L20 TABLE FOR SUBARRANGEMENT OF CUTTER- L20 NUMBER COUNTRIES .xA1-.xA5 .xA6-.xZ Documents .x2A-.x2Z General works Local, A-Z 393
L21 TABLE FOR SUBARRANGEMENT OF CUTTER- L21 NUMBER COUNTRIES .x .x2A-.x2Z General works .x3A-.x3Z By province, state, etc., A-Z By city, A-Z 394
L22 TABLE FOR SUBARRANGEMENT BY REGION OR L22 COUNTRY (10 NOS.) 1 2.A-Z United States 3.A-Z General works By region or state, A-Z 4 By city, A-Z 4.2.A-Z 4.3.A-Z Canada General works 5.A2 Provinces, A-Z 5.A3-Z Cities, A-Z 6.A2 Other American regions or countries 6.A3-Z Latin America (General) By region or country, A-Z 7.A2 7.A3-Z Subarrange each by Table L19 7.3 Europe 8.A2 General works 8.A3-Z By region or country, A-Z 9 Subarrange each by Table L19 9.3.A-Z Asia 9.6 General works 9.9.A-Z By region or country, A-Z 10.A-Z Subarrange each by Table L19 10.3 10.4 Arab countries Africa General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each by Table L19 Australia General works Local, A-Z New Zealand General works Local, A-Z Pacific Islands, A-Z Subarrange each by Table L19 Arctic regions General works Greenland 395
L23 TABLE FOR SUBARRANGEMENT BY REGION OR L23 COUNTRY (9 NOS.) 1 2.A-Z United States 2.2.A-Z General works By region or state, A-Z 3 By city, A-Z 3.2.A-Z 3.3.A-Z Canada General works 4.A1 Provinces, A-Z 4.A3-Z Cities, A-Z 5.A1 Other American regions or countries 5.A3-Z Latin America (General) By region or country, A-Z 6.A1 6.A3-Z Subarrange each by Table L20 6.3 Europe 7.A1 General works 7.A3-Z By region or country, A-Z 7.5.A-Z Subarrange each by Table L20 8 8.3.A-Z Asia General works 8.6 By region or country, A-Z 8.9.A-Z 9.A-Z Subarrange each by Table L20 Arab countries Africa General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each by Table L20 Indian Ocean islands, A-Z Subarrange each by Table L20 Australia General works Local, A-Z New Zealand General works Local, A-Z Pacific Islands, A-Z Subarrange each by Table L20 396
L24 TABLE FOR EDUCATION OF SPECIAL CLASSES OF L24 CHILDREN AND YOUTH (43 NOS.) 1 5 Periodicals. Societies. Collections 7 Congresses, conferences, etc. 15 Encyclopedias. Dictionaries 19 General works 19.15 General special Home-based education 19.2 19.3 Including portage and instruction by visiting teachers 19.7 19.8 Preschool education 23 Early childhood education 24 Vocational education Teacher training 25 Audiovisual aids 25.4 Computer-assisted instruction 26 Special topics 27 Art. The arts 28 Drama 28.5 Games. Crafts 29 Home economics 29.5 Language arts 31-40.4 General works 41 Reading 43.A-Z Science Social science By region or country (Table L22) Individual institutions United States Other countries, A-Z 397
L25 TABLE FOR INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS, BY PLACE L25 (101 NOS.) 1 5 United States 9 13.A-Z Subarrange by city, A-Z 17.A-Z Canada 21.A-Z Subarrange by city, A-Z 25 Mexico 29 33 Subarrange by city, A-Z 37 41 Central American regions or countries, A-Z 45 Assign two Cutter numbers, the first for the country and the second 49 for the city 53 57 West Indian regions or countries, A-Z 61 Assign two Cutter numbers, the first for the country and the second 65 for the city 69 73 South American regions or countries, A-Z 77 Assign two Cutter numbers, the first for the country and the second for the city Great Britain Subarrange by city, A-Z Austria Subarrange by city, A-Z France Subarrange by city, A-Z Germany Subarrange by city, A-Z Greece Subarrange by city, A-Z Italy Subarrange by city, A-Z Low countries Belgium Subarrange by city, A-Z Netherlands Subarrange by city, A-Z Russia. Former Soviet Union Subarrange by city, A-Z Scandinavia Denmark Subarrange by city, A-Z Norway Subarrange by city, A-Z Sweden Subarrange by city, A-Z Spain Subarrange by city, A-Z Portugal Subarrange by city, A-Z 398
L25 TABLE FOR INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS, BY PLACE L25 (101 NOS.) 81 85 Switzerland 87.A-Z 89.A-Z Subarrange by city, A-Z 90.A-Z 93.A-Z Turkey and the Balkans 97 98 Subarrange by city, A-Z 101.A-Z Other European regions or countries, A-Z Assign two Cutter numbers, the first for the country and the second for the city Asian regions or countries, A-Z Assign two Cutter numbers, the first for the country and the second for the city Arab regions or countries, A-Z Assign two Cutter numbers, the first for the country and the second for the city African regions or countries, A-Z Assign two Cutter numbers, the first for the country and the second for the city Australia Subarrange by city, A-Z New Zealand Subarrange by city, A-Z Pacific islands, A-Z Assign two Cutter numbers, the first for the country and the second for the city 399
L26 TABLE FOR SCHOOL SUPERINDENTENTS, L26 ADMINISTRATORS, AND PRINCIPALS .x General works .x2 By region or country .x24.A-Z .x26.A-Z United States .x3 General works By region or state, A-Z .x4 Other regions or countries, A-Z .x42 General special .x44.A-Z Training .x46.A-Z see LB1738.5 .x5 Supply and demand. Turnover .x52 General works .x54.A-Z By region or country .x56.A-Z United States .x58 General works By region or state, A-Z .x6 Other regions or countries, A-Z .x62 Selection and appointment. Contractual status .x64.A-Z .x66.A-Z Including tenure and dismissal .x7 General works .x72 By region or country .x74.A-Z .x76.A-Z United States General works By region or state, A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z Time management Certification see LB1767+ Efficiency. Rating General works By region or country United States General works By region or state, A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z Salaries. Pensions General works By region or country United States General works By region or state, A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z 400
L27 TABLE FOR TYPES OF AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS L27 .A-.Z8 General works .Z9 Catalogs 401
NUMERALS INDEX 4MAT system Action research: LB1028.24 Instruction: LB1029.A13 Active learning (Teaching): LB1027.23 Activity programs A Early childhood education: A.B. degrees: LB2383 LB1139.35.A37 Ability grouping of pupils: LB3061+ Ability testing Elementary education: LB1592 Primary education: LB1537+ Reading: LB1050.46 Teaching: LB1027.25 Primary education: LB1525.75 Adapted alphabets: LB1050.25+ Elementary education: LB1573.25+ Aboriginal Australians, Education of: Kindergarten: LB1181.28+ LC3501.A3 Primary education: LB1525.25+ Administration Absenteeism: LB3081+ Adult education: LC5225.A34 Abstraction Early childhood school: LB2822.6+ Preschool education: LB1140+ Learning: LB1062 Vocational education: LC1047.8+ Thinking skills: LB1590.3+ Administrative personnel Academic costume and regalia: LB2389 Personnel management Academic couples Colleges: LB1778.45 Higher education: LB2331.69 Academic departments (Higher Schools: LB2831.6+ education): LB2360.2+ Administrators Academic employees (Higher Colleges: LB1778.5 education): LB2331.66+ Education and training of: LB1705+ Academic etiquette Admissions requirements Higher education: LB2379 Higher education: LB2351+ Academic freedom: LC72+ Schools: LB3012.6+ Academic Profile (Test): LB2367.2 Admissions Testing Program: Academic protocol LB2353.55+ Higher education: LB2379 Adolescence (Child study): LB1135 Acceleration in education Adopted children Instruction: LB1029.A22 Education: LC5158.5+ Access for people with disabilities Adult education: LC5201+ Schools: LB3222.3 African Americans: LC2780.8 Accidents Attendance: LC148.5 School safety: LB2864.6.A25 Blacks: LC2780.8 Accounting Directories: L900+ Higher education: LB2341.98+ Enrollment: LC148.5 Schools: LB2830+ Women: LC1660+ Accreditation: LB2810 Adults with disabilities, Education of: Distance education: LC5803.A33 LC4812+ Higher education: LB2331.6+ Adults with mental disabilities, Achievement tests: LB3060.3+ Education of: LC4815+ Acoustics (School buildings): LB3241.5 Adults with physical disabilities, ACT: LB2353.44+ Education of: LC4819+ ACT Assessment: LB2353.48 Adults with social disabilities, Education of: LC4822+ 402
Advanced Placement Program (APP): INDEX LB2353.62 Ancient education: LA31+ Adventist education: LC586.A3 Anglican education: LC582+ Adventure education: LC1038+ Animals Advertising Instruction: LB1044.9.A65 School administration: LB2847 Anthropological studies (Child study): Aeronautics LB1125 Elementary vocational education: Anthropology, Educational: LB45 LB1594.5 Anthropometry: LB3421+ Antisemitism in textbooks: LB3045.62 Aesthetics (Child study): LB1139.A3 Anxiety, Test: LB3060.6 Affective education: LB1072 Aphasic children, Education of: LC4714 Affirmative action programs in Aphasic youth, Education of: LC4714 APP: LB2353.62 education: LC213.5+ Apperception (Learning): LB1067+ African Americans Applications for college: LB2351.5+ Appointment Education: LC2699+ Segregation in education: LC212.5+ Administrative personnel: After-school education: LC34+ LB2831.65+ After-school programs: LC34+ Age grouping of pupils: LB3061+ Higher education Agricultural education Faculty: LB2332.7+ African Americans: LC2780.2 Blacks: LC2780.2 Personnel management: LB2331.695 Agricultural fraternities: LJ111+ Teaching personnel: LB2835+ AIDS (Disease) Appointment of employees School hygiene: LB3418.A35 School administration: Air conditioning School buildings: LB3244 LB2831.57.S45 Alcott, Amos Bronson: LB695.A3+ Arabs, Education of: LC3501.A7 Alcuin: LB125.A4+ Architecture, School: LB3201+ Alienation (Educational psychology): Aristocracy, Education of: LC4929 LB1090 Aristotle: LB85.A69+ Alphabet (Primary education): Arithmetic LB1525.65 Alphabets, Adapted: LB1050.25+ Kindergarten: LB1186 Alumni and alumni associations: Army schools: LC5081+ LB2411 Arnold, Thomas, 1795-1842: Alumni magazines: LH1+ American College Testing Assessment: LF795.R92 LB2353.48 Art American College Testing Program: LB2353.44+ Children with social disabilities: Amish education: LC586.A45 LC4075 Amusements Schools: LB3031 Early childhood education: Analytic and language experience LB1139.5.A78 approaches to reading: LB1050.35 Kindergarten: LB1525.34 Exceptional children: LC3970 Gifted children: LC3993.265 Kindergarten: LB1187 Learning disabled: LC4704.825 Preschool education: LB1140.5.A7 Art rooms: LB3325.A6 School safety: LB2864.6.A78 403
