Bolshevism Bolʹshoĭ Taganaĭ Range (Russia) Boltonite USE Communism UF Bolʹshoy Taganay Range (Russia) USE Forsterite Communism—Soviet Union Khrebet Bolʹshoĭ Taganaĭ (Russia) Khrebet Bolʹshoy Taganai (Russia) Bolts, Resin mine roof Bolshevist self-criticism Khrebet Bolʹshoy Taganay (Russia) USE Mine roof bolts, Resin USE Communist self-criticism BT Mountains—Russia (Federation) Bolts, Rock Bolshevo (Russia) Bolʹshoĭ Tkhach Mountain (Russia) USE Rock bolts USE Dom tvorchestva soi︠u︡za sovetskikh USE Bolʹshoy Tkhach Mountain (Russia) kinematografistov (Russia) Bolts and nuts (May Subd Geog) Bolʹshoĭ Ussuriis̆ kiĭ Island (Russia) [TA492.B63 (Engineering materials)] Bolʹshezemelʹskai︠a︡ tundra (R.S.F.S.R.) UF Bolʹshoĭ Ussuriĭskiĭ ostrov (Russia) [TJ1330 (Machine shop practice)] USE Bolʹshezemelʹskai︠a︡ Tundra (Russia) Bolʹshoy Ussuriyskiy ostrov (Russia) UF Nuts (Machinery) BT Islands—Russia (Federation) BT Fasteners Bolʹshezemelʹskai︠a︡ Tundra (Russia) Hardware UF Bolʹshezemelʹskai︠a︡ tundra (R.S.F.S.R.) Bolʹshoĭ Ussuriis̆ kiĭ ostrov (Russia) NT Bolted joints [Former heading] USE Bolʹshoĭ Ussuriĭskiĭ Island (Russia) Bolʹshezemelʹskaya Tundra (Russia) — Drawings BT Tundras—Russia (Federation) Bol'shoj Tkhach Massif (Russia) — Fatigue (May Subd Geog) USE Bolʹshoy Tkhach Mountain (Russia) Bolts and nuts industry (May Subd Geog) Bolʹshezemelʹskaya Tundra (Russia) USE Bolʹshezemelʹskai︠a︡ Tundra (Russia) Bolʹshoy Baranov, Mys (Russia) [HD9529.B64-HD9529.B644] USE Bolʹshoi Baranov Cape (Russia) BT Metal trade Bolʹshoe Almatinskoe ozero (Kazakhstan) Bolts family USE Bolʹshaia͡ Almatinka Lake (Kazakhstan) Bolʹshoy Berezovy ostrov (Russia) USE Boltz family USE Bolʹshoĭ Berezovyĭ Island (Russia) Boltwood Park (Ill.) Bolśhoe I︠A︡rovoe Lake (Russia) BT Parks—Illinois UF Bolsh́ oe Yarovoe Lake (Russia) Bolʹshoy Kebin (Kyrgyzstan) Boltz family (Not Subd Geog) Ozero Bolsh́ oe I︠A︡rovoe (Russia) USE Chong-Kemin (Kyrgyzstan) UF Bolds family Ozero Bolśhoe Yarovoe (Russia) BT Lakes—Russia (Federation) Bolʹshoy Kemin (Kyrgyzstan) Bolts family USE Chong-Kemin (Kyrgyzstan) RT Bolt family Bolʹshoe Onego (R.S.F.S.R.) USE Bolʹshoe Onego (Russia) Bolshoy Mountain (Alaska) Polzer family USE Denali, Mount (Alaska) Puls family Bolʹshoe Onego (Russia) Boltzmann distribution law UF Bolʹshoe Onego (R.S.F.S.R.) [Former heading] Bolʹshoy Taganay Range (Russia) USE Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law Zaliv Bolʹshoe Onego (Russia) USE Bolʹshoĭ Taganaĭ Range (Russia) Boltzmann transport equation BT Bays—Russia (Federation) USE Transport theory Bolʹshoy Tkhach Mountain (Russia) Bolyeridae Bolʹshoe Shartashskoe ozero (Russia) UF Bol'shaya Lisaya Mountain (Russia) USE Bolyeriidae USE Shartash Lake (Russia) Bolʹshoĭ Tkhach Mountain (Russia) Bolyeriidae (May Subd Geog) Bol'shoj Tkhach Massif (Russia) [QL666.O633 (Zoology)] Bolʹshoe Tambukanskoe ozero (Russia) Gora Bolʹshoĭ Tkhach (Russia) UF Boas, Round Island USE Tambukan, Lake (Russia) Gora Bolʹshoy Tkhach (Russia) Bolyeridae Gora Tkhach (Russia) Mauritius snakes Bolśhoe Yarovoe Lake (Russia) Jchatsch Berg (Russia) Round Island boas USE Bolsh́ oe I︠A︡rovoe Lake (Russia) Tkhach Mountain (Russia) BT Snakes BT Caucasus, Northern (Russia) Squamata Bolʹshoi Baranov Cape (Russia) Mountains—Russia (Federation) Bolza problem UF Baranov Cape (Russia) USE Problem of Bolza Baranov, Mys (Russia) Bolʹshoy Ussuriyskiy ostrov (Russia) Bolzan family (Not Subd Geog) Bolʹshoy Baranov, Mys (Russia) USE Bolʹshoĭ Ussuriĭskiĭ Island (Russia) Bolza's problem Mys Baranov (Russia) USE Problem of Bolza Mys Bolʹshoy Baranov (Russia) Bolsón de Mapimí (Mexico) Bom (Southeast Asian people) BT Capes (Coasts)—Russia (Federation) USE Mapimi Basin (Mexico) USE Bawm Chin (Southeast Asian people) Bom family (Not Subd Geog) Bolʹshoĭ Berezovyĭ Island (R.S.F.S.R.) Bolson family (Not Subd Geog) Bom folk literature USE Bolʹshoĭ Berezovyĭ Island (Russia) Bolson tortoise (May Subd Geog) USE Folk literature, Bom Bom Jesus de Bouca̧ s (Crucifix) Bolʹshoĭ Berezovyĭ Island (Russia) [QL666.C584] [BT580.M37] UF Berezovyj ostrov (Russia) UF Giant Mexican gopher tortoise UF Bouca̧ s, Bom Jesus de (Crucifix) Berezovyy ostrov (Russia) Matozinhos, Santo Christo de (Crucifix) Bolʹshoĭ Berezovyĭ Island (R.S.F.S.R.) [Former Gopher tortoise, Giant Mexican Santo Christo de Matozinhos (Crucifix) heading] Gopherus flavomarginatus Senhor de Matozinhos (Crucifix) Bolʹshoĭ Berezovyĭ ostrov (Russia) Mexican gopher tortoise, Giant BT Crosses Bolʹshoy Berezovy ostrov (Russia) BT Gopherus Bom language (May Subd Geog) BT Berezovye Islands (Russia) Bolsover Castle (Bolsover, England) UF Anjam language Islands—Russia (Federation) BT Castles—England Bogadjim language Bolsunov family (Not Subd Geog) Bogajim language Bolʹshoĭ Berezovyĭ ostrov (Russia) Bolt action rifles Bogati language USE Bolʹshoĭ Berezovyĭ Island (Russia) USE Rifles, Bolt action Lalok language Bolt family (Not Subd Geog) BT Papua New Guinea—Languages Bolʹshoĭ dvoret︠s︡ v Stelʹne (Strelʹna, Leningradskai︠a︡ UF Bold family Papuan languages oblastʹ, Russia) Boldt family Bom language (Cameroon) USE Konstantinovskiĭ dvoret︠s︡ (Strelʹna, Bolte family USE Bum language Leningradskai︠a︡ oblastʹ, Russia) Boult family Bom-Zo (Southeast Asian people) RT Boltz family USE Bawm Chin (Southeast Asian people) Bolʹshoĭ Gobiis̆ kiĭ zapovednik (Mongolia) DeBolt family Boma (African people) (May Subd Geog) USE Ih Gobiin barhan zaazpai gazar (Mongolia) Bolt Post Office (Fowler, Calif.) [DT650.B66] USE Cecil E. Bolt Post Office (Fowler, Calif.) UF Baboma (African people) Bolʹshoĭ Irgiz River (Russia) Bolte family Baboma (Bantu people) [Former heading] USE Greater Irgiz River (Russia) USE Bolt family Bama (African people) Bolted joints Boma (Bantu people) [Former heading] Bolʹshoĭ kanʹon Kryma (Ukraine) BT Bolts and nuts Buma (African people) USE Velykyĭ kanʹĭon Krymu (Ukraine) Joints (Engineering) Kiboma (African people) Bolten family Wabuma (African people) Bolʹshoĭ kaskad (Petrodvoret︠s︡, Russia) USE Bolton family BT Ethnology—Congo (Democratic Republic) UF Great Cascade (Petrodvoret︠s︡, Russia) Boltenia (May Subd Geog) Boma (Bantu people) BT Fountains—Russia (Federation) [QL613] USE Boma (African people) BT Pyuridae Boma Kasai language Bolʹshoĭ Kebin (Kyrgyzstan) NT Boltenia villosa USE Boma language (Congo) USE Chong-Kemin (Kyrgyzstan) Boltenia villosa (May Subd Geog) Boma language [QL613] USE Boma language (Congo) Bolʹshoĭ Kemin (Kyrgyzstan) BT Boltenia Boma language (Congo) (May Subd Geog) USE Chong-Kemin (Kyrgyzstan) Boltin family [PL8080.B65] USE Bolton family UF Boma Kasai language Bolʹshoĭ Novoselovskiĭ kurgan (Russia) Bolting, Mine roof Boma language [Former heading] USE Large Novoselovsky Mound (Russia) USE Mine roof bolting Boma language (Zaire) [Former heading] Bolton, Judy (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Bolʹshoĭ Poltakovskiĭ kurgan (Russia) UF Judy Bolton (Fictitious character) USE Large Poltakovsky Mound (Russia) Bolton Castle (England) BT Castles—England Bolʹshoĭ prospekt (Leningrad, R.S.F.S.R.) Bolton family (Not Subd Geog) USE Bolʹshoĭ prospekt (Saint Petersburg, Russia) UF Bolten family Boltin family Bolʹshoĭ prospekt (Saint Petersburg, Russia) RT Boulton family This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision. UF Bolʹshoĭ prospekt (Leningrad, R.S.F.S.R.) [Former heading] Bolshoi Street (Saint Petersburg, Russia) BT Streets—Russia (Federation) Bolshoi Street (Saint Petersburg, Russia) USE Bolʹshoĭ prospekt (Saint Petersburg, Russia) Bolshoĭ Strelʹnit︠s︡kiĭ dvoret︠s︡ (Strelʹna, Leningradskai︠a︡ oblastʹ, Russia) USE Konstantinovskiĭ dvoret︠s︡ (Strelʹna, Leningradskai︠a︡ oblastʹ, Russia) B-300
Buma language (Congo) Bombardiers (May Subd Geog) Bombay mace Kiboma language BT Bombing, Aerial USE Mace (Spice) BT Bantu languages Flight crews Congo (Democratic Republic)—Languages Bombay Riots, Bombay, India, 1992-1993 Boma language (Zaire) Bombardment (May Subd Geog) USE Bombay Riots, Mumbai, India, 1992-1993 USE Boma language (Congo) Here are entered works on sustained military Boma mythology Bombay Riots, Mumbai, India, 1992-1993 USE Mythology, Boma attacks on cities, military positions, etc., with bombs, UF Bombay Riots, Bombay, India, 1992-1993 Boman family shells, rockets or other explosive missiles. Works on [Former heading] USE Bowman family military bombardments by means of bombs dropped BT Riots—India Bomar family (Not Subd Geog) from the air are entered under Bombing, Aerial. Bomarc (Missile) (Not Subd Geog) Works on the use of explosive devices for the Bombay rosewood BT Surface-to-air missiles purposes of political terrorism, protest, etc., are USE Dalbergia latifolia Bomarsund (Finland : Fortress) entered under Bombings. UF Bomarsund Fortress (Finland) Bombay senna BT Fortification—Finland BT Military art and science USE Senna alexandrina Bomarsund Fortress (Finland) NT Bombing, Aerial USE Bomarsund (Finland : Fortress) — China Bombay Terrorist Attacks, Mumbai, India, 2008 Bomarzo Park (Bomarzo, Italy) USE Mumbai Terrorist Attacks, Mumbai, India, 2008 USE Sacro bosco (Bomarzo, Italy) NT Taku Forts (China)—Bombardment, 1900 Bomb attacks — Connecticut Bombay Textile Strike, Mumbai, India, 1982-1983 USE Bombings USE Textile Workers' Strike, Mumbai, India, 1982- Bomb calorimeter NT Stonington 1983 BT Calorimeters (Conn.)—History—Bombardment, 1814 Bomb Conspiracy Trial, New York, N.Y., 1970-1971 Bombay VT (Mumbai, India) USE Black Panthers Trial, New York, N.Y., 1970- — Denmark USE Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (Mumbai, India) 1971 NT Copenhagen Bomb damage in industry (Denmark)—History—Bombardment, Bombazine, Lake (Vt.) USE War damage, Industrial 1807 USE Bomoseen, Lake (Vt.) Bomb damage to archive buildings USE Archive buildings—War damage — Egypt Bombazon, Lake (Vt.) Bomb damage to bridges NT Alexandria USE Bomoseen, Lake (Vt.) USE Bridges—War damage (Egypt)—History—Bombardment, 1882 Bomb damage to buildings Bomber escorts (Airplanes) USE Buildings—Blast effects — France USE Escort fighter planes Buildings—War damage NT Paris (France)—History—Bombardment, Bomb damage to concrete walls 1918 Bomber Hanson (Fictitious character) USE Concrete walls—Blast effect USE Hanson, Bomber (Fictitious character) Bomb disposal units — Japan USE Ordnance disposal units NT Shimonoseki-shi Bomber jackets Bomb-proof building (Japan)—History—Bombardment, USE Flight jackets USE Building, Bombproof 1863-1864 Bomb-proof construction Bomber pilots (May Subd Geog) USE Building, Bombproof — Korea (South) BT Air pilots, Military Bomb racks NT Yon̆ p'yŏng Island NT Dive bomber pilots BT Bombers (Korea)—History—Bombardment, 2010 Kamikaze pilots Bomb reconnaissance Here are entered works on the location, — Mexico Bomberger family identification, and application of safety measures as NT San Juan de Uluá Island USE Baumberger family protection against unexploded bombs which have (Mexico)—History—Bombardment, been set to detonate. 1838 Bomberman 64 (Game) [GV1469.35.B63] BT Bombs — Panama BT Nintendo video games Civil defense NT Fort San Lorenzo (Panama)—Bombardment, 1740 Bomberman World (Game) SA subdivision Bomb reconnaissance under [GV1469.35.B64] individual wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945-- — Spain BT Video games Bomb reconnaissance NT Almeriá (Spain)—History—Bombardment, 1937 Bombers (May Subd Geog) Bomb scares BT Airplanes, Military USE Bomb threats — Venezuela RT Attack planes NT Fortaleza de San Carlos (Maracaibo, NT A-20 (Bomber) Bomb shelters Venezuela)—Bombardment, 1903 A-26 Invader (Bomber) USE Air raid shelters AEG G.IV (Bomber) Nuclear bomb shelters Bombardment, Ion Aichi M6A1 Seiran (Bomber) USE Ion bombardment Avro 504 (Military aircraft) Bomb-sights B-17 bomber USE Bombsights Bombardment, Neutron B-19 bomber USE Neutron irradiation B-24 (Bomber) Bomb squads (May Subd Geog) B-29 (Bomber) [HV8080.B5 (Police)] Bombardment with particles B-32 (Bomber) UF Military bomb squads USE Collisions (Nuclear physics) B-36 bomber Police bomb squads B-50 bomber Squads, Bomb Bombardon Battle (Bomber) USE Tuba Beaufort (Bomber) Bomb threats (May Subd Geog) Blenheim (Bomber) UF Bomb scares Bombarger family Boeing bombers Scares, Bomb USE Baumbarger family Bomb racks BT Threats of violence Bombing, Aerial Bombassa (Fictitious character : Rayner) Bombsights Bomba (Dance) (May Subd Geog) (Not Subd Geog) Breguet 14 (Military aircraft) UF Bailes de bomba Bristol Brigand (Bomber) BT Dance—Puerto Rico Bombax (May Subd Geog) Caproni Ca.3 (Bomber) [QK495.M27 (Botany)] Caproni Ca.4 (Bomber) Bomba Gira (Afro-Brazilian deity) UF Salmalia Caproni Ca 90 (Bomber) USE Pombagira (Afro-Brazilian deity) BT Malvaceae Caudron G.4 (Military aircraft) NT Bombax rhodognaphalon DFW C.V (Military aircraft) Bombacaceae Red silk cottontree DH.4 (Bomber) USE Malvaceae DH.9 (Bomber) Bombax ceiba DH.10 (Bomber) Bombarde (Shawm) USE Red silk cottontree Dive bombers USE Shawm Donryu (Bomber) Bombax malabaricum Dornier Do 17 (Bomber) Bombardier aircraft (Not Subd Geog) USE Red silk cottontree Dornier Do 217 (Bomber) BT Airplanes Douglas B-18 (Bomber) NT Dash-8 (Transport plane) Bombax quinatum Fieseler Fi 103R (Piloted flying bomb) USE Red silk cottontree Friedrichshafen G.III (Bomber) Bombardier beetles (May Subd Geog) Ginga (Bomber) [QL596.C2 (Zoology)] Bombax rhodognaphalon (May Subd Geog) Gotha bombers UF Brachinus [QK495.B7] Halifax (Bomber) BT Ground beetles BT Bombax Hampden (Bomber) Handley Page Heyford (Bomber) Bombardier Dash-8 (Transport plane) Bombay blackwood Handley Page Type O (Bomber) USE Dash-8 (Transport plane) USE Dalbergia latifolia Handley Page V/1500 (Bomber) Hart (Bomber) Bombardier Q Series (Transport plane) Bombay cat (May Subd Geog) Heinkel 111 (Bomber) USE Dash-8 (Transport plane) [SF449.B65] Heinkel 177 (Bomber) BT Cat breeds Hiryu (Bomber) Hudson (Bomber) Bombay duck (Fish) (May Subd Geog) [QL638.H3] UF Harpadon nehereus Harpodon nehereus BT Harpadon Bombay hemp USE Kenaf Sunn hemp Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge (Del.) BT National parks and reserves—Delaware Wildlife refuges—Delaware B-301
Bombers (Continued) BT Bombinatoridae 1944 Ilʹi︠a︡ Muromet︠s︡ (Bomber) NT Bombina bombina London Ili͡ushin Il-4 (Bomber) (England)—History—Bombardment, Jet bombers Bombina variegata 1917-1918 Junkers Ju-86 (Bomber) Oriental fire-bellied toad London Junkers Ju-88 (Bomber) Bombina as pets (May Subd Geog) (England)—History—Bombardment, Junkers Ju 188 (Military aircraft) [SF459.T54] 1940-1941 Junkers Ju 288 (Bomber) BT Pets London Kamikaze airplanes Bombina bombina (May Subd Geog) (England)—History—Bombardment, Karaś (Bomber) [QL668.E235] 1940-1945 Kawasaki Ki-48 (Bomber) UF Rana bombina London Lancaster (Bomber) BT Bombina (England)—History—Bombardment, LeO 45 (Bomber) Bombina orientalis 1944 Lincoln (Bomber) USE Oriental fire-bellied toad — France LVG C.II (Military aircraft) Bombina variegata (May Subd Geog) NT Auteuil (Paris, Manchester (Bomber) [QL668.E235] France)—History—Bombardment, 1943 Marauder (Bomber) UF Rana variegata Clermont-Ferrand Mariner bombers BT Bombina (France)—History—Bombardment, Marlin bombers Bombinae 1943-1944 Mercator (Military aircraft) USE Bumblebees France—History—Bombardment, 1944 Messerschmitt 264 (Bomber) Bombinator Le Portel Mitchell (Bomber) USE Bombina (France)—History—Bombardment, Mitsubishi G4M (Bomber) Bombinator obstetricans 1943 Mitsubishi Ki-21 (Bomber) USE Alytes obstetricans Mailly-le-Camp P6M (Jet seaplane) Bombinatores (France)—History—Bombardment, Piaggio P. 108 (Bomber) USE Bombinatoridae 1944 PZL P-37 (Bomber) Bombinatorida Saint-Nazaire R.E.5 (Military aircraft) USE Bombinatoridae (France)—History—Bombardment, R.E.7 (Military aircraft) Bombinatoridae (May Subd Geog) 1942-1943 R.E.8 (Military aircraft) [QL668.E224 (Zoology)] — Germany Rockwell B-1 (Bomber) UF Bombinatores NT Berlin Salmson 2A2 (Military aircraft) Bombinatorida (Germany)—History—Bombardment, SAML S.2 (Military aircraft) Bombinatoridae 1943-1944 Sidestrand (Bomber) Bombinatorina Bremen Siemens-Schuckert R.I (Bomber) Bombinatoroidea (Germany)—History—Bombardment, Skywarrior (Bomber) Bombinidae 1943 Sopwith B.1 (Bomber) Bombininae Cuxhaven Raid, Cuxhaven, Germany, Sopwith Baby (Military aircraft) Bombitatores 1914 Staaken bombers Fire-bellied toads Dresden Stirling (Bomber) Fire belly toads (Germany)—History—Bombardment, Strategic bombers Firebelly toads 1945 Supersonic bombers BT Anura Emden (Lower Saxony, Torpedo bombers Toads Germany)—History—Bombardment, Tu-2 bomber USE Bombinatoridae 1943-1945 Tupolev Tu-4 (Bomber) NT Bombina Frankenthal (Rhineland-Palatinate, Ventura (Bomber) Bombinatorina Germany)—History—Bombardment, Vickers Wellesley (Bomber) USE Bombinatoridae 1943 Vickers Wellington (Bomber) Bombinatoroidea Germany—History—Bombardment, 1940- Vigilante (Bomber) USE Bombinatoridae 1945 Vimy (Bomber) Bombing, Aerial (May Subd Geog) Hamburg Voisin III (Bomber) Here are entered works on military bombardments (Germany)—History—Bombardment, Voisin V (Bomber) by means of bombs dropped from the air. Works on 1940-1945 Whitley (Bomber) sustained military attacks on cities, military positions, Lub̈ eck etc., with bombs, shells, rockets, or other explosive (Germany)—History—Bombardment, — Piloting (May Subd Geog) missiles are entered under Bombardment. Works on 1942 UF Piloting of bombers the use of explosive devices for the purposes of Magdeburg political terrorism, protest, etc., are entered under (Germany)—History—Bombardment, — Radar equipment Bombings. 1945 — Rocket engines Nuremberg UF Aerial bombing (Germany)—History—Bombardment, BT Rocket engines Air strikes 1944 Bombers, Water (Forest fire control) Airstrikes Nuremberg (Germany)—History—Bombardment, USE Airtankers (Forest fire control) BT Air warfare 1945 Bombers (Terrorists) (May Subd Geog) Bombardment Peenemun̈ de Bombers (Germany)—History—Bombardment, BT Terrorists 1943 NT Suicide bombers SA subdivision Aerial operations under individual Pforzheim Bombers in art (Not Subd Geog) wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945--Aerial (Germany)—History—Bombardment, Bombesin operations 1945 [QP632.B64] Regensburg BT Peptides NT Bombardiers (Germany)—History—Bombardment, Precision bombing 1943 Toxins Schweinfurt Bombeto, Baie de (Madagascar) — Competitions (May Subd Geog) (Germany)—History—Bombardment, — — Nevada 1943 USE Bombetoka Bay (Madagascar) Swinemun̈ de Bombetoka Bay (Madagascar) NT USAF Worldwide Fighter Gunnery (Germany)—History—Bombardment, Meet, Nev. 1945 UF Baie de Bombetoka (Madagascar) Wilhelmshaven Bombeto, Baie de (Madagascar) — Computer programs (Germany)—History—Bombardment, Bombetoke Bay (Madagascar) — Australia 1939-1945 Helodrano Bombetoka (Madagascar) Wur̈ zburg NT Darwin (N.T.)—History—Bombardment, (Germany)—History—Bombardment, BT Bays—Madagascar 1942 1945 Estuaries—Madagascar Xanten — Belgium (Germany)—History—Bombardment, Bombetoke Bay (Madagascar) NT Kortrijk 1945 USE Bombetoka Bay (Madagascar) (Belgium)—History—Bombardment, Zerbst 1944 (Germany)—History—Bombardment, Bombi (African people) Lieg̀ e (Belgium)—History—Bombardment, 1945 USE Nyali (African people) 1944-1945 Bombies (Cluster bombs) — Czech Republic USE Cluster bombs NT Ostrava (Czech Republic)—History—Bombardment, Bombina (May Subd Geog) 1944 [QL668.E224 (Zoology)] UF Bombinator — Denmark Bombitator NT Copenhagen Fire-bellied toads (Denmark)—History—Bombardment, Firebellied toads 1945 Firebelly toads Glandula — England Grobina NT Kent (England)—History—Bombardment, B-302
— Great Britain Om̄ uta-shi Target ranges NT Great Britain—History—Bombardment, (Japan)—History—Bombardment, BT Proving grounds 1944-1945 1944-1945 RT Target practice Osaka (Japan)—History—Bombardment, — Alberta — Iraq 1945 NT Halabjah (Iraq)—History—Bombardment, Sayama-shi NT Cold Lake Air Weapons Range (Alta. and 1988 (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 Sask.) Osirak Nuclear Reactor Bombing, Iraq, Shimada-shi 1981 (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 — California Takatsuki-shi NT Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery — Ireland (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 Range (Calif.) NT Dublin (Ireland)—History—Bombardment, Tokushima-shi 1941 (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 — Idaho Tokyo (Japan)—History—Bombardment, NT Orchard Training Area (Idaho) — Italy 1942 NT Arezzo (Italy)—History—Bombardment, Tokyo (Japan)—History—Bombardment, — New Jersey 1943-1944 1944-1945 — Saskatchewan Bologna (Italy)—History—Bombardment, Tottori-ken 1943-1945 (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 NT Cold Lake Air Weapons Range (Alta. and Brescia (Italy)—History—Bombardment, Wakayama-ken Sask.) 1944-1945 (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1944 Cuneo (Italy : Wakayama-shi Bombing investigation (May Subd Geog) Province)—History—Bombardment, (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 [HV8079.B62] 1943-1945 — Libya BT Criminal investigation Eboli (Italy)—History—Bombardment, NT Libya—History—Bombardment, 1986 1943 — Netherlands Bombing of Air-India Flight 182, 1985 Empoli (Italy)—History—Bombardment, NT Roosendaal USE Air-India Flight 182 Bombing Incident, 1985 1943-1944 (Netherlands)—History—Bombardment, Livorno (Italy)—History—Bombardment, 1944 Bombing of Iran Air Flight 655, 1988 1943 Rotterdam USE Iran Air Flight 655 Bombing Incident, 1988 Lucca (Italy)—History—Bombardment, (Netherlands)—History—Bombardment, 1944 1940 Bombing of KAL Flight 858, 1987 Milan (Italy)—History—Bombardment, Rotterdam USE KAL Flight 858 Bombing Incident, 1987 1940-1945 (Netherlands)—History—Bombardment, Naples (Italy)—History—Bombardment, 1941 Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, 1988 1940-1944 — Northern Ireland USE Pan Am Flight 103 Bombing Incident, 1988 Palermo (Italy)—History—Bombardment, NT Belfast (Northern 1940-1943 Ireland)—History—Bombardment, 1941 Bombing of the Dhahran Military Housing Facility, Pantelleria Island — Poland Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 1996 (Italy)—History—Bombardment, 1943 NT Auschwitz (Concentration USE Dhahran Military Housing Facility Bombing, Rome (Italy)—History—Bombardment, camp)—Proposed bombing, 1944 Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 1996 1943-1944 Lublin (Poland)—History—Bombardment, Siena (Italy)—History—Bombardment, 1944 Bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building, 1944 Szczecin Oklahoma City, Okla., 1995 Terni (Italy)—History—Bombardment, (Poland)—History—Bombardment, USE Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing, 1943-1944 1940-1945 Oklahoma City, Okla., 1995 Treviso (Italy)—History—Bombardment, Wieluń (Łod́ ź, 1944 Poland)—History—Bombardment, 1939 Bombing of the U.S. Embassy, Dar es Salaam, Trieste (Italy : — Romania Tanzania, 1998 Province)—History—Bombardment, NT Argeș (Romania : USE United States Embassy Bombing, Dar es 1944-1945 Judet)̦ —History—Bombardment, 1943- Salaam, Tanzania, 1998 Umbria (Italy)—History—Bombardment, 1944 1944 Muscel (Romania : Bombing of the U.S. Embassy, Nairobi, Kenya, 1998 Vicenza (Italy : Județ)—History—Bombardment, 1943- USE United States Embassy Bombing, Nairobi, Province)—History—Bombardment, 1944 Kenya, 1998 1943-1945 — Scotland NT Clydebank Bombing of the U.S. Marine Compound, Beirut, — Japan (Scotland)—History—Bombardment, Lebanon, 1983 NT Akita-shi 1941 USE United States Marine Compound Bombing, (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 — Spain Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Fukuoka-shi NT Barcelona (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 (Spain)—History—Bombardment, 1937- Bombing of the United States Embassy, Dar es Salaam, Fukuyama-shi 1939 Tanzania, 1998 (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 Guernica USE United States Embassy Bombing, Dar es Hachiōji-shi (Spain)—History—Bombardment, 1937 Salaam, Tanzania, 1998 (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 Majorca (Spain)—History—Bombardment, Hakodate-shi 1936-1938 Bombing of the World Trade Center, New York, N.Y., (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 Tarragona 1993 Hiroshima-shi (Spain)—History—Bombardment, 1937- USE World Trade Center Bombing, New York, N.Y., (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 1939 1993 Hodo Island — Vietnam (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 NT Haiphong Bombing of UTA Flight 772, 1989 Hokkaido (Vietnam)—History—Bombardment, USE UTA Flight 772 Bombing Incident, 1989 (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 1972 Hōya-shi Hàm Roǹ̂ g Bombing ranges (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 (Vietnam)—History—Bombardment, USE Bombing and gunnery ranges Kakegawa-shi 1965 (Japan)—History—Bombardment, Hanoi (Vietnam)—History—Bombardment, Bombings (May Subd Geog) 1942-1945 1966 Here are entered works on the use of explosive Kasugai-shi Hanoi (Vietnam)—History—Bombardment, (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 1972 devices for the purposes of political terrorism, protest, Kōbe-shi Bombing, Aerial, in art (Not Subd Geog) etc. Works on sustained military attacks on cities, (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 Bombing, Knit military positions, etc., with bombs, shells, rockets or Kor̄ iyama-shi USE Yarn bombing other explosive missiles are entered under (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 Bombing, Yarn Bombardment. Works on military bombardments by Mitaka-shi USE Yarn bombing means of bombs dropped from the air are entered (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 Bombing and gunnery ranges (May Subd Geog) under Bombing, Aerial. Nagasaki-shi [U300-U305] (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 UF Artillery ranges UF Bomb attacks Nagoya-shi Bombing ranges Terrorist bombings (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 Firing ranges Naha-shi Gunnery ranges BT Offenses against public safety (Japan)—History—Bombardment, 1945 Political crimes and offenses Ogasa-gun Political violence (Japan)—History—Bombardment, Terrorism 1942-1945 RT Bombs NT Air-India Flight 182 Bombing Incident, 1985 Automobiles—Effect of explosive devices on Iran Air Flight 655 Bombing Incident, 1988 Mail bombings Pan Am Flight 103 Bombing Incident, 1988 Suicide bombings UTA Flight 772 Bombing Incident, 1989 — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Criminal law — Alabama NT 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing, Birmingham, Ala., 1963 — Belarus NT Minsk Metro Bombing, Minsk, Belarus, 2011 — England NT London Terrorist Bombings, London, England, 2005 B-303
Bombings (Continued) Projectiles, Aerial Bommelerwaard (Netherlands) NT Centennial Olympic Park Bombing, RT Bombings UF Bommelwaard (Netherlands) Atlanta, Ga., 1996 NT Atomic bomb Bommelwaard (Netherlands) — Germany Azon bombs USE Bommelerwaard (Netherlands) NT Oktoberfest Bombing, Munich, Germany, Bomb reconnaissance 1980 Booby traps Bomolochidae (May Subd Geog) Cluster bombs [QL444.C73] — Greece Dirty bombs BT Cyclopoida NT Gorgopotamos Bombing, Greece, 1964 Fragmentation bombs NT Holobomolochus Grenades Neobomolochus — Indonesia Improvised explosive devices NT Australian Embassy Bombing, Jakarta, Incendiary bombs Bomoseen, Lake (Vt.) Indonesia, 2004 Neutron bomb UF Bombazine, Lake (Vt.) Bali Bombings, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, 2002 Vehicle bombs Bombazon, Lake (Vt.) Bombs, Aerial Bomzeen Lake (Vt.) — Italy USE Projectiles, Aerial Lake Bombazine (Vt.) NT Bologna Central Station Massacre, Bombs, Flying Lake Bombazon (Vt.) Bologna, Italy, 1980 USE Guided missiles Lake Bomoseen (Vt.) Piazza Fontana Bombing, Milan, Italy, Bombs, Guided Mas-kee-koh-wo-gam (Vt.) 1969 USE Guided bombs Obam-saween (Vt.) Via Rasella Attack, Rome, Italy, 1944 Bombsights Obamaseen (Vt.) UF Bomb-sights BT Lakes—Vermont — Kenya BT Bombers NT United States Embassy Bombing, Nairobi, NT Norden bombsight Bompiani family (Not Subd Geog) Kenya, 1998 Bombus UF Bompiano family USE Bumblebees — Lebanon Bombus occidentalis Bompiano family NT United States Marine Compound USE Western bumble bee USE Bompiani family Bombing, Beirut, Lebanon, 1983 Bombus subterraneus USE Short-haired bumblebee Bomu dialect — Massachusetts Bombus terricola USE Boomu dialect NT Boston Marathon Bombing, Boston, USE Yellow-banded bumble bee Mass., 2013 Bombycella cedrorum Bomvana (African people) (May Subd Geog) USE Cedar waxwings UF Bomvana (African tribe) [Former heading] — New York (State) Bombycidae (May Subd Geog) BT Ethnology—South Africa NT World Trade Center Bombing, New York, [QL561.B6] Nguni (African people) N.Y., 1993 UF Silkworm moth family BT Lepidoptera Bomvana (African tribe) — Oklahoma Moths USE Bomvana (African people) NT Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing, NT Pygaera Oklahoma City, Okla., 1995 Bombycillidae (May Subd Geog) Bomzeen Lake (Vt.) [QL696.P22] USE Bomoseen, Lake (Vt.) — Russia (Federation) UF Ptilogonatidae NT Pushkin Square Bombing Incident, BT Passeriformes Bon (Tibetan religion) (May Subd Geog) Moscow, Russia, 2000 NT Phainopepla [BQ7960-BQ7989] Bombycoidae UF Bonism — Saudi Arabia USE Noctuidae Bonpo (Sect) [Former heading] NT Dhahran Military Housing Facility Bombyliidae (May Subd Geog) BT Religions Bombing, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 1996 [QL537.B65] NT Bon monasticism and religious orders UF Bee flies — Spain Humbleflies — Doctrines NT Madrid Train Bombings, Madrid, Spain, BT Diptera NT Bon Abhidharma 2004 NT Anthrax (Insect) Lam-rim—Bon (Tibetan religion) Antonia (Insects) — Tanzania Antoniaustralia — Prayer-books and devotions NT United States Embassy Bombing, Dar es Cyx USE Bon (Tibetan religion)—Prayers and Salaam, Tanzania, 1998 Lordotus devotions Paravilla — Wisconsin Poecilanthrax — Prayers and devotions NT Sterling Hall Bombing, Madison, Wis., Thevenemyia UF Bon (Tibetan religion)—Prayer-books and 1970 Bombyx cynthia devotions [Former heading] USE Ailanthus moth — Yemen Bombyx mori — Rituals USE Bombings—Yemen (Republic) USE Silkworms NT Bon funeral rites and ceremonies Bombyx obsoleta Gcod (Bon rite) — Yemen (Republic) USE Heliothis zea UF Bombings—Yemen [Former heading] Bomeneberg (Sontra, Germany) — Sacred books NT USS Cole Bombing Incident, Aden, USE Boyneburg (Sontra, Germany) Bon Abhidharma Yemen, 2000 Bömers family USE Boemers family UF Abhidharma (Bonpo) [Former heading] Bombini Bomitaba (African people) (May Subd Geog) BT Bon (Tibetan religion)—Doctrines USE Bumblebees UF Bamitaba (African people) Bon architecture (May Subd Geog) Mbomitaba (African people) UF Bonpo architecture [Former heading] Bombinidae Mbomotaba (African people) BT Religious architecture USE Bombinatoridae Mitaba (African people) Bon art (May Subd Geog) BT Bantu-speaking peoples UF Art, Bonpo [Former heading] Bombininae Ethnology—Central African Republic BT Art USE Bombinatoridae Ethnology—Congo (Brazzaville) Bon arts (May Subd Geog) Ethnology—Congo (Democratic Republic) UF Arts, Bonpo [Former heading] Bombino, Battle of, Colombia, 1822 Bomitaba language (May Subd Geog) BT Arts USE Bomboná, Battle of, Colombia, 1822 UF Bamitaba language Bon astrology (Not Subd Geog) Leke language [BF1714.B65] Bombitator Mbomitaba language UF Bonpo astrology [Former heading] USE Bombina Mbomotaba language [Former heading] BT Astrology Mitaba language Bon Dan Ta Phet Site (Thailand) Bombitatores BT Bantu languages USE Ban Don Ta Phet Site (Thailand) USE Bombinatoridae Central African Republic—Languages Bon Don Ta Phet Site (Thailand) Congo (Democratic Republic)—Languages USE Ban Don Ta Phet Site (Thailand) Bombona,́ Battle of, 1822 Congo (Brazzaville)—Languages Bon Festival (Buddhist festival) USE Bombona,́ Battle of, Colombia, 1822 BOMM (Electronic computer system) USE Ullambana BT Time-series analysis—Computer programs Bon funeral rites and ceremonies (May Subd Geog) Bombona,́ Battle of, Colombia, 1822 UF Funeral rites and ceremonies, Bonpo [Former UF Bombino, Battle of, Colombia, 1822 Bomboná, Battle of, 1822 [Former heading] heading] Cariaco, Battle of, Colombia, 1822 BT Bon (Tibetan religion)—Rituals BT Colombia—History—War of Independence, 1810-1822—Campaigns Funeral rites and ceremonies Bon gods (May Subd Geog) Bomboná Hacienda (Colombia) UF Hacienda Bomboná (Colombia) [BQ7981.2-BQ7981.4] Hacienda de Bomboná (Colombia) UF Gods, Bonpo [Former heading] Hacienda San Antonio (Colombia) BT Gods San Antonio Hacienda (Colombia) NT Byams-ma (Bon deity) BT Haciendas—Colombia Dbal-gsas (Bon deity) Bombproof building Lha-rgod-thog-pa (Bon deity) USE Building, Bombproof Ma-tri (Bon deity) Me-ri (Bon deity) Bombproof construction Sitātapatrā (Bon deity) USE Building, Bombproof Stag-lha-me-ʾbar (Bon deity) Bon gods in art (Not Subd Geog) Bombrini Palace (Cornigliano Ligure, Italy) USE Palazzo Durazzo Bombrini (Cornigliano Ligure, Italy) Bombs (May Subd Geog) Here are entered general works on bombs and works on bombs launched from aircraft. UF Aerial bombs BT Ammunition B-304
Bon Homme Island (Mo.) Escheat — North Dakota USE Bonhomme Island (Mo.) Lost articles—Law and legislation NT Amenia Farms (N.D.) Res nullius Baldwin Farms (N.D.) Bon incantations (May Subd Geog) Unclaimed estates Blanchard Farm (N.D.) UF Bonpo incantations [Former heading] Bonabe (Kiribati) Cooper Ranch (N.D.) BT Incantations USE Banaba (Kiribati) Downing Farm (N.D.) Bonacca (Honduras) Dwight Farm (N.D.) Bon lamas (May Subd Geog) USE Guanaja Island (Honduras) Elk Valley Farm (N.D.) UF Bon priests Bonacci family (Not Subd Geog) Glover Farm (N.D.) Bonpo lamas [Former heading] Bonacolsi family (Not Subd Geog) Grandin Farms (N.D.) Lamas, Bon Bonaert family (Not Subd Geog) Jones and Brinker Farm (N.D.) BT Priests Bonafield family Park Farm (N.D.) USE Bonnifield family Rand and Brown Farm (N.D.) Bon language Bonafont family USE Boni language (Kenya and Somalia) USE Bonnifield family Bonanza wheat farms Bonaguil Castle (Bonaguil, France) USE Bonanza farms Bon language (Cameroon) USE Chat̂ eau de Bonaguil (Bonaguil, France) USE Abo language (Cameroon) Bonai (Malay people) (May Subd Geog) Bonanzas (Farms) [DS632.B66] USE Bonanza farms Bon literature (May Subd Geog) BT Ethnology—Indonesia UF Bonpo literature [Former heading] Bonai dialect (May Subd Geog) Bonapart family BT Religious literature [PL5128.B65] USE Bonaparte family BT Indonesia—Languages Bon logic Malay language Bonaparte, River (Wash.) UF Bonpo logic [Former heading] Bonaire, Saint Eustatius, and Saba USE Bonaparte Creek (Wash.) BT Bon philosophy USE Caribbean Netherlands Logic Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba Bonaparte, Inspector Napoleon (Fictitious character) USE Caribbean Netherlands USE Bonaparte, Napoleon, Inspector (Fictitious Bon Matsuri Bonaire, St. Eustatius, and Saba character) USE Ullambana USE Caribbean Netherlands Bonaire Marine Park (Bonaire) Bonaparte, Napoleon, Inspector (Fictitious character) Bon meditations UF Bonaire Marine Park (Netherlands Antilles) (Not Subd Geog) UF Bonpo meditations [Former heading] [Former heading] UF Bonaparte, Inspector Napoleon (Fictitious BT Meditations BT Marine parks and reserves—Bonaire character) Bonaire Marine Park (Netherlands Antilles) Bony (Fictitious character) Bon monasteries (May Subd Geog) USE Bonaire Marine Park (Bonaire) Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte (Fictitious [BQ7984.5-BQ7984.7] Bonampak Site (Mexico) character) BT Monasteries [F1435.1.B6] Napoleon Bonaparte, Inspector (Fictitious RT Bon monasticism and religious orders BT Mexico—Antiquities character) Bonan (Chinese people) (May Subd Geog) Bon monasticism and religious orders [DS731.P36] Bonaparte Creek (Wash.) (May Subd Geog) UF Bao'an (Chinese people) [Former heading] UF Bonaparte, River (Wash.) BT Bon (Tibetan religion) Baonan (Chinese people) Hy-as-kwa-ha-loos (Wash.) RT Bon monasteries Boan (Chinese people) River Bonaparte (Wash.) Pao-an (Chinese people) [Former heading] BT Rivers—Washington (State) Bon painting (May Subd Geog) Paongan (Chinese people) UF Painting, Bon BT Ethnology—China Bonaparte Creek Basin (Wash.) Bonan language (May Subd Geog) USE Bonaparte Creek Watershed (Wash.) Bon philosophy (May Subd Geog) [PL431.B64] UF Philosophy, Bonpo [Former heading] UF Bao'an language [Former heading] Bonaparte Creek Watershed (Wash.) BT Philosophy Baonan language UF Bonaparte Creek Basin (Wash.) NT Bon logic Boan language BT Watersheds—Washington (State) Pao-an language [Former heading] Bon pilgrims and pilgrimages (May Subd Geog) Paongan language Bonaparte family (Not Subd Geog) UF Bonpo pilgrims and pilgrimages [Former BT China—Languages UF Bonapart family heading] Mongolian languages Buonaparte family BT Pilgrims and pilgrimages Bonang (May Subd Geog) NT Palazzo Bonaparte (Rome, Italy) BT Musical instruments—Indonesia Bon priests Percussion instruments Bonaparte Gulf (W.A. and N.T.) USE Bon lamas Bonang music (May Subd Geog) USE Joseph Bonaparte Gulf (W.A. and N.T.) Here are entered compositions not in a specific Bon-ri Mountain (China) form or of a specific type for solo bonang, and Bonaparte Gulf Basin (W.A. and N.T.) USE Bonri Mountain (China) collections of compositions in several forms or types BT Sedimentary basins—Australia for solo bonang. Bon-sai Bonaparte Palace (Rome, Italy) USE Bonsai SA headings for forms and types of music that USE Palazzo Bonaparte (Rome, Italy) include \"bonang\" or \"bonangs\" and headings Bon Secour Bay (Ala.) with medium of performance that include Bonaparte Park (B.C.) BT Bays—Alabama \"bonang\" or \"bonangs\" UF Bonaparte Provincial Park (B.C.) BT Parks—British Columbia Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge (Ala.) Bonanni family BT National parks and reserves—Alabama USE Bonanno family Bonaparte Park (Bordentown, N.J.) Wildlife refuges—Alabama This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Bonanno family (Not Subd Geog) Bon shrines (May Subd Geog) UF Bonanni family subdivision. [BQ7984.5-BQ7984.7] Bonano family UF Bonpo shrines [Former heading] UF Bonaparte's Park (Bordentown, N.J.) BT Shrines Bonano family BT Parks—New Jersey USE Bonanno family Bonaparte Plateau (B.C.) Boṅ-stag family (Not Subd Geog) BT Plateaus—British Columbia UF Bon-̇ stag Ja-skor family Bonanox Bonaparte Provincial Park (B.C.) USE Ipomoea USE Bonaparte Park (B.C.) Boṅ-stag Ja-skor family Bonaparte's Park (Bordentown, N.J.) USE Boṅ-stag family Bonanza (Private planes) (Not Subd Geog) USE Bonaparte Park (Bordentown, N.J.) UF Beechcraft Bonanza (Private planes) Bonapartism (May Subd Geog) Bon symbolism (May Subd Geog) BT Beechcraft (Airplanes) [JC359] UF Bonpo art and symbolism [Former heading] Here are entered works on attachment to and BT Symbolism Bonanza Bar (Idaho) advocacy of the policies of Napoleon Bonaparte, BT Bars (Geomorphology)—Idaho involving belief in a concentration of power in the Bon Tempe Lake (Calif.) executive, an imperial form of state, a centralized BT Lakes—California Bonanza Creek (Yukon) administration, an imperialistic foreign policy, and the Reservoirs—California BT Rivers—Yukon embodiment of the power of the state in the personality of the leader. Bon temples (May Subd Geog) Bonanza farms (May Subd Geog) [BQ7984.5-BQ7984.7] UF Bonanza wheat farms BT Imperialism UF Temples, Bonpo [Former heading] Bonanzas (Farms) Bonaputa-Mopu language BT Temples BT Farms USE Tani language Bon vivants — Minnesota Bonar family USE Gourmets NT Buffington Farm (Euclid, Minn.) Lockhart Farm (Minn.) USE Bonner family Bona (African people) (May Subd Geog) March-Spaulding Farm (Warren, Minn.) Bonasa (May Subd Geog) UF Anyi-bona (African people) Bonna (African people) [QL696.G27 (Zoology)] BT Anyi (African people) BT Grouse Ethnology—Cot̂ e d'Ivoire Phasianidae Bona Dea (Roman deity) (Not Subd Geog) NT Hazel grouse [BL820.B64] BT Goddesses, Roman Ruffed grouse Severtzov's hazel grouse Bona family Bonasa bonasia USE Bonner family USE Hazel grouse Bonasa sewerzowi Bona fides (Law) USE Severtzov's hazel grouse USE Good faith (Law) Bona vacantia (May Subd Geog) UF Unclaimed property BT Personal property Property NT Abandonment of property B-305
