Drama in religious education (May Subd Geog) Dramatic plots — Restoration, 1660-1700 BT Religious education USE Plots (Drama, novel, etc.) USE Dramatists, English—Early modern, 1500- 1700 Drama judges Dramatic sermons USE Drama festival judges USE Monologue sermons Dramatists, Estonian (May Subd Geog) UF Estonian dramatists Drama Plain (Greece) Dramatic unities UF Dramas Plain (Greece) UF Unities, Dramatic Dramatists, European Pedhias Dramas (Greece) Unity, Dramatic UF European dramatists Pedias Dramas (Greece) BT Drama—Technique BT Plains—Greece Dramatists, Flemish (May Subd Geog) Dramatics UF Flemish dramatists Drama teachers (May Subd Geog) USE Theater Here are entered works on teachers of all aspects Dramatists, French (May Subd Geog) Dramatists UF French dramatists of drama (e.g., history, acting, directing). Works about UF Playwrights teachers of acting are entered under Acting teachers. BT Authors Dramatists, French-Canadian (May Subd Geog) NT Gay dramatists UF French-Canadian dramatists UF Theater arts teachers Jewish dramatists Theater teachers Lesbian dramatists Dramatists, Georgian (May Subd Geog) Librettists UF Georgian dramatists BT Teachers Male dramatists NT Acting teachers Women dramatists Dramatists, German (May Subd Geog) Drama therapy UF German dramatists USE Drama—Therapeutic use Dramatists, African (May Subd Geog) Dramas Plain (Greece) UF African dramatists Dramatists, Ghanaian (May Subd Geog) USE Drama Plain (Greece) UF Ghanaian dramatists Dramatherapy Dramatists, African American USE Drama—Therapeutic use USE African American dramatists Dramatists, Greek (May Subd Geog) Dramatic companies UF Greek dramatists USE Theatrical companies Dramatists, Algerian (May Subd Geog) Dramatic criticism (May Subd Geog) UF Algerian dramatists Dramatists, Greek (Modern) (May Subd Geog) [PN1707] UF Greek dramatists, Modern Here are entered works on criticism of the drama Dramatists, American (May Subd Geog) Modern Greek dramatists as presented on the stage. Collections of reviews of UF American dramatists dramatic performances are entered under Theater-- NT African American dramatists Dramatists, Hindi (May Subd Geog) Reviews. Works on criticism of the drama as a literary Mexican American dramatists UF Hindi dramatists form are entered under Drama--History and criticism. Dramatists, Arab (May Subd Geog) Dramatists, Hungarian (May Subd Geog) UF Theater criticism UF Arab dramatists UF Hungarian dramatists BT Criticism NT Radio criticism Dramatists, Argentine (May Subd Geog) Dramatists, Indic (May Subd Geog) UF Argentine dramatists UF Indic dramatists Television criticism Dramatic education Dramatists, Armenian (May Subd Geog) Dramatists, Irish (May Subd Geog) UF Armenian dramatists UF Irish dramatists USE Acting—Study and teaching Dramatic monologue sermons Dramatists, Assamese (May Subd Geog) Dramatists, Israeli (May Subd Geog) UF Assamese dramatists UF Israeli dramatists USE Monologue sermons Dramatic monologues — 1500-1800 Dramatists, Italian (May Subd Geog) Dramatists, Australian (May Subd Geog) UF Italian dramatists Here are entered collections of lyric poetry in the form called dramatic monologue. UF Australian dramatists — Early modern, 1500-1700 Dramatists, Austrian (May Subd Geog) Dramatists, Japanese (May Subd Geog) BT Lyric poetry Monologue UF Austrian dramatists UF Japanese dramatists Monologues Dramatists, Azerbaijani (May Subd Geog) Dramatists, Kannada (May Subd Geog) Dramatic music (May Subd Geog) UF Azerbaijani dramatists UF Kannada dramatists [M1500-M1527.8 (Music)] Dramatists, Belarusian (May Subd Geog) Dramatists, Kazakh (May Subd Geog) [ML1699-ML2100 (History)] [ML3857-ML3862 (Aesthetics)] UF Belarusian dramatists UF Kazakh dramatists UF Music, Dramatic Dramatists, Byelorussian [Former heading] Dramatists, Korean (May Subd Geog) Music, Theatrical Music for the stage Dramatists, Belgian (May Subd Geog) UF Korean dramatists Stage music UF Belgian dramatists Dramatists, Kyrgyz (May Subd Geog) Theatrical music BT Music Dramatists, Bengali (May Subd Geog) UF Kyrgyz dramatists NT Ballets UF Bengali dramatists Dramatists, Latin (May Subd Geog) Incidental music Intermedi Dramatists, Brazilian (May Subd Geog) UF Dramatists, Roman Librettos UF Brazilian dramatists Latin dramatists Masques with music Roman dramatists Melodrama Dramatists, Bulgarian (May Subd Geog) Modern dance music UF Bulgarian dramatists Dramatists, Latin American (May Subd Geog) Motion picture music UF Latin American dramatists Music theater Dramatists, Burkinabe (May Subd Geog) Musicals UF Burkinabe dramatists Dramatists, Latin (Medieval and modern) Operas (May Subd Geog) Original cast recordings Dramatists, Burmese (May Subd Geog) UF Latin dramatists (Medieval and modern) Pantomimes with music UF Burmese dramatists Revues Dramatists, Latvian (May Subd Geog) Sacred dramatic music Dramatists, Byelorussian UF Latvian dramatists Secular oratorios USE Dramatists, Belarusian Serenatas Dramatists, Lithuanian (May Subd Geog) Dramatists, Canadian (May Subd Geog) UF Lithuanian dramatists — History and criticism UF Canadian dramatists NT Libretto Dramatists, Macedonian (May Subd Geog) Opera Dramatists, Catalan (May Subd Geog) UF Macedonian dramatists Overture UF Catalan dramatists Dramatists, Malay (May Subd Geog) — Asia, Southeastern Dramatists, Chilean (May Subd Geog) UF Malay dramatists USE Dramatic music—Southeast Asia UF Chilean dramatists Dramatists, Malayalam (May Subd Geog) — Madagascar Dramatists, Chinese (May Subd Geog) UF Malayalam dramatists NT Hira Gasy UF Chinese dramatists Dramatists, Marathi (May Subd Geog) — Malaysia Dramatists, Costa Rican (May Subd Geog) UF Marathi dramatists NT Bangsawan UF Costa Rican dramatists Dramatists, Mexican (May Subd Geog) — Southeast Asia Dramatists, Croatian (May Subd Geog) UF Mexican dramatists UF Dramatic music—Asia, Southeastern UF Croatian dramatists [Former heading] Dramatists, Mexican American NT Wayang music Dramatists, Cuban (May Subd Geog) USE Mexican American dramatists UF Cuban dramatists Dramatic music, Sacred Dramatists, Moroccan (May Subd Geog) USE Sacred dramatic music Dramatists, Czech (May Subd Geog) UF Moroccan dramatists UF Czech dramatists Dramatic-narrative films Dramatists, New Zealand (May Subd Geog) USE Fiction films Dramatists, Dalmatian (May Subd Geog) UF New Zealand dramatists UF Dalmatian dramatists Dramatists, Nigerian (May Subd Geog) Dramatists, Danish (May Subd Geog) UF Nigerian dramatists UF Danish dramatists Dramatists, Nigerien (May Subd Geog) Dramatists, Dominican (May Subd Geog) UF Nigerien dramatists UF Dominican dramatists Dramatists, Norwegian (May Subd Geog) Dramatists, Dutch (May Subd Geog) UF Norwegian dramatists UF Dutch dramatists Dramatists, Oriya (May Subd Geog) Dramatists, English (May Subd Geog) UF Oriya dramatists UF English dramatists Dramatists, Panamanian (May Subd Geog) — Early modern, 1500-1700 [Panamanian dramatists] UF Dramatists, English—Restoration, 1660- 1700 [Former heading] Dramatists, Panjabi (May Subd Geog) UF Panjabi dramatists Dramatists, Persian (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on dramatists who write in the Persian language. UF Persian dramatists D-250
Dramatists, Polish (May Subd Geog) UF Dramaturgs Draping (Surgery) UF Polish dramatists Literary managers (Theater) [RD32.5] UF Drapes (Surgery) Dramatists, Portuguese (May Subd Geog) BT Theatrical producers and directors Surgical draping UF Portuguese dramatists Dramaturgs BT Preoperative care Dramatists, Puerto Rican (May Subd Geog) USE Dramaturges Drassinella (May Subd Geog) UF Puerto Rican dramatists Dramaturgy [QL458.42.L] BT Liocranidae Dramatists, Roman USE subdivision Dramaturgy under names of USE Dramatists, Latin composers, e.g. Wagner, Richard, 1813- Drassyllochemmis 1883--Dramaturgy USE Rachodrassus Dramatists, Romanian (May Subd Geog) UF Romanian dramatists USE Drama—Technique Drassyllus (May Subd Geog) Opera—Dramaturgy [QL537.42.G5] Dramatists, Russian (May Subd Geog) BT Gnaphosidae UF Russian dramatists Drames à clef (May Subd Geog) BT Drama Drau River Dramatists, Sanskrit (May Subd Geog) USE Drava River UF Sanskrit dramatists Drammens Fjord (Norway) USE Dramsfjorden (Norway) Draughan family — To 1500 USE Draughon family Dramatists, Scottish (May Subd Geog) Drammensfjorden (Norway) USE Dramsfjorden (Norway) Draughn family UF Scottish dramatists USE Draughon family Dramatists, Serbian (May Subd Geog) Dramsfjord (Norway) USE Dramsfjorden (Norway) Draughon family (Not Subd Geog) UF Serbian dramatists UF Draughan family Dramatists, Sinhalese (May Subd Geog) Dramsfjorden (Norway) Draughn family UF Dram Fjord (Norway) UF Sinhalese dramatists Drammens Fjord (Norway) Draught, Mechanical Dramatists, Slovak (May Subd Geog) Drammensfjorden (Norway) USE Mechanical draft Dramsfjord (Norway) UF Slovak dramatists BT Fjords—Norway Draught animals Dramatists, Slovenian (May Subd Geog) Oslofjorden (Norway) USE Draft animals UF Slovenian dramatists Dramshops Draught of fishes (Miracle) Dramatists, South African (May Subd Geog) USE Bars (Drinking establishments) USE Miraculous draught of fishes (Miracle) UF South African dramatists Drane family (Not Subd Geog) Draughts Dramatists, Soviet (May Subd Geog) UF Drain family USE Checkers Draine family UF Soviet dramatists Drava River Dramatists, Spanish (May Subd Geog) Đrang (Vietnamese people) UF Drau River USE Giẻ Triêng (Vietnamese people) Drave River UF Spanish dramatists Dravus River — 16th century Drang nach Osten BT Rivers—Europe, Central [DD119.2] USE Dramatists, Spanish—Classical period, BT Imperialism Drava River Valley 1500-1700 Pangermanism UF Drava Valley BT Valleys—Europe, Central — Classical period, 1500-1700 Drangiana (Iran and Afghanistan) UF Dramatists, Spanish—16th century USE Sistan (Iran and Afghanistan) Drava River Watershed Dramatists, Spanish—17th century BT Watersheds—Europe, Central Drapeau family (Not Subd Geog) — 17th century Draper family (Not Subd Geog) Drava Valley USE Dramatists, Spanish—Classical period, USE Drava River Valley 1500-1700 UF Drapier family Draper Lake (Okla.) Drave River Dramatists, Spanish American (May Subd Geog) USE Drava River UF Spanish American dramatists USE Stanley Draper Lake (Okla.) Draper Site (Ont.) Draven, Eric (Fictitious character) Dramatists, Sudanese (May Subd Geog) USE Crow (Fictitious character) UF Sudanese dramatists BT Ontario—Antiquities Draperies (May Subd Geog) Dravidian civilization Dramatists, Swedish (May Subd Geog) USE Civilization, Dravidian UF Swedish dramatists [NK3175-NK3296.3 (Decorative arts)] [TT390 (Handicraft)] Dravidian fiction (May Subd Geog) Dramatists, Swiss (May Subd Geog) UF Curtains BT Dravidian literature UF Swiss dramatists NT Short stories, Dravidian Drapery [Former heading] Dramatists, Tamil (May Subd Geog) Drapes Dravidian folk poetry UF Tamil dramatists BT Household linens USE Folk poetry, Dravidian NT Torah ark curtains Dramatists, Tanzanian (May Subd Geog) Veil of the Temple (Jerusalem) Dravidian imprints (May Subd Geog) UF Tanzanian dramatists — Selling Dravidian languages (May Subd Geog) USE Selling—Draperies Dramatists, Tatar (May Subd Geog) Draperies in art (Not Subd Geog) [PL4601-PL4794] UF Tatar dramatists Here are entered works on the representation of BT India—Languages draperies or curtains in art. Works on the techniques NT Alu Kurumba language Dramatists, Telugu (May Subd Geog) of depicting the folds of clothing or other textile UF Telugu dramatists fabrics in works of art are entered under Drapery in Brahui language art. Gadaba language (Dravidian) Dramatists, Thai (May Subd Geog) Gondi language UF Thai dramatists Draperies in interior decoration (May Subd Geog) Irula language [NK2115.5.D73] Kannada language Dramatists, Turkish (May Subd Geog) UF Drapery in interior decoration [Former Kisan language (Dravidian) UF Turkish dramatists heading] Kodagu language BT Interior decoration Kolami language Dramatists, Ukrainian (May Subd Geog) Konda language UF Ukrainian dramatists Draperies industry Koraga language USE Drapery industry Kota language (India) Dramatists, Urdu (May Subd Geog) Koya language UF Urdu dramatists Drapery Kui language (Dravidian) USE Draperies Kurukh language Dramatists, Uruguayan (May Subd Geog) Kuvi language UF Uruguayan dramatists Drapery in art (May Subd Geog) Malayalam language Here are entered works on the technique of Malto language Dramatists, Uzbek (May Subd Geog) Manda language (Dravidian) UF Uzbek dramatists depicting the folds of clothing or other textile fabrics in Maria language (India) works of art. Works on the representation of Paniya language Dramatists, Vietnamese (May Subd Geog) draperies or curtains in art are entered under Parji language UF Vietnamese dramatists Draperies in art. Pengo language Proto-Dravidian language Dramatists, Welsh (May Subd Geog) BT Art—Technique Tamil language UF Welsh dramatists Drapery in interior decoration Telugu language Toda language (India) Dramatists, Yiddish (May Subd Geog) USE Draperies in interior decoration Tulu language UF Yiddish dramatists Drapery industry (May Subd Geog) Urali language BT Jewish dramatists — Writing [HD9939] Dramatists, Yugoslav (May Subd Geog) UF Draperies industry NT Bharati alphabet UF Yugoslav dramatists BT Textile industry Dravidian literature (May Subd Geog) Drapes Dramatists, Zimbabwean (May Subd Geog) USE Draperies BT Indic literature UF Zimbabwean dramatists Drapes (Surgery) NT Dravidian fiction USE Draping (Surgery) Dramatists in literature (Not Subd Geog) Drapier family SA subdivision Characters--Dramatists under USE Draper family names of individual literary authors, e.g. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616-- Characters--Dramatists Dramatists' spouses USE Authors' spouses Dramaturges (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on persons who advise theatrical directors on literary matters, including reading and selecting plays, selecting translations, helping with adaptations, advising on the historical context of plays, and writing program notes. D-251
Dravidian literature (Continued) Sketching — Forgeries (May Subd Geog) Dravidian poetry BT Art — Instruction Kui literature (Dravidian) Graphic arts USE Drawing—Study and teaching Dravidian movement (May Subd Geog) Illustration of books — Private collections (May Subd Geog) BT Social movements—India Manual training Tamil Nadu (India)—Politics and government SA subdivision Drawings under technical topics for [NC30-NC33] collections of drawings, plans, etc., and for — Reattribution Dravidian philology the technique of making such drawings, [PL4601] unless a separate heading for the technique USE Drawing—Attribution has been provided, e.g. Automobiles-- — Scientific applications (May Subd Geog) Dravidian poetry Drawings; Automotive drafting BT Dravidian literature NT Airbrush art RT Scientific illustration NT Folk poetry, Dravidian Architectural drawing NT Archaeological illustration Blackboard drawing — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) Dravidian poets Blot drawing UF Drawing—Instruction USE Poets, Dravidian Brush drawing — Subjects Buddhist drawing USE Drawing—Themes, motives Dravidian proverbs Caricature — Technique USE Proverbs, Dravidian Chalk drawing NT Drawing from photographs Charcoal drawing — Themes, motives Dravidian short stories Children's drawings UF Drawing—Subjects USE Short stories, Dravidian Color drawing Drawing, Aboriginal Australian (May Subd Geog) Composite drawing UF Aboriginal Australian drawing Dravidians (May Subd Geog) Computer drawing Drawing, Australian aboriginal [Former RT Civilization, Dravidian Courtroom art heading] BT Ethnology—India Crayon drawing Drawing, Abstract (May Subd Geog) Doodles UF Abstract drawing Dravinja River (Slovenia) Dry marker drawing Drawing, Non-objective BT Rivers—Slovenia Engineering drawings Non-objective drawing Erotic drawing BT Drawing—20th century Dravinja River Watershed (Slovenia) Fashion drawing Drawing, Aircraft BT Watersheds—Slovenia Felt marker drawing USE Aircraft drafting Figurative drawing Drawing, Albanian (May Subd Geog) Dravuni Island (Fiji) Figure drawing UF Albanian drawing USE Ndravuni Island (Fiji) Geometrical drawing Drawing, American (May Subd Geog) Indian drawing UF American drawing Dravus River Interior decoration rendering NT Cherokee drawing USE Drava River Landscape drawing Eskimo drawing Large-scale drawing Hopi drawing Draw-A-Family Test (May Subd Geog) Map drawing Hunkpapa drawing [BF698.8.D68] Marine drawing Inuit drawing UF Family Drawing Test Measured drawing Kiowa drawing BT Projective techniques Mechanical drawing Navajo drawing Metalpoint drawing Drawing, Architectural Draw-a-man test Military sketching USE Architectural drawing USE Goodenough Draw-A-Man Test Monochrome drawing Drawing, Argentine (May Subd Geog) Pastel drawing UF Argentine drawing Draw-A-Person Test (May Subd Geog) Pen drawing Drawing, Armenian (May Subd Geog) [BF698.8.D7] Pencil drawing UF Armenian drawing BT Projective techniques Photography, Handworked Drawing, Australian (May Subd Geog) Portrait drawing UF Australian drawing Draw-A-Story (May Subd Geog) Projection Drawing, Australian aboriginal [RC473.D72] Reportage drawing USE Drawing, Aboriginal Australian UF DAS (Psychological test) Rubbing Drawing, Austrian (May Subd Geog) BT Projective techniques Scratchboard drawing UF Austrian drawing Shaker drawing Drawing, Automotive Draw-a-tree test Sketch cards USE Automotive drafting USE Tree test Tantric-Buddhist drawing Drawing, Azerbaijani (May Subd Geog) Topographical drawing UF Azerbaijani drawing Draw-in collets Underdrawing Drawing, Balinese (May Subd Geog) USE Collets Wall drawing (Conceptual art) UF Balinese drawing — 15th century Drawing, Bamun (May Subd Geog) Draw-poker — 16th century UF Bamun drawing USE Poker Drawing, Baroque (May Subd Geog) NT Drawing, Renaissance UF Baroque drawing Drawa National Park (Poland) — 17th century BT Drawing—17th century USE Drawienś ki Park Narodowy (Poland) Drawing, Belarusian (May Subd Geog) NT Drawing, Baroque UF Belarusian drawing Drawa-Nationalpark (Poland) — — Expertising (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Belgian (May Subd Geog) USE Drawienś ki Park Narodowy (Poland) — 18th century UF Belgian drawing Drawing, Bengali (May Subd Geog) Drawa River (Poland) NT Drawing, Rococo UF Drawings, Bengali [Former heading] UF Drage River (Poland) — 19th century Drawing, Bolivian (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Poland — — Germany UF Bolivian drawing Drawing, Brazilian (May Subd Geog) Drawa River Valley (Poland) USE Drawing, German—19th century UF Brazilian drawing UF Drawa Valley (Poland) — 20th century Drawing, British (May Subd Geog) BT Valleys—Poland UF British drawing NT Drawing, Abstract Drawing, Buddhist Drawa River Watershed (Poland) Drawing, Cubist USE Buddhist drawing BT Watersheds—Poland Drawing, Bulgarian (May Subd Geog) — 21st century UF Bulgarian drawing Drawa Valley (Poland) — Ability testing Drawing, Byzantine (May Subd Geog) USE Drawa River Valley (Poland) UF Byzantine drawing USE Drawing ability—Testing Drawing, Canadian (May Subd Geog) Drawbacks (May Subd Geog) — Adaptations UF Canadian drawing [HF1715-HF1718] NT Eskimo drawing UF Border taxes UF Adaptations, Drawing Inuit drawing Rebates of duties — Attribution Drawing, Catalan (May Subd Geog) Tariff rebates UF Catalan drawing BT Tariff UF Attribution of drawing Drawing, Central European (Not Subd Geog) Drawing—Reattribution UF Central European drawing — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Cherokee Drawbenches BT Drawing—Expertising USE Cherokee drawing — Awards (May Subd Geog) USE Metal-drawing machinery Drawbridges (May Subd Geog) NT Edwin-Scharff-Preis — Classification [TG420] BT Movable bridges USE Classification—Drawing Drawdown, Reservoir — Competitions (May Subd Geog) USE Reservoir drawdown — Copying Drawdy family — Expertising (May Subd Geog) USE Droddy family Drawer chests NT Drawing—Attribution USE Chests Drawida (May Subd Geog) [QL391.A6] BT Moniligastridae Drawieński National Park (Poland) USE Drawieński Park Narodowy (Poland) Drawieński Park Narodowy (Poland) UF Drawa National Park (Poland) Drawa-Nationalpark (Poland) Drawieński National Park (Poland) BT National parks and reserves—Poland Drawing (May Subd Geog) [NC] UF Drawings [Former heading] D-252
Drawing, Chilean (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Israeli (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Slovenian (May Subd Geog) UF Chilean drawing UF Israeli drawing UF Slovenian drawing Drawing, Chinese (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Italian (May Subd Geog) Drawing, South African (May Subd Geog) UF Chinese drawing UF Italian drawing UF South African drawing NT Admiranda urbis Venetae (Drawings) — Tang-Five dynasties, 618-960 Drawing, Soviet (May Subd Geog) — Ming-Chʻing dynasties, 1368-1912 — Expertising (May Subd Geog) UF Drawing of the Soviet Union Drawing, Ivoirian (May Subd Geog) Soviet drawing USE Drawing, Chinese—Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1912 UF Ivoirian drawing Drawing, Spanish (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Japanese (May Subd Geog) UF Drawings, Spanish [Former heading] — Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1912 Spanish drawing UF Drawing, Chinese—Ming-Chʻing UF Japanese drawing dynasties, 1368-1912 [Former heading] — Edo period, 1600-1868 — Flemish influences — Meiji period, 1868-1912 BT Flanders—Civilization — 20th century Drawing, Kiowa Drawing, Colombian (May Subd Geog) USE Kiowa drawing — Italian influences Drawing, Korean (May Subd Geog) BT Italy—Civilization UF Colombian drawing Drawing, Croatian (May Subd Geog) UF Korean drawing Drawing, Structural Drawing, Kurdish (May Subd Geog) USE Structural drawing UF Croatian drawing Drawing, Cubist (May Subd Geog) UF Kurdish drawing Drawing, Swedish (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Landscape architectural UF Swedish drawing UF Cubist drawing BT Cubism USE Landscape architectural drawing Drawing, Swiss (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Latin American (Not Subd Geog) UF Swiss drawing Drawing—20th century Drawing, Czech (May Subd Geog) UF Latin American drawing Drawing, Tantric-Buddhist Drawing, Marine USE Tantric-Buddhist drawing UF Czech drawing Drawing, Danish (May Subd Geog) USE Marine drawing Drawing, Thai (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Medieval (May Subd Geog) [NC335] UF Danish drawing UF Thai drawing Drawing, Dutch (May Subd Geog) UF Drawings, Medieval [Former heading] Medieval drawing Drawing, Tibetan (May Subd Geog) UF Dutch drawing UF Tibetan drawing Drawing, Egyptian (May Subd Geog) — Byzantine influences BT Byzantine Empire—Civilization Drawing, Turkish (May Subd Geog) UF Egyptian drawing UF Turkish drawing Drawing, English (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Mexican (May Subd Geog) UF Mexican drawing Drawing, Ukrainian (May Subd Geog) UF English drawing UF Ukrainian drawing Drawing, Erotic Drawing, Navajo USE Navajo drawing Drawing, Uruguayan (May Subd Geog) USE Erotic drawing UF Uruguayan drawing Drawing, Eskimo Drawing, Naval USE Naval drafting Drawing, Uzbek (May Subd Geog) USE Eskimo drawing UF Uzbek drawing Drawing, Estonian (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Netherlandish (Not Subd Geog) [NC248] Drawing, Venezuelan (May Subd Geog) UF Estonian drawing Here are entered works on drawing from the Low UF Venezuelan drawing Drawing, European (Not Subd Geog) Countries before the 17th century. Works on drawing Drawing, Vietnamese (May Subd Geog) UF European drawing from countries or areas within the Low Countries are UF Vietnamese drawing Drawing, Fauvist (May Subd Geog) entered under the specific heading for the country or area, e.g. Drawing, Dutch; Drawing, Flemish. Drawing, Welsh (May Subd Geog) [NC95.5.F38] UF Welsh drawing UF Fauvist drawing UF Netherlandish drawing BT Drawing, French—20th century Drawing, New Zealand (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Woolen and worsted USE Woolen and worsted drawing Fauvism UF New Zealand drawing Drawing, Finnish (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Nigerian (May Subd Geog) Drawing (Metal-work) (May Subd Geog) BT Forging UF Finnish drawing UF Nigerian drawing Metal stamping Drawing, Flemish (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Non-objective NT Deep drawing (Metal-work) Wiredrawing UF Flemish drawing USE Drawing, Abstract Drawing, French (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Northern European (Not Subd Geog) Drawing (Staple fibers) USE Woolen and worsted drawing UF French drawing UF Northern European drawing — 20th century Drawing, Norwegian (May Subd Geog) Drawing ability (May Subd Geog) UF Drawing skills NT Drawing, Fauvist UF Norwegian drawing BT Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.) Drawing, French-Canadian (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Papua New Guinea Creative ability Drawing, Psychology of UF French-Canadian drawing USE Drawing, Papua New Guinean Drawing, Georgian (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Papua New Guinean (May Subd Geog) — Testing UF Drawing—Ability testing UF Georgian drawing UF Drawing, Papua New Guinea [Former Drawing, German (May Subd Geog) heading] Drawing ability in children (May Subd Geog) Papua New Guinean drawing [BF723.D7] UF German drawing BT Creative ability in children — 19th century Drawing, Polish (May Subd Geog) UF Polish drawing — Cross-cultural studies UF Drawing—19th century—Germany Drawing books [Former heading] Drawing, Portuguese (May Subd Geog) UF Portuguese drawing BT Books Drawing, Gothic (May Subd Geog) Drawing chambers UF Drawings, Gothic [Former heading] Drawing, Psychology of Gothic drawing [BF456.D7] USE Drawing rooms BT Psychology Drawing from photographs Drawing, Greek (May Subd Geog) RT Graphology [NC252-NC254] NT Drawing ability BT Art and photography UF Greek drawing Tree test Drawing—Technique Photographs Drawing, Greenlandic (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Renaissance (May Subd Geog) UF Greenlandic drawing UF Drawings, Renaissance [Former heading] Drawing in (Weaving) NT Eskimo drawing Renaissance drawing BT Weaving Inuit drawing BT Drawing—16th century Drawing instruments (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Guadeloupe (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Rococo (May Subd Geog) [NC845-NC915 (Art)] UF Guadeloupe drawing UF Rococo drawing [T375-T377 (Mechanical drawing)] BT Drawing—18th century UF Instruments, Drawing Drawing, Hopi BT Artists' tools USE Hopi drawing Drawing, Romanian (May Subd Geog) Mathematical instruments UF Romanian drawing NT Compasses (Mathematical instruments) Drawing, Hungarian (May Subd Geog) French curves (Drawing instruments) UF Hungarian drawing Drawing, Russian (May Subd Geog) Marquois scales (Drawing instruments) UF Russian drawing Pantograph Drawing, Hunkpapa NT Eskimo drawing Rulers (Instruments) USE Hunkpapa drawing Squares (Instruments) Drawing, San (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Indian UF San drawing Drawing materials (May Subd Geog) USE Indian drawing NT Crayons Drawing, Scottish (May Subd Geog) Tracing-cloth Drawing, Indic (May Subd Geog) UF Scottish drawing UF Indic drawing — Catalogs Drawing, Serbian (May Subd Geog) [T377 (Mechanical drawing)] Drawing, Indonesian (May Subd Geog) UF Serbian drawing UF Indonesian drawing Drawing of the Soviet Union Drawing, Shaker USE Drawing, Soviet Drawing, Inuit USE Shaker drawing USE Inuit drawing Drawing, Slovak (May Subd Geog) Drawing, Iranian (May Subd Geog) UF Slovak drawing UF Iranian drawing Drawing, Iraqi (May Subd Geog) UF Iraqi drawing Drawing, Irish (May Subd Geog) UF Irish drawing D-253