Arts INDEX Children with mental disabilities: LC4606 Audiovisual education: LB1042.5+ Children with social disabilities: Auditing of courses LC4075 Early childhood education: College: LC148.13 LB1139.5.A78 Auditoriums: LB3325.A8 Elementary education: LB1591+ Auditory aids (Instruction): LB1044.2+ Exceptional children: LC3970 Authoring programs (Computer assisted Gifted children: LC3993.265 Learning disabled: LC4704.825 instruction): LB1028.66 Preschool education: LB1140.5.A7 Authorship Arts in English language teaching: Instruction: LB1033.5 LB1576.5 Authorship of scripts, captions, etc. for Ascham, Roger: LB475.A7+ audiovisual materials: LB1043.4 Asian Americans, Education of: Authorship of textbooks: LB3045.5 Autistic children, Education of: LC4717 LC2630+ Autistic youth, Education of: LC4717 Asians, Education of: LC3001+ Autonomy, University: LB2331.4 Asians in the United States, Education B of: LC2630+ Assessment B.A. degrees: LB2383 Bangladeshis, Education of: Adult education: LC5225.A75 Teaching: LB1728 LC3501.B35 Assistant principals: LB2831.9+ Baptist education: LC561+ Assistant teachers Barrier-free design Higher education: LB2335.4 Salaries: LB2844.1.A8 Schools: LB3222.3 ATP: LB2353.55+ Basal reading instruction: LB1050.36 Attendance Adult education: LC148.5 Elementary education: LB1573.38 College: LC148+ Primary education: LB1525.35 High school: LC146+ Basedow, Johann Bernhard: Truancy: LB3081+ LB575.B4+ Attention-deficit-disordered children, Basic education: LC1035+ Education of: LC4713.2+ Basic skills education: LC1035+ Attention-deficit-disordered youth, Basketry Education of: LC4713.2+ Primary education: LB1543 Attention (Learning): LB1065 Behavior Audio-lingual testing: LB3060.45 Learning: LB1060.2 Audiocassettes (Instruction): LB1044.4 Behavior modification Audiovisual aids Learning: LB1060.2 Adult education: LC5225.A83 Behavioral assessment of children Children with mental disabilities: (Child study): LB1124 Bias in textbooks: LB3045.6+ LC4605 Bias, Test: LB3060.62 Educational tests: LB3060.53 Bible in public schools: LC401+ Preschool education: LB1140.35.A93 Bilingual education: LC3701+ Vocational education: LC1048.A7 Bilingual schools: LC3701+ Biographical methods Instruction: LB1029.B55 404
Biological aspects INDEX Moral education: LC295 Busing (School integration): LC214.5 Birth control programs: LB3432.5 Busy work: LB1140.35.C74 Bisexuals C Education: LC2574+ Blackboards Cable television Instruction: LB1044.72 Instruction: LB1043.55 School equipment: LB3265.B5 California Basic Educational Skills Blacks Tests: LB3060.33.C34 Education: LC2699+ California High School Exit Exam: United States: LC2701+ LB3060.33.C35 Block scheduling California High School Proficiency School schedules: LB3032.2 Examination: LB3060.33.C36 Boarding schools (School architecture): Campe, Joachim Heinrich: LB575.C2+ LB3325.B6 Campellite Disciples education: LC567+ Boards of education: LB2831 Campus-based child care Bonds, School: LB2824+ Boys, Education of: LC1390+ Higher education: LB2343.25 Brain-damaged children and youth, Campus child care centers Education of: LC4580+ Higher education: LB2343.25 Breakfast programs: LB3473+ Campus planning: LB3201+ Broadcasting (Instruction): LB1044.8 Buddhism Universities and colleges: LB3223+ Campus security: LB2866 Religious aspects of teaching: Campus violence LB1027.22 Higher education: LB2345+ Buddhist education: LC921+ Campus visits Bulletin boards (Instruction): LB1043.58 Bullying Higher education: LB2350.3 Captioned media: LB1050.375 Higher education: LB2345.3.B85 Cardboard work (Primary education): Personnel management LB1542 Higher education: LB2331.67.H37 Career education: LC1037+ Bullying in schools: LB3013.3+ Carpeting, School: LB3265.C3 Bureau of Education (United States): Case method L111.A3+ Instruction: LB1029.C37 Burma Catalogs, College: LB2342.86 Catalogs of software: LB1028.7 Buddhist education: LC928.A+ Categorization (Thinking skills): Burnout, Teacher: LB2840.2 Business and education: LC1085+ LB1590.3+ Business education Catholic colleges: LC487 Catholic education: LC461+ African Americans: LC2780.4 CBE: LC1031+ Blacks: LC2780.4 CBEST: LB3060.33.C34 School architecture and equipment: CEEB: LB2353.5+ Censorship (Textbooks): LB3045.7 LB3325.B8 Census, School: LC130 Business management Centralization of schools: LB2806.14 Higher education: LB2341.92+ Rural schools: LB2861 School administration and 405 organization: LB2823.5+
Cerebral palsied children and youth, INDEX Education of: LC4580+ Children of illegal aliens, Education of: Certification LC5155+ Professional education: LC1072.S73 School administrators: LB1767+ Children of immigrants, Education of: Teachers: LB1771+ LC3745+ CGP: LB2343 Children of merchant mariners, Character building: LC251+ Education of: LC5091+ Charities, Educational Children of migrant workers, Education United States of: LC5151+ African Americans: LC2707 Blacks: LC2707 Children of military personnel, Education of: LC5081+ Charter schools: LB2806.36 Charts in schools: LB3265.C5 Children of missionaries, Education of: Chautauqua Institution: LC6301+ LC5096+ Cheers and cheer leading: LB3635 Cheever, Ezekiel: LB475.C5+ Children of nomads, Education of: Chemicals LC3653+ School safety: LB2864.6.C54 Children of prenatal substance abuse, Child care in schools: LB3436 Education of: LC4806+ Child sexual abuse by teachers: Children of refugees, Education of: LB2844.1.C54 LC3663+ Child study: LB1101+ Childhood, Early Children of single parents Education: LC5159+ School administration and supervision: LB2822.6+ Children with disabilities School architecture and equipment: Teachers and educators: LB1775.6 LB3325.H3 Children, African American Children with learning disabilities, Education: LC2701+ Education of: LC4704+ Children and youth with disabilities Children with social disabilities Education: LC4001+ Education: LC4051+ Children and youth with mental Children's Skills Test: LB1131.75.C46 disabilities, Education of: LC4600.2+ Chinese Children and youth with physical Education: LC3051+ disabilities, Education of: LC4201+ Choice of college: LB2350.5 Children in suburban areas Choice of school: LB1027.9 Chosŏnjok, Education of: LC3501.C46 Education of: LC5145+ Christian Disciples education: LC567+ Children of divorced parents Christian education: LC360.2+ Education: LC5159+ Medieval: LA95 Children of entertainers, Education of: Christianity LC5160+ Religious aspects of teaching: Children of foreign workers, Education LB1027.223 of: LC5156+ Chronically ill children and youth, Children of gay parents, Education of: Education of: LC4545+ LC5159.5+ CHSPE: LB3060.33.C36 Children of homeless parents, Church and higher education: LC383 Church colleges, Protestant: LC538+ Education of: LC5144 Church control of education: LC321+ Church education: LC360.2+ Church of God education: LC586.G63 406
Church of the Brethren education: INDEX LC586.B7 College fraternities: LJ75.A+ Citizens advisory committees: LC220 College freshmen: LB2343.3+ Citizenship (General) College-high school cooperation: Political education: LC1091 LB2331.53 City school systems: LB2819+ College instructors: LB1738 Civics College journalism: LB3621.6+ College Level Academic Skills Test: Elementary education: LB1584+ Class reunions: LB3618 LB2353.7.C64 Class size College-Level Examination Program Higher education: LB2346.3 (CLEP): LB2353.68 Classification of pupils: LB3061+ College level examinations: Classroom learning centers: LB3044.8+ Classroom management: LB3013+ LB2353.67+ Classroom observation: LB1027.28 College magazines and papers: LH1+ Classroom stress: LB3013.25 College Major Interest Inventory: Classroom utilization, College: LB3224 Classrooms: LB3325.C5 LB1131.75.C64 Cleaning of schools: LB3233 College majors: LB2361+ CLEP: LB2353.68 College orientation: LB2343.3+ Clothing of school children: LB3473+ College physical facilities: LB3223+ Cloze procedure (Reading): LB1050.3 College placement services CLP: LB2353.68 Coeducation Higher education: LB2343.5 College placement tests: LB2353.67+ Higher education: LC1601 College preparatory schools: LC58+ School management: LB3065.5+ College publications: LB2342.85+ Cognition (Thinking skills): LB1590.3+ College Scholarship Service: Collecting activity (Child study): LB1139.C6 LB2353.64 Collective bargaining: LB2844.56+ College-school cooperation: LB2331.53 Higher education: LB2335.87+ College sororities: LJ141+ College administrators: LB1778.5 College student development programs: College admission officers: LB2351.6 College and the community: LC237+ LB2343.4 College applications (Higher education): College student government: LB2346 LB2351.5+ College students (Social background): College attendance: LC148+ College Basic Academic Subjects LC208.8 Examination: LB2367.25 College teaching: LB2331+ College catalogs: LB2342.86 College teaching as a profession: College, Choice of: LB2350.5 College community centers: LB3640 LB1778 College credits: LB2359.5 College women and life: LC1651 College enrollment: LC148+ College women and marriage: LC1626 College Entrance Examination Board: College yearbooks: LB3621.67 LB2353.5+ Colleges: LB2328.2+ College examinations: LB2366+ African Americans: LC2851+ Collegiate Learning Assessment: LB2367.27 Color (Kindergarten): LB1188 Combination of grades Instruction: LB1029.C53 Comenius, Johann Amos: LB475.C59+ 407