Bonasa umbellus Bond Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (Ga.) BT Shambala languages USE Ruffed grouse BT National parks and reserves—Georgia Tanzania—Languages Wildlife refuges—Georgia Bonaventura, Signor (Fictitious character : Sto) Bondelswarts (African people) (May Subd Geog) (Not Subd Geog) Bond transfer (May Subd Geog) [DT1558.B65] UF Signor Bonaventura (Fictitious character : Sto) [HG4028.B6] UF Bondelswarts (African tribe) [Former heading] UF Bond transfers Bondelzwaarts (African people) Bonaventure Island (Le Rocher-Perce,́ Queb́ ec) Bonds—Registration and transfer Bondelzwarts (African people) UF Bonaventure Island (Queb́ ec) [Former Bonds—Transfer BT Ethnology—Namibia heading] Transfer of bonds Khoikhoi (African people) Île Bonaventure (Le Rocher-Percé, Québec) Transfers of bonds BT Islands—Québec (Province) Bondelswarts (African tribe) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Bondelswarts (African people) Bonaventure Island (Montreá l, Québec) BT Transfer (Law) USE Bizard Island (Queb́ ec) Bondelswarts Rebellion, 1922 Bond transfers USE Bondelswarts Rebellion, Namibia, 1922 Bonaventure Island (Queb́ ec) USE Bond transfer USE Bonaventure Island (Le Rocher-Percé, Bondelswarts Rebellion, Namibia, 1922 Québec) Bond United States Courthouse (Jefferson City, Mo.) [DT1630] USE Christopher S. Bond United States Courthouse UF Bondelswarts Rebellion, 1922 [Former Bonavist bean (May Subd Geog) (Jefferson City, Mo.) heading] BT Beans BT Namibia—History—1915-1946 Bonda (Indic people) Bonavista Bay (N.L.) USE Bondo (Indic people) Bondelzwaarts (African people) UF Bonavista Bay (Nfld.) [Former heading] USE Bondelswarts (African people) BT Bays—Newfoundland and Labrador Bonda dialect USE Bune Bonda dialect Bondelzwarts (African people) Bonavista Bay (Nfld.) USE Bondelswarts (African people) USE Bonavista Bay (N.L.) Bonda language (May Subd Geog) [PL4572] Bondesson family (Not Subd Geog) Bonawit family BT Munda languages Bondey family USE Bonawitz family Bondage (Sexual behavior) (May Subd Geog) USE Bundy family Bonawitz family (Not Subd Geog) UF B & D (Sexual behavior) Bondeya (Indic people) UF Bonawit family B and D (Sexual behavior) Bonewit family B/D (Sexual behavior) USE Kurku (Indic people) Bonewits family BDSM (Sexual behavior) Bondeya language Bonewitz family Bondage and discipline (Sexual behavior) BT Sadomasochism USE Kurku language Boncompagni family (Not Subd Geog) Sexual dominance and submission Bondholders (May Subd Geog) RT Boncompagni Ludovisi family NT Autoerotic asphyxia BT Bonds Boncompagni Ludovisi family (Not Subd Geog) — Religious aspects Capitalists and financiers RT Boncompagni family Bondage (Sexual behavior) in art (Not Subd Geog) Bondage (Sexual behavior) in literature Bondholder's Syndicate (Wash. : Mine) Bond, Hypervalent USE Apex Mine (Wash.) USE Hypervalence (Theoretical chemistry) (Not Subd Geog) Bondage (Sexual behavior) in mass media Bondhusbræen (Norway) Bond agents, Bail USE Bondhusbreen (Norway) USE Bail bond agents (May Subd Geog) BT Mass media Bondhusbre (Norway) Bond cleavage (Chemistry) USE Bondhusbreen (Norway) USE Scission (Chemistry) Bondage (Sexual behavior) in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Bondhusbreen (Norway) Bond enforcers [PN1995.9.B64] UF Bondhusbræen (Norway) USE Bounty hunters BT Motion pictures Bondhusbre (Norway) BT Glaciers—Norway Bond family (Not Subd Geog) Bondage (Sexual behavior) in television UF Bonde family USE Bondage (Sexual behavior) on television Bondi family (Not Subd Geog) Bonds family RT Bundy family Bondage (Sexual behavior) on television Bond films UF Bondage (Sexual behavior) in television Bondie family USE James Bond films [Former heading] USE Bundy family BT Television Bond funds (May Subd Geog) Bonding, Dental UF Bond mutual funds Bondage and discipline (Sexual behavior) USE Dental bonding BT Mutual funds USE Bondage (Sexual behavior) NT Bond index funds Bonding, Diffusion (Metals) Bonday family USE Diffusion bonding (Metals) Bond graphs USE Bundy family [TA338.B6] Bonding, Dihydrogen BT Graph theory Bonde (African people) USE Dihydrogen bonding System analysis USE Bondei (African people) Bonding, Sulfur Bond index funds (May Subd Geog) Bonde family USE Sulfur bonding UF Bond indexing USE Bond family BT Bond funds Bonding (Bail) Index mutual funds Bonde language USE Bail USE Bondei language Bond indexing Bonding (Technology) USE Bond index funds Bonded goods USE Sealing (Technology) USE Bonded warehouses and goods Bond insurance (May Subd Geog) Bonding agents, Bail [HG4538.52] Bonded labor USE Bail bond agents BT Insurance USE Peonage Bonding agents (Adhesives) Bond insurance, Municipal Bonded magnets (May Subd Geog) USE Adhesives USE Municipal bond insurance [QC757.8] BT Magnets Bonding materials, Iron-on Bond issues USE Fusible materials in sewing USE Bonds Bonded warehouses and goods (May Subd Geog) UF Bonded goods Bonding of employees Bond lawyers (May Subd Geog) Transportation of merchandise in bond USE subdivision Bonding under occupational groups UF Municipal bond lawyers BT Customs administration—Law and legislation and types of employees; and subdivision State bond lawyers RT Free ports and zones—Law and legislation Officials and employees--Bonding under BT Lawyers BT Internal revenue names of countries, cities, etc. Tariff USE Surety and fidelity insurance Bond market (May Subd Geog) Warehouses UF Bond markets NT Distillery warehouses Bonding sites (Biochemistry) Market, Bond USE Binding sites (Biochemistry) BT Capital market Bondee family USE Bundy family Bondo (Indic people) (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) [DS432.B65] Bond markets Bondei (African people) (May Subd Geog) UF Bhonda (Indic people) [DT443.3.B65] Bonda (Indic people) USE Bond market UF Bonde (African people) Bondo Poroja (Indic people) Bond mutual funds Boondei (African people) Bondos [Former heading] Wabondei (African people) Bunda (Indic people) USE Bond funds Washensi (African people) Gutabi (Indic people) Bond refunding BT Bantu-speaking peoples Nanga Poroja (Indic people) Ethnology—Tanzania Remo (Indic people) USE Bonds—Refunding BT Ethnology—India Bond Street (London, England) Bondei language (May Subd Geog) [PL8081] Bondo Poroja (Indic people) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Bonde language USE Bondo (Indic people) subdivision. Boondei language Kibondei language Bondoc Peninsula (Philippines) UF Bond Street (Westminster, London, England) Wabondei language BT Peninsulas—Philippines [Former heading] New Bond Street (London, England) Bondom Mountain (Italy) Old Bond Street (London, England) USE Bondone Mountain (Italy) BT Streets—England Bondone Mountain (Italy) Bond Street (Westminster, London, England) UF Bondom Mountain (Italy) Montagna di Trento (Italy) USE Bond Street (London, England) B-306
Monte Bondone (Italy) Bondy family Adhesives in surgery Trento, Montagna di (Italy) USE Bundy family Plastics in surgery Vasón Mountain (Italy) Bone conduction BT Dolomite Alps (Italy) Bondye family BT Hearing Mountains—Italy USE Bundy family Bone corpuscles Bondonga language USE Bone cells USE Ndunga language Bone, Gulf of (Indonesia) Bone densitometry (May Subd Geog) Bondos UF Boni, Gulf of (Indonesia) UF Densitometry, Bone USE Bondo (Indic people) Golf van Boni (Indonesia) BT Bones—Radiography Bondou (Senegal) Gulf of Bone (Indonesia) Calcium in the body USE Boundou (Senegal) Gulf of Boni (Indonesia) Bone development Bondou River (Central African Republic) Teluk Bone (Indonesia) USE Bones—Growth USE Kotto River (Central African Republic) BT Bays—Indonesia Bone diseases in children (May Subd Geog) Bondoukou Kulango (African people) [RJ482.B65] USE Kulango (African people) Bone UF Pediatric bone diseases Bonds (May Subd Geog) [QM569 (Histology of bony tissue)] Pediatric bone disorders [HG4651] RT Bones BT Bones—Diseases UF Bond issues Calcification Children—Diseases Debentures BT Connective tissues RT Pediatric orthopedics BT Negotiable instruments Skeleton NT Osteoporosis in children Securities NT Anesthesia, Intraosseous Bone engraving, Prehistoric RT Debts, Public Apatite in the body USE Bone carving, Prehistoric Stocks Compact bone Bone family (Not Subd Geog) NT Bondholders Endochondral ossification UF Bones family Brady bonds Bone flute (May Subd Geog) Catastrophe bonds — Aging [ML990.B66] Convertible bonds USE Bones—Aging UF Mousterian bone flute Corporate bonds Neanderthal flute Covered bonds — Growth BT Flute Government securities USE Bones—Growth Bone flute music (May Subd Geog) Industrial development bonds Here are entered compositions not in a specific Inflation-indexed bonds — Regeneration form or of a specific type for solo bone flute, and Mortgage bonds USE Bone regeneration collections of compositions in several forms or types Municipal bonds for solo bone flute. Original issue discount (Bonds) Bone, Robert (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Savings bonds UF Robert Bone (Fictitious character) SA headings for forms and types of music that State bonds Superintendent Bone (Fictitious character) include \"bone flute\" or \"bone flutes\" and — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Superintendent Robert Bone (Fictitious headings with medium of performance that — Prices (May Subd Geog) character) include \"bone flute\" or \"bone flutes\" — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Rankings Bone (Computer) Bone-grafting (May Subd Geog) USE Bonds—Ratings and rankings USE BeagleBone (Computer) [RD123] — Rate of return BeagleBone Black (Computer) UF Bones—Transplantation Grafting of bone BT Rate of return Bone age of human beings Osteoplasty — Ratings USE Skeletal maturity BT Bones—Surgery Homografts USE Bonds—Ratings and rankings Bone Surgery — Ratings and rankings (May Subd Geog) — Aging Surgery, Experimental USE Bones—Aging Surgery, Plastic UF Bonds—Rankings Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. Bonds—Ratings [Former heading] Bone-anchored hearing aids (May Subd Geog) Rankings of bonds [RF305] Bone Ratings of bonds UF BAHA (Hearing aids) — Growth BT Hearing aids USE Bones—Growth — Refunding UF Bond refunding Bone and shell style writing of Chinese Bone implements (May Subd Geog) Refunding of bonds USE Chinese language—Writing—Jia gu style [GN799.B65 (Prehistoric archaeology)] BT Implements, utensils, etc. — Registration and transfer Bone angiography USE Bond transfer USE Bones—Blood-vessels—Radiography Bone implements, Prehistoric (May Subd Geog) [GN799.B65] — Taxation (May Subd Geog) Bone ash (May Subd Geog) UF Prehistoric bone implements UF Taxation of bonds, securities, etc. [Former BT Ash (Combustion product) BT Tools, Prehistoric heading] Bone banks (May Subd Geog) Bone lace — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) [RD128] USE Bobbin lace — Transfer BT Musculoskeletal banks Bone lengthening (Orthopedics) (May Subd Geog) USE Bond transfer Bone Basin (Mont.) UF Lengthening of bones (Orthopedics) Bonds, Chemical BT Basins (Geology)—Montana BT Orthopedic surgery USE Chemical bonds Bone Basin Member (Mont.) Bone lichen, Seaside Bonds, Commodity-backed BT Formations (Geology)—Montana USE Hypogymnia heterophylla Geology, Stratigraphic—Eocene USE Commodity-backed bonds Geology, Stratigraphic—Oligocene Bone lichens Bonds, Commodity-linked Renova Formation (Mont.) USE Tube lichens USE Commodity-backed bonds Bone biomechanics Bone manifestations of general diseases Bonds, Convertible USE Bones—Mechanical properties USE Osteal manifestations of general diseases USE Convertible bonds Bone black Bone marrow Bonds, Fidelity USE Animal charcoal [QM569 (Human histology)] UF Marrow [Former heading] USE Surety and fidelity insurance Bone carvers (May Subd Geog) Medulla ossium Bonds, Library BT Carvers (Decorative artists) BT Hematopoietic system Immune system USE Library bonds Bone carving (May Subd Geog) Bonds, School [NK6020-NK6022 (Decorative arts)] — Blood-vessels [TT288 (Handicraft)] — Diseases (May Subd Geog) USE School bonds BT Carving (Decorative arts) Bonds, Surety Paleography [RC645.7-RC645.76] Writing materials and instruments NT Myelodysplastic syndromes USE Surety and fidelity insurance NT Indians of Mexico—Bone carving Bonds, Zero coupon Oracle bones Myeloid leukemia Scrimshaws Myeloproliferative disorders USE Zero coupon securities — Dysplasia Bonds (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) — Italy USE Myelodysplastic syndromes Bone carving, Prehistoric (May Subd Geog) — Examination (May Subd Geog) BT Islamic law [RB55.2] Bonds family [GN799.B65] — Preservation (May Subd Geog) UF Bone engraving, Prehistoric — Transplantation (May Subd Geog) USE Bond family [RD123.5] Bonds for deeds Prehistoric bone carving NT Bone marrow purging Prehistoric bone engraving — — Complications (May Subd Geog) USE Contracts for deeds BT Industries, Prehistoric UF Bone Bondsmen, Bail Bone cells UF Bone corpuscles USE Bail bond agents Osseous cells Bondu (Senegal) RT Cartilage cells BT Cells USE Boundou (Senegal) NT Osteoblasts Bondurant family (Not Subd Geog) Osteoclasts Osteocytes Bone cements BT Acrylic resins B-307
Bone marrow Bone River (Wash.) Bonelly family — Transplantation UF Querquellin River (Wash.) USE Bonelli family — — Complications (Continued) Querquillin River (Wash.) marrow—Transplantation—Complica BT Rivers—Washington (State) Bonelo family tions and sequelae [Former heading] USE Bonelli family NT Graft versus host disease Bone River Watershed (Wash.) — — Complications and sequelae BT Watersheds—Washington (State) Bonely family USE Bone USE Bonelli family marrow—Transplantation—Complica Bone sarcoma tions USE Osteosarcoma Bonenfant family (Not Subd Geog) — Tumors (May Subd Geog) Boner family Bone saws (Surgery) Bone marrow cells [RD73.B57] USE Bonner family UF Marrow cells [Former heading] BT Saws Boner Lake (Ind.) BT Cells NT Hematopoietic stem cells Bone screws (Orthopedics) BT Lakes—Indiana Megakaryocytes UF Orthopedic bone screws Bonerate Island (Indonesia) Screws, Bone (Orthopedics) Bone marrow derived cells RT Internal fixation in fractures BT Islands—Indonesia USE B cells BT Orthopedic implants Bones (May Subd Geog) Screws Bone marrow purging (May Subd Geog) [QL821 (Animal)] UF Purging, Bone marrow — Products liability [QM101-QM117 (Human)] BT Bone marrow—Transplantation USE Products liability—Bone screws Here are entered comprehensive and systematic (Orthopedics) works on the anatomy of the bony structure of man Bone marrow stromal cells and its articulations; also comparative studies and USE Mesenchymal stem cells Bone setters discussions of bony structures of vertebrate groups USE Bonesetters other than man. Works on the comparative Bone-meal (May Subd Geog) morphology, mechanics, etc. of the skeleton are [S659 (Fertilizer)] Bone shark entered under the heading Skeleton. Studies of [SF99 (Feed)] USE Basking shark skeletal remains are entered under Human remains [TP995 (Utilization of wastes)] (Archaeology); Animal remains (Archaeology). BT Bone products Bone substitutes (May Subd Geog) Organic fertilizers [RD755.6] UF Osteology Phosphatic fertilizers UF Bone replacement materials BT Musculoskeletal system BT Orthopedic implants RT Bone Bone-meal manufacture (May Subd Geog) RT Osseointegration [TS1982] Skeleton Bone-throwing NT Animal remains (Archaeology) Bone mechanics USE Fortune-telling by bones USE Bones—Mechanical properties Bone products Bone wiring (Orthopedics) (May Subd Geog) Callus Bone metastasis (May Subd Geog) [RD103.B65] Carpal bones [RC280.B6] UF Wiring of bones (Orthopedics) Cartilage UF Metastatic bone cancer BT Internal fixation in fractures Epiphysis Metastatic bone disease Orthopedic surgery Femur Osseous metastasis Fibula Skeletal metastasis Bonebrake family (Not Subd Geog) Fortune-telling by bones BT Bones—Cancer UF Beinbrech family Growth plate Metastasis Bonebreak family Heel bone Humerus Bone morphogenetic proteins (May Subd Geog) Bonebreak family Hyoid bone [QP552.B65] USE Bonebrake family Ligaments UF BMPs (Bone morphogenetic proteins) Metatarsus Morphogenetic proteins, Bone Bonefant family Ossification BT Growth factors USE Bonnifield family Pelvic bones Proteins Periosteum Bonefield family Phalanges Bone nails (Orthopedics) USE Bonnifield family Radius (Anatomy) BT Internal fixation in fractures Relics Nails and spikes Bonefish (May Subd Geog) Ribs Orthopedic implants [QL638.A335] Sesamoid bones UF Albula vulpes Skull Bone plates (Orthopedics) Banana fish Spine UF Fracture compression plates Ladyfish (Albula) Sternum Plates for bones (Orthopedics) BT Albula Tarsometatarsus BT Internal fixation in fractures Tibia Orthopedic implants Bonefish fisheries (May Subd Geog) Tibiotarsus BT Fisheries Ulna Bone products (May Subd Geog) Urohyal UF Bones (Technology) Bonefish fishing — Abnormalities (May Subd Geog) RT Animal charcoal USE Bonefishing BT Animal products UF Bones—Abnormities and deformities Bones Bonefishing (May Subd Geog) [Former heading] RT Glue [SH691.B6] Phosphates UF Bonefish fishing NT Basal cell nevus syndrome NT Bone-meal BT Fishing — Abnormities and deformities Bone rattle Bonefont family USE Bones—Abnormalities USE Notched rattle USE Bonnifield family — Aging Bone regeneration (May Subd Geog) Boneli family UF Bone—Aging [Former heading] UF Bone—Regeneration USE Bonelli family Bone aging Bones—Regeneration BT Bone remodeling Bonell family — Biopsy (May Subd Geog) Regeneration (Biology) USE Bonnell family — Blood-vessels NT Callus — — Radiography (May Subd Geog) Guided bone regeneration Bonellein (May Subd Geog) NT Bonellia viridis UF Bone angiography Bone remodeling (May Subd Geog) — Cancer (May Subd Geog) UF Remodeling, Bone Bonelli family (Not Subd Geog) BT Bones—Metabolism UF Boneli family NT Bone metastasis Tissue remodeling Bonelly family Chordoma NT Bone regeneration Bonelo family Osteosarcoma Bone resorption Bonely family Bonnelli family — Diseases (May Subd Geog) Bone replacement materials Bonnelly family [RC930-RC931] USE Bone substitutes RT Bonnell family NT Achondroplasia Acrodystrophic neuropathy Bone-resorbing cells Bonellia (May Subd Geog) Acromegaly USE Osteoclasts [QL391.E2] Bone diseases in children BT Bonelliidae Bone resorption Bone resorption (May Subd Geog) NT Bonellia viridis Bones—Infarction UF Osteolysis Bones—Radiography BT Bone remodeling Bonellia viridis (May Subd Geog) Eosinophilic granuloma Bones—Diseases [QL391.E2] Exostosis Resorption (Physiology) BT Bonellein Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva Bonellia Fibrous dysplasia of bone — Inhibitors Fractures, Spontaneous NT Etidronate Bonelliidae (May Subd Geog) Lipomembranous polycystic [QL391.E2] BT Echiuroinea NT Bonellia Bonelli's eagle (May Subd Geog) [QL696.F32] UF Hieraaetus fasciatus BT Hieraaetus B-308
osteodysplasia Bonett family Bongo and saxophone music Osteal manifestations of general diseases USE Bonnett family USE Saxophone and bongo music Osteitis Osteitis deformans Bonev family (Not Subd Geog) Bongo-Bagirmi languages (May Subd Geog) Osteitis fibrosa Bonevant family [PL8086.B12] Osteogenesis imperfecta UF Chari languages Osteomalacia USE Bonnifield family BT Africa, Central—Languages Osteomyelitis Bonewit family Central Sudanic languages Osteopenia NT Aja language (South Sudan) Osteopetrosis USE Bonawitz family Bagirmi language Osteoporosis Bonewits family Baka language (Congo (Democratic Republic) Osteosclerosis and South Sudan) Perosis USE Bonawitz family Birri language (Central African Republic) Rickets Bonewitz family Bongo language — — Genetic aspects Furu language — Fractures USE Bonawitz family Jur Modo language USE Fractures Boneyard, The (Ill.) Kara language (Central African Republic and — Growth South Sudan) UF Bone—Growth [Former heading] USE Boneyard Creek (Ill.) Sara languages Bone development Boneyard Creek (Ill.) Yulu language Bone growth Osteogenesis UF Boneyard, The (Ill.) Bongo drum NT Skeletal maturity The Boneyard (Ill.) USE Bongo — Hypertrophy USE Exostosis BT Rivers—Illinois Bongo language (May Subd Geog) — Infarction (May Subd Geog) Boneython family [PL8085-PL8085.95] BT Bones—Diseases UF Bungu language Infarction USE Bonython family Dor language — Inflammation Bonfante Gardens (Gilroy, Calif.) BT Bongo-Bagirmi languages USE Osteitis South Sudan—Languages — Innervation This heading is not valid for use as a geographic — Mechanical properties subdivision. Bongo music UF Bone biomechanics [M146] Bone mechanics BT Amusement parks—California Here are entered compositions not in a specific Mechanical properties of bones Gardens—California — Metabolism form or of a specific type for one performer playing NT Bone remodeling Bonfeild family bongos, and collections of music in several forms or — — Disorders (May Subd Geog) USE Bonnifield family types for one performer playing bongos. [RC931.M45] UF Metabolic bone disease Bonfield family SA headings for forms and types of music that — — Endocrine aspects USE Bonnifield family include \"bongo\" or \"bongos\" and headings RT Calcium regulating hormones with medium of performance that include — Necrosis (May Subd Geog) Bonfiglioli family (Not Subd Geog) \"bongo\" or \"bongos\" UF Osteonecrosis Bonfim Fazenda (Brazil) NT Osteochondrosis Bongsar family (Not Subd Geog) — Radiography (May Subd Geog) UF Fazenda Bonfim (Brazil) UF Drongsar family BT Bones—Diseases BT Haciendas—Brazil NT Bone densitometry Bonfire Collapse, College Station, Tex., 1999 Bongshel (Indic people) — Regeneration USE Texas A&M Bonfire Collapse, College Station, USE Bongcher (Indic people) USE Bone regeneration — Surgery (May Subd Geog) Tex., 1999 Bongshi (Indic people) [RD684] Bonfires (May Subd Geog) USE Bongcher (Indic people) UF Osteoplasty NT Bone-grafting BT Fires Bongu language (May Subd Geog) Osteoclasis — Accidents (May Subd Geog) [PL6621.B7] Osteotomy — — Texas BT Papuan languages — Transplantation USE Bone-grafting NT Texas A&M Bonfire Collapse, College Bongwe (African people) — Tuberculosis (May Subd Geog) Station, Tex., 1999 USE Yasa (African people) [RC312.5.B] — Tumors (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Bongwe language [RC280.B] BT Safety regulations USE Yasa language NT Osteochondroma — — Diagnosis (May Subd Geog) Bong (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Bonham Atoll (Marshall Islands) — Wounds and injuries (May Subd Geog) Bong lang USE Jaluit Atoll (Marshall Islands) NT Fractures Bones, Jeffrey (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Kaw law (Musical instrument) Bonham family (Not Subd Geog) UF Bones (Fictitious character : Adler) Bong Miew language Bonham Island (Marshall Islands) Detective Jeffrey Bones (Fictitious character) Jeffrey Bones (Fictitious character) USE Cua language USE Jabwot Island (Marshall Islands) Bones (Fictitious character : Adler) Bong Recreation Area (Wis.) Bonham Site (Va.) USE Bones, Jeffrey (Fictitious character) Bones (Musical instrument) (May Subd Geog) USE Richard Bong State Recreation Area (Wis.) BT Virginia—Antiquities [MT725.B6 (Instruction)] Bong River (Vietnam and Laos) Bonhoeffer family (Not Subd Geog) BT Clappers (Musical instrument) Bonhomme Island (Mo.) Bones (Technology) USE Ma River (Vietnam and Laos) USE Bone products Bong State Recreation Area (Wis.) UF Bon Homme Island (Mo.) Bones family Good Mans Island (Mo.) USE Bone family USE Richard Bong State Recreation Area (Wis.) Isle au Bon Homme (Mo.) Bones in art (Not Subd Geog) Bongcher (Indic people) (May Subd Geog) Boneseed BT Islands—Missouri USE Chrysanthemoides monilifera [DS432.B66] Bonhus family (Not Subd Geog) Bonesetters (May Subd Geog) UF Bongshel (Indic people) Boni, Gulf of (Indonesia) UF Bone setters BT Dislocations Bongshi (Indic people) USE Bone, Gulf of (Indonesia) Fracture fixation BT Ethnology—India Boni (African people) (May Subd Geog) Healers Bonet family Halams (Indic people) UF Boni-Sanye (African people) USE Bonnett family India—Scheduled tribes BT Ethnology—Kenya Bonet River (Ireland) Bongfai Festival, Thailand UF River Bonet (Ireland) UF Bangfai Festival, Thailand Ethnology—Somalia BT Rivers—Ireland Bun Bangfai Festival, Thailand Boni (French Guianese and Surinamese people) Rocket Festival, Thailand BT Festivals—Thailand (May Subd Geog) Bongiovanni family (Not Subd Geog) [F2431.B64] Bongkrek UF Boni (Surinam people) [Former heading] USE Tempeh BT Ethnology—French Guiana Bongo (May Subd Geog) Ethnology—Suriname [MT663-MT663.8 (Instruction)] Maroons—French Guiana UF Bongo drum Maroons—Suriname BT Drum Musical instruments—Cuba Boni (Surinam people) — Methods USE Boni (French Guianese and Surinamese people) [MT663.2] — — Self-instruction Boni decorative arts (French Guiana and Suriname) USE Decorative arts, Boni (French Guiana and [MT663.8] Suriname) UF Bongo—Self-instruction — Self-instruction Boni dialect (French Guiana and Surinam) USE Bongo—Methods—Self-instruction USE Boni dialect (French Guiana and Suriname) Bongo (African people) (May Subd Geog) [DT159.927.B66] Boni dialect (French Guiana and Suriname) UF A-Bunga (African people) (May Subd Geog) Dor (African people) UF Aloekoe dialect Mundo (African people) Aloukou dialect BT Ethnology—South Sudan Aluku dialect Bongo and bass trombone music Boni dialect (French Guiana and Surinam) USE Bass trombone and bongo music Bongo and clarinet music USE Clarinet and bongo music B-309
Boni dialect (French Guiana and Suriname) Boning stick Bonne Espeŕ ance (Nfld.) (Continued) USE Boning rod USE Bonne Espérance (N.L.) [Former heading] BT Ndjuka language Boninite (May Subd Geog) Bonne family (Not Subd Geog) French Guiana—Languages [QE462.B65] Bonneau family (Not Subd Geog) Suriname—Languages BT Andesite Bonnefield family Boni homines (May Subd Geog) Boniphant family USE Bonnifield family BT Lay judges—Europe USE Bonnifield family Bonnell family (Not Subd Geog) Boni language Bonism UF Bonell family USE Boni language (Kenya and Somalia) USE Bon (Tibetan religion) RT Bonelli family Boni language (Kenya and Somalia) (May Subd Geog) Bonists Bunnell family [PJ2527] USE Bonpos Bonnelli family UF Aweer language Aweera language Bonita USE Bonelli family Bon language USE Bonito Bonnelly family Boni language [Former heading] Ogoda language Bonita Creek (Graham County, Ariz.) USE Bonelli family Sanye language UF Rio Bonito (Graham County, Ariz.) Bønnelycke family Waata language BT Rivers—Arizona Waboni language USE Bønlykke family Wasanye language Bonita Creek Watershed (Graham County, Ariz.) Bonner Beethovenhalle (Bonn, Germany) Wata language (Kenya and Somalia) BT Watersheds—Arizona Watabala language USE Beethovenhalle Bonn (Bonn, Germany) BT Cushitic languages Bonitas Bonner Bridge (Dare County, N.C.) Kenya—Languages USE Bonito Somalia—Languages USE Herbert C. Bonner Bridge (N.C.) Bonito (May Subd Geog) Bonner family (Not Subd Geog) Boni-Sanye (African people) [QL638.S35 (Zoology)] USE Boni (African people) UF Bonita UF Bona family Bonitas Bonar family Boniface family (Not Subd Geog) Bonitos Boner family [Former heading] UF Bonniface family Sarda Bonn family RT Bonifacio family BT Scombridae Bonnars family Bonifàs family NT Canned bonito Bonnor family Pacific bonito Bowner family Bonifaci family USE Bonifas̀ family Bonito, Horseeye Bonner Lake (Idaho) USE Yellowtail BT Lakes—Idaho Bonifacio, Strait of UF Bocche di Bonifacio Bonito, Oriental Bonner-Marquand Gymnasium (Princeton, N.J.) Bouches de Bonifacio USE Thunnus tonggol BT College buildings—New Jersey Strait of Bonifacio Gymnasiums—New Jersey BT Straits—France Bonito Creek (N.M.) Straits—Italy UF Rio Bonito (N.M.) Bonnerjee family (Not Subd Geog) BT Rivers—New Mexico UF Bannarji family Bonifacio family (Not Subd Geog) Bannerjee family UF Bonifacius family Bonito fisheries (May Subd Geog) Bannerji family Bonifatius family [SH351.B6] RT Boniface family BT Fisheries Bonnet Carre Floodway (La.) Bonifàs family UF Bonnet Carre Spillway (La.) Bonitos BT Spillways—Louisiana Bonifacius family USE Bonito USE Bonifacio family Bonnet Carre Spillway (La.) Bonitz family (Not Subd Geog) USE Bonnet Carre Floodway (La.) Bonifant family UF Bontz family USE Bonnifield family RT Bunce family Bonnet–Dechaume–Blanc syndrome USE Wyburn-Mason syndrome Bonifàs family (Not Subd Geog) Bonjours, Les frères UF Bonifaci family USE Fareinistes Bonnet family Bonifaz family USE Bonnett family RT Boniface family Bonkei (May Subd Geog) Bonifacio family [SB447.5] Bonnet House (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.) UF Bonseki BT Dwellings—Florida Bonifatius family Landscapes, Miniature USE Bonifacio family Landscapes, Tray Bonnet shells Miniature landscapes USE Cassidae Bonifaz family Tray landscapes USE Bonifàs family BT Gardens, Miniature Bonnethead sharks RT Suiseki USE Hammerhead sharks Bonifica Pontina (Italy) USE Pontine Marshes (Italy) Bonker family Bonnetmouths (Fishes) USE Bunker family USE Emmelichthyidae Bonificia in destra del Reno, Canale di (Italy) USE Destra di Reno Canal (Italy) Bonkese (African people) Bonnets, Baby USE Dengese (African people) USE Baby bonnets Bonificia in destra di Reno, Canale di (Italy) USE Destra di Reno Canal (Italy) Bonkesse (African people) Bonnett family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dengese (African people) UF Bonet family Bonifield family Bonett family USE Bonnifield family Bonko ́ (May Subd Geog) Bonnet family [ML1038.B66] Bonnette family Bon̈ ig family UF Bonko-́ enchemiyá Bunnet family USE Boenig family Enchemí Bunnit family BT Drum Bunnitt family Bonilla family (Not Subd Geog) Musical instruments—Cuba Bonilla Island (Wash.) Bonnette family Bonko-́ enchemiyá USE Bonnett family USE Smith Island (Island County, Wash.) USE Bonkó Bonin family (Not Subd Geog) Bonnettstown Hall (Ireland) Bonin Islands (Japan) Bønlykke family (Not Subd Geog) UF Bonnettstown Hall (Kilkenny) [Former heading] UF Boennelykke family BT Manors—Ireland UF Ogasawara-guntō (Japan) Bønnelycke family Ogasawara Islands (Japan) Bonnettstown Hall (Kilkenny) Bonmatsuri USE Bonnettstown Hall (Ireland) BT Archipelagoes—Japan USE Ullambana NT Chichi Island (Japan) Bonneville, Fort (Wyo.) Bonn family USE Fort Bonneville (Wyo.) Haha Island (Japan) USE Bonner family Muko Island (Bonin Islands, Japan) Bonneville, Lake Bonin Trench (Mariana Trench) Bonna (African people) UF Lake Bonneville USE Mariana Trench USE Bona (African people) BT Pluvial lakes—Idaho Boning of fish Pluvial lakes—Nevada USE Fishes—Boning Bonnaffé family (Not Subd Geog) Pluvial lakes—Utah Boning of meat Bonnars family USE Meat—Boning Bonneville, Mount (Idaho) Boning rod USE Bonner family USE Bonneville Peak (Idaho) UF Boning stick Bonnart family (Not Subd Geog) Rod, Boning Bonne (Triumph motorcycle) Bonneville automobile (Not Subd Geog) Stick, Boning BT Pontiac automobile BT Excavation USE Bonneville motorcycle Levels (Surveying instruments) Bonne Bay (N.L.) Bonneville cisco (May Subd Geog) [QL638.S2 (Zoology)] UF Bonne Bay (Nfld.) [Former heading] UF Leucichthys gemmifer BT Bays—Newfoundland and Labrador Prosopium gemmifer Bonne Bay (Nfld.) Prosopium gemmiferum USE Bonne Bay (N.L.) BT Ciscoes Bonne Espeŕ ance (N.L.) Prosopium UF Bonne Espérance (Nfld.) [Former heading] BT Islands—Newfoundland and Labrador Bonneville cutthroat trout (May Subd Geog) [QL638.S2 (Zoology)] B-310
UF Oncorhynchus clarki utah Bonobo (May Subd Geog) Bonsall family (Not Subd Geog) BT Cutthroat trout [QL737.P94 (Zoology)] UF Bonsal family Bonneville Dam (Or. and Wash.) UF Bonobo chimpanzee Bonsel family UF Bonneville Lock and Dam (Or. and Wash.) Dwarf chimpanzee Bonsels family BT Dams—Oregon Gracile ape Bonsil family Gracile chimpanzee Bonsill family Dams—Washington (State) Lesser chimpanzee Bonsle family Bonneville Lock and Dam (Or. and Wash.) Pan paniscus Bounsall family Pygmy chimpanzee [Former heading] USE Bonneville Dam (Or. and Wash.) BT Pan (Mammals) Bonsans family Bonneville motorcycle (Not Subd Geog) NT Kanzi (Bonobo) USE Bonsaint family UF Bonne (Triumph motorcycle) Bonobo (Genus) Bonsant family Triumph Bonneville motorcycle USE Pan (Mammals) USE Bonsaint family BT Triumph motorcycle Bonobo chimpanzee Bonseki Bonneville Peak (Idaho) USE Bonobo USE Bonkei UF Bonneville, Mount (Idaho) Bonokoski Lake (Sask.) Bonsel family Mount Bonneville (Idaho) BT Lakes—Saskatchewan USE Bonsall family BT Mountains—Idaho Bonord family Bonsels family Bonneville Salt Flats (Utah) USE Bernard family USE Bonsall family BT Salt flats—Utah Bonotsek language Bonsens family Bonneville Salt Flats Race, Utah USE Atayal language USE Bonsaint family [GV1033.5] Bonpas Bonshon family BT Automobile racing—Utah USE Bonpos USE Bonzon family Bonneville snail USE Stagnicola bonnevillensis Bonpo (Sect) Bonsil family Bonneville stagnicola, Banded USE Bon (Tibetan religion) USE Bonsall family USE Stagnicola bonnevillensis Bonneville whitefish (May Subd Geog) Bonpo architecture Bonsill family [QL638.S2-Zoology] USE Bon architecture USE Bonsall family UF Coregonus spilonotus Bonpo art and symbolism Bonsle family Prosopium spilonatus USE Bon symbolism USE Bonsall family Prosopium spilonotus BT Prosopium Bonpo astrology Bontāvā Khambū language Bonneville's Folly (Wyo.) USE Bon astrology USE Bantawa language USE Fort Bonneville (Wyo.) Bonney family (Not Subd Geog) Bonpo incantations Bontāvā language UF Bonny family USE Bon incantations USE Bantawa language Bonnie, Hurricane, 1998 USE Hurricane Bonnie, 1998 Bonpo lamas Bontawa Khamboo language Bonnie Creek Site (Ill.) USE Bon lamas USE Bantawa language BT Illinois—Antiquities Bonnie Indermill (Fictitious character) Bonpo literature Bontawa language USE Indermill, Bonnie (Fictitious character) USE Bon literature USE Bantawa language Bonnie McSmithers (Fictitious character) USE McSmithers, Bonnie (Fictitious character) Bonpo logic Bontebok (May Subd Geog) Bonnier family (Not Subd Geog) USE Bon logic [QL737.U53 (Zoology)] Bonniface family UF Damaliscus dorcas dorcas USE Boniface family Bonpo meditations BT Damaliscus pygargus Bonnifield family (Not Subd Geog) USE Bon meditations UF Bonafield family Bonth (Sierra Leone) Bonafont family Bonpo pilgrims and pilgrimages USE Bonthe (Sierra Leone) Bonefant family USE Bon pilgrims and pilgrimages Bonefield family Bonthe (Sierra Leone) Bonefont family Bonpo shrines UF Bonth (Sierra Leone) Bonevant family USE Bon shrines Bonfeild family Bontoc hymns Bonfield family Bonpos (May Subd Geog) USE Hymns, Bontoc Bonifant family UF Bonists Bonifield family Bonpas Bontoc Igorot (Philippine people) Boniphant family BT Religious adherents USE Bontoks (Philippine people) Bonnefield family Bonning family (Not Subd Geog) Bonri Mountain (China) Bontoc Igorot language Bonnivet Castle (France) UF Bon-ri Mountain (China) USE Bontoc language USE Chat̂ eau de Bonnivet (France) Gongbubenri Mountain (China) Bonniwell family (Not Subd Geog) Kong-po Bon-ri (China) Bontoc language (May Subd Geog) UF Bonville family Kongpo Bonri (China) [PL5641] Bonwell family Mount Bonri (China) UF Bontoc Igorot language Bonywell family BT Mountains—China Bontok language Bonnō (Buddhism) Finontok language USE Vice (Buddhism) Bonroth family BT Central Cordilleran languages Bonnor family USE Penrod family Philippines—Languages USE Bonner family NT Central Bontoc dialect Bonny, Bight of Bons mots Eastern Bontoc dialect USE Biafra, Bight of USE Wit and humor Southern Bontoc dialect Bonny (African people) USE Ibani (African people) Bonsai (May Subd Geog) Bontok language Bonny dialect [SB433.5] USE Bontoc language USE Ibani dialect UF Bon-sai Bonny family Dwarf trees, Potted Bontoks (Philippine people) USE Bonney family Kamuti UF Bontoc Igorot (Philippine people) Bonny Reservoir (Colo.) Miniature trees BT Ethnology—Philippines BT Reservoirs—Colorado Potted dwarf trees Igorot (Philippine people) Bonny River (Nigeria) BT Miniature plants BT Rivers—Nigeria Plants, Potted Bontrager family (Not Subd Geog) Bono (African people) RT Penjing UF Bontreger family USE Abron (African people) Saikei Borntraeger family Bono language NT Indoor bonsai Borntrager family USE Abron language Kokedama Borntreger family Bono Manso Site (Ghana) BT Ghana—Antiquities — Catalogs and collections (May Subd Geog) Bontreger family Bono Salton Sea National Wildlife Refuge (Calif.) UF Bonsai collections USE Bontrager family USE Sonny Bono Salton Sea National Wildlife Collections of bonsai Refuge (Calif.) SA subdivision Bonsai collections under Böntrup-Martens family (Not Subd Geog) names of original owners of Bonsai Bontz family collections, including names of individuals, corporate bodies and USE Bonitz family families Bonuighinu Cave (Italy) Bonsai collections USE Sa 'ucca de su Tintirriol̀ u Cave (Italy) USE Bonsai—Catalogs and collections Bonum est confiteri (Music) Bonsain family USE Psalms (Music)—92nd Psalm USE Bonsaint family Bonus, Soldiers' Bonsaint family (Not Subd Geog) USE Bounties, Military UF Bonsain family Bonus catches (Fisheries) Bonsans family Bonsant family USE Bycatches (Fisheries) Bonsens family Bonus depreciation (May Subd Geog) Bonsal family UF Depreciation bonus USE Bonsall family BT Depreciation allowances Bonus programs, Frequent flyer USE Frequent flyer programs Bonus system USE Bonuses (Employee fringe benefits) B-311
