to provide the highest caliber and most sought afterCommunity Association Management service available in the region, Wildernest is verticallyintegrated, professionally managed and fully capable to provide all of the essential servicesthat effective Community Association Management requires.Wildernest was formed in 1973 in association with the development of Wildernest,Willowbrook and Ruby Ranch in Summit County. Through the years, it has grown from asmall 6 employee company to a firm with more than 75 employees that passionately manages aportfolio of over 3,500 units in over 80 Community Associations, representing a combined realestate value in excess of $1.6 billion. Wildernest manages 1 out of every 12 households inSummit County including condo complexes, high rises, time-shares, single-family homes andretail.It is no accident that Wildernest has grown to become the most highly regarded CommunityAssociation Management firm in Summit County…and the largest firm of its type as well.Wildernest’s size (think economies of scale), purchasing power and professional managementoften produces more value to the Community Associations that we manage than can bedelivered by our competitors. This is attributable to the wide range of in-house operationssuch as: HOA and Property Management; Accounting & Administration; Repairs & Mainte-nance; and, our 24/7 On-call Service...all of which are operated with a strong commitment toquality service demonstrated through surpassing the expectations of our Boards, homeownersand their guests. Page 3

Wildernest Quality | Integrity | Experience Advantages of WildernestManaging Community Associations involves so much more than collecting dues and picking up trash.Wildernest is in the business of managing, preserving, protecting and enhancing theoperations and assets of your Community Association and doing so, through the creation,enactment and the adherence to a plan designed to efficiently meet the most importantobjectives of your HOA. Wildernest's seasoned management team and proven operatingsystems will add a fresh perspective to your Community Association’s management and its bottomline. Our advantages include: Location – We will establish a local management office and also have a presence on-site. Size and Scale - Through Wildernest’s size and experience we are able to achieve economies of scale in: purchasing, recruitment, staffing, contracting for services, management and utility negotiations…guaranteeing savings on contracted services to the sole financial benefit of the Community Associations we manage. Personal Attention - Wildernest is professionally staffed to assign an individual Certified Association Manager and Property Manager (and requisite staff) that complements your Board of Directors and best fits your needs and desired level of service. This staff is supported by a professional accounting group, 24/7 Call Center and a 24/7 Emergency Response Team. Board Advocate – Wildernest acts as an advocate for the Board to assure your success by offering meeting assistance and ongoing educational seminars and training. Strategic Planning – Wildernest offers strategic planning aimed at operating your community’s assets to their full potential with in-depth reserve analysis and state-of-the-art plan- ning & management tools. For builders and developers, Wildernest provides consulting services for budget preparation, forward planning and governance development. Desired Results – An unparalleled track record for providing quality service to Community Asso- ciations in Summit County. Page 4

Wildernest Quality | Integrity | Experience Meet Our Executive Management TeamSusan Byers, General Manager, Wildernest Vacation RentalsB.A. San Diego State UniversityOriginally from Northern California, Susan moved to Summit County in 1997 and with her hus-band, designed and built award winning residential homes for interior design, landscape and otheraccolades. She was later recruited by a mountain resort developer to lease, handle tenant fit outsand manage 125,000 SF of mixed use Village development. Soon after Susan was promoted toAsset Manager to manage the commercial interest for a privately held Real Estate investment TrustDirecting leasing, property management, capital and operations planning, and full P&L responsi-bility for the Asset. John Dithmer, General Manager, Wildernest Property Management John started his career with Hyatt Corporation after graduating from the University of Denver with a B.S.B.A in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism. He worked for Richfield Hospitality Services, Denver, CO for 27 years. He served as general manager for several hotels; He was responsible for supervising many commercial, resort and con- dominium resort properties. He was vice president of operations for sixteen years with responsi- bility for the oversight of an average portfolio of ten to twelve high-end hotel properties from New York to Hawaii. He has extensive experience in resort properties including liaison with HOA boards and owners. He was general manager of Pink Shell Beach Resort and Spa in Ft. Myers Beach, FL; resort man- ager for Wyndham Vacation Ownership in Big Bear Lake, CA; and vice president of lodging for Killington Resort in Vermont. John is a licensed Community Association Manager in Colorado and California. He holds the fol- lowing certifications:  CMCA ( Certified Manager Community Associations)  AMS (Association Management Specialist)  CPO (Certified Pool Operator)Keith Chamberlain, Director of Finance and AdministrationKeith grew up in Lakeland, Florida. He’s been a Breckenridge resident for most of the last 20 years.With over 25 years experience in management, operations, IT and accounting for organizations inthe hospitality, construction, media and software industries. When not working, he can usually befound reading or enjoying the outdoors with his two dogs. Keith attended the University of Floridaand Metropolitan State University of Denver and is currently working towards a CPA designation. Page 5