Comic books in education: INDEX LB1044.9.C59 Computer-assisted instruction Comic strips in education: Exceptional children: LC3969.5 LB1044.9.C59 Humanistic education: LC1022+ Learning disabled children: Commencement exercises: LB3020 LC4704.82 Common-school education (History) Reading: LB1050.37 United States: LA211.92+ Computer conferencing (Teaching): Communication LB1044.875 Instruction: LB1033.5 Computer managed instruction: Communication, Nonverbal LB1028.46 Instruction: LB1033.5 Computer network resources Communication systems Education: L995 Teaching: LB1044.87 Higher education: LB2342.75 Communism and teachers: Computer programs Education: LB1028.68 LB2844.1.C6 Communist education: LC1030 Computers Communities and schools: LC215+ Early childhood education: Community centers, Schools as: LC223 LB1139.35.C64 Community colleges: LB2328 Community education: LC1036+ Computers and literacy: LC149.5 Commuting students Computers in education: LB1028.43+ Computers in English language Higher education: LB2343.6 Comparative education: LB43 teaching: LB1576.7, LB1631.3 Comparative guidance and placement Computers in higher education: program: LB2343 LB2395.7 Compensatory education: LC213 Computers in preschool education: Competency-based education: LB1140.35.C64 LC1031+ Computers in schools: LB3265.C55 Competency tests: LC1034+ Computers in science teaching: Competitions, Prize: LB3068+ Composition LB1585.7 Computers in self-education and self- Elementary education: LB1575.8+ Primary education: LB1528+ culture: LC33 Secondary education: LB1631+ Computers in social science teaching: Comprehension (Reading): LB1050.45 Elementary education: LB1573.7 LB1584.7 Primary education: LB1525.7 Computers in vocational education: Comprehensive Scales of Student Abilities: LB3060.33.C65 LC1048.C57 Compulsory education: LC129+ Concentrated study Computer adaptive testing: LB3060.32.C65 Instruction: LB1029.C55 Computer-assisted counseling: Concept learning (Educational LB1027.6 Computer-assisted instruction: psychology): LB1062 LB1028.5+ Conflict management: LB3098 Distance education: LC5803.C65 Congregational education: LC564+ Construction Child study: LB1139.C7 Primary education: LB1541+ Construction, Test: LB3060.65 Content area reading: LB1050.455 Elementary education: LB1573.75 408
Continuation schools: LC5201+ INDEX Continuing education (Professional Credits, Equivalency evaluation of education): LC1072.C56 school: LB3061.5 Contractual status Crime Personnel management Higher education: LB2345+ School administration: LB2831.57.S45 Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests: LB3060.33.C74 Teaching personnel: LB2835+ Controlled reading: LB1050.53 Criterion-referenced tests: Cooperation, Inter-institutional: LB3060.32.C74 LB2331.5 Critical pedagogy (Educational Cooperative education: LC1049+ sociology): LC196+ Coptic Church (Christian education): Crossing guards, School: LB2865 LC440+ CSET: Multiple Subjects: LB1766.C74 Copying machines in schools: CSS: LB2353.64 Culturally relevant pedagogy: LB3265.C6 Correspondence clubs: LC6601+ LC1099.515.C85 Correspondence courses: LB2353.67+ CUNY Skills Assessment Test: Correspondence schools: LC5900+ Costs LB2353.7.C85 Current events (Elementary education): Professional education: LC1072.C6 Schools: LB2828.99+ LB1583.5 Vocational education: LC1048.C6 Curriculum Costume, Academic: LB2389 Counseling Early childhood education: LB1140.4 Adult education: LC5225.C68 Elementary education: LB1570+ Exceptional children: LC3969.48 Higher education: LB2361+ Vocational education: LC1048.P47 Kindergarten: LB1180+ Counseling, Student guidance and: Planning: LB2806.15 LB1027.5+ Preschool education: LB1140.4 County school system: LB2813 Primary education: LB1523+ Couples, Academic Secondary education: LB1628+ Colleges: LB1778.45 University extension: LC6223 Courses of study (Elementary Vocational education: LC1048.C87 education): LB1560.2+ Courtis Standard Tests: D LB3060.33.C69 Crafts Dalton (Laboratory plan of instruction): Children with disabilities: LC4026 LB1029.L3 Cram schools: LC58.75 Creative activities (Preschool DANTES examination: LB2353.7.D43 education): LB1140.35.C74 Day nursery (Jewish education): LC720 Creative thinking Day school (Jewish education): LC723 Educational psychology: LB1062 De facto segregation in education: Elementary education: LB1590.5 Higher education: LB2395.35 LC212.6 Deans of colleges and universities: LB2341+ Deans of women (Higher education): LC1620 Decentralization of urban schools: LB2862 409
Decision making INDEX Educational psychology: LB1062.5 Directories of educational institutions: Defense Activity for Non-Traditional L900+ Educational Support examination: LB2353.7.D43 Disabled employees Personnel management Degrees, Academic Higher education: LB2331.67.D57 Higher education: LB2381+ Disaffection (Educational psychology): Degrees, Academic, in education: LB1090 LB1741.4+ Disciples education: LC567+ Degrees of Reading Power tests: Discipline LB1050.75.D43 Higher education: LB2344 Delinquents, Education of: LC4801+ Schools: LB3011+ Demographic aspects of education: Discipline, Formal: LB1059 Discrimination in education: LC212+ LC68+ Higher education: LC212.4+ Dental fraternities: LJ101+ Diseases Dental health: LB3455 School hygiene: LB3416+ Dental health education: LB3455 Disinfecting Departmental system Schools: LB3233 Dismissal Instruction: LB1029.D4 Teachers: LB2836 Desks: LB3265.D5 Destitute children Higher education: LB2335.7 Displays (Instruction): LB1043.6 Education: LC4051+ Distance education: LC5800+ Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude: DISTAR programs (Reading): LB3060.33.D45 LB1525.354 Developing countries District schools: LB2817+ Divorced parents, Children of Education: LC2601+ Development programs, College Education: LC5159+ Doctorate in education: LB1742 student: LB2343.4 Domain-referenced tests: Developmental reading: LB1050.53 LB3060.32.D65 Elementary education: LB1573.8 Dominican education: LC495.D7 Primary education: LB1525.77 Dormitories: LB3226+ Developmental studies programs Drama College teaching: LB2331.2 Dewey, John: LB875.D34+ Children with social disabilities: Dictation method LC4078 Instruction: LB1029.D5 Differentiated teaching staff Drama techniques Instruction: LB1029.D55 Early childhood education: Digital badges LB1139.35.D73 Education: LB1028.72 Digital libraries Drawing Education: L995 Child study: LB1139.D7 Diploma mills Kindergarten: LB1187 Higher education: LB2388 Direct instruction approach (Reading): Dress codes in school: LB3024 LB1050.365 Drone aircraft in education: LB1044.85 Primary education: LB1525.354 DTLA: LB3060.33.D45 Dual enrollment High school education: LC146.54 410
Dupanloup, Félix Antoine Philibert: INDEX LB675.D8+ Education in developing countries: Dyslexia: LB1050.5 LC2601+ Dyslexic children Education, Inclusive: LC1200+ Education: LC4708+ Education, Mainstreaming in: LC1200+ Educational accountability: LB2806.22 E Educational assessment: LB2822.75 Educational consultants and consulting: Early childhood Testing: LB3060.217 LB2799+ Educational equalization: LC213 Early childhood education: LB1139.2+ Educational evaluation: LB2822.75 Children with social disabilities: Educational games: LB1140.35.E36 LC4069.2 Educational indicators: LB2846 Hispanic Americans: LC2670.2 Educational media: LB3044+ Latin Americans: LC2670.2 Educational planning: LC71.2 Educational productivity: LB2806.24 Early childhood educators: LB1775.6 Educational program evaluation: Early childhood school administration LB2822.75 and supervision: LB2822.6+ Educational psychology: LB1050.9+ Early childhood teachers: LB1732.3, Educational research LB1775.6 Higher education: LB2326.3 Early Learning Skills Analysis: School administration: LB2806.25 Teaching: LB1028+ LB3060.33.E27 Educational sociology: LC189+ Economic aspects Educational Testing Service: LB2353.5+ Education: LC65+ Educational toys Adult education: LC5225.E25 Instruction: LB1029.T6 Educational vouchers: LB2828.7+ Economics and elementary education: Efficiency LB1584.75 Administrative personnel: Education LB2831.66+ Blacks: LC2701+ Personnel management Education and heredity: LC201 Higher education: LB2331.696 Education and native language: School administration and LC201.5+ organization: LB2831.57.E35 Education and social background: Teachers: LB2838+ LC202+ Higher education: LB2333 Education and social philosophy: Elderhostels: LC5451+ Elective system LC189 Education and society: LC189.8+ Higher education: LB2363 Education and sociology: LC189+ Secondary education: LB1629.6+ Education and state: LC71+ Electronic data processing Adult education: LC5225.D38 Adult education: LC5225.A36 Education: LB1028.43+ Higher education: LC165+ School administration: LB2806.17 Education and travel: LC6681 School records: LB2846.4 Education, Community: LC1036+ School schedules: LB3032.5 Education (Curriculum) Elementary education: LB1580.5 411 Graduate education: LB2372.E3 Education extension: LC5201+
Electronic data processing INDEX Student guidance and counseling: LB1027.6 Employee assistance programs Testing: LB3060.55 Personnel management Higher education: LB2331.67.H4 Electronic information resources Schools: LB2831.58+ Education: L995 Employment bureaus Electronic textbooks: LB3045.74 Higher education: LB2343.5 Elementary education: LB1554.2+ Employment, Supplementary: Administration: LB2822.5 LB2844.1.S86 African Americans: LC2771+ Basic education: LC1035.2 Employment training Blacks: LC2771+ Adult education: LC5225.E57 Children with mental disabilities: Endowments: LC241+ LC4603.3 Higher education: LB2335.95+ Children with social disabilities: English (Curriculum) LC4069.3 Secondary education: LB1631+ Chinese: LC3065 Developing countries: LC2608 Enrollment Ethnic minorities: LC3725 Adult education: LC148.5 Gifted children: LC3993.22 College: LC148+ Hispanic Americans: LC2670.3 Compulsory education: LC130 History High school: LC146+ United States: LA219 Entertainers' children, Education of: Jews: LC3565 LC5160+ Journalism: LB3621.3 Latin Americans: LC2670.3 Entrance requirements Learning disabled children: Higher education: LB2351+ Examinations: LB2353+ LC4704.73 Schools: LB3012.6+ Mexican Americans: LC2683.3 Secondary education: LB1627+ Racially mixed people: LC3615 Students (Socio-economic status): Environmental technologies School buildings: LB3241+ LC208 Teachers Episcopal education: LC582+ Equipment Education and training: LB1734.5 Professional aspects: LB1776 Dormitories: LB3229 Testing: LB3060.22 Schools: LB3201+ Elementary school teaching: LB1554.2+ Equivalency evaluation of school Elementary schools credits: LB3061.5 Attendance and enrollment: LC145.4+ Equivalency examinations, High school: United States: LD7501.A+ LB3060.28+ Elementary teachers: LB1734.2+, Erasmus: LB175.E6+ LB1734.5 Ethical culture Eliot, Charles William: LB875.E43+ Moral education: LC287 Emotion Ethics Child study: LB1139.E5 Educational psychology: LB1085 Learning: LB1073 Teachers: LB1779 Ethnic minorities, Education of: LC3701+ Ethnic schools: LC3800+ Etiquette, Academic: LB2379 ETS: LB2353.5+ 412