Bonuses (Employee fringe benefits) (May Subd Geog) Booderee National Park (Jervis Bay Territory) UF Catalogs, Book [Former heading] [HD4928.B6-HD4928.B62] UF Jervis Bay National Park (Jervis Bay Territory) Catalogs in book form Here are entered works on the distribution of BT National parks and reserves—Australia BT Library catalogs money in the form of a bonus to employees as an Boog family (Not Subd Geog) Book censorship outright gift or as a reward for outstanding UF Boeg family achievement. Works on the sharing of all profits or a Bog family USE Censorship predetermined percentage of them among all Boig family Book chutes employees are entered under Profit-sharing. Works Booge family on any of a variety of wage payment methods in RT Bogue family USE Book drops which workers receive additional earnings solely due Book Cliffs (Utah and Colo.) to increases in productivity are entered under Gain Boogaloos (Music) (May Subd Geog) sharing. UF Boo-ga-loos (Music) UF Azure Cliffs (Utah and Colo.) Boogalus (Music) Book Mountains (Utah and Colo.) UF Bonus system [Former heading] Bugaloos (Music) Little Book Cliffs (Utah and Colo.) BT Employee fringe benefits Popcorn music Shing-a-lings (Music) BT Cliffs—Colorado Incentive awards BT Dance music Cliffs—Utah Bonville family Popular music Book cloth USE Bonniwell family Boogalus (Music) USE Cloth bindings (Bookbinding) Bonwell family USE Boogaloos (Music) Book clubs USE Bonniwell family Booganitch language USE Book clubs (Bookselling) Bony (Fictitious character) USE Buandig language Book clubs (Discussion groups) USE Bonaparte, Napoleon, Inspector (Fictitious Booganity language Book clubs (Bookselling) (May Subd Geog) character) USE Buandig language [Z549] UF Book clubs [Former heading] Bony fishes Booge family BT Booksellers and bookselling USE Osteichthyes USE Boog family Clubs NT Mystery book clubs Bony pelvis Boogerman (Game) USE Pelvic bones [GV1469.35.B65] — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Video games Book clubs (Discussion groups) (May Subd Geog) Bonytail USE Bonytail chub Boogher family (Not Subd Geog) [LC6601-LC6660.4] RT Bucher family UF Book clubs [Former heading] Bonytail chub (May Subd Geog) [QL638.C94 (Zoology)] Boogie woogie (Music) (May Subd Geog) Book discussion groups UF Bonytail This heading is assigned to boogie woogie music Book study groups Chub, Bonytail BT Clubs Gila elegans for two or more performers. RT Group reading BT Gila (Fish) Book collecting (May Subd Geog) UF Boogie woogie (Music)—United States [Z987-Z997] Bonython family (Not Subd Geog) BT Blues (Music) UF Bibliophily UF Boneython family Books—Collectors and collecting Jazz BT Book selection Bonywell family RT Swing (Music) Collectors and collecting USE Bonniwell family SA headings for individual instruments followed by RT Antiquarian booksellers Bibliomania Bonzon family (Not Subd Geog) the qualifier \"(Boogie woogie)\" and the Book collecting in literature (Not Subd Geog) UF Bonshon family subdivisions Methods (Boogie woogie) and Book collectors (May Subd Geog) Studies and exercises (Boogie woogie) [Z989] Boo (African people) under individual musical instruments and UF Book owners USE Bwa (African people) families of instruments Books—Collectors and collecting NT Piano music (Boogie woogie) BT Book selection Boo (Bamboo marimba) — United States Collectors and collecting USE Bamboo marimba USE Boogie woogie (Music) RT Private libraries Boogie woogie piano SA subdivisions Books and reading and Library Boo (Dog) (Not Subd Geog) USE Piano music (Boogie woogie) under names of individuals BT Dogs Boohbahs (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog) NT Women book collectors Booher family (Not Subd Geog) — United States Boo! (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Book agents Boo (Fictitious character : Landström) (Not Subd Geog) USE Booksellers and bookselling—Colportage, NT African American book collectors subscription trade, etc. Book collectors, African American UF Bu (Fictitious character : Landstrom̈ ) Book annotating Boo-ga-loos (Music) USE Annotating, Book USE African American book collectors Book art Book collectors in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Boogaloos (Music) USE Artists' books Book competitions Booandik (Australian people) Book artists (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on artists who create USE Book contests USE Buandig (Australian people) books that are intended as visual art objects. Book contests (May Subd Geog) Booandik language BT Artists UF Book competitions USE Buandig language Book auctions (May Subd Geog) Book quizzes Booandik-ngolo language BT Auctions BT Contests USE Buandig language Booksellers and bookselling Book coupons (May Subd Geog) Booandki-ngolo language Book automobiles UF Book tokens USE Buandig language USE Bookmobiles Coupons, Book Boobe language Book awards BT Book industries and trade USE Bube language USE Literary prizes Booksellers and bookselling Boobies (Birds) (May Subd Geog) Book boxes (May Subd Geog) NT UNESCO book coupons [QL696.P48 (Zoology)] BT Books—Conservation and restoration Book cover art (May Subd Geog) BT Sulidae Boxes NT Papasula UF Book covers—Art Book brands (Owners' marks) (May Subd Geog) Cover art, Book Sula UF Brands, Book (Owners' marks) Boobook BT Books—Owners' marks BT Commercial art Book covers (May Subd Geog) USE Morepork Book budgets, Library Booby traps (May Subd Geog) USE Library materials budgets [Z271.3.B65] UF Covers, Book UF Boobytraps Book burning (May Subd Geog) BT Bookbinding Traps, Booby [Z659] UF Books—Burning Decoration and ornament BT Bombs Burning of books NT Book jackets Boobytraps BT Censorship Book spines USE Booby traps Book burning in art (Not Subd Geog) — Art Boocercus Book burning in literature (Not Subd Geog) Book buying (Libraries) USE Book cover art USE Tragelaphus Book dedications Booch method USE Acquisitions (Libraries) Book carriers (Smugglers) USE Dedications BT Object-oriented methods (Computer science) Book design (May Subd Geog) Booch Play (Okla.) USE Book smugglers Book cases [Z246] USE Booch Sandstone (Okla.) UF Design, Book Booch Sandstone (Okla.) USE Bookcases BT Books—Format Book catalogs (May Subd Geog) UF Booch Play (Okla.) Graphic design (Typography) Booch Sandstone Member (Okla.) Here are entered works about library catalogs in NT Manuscript design book form. — Awards (May Subd Geog) BT Formations (Geology)—Oklahoma Geology, Stratigraphic—Pennsylvanian NT Premio internazionale Felice Feliciano Booch Sandstone Member (Okla.) USE Booch Sandstone (Okla.) Boochever United States Courthouse (Juneau, Alaska) USE Robert Boochever United States Courthouse (Juneau, Alaska) B-312
— — Germany — Law — Quotations from Isaiah UF Book design—Germany—Awards USE Book industries and trade—Law and USE Bible. Isaiah—Quotations in the Book of [Former heading] legislation Mormon NT Gutenberg-Preis der Stadt Leipzig — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Relation to the Bible — Germany UF Book industries and trade—Law [Former UF Bible—Relation to the Book of Mormon — — Awards heading] RT Bible. Isaiah—Quotations in the Book of BT Press law Mormon USE Book design—Awards—Germany Book designers (May Subd Geog) — United States — Stories — — Code numbers USE Book of Mormon stories BT Designers Book digests NT Standard Address Number Book of Mormon stories — West (U.S.) [BX8627.A2] USE Condensed books — — Exhibitions Here are entered works about Book of Mormon Book discussion groups Book Inventory Building and Library Information Oriented System stories. Collections of Book of Mormon stories are USE Book clubs (Discussion groups) USE BIBLIOS (Information retrieval system) entered under Book of Mormon stories qualified by Book distribution programs Book jackets (May Subd Geog) language. Here are entered general works on programs that UF Dust jackets UF Book of Mormon—Stories provide books, generally to preschool children, at no Jackets, Book Book of Mormon stories, English (May Subd Geog) cost to the recipient. Jackets, Dust UF English Book of Mormon stories UF Book give-away programs BT Book covers Book of Mormon stories, Spanish (May Subd Geog) Distribution programs, Book Book lending by libraries Free book programs UF Spanish Book of Mormon stories Give-away programs, Book USE Library circulation and loans Book-of-the-Month Club-College English Association Book leveling (May Subd Geog) BT Free material Award Literacy programs Here are entered works on analyzing the texts of BT Literary prizes—United States books to determine their appropriateness for various Book donation levels of reading competency. Book ornamentation (May Subd Geog) USE Book donations [Z276] UF Leveling books BT Bookbinding Book donations (May Subd Geog) BT Books—Evaluation Printing UF Book donation Book lice NT Endpapers Donation of books USE Psocoptera Fore-edge painting BT Gifts Book lists Printers' ornaments Libraries—Gifts, legacies USE Best books Type ornaments Book drops (May Subd Geog) Bibliography Book owners UF Book chutes Book lists for small libraries USE Book collectors Book posts Book return depositories USE Small libraries—Book lists Book-plate designers Chutes, Book Book-making (Betting) (May Subd Geog) USE Bookplate designers Depositories, Book return Drops, Book UF Bookmaking (Betting) Book-plates BT Library fittings and supplies Sports trading (Book-making) USE Bookplates RT Library circulation and loans BT Gambling Book-plates, Agricultural Book editors (May Subd Geog) Horse racing—Betting USE Agricultural bookplates UF Literary editors BT Editors — Collective bargaining Book-plates, American USE Collective bargaining—Book-making USE Bookplates, American Book ends (Betting) USE Bookends Book-plates, Artists' — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Artists' bookplates Book exchanges Book margins USE Exchange of publications Book-plates, Australian USE Margins in books USE Bookplates, Australian Book fairs Book-markers USE Book industries and trade—Exhibitions Book-plates, Austrian USE Bookmarks USE Bookplates, Austrian Book family Book-marks USE Booker family Book-plates, Belgian USE Bookmarks USE Bookplates, Belgian Book funds, Library Book-marks (Owners' marks) USE Library materials budgets Book-plates, British USE Books—Owners' marks USE Bookplates, British Book give-away programs Book match covers USE Book distribution programs Book-plates, Bulgarian USE Matchcovers USE Bookplates, Bulgarian Book illustration Book Mountains (Utah and Colo.) USE Illustration of books Book-plates, Children's USE Book Cliffs (Utah and Colo.) USE Children's bookplates Book industries and trade (May Subd Geog) Book numbers [Z116-Z550] Book-plates, Czech UF Book trade USE Shelflisting USE Bookplates, Czech BT Cultural industries Book numbers, Publishers' standard Manufacturing industries Book-plates, Dentists' NT Book coupons USE Publishers' standard book numbers USE Dentists' bookplates Bookbinding industry Book of destinies Booksellers and bookselling Book-plates, English Fotonovela industry USE Book of life USE Bookplates, English Newspaper agents Book of life Publishers and publishing Book-plates, Erotic Women in the book industries and trade UF Book of destinies USE Erotic bookplates Destinies, Book of — Bibliography Life, Book of Book-plates, Estonian — Biography USE Bookplates, Estonian BT Election (Theology) USE Book industries and Book of Mormon Book-plates, European trade—Employees—Biography USE Bookplates, European SA headings of the type [topic] in the Book of — Code numbers Mormon, e.g., Names in the Book of Book-plates, Finnish UF Code numbers (Book industries and trade) Mormon; and [place]--In the Book of USE Bookplates, Finnish Mormon, e.g., Jerusalem--In the Book of — Data processing Mormon Book-plates, French — Employees USE Bookplates, French — — Biography NT Bible—Quotations in the Book of Mormon Jaredites (Mormon Church) Book-plates, German UF Book industries and trade—Biography Lamanites (Mormon Church) USE Bookplates, German [Former heading] Nephites Book-plates, Heraldic — Equipment and supplies — Antiquities USE Heraldic bookplates UF Booksellers and bookselling—Equipment [BX8627] and supplies UF Book of Mormon—Archaeology Book-plates, Hungarian NT Liahona USE Bookplates, Hungarian — Exhibitions [Z121] — Archaeology Book-plates, Imaginary UF Book fairs USE Book of Mormon—Antiquities USE Imaginary bookplates Books—Exhibitions Publishers and publishing—Exhibitions — Biography Book-plates, Italian RT Books—History—Exhibitions — Chronology USE Bookplates, Italian — Concordances — Heraldry — Dictionaries Book-plates, Japanese BT Devices (Heraldry) USE Bookplates, Japanese Printers' marks [BX8627.A1] — Genealogy Book-plates, Jewish — Geography USE Jewish bookplates Book-plates, Kirghiz USE Bookplates, Kyrgyz Book-plates, Latvian USE Bookplates, Latvian Book-plates, Library USE Library bookplates B-313
Book-plates, Literary reviews. Collections of reviews are entered under the Bookbinders' Strike, London, England, 1901 USE Literary bookplates heading Books--Reviews and under subjects with UF London (England)—Bookbinders' Strike, 1901 subdivision Book reviews. [Former heading] Book-plates, Lithuanian BT Strikes and lockouts—Bookbinders—England USE Bookplates, Lithuanian UF Reviewing of books BT Books—Evaluation Bookbinding (May Subd Geog) Book-plates, Medical [Z266-Z275 (Book trade)] USE Medical bookplates Criticism [Z700 (Libraries)] RT Books—Reviews UF Binding of books Book-plates, Military NT Book talks BT Print finishing processes USE Military bookplates Book reviews NT Adhesive bindings (Bookbinding) USE Books—Reviews Armorial bindings Book-plates, Miniature Book sales Blind tooled bindings USE Miniature bookplates USE Books—Prices Book covers Book ornamentation Book-plates, Norwegian Booksellers and bookselling Cloth bindings (Bookbinding) USE Bookplates, Norwegian Book scorpions Embossed bindings Embroidered bindings (Bookbinding) Book-plates, Pharmacists' USE Pseudoscorpions Endpapers USE Pharmacists' bookplates Book selection (May Subd Geog) Fastenings (Bookbinding) Fillets (Bookbinding) Book-plates, Physicians' [Z689] Fine bindings USE Physicians' bookplates UF Books—Selection Furniture (Bookbinding) Girdle books Book-plates, Polish Choice of books Headbands (Bookbinding) USE Bookplates, Polish BT Acquisitions (Libraries) Islamic bookbinding Ivory bindings Book-plates, Portuguese Collection development (Libraries) Jewelled bindings USE Bookplates, Portuguese RT Best books Leather bindings (Bookbinding) Library bindings Book-plates, Russian Periodical selection Marbling (Bookbinding) USE Bookplates, Russian NT Book collecting Mosaic bindings Pastedowns Book-plates, Scenic Book collectors Pictorial bindings USE Scenic bookplates Children's libraries—Book selection Plaquette bindings Elementary school libraries—Book selection Publishers' bindings Book-plates, Slovak Instructional materials centers—Book selection USE Bookplates, Slovak Medical libraries—Book selection — Armorial bindings Public libraries—Book selection USE Armorial bindings Book-plates, Soviet School libraries—Book selection USE Bookplates, Soviet Young adults' libraries—Book selection — Cloth bindings — Policy statements USE Cloth bindings (Bookbinding) Book-plates, Spanish USE Bookplates, Spanish UF Policy statements for book selection — Durable bindings — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) [Z269.3.D87] Book-plates, Swedish Book-sewing machines (May Subd Geog) UF Durable bindings USE Bookplates, Swedish Durable bookbindings [Z272] Book-plates, Swiss BT Bookbinding machinery — Embossed bindings USE Bookplates, Swiss USE Embossed bindings Sewing machines Book-plates, Typographical Book-shelves — Embroidered bindings USE Typographical bookplates USE Embroidered bindings (Bookbinding) USE Shelving for books Book-plates, West Indian Book shops — Exhibitions USE Bookplates, West Indian — Forgeries (May Subd Geog) USE Bookstores Book-plates, Women's Book smugglers (May Subd Geog) BT Literary forgeries and mystifications USE Women's bookplates — Gilding (May Subd Geog) UF Book carriers (Smugglers) Book posts BT Smugglers [Z271.3.G54] USE Book drops Book spines BT Gilding UF Spines, Book — Illustrated bindings Book prices BT Book covers USE Pictorial bindings USE Books—Prices — Ivory bindings Books USE Ivory bindings Book prizes — Format — Jeweled bindings USE Literary prizes Book stores USE Jewelled bindings USE Bookstores — Leather bindings Book proposals Book study groups USE Leather bindings (Bookbinding) Here are entered works on proposals submitted to USE Book clubs (Discussion groups) — Library bindings Book talks (May Subd Geog) USE Library bindings editors which include outlines, tables of contents, and — Machinery sample text. Works on inquiries from writers to editors [Z1003.15] USE Bookbinding machinery regarding the acceptability of or interest in an idea for BT Book reviewing — Marbling an article, story, etc. are entered under Queries USE Marbling (Bookbinding) (Authorship). Public speaking — Mosaic bindings Book thefts (May Subd Geog) USE Mosaic bindings UF Proposals, Book — Ornamental bindings Proposals, Publication [Z702] USE Fine bindings Publication proposals UF Libraries, Thefts from — Painted bindings BT Bibliomania UF Painted bookbindings BT Authorship — Paper bindings RT Authors and publishers Theft UF Paper bookbindings Book publishing Book titles — Pictorial bindings USE Publishers and publishing USE Pictorial bindings Book quizzes USE Titles of books — Private collections (May Subd Geog) USE Book contests Book tokens — Publishers' bindings Book rarities USE Publishers' bindings USE Rare books USE Book coupons — Repairing (May Subd Geog) Book readers, Electronic Book trade [Z271.3.R45 (General)] USE Electronic book readers [Z700 (Libraries)] Book registration, National USE Book industries and trade UF Book repairing RT Copyright Book Week, National NT Bibliography, National Books—Repairing USE National Book Week BT Books—Conservation and restoration Bibliography, Official Book works (Art) NT Board slotting Legal deposit of books, etc. — Silver bindings Book repairing USE Artists' books [Z269.3.S55] USE Bookbinding—Repairing Book-worms UF Silver bookbindings Books—Conservation and restoration — Specimens Book return depositories [Z701] NT Portas USE Book drops UF Bookworms Book review programs, Radio RT Books—Conservation and restoration USE Book review radio programs Bookbags Book review programs, Television USE Schoolbags USE Book review television programs Bookbinders (May Subd Geog) Book review radio programs (May Subd Geog) [HD8039.B65-HD8039.B652 (Labor)] [PN1991.8.B66] [Z269-Z270 (Biography)] UF Book review programs, Radio BT Artisans Radio book review programs NT Women bookbinders BT Radio programs — Labor unions (May Subd Geog) Book review television programs (May Subd Geog) — Strikes and lockouts UF Book review programs, Television Television book review programs USE Strikes and lockouts—Bookbinders BT Nonfiction television programs — Wages Book reviewing (May Subd Geog) [PN98.B7] USE Wages—Bookbinders Here are entered works on the technique of writing — England B-314
— Stamped bindings — Study and teaching Music in bookplates USE Blind tooled bindings USE Accounting—Study and teaching Nude in bookplates Ocean in bookplates Bookbinding, Baroque (May Subd Geog) Bookkeeping, Library Owls in bookplates UF Baroque bookbinding USE Libraries—Accounting Pharmacy in bookplates Playing cards in bookplates Bookbinding, Coptic Bookkeeping in art (Not Subd Geog) Religion in bookplates USE Coptic bookbinding Bookkeeping machines (May Subd Geog) Scenic bookplates Sports in bookplates Bookbinding, Gothic (May Subd Geog) [HF5679] Superexlibris [Z269.3.G68] UF Bookkeeping—Machine methods Theater in bookplates UF Gothic bookbinding BT Accounting machines Typographical bookplates Booklet Category Test Wine in bookplates Bookbinding, Islamic [RC386.6.B65] Women in bookplates USE Islamic bookbinding UF BCT (Neuropsychological test) Women's bookplates BT Categorization (Psychology)—Testing — Competitions (May Subd Geog) Bookbinding, Medieval (May Subd Geog) — — Spain UF Medieval bookbinding Neuropsychological tests Booklets NT Bookplate International Contest, Bookbinding, Renaissance (May Subd Geog) Barcelona, Spain, 1992 UF Renaissance bookbinding USE Pamphlets Booklets of postage stamps Bookplates, American (May Subd Geog) Bookbinding, Victorian UF American bookplates UF Victorian bookbinding USE Postage-stamp booklets Book-plates, American [Former heading] Booklice Bookbinding in art (Not Subd Geog) Bookplates, Armenian (May Subd Geog) Bookbinding industry (May Subd Geog) USE Psocoptera [Z994.A] Bookmakers (Gambling) (May Subd Geog) UF Armenian bookplates BT Book industries and trade Bookbinding libraries (May Subd Geog) [HD8039.B67] Bookplates, Australian (May Subd Geog) UF Bookies UF Australian bookplates BT Libraries BT Gambling—Employees Book-plates, Australian [Former heading] Bookbinding machinery (May Subd Geog) Bookmaking (Betting) USE Book-making (Betting) Bookplates, Austrian (May Subd Geog) [Z272] Bookmarkers UF Austrian bookplates UF Bookbinding—Machinery USE Bookmarks Book-plates, Austrian [Former heading] BT Machinery Bookmarking, Social NT Book-sewing machines USE Social bookmarking Bookplates, Belgian (May Subd Geog) — Valuation (May Subd Geog) Bookmarks (May Subd Geog) UF Belgian bookplates Bookbinding machinery industry (May Subd Geog) UF Book-markers Book-plates, Belgian [Former heading] BT Machinery industry Bookcases (May Subd Geog) Book-marks Bookplates, Brazilian (May Subd Geog) [TT197.5.B6 (Woodworking)] Bookmarkers UF Brazilian bookplates UF Book cases BT Books BT Case goods Bookmarks (Owners' marks) Bookplates, British (May Subd Geog) USE Books—Owners' marks UF Book-plates, British [Former heading] Shelving for books Bookmobiles (May Subd Geog) British bookplates NT Gilt bookcases [Z686] UF Book automobiles Bookplates, Bulgarian (May Subd Geog) Lacquer bookcases BT Library extension UF Book-plates, Bulgarian [Former heading] Bookcloth Traveling libraries Bulgarian bookplates Vehicles USE Cloth bindings (Bookbinding) Bookplate designers (May Subd Geog) Bookplates, Canadian (May Subd Geog) Bookends (May Subd Geog) UF Book-plate designers [Former heading] UF Canadian bookplates BT Designers [NK3662 (Decorative arts)] NT Women bookplate designers Bookplates, Catalan (May Subd Geog) UF Book ends [Former heading] Bookplate International Contest, Barcelona, Spain, 1992 UF Catalan bookplates BT Library fittings and supplies UF Concurs Internacional d'Ex-libris, Barcelona, Booker, Mount (Wash.) Spain, 1992 Bookplates, Chinese (May Subd Geog) USE Booker Mountain (Wash.) International Contest of Bookplates, Barcelona, [Z994.C] Booker, Obi (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Spain, 1992 UF Chinese bookplates UF Obi Booker (Fictitious character) BT Bookplates—Competitions—Spain Booker Creek (Fla.) Bookplates (May Subd Geog) Bookplates, Czech (May Subd Geog) USE Brooker Creek (Fla.) [Z993-Z996] UF Book-plates, Czech [Former heading] Booker family (Not Subd Geog) UF Book-plates [Former heading] Czech bookplates UF Book family Ex libris RT Bowker family BT Books—Owners' marks Bookplates, Danish (May Subd Geog) Booker McConnell Prize Labels UF Danish bookplates USE Man Booker Prize SA subdivision In bookplates under names of Booker Mountain (Wash.) countries, cities, etc., individual persons, and Bookplates, Dutch (May Subd Geog) UF Booker, Mount (Wash.) corporate bodies, and under individual wars, UF Dutch bookplates e.g. World War, 1939-1945--In bookplates Mount Booker (Wash.) NT Agricultural bookplates Bookplates, English (May Subd Geog) BT Mountains—Washington (State) Animals in bookplates UF Book-plates, English [Former heading] Art in bookplates English bookplates North Cascades (B.C. and Wash.) Artists' bookplates Booker Prize Balances (Weighing instruments) in bookplates Bookplates, Estonian (May Subd Geog) Bullfights in bookplates UF Book-plates, Estonian [Former heading] USE Man Booker Prize Charities in bookplates Estonian bookplates Booker Russian Novel Prize Chess in bookplates Children's bookplates Bookplates, European (May Subd Geog) USE Russian Booker Prize Death in bookplates UF Book-plates, European [Former heading] Booker T. Washington National Monument (Va.) Dentistry in bookplates European bookplates Don Quixote (Fictitious character) in BT National monuments—Virginia bookplates Bookplates, Finnish (May Subd Geog) Bookies Erotic bookplates UF Book-plates, Finnish [Former heading] Fantasy in bookplates Finnish bookplates USE Bookmakers (Gambling) Fascism in bookplates Booking agents (Music) Fishing in bookplates Bookplates, French (May Subd Geog) Freemasonry in bookplates UF Book-plates, French [Former heading] USE Concert agents Geography in bookplates French bookplates Booking systems Heraldic bookplates Imaginary bookplates Bookplates, German (May Subd Geog) USE Reservation systems Jewish bookplates UF Book-plates, German [Former heading] Bookkeepers (May Subd Geog) Knights in bookplates German bookplates Library bookplates BT Professional employees Literary bookplates Bookplates, Hebrew (May Subd Geog) Bookkeeping (May Subd Geog) Medical bookplates UF Hebrew bookplates Military bookplates [HF5601-HF5689] Miniature bookplates Bookplates, Hungarian (May Subd Geog) UF Double entry bookkeeping Mountains in bookplates UF Book-plates, Hungarian [Former heading] BT Business Hungarian bookplates Business education Bookplates, Indic (May Subd Geog) RT Accounting UF Indic bookplates SA subdivision Accounting under names of Bookplates, Irish (May Subd Geog) individual corporate bodies and under topical UF Irish bookplates headings NT Average of accounts Bookplates, Italian (May Subd Geog) Card system in business UF Book-plates, Italian [Former heading] Depreciation Italian bookplates Financial statements Fiscal year Bookplates, Japanese (May Subd Geog) Single entry bookkeeping UF Book-plates, Japanese [Former heading] — Computer-assisted instruction Japanese bookplates — — Computer programs — Machine methods Bookplates, Kazakh (May Subd Geog) USE Bookkeeping machines UF Kazakh bookplates B-315
Bookplates, Kirghiz Hand-printed books NT Book design USE Bookplates, Kyrgyz High interest-low vocabulary books Books—Sizes Illustrated books Bookplates, Kyrgyz (May Subd Geog) Illustration of books — History UF Book-plates, Kirghiz [Former heading] Incunabula [Z4-Z8] Bookplates, Kirghiz [Former heading] Jestbooks Duplicate entry is made under Printing--History Kyrgyz bookplates Large type books Leaf books for works including a significant contribution to the Bookplates, Latvian (May Subd Geog) Lithographed books history of printing. UF Book-plates, Latvian [Former heading] Lost books Latvian bookplates Manuscripts NT Bibliography, Critical Memorial books (Holocaust) — — To 400 Bookplates, Lithuanian (May Subd Geog) Miniature books UF Book-plates, Lithuanian [Former heading] Notebooks [Z5] Lithuanian bookplates Obsolescence of books, periodicals, etc. — — 400-1400 Out-of-print books Bookplates, Mexican (May Subd Geog) Paperbacks USE Books—History—400-1450 UF Mexican bookplates Paratext — — 400-1450 Picture books Bookplates, Moroccan (May Subd Geog) Pocket editions [Z6] UF Moroccan bookplates Privately printed books UF Books—History—400-1400 [Former Prize books Bookplates, Norwegian (May Subd Geog) Projected books heading] UF Book-plates, Norwegian [Former heading] Rare books — — 1400-1600 Norwegian bookplates Ration books Reference books USE Books—History—1450-1600 Bookplates, Polish (May Subd Geog) Shelving for books — — 1450-1600 UF Book-plates, Polish [Former heading] Small press books Polish bookplates Title pages UF Books—History—1400-1600 [Former Titles of books heading] Bookplates, Portuguese (May Subd Geog) Unfinished books Early printed books—History UF Book-plates, Portuguese [Former heading] Waste books Incunabula—History Portuguese bookplates Yellowback books — Advertising — — 17th century Bookplates, Russian (May Subd Geog) USE Advertising—Books UF Early printed books—History UF Book-plates, Russian [Former heading] — Appraisal Russian bookplates USE Books and reading — — 18th century UF Early printed books—History Bookplates, Slovak (May Subd Geog) Literature—History and criticism UF Book-plates, Slovak [Former heading] — Best sellers — — Exhibitions Slovak bookplates [Z121] USE Best sellers Here are entered works on exhibitions Bookplates, Slovenian (May Subd Geog) — Bilingual editions UF Slovenian bookplates illustrating the history of the book and book arts USE Bilingual books in general, including writing, printing, binding, Bookplates, South African (May Subd Geog) — Burning illustration, collection and preservation of books UF South African bookplates in libraries, etc. USE Book burning Bookplates, Soviet (May Subd Geog) — Care UF Bibliographical exhibitions [Former UF Book-plates, Soviet [Former heading] heading] Soviet bookplates USE Books—Conservation and restoration Bibliography—Exhibitions — Censorship Books—Exhibitions Bookplates, Spanish (May Subd Geog) UF Book-plates, Spanish [Former heading] USE Censorship RT Book industries and trade—Exhibitions Spanish bookplates — Chapter-headings Library exhibits Bookplates, Swedish (May Subd Geog) USE Chapter-headings SA subdivision Bibliography--Exhibitions UF Book-plates, Swedish [Former heading] — Collectors and collecting under subjects, including categories Swedish bookplates of books, e.g. Incunabula-- USE Book collecting Bibliography--Exhibitions Bookplates, Swiss (May Subd Geog) Book collectors UF Book-plates, Swiss [Former heading] — Indexing Swiss bookplates — Conservation and restoration (May Subd Geog) USE Indexing [Z700-Z701] Bookplates, Ukrainian (May Subd Geog) UF Book repairing — Margins UF Ukrainian bookplates Books—Care USE Margins in books Books—Repairing Bookplates, West Indian (May Subd Geog) BT Books—Mutilation, defacement, etc. — Microscopic editions UF Book-plates, West Indian [Former heading] RT Book-worms USE Miniature books West Indian bookplates NT Book boxes Bookbinding—Repairing — Miniature editions Bookplates, Yiddish (May Subd Geog) Books—Deacidification USE Miniature books UF Yiddish bookplates Books—Disinfection — Mutilation, defacement, etc. (May Subd Geog) Books (May Subd Geog) — — Tropical conditions UF Books—Defacement BT Library materials — Deacidification (May Subd Geog) Defacement of books Publications BT Mutilation RT Bibliography [Z701.3.D4] Vandalism Cataloging UF Deacidification of books NT Books—Conservation and restoration International Standard Book Numbers BT Books—Conservation and restoration SA headings beginning with the word Book — Oversize editions NT Adapted books Neutralization (Chemistry) USE Oversize books Altered books Paper—Preservation Artists' books — Dedications — Owners' marks Association copies of books USE Dedications UF Book-marks (Owners' marks) Best books — Defacement Bookmarks (Owners' marks) Big little books USE Books—Mutilation, defacement, etc. Owners' marks (Books) Bilingual books — Desiderata NT Book brands (Owners' marks) Blank-books USE Books—Want lists Bookplates Block books — Disinfection (May Subd Geog) Superexlibris Book spines [Z701] Bookmarks BT Books—Conservation and restoration — Pagination Bound-with books Disinfection and disinfectants USE Pagination Braille books — Evaluation Brittle books NT Book leveling — Pirated editions (May Subd Geog) Chained books Book reviewing UF Bibliography—Pirated editions Chapbooks — Exhibitions Books—Reprints, Unauthorized Chapter-headings USE Book industries and trade—Exhibitions Bootleg books Children's books Books—History—Exhibitions Copyright—Unauthorized reprints [Former Colophons — First editions heading] Condensed books USE First editions Pirated editions of books Cookbooks — Format Reprints, Unauthorized Courtesy books UF Format of books Unauthorized reprints of books Dedications BT Piracy (Copyright) Drawing books Dummies (Bookselling) — Postal rates Early printed books USE Postal service—Book rates Electronic books Festival books — Prices (May Subd Geog) Fine books [Z1000] Fortune-telling by books UF Book prices Girdle books Book sales BT Acquisitions (Libraries) Booksellers and bookselling RT Manuscripts—Prices — Provenance UF Provenance of books — Psychological aspects UF Books—Psychology [Former heading] B-316
— Psychology Books, Sacred Books of hours (May Subd Geog) USE Books—Psychological aspects USE Sacred books [BX2080 (Catholic Church)] [ND3363 (Art)] — Publishing Books, Spelling UF Horae (Books of hours) USE Publishers and publishing USE Spellers Hours, Books of [Former heading] BT Catholic Church—Prayers and devotions — Religious aspects Books, Subscription Illustrated books — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] USE Booksellers and bookselling—Colportage, — Repairing subscription trade, etc. Books of knowledge USE Encyclopedias and dictionaries USE Bookbinding—Repairing Books, Vellum printed Books—Conservation and restoration USE Vellum printed books Books of omens USE Falnamas — Reprints, Unauthorized Books (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) USE Books—Pirated editions [KBP184.9.B66] Books of prayer BT Islamic law USE Prayer books — Reviews Here are entered collections of reviews. Works Books abroad, American Books on microfiche (May Subd Geog) USE American books abroad BT Microfiches on the technique of writing reviews are entered under the heading Book reviewing. Books and reading (May Subd Geog) Books on microfilm (May Subd Geog) [Z1003-Z1003.5] [Z1033.M5] UF Book reviews Here are entered works on the significance of UF Microfilm books Reviews BT Microfilms books in people's lives, including their attitudes BT Books and reading toward and interest in reading. Works on the art of Books on postage stamps Criticism reading are entered under Reading. Here are entered works on the portrayal of books RT Book reviewing UF Appraisal of books as a topic on postage stamps. SA subdivision Book reviews under subjects; Books—Appraisal Choice of books BT Postage stamps and subdivision Reviews under types of Evaluation of literature Books on tape books, e.g. Reference books--Reviews Literature—Evaluation — Selection Reading, Choice of USE Audiobooks USE Book selection Reading and books Books wanted, Lists of — Selling Reading habits USE Selling—Books Reading public USE Books—Want lists — Sizes (May Subd Geog) Booksellers and bookselling (May Subd Geog) UF Sizes of books BT Reading BT Books—Format RT Reading interests [Z278-Z550] RT Miniature books Here are entered works on the business of selling NT Oversize books Reading promotion books. Works on the technique of selling books are — Statistics SA subdivision Books and reading under names of entered under Selling--Books. RT Library statistics — Tariff individual persons and under classes of UF Book sales USE Tariff on books persons and ethnic groups for works that BT Book industries and trade — Therapeutic use discuss their reading interests or RT Publishers and publishing USE Bibliotherapy recommended reading for the group, e.g. NT Antiquarian booksellers — Want lists College students--Books and reading; Blind- UF Bibliography—Want lists -Books and reading; African Americans-- Book auctions Books—Desiderata Books and reading Book clubs (Bookselling) Books wanted, Lists of NT Best sellers Book coupons Want lists of books Books—Reviews Books—Prices BT Acquisitions (Libraries) Challenged books Bookstores Lists Expurgated books Jewish booksellers RT Antiquarian booksellers Popular literature Libraries and booksellers — Japan Prohibited books Paperback wholesalers NT Tanrokubon Readability (Literary style) Remainders (Bookselling) Books, Abridged Readership surveys Serial publication of books USE Condensed books Supplementary reading Women booksellers Books, Artists' Television and reading — Collective labor agreements USE Artists' books — Religious aspects USE Collective labor agreements—Booksellers Books, Autograph USE Autograph albums [BL65.B66] and bookselling Books, Brittle — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] — Colportage, subscription trade, etc. USE Brittle books — Sociological aspects Books, Cassette UF Book agents USE Audiobooks Here are entered works on sociological theories Books, Subscription Books, Chained applied to books and reading. Booksellers and bookselling—Subscription USE Chained books trade Books, Condensed UF Sociology of books and reading Colportage USE Condensed books BT Sociology Subscription book trade Books, Expurgated — Therapeutic use USE Expurgated books USE Bibliotherapy RT Chapbooks Books, Filmed — United States BT Door-to-door selling USE Film adaptations Books and reading for children Books, Guest USE Children—Books and reading Peddling USE Guest books Books and reading in art (Not Subd Geog) NT Back issue dealers Books, Hand-printed Books and reading in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Hand-printed books Books for teenagers Bible—Publication and distribution Books, Imaginary USE Young adult literature Serials subscription agencies USE Imaginary books and libraries Books for the blind — Equipment and supplies Books, Lithographed USE Blind—Books and reading USE Book industries and trade—Equipment USE Lithographed books Books in art (Not Subd Geog) and supplies Books, Model [N8217.B6] — Inventory control (May Subd Geog) USE Pattern books Books in church work — Subscription trade Books, Out-of-print BT Church work USE Booksellers and bookselling—Colportage, USE Out-of-print books Books in colonial bindings subscription trade, etc. Books, Oversize USE Colonial editions — Wages USE Oversize books Books in interior decoration (May Subd Geog) USE Wages—Booksellers and bookselling Books, Pattern BT Interior decoration Booksellers' catalogs (May Subd Geog) USE Pattern books Books in literature (Not Subd Geog) [Z999-Z1000.5] Books, Plan Books in machine-readable form UF Catalogs, Booksellers' [Former heading] USE Pattern books USE Electronic books BT Commercial catalogs Books, Plat Books issued in series Booksellers' labels (May Subd Geog) USE Real property—Maps USE Monographic series [Z996.3] Books, Press (Motion picture advertising) Series (Publications) BT Labels USE Pressbooks Books mentioned in the Bible BOOKSHELF (Library management system) Books, Prohibited [BS1199.B65 (Old Testament)] BT Library administration USE Prohibited books UF Bible—Books referred to Bookshelves Books, Recorded BT Bible—Sources USE Shelving for books USE Audiobooks Books of account Bookshop Electa (Venice, Italy) USE Account books USE Padiglione del libro Electa (Venice, Italy) Books of divination Bookshops USE Falnamas USE Bookstores Bookstore decoration USE Bookstores—Decoration Bookstore employees' writings (Not Subd Geog) UF Bookstores—Employees—Literary writings B-317
Bookstore employees' writings (Continued) Boomu dialect (May Subd Geog) Tropical cattle tick Writings of bookstore employees UF Bobo Wule dialect, Western BT Boophilus Bomu dialect BT Literature Bore dialect Cattle—Parasites Bookstore employees' writings, American Western Bobo Wule dialect Boops (May Subd Geog) BT Burkina Faso—Languages (May Subd Geog) Bwamu language [QL638.S74] [PS508.B66 (Collections)] Mali—Languages BT Sparidae UF American bookstore employees' writings NT Boops boops BT American literature Boon, Lake (Mass.) Boops boops (May Subd Geog) UF Boon Pond (Mass.) [QL638.S74] Bookstores (May Subd Geog) Boons Pond (Mass.) BT Boops UF Book shops Lake Boon (Mass.) Boorabee (Qld.) Book stores BT Lakes—Massachusetts USE Bribie Island (Qld.) Bookshops Reservoirs—Massachusetts Booran (African people) BT Booksellers and bookselling USE Boran (African people) Specialty stores Boon family Booran dialect RT Antiquarian booksellers USE Boone family USE Boran dialect NT College stores Boorana dialect Comic-book stores Boon Island (Me.) USE Boran dialect Independent bookstores UF Boone Island (Me.) Boordman family Internet bookstores BT Islands—Maine USE Boardman family Mystery bookstores Boorham family Paperback bookstores Boon Island Light Station (Me.) USE Borum family School bookstores USE Boon Island Lighthouse (Me.) Boorishki language Women's bookstores USE Burushaski language Boon Island Lighthouse (Me.) Boorkas (Islamic clothing) — Decoration (May Subd Geog) UF Boon Island Light Station (Me.) USE Burqas (Islamic clothing) [NK2195.S89] BT Lighthouses—Maine Boorkutti (Australian peolple) UF Bookstore decoration USE Dhungutti (Australian people) BT Store decoration Boon Pond (Mass.) Boorkutti language USE Boon, Lake (Mass.) USE Dhungutti language — Employees Boorman family — — Literary writings Boondei (African people) USE Boarman family USE Bondei (African people) Boorse family (Not Subd Geog) USE Bookstore employees' writings Boos family — Records and correspondence Boondei language USE Boss family — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Bondei language Boose family Bookstores in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Boss family Bookstores in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Boondoggle (Plastics craft) Booster (Game) USE Scoubidou [GV1511.B65] BT Motion pictures BT Dice games Bookworks (Art) Boone Aquifer Booster rockets (May Subd Geog) USE Springfield Plateau Aquifer UF Boosters (Aeronautics) USE Artists' books Bookworms Boone Estate (Bothell, Wash.) Rocket boosters USE Boone/Truly Ranch (Bothell, Wash.) BT Rockets (Aeronautics) USE Book-worms Booky (Fictitious character : Hunter) (Not Subd Geog) Boone family (Not Subd Geog) Rockets (Ordnance) UF Boon family Boosterism (Place promotion) UF Beatrice Thomson (Fictitious character) Boons family Thomson, Beatrice (Fictitious character) Bown family USE City promotion Bowne family Place marketing Boolean algebra RT Bohn family USE Algebra, Boolean Boosters (Aeronautics) Boone Hall Plantation (S.C.) USE Booster rockets Boolean matrices BT Plantations—South Carolina UF Logical matrices Boosters (Locomotives) BT Matrices Boone Homestead Site (Birdsboro, Pa.) USE Locomotives—Boosters USE Daniel Boone Homestead Site (Birdsboro, Pa.) Boolean rings Boosting (Algorithms) (May Subd Geog) UF Rings, Boolean Boone Island (Me.) BT Algorithms BT Algebra, Boolean USE Boon Island (Me.) Supervised learning (Machine learning) Commutative rings Boone Lake (Tenn.) BOOT (Public contracts) Boole's algebra BT Lakes—Tennessee USE Build-operate-transfer (Public contracts) USE Algebra, Boolean Reservoirs—Tennessee Boot and shoe workers Boolsen family (Not Subd Geog) Boone National Forest (Ky.) USE Shoemakers Boom Lake (Wis.) USE Daniel Boone National Forest (Ky.) Boot camp imprisonment BT Lakes—Wisconsin Boone Pickens Post Office (Holdenville, Okla.) USE Shock incarceration Reservoirs—Wisconsin UF Pickens Post Office (Holdenville, Okla.) T. Boone Pickens Post Office (Holdenville, Boot camp training Booman family Okla.) USE Basic training (Military education) USE Boarman family BT Post office buildings—Oklahoma Boot fetishism (May Subd Geog) Boombe language Boone Ranch (Bothell, Wash.) BT Fetishism (Sexual behavior) USE Bube language USE Boone/Truly Ranch (Bothell, Wash.) Boot jacks Boomer (Fictitious character : McGeorge) Boone/Truly Ranch (Bothell, Wash.) USE Bootjacks (Not Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Boot-licking Boomer (Mammal) subdivision. USE Toadyism USE Aplodontia UF Boone Estate (Bothell, Wash.) Boot Mesa (Ariz.) Boomer family Boone Ranch (Bothell, Wash.) BT Mesas—Arizona USE Bulmer family Truly Farms (Bothell, Wash.) Truly Ranch (Bothell, Wash.) Boot shapers Boomerang (Fighter plane) USE Boot trees USE CAC Boomerang (Fighter plane) BT Ranches—Washington (State) Boone's Chapel (London, England) Boot trees (May Subd Geog) Boomerangs UF Boot shapers [GN498.B6] BT Chapels—England Shapers, Boot BT Weapons Office buildings—England Trees, Boot BT Implements, utensils, etc. Boomers, Baby Boongandity language USE Baby boom generation USE Buandig language Bootblacks USE Shoe shiners Boomershine family (Not Subd Geog) Boonoo Boonoo National Park (N.S.W.) UF Pumershine family BT National parks and reserves—Australia Bootees, Baby USE Baby booties Boomgaarden family (Not Subd Geog) Boons family Booming nighthawk USE Boone family Booten family USE Booton family USE Common nighthawk Boons Pond (Mass.) Booms, Gravity gradient USE Boon, Lake (Mass.) Bootes family (Not Subd Geog) Booth family (Not Subd Geog) USE Gravity gradient booms Boophilus (May Subd Geog) Booms, Oil spill [QL458.2.I9] UF Boothe family BT Ixodidae Booths family USE Oil spill booms NT Boophilus microplus Both family Booms (Hydraulic engineering) (May Subd Geog) Cattle tick Bothe family BT Hydraulic structures Boophilus annulatus RT Botha family NT Ice booms USE Cattle tick Oil spill booms Boophilus microplus (May Subd Geog) Booms (Log transportation) (May Subd Geog) [QL458.2.I9 (Acarology)] [SF967.B64 (Pest)] [SD540-SD542] UF Cattle tick, Southern BT Log transportation Cattle tick, Tropical RT Log driving Southern cattle tick Timber—Rafting B-318