Wildernest Quality | Integrity | Experience Community Management Comparative AnalysisABOUT US: Wildernest OthersProvides full service management: financial accounting, physical maintenance and administrative services? √Number of years in the Community Association management business? 45Active participant and member in Community Associations Institute and Rocky Mountain chapter? √Local main office with a satellite office to serve our HOAs and to host Board and Annual Meetings? √Quality, service, performance and uncompromising integrity? √Large company benefits with the feel of a small one? √EDUCATION and LICENSES: √Association Managers and Senior Staff have State licenses, professional education and recognized Communi- √ty Associations Institute (CAI) designations: Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA), Asso- √ciation Management Specialist (AMS), Licensed Realtors, Certified Pool Operator (CPO)? √Management company provides regular in-service training for its managers, assistants and support personnel? √ √Management company provides annual state mandated educational training for its Board Members? √ √CUSTOMER SERVICE & COMMUNICATION: √ √Association Manager serves as the primary point of contact to streamline communications? √Phones are answered by a live person (not voice mail) and routed to the appropriate staff member?Company provides a 24/7 response team to address any after-hour community emergencies? √Senior level staff is available to Board Members?Provides a customized website specific for each community? √Company provides a portal for residents to conduct Association business on their time?Property inspections are done by Senior Management? √Provides regular communication to its properties through evaluation forms, CEO email communications andcompany newsletter? √ √SERVICES: √Utilizes a reputable association accounting software program that generates financial reports, balance sheets, √budget comparisons, disbursement detail and operational reports, work order and violation tracking letters, √and has the ability to print coupons and invoices for special assessments? √Offers direct debit, electronic bank lock box, credit card payments, and direct mail assessment collection? √Has system in place (collection letters) for unpaid assessments that post directly to the owner’s ledger, √administers delinquencies, and tracks and follows up with attorneys and collection companies? √Management company has fully staffed maintenance division that can provide repairs and maintenance toassociations and individual owners?Management company negotiates discounts on contracted services for their managed HOAsManagement company has contacts with qualified vendors who can bid on work at your community?Management company provides detailed contract specifications for service vendors and bids projects out tovarious contractors to present bids to Boards?Company provides architectural review forms and tracking of actions taken by the Board?Arranges reserve studies for communities through licensed reserve specialists?Has fidelity bond coverage that includes principals, owners, and all employees?Provides ancillary services to communities including newsletters and website maintenance?Provides resale disclosure packages for owners who are selling or refinancing and can be ordered on-line? Page 6

Wildernest Quality | Integrity | Experience Community Association Management ConsiderationsContract Negotiations & Substantial Savings:One of Wildernest’s competitive advantages lies in our ability to obtain discounts for our home-owners’ associations on various contracted services. We have found that we are often able to saveamounts that equate to between 30%-100% of our administrative, financial, accounting andproperty management fees through these bulk contract negotiations. All savings are passed onexclusively to the HOA’s that we manage. Because of our size and experience and our resultingstrength in negotiating contracts, we routinely achieve substantial savings for the services below:  Property and Liability Insurance  Legal Service and Counsel  Trash Removal  Security  Natural Gas  Laundry Equipment Revenue Increase  Bank Charges (we have none)  Snow Plowing and shoveling  Internet and TV  System inspections and monitoring (fire, sprinklers, elevators, fire extinguishers)Management Agreement:All Wildernest agreements provide a no penalty cancellation clause of 60 days. We understandthat relationships are based on trust and satisfied customers...not on contracts.Certified and Licensed Professional Community Managers:Our Community Association Managers have taken the necessary educational courses and teststo become State Licensed and Certified Managers of Community Associations (CMCA) aswell as members of the Community Association Institute (CAI). Our affiliation with CAI pro-vides access to a variety of industry experts and best business practices as well as providingour staff with a continuing education plan. As a CMCA, our Managers have the knowledge,experience, and integrity necessary to provide you with valuable advice on financial, mainte-nance, governance, and other important matters. You can be confident that Wildernest can pro-vide you with the level of service you deserve and that the operations of your HOA will besound, and in-line with the governing documents and new legislation affecting HOAs. Page 7