Drawing-room management Dream Mine (Utah) Dredge fishing [T352] USE Koyle Relief Mine (Utah) USE Dredging (Fisheries) BT Management Dream Park (Imaginary place) (Not Subd Geog) Dredge harvesting Drawing-room practice BT Imaginary places USE Dredging (Fisheries) [T352 (Mechanical drawing)] [TJ227 (Mechanical engineering)] Dream pop (Music) Dredge No. 4 National Historic Site (Yukon) UF Drafting-room practice USE Shoegaze (Music) UF Dredge Number Four National Historic Site BT Mechanical drawing (Yukon) NT Engineering drawings—Detailing Dream speech Lieu historique national du Canada de la Engineering drawings—Dimensioning USE Language and languages in dreams Drague-Numéro-Quatre (Yukon) Microfilm aperture card systems—Engineering BT Historic sites—Yukon drawings Dream-time (Aboriginal Australian mythology) National parks and reserves—Yukon USE Dreamtime (Aboriginal Australian mythology) Drawing rooms (May Subd Geog) Dredge Number Four National Historic Site (Yukon) [NK2117.D7 (Interior decoration)] Dreamcatchers (May Subd Geog) USE Dredge No. 4 National Historic Site (Yukon) UF Drawing chambers UF Dream catchers Withdrawing rooms BT Indian mythology Dredge spoil BT Reception rooms USE Dredging spoil Dreamer Indians Drawing skills USE Tsattine Indians Dredged material USE Drawing ability USE Dredging spoil Dreaming Drawings USE Dreams Dredgers USE Drawing USE Dredges Dreaming, The (Aboriginal Australian mythology) Drawings, Bengali USE Dreamtime (Aboriginal Australian mythology) Dredgers, Spice USE Drawing, Bengali USE Spice shakers Dreamland (New York, N.Y.) Drawings, Children's This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Dredges (May Subd Geog) USE Children's drawings [TC188] subdivision. UF Dredgers Drawings, Floor-plan Dredging machinery [Former heading] USE Floor plans BT Amusement parks—New York (State) BT Earthmoving machinery Dreamliner (Jet transport) Excavating machinery Drawings, Gothic Work boats USE Drawing, Gothic USE Boeing 787 Dreamliner (Jet transport) Dreams (May Subd Geog) — Electric driving (May Subd Geog) Drawings, Magic BT Electric driving USE Magic drawings [BF1074-BF1099 (Parapsychology)] [QP426 (Physiology)] — Electric equipment (May Subd Geog) Drawings, Medieval [RC499.D7 (Hypnosis)] [TC188] USE Drawing, Medieval UF Dreaming BT Subconsciousness — Yukon Drawings, Renaissance UF Dredges—Yukon Territory [Former USE Drawing, Renaissance Visions heading] RT Sleep Drawings, Shaker NT Children in dreams — Yukon Territory USE Shaker drawing USE Dredges—Yukon Children's dreams Drawings, Spanish Death in dreams Dredging (May Subd Geog) USE Drawing, Spanish Families in dreams [TC187-TC188] Fantasy BT Excavation Drawings, Upward Fortune-telling by dreams Hydraulic engineering USE Hasse diagrams Language and languages in dreams SA subdivision Effect of dredging on under Language disorders in dreams individual animals and groups of animals Drawn-work (May Subd Geog) Lucid dreams and individual plants and groups of plants, [TT785-TT791] Men's dreams e.g. Fishes--Effect of dredging on; Aquatic BT Counted thread embroidery Monsters in dreams plants--Effect of dredging on Fancy work Nightmares NT Dredging spoil Needlework Sex in dreams NT Hardanger needlework Teenagers' dreams — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Vampires in dreams BT Engineering law — Patterns Water in dreams [TT785-TT791] Women's dreams Dredging (Biology) — Interpretation [QH61-QH63] Drax Hall Plantation Site (Jamaica) USE Dream interpretation BT Marine sediments BT Jamaica—Antiquities — Religious aspects Natural history—Technique — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Zoological specimens—Collection and Draycot Estate (England) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] preservation BT Manors—England Dreams, Wet USE Nocturnal emissions Dredging (Fisheries) (May Subd Geog) Draycott Abbey (Imaginary place) (Not Subd Geog) Dreams and the arts (May Subd Geog) UF Bottom trawling BT Imaginary places [NX180.D74] Dredge fisheries UF Arts and dreams Dredge fishing Drayton Hall (S.C.) BT Arts Dredge harvesting BT Dwellings—South Carolina Dreams in art (Not Subd Geog) Harvesting, Dredge Plantations—South Carolina Dreams in literature (Not Subd Geog) Trawling, Bottom Dreams in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) BT Bottom fishing Drayton Harbor (Wash.) BT Motion pictures Shellfish fisheries UF Puerto de San Jose (Wash.) Dreams in opera (Not Subd Geog) San Jose, Puerto de (Wash.) BT Opera Dredging (Gold mining) BT Bays—Washington (State) Dreams in the Bible USE Gold dredging [BS2545.D74 (New Testament)] Drayton Harbor Watershed (Wash.) NT Jacob's ladder (Biblical dream) Dredging industry (May Subd Geog) BT Watersheds—Washington (State) Dreams on television (Not Subd Geog) [HD9717.5.D72-HD9717.5.D724] BT Television BT Construction industry Drayton's Fish Hall Plantation Site (S.C.) Dreamtime (Aboriginal Australian mythology) USE Fish Hall Plantation Site (S.C.) (May Subd Geog) Dredging machinery UF Alchera (Aboriginal Australian mythology) USE Dredges Draznin family (Not Subd Geog) Alcheringa (Aboriginal Australian mythology) Drea (Name) Dream-time (Aboriginal Australian mythology) Dredging spoil (May Subd Geog) Dreaming, The (Aboriginal Australian [TC187] USE Andrew (Name) mythology) UF Dredge spoil Dreack family Dreamtime (Australian aboriginal mythology) Dredged material [Former heading] Material, Dredged USE Drake family The dreaming (Aboriginal Australian Spoil, Dredging Dreadlocks (May Subd Geog) mythology) BT Dredging BT Mythology, Aboriginal Australian Waste products BT Hairstyles Dreamtime (Australian aboriginal mythology) RT Spoil banks Dreadlocks (Fictitious character : Batts) USE Dreamtime (Aboriginal Australian mythology) Dreamy Draw Dam (Ariz.) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) (Not Subd Geog) BT Dams—Arizona Dreffein family (Not Subd Geog) Dreadnought cruisers Dreany family (Not Subd Geog) Dregovichi (Slavic people) Dreckow family (Not Subd Geog) USE Battle cruisers Dredge fisheries USE Drygavichy (Slavic people) Dreadnoughts USE Dredging (Fisheries) Drehbol family (Not Subd Geog) USE Battleships UF Drehobel family Dream analysis Drehoble family Dreyhobel family USE Dream interpretation Dream catchers Drehem (Extinct city) UF Durayhim (Extinct city) USE Dreamcatchers Puzurish-Dagan (Extinct city) Dream interpretation (May Subd Geog) UF Analysis, Dream Dream analysis Dreams—Interpretation Interpretation, Dream Dream interpretation in rabbinical literature [BM496.9.D73] BT Rabbinical literature D-254
BT Extinct cities—Iraq Drenica (Kosovo : Region) Dresden 152 (Transport plane) Iraq—Antiquities UF Drenica (Serbia : Region) [Former heading] USE Baade 152 (Transport plane) Drškovina (Kosovo) Dreher family Dresden Fortress (Dresden, Germany) USE Dreyer family Drenica (Serbia : Region) USE Festung Dresden (Dresden, Germany) USE Drenica (Kosovo : Region) Drehobel family Dresden Heath (Germany) USE Drehbol family Drennan family (Not Subd Geog) UF Dresdener Heide (Germany) UF Drennen family BT Heathlands—Germany Drehoble family USE Drehbol family Drennen family Dresden, Peace of, 1745 USE Drennan family [DD407.5] Drehovichians (Slavic people) USE Drygavichy (Slavic people) Drenning family Dresden plate quilts (May Subd Geog) USE Drinnon family BT Quilts Drehovychi (Slavic people) USE Drygavichy (Slavic people) Drentsche patrijshond (May Subd Geog) Dresden porcelain [SF429.D7] [NK4380] Drehu language UF Dutch spaniel UF Porcelain, Dresden USE Dehu language BT Spaniels RT Meissen porcelain Drei Zinnen, Battles of, Italy, 1915-1917 Drepaneidae Dresdener Heide (Germany) USE Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Battles of, Italy, 1915- USE Sicklefishes USE Dresden Heath (Germany) 1917 Drepanidae Dresdner Neue Rathaus (Dresden, Germany) Dreick family USE Drepanidae (Insects) USE Neues Rathaus (Dresden, Germany) USE Drake family Drepanidae (Birds) Dresdner Schauspielhaus (Dresden, Germany) Dreidel (Game) (May Subd Geog) USE Hawaiian honeycreepers USE Staatsschauspiel Dresden (Dresden, Germany) [GV1202.D72] UF Hanukkah tops (Game) Drepanidae (Fishes) Dresher family BT Games USE Sicklefishes USE Dresser family Dreier family Drepanidae (Insects) (May Subd Geog) Dress USE Dreyer family [QL561.D7 (Zoology)] USE Clothing and dress UF Auzatidae Dreifus family Drepanidae [Former heading] Dress, Traditional USE Dreyfus family Drepanids (Insects) USE Ethnic costume Drepanulidae Dreifuss family Platyptericidae Dress accessories (May Subd Geog) USE Dreyfus family Platypterygidae [TT649.8-TT668] BT Lepidoptera UF Accessories (Dress) Dreikaiserbund, 1872 Moths Costume accessories USE Three Emperors' League, 1872 Fashion accessories Drepanididae BT Clothing and dress Dreikaiserbund, 1881 USE Hawaiian honeycreepers NT Eyewear USE Three Emperors' League, 1881 Fans Drepanidinae Handbags Dreisam River (Germany) USE Hawaiian honeycreepers Handkerchiefs BT Rivers—Germany Jewelry Drepanidine finches Millinery Dreisam River Valley (Germany) USE Hawaiian honeycreepers Ornamental combs USE Dreisam Valley (Germany) Drepanidines — Patterns Dreisam Valley (Germany) USE Hawaiian honeycreepers UF Dress accessory patterns UF Dreisam River Valley (Germany) Patterns for dress accessories Dreisamtal (Germany) Drepanids (Fishes) BT Valleys—Germany USE Sicklefishes — China — — History Dreisamtal (Germany) Drepanids (Insects) — — — Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1912 USE Dreisam Valley (Germany) USE Drepanidae (Insects) — Korea — — History Dreisbach family (Not Subd Geog) Drepaniidae — — — To 935 UF Dresbach family USE Hawaiian honeycreepers Dress accessory patterns Driesbach family USE Dress accessories—Patterns Drepanis coccinea Dress codes (May Subd Geog) Dreissena (May Subd Geog) USE Iiwi [QL430.7.D8] UF Codes, Dress UF Dreissensia Drepanocladus (May Subd Geog) BT Clothing and dress—Social aspects Trichogonia [QK539.A6] Dress codes in the workplace (May Subd Geog) BT Dreissenidae BT Amblystegiaceae [HF5549.5.D66] NT Quagga mussel UF Employee dress codes Zebra mussel Drepanocytic anemia USE Sickle cell anemia Workplace dress codes Dreissena bugensis BT Work environment USE Quagga mussel Drepanognathus saltator Dress design USE Harpegnathos saltator USE Fashion design Dreissena polymorpha Dress designers USE Zebra mussel Drepanogynis (May Subd Geog) USE Fashion designers [QL561.G6 (Zoology)] Dress forms Dreissena rostriformis bugensis BT Geometridae [TT523] USE Quagga mussel UF Dressmaker's models Drepanosiphidae (May Subd Geog) Dreissenidae (May Subd Geog) [QL523.D74] Forms, Dress [QL430.7.D8] BT Hemiptera Models, Dressmaker's UF Dreisseniidae BT Dressmaking Dreissensidae Drepanulidae Mannequins (Figures) BT Veneroida USE Drepanidae (Insects) Sewing NT Dreissena Dressage (May Subd Geog) Dreros (Extinct city) [SF309.48-SF309.658] Dreissenidae, Fossil (May Subd Geog) UF Drerus (Extinct city) BT Horsemanship [QE812.D7] BT Extinct cities—Greece Horses—Training BT Veneroida, Fossil Greece—Antiquities RT Haute école (Horsemanship) NT Congeria NT Riding aids Dreissensia, Fossil Drerus (Extinct city) — Competitions (May Subd Geog) USE Dreros (Extinct city) Dreisseniidae [SF309.6] USE Dreissenidae Dresbach family UF Dressage rallies USE Dreisbach family NT Dressage tests Dreissensia USE Dreissena Dresden (Germany) Musical freestyle rides (Dressage) — History — — Rules Dreissensia, Fossil (May Subd Geog) [DD901.D71-DD901.D79] — — England [QE812.D7] — — Bombardment, 1945 BT Dreissenidae, Fossil BT Bombing, Aerial—Germany NT International Dressage Championship, World War, 1939- England Dreissensidae 1945—Campaigns—Germany USE Dreissenidae — Judging Dresden (Germany). Neumarkt USE Dressage—Officiating Dreja family USE Neumarkt (Dresden, Germany) USE Dryja family — Officiating (May Subd Geog) Dresden, Battle of, 1813 UF Dressage—Judging [Former heading] Drenai (Imaginary place) (Not Subd Geog) USE Dresden, Battle of, Dresden, Germany, 1813 BT Sports officiating BT Imaginary places RT Dressage tests Dresden, Battle of, Dresden, Germany, 1813 Drench effect [DC236.7.D8] USE Drench hypothesis UF Dresden, Battle of, 1813 [Former heading] Dresden (Germany), Battle of, 1813 [Former Drench hypothesis heading] UF Drench effect BT Napoleonic Wars, 1800- BT Impression formation (Psychology) 1815—Campaigns—Germany Drenchwater Creek (Alaska) Dresden (Germany), Battle of, 1813 BT Rivers—Alaska USE Dresden, Battle of, Dresden, Germany, 1813 D-255
Dressage driving (May Subd Geog) Dressmaking (May Subd Geog) Dreyfous family [SF305.8.D73] [HD9942 (Economics)] USE Dreyfus family UF Driven dressage [TT500-TT560 (Manufacture)] BT Show driving of horse-drawn vehicles BT Fashion Dreyfus family (Not Subd Geog) RT Needlework UF Dreifus family Dressage horse trainers (May Subd Geog) Sewing Dreifuss family BT Horse trainers Tailoring (Women's) Dreyfous family Women's clothing Dreyfuss family Dressage horses (May Subd Geog) NT Clothing and dress—Alteration [SF309.65-SF309.653] Clothing and dress—Remaking Dreyfuss family BT Competition horses Directional stitching USE Dreyfus family SA names of individual dressage horses Dress forms Dressmaking materials Dreyhobel family Dressage rallies Facings (Clothing) USE Drehbol family USE Dressage—Competitions Hems Linings (Sewing) Dreyja family Dressage riders (May Subd Geog) Newspapers—Sections, columns, USE Dryja family UF Riders, Dressage etc.—Fashion BT Horsemen and horsewomen Staystitching Dreyling family (Not Subd Geog) Underlinings (Clothing) UF Von Dreyling family Dressage tests (May Subd Geog) Waistbands BT Dressage—Competitions Dreyse machine gun (Not Subd Geog) Horse sports — Pattern books BT Machine guns RT Dressage—Officiating USE Dressmaking—Patterns NT Grand Prix de Dressage Drežnica (Croatia) — Pattern design (May Subd Geog) DRGs (Medical care) Dressel family [TT520] USE Dresser family BT Tailoring—Pattern design USE Diagnosis related groups NT Hanbok—Pattern design DRI Canadian Primary Source Data Base (Information Dresselhaus family (Not Subd Geog) Kimonos—Pattern design Dresser family (Not Subd Geog) Retrieval System) — Patterns USE DBCAND (Information retrieval system) UF Dresher family [TT520] DRI Curr. Econ. Indic. Data Base (Information retrieval Dressel family UF Dressmaking—Pattern books [Former system) Dressler family heading] USE DRICEI (Information retrieval system) Dressor family Sewing—Patterns DRI Current Economic Indicators Data Base (Information retrieval system) Dressers, Window — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) USE DRICEI (Information retrieval system) USE Window dressers [TT508] DRI-SEC (Information retrieval system) Dresses (May Subd Geog) Dressmaking materials (May Subd Geog) BT Information storage and retrieval BT Women's clothing [TT557] systems—Corporations—Finance NT Coatdresses BT Dressmaking Information storage and retrieval Jumpers (Dresses) systems—Securities Qipao Dressor family USE Dresser family DRI U.S. Central Data Bank (Information retrieval — China system) Dressing, Salad Dreux, Counts of (Not Subd Geog) UF Data Resources, Inc. U.S. Central Data Bank UF Counts of Dreux (Information retrieval system) USE Salad dressing BT Nobility—France @USCEN (Information retrieval system) Dressing (Clothing) BT Information storage and retrieval Dreveldt family systems—Economic indicators USE Clothing and dress USE Van Dreveldt family Information storage and retrieval Dressing (Stuffing) systems—Finance Drever family (Not Subd Geog) USE Stuffing (Cooking) Drew, Jessica (Fictitious character) Dribbling (Soccer) Dressing bureaux BT Soccer USE Spider-Woman (Fictitious character) USE Dressing tables Drew, Kitty (Fictitious character) DRICEI (Information retrieval system) Dressing flies UF DRI Curr. Econ. Indic. Data Base (Information USE Drew, Nancy (Fictitious character) retrieval system) USE Fly tying Drew, Nancy (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) DRI Current Economic Indicators Data Base Dressing of crabs (Information retrieval system) UF Alice Roy (Fictitious character) BT Information storage and retrieval USE Crabs, Dressing of Drew, Kitty (Fictitious character) systems—Economic indicators Dressing of fish Kitty Drew (Fictitious character) Nancy Drew (Fictitious character) Dried beans (May Subd Geog) USE Fishes, Dressing of Roy, Alice (Fictitious character) UF Beans, Dried [Former heading] Dressing of game BT Beans Drew family (Not Subd Geog) Dried vegetables USE Game and game-birds, Dressing of UF Drewes family Dressing of ores Drews family — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Drue family — Storage (May Subd Geog) USE Ore-dressing Dried beef (May Subd Geog) Dressing of rabbits Drew Pearson Prize for Investigative Reporting BT Investigative reporting—Awards—United UF Beef, Dried [Former heading] USE Rabbits, Dressing of States Charqui Dressing rooms (Performing arts) (May Subd Geog) Jerky Drew W. Weaver Post Office Building (Saint Charles, BT Rooms Mo.) BT Beef Dressing tables (May Subd Geog) USE Lance Corporal Drew W. Weaver Post Office Dried meat Building (Saint Charles, Mo.) UF Coiffeuses (Tables) Dried beef industry (May Subd Geog) Dressing bureaux Drewamine [HD9433] Toilet tables USE Morpholine BT Beef industry Vanities (Dressing tables) Dried food industry Drewenz River (Poland) BT Tables USE Drwęca River (Poland) Dried blueberries (May Subd Geog) Dressings, Mold (Founding) UF Blueberries, Dried [Former heading] Drewes family BT Blueberries USE Foundry coatings USE Drew family Dried fruit Dressings, Periodontal Drewry family Dried citrus pulp (May Subd Geog) USE Periodontal dressings USE Drury family UF Citrus fruit pulp, Dried Dressings, Salad BT Citrus fruit industry—By-products Drewrys Bluff, Battle of, Va., 1864 USE Salad dressing [E476.57] Dried coconut (May Subd Geog) Dressings (Stuffing) BT United States—History—Civil War, 1861- BT Coconut 1865—Campaigns Dried fruit USE Stuffing (Cooking) Virginia—History—Civil War, 1861-1865 NT Copra Dressings (Surgery) Drews family Dried coffee USE Surgical dressings USE Drew family USE Instant coffee Dressler family Drexel family (Not Subd Geog) Dried eggs (May Subd Geog) USE Dresser family UF Drexler family UF Eggs, Dried [Former heading] Dresslerella (May Subd Geog) Powdered eggs Drexel-Preis BT Dried foods [QK495.O64] USE Joseph-E.-Drexel-Preis Eggs BT Orchids Dresslerville Colony (Nev.) Drexler family Dried fish (May Subd Geog) USE Dresslerville Indian Colony (Nev.) USE Drexel family UF Fish, Dried [Former heading] Dresslerville Indian Colony (Nev.) BT Dried fishery products UF Dresslerville Colony (Nev.) Dreyer family (Not Subd Geog) Fish as food BT Indian reservations—Nevada UF Dreher family Dressmakers (May Subd Geog) Dreier family Dried fishery products (May Subd Geog) UF Seamsters Dryer family UF Fishery products, Dried [Former heading] BT Clothing workers NT Women dressmakers — Wages USE Wages—Dressmakers Dressmaker's models USE Dress forms D-256
BT Fishery products Dried meat (May Subd Geog) Drift, Continental NT Dried fish UF Meat, Dried [Former heading] USE Continental drift BT Dried foods Dried seafood Meat Drift, Ionospheric Trepang NT Dried beef USE Ionospheric drift Dried flower arrangement (May Subd Geog) Pemmican [SB449.3.D7] Drift, Light induced UF Dried plant material arrangement Dried milk (May Subd Geog) USE Light induced drift BT Everlasting flowers [SF259] Flower arrangement UF Milk, Dried [Former heading] Drift, Littoral Flowers—Drying Milk, Powdered USE Littoral drift Dried flower industry (May Subd Geog) Powdered milk [SB445.5] BT Dried foods DRIFT (Downstream Response to Imposed Flow BT Ornamental plant industry Milk Transformations) Dried flower pictures NT Dried skim milk UF Downstream Response to Imposed Flow USE Preserved flower pictures Transformations Dried flowers (May Subd Geog) Dried milk industry (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Regulation UF Dry flowers [HD9282] BT Flowers BT Dairy products industry Drift anchors RT Flowers—Drying Dried food industry USE Anchors, Sea — Lithuania Dried peas (May Subd Geog) Drift boats (May Subd Geog) NT Vilnius palms UF Peas, Dried [Former heading] UF Drift fishers (Boats) Dried food industry (May Subd Geog) BT Dried vegetables Driftboats Peas Drifters (Fishing boats) [HD9218] BT Fishing boats BT Food industry and trade Dried pine needles NT Dried beef industry USE Pine straw Drift bottles (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on bottles containing a Dried fruit industry Dried plant material arrangement Dried milk industry USE Dried flower arrangement record of the time and place at which they were set Dried foods (May Subd Geog) adrift in the ocean for use in determining the [TX609] Dried prune circulation of surface waters in the ocean. General UF Dehydrated foods USE Prune works on bottles containing messages are entered Desiccated foods under Ocean bottles. Food, Dried [Former heading] Dried seafood (May Subd Geog) BT Food UF Seafood, Dried UF Floaters (Bottles) RT Food—Drying BT Dried fishery products BT Ocean bottles NT Bouillon cubes Seafood Dried eggs Oceanography—Equipment and supplies Dried fruit Dried skim milk (May Subd Geog) Drift chambers (May Subd Geog) Dried fruit juices [TX556.M5 (Composition)] Dried meat UF Dry skim milk [QC787.D74] Dried milk BT Dried milk UF Multiwire drift chambers Dried tofu Skim milk BT Nuclear counters Dried vegetable juices Drift Creek (Drift Creek Wilderness-Alsea River Estuary, Dried vegetables Dried tofu (May Subd Geog) Or.) Freeze-dried foods [TX558.T57] BT Rivers—Oregon — Microbiology (May Subd Geog) UF Bean curd, Dried [Former heading] Drift Creek Watershed (Drift Creek Wilderness-Alsea — Patents Tofu, Dried [Former heading] River Estuary, Or.) BT Dried foods BT Watersheds—Oregon UF Food—Drying—Patents [Former heading] Tofu Drift Creek Wilderness (Or.) — Use in cooking BT National parks and reserves—Oregon Dried tomatoes (May Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Dried foods) UF Sun-dried tomatoes Wilderness areas—Oregon Dried fruit (May Subd Geog) BT Dried vegetables Drift fences (May Subd Geog) Tomatoes UF Fruit, Dried [Former heading] BT Fences BT Dried foods Dried vegetable juices (May Subd Geog) Drift fishers (Boats) BT Dried foods Fruit Vegetable juices USE Drift boats NT Dried blueberries NT Dried green barley juice Drift in transducers Dried coconut Dried vegetables (May Subd Geog) USE Transducers—Drift Export duties on dried fruit UF Vegetables, Dried [Former heading] Drift indicator — Patents BT Dried foods Vegetables [TL589.2.D7] UF Fruit—Drying—Patents RT Vegetables—Drying UF Drift meter — Quality (May Subd Geog) NT Dried beans Dried peas Drift sight BT Quality of products Dried tomatoes Driftmeter — Use in cooking BT Aeronautical instruments — Patents Drift meter USE Cooking (Dried fruit) UF Vegetables—Drying—Patents USE Drift indicator Dried fruit industry (May Subd Geog) Drift mobility Driefontein, Battle of, South Africa, 1900 UF Mobility, Drift [HD9240-HD9259] BT South African War, 1899-1902—Campaigns BT Semiconductors BT Dried food industry NT Light induced drift Dried fruit juices (May Subd Geog) Driekoppies Dam (South Africa) Drift net fisheries BT Dried foods UF Driekoppiesdam (South Africa) USE Drift net fishing BT Dams—South Africa Drift net fishing (May Subd Geog) Fruit juices [SH344.6.D74] NT Dried grapefruit juice Driekoppiesdam (South Africa) UF Drift net fisheries Dried grape wine (May Subd Geog) USE Driekoppies Dam (South Africa) Driftnet fishing UF Paille,́ Vin de Driftnetting Drier Bay (Alaska) BT Fisheries Passito wine BT Bays—Alaska — Bycatches (May Subd Geog) Raisin wine Estuaries—Alaska Schilfwein BT Bycatches (Fisheries) Straw wine Driers (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Strohwein [TP937.7] Vin de Paillé Here are entered works on driers used in paints, BT Fishery law and legislation Vin Paillé Drift of sea ice BT Wine and wine making varnishes, etc. Works on driers used to remove Dried grapefruit juice (May Subd Geog) moisture are entered under Drying agents. Works on USE Sea ice drift UF Grapefruit juice, Dried [Former heading] equipment used in drying operations are entered Drift sight BT Dried fruit juices under Drying apparatus. Grapefruit juice USE Drift indicator Dried green barley juice (May Subd Geog) BT Drying agents Drift waves [RM666.B34 (Therapeutics)] NT Drying oils UF Dehydrated green barley juice Dries family (Not Subd Geog) UF Waves, Drift Green barley essence Driesbach family BT Plasma confinement Green barley juice, Dried USE Dreisbach family Green barley powder Drift (May Subd Geog) Plasma waves BT Dried vegetable juices [QE579] Drift Wood Fork (Ind.) Green barley juice UF Glacial drift USE Driftwood River (Ind.) Glacial sediments Driftboats Till (Geology) BT Geology, Stratigraphic—Pleistocene USE Drift boats Sediments (Geology) Drifters (May Subd Geog) NT Boulders Valley trains BT Rogues and vagabonds Drifters (Fishing boats) USE Drift boats Drifters in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) [PN1995.9.D68] BT Motion pictures D-257