Botts family RT Pillage—Law and legislation BT Nilotic languages Gore-Booth family NT Monetary gold confiscations South Sudan—Languages Booth Theatre (New York, N.Y.) Booty (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) UF Edwin Booth Theatre (New York, N.Y.) BT Islamic law Bora (May Subd Geog) BT Theaters—New York (State) Booty bass (Music) BT Winds—Balkan Peninsula Boothe family USE Ghettotech Winds—Italy USE Booth family Booty family (Not Subd Geog) Bootheel Resource Conservation and Development UF Boty family Bora architecture (May Subd Geog) Area (Mo.) Booty music UF Architecture, Bora BT Natural areas—Missouri USE Ghettotech BT Architecture—Colombia Boothia Peninsula (N.W.T.) Booz family USE Boothia Peninsula (Nunavut) USE Boss family Bora baskets (May Subd Geog) Boothia Peninsula (Nunavut) Booze family UF Baskets, Bora UF Boothia Peninsula (N.W.T.) [Former heading] USE Boss family BT Baskets—South America BT Peninsulas—Nunavut Boozer family (Not Subd Geog) Booths, Exhibit UF Buser family Bora-Bora (French Polynesia) USE Exhibit booths Bop, Baby (Fictitious character) UF Bola-Bola (French Polynesia) Booths, Interpreters' USE Baby Bop (Fictitious character) Bolabolla (French Polynesia) USE Interpreters' booths Bop (Music) (May Subd Geog) Bollabolla (French Polynesia) Booths, Phone This heading is assigned to bop music for two or Bora-Bora (Society Islands) [Former heading] USE Telephone booths more performers. Borabora Island (French Polynesia) Booths, Photo Faanui Island (French Polynesia) USE Photobooths UF Be-bop (Music) Île Bora-Bora (French Polynesia) Booths, Telephone Bebop (Music) Il̂ e de Bora-Bora (French Polynesia) USE Telephone booths Bop (Music)—United States Pora Pora (French Polynesia) Booths family Rebop (Music) Porapora (French Polynesia) USE Booth family San Pedro (French Polynesia : Bora-Bora) Booties, Baby BT Jazz Vavao (French Polynesia) USE Baby booties SA headings for music of individual instruments BT Islands—French Polynesia Bootjacks (May Subd Geog) Society Islands (French Polynesia) UF Boot jacks followed by the qualifier \"(Bop)\" and the Jacks, Boot subdivisions Methods (Bop) and Studies and Bora-Bora (Society Islands) BT Implements, utensils, etc. exercises (Bop) under individual musical USE Bora-Bora (French Polynesia) Bootlace worms instruments and families of instruments USE Nemertea — United States Bora family (Not Subd Geog) Bootlaces (May Subd Geog) USE Bop (Music) Bora Indians (May Subd Geog) UF Laces (Bootlaces) BOP facilities BT Fasteners USE Brew-on-premises facilities [F2270.2.B6] Bootle Federal Building and United States Courthouse Bopchi language UF Boro Indians [Former heading] (Macon, Ga.) USE Kurku language BT Indians of South America—Colombia USE William Augustus Bootle Federal Building and Bopha, Typhoon, 2012 Bora language (May Subd Geog) United States Courthouse (Macon, Ga.) USE Typhoon Bopha, 2012 [PM5634] Bootleg books Boplaas Formation (South Africa) UF Airassu language USE Books—Pirated editions BT Formations (Geology)—South Africa Bootleg computer programs Geology, Stratigraphic—Devonian Boro language USE Computer programs—Pirated editions BOPs (Insurance) Meamuyna language Bootleg sound recordings USE Business insurance policies Mirana language USE Sound recordings—Pirated editions BOPs (Microbreweries) Miranha Oira Assutapuya language Bootleg video recordings USE Brew-on-premises facilities BT Brazil—Languages USE Video recordings—Pirated editions Bopshi (Indic people) Colombia—Languages Bootlegger Cove Formation (Alaska) USE Kurku (Indic people) Peru—Languages BT Formations (Geology)—Alaska Bopyridae (May Subd Geog) Witotoan languages Geology, Stratigraphic—Pleistocene [QL444.M34] Bora Mabang language Bootlegger Trail Site (Mont.) BT Isopoda USE Maba language BT Montana—Antiquities NT Gyge Borabora Island (French Polynesia) Booton family (Not Subd Geog) Leidya USE Bora-Bora (French Polynesia) UF Booten family Boquerón, Battle of, 1932 Boracay Island (Philippines) Boots (May Subd Geog) USE Boquerón, Battle of, Paraguay, 1932 BT Islands—Philippines [TS989-TS1025] Boqueroń , Battle of, Paraguay, 1932 Borachio (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) UF Boots and shoes [Former heading] UF Boqueroń , Battle of, 1932 [Former heading] (Not Subd Geog) BT Footwear Fortín Boqueroń , Battle of, Paraguay, 1932 Boracic acid NT Cowboy boots BT Chaco War, 1932- USE Boric acid Felt boots 1935—Campaigns—Paraguay Borage (May Subd Geog) Kamiks Boquerón Bay (P.R.) [QK495.B73 (Botany)] Riding boots UF Bahiá de Boquerón (P.R.) UF Borago officinalis — Decoration (May Subd Geog) BT Bays—Puerto Rico BT Borago Boqueroń River (Panama) Borage family (Plants) BT Decoration and ornament UF Rió Boquerón (Panama) USE Boraginaceae — Sizes (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Panama Boraginaceae (May Subd Geog) Boquet River (N.Y.) [QK495.B73 (Botany)] UF Sizes of boots UF Bouquet River (N.Y.) UF Borage family (Plants) Boots and shoes BT Rivers—New York (State) BT Tubiflorae Boquet River, Engagement at, 1814 NT Amsinckia USE Boots BT United States—History—War of Anchusa Footwear 1812—Campaigns Asperugo Shoes Boquete de Zafarraya Cave (Spain) Borago UF Cueva del Boquete de Zafarraya (Spain) Comfrey Boots and shoes, Felt BT Caves—Spain Cordia USE Felt boots Spain—Antiquities Cryptantha Boquillas Range (Tex.) Cynoglossum Boots and shoes, Rubber USE Carmen Mountains (Tex.) Echium USE Rubber footwear Boquín family (Not Subd Geog) Hackelia Bor Abor (Indic people) Heliotropium Boots family (Not Subd Geog) USE Padam (Indic people) Lithospermum Boots O'Neal (Fictitious character) Bor dialect Mertensia USE Bor dialect (Dinka) Moritzia USE O'Neal, Boots (Fictitious character) Bor dialect (Dinka) (May Subd Geog) Pectocarya Bootstrap (Statistics) UF Bor dialect [Former heading] Popcorn flowers BT Dinka language Pulmonaria (Angiosperms) BT Distribution (Probability theory) Sudan—Languages Tournefortia Sampling (Statistics) Bor language (Lwo) (May Subd Geog) Trichodesma UF Belanda language Borago (May Subd Geog) Bootstrap theory (Nuclear physics) Dhe Bor language [QK495.B73] RT Form factor (Nuclear physics) Jo Bor language BT Boraginaceae BT Particles (Nuclear physics) Rodi language NT Borage Borago officinalis Boott and Massachusetts Mill Agent House (Lowell, USE Borage Mass.) Borah, Mount (Idaho) USE Kirk Street Agents' House (Lowell, Mass.) USE Borah Peak (Idaho) Booty (International law) UF Captured property BT Enemy property B-319
Borah Peak (Idaho) Borate crystals — — Uprising, 1652-1653 UF Borah, Mount (Idaho) BT Borates UF Bordeaux (France)—History—Uprising, Mount Borah (Idaho) Crystals 1652-1653 [Former heading] BT Mountains—Idaho Hormée, Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France, Borate minerals (May Subd Geog) 1652-1653 Borah Peak Earthquake, Idaho, 1983 [QE389.65] Ormaye, Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France, BT Earthquakes—Idaho UF Boron minerals 1652-1653 BT Borates Ormée, Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France, Borah Peak Wilderness (Idaho) Minerals 1652-1653 UF Borah Peak Wilderness Study Area (Idaho) NT Borax BT Fronde BT National parks and reserves—Idaho Colemanite Wilderness areas—Idaho — Intellectual life Borates (May Subd Geog) UF Bordeaux (France)—Intellectual life Borah Peak Wilderness Study Area (Idaho) [QD181.B1] [Former heading] USE Borah Peak Wilderness (Idaho) NT Alkaline earth borates Borate crystals — — German influences Boraha Island (Madagascar) Borate minerals UF Bordeaux (France)—Intellectual USE Sainte-Marie-de-Madagascar Island Fluoborates life—German influences [Former (Madagascar) heading] Boratynskiĭ family (Not Subd Geog) BT Germany—Civilization Boram (African people) UF Baratynskiĭ family USE Ron (African people) Bordeaux (France) Borax (May Subd Geog) — History Boram family [HD9585.B67-HD9585.B674 (Economics)] USE Bordeaux (Aquitaine, France)—History USE Borum family [TN917 (Mineral resources)] — — Uprising, 1652-1653 BT Borate minerals USE Bordeaux (Aquitaine, Boran (African people) (May Subd Geog) France)—History—Uprising, 1652- [DT433.545.B67 (Kenya)] BORAX (Nuclear reactor) 1653 [DT380.4.B64 (Ethiopia)] USE Boiling water reactors — Intellectual life UF Booran (African people) USE Bordeaux (Aquitaine, France)—Intellectual Borana (African people) Borax Lake (Calif.) life Borani [Former heading] UF Big Borax Lake (Calif.) — — German influences BT Ethnology—Ethiopia BT Lakes—California USE Bordeaux (Aquitaine, Ethnology—Kenya France)—Intellectual life—German Oromo (African people) Borax Lake chub (May Subd Geog) influences [QL638.C94 (Zoology)] Boran cattle (May Subd Geog) UF Gila boraxobius Bordeaux (Horse) [SF199.B67] BT Gila (Fish) USE David (Horse) BT Beef cattle breeds Zebus Borax mines and mining (May Subd Geog) Bordeaux (Wine) [TN917] USE Wine and wine making—France—Bordeaux Boran dialect (May Subd Geog) BT Mines and mineral resources Region (Aquitaine) [PJ2475] UF Baran dialect Borʹba Collective Farm (Belarus) Bordeaux bulldog Barana dialect USE Kalhas \"Baratsʹba\" (Belarus) USE Dogue de Bordeaux Booran dialect Boorana dialect Borbera River (Italy) Bordeaux family (Not Subd Geog) Boran Gabbra dialect UF Torrente Borbera (Italy) UF Bordeau family Borana dialect BT Rivers—Italy RT Bourdon family Borena dialect Burdeau family BT Ethiopia—Languages Borbera River Valley (Italy) Kenya—Languages UF Borbera Valley (Italy) Bordeaux mixture Oromo language Val Borbera (Italy) [SB952.P9] Somalia—Languages BT Valleys—Italy BT Fungicides Boran family Borbera Valley (Italy) Bordeaux Raid, 1942 USE Borum family USE Borbera River Valley (Italy) [D772.B] BT World War, 1939-1945—Campaigns—France Boran Gabbra dialect Borbón, House of USE Boran dialect USE Bourbon, House of Bordeaux Region (Aquitaine, France) UF Bordelais (France) [Former heading] Borana (African people) Borbone delle Due Sicilie, House of USE Boran (African people) USE Bourbon-Two Sicilies, House of Bordelais (France) USE Bordeaux Region (Aquitaine, France) Borana dialect Borbones-Dos Sicilias, House of USE Boran dialect USE Bourbon-Two Sicilies, House of Bordellos USE Brothels Borandikngolo language Borbor family (Not Subd Geog) USE Buandig language Borborema Plateau (Brazil) Bordeman family USE Boardman family Borane UF Planalto da Borborema (Brazil) USE Boranes BT Plateaus—Brazil Borden family (Not Subd Geog) Borboridae UF Bordine family Boranes (May Subd Geog) USE Sphaeroceridae Bording family [QD181.B1] Borch family (Not Subd Geog) RT Bourdon family UF Borane [Former heading] Borchardt family (Not Subd Geog) Bowden family Boron hydrides UF Borchering family Burden family Hydroborons BT Boron compounds Borchert family Bordentown Waterworks Site (Hamilton, N.J.) Hydrides Borchering family This heading is not valid for use as a geographic NT Carboranes Diborane USE Borchardt family subdivision. Metalloboranes Borchert family Sodium borohydride BT New Jersey—Antiquities USE Borchardt family Border, Brush (Cytology) Borani Borchert Field (Milwaukee, Wis.) USE Boran (African people) USE Brush border membrane UF Athletic Park (Milwaukee, Wis.) Border bagpipes Boras̊ tidnings debutantpris BT Stadiums—Wisconsin BT Literary prizes—Sweden Borcovicium (England) USE Border pipes USE Housesteads Site (England) Border canary Borassus (May Subd Geog) Borcovicus (England) [QK495.P17 (Botany)] USE Housesteads Site (England) USE Border fancy canary BT Palms Bord (The German word) Border checkpoint stations NT Borassus aethiopum BT German language—Etymology Borassus sundaica Bord family USE Border stations USE Board family Border collie (May Subd Geog) Borassus aethiopum (May Subd Geog) Borda do Campo Fazenda (Brazil) [QK495.P17 (Botany)] UF Fazenda da Borda do Campo (Brazil) [SF429.B64] UF Ron̂ ier palm BT Haciendas—Brazil UF Border collies [Former heading] BT Borassus Borda Island (S.A.) USE Kangaroo Island (S.A.) Collie, Border Borassus flabellifer Borde Site (France) Collie, English USE Palmyra palm UF La Borde Site (France) Collie, Farm Collie, Shepherds Borassus flabelliformis Site de La Borde (France) Collie, Working USE Palmyra palm BT France—Antiquities English collie Bordeau family Farm collie Borassus sundaica (May Subd Geog) USE Bordeaux family Shepherds collie [QK495.P17 (Botany)] Bordeaux (Aquitaine, France) Working collie UF Lontar palm — History BT Sheep dogs Palm, Lontar Border collies BT Borassus UF Bordeaux (France)—History [Former USE Border collie heading] Border control USE Border security B-320
Border crossing (May Subd Geog) the states of Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Borderlands (Imaginary place) (Not Subd Geog) UF Crossing borders Missouri, and West Virginia, during the Civil War era. UF Border Lands (Imaginary place) International border crossing BT Imaginary places BT International travel UF Upper South (U.S. Civil War) BT Southern States Borderlands in literature (Not Subd Geog) — Fees (May Subd Geog) Border stations (May Subd Geog) Borderlands in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) UF Border crossing fees [Former heading] UF Border checkpoint stations BT User charges BT Motion pictures Border crossing stations Borderline hypertension USE Border crossing—Fees Border patrol stations Border crossing in literature (Not Subd Geog) Stations, Border USE Mild hypertension Border crossing stations BT Public buildings Borderline personality disorder (May Subd Geog) — Arizona USE Border stations [RC569.5.B67 (Psychiatry)] Border disease (May Subd Geog) NT Brian A. Terry Border Patrol Station BT Personality disorders (Bisbee, Ariz.) Borderline personality disorder in adolescence [SF969.B58] (May Subd Geog) UF Fuzzy-lamb syndrome — California [RJ506.B65] NT Theodore L. Newton, Jr., and George F. BT Personality disorders in adolescence Hairy shaker disease Azrak Border Patrol Station (Murrieta, Borderline personality disorder in children Hairy-shaker syndrome Calif.) (May Subd Geog) BT Goats—Virus diseases [RJ506.B65] Pestivirus infections — Germany BT Personality disorders in children Sheep—Virus diseases — Texas Borderline personality disorder in literature Border disputes (Not Subd Geog) USE Boundary disputes NT Javier Vega, Jr., Border Patrol Checkpoint Borderline schizophrenia Border family (Sarita, Tex.) USE Schizotypal personality disorder USE Borders family Borderpipes Border fancy canary (May Subd Geog) Border taxes USE Border pipes [SF463.7.B67] USE Drawbacks Borders, Garden UF Border canary Tariff USE Garden borders Cumberland fancy canary Borders, Ornamental (Decorative arts) BT Canary breeds Border terrier (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) Border forsythia [SF429.B65] UF Ornamental borders (Decorative arts) USE Forsythia intermedia UF Border terriers [Former heading] BT Decoration and ornament Border Gateway Protocol (Computer network protocol) BT Terriers Borders (Geography) USE BGP (Computer network protocol) USE Boundaries Border-lands Border terriers Borders family (Not Subd Geog) USE Borderlands USE Border terrier UF Border family Border Lands (Imaginary place) Borders of England (England) USE Borderlands (Imaginary place) Border War, 9th, South Africa, 1877-1878 USE Scottish Borders (England and Scotland) Border life USE Ngcayecibi, War of, South Africa, 1877-1878 USE Frontier and pioneer life Welsh Borders (England and Wales) Border management Border workers Borders of Wales (Wales) USE Border security USE Frontier workers Border patrol agents (May Subd Geog) USE Welsh Borders (England and Wales) BT Police Bordered white (Insect) (May Subd Geog) Bordet-Gengou bacillus Border patrol stations [QL561.G6] USE Border stations UF Bordered white moth USE Bordetella pertussis Border patrols (May Subd Geog) Bupalus flavescens Bordetella (May Subd Geog) UF Boundary patrols Bupalus mughusaria Frontier patrols Bupalus piniaria [QR82.B95] Surveillance by border patrols Bupalus piniarius [Former heading] BT Brucellaceae BT Police Looper, Pine NT Bordetella pertussis NT Coastal surveillance Looper moth, Pine Bordetella pertussis (May Subd Geog) — Uniforms Pine looper [QR82.B95] Pine looper moth UF Bacillus pertussis BT Military uniforms BT Bupalus Border pipes (May Subd Geog) Bacterium pertussis Bordered white moth Bacterium tussisconvulsivae UF Border bagpipes USE Bordered white (Insect) Bordet-Gengou bacillus Borderpipes Hemophilus pertussis [Former heading] Lowland bagpipes Borderlands (Canada and U.S.) BT Bordetella Lowland pipes USE Canadian-American Border Region RT Pertussis toxin Cauld wind bagpipes Bordetella pertussis toxin Cauld wind pipes Borderlands (Guatemala and Mexico) USE Pertussis toxin Scottish lowland bagpipes USE Mexican-Guatemalan Border Region Bordetella pertussis vaccines Scottish lowland pipes USE Pertussis vaccines Borderlands (Mexico and U.S.) Bordieu family BT Bagpipe USE Mexican-American Border Region USE DuBourdieu family Border pipes music (May Subd Geog) Bordine family Border Region, American-Canadian Borderlands (May Subd Geog) USE Borden family Here are entered works on land located on or near Bording family USE Canadian-American Border Region USE Borden family Border Region, American-Mexican the border between two countries, regions, states, Bordland family etc. Works on the lines demarcating the jurisdictional USE Borland family USE Mexican-American Border Region borders between countries, regions, states, etc. are Bordman family Border Region, Canadian-American entered under Boundaries. USE Boardman family Bordner family USE Canadian-American Border Region UF Border-lands USE Bortner family Border Region, Guatemalan-Mexican Border regions Bordon family Frontiers USE Bourdon family USE Mexican-Guatemalan Border Region Borduaria language Border Region, Mexican-American RT Boundaries USE Nocte language — Argentina Borduas Prize USE Mexican-American Border Region USE Prix Paul-Emile-Borduas Border Region, Mexican-Guatemalan NT Tri-Border Area (Argentina, Brazil, and Bordun Paraguay) USE Bourdon USE Mexican-Guatemalan Border Region Borduria language Border regions — Brazil USE Nocte language NT Tri-Border Area (Argentina, Brazil, and Bordusa̦ ni-Popină Site (Romania) USE Borderlands Paraguay) BT Romania—Antiquities Border reivers (May Subd Geog) Bordwell family — Canada USE Bardwell family UF Reivers NT Canadian-American Border Region Bor̄ e Dev̄ aru (Hindu deity) (Not Subd Geog) BT Brigands and robbers—Scotland [BL1225.B65-BL1225.B654] Border security (May Subd Geog) — England BT Hindu gods UF Border control NT Scottish Borders (England and Scotland) Bore dialect Welsh Borders (England and Wales) USE Boomu dialect Border management Boreal caribou Boundaries—Security measures — Finland USE Woodland caribou Cross-border security NT Koillismaa (Finland) BT National security — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Guatemala NT Mexican-Guatemalan Border Region BT Public law — United States — Mexico NT Mexican-American Border Region NT Operation Jump Start, 2006-2008 Mexican-Guatemalan Border Region Border States (U.S. Civil War) — Paraguay Here are entered works dealing collectively with NT Tri-Border Area (Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay) — Scotland NT Scottish Borders (England and Scotland) — United States NT Canadian-American Border Region Mexican-American Border Region — Wales NT Welsh Borders (England and Wales) B-321
Boreal chickadee (May Subd Geog) Borehole logging, Nuclear Borescopes (May Subd Geog) [QL696.P2615 (Zoology)] USE Radiation well logging BT Optoelectronic devices UF Acadian chickadee NT Endoscopes Brown-headed chickadee [Former heading] Borehole mining (May Subd Geog) Videoscopes Parus hudsonicus BT Mining engineering Poecile hudsonica NT Solution mining Borg family (Not Subd Geog) Poecile hudsonicus UF Borge family BT Chickadees Boreidae (May Subd Geog) Borgen family Poecile [QL598.7.B6] RT Berg family BT Mecoptera Boreal felt lichen (May Subd Geog) Borg Massif (Antarctica) [QK585.P17 (Botany)] Borejko family (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog) UF Borgmassivet (Antarctica) UF Erioderma pedicellatum Borek family (Not Subd Geog) BT Mountains—Antarctica Felt lichen, Boreal Borel family (Not Subd Geog) Pannaria pedicellata Borel-measurable sets Borgawa language BT Erioderma USE Bariba language USE Borel sets Boreal forest ecology Borel sets Borge family USE Taiga ecology USE Borg family UF B-measurable sets Boreal forests B-sets Borgen family USE Taigas Borel-measurable sets USE Borg family Borel subsets Boreal Mountain Resort (Calif.) Borelian sets Borger family (Not Subd Geog) UF Boreal Ridge Ski Area (Calif.) Subsets, Borel Borgersen family BT Ski resorts—California BT Analytic sets USE Borgesen family Boreal owl Topology Borgerson family USE Aegolius funereus Borel subgroups USE Borgesen family Boreal Plain Ecozone UF Borel's subgroups Borges family (Not Subd Geog) USE Boreal Plains Ecozone Subgroups, Borel Borgesen family (Not Subd Geog) BT Group theory Boreal Plains Ecozone UF Borgersen family UF Boreal Plain Ecozone Borel subsets Borgerson family BT Ecological zones—Canada, Western USE Borel sets Børgessøn family Boreal redback vole Boreland family Børgessøn family USE Clethrionomys gapperi USE Borland family USE Borgesen family Boreal Ridge Ski Area (Calif.) Borelian sets Borghese Casino (Rome, Italy) USE Boreal Mountain Resort (Calif.) USE Borel sets USE Casino Borghese (Rome, Italy) Boreal Shield Ecozone Borel's subgroups Borghese family (Not Subd Geog) BT Ecological zones—Canada USE Borel subgroups Borghese Gardens (Rome, Italy) Boreal sweetvetch (May Subd Geog) Boreman family USE Villa Borghese (Rome, Italy : Park) [QK495.L52 (Botany)] USE Boarman family Borghese Villa (Rome, Italy : Park) UF Hedysarum boreale BT Hedysarum Boren family USE Villa Borghese (Rome, Italy : Park) USE Borum family Borghese Villa (Rome, Italy : Building) Boreal toad (May Subd Geog) [QL668.E227 (Zoology)] Boren Lookout (Seattle, Wash.) USE Casino Borghese (Rome, Italy) UF Anaxyrus boreas boreas USE Louisa Boren Lookout (Seattle, Wash.) Borgholm Castle (Sweden) Bufo boreas boreas Southern Rocky Mountain boreal toad Boren Park (Seattle, Wash.) UF Borgholms slott (Sweden) BT Western toad USE Louisa Boren Park (Seattle, Wash.) BT Castles—Sweden Borgholms slott (Sweden) Boreal wildrye Borena dialect USE Borgholm Castle (Sweden) USE Hairy wildrye USE Boran dialect Borgia Apartment (Vatican Palace, Vatican City) USE Appartamento Borgia (Vatican Palace, Vatican Boreal zone forests Borenbach family USE Taigas USE Bornbach family City) Borgia Apartments (Vatican Palace, Vatican City) Borealis Mine Site (Nev.) Borenstein family (Not Subd Geog) BT Nevada—Antiquities UF Borensztejn family USE Appartamento Borgia (Vatican Palace, Vatican RT Bernstein family City) Borecole USE Kale Borensztejn family Borgia Castle (Gualdo Cattaneo, Italy) USE Borenstein family USE Rocca di Gualdo Cattaneo (Gualdo Cattaneo, Bored Witch (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Italy) UF Aburrida, Bruja (Fictitious character) Boreogadus (May Subd Geog) Avorrida, Bruixa (Fictitious character) [QL638.G2] Borgia family (Not Subd Geog) Bruixa Avorrida (Fictitious character) BT Codfish UF Borja family Bruja Aburrida (Fictitious character) NT Boreogadus saida Camomille, Sorcier̀ e (Fictitious character) Borgia Rooms (Vatican Palace, Vatican City) Sorcière Camomille (Fictitious character) Boreogadus saida (May Subd Geog) USE Appartamento Borgia (Vatican Palace, Vatican [QL638.G2] City) Boredom (May Subd Geog) UF Arctic cod UF Ennui BT Boreogadus Borgmassivet (Antarctica) BT Attention USE Borg Massif (Antarctica) Mental fatigue Boreophila USE Loxostege Borgmeier family (Not Subd Geog) — Religious aspects UF Borgmeyer family — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Borer, Black oyster Boredom in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Mulberry whelk Borgmeyer family Boredom in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) USE Borgmeier family Borer family BT Motion pictures USE Borrer family Borgne, Lake (La.) Boree UF Lake Borgne (La.) Borer moth, Aweme BT Bays—Louisiana USE Acacia pendula USE Aweme borer moth Lakes—Louisiana Boregat Borer moths Borgnet family (Not Subd Geog) USE Kelp greenling USE Papaipema Borgnonel family Boreham family (Not Subd Geog) Borers, Increment USE Burchinal family UF Borham family USE Increment borers Borgo Erizzo (Zadar, Croatia) Borhont family Borhunt family Borers, Jig USE Arbanasi (Zadar, Croatia) USE Jig borers Borgo Nuovo (Rome, Italy) Boreham Henge (England) BT England—Antiquities Borers, Round-headed USE Via Alessandrina (Rome, Italy) Henges—England USE Longhorned beetles Borgo Pio Street (Rome, Italy) Timber circles—England Borers (Insects) (May Subd Geog) USE Via di Borgo Pio (Rome, Italy) Borehole gravimeters [SB945.B83] Borgo San Lorenzo, Municipio di (Borgo San Lorenzo, USE Borehole gravity meters UF Boring insects Insect borers Italy) Borehole gravimetry (May Subd Geog) BT Insect pests USE Palazzo comunale (Borgo San Lorenzo, Italy) UF Borehole gravity surveys SA individual boring insects, e.g. Apple-tree Borgoignel family Subsurface gravimetry borers; Plum borer USE Burchinal family BT Gravity—Measurement NT Stem borers Borgonyas (Indic people) Sugarcane borer USE Deori (Indic people) Borehole gravity meters (May Subd Geog) Borgou (Benin and Nigeria) UF Borehole gravimeters — Biological control (May Subd Geog) USE Borgu (Benin and Nigeria) BT Gravimeters (Geophysical instruments) — Control (May Subd Geog) Borgu (Benin and Nigeria) Bores (Tidal phenomena) Borehole gravity surveys UF Borgou (Benin and Nigeria) USE Borehole gravimetry [GC376] Borgu (Chadian and Sudanese people) UF Tidal bores BT Natural disasters USE Maba (African people) Borgu language Tides USE Bariba language B-322
Borgu language (Chad) Rotary drilling Borkum Fortress (Germany) USE Maba language Underwater drilling USE Festung Borkum (Germany) Water well drilling Borgward automobile (Not Subd Geog) Well drillers Borkum Island (Germany) BT Automobiles Boring barnacles UF Insel Borkum (Germany) NT Lloyd automobiles USE Acrothoracica BT Islands—Germany Boring beetle, Sawhorned Borham family USE Large timberworm Borland family (Not Subd Geog) USE Boreham family Boring family UF Bordland family USE Borum family Boreland family Borhont family Boring insects USE Boreham family USE Borers (Insects) Borland Lake (Ont.) Boring machinery (May Subd Geog) BT Lakes—Ontario Borhunt family [TD414 (Well digging)] USE Boreham family BT Construction equipment Borland Turbo languages (Computer program NT Apollo Lunar Surface Drill languages) Borhyaenidae (May Subd Geog) Bits (Drilling and boring) USE Turbo languages (Computer program [QE882.M39] Drill stem language) UF Borhyaenids Ice coring rigs BT Sparassodonta Rock-drills Borland Valley (N.Z.) Turbodrills BT Valleys—New Zealand Borhyaenids — Electric driving (May Subd Geog) USE Borhyaenidae Borlawa (African people) BT Electric driving USE Bolewa (African people) Borhyaeniformes — Hydraulic equipment USE Sparassodonta Borlawa language BT Hydraulic machinery USE Bole language Borhyaenimorphia — Joints USE Sparassodonta Borlengo (May Subd Geog) BT Joints (Engineering) BT Cooking, Italian Bori (Cult) (May Subd Geog) — Transmission devices Pancakes, waffles, etc. BT Cults [TN281] Borlor River (Liberia) Bori (Indic people) (May Subd Geog) BT Gearing USE Farmington River (Liberia) [DS432.B67] — Vibration (May Subd Geog) BT Ethnology—India Boring sponges (May Subd Geog) Borman family Tibeto-Burman peoples UF Bioeroding sponges USE Boarman family Excavating sponges Bori-Abor language BT Marine borers Bormann family USE Bori language Sponges USE Boarman family Boringholm Site (Denmark) Bori Forest Range (India) BT Denmark—Antiquities Bormbusch family (Not Subd Geog) UF Bori Reserve (India) Borings (May Subd Geog) Bormida River (Italy) BT Forest reserves—India Here are entered the results of boring operations National parks and reserves—India conducted in various parts of the earth to determine UF Fiume Bormida (Italy) the nature of the strata penetrated. Torrente Bormida (Italy) Bori language (May Subd Geog) UF Bori-Abor language UF Deep borings BT Rivers—Italy BT India—Languages BT Geology, Stratigraphic Bormida River Valley (Italy) Tibeto-Burman languages NT Drill cores UF Bormida Valley (Italy) Bori Reserve (India) Oil well logging BT Valleys—Italy USE Bori Forest Range (India) Radiation well logging Bormida Valley (Italy) Boriogale USE Bormida River Valley (Italy) Boria (May Subd Geog) USE Macropus Born again Christianity Here are entered works on a traditional Boriomyia (May Subd Geog) USE Regeneration (Theology) [QL513.H5] Born approximation combination of music and drama, that is specific to BT Hemerobiidae [QC794] Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Boris (Fictitious character : Bruna) (Not Subd Geog) BT Approximation theory UF Boris Bear (Fictitious character) BT Theater—Malaysia Boris (Fictitious character : Gannett) (Not Subd Geog) Quantum theory Boric acid Boris (Fictitious character : Wiseman) Scattering (Physics) USE Boris the Bear (Fictitious character) Born family UF Boracic acid Boris Bear (Fictitious character) USE Bourne family BT Inorganic acids USE Boris (Fictitious character : Bruna) Born-Oppenheimer approximation Borides (May Subd Geog) Boris the Bear (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Born-Oppenheimer method [TA455.B65 (Engineering materials)] UF Boris (Fictitious character : Wiseman) BT Approximation theory BT Boron compounds Boritsu language Born-Oppenheimer method NT Magnesium diboride USE Yukuben language USE Born-Oppenheimer approximation Borivali National Park (Mumbai, India) Borna disease (May Subd Geog) Rare earth borides USE Sanjay Gandhi National Park (Mumbai, India) [QR201.B66 (Virology)] Titanium diboride Boriwen language UF Borna virus infections Boriding USE Laven language BT Veterinary virology [TS695.3] Borja Bay (Chile) Virus diseases UF Boron coating UF Bahiá Borja (Chile) Borna disease virus (May Subd Geog) BT Diffusion coatings Bahía de Borja (Chile) [QR201.B66 (Virology)] Borie family (Not Subd Geog) BT Bays—Chile UF Encephalomyelitis virus, Enzootic Boril family (Not Subd Geog) Borja family Enzootic encephalomyelitis virus UF Bouril family USE Borgia family Equine encephalomyelitis virus, Near East Borin family Borjas, Palace of the (Gandiá , Spain) Near East equine encephalomyelitis virus USE Borum family USE Palacio Ducal (Gandía, Spain) BT RNA viruses Boring (May Subd Geog) Borjeson family (Not Subd Geog) Borna language (May Subd Geog) [TD412 (Water wells)] UF Bor̈ jesson family UF Boro language (Omotic) [TN281 (Mining)] Börjesson family Bworo language Here are entered works on the operation of cutting USE Borjeson family Scinacia language holes in earth or rocks, in order to determine the Borjigid (Mongolian people) (May Subd Geog) Shinasha language nature of the strata penetrated, or to furnish an outlet [DS798.422.B67 (Mongolia)] BT Ethiopia—Languages for water, oil, or gas. Works on the drilling and boring UF Boʾerjijite (Mongolian people) Omotic languages of holes in metal, wood, and other materials, as Borjigin (Mongolian people) Borna virus infections carried on in workshops, etc., for construction or BT Ethnology—China USE Borna disease manufacturing purposes are entered under Drilling Ethnology—Mongolia Bornbach family (Not Subd Geog) and boring. Mongols UF Borenbach family Borjigin (Mongolian people) Bornbachów family UF Diamond drilling USE Borjigid (Mongolian people) Borumbach family Test boring Borkie RT Burbach family Well-boring USE Yo chon Bornbach House (Warsaw, Poland) Borkowski family (Not Subd Geog) USE Kamienica Bornbachowska (Warsaw, Poland) BT Hydraulic engineering Bornbachów family Mining engineering USE Bornbach family Borne, Brandy (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) RT Shaft sinking UF Brandy Borne (Fictitious character) NT Air drilling (Petroleum engineering) Borne, Vivian (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Vivian Borne (Fictitious character) Core drilling Borne family Directional drilling USE Bourne family Drill pipe Bornean agile gibbon Drilling muds USE Hylobates albibarbis Fusion piercing drilling Gas drilling (Petroleum engineering) Gas well drilling Geothermal well drilling Oil well drilling Percussion drilling Photography in boring Raise drilling B-323
Bornean dolphin Bornstein family (Not Subd Geog) Boron family USE Lagenodelphis hosei UF Bet Sokhaṭshov USE Borum family Bornean gibbon Borntraeger family Boron fibers (May Subd Geog) USE Borneo gibbon USE Bontrager family UF Boron filaments Filaments, Boron Bornean grey gibbon Borntrager family BT Inorganic fibers USE Borneo gibbon USE Bontrager family Boron filaments Bornean orang-utan Borntreger family USE Boron fibers USE Bornean orangutan USE Bontrager family Boron fluoride Bornean orangutan (May Subd Geog) Bornu (African people) USE Boron trifluoride [QL737.P94 (Zoology)] USE Kanuri (African people) UF Bornean orang-utan Boron hydrides Orang-utan Bornu language USE Boranes Orang-utans [Former heading] USE Kanuri language Orangutan [Former heading] Boron in agriculture (May Subd Geog) Pongo pygmaeus Boro (Indic people) [S587.5.B65] Simia satyrus USE Tipura (Indic people) BT Agriculture BT Orangutans Boro-Aboro (African people) Boron in animal nutrition (May Subd Geog) Bornean white-bearded gibbon USE Birom (African people) BT Animal nutrition USE Hylobates albibarbis Boro-Aboro language Boron in plant nutrition (May Subd Geog) Bornemann family (Not Subd Geog) USE Birom language BT Plants—Nutrition Borneo Boro Indians Boron minerals UF Kalimantan Island USE Bora Indians USE Borate minerals Kalimanten Island Boro language Boron-neutron capture therapy (May Subd Geog) BT Greater Sunda Islands USE Bodo language [RC271.R3] Islands of the Pacific Bora language UF Neutron capture therapy Radiotherapy, Boron-neutron capture — Languages Boro language (Omotic) BT Boron—Isotopes—Therapeutic use NT Basap language USE Borna language Cancer—Radiotherapy Tombonuwo language Boro Oule language Boron nitride Borneo billian USE Bwamu language BT Nitrides USE Borneo ironwood NT Boronitride superconductors Boroa (African people) Borneo gibbon (May Subd Geog) USE Batwa (African people) Boron ores (May Subd Geog) [QL737.P943 (Zoology)] BT Ores UF Bornean gibbon Borocarbide superconductors (May Subd Geog) NT Colemanite Bornean grey gibbon UF Borocarbides, Superconducting Gray gibbon Quaternary borocarbide superconductors Boron organic compounds Grey gibbon Superconducting borocarbides USE Organoboron compounds Hylobates muelleri BT Carbides Mueller's Bornean gibbon Superconductors Boron organic polymers Mul̈ ler's Bornean gibbon USE Organoboron polymers Müller's gibbon Borocarbides, Superconducting BT Hylobates USE Borocarbide superconductors Boron steel [TA479.B6] Borneo ironwood (May Subd Geog) Boroda (African people) BT Steel alloys [QK495.L375 (Botany)] USE Wolayta (African people) [SD397.B56 (Forestry)] Boron trifluoride (May Subd Geog) UF Borneo billian Borodda (African people) UF Boron fluoride Eusideroxylon zwageri USE Wolayta (African people) Trifluoroborane Ironwood, Borneo BT Boron compounds BT Eusideroxylon Borodda language Fluorides USE Wolayta language Lewis acids Börneplatz (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) USE Neuer Börneplatz (Frankfurt am Main, Borodino, Battle of, 1812 Boronate esters Germany) USE Borodino, Battle of, Borodino, Mozhais̆ kiĭ raiŏ n, USE Boronic esters Russia, 1812 Bornes Massif (France) Borong (China : Region) USE Bornes Mountains (France) Borodino, Battle of, Borodino, Mozhais̆ kiĭ raĭon, Russia, USE Porong (China) 1812 Bornes Mountains (France) [DC235.5.B7] Boroni language UF Bornes Massif (France) UF Borodino, Battle of, 1812 [Former heading] USE Bodo language Massif des Bornes (France) BT Napoleonic Wars, 1800- BT Alps, French (France) 1815—Campaigns—Russia Boronia (May Subd Geog) Mountains—France [QK495.R98 (Botany)] Borom (African people) BT Rutaceae Bornet family USE Birom (African people) NT Boronia serrulata USE Barnett family Borom language Boronia serrulata (May Subd Geog) Bornhardts (Geomorphology) USE Birom language [QK495.R98 (Botany)] BT Inselbergs UF Australian rose Boron (May Subd Geog) Native rock rose Bornholm (Denmark) [QD181.B1] Native rose BT Islands—Denmark [TD427.B67 (Water pollutant)] Rock rose, Native BT Group 13 elements Rock rose, Sydney Bornholm Basin (Sweden) Nonmetals Sydney rock rose USE Bornholmsgat (Sweden) NT Irrigation water—Boron content Sydney rose Soils—Boron content BT Boronia Bornholmsgat (Sweden) UF Bornholm Basin (Sweden) — Isotopes (May Subd Geog) Boronic esters (May Subd Geog) Bornholmsgattet (Sweden) [QD181.B1] UF Boronate esters Hamrarne (Sweden) BT Esters BT Baltic Sea — — Decay Basins (Geology)—Sweden — — Spectra Boronimeche language Straits—Sweden — — Therapeutic use (May Subd Geog) USE Bodo language Bornholmsgattet (Sweden) NT Boron-neutron capture therapy Boronitride superconductors (May Subd Geog) USE Bornholmsgat (Sweden) — Physiological effect (May Subd Geog) UF Boronitrides, Superconducting Superconducting boronitrides Bornite (May Subd Geog) [QP535.B1] BT Boron nitride UF Erubescite NT Crops—Effect of boron on Superconductors Horseflesh ore Peacock ore Plants—Effect of boron on Boronitrides, Superconducting Purple copper ore — Spectra USE Boronitride superconductors Variegated copper ore Boron alloys (May Subd Geog) BT Copper ores Boronka-patak (Hungary) Sulfide minerals [TN693.B6 (Metallography)] USE Boronka River (Hungary) BT Alloys Bornmueller fir (May Subd Geog) NT Ferroboron Boronka River (Hungary) [QK494.5.P66 (Botany)] Boron as fuel UF Boronka-patak (Hungary) [SD397.B58 (Forestry)] UF High energy fuels Boronkai-csatorna (Hungary) UF Abies bornmuelleriana BT Fuel Boronkai-patak (Hungary) BT Fir Boron coating Boronkai-vízafolyaś (Hungary) USE Boriding Cigań y-árok (Hungary) Bornological spaces Boron compounds (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Hungary UF Spaces, Bornological [QD181.B1 (General and inorganic chemistry)] BT Linear topological spaces [QD412.B1 (Organometallic chemistry)] Boronkai-csatorna (Hungary) NT Conuclear spaces [TP245.B6 (Chemical technology)] USE Boronka River (Hungary) BT Chemicals NT Boranes Boronkai-patak (Hungary) USE Boronka River (Hungary) Borides Boron trifluoride Organoboron compounds B-324