Wildernest Quality | Integrity | ExperienceCommunity Association Management Considerations - cont’dAccounting Services & Financial ManagementWildernest has an in-house accounting staff. Our superior finance department has the expertiseand tools to assist you in properly managing your community’s money. Also, procedures are inplace for segregation of duties to ensure proper financial reporting and management.Customized Website and Payment Solutions www.WildernestHOA.comTimely, accurate financial and account information is crucial to your success. Wildernest’ssoftware and systems puts information at your fingertips 24/7. We provide a website, at no ad-ditional cost, that includes:  Resource Center with your Governing Documents;  Current & historical financial statements;  Board minutes and resolutions;  The ability for owners to review their personal: financial ac- count status, work order status and violation status in real time;  Ability to make requests for a variety of services;  View the community calendar;  Correspond with homeowners, the board or any committee;  Upload pictures of community events; and,  Schedule meetings.The website has 7 levels of security for each section and document.Quality & Professional ServiceYou have our assurance that every community, large or small, receives the same, high qualityservice on which our reputation has been established. Wildernest is proud of its 45-year herit-age of helping HOA Boards manage their communities. Through every challenge and oppor-tunity we have earned the reputation that we can get the job done. Page 8

Wildernest Quality | Integrity | Experience Transition of ManagementThe transition to new management will not take Board time other than developing or communi-cating standards for certain processes if written expectations and specifications do not currentlyexist.If we are selected, we will contact your current Manager and Accounting firm and arrange thetransition. We anticipate the following:  Within 15 days of signing we will have your website setup and populated with Boule- vard Bend data. We will also have called your homeowners and gotten them signed onto the site and offered to provide a training session on its use.  Within 15 days of signing we will have established a relationship with all of your third party vendors if we do not already have a relationship.  Within 30 days we will have your budget and financial report formats in our systems. We will have to wait for the current accountants to finish the their last months finan- cials before we can load the latest financials into our system.  We will load the prior 5 years of financial records onto our system (and the Boulevard Bend website).  Before official turnover we will provide communication with your homeowners on how and who to interact with at Wildernest.If a detailed property manual does not exist, we will begin to develop that manual includingdaily, weekly, monthly, seasonal checklists. Page 9

Wildernest Quality | Integrity | Experience PricingFull Service Contract Fee: We propose the monthly Community Management Fee of$_____.00 plus a monthly Property Management Fee of $____00 that will cover all of the ser-vices outlined in Attachment B in the Sample Agreement for Community Management Services.These two fees total to $______.00 per month full service property management fee. Attachments C and D of the Sample Agreement are price disclosures of all non-recurring charges and possible fees for additional services that the Association and/or owners may elect to have done.Please keep in mind that we will not charge separately or additionally for our centralized ac-counting services, HR services, 24 hour Call Center or our senior management time…nor forother costs of property management personnel including training, time off, uniforms, tools, vehi-cles, etc.Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding this proposal or anychanges to the scope of work the Board would like to see.Respectfully,John DithmerGeneral ManagerWildernest Property Management Page 10

Wildernest Quality | Integrity | Experience References Dennis Jacobsen President Mountain Plaza Condo Association -Copper Mountain 785-766-2118 John Woods Vice President Mountain Plaza Condo Association -Copper Mountain 970-988-9252 Jay Rust President Woods Manor Condominiums 720-280-5759 Jim Powell Vice President Lagoon Townhomes, 179 units, $750K+ budget 303-476-8119 Jim Peters President Salt Lick Condo Association 303-941-8463 Page 11

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