Drifting (Motorsport) (May Subd Geog) Drill Hall (Shrewsbury, England) BT Boring [GV1029.9.D75] BT Church buildings—England Excavation BT Motorsports Military camps—England Oil field chemicals Oil well drilling Drifting ice stations (May Subd Geog) Drill pipe Soil stabilization UF Floating ice stations UF Drill rod Ice stations, Drifting BT Boring NT Formation damage (Petroleum engineering) RT Ice islands Oil well drilling rigs Mud logging BT Oceanographic research stations Pipe Oil well drilling—Lost circulation Sea ice NT Drill stem — Additives (May Subd Geog) — Antarctica — Joints — Pumping NT Dakshin Gangotri (Drifting ice station) BT Joints (Engineering) USE Mud pumps — Arctic Ocean — Maintenance and repair Drilling muds, Aerated NT Arlis II (Drifting ice station) Drill pipe, Aluminum UF Aerated drilling muds Drifting of continents UF Aluminum drill pipe Drilling platform construction contracts USE Continental drift Drill presses (May Subd Geog) USE Offshore construction contracts Driftless Area [TJ1260] Drilling platforms (May Subd Geog) UF Paleozoic Plateau BT Drilling and boring machinery BT Middle West UF Marine drilling platforms Metal-working machinery Ocean drilling platforms Driftless Area National Wildlife Refuge Drill rigs Oil drilling platforms BT National parks and reserves—Illinois Oil platforms National parks and reserves—Iowa USE Oil well drilling rigs Platforms, Drilling National parks and reserves—Wisconsin Drill rod Spar platforms Wildlife refuges—Illinois Wildlife refuges—Iowa USE Drill pipe BT Offshore oil industry—Equipment and supplies Wildlife refuges—Wisconsin Drill stem (May Subd Geog) Offshore structures Oil well drilling rigs Driftmeter UF Drill string USE Drift indicator Stem, Drill NT Jackup rigs Riser pipe Driftmier family (Not Subd Geog) BT Boring machinery Driftnet fishing Drill pipe — Accidents Oil well drilling rigs — — Mexico, Gulf of USE Drift net fishing Driftnetting Drill stem testing (May Subd Geog) NT BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion and BT Gas wells—Testing Oil Spill, 2010 USE Drift net fishing Oil wells—Testing Driftwood (May Subd Geog) — Anchorage Drill string UF Mooring of drilling platforms BT Wood USE Drill stem BT Anchorage Driftwood arrangement Deep-sea moorings Drilling, Dental BT Decoration and ornament USE Dental drilling — Decommissioning (May Subd Geog) Flower arrangement UF Decommissioning of drilling platforms Drilling, Directional Driftwood River (B.C.) USE Directional drilling — Electronic equipment (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—British Columbia — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Drilling, Gas well — California Driftwood River (Ind.) USE Gas well drilling UF Drift Wood Fork (Ind.) NT Platform Hogan (Offshore oil platform) BT Rivers—Indiana Drilling, Geothermal well Platform Houchin (Offshore oil platform) USE Geothermal well drilling Driftwood River Valley (B.C.) Drilling rigs UF Driftwood Valley (B.C.) Drilling, Oil well USE Oil well drilling rigs BT Valleys—British Columbia USE Oil well drilling Drilling rigs, Oil well Driftwood sculpture (May Subd Geog) Drilling, Percussive USE Oil well drilling rigs [NB1250-NB1255] USE Percussion drilling BT Wood sculpture Drills, American system Drilling, Raise USE Churn drills Driftwood Valley (B.C.) USE Raise drilling USE Driftwood River Valley (B.C.) Drills, Cable-system Drilling, Rotary USE Churn drills Driggs family (Not Subd Geog) USE Rotary drilling Drigungpa (Sect) Drills, Churn Drilling, Underwater USE Churn drills USE ʼBri-gung-pa (Sect) USE Underwater drilling Drill (Agricultural implement) Drills, Electric Drilling, Water well USE Electric drills USE Drills (Planting machinery) USE Water well drilling Drill (not military) Drills, Emergency Drilling and boring USE Emergency drills USE Marching drills [TJ1260 (Machine-shop practice)] Drill and minor tactics Here are entered works on the drilling and boring Drills, Fire USE Fire drills UF Military drill of holes in metal, wood, and other materials, as Minor tactics carried on in workshops, etc., for construction or Drills, Marching Soldiers—Drill manufacturing purposes. Works on the operation of USE Marching drills cutting holes in earth or rocks, in order to determine BT Tactics the nature of the strata penetrated, or to furnish an Drills, Oil spill SA subdivision Drill and tactics under names of outlet for water, oil, or gas are entered under Boring. USE Oil spill drills individual military services, e.g. United BT Machining Drills, Pneumatic States. Army--Drill and tactics NT Broaching USE Pneumatic drills NT Artillery drill and tactics Cavalry drill and tactics Center punches Drills, Rotary percussion Drum majoring Laser drilling USE Rotary percussion drills Infantry drill and tactics Micro-drilling Military exhibition drill — Computer programs Drills, Wagon (Pneumatic machinery) Night fighting (Military science) USE Wagon drills (Pneumatic machinery) Rome—Army—Drill and tactics [TJ1260] Tent drill Drilling and boring machinery (May Subd Geog) Drills (Planting machinery) (May Subd Geog) Zarnit︠s︡a UF Drill (Agricultural implement) [Former heading] Drill bits [TJ1260-TJ1270 (Machine tools)] Grain drills USE Bits (Drilling and boring) BT Machine-tools Seed drills Drill core analysis NT Bits (Drilling and boring) BT Agricultural machinery UF Analysis of drill cores Sowing—Equipment and supplies Core sampling Broaching machines NT Minimum tillage drills BT Core drilling Drill presses No-tillage drills RT Drill cores Electric drills Drill cores (May Subd Geog) Pneumatic drills Drilo River (Albania) [TA706.3] Twist drills USE Drin River (Albania) UF Cores, Drill — Drawings BT Borings — Electric equipment (May Subd Geog) Drilon River (Albania) Core drilling — Numerical control USE Drin River (Albania) RT Drill core analysis Drilling fluids NT Ice cores USE Drilling muds Drim River (Albania) Drill family (Not Subd Geog) Drilling muds (May Subd Geog) USE Drin River (Albania) Drill Hall (Great Yarmouth, England) [TN871.27] BT Military camps—England UF Drilling fluids Drimia (May Subd Geog) Sports facilities—England Fluids, Drilling [QK495.A83 (Botany)] Mud-laden fluids UF Grass, Liverseed Muds, Drilling Liverseed grass Oil well drilling fluids Urginea [Former heading] Oil well drilling muds Urginia Petroleum—Drilling fluids BT Asparagaceae NT Drimia maritima Drimia maritima (May Subd Geog) [QK495.A83 (Botany)] D-258
UF Charybdis maritima Drink offerings [TH6569.D7 (Water supply)] Onion, Sea USE Libations BT Fountains Red squill Drinking games (May Subd Geog) Scilla maritima Drink syrups [GV1202.D74] Sea onion USE Drink concentrates BT Drinking customs Squill, Red Squill, Sea Drinkable yogurt Games Urginea maritima [Former heading] USE Yogurt drinks Drinking glasses (May Subd Geog) Urginea scilla Drinkard family (Not Subd Geog) [NK5440.D75 (Decorative arts)] BT Drimia Drinker family (Not Subd Geog) UF Glasses, Drinking Drimmer family (Not Subd Geog) Drinker respirator BT Glassware Drimys (May Subd Geog) NT Advertising drinking glasses USE Iron lung [QK495.W5] Drinkers, Problem Flip glasses BT Winteraceae Hedwig glasses NT Drimys winteri USE Alcoholics Tumblers (Drinking glasses) Drimys winteri (May Subd Geog) Drinking (Physiology) Drinking horns [QK495.W5 (Botany)] USE Drinking vessels [SD397.D76 (Forestry)] [QP150] Drinking in art (Not Subd Geog) UF Canelo tree UF Fluid ingestion Drinking in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Ingestion Drinking in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Winter's bark tree RT Thirst [PN1995.9.D75] Wintersbark tree NT Deglutition BT Motion pictures BT Drimys Drinking age (May Subd Geog) Drinking in popular music (Not Subd Geog) Drin River (Albania) UF Minimum drinking age Here are entered works on the representation of UF Drilo River (Albania) BT Age drinking in popular music. Drilon River (Albania) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Drim River (Albania) BT Popular music Drini River (Albania) UF Legal drinking age Drinking in television BT Rivers—Albania BT Age (Law) Drin River, Battle of, Albania, 1448 USE Drinking on television [DR960.5] Liquor laws Drinking in the Bible UF Drin River (Albania), Battle of, 1448 [Former Drinking alcohol Drinking laws heading] BT Albanian-Venetian War, 1447- USE Alcohol USE Liquor laws 1448—Campaigns—Albania Drinking and airplane accidents (May Subd Geog) Drinking of alcoholic beverages (May Subd Geog) Drin River (Albania), Battle of, 1448 USE Drin River, Battle of, Albania, 1448 UF Airplane accidents and drinking [GT2884-GT2898 (Manners and customs)] Drina, Battles of the, 1914 Alcoholism and airplane accidents [HV5001-HV5720.5 (Social problem)] BT World War, 1914-1918—Campaigns—Bosnia UF Alcohol consumption and Herzegovina BT Aircraft accidents World War, 1914-1918—Campaigns—Serbia Drinking and boating accidents (May Subd Geog) Alcohol drinking Drina River (Bosnia and Hercegovina and Serbia) Alcohol use USE Drina River (Bosnia and Herzegovina and UF Boating accidents and drinking Alcoholic beverage consumption Serbia) BT Boating accidents Consumption of alcoholic beverages Drina River (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia) Drinking and driving Drinking problem UF Drina River (Bosnia and Hercegovina and USE Drunk driving Liquor problem [Former heading] Serbia) [Former heading] Drinking and traffic accidents (May Subd Geog) Social drinking Drinus (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia) [HE5620.D7] BT Alcoholic beverages BT Rivers—Bosnia and Herzegovina Here are entered works on the relation between RT Alcoholism Rivers—Serbia alcoholic intoxication and traffic accidents. Works on Temperance Drina River Valley (Bosnia and Hercegovina and Serbia) drunk driving as a criminal offense are entered under SA subdivision Alcohol use under names of USE Drina River Valley (Bosnia and Herzegovina Drunk driving. individual persons and under classes of and Serbia) persons and ethnic groups Drina River Valley (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia) UF Alcoholism and traffic accidents NT Binge drinking UF Drina River Valley (Bosnia and Hercegovina Drunkenness and traffic accidents Controlled drinking and Serbia) [Former heading] Traffic accidents and alcoholism Drinking on aircraft Drina Valley (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Traffic accidents and drinking — Law and legislation Serbia) USE Liquor laws BT Valleys—Bosnia and Herzegovina BT Traffic accidents — Marketing Valleys—Serbia RT Drunk driving Drina Valley (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia) Drinking behavior (May Subd Geog) NT Happy hours USE Drina River Valley (Bosnia and Herzegovina BT Gastronomy — Religious aspects and Serbia) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Drinfeld modular varieties Movement, Psychology of — Ireland UF Drinfeld modularity RT Oral habits Modular varieties, Drinfeld BT Senses and sensation UF Irish—Alcohol use [Former heading] Modularity, Drinfeld NT Taste Drinking of alcoholic beverages in art (Not Subd Geog) BT Varieties (Universal algebra) Drinking cups (May Subd Geog) Drinking of alcoholic beverages in literature Drinfeld modularity [GT2940-GT2947 (Manners and customs)] USE Drinfeld modular varieties [NK4895-NK4895.5 (Art objects)] (Not Subd Geog) Drinfeld modules UF Cups and saucers Drinking of alcoholic beverages in motion pictures BT Modules (Algebra) BT Drinking vessels Drini River (Albania) NT Black-figured drinking cups (Not Subd Geog) USE Drin River (Albania) BT Motion pictures Drink bottles Coffee cups USE Beverage containers Mustache cups Drinking of alcoholic beverages in television Drink cans Plastic cups USE Drinking on television USE Beverage containers Sake cups Drink concentrates (May Subd Geog) Teacups Drinking of coffee UF Beverage concentrates Wine cups USE Coffee drinking Beverage syrups, Dilutable — Private collections (May Subd Geog) Concentrated beverage syrups Drinking cups, Black-figured Drinking of healths Concentrates, Drink USE Black-figured drinking cups USE Toasts Dilutable beverage syrups Drinking cups in art (Not Subd Geog) Dilutables (Drink concentrates) Drinking cups in the Bible Drinking on aircraft Drink syrups [BS1199.D75 (Old Testament)] [HV5201.A4] BT Beverages Drinking customs (May Subd Geog) UF Aircraft, Drinking on RT Syrups [GT2880-GT2930] BT Drinking of alcoholic beverages NT Concentrated fruit juices BT Manners and customs Drink driving NT Chinese tea ceremony Drinking on television (Not Subd Geog) USE Drunk driving Coffee drinking [PN1992.8.D74] Drink industry Drinking games UF Drinking in television [Former heading] USE Beverage industry Japanese tea ceremony Drinking of alcoholic beverages in television Kava ceremony [Former heading] Korean tea ceremony BT Television Libations Moroccan tea ceremony Drinking Out Excellence Awards Symposium (Classical Greek drinking party) BT Hospitality industry—Awards—Great Britain Toasts Drinking customs in art (Not Subd Geog) Drinking problem Drinking customs in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Alcoholism Drinking establishments Drinking of alcoholic beverages USE Bars (Drinking establishments) Drinking fountains (May Subd Geog) Drinking songs (May Subd Geog) [NA9420 (Ornamental structures)] [M1977.D7 (Music collections)] [M1978.D7 (Separate musical works)] [PN6237 (Anacreonic literature)] BT Songs Drinking vessels (May Subd Geog) [NK4895] D-259
Drinking vessels (Continued) BT Drinking water—Purification—Equipment and Driskill family UF Drinking horns supplies USE Driscoll family Mazers (Drinking bowls) Household appliances Quaichs Drisko family (Not Subd Geog) BT Beverage containers Drinks UF Drisco family NT Beakers (Tableware) USE Beverages Driscoe family Bowls (Tableware) Liquors Driscow family Chalices Driskow family Depas Drinks, Soft Drinking cups USE Soft drinks Driskow family Goblets USE Drisko family Kiddush cups Drinks bottles Mugs USE Beverage containers Drisvycǐ o ezě ras (Lithuania) Silver drinking vessels USE Druksǐ ai Lake (Lithuania) Skyphoi Drinks cans Steins USE Beverage containers Drisvytis Lake (Lithuania) Tankards USE Drukšiai Lake (Lithuania) Tazzas Drinkstone Post Mill (England) Tiki mugs BT Windmills—England Dritsche Fountain (Neustadt an der Weinstrasse, Germany) — Private collections (May Subd Geog) Drinkwater, Nathaniel (Fictitious character) USE Elwedritsche-Brunnen (Neustadt an der — Religious aspects (Not Subd Geog) Weinstrasse, Germany) UF Nathaniel Drinkwater (Fictitious character) UF Drinking vessels (in religion, folklore, etc.) Drive, The (Chicago, Ill.) [Former heading] Drinnen family USE Lake Shore Drive (Chicago, Ill.) USE Drinnon family — Greece Drive, The (Tonbridge, England) NT Phialae Drinnon family (Not Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Drenning family — Rome Drinnen family subdivision. NT Paterae Drino (May Subd Geog) UF The Drive (Tonbridge, England) — South America [QL537.T28] BT Roads—England NT Queros BT Tachinidae Drive (Golf) NT Drino lota USE Golf—Drive Drinking vessels (in religion, folklore, etc.) Drive (Psychology) USE Drinking vessels—Religious aspects Drino lota (May Subd Geog) USE Motivation (Psychology) [QL537.T28] Drive-by shootings (May Subd Geog) Drinking water (May Subd Geog) BT Drino UF Drive-bys (Shooting) UF Potable water Tap water Drinus (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia) Shootings, Drive-by BT Beverages USE Drina River (Bosnia and Herzegovina and BT Assault and battery Fresh water Serbia) Drive-bys (Shooting) NT Bottled water USE Drive-by shootings Drio Indians Drive-in banking (May Subd Geog) — Aluminum content (May Subd Geog) USE Trio Indians UF Drive-up banking BT Aluminum BT Banks and banking Drinking water—Contamination Driolle (Anduze, France) UF Drulholis, Mas de (Anduze, France) Drive-in facilities — Arsenic content (May Subd Geog) Mas de Driolle (Anduze, France) Drive-in facilities (May Subd Geog) BT Arsenic Mas de Drulholis (Anduze, France) Drinking water—Contamination BT Dwellings—France UF Drive-ins (Facilities) Drive-up facilities — Bromide content (May Subd Geog) Drion family BT Bromides USE Tryon family BT Business enterprises NT Drive-in banking — Contamination (May Subd Geog) Driout family (Not Subd Geog) [RA591-RA598 (Public health)] Drip irrigation Drive-in restaurants UF Contamination of drinking water Drive-in theaters BT Water—Pollution USE Microirrigation Drive-in restaurants (May Subd Geog) NT Drinking water—Aluminum content Drip stones UF Drive-ins (Restaurants) Drinking water—Arsenic content BT Drive-in facilities Drinking water—Drug content USE Speleothems Restaurants Drinking water—Lead content Dripping Drive-in theaters (May Subd Geog) BT Drive-in facilities — Copper content (May Subd Geog) USE Drippings Motion picture theaters BT Copper Dripping Spring Mountains (Gila County and Pinal Drive-ins (Facilities) USE Drive-in facilities — Drug content (May Subd Geog) County, Ariz.) Drive-ins (Restaurants) BT Drinking water—Contamination UF Dripping Spring Quartzite (Ariz.) USE Drive-in restaurants Drugs Dripping Spring Range (Ariz.) Drive Out Trash, Operation, Zimbabwe, 2005- Dripping Springs Mountains (Ariz.) USE Operation Murambatsvina, Zimbabwe, 2005- — Fluoridation BT Mountains—Arizona Drive-up banking USE Water—Fluoridation USE Drive-in banking Dripping Spring Quartzite (Ariz.) Drive-up facilities — International cooperation USE Dripping Spring Mountains (Gila County and USE Drive-in facilities NT International Drinking Water Supply and Pinal County, Ariz.) Drive whist (May Subd Geog) Sanitation Decade, 1981-1990 [GV1291.D7] Dripping Spring Range (Ariz.) BT Whist — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Dripping Spring Mountains (Gila County and Driven dressage — Lead content (May Subd Geog) Pinal County, Ariz.) USE Dressage driving Driver assistance systems (May Subd Geog) BT Drinking water—Contamination Dripping Spring Wash (Ariz.) [TL272.57] Lead UF Disappointment Creek (Ariz.) BT Automobiles—Electronic equipment Dripping Springs Wash (Ariz.) Sociotechnical systems — Microbiology (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Arizona NT Automobiles—Collision avoidance systems BT Sanitary microbiology Automobiles—Navigation systems Dripping Springs Mountains (Ariz.) Driver education — Purification (May Subd Geog) USE Dripping Spring Mountains (Gila County and USE Automobile driver education UF Purification of drinking water Pinal County, Ariz.) Driver education teachers, Automobile USE Automobile driver education teachers — — Equipment and supplies Dripping Springs Wash (Ariz.) Driver family (Not Subd Geog) NT Drinking water treatment units USE Dripping Spring Wash (Ariz.) Driver-free cars USE Autonomous vehicles — Sensory evaluation (May Subd Geog) Drippings Driver licenses [TD375] UF Dripping USE Drivers' licenses BT Sensory evaluation Edible tallow Driver training instructors (Automobiles) Pan drippings USE Automobile driver education teachers — Sodium content (May Subd Geog) Tallow, Edible Driverless cars BT Sodium BT Oils and fats, Edible USE Autonomous vehicles Drivers, Ambulance — Standards (May Subd Geog) Drips USE Ambulance drivers UF Drinking water standards USE Drops Drivers, Animal BT Water—Composition USE Drovers Water-supply Dripstones Drivers, Automobile USE Speleothems USE Automobile drivers Drinking water, Bottled USE Bottled water Drisco family USE Drisko family Drinking water protection USE Wellhead protection Driscoe family USE Drisko family Drinking water standards USE Drinking water—Standards Driscoll family (Not Subd Geog) UF Driskell family Drinking water treatment devices Driskill family USE Drinking water treatment units O'Drisceoil family O'Driscoll family Drinking water treatment units (May Subd Geog) UF Drinking water treatment devices Driscow family USE Drisko family Driskell family USE Driscoll family D-260
Drivers, Bullock Driving, Ox Droit d'aubaine USE Bullockies USE Ox driving BT Alien property—France Aliens Drivers, Bus Driving, Tractor Inheritance and succession USE Bus drivers USE Tractor driving Droit de banalité Drivers, Camel Driving, Tractor trailer combination USE Banality (Law) USE Cameleers USE Tractor trailer combination driving Droit de suite (Copyright) Drivers, Coach Driving, Truck USE Copyright—Droit de suite USE Coach drivers USE Truck driving Droit du seigneur Drivers, Device (Computer programs) Driving, Van USE Jus primae noctis USE Device drivers (Computer programs) USE Van driving Droit féodal Drivers, Dog sled Driving (Golf) USE Feudal law USE Mushers USE Golf—Drive Droitwich Barge Canal (England) Drivers, Harness Driving and drug use BT Canals—England USE Harness drivers USE Drugged driving Droitwich Junction Canal (England) Drivers, Line (Integrated circuits) Driving and health BT Canals—England USE Line drivers (Integrated circuits) USE Automobile driving—Health aspects Drok-pa (Himalayan people) Drivers, Motor vehicle Driving classes (Horse shows) USE Drukpa (Himalayan people) USE Motor vehicle drivers USE Show driving of horse-drawn vehicles Droke family Drivers, Mule Driving drunk USE Drucker family USE Muleteers USE Drunk driving Drokpa (Himalayan people) Drivers, Sled dog Driving horses (May Subd Geog) USE Drukpa (Himalayan people) USE Mushers UF Harness horses Horses, Driving Droll family (Not Subd Geog) Drivers, Stock car BT Draft horses Droll humors USE Stock car drivers NT Coach horses USE Drolls Drivers, Tank Driving instructors (Automobiles) Droll-humours USE Tank drivers USE Automobile driver education teachers USE Drolls Drivers' license points Driving of horse-drawn vehicles (May Subd Geog) Drolleries USE Point system (Traffic violations) [SF304.5-SF307] UF Driving [Former heading] USE Drolls Drivers' licenses (May Subd Geog) Driving, Horse-drawn vehicle Drolls UF Automobile drivers—Licenses Horse-drawn vehicle driving Automobile drivers' licenses [Former heading] BT Animal traction UF Droll humors Automobiles—Drivers' licenses Horse-drawn vehicles Droll-humours Driver licenses Horsemanship Drolleries Motor vehicle drivers—Licenses NT Chariot racing Motor vehicle operators' permits Coaching (Transportation) BT Comedy sketches Motor vehicles—Drivers' licenses Show driving of horse-drawn vehicles Farces Operators' permits, Motor vehicle BT Licenses — Equipment and supplies Dromaeidae RT Point system (Traffic violations) Driving ranges (May Subd Geog) USE Emus SA subdivision Licenses under headings for drivers of specific types of vehicles, e.g. [GV975-GV975.5] Dromaeognathae Taxicab drivers--Licenses Here are entered works on facilities for golfers to USE Tinamiformes NT Graduated driver licensing practice their shots. Dromaeosauridae (May Subd Geog) Drivers' records UF Golf driving ranges [QE862.S3] USE Automobile drivers' records Golf ranges BT Saurischia Ranges, Driving NT Balaur Drivers' tests, Automobile Bambiraptor USE Automobile drivers' tests BT Sports facilities Caudipteryx Driving records Deinonychus Drives, Belt Dromaeosaurus USE Belt drives USE Automobile drivers' records Microraptor Driving tests, Automobile Utahraptor Drives, Cattle Velociraptor USE Cattle drives USE Automobile drivers' tests Driving the wrong way Dromaeosaurus (May Subd Geog) Drives, Hog [QE862.S3] USE Hog drives USE Wrong-way driving BT Dromaeosauridae Driving under the influence of alcohol Drives, Mechanical Dromaiidae USE Power transmission USE Drunk driving USE Emus Driving under the influence of drugs Drives, Membership Dromaius USE Membership campaigns USE Drugged driving USE Emus Driving while distracted Drives, Traction Dromaius novaehollandiae USE Traction drives USE Distracted driving USE Emus Driving while impaired by alcohol Drives, Variable speed Drombeg Stone Circle (Ireland) USE Variable speed drives USE Drunk driving UF Druid's Altar (Ireland) Driving while intoxicated BT Ireland—Antiquities Driveways (May Subd Geog) Stone circles—Ireland [TE279.3] USE Drugged driving BT Pavements Drunk driving Drôme River (Drom̂ e, France) Roads BT Rivers—France Streets Driving with the prescribed concentration of alcohol USE Drunk driving Dromedary, Mount (Eurobodalla, N.S.W.) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Dromedary, Mount (Eurobodalla Shire, N.S.W.) BT Highway law DRL (Computer program language) [QA76.73.D25] Dromedary, Mount (Eurobodalla Shire, N.S.W.) Driving UF Data Retrieval Language (Computer program UF Dromedary, Mount (Eurobodalla, N.S.W.) USE Driving of horse-drawn vehicles language) [Former heading] BT Information storage and retrieval systems Mount Dromedary (Eurobodalla Shire, N.S.W.) Driving, Aggressive BT Mountains—Australia USE Aggressive driving DRM (Digital rights management) USE Digital rights management Dromedary Driving, Ambulance USE Camels USE Ambulance driving Droddy family (Not Subd Geog) UF Drawdy family Dromey family (Not Subd Geog) Driving, Automobile Drody family Dromgoole family (Not Subd Geog) USE Automobile driving Dromiceius Drody family Driving, Bullock USE Droddy family USE Emus USE Ox driving Dromicia Droege family Driving, Bus USE Drog̈ e family USE Cercartetus USE Bus driving Dromiciella Droesch family (Not Subd Geog) Driving, Combined Drog̈ e family (Not Subd Geog) USE Cercartetus USE Combined driving of horse-drawn vehicles Dromiciola UF Droege family Driving, Four-wheel Drogheda, Statute of USE Cercartetus USE Four-wheel driving Dromiciops (May Subd Geog) USE Poynings' law Driving, Horse-drawn vehicle Drogo, Castle (England) [QL737.M435 (Zoology)] USE Driving of horse-drawn vehicles BT Microbiotheriidae USE Castle Drogo (England) NT Dromiciops gliroides Driving, Log Drogues Dromiciops australis USE Log driving USE Dromiciops gliroides USE Anchors, Sea Dromiciops gliroides (May Subd Geog) Driving, Motor scooter Droid (Smartphone) (Not Subd Geog) [QL737.M435 (Zoology)] USE Motor scooter driving UF Motorola Droid (Smartphone) Driving, Motor vehicle BT Smartphones USE Motor vehicle driving D-261