Boronkai-vízafolyás (Hungary) Borough Hall (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.) UF 19P/Borrelly (Comet) USE Boronka River (Hungary) USE Brooklyn Borough Hall (New York, N.Y.) Borrelly's comet Comet 19P/Borrelly Boropa (Papua New Guinean people) Boroughs (May Subd Geog) Comet Borrelly USE Ama (Papua New Guinean people) [JS261-JS267] UF Burghs BT Comets Bororo (African people) (May Subd Geog) BT Cities and towns Borrelly's comet [DT547.45.B67 (Niger)] Local government [DT571.B67 (Cameroon)] USE Borrelly comet UF Mbororo (African people) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Borrer family (Not Subd Geog) BT Ethnology—Sudan (Region) BT Municipal corporations Fula (African people) UF Borer family NT Wodaabe (African people) Boroughs, Parliamentary Borribles (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog) USE Great Britain. Parliament. House of Borries family (Not Subd Geog) — Missions (May Subd Geog) Commons—Election districts Borro Vergaia (Italy) [BV3630.B] UF Missions to Bororo (African people) Boroughs (Municipal subdivision) USE Vergaia River (Italy) [Former heading] UF City boroughs (Municipal subdivisions) Borromeo Arese Palazzo (Cesano Maderno, Italy) Municipal boroughs (Municipal subdivisions) Bororo astronomy (May Subd Geog) BT Municipal government USE Palazzo Arese Borromeo (Cesano Maderno, UF Astronomy, Bororo Italy) Bororo Indians—Astronomy [Former heading] Boroughs family BT Astronomy—Bolivia USE Burrows family Borromeo d'Angera family (Not Subd Geog) Astronomy—Brazil RT Borromeo family Borovoe Lake (Kazakh S.S.R.) Bororo dialect (West Africa) (May Subd Geog) USE Borovoe Lake (Kazakhstan) Borromeo family (Not Subd Geog) UF Bororro dialect (West Africa) RT Borromeo d'Angera family Borroro dialect (West Africa) Borovoe Lake (Kazakhstan) BT Cameroon—Languages UF Borovoe Lake (Kazakh S.S.R.) [Former Borromeo Litta Villa (Lainate, Italy) Fula language heading] USE Villa Litta (Lainate, Italy) Niger—Languages Borovoe Lake (Kazakstan) [Former heading] Nigeria—Languages Borovoye Lake (Kazakhstan) Borromeo Palace (Milan, Italy) Lake Borovoe (Kazakhstan) USE Palazzo Borromeo (Milan, Italy) Bororo featherwork (May Subd Geog) Lake Borovoye (Kazakhstan) UF Bororo Indians—Feather-work [Former Ozero Borovoe (Kazakhstan) Borromeo Visconti Litta Villa (Lainate, Italy) heading] Ozero Borovoye (Kazakhstan) USE Villa Litta (Lainate, Italy) Featherwork, Bororo BT Lakes—Kazakhstan BT Featherwork—Brazil Borror family (Not Subd Geog) Borovoe Lake (Kazakstan) Borroro dialect (West Africa) Bororo folk songs (Brazil) USE Borovoe Lake (Kazakhstan) USE Folk songs, Bororo (Brazil) USE Bororo dialect (West Africa) Borovoye Lake (Kazakhstan) Borroughs family Bororo folk songs (West Africa) USE Borovoe Lake (Kazakhstan) USE Folk songs, Bororo (West Africa) USE Burrows family Borow family Borrow family Bororo Indians (May Subd Geog) USE Burrows family [F2520.1.B75] USE Burrows family UF Biribocone Indians Boroweicz family Borrow pits (May Subd Geog) Borotuke Indians USE Borowicz family Borotuque Indians UF Pits, Borrow Coroados Indians Boroweize family BT Excavation BT Indians of South America—Bolivia USE Borowicz family Borrowdale (England : Valley) Indians of South America—Brazil BT Valleys—England NT Otuquis Indians Borowich family Borrowers (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog) USE Borowicz family Borrower's cards (Libraries) — Astronomy USE Library cards USE Bororo astronomy Borowicz family (Not Subd Geog) Borrowing UF Boroweicz family USE Credit — Feather-work Boroweize family USE Bororo featherwork Borowich family Loans Borowitz family Borrowing (Music) Bororo language Burrowich family USE Bororo language (Brazil) USE Allusions in music Borowitz family Quotation in music Bororo language (Brazil) (May Subd Geog) USE Borowicz family [PM5636] Borrows family UF Biribiconé language Borpika (African people) USE Burrows family Boe language USE Bolewa (African people) Bororo language [Former heading] Bors family Coroado language Borpika language USE Borsch family Coroados language USE Bole language BT Brazil—Languages Borsa̦ River (Cluj, Romania) Gê languages Borradaile, Mount (N.T.) UF Borșai River (Romania) UF Mount Borradaile (N.T.) BT Rivers—Romania Bororo mythology (May Subd Geog) BT Mountains—Australia UF Mythology, Bororo Borșa River Valley (Cluj, Romania) Borram family UF Borșa Valley (Cluj, Romania) Bororro dialect (West Africa) USE Borum family BT Valleys—Romania USE Bororo dialect (West Africa) Borratello River (Italy) Borsa̦ Valley (Cluj, Romania) Borosch family UF Fosso Borratello (Italy) USE Borsa̦ River Valley (Cluj, Romania) USE Borsch family Torrente Borratello (Italy) BT Rivers—Italy Borșai River (Romania) Borossé (African people) (May Subd Geog) USE Borsa̦ River (Cluj, Romania) [DT546.345.B67] Borratello River Watershed (Italy) UF Borossen (African people) BT Watersheds—Italy Borsch family (Not Subd Geog) BT Ethnology—Central African Republic UF Bohrs family Borrego Desert State Park (Calif.) Bohrsch family Borossen (African people) USE Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Calif.) Borosch family USE Borossé (African people) Bors family Borrelia (May Subd Geog) Borsche family Borotou Forest (Cot̂ e d'Ivoire) [QR82.S7] Borsh family UF Borotou Forest (Ivory Coast) [Former heading] BT Spirochaetaceae Bruisch family Forêt classée de Borotou (Cot̂ e d'Ivoire) NT Borrelia burgdorferi Bursch family BT Forest reserves—Cot̂ e d'Ivoire Borrelia duttonii Bursh family Borrelia recurrentis RT Busch family Borotou Forest (Ivory Coast) USE Borotou Forest (Côte d'Ivoire) Borrelia burgdorferi (May Subd Geog) Borsche family [QR82.S7 (Microbiology)] USE Borsch family Borotuke Indians [QR201.L88 (Pathogenic bacteria)] USE Bororo Indians BT Borrelia Borselen family USE Van Borselen family Borotuque Indians Borrelia duttonii (May Subd Geog) USE Bororo Indians [QR82.S7] Børselvfjell (Norway) UF Spirillum duttoni USE Børselvfjellet (Norway) Borough-English (Law) Spirochaeta duttoni BT Land tenure—Law and legislation BT Borrelia Børselvfjellet (Norway) Primogeniture UF Børselvfjell (Norway) Borrelia recurrentis (May Subd Geog) BT Mountains—Norway Borough family [QR82.S7] USE Burrows family UF Spirochaeta recurrentis Borsh family Spiroschaudinnia recurrentis USE Borsch family Borough Fen Decoy (England) BT Borrelia UF Borough Fen Duck Decoy (England) Borsig-Villa Reiherwerder (Berlin, Germany) BT Bird refuges—England Borreliosis USE Villa Borsig (Berlin, Germany) USE Relapsing fever Borough Fen Duck Decoy (England) Borsippa (Extinct city) USE Borough Fen Decoy (England) Borrelly comet UF At̄ hār an Namrud̄ (Extinct city) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Barsip (Iraq : Extinct city) Birs Nimrud (Extinct city) subdivision. Īshan̄ Nimrūd (Extinct city) Namrūd, Āthar̄ an (Extinct city) Til Barsip (Iraq : Extinct city) B-325
Borsippa (Extinct city) (Continued) Borzoi (May Subd Geog) Bosap language BT Extinct cities—Iraq [SF429.B67] USE Basap language Iraq—Antiquities UF Russian wolf-hound [Former heading] Russian wolfhound Bosard family Borski family (Not Subd Geog) Wolfhound, Russian USE Bussard family Borski Post Office Building (Philadelphia, Pa.) BT Sighthounds Bosarge family USE Robert A. Borski Post Office Building Börzson̈ y Hegység (Hungary) USE Bouzage family (Philadelphia, Pa.) USE Bor̈ zsöny Mountains (Hungary) Bosavi (Papua New Guinea people) Borsselen family Börzsöny Mountains (Hungary) USE Bosavi (Papua New Guinean people) USE Van Borselen family UF Boerzsoeny Mountains (Hungary) Bor̈ zsöny Hegység (Hungary) Bosavi (Papua New Guinean people) (May Subd Geog) Borst family (Not Subd Geog) BT Mountains—Hungary UF Bosavi (Papua New Guinea people) [Former Borst Park Interchange (Interstate 5) Carpathian Mountains heading] BT Ethnology—Papua New Guinea This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Bos (May Subd Geog) Papuans subdivision. [QL737.U53 (Zoology)] NT Kaluli (Papua New Guinean people) UF Bibos BT Express highway interchanges—Washington Bovines Bosavi folk songs (State) BT Bovidae USE Folk songs, Bosavi Interstate 5 NT Banteng Cattle Bosavi language (May Subd Geog) Borstal system Gaur BT Papua New Guinea—Languages USE Juvenile detention homes Kouprey Papuan languages Yak NT Kaluli language Borte (The German word) Zebus BT German language—Etymology Bosaw family Bos, Fossil (May Subd Geog) USE Boisseau family Borthwick family (Not Subd Geog) [QE882.U3] Bortner family (Not Subd Geog) BT Bovidae, Fossil Bosawás, Reserva de la Biosfera de (Nicaragua) NT Urus USE Reserva de la Biosfera de Bosawás UF Bordner family (Nicaragua) Burtner family Bos annamiticus USE Gaur Bosbokrand-oordragpypleiding (South Africa) Bortolini family (Not Subd Geog) USE Bosbokrand Transfer Pipeline (South Africa) Borton family Bos asseel USE Gaur Bosbokrand Transfer Pipeline (South Africa) USE Barton family UF Bosbokrand-oordragpypleiding (South Africa) Bortone family Bos banteng BT Pipelines—South Africa USE Banteng USE Barton family Bosc monitor Boruca cooking (Not Subd Geog) Bos bison USE Savannah monitor USE American bison BT Cooking Boscaì family (Not Subd Geog) Boruca Indians (May Subd Geog) Bos bison athabascae Boscary family (Not Subd Geog) USE Wood bison Bosch family (Not Subd Geog) [F1545.2.B6] UF Borunca Indians Bos brachyrhinus RT Bosch Gaviño family USE Gaur Milans del Bosch family Brunca Indians TerBush family Brunka Indians Bos cavifrons Van den Bosch family Burica Indians USE Gaur Burucaca Indians Bosch Gavinõ family (Not Subd Geog) Burunca Indians Bos family RT Bosch family Quepo Indians USE Boss family Turucaca Indians Bosch Haus Heidehof (Stuttgart, Germany) BT Indians of Central America—Costa Rica Bos frontalis BT Commercial buildings—Germany Talamanca Indians USE Gaur Boruca language (May Subd Geog) Mithun Boschetto di Bomarzo (Bomarzo, Italy) [PM3539] USE Sacro bosco (Bomarzo, Italy) UF Borunca language Bos fuscicornis Brunca language USE Gaur Boschma family (Not Subd Geog) Brunka language Boschman family Burunca language Bos gaurus Burunka language USE Gaur USE Bozeman family Turucaca language Boschmans family (Not Subd Geog) BT Chibchan languages Bos grunniens Bosco, Dawn (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Costa Rica—Languages USE Yak Borum family (Not Subd Geog) UF Dawn Bosco (Fictitious character) UF Boorham family Bos guavera Polka Dot Private Eye (Fictitious character) Boram family USE Gaur Boran family Bosco del Cansiglio (Italy) Boren family Bos hubbacki USE Foresta del Cansiglio (Italy) Borin family USE Gaur Boring family Bosco Parrasio (Rome, Italy) Boron family Bos indicus This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Borram family USE Zebus Borun family subdivision. Borumbach family Bos javanicus USE Bornbach family USE Banteng UF Accademi degli Arcadi, Giardino dell' (Rome, Borun family Italy) USE Borum family Bos laosiensis Arcadian Academy Gardens (Rome, Italy) Borun Indians USE Gaur Giardino dell'Accademia degli Arcadi (Rome, USE Botocudo Indians Italy) Borunca Indians Bos mutus Giardino dell'Accademia dell'Arcadia (Rome, USE Boruca Indians USE Yak Italy) Borunca language Il Paradiso (Rome, Italy) USE Boruca language Bos platyceros Paradiso (Rome, Italy) Borunda family (Not Subd Geog) USE Gaur Parrasio, Bosco (Rome, Italy) Boruvka, Lieutenant (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Bos poephagus BT Gardens—Italy UF Lieutenant Boruvka (Fictitious character) USE Yak Bosco sacro (Brissago, Switzerland) Borvo (Celtic deity) (Not Subd Geog) [BL915.B] Bos primigenius This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Gods, Celtic USE Urus subdivision. Bory Tucholskie (Poland) USE Tuchola Forest (Poland) Bos priscus BT Forests and forestry—Switzerland Borysthenes (Extinct city) USE Steppe bison Boscobel (Bar Harbor, Me.) USE Olbia (Ukraine : Extinct city) Borysthenes River Bos readei UF Sweet Pea Cottage (Bar Harbor, Me.) USE Dnieper River USE Gaur BT Dwellings—Maine Borzano Castle (Italy) Boscobel (Garrison, N.Y.) USE Castello di Borzano (Italy) Bos sauveli UF Boscobel (Montrose, N.Y.) Borzelle family USE Kouprey USE Borzilleri family Boscobel House (Garrison, N.Y.) Borzilleri family (Not Subd Geog) Bos subhemachalus BT Dwellings—New York (State) UF Borzelle family USE Gaur Boscobel (Montrose, N.Y.) USE Boscobel (Garrison, N.Y.) Bos sylhetanus Boscobel House (England) USE Gaur BT Dwellings—England Boscobel House (Garrison, N.Y.) Bos sylvanus USE Boscobel (Garrison, N.Y.) USE Gaur Boscombe Alcove (Bournemouth, England) USE Shelley Manor (Bournemouth, England) Bos taurus Boscombe Cottage (Bournemouth, England) USE Cattle USE Shelley Manor (Bournemouth, England) Boscombe Lodge (Bournemouth, England) Bosak family (Not Subd Geog) USE Shelley Manor (Bournemouth, England) Here are entered works on families with the surnames Bosak, Bosaḱ , or Bosǎ k. When this heading is assigned to works on an individual family, the appropriate diacritical marks, if any, are included in the heading in the catalog record. B-326
Boscombe Manor (Bournemouth, England) Bosler family (Not Subd Geog) Bosnian and Hercegovinian . . . USE Shelley Manor (Bournemouth, England) UF Bossler family USE subject headings beginning with or qualified by the word Bosnian, e.g. Bosnian literature; Boscoreale Cups Bosley family (Not Subd Geog) Art, Bosnian UF Boscoreale Cups of Augustus and Tiberius UF Bosly family BT Silverwork—Rome Bozley family Bosnian and Hercegovinian newspapers USE Bosnian newspapers Boscoreale Cups of Augustus and Tiberius Bosly family USE Boscoreale Cups USE Bosley family Bosnian and Hercegovinian periodicals USE Bosnian periodicals Bose algebra Bosma family (Not Subd Geog) USE Bose algebras Bosman (Papua New Guinean people) Bosnian and Herzegovinian . . . USE subject headings beginning with or qualified by Bose algebras USE Bosmun (Papua New Guinean people) the word Bosnian, e.g. Bosnian literature; [QC20.7.B58] Bosman family Art, Bosnian UF Algebra, Bose Algebras, Bose USE Bozeman family Bosnian art Bose algebra Bosmans family USE Art, Bosnian BT Operator algebras USE Bozeman family Bosnian authors Bose Basin (China) Bosmun (Papua New Guinean people) USE Authors, Bosnian UF Baise Pendi (China) BT Basins (Geology)—China (May Subd Geog) Bosnian ballads UF Bosman (Papua New Guinean people) USE Ballads, Bosnian Bose condensed fluids Bosngun (Papua New Guinean people) USE Bose-Einstein condensation BT Ethnology—Papua New Guinea Bosnian children's literature Papuans USE Children's literature, Bosnian Bose condensed liquids USE Bose-Einstein condensation Bosngun (Papua New Guinean people) Bosnian children's poetry USE Bosmun (Papua New Guinean people) USE Children's poetry, Bosnian Bose-Einstein condensation [QC175.47.B65] Bosnia and Hercegovina Bosnian cooking UF Bose condensed fluids — Description and travel USE Cooking, Bosnian Bose condensed liquids — — To 1918 Bose fluids USE Bosnia and Herzegovina—Description Bosnian drama (May Subd Geog) Bose liquids and travel BT Bosnian literature Einstein condensation — — 1918-1980 BT Bosons USE Bosnia and Herzegovina—Description Bosnian epic poetry Condensation and travel USE Epic poetry, Bosnian Superfluidity — — 1981- USE Bosnia and Herzegovina—Description Bosnian fiction (May Subd Geog) Bose-Einstein gas and travel BT Bosnian literature UF Bose gas NT Short stories, Bosnian Gas, Bose-Einstein Bosnia and Hercegovina in the press War stories, Bosnian BT Photons USE Bosnia and Herzegovina—Press coverage Quantum statistics Bosnian folk literature Bosnia and Herzegovina USE Folk literature, Bosnian Bose-Einstein particles — Antiquities USE Bosons [DR1671] Bosnian folk poetry NT Butmir culture USE Folk poetry, Bosnian Bose family Mistihalj Site (Bosnia and Herzegovina) USE Boss family — Description and travel Bosnian folk songs UF Bosnia and Hercegovina—Description and USE Folk songs, Bosnian Bose fluids travel—To 1918 [Former heading] USE Bose-Einstein condensation Bosnia and Hercegovina—Description and Bosnian language (May Subd Geog) travel—1918-1980 [Former heading] Here are entered works on the language of the Bose gas Bosnia and Hercegovina—Description and USE Bose-Einstein gas travel—1981- [Former heading] Bosnians treated as a separate language. Works on — History the language(s) of the Serbs or Croats treated as Bose liquids — — To 1463 separate languages are entered under Serbian USE Bose-Einstein condensation — — 1463-1878 language or Croatian language. Works on the — — Rebellion of 1875 language(s) of the Serbs, Croats, and Bosnians Boseck family (Not Subd Geog) — — 1878-1918 treated together as a single language are entered Boselaphus (May Subd Geog) — — 1918-1945 under Serbo-Croatian language. — — 1945-1992 [QL737.U53 (Zoology)] — — 1992- UF Bosniac language BT Antelopes — — Partition, 1995 Bosniak language [DR1756] Bovidae BT Partition, Territorial BT Bosnia and Herzegovina—Languages NT Nilgai — Intellectual life Slavic languages, Southern Boselaphus tragocamelus [DR1672] USE Nilgai — — 1992- RT Serbo-Croatian language Böser family [DR1751] — Scientific Bosnian USE Boeser family — Languages Bosforo Tracio (Turkey) NT Bosnian language USE Bosnian language—Technical Bosnian USE Bosporus (Turkey) Croatian language — Technical Bosnian Bosh (The Hebrew root) Serbian language BT Hebrew language—Roots — Literatures UF Bosnian language—Scientific Bosnian Boshaar family NT Bosnian literature Scientific Bosnian USE Bashore family Serbian literature Technical Bosnian Bosherton Lakes (Wales) — Politics and government UF Bosherton Lily Ponds (Wales) — — 1992- BT Technology—Language BT Lakes—Wales NT Operation Joint Endeavor, 1995-1996 Bosnian literature (May Subd Geog) Bosherton Lily Ponds (Wales) — Press coverage (May Subd Geog) USE Bosherton Lakes (Wales) UF Bosnia and Hercegovina in the press [PG1700-PG1749] Boshin War, Japan, 1868 [Former heading] BT Bosnia and Herzegovina—Literatures USE Japan—History—Civil War, 1868 NT Bosnian drama Boshoffsberge (South Africa) Bosniac language UF Boshofsberg (South Africa) USE Bosnian language Bosnian fiction BT Mountains—South Africa Bosnian poetry Boshofsberg (South Africa) Bosniak language Bosnian wit and humor USE Boshoffsberge (South Africa) USE Bosnian language Children's literature, Bosnian Boshoverheide (Netherlands) Folk literature, Bosnian BT Heathlands—Netherlands Bosnian American families (May Subd Geog) Bosnian national characteristics Bosi family UF Families, Bosnian American USE National characteristics, Bosnian USE Boso family BT Families—United States Bosnian newspapers (May Subd Geog) Bositeng Hu (China) UF Bosnian and Hercegovinian newspapers USE Bosten Lake (China) Bosnian American teenagers (May Subd Geog) [Former heading] Bositeng Lake (China) UF Teenagers, Bosnian American BT Newspapers USE Bosten Lake (China) BT Teenagers—United States Bosnian painting Bosket family (Not Subd Geog) USE Painting, Bosnian Boskop man (May Subd Geog) Bosnian Americans (May Subd Geog) Bosnian pen drawing [GN286.2] UF Bosnian Americans—United States USE Pen drawing, Bosnian UF Boskop skull BT Bosnians—United States Bosnian periodicals (May Subd Geog) Ethnology—United States UF Bosnian and Hercegovinian periodicals Homo capensis [Former heading] Otjisewa man — United States BT Periodicals BT Fossil hominids—South Africa USE Bosnian Americans Bosnian pine Boskop skull USE Pinus heldreichii USE Boskop man Bosnian poetry (May Subd Geog) BT Bosnian literature NT Children's poetry, Bosnian Epic poetry, Bosnian Folk poetry, Bosnian Religious poetry, Bosnian Bosnian poets USE Poets, Bosnian B-327
Bosnian proverbs Rica) Boss Hill Site (Alta.) USE Proverbs, Bosnian Niños, Bosque Eterno de los (Costa Rica) BT Alberta—Antiquities BT Forest reserves—Costa Rica Bosnian religious poetry Bosque Insular de Guánica, Yauco, y Guayanilla (P.R.) Boss management USE Religious poetry, Bosnian USE Bosque Seco de Guań ica (P.R.) USE Managing your boss Bosque la Montañona (El Salvador) Bosnian short stories USE Bosque de la Montanõ na (El Salvador) Boss rule USE Short stories, Bosnian Bosque Las Lajas (El Salvador) USE Political corruption UF Lajas Forest (El Salvador) Bosnian war stories Las Lajas Forest (El Salvador) Bossa nova (Dance) (May Subd Geog) USE War stories, Bosnian BT Forest reserves—El Salvador BT Dance Wildlife refuges—El Salvador Bosnian wit and humor (May Subd Geog) Bosque Mbaracayú, Reserva Natural del (Paraguay) Bossa nova (Music) (May Subd Geog) BT Bosnian literature USE Reserva Natural del Bosque Mbaracayú This heading is not qualified by medium of (Paraguay) Bosnian wit and humor, Pictorial (May Subd Geog) Bosque Modelo de Calakmul (Mexico) performance. For bossa nova for a specific medium, Bosnians (May Subd Geog) UF Calakmul Model Forest (Mexico) an additional heading is assigned for the medium of BT Experimental forests—Mexico performance. BT Ethnology—Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosque Nacional Coronado (Ariz. and N.M.) — United States USE Coronado National Forest (Ariz. and N.M.) BT Jazz—Brazil Bosque Nacional Rio Blanco (Colo.) Popular music—Brazil NT Bosnian Americans USE White River National Forest (Colo.) Bosnians in literature (Not Subd Geog) Bosque Natural de Arrayanes (Ecuador) Bossard family Boso family (Not Subd Geog) USE Bosque de Arrayanes (Ecuador) USE Bussard family Bosque Nuboso de Monteverde, Reserva Biológica del UF Bosi family (Costa Rica) Bosse family Bossi family USE Reserva Bioloǵ ica Bosque Nuboso Monteverde USE Boss family Bossio family (Costa Rica) Bussche family Bosso family Bosque Nuboso de Monteverde, Reserva del (Costa Rica) Bosse Field (Evansville, Ind.) RT Boisseau family USE Reserva Biológica Bosque Nuboso Monteverde BT Stadiums—Indiana Bos̄ o-̄ hantō (Japan) (Costa Rica) Bosque Protector Golondrinas (Ecuador) Bosseau family USE Bōsō Peninsula (Japan) UF Bosque Protector Mirador de Golondrinas USE Boisseau family Bos̄ ō Peninsula (Japan) (Ecuador) Bosque Protector Mirador de las Golondrinas Bossence family (Not Subd Geog) UF Bos̄ o-̄ hantō (Japan) (Ecuador) Bossert family (Not Subd Geog) BT Peninsulas—Japan Cerro Golondrinas Protected Forest Reserve Bosses, Gang (Labor) Bosoms, Shirt (Dickeys) (Ecuador) USE Dickeys (Clothing) Golondrinas, Bosque Protector (Ecuador) USE Gang bosses (Labor) Boson approximations, Interacting Mirador de Golondrinas, Bosque Protector Bosses (Architecture) (May Subd Geog) USE Interacting boson models (Ecuador) Boson-fermion models, Interacting Mirador de las Golondrinas, Bosque Protector BT Architecture—Details USE Interacting boson-fermion models (Ecuador) Decoration and ornament, Architectural Boson-fermion systems, Interacting BT Forest reserves—Ecuador USE Interacting boson-fermion models Bosque Protector Maquipucuna (Ecuador) Bosses (Supervisors) Boson models, Interacting UF Maquipucuna Reserve (Ecuador) USE Supervisors USE Interacting boson models BT Protected areas—Ecuador Bosons Bosque Protector Mirador de Golondrinas (Ecuador) Bossi family [QC793.5.B62-QC793.5.B629] USE Bosque Protector Golondrinas (Ecuador) USE Boso family UF Bose-Einstein particles Bosque Protector Mirador de las Golondrinas (Ecuador) BT Particles (Nuclear physics) USE Bosque Protector Golondrinas (Ecuador) Bossier Formation RT Interacting boson-fermion models Bosque Redondo Indian Reservation (N.M.) BT Formations (Geology)—Arkansas BT Indian reservations—New Mexico Formations (Geology)—Gulf States Interacting boson models Bosque Relicto de Arrayanes (Ecuador) Geology, Stratigraphic—Jurassic NT Axions USE Bosque de Arrayanes (Ecuador) Bosque Seco Chiquitano, Cerrado y Pantanal (Bolivia) Bossier Shale Bose-Einstein condensation USE Bosque Seco Chiquitano, Cerrado y Pantanal USE Haynesville Shale Higgs bosons Boliviano (Bolivia) Intermediate bosons Bosque Seco Chiquitano, Cerrado y Pantanal Boliviano Bossies tea W bosons (Bolivia) USE Rooibos tea Z bosons UF Bosque Seco Chiquitano, Cerrado y Pantanal Bosphorus (Turkey) (Bolivia) Bossiness (May Subd Geog) USE Bosporus (Turkey) Chiquitano, Cerrado y Pantanal Boliviano, BT Personality Bosporous Cimmerius (Ukraine and Russia) Bosque Seco (Bolivia) USE Kerch Strait (Ukraine and Russia) BT Natural areas—Bolivia Bossio family Bosporus (Turkey) Bosque Seco de Guań ica (P.R.) USE Boso family UF Boğazici̧ (Turkey) UF Bosque Estatal de Guań ica (P.R.) Bosforo Tracio (Turkey) Bosque Insular de Guánica, Yauco, y Bossler family Bosphorus (Turkey) Guayanilla (P.R.) USE Bosler family Bosporus Tracius (Turkey) Guánica, Bosque Seco de (P.R.) Iṡ tanbul Boğazı (Turkey) BT Forest reserves—Puerto Rico Bosso (African people) Karadeniz Boğazı (Turkey) Bosques de Palermo (Buenos Aires, Argentina) USE Bozo (African people) BT Straits—Turkey USE Parque 3 de Febrero (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Turkish Straits (Turkey) Bosquet (Le Cannet, France) Bosso family Bosporus Bridge (Istanbul, Turkey) BT Dwellings—France USE Boso family USE Bogă z Kop̈ rüsü (Istanbul, Turkey) Bosquet family (Not Subd Geog) Bosporus Tracius (Turkey) Bosquimana (African people) Bosso Wadi (Niger) USE Bosporus (Turkey) USE Kua (African people) UF Boboy Wadi (Niger) Bosque, Jardines del (Guadalajara, Mexico) Bosquimano (African people) Dallo Bosso (Niger) USE Jardines del Bosque (Guadalajara, Mexico) USE Kua (African people) Dallol Bosso (Niger) Bosque de Arrayanes (Ecuador) BOSS (Electronic computer system) BT Wadis—Niger UF Arrayanes, Bosque de (Ecuador) BT Engineering design—Data processing Bosque Natural de Arrayanes (Ecuador) Structural design—Data processing Bossons Glacier (France) Bosque Relicto de Arrayanes (Ecuador) Boss family (Not Subd Geog) UF Glacier des Bossons (France) BT Forest reserves—Ecuador UF Boos family BT Glaciers—France Bosque de Donã Ana (Spain) Boose family USE Coto Doñana (Spain) Booz family Bossuet family (Not Subd Geog) Bosque de Doramas (Canary Islands) Booze family Bosswell family USE Doramas Forest (Canary Islands) Bos family Bosque de la Montañona (El Salvador) Bose family USE Boswell family UF Bosque la Montañona (El Salvador) Bosse family Bost family (Not Subd Geog) BT Forest reserves—El Salvador Bostadsaktiebolaget Asunto-osakeyhtiö Pantern (Turku, Bosque de Mazań (Ecuador) UF Mazán, Bosque de (Ecuador) Finland) BT Forest reserves—Ecuador USE Bostadsaktiebolaget Pantern Asunto- Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (N.M.) BT National parks and reserves—New Mexico osakeyhtiö (Turku, Finland) Wildlife refuges—New Mexico Bostadsaktiebolaget Pantern Asunto-osakeyhtiö (Turku, Bosque Estatal de Guánica (P.R.) USE Bosque Seco de Guań ica (P.R.) Finland) Bosque Eterno de los Niños (Costa Rica) UF Asunto-osakeyhtiö Pantern (Turku, Finland) UF Children's Eternal Rain Forest (Costa Rica) Asunto Oy Pantern (Turku, Finland) Children's Eternal Rainforest (Costa Rica) Bostadsaktiebolaget Asunto-osakeyhtiö International Children's Rain Forest (Costa Pantern (Turku, Finland) Pantern Condominium (Turku, Finland) BT Condominiums—Finland Bostani family USE Bustānī family Bostanian family (Not Subd Geog) Bosteck family USE Bostick family Bostelman family USE Bostelmann family Bostelmann family (Not Subd Geog) UF Bostelman family Bosten Hu (China) USE Bosten Lake (China) Bosten Lake (China) UF Baghrash Köl (China) Baghrash Kul (China) Baghrash Lake (China) B-328
Bagrach Köl (China) Boston African American National Historic Site (Boston, Boston Public Garden (Boston, Mass.) Bagrach-koul (China) Mass.) USE Public Garden (Boston, Mass.) Bagrach-kul’ (China) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Bagrach Lake (China) subdivision. Boston school of painting Bagrash Köl (China) BT Painting, American—19th century Bagrash-köll (China) BT Historic sites—Massachusetts Painting, American—20th century Bagrash Kul (China) National parks and reserves—Massachusetts Bagrash Lake (China) Boston Street (Seattle, Wash.) Bagrash Nur (China) Boston and Mount Desert Limited (Express train) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Bagrax Hu (China) USE Bar Harbor Express (Express train) Bositeng Hu (China) subdivision. Bositeng Lake (China) Boston Bay (Mass.) Bosten Hu (China) BT Bays—Massachusetts UF East Boston Street (Seattle, Wash.) Lake Bogrash (China) West Boston Street (Seattle, Wash.) Ozero Bagrach-kyl’ (China) Boston Bay Watershed (Mass.) Ozero Bagrash-kul’ (China) BT Watersheds—Massachusetts BT Streets—Washington (State) Ozero Bogrash (China) Boston Tea Party, 1773 Pa-ko-la-shih Hu (China) Boston bluefish Pa-ko-la-shih-k’u-li (China) USE Pollock USE Boston Tea Party, Boston, Mass., 1773 Po-ssu-t’eng Hu (China) Boston Tea Party, Boston, Mass., 1773 BT Lakes—China Boston butts (Pork) Bostetter United States Courthouse (Alexandria, Va.) USE Pork shoulder butts [E215.7] USE Martin V.B. Bostetter, Jr., United States UF Boston Tea Party, 1773 [Former heading] Courthouse (Alexandria, Va.) Boston Cenotaph (Boston, England) BT Boston (Mass.)—History—Revolution, 1775- Bostian family USE Boston War Memorial (Boston, England) USE Bastian family 1783 Bostic family Boston City Hall (Boston, Mass.) Massachusetts—History—Revolution, 1775- USE Bostick family UF City Hall (Boston, Mass. : 1968- ) 1783 Bostick family (Not Subd Geog) BT City halls—Massachusetts United States—History—Revolution, 1775- UF Bawstick family 1783 Bosteck family Boston Common (Boston, Mass.) RT Tea tax (American colonies) Bostic family [F73.65] Boston terrier (May Subd Geog) Bostock family This heading is not valid for use as a geographic [SF429.B7] Bostocke family UF Boston terriers [Former heading] Bostwick family subdivision. BT Terriers Boswick family Boston terriers Bostock family UF Common, The (Boston, Mass.) USE Boston terrier USE Bostick family BT Parks—Massachusetts Boston War Memorial (Boston, England) Bostocke family Boston Custom House (Boston, Mass.) UF Boston Cenotaph (Boston, England) USE Bostick family USE United States Customhouse (Boston, Mass.) BT War memorials—England Boston (Mass.) Boston Esplanade (Boston, Mass.) Boston's North Shore (Mass.) — Description USE Charles River Esplanade (Boston, Mass.) USE North Shore (Mass. : Coast) USE Boston (Mass.)—Description and travel Boston family (Not Subd Geog) Boston's South Shore (Mass.) — Description and travel Boston Garden (Boston, Mass.) USE South Shore (Mass. : Coast) BT Arenas—Massachusetts Bostrichidae (May Subd Geog) UF Boston (Mass.)—Description [Former Boston Glacier Research Natural Area (Wash.) [QL596.B5 (Zoology)] heading] BT Research natural areas—Washington (State) UF Apalidae Boston hake Apatidae — Garrison mob, 1835 USE Urophycis tenuis Auger beetles USE Garrison Mob, Boston, Mass., 1835 Boston Harbor (Mass.) Bostrychidae BT Harbors—Massachusetts Powderpost beetles — History Boston Harbor Islands (Mass.) Psoidae [F73] UF Harbor Islands (Mass.) True powderpost beetles BT Islands—Massachusetts BT Beetles — — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area (Mass.) NT Dinoderus — — Siege, 1775-1776 BT National parks and reserves—Massachusetts Bostrichus bicolor USE Pityogenes chalcographus BT Sieges—Massachusetts Recreation areas—Massachusetts Bostrichus chloroticus United States—History—Revolution, Boston Harbor Islands State Park (Mass.) USE Ips calligraphus 1775-1783—Campaigns Bostrichus conformis BT Parks—Massachusetts USE Ips calligraphus — — Revolution, 1775-1783 Boston Harbor Watershed (Mass.) Bostrichus exesus NT Boston Port Bill, 1774 USE Ips calligraphus Boston Tea Party, Boston, Mass., 1773 BT Watersheds—Massachusetts Bostrichus pini Evacuation Day, Boston, Mass., 1776 Boston Light (Mass.) USE Ips grandicollis Bostrichus xylographus — — Antislavery movement, 1830-1863 BT Lighthouses—Massachusetts USE Pityogenes chalcographus USE Antislavery Boston ling Bostrom family (Not Subd Geog) movements—Massachusetts—Bosto Bostrychia (May Subd Geog) n USE Urophycis tenuis [QK569.R37] Boston Marathon Bombing, Boston, Mass., 2013 BT Rhodomelaceae — — Civil War, 1861-1865 Bostrychidae — — 1865- [HV6432.8] USE Bostrichidae — Police Strike, 1919 BT Bombings—Massachusetts Bostwick family Boston Massacre, 1770 USE Bostick family USE Police Strike, Boston, Mass., 1919 [E215.4] Bosurgi family (Not Subd Geog) — Politics and government BT Massacres—Massachusetts Bosvathick House (England) — — To 1775 BT Dwellings—England United States—History—Revolution, 1775- Boswachterij Dorst (Netherlands) UF Boston (Mass.)—Politics and 1783—Causes UF Boswachtery Dorst (Netherlands) government—Colonial period, ca. Boston Mountains (Ark. and Okla.) BT Forest reserves—Netherlands 1600-1775 [Former heading] BT Mountains—Arkansas Boswachtery Dorst (Netherlands) Mountains—Oklahoma USE Boswachterij Dorst (Netherlands) — — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 Ozark Mountains Bosweel family USE Boston (Mass.)—Politics and Boston National Historical Park (Boston, Mass.) USE Boswell family government—To 1775 This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Boswel family subdivision. USE Boswell family — — 1775-1783 Boswell, Freya (Fictitious character) UF Boston (Mass.)—Politics and BT Historic sites—Massachusetts USE Freya (Fictitious character : Arnold) government—Revolution, 1775-1783 National parks and reserves—Massachusetts Boswell (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) [Former heading] Boswell family (Not Subd Geog) Boston Peak (Chelan County and Skagit County, UF Bosswell family — — Revolution, 1775-1783 Wash.) Bosweel family USE Boston (Mass.)—Politics and USE Sahale Mountain (Wash.) Boswel family government—1775-1783 Boswells family Boston Peak (Skagit County, Wash.) Boswill family — — 1775-1865 BT Mountains—Washington (State) Bozwell family Boston (Mass.). Haymarket Square North Cascades (B.C. and Wash.) Buswell family Buzwell family USE Haymarket Square (Boston, Mass.) Boston Port Bill, 1774 RT Buzzell family Boston (Bomber) BT Boston (Mass.)—History—Revolution, 1775- 1783 USE A-20 (Bomber) Massachusetts—History—Revolution, 1775- Boston (Dance) (May Subd Geog) 1783 United States—History—Revolution, 1775- BT Dance 1783—Causes Boston (Game) Boston Post Road USE Solo whist USE Boston Post Roads Boston Post Roads UF Boston Post Road Old Boston Post Road Old Boston Post Roads BT Post roads—New England Post roads—New York (State) B-329
Boswell Ranch (Wyo.) NT Ginseng industry and groups of plants, e.g. Corn--Microscopy BT Ranches—Wyoming Quinine industry NT Botanical microtechnique Botanical microtechnique (May Subd Geog) Boswells family Botanical drugs [QK673] USE Boswell family USE Materia medica, Vegetable UF Plant microtechnique BT Botanical microscopy Boswick family Botanical ecologists USE Bostick family USE Plant ecologists Botany—Technique Microtechnique Boswill family Botanical garden curating Botanical museums (May Subd Geog) USE Boswell family USE Botanical gardens—Curatorship [QK79-QK79.5] UF Botany—Museums Bosworth, Battle of, England, 1485 Botanical garden curatorial practice Plants—Museums USE Bosworth Field, Battle of, England, 1485 USE Botanical gardens—Curatorship RT Herbaria BT Natural history museums Bosworth Estate (England) Botanical garden curatorship Botanical names BT Manors—England USE Botanical gardens—Curatorship USE Plants—Nomenclature Botanical nomenclature Bosworth family (Not Subd Geog) Botanical garden directors (May Subd Geog) USE Plants—Nomenclature UF Bozworth family UF Directors of botanical gardens Botanical pesticides (May Subd Geog) BT Botanical gardens—Employees [SB951.145.B68 (Pest control)] Bosworth Field, Battle of, 1485 UF Pesticides from plants USE Bosworth Field, Battle of, England, 1485 Botanical garden trustees (May Subd Geog) Pesticides of plant origin UF Botanical gardens—Trustees Phytochemical pesticides Bosworth Field, Battle of, England, 1485 BT Trusts and trustees Plant-derived pesticides [DA260] BT Natural pesticides UF Bosworth, Battle of, England, 1485 Botanical gardens (May Subd Geog) Plant products Bosworth Field, Battle of, 1485 [Former [QK71-QK73] RT Pesticidal plants heading] UF Botanic gardens NT Botanical insecticides BT Great Britain—History—Wars of the Roses, BT Gardens Neonicotinoids 1455-1485—Campaigns Research institutes Botanical prospecting RT Arboretums USE Geobotanical prospecting BOT (Public contracts) SA names of individual botanical gardens Botanical research USE Build-operate-transfer (Public contracts) USE Botany—Research — Curatorship (May Subd Geog) Botanical science Bot-flies UF Botanical garden curating USE Botany USE Botflies Botanical garden curatorial practice Botanical societies Botanical garden curatorship USE Botany—Societies, etc. Bota (Northern Mariana Islands) BT Curatorship Botanical specimens (May Subd Geog) USE Rota Island (Northern Mariana Islands) UF Herbarium specimens — Employees Plant material (Botanical specimens) Botacks (Fishing boats) NT Botanical garden directors Plant specimens USE Botters (Fishing boats) BT Biological specimens — Trustees NT Herbaria Botah (Northern Mariana Islands) USE Botanical garden trustees — Collection and preservation (May Subd Geog) USE Rota Island (Northern Mariana Islands) — California [QK61] Botaha (Northern Mariana Islands) NT Huntington Herb Garden (San Marino, UF Plants—Collection and preservation USE Rota Island (Northern Mariana Islands) Calif.) [Former heading] Botallo's duct — England Preservation of botanical specimens USE Ductus arteriosus — Hawaii BT Botany—Technique RT Plant collecting Botanic gardens NT Waimea Falls Park (Hawaii) SA subdivision Collection and preservation USE Botanical gardens — Italy under Flowers, Leaves, and similar — Japan headings and under individual plants Botanic medicine and groups of plants, e.g. Fungi-- USE Medicine, Botanic NT Heian no Sono (Kyoto, Japan) Collection and preservation — Lithuania NT Botanical specimens—Drying Botanical and Floral Garden (Liberty County, Ga.) — Drying (May Subd Geog) USE Woodmanston Site (Liberty County, Ga.) NT Skinderiškio dendroparkas (Lithuania) UF Plant drying — Netherlands Plants—Drying [Former heading] Botanical apparatus (May Subd Geog) — Philippines BT Botanical specimens—Collection and [QK715] Botanical geography preservation BT Scientific apparatus and instruments USE Phytogeography — Type specimens Botanical histochemistry USE Plants—Type specimens Botanical archaeology USE Plant histochemistry Botanical surveys USE Plant remains (Archaeology) Botanical identification USE Vegetation surveys USE Plants—Identification Botanical systematics Botanical artists (May Subd Geog) Botanical illustration (May Subd Geog) USE Plants—Classification BT Artists Botanical systematists [QK98.2] USE Plant taxonomists Botanical chemicals UF Botanical drawing Botanical taxonomists USE Phytochemicals USE Plant taxonomists Flower painting and illustration [Former Botanical taxonomy Botanical chemistry (May Subd Geog) heading] USE Plants—Classification [QK861-QK899] Fruit painting and illustration [Former heading] Botanical type specimens UF Phytochemistry Illustration, Botanical USE Plants—Type specimens Plant biochemistry BT Biological illustration Botanists (May Subd Geog) Plant chemistry Natural history illustration [QK26-QK31 (Biography)] BT Biochemistry Botanical immunochemistry UF Plant biologists Botany USE Plant immunochemistry Plant scientists RT Phytochemicals Botanical insecticides (May Subd Geog) BT Biologists Plant biochemical genetics [SB951.54 (Insect control)] Plant specialists NT Plant bioassay BT Biological insecticides NT Algologists Plant chemotaxonomy Botanical pesticides Botanizers Plant cytochemistry RT Insecticidal plants Bryologists Plant histochemistry NT Neem insecticide Dendrologists Plant immunochemistry Pyrethrum (Insecticide) Ethnobotanists Plants—Analysis Rotenone Medical botanists Plants—Composition Botanical inventories Paleobotanists Wood—Chemistry USE Vegetation surveys Plant collectors Botanical laboratories (May Subd Geog) Plant ecologists — Genetic aspects [QK78] Plant geneticists USE Plant biochemical genetics BT Biological laboratories Plant physiologists Botanical librarians (May Subd Geog) Botanical classification BT Special librarians USE Plants—Classification Botanical libraries (May Subd Geog) [Z675.B67] Botanical collecting BT Biological libraries USE Plant collecting Botanical literature (May Subd Geog) [QK14.5] Botanical collectors BT Biological literature USE Plant collectors RT Botany—Bibliography NT Herbals Botanical cytochemistry Botanical microscopy (May Subd Geog) USE Plant cytochemistry [QK673] UF Plants—Microscopy Botanical diversity BT Microscopy USE Plant diversity SA subdivision Microscopy under individual plants Botanical drawing USE Botanical illustration Botanical drug industry (May Subd Geog) [HD9675.B68-HD9675.B684] UF Medicinal plant industry Vegetable drug industry BT Pharmaceutical industry Plant products industry RT Materia medica, Vegetable Medicinal plants B-330