Evaluation INDEX Universities and colleges: LB2331.62+ Faculty integration (Higher education): LB2332.6 Evaluation research in education: LB2822.75 Fairs, School: L899.A2+ Faster reading: LB1050.54 Evaluation, Vocational: LC1048.V63 Fatigue Evangelical education: LC586.F85 Evening schools: LC5501+ Learning: LB1075 Examination questions, Teachers': Federal aid for higher education: LB1761.5+ LB2342.3+ Examinations Federal aid to private schools: College: LB2366+ LB2827.3+ Professional education: LC1070+ Federal grants for private schools: Secondary education: LB1631.5 Vocational education: LC1048.E92 LB2827.3+ Examinations, Entrance (Higher Feeding of school children: LB3473+ education): LB2353+ Fellowships: LB2848+ Exceptional children and youth, Education of: LC3950+ Higher education: LB2338+ Exchange of scholars: LB2375+ Feminism and education: LC197 Exchange of students Festivals, National educational: Higher education: LB2375+ Secondary education: LB1696+ LB3560+ Exchange of teachers, International: Fieldwork LB2283+ Excursions Higher education: LB1047, LB2394 Higher education: LB1047 Filipinos, Education of: LC3301 Exercises Filmstrips (Instruction): LB1043.8 Children with mental disabilities: Finance LC4611 Adult education: LC5225.F56 Exhibitions, Educational: L797+ Higher education: LB2341.98+ Exhibits, School: LB3263 Schools: LB2824+ Exhibits, Traveling educational: LC6691 Financial aid administration Expenditures, Schools: LB2828.99+ Higher education: LB2340.5+ Experimental methods (Teaching): Financial statistics Schools: LB2830+ LB1027.3 Fire drills: LB3465 Expulsion: LB3089+ First generation, Education of: LC3745+ Extracurricular activities: LB3602+ First year teachers: LB2844.1.N4 Flag Day: LB3531 F Flannelgraphs (Instruction): LB1043.62 Flash cards: LB1050.44 Facilities planning (Vocational Flipped classrooms education): LC1048.F3 Instruction: LB1029.F55 Florida College Basic Skills Exit Test: Faculty LB2353.7.F56 Higher education Florida Comprehensive Assessment African Americans: LC2781.5 Test: LB3060.33.F54 Florida SSAT II: LB3060.33.F55 Florida State Student Assessment Test II: LB3060.33.F55 Florida Teacher Certification Examinations: LB1766.F6 413
Folk-shule (Jewish education): LC724 INDEX Folklore Furniture Elementary education: LB1583.8 Dormitories: LB3229 Foreign language rooms G School architecture and equipment: LB3325.F65 Games Child study: LB1137 Foreign study Children with disabilities: LC4026 Higher education: LB2375+ Children with mental disabilities: LC4611 Foreign workers' children, Education of: Kindergarten: LB1177 LC5156+ Schools: LB3031 Formal discipline: LB1059 Games, Educational Forums: LC6501+ Preschool education: LB1140.35.E36 Foster children Reading: LB1050.4 Primary education: LB1525.55 Education: LC5158.75+ Foundation School (Jewish education): Gay parents, Children of Education: LC5159.5+ LC720 Foundations: LC241+ Gay teachers: LB2844.1.G39 Four year institutions of higher Gays education: LB2328.2+ Education: LC2574+ Franciscan education: LC495.F7 GED tests: LB3060.33.G45 Francke, August Hermann: LB475.F8+ General education: LC980+ Fraternities: LJ1+, LJ75.A+ General Educational Development Fraudulent degrees Tests: LB3060.33.G45 Higher education: LB2388 General Intellectual Skills Assessment: Free material (Instruction): LB2367.3 LB1044.9.F73 Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité Ducrest de Free schools Saint-Aubin: LB575.G4+ Instruction: LB1029.F7 Gentile, Giovanni: LB775.G39+ Freebies: LB1044.9.F73 Gentry, Education of: LC4929 Freedom of teaching: LC72+ Geography (Curriculum) French education outside of France: Children with mental disabilities: LA718 LC4612 Friday afternoon exercises: LB3019 Friends education: LC570+ Primary education: LB1531 Fringe benefits Geography rooms: LB3325.G4 Geometry concept (Child study): Teachers Higher education: LB2333.5+ LB1139.G4 Georgia High School Graduation Test: Froebel: LB631+ Kindergarten theories: LB1152.2+ LB3060.33.G47 Gifted children and youth, Education of: Fukuzawa, Yukichi: LB775.F8+ Functional literacy: LC149.7 LC3991+ Fundamental education: LC5161+ Girls Fundamentalist education: LC586.F85 Funds, Educational Education: LC1401+ Give-aways: LB1044.9.F73 United States Global method African Americans: LC2707 Blacks: LC2707 Elementary education: LB1573.35 414
Global method INDEX Instruction: LB1029.G55 Health and hygiene Globalism Teachers: LB3415 Instruction: LB1029.G55 Health (Curriculum) Governesses: LC41 Children with mental disabilities: Grade placement, School: LB3061.5 LC4613 Grades, Combination of Elementary education: LB1587+ Preschool education: LB1140.5.H4 Instruction: LB1029.C53 Grading Health in the education of girls: LC1621 Health in the education of women: Higher education: LB2368 Grading tests: LB3060.37 LC1621 Graduate education: LB2371+ Health services History Personnel management United States: LA228.5 Higher education: LB2331.67.H4 Schools: LB2831.57.H42 Graduate Record Examination: LB2367.4 School: LB3401+ Hearing conservation: LB3453 Graduation: LB3065 Hearing disorders: LB3453 Graduation requirements: LB3065 Heating Grammar School buildings: LB3242 Elementary education: LB1575.8+ Heder (Jewish education): LC721 Graphic novels in education: Herbart: LB641+ Heredity and education: LC201 LB1044.9.C59 High-rise school buildings: LB3222.7 Graphic organizers High school-college cooperation: Instruction: LB1044.9.G7 LB2331.53 Greek education: LA75 High school graduates, Surveys of: Greenhouses: LB3325.G74 Group behavior (Educational LB1695.5+ High school orientation: LB1620.6 psychology): LB1084 High School Proficiency Assessment, Group work (Instruction): LB1032 New Jersey: LB3060.33.N48 Preschool education: LB1140.35.G74 High School Proficiency Test: Grouping, Homogeneous: LB3061+ Growth of school children: LB3421+ LB3060.33.H54 Guided reading: LB1050.377 High school teaching: LB1602.2+ Gypsies, Education of: LC3503+ High schools: LB1602.2+ H Administration: LB2822+ Attendance: LC146+ Habit (Learning): LB1061 Enrollment: LC146+ Hakka (Chinese people), Education of: Fraternities: LJ151+ Graduation examinations: LC3501.H34 Hammill Multiability Achievement Test: LB3060.28+ Journalism: LB3621.5 LB3060.33.H35 High technology and education: Harassment LC1087+ Higher education: LB2300+ Personnel management African Americans: LC2781+ Higher education: LB2331.67.H37 Basic education: LC1035.5 Blacks: LC2781+ Harris, William Torrey: LB875.H25+ Hawaiians, Education of: LC3501.H38 415
Higher education INDEX Children with social disabilities: LC4069.6 Homeless students: LC5144 Chinese: LC3067 Homework: LB1048 Developing countries: LC2610 Homophobia in education: LC212.8+ Economic aspects: LC67.6+ Homophobia in higher education: Education and society: LC191.9+ Ethnic minorities: LC3727 LC212.86+ Girls: LC1551+ Homosexuality and education: LC192.6 Hispanic Americans: LC2670.6 Honor courses History: LA173+ United States: LA225+ Higher education: LB2364 Jews: LC3567 Secondary education: LB1629.8 Latin Americans: LC2670.6 Honor societies: LJ81+ Learning disabled adults: LC4818.38 Honorary degrees (Higher education): Learning disabled children: LB2387 LC4704.75 Honorary fraternities: LJ81+ Mexican Americans: LC2683.6 Hours, School: LB3033 Protestant: LC538+ Human genetics Racially mixed people: LC3617 Elementary education: LB1587.H8 Student-athletes: LC2580.6 Humanistic education: LC1001+ Women: LC1551+ Humor (Child study): LB1139.H8 Hundredth Day of School: LB3533 HiSET Exam: LB3060.33.H57 Hygiene (Curriculum) Hispanic Americans, Education of: Elementary education: LB1587+ Hygiene in the education of girls: LC2667+ LC1621 History (Curriculum) Hygiene in the education of women: LC1621 Early childhood education: Hygiene in universities and colleges: LB1139.5.S64 LB3497+ Hyperactive children Elementary education: LB1581+ Education: LC4711+ Kindergarten: LB1182 Hyperactive youth Preschool education: LB1140.5.S6 Education: LC4711+ Primary education: LB1530 Hyperkinetic children Secondary education: LB1641+ Education: LC4711+ Hmong (Asian people), Education of: Hypermedia: LB1028.55 LC3501.H56 Holistic education: LC990+ I Home and school: LC225+ Home and school association: LC230+ Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Home economics Assessment: LB1766.I33 School architecture and equipment: Illegal aliens' children, Education of: LB3325.H6 LC5155+ Home rooms: LB1027.7 Illiteracy: LC149+ Secondary education: LB1620.7 Illustrated periodicals (Instruction): Home schooling: LC40+ Home work (Instruction): LB1048 LB1044.9.I44 Homeless parents' children, Education Imagination of: LC5144 Learning: LB1062 416