Dromiciops gliroides (Continued) Dronne Valley (France) Droplets, Electron-hole UF Colocolo USE Dronne River Valley (France) USE Electron-hole droplets Colocolos Dromiciops australis Dronter Lake (Netherlands) Droplifting Monito del monte UF Drontermeer (Netherlands) USE Shopdropping BT Dromiciops BT Lakes—Netherlands Dropolis (Albania) Dromicus (May Subd Geog) Drontermeer (Netherlands) USE Dropulli (Albania) [QL666.O636] USE Dronter Lake (Netherlands) BT Colubridae Dropout behavior, Prediction of Drontheims (Fishing boats) (May Subd Geog) UF Prediction of dropout behavior Dromio of Ephesus (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) UF Donegal yawls BT Educational anthropology (Not Subd Geog) Dronthiems (Fishing boats) Educational sociology Greencastle yawls Prediction (Psychology) Dromio of Syracuse (Fictitious character) Skerries yawls (Not Subd Geog) Yawls, Donegal Dropouts (May Subd Geog) BT Fishing boats—Ireland [LC142-LC145 (General)] Dromomania (May Subd Geog) UF Drop-outs UF Ambulatory automatism Dronthiems (Fishing boats) Early school leavers Compulsive traveling USE Drontheims (Fishing boats) School dropouts BT Compulsive behavior BT Students Fugue (Psychology) Drood, Eddie (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Youth UF Eddie Drood (Fictitious character) NT Adult education dropouts Dromoplectrus College dropouts USE Anaxyrus Drooker family Dental school dropouts USE Drucker family Elementary school dropouts Dromore Wood National Nature Reserve (Ireland) High school dropouts BT National parks and reserves—Ireland Drooling (May Subd Geog) Nursing school dropouts Natural areas—Ireland UF Saliva control Vocational school dropouts Sialorrhea Dromornithidae (May Subd Geog) Sialozemia — Employment (May Subd Geog) [QE872.C3] BT Mouth—Abnormalities — Prevention BT Casuariiformes, Fossil Oral habits RT Saliva UF Retention of students (Preventing Dromy family dropouts) USE Deromi family Droon (Imaginary place) (Not Subd Geog) Student retention (Preventing dropouts) BT Imaginary places Dron family — United States USE Drown family Droop Mountain (W. Va.) NT African American dropouts BT Mountains—West Virginia Hispanic American dropouts Droṇa (Hindu mythology) (Not Subd Geog) Mexican American dropouts BT Hindu mythology Droop Mountain, Battle of, 1863 USE Droop Mountain, Battle of, W. Va., 1863 Dropouts, African American Drone aircraft (May Subd Geog) USE African American dropouts [TL685.35 (Aeronautical engineering)] Droop Mountain, Battle of, W. Va., 1863 [UG1242.D7 (Military aeronautics)] [E475.76] Dropouts, Hispanic American UF Drones (Aircraft) UF Droop Mountain, Battle of, 1863 [Former USE Hispanic American dropouts Pilotless aircraft heading] Remotely piloted aircraft Droop Mountain (W. Va.), Battle of, 1863 Dropouts, Mexican American UAVs (Unmanned aerial vehicles) [Former heading] USE Mexican American dropouts Unmanned aerial vehicles BT United States—History—Civil War, 1861- BT Flying-machines 1865—Campaigns Dropped ceilings Vehicles, Remotely piloted West Virginia—History—Civil War, 1861-1865 USE Suspended ceilings RT Airplanes—Radio control NT Aerosonde (Drone aircraft) Droop Mountain (W. Va.), Battle of, 1863 Dropping mercury electrodes Boeing A160T (Military helicopter) USE Droop Mountain, Battle of, W. Va., 1863 USE Electrodes, Dropping mercury DarkStar (Drone aircraft) Global Hawk (Drone aircraft) Drooping brome Droppings, Animal Micro air vehicles USE Cheatgrass brome USE Animal droppings Perseus (Drone aircraft) Predator (Drone aircraft) Drooping trillium (May Subd Geog) Drops (May Subd Geog) Uninhabited combat aerial vehicles [QK495.M5135 (Botany)] [QC156 (Fluid mechanics)] Warrior (Drone aircraft) UF Bent trillium [TP159.A85 (Atomizers)] Bent wake-robin UF Drips — Control systems Declined trillium Droplets [TL589.4] Nodding trillium BT Liquids BT Flight control Nodding wakerobin RT Spheroidal state Trillium declinatum NT Atomization — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Trillium flexipes Microdroplets Drone aircraft in education (May Subd Geog) Trillium gleasonii Raindrops Wake-robin, Bent [LB1044.85] Wakerobin, Nodding — Effect of reduced gravity on (May Subd Geog) BT Education White trillium BT Reduced gravity environments Drone aircraft pilots (May Subd Geog) BT Trilliums UF Drone pilots Drops, Book BT Air pilots, Military Droops (Airplane flaps) USE Book drops Drone bass USE Leading edge flaps USE Bourdon Drops, Electron-hole Drone doom (Music) Drop ear Norwich terrier USE Electron-hole droplets USE Drone metal (Music) USE Norfolk terrier Drone family Dropshot Plan USE Drown family Drop-eared Norwich terrier BT Imaginary wars and battles Drone metal (Music) (May Subd Geog) USE Norfolk terrier Nuclear warfare UF Drone doom (Music) Strategy Drop foot (May Subd Geog) World politics—1955-1965 Power ambient (Music) BT Foot—Diseases World War III BT Heavy metal (Music) Drone pilots Drop-forging Dropsy USE Drone aircraft pilots USE Forging USE Edema Droneck family (Not Subd Geog) Drones (Aircraft) Drop model, Nuclear Dropsy, Abdominal USE Drone aircraft USE Nuclear liquid drop model USE Ascites Dronfield Hall Barn (Dronfield, England) UF Old Barn (Dronfield, England) Drop notes (Cataloging) Dropsy, Peritoneal BT Barns—England USE Notes (Cataloging) USE Ascites Drongsar family USE Bongsar family Drop-outs Dropull (Albania) Droning family USE Dropouts USE Dropulli (Albania) USE Dorning family Dronne family (Not Subd Geog) Drop shipments (May Subd Geog) Dropulli (Albania) UF Deronne family BT Mail-order business UF Dropolis (Albania) Dronne River (France) Shipment of goods Dropull (Albania) BT Rivers—France Wholesale trade Dronne River Valley (France) Drori language UF Dronne Valley (France) Drop testing (Metals) USE Deori language BT Valleys—France USE Metals—Impact testing Drosera Drop tests (Chemistry) USE Sundews USE Spot tests (Chemistry) Drosera capensis (May Subd Geog) Drop weight testing (Metals) [QK495.D76 (Botany)] USE Metals—Impact testing BT Sundews Drop word lists in automatic indexing Drosera rotundifolia (May Subd Geog) USE Exclusion lists in automatic indexing [QK495.D76 (Botany)] UF Roundleaf sundew Droplet model, Nuclear BT Sundews USE Nuclear liquid drop model Droseraceae (May Subd Geog) Droplets [QK495.D76] USE Drops D-262
UF Dionaeaceae Drosophila obscura (May Subd Geog) Drought management (May Subd Geog) BT Sarraceniales [QL537.D76] UF Management of droughts NT Aldrovanda BT Drosophila BT Hazard mitigation Dionaea Drosophila persimilis (May Subd Geog) Drought relief (May Subd Geog) Drosophyllum [QL537.D76] UF Relief, Drought Sundews BT Drosophila BT Disaster relief Droserales USE Sarraceniales Drosophila prosaltans (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Drosophila (May Subd Geog) [QL537.D76] Drought resistance of plants [QL537.D76] BT Drosophila BT Drosophilidae USE Plants—Drought tolerance Fruit-flies Drosophila pseudoobscura (May Subd Geog) Drought-resistant plants NT Drosophila affinis [QL537.D76] Drosophila americana BT Drosophila USE Drought-tolerant plants Drosophila ananassae Drought tolerance of crops Drosophila argentostriata Drosophila simulans (May Subd Geog) Drosophila arizonae [QL537.D76 (Zoology)] USE Crops—Drought tolerance Drosophila athabasca BT Drosophila Drought tolerance of plants Drosophila bifasciata Drosophila dacunhai Drosophila subobscura (May Subd Geog) USE Plants—Drought tolerance Drosophila immigrans [QL537.D76] Drought-tolerant plants (May Subd Geog) Drosophila magalhaesi BT Drosophila Drosophila melanogaster [SB439.8 (Ornamental plants)] Drosophila mirassolensis Drosophila suzukii (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on plants that endure Drosophila mojavensis [QL537.D76] drought conditions and may be used to reduce water Drosophila morgani UF Cherry vinegar fly consumption and conserve water resources. Drosophila obscura Dragon fruit fly Drosophila persimilis Drosophila indicus UF Drought-enduring plants Drosophila prosaltans Leucophenga suzukii Drought-hardy plants Drosophila pseudoobscura Spotted wing Drosophila Drought-resistant plants Drosophila simulans BT Drosophila Low water use plants Drosophila subobscura Water-conserving plants Drosophila suzukii Drosophila testacea (May Subd Geog) Drosophila testacea [QL537.D76 (Zoology)] BT Plants Drosophila tetrachaeta BT Drosophila RT Plants—Drought tolerance Drosophila tolteca — Genetics Drosophila tetrachaeta (May Subd Geog) Xeriscaping [QL537.D76] Xerophytes NT Notch genes BT Drosophila Droughtmaster cattle (May Subd Geog) Drosophila affinis (May Subd Geog) BT Beef cattle breeds Drosophila tolteca (May Subd Geog) Droughts (May Subd Geog) [QL537.D76] [QL537.D76] [QC929.2-QC929.28] BT Drosophila BT Drosophila UF Drought Drosophila americana (May Subd Geog) Drouth [QL537.D76] Drosophilidae (May Subd Geog) Drouths BT Drosophila [QL537.D76] BT Weather Drosophila ampelophila UF Pomace flies SA subdivision Effect of drought on under USE Drosophila melanogaster Vinegar flies individual animals and groups of animals, Drosophila ananassae (May Subd Geog) BT Diptera e.g. Cattle--Effect of drought on [QL537.D76] Flies NT Crops—Effect of drought on UF Drosophila caribbea NT Cladochaeta Livestock—Effect of drought on Drosophila Plants—Effect of drought on Drosophila caribea Hyalistata — Forecasting BT Drosophila Scaptomyza USE Drought forecasting Drosophila argentostriata (May Subd Geog) — Brazil [QL537.D76] Drosophilidae, Fossil (May Subd Geog) BT Drosophila [QE832.D6] NT Seca Drosophila arizonae (May Subd Geog) BT Diptera, Fossil — India [QL537.D76 (Zoology)] NT Hyalistata, Fossil — United States BT Drosophila Drosophila athabasca (May Subd Geog) Drosophyllum (May Subd Geog) NT Dust Bowl Era, 1931-1939 [QL537.D76] [QK495.D76] Droughts in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Drosophila BT Droseraceae Droughts in rabbinical literature Drosophila bifasciata (May Subd Geog) NT Drosophyllum lusitanicum [QL537.D76] [BM496.9.D76] BT Drosophila Drosophyllum lusitanicum (May Subd Geog) BT Rabbinical literature Drosophila caribbea [QK495.D76 (Botany)] Drouhard family (Not Subd Geog) USE Drosophila ananassae BT Drosophyllum Drouin family (Not Subd Geog) Drosophila caribea Droulers family (Not Subd Geog) USE Drosophila ananassae Drosos (The Greek word) UF De Roulers family Drosophila dacunhai (May Subd Geog) BT Greek language—Etymology [QL537.D76] De Roullers family BT Drosophila Drost family Droullers family Drosophila immigrans (May Subd Geog) USE Droste family Droullers family [QL537.D76 (Zoology)] USE Droulers family BT Drosophila Droste family (Not Subd Geog) Drouth Drosophila indicus UF Drost family USE Droughts USE Drosophila suzukii Drouths Drosophila magalhaesi (May Subd Geog) Droste-Hülshoff-Preis USE Droughts [QL537.D76] USE Annette-von-Droste-Hul̈ shoff-Preis Drover, Jimmy (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT Drosophila UF Jimmy Drover (Fictitious character) Drosophila melanogaster (May Subd Geog) Droste zu Vischering family (Not Subd Geog) Drovers (May Subd Geog) [QL537.D76] Drottninggatan (Marstrand, Sweden) UF Animal drivers UF Drosophila ampelophila Drivers, Animal BT Drosophila This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Livestock workers Drosophila mirassolensis (May Subd Geog) subdivision. NT Bullockies [QL537.D76] Cameleers BT Drosophila BT Streets—Sweden Muleteers Drosophila mojavensis (May Subd Geog) Drottningholm Castle (Drottningholm, Sweden) Droves of cattle [QL537.D76 (Zoology)] USE Cattle drives BT Drosophila USE Drottningholms slott (Drottningholm, Sweden) Drowley family (Not Subd Geog) Drosophila morgani (May Subd Geog) Drottningholms park (Drottningholm, Sweden) Drown family (Not Subd Geog) [QL537.D76] UF Dron family BT Drosophila This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Drone family subdivision. Drowne family Drowne family UF Royal Park of Drottningholm (Drottningholm, USE Drown family Sweden) Drowned Island (British Virgin Islands) USE Anegada (British Virgin Islands) BT Parks—Sweden Drowned river mouths Drottningholms slott (Drottningholm, Sweden) USE Estuaries Drowning (May Subd Geog) UF Drottningholm Castle (Drottningholm, Sweden) [RA1076 (Legal medicine)] BT Castles—Sweden BT Accidents Drought Asphyxia USE Droughts Drought-enduring plants USE Drought-tolerant plants Drought forecasting (May Subd Geog) [QC929.2-QC929.28] UF Droughts—Forecasting Forecasting, Drought BT Weather forecasting — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Drought-hardy plants USE Drought-tolerant plants D-263
Drowning (Continued) Medication abuse BT Persons Death—Causes Methadone abuse NT Children of drug abusers Violent deaths Morphine abuse Opioid abuse Drug addicts — Prevention Opium abuse Intravenous drug abusers [GV838.75] Phencyclidine abuse Medication abusers UF Drownproofing — Forecasting Drug abusers' children BT Aquatic sports—Safety measures USE Children of drug abusers Lifesaving UF Drug abuse, Prediction of [Former Drug accessibility (May Subd Geog) heading] Here are entered works on patients' practical or — — Equipment and supplies economic access to therapeutic drugs. Works on the NT Immersion suits — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) physiological availability of administered drugs within Life preservers BT Criminal law the body are entered under Drugs--Bioavailability. — Resuscitation (May Subd Geog) — Paraphernalia UF Access to drugs [RC88] USE Drug paraphernalia Accessibility of drugs UF Drowning, Restoration from [Former Availability of drugs heading] — Physiological effect Drug availability Drowning victims—Resuscitation USE Drugs of abuse—Physiological effect Restoration from drowning BT Drugs Resuscitation from drowning — Prevention — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Lifesaving [HV5800-HV5840] Resuscitation UF Prevention of drug abuse BT Pharmaceutical policy NT Communication in drug abuse prevention Public health laws Drowning, Restoration from USE Drowning—Resuscitation — — Finance Drug activation NT Federal aid to drug abuse treatment [RM301.56] Drowning (Execution) (May Subd Geog) programs UF Activation of drugs BT Executions and executioners Drugs—Activation — Religious aspects BT Biotransformation (Metabolism) Drowning Creek (N.C. and S.C.) — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Drugs—Metabolism USE Lumber River (N.C. and S.C.) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] — Social aspects (May Subd Geog) Drug addiction (May Subd Geog) Drowning victims (May Subd Geog) [HV5800-HV5840 (Social aspects)] UF Victims of drowning UF Drug abuse and society [RC563-RC568 (Medicine)] BT Dead Society and drug abuse UF Addiction to drugs Victims Drug dependence — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) Drug dependency — Resuscitation UF Drug abuse education Drug habit USE Drowning—Resuscitation Drug education Narcotic addiction Narcotic habit [Former heading] Drownproofing — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Narcotics addiction USE Drowning—Prevention BT Educational law and legislation BT Drug abuse NT Nicotine addiction Drowsiness (May Subd Geog) — Testing [QP425] USE Drug testing — Complications (May Subd Geog) UF Sleepiness — Hospitals Somnolence — Treatment (May Subd Geog) BT Sleep-wake cycle NT Methadone maintenance USE Substance abuse treatment facilities Volunteer workers in drug abuse programs — Treatment (May Subd Geog) Drowsy driving (May Subd Geog) — — Religious aspects BT Motor vehicle driving — — Federal aid — — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] USE Federal aid to drug abuse treatment Drug addiction in literature (Not Subd Geog) DRP tests programs USE Degrees of Reading Power tests UF Narcotic habit in literature [Former heading] — — Finance Drug addiction treatment facilities Drsǩ ovina (Kosovo) NT Federal aid to drug abuse treatment USE Drenica (Kosovo : Region) programs USE Substance abuse treatment facilities Drug addicts (May Subd Geog) Dru language — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Ngiti language Drug abuse, Prediction of UF Druggies Junkies (Drug addicts) Dru-pa (Himalayan people) USE Drug abuse—Forecasting Narcotic addicts [Former heading] USE Drukpa (Himalayan people) Drug abuse and crime (May Subd Geog) BT Addicts Drualat-ngolonung language UF Crime and drug abuse Drug abusers USE Buandig language Drugs and crime Narcotics and crime [Former heading] NT Adult children of drug addicts Drualatngolonung language Children of drug addicts USE Buandig language BT Crime Church work with drug addicts NT Drug traffic Ex-drug addicts Drubea language Drug abuse and employment Parents of drug addicts USE Dumbea language USE Drugs and employment Social work with drug addicts Drug abuse and society Women drug addicts Druce family (Not Subd Geog) USE Drug abuse—Social aspects Druck family Drug abuse counseling (May Subd Geog) — Hospitals BT Counseling USE Substance abuse treatment facilities USE Drucker family Drucker family (Not Subd Geog) Health counseling — Legal status, laws, etc. (May Subd Geog) Drug abuse counselors (May Subd Geog) NT Civil commitment of drug addicts UF Droke family Drooker family BT Health counselors — Legal status, laws, etc. (Canon law) Druck family — Confidential communications USE Drug addicts (Canon law) Druckman family Drueck family USE Confidential communications—Drug abuse — Rehabilitation (May Subd Geog) Drukker family counselors Drug addicts (Canon law) Druckman family — Supervision of (May Subd Geog) UF Drug addicts—Legal status, laws, etc. (Canon USE Drucker family UF Supervision of drug abuse counselors law) [Former heading] Drue family Drug abuse education BT Canon law USE Drew family USE Drug abuse—Study and teaching Drug addicts' adult children Drueck family Drug abuse in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Adult children of drug addicts USE Drucker family Drug abuse in literature (Not Subd Geog) Drug addicts' children Druely Lake (Ind.) UF Narcotics in literature [Former heading] USE Children of drug addicts USE Duely Lake (Ind.) Drug abuse in mass media Drug addicts' spouses (May Subd Geog) Drug abuse (May Subd Geog) USE Drugs and mass media UF Narcotic addicts' spouses [Former heading] [HV5800-HV5840 (Social aspects)] Drug abuse in pregnancy (May Subd Geog) BT Spouses [RC563-RC568 (Medicine)] Drug addicts' writings (Not Subd Geog) UF Drug use [RG580.D76] UF Narcotic addicts' writings [Former heading] Recreational drug use BT Obstetrical pharmacology BT Substance abuse Writings of drug addicts SA subdivision Drug use under names of individual Substance abuse in pregnancy BT Literature persons, and under classes of persons and Drug abuse screening Drug addicts' writings, English (May Subd Geog) ethnic groups UF English drug addicts' writings NT Amphetamine abuse USE Drug testing BT English literature Chloral abuse Drug abuse surveys (May Subd Geog) Drug administration technology Cocaine abuse USE Drug delivery systems Drug addiction BT Social surveys Drug adulteration (May Subd Geog) Drugs and mass media — Nonresponse UF Drugs—Adulteration Drugs and sex Heroin abuse USE Drug abuse surveys—Response rate Drugs—Adulteration and analysis [Former Intravenous drug abuse — Response rate (May Subd Geog) Khat abuse Marijuana abuse UF Drug abuse surveys—Nonresponse Response rate of drug abuse surveys BT Nonresponse (Statistics) Drug abuse treatment facilities USE Substance abuse treatment facilities Drug abusers (May Subd Geog) UF Abusers, Drug D-264
heading] Drug courts (May Subd Geog) Drug effects BT Adulterations BT Courts of special jurisdiction USE Drugs—Physiological effect — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Pharmacology Drug agents (Drug enforcement agents) Drug dealers (May Subd Geog) USE Drug enforcement agents UF Dealers, Drug Drug efficacy Drug-alcohol interactions (May Subd Geog) Drug pushers USE Drugs—Effectiveness UF Alcohol-drug interactions Narcotic dealers Narcotics dealers [Former heading] Drug-eluting stents (May Subd Geog) Interactions, Drug-alcohol Pushers, Drug UF DESs (Drug-eluting stents) BT Alcohol—Physiological effect BT Criminals BT Drug delivery devices RT Drug couriers Stents (Surgery) Drug interactions NT Women drug dealers Drug allergy (May Subd Geog) Drug emulsifying agents Drug dealing USE Excipients [RC598.D7] USE Drug traffic BT Allergy Drug enforcement Drug decriminalization USE Drug control Drugs—Side effects USE Drug legalization Idiosyncratic drug reactions Drug enforcement agents (May Subd Geog) NT Drug-exanthems Drug delivery devices (May Subd Geog) UF Agents, Drug enforcement Drug antagonism (May Subd Geog) [RS210] Drug agents (Drug enforcement agents) [RM302.2] UF Devices, Drug delivery Enforcement agents, Drug UF Antagonism, Drug BT Drug delivery systems Narcotic agents (Drug enforcement agents) Medicines, Antagonism of [Former heading] Medical instruments and apparatus Narcotic enforcement agents [Former heading] BT Drug interactions NT Catheters Narcotics agents (Drug enforcement agents) SA subdivision Antagonists under individual drugs Drug-eluting stents Narcs and groups of drugs Drug infusion pumps BT Police NT Narcotic antagonists Hypodermic jet injectors Drug-antibody conjugates Hypodermic needles Drug enforcement agents' spouses (May Subd Geog) USE Antibody-drug conjugates Hypodermic syringes UF Narcotic enforcement agents' spouses Drug approval (May Subd Geog) Inhalers [Former heading] [RA401.5] Narcotic enforcement agents' wives [Former UF Approval of drugs Drug delivery systems (May Subd Geog) heading] Approval of new drugs [RS199.5-RS210] BT Spouses Drug approval process UF Delivery systems, Drug New drug approval Drug administration technology Drug errors BT Pharmaceutical policy Drug delivery technology USE Medication errors Drug approval process Drugs—Delivery systems USE Drug approval BT Pharmaceutical technology Drug-eruptions Drug availability NT Bioadhesive drug delivery systems USE Drug-exanthems USE Drug accessibility Drug carriers (Pharmacy) Drug benefit plans Drug delivery devices Drug-exanthems (May Subd Geog) USE Pharmaceutical services insurance Drugs—Dosage forms UF Dermatitis medicamentosa Drug bioavailability Peptide drugs—Dosage forms Drug-eruptions USE Drugs—Bioavailability Polymeric drug delivery systems BT Dermatopharmacology Drug bioscreening Protein drugs—Dosage forms Drug allergy USE Drugs—Testing Drugs—Toxicology Drug carrier systems (Pharmacy) Drug delivery systems in animals Pharmacology USE Drug carriers (Pharmacy) USE Veterinary drugs—Dosage forms Skin—Diseases Drug carriers (Pharmacy) (May Subd Geog) [RS201.V43] Drug delivery systems in hospitals Drug factories (May Subd Geog) UF Carriers, Drug (Pharmacy) USE Hospitals—Drug distribution systems UF Drug manufacturing Drug carrier systems (Pharmacy) Pharmaceutical plants Drug vehicles (Pharmacy) Drug delivery systems industry (May Subd Geog) BT Factories Drugs—Carriers [HD9675.D78-HD9675.D784] Drugs—Vehicles [Former heading] BT Pharmaceutical industry — Contracting out (May Subd Geog) Vehicles, Drug (Pharmacy) BT Contracting out BT Drug delivery systems Drug delivery technology NT Lipoprotein drug carriers USE Drug delivery systems — Maintenance and repair Microspheres (Pharmacy) Drug-food interactions Nanocapsules Drug dependence — Biodegradation (May Subd Geog) USE Drug addiction USE Drug-nutrient interactions Drug formulation agents BT Biodegradation Drug dependency Drug chemistry USE Drug addiction USE Excipients Drug habit USE Pharmaceutical chemistry Drug design Drug coatings USE Drugs—Design USE Drug addiction Drug-herb interactions (May Subd Geog) USE Drugs—Coatings Drug development (May Subd Geog) Drug compounding [RM301.25] UF Herb-drug interactions UF Development of drugs Interactions, Drug-herb USE Drugs—Dosage forms Drugs—Development Drug consumption New drug development BT Drug interactions BT Pharmacology Drug idiosyncrasies USE Drug utilization Pharmacy Drug control (May Subd Geog) SA subdivision Development under individual USE Idiosyncratic drug reactions drugs and groups of drugs, e.g. Drug idiosyncrasy Here are entered general and non-legal works on Antineoplastic agents--Development the control of drugs. Works on the legal aspects of NT Drugs—Design USE Idiosyncratic drug reactions drug control are entered under Drugs--Law and Drugs—Testing Drug immunoconjugates legislation. High throughput screening (Drug development) USE Antibody-drug conjugates UF Drug control—Government policy Drug-diet interactions Drug-immunoglobulin conjugates Drug enforcement USE Drug-nutrient interactions Drug law enforcement USE Antibody-drug conjugates Drug policy Drug discrimination (Pharmacology) Drug-impaired driving Drug traffic—Government policy [RM302.7] Drug traffic control UF Discrimination, Drug (Pharmacology) USE Drugged driving Drugs—Government policy Drug-induced discrimination (Pharmacology) Drug implants, Contraceptive Narcotics, Control of [Former heading] BT Drugs—Physiological effect War on drugs Sensory discrimination USE Contraceptive drug implants Drug incompatibility BT Vice control Drug dissolution testing NT Drug traffic—Investigation USE Drugs—Solubility—Testing USE Incompatibles (Pharmacy) — Government policy Drug-induced discrimination (Pharmacology) Drug distribution systems in hospitals USE Drug control USE Hospitals—Drug distribution systems USE Drug discrimination (Pharmacology) — Law and legislation Drug-induced disease Drug-DNA interactions USE Drugs—Law and legislation USE DNA-drug interactions USE Drugs—Side effects Drug couriers (May Subd Geog) Drug-induced dyskinesia Drug dosage calculation UF Drug runners USE Pharmaceutical arithmetic USE Tardive dyskinesia Mules (Drug couriers) Drug-induced movement disorders Drug dosage calculations BT Criminals USE Pharmaceutical arithmetic USE Tardive dyskinesia RT Drug dealers Drug industry Drug education USE Drug abuse—Study and teaching USE Pharmaceutical industry Drug infusion pumps (May Subd Geog) Drug effectiveness USE Drugs—Effectiveness [RM170.5] UF Drug infusion systems Infusion pumps, Drug Infusors (Therapeutics) Perfusion pumps Pumps, Drug infusion BT Drug delivery devices Infusion therapy—Equipment and supplies Pumping machinery D-265