Plant taxonomists — Nomenclature RT Materia medica, Vegetable Women botanists USE Plants—Nomenclature Medical botanists Botanists' spouses (May Subd Geog) Medicinal plants BT Spouses — Nomenclature (Popular) Botanizers (May Subd Geog) USE Plant names, Popular NT Psychotropic plants [QK46.5.B66] Botany as a profession UF Amateur botanists — Organography BT Botanists [QK641-QK662] USE Botany—Vocational guidance NT Women botanizers UF Organography Botany Bay (N.S.W.) Botany (May Subd Geog) [QK] — Pathology BT Bays—Australia UF Botanical science USE Plant diseases Botany in archaeology Phytobiology Phytography — Physiology USE Plant remains (Archaeology) Phytology USE Plant physiology Botany in art (Not Subd Geog) Plant biology Botany in literature (Not Subd Geog) Plant science — Pictorial works Botany projects (May Subd Geog) BT Biology [QK98] Natural history UF Projects, Botany RT Plants — Pre-Linnaean works BT Biology projects SA headings beginning with the words Botanical or USE Botany—Pre-Linnean works Plant or the prefix Phyto Botany—Experiments NT Aerial photography in botany — Pre-Linnean works Botany teachers (May Subd Geog) Algology [QK41] Botanical chemistry UF Botany—Early works to 1753 BT Biology teachers Botany, Medical Botany—Pre-Linnaean works Botas family (Not Subd Geog) Bryology Pre-Linnaean works of botany Botaurini Carpel Pre-Linnean works of botany Chimeras (Botany) NT Herbals USE Bitterns Dangerous plants Botaurus (May Subd Geog) Fertilization of plants — Research (May Subd Geog) Forensic botany [QK51-QK57] [QL696.C52 (Zoology)] Mycology UF Botanical research [Former heading] UF Large bitterns Myrmecophilous plants BT Ardeidae Paleobotany — Societies, etc. Palynology [QK1] Bitterns Phytogeography UF Botanical societies [Former heading] NT Australasian bittern Plant anatomy Plant ecology — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) European bittern Plant embryology [QK51-QK57] Botaurus australis Plant molecular biology Plant morphology — — Activity programs (May Subd Geog) USE Australasian bittern Radioactive tracers in botany [QK52.55] Botaurus poecilopterus Radioisotopes in botany BT Activity programs in education Seedlings USE Australasian bittern Women in botany — Subject headings Botaurus poeciloptilus — Analysis blanks USE Subject headings—Botany USE Plants—Analysis—Forms USE Australasian bittern — Anatomy — Technique Botaurus poiciloptilus USE Plant anatomy NT Botanical microtechnique — Bibliography Botanical specimens—Collection and USE Australasian bittern preservation Botaurus stellaris [Z5351-Z5360] RT Botanical literature — Teratology USE European bittern — — Early USE Plants—Abnormalities Botcharoff Lake (Alaska) [Z5352] — Terminology USE Becharof Lake (Alaska) — Bibliography of bibliographies [QK10] Botchergate Picture House (Carlisle, England) — Bio-bibliography — Classification — Type specimens BT Motion picture theaters—England USE Plants—Type specimens Botdorf family USE Plants—Classification — Dictionaries — Variation USE Batdorf family USE Plants—Variation Bote (Nepalese people) (May Subd Geog) [QK9] — Early works to 1753 — Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog) [DS493.9.B68] [QK50.5] BT Ethnology—Nepal USE Botany—Pre-Linnean works UF Botany as a profession [Former heading] Bote family — Ecology USE Botts family — Antarctic regions Bote-Mahi language USE Plant ecology USE Botany—Antarctica USE Bote-Majhi language — Electrophysiology Bote-Majhi language (May Subd Geog) — Antarctica UF Bote-Mahi language [Former heading] USE Electrophysiology of plants UF Botany—Antarctic regions [Former — Embryology heading] Kushar language Pakhe-Bote language USE Plant embryology — Arctic regions BT Indo-Aryan languages, Modern — Exhibitions Botany, Agricultural Nepal—Languages — Experiments Botecudo Indians USE Botany, Economic USE Botocudo Indians NT Botany projects Botany, Economic (May Subd Geog) Botel Tabago (Taiwan people) — Folklore USE Yami (Taiwan people) [SB107-SB109] Botel Tabago language [GR780] UF Agricultural botany USE Yami language — Geographical distribution Botel Tobago (Taiwan people) Botany, Agricultural USE Yami (Taiwan people) USE Phytogeography Economic botany Botel Tobago Island (Taiwan) — Identification BT Agriculture USE Lan Island (Taiwan) Biology, Economic Botel Tobago language USE Plants—Identification RT Human-plant relationships USE Yami language — Laboratory manuals Plants, Useful Boteler family (Not Subd Geog) NT Dye plants RT Butler family [QK53] Forest products Botelho family (Not Subd Geog) — Maps Fungi—Economic aspects Botelkude language Grain USE Halopa language USE Phytogeography—Maps Honey plants Boterville family — Methodology Manna plants USE Butterfield family Matwork plants Botestagno Castle (Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy) [QK51] Plant introduction USE Castello di Botestagno (Cortina d'Ampezzo, NT Vegetation surveys Plant materials centers Italy) — Morphology Psychotropic plants Boteti River (Botswana) USE Plant morphology Rubber plants BT Rivers—Botswana — Museums Tannin plants Boteti River Sub-Basin (Botswana) USE Botanical museums Wax plants USE Boteti River Watershed (Botswana) — Mythology (May Subd Geog) Weeds Boteti River Watershed (Botswana) — Nomenclators Botany, Experimental UF Boteti River Sub-Basin (Botswana) USE Plants—Nomenclature UF Experimental botany BT Watersheds—Botswana Botany, Medical (May Subd Geog) Botev family (Not Subd Geog) [QK99 (Botany)] UF Botiŏ v family Here are entered works on the discipline of Botevyle family medical botany. Works on the description and/or the USE Butterfield family cultivation of medicinal plants are entered under Botfield family Medicinal plants. USE Butterfield family UF Medical botany BT Botany Medical sciences B-331
Botflies (May Subd Geog) Yellow bluestem UF Aimbore Indians [QL537.O4] BT Bothriochloa Aimoré Indians UF Bot-flies Bothriopsis (May Subd Geog) Batachoa Indians Oestroida [QL666.O69] Borun Indians BT Diptera BT Pit vipers Botecudo Indians Flies NT Cuterebridae Viperidae BT Indians of South America—Brazil Oestridae Bothriuridae (May Subd Geog) Botolan Sambal dialect (May Subd Geog) Botfly, Sheep [QL458.72.B6] UF Aeta Negrito dialect USE Sheep botfly BT Scorpions Sambal Botolan dialect NT Brachistosternus Both family BT Philippines—Languages USE Booth family Orobothriurus Sambali language Urophonius Botha family (Not Subd Geog) Bothroponera Botolvson family (Not Subd Geog) UF Boudier family USE Pachycondyla Boton family RT Bode family Bothroponeta Booth family USE Pachycondyla USE Button family Bothrops (May Subd Geog) Botox (Trademark) Bothe family [QL666.O69] USE Booth family BT Pit vipers USE Botulinum toxin Viperidae Botran (Trademark) Bothidae (May Subd Geog) NT Fer-de-lance [QL638.B65 (Zoology)] Bothrops atrox USE Dicloran UF Bothinae USE Fer-de-lance Botree Left-eyed flounders Bothrponera Lefteye flounders USE Pachycondyla USE Ficus religiosa Lefteyed flounders Bothus (May Subd Geog) Botria (Tunisia) Taeniopsettinae [QL638.B65] BT Flatfishes BT Bothidae USE Acholla (Extinct city) NT Asterorhombus Bothwell Bridge, Battle of, 1679 Botryches Bothus USE Bothwell Bridge, Battle of, Scotland, 1679 Bothwell Bridge, Battle of, 1679, in literature USE Botrychium Bothie (Dog) (Not Subd Geog) USE Bothwell Bridge, Battle of, Scotland, 1679, in Botrychiaceae BT Dogs literature Bothwell Bridge, Battle of, Scotland, 1679 USE Ophioglossaceae Bothies UF Bothwell Bridge, Battle of, 1679 [Former Botrychium (May Subd Geog) USE Huts heading] BT Scotland—History—1660-1688 [QK524.O7 (Botany)] Bothinae Bothwell Bridge, Battle of, Scotland, 1679, in literature UF Botryches USE Bothidae (Not Subd Geog) UF Bothwell Bridge, Battle of, 1679, in literature Botrypus Bothma family [Former heading] Grape ferns USE Botma family Bothwell Castle (Scotland) Grapeferns BT Castles—Scotland Holubiella Bothmer Castle (Kluẗ z, Germany) Bothwell family Japanobotrychium USE Schloss Bothmer (Klütz, Germany) USE Boutwell family Moonworts Bothynus (May Subd Geog) Osmundopteris Bothmer Palace (Klütz, Germany) [QL596.S3] Phyllotrichium USE Schloss Bothmer (Kluẗ z, Germany) BT Scarabaeidae Sceptridium Botiŏ v family BT Ophioglossaceae Bothnia, Gulf of USE Botev family NT Botrychium campestre UF Bothnian Bay Botkin family (Not Subd Geog) Botrychium echo Botnia, Gulf of Botlenberg family Botrychium lineare Gulf of Bothnia USE Bottlenberg family Botrychium multifidum Gulf of Botnia Botley family Botrychium pumicola BT Bays—Finland USE Bodley family Botrychium simplex Bays—Sweden Botlikh language (May Subd Geog) Common moonwort Baltic Sea UF Botlix language Little goblin moonwort NT Or̈ egrundsgrepen (Sweden) BT Andi languages Mingan moonwort Russia (Federation)—Languages Western moonwort Bothnian Bay Botlix language Botrychium californicum USE Bothnia, Gulf of USE Botlikh language USE Botrychium multifidum Botly family Botrychium campestre (May Subd Geog) Bothnian Coast (Sweden) USE Bodley family [QK524.O7 (Botany)] USE Gulf of Bothnia Coast (Sweden) Botma family (Not Subd Geog) UF Dunewort, Prairie UF Bothma family Iowa moonwort Bothrideridae (May Subd Geog) Botner family Plains grapefern [QL596.B52 (Zoology)] USE Bottner family Prairie dunewort UF Anommatidae [Former heading] Botnia, Gulf of Prairie moonwort BT Beetles USE Bothnia, Gulf of BT Botrychium NT Deretaphrus Botnneset Peninsula (Antarctic regions) Botrychium coulteri USE Botnneset Peninsula (Antarctica) USE Botrychium multifidum Bothriechis (May Subd Geog) Botnneset Peninsula (Antarctica) Botrychium echo (May Subd Geog) [QL666.O69] UF Botnneset Peninsula (Antarctic regions) [QK524.O7 (Botany)] BT Pit vipers [Former heading] UF Echo moonwort Viperidae BT Peninsulas—Antarctica Reflected grapefern Botns Reflected moonwort Bothriocephalidae (May Subd Geog) USE Cirques (Glacial landforms) BT Botrychium [QL391.P7] Boto (May Subd Geog) Botrychium hesperium BT Pseudophyllidea [QL737.C436 (Zoology)] USE Western moonwort NT Bothriocephalus UF Amazon dolphin Botrychium lineare (May Subd Geog) Amazon River dolphin [QK524.O7 (Botany)] Bothriocephalus (May Subd Geog) Boutu UF Linearleaf moonwort [QL391.P7] Delphinus geoffrensis Narrow-leaf grapefern BT Bothriocephalidae Geoffroy's dolphin Narrowleaf grapefern Inia boliviensis Skinny moonwort Bothriochloa (May Subd Geog) Inia geoffrensis [Former heading] Slender moonwort [QK495.G74] Pink dolphin BT Botrychium UF Amphilophides Pink porpoise Botrychium lunaria Beard grasses Pink river dolphin USE Common moonwort Beardgrasses BT Inia Botrychium lunarium Bluestems Botocudo Indians (May Subd Geog) USE Common moonwort Gymnandropoga [F2520.1.B76] Botrychium minganense BT Grasses USE Mingan moonwort NT Bothriochloa ischaemum Botrychium mormo USE Little goblin moonwort Bothriochloa ischaemum (May Subd Geog) Botrychium multifidum (May Subd Geog) [QK495.G74] [QK524.O7 (Botany)] UF Beard grass, Turkestan UF Botrychium californicum Beardgrass, Texas yellow Botrychium coulteri Bluestem, King Ranch Leather grapefern Bluestem, Old world Leather-leaved grape fern Bluestem, Turkestan Leathery grape fern Bluestem, Yellow King Ranch bluestem Old world bluestem Texas yellow beardgrass Turkestan beard grass Turkestan bluestem B-332
Leathery grapefern UF Diplodia natalensis — — 1966- Leathery moonwort BT Botryodiplodia Botswana drama (English) Osmunda multifida Botryosphaeria (May Subd Geog) Sceptridium multifidum [QK623.B (Botany)] USE Botswanan drama (English) BT Botrychium BT Botryosphaeriaceae Botswana fiction (English) Botrychium pumicola (May Subd Geog) NT Botryosphaeria ribis [QK524.O7 (Botany)] Botryosphaeria ribis (May Subd Geog) USE Botswanan fiction (English) UF Crater Lake grapefern [QK623.B] Botswana literature Pumice grape fern BT Botryosphaeria Pumice grapefern Botryosphaeriaceae (May Subd Geog) USE Botswanan literature Pumice moonwort [QK623.B (Botany)] Botswana literature (English) BT Botrychium BT Pleosporales Botrychium simplex (May Subd Geog) NT Botryosphaeria USE Botswanan literature (English) [QK524.O7 (Botany)] Botryotinia (May Subd Geog) Botswanan art UF Dwarf grape fern [QK623.S3 (Mycology)] Least grapefern [SB741.B74 (Phytopathogen)] USE Art, Botswanan Least moonwort RT Botrytis Botswanan atlases Little grape fern BT Sclerotiniaceae Little grapefern Botrypus USE Atlases—Botswana Small grape fern USE Botrychium Botswanan authors BT Botrychium Botrys subglabra Botryllidae (May Subd Geog) USE Chenopodium subglabrum USE Authors, Botswanan [QL613] Botrytis (May Subd Geog) Botswanan children's stories (English) BT Stolidobranchia [QK625.M7 (Botany)] Botrylloides (May Subd Geog) [SB741.B74 (Phytopathogen)] USE Children's stories, Botswanan (English) [QL613 (Zoology)] BT Moniliaceae Botswanan civics BT Styelidae RT Botryotinia NT Botrylloides violaceus NT Botrytis cinerea USE Civics, Botswanan Botrylloides violaceus (May Subd Geog) Botrytis blight of tulip Botswanan cookery [QL613 (Zoology)] USE Tulip fire BT Botrylloides Botrytis cinerea (May Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Botswanan Botryllus (May Subd Geog) [QK625.M7 (Botany)] Botswanan diplomatic and consular service [QL613 (Zoology)] [SB741.B74 (Phytopathogen)] BT Styelidae UF Noble rot USE Diplomatic and consular service, Botswanan NT Botryllus schlosseri BT Botrytis Botswanan drama (English) (May Subd Geog) Botryllus badium Botrytis fallax USE Botryllus schlosseri USE Phytophthora infestans UF Botswana drama (English) [Former heading] Botryllus bivittatus Botrytis infestanus English drama—Botswana USE Botryllus schlosseri USE Phytophthora infestans Botryllus calyculatus Botrytis solani BT Botswanan literature (English) USE Botryllus schlosseri USE Phytophthora infestans Botswanan fiction (English) (May Subd Geog) Botryllus gemmeus Bots, Twitter USE Botryllus schlosseri USE Twitterbots UF Botswana fiction (English) [Former heading] Botryllus miniatus Bots family English fiction—Botswana USE Botryllus schlosseri USE Botts family Botryllus minutus Botschuuits (Fishing boats) BT Botswanan literature (English) USE Botryllus schlosseri USE Botters (Fishing boats) NT Children's stories, Botswanan (English) Botryllus polycyclus Botsford, Becky (Fictitious character) USE Botryllus schlosseri USE WordGirl (Fictitious character) Short stories, Botswanan (English) Botryllus schlosseri (May Subd Geog) Botsford family (Not Subd Geog) Botswanan foreign workers [QL613 (Zoology)] Botshenins Indians UF Alcyonium schlosseri USE Occaneechi Indians USE Foreign workers, Botswanan Botryllus badium Botswana Botswanan literature (May Subd Geog) Botryllus bivittatus — Antiquities Botryllus calyculatus UF Botswana—Literatures Botryllus gemmeus [DT2450] Botswana literature [Former heading] Botryllus miniatus NT Divuyu Site (Botswana) Botryllus minutus NT Botswanan literature (English) Botryllus polycyclus Nqoma Site (Botswana) Botswanan literature (English) (May Subd Geog) Botryllus smaragdus — Description and travel Botryllus violaceus [PR9408.B68-PR9408.B683] Golden star tunicate UF Botswana—Description and travel—1981- UF Botswana literature (English) [Former heading] Star ascidian [Former heading] Star squirt English literature—Botswana Star tunicate, Golden — — 1981- BT Botswanan literature BT Botryllus USE Botswana—Description and travel NT Botswanan drama (English) Botryllus smaragdus USE Botryllus schlosseri — Diplomatic and consular service Botswanan fiction (English) Botryllus violaceus USE Diplomatic and consular service, Botswanan national characteristics USE Botryllus schlosseri Botswanan Botryococcus, Fossil (May Subd Geog) USE National characteristics, Botswanan [QE955] — Economic conditions Botswanan novelists BT Green algae, Fossil — — 1966- Botryocrinidae (May Subd Geog) — Foreign relations (May Subd Geog) USE Novelists, Botswanan [QE782] — — 1966- Botswanan poets BT Cladida — History NT Botryocrinus — — To 1966 USE Poets, Botswanan Botryocrinus (May Subd Geog) — — 1966- Botswanan short stories (English) [QE782] — Languages BT Botryocrinidae USE Short stories, Botswanan (English) NT Botryocrinus bellensis NT G//ana language Botswanan students (May Subd Geog) Botryocrinus bellensis (May Subd Geog) G/wi language [QE782] /Hua language BT Students BT Botryocrinus Ju/'hoan language Botswanans (May Subd Geog) Botryodiplodia (May Subd Geog) Kalanga language (Botswana and [QK625.S5] Zimbabwe) Here are entered works on citizens of Botswana BT Sphaeropsidaceae Karanga language (Bantu) not currently residing within Botswana. NT Botryodiplodia theobromae Kgalagadi language Botryodiplodia theobromae (May Subd Geog) Lilima dialect UF Batswana (Nationality) [QK625.S5 (Mycology)] Mbukushu language BT Ethnology—Botswana [SB741.B73 (Plant pathogen)] Ngologa dialect Bott family Nharo language USE Botts family Subiya language Bott Wildlife Area (Ohio) !Xõ language UF Della Gates & Edward Charles Bott Wildlife Yeyi language Area (Ohio) — Literatures Della Gates and Edward Charles Bott Wildlife USE Botswanan literature Area (Ohio) BT Wildlife management areas—Ohio — Politics and government Botta pocket gopher — — To 1966 USE Thomomys bottae Bottaini family (Not Subd Geog) Boẗ tcherstrasse (Bremen, Germany) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision. BT Streets—Germany Botteley family USE Bodley family Botten family (Not Subd Geog) Bottenfield family (Not Subd Geog) Bottenhamer family USE Bodenhamer family Botters (Fishing boats) [VM371] UF Botacks (Fishing boats) Botschuuits (Fishing boats) BT Fishing boats—Netherlands Böttger red stoneware USE Böttger ware Boẗ tger stoneware USE Boẗ tger ware B-333
Böttger ware (May Subd Geog) Bottled water (May Subd Geog) Bottles, Victorian (May Subd Geog) [NK4367.B67] UF Drinking water, Bottled [Former heading] UF Victorian bottles UF Boẗ tger red stoneware Water, Bottled Boẗ tger stoneware BT Drinking water Bottles in art (Not Subd Geog) Eisenporzellan Bottles in literature (Not Subd Geog) Iron porcelain — Advertising Bottletree, Baobab Jaspis Porzellan USE Advertising—Bottled water Meissen stoneware USE Adansonia gregorii BT Pottery, German — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Bottley family Stoneware—Germany BT Public health laws USE Bodley family Bottigella Palazzo (Pavia, Italy) Bottled water industry (May Subd Geog) Bottling (May Subd Geog) USE Palazzo Bottigella (Pavia, Italy) [HD9349.M54-HD9349.M544] BT Beverage industry [TP659] Bottineau family (Not Subd Geog) RT Beverage industry UF Boutineau family Bottlenberg family (Not Subd Geog) NT Beverages—Packaging UF Bodelenberg family — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Botting family (Not Subd Geog) Bodlenberg family Bottling machinery (May Subd Geog) Bottini Villa (Lucca, Italy) Botlenberg family [TP659] BT Machinery USE Villa Buonvisi Bottini (Lucca, Italy) Bottleneck (Guitar playing) (May Subd Geog) NT Carbonated beverages—Equipment and Bottle bills UF Slide (Guitar playing) BT Guitar supplies USE Beverage containers—Recycling—Law and Bottner family (Not Subd Geog) legislation Bottlenose (Fish) USE Mormyrus longirostris UF Botner family Bottle brushes (Plants) RT Bittner family USE Callistemon Bottlenose dolphin (May Subd Geog) Metrosideros [QL737.C432 (Zoology)] Boatman family UF Atlantic bottlenose dolphin Botto family (Not Subd Geog) Bottle-charts Atlantic bottlenosed dolphin [Former heading] Bottom, Nick (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) [GC235] Bottle-nose dolphin UF Charts, Bottle Bottle-nosed dolphin UF Nick Bottom (Fictitious character) BT Maps Bottlenosed dolphin Bottom (Geomorphology) Ocean currents Bottlenosed dolphins [Former heading] Pacific bottlenose dolphin USE Alluvial plains Bottle corks (May Subd Geog) Tursiops aduncus Bottom animals UF Corks, Bottle Tursiops gephyreus BT Cork Tursiops gillii USE Benthic animals Stoppers (Implements) Tursiops nesarnock Bottom deposits (Oceanography) Tursiops nuuanu Bottle Creek Mounds (Ala.) Tursiops truncatus USE Marine sediments USE Bottle Creek Site (Ala.) BT Tursiops Bottom deposits in lakes NT Black Sea bottlenose dolphin Bottle Creek Site (Ala.) Captive bottlenose dolphins USE Lake sediments UF Bottle Creek Mounds (Ala.) Bottom Dollar Girls (Fictitious characters) BT Alabama—Antiquities — War use (May Subd Geog) Kitchen-middens—Alabama [UH100.5.B67] (Not Subd Geog) Mounds—Alabama BT Animals—War use Bottom-dwelling fish Bottle cutting Bottlenose dolphin in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Groundfishes BT Cutting UF Bottlenosed dolphins in art [Former heading] Bottom-dwelling fishes Bottle feeding (May Subd Geog) Bottlenose whales USE Groundfishes [RJ216] USE Hyperoodon Bottom family (Not Subd Geog) BT Artificial feeding of children Infants—Nutrition Bottlenosed dolphin UF Bottome family RT Infant formulas USE Bottlenose dolphin Bottoms family Bottum family Bottle gardens Bottlenosed dolphins USE Glass gardens USE Bottlenose dolphin Bottom fauna USE Benthic animals Bottle gourd Bottlenosed dolphins in art USE Lagenaria siceraria USE Bottlenose dolphin in art Bottom fish USE Groundfishes Bottle industry (May Subd Geog) Bottles (May Subd Geog) [HD9624.B67-HD9624.B673] [NK5440 (Art)] Bottom fishes UF Bottle trade [TP866 (Technology)] USE Groundfishes BT Container industry UF Flasks NT Plastic bottles industry BT Glass containers Bottom fishing (May Subd Geog) NT Architectural models in bottles [SH455.6] Bottle law Barber bottles UF Ground fishing USE Beverage containers—Recycling—Law and Beer bottles Groundfish fishing legislation Bitters bottles BT Fishing Carbonated beverage bottles NT Dredging (Fisheries) Bottle makers' marks Cruets USE Bottles—Marks Decanters Bottom lands Enameled glass bottles USE Alluvial plains Bottle-nose dolphin Figural bottles USE Bottlenose dolphin Ginger beer bottles Bottom line reporting, Triple Ink bottles USE Sustainable development reporting Bottle-nosed dolphin Liquor bottles USE Bottlenose dolphin Medicine bottles Bottom mesons Milk bottles USE B mesons Bottle-nosed shark Miniature bottles USE Lamna nasus Ocean bottles Bottom oak Pilgrim bottles USE Valley oak Bottle-nosed whales Plastic bottles USE Hyperoodon Poison bottles Bottom of the ocean Scent bottles USE Ocean bottom Bottle openers, Figural Ship models in bottles USE Figural bottle openers Stoneware bottles Bottom relief, Ocean Vinegar bottles USE Submarine topography Bottle tickets Water bottles USE Wine labels Wine bottles Bottom sediments (Oceanography) USE Marine sediments Bottle trade — Collectors and collecting (May Subd Geog) USE Bottle industry — Conservation and restoration (May Subd Geog) Bottom trawling — Marks USE Dredging (Fisheries) Bottle tree USE Adansonia gregorii UF Bottle makers' marks Bottom water (Oceanography) (May Subd Geog) Marks, Bottle makers' UF Bottomwater (Oceanography) Bottle urchins BT Seawater USE Pourtalesiidae — Private collections (May Subd Geog) — Sterilization (May Subd Geog) Bottome family Bottle washing Bottles, Enameled glass USE Bottom family [TP659] USE Enameled glass bottles BT Dishwashing Bottles, Messages in Bottomfish USE Ocean bottles USE Groundfishes Bottle washing machines (May Subd Geog) BT Cleaning machinery and appliances Bottomfishes USE Groundfishes Bottlebrush tea trees USE Melaleuca Bottomland Trail (Kan.) BT Nature trails—Kansas Bottlebrushes (Plants) USE Callistemon Bottomlands Metrosideros USE Alluvial plains Bottled gas Bottomless Lakes Park (N.M.) USE Liquefied petroleum gas USE Bottomless Lakes State Park (N.M.) Bottled ships Bottomless Lakes State Park (N.M.) USE Ship models in bottles UF Bottomless Lakes Park (N.M.) BT Parks—New Mexico Bottomley family (Not Subd Geog) Bottomry and respondentia (May Subd Geog) UF Hypothecation B-334
Respondentia Bou Saad̂ a (Algeria) Boudoux family (Not Subd Geog) BT Contracts, Maritime UF Bū Saʻādah (Algeria) UF Baudoult family BT Oases—Algeria Mortgages Boudraeve family RT Ship mortgages Bou-Tria (Tunisia) USE Bouderave family Bottoms (Geomorphology) USE Acholla (Extinct city) USE Alluvial plains Boudreau family Bottoms family Boua languages USE Boudreaux family USE Bottom family USE Bua languages Bottomwater (Oceanography) Boudreault family USE Bottom water (Oceanography) Bouaka language USE Boudreaux family Botton family USE Ngbaka ma'bo language USE Button family Boudreaux, Tony (Fictitious character) Bottorf family Bouamou language (Not Subd Geog) USE Batdorf family USE Bwamu language UF Tony Boudreaux (Fictitious character) Bottorff family USE Batdorf family Boube language Boudreaux family (Not Subd Geog) Botts, Alexander (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Bube language UF Boudreau family UF Alexander Botts (Fictitious character) Boudreault family Botts family (Not Subd Geog) Bouble River (France) Boudrot family UF Bote family BT Rivers—France Boudrot family Bots family Bouble River Valley (France) USE Boudreaux family Bott family UF Bouble Valley (France) RT Booth family BT Valleys—France Boueid 2, Tell (Syria) Butt family USE Boueid II, Tell (Syria) Bottum family Bouble Valley (France) USE Bottom family USE Bouble River Valley (France) Boueid II, Tell (Syria) Botulin UF Boueid 2, Tell (Syria) USE Botulinum toxin Boubon (Extinct city) Buwayḍ II, Tall (Syria) Botulinismus toxin BT Extinct cities—Turkey Tall Buwayḍ II (Syria) USE Botulinum toxin Turkey—Antiquities Tell Boueid II (Syria) Botulinum neurotoxin BT Syria—Antiquities USE Botulinum toxin Boubou, Fulleborn's black Botulinum toxin (May Subd Geog) USE Laniarius fulleborni Bouem (African people) [QP632.B66] USE Buem (African people) UF Botox (Trademark) Bouca̧ Residential Complex (Porto, Portugal) Botulin USE Habitaca̧ ̃o Social Saal--Bouca̧ (Porto, Portugal) Bouem language Botulinismus toxin USE Lefana language Botulinum neurotoxin Bouça Residents' Association Housing (Porto, Portugal) Botulinus toxin USE Habitaca̧ ̃o Social Saal--Bouça (Porto, Portugal) Bouende (African people) Clostridium botulinum toxin USE Bwende (African people) BT Bacterial toxins Boucard family (Not Subd Geog) Neurotoxic agents Bouças, Bom Jesus de (Crucifix) Bouer family Botulinus toxin USE Bowers family USE Botulinum toxin USE Bom Jesus de Bouças (Crucifix) Botulism (May Subd Geog) Bouchard d'Aubeterre family Boufard family [QR201.B7 (Microbiology)] USE Bouffard family [RC143 (Internal medicine)] USE Aubeterre family BT Clostridium diseases Bouchard family (Not Subd Geog) Bouffard family (Not Subd Geog) Food poisoning Bouchayer family (Not Subd Geog) UF Boufard family NT Avian botulism Boucher de Montbrun family (Not Subd Geog) Bouffart family Botvinnik system (Chess) (May Subd Geog) [GV1450.2] RT Boucher family Bouffart family BT Semi-Slav defense (Chess) De Montbrun family USE Bouffard family Boty family USE Booty family Boucher family (Not Subd Geog) Bouffons, Querelle des Botys accepta UF Bocharin family USE Querelle des Bouffons USE Sugarcane leafroller Bouchier family Botys annuligeralis RT Boucher de Montbrun family Boug Inlet (N.C.) USE Cotton leafroller USE Bogue Inlet (N.C.) Botys basipunctalis Bouches de Bonifacio USE Cotton leafroller USE Bonifacio, Strait of Bougainville Conflict, Papua New Guinea, 1988- Botys detritalis USE Bougainville Crisis, Papua New Guinea, 1988- USE Southern beet webworm Bouches-du-Rhon̂ e, Préfecture des (Marseille, France : Botys lycialis Building) Bougainville Crisis, Papua New Guinea, 1988- USE Southern beet webworm USE Pref́ ecture des Bouches-du-Rhon̂ e (Marseille, UF Bougainville Conflict, Papua New Guinea, Botys multilinealis France : Building) 1988- USE Cotton leafroller Bougainville Rebellion, Papua New Guinea, Botys otysalis Bouchet family (Not Subd Geog) 1988- USE Cotton leafroller UF Bochet family Bougainville War, Papua New Guinea, 1988- Botys philealis Du Bochet family BT Bougainville Island (Papua New USE Southern beet webworm Du Bouchet family Guinea)—History Botys repetitalis Dubochet family Papua New Guinea—History USE Southern beet webworm Dubouchet family Botys terricolalis RT Buket family Bougainville Island (Papua New Guinea) USE Southern beet webworm BT Islands—Papua New Guinea Botzaris family Bouchet Lake (France) Solomon Islands USE Mpotsarēs family UF Lac du Bouchet (France) Bou 'Areg Lagoon (Morocco) BT Lakes—France — History UF Lac de Puerto Nuevo (Morocco) NT Bougainville Crisis, Papua New Guinea, Laguna de Melilla (Morocco) Bouchier family 1988- Laguna de Puerto Nuevo (Morocco) USE Boucher family Mar Chica (Morocco) Bougainville Rebellion, Papua New Guinea, 1988- Melilla Lagoon (Morocco) Bouchon family USE Bougainville Crisis, Papua New Guinea, 1988- Puerto Nuevo Lagoon (Morocco) USE Bushong family Sebkha Bou 'Areg (Morocco) Bougainville War, Papua New Guinea, 1988- BT Lagoons—Morocco Bouctot-Vagniez House (Amiens, France) USE Bougainville Crisis, Papua New Guinea, 1988- Bou River (Ségueĺ a-Katiola, Cot̂ e d'Ivoire) USE Hôtel Bouctot-Vagniez (Amiens, France) BT Rivers—Côte d'Ivoire Bougainvillea (May Subd Geog) Bou River Watershed (Séguéla-Katiola, Côte d'Ivoire) Bouddouma language [QK495.N9 (Botany)] BT Watersheds—Cot̂ e d'Ivoire USE Buduma language [SB413.B65 (Culture)] UF Buginvillea Boude family (Not Subd Geog) BT Nyctaginaceae Boudelicque family Bougainvilliidae (May Subd Geog) USE Baudelicque family [QL377.H9 (Zoology)] Bouden family UF Atractylidae Bimeridae USE Bowden family Clavopsellidae Bouderave family (Not Subd Geog) Dicorynidae Hippocrenidae UF Baldrave family Lizusidae Boeraeve family Margelidae Boerave family Nemopsidae Boerhaave family Pachycordylini Boerhave family Thamnostomidae Boudraeve family BT Athecate hydroids NT Garveia Boudeuse Cay (Seychelles) BT Amirante Islands (Seychelles) Bouges Castle (Bouges-le-Chat̂ eau, France) Islands—Seychelles USE Chat̂ eau de Bouges (Bouges-le-Château, France) Boudier family USE Botha family Bough family USE Baugh family Boudin family USE Bowden family Bough pots USE Boughpots Boudja (African people) USE Budja (African people) Boudoir photography USE Glamour photography Boudouma language USE Buduma language B-335
Boughar family Boulder Camp (Okla.) Boules family USE Bowers family USE Boulder Cabin (Okla.) USE Bowles family Bougher Lake (Ind.) Boulder Canyon (Colo.) Bouleuterion (Ephesus) USE Baugher Lake (Ind.) BT Canyons—Colorado USE Odeon (Ephesus) Boughpots (May Subd Geog) Boulder Canyon (Sanpete County, Utah) Boulevard Badstrasse (Berlin, Germany) UF Bough pots USE Boulger Canyon (Utah) USE Badstrasse (Berlin, Germany) Bow pots Bowpots Boulder Creek (Boulder County and Weld County, Boulevard Barbès (Paris, France) BT Containers Colo.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF North Boulder Creek (Colo.) Boughton family BT Rivers—Colorado subdivision. USE Bouton family Boulder Creek (Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area, Alaska) UF Barbès Boulevard (Paris, France) Boughton Hill Historic Site (N.Y.) BT Rivers—Alaska BT Streets—France USE Ganondagan State Historic Site (N.Y.) Boulevard de Clichy (Paris, France) Boulder Creek Formation (B.C. and Alta.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Boughton House (England) BT Formations (Geology)—Alberta subdivision. BT Dwellings—England Formations (Geology)—British Columbia Geology, Stratigraphic—Cretaceous UF Clichy Boulevard (Paris, France) Boughton Monchelsea Place Estate (Boughton BT Streets—France Monchelsea, England) Boulder Creek Watershed (Boulder County and Weld Boulevard de Rochechouart (Paris, France) USE Boughton Place (Boughton Monchelsea, County, Colo.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic England) BT Watersheds—Colorado subdivision. Boughton Park (England) Boulder Creek Wilderness (Or.) UF Rochechouart Boulevard (Paris, France) BT Parks—England BT National parks and reserves—Oregon BT Streets—France Wilderness areas—Oregon Boulevard du Temple (Paris, France) Boughton Place (Boughton Monchelsea, England) [DC762.B] This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Boulder Dam (Ariz. and Nev.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Hoover Dam (Ariz. and Nev.) subdivision. subdivision. Boulder Falls (Colo.) UF Temple Boulevard (Paris, France) UF Boughton Monchelsea Place Estate (Boughton UF Upper Boulder Falls (Colo.) BT Streets—France Monchelsea, England) BT Waterfalls—Colorado Boulevard La Veŕ endrye (Gatineau, Queb́ ec) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Manors—England Boulder fern subdivision. Bougie, Gulf of (Algeria) USE Hay-scented fern UF La Vérendrye, Boulevard (Gatineau, Québec) USE Bejaïa, Gulf of (Algeria) Boulder House (Ariz.) Veŕ endrye, Boulevard La (Gatineau, Québec) Bougies BT Dwellings—Arizona BT Streets—Queb́ ec (Province) [RC923] Boulder Mountain Park (Boulder, Colo.) Boulevard Péripheŕ ique (Paris, France) Bouginage, Esophageal This heading is not valid for use as a geographic This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Esophagoscopy subdivision. subdivision. Bougon Site (France) UF City of Boulder Mountain Park (Boulder, Colo.) UF Paris Ring Road (Paris, France) UF Tumulus de Bougon (France) Mountain Park (Boulder, Colo.) Peripheral Boulevard (Paris, France) BT France—Antiquities Bouguer anomalies BT Parks—Colorado BT Beltways—France USE Gravity anomalies Boulder Mountains (Idaho) Streets—France Bouhier family (Not Subd Geog) Bouie family BT Mountains—Idaho Boulevard Saint-Germain (Paris, France) USE Bowie family Boulder Peak (Wash.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Bouilane family USE Bouillanne family BT Mountains—Washington (State) subdivision. Bouillanne family (Not Subd Geog) Olympic Mountains (Wash.) UF Boliane family UF Saint-Germain Boulevard (Paris, France) Boulder Reservoir (Colo.) BT Streets—France Bouilane family BT Reservoirs—Colorado Boulevard Saint-Laurent (Montreá l, Queb́ ec) Bouliane family This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Bouillaud's disease Boulder River (Jefferson County, Mont.) subdivision. USE Rheumatic fever UF Fields Creek (Mont.) Bouillon cubes (May Subd Geog) North Boulder Creek (Jefferson County, Mont.) UF Boulevard St-Laurent (Montreá l, Québec) UF Cubes, Bouillon BT Rivers—Montana Main (Montreá l, Québec : Street) BT Dried foods Saint-Laurent Boulevard (Montreá l, Queb́ ec) Stocks (Cooking) Boulder River (Mont.) St-Laurent Boulevard (Montreá l, Queb́ ec) Bouillon family (Not Subd Geog) USE Boulder River (Sweet Grass County, Mont.) The Main (Montréal, Québec : Street) Bouin language USE Dalabon language Boulder River (Sweet Grass County, Mont.) BT Streets—Queb́ ec (Province) Bouiok (Taiwan people) UF Boulder River (Mont.) [Former heading] Boulevard St-Laurent (Montreá l, Queb́ ec) USE Saisiyat (Taiwan people) BT Rivers—Montana Bouiok language USE Boulevard Saint-Laurent (Montréal, Québec) USE Saisiyat language Boulder River Watershed (Jefferson County, Mont.) Boulevards Bouissierolles family BT Watersheds—Montana USE Boussairolles family USE Streets Bouiti sect Boulder River Watershed (Sweet Grass County, Mont.) Boulger Canyon (Utah) USE Bwiti sect BT Watersheds—Montana Bouity sect UF Boulder Canyon (Sanpete County, Utah) USE Bwiti sect Boulder Valley (Mont.) Flat Canyon (Sanpete County, Utah) Boukind family (Not Subd Geog) BT Valleys—Montana UF Baakind family BT Canyons—Utah Baukin family Bouldering Boulgour Bouknight family USE Rock climbing USE Bauknight family USE Bulgur Boukouvalas family (Not Subd Geog) Boulders (Ariz. : Resort) Bouliane family Boul family (Not Subd Geog) UF Boulders, The (Ariz.) [Former heading] Boulanger family BT Resorts—Arizona USE Bouillanne family USE Beĺ anger family Boulier family (Not Subd Geog) Boulay family (Not Subd Geog) Boulders (May Subd Geog) UF Boulé family UF Bowlders UF Belyea family Boulby Alum Quarry (England) Erratics, Glacial Bilyea family USE Boulby Alum Works (England) Glacial erratics Bulyea family Boulby Alum Works (England) BT Drift UF Boulby Alum Quarry (England) Rocks RT Beyea family BT Alum mines and mining—England Bouligny family (Not Subd Geog) Quarries and quarrying—England — England Boulder Batholith (Mont.) NT Bowder Stone (England) RT Bolognini family BT Batholiths—Montana Boullework Boulder Beach (Otago, N.Z.) — Wyoming BT Beaches—New Zealand NT Independence Rock (Wyo.) USE Buhl work Boulder Cabin (Okla.) Boulmer family UF Boulder Camp (Okla.) Boulders, The (Ariz.) Camp Boulder (Okla.) USE Boulders (Ariz. : Resort) USE Bulmer family BT Mountain shelters—Oklahoma Boulogne, Bois de (Paris, France) Bouldin family (Not Subd Geog) Bouldin Island (Calif.) USE Bois de Boulogne (Paris, France) Boulogne, Notre-Dame de BT Islands—California Bouldnor Cliff (England) USE Boulogne, Our Lady of Boulogne, Our Lady of (Not Subd Geog) BT Cliffs—England Bouldnor Cliff Site (England) [BT660.B752] UF Boulogne, Notre-Dame de BT England—Antiquities Boule (Game) Notre-Dame de Boulogne Our Lady of Boulogne [GV1311.B6] BT Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint—Devotion BT Gambling to—France Boulé family Boulogne-sur-Mer (France) USE Boulay family — History Boule ton Ellinon (Athens, Greece) USE Voulē ton̄ Hellēnon̄ (Athens, Greece) Boule-work USE Buhl work B-336