Imitation INDEX Learning: LB1069 Initial teaching alphabet: LB1050.25 Immersion technique (Education): Inspection LB1029.C55 Schools: LB2845 Immigrants' children, Education of: Instructional improvement programs: LC3745+ LB2822.8+ Immigrants, Education of: LC3701+ Instructional materials centers: Improvement programs, School: LB3044.7+ LB2822.8+ Instructional supervision: LB2806.4 In-service training Instructional systems: LB1028.35+ Instructional systems analysis: Teachers: LB1731 Incentive awards (Teaching personnel): LB2822.75 Instructional systems design: LB2842+ Efficiency: LB2838.3 LB1028.38 Higher education: LB2333.5+ Instructive games: LB1140.35.E36 Inclusive education: LC1200+ Instructors in teachers' colleges: Income and expenditure (Higher education): LB2341.98+ LB1737.5.A3+ Incorrigibles, Education of: LC4801+ Insurance of school property: LB2830.5 Independent School Entrance Integration: LC214+ Examination: LB3060.33.I53 Integration, Faculty: LB2332.6 Independent study Intelligent tutoring systems: LB1028.73 Elementary education: LB1601.3 Inter-institutional cooperation Higher education: LB2395.2 Indigenous peoples Higher education Education: LC3701+ African Americans: LC2781.8 Individual instruction: LB1031 Individuality Interaction analysis (Instruction): Educational psychology: LB1083 LB1034 Indochinese, Education of: LC3501.I54 Industrial arts and elementary Interactive multimedia: LB1028.55 education: LB1593 Interactive videos: LB1028.75 Industrial education: LC1081+ Interest (Learning): LB1065 African Americans: LC2780.5 Intermediate schools: LB1623+ Blacks: LC2780.5 International Bank for Reconstruction Elementary education: LB1594+ Industry and education: LC1085+ and Development: LC242.I6 Information centers (Teaching): International exchange of teachers: LB1028.26 Information resources management LB2283+ Higher education: LB2342.77 International political education: Information retrieval systems (Teaching): LB1028.26 LC1090 Information services (Teaching): International schools: LC46.9+ LB1028.26 International universities and colleges: Information technology in higher education: LB2395.7 LB2330 Internet Education: L995 Internet videoconferencing Instruction: LB1044.9.V53 Interns (Professional education): LC1072.I58 Internship programs (Professional education): LC1072.I58 Inventories, School: LB2830.4 417
Iowa Tests of Basic Skills: INDEX LB3060.33.I68 Kindergarten Irish Travellers, Education of: School architecture and equipment: LC3650.I74 LB3325.K5 Islamic education: LC901+ Kindergarten teachers: LB1733 Italian Americans, Education of: Knife work (Elementary education): LC3650.I77 LB1599.K6 ITBS: LB3060.33.I68 Koreans, Education of: LC3501.K6 J L Janitor services: LB3235 La Salle, Jean Baptiste de, Saint: Jansenist (Port Royal) education: LB475.L2+ LC515 Labor disputes Japan Higher education: LB2335.84+ Teachers: LB2844.46+ Buddhist education: LC929.A+ Japanese, Education of: LC3151+ Labor organizations: LB2844.52+ Javanese, Education of: LC3501.J3 Labor, Organized: LB2844.52+ Jena plan Labor unions: LB2844.52+ Laboratories Instruction: LB1029.J4 Jesuit education: LC493 School architecture and equipment: Jewish education: LC701+ LB3325.S35 Medieval: LA102 Laboratories, Regional educational Jews, Education of: LC3551+ (Teaching): LB1028+ Job stress Laboratory plan Teachers: LB2840.2 Instruction: LB1029.L3 Joint occupancy of school buildings: Laboratory schools: LB2153+ LB3222.5 Lancaster, Joseph: LB675.L2+ Journalism, School: LB3620+ Land grant colleges: LB2329.5 Judgment Land grants: LB2827 Language and language arts Educational psychology: LB1062.5 Junior colleges African Americans: LC2778.L34 Blacks: LC2778.L34 Private: LB2327 Boys: LC1396.4+ Public: LB2328 Child study: LB1139.L3 United States: LD6501.A+ Children with mental disabilities: Junior high schools: LB1623+ Administration: LB2822+ LC4616+ Journalism: LB3621.4 Children with social disabilities: K LC4085+ Dyslexic children: LC4708.85 Karen, Education of: LC3501.K35 Early childhood education: Kaufman Test of Educational LB1139.5.L35 Achievement: LB3060.33.K38 Elementary education: LB1575.8+ Kindergarten: LB1141+ Exceptional children: LC3973+ Gifted children: LC3993.27 Jewish education: LC720 Kindergarten: LB1181 Learning disabled: LC4704.85+ Men: LC1396.4+ 418
Language and language arts INDEX Preschool education: LB1140.5.L3 Primary education: LB1528+ Lighting Secondary education: LB1630+ School buildings: LB3243 Spanish Americans: LC2672.4 Linguistic approaches to reading: Language arts LB1050.22+ Autistic children: LC4717.85 Elementary education: LB1573.25+ Kindergarten: LB1181.25+ Language arts teachers: LB2844.1.R4 Primary education: LB1525.24+ Language, Native, and education: Linguistic minorities, Education of: LC201.5+ LC3701+ Languages, Ancient (Curriculum): Listening (Child study): LB1139.L5 LB1637+ Listening comprehension tests: Lapps, Education of: LC3530+ Latin Americans, Education of: LB3060.45 Literacy: LC149+ LC2667+ Literacy and computers: LC149.5 Law fraternities: LJ91+ Literature (Curriculum) Learning Early childhood education: Distance education: LC5803.L43 LB1139.5.L58 Learning and learning ability: LB1060+ Elementary education: LB1575+ Adult education: LC5225.L42 Gifted children: LC3993.3 Child study: LB1134 Primary education: LB1527 Learning contracts Loan funds, Student (Higher education): Instruction: LB1029.L43 LB2340+ Learning disabled adults, Education of: Locke, John: LB475.L6+ LC4818+ Lockouts Learning disabled youth, Education of: Higher education: LB2335.84+ LC4704+ Schools: LB2844.46+ Learning strategies: LB1066 Look-say method of reading: Leaves of absence LB1050.35 Teachers: LB2843.L4 Looping Teaching personnel Instruction: LB1029.L6 Loyalty oaths Higher education: LB2335.8 Teachers: LB2835.3 Leisure time (Student life): LB3608 Loyola, Ignacio de: LB375.L59+ Lesbians Lunch programs: LB3473+ Lung tests: LB3445 Education: LC2574+ Luther, Martin: LB275.L75+ Lesson planning (Teaching): LB1027.4 Lutheran education: LC573+ Letter sounding association: LB1050.34 Lyceums: LC6501+ Letters and lectures to schoolgirls: M LC1441+ Lexile Framework for Reading: M.A. degrees: LB2385 Magazines, Alumni: LH1+ LB1050.75.L49 Magazines, College: LH1+ Liberal education: LC1001+ Magazines, School: LH1+ Licensure Magnet centers: LB2818 Magnet schools: LB2818 Professional education: LC1072.S73 Life and college women: LC1651 419 Lifelong education: LC1072.C56
Mainstreaming in education: LC1200+ INDEX Maker movement Medieval education: LA91+ Instruction: LB1029.M35 Memory Maladjusted children, Education of: Learning: LB1063+ LC4801+ Men, Education of: LC1390+ Malaysians, Education of: LC3501.M26 Mennonite education: LC586.M4 Management Mental health services: LB3430 Mental hygiene: LB3430 Schools: LB3011+ Mentally ill adults, Education of: Management teams, School: LB2806.3 Mann, Horace: LB695.M2+ LC4825+ Manual training Mentally ill children and youth, Elementary education: LB1595+ Education of: LC4165+ School architecture and equipment: Mentoring (Adult education): LB3325.M3 LC5225.M45 Secondary education: LB1595+ Mentors: LB1731.4 Teachers: LB1736 Merchant mariners' children, Education Maori Education: LC3501.M3 of: LC5091+ Marketing Methodist education: LC576+ Adult education: LC5225.M37 Methodology (Preschool education): Distance education: LC5803.M37 School administration: LB2847 LB1140.3+ Marking tests: LB3060.37 Methods of study (Adult education): Marriage and college women: LC1626 Married students: LB3613.M3 LC5225.M47 Mascots, School: LB3633 Metropolitan Achievement Tests: Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System: LB3060.33.M36 LB3060.33.M46 Masters in education: LB1741.5 Mexican Americans, Education of: Mastery learning Teaching: LB1031.4 LC2680+ Mastery testing: LB3060.32.D65 Mexicans in the United States, MAT: LB2367.6 Mathematics classrooms: LB3325.M35 Education of: LC2680+ Mathematics (Curriculum) Microforms (Instruction): LB1043.9 Children with mental disabilities: Microlearning: LB1027.415 Microteaching: LB1731.5 LC4621 Middle Ages Children with social disabilities: Education of girls: LC1707 LC4087 Education of women: LC1707 Mechanical ability (Child study): Middle class Education of: LC4959+ LB1139.M4 Middle school teachers: LB1735.5 Mechanics' institutes: LC5301+ Middle school teaching: LB1623+ Media, Educational: LB3044+ Middle schools: LB1623+ Media programs Administration: LB2822+ Migrant workers' children, Education of: Teaching: LB1028.4 LC5151+ Medical fraternities: LJ101+ Military post schools: LC5081+ Medical inspection of schools: LB3411+ Miller Analogies Test: LB2367.6 Miller-Yoder Language Comprehension Tests: LB3060.33.M54 Mind Extension University: LC6579.M55 420
Minoan education: LA77 INDEX Minorities: LC3701+ Miscue analysis (Reading): LB1050.33 Multiple use Missionaries' children, Education of: School buildings: LB3222.5 LC5096+ Multipurpose rooms: LB3325.M8 Missouri Mastery and Achievement Municipal universities and colleges: Tests: LB3060.33.M57 LB2329 Mixed ability grouping Musée pédagogique: L392 Museums Pupils: LB3061.3 Mobility Higher education: LB1047 Museums, Educational: L797+ Teachers: LB2833+ Museums, School: LB3291+ Model schools: LB2153+ Music rooms Modeling School architecture and equipment: Child study: LB1139.M6 LB3325.M84 Primary education: LB1544 Mohammedan education (Medieval): MY Tests: LB3060.33.M54 LA99 Mongols N Education: LC3501.M65 Monitorial system National Association of School Instruction: LB1029.M7 Superintendents: LB2804 Monsters (Instruction): LB1044.9.M66 Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de: National Competency Tests: LB475.M6+ LC1034.5.N38 Montessori, Maria: LB775.M68+ Montessori method of education National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Instruction: LB1029.M75 Test: LB2353.66 Moral and ethical aspects Adult education: LC5225.M67 National university (United States): Moral education: LC251+ LC174 African Americans: LC2751 Blacks: LC2751 Natural history (Curriculum) Early childhood education: Children with mental disabilities: LC4621.5 LB1139.35.M67 Moral life of students: LB3609 Nature study Mormon education: LC586.M6 Early childhood education: Motion pictures LB1139.5.S35 Elementary education: LB1585+ Audiovisual education: LB1044 Kindergarten: LB1185 Motivation (Learning): LB1065 Preschool education: LB1140.5.S35 Mulcaster, Richard: LB475.M8+ Primary education: LB1532 Multicultural education (General): Necker de Saussure, Albertine-Adrinne: LC1099+ LB675.N3+ Multiple choice examinations: New Jersey High School Proficiency LB3060.32.M85 Assessment: LB3060.33.N48 Multiple Subjects Assessment for New Jerusalem Church (Education): Teachers: LB1766.M64 LC586.N4 New teachers: LB2844.1.N4 New thought Moral education: LC287 Newspapers Instruction: LB1044.9.N4 Newspapers, Student: LB3621 421
