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Dear Students, Holiday is the time you have been waiting for. Make plans to enjoy, relax and revise what you have learnt in the first term. ‘Winter Break Suggestions’ are designed for you to achieve the motto of ‘Have Fun and Learn’. We wish each of you the the best of enjoyable experiences in this holiday season! J Foreign Languages Department
- 1st Grades Global English ‘General Revision’ PowerPoint https://padlet.com/aslikarabilgin92/rx1td0rifd7ulq31, - 1st Grades Global English ‘Have got / Has got Revision’ PowerPoint https://padlet.com/aslikarabilgin92/rx1td0rifd7ulq31 - Virtual Museum, National Parks and Northern Lights Tour https://padlet.com/aslikarabilgin92/rx1td0rifd7ulq31 - Kiddo Stories https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrATwDa7Zwtwl18HQoC0K-w - Bounce Patrol https://www.youtube.com/user/BouncePatrolKids - Busy Beavers https://www.youtube.com/user/wearebusybeavers/videos - Fairy Tales & Stories https://www.youtube.com/user/preschoolers123 - Easy Phonics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUKN1eVUxFs - Kiz Phonics Online Games https://www.kizphonics.com/product-types/preschool-phonics-games/
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