— — Siege, 1544 UF Bound Brook, Battle of, 1777 [Former heading] Boundary, Pleistocene-Holocene BT Italy—History—1492-1559 BT New Jersey—History—Revolution, 1775-1783 USE Pleistocene-Holocene boundary Sieges—France United States—History—Revolution, 1775- Boundary, Pliocene-Pleistocene Boulogne-Thibault (Guadeloupe) 1783—Campaigns USE Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary USE Thibault (Guadeloupe) Bound family USE Bounds family Boundary Bay (B.C. and Wash.) Boulou language Bound states (Quantum mechanics) UF Boca de Bodega (B.C. and Wash.) USE Bulu language [QC174.17.B6] Boca de Florida Blanca (B.C. and Wash.) BT Energy levels (Quantum mechanics) Bodega, Boca de (B.C. and Wash.) Bouls family Nuclear physics Engano, Ensenada del (B.C. and Wash.) USE Bowles family Bound-with books (May Subd Geog) Ensenada del Engano (B.C. and Wash.) BT Books Florida Blanca, Boca de (B.C. and Wash.) Boult family NT Cataloging of bound-with books Mud Bay (B.C. and Wash.) USE Bolt family Boundaries (Not Subd Geog) BT Bays—British Columbia [JC323 (Theory of the state)] Bays—Washington (State) Boulter Mountains (Utah) Here are entered works on lines demarcating the USE East Tintic Mountains (Utah) jurisdictional borders between countries, regions, Boundary Castle (Washington, D.C.) states, etc. in general. Works on lines demarcating USE Henderson Castle (Washington, D.C.) Boulter Ridge (Utah) the jurisdictional borders between specific regions, USE East Tintic Mountains (Utah) countries, etc., are entered under the name of the Boundary conditions (Differential equations) place with the subdivision Boundaries. Works on the USE Boundary value problems Boulton & Paul aircraft lines demarcating the jurisdictional borders between USE Boulton Paul aircraft two countries, etc., are entered under the name of Boundary Creek (Man. and N.D.) each country with the subdivision Boundaries--[other BT Rivers—Manitoba Boulton and Paul aircraft country], e.g. United States--Boundaries--Mexico; Rivers—North Dakota USE Boulton Paul aircraft Mexico--Boundaries--United States. Works on the land located on or near the boundaries between two Boundary Creek (Wyo. and Idaho) Boulton and Paul Sidestrand (Bomber) countries, regions, states, etc. are entered under UF Cascade Creek (Wyo. and Idaho) USE Sidestrand (Bomber) Borderlands. BT Rivers—Idaho Rivers—Wyoming Boulton family (Not Subd Geog) UF Borders (Geography) RT Bolton family Boundary lines Boundary Creek Watershed (Man. and N.D.) Frontiers BT Watersheds—Manitoba Boulton Paul aircraft (Not Subd Geog) Geographical boundaries Watersheds—North Dakota UF Boulton & Paul aircraft International boundaries Boulton and Paul aircraft Lines, Boundary Boundary Dam (Wash.) BT Airplanes Natural boundaries BT Dams—Washington (State) NT Boulton Paul Balliol (Training plane) Perimeters (Boundaries) Boulton Paul P.64 (Transport plane) Political boundaries Boundary disputes Defiant (Fighter plane) Here are entered works on boundary disputes in P.71A (Transport plane) RT Borderlands Partridge (Fighter plane) Territory, National general. Works on boundary disputes in specific Sidestrand (Bomber) regions, countries, etc. are entered under the name SA subdivision Boundaries under names of of the place with the subdivision Boundaries, e.g. Boulton Paul Balliol (Training plane) (Not Subd Geog) countries, states, etc.; and subdivision Latin America--Boundaries. Works on boundary UF Balliol (Training plane) Territorial questions under individual wars, disputes between two countries, etc. are entered Boulton Paul P.108 (Training plane) e.g. World War, 1939-1945--Territorial under the name of each country with the subdivision P.108 (Training plane) questions Boundaries--[other country], e.g. United States-- Sea Balliol (Training plane) Boundaries--Mexico; Mexico--Boundaries--United BT Boulton Paul aircraft NT Boundary stones States. Training planes Ethnic barriers Maritime boundaries UF Border disputes Boulton Paul Defiant (Fighter plane) Terminators (Astronomy) Disputes, Boundary USE Defiant (Fighter plane) Uti possidetis (International law) Territorial boundary disputes Water boundaries Boulton Paul Mail-Carrier (Transport plane) SA subdivision Boundaries under names of USE Boulton Paul P.64 (Transport plane) — Anthropological aspects (May Subd Geog) regions, countries, cities, etc.; and — Security measures subdivision Territorial questions under Boulton Paul Mailplane (Transport plane) names of wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945-- USE Boulton Paul P.64 (Transport plane) USE Border security Territorial questions Boundaries, State Boulton-Paul P.29 Sidestrand (Bomber) Boundary disputes in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Sidestrand (Bomber) UF State boundaries Boundary element analysis SA subdivision Boundaries under names of states, Boulton Paul P.64 (Transport plane) (Not Subd Geog) USE Boundary element methods UF Boulton Paul Mail-Carrier (Transport plane) e.g. Texas--Boundaries; Virginia-- Boundary element methods Boulton Paul Mailplane (Transport plane) Boundaries--Maryland; Maryland-- P.64 (Transport plane) Boundaries--Virginia [TA347.B69] BT Boulton Paul aircraft Boundaries, Vegetation UF BEM (Engineering analysis) Transport planes USE Vegetation boundaries Boundaries (Estates) (May Subd Geog) BIE analysis Boulton Paul P.71A (Transport plane) UF Boundaries (Estates)—Law and legislation BIE methods USE P.71A (Transport plane) Estates, Boundaries of Boundary element analysis Landmarks (Boundaries) Boundary elements methods Boulton Paul P.108 (Training plane) RT Adjoining landowners Boundary integral equation analysis USE Boulton Paul Balliol (Training plane) Fences—Law and legislation Boundary integral equation methods BT Real property Boundary integral methods Boulton Paul Partridge (Fighter plane) NT Party walls BT Numerical analysis USE Partridge (Fighter plane) — Law and legislation Boundary elements methods USE Boundaries (Estates) USE Boundary element methods Boulware family (Not Subd Geog) Boundaries (Philosophy) Boundary integral equation analysis UF Boleware family [BD392] USE Boundary element methods BT Ontology Boundary integral equation methods Bouma Bank Boundaries in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Boundary element methods BT Banks (Oceanography)—Mexico, Gulf of Boundaries in literature (Not Subd Geog) Boundary integral methods Boundaries in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) USE Boundary element methods Boumbouras family (Not Subd Geog) BT Motion pictures Boundary layer Boumdeid Oasis (Mauritania) Boundary, Campanian-Maastrichtian [QA913 (Fluid dynamics)] USE Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary [TL574.B6 (Aeronautics)] BT Oases—Mauritania Boundary, Core-mantle BT Aerodynamics Boumpe (African people) USE Core-mantle boundary Fluid dynamics Boundary, Cretaceous-Paleogene NT Film coefficients (Physics) USE Mende (African people) USE Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary Laminar boundary layer Boumpe language Boundary, Cretaceous-Tertiary Thermal boundary layer USE Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary Turbulent boundary layer USE Mende language Boundary, Eocene-Oligocene Wall pressure (Aerodynamics) Boun (Extinct city) USE Eocene-Oligocene boundary Boundary layer (Meteorology) (May Subd Geog) Boundary, Neogene-Quaternary [QC880.4.B65] USE Buhen (Extinct city) USE Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary UF Atmosphere, Lower Boun language Atmospheric boundary layer Friction layer (Meteorology) USE Dalabon language Ground layer (Meteorology) Bouna Kulango (African people) Lower atmosphere Planetary boundary layer [Former heading] USE Kulango (African people) Surface boundary layer Bouna National Park (Côte d'Ivoire) Surface layer (Meteorology) BT Atmosphere USE Parc national de la Komoé (Cot̂ e d'Ivoire) Bounce (Music) (May Subd Geog) BT Rap (Music) Bounce family USE Bunch family Bouncers (May Subd Geog) [TX911.3.S4] BT Bars (Drinking establishments)—Employees Police, Private Bound Brook, Battle of, 1777 USE Bound Brook, Battle of, Bound Brook, N.J., 1777 Bound Brook, Battle of, Bound Brook, N.J., 1777 [E241.B76] B-337
Boundary layer (Meteorology) (Continued) Numerical grid generation (Numerical BT Floral decorations NT Magnetospheric boundary layer analysis) NT Bridal bouquets Project PHOENIX — — Data processing Bouquet's Expedition, 1763 Rossby number NT ELLPACK (Computer system) BT Pennsylvania—History—Colonial period, ca. SESAME Project — Weyl theory [QA379] 1600-1775 — Observations UF Weyl theory of boundary value problems Pontiac's Conspiracy, 1763-1765—Campaigns NT Boundary layer Boundary Waters Canoe Area (Minn.) Bouquet's Expedition, 1764 (Meteorology)—Radiosonde UF Superior Roadless Primitive Area (Minn.) BT Pennsylvania—History—Colonial period, ca. observations BT Recreation areas—Minnesota 1600-1775 Wilderness areas—Minnesota Pontiac's Conspiracy, 1763-1765—Campaigns — Radiosonde observations Boundary waves (Oceanography) Boura language UF Radiosonde observations of the boundary USE Internal waves USE Bura-Pabir language layer Bounded mean oscillation Bourassa family (Not Subd Geog) BT Boundary layer [QA323] Bourbeau family (Not Subd Geog) (Meteorology)—Observations UF BMO (Mathematics) Bourbon, House of (Not Subd Geog) BT Function spaces UF Borboń , House of Boundary layer control Bounded variables, Functions of House of Borbón BT Aerofoils USE Functions of bounded variation House of Bourbon RT Airplanes—Control surfaces Bounded variation, Functions of BT France—Kings and rulers BT Drag (Aerodynamics) USE Functions of bounded variation RT Bourbon-Montpensier, House of Fluid dynamics Boundou (Senegal) Bourbon-Penthiev̀ re family NT Vortex generators UF Bondou (Senegal) Condé, House of Bondu (Senegal) Conti, House of Boundary layer noise Bundu (Senegal) Bourbon-Condé, House of BT Aerodynamic noise Bounds family (Not Subd Geog) USE Conde,́ House of Noise UF Bound family Bourbon-Condé, Hot̂ el de Bourbon (Paris, France) Turbulence Boundy family USE Hot̂ el de Bourbon-Condé (Paris, France) NT Airplanes—Noise Boundy family Bourbon Conti, House of USE Bounds family USE Conti, House of Boundary lines Bounetheau family (Not Subd Geog) Bourbon-crested starling USE Boundaries Bounsall family USE Fregilupus varius USE Bonsall family Bourbon Kid (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Boundary maps, Property Bounties (May Subd Geog) UF Kid, Bourbon (Fictitious character) USE Real property—Maps [HD3641-HD3646] Bourbon-Montpensier, House of (Not Subd Geog) Here are entered works on rewards or subsidies UF House of Bourbon-Montpensier Boundary Mountains (Ariz. and N.M.) offered by a government to encourage the BT France—Kings and rulers USE Chuska Mountains (Ariz. and N.M.) performance of a specific act or the production of a RT Bourbon, House of specific good. Bourbon Palace (Paris, France) Boundary Pass (B.C. and Wash.) USE Palais Bourbon (Paris, France) BT Straits—British Columbia BT Commercial policy Bourbon-Penthièvre family (Not Subd Geog) Straits—Washington (State) NT Bounties, Military RT Bourbon, House of Bourbon Street (New Orleans, La.) Boundary patrols Shipping bounties and subsidies This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Border patrols Bounties, Military (May Subd Geog) subdivision. Boundary scan methods [UB370-UB375] UF Rue Bourbon (New Orleans, La.) USE Boundary scan testing UF Bonus, Soldiers' BT Streets—Louisiana Bourbon toad Boundary scan testing (May Subd Geog) Military bounties USE Leptophryne borbonica UF Boundary scan methods Scrip Bourbon-Two Sicilies, House of (Not Subd Geog) BST (Printed circuit board testing method) Soldiers' bonus UF Borbone delle Due Sicilie, House of BT Printed circuits—Testing BT Bounties RT Recruiting and enlistment Borbones-Dos Sicilias, House of Boundary stones (May Subd Geog) — United States Bourbons of the Two Sicilies, House of UF Stones, Boundary Deux Siciles, House of BT Boundaries UF Land scrip (United States) Dos Sicilias, House of NT Milestones Mustering-out pay Due Sicilie, House of Scrip, Land (United States) House of Borbone delle Due Sicilie — Iraq House of Borbones-Dos Sicilias — — Babylonia BT United States. Army—Pay, allowances, House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies etc. House of Deux Siciles UF Boundary stones, Babylonian [Former House of Dos Sicilias heading] Bounty hunters (May Subd Geog) House of Due Sicilie [HV8099.5] House of Two Sicilies Boundary stones, Babylonian UF Bail bond enforcers Two Sicilies, House of USE Boundary stones—Iraq—Babylonia Bail bond investigators BT Italy—Kings and rulers Bail enforcers Bourbon whiskey (May Subd Geog) Boundary stones in the Bible Bail fugitive recovery agents BT Whiskey Boundary Strait (B.C. and Alaska) Bail recovery agents — Use in cooking Bond enforcers USE Cooking (Bourbon whiskey) USE Dixon Entrance (B.C. and Alaska) Fugitive recovery agents Bourbon white eye Boundary Stream (Hawke's Bay, N.Z.) BT Criminal justice personnel USE Zosterops borbonica NT Women bounty hunters Bourbonnais Route (France) BT Rivers—New Zealand UF Canaux du Centre (France) Boundary value problems Bounty Islands BT Waterways—France USE Bounty Islands (N.Z.) Bourbons of the Two Sicilies, House of [QA379 (Mathematics)] USE Bourbon-Two Sicilies, House of [QC20.7.B6 (Mathematical physics)] Bounty Islands (N.Z.) Bourdeau family [TA347.B69 (Engineering mathematics)] UF Bounty Islands [Former heading] USE Bourdon family UF Boundary conditions (Differential equations) BT Islands—New Zealand Bourden family BT Differential equations Subantarctic Islands (N.Z.) USE Bowden family Bourdieu family Functions of complex variables Bounty Mutiny, 1789 USE DuBourdieu family Mathematical physics UF Mutiny of the Bounty, 1789 Bourdillon, Agnes (Fictitious character) RT Initial value problems BT Mutiny—Great Britain USE Agnes, Sister (Fictitious character) NT Dirichlet problem Bourdo family Eigenfunction expansions Bounty Mutiny, 1789, in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Bourdon family Fatou theorems Bouqras, Tell (Syria) Bourdon (May Subd Geog) Hypercircle method UF Bordun Neumann problem UF Tell Bouqras (Syria) Drone bass Nonlinear boundary value problems BT Syria—Antiquities BT Harmony Riemann-Hilbert problems Bouquet holders RT Pedal point Scattering (Mathematics) USE Posy holders Bourdon family (Not Subd Geog) Sturm-Liouville equation Bouquet River (N.Y.) UF Bordon family Von Kaŕ mań equations USE Boquet River (N.Y.) — Asymptotic theory Bouquetin USE Ibex UF Asymptotic theory of boundary value Bouquets (May Subd Geog) problems [SB449.5.B (Floral decorations)] Here entered works on large formal bunches of — Computer programs flowers. Works on small informal bunches of flowers — Ill-posed problems are entered under Posies. USE Boundary value problems—Improperly posed problems — Improperly posed problems [QA379] UF Boundary value problems—Ill-posed problems Improperly posed problems in boundary value problems — Numerical solutions NT Eigenfunctions B-338
Bourdeau family Bourland family (Not Subd Geog) Bousage family Bourdo family Bourlon Wood (France) USE Bouzage family Bourdow family Burdo family UF Bois de Bourlon (France) Bousarge family RT Bordeaux family BT Forests and forestry—France USE Bouzage family Borden family Bourmont family (Not Subd Geog) Bowden family Bourn family Bouse Hills (Ariz.) Burdeau family USE Bourne family BT Mountains—Arizona Burden family Bournda National Park (N.S.W.) Bourdon gages UF Bournda State Recreation Area (N.S.W.) Bouseyrolles family UF Bourdon spring BT National parks and reserves—Australia USE Boussairolles family Bourdon-spring pressure gages Bournda Nature Reserve (N.S.W.) Bourdon tube BT National parks and reserves—Australia Boush family Bourdon tube gages USE Bush family Gages, Bourdon Natural areas—Australia BT Pressure gages Bournda State Recreation Area (N.S.W.) Boussa language Bourdon spring USE Busa language USE Bourdon gages USE Bournda National Park (N.S.W.) Bourdon-spring pressure gages Bourne family (Not Subd Geog) Boussairolles family (Not Subd Geog) USE Bourdon gages UF Boiseyrolle family Bourdon tube UF Born family Boiseyrolles family USE Bourdon gages Borne family Boisseirolles family Bourdon tube gages Bourn family [Former heading] Boisserolles family USE Bourdon gages Bourns family Bouissierolles family Bourdow family Bouseyrolles family USE Bourdon family Bourne Hill Site (England) Bousseirolles family Bouré family BT England—Antiquities Bousseyrolle family USE Bourret family Bouzeyrolles family Bourekas films (May Subd Geog) Bourne River (France) Here are entered works on films produced in Israel BT Rivers—France Boussargues Site (France) in the 1960s and 1970s that present conflict between BT France—Antiquities ethnic cultures in Israel. Bourne River Valley (France) UF Bourne Valley (France) Bousseirolles family UF Burekạ s films BT Valleys—France USE Boussairolles family Sirte burekas Sirte ha-burekas Bourne Valley (England) Boussemart family (Not Subd Geog) BT Valleys—England Bousser family BT Motion pictures Bouret family (Not Subd Geog) Bourne Valley (France) USE Bowser family USE Bourne River Valley (France) Bousseyrolle family UF Bourette family Bourette family Bournemouth Coast Path (England) USE Boussairolles family BT Trails—England Boussingaultia USE Bouret family Bourg family Bourne's Towers (N.Y.) USE Anredera USE Singer Castle (N.Y.) Boussu Castle (Boussu, Belgium) USE Bourque family Bourgault family Bourneville's disease USE Chat̂ eau de Boussu (Boussu, Belgium) USE Tuberous sclerosis Boussu family (Not Subd Geog) USE Bourgo family Boustani family Bourgeois domestic tragedies (Drama) Bournonville family (Not Subd Geog) Bourns family USE Bustānī family USE Domestic tragedies (Drama) Boustany family Bourgeois drama USE Bourne family Bouro language USE Bustan̄ ī family USE Domestic drama Bousval Castle (Bousval, Belgium) Bourgeois family (Not Subd Geog) USE Buru language Bourgeois tragedies (Drama) Bouroum language USE Chat̂ eau de Bousval (Bousval, Belgium) Boute (African people) USE Domestic tragedies (Drama) USE Birom language Bourgeoisie Bourque family (Not Subd Geog) USE Vute (African people) Boute language USE Middle class UF Bourg family Bourget family (Not Subd Geog) Bourrah (African people) USE Vute language Bourget Lake (France) Boutell family USE Bura (African people) UF Lac du Bourget (France) Bourrah language USE Boutelle family BT Lakes—France Boutelle family (Not Subd Geog) Bourgneuf, Bay of (France) USE Bura-Pabir language UF Baie de Bourgneuf (France) Bourré family UF Boutell family Bowtell family Baie de Bretagne (France) USE Bourret family Bay of Bourgneuf (France) Bourreé (Dance) RT Boutwell family Bay of Brittany (France) Bouteloua curtipendula Bretagne Bay (France) BT Folk dancing, French Brittany, Bay of (France) Bourreé s USE Side-oats grama BT Bays—France Bouteloua eriopoda Bourgnigol family This heading is not qualified by medium of USE Burchinal family performance. For bourreé s for a specific medium, an USE Black grama grass Bourgo family (Not Subd Geog) additional heading is assigned for the medium of Boutenʹ family UF Bourgault family performance. Bourgogne Canal (France) USE Bouteneff family USE Burgundy Canal (France) UF Bourreé s (Harpsichord) [Former heading] Bouteneff family (Not Subd Geog) Bourgoing family (Not Subd Geog) Bourreé s (Orchestra) [Former heading] Bourgonnel family UF Boutenʹ family USE Burchinal family BT Dance music Boutenev family Bourgtheroulde House (Rouen, France) Bourrées (Harpsichord) USE Hôtel de Bourgtheroulde (Rouen, France) Boutenev family Bourgtheroulds Mansion (Rouen, France) USE Bourrées USE Bouteneff family USE Hot̂ el de Bourgtheroulde (Rouen, France) Bourreé s (Orchestra) Bourgun family Boutes (Greek mythology) (Not Subd Geog) USE Burgund family USE Bourrées UF Butes (Greek mythology) Bouril family Bourret family (Not Subd Geog) BT Mythology, Greek USE Boril family Bourj, The (Plaza : Beirut, Lebanon) UF Bouré family Bouteville family USE Sāḥat al-Shuhadāʾ (Beirut, Lebanon) Bourré family USE Butterfield family Bourj Square (Beirut, Lebanon) USE Sah̄ ̣at al-Shuhadāʾ (Beirut, Lebanon) Bourretia Boutflower family (Not Subd Geog) Bourk family USE Limnonectes Boutilier family USE Burke family Bourke family Bourroughs family USE Boutillier family USE Burke family USE Burrows family Boutillier family (Not Subd Geog) Bourkhas (Islamic clothing) USE Burqas (Islamic clothing) Bourrut Lacouture family (Not Subd Geog) UF Boutilier family Boursault family (Not Subd Geog) Le Boutillier family UF Bourseaux family RT Butler family Bourscheid family (Not Subd Geog) Boutineau family UF Bursceit family USE Bottineau family Burscheth family Boutique breweries Bourse, Place de la (Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France) USE Microbreweries USE Place de la Bourse (Bordeaux, Aquitaine, Boutique dogs France) USE Designer dogs Bourseaux family Bouton family (Not Subd Geog) USE Boursault family UF Boughton family Boursier family (Not Subd Geog) Bowten family Bourtree Bowton family USE European elder Boutonneuse fever (May Subd Geog) Bouryng family BT Rickettsial diseases USE Bowring family Boutonnieres (May Subd Geog) Bous Mountain (Niger) UF Button-hole flowers Button-holers (Floral decorations) UF Adrar Bous (Niger) Button-holes (Floral decorations) BT Mountains—Niger B-339
Boutonnieres (Continued) Giai language Bovicola (May Subd Geog) Buttonholes (Floral decorations) Giang language [QL540.3.T7] Giaý language BT Trichodectidae BT Floral decorations Nhaang language NT Sheep lice Boutu Nhang language Niang language Bovicola ovis USE Boto Nyang language (China and Vietnam) USE Sheep lice Boutwell family (Not Subd Geog) Pau thin language Pu-i language [Former heading] Bovidae (May Subd Geog) UF Bothwell family Pu-ji language [QL737.U53 (Zoology)] RT Boutelle family Pu-jui language UF Bovids Bouvet Island Pú nà language Cavicornia UF Bouvetøya Pu-nam language BT Artiodactyla BT Islands of the Atlantic Pu-yi language Ruminants Bouvetøya Pui language NT Addax (Genus) USE Bouvet Island Pujai language Aepyceros Bouvier bernois Puyi language Alcelaphus USE Bernese mountain dog Puyoi language Antelopes Bouvier des Flandres (May Subd Geog) Sa language (China and Vietnam) Antidorcas [SF429.B73] Shuihu language Antilope UF Belgian cattle herder (Dog) Trong ggia language Barbary sheep Tu-dìn language Beatragus Bouviers des Flandres [Former heading] Tujia language (Bouyei) Bison Cattle herder, Belgian (Dog) Xa chung chá language Bos Vuilbaard (Dog) Yai language Boselaphus BT Dog breeds Yay language [Former heading] Bubalus Bouvier family (Not Subd Geog) Zhongjia language Buffaloes UF Bouyer family BT China—Languages Capra Bouviers des Flandres Tai languages Dik-diks USE Bouvier des Flandres Vietnam—Languages Duikers Bouvines, Battle of, 1214 Bouyei literature (May Subd Geog) Elands USE Bouvines, Battle of, Bouvines, France, 1214 UF Buyi literature [Former heading] Gazella Bouvines, Battle of, Bouvines, France, 1214 Pu-i literature [Former heading] Gazelles UF Bouvines, Battle of, 1214 [Former heading] BT China—Literatures Gnus BT France—History—Philip II Augustus, 1180- NT Bouyei drama Hartebeests 1223 Bouyei poetry Hippotragus Bouwerie (Princeton, N.J.) Bouyei poetry (May Subd Geog) Kobus BT Dwellings—New Jersey UF Buyi poetry [Former heading] Naemorhedus Bouwmeester family (Not Subd Geog) Pu-i poetry [Former heading] Oreamnos Bouyei (Chinese people) (May Subd Geog) BT Bouyei literature Oryx [DS731.P84 (China)] NT Folk poetry, Bouyei Ovibos UF Bo-i (Chinese people) Bouyei proverbs Ovis Bó̂ Y (Chinese people) USE Proverbs, Bouyei Pantholops Buman (Chinese people) Bouyer family Pelea (Mammals) Bui (Chinese people) USE Bouvier family Procapra Buyayi (Chinese people) Bouzage family (Not Subd Geog) Pseudoryx Buyei (Chinese people) UF Bosarge family Reedbucks Buyi (Chinese people) [Former heading] Bousage family Rupicapra Buyui (Chinese people) Bousarge family Saiga (Genus) Buzhong (Chinese people) Bouze (African people) Sassabies Chongjia (Chinese people) USE Loma (African people) Sylvicapra Chʻung chia (Chinese people) Bouze language Syncerus Chungchia (Chinese people) USE Loma language Tahrs Dioi (Chinese people) Bouzeyrolles family Tragelaphus Kuei (Chinese people) USE Boussairolles family Kui (Chinese people) Bouzid Revolt, Tunisia, 2010- Bovidae, Fossil (May Subd Geog) Po-ai (Chinese people) USE Tunisia—History—Demonstrations, 2010- [QE882.U3] Pu-i (Chinese people) [Former heading] Bouzou (African people) BT Ruminants, Fossil Pu-i (Tribe) [Former heading] USE Bella (African people) NT Antelopes, Fossil Pu-ji (Chinese people) Bouzoukee Bison, Fossil Pu-jui (Chinese people) USE Bouzouki Bos, Fossil Pu Y (Chinese people) Bouzouki (May Subd Geog) Capra, Fossil Pu-yi (Chinese people) [ML1015.B (History)] Elands, Fossil Pui (Chinese people) [MT654.B69 (Instruction)] Leptobos Pujai (Chinese people) UF Bouzoukee Ovibos, Fossil Puyi (Chinese people) Buzuki Tragocerus Puyoi (Chinese people) Buzuq Quinjiang (Chinese people) BT Lute Bovids Shuihu (Chinese people) Musical instruments—Greece USE Bovidae Zhongjia (Chinese people) Bouzouki music BT Ethnology—China Here are entered compositions not in a specific Bovie family Ethnology—Vietnam form or of a specific type for solo bouzouki, and USE Burvee family Tai (Southeast Asian people) collections of compositions in several forms or types Bouyei drama (May Subd Geog) for solo bouzouki. Bovier family UF Buyi drama [Former heading] USE Bevier family Pu-i drama [Former heading] SA headings for forms and types of music that BT Bouyei literature include bouzouki or bouzoukis, and Bovill Opera House (Bovill, Idaho) Bouyei folk poetry headings with medium of performance that BT Motion picture theaters—Idaho USE Folk poetry, Bouyei include bouzouki or bouzoukis Bouyei folk songs Bovine anatomy USE Folk songs, Bouyei Bovary, Charles (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Cattle—Anatomy Bouyei language (May Subd Geog) UF Charles Bovary (Fictitious character) [PL4251.P85] Bovine babesiosis UF Bo-i language Bovary, Emma (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Babesiosis in cattle Bo-y language UF Emma Bovary (Fictitious character) Bui language Bovine brucellosis Buyei language Bovee family USE Brucellosis in cattle Buyi language [Former heading] USE Burvee family Buyi language (China and Vietnam) Bovine brucellosis in bison Buyui language Bovee's on Lake Crescent (Wash.) USE Brucellosis in bison Chang chá language USE Lake Crescent Lodge (Wash.) Chung cha language Bovine contagious pleuropneumonia Chung chia language Boveington family USE Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia Cùi chu language USE Buffington family Dang language (China and Vietnam) Bovine cysticercosis (May Subd Geog) Dioi language (China and Vietnam) Boven family (Not Subd Geog) [SF967.C96] Bovenkarspel Het Valkje Site (Netherlands) BT Cattle—Infections Cysticercosis BT Netherlands—Antiquities Boventen family (Not Subd Geog) Bovine enzootic leukosis USE Bovine leukosis Bovine growth hormone USE Bovine somatotropin Bovine health USE Cattle—Health B-340
Bovine hematuria Bovines Bow Valley Provincial Park (Alta.) USE Hematuria in cattle USE Bos BT Parks—Alberta Bovine leukemia Bovis family Bowa family USE Bovine leukosis USE Beavis family USE Bowers family Bovine leukemia virus (May Subd Geog) Bovo d'Antona (Legendary character) Bowan family [SF967.L4 (Pathology)] USE Beuve de Hanstone (Legendary character) USE Bowen family UF Bovine leukosis virus Cattle leukemia virus Bow (Stringed instruments) Bowar family Leukemia virus, Bovine USE Stringed instrument bows USE Bowers family Leukosis virus, Bovine BT Retroviruses Bow and arrow (May Subd Geog) Bowars family [GN498.B78 (Ethnology)] USE Bowers family Bovine leukosis (May Subd Geog) [GV1189.5 (Archery)] [SF967.L4] [SK273.5 (Hunting)] Bowden family (Not Subd Geog) UF Bovine enzootic leukosis [U877-U879 (Military science)] UF Baudouin family Bovine leukemia UF Arrows Beaudoin family Cattle leukemia Bows (Archery) Bouden family Enzootic bovine leukosis BT Weapons Boudin family Enzootic leukosis, Bovine RT Archery Bourden family Leukosis, Bovine NT Arrow poisons Bowdoin family BT Cattle—Infections Arrowheads Bowdon family Leukemia in animals Crossbows RT Borden family Longbows Bourdon family Bovine leukosis virus USE Bovine leukemia virus Bow and arrow, Prehistoric (May Subd Geog) Bowder Stone (England) UF Prehistoric bows and arrows BT Boulders—England Bovine lungworm BT Weapons, Prehistoric USE Dictyocaulus viviparous Bowdish family (Not Subd Geog) Bow and arrow hunting UF Bodich family Bovine malaria USE Bowhunting Bodisch family USE Babesiosis in cattle Bodish family Bow and arrow in art (Not Subd Geog) Bowditch family Bovine malignant catarrh Bow and arrow in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Malignant catarrhal fever Bow and arrow makers Bowditch family USE Bowdish family Bovine malignant catarrhal fever USE Bowyers USE Malignant catarrhal fever Bow and arrow making (May Subd Geog) Bowditch Island (Tokelau) USE Fakaofo (Tokelau) Bovine mastitis [GV1189.5] USE Mastitis UF Arrow making Bowdleria (May Subd Geog) [QL696.P255 (Zoology)] Bovine pleuropneumonia, Contagious Bow making BT Muscicapidae USE Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia BT Handicraft NT Fernbird Bow and arrow on postage stamps Bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis (May Subd Geog) [HE6183.B62] Bowdleria punctata [SF967.P] BT Postage stamps USE Fernbird UF Corn-stalk disease in cattle Bow family Cornstalk disease in cattle USE Baugh family Bowdleria punctata punctata Pasteurellosis in cattle Bow Fell (Cumbria, England) USE South Island fernbird Pneumonic pasteurellosis, Bovine USE Baugh Fell (England) Shipping fever in cattle Bow fishing Bowdoin Dome (Mont.) Stockyards fever USE Bowfishing BT Domes (Geology)—Montana Stockyards pneumonia Bow hunters Transit fever in cattle USE Bowhunters Bowdoin family BT Cattle—Infections Bow hunting USE Bowden family USE Bowhunting Bovine rhinotracheitis, Infectious Bow Lake (Alta.) Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge (Mont.) USE Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis BT Lakes—Alberta BT National parks and reserves—Montana Bow making Wildlife refuges—Montana Bovine somatotropin (May Subd Geog) USE Bow and arrow making UF BGH (Hormone) Bow-making (Ribbon work) Bowdoin Prize Bovine growth hormone USE Bows (Ribbon work) BT Awards—Maine BST (Hormone) Bow porcelain BT Somatotropin [NK4399.B7] Bowdon family RT Cattle—Growth UF Porcelain, Bow USE Bowden family NT Recombinant bovine somatotropin Bow pots USE Boughpots Bowdre, Mo (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) — Genetic engineering Bow River, Little (Alta.) UF Mo Bowdre (Fictitious character) USE Recombinant bovine somatotropin USE Little Bow River (Alta.) Bow River (Alta.) Bowdrie, Chick (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) — Implantation BT Rivers—Alberta UF Chick Bowdrie (Fictitious character) UF Implantation of bovine somatotropin Bow River Basin (Alta.) USE Bow River Watershed (Alta.) Bowe family Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (May Subd Geog) Bow River Valley (Alta.) USE Baugh family [QR201.B74 (Microbiology)] UF Bow Valley (Alta.) [SF967.S63 (Veterinary medicine)] BT Valleys—Alberta Bowed guitar UF BSE (Disease) Bow River Watershed (Alta.) USE Arpeggione Mad cow disease UF Bow River Basin (Alta.) Spongiform encephalopathy, Bovine BT Watersheds—Alberta Bowed instruments BT Cattle—Virus diseases Bow songs (May Subd Geog) USE Bowed stringed instruments Prion diseases in animals UF Vil pat̄ ̣tụ RT Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease BT Folk songs, Tamil Bowed string instrument music Bow String Lake (Minn.) USE Stringed instrument music Bovine theileriasis USE Bowstring Lake (Itasca County, Minn.) USE East Coast fever Bow ties (May Subd Geog) Bowed string instrument players [GT2120] USE Bowed stringed instrument players Bovine theileriosis UF Bowties USE East Coast fever BT Neckties Bowed string instruments Bow tongs USE Bowed stringed instruments Bovine trypanosomiasis USE Sugar tongs USE Trypanosomiasis in cattle Bow tuning (Archery) (May Subd Geog) Bowed string players [GV1189.6] USE Bowed stringed instrument players Bovine tuberculosis UF Tuning of bows (Archery) USE Tuberculosis in cattle BT Archery Bowed stringed instrument ensembles Bow Valley (Alta.) USE String ensembles Bovine tuberculosis in bison USE Bow River Valley (Alta.) USE Tuberculosis in bison Bow Valley Parkway (Alta.) Bowed stringed instrument music UF Promenade de la valleé Bow (Alta.) USE Stringed instrument music Bovine typhus BT Parkways—Alberta USE Rinderpest Bowed stringed instrument players (May Subd Geog) [ML398 (Collective biography)] Bovine viral diarrhea (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works about performers on [SF967.M78] UF BVD (Disease) various bowed stringed instruments. Works about Mucosal disease complex in cattle performers on individual bowed stringed instruments BT Mucosal diseases in cattle are entered under headings such as Violinists; Viral diarrhea Violoncellists. Bovine viral diarrhea virus (May Subd Geog) UF Bowed string instrument players UF BVD virus Bowed string players BVDV (Virus) String instrument players BT Cattle—Viruses String players Flaviviruses BT Stringed instrument players NT Cellists Double bassists Guslari Kaman̄ che players Sarangi players Viol players Violinists Violists B-341
Bowed stringed instruments (May Subd Geog) Bowen family (Not Subd Geog) Bowery Peak (Idaho) [ML749.5-ML927 (History)] UF Boan family BT Mountains—Idaho [MT259-MT338 (Instruction)] Boen family UF Bowed instruments Bohan family Bowery Savings Bank Building (New York, N.Y.) Bowed string instruments Boin family BT Bank buildings—New York (State) Bowed strings (Musical instruments) Bowan family Fiddle Bowin family Bowery Theatre (New York, N.Y.) Fretted instruments RT Bohun family UF American Theatre (New York, N.Y. : Bowery) Instruments, Bowed string Bowen-Colthurst family Bull's Head Theatre (New York, N.Y.) Lira (Musical instrument) De Bohan family Fay's Bowery Theatre (New York, N.Y.) Lyra (Musical instrument) New York Theatre (New York, N.Y. : Bowery) Stringed instruments, Bowed [Former heading] Bowen Hall (Princeton, N.J.) Thalia Theatre (New York, N.Y.) Strings (Musical instruments) BT College buildings—New Jersey BT Theaters—New York (State) Viole da braccio BT Stringed instruments Bowen Island (Jervis Bay Territory) Bowery waltz (May Subd Geog) NT Ajaeng BT Islands—Australia Here are entered works on a slow and halting, Arpeggione Baryton Bowen Lake (Noble County, Ind.) non-aggressive, and sexually suggestive dance that Campanula (Musical instrument) BT Lakes—Indiana was popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Cello Works on a fast-paced, aggressive, and sexually Cellone Bowen Lake (Scott County, Ind.) suggestive dance popular in the late 19th and early Crwth BT Lakes—Indiana 20th centuries are entered under Tough dance. Dilrubā Reservoirs—Indiana Double bass BT Dance Ghichak Bowen Lake (Spartanburg County, S.C.) Bowes Castle (Bowes, England) Goge USE William C. Bowen Lake (S.C.) Gŭdulka BT Castles—England Gusle Bowen Miogeosyncline (Qld.) Bowes family Haegŭm USE Bowen Basin (Qld.) Hu qin USE Baugh family Kamānche Bowenian family therapy (May Subd Geog) Bowes-Lyon family (Not Subd Geog) Keyed fiddle UF Bowenian therapy Lira (Short-necked fiddle) BT Family psychotherapy RT Lyons family Lira da braccio Bowes Moor (England) Lirica Bowenian therapy Lirone USE Bowenian family therapy BT Moors (Wetlands)—England Morin huur Bowes Roman Fort Site (Bowes, England) Qobuz (Fiddle) Bowen's Island (Tex.) Salō̜ BT Peninsulas—Texas This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Sarangi subdivision. Sar̄ indā (Musical instrument) Bower (W. Va.) Sō̜ dūang BT Dwellings—West Virginia UF Lavatrae Site (Bowes, England) Sō̜ sām saī Lavatris Site (Bowes, England) Sō̜ ū Bower, Lukas (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Stradivari stringed instruments UF Lukas Bower (Fictitious character) BT England—Antiquities Stringed instrument bows Fortification—England Tenor violin Bower birds Trumpet marine USE Bowerbirds Bowfin (May Subd Geog) Vibrator (Bowed instruments) [QL638.A37 (Zoology)] Viola Bower family UF Amia calva Violetta d'amore USE Bowers family Dogfish (Bowfin) Violin Grindle Violo Bower Homestead (W. Va.) Mudfish (Bowfin) Violotta UF Pioneer Home (Bower Homestead, W. Va.) BT Amia Viols BT Farms—West Virginia — Use in cooking — Bowing Bower Lake (Ind.) USE Cooking (Bowfin) UF Bowing of stringed instruments BT Lakes—Indiana String instrument bowing Bowfishing (May Subd Geog) Stringed instrument bowing Bowerbirds (May Subd Geog) [SH459] [QL696.P2675] UF Bow fishing — Construction (May Subd Geog) UF Bower birds Fishing with bow and arrow [ML755] Ptilonorhynchidae BT Fishing BT Passeriformes — Fingering Songbirds Bowhead whale (May Subd Geog) UF Bowed stringed instruments—Positions NT Prionodura [QL737.C423 (Zoology)] [Former heading] UF Arctic right whale Fingering (Bowed stringed instruments) Bowering, Vic (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Arctic whale UF Bowering, Victoria (Fictitious character) Balaena mysticetus — Instruction and study (May Subd Geog) Vic Bowering (Fictitious character) Great polar whale — Methods Victoria Bowering (Fictitious character) Greenland right whale — Positions Greenland whale Bowering, Victoria (Fictitious character) Polar whale USE Bowed stringed instruments—Fingering USE Bowering, Vic (Fictitious character) BT Balaena — China Bowed strings (Musical instruments) Bowerman Basin (Wash.) Bowhead whale fisheries USE Bowed stringed instruments BT Bays—Washington (State) USE Bowhead whale hunting Bowed tendon (May Subd Geog) Bowerman family (Not Subd Geog) Bowhead whale harvesting [SF959.B65] RT Boarman family USE Bowhead whale hunting BT Horses—Wounds and injuries Bowers, Patrick (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Bowhead whale hunting (May Subd Geog) Tendons—Wounds and injuries UF Patrick Bowers (Fictitious character) [SH384.B67] Bowel, Large UF Bowhead whale fisheries Bowers (Gardens) Bowhead whale harvesting USE Intestine, Large USE Arbors BT Whaling Bowel and bladder training (May Subd Geog) Bowers family (Not Subd Geog) Bowhill (Devon, England) UF Bladder and bowel training UF Bauer family BT Manors—England RT Defecation Baugher family Bauher family Bowhunters (May Subd Geog) Urination Baur family UF Bow hunters NT Toilet training Bouer family BT Hunters Bowel diseases Boughar family USE Intestines—Diseases Bowa family Bowhunting (May Subd Geog) Bowel obstructions Bowar family [SK36] USE Intestines—Obstructions Bowars family UF Bow and arrow hunting Bowen Basin (Qld.) Bower family [Former heading] Bow hunting UF Bowen Miogeosyncline (Qld.) RT Baugh family Hunting with bow and arrow [Former heading] BT Sedimentary basins—Australia Bowman family BT Hunting Bowen-Colthurst family (Not Subd Geog) NT Crossbow hunting RT Bowen family Bowers Mansion (Nev.) BT Dwellings—Nevada — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Game laws Bowersox family (Not Subd Geog) RT Bauersachs family Bowie, Fort (Ariz.) USE Fort Bowie (Ariz.) Bowery (New York, N.Y. : Street) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Bowie family (Not Subd Geog) UF Boey family subdivision. Bouie family Boy family BT Streets—New York (State) Buie family Bowery Bank of New York Building (New York, N.Y.) Buoy family Buye family BT Bank buildings—New York (State) Bowery Boys films Bowie Group (Tex.) BT Geology, Stratigraphic—Pennsylvanian [PN1995.9.B68] UF Dead End Kids films Eastside Kids films BT Motion pictures B-342