Newspapers, Student INDEX Colleges: LB3621.25 Ohio Graduation Test: LC1034.5.O45 NMSQT: LB2353.66 Older adult education: LC5451+ Nobility, Education of: LC4929 Open admission (Higher education): Nomad's children, Education of: LB2351.45+ LC3653+ Open-air schools: LB3481+ Non-professional personnel: LB2844.2+ Open plan schools Higher education: LB2335.5 Instruction: LB1029.O6 Nonformal education: LC45+ Preschool education: LB1140.35.O63 Opening exercises in schools: LB3015 Women: LC1496+ Oral reading (Elementary education): Nongraded schools LB1573.5 Orientation, College: LB2343.3+ Instruction: LB1029.N6 Orientation, High school: LB1620.6 Nonverbal communication Orphans Education: LC4051+ Instruction: LB1033.5 Out-of-school activities (Teachers): Norm-referenced tests: LB3060.32.N67 LB2844.1.O8 Normal school teachers: LB1737.5.A3+ Outcasts (Children) Normal schools: LB1805+ Education: LC4051+ Norms, Test: LB3060.82+ Outdoor education: LC1038+ North Carolina Competency Test: Outside reading: LB1050.58 LB3060.33.N65 P Note taking Pacific Islanders, Education of: Elementary education: LB1601.5 LC3501.P33 Higher education: LB2395.25 Numbers (Kindergarten): LB1186 Painting Nursery school teachers: LB1732.5 Child study: LB1139.P3 Nursery schools: LB1140+ Administration: LB2822.7 Paired-association (Learning): LB1064 Ethnic minorities: LC3723 Palaungs (Burmese people), Education School architecture and equipment: of: LC3501.P35 LB3325.N8 Panjabis, Education of: LC3501.P36 Nutrition Paper work Elementary education: LB1587.N8 Primary education: LB1542 Paperbacks (Instruction): LB1044.9.P3 O Papers, College: LH1+ Papers, School: LH1+ Object teaching Parent participation Instruction: LB1029.O3 Early childhood education: Objective tests: LB3060.32.O35 LB1139.35.P37 Observation (Educational method): Elementary education: LB1587.P37 LB1731.6 Higher education: LB2331.56 Teaching: LB1027.28 Instruction: LB1048.5 Occupational literacy: LC149.7 Preschool education: LB1140.35.P37 Occupational therapy Parent-teacher associations: LC230+ Schools: LB3457 Parent-teacher conferences: LC225.5 Office layout: LB3325.O35 Parent-teacher relationships: LC226+ Office of Education (United States): L111.A3+ 422
Parents INDEX Education: LC5160.5+ Personnel service facilities: LB3325.P4 Parking, School: LB3253 Pestalozzi: LB621+ Parochial school system: LC487.2+ Ph.D degrees: LB2386 Part-time teachers: LB2844.1.P3 Pharmaceutical fraternities: LJ101+ Phonetic method (Reading): LB1050.34 Salaries: LB2843.P3 Pass-fail grading system: LB3060.37 Elementary education: LB1573.3 Primary education: LB1525.3 Higher education: LB2368 Phonograph records Pathological aspects (Educational Instruction: LB1044.3 Phonographs psychology): LB1088 Instruction: LB1044.3 Paupers Phonotapes Instruction: LB1044.4 Education: LC4051+ Physical life of students: LB3609 Peabody Individual Achievement Test- Physical measurements of school children: LB3421+ Revised: LB3060.33.P43 Physical therapy: LB3458 Peace Corps (Teachers): LB2844.1.P4 Physiology Pedagogy, Critical (Educational Elementary education: LB1587+ Picture books sociology): LC196+ Instruction: LB1044.9.P49 Pedagogy, Culturally relevant: Preschool education: LB1140.35.P53 Pictures LC1099.515.C85 Instruction: LB1043.67 Peer-group tutoring of students: Place-based education: LC239 Placement policies LB1031.5 Schools: LB3012.6+ Pen pals: LB3614 Placement, School grade: LB3061.5 Penmanship Placement, Teacher: LB1780 Planning Elementary education: LB1590 Distance education: LC5803.P5 Kindergarten: LB1186.5 Professional education: LC1072.P57 Preschool education: LB1140.5.P4 Plato: LB85.P69+ Primary education: LB1536 Platoon schools Pensions Instruction: LB1029.P53 Administrative personnel: Platter, Thomas: LB175.P6+ Play LB2331.697, LB2831.67+ Child study: LB1137 Higher education: LB2333.5+ Early childhood education: Teachers: LB2842+ Vocational education teachers: LB1139.35.P55 Preschool education: LB1140.35.P55 LC1047.89 Playgrounds: LB3251+ Performance contracts in education: Plays Kindergarten: LB1177 LB2806.2 Plutarch: LB85.P8+ Performance (Learning): LB1062.6 Political activity Periodicals, Illustrated: LB1044.9.I44 Students: LB3610 Periodicals (Instruction): LB1044.9.P47 Permanent education: LC1072.C56 423 Personnel management Higher education: LB2331.66+ Schools: LB2831.5+ Personnel service Secondary education: LB1620.4+ Teaching: LB1027.5+ Vocational education: LC1048.P47
Political activity INDEX Teachers: LB2844.1.P6 Presidents of colleges and universities: Political aspects of higher education: LB2341+ LC165+ Primary education: LB1501+ Political education: LC1090+ History Popular education (Educational United States: LA219 School buildings: LB3325.P7 sociology): LC196+ Portfolios Primary school buildings: LB3325.P7 Primary school teachers and educators: Instruction: LB1029.P67 Teaching: LB1728 LB1775.8 Post-compulsory education: LC1039+ Primers (Primary education): Posters: LB1043.64 Postgraduate work (Secondary LB1525.36 education): LB1695 Principals: LB2831.9+ Posture: LB3427 Principles of Learning and Teaching PPST: LB2367.75 Practicums Test: LB1766.P73 Professional education: LC1072.P73 Printing (Vocational training) Pre-Professional Skills Test: LB2367.75 Prediction Elementary education: LB1599.2 Schools: LB3012.6+ Private school education: LC47+ Pregnancy School hygiene: LB3433 African Americans: LC2761 Prejudice Blacks: LC2761 Testing: LB3060.62 Private school trustees: LB2831.3 Textbooks: LB3045.6+ Private universities and colleges: Preliminary SAT: LB2353.56 LB2328.5+ Prep schools: LC58+ Privatization in education: LB2806.36 Prepaid tuition plans Prize competitions: LB3068+ Higher education: LB2340.9+ Prizes Preparatory schools: LC58+ Teaching personnel: LB2838.3 Fraternities: LJ151+ Probationary teachers: LB2844.1.P7 Presbyterian education: LC579+ Problem-based learning Preschool education: LB1140+ Teaching: LB1027.42 African Americans: LC2765 Problem children and youth, Education Blacks: LC2765 of: LC4801+ Children with mental disabilities: Professional education: LC1051+ African Americans: LC2785 LC4602.5 Blacks: LC2785 Ethnic minorities: LC3723 Professional ethics Students (Socio-economic status): Teachers: LB1779 Professional fraternities: LJ91+ LC208 Program evaluation in education: Teachers: LB1775.5 LB2822.75 Program for Licensing for Colorado Personnel management: Educators: LB1766.P76 LB2844.1.P67 Programmed instruction: LB1028.5+ Reading: LB1050.37 Preschools United States: LD7501.A+ Elementary education: LB1573.4 Primary education: LB1525.5 Programs, School improvement: LB2822.8+ 424
Project method INDEX Early childhood education: LB1139.35.P8 Public school education History Project method in teaching: LB1027.43 United States: LA211.92+ Project Talent: LB3060.33.P75 Latin Americans: LC2670.3 Project-teaching: LB1027.43 Learning disabled children: Promotion LC4704.73 Mexican Americans: LC2683.3 Students: LB3063 The state and education: LC107+ Higher education: LB2368 Public universities and colleges: Teachers: LB2839 LB2328.6+ Proprietary schools: LC1041+ Protestant education: LC530.2+ Publications, College: LB2342.85+ Protestant Episcopal education: Publications, Student: LB3620+ Publicity, College: LB2342.82 LC582+ Puerto Ricans, Education of: LC2690+ Protocol, Academic: LB2379 Puerto Ricans in the United States, PSAT: LB2353.56 Psychical development (Child study): Education of: LC2690+ Punishments in school: LB3025 LB1131+ Purchasing Psychoanalysis and education: LB1092 Psychological aspects of adult Higher education: LB2341.98+ education: LC5225.P78 Q Psychological aspects of moral Quaker education: LC570+ education: LC291 Qualitative Reading Inventory: Psychological studies (Child study): LB1050.75.Q34 LB1121+ Questioning Psychologists, School: LB3013.6 Psychology Teaching: LB1027.44 Quintilian: LB91.Q7+ Teachers: LB2840+ Higher education: LB2333.2+ R Psychology, Educational: LB1050.9+ Racial separation: LC212.5+ Psychology, School: LB1027.55 Racially mixed people, Education of: Public relations LC3601+ Higher education: LB2342.8+ Racism in textbooks: LB3045.64 School administration: LB2847 Radio extension courses: LC6571+ Public school education: LB1554.2+, Radio in education: LB1044.5+ LC59 Ragged schools: LC4051+ African Americans: LC2771+ Ranking Basic education: LC1035.2 Blacks: LC2771+ Universities and colleges: Children with mental disabilities: LB2331.62+ LC4603.3 Rape Children with social disabilities: Higher education: LB2345.3.R37 LC4069.3 Rapid reading: LB1050.54 Developing countries: LC2608 Ethnic minorities: LC3725 425 Gifted children: LC3993.22 Hispanic Americans: LC2670.3