Drug infusion pumps (Continued) Drug reactions, Idiosyncratic UF Drugs—Targeting NT Artificial pancreas USE Idiosyncratic drug reactions Site-specific drug delivery Insulin pumps Targeting of drugs Drug receptors Drug infusion systems [RM301.41] BT Drugs—Dosage forms USE Drug infusion pumps UF Drugs—Receptors RT Target organs (Anatomy) Receptors, Drug Drug terrorism Drug infusion therapy, Home BT Cell receptors USE Narco-terrorism USE Home drug infusion therapy SA subdivision Receptors under individual drugs Drug testing (May Subd Geog) and groups of drugs, e.g. Insulin--Receptors [HV5823-HV5823.5] Drug injectors (Intravenous drug abusers) NT Sigma receptors Here are entered works on testing to identify the USE Intravenous drug abusers personal use or misuse of drugs. Works on testing Drug registration (May Subd Geog) the effectiveness or safety of drugs are entered under Drug insurance UF Drugs—Registration Drugs--Testing. Technical works on chemical USE Pharmaceutical services insurance Registration of drugs analysis to determine the composition or presence of BT Pharmaceutical policy drugs are entered under Drugs--Analysis. Drug interactions (May Subd Geog) Recording and registration [RM302] UF Drug abuse—Testing UF Interactions, Drug Drug reimportation (May Subd Geog) Drug abuse screening RT Drugs—Side effects UF Reimportation of drugs Screening for drug abuse NT DNA-drug interactions Reimportation of prescription drugs Testing for drug abuse Drug-alcohol interactions BT Drugs—Marketing Drug antagonism Imports BT Medical screening Drug-herb interactions SA subdivision Drug testing under classes of Drug-nutrient interactions Drug-related DUI Drug synergism USE Drugged driving persons tested, e.g. Police--Drug testing — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Drug kinetics Drug resistance USE Pharmacokinetics UF Resistance to drugs BT Narcotic laws BT Pharmacology Drug testing equipment industry (May Subd Geog) Drug law enforcement NT Hormone resistance USE Drug control Multidrug resistance BT Diagnostic equipment industry Drug testing in the workplace Drug legalization (May Subd Geog) Drug resistance in cancer UF Decriminalization of illegal drugs USE Drug resistance in cancer cells USE Employees—Drug testing Drug decriminalization Drug therapy Legalization of illegal drugs Drug resistance in cancer cells BT Decriminalization UF Antitumor drug resistance USE Chemotherapy Narcotic laws Cancer drug resistance Drug therapy, Combination Drug resistance in cancer Drug lipophilicity Drug resistance in tumor cells USE Chemotherapy, Combination [RS422] BT Cancer cells Drug therapy errors UF Drugs—Lipophilicity Lipophilicity, Drug Drug resistance in micro-organisms USE Medication errors BT Drugs—Solubility USE Drug resistance in microorganisms Drug tolerance (May Subd Geog) Phase partition Drug resistance in microorganisms (May Subd Geog) UF Drugs—Tolerance Drug manufacturing [QR177] Tolerance, Drug USE Drug factories UF Antibiotic resistance in microorganisms Antibiotics resistance in microorganisms BT Pharmacology Drug metabolism Bacterial resistance to antibiotics NT Tachyphylaxis USE Drugs—Metabolism Drug resistance in micro-organisms [Former Drug toxicity heading] USE Drugs—Toxicology Drug monitoring (May Subd Geog) Microbial drug resistance Drug trade [RM301.9] Resistance to drugs in microorganisms USE Pharmaceutical industry Here are entered works on the process of BT Microorganisms—Effect of drugs on Drug trade, Illicit NT Methicillin resistance USE Drug traffic observing, recording, or detecting the effects of a Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis Drug traffic (May Subd Geog) drug administered therapeutically or diagnostically. Penicillin resistance UF Drug dealing Povidone-iodine resistance UF Drugs—Monitoring Vancomycin resistance Drug production, Illicit Monitoring, Drug Vidarabine resistance Drug smuggling Therapeutic drug monitoring Drug trade, Illicit — Genetic aspects Drug trafficking BT Drugs—Analysis BT Microbial genetics Drugs—Prices and sale [Former heading] Drugs—Testing Illicit drug production Patient monitoring Drug resistance in tumor cells Illicit drug trade USE Drug resistance in cancer cells Narcotic trade Drug-nutrient interactions (May Subd Geog) Narcotic traffic [RM302.4] Drug responses, Idiosyncratic Narcotic trafficking UF Diet-drug interactions USE Idiosyncratic drug reactions Smuggling of drugs Drug-diet interactions Smuggling of narcotics Drug-food interactions Drug runners Traffic, Drug Food-drug interactions USE Drug couriers Trafficking in drugs Interactions, Drug-nutrient Trafficking in narcotics Nutrient-drug interactions Drug side effects BT Drug abuse and crime BT Drug interactions USE Drugs—Side effects RT Narco-terrorism Metabolism NT Cocaine industry Nutrition Drug smuggling Drug paraphernalia industry USE Drug traffic Heroin industry Drug overdose Opium trade USE Drugs—Overdose Drug solubility — Government policy USE Drugs—Solubility USE Drug control Drug packaging industry (May Subd Geog) — Investigation (May Subd Geog) BT Package goods industry Drug stability (May Subd Geog) Pharmaceutical industry [RS424] [HV8079.N3] UF Drugs—Stability BT Criminal investigation Drug paraphernalia (May Subd Geog) Stability, Drug UF Drug abuse—Paraphernalia BT Pharmacology Drug control Paraphernalia, Drug Drug traffic control Recreational drug paraphernalia Drug stabilizing agents Street drug paraphernalia USE Excipients USE Drug control NT Snuff trays Drug traffic in literature (Not Subd Geog) Drug stores Drug trafficking — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Drugstores Drug paraphernalia industry (May Subd Geog) USE Drug traffic Drug surveillance Drug trials [HD9970.5.D78-HD9970.5.D784] USE Drug utilization BT Drug traffic USE Drugs—Testing Drug plants Drug suspending agents Drug use USE Medicinal plants USE Excipients Drug policy USE Drug abuse USE Drug control Drug synergism Drug utilization [RM302.3] Pharmaceutical policy UF Drug potentiation Drug use and driving Drug potentiation Potentiation, Drug USE Drugged driving Synergism, Drug USE Drug synergism BT Drug interactions Drug use and traffic accidents (May Subd Geog) Drug prescribing SA subdivision Agonists under individual drugs UF Traffic accidents and drug use and groups of drugs BT Traffic accidents USE Drugs—Prescribing Drug production, Illicit Drug targeting (May Subd Geog) Drug use in animals [RM301.63] USE Animals—Drug use USE Drug traffic Here are entered works on means used to insure Drug pushers drug delivery to desired anatomical sites or lesions. USE Drug dealers D-266
Drug use monitoring Cardiovascular agents — Availability, Physiological USE Drug utilization Chiral drugs USE Drugs—Bioavailability Contraceptive drugs Drug utilization (May Subd Geog) Dispensatories — Bioavailability (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on the use of therapeutic Diuretics [RM301.6] Doping in sports Here are entered works on the physiological drugs as reported by government agencies, hospitals, Drinking water—Drug content physicians and drug firms. Drug accessibility availability of administered drugs within the body. Drugs, Nonprescription Works on patients' practical or economic access to UF Drug consumption Drugs of abuse therapeutic drugs are entered under Drug Drug surveillance Excipients accessibility. Drug use Frozen drugs Drug use monitoring Gastrointestinal agents UF Drug bioavailability Drugs—Utilization Generic drugs Drugs—Availability, Physiological Medication use Gynecologic drugs Drugs—Physiological availability Monitoring, Drug use Hematologic agents Utilization of drugs Hypoglycemic agents BT Biopharmaceutics Immunosuppressive agents — Biotechnology BT Chemotherapy Indandione Medical care—Utilization Kosher drugs USE Pharmaceutical biotechnology Magic and drugs — Carriers RT Hospitals—Drug distribution systems Muscle relaxants SA subdivision Drug use under names of individual Neuroprotective agents USE Drug carriers (Pharmacy) Ophthalmic drugs — Chemistry persons, and under classes of persons and Orphan drugs ethnic groups Osteoporosis drugs USE Pharmaceutical chemistry NT Drugs, Nonprescription—Utilization Patent medicines — Clinical trials — Evaluation Peptide drugs Drug vehicles (Pharmacy) Pharmacognosy USE Drugs—Testing USE Drug carriers (Pharmacy) Polypharmacy — Coatings (May Subd Geog) Drug withdrawal symptoms (May Subd Geog) Prodrugs [RM302.6] Protein drugs [RS199.C63] UF Withdrawal symptoms Psychotropic drugs UF Drug coatings BT Symptoms Radiation-protective agents NT Alcohol withdrawal syndrome Radiation-sensitizing agents Drugs—Dosage forms—Coatings Druget family Respiratory agents BT Coatings USE Drugeth family Stimulants Drugeth family (Not Subd Geog) Sulfur drugs Pharmaceutical technology UF Druget family Synthetic drugs RT Enteric-coated tablets Drugged driving (May Subd Geog) Tonics (Medicinal preparations) — Controlled release (May Subd Geog) [HE5620.D65] — Activation [RS201.C64] UF Automobile drivers—Drug use USE Drug activation UF Delayed-action drugs D.U.I. (Drugged driving) — Administration D.U.I.D. (Drugged driving) Prolonged-action drugs D.W.I. (Drugged driving) [RM147-RM180] Slow-release drugs Driving and drug use Here are entered works on when and how to Sustained-release drugs Driving under the influence of drugs give or take drugs as remedies. Timed-release drugs Driving while intoxicated BT Controlled release preparations Drug-impaired driving UF Administration of drugs Drugs—Dosage forms Drug-related DUI BT Chemotherapy SA subdivision Controlled release under Drug use and driving SA subdivision Administration under individual individual drugs and groups of drugs Drugs and driving and subdivision Therapeutic use-- DUI (Drugged driving) drugs and groups of drugs, e.g. Controlled release under individual DUID (Drugged driving) Anesthetics--Administration; and chemicals and groups of chemicals, e.g. DWI (Drugged driving) subdivision Therapeutic use-- Antibacterial agents--Controlled Impaired driving (Drugged driving) Administration under other individual release; Insulin--Therapeutic use-- Operating while under the influence chemicals and groups of chemicals, e.g. Controlled release OWI (Drugged driving) Copper--Therapeutic use-- NT Contraceptive drug implants BT Traffic violations Administration; Insulin--Therapeutic Enteric-coated tablets — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) use--Administration — Delivery systems NT Drugs—Dosage USE Drug delivery systems BT Criminal law Injections — Derivatives (May Subd Geog) Narcotic laws Intranasal medication NT Designer drugs Traffic regulations Oral medication — Design Parenteral therapy [RS420] Druggies Rectum, Medication by UF Drug design USE Drug addicts Respiratory therapy Pharmaceutical design Transdermal medication BT Drug development Druggists Vagina, Medication by SA subdivision Design under individual drugs USE Pharmacists — — Computer programs and groups of drugs, e.g. Antiparasitic — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) agents--Design Drugs (May Subd Geog) BT Medical laws and legislation — Development [RM300-RM671.5 (Pharmacology)] — Adulteration USE Drug development [RS (Pharmacy)] USE Drug adulteration — Dissolution UF Medicaments — Adulteration and analysis USE Drugs—Solubility Medications USE Drug adulteration — Dosage (May Subd Geog) Medicine (Drugs) Drugs—Analysis [RM138- Medicines (Drugs) — Adverse reactions RM129 (Drug prescribing and prescription writing)] Pharmaceuticals USE Drugs—Side effects [RM145 (Dose books)] Prescription drugs — Advertising UF Dosage of drugs BT Bioactive compounds USE Advertising—Drugs Dosiology Medical supplies — Analysis Drugs—Microdosage Pharmacopoeias [RB56-RB56.5 (Clinical pathology)] Microdosage of drugs RT Chemotherapy [RS189-RS190 (Pharmacy)] Posology Materia medica Here are entered technical works on chemical BT Drugs—Administration Pharmacology analysis to determine the composition or presence NT Drugs—Dose-response relationship Pharmacy of drugs. Works on testing the effectiveness or Drugs—Overdose SA headings beginning with the word Drug; also safety of drugs are entered under Drugs--Testing. Hospitals—Drug distribution individual drugs and groups of drugs, e.g. Works on testing to identify the personal use or systems—Unit-dose Narcotics; also subdivision Therapeutic use misuse of drugs are entered under Drug testing. — — Computer programs under individual chemicals and groups of — — Mathematics chemicals, e.g. Copper--Therapeutic use; UF Drugs—Adulteration and analysis [Former USE Pharmaceutical arithmetic Insulin--Therapeutic use; and subdivision heading] — — Reduction (May Subd Geog) Drug use under names of individual persons Pharmaceutical analysis Here are entered works on reducing patient and under classes of persons and ethnic medication consumption whether initiated by the groups NT Drug monitoring physician or patient. NT Anti-infective agents Antiallergic agents UF Medication consumption reduction Antineoplastic agents Reduction of drug dosage Aphrodisiacs Autonomic drugs — Dosage forms (May Subd Geog) Carbohydrate drugs [RS200-RS201] UF Compounding, Drug Dosage forms of drugs Drug compounding Pharmaceutical compounding D-267
Drugs — Laws and legislation Fungal cell walls—Effect of drugs on — Dosage forms (Continued) USE Drugs—Law and legislation Fungi—Effect of drugs on Pharmaceutical dosage forms Hangover cures BT Drug delivery systems — Lipophilicity Host-bacteria relationships—Effect of NT Ampuls USE Drug lipophilicity drugs on Antibody-drug conjugates Human cell culture—Effect of drugs on Capsules (Pharmacy) — Marketing Human embryo—Effect of drugs on Drug targeting NT Drug reimportation Human information processing—Effect of Drugs—Controlled release drugs on Emulsions (Pharmacy) — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Idiosyncratic drug reactions Gels (Pharmacy) BT Pharmaceutical policy Infants—Effect of drugs on Intrauterine contraceptives, Medicated Public health laws Ion channels—Effect of drugs on Ointments Learning—Effect of drugs on Pills — Metabolic detoxication Lipid membranes—Effect of drugs on Plaster (Pharmacy) USE Drugs—Metabolic detoxification Memory—Effect of drugs on Polymeric drugs Metabolism—Effect of drugs on Solid dosage forms — Metabolic detoxification (May Subd Geog) Microorganisms—Effect of drugs on Solutions (Pharmacy) UF Drugs—Metabolic detoxication [Former Newborn infants—Effect of drugs on Suppositories heading] Photosensitization, Biological — — Coatings Reaction time—Effect of drugs on USE Drugs—Coatings — Metabolism Reproduction—Effect of drugs on — Dose-effect relationship [RM301.55-RM301.57] Streptococcus pneumoniae—Effect of USE Drugs—Dose-response relationship UF Drug metabolism [Former heading] drugs on — Dose-response relationship RT Pharmacokinetics T cells—Effect of drugs on [RM301.8] NT Drug activation Viruses—Effect of drugs on UF Drugs—Dose-effect relationship — Prescribing (May Subd Geog) BT Drugs—Dosage — — Evaluation [RM138] Pharmacology NT Acetylator status (Pharmacology) Here are entered works on prescribing of drugs. — Effectiveness (May Subd Geog) Works on how to write drug prescriptions are UF Drug effectiveness — Microbiology (May Subd Geog) entered under Prescription writing. Drug efficacy Here are entered works on the contamination or Drugs—Efficacy UF Drug prescribing Effectiveness of drugs spoilage of pharmaceutical preparations by Prescribing of drugs Efficacy of drugs microorganisms or microbial products. Works on Prescription of drugs BT Drugs—Physiological effect microbiology as applied to pharmaceutical SA subdivision Effectiveness under individual processes, i.e., the synthesis, modification, and BT Chemotherapy drugs and groups of drugs and assay of antibiotics and other therapeutic or NT Clinical psychologists—Prescription subdivision Therapeutic use-- diagnostic agents are entered under Effectiveness under individual Pharmaceutical microbiology. privileges chemicals and groups of chemicals, e.g. Drugs—Generic substitution Insulin--Therapeutic use--Effectiveness; BT Microbial contamination Nurse practitioners—Prescription Analgesics--Effectiveness — Microdosage privileges — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Nurses—Prescription privileges — — Testing USE Drugs—Dosage — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Drugs—Testing — Monitoring BT Medical laws and legislation — Efficacy — Preservation (May Subd Geog) USE Drugs—Effectiveness USE Drug monitoring [RS159] — Equipment and supplies — Nomenclature NT Drugs—Storage—Temperature control — Equivalency, Therapeutic — Prices (May Subd Geog) USE Drugs—Therapeutic equivalency [RS55] [HD9665.4] — Evaluation — Overdosage NT Prescription pricing USE Drugs—Testing — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Freezing USE Drugs—Overdose — Prices and sale USE Frozen drugs — Overdose (May Subd Geog) USE Drug traffic — Generic substitution — Products liability [RS55.2] UF Drug overdose USE Products liability—Drugs UF Generic drug substitution Drugs—Overdosage [Former heading] — Psychic aspects (May Subd Geog) BT Drugs—Prescribing Overdosage of drugs [BF1045.D76] RT Generic drugs Overdose of drugs UF Parapsychology and drugs [Former — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) heading] — Government policy BT Drugs—Dosage BT Parapsychology USE Drug control Poisoning — Psychotropic effects Pharmaceutical policy USE Psychopharmacology — Granulation (May Subd Geog) RT Medication errors — Receptors [RS199.G73] SA subdivision Overdose under individual USE Drug receptors BT Granulation — Registration Pharmaceutical technology drugs and groups of drugs, e.g. USE Drug registration — Information services Narcotics--Overdose — Religious aspects USE Pharmacy—Information services — Packaging (May Subd Geog) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] — Juvenile literature [RS159.5] — Research (May Subd Geog) UF Materia medica—Juvenile literature NT Apothecary jars UF Pharmaceutical research [Former Pharmacy—Juvenile literature Edible coatings heading] — Kinetics Hospitals—Drug distribution Pharmacology—Research USE Pharmacokinetics systems—Unit-dose — Selling — Labeling (May Subd Geog) Medicine bottles USE Selling—Drugs — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Pharmacokinetics — Side effects (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Pharmacokinetics [RM302.5] Here are entered works on the legal regulation — Physiological availability UF Adverse drug reactions of drugs. General and non-legal works on the USE Drugs—Bioavailability Adverse reactions to drug therapy control of drugs are entered under Drug control. — Physiological effect (May Subd Geog) Chemotherapy—Complications Technical works on grade, quality, purity, and [RM300-RM666] Drug-induced disease strength of drugs are entered under Drugs-- UF Drug effects Drug side effects Standards. Pharmacodynamics Drugs—Adverse reactions BT Pharmacology Side effects of drugs UF Drug control—Law and legislation SA subdivision Effect of drugs on under BT Drugs—Physiological effect Drugs—Laws and legislation [Former individual organs and regions of the Iatrogenic diseases heading] body, and individual animals and RT Drug interactions Pharmaceutical industry—Law and groups of animals, e.g. Foot--Effect of SA subdivision Side effects under individual legislation drugs on; Heart--Effect of drugs on; drugs and groups of drugs, e.g. Fishes--Effect of drugs on; and Thalidomide--Side effects; Oral BT Pharmaceutical policy subdivision Receptors--Effect of drugs contraceptives--Side effects; also Public health laws on under individual chemicals and subdivision Therapeutic use--Side groups of chemicals, e.g. Insulin-- effects under other individual chemicals NT Narcotic laws Receptors--Effect of drugs on and groups of chemicals and individual Patent medicines—Law and legislation NT Adaptation (Physiology)—Effect of drugs plants and groups of plants, e.g. on Appetite—Effect of drugs on Bacteria—Effect of drugs on Basal ganglia—Effect of drugs on Body temperature—Effect of drugs on Calcium channels—Effect of drugs on Cells—Effect of drugs on Cognition—Effect of drugs on Drug discrimination (Pharmacology) Drugs—Effectiveness Drugs—Side effects Drugs and sex Enzymes—Effect of drugs on Fertility—Effect of drugs on Fetus—Effect of drugs on D-268
Copper--Therapeutic use--Side effects; Drugs, Antitubercular Drugs in popular music (Not Subd Geog) Corn--Therapeutic use--Side effects; USE Antitubercular agents Here are entered works on the representation of and subdivision Chemotherapy-- Complications under individual Drugs, Bronchoconstrictor drugs in popular music. diseases, e.g. Cancer--Chemotherapy-- USE Bronchoconstrictor agents Complications BT Popular music NT Drug allergy Drugs, Bronchodilator Drugs in sports Drugs—Toxicology USE Bronchodilator agents — — Epidemiology USE Doping in sports USE Pharmacoepidemiology Drugs, Bronchospasmolytic Drugs in the Bible — — Reporting (May Subd Geog) USE Bronchodilator agents UF Reporting of drug side effects [BS680.D76] — Solubility (May Subd Geog) Drugs, Bronchospastic Drugs of abuse (May Subd Geog) UF Drug solubility USE Bronchoconstrictor agents Drugs—Dissolution [RM316 (Pharmacology)] NT Drug lipophilicity Drugs, Dermatologic [RS190.D77 (Pharmaceutical analysis)] — — Testing USE Dermatologic agents Here are entered works on those mind-altering UF Drug dissolution testing drugs, such as alcohol, hallucinogens, marijuana, Drugs, Frozen narcotics, sedatives, and stimulants, that Pharmaceutical dissolution testing USE Frozen drugs governments seek to control because they are liable — Spectra to be abused. — Stability Drugs, Intranasal USE Intranasal medication UF Street drugs USE Drug stability BT Drugs — Standards (May Subd Geog) Drugs, Nonprescription (May Subd Geog) RT Psychotropic drugs [RM671] NT Designer drugs [RS189] UF Nonprescription drugs — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Here are entered technical works on grade, OTC drugs — Physiological effect (May Subd Geog) quality, purity, and strength of drugs. Works on the Over-the-counter drugs legal regulation of drugs are entered under Drugs-- BT Drugs [RM316] Law and legislation. Health products UF Drug abuse—Physiological effect RT Nonprescription drug industry Drugs of limited commercial value NT Biological assay Patent medicines USE Orphan drugs — Sterilization (May Subd Geog) Drugstore clients — Storage (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Drugstore customers — — Temperature control (May Subd Geog) — Utilization (May Subd Geog) Drugstore consumers USE Drugstore customers BT Drugs—Preservation UF Nonprescription drug utilization Drugstore customers (May Subd Geog) Temperature control Utilization of nonprescription drugs UF Drugstore clients Drugstore consumers — Structure-activity relationships BT Drug utilization BT Consumers [RM301.42] Drugs, Radiation-protective Drugstore employees (May Subd Geog) UF Structure-activity relationship [HD8039.D7] (Pharmacology) [Former heading] USE Radiation-protective agents UF Drugstores—Employees BT Pharmaceutical chemistry Drugs, Radioprotective BT Clerks (Retail trade) Pharmacology — Wages Structure-activity relationships USE Radiation-protective agents USE Wages—Drugstore employees (Biochemistry) Drugs (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) Drugstores (May Subd Geog) [HD9665-HD9675] — Targeting BT Islamic law UF Apothecaries (Drugstores) USE Drug targeting Drugs and crime Apothecary shops Chemists' shops — Taxation (May Subd Geog) USE Drug abuse and crime Drug stores — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Drugs and driving Pharmacies — Testing BT Pharmaceutical services USE Drugged driving Stores, Retail [RM301.27] Drugs and employment (May Subd Geog) NT Internet pharmacies Here are entered works on testing the — Employees effectiveness or safety of drugs. Works on testing [HF5549.5.D7 (Personnel management)] USE Drugstore employees to identify the personal use or misuse of drugs are UF Drug abuse and employment [Former heading] — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) entered under Drug testing. Technical works on — Management chemical analysis to determine the composition or Employees—Drug use NT Pharmacy management presence of drugs are entered under Drugs-- Employment and drugs Drugstores in art (Not Subd Geog) Analysis. RT Employee assistance programs [N8217.D784] Drugs and infants Druid Hill Park (Baltimore, Md.) UF Clinical drug trials USE Infants—Effect of drugs on This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Clinical trials of drugs Drugs and literature subdivision. Drug bioscreening UF Literature and drugs Drug trials BT Literature BT Parks—Maryland Drugs—Clinical trials Drugs and magic Druid temples (May Subd Geog) Drugs—Effectiveness—Testing USE Magic and drugs Drugs—Evaluation Drugs and mass media (May Subd Geog) BT Temples UF Drug abuse in mass media Druid's Altar (Ireland) BT Clinical pharmacology Mass media and drugs Drug development BT Drug abuse USE Drombeg Stone Circle (Ireland) Mass media Druids and druidism (May Subd Geog) SA subdivision Testing under individual drugs Drugs and motion pictures (May Subd Geog) and groups of drugs; and subdivision UF Motion pictures and drugs [BL910] Therapeutic use--Testing under BT Motion pictures BT Celts individual chemicals and groups of Drugs and popular music (May Subd Geog) chemicals, e.g. Copper--Therapeutic UF Popular music and drugs Religions use--Testing; Insulin--Therapeutic use-- BT Popular music Religious adherents Testing Drugs and reproduction NT Bards and bardism USE Reproduction—Effect of drugs on Druids and druidism in literature (Not Subd Geog) NT Drug monitoring Drugs and sex (May Subd Geog) Druin family (Not Subd Geog) — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) UF Sex and drugs Drukai languages — Therapeutic equivalency BT Drug abuse USE Rukai languages Drugs—Physiological effect Drukay languages [RM301.45] RT Date rape drugs USE Rukai languages UF Bioequivalence in drugs Drugs and state Drukha language USE Pharmaceutical policy USE Dzongkha language Clinical equivalence in drugs Drugs and the arts (May Subd Geog) Drukke language Drugs—Equivalency, Therapeutic [NX180.D78] USE Dzongkha language Therapeutic equivalency in drugs UF Arts and drugs Drukker family BT Biopharmaceutics BT Arts USE Drucker family — Tolerance Drugs and youth Drukpa (Himalayan people) (May Subd Geog) USE Drug tolerance USE Youth—Drug use UF Drok-pa (Himalayan people) — Toxicology (May Subd Geog) Drugs by mouth Drokpa (Himalayan people) [RA1238] USE Oral medication Dru-pa (Himalayan people) UF Drug toxicity Drugs from plants Drupa (Himalayan people) BT Drugs—Side effects USE Materia medica, Vegetable Dukpa (Himalayan people) NT Drug-exanthems Drugs from the sea BT Ethnology—Himalaya Mountains Region — Utilization USE Marine pharmacology Tibetans USE Drug utilization Drugs in animal feeds — Vehicles USE Medicated feeds USE Drug carriers (Pharmacy) Drugs in literature (Not Subd Geog) UF Narcotics in literature [Former heading] Drugs in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) [PN1995.9.D78] BT Motion pictures D-269