Geology, Stratigraphic—Permian Bowli (African people) Bowls, Megarian Groups (Stratigraphy)—Texas USE Baule (African people) USE Megarian bowls Bowie knife BT Knives Bowli language Bowls, Monteith Bowiea (May Subd Geog) USE Baule language USE Monteiths (Silverwork) [QK495.A83 (Botany)] UF Ophiobostryx Bowlin family Bowls, Wash BT Asparagaceae USE Bolen family USE Washbowls NT Bowiea volubilis Bowiea volubilis (May Subd Geog) Bowline family Bowls (Game) (May Subd Geog) [QK495.A83 (Botany)] USE Bolen family [GV909] UF Climbing onion UF Bowling on the green [Former heading] Climbing potato Bowling (May Subd Geog) BT Bowling games Onion, Climbing [GV901-GV909] NT Crown green bowls Ophiobostryx volubilis UF Tenpins Indoor bowls Potato, Climbing BT Bowling games Lawn bowls Potato, Zulu NT Road bowling Zulu potato Wheelchair bowling Bowls (Tableware) (May Subd Geog) BT Bowiea BT Drinking vessels Bowin family — Coaching (May Subd Geog) Tableware USE Bowen family BT Coaching (Athletics) NT Bronze bowls Bowing (Musical instruments) Ceramic bowls USE subdivision Bowing under individual musical — Equipment and supplies Crystal bowls instruments and families of instruments, e.g. NT Bowling balls Glass bowls Violin--Bowing Punch bowls Bowing of stringed instruments — Records (May Subd Geog) Silver bowls USE Bowed stringed instruments—Bowing BT Sports records Sugar bowls Bowing of the head (Posture in worship) USE Posture in worship — Rules Bowls family Bowitz family (Not Subd Geog) [GV905] USE Bowles family Bowker family (Not Subd Geog) RT Booker family — Tournaments (May Subd Geog) Bowlsby family Bowl, Singing BT Sports tournaments USE Bowlby family USE Singing bowl Bowl family — — Minnesota Bowm-Laizo (Southeast Asian people) USE Bowles family — Training (May Subd Geog) USE Bawm Chin (Southeast Asian people) Bowl-playing USE Road bowling BT Physical education and training Bowmaker family (Not Subd Geog) Bowlan family Bowling, Candlepin Bowman family (Not Subd Geog) USE Bolen family Bowland, Forest of (England) USE Candlepin bowling UF Baughman family UF Forest of Bowland (England) Bowling, Duck pin Bauman family BT Forests and forestry—England Baumann family Bowland family USE Duckpin bowling Beauman family USE Bolen family Bowling, Duckpin Boaman family Bowlby family (Not Subd Geog) Boamann family UF Bolbie family USE Duckpin bowling Bohman family Bolby family Bowling, Team Bohmann family Bowlsby family Boman family Bowlders USE Team bowling USE Boulders Bowling, Wheelchair RT Baugh family Bowleg, Nonrachitic Bowers family USE Blount's disease USE Wheelchair bowling Bowlegs Creek (Fla.) Bowling (Cricket) Bowman family (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Florida Bowman Hill State Wildflower Preserve (Pa.) Bowlen family USE Cricket—Bowling USE Bolen family Bowling alleys (May Subd Geog) USE Bowman's Hill State Wildflower Preserve (Pa.) Bowler family Bowman's glands USE Bohler family [GV907] Bowler hats (May Subd Geog) UF Alleys, Bowling BT Nose—Anatomy UF Bowlers (Hats) Bowman's Hill State Wild Flower Preserve (Pa.) BT Hats Bowling lanes Bowlers (May Subd Geog) Lanes, Bowling USE Bowman's Hill State Wildflower Preserve (Pa.) BT Athletes BT Sports facilities Bowman's Hill State Wildflower Preserve (Pa.) NT Women bowlers — Employees Bowlers, Lawn UF Bowman Hill State Wildflower Preserve (Pa.) USE Lawn bowlers NT Pinsetters Bowman's Hill State Wild Flower Preserve Bowlers (Hats) Bowling balls (May Subd Geog) (Pa.) USE Bowler hats Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve (Pa.) Bowles, Sally (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT Balls (Sporting goods) UF Sally Bowles (Fictitious character) Bowling—Equipment and supplies BT Natural areas—Pennsylvania Bowles family (Not Subd Geog) Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve (Pa.) UF Boal family — Decoration (May Subd Geog) Boales family BT Decoration and ornament USE Bowman's Hill State Wildflower Preserve (Pa.) Boals family Bowmen Bohall family Bowling family Bole family USE Bolen family USE Archers Boles family Bowmont Water (Scotland and England) Bolles family Bowling for girls (May Subd Geog) Bolls family UF Girls' bowling BT Rivers—England Bols family BT Games for girls Rivers—Scotland Boules family Sports for girls Bouls family Bown family Bowl family Bowling games (May Subd Geog) USE Boone family Bowls family [GV901-GV910.5] RT Bohler family BT Ball games Bowne family Bullis family NT Bitlles USE Boone family Bowlesia (May Subd Geog) Boccia (Game) [QK495.U48] Boccie (Game) Bowne Park (New York, N.Y.) BT Umbelliferae Bowling This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Bowley family Bowls (Game) USE Boley family Candlepin bowling subdivision. Duckpin bowling Gorodki (Game) BT Parks—New York (State) Ninepins Bowner family Petanque Team bowling USE Bonner family Bowood House (England) Bowling Green (New York, N.Y.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Manors—England Bowpots subdivision. USE Boughpots UF Bowling Green Park (New York, N.Y.) Bowring family (Not Subd Geog) BT Parks—New York (State) Bowling Green Offices Building (New York, N.Y.) UF Bouryng family BT Office buildings—New York (State) Bowringe family Bowling Green Park (New York, N.Y.) USE Bowling Green (New York, N.Y.) Bowring Park (Knowsley, England) Bowling greens (May Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic [GV910] BT Lawns subdivision. Bowling lanes USE Bowling alleys UF Roby Hall Estate (Knowsley, England) Bowling on the green BT Parks—England USE Bowls (Game) Bowringe family USE Bowring family Lawn bowls Bowron family (Not Subd Geog) Bowls, Incantation Bowron Lake (B.C.) UF Bear Lake (B.C. : Bowron Lake) USE Incantation bowls BT Lakes—British Columbia Bowron Lake Park (B.C.) USE Bowron Lake Provincial Park (B.C.) B-343
Bowron Lake Provincial Park (B.C.) Box Canyon (Lewis County, Wash.) — Goalkeeping (May Subd Geog) UF Bowron Lake Park (B.C.) UF Cowlitz Box Canyon (Wash.) UF Box lacrosse—Goaltending BT Parks—British Columbia BT Canyons—Washington (State) Goalkeeping (Box lacrosse) Goaltending (Box lacrosse) Bowron River (B.C.) Box Canyon (Maricopa County, Ariz.) UF Bear River (B.C. : Bowron River) USE Fish Creek Canyon (Ariz.) — Goaltending BT Rivers—British Columbia USE Box lacrosse—Goalkeeping Box Canyon (Ouray County, Colo.) Bowron River Watershed (B.C.) BT Canyons—Colorado Box Lake (Idaho) BT Watersheds—British Columbia BT Lakes—Idaho Box Canyon (Siskiyou County, Calif.) Reservoirs—Idaho Bows, Stringed instrument BT Canyons—California USE Stringed instrument bows Box lines (Fishery equipment) Box Canyon Dam (Calif.) USE Longlines (Fishery equipment) Bows (Archery) BT Dams—California USE Bow and arrow Box making (May Subd Geog) Box Canyon Falls (Colo.) [HF5716.B6 (Ready-reckoners)] Bows (Ribbon work) (May Subd Geog) UF Box Canyon Falls (Ouray, Colo.) [Former [TS900 (General)] UF Bow-making (Ribbon work) heading] RT Boxes Making bows (Ribbon work) BT Waterfalls—Colorado BT Ribbon work Box seating (Theaters, auditoriums, etc.) Box Canyon Falls (Ouray, Colo.) USE Boxes (Theaters, auditoriums, etc.) Bowser family (Not Subd Geog) USE Box Canyon Falls (Colo.) UF Bauser family Box turtle (May Subd Geog) Bausser family Box Canyon Park (Ouray, Colo.) [QL666.C547 (Zoology)] Bousser family This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Carolina box turtle Common box turtle Bowser Site (Tex.) subdivision. Terrapene carolina BT Texas—Antiquities BT Terrapene BT Parks—Colorado NT Captive box turtles Bowsings Site (England) Box Canyon Reservoir (Calif.) BT England—Antiquities Box turtles, Asian BT Reservoirs—California USE Cuora Bowstring hemp Box Canyon Reservoir (Wash.) USE Sansevieria Box turtles (Genus) BT Reservoirs—Washington (State) USE Terrapene Bowstring Lake (Itasca County, Minn.) Box car children (Fictitious characters) UF Bow String Lake (Minn.) Box turtles as pets (May Subd Geog) BT Lakes—Minnesota USE Boxcar children (Fictitious characters) [SF459.T8] Box crabs (May Subd Geog) BT Pets Bowstring River (Itasca County and Koochiching County, Minn.) [QL444.M33 (Zoology)] Boxboard (Tree) USE Big Fork River (Minn.) UF Calappidae [Former heading] USE Ilomba BT Decapoda (Crustacea) Bowtell family NT Acanthocarpus Boxcar children (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog) USE Boutelle family UF Alden children (Fictitious characters) Matuta Alden family (Fictitious characters) Bowten family Box craft (May Subd Geog) Box car children (Fictitious characters) USE Bouton family [TT870.5] Boxelder (May Subd Geog) Bowties BT Paper work [QK495.A17 (Botany)] USE Bow ties NT Cereal box craft UF Acer arizonicum Box Creek Canyon (Ariz.) Acer californicum Bowton family USE Fish Creek Canyon (Ariz.) Acer interius USE Bouton family Box elder Acer negundo USE Boxelder Acer texanum Bowyer family Box-elder bug Acer violaceum USE Boyer family USE Leptocoris trivittatus Acer vulgare Box Elder Canyon (Box Elder County, Utah) Ashleaf maple Bowyers (May Subd Geog) BT Valleys—Utah Box elder UF Bow and arrow makers Box Elder Creek, Little (Wyo.) Boxelder maple BT Artisans USE Little Box Elder Creek (Wyo.) California boxelder Box Elder Creek (Converse County, Wyo.) Manitoba maple Box UF Boxelder Creek (Converse County, Wyo.) Negundo aceroides USE Boxwood Negundo mexicanum Fourche Boisee River (Wyo.) Rulac negundo Box, Arnold (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Hunton Creek (Converse County, Wyo.) Rulac texana UF Arnold Box (Fictitious character) Wooded Fork River (Wyo.) Western boxelder Detective Inspector Arnold Box (Fictitious BT Rivers—Wyoming BT Maple character) Box Elder Creek (Utah) Inspector Box (Fictitious character) BT Rivers—Utah Boxelder bug Box Elder Creek Dam (Mont.) USE Leptocoris trivittatus Box, Bimble UF Box Elder Dam (Mont.) USE Eucalyptus populnea BT Dams—Montana Boxelder Creek (Converse County, Wyo.) Box Elder Dam (Mont.) USE Box Elder Creek (Converse County, Wyo.) Box, Black (Plant) USE Box Elder Creek Dam (Mont.) USE Black box (Plant) Box family (Not Subd Geog) Boxelder Creek (Wyo. and Colo.) RT Boxer family BT Rivers—Colorado Box, Flooded (Plant) Box girder bridges (May Subd Geog) Rivers—Wyoming USE Black box (Plant) [TG362] UF Box beam bridges Boxelder Creek Valley (Wyo. and Colo.) Box, Joe (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Bridges, Box girder [Former heading] USE Boxelder Valley (Wyo. and Colo.) UF Joe Box (Fictitious character) BT Bridges Box girders Boxelder Creek Watershed (Wyo. and Colo.) Box, Mallee USE Box beams BT Watersheds—Colorado USE Eucalyptus odorata Box Hill Country Park (England) Watersheds—Wyoming BT Natural areas—England Box, Peppermint (Plant) Parks—England Boxelder maple USE Eucalyptus odorata Box honeysuckle USE Boxelder USE Lonicera nitida Box, Poplar Box irons Boxelder Valley (Wyo. and Colo.) USE Eucalyptus populnea USE Irons (Pressing) UF Boxelder Creek Valley (Wyo. and Colo.) Box jellyfish BT Valleys—Colorado Box, Reid River USE Cubomedusae Valleys—Wyoming USE Eucalyptus brownii Box-Jenkins forecasting UF ARIMA Boxer (Dog breed) (May Subd Geog) Box, River (Plant) Autoregressive integrated moving average [SF429.B75] USE Black box (Plant) Box-Jenkins models UF Boxers (Dogs) [Former heading] Forecasting, Box-Jenkins BT Mastiff breeds Box, Scented (Plant) Models, Box-Jenkins USE Eucalyptus odorata BT Economic forecasting Boxer Cove (Wash.) Time-series analysis USE Flounder Bay (Wash.) Box, White (Plant) Box-Jenkins models USE White box (Plant) USE Box-Jenkins forecasting Boxer family (Not Subd Geog) Box lacrosse (May Subd Geog) UF Bokser family Box, Yellow (Plant) UF Boxla RT Box family USE Yellow box (Plant) Indoor lacrosse BT Lacrosse Boxer Rebellion, China, 1899-1901 Box (Plants) USE China—History—Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901 USE Boxwood Boxer shorts (May Subd Geog) Box aerobics UF Boxers (Underwear) USE Kickboxing aerobics Shorts, Boxer BT Underwear Box and water turtles USE Emydidae Boxers USE China—History—Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901 Box beam bridges USE Box girder bridges Box beams [TA660.B4] UF Beams, Box Box girders BT Girders Box Boys (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog) Box Canyon (Idaho and Or.) USE Hells Canyon (Idaho and Or.) B-344
Boxers, African American Theaters Boxing injuries (May Subd Geog) USE African American boxers RT Loges (Theaters) [RC1220.B6] Boxes in art (Not Subd Geog) UF Boxers (Sports)—Wounds and injuries Boxers, Hispanic American Boxfield Farm Site (England) Boxing—Accidents and injuries [Former USE Hispanic American boxers BT England—Antiquities heading] Boxfishes (May Subd Geog) BT Sports injuries Boxers, Irish American [QL638.O887] USE Irish American boxers UF Ostraciidae Boxing managers (May Subd Geog) UF Boxing—Managers [Former heading] Boxers, Italian American Ostraciontidae Managers, Boxing USE Italian American boxers Trunkfishes BT Sports personnel BT Tetraodontiformes Boxers (Dogs) Boxfishes, Fossil (May Subd Geog) Boxing matches (May Subd Geog) USE Boxer (Dog breed) [QE852.T48] UF Boxing—Matches [Former heading] BT Tetraodontiformes, Fossil Matches, Boxing Boxers (Sports) (May Subd Geog) NT Oligolactoria BT Boxing [GV1131-GV1132] Boxford Gardens (Canberra, A.C.T.) BT Athletes This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Boxing referees (May Subd Geog) NT Jewish boxers subdivision. UF Boxing—Referees [Former heading] Women boxers Referees, Boxing BT Gardens—Australia BT Sports officials — Wounds and injuries Boxgrove Site (England) USE Boxing injuries Boxing rings BT England—Antiquities UF Rings, Boxing — United States Boxing (May Subd Geog) Squared circles (Boxing rings) NT African American boxers BT Sports facilities Hispanic American boxers [GV1115-GV1137] Irish American boxers UF Fighting Boxing stories (Not Subd Geog) Italian American boxers UF Boxing—Fiction Prize-fighting Boxing—Juvenile fiction Boxers (Underwear) Prizefighting BT Sports stories USE Boxer shorts Pugilism Savate Boxing trainers (May Subd Geog) Boxers' spouses (May Subd Geog) Sparring UF Boxing—Trainers [Former heading] BT Athletes' spouses BT Athletics Trainers, Boxing Hand-to-hand fighting BT Coaches (Athletics) Boxes (May Subd Geog) Self-defense [HD9999.B7 (Trade)] NT Bag punching Boxla [TS198.B6 (Packaging)] Boxing matches USE Box lacrosse UF Caskets — Accidents and injuries RT Box making USE Boxing injuries Boxley Cabin (Sheridan, Ind.) BT Containers — Coaching (May Subd Geog) USE George Boxley Cabin (Sheridan, Ind.) NT Ballot boxes Bandboxes BT Coaching (Athletics) Boxley family (Not Subd Geog) Book boxes — Fiction Boxley Valley (Ark.) Cartons Cigar boxes USE Boxing stories BT Valleys—Arkansas Cists (Boxes) — Interviews RT Buffalo National River (Ark.) Coffins Boxsprings, Operation, 1968 Collection boxes (Fund raising equipment) BT Interviews USE Operation Uniontown III, 1968 Crates — Juvenile fiction Boxster automobile (Not Subd Geog) Gold boxes UF Porsche Boxster automobile Hatboxes USE Boxing stories Mailboxes — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Porsche 986 automobile Matchboxes BT Automobiles, Convertible Needlework boxes UF Boxing—Laws and regulations [Former Ornamental boxes heading] Porsche automobiles Plastic boxes Sports cars Postage-stamp boxes — Laws and regulations Boxted Wood Site (England) Powder boxes (Cosmetics containers) USE Boxing—Law and legislation BT England—Antiquities Salt boxes Boxwood (May Subd Geog) Sandboxes — Managers [QK495.B85 (Botany)] Shaker boxes USE Boxing managers [SB413.B66 (Culture)] Spice boxes UF Box [Former heading] Spoon boxes — Matches Box (Plants) Toolboxes USE Boxing matches Boxes (Plants) Trunks (Luggage) Buxus Wooden boxes — Records (May Subd Geog) Buxus sempervirens BT Sports records Common box — England Common boxwood NT Franks Casket — Referees European boxwood USE Boxing referees BT Buxaceae Boxes, Enamel NT Buxus madagascarica USE Enamel boxes — Rules Boxwood psyllid (May Subd Geog) [GV1116] [QL527.P88 (Zoology)] Boxes, Light UF Cacopsylla buxi USE Light boxes — Tournaments (May Subd Geog) Psylla buxi [Former heading] BT Sports tournaments BT Cacopsylla Boxes, Ornamental Boy bands (May Subd Geog) USE Ornamental boxes — — United States UF Male singing groups (Boy bands) NT Golden Gloves Tournament Male vocal groups (Boy bands) Boxes, Phone Men's vocal groups (Boy bands) USE Telephone booths — Trainers BT Vocal groups USE Boxing trainers Boy-bishop Boxes, Police USE Boy bishops USE Police call boxes — Training (May Subd Geog) Boy bishops (May Subd Geog) BT Physical education and training UF Boy-bishop [Former heading] Boxes, Post-office BT Clergy USE Post-office boxes Boxing cards (May Subd Geog) RT Feast of the Holy Innocents BT Sports cards Lords of misrule Boxes, Spice Boy charros (May Subd Geog) USE Spice boxes Boxing Day (May Subd Geog) BT Charros BT Holidays Boy Chief Site (Alta.) Boxes, Telephone USE Saahkómaapína Site (Alta.) USE Telephone booths Boxing Day Tsunami, 2004 Boy choirs USE Indian Ocean Tsunami, 2004 USE Boys' choirs Boxes, Wooden Boy dolls (May Subd Geog) USE Wooden boxes Boxing films (May Subd Geog) [NK4894.3.B68] UF Fight films UF Dolls, Boy Boxes (Game) Prize-fight films BT Dolls USE Dots-and-boxes (Game) Prize-fighting films Boy family Prizefight films USE Bowie family Boxes (Plants) Prizefighting films Boy high school students USE Boxwood BT Sports films USE High school boys Boxes (Theaters, auditoriums, etc.) (May Subd Geog) — History and criticism Here are entered works on enclosed or separate UF Boxing in motion pictures [Former heading] audience areas in a place of public entertainment that are intended for the use of a small group and that Boxing for boys (May Subd Geog) generally provide better viewing or more comfortable BT Sports for children accommodations. Boxing for women (May Subd Geog) UF Box seating (Theaters, auditoriums, etc.) [GV1136.3] Theater boxes BT Sports for women BT Auditoriums Boxing in art (Not Subd Geog) Stadiums Boxing in literature (Not Subd Geog) Boxing in motion pictures USE Boxing films—History and criticism B-345
Boy infants Boyatt family Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge (Neb.) USE Infant boys USE Boyette family BT National parks and reserves—Nebraska Wildlife refuges—Nebraska Boy junior high school students Boyce family (Not Subd Geog) USE Junior high school boys UF Boece family Boyer family (Not Subd Geog) Boice family UF Bawyer family Boy knitters (May Subd Geog) Boies family [Former heading] Bawyers family BT Knitters (Persons) Bois family Bowyer family Boise family [Former heading] Boyers family Boy middle school students Boyes family USE Middle school boys Boys family Boyer Lake (Okla.) Boyse family USE Dave Boyer Lake (Okla.) Boy preferences of parents RT Boyce-Sneed Feud USE Sex of children, Parental preferences for Buys family Boyer River (Queb́ ec) UF Rivier̀ e Boyer (Québec) Boy Scouts (May Subd Geog) Boyce-Sneed Feud BT Rivers—Québec (Province) [HS3312-HS3316] UF Sneed-Boyce Feud BT Scouts (Youth organization members) BT Vendetta—Texas Boyers family SA subdivision War work--Boy Scouts under RT Boyce family USE Boyer family individual wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945-- Snead family War work--Boy Scouts Boyerschmitt family NT Cub Scouts Boychoirs USE Beierschmitt family Den chiefs (Boy Scouts) USE Boys' choirs Eagle Scouts Boyersmith family Explorers (Boy Scouts) Boycott USE Beierschmitt family Lone Scouts USE Boycotts Sea Scouts Boyes family Boycott violators (May Subd Geog) USE Boyce family — Public relations (May Subd Geog) UF Violators, Boycott Boy Scouts in art (Not Subd Geog) BT Persons Boyet (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) Boy Scouts on postage stamps (Not Subd Geog) Boycotts (May Subd Geog) BT Postage stamps [HD5461 (Labor disputes)] Boyet family Boy tribute (Devshirme) [HF1413.5 (International economic relations)] USE Boyette family UF Boycott [Former heading] USE Devshirme Consumer boycotts Boyett family Boy whalers (May Subd Geog) Secondary boycotts USE Boyette family BT Consumer behavior BT Whalers (Persons) Passive resistance Boyette family (Not Subd Geog) Boy with leaking boot (Statue) NT Anti-German boycotts UF Boyatt family Anti-Jewish boycotts Boyet family UF Boy with the boot (Statue) Boyett family Statue of the boy with leaking boot — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Boyt family BT Commercial law Boyte family BT Statues—United States Boy with the boot (Statue) — Alabama Boykema family NT Montgomery Bus Boycott, Montgomery, USE Beukema family USE Boy with leaking boot (Statue) Ala., 1955-1956 Boya (African people) Boykin, Fort (Va.) — Louisiana USE Fort Boykin (Va.) USE Longarim (African people) NT Baton Rouge Bus Boycott, Baton Rouge, Boya (Indic people) La., 1953 Boykin family (Not Subd Geog) UF Boyakin family USE Valmiki (Indic people) Boycotts (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) Boyekin family Boya Platform (Wuhan Shi, China) BT Islamic law Boyking family Boykins family USE Hanyang gu qin tai (Wuhan Shi, China) Boyd family (Not Subd Geog) Boya Yu (Legendary character) UF Boid family Boykin spaniel (May Subd Geog) Boyde family BT Spaniels USE Bo, Ya (Legendary character) Boyds family Boyaca,́ Battle of, 1819 Boyking family Boyd Lake (Colo.) USE Boykin family USE Boyaca,́ Battle of, Boyacá, Boyaca,́ Colombia, BT Lakes—Colorado 1819 Reservoirs—Colorado Boykins family USE Boykin family Boyacá, Battle of, Boyacá, Boyaca,́ Colombia, 1819 Boyd McMasters (Fictitious character) [F2274] USE McMasters, Boyd (Fictitious character) Boyl family UF Boyacá, Battle of, 1819 [Former heading] USE Boyle family BT Colombia—History—War of Independence, Boyd-Roosevelt Highway (Panama) 1810-1822—Campaigns USE Carretera Boyd-Roosevelt (Panama) Boylan, Emma (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Emma Boylan (Fictitious character) Boyakin family Boyd Site (Miss.) USE Boykin family BT Mississippi—Antiquities Boylan family (Not Subd Geog) UF Boyland family Boyama Falls (Congo) Boyde family USE Stanley Falls (Congo) USE Boyd family Boyland family USE Boylan family Boyandin, Lake (China) Boyden Cave (Calif.) USE Baiyang Lake (China) USE Boyden Cavern (Calif.) Boyle, Billy (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Billy Boyle (Fictitious character) Boyanese (Indonesian people) (May Subd Geog) Boyden Cavern (Calif.) UF Baweanese (Indonesian people) UF Boyden Cave (Calif.) Boyle family (Not Subd Geog) Orang Babian (Indonesian people) BT Caves—California UF Boil family Orang Bawean (Indonesian people) Boyell family Orang Boyan (Indonesian people) Boyd's Creek (Tenn.) Boyl family Suku Bawean (Indonesian people) BT Rivers—Tennessee Boyles family BT Ethnology—Indonesia Boyll family Boyds family Boyarsky family (Not Subd Geog) USE Boyd family Boyle-Mariotte, Law of UF Bayarsky family USE Boyle's law RT Bayer family Boydston family USE Boydstun family Boyle River (Ireland) Boyas UF River Boyle (Ireland) USE Berads Boydstun family (Not Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Ireland UF Boydston family Boyash dialect (May Subd Geog) Boyles family UF Bayash dialect Boydton Plank Road (Va.) USE Boyle family Beás dialect BT Plank roads—Virginia BT Croatia—Languages Boyle's law Hungary—Languages Boydton Plank Road, Battle of, Va., 1864 UF Boyle-Mariotte, Law of Moldova—Languages [E476.93] Mariotte's law Romania—Languages UF Boydton Plank Road (Va.), Battle of, 1864 Marriotte's law Romanian language [Former heading] BT Gas laws (Physical chemistry) Burgess' Mill, Battle of, Va., 1864 Boyash folk poetry Hatcher's Run, Battle of, Va., 1864 Boyll family USE Folk poetry, Boyash BT United States—History—Civil War, 1861- USE Boyle family 1865—Campaigns Boyash folk songs Virginia—History—Civil War, 1861-1865 Boylston Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) USE Folk songs, Boyash This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Boydton Plank Road (Va.), Battle of, 1864 Boyash literature (May Subd Geog) USE Boydton Plank Road, Battle of, Va., 1864 subdivision. BT Croatia—Literatures Hungary—Literatures Boyekin family BT Streets—Washington (State) Moldova—Literatures USE Boykin family Boylston family (Not Subd Geog) Romania—Literatures Boyne, Battle of the, 1690 NT Boyash poetry Boyell family USE Boyle family USE Boyne, Battle of the, Ireland, 1690 Boyash poetry (May Subd Geog) Boyne, Battle of the, Ireland, 1690 BT Boyash literature Boyenton family NT Folk poetry, Boyash USE Boynton family [DA945] UF Boyne, Battle of the, 1690 [Former heading] BT Ireland—History—War of 1689- 1691—Campaigns Boyne River (Ireland) BT Rivers—Ireland B-346
Boyne River Valley (Ireland) — Oklahoma Boys' clothing (May Subd Geog) UF Boyne Valley (Ireland) NT Seminole boys [TT630] BT Valleys—Ireland UF Boys—Clothing [Former heading] — Ontario BT Children's clothing Boyne Valley (Ireland) NT Iroquois boys NT Teenage boys' clothing USE Boyne River Valley (Ireland) — Oregon — Sizes (May Subd Geog) Boyneburg (Sontra, Germany) NT Tillamook boys UF Sizes of boys' clothing UF Bemelburg (Sontra, Germany) Bomeneberg (Sontra, Germany) — Southern States Boys' clubs Reichsburg Boyneburg (Sontra, Germany) NT Choctaw boys USE Boys—Societies and clubs BT Castles—Germany Seminole boys Boys' Delegation to the West during the Tensho Era, Boyneburg family (Not Subd Geog) — Southwest, New 1582-1590 Boynton family (Not Subd Geog) NT Navajo boys USE Tenshō Kenʾō Shisetsu, 1582-1590 Pueblo boys UF Boyenton family Boys family RT Byington family — United States USE Boyce family Boynton Inlet (Fla.) NT African American boys UF Ocean Ridge Inlet (Fla.) Asian American boys Boys' gymnastics Cherokee boys USE Gymnastics for boys South Inlet (Fla.) Cheyenne boys South Lake Worth Inlet (Fla.) Croatian American boys Boys in art (Not Subd Geog) South Lakeworth Inlet (Fla.) Gullah boys Boys in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Inlets—Florida Hawaiian boys Boys in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Boyo (African people) Hispanic American boys USE Buyu (African people) Mexican American boys BT Motion pictures Boys (May Subd Geog) Tewa boys Boys in the Bible [BJ1641-BJ1648 (Ethics)] Winnebago boys [HQ775 (Care)] Zuni boys USE Children in the Bible [HV877 (Protection)] Boys' names BT Children — West Indies Males Boys, Aboriginal Australian (May Subd Geog) USE Masculine names RT Young men Boys' towns NT Christian education of boys UF Aboriginal Australian boys Gifted boys Boys, Australian aboriginal [Former heading] USE Children—Institutional care Grooming for boys Boyse family Handicraft for boys Boys, Asian American High school boys USE Asian American boys USE Boyce family Homeless boys Boysen Dam (Wyo.) Indian boys Boys, Australian aboriginal Infant boys USE Boys, Aboriginal Australian BT Dams—Wyoming Junior high school boys Boysen family (Not Subd Geog) Middle school boys Boys, Call Mormon boys USE Male prostitutes UF Boisen family Muslim boys Bojsen family Schoolboys Boys, Cherokee Sex instruction for boys USE Cherokee boys Boysen State Park (Wyo.) Sexually abused boys BT Parks—Wyoming Teenage boys Boys, Cheyenne — Biography USE Cheyenne boys Boysenberries — Clothing USE Boysenberry USE Boys' clothing Boys, Choctaw — Conduct of life USE Choctaw boys Boysenberries, Cooking with USE Cooking (Boysenberries) NT Etiquette for boys Boys, Copper Inuit — Etiquette USE Copper Inuit boys Boysenberry (May Subd Geog) [SB386.B8 (Culture)] USE Etiquette for boys Boys, Cree UF Boysenberries [Former heading] — Growth USE Cree boys Rubus 'Boysen' Rubus loganobaccus BT Human growth Boys, Croatian American Rubus ursinus loganobaccus — Health and hygiene (May Subd Geog) USE Croatian American boys BT Rubus — Portraits RT Blackberries — Prayer-books and devotions Boys, Eskimo Raspberries USE Eskimo boys USE Boys—Prayers and devotions — Use in cooking — Prayers and devotions Boys, Garifuna USE Cooking (Boysenberries) USE Garifuna boys [BV283.B7 (Christianity)] Boysie Oakes (Fictitious character) UF Boys—Prayer-books and devotions Boys, Gullah USE Oakes, Boysie (Fictitious character) USE Gullah boys [Former heading] Boyson family (Not Subd Geog) — Psychology Boys, Hawaiian Boyt family USE Hawaiian boys NT Achievement motivation in boys USE Boyette family — Sexual behavior (May Subd Geog) Boys, Hispanic American Boyte family — Societies and clubs USE Hispanic American boys USE Boyette family [HS3301-HS3325] Boys, Igala (May Subd Geog) Böyuk̈ Kas̈ ik Site (Azerbaijan) [HV878] UF Igala boys UF Boys' clubs UF Bei͡uk Kesik Site (Azerbaijan) BT Clubs Boys, Indian Beyuk Kesik Site (Azerbaijan) USE Indian boys Social settlements BT Azerbaijan—Antiquities Societies Boys, Iroquois Boyum family (Not Subd Geog) NT 4-H clubs USE Iroquois boys Bozard family Young farmers' clubs — Antilles, Lesser Boys, Lacandon USE Bussard family NT Garifuna boys USE Lacandon boys Bozarth family (Not Subd Geog) — Arctic regions NT Eskimo boys Boys, Mexican American UF Bozorth family — Canada USE Mexican American boys Bözberg (Switzerland) NT Cree boys — Central America Boys, Navajo BT Mountains—Switzerland NT Garifuna boys USE Navajo boys Bozburun Peninsula (Bursa Il̇ i and İstanbul Il̇ i, Turkey) Lacandon boys — Mexico Boys, Pueblo UF Bozburun Yarımadası (Bursa Il̇ i and Iṡ tanbul İli, NT Lacandon boys USE Pueblo boys Turkey) — New York (State) NT Iroquois boys Boys, Seminole BT Peninsulas—Turkey — Nigeria USE Seminole boys Bozburun Yarımadası (Bursa İli and İstanbul İli, Turkey) — Northwest Territories NT Copper Inuit boys Boys, Tewa USE Bozburun Peninsula (Bursa İli and Iṡ tanbul Il̇ i, — Nunavut USE Tewa boys Turkey) NT Copper Inuit boys Boys, Tillamook Bozca Ada (Turkey) USE Tillamook boys USE Bozca Island (Turkey) Boys, Tuareg (May Subd Geog) Bozca Island (Turkey) UF Tuareg boys UF Bozca Ada (Turkey) Bozcaada (Turkey) Boys, Winnebago Tenedos Island (Turkey) USE Winnebago boys BT Islands—Turkey Boys, Zuni Bozcaada (Turkey) USE Zuni boys USE Bozca Island (Turkey) Boys anti-tank rifle (Not Subd Geog) Bozeman family (Not Subd Geog) BT Rifles UF Boschman family Bosman family Boys as soldiers Bosmans family USE Child soldiers Bozeman Ski Lodge (Bozeman, Mont.) Boys' choirs (May Subd Geog) USE Bear Canyon (Bozeman, Mont.) UF Boy choirs Boychoirs BT Children's choirs NT Seises B-347
Bozeman Trail BPELWS (Computer program language) Bracco Italiano (May Subd Geog) BT Cattle trails—United States USE BPEL (Computer program language) [SF429.B756] Trails—United States UF Italian pointer BPH (Disease) Italian pointing dog Boz͡henko family (Not Subd Geog) USE Benign prostatic hyperplasia Italian setter Bozǐ ćna pobuna, Montenegro, 1918 BPI (Personality test) Bracco Mountain (Italy) USE Montenegro—History—Christmas Uprising, USE Basic Personality Inventory UF Mombracco (Italy) 1918 Monte Bracco (Italy) BPI Accounting System (Computer system) BT Mountains—Italy Bozikelike Shiku (China) [HF5679] USE Bezeklik Caves (China) UF BPI System (Computer system) Brace Gatarek Musiela model BT Accounting—Data processing USE LIBOR market model Bozinis family USE Bozzini family BPI System (Computer system) Bracelets (May Subd Geog) USE BPI Accounting System (Computer system) BT Jewelry Bozley family NT Bangle (Sikhism) USE Bosley family BPS (Bladder pain syndrome) Charm bracelets USE Interstitial cystitis Cuff bracelets Bozmarov family (Not Subd Geog) Diamond bracelets Bozo (African people) (May Subd Geog) BQE (New York, N.Y.) Friendship bracelets USE Brooklyn-Queens Expressway (New York, Identification bracelets [DT551.45.B57 (Mali)] N.Y.) Silver bracelets UF Bosso (African people) Watch bracelets BR-2 reactor Sorko (African people) UF Belgian reactor-2 Braces, Orthodontic BT Ethnology—Mali BT Materials testing reactors USE Orthodontic appliances Nuclear engineering—Belgium Ethnology—Niger Water cooled reactors Braces, Orthopedic Mandingo (African people) USE Orthopedic braces Bozo (Fictitious character : Boutin) BR-14 (Brazil) USE Nolet-Leclou, Bozo (Fictitious character) USE Rodovia Belém-Brasília (Brazil) Braces (Clothing) Bozo girls USE Suspenders USE Girls, Bozo BR-116 (Brazil) Bozo language (May Subd Geog) USE Rodovia BR-116 (Brazil) Bracewell, Nicholas (Fictitious character) [PL8087] (Not Subd Geog) UF Sorko language BR-163 Highway (Brazil) UF Nicholas Bracewell (Fictitious character) Sorogo language USE Rodovia BR-163 (Brazil) BT Burkina Faso—Languages Bracey family (Not Subd Geog) Mali—Languages BR-364 (Brazil) UF Bracy family Western Mande languages USE Rodovia Cuiabá-Porto Velho (Brazil) Brassey family Bozo Nolet-Leclou (Fictitious character) Bressey family USE Nolet-Leclou, Bozo (Fictitious character) BR140-like gene Bozo the Clown (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Bromodomain-containing 1 gene Brach Island (Croatia) BT Clowns USE Brač Island (Croatia) Bozorth family BR140-like protein USE Bozarth family USE Bromodomain-containing protein 1 Bracharoa (May Subd Geog) Bozqūsh Mountains (Iran) [QL561.L9] UF Kuh-e-Bozqūsh (Iran) Braamharr family (Not Subd Geog) BT Lymantriidae BT Mountains—Iran Braasch family (Not Subd Geog) NT Bracharoa bistigmigera Bozwell family Brabant (Belgium) USE Boswell family Bracharoa bistigmigera (May Subd Geog) Bozworth family — In art [QL561.L9] USE Bosworth family UF Brabant (Belgium) in art [Former heading] BT Bracharoa Bozzaris family USE Mpotsares̄ family Brabant (Belgium) in art Brachaspis (May Subd Geog) Bozzelli family (Not Subd Geog) USE Brabant (Belgium)—In art [QL508.A2 (Zoology)] Bozzini family (Not Subd Geog) BT Grasshoppers UF Bozinis family Brabant Island (Antarctic regions) Bozzolo Villa (Casalzuigno, Italy) USE Brabant Island (Antarctica) Brachen family USE Villa Della Porta-Bozzolo (Casalzuigno, Italy) USE Bracken family BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill, 2010 Brabant Island (Antarctica) UF BP Drilling Rig Explosion, 2010 UF Brabant Island (Antarctic regions) [Former Brachial-basilar insufficiency syndrome BP Oil Spill, 2010 heading] USE Subclavian steal syndrome Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill, BT Islands—Antarctica 2010 Brachial blood-vessels Gulf Drilling Rig Explosion, 2010 Brabantio (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) USE Arm—Blood-vessels Gulf of Mexico Drilling Rig Explosion, 2010 (Not Subd Geog) Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill, 2010 UF Brabanzio (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) Brachial nerves Gulf Oil Spill, 2010 USE Arm—Innervation Mexico, Gulf of, Drilling Rig Explosion, 2010 Brabanzio (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) Mexico, Gulf of, Oil Spill, 2010 USE Brabantio (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) Brachial plexus BT Drilling platforms—Accidents—Mexico, Gulf of UF Plexus, Brachial Oil spills—Mexico, Gulf of Brabazon (Transport plane) BT Spinal nerves RT Deepwater Horizon (Drilling rig) USE Bristol Brabazon (Transport plane) NT Median nerve BP Drilling Rig Explosion, 2010 Musculocutaneous nerve USE BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill, Brabender extensigraphs Radial nerve 2010 USE Extensigraphs Ulnar nerve BP Oil Spill, 2010 USE BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill, Braber family (Not Subd Geog) — Diseases (May Subd Geog) 2010 Brabourne Stadium (Bombay, India) NT Thoracic outlet syndrome BP Portrait Award UF British Petroleum Portrait Award USE Brabourne Stadium (Mumbai, India) — Surgery (May Subd Geog) National Portrait Gallery Portrait Award Brabourne Stadium (Mumbai, India) Brachialgia (May Subd Geog) Portrait Award BT Portrait painting—Awards—Great Britain UF Brabourne Stadium (Bombay, India) [Former UF Arm pain BPAQ (Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire) heading] BT Arm—Diseases USE Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire BPEL (Computer program language) BT Stadiums—India Pain UF BPEL4WS (Computer program language) Braburgh (French Polynesia) NT Cervico-brachial neuralgia BPELWS (Computer program language) Brachiaria (May Subd Geog) Business Process Execution Language USE Mururoa Atoll (French Polynesia) [QK495.G74] (Computer program language) Brabyns Hall (England) BT Grasses Business Process Execution Language for NT Brachiaria decumbens Web Services (Computer program BT Dwellings—England Brachiaria decumbens (May Subd Geog) language) Brač Island (Croatia) [QK495.G74] WS-BPEL (Computer program language) BT Brachiaria BT Programming languages (Electronic UF Brach Island (Croatia) Brachiaria mutica computers) Brazza Island (Croatia) USE Para grass BPEL4WS (Computer program language) Brachiaria purpurascens USE BPEL (Computer program language) BT Islands—Croatia USE Para grass Bracchium Site (Bainbridge, England) Brachiation (May Subd Geog) BT Animal locomotion USE Virosidum Site (Bainbridge, England) Brachidontes (May Subd Geog) Bracci Cambini family (Not Subd Geog) [QL430.7.M95] UF Brachiodontes RT Cambini family Bracciale d'oro, Casa del (Pompeii) Brachyodontes Brachydontes USE House of the Golden Bracelet (Pompeii) BT Mytilidae Bracciano Castle (Bracciano, Italy) NT Brachidontes recurvus Brachidontes recurvus (May Subd Geog) USE Castello Orsini Odescalchi (Bracciano, Italy) [QL430.7.M95] Bracciano Lake (Italy) UF Curved mussel UF Lacus Sabatinus (Italy) Lago di Bracciano (Italy) Sabatinus Lake (Italy) BT Lakes—Italy Bracciano-Martignano Natural Regional Park (Italy) USE Parco naturale regionale di Bracciano- Martignano (Italy) Braccio (Viola da braccio) USE Viola Braccio family (Not Subd Geog) RT Bracho family Bracciolini family (Not Subd Geog) B-348
Mytilus hamatus BT Compositae Brachyisotope therapy Mytilus recurvus NT Brachyactis ciliata USE Radioisotope brachytherapy BT Brachidontes Brachyactis angustus Brachinidae USE Brachyactis ciliata Brachylagus (May Subd Geog) USE Ground beetles Brachyactis ciliata (May Subd Geog) [QL737.L32 (Zoology)] Brachinus [QK495.C74 (Botany)] BT Leporidae USE Bombardier beetles UF Aster angustus NT Pygmy rabbit Brachiodontes USE Brachidontes Aster brachyactis Brachylagus idahoensis Brachiolejeunea (May Subd Geog) Brachyactis angustus USE Pygmy rabbit [QK555.L37] Erigeron ciliatus BT Lejeuneaceae Rayless aster Brachylaima (May Subd Geog) Brachionichthyidae Short-ray aster [QL391.P7] USE Handfishes BT Brachyactis UF Harmostomum Brachionichthys (May Subd Geog) Brachyactis ciliata laurentiana BT Brachylaimidae [QL638.B7 (Zoology)] USE Gulf of Saint Lawrence aster UF Sympterichthys Brachyactis laurentiana Brachylaimidae (May Subd Geog) BT Handfishes USE Gulf of Saint Lawrence aster [QL391.P7] NT Spotted handfish Brachycardia UF Harmostomidae Brachionichthys hirsutus USE Bradycardia BT Strigeidida USE Spotted handfish Brachycentridae (May Subd Geog) NT Brachylaima Brachionidium (May Subd Geog) [QL518.B7] Postharmostomum [QK495.O64] BT Caddisflies BT Orchids NT Brachycentrus Brachylophus (May Subd Geog) Brachiopithecus Brachycentrus (May Subd Geog) [QL666.L25] USE Hylobates [QL518.B7] BT Iguanas Brachiopod extinction BT Brachycentridae NT Banded iguana USE Brachiopoda—Extinction Brachycephaly Brachylophus vitiensis Brachiopoda (May Subd Geog) [GN71] [QL395-QL395.95 (Zoology)] [GN131] Brachylophus fasciatus UF Bivalve coelomates UF Isocephaly (Craniology) USE Banded iguana Brachiopods BT Craniology Coelomates, Bivalve NT Hyperbrachycephaly Brachylophus vitiensis (May Subd Geog) Lamp shells Brachyceridae (May Subd Geog) [QL666.L25 (Zoology)] Lampshells BT Beetles UF Crested iguana, Fiji Shells, Lamp Brachychiton (May Subd Geog) Fiji crested iguana BT Bilateria [QK495.M27 (Botany)] Fijian crested iguana Marine invertebrates UF Clompanus BT Brachylophus NT Articulata Delabechea Inarticulata Pacilodermis Brachymeles (May Subd Geog) — Extinction (May Subd Geog) Poecilodermis [QL666.L28] Trichosiphum BT Skinks UF Brachiopod extinction BT Malvaceae Extinction of brachiopods Brachychthoniidae (May Subd Geog) Brachynomada (May Subd Geog) [QL458.2.B7] [QL568.A6] BT Extinction (Biology) BT Acariformes BT Apidae Brachiopoda, Fossil (May Subd Geog) Brachycion USE Brachyrhynchocyon Brachyodontes [QE796-QE797] Brachycistis (May Subd Geog) USE Brachidontes BT Bilateria, Fossil [QL568.T5] BT Tiphiidae Brachyphylla (May Subd Geog) Marine invertebrates, Fossil Brachycoeliidae (May Subd Geog) [QL737.C57] NT Articulata, Fossil [QL391.P7] BT Phyllostomidae BT Plagiorchiida NT Brachyphylla cavernarum Inarticulata, Fossil Brachycolus asparagi Brachyphylla nana Orthida USE Asparagus aphid Pentamerida Brachycolus noxius Brachyphylla cavernarum (May Subd Geog) Rhynchonellida, Fossil USE Russian wheat aphid [QL737.C57] Spiriferida Brachycopris BT Brachyphylla Strophomenata USE Dichotomius — Type specimens (May Subd Geog) Brachycorynella (May Subd Geog) Brachyphylla nana (May Subd Geog) [QL527.A64 (Zoology)] [QL737.C57] [QE796] BT Aphids BT Brachyphylla BT Type specimens (Natural history) NT Asparagus aphid Brachiopods Brachycorynella asparagi Brachypodium (May Subd Geog) USE Brachiopoda USE Asparagus aphid [QK495.G74] Brachiosauridae (May Subd Geog) Brachycyrtus (May Subd Geog) BT Grasses [QE862.S3] [QL568.I2] BT Saurischia BT Ichneumonidae Brachyponera NT Brachiosaurus Brachydanio (May Subd Geog) USE Pachycondyla Seismosaurus [QL638.C94] Brachiosaurus (May Subd Geog) BT Cyprinidae Brachypotherium (May Subd Geog) [QE862.S3] NT Zebra danio [QE882.U6] BT Brachiosauridae Brachydanio rerio UF Indotherium Brachirus miles USE Zebra danio Thaumastotherium USE Pterois miles Brachyderidae BT Rhinoceroses, Fossil Brachistochrone USE Curculionidae BT Calculus of variations Brachydeutera (May Subd Geog) Brachyramphus (May Subd Geog) Control theory [QL537.E7] [QL696.C42 (Zoology)] Curves BT Ephydridae UF Brachyrampus Brachistosternus (May Subd Geog) Brachydontes BT Alcidae [QL458.72.B6 (Zoology)] USE Brachidontes NT Kittlitz's murrelet BT Bothriuridae Brachyericinae (May Subd Geog) Marbled murrelet Brachitanytes [QE882.E75] USE Hylobates BT Hedgehogs, Fossil Brachyramphus brevirostris Bracho family (Not Subd Geog) Brachygobius (May Subd Geog) USE Kittlitz's murrelet RT Braccio family [QL638.G7] Brachodidae (May Subd Geog) BT Gobiidae Brachyramphus marmoratum [QL561.B68] Brachygraphy USE Marbled murrelet BT Lepidoptera USE Abbreviations Moths Shorthand Brachyrampus Brachoria (May Subd Geog) Brachyhelus USE Brachyramphus [QL449.65.X9] USE Schwenckia BT Xystodesmidae Brachyrhinidae Brachtl family (Not Subd Geog) B-349 USE Curculionidae Brachyactis (May Subd Geog) [QK495.C74 (Botany)] Brachyrhinus (May Subd Geog) [QL596.C9] BT Curculionidae Brachyrhinus rugosostriatus USE Otiorhynchus rugosostriatus Brachyrhinus sulcatus USE Black vine weevil Brachyrhynchocyon (May Subd Geog) [QE885.C15] UF Brachycion BT Canis, Fossil NT Brachyrhynchocyon sesnoni Brachyrhynchocyon sesnoni (May Subd Geog) [QE882.C15] BT Brachyrhynchocyon Brachyrrhinidae USE Curculionidae
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