Rating INDEX Personnel management School administration and Recesses: LB3033 organization: LB2831.57.E35 Recitations (Teaching): LB1039 Records and reports, School: Rating of administrative personnel: LB2831.66+ LB2845.7+ Recreation Rating of teachers: LB2838+ Higher education: LB2833+ Schools: LB3031 Student life: LB3608 Readability (Textbooks): LB3045.8 Recruiting (Higher education): Reading: LB1049.9+ LB2342.82 Recurrent education: LC1072.C56 Adult education: LC5225.R4 Reform literature (Moral education): African Americans: LC2778.R4 LC301 Blacks: LC2778.R4 Reformed Church: LC586.R3 Boys: LC1396.5 Refugee children, Education of: Child study: LB1139.R4 LC3663+ Children with mental disabilities: Regalia, Academic: LB2389 Reggio Emilia approach LC4620 Instruction: LB1029.R35 Children with social disabilities: Registrars of colleges and universities: LB2341+ LC4086 Registration of school children: LC130 Early childhood education: Religion and education: LC321+ Religion in textbooks: LB3045.84 LB1139.5.R43 Religious aspects Elementary education: LB1573 Teaching: LB1027.2+ Exceptional children: LC3973.5 Religious education Gifted children: LC3993.5 African Americans: LC2751 Kindergarten: LB1181.2+ Blacks: LC2751 Learning disabled: LC4704.87 Public schools: LC401+ Men: LC1396.5 Mexican Americans: LC2686.5 Controversial works: LC107+ Preschool education: LB1140.5.R4 Religious life of students: LB3609 Primary education: LB1525+ Remedial reading Secondary education: LB1632 Reading circles: LC6601+ Primary education: LB1525.76 Reading color aids: LB1050.27 Remedial teaching Elementary education: LB1573.28 Primary education: LB1525.76 College: LB2331.2 Reading games: LB1050.4 Instruction: LB1029.R4 Reading machines: LB1050.37 Reading: LB1050.5 Elementary education: LB1573.4 Renaissance education: LA106+ Primary education: LB1525.5 Reproductive health concerns: Reading readiness: LB1050.43 LB3432+ Kindergarten: LB1181.35 Research Primary education: LB1525.6+ Adult education: LC5225.R47 Reading Skills Competency Tests: Distance education: LC5803.R46 LB1050.75.R43 Research institutes, centers, Reading skills (Higher education): laboratories: LB2372.3 LB2395.3 Residence halls: LB3226+ Reading teachers: LB2844.1.R4 426
Resource programs (Instruction): INDEX LB1028.8 Scaled Curriculum Achievement Levels Rest (Learning): LB1076 Tests: LB3060.33.S34 Retired teachers: LB2844.1.R5 Retirement systems (Teachers): Scandinavian Americans, Education of: LC3650.S35 LB2842+ Higher education: LB2333.5+ Scholarships: LB2848+ Retirement (Teachers): LB2844.1.R5 Higher education: LB2338+ Returned students (Foreign study): LB2378.3+ Scholastic Aptitude Test: LB2353.57 Reunions, Class: LB3618 Scholastic aptitude tests: Rewards: LB3025 Rhythm (Child study): LB1139.R5 LB3060.32.S35 Richter, Johann Paul Friedrich: School administration: LB2801+ LB675.R4+ School administrators Right to education: LC213 Rollin, Charles: LB475.R7+ Certification: LB1767+ Roman Catholic education: LC461+ Collective bargaining: LB2844.62+ Roman education (Ancient): LA81 Education and training of: LB1738.5 Romanies, Education of: LC3503+ Personnel management: LB2831.8+ Rousseau: LB510+ Training of: LB1777.5 Royalty, Education of: LC4929 School autonomy: LB2822.9 Rural communities and the school: School-based child care: LB3436 LC217 School-based management: LB2806.35 Rural education: LC5146+ School baths: LB3461 Rural schools: LC5146+ School building plans: LB3221 High schools: LB1621 School census: LC130 School children, Registration of: LC130 S School closings: LB2823.2 School-college cooperation: LB2331.53 Sabbatical leave School colors: LB3630 Teaching personnel School credits, Equivalency evaluation Higher education: LB2335.8 of: LB3061.5 School crisis management: LB2866.5 Safety patrols, School: LB2865 School crossing guards: LB2865 Sailer, Johann Michael: LB675.S14+ School dropouts Salaries College: LC148.15 Elementary education: LC145.5 Administrative personnel: High school education: LC146.5 LB2331.697, LB2831.67+ Vocational education: LC1048.D76 School employees Teachers: LB2842+ Personnel management: LB2831.5+ Higher education: LB2333.5+ School fairs: L899.A2+ Vocational teachers: LC1047.89 School grade placement: LB3061.5 School grounds: LB3251+ Salzmann, Christian Gothilf: School health personnel: LB3410 LB575.S29+ School health services: LB3401+ School hours: LB3033 Sami, Education of: LC3530+ School improvement programs: Sanitation: LB3231 LB2822.8+ SAT: LB2353.57 School leaving exams: LB3060.28+ Satellites in education: LB1044.86+ School life: LB3602+ 427
School life INDEX Preparatory schools: LC58.7 Science rooms School-linked services: LB3013.55 School architecture and equipment: School magazines and papers: LH1+ LB3325.S35 School mascots: LB3633 School milk: LB3473+ Scientific fraternities: LJ111+ School of the Air of the Americas: Seat work LC6579.S3 Preschool education: LB1140.35.C74 School phobia (Educational Secondary education: LB1602.2+ psychology): LB1091 African Americans: LC2779 School psychologists: LB3013.6 Basic education: LC1035.4 School psychology: LB1027.55 Blacks: LC2779 School safety: LB2864.5+ Children with mental disabilities: School safety patrols: LB2865 School schedules: LB3032+ LC4604 School secretaries: LB2844.4 Children with social disabilities: School security: LB2866 School sites: LB3220 LC4069.4 School size: LB3012.5 Developing countries: LC2609 School social environment: LC210+ Economic aspects: LC67.5+ School-sponsored day care centers: Ethnic minorities: LC3726 Exceptional children: LC3969.4 LB3436 Fraternities: LJ151+ School supervision: LB2806.4 Gifted children: LC3993.23 School supervisors Hispanic Americans: LC2670.4 History Education and training of: LB1738.5 Training of: LB1777.5 United States: LA222 School surveys: LB2823 Latin Americans: LC2670.4 School-to-work assessment Learning disabled children: Testing: LB3060.27 School-university cooperation: LC4704.74 LB2331.53 Mexican Americans: LC2683.4 School week: LB3033.5 Student-athletes: LC2580.5 School year: LB3034 Students (Social background): Higher education: LB2347 School yearbooks: LB3621.25 LC208.4 Schoolgirls, Letters and lectures to: Teachers LC1441+ Schoolroom decoration: LB3257 Professional aspects: LB1777 Schools Testing: LB3060.26 Administration: LB2801+ Secondary School Admission Test: Schools as community centers: LC223 LB3060.33.S42 Science (Curriculum) Secondary school (K-12) education: Early childhood education: LB1554.2+ Secondary schools LB1139.5.S35 United States: LD7501.A+ Elementary education: LB1585+ Secondary teachers: LB1737.A3+ Preschool education: LB1140.5.S35 Secretaries, School: LB2844.4 Primary education: LB1532 Secularization: LC107+ Segregation in education: LC212.5+ African Americans: LC212.5+ Higher education: LC212.7 Girls: LC1605 Women: LC1605 428
Selection INDEX Higher education Faculty: LB2332.7+ Simulation and gaming methods Schools: LB3012.6+ Instruction: LB1029.S53 Selection and appointment Single parents, Children of Personnel management Education: LC5159+ Higher education: LB2331.67.S44 Single-sex schooling (School Selection of employees management): LB3067.3 School administration: LB2831.57.S45 Slides (Instruction): LB1043.7 Slow learning adults, Education of: Selective Service College Qualification Test: LB2353.7.S45 LC4818+ Slow learning children and youth, Self-adhesive vinyl film Instruction: LB1043.93 Education of: LC4661 Small colleges and universities: Self-culture: LC25+ Self-education: LC25+ LB2328.3+ Self-evaluation in education: LB2822.75 Social aspects Self-government of pupils: LB3092+ Self-government of students Adult education: LC5225.S64 Education: LC65+ Higher education: LB2346 Social background and education: Self-rating (Teachers): LB2838+ LC202+ Self-support of students: LB3611 Social change (Education): LC192 Seminars (Higher education): LB2393.5 Social concepts (Child study): Serial publications (Instruction): LB1139.S6 Social environment, School: LC210+ LB1044.9.P47 Social origins Service learning: LC220.5 Teachers: LB2844.1.S6 Seventh-Day Adventist education: Social philosophy and education: LC189 LC586.S48 Social problems (Education): LC192.2 Sex differences in education: LC212.9+ Social psychology (Education): Sex discrimination in education: LC192.3 Social science (Curriculum) LC212.8+ Children with mental disabilities: Higher education: LC212.86+ Sex in the education of girls: LC1621 LC4621.7 Sex in the education of women: Children with social disabilities: LC1621 Sexism in textbooks: LB3045.66 LC4088 Sexual harassment in education: Early childhood education: LC212.8+ Sexual harassment in higher education: LB1139.5.S64 LC212.86+ Elementary education: LB1584+ Shin (Buddhist education): LC927.S5 Kindergarten: LB1182 Sight-saving classes: LB3451 Preschool education: LB1140.5.S6 Sikhs, Education of: LC3501.S54 Social services and the schools: LC198 Silent reading: LB1050.55 Social studies Simulated environment Primary education: LB1530 Instruction: LB1029.S5 Social work, School: LB3013.4+ Socialization Adult education: LC5225.S64 Socialization (Education): LC192.4 Society and education: LC189.8+ 429
Society of Friends education: LC570+ INDEX Sociology, Educational: LC189+ Socratic method: LB1027.44 Strikes Software, Catalogs of: LB1028.7 Teachers: LB2844.46+ Sōka Gakkai (Buddhist education): Higher education: LB2335.84+ LC927.S6 Student adjustment (Child study): Songs LB1139.S88 Kindergarten: LB1177 Student affairs services Sororities: LJ141+ Higher education: LB2342.9+ Special education: LC3950+ Student aid: LB2337.2+ African Americans: LC2787 Student aspirations: LB1027.8+ Blacks: LC2787 Student assistance programs (School Specifications (School architecture): LB3222 hygiene): LB3430.5 Speech Student-athletes, Education of: Elementary education: LB1572 Kindergarten: LB1181 LC2580+ Primary education: LB1524 Student cooperatives: LB3612 Speech disorders: LB3454 Student counselors, Training of: Speech therapy: LB3454 Speed reading: LB1050.54 LB1731.75 Spelling Student financial aid (Higher education): Child study: LB1139.S7 Elementary education: LB1574 LB2337.2+ Primary education: LB1526 Student guidance and counseling: Spranger, Edward: LB775.S6799+ SSCQT: LB2353.7.S45 LB1027.5+ Standardization (Higher education): Higher education: LB2343 LB2349 Secondary education: LB1620.4+ Standards Student honor: LB3021 Professional education: LC1072.S73 Student housing: LB3226+ Vocational education: LC1048.S7 Student life State aid to private schools: LB2828+ African Americans: LC2781.7 State and education: LC71+ Blacks: LC2781.7 Adult education: LC5225.A36 Christian education: LC378 Higher education: LC165+ History State Day: LB3541 State teachers colleges: LB1805+ United States: LA229 State universities and colleges: Student manners and customs: LB2329.5 Statistics, Educational: LB2846 LB3602+ Stories and storytelling Preparatory schools: LC58.7 Kindergarten: LB1179 Student personnel administration Preschool education: LB1140.35.S76 Higher education: LB2342.9+ Primary education: LB1527 Student Self-Concept Scale: Reading circles: LC6635 LB1131.75.S76 Teachers: LB1042 Student Talent and Risk Profile: LB1131.75.S78 Student teachers: LB2157.A3+ Student unions: LB3640 Students Mental hygiene: LB3430 School hygiene: LB3430 Students, Commuting Higher education: LB2343.6 Students' directories: L900+ 430