Drukpa (Sect) Bugle and drum music [Former heading] Drum set (May Subd Geog) USE ʾBrug-pa (Sect) Field music [ML1035 (History)] Drum and cello music (May Subd Geog) [MT662 (Instruction)] Drukšiai Lake (Lithuania) [M298] UF Drum kit UF Drisvycǐ o ezě ras (Lithuania) UF Cello and drum music Drumset Drisvytis Lake (Lithuania) Drum and violoncello music [Former heading] Trap kit Druk̄ šių ežeras (Lithuania) Drum and fife corps Trap set BT Lakes—Lithuania USE Fife and drum corps Traps (Drum set) Drum and fife corps music BT Percussion instruments Druk̄ šių ežeras (Lithuania) USE Fife and drum corps music NT Drum set brushes USE Drukšiai Lake (Lithuania) Drum and violoncello music USE Drum and cello music — Studies and exercises (Rock) Druley Lake (Ind.) Drum Barracks (Los Angeles, Calif.) [MT662.3] USE Duely Lake (Ind.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Drum—Studies and exercises (Rock) subdivision. [Former heading] Drulholis, Mas de (Anduze, France) USE Driolle (Anduze, France) UF Banning, Camp (Los Angeles, Calif.) Drum set and bass guitar music Camp Banning (Los Angeles, Calif.) USE Bass guitar and drum set music Drum, Camp (Los Angeles, Calif.) Camp Drum (Los Angeles, Calif.) USE Drum Barracks (Los Angeles, Calif.) Drum, Camp (Los Angeles, Calif.) Drum set and piano music (May Subd Geog) [M284.D83 (Collections)] Drum (May Subd Geog) BT Military camps—California [M285.D83 (Separate works)] [GN467.D8 (Primitive)] Drum brakes for automobiles UF Piano and drum set music [ML1035 (History)] [MT662-MT662.8 (Instruction)] USE Automobiles—Drum brakes Drum set brushes (May Subd Geog) UF Drums (Musical instruments) Drum circles (May Subd Geog) UF Brushes, Drum set BT Percussion instruments BT Drum set NT Arará (Drum) BT Percussion ensembles Atabaque Drum corps Drum set duets Babadok USE Drum set music (Drum sets (2)) Bass drum USE Drum and bugle corps Bongo Drum Inlet (N.C.) Drum set music (May Subd Geog) Bonkó [M146] Bronze drum UF Whalebone Inlet (N.C.) Here are entered compositions not in a specific Cajoń (Musical instrument) BT Inlets—North Carolina Catá (Musical instrument) Drum kit form or of a specific type for one performer playing a Cenḍ ̣a USE Drum set drum set, and collections of compositions in several Congas Drum language (May Subd Geog) forms or types for one performer playing a drum set. Cuíca BT Nonverbal communication Damba (Drum) RT Recorded accompaniments (Drum set) Dhimay Signals and signaling SA headings for forms and types of music that Dholi Drum leaf bindings (May Subd Geog) Djembe include \"drum set\" or \"drum sets\" and Ekue [Z269.3.D78] headings with medium of performance that Frame drums BT Adhesive bindings (Bookbinding) include \"drum set\" or \"drum sets\" Ghatạ Drum Lummon Mine (Mont.) Drum set music (Drum sets (2)) (May Subd Geog) Goblet drum USE Drumlummon Mine (Mont.) [M298] Hourglass drum Drum machine (May Subd Geog) UF Drum set duets Kañjirā [MT724.5 (Instruction)] Drumbeat, Operation, 1942 Kendang UF Electronic drum USE Operation Drumbeat, 1942 Lambeg drum Drumbore family Mādal Electronic percussion USE Trumbo family Mridanga Electronic percussion instruments [Former Drumclog, Battle of, Scotland, 1679 Naȳ khim̄ ̣ heading] BT Scotland—History—1660-1688 Ngoma (Drum) Preset rhythm machine Drumfish Par (Musical instrument) Rhythm machine USE Pogonias cromis Pung (Drum) Sampling drum machine Drumheller family (Not Subd Geog) Rebana BT Electronic musical instruments Drumlanrig Castle (Scotland) Snare drum NT Alesis HR-16 drum machine BT Castles—Scotland Stone drum Alesis MMT-8 drum machine Drumlins (May Subd Geog) Tabla Korg DDD-1 drum machine [GB581-GB588] Taiko Korg DDD-5 drum machine BT Glacial landforms Tamboril Roland drum machine Drumlummon Mine (Mont.) Tambou Yamaha RX-11 drum machine UF Drum Lummon Mine (Mont.) Tavil Yamaha RX-15 drum machine BT Gold mines and mining—Montana Timbales criollos Drum majorettes (May Subd Geog) Drummer, Whitemouth Timpani [GV1797] USE Micropogonias furnieri Tom-tom UF Majorettes Drummer (Fish) Tumba (Musical instrument) Drum majoring (May Subd Geog) USE Pogonias cromis Tupan [MT733.5] Drummers (Musicians) (May Subd Geog) Yuka (Musical instrument) BT Drill and minor tactics UF Drum players Marching drills BT Percussionists — Performance (May Subd Geog) Drum majors (May Subd Geog) NT Mridanga players UF Drum playing [MT733.5] Tabla players Drumming BT Bands (Music) Tavil players NT Rudiments (Drumming) Drum makers (May Subd Geog) Women drummers (Musicians) Here are entered works on makers and Drummers (Sales personnel) — Studies and exercises (Rock) manufacturers of musical drums. USE Traveling sales personnel USE Drum set—Studies and exercises (Rock) Drumming BT Percussion instrument makers USE Drum—Performance Drum, Banded (Fish) Drum music (May Subd Geog) Drummon family USE Pogonias cromis USE Drummond family This heading is used for music not in a specific Drummond, Lake (Va.) Drum, Big (Fish) form or of a specific type for an unspecified solo drum UF Lake Drummond (Va.) USE Pogonias cromis and for collections of compositions for several types BT Lakes—Virginia of solo drum. Works not in a specific form or of a Drummond, Bulldog (Fictitious character) Drum, Gray (Fish) specific type for a specified solo instrument are (Not Subd Geog) USE Pogonias cromis entered under Frame drum music; Snare drum music UF Bulldog Drummond (Fictitious character) and similar headings. Drummond, Lindsay (Fictitious character) Drum, Sea (Not Subd Geog) USE Pogonias cromis SA headings for the music of specific drums, e.g. UF Lindsay Drummond (Fictitious character) Mridanga music; Snare drum music; Tabla Drummond, Sean (Fictitious character) Drum, West Indian (Fish) music; Timpani music (Not Subd Geog) USE Micropogonias furnieri UF Sean Drummond (Fictitious character) Drum players Drummond family (Not Subd Geog) Drum and bagpipe band music USE Drummers (Musicians) UF Drummon family USE Pipe band music Drummond Island (Mich.) Drum playing BT Islands—Michigan Drum and bass (Music) USE Drum—Performance Drummond pepperwort USE Jungle (Music) USE Marsilea drummondii Drum Point (Md.) Drum and bugle corps (May Subd Geog) BT Peninsulas—Maryland UF Bugle and drum corps [Former heading] Drum corps Drum Point Lighthouse (Md.) BT Bands (Music) [VK1025.D] BT Lighthouses—Maryland Drum and bugle corps music (May Subd Geog) [M1270] Drum rudiments UF Bugle and drum corps music USE Rudiments (Drumming) D-270
Drummossie, Battle of, Scotland, 1746 Traffic violations Druz USE Culloden, Battle of, Scotland, 1746 RT Drinking and traffic accidents USE Druzes — Investigation (May Subd Geog) Drumnadrochit Dorit (Fictitious character) Druze (Not Subd Geog) [HV8079.D76] USE Druzes UF Dorit, Drumnadrochit (Fictitious character) BT Criminal investigation Dorothy (Fictitious character) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Druze and Maronite Conflict, Lebanon, 1860 BT Criminal law USE Lebanon—History—Druze and Maronite Drum'n'bass (Music) Conflict, 1860 USE Jungle (Music) Traffic regulations — Prevention Druze literature (English) Drumneen (Ireland) USE English literature—Druze authors BT Manors—Ireland RT Alcohol ignition interlock devices Drunk while driving Druze scholars (May Subd Geog) Drumright family (Not Subd Geog) Here are entered works on scholars in the field of UF Drumwright family USE Drunk driving Drunkards the Druze religion. Drums (Containers) (May Subd Geog) [TS198.6.D7 (Protective containers)] USE Alcoholics BT Scholars UF Oil drums Drunkard's path quilts (May Subd Geog) Druze women (May Subd Geog) Steel drums BT Containers BT Quilts [HQ1170.3] Drunken driving BT Muslim women — Labeling (May Subd Geog) Druzes (May Subd Geog) — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Drunk driving [BL1695 (Religion)] Drums (Fishes) Drunkenness Here are entered works on the Islamic sect known USE Sciaenidae as Druzes and works on its adherants as a class of Drums (Musical instruments) USE Alcoholism persons. USE Drum Temperance Drumset UF Darazis USE Drum set — Law and legislation Druse Drumthwacket (Princeton, N.J.) USE Drunkenness (Crime)—Law and Druses [Former heading] legislation Druz BT Dwellings—New Jersey Druze Drumul Brașovului (Bucharest, Romania) Drunkenness (Canon law) Druzim BT Canon law Duruz̄ USE Calea Victoriei (Bucharest, Romania) Drumul Național 7C (Romania) Drunkenness (Crime) (May Subd Geog) BT Islamic sects Here are entered works on alcoholic intoxication as — Marriage customs and rites (May Subd Geog) UF DN 7C (Romania : Highway) National Road 7C (Romania) a criminal offense or as a factor of criminal liability. [HQ525.D78] Transfağ ar̆ ăsa̦ n Highway (Romania) Works on the relation between alcoholism and UF Marriage—Druses [Former heading] Transfăgărășanul (Romania) criminal behavior or the incidence of crime are entered under the heading Alcoholism and crime. Marriage—Druzes [Former heading] BT Roads—Romania — Lebanon Drumwright family UF Inebriety (Crime) — — History Intoxication (Crime) USE Drumright family NT Lebanon—History—Druze and Maronite Druṅ-pa lamas (May Subd Geog) BT Crime Conflict, 1860 Criminal liability UF Drun-̇ pa priests Druzim Trungpa lamas NT Boating while intoxicated USE Druzes Drunk driving BT Kar-ma-pa lamas Druzno Lake (Poland) Druṅ-pa priests — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) UF Jeziora Druzno (Poland) UF Drunkenness (Criminal law) [Former BT Lakes—Poland USE Drun-̇ pa lamas heading] Druna language Drunkenness—Law and legislation Druzno Lake Watershed (Poland) BT Criminal law BT Watersheds—Poland USE Ngiti language Drunen Dunes (Netherlands) Drunkenness (Criminal law) Drvar, Battle of, 1944 USE Drunkenness (Crime)—Law and legislation USE Drvar, Battle of, Drvar, Bosnia and UF Drunensche Duinen (Netherlands) Herzegovina, 1944 Drunense Duinen (Netherlands) Drunkenness (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) Loonse en Drunense Duinen (Netherlands) BT Islamic law Drvar, Battle of, Drvar, Bosnia and Hercegovina, 1944 USE Drvar, Battle of, Drvar, Bosnia and BT Sand dunes—Netherlands Drunkenness (Jewish law) Herzegovina, 1944 Drunensche Duinen (Netherlands) BT Jewish law Drvar, Battle of, Drvar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1944 USE Drunen Dunes (Netherlands) Drunkenness (Philosophy) (May Subd Geog) UF Drvar, Battle of, 1944 [Former heading] Drunense Duinen (Netherlands) [B105.D78] Drvar, Battle of, Drvar, Bosnia and BT Philosophy Hercegovina, 1944 [Former heading] USE Drunen Dunes (Netherlands) Drvar (Bosnia and Hercegovina), Battle of, Drung (Tibeto-Burman people) Drunkenness (Roman law) 1944 [Former heading] BT Roman law BT World War, 1939-1945—Campaigns—Bosnia USE Tulung (Tibeto-Burman people) and Herzegovina Drung language Drunkenness and traffic accidents USE Drinking and traffic accidents Drvar (Bosnia and Hercegovina), Battle of, 1944 USE Tulung language USE Drvar, Battle of, Drvar, Bosnia and Drunk boating Drunks Herzegovina, 1944 USE Alcoholics USE Boating while intoxicated Drwec̨ a River (Poland) Drunk driving (May Subd Geog) Drupa (Himalayan people) UF Drewenz River (Poland) USE Drukpa (Himalayan people) BT Rivers—Poland [HE5620.D7] Here are entered works on drunk driving as a Drupadia (May Subd Geog) Drwęca River Valley (Poland) criminal offense. Works on the relation between [QL561.L8] UF Drwęca Valley (Poland) alcoholic intoxication and traffic accidents are entered BT Lycaenidae BT Valleys—Poland under Drinking and traffic accidents. Drupella (May Subd Geog) Drwęca Valley (Poland) UF Alcohol-impaired driving (Drunk driving) [QL430.5.M9 (Zoology)] USE Drwec̨ a River Valley (Poland) D.U.I. (Drunk driving) BT Muricidae D.W.I. (Drunk driving) Drwęski family (Not Subd Geog) Drink driving Drupella cornus (May Subd Geog) Dry, Mister (Symbolic character) Drinking and driving [QL430.5.M9 (Zoology)] Driving drunk BT Muricidae USE Mr. Dry (Symbolic character) Driving under the influence of alcohol Dry, Mr. (Symbolic character) Driving while impaired by alcohol Drupes Driving while intoxicated USE Stone fruit USE Mr. Dry (Symbolic character) Driving with the prescribed concentration of Dry Bay (Yakutat, Alaska) alcohol Druridge Bay (England) Drunk while driving BT Bays—England This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Drunken driving subdivision. DUI (Drunk driving) Drury, Frank (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) DWI (Drunk driving) UF Frank Drury (Fictitious character) UF Beering's Bay (Alaska) Impaired driving (Drunk driving) Shallow Bay (Alaska) Operating under the influence of alcohol (Drunk Drury family (Not Subd Geog) driving) UF Drewry family BT Bays—Alaska Operating while under the influence Dry Blacktail Creek (Mont.) OUI (Drunk driving) Drury Theatre (New York, N.Y.) OWI (Drunk driving) USE Franklin Museum (New York, N.Y.) USE Blacktail Deer Creek (Beaverhead County, PCA (Drunk driving) Mont.) Prescribed concentration of alcohol (Drunk Druse driving) USE Druzes Dry-bodied stoneware (May Subd Geog) [NK4367.D79] BT Drunkenness (Crime) Drusendahl family (Not Subd Geog) UF Dry body stoneware Druses BT Stoneware USE Druzes Dry body stoneware Drushel family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dry-bodied stoneware Drut︠s︡koĭ-Sokolinskiĭ family (Not Subd Geog) Dry Brook Ridge Wild Forest (N.Y.) UF Drutskoj-Sokolinskij family BT Forest reserves—New York (State) Drutskoy-Sokolinsky family Drutskoj-Sokolinskij family USE Drut︠s︡koĭ-Sokolinskiĭ family Drutskoy-Sokolinsky family USE Drut︠s︡koi-̆ Sokolinskiĭ family D-271
Dry cleaners Dry flowers Dry skim milk USE Dry cleaning industry USE Dried flowers USE Dried skim milk Dry cleaning (May Subd Geog) Dry forests Dry slope skiing (May Subd Geog) [TP932.3] USE Tropical dry forests [GV854.9.D78] UF Clothing and dress—Cleaning UF Artificial snow skiing Drycleaning Dry Fork, Pataha Creek (Wash.) Dry skiing BT Cleaning USE Dry Pataha Creek (Wash.) Plastic slope skiing Skiing, Dry slope [Former heading] Dry cleaning industry (May Subd Geog) Dry Fork (Wyo.) BT Skis and skiing UF Cleaners (Dry cleaners) UF Dry Fork Cheyenne River (Wyo.) Dry cleaners BT Rivers—Wyoming Dry-solids flow Drycleaners USE Bulk solids flow BT Cleaning and dyeing industry Dry Fork Canyon (Uintah County, Utah) BT Canyons—Utah Dry stack boat storage (May Subd Geog) Dry-cleaning machines (May Subd Geog) UF Boat dry storage UF Self-service dry-cleaning machines Dry Fork Cheyenne River (Wyo.) Drystack boat storage BT Cleaning machinery and appliances USE Dry Fork (Wyo.) BT Boathouses Coin-operated machines Storage racks Dry-goods (May Subd Geog) — Electric driving (May Subd Geog) [HD9950-HD9969 (Economics)] Dry stone walls (May Subd Geog) BT Electric driving [TS1760-TS1768 (Manufacture)] UF Dry walls (Masonry) BT Commercial products Drystane dyking — Valuation (May Subd Geog) NT Knit goods Drystone walls Dry climate Notions (Merchandise) Drywalls (Masonry) Textile fabrics BT Stone walls USE Arid regions climate Woolen goods Dry Cottonwood Creek (Anaconda-Deer Lodge County, Dry strength of paper — Specimens USE Paper—Dry strength Mont.) NT Swatches (Dry-goods) BT Rivers—Montana Dry Tortugas (Fla.) Dry Gulch (Utah) UF Dry Tortugas Islands (Fla.) Dry Creek (Beaver County, Utah) USE Dry Gulch Creek (Utah) Tortugas (Fla.) BT Rivers—Utah BT Islands—Florida Dry Gulch Creek (Utah) Dry Creek (Early County-Decatur County, Ga.) UF Dry Gulch (Utah) Dry Tortugas Islands (Fla.) BT Rivers—Georgia BT Rivers—Utah USE Dry Tortugas (Fla.) Dry Creek (Millard County, Utah) Dry Gulch Creek Watershed (Utah) Dry Tortugas Light (Fla.) BT Rivers—Utah BT Watersheds—Utah UF Dry Tortugas Light Station (Fla.) BT Lighthouses—Florida Dry Creek (Sonoma County, Calif.) Dry hopping (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—California BT Brewing Dry Tortugas Light Station (Fla.) USE Dry Tortugas Light (Fla.) Dry Creek (Sublette County and Sweetwater County, Dry ice (May Subd Geog) Wyo.) [TP492.82.D78] Dry Tortugas National Park (Fla.) USE Dry Sandy Creek (Wyo.) UF Carbon dioxide snow UF Fort Jefferson National Monument (Fla.) Ice, Dry [Former heading] Dry Creek, Battle of, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., Refrigerating carbonic acid BT National parks and reserves—Florida 1863 Solid carbon dioxide USE White Sulphur Springs, Battle of, White Sulphur BT Carbon dioxide Dry tropical forests Springs, W. Va., 1863 Refrigerants USE Tropical dry forests Dry Creek Reservoir (Twin Falls County, Idaho) — Therapeutic use (May Subd Geog) Dry Valley (Antarctica) USE Murtaugh Lake (Idaho) Dry Lakes Ridge (Calif.) USE Taylor Valley (Antarctica) Dry Creek Site (Alaska) BT Mountains—California Dry Valley Rim Wilderness (Calif. and Nev.) BT Alaska—Antiquities Transverse Ranges (Calif.) UF Dry Valley Rim Wilderness Study Area (Calif. and Nev.) Dry Creek Valley (Sonoma County, Calif.) Dry lands BT National parks and reserves—California BT Valleys—California USE Arid regions National parks and reserves—Nevada Wilderness areas—California Dry Creek Valley American Viticultural Area (Calif.) Dry marker drawing (May Subd Geog) Wilderness areas—Nevada BT Wine districts—California UF Dry marker rendering Marker drawing Dry Valley Rim Wilderness Study Area (Calif. and Nev.) Dry Creek Watershed (Early County-Decatur County, BT Drawing USE Dry Valley Rim Wilderness (Calif. and Nev.) Ga.) BT Watersheds—Georgia Dry marker rendering Dry Valley Wash (Nev.) USE Dry marker drawing USE Meadow Valley Wash (Nev.) Dry Creek Wilderness Area (Ark.) BT Wilderness areas—Arkansas Dry paintings Dry Valleys (Antarctica) USE Sandpaintings USE McMurdo Dry Valleys (Antarctica) Dry docks (May Subd Geog) [TC361] Dry Pataha Creek (Wash.) Dry Valleys of McMurdo Sound (Antarctica) UF Floating docks UF Dry Fork, Pataha Creek (Wash.) USE McMurdo Dry Valleys (Antarctica) Graving docks Pahaha Creek (Wash.) BT Docks Pataha Creek, Dry Fork (Wash.) Dry Valleys of Victoria Land (Antarctica) NT Camels (Dry docks) Pataha Creek (Garfield County, Wash.) USE McMurdo Dry Valleys (Antarctica) Marine railways Spring Creek (Garfield County, Wash.) BT Rivers—Washington (State) Dry wall Dry etching USE Drywall USE Plasma etching Dry Pataha Creek Watershed (Wash.) Drywall construction BT Watersheds—Washington (State) Dry eye disorders Dry-wall construction USE Dry eye syndromes Dry-point (May Subd Geog) USE Drywall construction [NE2220-NE2225] Dry eye syndromes (May Subd Geog) UF Dry-points [Former heading] Dry wall contractors [RE216.D78] BT Engraving USE Drywall contractors UF Dry eye disorders Etching BT Lacrimal apparatus—Diseases Dry walls (Masonry) Syndromes Dry-points USE Dry stone walls NT Keratoconjunctivitis sicca USE Dry-point Xerophthalmia Dry wines (May Subd Geog) Dry press molds BT Wine and wine making Dry Falls (Wash.) USE Dies (Ceramics) BT Cliffs—Washington (State) Drya family Dry rice USE Dryja family Dry Falls Lake (Wash.) USE Upland rice UF Fall Lake (Wash.) Dryadella (May Subd Geog) Falls Lake (Grant County, Wash.) Dry-rot (May Subd Geog) [QK495.O64 (Botany)] BT Lakes—Washington (State) [TA423.3] BT Orchids Reservoirs—Washington (State) BT Timber Sun Lakes (Wash.) Wood—Deterioration Dryads [BL820.D] Dry Falls State Park (Wash.) Dry rot fungus UF Wood nymphs USE Sun Lakes State Park (Wash.) USE Serpula lacrymans BT Mythology Superstition Dry family Dry Sandy (Utah) USE Drye family BT Valleys—Utah Dryandra (May Subd Geog) [QK495.P957 (Botany)] Dry farming (May Subd Geog) Dry Sandy Creek (Wyo.) BT Proteaceae [SB110] UF Dry Creek (Sublette County and Sweetwater UF Dryland farming County, Wyo.) Dryandra Forest (W.A.) Farming, Dry Hay Creek, West Fork (Sublette County and USE Dryandra Woodland (W.A.) Rainfed agriculture Sweetwater County, Wyo.) BT Arid regions agriculture West Fork, Hay Creek (Sublette County and Dryandra State Forest (W.A.) Tillage Sweetwater County, Wyo.) USE Dryandra Woodland (W.A.) BT Rivers—Wyoming Dry film lubricants Dryandra State Forests (W.A.) USE Solid lubricants Dry skiing USE Dryandra Woodland (W.A.) USE Dry slope skiing Dryandra Woodland (W.A.) UF Dryandra Forest (W.A.) D-272
Dryandra State Forest (W.A.) RT Kilns Scolytidae Dryandra State Forests (W.A.) NT Clothes dryers NT Western balsam bark beetle BT Forest reserves—Australia Dryocoetes confusus Natural areas—Australia Drying equipment industry USE Western balsam bark beetle Dryanovska Peshtera (Bulgaria) Freeze-drying Dryocopus (May Subd Geog) USE Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria) Hair dryers [QL696.P56 (Zoology)] Dryaphis persicae Infrared drying equipment BT Picidae USE Pterochloroides persicae Solar dryers Dryas (May Subd Geog) — Food Woodpeckers [QK495.R78] USE Food—Drying—Equipment and supplies NT Black woodpecker BT Rosaceae — Textile fabrics Drycleaners USE Textile fabrics—Drying—Equipment and Dryocopus richardsi USE Dry cleaning industry Pileated woodpecker Drycleaning supplies Dryocopus martius USE Dry cleaning Drying equipment industry (May Subd Geog) USE Black woodpecker Dryden, Philip (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Dryocopus pileatus UF Philip Dryden (Fictitious character) BT Drying apparatus USE Pileated woodpecker Dryden Dam (Wash.) Drying of food Dryocopus richardsi (May Subd Geog) USE Dryden Diversion Dam (Wash.) [QL696.P56] Dryden Diversion Dam (Wash.) USE Food—Drying BT Dryocopus UF Dryden Dam (Wash.) Drying of fruit Dryolestidae (May Subd Geog) BT Dams—Washington (State) [QE882.E86] Dryden family (Not Subd Geog) USE Fruit—Drying BT Eupantotheria Dryden Theater (Rochester, N.Y.) Drying of vegetables Dryolimnas (May Subd Geog) USE Dryden Theatre (Rochester, N.Y.) [QL696.G876 (Zoology)] Dryden Theatre (Rochester, N.Y.) USE Vegetables—Drying BT Rails (Birds) UF Dryden Theater (Rochester, N.Y.) Drying oils Rallidae Dryden Theatre at George Eastman House NT Aldabra white-throated rail (Rochester, N.Y.) [TP937.7] White-throated rail BT Motion picture theaters—New York (State) BT Driers Dryolimnas aldabranus Dryden Theatre at George Eastman House (Rochester, USE Aldabra white-throated rail N.Y.) Oils and fats Dryolimnas cuvieri USE Dryden Theatre (Rochester, N.Y.) Paint materials USE White-throated rail Drye family (Not Subd Geog) Protective coatings Dryolimnas cuvieri aldabranus UF Dry family NT Hemp seed oil USE Aldabra white-throated rail Dryer family Linseed oil Dryopetalon (May Subd Geog) USE Dreyer family Oiticica oil [QK495.C9] Dryers, Clothes Perilla oil BT Cruciferae USE Clothes dryers Soy oil Dryopidae (May Subd Geog) Dryers, Hair Tung oil [QL596.D7] USE Hair dryers Dryinidae (May Subd Geog) UF Parnidae Dryers, Solar NT Donisthorpina BT Beetles USE Solar dryers Haplogonatopus Dryopteridaceae (May Subd Geog) Dryfe Sands, Battle of, 1593 Dryinus aeneus [QK524.D79 (Botany)] USE Dryfe Sands, Battle of, Scotland, 1593 USE Brown vine snake UF Aspidiaceae Dryfe Sands, Battle of, Scotland, 1593 Dryja family (Not Subd Geog) Bolbitideae UF Dryfe Sands, Battle of, 1593 [Former heading] UF Dreja family Davalliaceae BT Scotland—History—James VI, 1567-1625 Dreyja family Dryopterideae Drygavichy (Slavic people) (May Subd Geog) Drya family Dryopteridoideae [DK507.35.D79] Dryland agriculture Oleandreae UF Dregovichi (Slavic people) USE Arid regions agriculture Onocleeae Drehovichians (Slavic people) Dryland biodiversity Peranemeae Drehovychi (Slavic people) USE Arid regions biodiversity Physematieae BT Ethnology—Belarus Dryland biodiversity conservation BT Polypodiales Slavs, Eastern USE Arid regions biodiversity conservation NT Dryopteris Drying (May Subd Geog) Dryland climate Onoclea [TP363 (Chemical technology)] USE Arid regions climate Polybotrya BT Evaporation Dryland farming Dryopterideae RT Curing USE Arid regions agriculture USE Dryopteridaceae SA subdivision Drying under individual materials Dry farming Dryopteridoideae and types of materials and types of products Dryland regions USE Dryopteridaceae or objects dried, e.g. Concrete--Drying; USE Arid regions Dryopteris (May Subd Geog) Corn--Drying Drylands [QK524.D79] NT Drying agents USE Arid regions BT Dryopteridaceae Efflorescence Drymarchon NT Dryopteris filix-mas Microwave drying USE Indigo snakes Dryopteris filix-mas (May Subd Geog) Restorative drying Drymarchon corais [QK524.A7] Spray drying USE Western indigo snake UF Aspidium filix mas — Equipment and supplies Drymarchon corais couperi BT Dryopteris USE Drying apparatus USE Eastern indigo snake Dryopteris hexagonoptera Drying agents Drymarchon couperi USE Broad beechfern Here are entered works on driers used to remove USE Eastern indigo snake Dryopteris simulata moisture. Works on equipment used in drying Drymaria (May Subd Geog) USE Massachusetts fern operations are entered under Drying apparatus. [QK495.C24] Dryptidae Works on driers used in paints, varnishes, etc. are BT Caryophyllaceae USE Ground beetles entered under Driers. Drymocallis Dryptosaurus crenatissimus USE Cinquefoils USE Majungasaurus crenatissimus UF Dehydrating agents Dryobates pubescens Drysdale Creek (Vic.) Desiccants USE Downy woodpecker BT Rivers—Australia Dryobius amygdali Drysdale Creek Valley (Vic.) BT Chemicals USE Pterochloroides persicae BT Valleys—Australia Drying Dryocampa (May Subd Geog) Dryslwyn Castle (Wales) [QL561.S2 (Zoology)] [DA738.D79] NT Driers BT Saturniidae BT Castles—Wales Molecular sieves NT Dryocampa rubicunda Dryslwyn Castle Site (Dryslwyn, Wales) Silica gel Dryocampa rubicunda (May Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic [QL561.S2 (Zoology)] subdivision. Drying apparatus (May Subd Geog) UF Anisota rubicunda [TP363] Green-striped maple worm UF Castell Dryslwyn Site (Dryslwyn, Wales) Here are entered works on equipment used in Greenstriped mapleworm BT Wales—Antiquities Maple moth, Rosy Drystack boat storage drying operations. Works on driers used in paints, Maple worm [Former heading] USE Dry stack boat storage varnishes, etc. are entered under Driers. Works on Mapleworm, Green-striped Drystane dyking driers used to remove moisture are entered under Rosey maple moth USE Dry stone walls Drying agents. Rosy maple moth BT Dryocampa UF Apparatus, Drying Dryocoetes (May Subd Geog) Drying—Equipment and supplies [QL596.S35 (Zoology)] BT Bark beetles D-273
Drystone walls DSS (Dining side stacking chair) Du Breuil family USE Dry stone walls USE Eames stacking chair USE Breuil family Drywall (May Subd Geog) DSS/A (Computer system) Du Bruyn family Here are entered works on sheets or panels of [HD30.2] USE De Bruyn family UF Micro-DSS/ANALYSIS (Computer system) wallboard made with a gypsum core covered with BT Computer graphics Du Bus family paper. Works on sheets or panels of various Computer systems USE Dubus family materials used as substitutes for wooden boards or Management—Data processing plaster in the construction of interior walls and Du Cane Court (London, England) ceilings, including sheets or panels of plywood, DSS/F (Computer system) BT Apartment houses—England fiberboard, gypsum drywall, and laminated plastics, [HG4012.5] are entered under Wallboard. UF Micro-DSS/FINANCE (Computer system) Du Charme family BT Business enterprises—Finance—Data USE Ducharme family UF Dry wall [Former heading] processing Gypsum board Computer graphics Du Chemin family Gypsum drywall Computer systems USE Duchemin family Gypsum wallboard Corporations—Finance—Data processing Plaster board [Former heading] Du family (Not Subd Geog) Plasterboard [Former heading] DSSCs (Dye-sensitized solar cells) Du Four family Sheetrock (Trademark) USE Dye-sensitized solar cells USE Dufour family BT Wallboard DSSI (Psychiatry) Du Fresne family — Products liability USE Delusions-Symptoms-States Inventory USE Dufresne family USE Products liability—Drywall DSSTs (Achievement tests) Du Guet family (Not Subd Geog) Drywall construction (May Subd Geog) USE Dantes Subject Standardized Tests UF Duguet family [TH8139] DTC medical device advertising Du Hill (Henan Sheng, China : Mountain) UF Dry wall [Former heading] USE Direct-to-consumer medical device advertising UF Du Mountain (Henan Sheng, China : Mountain) Dry-wall construction DTC prescription drug advertising Du Shan (Henan Sheng, China : Mountain) BT Building USE Direct-to-consumer prescription drug Dushan (Henan Sheng, China : Mountain) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) advertising Dushan Mountain (Henan Sheng, China : Mountain) BT Building laws DTI (Diffusion tensor imaging) Drywall contractors (May Subd Geog) USE Diffusion tensor imaging BT Mountains—China Du-hub-hub-bai (Wash.) UF Dry wall contractors [Former heading] DTL (Document markup language) BT Contractors UF Dialog Tag Language (Document markup USE Hamma Hamma River (Wash.) NT Women drywall contractors language) Du Jeu family (Not Subd Geog) Drywalls (Masonry) Tag-based markup language USE Dry stone walls BT Document markup languages RT Mollerat du Jeu family DS automobile Du Lac family (Not Subd Geog) USE Citroen̈ DS automobile DTLA (Detroit tests of learning aptitude) DS Kerr (Fictitious character) USE Detroit tests of learning aptitude UF Dulac family USE Kerr, Ian (Fictitious character) Du Launy family DS Kolla (Fictitious character) DTM (Dining table metal) USE Kolla, Kathy (Fictitious character) USE Eames plywood folding tables USE Delaney family DS Stella Mooney (Fictitious character) Du-long (Tibeto-Burman people) USE Mooney, Stella (Fictitious character) DTMS (Computer system) DS subtest (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised) USE Data Traffic Management System (Computer USE Tulung (Tibeto-Burman people) USE WAIS-R Digit Span subtest system) Du-long language DS Yellich (Fictitious character) USE Yellich, Somerled (Fictitious character) DTMs (Digital terrain models) USE Tulung language DSA (Cardiology) USE Digital elevation models Du Lys family (Not Subd Geog) USE Digital subtraction angiography Du Maurier family (Not Subd Geog) DSC (Direct strip casting) DTP (Desktop publishing) Du Melle family USE Direct strip casting USE Desktop publishing DSC (Great Britain) USE Dumelle family USE Distinguished Service Cross (Great Britain) DTPA Du Mesnil family (Not Subd Geog) Dschagatai language USE Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid Du Met family USE Chagatai language Dschagga (African people) DTs (Delirium tremens) USE Demers family USE Chaga (African people) USE Delirium tremens Du Mond family Dschagga language USE Chaga language DTSS (Computer system) USE Dumont family Dschang language USE Dartmouth Time-Sharing System (Computer Du Mont family USE Yemba language system) Dsebu (African people) USE Dumont family USE Ijebu (African people) DTW (Dining table wood) Du Moulin family (Not Subd Geog) Dsebu dialect USE Eames molded plywood dining tables USE Ijebu dialect UF Moulin family Dsekiri (African people) DU (Depleted uranium) Du Mountain (Henan Sheng, China : Mountain) USE Itsekiri (African people) USE Depleted uranium DSL (Danish Sign Language) USE Du Hill (Henan Sheng, China : Mountain) USE Danish Sign Language DU-14 (Computer system) Du Pac family (Not Subd Geog) DSLM cameras Du Baril family USE Mirrorless interchangable-lens cameras UF Dupac family DSLs (Digital subscriber lines) USE Baril family Du Page River, East Branch (Ill.) USE Digital subscriber lines Du Bay, Lake (Wis.) DSLs (Domain-specific programming languages) UF East Branch, Du Page River (Ill.) USE Domain-specific programming languages UF Du Bay Reservoir (Wis.) BT Rivers—Illinois DSM (Computer science) DuBay, Lake (Wis.) Du Page River, East Branch, Watershed (Ill.) USE Distributed shared memory Lake Du Bay (Wis.) BT Watersheds—Illinois DSM (Distinguished Service Medal) Lake DuBay (Wis.) Du Page River (Ill.) USE Distinguished Service Medal (Great Britain) UF Dupage River (Ill.) DSMs (Digital surface models) BT Lakes—Wisconsin BT Rivers—Illinois USE Digital elevation models Reservoirs—Wisconsin Du Pasquier family (Not Subd Geog) DSN (Deep Space Network) UF Pasquier family USE Deep Space Network Du Bay Reservoir (Wis.) Du Perron family (Not Subd Geog) DSO (Great Britain) USE Du Bay, Lake (Wis.) Du Ploi family USE Distinguished Service Order (Great Britain) USE Du Plooy family Dsosotin Eleson (China) Du Bellay family (Not Subd Geog) Du Plooy family (Not Subd Geog) USE Gurbantünggüt Desert (China) UF Bellay family UF De Ploey family DSP56002 (Microprocessor) USE Motorola DSP56002 (Microprocessor) Du Besset family (Not Subd Geog) De Plooy family Ds̲ r (The Egyptian word) Du Bochet family De Ploy family BT Egyptian language—Etymology De Ploye family dsRNA USE Bouchet family De Plui family USE Double-stranded RNA Du Bois de Hoves de Fosseux family (Not Subd Geog) De Pluie family De Pluy family RT Du Bois de Hoves family Du Ploi family Dubois family Du Ploye family Du Ploye family Du Bois de Hoves family (Not Subd Geog) USE Du Plooy family RT Du Bois de Hoves de Fosseux family Du Pont family (Not Subd Geog) Dubois family UF Dupont family RT Depont family Du Boisadam family Du Pont Winterthur Museum Gardens (Del.) USE De Boisadam family USE Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum Gardens (Del.) Du Boisbaudry family (Not Subd Geog) Du Prael family Du Bon family USE Prall family Du Pré, Gabriel (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE DeBaun family UF Gabriel du Pré (Fictitious character) Du Bouchet family Du Pree family USE Dupree family USE Bouchet family Du Bous family USE Dubus family Du Boz family USE Dubois family Du Breil family (Not Subd Geog) D-274
Du Preez family (Not Subd Geog) and dividend payments. Dual citizenship Du Puy du Fou family (Not Subd Geog) Dual nationality—Law and legislation Du Rivau family BT Stocks Nationality, Dual Dual-code hypothesis Nationality, Plural USE Rivau family Plural nationality Du Roy family USE Dual-coding hypothesis BT Citizenship Dual-code theory RT Conflict of laws—Citizenship USE Roy family — Law and legislation Du Rozel family USE Dual-coding hypothesis USE Dual nationality Dual-coding hypothesis (May Subd Geog) Dual occupancy homesites (May Subd Geog) USE Roselle family Here are entered works on homesites that have Du Shan (Henan Sheng, China : Mountain) UF Dual-code hypothesis two dwellings on one lot, either separate or attached Dual-code theory to each other. USE Du Hill (Henan Sheng, China : Mountain) Dual-coding theory Du Terrau family BT Homesites BT Association of ideas Dual-party systems USE Duterrau family Dual-coding theory Du Terreau family USE Two-party systems USE Dual-coding hypothesis Dual personality USE Duterrau family Dual degree programs Du Toit family (Not Subd Geog) USE Multiple personality USE Joint academic degree programs Dual-photon absorptiometry UF Dutoit family Dual diagnosis (May Subd Geog) Du Toitskloof (South Africa : Mountain pass) USE Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry [RC564.68] Dual-purpose cattle (May Subd Geog) USE Dutoitskloofpas (South Africa) Here are entered works on the coexistence of Du Toitskloof Tunnel (South Africa) chemical dependency and another psychiatric [SF211] disorder. BT Cattle USE Huguenot Tunnel (South Africa) Dual record systems (May Subd Geog) Du Trieux family UF Alcoholism and mental illness UF Record systems, Dual Dual disorders BT Recording and registration USE Truax family Mental illness and alcoholism Du Val family Mental illness and substance abuse Vital statistics NT Medical record linkage USE Duvall family BT Comorbidity Dual role clergy Du Vall family Mental illness USE Clergy—Secular employment Substance abuse Dual school enrollment USE Duvall family USE Dual enrollment Du Vallon, Louis (Fictitious character) — Patients (May Subd Geog) Dual specificity phosphatase 1 (May Subd Geog) UF Dually diagnosed persons UF Map kinase phosphatase 1 USE Porthos (Fictitious character) Dually disordered Du Vallon de Bracieux de Pierrefonds, Louis (Fictitious MAP phosphatase-1 Dual diagnosis in adolescence (May Subd Geog) Mitogen-activated protein phosphatase-1 character) [RJ506.D83] MKP-1 phosphatase USE Porthos (Fictitious character) BT Adolescent psychopathology BT Protein-tyrosine phosphatase Du Verne family (Not Subd Geog) Dual water systems (May Subd Geog) Dual disorders UF Water systems, Dual UF Duverne family USE Dual diagnosis BT Water—Distribution Du Vinage family (Not Subd Geog) Dual X-ray absorptiometry Dual economy (May Subd Geog) USE Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry UF Duvenage family UF Dualistic economy Duala (African people) (May Subd Geog) Duvinage family BT Economics [DT571.D83] UF Deido (African people) Du-wop (Music) Dual employment Diwala (African people) USE Doo-wop (Music) USE Supplementary employment Douala (African people) Duala (Bantu people) [Former heading] Duaba (India) Dual energy computed tomography Dualla (African people) USE Doaba (India) USE Dual energy CT (Tomography) Dwala (African people) Dwalla (African people) Duae family Dual energy CT (Tomography) (May Subd Geog) Dwela (African people) USE Dewey family [RC78.7.D83] Sawa (African people) UF DECT (Tomography) BT Bantu-speaking peoples Dual (Grammar) Dual energy computed tomography Ethnology—Cameroon USE Grammar, Comparative and general—Number Spectral computed tomography Duala (Bantu people) Spectral CT (Tomography) USE Duala (African people) Dual allegiance BT Tomography Duala decorative arts USE Dual nationality USE Decorative arts, Duala Dual-energy radiographic absorptiometry Duala language (May Subd Geog) Dual Alliance, 1879 USE Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry [PL8141] UF Alliance, Dual, 1879 UF Diwala language BT Austria—History—1867-1918 Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry Douala language Germany—History—1871-1918 UF Absorptiometry, Dual-energy radiographic Dualla language Absorptiometry, Dual-energy X-ray Dwala language Dual-brain psychology (May Subd Geog) DEXA (Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) Dwela language [RC455.4.D83 (Psychiatry)] DPX absorptiometry BT Bantu languages Here are entered works on a model that Dual-energy radiographic absorptiometry Cameroon—Languages Dual-energy X-ray analysis Duala literature (May Subd Geog) hypothesizes the presence of two minds, one Dual-photon absorptiometry BT Cameroonian literature associated with each cerebral hemisphere, and that Dual X-ray absorptiometry NT Duala poetry one of them, the \"immature, troubled\" one, retains the DXA (Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) Duala poetry (May Subd Geog) residues of past psychic traumas and undermines the Radiographic absortiometry, Dual-energy BT Duala literature other, \"healthier, more mature\" one. X-ray absorptiometry, Dual-energy Duala proverbs BT Densitometry USE Proverbs, Duala BT Psychology, Pathological X-ray spectroscopy Duala songs RT Cerebral dominance USE Songs, Duala Dual-energy X-ray analysis Dualism Laterality USE Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry [B812 (General)] Dual-brain therapy (May Subd Geog) [BD331 (Ontology)] Dual enrollment (May Subd Geog) [QC6.4.D8 (Physics)] BT Psychotherapy Here are entered works on any arrangement BT Philosophy Dual-career couples RT Idealism where a student is enrolled in two schools at the Materialism USE Dual-career families same time. Monism Dual-career families (May Subd Geog) Occasionalism UF Concurrent enrollment Realism Here are entered works on families in which both Dual school enrollment NT Mind and body husband and wife are pursuing careers and on how Education, Shared-time Dualism, Wave-particle this affects their relationship and family life. Works on Enrollment, Current USE Wave-particle duality the conditions of employment of married people are Enrollment, Dual entered under Married people--Employment. Enrollment, Dual school Shared-time education UF Career couples Couples, Dual-income BT School enrollment Couples, Two-career Dual-faith families Dual-career couples Dual-career marriage USE Interfaith families Dual-income couples Dual-income couples Two-career couples Two-earner families USE Dual-career families Working couples Dual integral equations BT Families USE Integral equations, Dual RT Work and family Dual leadership in psychology Dual-career marriage USE Dual-career families USE Multiple psychotherapy Dual cathedrals Dual-mode locomotives USE Double cathedrals Dual citizenship USE Electro-diesel locomotives USE Dual nationality Dual nationality (May Subd Geog) Dual class stocks (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on stocks issued for a UF Double nationality single company that provide different voting rights Dual allegiance D-275
Dualism (Religion) Dubai Tower (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) Dubiraphia (May Subd Geog) [BL218] USE Burj Khalifa (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) [QL596.E45 (Zoology)] BT Religion BT Elmidae Dubakella Mountain (Calif.) NT Dubiraphia parva — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] BT Mountains—California — Christianity Dubiraphia parva (May Subd Geog) Dubalāra Cara (Bangladesh) [QL596.E45 (Zoology)] NT Manichaeism USE Dubla Char (Bangladesh) UF Little riffle beetle Dualism (Religion) in rabbinical literature BT Dubiraphia Dubarry family BT Rabbinical literature USE Dewberry family Dubisa River (Lithuania) Dualism in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Dubysa River (Lithuania) Dualism in literature (Not Subd Geog) Dubautia (May Subd Geog) Dualistic economy [QK495.C74 (Botany)] Dubla Char (Bangladesh) BT Compositae UF Dubalāra Cara (Bangladesh) USE Dual economy NT Mountain dubautia Dubla Island (Bangladesh) Duality, Morita BT Islands—Bangladesh Dubautia menziesii USE Morita duality USE Mountain dubautia Dubla Island (Bangladesh) Duality (Logic) USE Dubla Char (Bangladesh) Dubautia rockii [BC199.D8] USE Mountain dubautia Dublé family (Not Subd Geog) BT Logic UF Double family Duality (Logic) in literature (Not Subd Geog) Dubautia struthioloides Doublet family Duality (Nuclear physics) USE Mountain dubautia BT Nuclear reactions Dubler family (Not Subd Geog) Dubawnt River (N.W.T. and Nunavut) Dublin (Ireland) Scattering (Physics) UF Doobaunt River (N.W.T. and Nunavut) Duality principle (Physics) BT Rivers—Northwest Territories — History Rivers—Nunavut — — Bombardment, 1941 USE Wave-particle duality Duality theory (Mathematics) DuBay, Lake (Wis.) BT Bombing, Aerial—Ireland USE Du Bay, Lake (Wis.) World War, 1939- BT Algebra 1945—Campaigns—Ireland Mathematical analysis Dubb family Topology USE Dubbs family — Social life and customs — — 18th century NT Conuclear spaces Dubberley family — — 19th century Pontrjagin duality USE Douberly family — — 20th century Dublin Bay (Ireland) Dualla (African people) Dubberly family USE Duala (African people) USE Douberly family BT Bays—Ireland Dublin Bay prawn Dualla language Dubbing of motion pictures (May Subd Geog) USE Duala language [P306.93 (Translating)] USE Norway lobster [TR886.7 (Cinematography)] Dublin Core (Not Subd Geog) Dually diagnosed persons UF Dubbing of moving-pictures [Former heading] USE Dual diagnosis—Patients Motion pictures—Dubbing UF Dublin Metadata Core Element Set BT Motion pictures BT Metadata Dually disordered Translating and interpreting Dublin Lockout, Dublin, Ireland, 1913 USE Dual diagnosis—Patients BT Strikes and lockouts—Transport Dubbing of moving-pictures Duan family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dubbing of motion pictures workers—Ireland Duʻan Wad̄ ī (Yemen) Dublin Metadata Core Element Set Dubbing of poultry USE Dawʻan Wādī (Yemen) USE Poultry—Dubbing USE Dublin Core Duane Arnold Energy Center (Iowa) Dublin Spire (Dublin, Ireland) Dubbing of television programs (May Subd Geog) UF Arnold Energy Center (Iowa) [P306.93 (Translating)] USE Spire (Dublin, Ireland) BT Nuclear power plants BT Television programs Dubnium (May Subd Geog) Duane Braddock (Fictitious character) Translating and interpreting USE Braddock, Duane (Fictitious character) [QD181.D2 (General and inorganic chemistry)] Duane Moore (Fictitious character) Dubbs family (Not Subd Geog) [QD412.D2 (Organometallic chemistry)] USE Moore, Duane (Fictitious character) UF Dubb family UF Hahnium Duano language (May Subd Geog) Dubs family [PL5298.9797] Dups family Joliotium UF Desin Dolak language Toops family Nielsbohrium Toups family Unnilpentium Desin Duano language BT Superheavy elements Orang Kuala language Dubé family (Not Subd Geog) Transition metals Orang Laut language (Duano) UF Dub family Dubno Fortress (Ukraine) BT Indonesia—Languages Duba family USE Dubensʹkyĭ fort (Ukraine) Malayan languages Dubochet family Malaysia—Languages Dube Post Office Building (Twentynine Palms, Calif.) USE Bouchet family Duars, Bengal (India) USE Colonel M. J. \"Mac\" Dube, USMC, Post Office Dubois, Camp (Ill.) USE Western Duars (India) Building (Twentynine Palms, Calif.) USE Camp River Dubois (Ill.) Duars, Western (India) Dubois family (Not Subd Geog) USE Western Duars (India) Dubea language UF Debois family Duars (India) USE Dumbea language Debose family USE Dooars (India) Du Boz family Duarte family (Not Subd Geog) Düben family Duboise family Duarte Peak (Dominican Republic) USE Deeben family Duboscq family UF Mount Trujillo (Dominican Republic) DuBose family [Former heading] Pico Duarte (Dominican Republic) Dub̈ en Heath (Germany) Dubost family Trujillo, Mount (Dominican Republic) UF Dübener Heide (Germany) [Former heading] Duboz family BT Mountains—Dominican Republic BT Heathlands—Germany RT Buys family Duathlon (May Subd Geog) Du Bois de Hoves de Fosseux family BT Athletics Dub̈ endorfer family Du Bois de Hoves family Duauru language USE Diefenderfer family Dubois House (Springfield, Ill.) USE Numeè ̀ language USE Jesse K. Dubois House (Springfield, Ill.) Duay family Dubendor̈ ffer family Duboise family USE Dewey family USE Diefenderfer family USE Dubois family Duayhy family Dubonnet, Tubby (Fictitious character) USE Duwayhī family Dub̈ ener Heide, Naturpark (Germany) (Not Subd Geog) Dub (Music) (May Subd Geog) USE Naturpark Dub̈ ener Heide (Germany) UF Tubby Dubonnet (Fictitious character) UF Dub reggae DuBordieu family Reggae dub Dübener Heide (Germany) USE DuBourdieu family BT Reggae music USE Dub̈ en Heath (Germany) Duboscq family Dub family USE Dubois family USE Dubé family Dubenskiĭ fort (Ukraine) DuBose family Dub reggae USE Dubensʹkyĭ fort (Ukraine) USE Dubois family USE Dub (Music) Dubost family Dub step Dubensʹkyĭ fort (Ukraine) USE Dubois family USE Dubstep UF Dubenskiĭ fort (Ukraine) Dubouchet family Duba family Dubno Fortress (Ukraine) USE Bouchet family USE Dubé family Fort-zastava Dubno (Ukraine) DuBourdieu family (Not Subd Geog) Dubach family (Not Subd Geog) Nova Dubensʹka fortetsi͡ a͡ (Ukraine) UF Bordieu family RT Hiltbrand family Tarakaniv Fort (Ukraine) Bourdieu family Dubai, Palm (United Arab Emirates) Tarakanivsʹkyĭ fort (Ukraine) De Bordieu family USE Palm Jumeirah (United Arab Emirates) Tarakanovskiĭ fort (Ukraine) BT Fortification—Ukraine Duberry family USE Dewberry family Duberstein United States Bankruptcy Courthouse (New York, N.Y.) USE Conrad B. Duberstein United States Bankruptcy Courthouse (New York, N.Y.) Dubiel family (Not Subd Geog) Dubina family (Not Subd Geog) D-276