Students' socio-economic status: INDEX LC202+ Tardiness: LB3085 Students with disabilities, Transportation TASP Test: LB2353.7.T37 of: LB2864.2 Taxation Subject organization (Higher education): School finance: LB2824+ LB2360.2+ Taxation of schools and colleges: Substitute teachers: LB2844.1.S8 LC184+ Suburban areas' children, Education of: Teacher burnout: LB2840.2 Teacher education and training: LC5145+ Suburban education: LC5145+ LB1705+ Suburban schools: LC5145+ Adult education: LC5225.T4 Adults with disabilities: LC4812.8 Elementary and public education: Adults with physical disabilities: LB1566 LC4819.8 Suggestion African Americans: LC2782 Learning: LB1069 Blacks: LC2782 Children of foreign workers: LC5156+ Summer schools: LC5701+ Children with mental disabilities: Summer sessions for teachers: LB1740 Superintendents (Administrative LC4625 Children with social disabilities: personnel): LB2831.7+ Supervision, Early childhood school: LC4069.8 Christian education: LC379 LB2822.6+ Developing countries: LC2611 Supervision (Higher education): Ethnic minorities: LC3728 Exceptional children: LC3969.45 LB2341+ Gifted children: LC3993.25 Supervision of schools: LB2806.4 Hispanic Americans: LC2671 Supplementary employment (Teachers): in colleges and universities: LB2165+ in secondary schools: LB2159+ LB2844.1.S86 Latin Americans: LC2671 Supplementary reading: LB1050.58 Learning disabled adults: LC4818.4 Learning disabled children: LC4704.8 Primary education: LB1525.8 Mexican Americans: LC2685 Supply and demand Teacher orientation: LB1729 Teacher placement: LB1780 Administrative personnel: LB2831.64 Teacher-student relationships Personnel management: LB2331.694 (Instruction): LB1033 Teachers: LB2833+ Teacher training (Mentally ill adults): LC4825.8 Higher education: LB2335.3 Teachers: LB2832+ Surveys of high school graduates: Certification: LB1771+ Collective bargaining: LB2844.58+ LB1695.5+ Directories: L900+ Suspension: LB3089+ Higher education: LB2331.7+ Swedenborgian schools: LC586.N4 Islamic education: LC905.T42 Manual training: LB1736 T Participation in administration: Taiwan aboriginal peoples, Education LB2806.45 of: LC3501.T26 431 Taiwanese, Education of: LC3501.T28 Talmud Torah (Jewish education): LC722 Tamil (Indic people), Education of: LC3501.T32
Teachers INDEX Retired teachers: LB2844.1.R5 Vocational education: LC1047.85+ Television Vocational instruction of: LB1736 Instruction: LB1044.7+ Teachers and community: LC227 Television programs Teachers' centers: LB1745 Instruction: LB1044.7+ Teachers' colleges, Instructors in: Tendai (Buddhist education): LC927.T4 LB1737.5.A3+ Tenure (Teachers): LB2836 Teachers' dwellings: LB3225 Teachers examination: LB1761.5+ Higher education: LB2335.7 Teachers' institutes: LB1751+ Test anxiety: LB3060.6 Teachers, Nursery schools: LB1732.5 Test bias: LB3060.62 Teachers' unions: LB2844.52+ Test construction: LB3060.65 Teachers with disabilities: Test evaluation: LB3060.68+ Test of Achievement and Proficiency: LB2844.1.H35 Teachers' wives: LB1782 LB3060.33.T46 Teachers' workshops: LB1743 Test of Auditory Reasoning and Teaching Processing Skills: LB3060.33.T43 Principles and practice: LB1024.2+ Test of Early Reading Ability: Teaching aids and devices: LB1044.88 Teaching as a profession: LB1775 LB1050.75.T48 Test scoring: LB3060.77 Universities: LB1778 Test taking skills: LB3060.57 Teaching, Freedom of: LC72+ Testing Teaching religious orders: LC490+ Teaching religious orders of women: Adult education: LC5225.A75 Testing accommodations: LB3060.59 LC490+ Testing, Educational: LB3050+ Teaching systems: LB1028.35+ Texas Academic Skills Program Test Teaching teams (TASP): LB2353.7.T37 Instruction: LB1029.T4 Texas Assessment of Academic Skills: TEAMS: LB3060.33.T48 Technical education LB3060.33.T47 Texas Assessment of Knowledge and African Americans: LC2780.5 Blacks: LC2780.5 Skills: LB3060.33.T47 Technology Texas Educational Assessment of Teaching: LB1028.3 Testing: LB3060.5+ Minimum Skills: LB3060.33.T48 Technology in higher education: Texas Higher Education Assessment LB2395.7 Telecommunication Test: LB2353.7.T37 Higher education: LB2342.75 Textbooks: LB3045+, LT1+ Instruction: LB1044.84 Teleconferencing (Instruction): Early textbooks for girls: LC1461+ LB1044.9.T38 Early textbooks for women: LC1461+ Telephone in education: LB1044.65 Thais, Education of: LC3501.T4 Teletype (Instruction): LB1044.9.T4 THEA Test: LB2353.7.T37 Television Theosophy Adult education: LC5225.T44 Moral education: LC287 Theses preparation and writing: LB2369 Thinking skills Elementary education: LB1590.3+ Higher education: LB2395.35 Thomas Aquinas: LB125.T5+ Tibetans, Education of: LC3501.T5 432
Time (Learning): LB1064.5 INDEX Time management Trustees Administrative personnel: Colleges and universities: LB2342.5 LB2831.658 Private schools: LB2831.3 Higher education: LB2395.4 Trusts (Higher education): LB2335.95+ Students: LB3607.8 Tuition and fees (Higher education): Teachers: LB2838.8 LB2341.98+ Higher education: LB2395.4 Turnover Vocational education: LC1048.T54 Township school systems: LB2815 Administrative personnel: LB2831.64 Toys, Educational Teachers: LB2833+ Instruction: LB1029.T6 Toys (Preschool education): Higher education: LB2335.3 LB1140.35.T68 Tutors and tutoring Track system: LB3061.8 Trade unions: LB2844.52+ Higher education: LB2396 Higher education: LB2335.86+ Home schooling: LC41 Training Two year institutions of higher Principles and practice: LB1024.2+ education: LB2326.7+ Teaching: LB1027.47 Typing rooms: LB3325.T9 Training of student counselors: LB1731.75 U Training of teachers, In-service: LB1731 Underachievers, Education of: LC4661 Transfer Uniform alphabet (Reading) Credits Elementary education: LB1573.27 Higher education: LB2360 Unions (Higher education): LB2335.86+ Secondary education: LB1627.7 Unit method Students: LB3064+ Higher education: LB2360 Instruction: LB1029.U6 Teachers: LB2833+ Unitarian education: LC586.U5 Transfer of training (Educational United States Bureau of Education: psychology): LB1059 Transformative learning: LC1100 LB2807 Transnational education: LC1095 United States Office of Education: Transparencies (Instruction): LB1043.7 Transportation LB2807 School integration: LC214.5 Universities: LB2328.2+ Students: LB2864+ University extension: LC6201+ Traveling educational exhibits: LC6691 University instructors: LB1738 Traveling schools: LC5765+ University of the United States: LC174 Trigger warnings (Educational University physical facilities: LB3223+ psychology): LB1091.5 University public services: LB2331.43+ Truancy: LB3081+ University teaching as a profession: Truants, Education of: LC4801+ True-false examinations: LB1778 LB3060.32.M85 Upper classes, Education of: LC4929 Urban communities and the school: LC219 Urban education: LC5101+ Urban universities and colleges: LB2328.4+ 433
V INDEX Vacation colonies: LC5770+ Vocational education Vacation schools: LC5701+ Girls: LC1500+ Vacations: LB3041 Men: LC1394.5 Vandalism Women: LC1500+ School buildings: LB3249 Vocational evaluation: LC1048.V63 Vegius, Mapheus: LB175.V45+ Vocational guidance Ventilation Teachers: LB1775 School buildings: LB3244 Vocational instruction of teachers: Verney, Luis Antonio: LB575.V4+ Video discs LB1736 Vocational training Instruction: LB1044.75 Video games in education: LB1028.75 Elementary education: LB1594+ Video systems, Interactive: LB1028.75 Volunteer workers (Teaching Video tape recorders personnel): LB2844.1.V6 Instruction: LB1044.75 Video tapes W Instruction: LB1044.75 Waldorf Method Videoconferencing Instruction: LB1029.W34 Distance education: LC5803.V53 Wall charts (Instruction): LB1043.63 Instruction: LB1044.9.V53 Washington Assessment of Student Vietnamese, Education of: LC3501.V53 Villages and the school: LC218 Learning Test (WASL): Vincent de Beau: LB125.V5+ LB3060.33.W38 Vinyl film, Self-adhesive Weaving Instruction: LB1043.93 Primary education: LB1543 Violence in schools: LB3013.3+ Wechsler Individual Achievement Test: Virginia Standards of Learning Tests: LB3060.33.W47 LB3060.33.V57 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Vision disorders: LB3451 Children: LB1131.75.W47 Visiting teachers: LB2843.V5 Welfare funds for teachers: Visual aids (Teaching): LB1043.5+ LB2844.1.W4 Visual learning: LB1067.5 Whole word method (Reading): Visual literacy: LB1068 LB1050.35 Vives, Juan Lewis: LB175.V6+ Elementary education: LB1573.37 Vocabulary Will (Learning): LB1071 Primary education: LB1528.5 Wimpheling, Jakob: LB175.W6+ Vocabulary (Elementary education): Wives, Teachers: LB1782 LB1574.5 Women Vocational education: LC1041+ Education: LC1401+ African Americans: LC2780+ Women teachers: LB2837 Blacks: LC2780+ Higher education: LB2332.3+ Boys: LC1394.5 Salaries: LB2843.W7 Children with mental disabilities: Women's colleges (United States): LD7019+ LC4622 Women's fraternities: LJ141+ Exceptional children: LC3976 Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery: LB1131.75.W66 434
INDEX Woodcock-Munoz Language Survey: LB3060.33.W66 Word recognition (Reading): LB1050.44 Elementary education: LB1573.6 Kindergarten: LB1181.4 Working classes, Education of: LC5001+ Workload (Teachers): LB2844.1.W6 Higher education: LB2335.35 Workplace literacy: LC149.7 Workshop classes: LC6562+ Writing (Child study): LB1139.W7 Y Yearbooks, College: LB3621.67 Yearbooks, School: LB3621.25 Yeshivah ketanah (Jewish education): LC723 Yi (Chinese people), Education of: LC3501.Y5 Yiddish school: LC724 Youth, African American Education: LC2701+ Youth, Cerebral palsied, Education of: LC4580+ Yüan, Yen: LB475.Y45+ Z Zwingli, Ulrich: LB275.Z7+ 435
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