De Bourdieu family D'Ucel family subdivision. DuBordieu family USE Ucel family Le Bordieu family UF Lawrence Bridge (Lawrence, Mass.) Le Bourdieu family Ducey family (Not Subd Geog) Union Street Bridge (Lawrence, Mass.) Duboz family UF Ducie family USE Dubois family BT Bridges—Massachusetts Dubrajpur Formation (India) Duch Goŕ (Legendary character) Duck calls (May Subd Geog) BT Formations (Geology)—India USE Rübezahl (Legendary character) Geology, Stratigraphic—Cretaceous [NK4898 (Decorative arts)] Geology, Stratigraphic—Jurassic Ducharm family UF Calls, Duck Geology, Stratigraphic—Triassic USE Ducharme family BT Duck shooting—Equipment and supplies Dubrish family (Not Subd Geog) Dubrovnik (Croatia) Ducharme family (Not Subd Geog) Game calling (Hunting)—Equipment and — History UF Du Charme family supplies — — Siege, 1991-1992 Ducharm family Duck Creek (Kay County, Okla.) BT Rivers—Oklahoma BT Croatia—History—1990- Duchemin family (Not Subd Geog) Duck Creek Watershed (Kay County, Okla.) Sieges—Croatia UF Du Chemin family BT Watersheds—Oklahoma Duck decoys (May Subd Geog) Dubs family Duchemin Lake (Ind.) BT Decoys (Hunting) USE Dubbs family USE Hudson Lake (Ind. : Lake) Duck shooting—Equipment and supplies Duck enteritis herpesvirus Dubstep (May Subd Geog) Duchenne muscular dystrophy (May Subd Geog) USE Duck plague virus UF Brostep [RJ482.D78] Duck enteritis virus Dub step UF Duchenne's muscular dystrophy USE Duck plague virus Dubstep music Erb's dystrophy Duck hawk BT Electronic dance music Pseudohypertrophic infantile muscular USE Peregrine falcon dystrophy Duck Hill Garden (North Salem, N.Y.) Dubstep music Pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Dubstep Zimmerlin's dystrophy subdivision. BT Muscular dystrophy in children Dubuc family (Not Subd Geog) X-linked mental retardation BT Gardens—New York (State) Dubuisson family (Not Subd Geog) Duck hunting Dubus family (Not Subd Geog) Duchenne's muscular dystrophy USE Duchenne muscular dystrophy USE Duck shooting UF Du Bous family Duck Island (Venezuela) Du Bus family Ducher family USE Dutcher family USE Patos Island (Venezuela) Dubysa River (Lithuania) Duck Lake (Carbon County, Wyo.) UF Dubisa River (Lithuania) Duchesne River (Utah) Dubysos upė (Lithuania) BT Rivers—Utah BT Lakes—Wyoming BT Rivers—Lithuania Duck Lake (Grays Harbor County, Wash.) Duchesne River Watershed (Utah) Dubysos upė (Lithuania) BT Watersheds—Utah BT Lakes—Washington (State) USE Dubysa River (Lithuania) Duck Lake (Kane County, Utah) Duchess (Steam locomotive) Duca, Torrione del (Castell'Arquato, Italy) USE Duchess Class (Steam locomotives) USE Navajo Lake (Utah) USE Torrione del Duca (Castell'Arquato, Italy) Duck Mountain (Man.) Duchess Award Duca family (Not Subd Geog) USE Maude Kerns Duchess Award BT Mountains—Manitoba RT Duke family Duck Mountain Provincial Park (Man.) Duchess Class (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) Duca Federico, Piazza (Urbino, Italy) UF Big Lizzies (Steam locomotives) BT Parks—Manitoba USE Piazza Duca Federico (Urbino, Italy) Coronation Class (Steam locomotives) Duck Mountain Provincial Park (Sask.) Duchess (Steam locomotive) [Former heading] Ducaiya Indians Duchesses (Steam locomotives) BT Parks—Saskatchewan USE Ocaina Indians LMS Coronation Class (Steam locomotives) Duck plague (May Subd Geog) LMS Princess Coronation Class (Steam Ducaiya language locomotives) UF Anatid herpesvirus infection USE Ocaina language Princess Coronation Class (Steam Avian herpesvirus type 2 infection locomotives) Duck virus enteritis Ducal castle (Ceglie Messapica, Italy) BT Steam locomotives USE Castello ducale (Ceglie Messapica, Italy) BT Anseriformes—Virus diseases Duchesses (Steam locomotives) Herpesvirus diseases in animals Ducal Garden (Parma, Italy) USE Duchess Class (Steam locomotives) USE Giardino ducale di Parma (Parma, Italy) Duck plague virus (May Subd Geog) Duchi di Santo Stefano, Palazzo dei (Taormina, Italy) UF Anatid herpesvirus 1 Ducal Palace (Alvito, Italy) USE Palazzo dei Duchi di Santo Stefano (Taormina, Avian herpesvirus 2 USE Palazzo Gallio (Alvito, Italy) Italy) Duck enteritis herpesvirus Duck enteritis virus Ducal Palace (Gandía, Spain) Duchicela family (Not Subd Geog) BT Anseriformes—Viruses USE Palacio Ducal (Gandiá , Spain) Duchies (May Subd Geog) Herpesviruses Ducal Palace (Guastalla, Italy) UF Dukedoms Duck populations (May Subd Geog) USE Palazzo ducale (Guastalla, Italy) BT Feudalism BT Bird populations NT Mallard populations Ducal Palace (Gubbio, Italy) Nobility USE Palazzo ducale (Gubbio, Italy) Duchy of Castro, War of, 1642-1644 — Estimates (May Subd Geog) UF Duck populations—Estimation Ducal Palace (Guimarães, Portugal) USE Castro, War of, 1642-1644 Estimates of duck populations USE Paco̧ dos Duques de Bragança (Guimarães, Duchy Palace (Lostwithiel, England) Estimation of duck populations Portugal) BT Ornithology—Technique USE Old Duchy Palace (Lostwithiel, England) RT Ducks—Counting Ducal Palace (Palma di Montechiaro, Italy) Ducie Atoll (Pitcairn Islands) USE Palazzo ducale (Palma di Montechiaro, Italy) — Estimation UF Ducie Island (Pitcairn Islands) USE Duck populations—Estimates Ducal Palace (Parma, Italy) Luna Puesta Island (Pitcairn Islands) USE Palazzo del giardino (Parma, Italy) Duck-potato BT Coral reefs and islands—Pitcairn Islands USE Sagittaria latifolia Ducal Palace (Pesaro, Italy) Ducie family USE Palazzo ducale (Pesaro, Italy) Duck River (Tenn.) USE Ducey family BT Rivers—Tennessee Ducal Palace (Sassuolo, Italy) Ducie Island (Pitcairn Islands) USE Palazzo ducale (Sassuolo, Italy) Duck River Site (Man.) USE Ducie Atoll (Pitcairn Islands) BT Manitoba—Antiquities Ducal villeggiatura di Bellaria (Italy) Duck, Operation, 1966-1967 USE Romitorio di Mugnano (Italy) Duck River Valley (Tenn.) USE Operation Duck, 1966-1967 UF Duck Valley (Tenn.) Ducale palazzina di Mugnano (Italy) Duck (Fictitious character : Alborough) BT Valleys—Tennessee USE Romitorio di Mugnano (Italy) (Not Subd Geog) Duck River Watershed (Tenn.) Ducat Duck (Military truck) BT Watersheds—Tennessee UF Sequin Zecchino USE GMC Duck (Military truck) Duck shooting (May Subd Geog) BT Coins, European Duck (Textile) (May Subd Geog) [SK333.D8] UF Duck hunting Ducat family (Not Subd Geog) [TS1580] BT Waterfowl shooting UF Doucatt family BT Textile fabrics RT Duguid family — Tariff — Equipment and supplies NT Duck calls Ducati family USE Tariff on duck Duck decoys USE Ducatti family Duck-billed dinosaurs Duck stamps (May Subd Geog) Ducati motorcycle (Not Subd Geog) USE Hadrosauridae UF Migratory bird hunting stamps [TL448.D8] Duck-billed platypus Non-postal stamps BT Motorcycles Stamps, Non-postal USE Platypus BT Revenue stamps—United States Ducatti family (Not Subd Geog) Duck breeds (May Subd Geog) UF Ducati family — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) UF Ducks—Breeds Ducea di Maniace, Castello della (Maniace, Italy) BT Poultry breeds USE Castello della Ducea di Maniace (Maniace, NT Call duck Italy) Khaki Campbell duck Duck Bridge (Lawrence, Mass.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic D-277
Duck tape — Counting (May Subd Geog) Duda USE Duct tape RT Duck populations—Estimates USE Dudy Duck Valley (Tenn.) — Feeding and feeds (May Subd Geog) Duda music USE Duck River Valley (Tenn.) [SF505.57] USE Dudy music UF Ducks—Food Duck Valley Indian Reservation (Idaho and Nev.) Duda River (Colombia) BT Indian reservations—Idaho — Food UF Río Duda (Colombia) Indian reservations—Nevada USE Ducks—Feeding and feeds BT Rivers—Colombia Duck virus enteritis — Infancy Dudan family (Not Subd Geog) USE Duck plague USE Ducklings Dudaś family (Not Subd Geog) Duck weed fern — Use in cooking Here are entered works on families with the USE Azolla filiculoides USE Cooking (Duck) surnames Dudas, Dudaś , Dudáš, Dudaș, or Dudaš. Duckabush River (Wash.) Ducks, Fossil (May Subd Geog) When this heading is assigned to works on an UF Dacqueboose River (Wash.) [QE872.A6] individual family, the appropriate diacritical marks, if BT Rivers—Washington (State) BT Anatidae, Fossil any, are included in the heading in the catalog record. NT Anas, Fossil Duckabush River Watershed (Wash.) Dudder family BT Watersheds—Washington (State) Ducks, Toy USE Duder family USE Toy ducks Duckbill Duddingtonia (May Subd Geog) USE Platypus Ducks, Whistling- [QK625.M7 (Botany)] USE Dendrocygna BT Moniliaceae Duckbill, Brazilian NT Duddingtonia flagrans USE Percophis brasiliensis Ducks as pets (May Subd Geog) BT Pets Duddingtonia flagrans (May Subd Geog) Duckbill (Fish) [QK625.M7 (Botany)] USE Paddlefish Ducks in art (Not Subd Geog) UF Arthrobotrys flagrans Percophis brasiliensis Ducksworth family Trichothecium flagrans BT Duddingtonia Duckbill dinosaurs USE Duckworth family USE Hadrosauridae Ducktrap River (Me.) Duddle family USE Diddle family Duckbill eels BT Rivers—Maine USE Nettastomatidae Duckwall family (Not Subd Geog) Duddon, River (England) Duckwater Reservation (Nev.) UF River Duddon (England) Duckburg (Imaginary place) (Not Subd Geog) BT Rivers—England BT Imaginary places BT Indian reservations—Nevada Duckweed Duddon, River, Valley (England) Ducke, Reserva (Brazil) USE Duddon Valley (England) USE Reserva Ducke (Brazil) USE Portulaca oleracea Duckweed, Common Duddon, River, Watershed (England) Ducke Reserve (Brazil) BT Watersheds—England USE Reserva Adolpho Ducke (Brazil) USE Lemna minor Duckweeds (May Subd Geog) Duddon Valley (England) Duckenfield family (Not Subd Geog) UF Duddon, River, Valley (England) UF Duckinfield family [QK495.L527 (Botany)] Dunnerdale (England) Duckingfield family [SB317.D82 (Economic plants)] BT Valleys—England Dugginfield family UF Lemnaceae [Former heading] Dukinfield family BT Spathiflorae Duddridge Lake (Sask.) Duncanfield family NT Lemna BT Lakes—Saskatchewan Durkenfield family Spirodela Dude Duckett family (Not Subd Geog) Duckworth family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dudy Duckfoot Site (Colo.) UF Ducksworth family Dude (The English word) BT Colorado—Antiquities Düclerk family BT English language—Etymology Duckgrass USE De Clerck family Dude ranchers (May Subd Geog) USE Dwarf eelgrass Duclos Bay (Chile) BT Ranchers Duckham family (Not Subd Geog) Duckinfield family USE Agua Fresca Bay (Chile) Dude ranches (May Subd Geog) Duclos family (Not Subd Geog) [GV198.945-GV198.975] USE Duckenfield family Ducrotoy family (Not Subd Geog) UF Guest ranches Ducking stool Duct, Pancreatic BT Camps Farms—Recreational use USE Cucking stool USE Pancreatic duct Outdoor recreation Duckingfield family Duct of Wirsung Ranch life Ranches USE Duckenfield family USE Pancreatic duct Resorts Ducklings (May Subd Geog) Duct tape (May Subd Geog) — Arizona UF Ducks—Infancy UF Duck tape NT Shekayah Ranch (Ariz.) BT Animals—Infancy BT Adhesive tape Ducted fans (May Subd Geog) — California Ducks BT Fans (Machinery) NT Drakesbad Guest Ranch (Calif.) Duckmole NT Gas-turbines Ductile cast iron — Colorado USE Platypus USE Iron, Nodular NT Never Summer Ranch (Colo.) Duckpin bowling (May Subd Geog) Ductility USE subdivision Ductility under individual materials — Montana [GV910.5.D8] NT Nine Quarter Circle Ranch (Mont.) UF Bowling, Duck pin [Former heading] and types of materials, e.g. Metals--Ductility Ductless glands — New Mexico Bowling, Duckpin NT San Gabriel Ranch (Alcalde, N.M.) Duckpins USE Endocrine glands BT Bowling games Ducts, Air — Wyoming — Rules NT Eatons’ Ranch (Wyo.) Duckpins USE Air ducts Holm Lodge (Wyo.) USE Duckpin bowling Ducts, Bile Ducks (May Subd Geog) Dudekulas [QL696.A52 (Zoology)] USE Bile ducts USE Nūrbas̄ h [SF504.7-SF505.63 (Culture)] Ducts, Milk UF Anatinae Duder family (Not Subd Geog) BT Anatidae USE Milk ducts UF Dewdar family Poultry Ductus arteriosus Dudder family NT Aix Anas UF Botallo's duct Dudes Aythya Ductus Botalli USE Dandies Bufflehead Cairina BT Aorta Dudgeon family (Not Subd Geog) Chibi (Duck) Blood-vessels Dudh Kosi River (Nepal) Corporal Haggis (Duck) Fetus Ducklings BT Rivers—Nepal Hymenolaimus — Abnormalities (May Subd Geog) Dudhwa National Park (India) Oxyura NT Patent ductus arteriosus Rhodonessa USE Dudwa National Park (India) Ruddy shelduck Ductus Botalli Dudi language Sea ducks USE Ductus arteriosus Shelduck USE Bitur language Torrent ducks Ductus deferens Dudka — Anatomy USE Vas deferens USE Sǔ peljka NT Foie gras Ductus lactiferi Dudley Canal (England) — Breeds USE Milk ducts BT Canals—England USE Duck breeds Ductus lymphaticus dexter Dudley Castle Site (England) USE Lymphatic duct, Right BT England—Antiquities Ducula Dudley family (Not Subd Geog) USE Imperial pigeons UF Dudli family Ducula galeata USE Marquesan imperial pigeon D-278
Dudley Farm Historic State Park (Fla.) Due East (S.C. : Imaginary place) (Not Subd Geog) Duerksen family BT Historic sites—Florida BT Imaginary places USE Dirksen family Parks—Florida Due family Duero River (Spain and Portugal) Dudley House (Guilford, Conn.) USE Dew family UF Douro River (Spain and Portugal) USE Caleb Dudley House (Guilford, Conn.) Rio Douro (Spain and Portugal) Due process of law (May Subd Geog) Rió Duero (Spain and Portugal) Dudley House (Kennebunkport, Me.) Here are entered works on the regular BT Rivers—Portugal UF Captain Dudley House (Kennebunkport, Me.) Rivers—Spain BT Dwellings—Maine administration of the law, according to which no citizen may be denied his or her legal rights and all Duero River Valley (Spain and Portugal) Dudley Indians (May Subd Geog) laws must conform to fundamental, accepted legal UF Duero Valley (Spain and Portugal) [E99.D8] principles. Works on legal hearings before an BT Valleys—Portugal BT Indians of North America—Massachusetts impartial and disinterested tribunal carried out in an Valleys—Spain atmosphere devoid of prejudice are entered under Dudley the Dragon (Fictitious character) Fair trial. Duero River Watershed (Spain and Portugal) (Not Subd Geog) BT Watersheds—Portugal UF Access to justice (Due process of law) Watersheds—Spain Dudley's Defeat, 1813 Procedural due process [E356.D8] Substantive due process Duero Valley (Spain and Portugal) BT United States—History—War of USE Duero River Valley (Spain and Portugal) 1812—Campaigns BT Civil rights Justice, Administration of Duerr family (Not Subd Geog) Dudli family UF Duer family USE Dudley family NT Audi alteram partem RT Derr family Defense (Criminal procedure) Dudmaston (England) Double jeopardy Dues (May Subd Geog) UF Dudmaston Hall (England) Ex post facto laws UF Membership dues BT Dwellings—England Fair trial NT Union dues Retroactive judicial decisions Dudmaston Hall (England) Retroactive laws Dues family USE Dudmaston (England) Right to counsel USE Dew family Dudney family (Not Subd Geog) Due Sicilie, House of Duesenberg automobile (Not Subd Geog) RT Dieudonne family USE Bourbon-Two Sicilies, House of BT Automobiles Dudt family Dueben family Duesman family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dutt family USE Deeben family UF Diesman family Duë smann family Dudte family Dueck family (Not Subd Geog) Duisman family USE Dutt family Duefel family Duë smann family Duduk (Duct flute) USE Duffel family USE Duesman family USE Svirala Duegar̊ den (Faroe Islands) Duess family Duduk (Oboe) (May Subd Geog) USE Duv́ ugarðar (Faroe Islands) USE Dew family UF Duduki Dueing family Nay (Oboe) Duet family BT Musical instruments—Armenia USE Dewing family USE DeWitt family Musical instruments—Georgia (Republic) Duel family Oboe Duetecum family RT Bal̄ aban̄ USE Duell family USE Doetechum family Mey Duelfer family (Not Subd Geog) Duets (May Subd Geog) Duduk (Oboe) and guitar music (May Subd Geog) UF Dul̈ fer family [M177-M298.5] UF Guitar and duduk (oboe) music Duelge family (Not Subd Geog) Here are entered collections of compositions for Dueling (May Subd Geog) Duduk (Oboe) duets various combinations of two instruments. Collections USE Duduk (Oboe) music (Duduks (Oboe) (2)) [CR4571-CR4595 (Code)] of compositions for the same two specified UF Duels instruments, and individual works, are entered under Duduk (Oboe) music Bassoon and piano music, Violin music (Violins (2)), Here are entered compositions not in a specific Fighting and similar headings. Collections of compositions and BT Chivalry individual works for two unspecified instruments, or form or of a specific type for solo duduk (Oboe), and for a particular specified instrument and an collections of compositions in several forms or types Martial arts unspecified instrument, are entered under Duets for solo duduk (Oboe). RT Combat followed by a parenthetical qualifier indicating the medium of performance. SA headings for forms and types of music that Wager of battle include \"duduk (Oboe)\" or \"duduks (Oboes)\" NT Fencing Compositions for two solo voices are entered and headings with medium of performance — New Jersey under Sacred vocal duets or Vocal duets. that include \"duduk (Oboe)\" or \"duduks (Oboes)\" NT Burr-Hamilton Duel, Weehawken, N.J., UF Duos 1804 SA headings of the type Piano music (4 hands) Duduk (Oboe) music (Duduks (2)) USE Duduk (Oboe) music (Duduks (Oboe) (2)) — Tennessee and similar headings for two performers on NT Jackson-Dickinson Duel, Tenn., 1806 other keyboard instruments Duduk (Oboe) music (Duduks (Oboe) (2)) Duets (Alto flute and unspecified instrument) (May Subd Geog) Dueling in art (Not Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) [M288-M289] Dueling in literature (Not Subd Geog) [M298.5] UF Duduk (Oboe) duets Duell family (Not Subd Geog) UF Alto flute and unspecified instrument music Duduk (Oboe) music (Duduks (2)) [Former Duets (Unspecified instrument and alto flute) heading] UF Davel family Duets (Bass flute and unspecified instrument) Davelle family [M298.5] Duduk (Oboe) players (May Subd Geog) Davol family UF Bass flute and unspecified instrument music BT Oboe players De Walle family Duets (Unspecified instrument and bass flute) Deuel family Duets (Cittern and unspecified instrument) Duduki Deuell family USE Duets (Unspecified instrument and cittern) USE Duduk (Oboe) Deul family Duets (Computer and unspecified instrument) Devel family USE Duets (Unspecified instrument and computer) Dudumunir Cave (Indonesia) Dewall family Duets (Continuo and unspecified instrument) BT Caves—Indonesia Dewel family USE Duets (Unspecified instrument and continuo) Indonesia—Antiquities Dewell family Duets (Flute and unspecified instrument) Divall family UF Duets (Unspecified instrument and flute) Dudwa National Park (India) Duel family [Former heading] [Former heading] UF Dudhwa National Park (India) Flute and unspecified instrument music BT National parks and reserves—India RT Dill family Duets (Guitar and unspecified instrument) Duels USE Duets (Unspecified instrument and guitar) Dudy (May Subd Geog) Duets (Harp and unspecified instrument) [ML980 (History)] USE Dueling USE Duets (Unspecified instrument and harp) UF Duda [Former heading] Duely Lake (Ind.) Duets (Keyboard instrument and unspecified Dude instrument) BT Bagpipe UF Druely Lake (Ind.) USE Duets (Unspecified instrument and keyboard Musical instruments—Europe, Eastern Druley Lake (Ind.) instrument) Musical instruments—Russia (Federation) Duley Lake (Ind.) Duets (Lute and unspecified instrument) USE Duets (Unspecified instrument and lute) Dudy music BT Lakes—Indiana Duets (Mandolin and unspecified instrument) [M145] Duemey family USE Duets (Unspecified instrument and mandolin) Here are entered compositions not in a specific Duets (Organ and unspecified instrument) USE Dumey family USE Duets (Unspecified instrument and organ) form or of a specific type for one performer playing Duen family dudy, and collections of compositions in several forms or types for one performer playing dudy. USE Dewing family Duenã s Palace (Seville, Spain) UF Duda music [Former heading] SA headings for forms and types of music that USE Palacio de las Duenã s (Seville, Spain) Duenz family include \"dudy\" and headings with medium of performance that include \"dudy\" USE Dun̈ z family Due care (Law) Duer family USE Reasonable care (Law) USE Duerr family Dueringer family (Not Subd Geog) D-279
Duets (Percussion and unspecified instrument) Duey family (Not Subd Geog) Duffy family (Not Subd Geog) UF Duets (Unspecified instrument and percussion) RT Dewey family UF Duffee family Percussion and unspecified instrument music Douay family Duffey family Duffie family Duets (Piano and unspecified instrument) Dufaur Rockshelter (France) RT Duff family USE Duets (Unspecified instrument and piano) USE Dufaure Rockshelter (France) McDuffie family Duets (Recorder and unspecified instrument) Dufaure Rockshelter (France) Duffy House (Fictitious character) [M298.5] UF Abri Dufaure (France) USE House, Duffy (Fictitious character) UF Duets (Unspecified instrument and recorder) Dufaur Rockshelter (France) Recorder and unspecified instrument music BT Caves—France Duffy's Cut Site (Malvern, Pa.) France—Antiquities This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Duets (Unspecified instrument and alto flute) USE Duets (Alto flute and unspecified instrument) Dufek Massif (Antarctica) subdivision. UF Macizo Santa Teresita (Antarctica) Duets (Unspecified instrument and bass flute) Santa Teresita Range (Antarctica) BT Pennsylvania—Antiquities USE Duets (Bass flute and unspecified instrument) BT Mountains—Antarctica Dufner family Pensacola Mountains (Antarctica) Duets (Unspecified instrument and cithern) USE Duffner family USE Duets (Unspecified instrument and cittern) Dufel family Dufour family (Not Subd Geog) USE Duffel family Duets (Unspecified instrument and cittern) UF Du Four family [M298.5] Duff Dufur family UF Cittern and unspecified instrument music USE Dạ ph Duets (Cittern and unspecified instrument) Dufourea (May Subd Geog) Duets (Unspecified instrument and cithern) Duff family (Not Subd Geog) [QL568.H3] [Former heading] RT Duffy family BT Halictidae Duets (Unspecified instrument and computer) Duff Group (Solomon Islands) Dufourneau family (May Subd Geog) USE Duff Islands (Solomon Islands) USE Fournier family UF Duets (Computer and unspecified instrument) Computer and unspecified instrument music Duff Islands (Solomon Islands) Dufresne family (Not Subd Geog) Unspecified instrument and computer music UF Duff Group (Solomon Islands) UF Du Fresne family Taumako Islands (Solomon Islands) Duets (Unspecified instrument and continuo) Wilson Group (Solomon Islands) Dufur family UF Continuo and unspecified instrument music Wilson Islands (Solomon Islands) USE Dufour family Duets (Continuo and unspecified instrument) BT Islands—Solomon Islands Santa Cruz Islands (Solomon Islands) Dug (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Duets (Unspecified instrument and flute) Dugan, Kirsten (Fictitious character) USE Duets (Flute and unspecified instrument) Duffaits Cave (France) UF Grotte des Duffaits (France) USE Kirsten (Fictitious character : Walker) Duets (Unspecified instrument and guitar) BT Caves—France Dugan (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) France—Antiquities Dugan family UF Duets (Guitar and unspecified instrument) Guitar and unspecified instrument music Duffee family USE Duggan family USE Duffy family Dugandiodendron (May Subd Geog) Duets (Unspecified instrument and harp) UF Duets (Harp and unspecified instrument) Duffel bags (May Subd Geog) [QK495.M24 (Botany)] Harp and unspecified instrument music UF Duffle bags BT Magnoliaceae Seabags Dugas family (Not Subd Geog) Duets (Unspecified instrument and keyboard BT Bags Dugdale Baseball Park (Seattle, Wash.) instrument) (May Subd Geog) USE Dugdale Park (Seattle, Wash.) [M285.5-M285.6] Duffel family (Not Subd Geog) Dugdale Park (Seattle, Wash.) UF Duets (Keyboard instrument and unspecified UF Duefel family UF Dugdale Baseball Park (Seattle, Wash.) instrument) Dufel family BT Stadiums—Washington (State) Keyboard instrument and unspecified Duffell family Dugen family instrument music Duv̈ el family USE Duggan family Düwel family Dugesia (May Subd Geog) Duets (Unspecified instrument and lute) [QL391.P7] UF Duets (Lute and unspecified instrument) Duffell family UF Euplanaria Lute and unspecified instrument music USE Duffel family BT Dugesiidae NT Dugesia dorotocephala Duets (Unspecified instrument and mandolin) Dufferin Medals UF Duets (Mandolin and unspecified instrument) BT Medals—Canada Dugesia tigrina Mandolin and unspecified instrument music Dugesia dorotocephala (May Subd Geog) Dufferin Street (Toronto, Ont.) Duets (Unspecified instrument and organ) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic [QL391.P7] UF Duets (Organ and unspecified instrument) UF Planaria dorotocephala Organ and unspecified instrument music subdivision. BT Dugesia Dugesia tigrina (May Subd Geog) Duets (Unspecified instrument and percussion) BT Streets—Ontario [QL391.P7] USE Duets (Percussion and unspecified instrument) Duffey family UF Planaria maculata BT Dugesia Duets (Unspecified instrument and piano) USE Duffy family Dugesiidae (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) Duffey Lake Park (B.C.) [QL391.P7] [M285.5-M285.6] BT Tricladida UF Duets (Piano and unspecified instrument) UF Duffey Lake Provincial Park (B.C.) NT Cura Piano and unspecified instrument music BT Parks—British Columbia Unspecified instrument and piano music Duffey Lake Provincial Park (B.C.) Dugesia USE Duffey Lake Park (B.C.) Neppia Duets (Unspecified instrument and recorder) Duffie family Romankenkius USE Duets (Recorder and unspecified instrument) USE Duffy family Duggan, Con (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Duffield family (Not Subd Geog) UF Con Duggan (Fictitious character) Duets (Unspecified instrument and wind machine) Duffield House Site (England) Duggan family (Not Subd Geog) USE Duets (Wind machine and unspecified BT England—Antiquities UF Doogan family instrument) Duffield Street Houses (New York, N.Y.) Dougan family UF Johnson Street Houses (New York, N.Y.) Dugan family Duets (Unspecified instruments (2)) (May Subd Geog) BT Dwellings—New York (State) Dugen family [M298.5] Duffin Creek (Ont.) Duggans family UF Solo instruments (2) UF Duffin's Creek (Ont.) Duggen family Unspecified instruments (2) BT Rivers—Ontario Duggin family Duffing equations Duggins family Duets (Wind machine and unspecified instrument) [QA372] Duging family (May Subd Geog) UF Equations, Duffing Dugins family [M298] BT Differential equations, Nonlinear Duigan family UF Duets (Unspecified instrument and wind Duffing family Duggans family machine) USE Doffing family USE Duggan family Unspecified instrument and wind machine Duffin's Creek (Ont.) Duggan's Island (N.S.) music USE Duffin Creek (Ont.) USE Lawlor Island (N.S.) Wind machine and unspecified instrument Duffla (Indic people) Duggar family music USE Dafla (Indic people) USE Dugger family Duffle bags Duggars (Indic people) Duett family USE Duffel bags USE Dogras (Indic people) USE DeWitt family Duffner family (Not Subd Geog) Duggen family UF Dufner family USE Duggan family Duette Duffryn Gardens (Wales) Dugger family (Not Subd Geog) USE Duette (Game) USE Dyffryn Gardens (Wales) UF Duggar family Duffy Duette (Game) USE Atlantic cod [GV1295.D7] Duffy blood group system UF Duette [Former heading] USE Blood groups—Duffy system Six hundred (Game) BT Card games Duewit family USE DeWitt family D-280
Dugger Mountain Wilderness (Ala.) DUI (Drunk driving) Duka (African people) BT National parks and reserves—Alabama USE Drunk driving Dukanchi (African people) Wilderness areas—Alabama Dukkawa (African people) Dui language Hune (African people) Duggin family USE Kui language (Mon-Khmer) BT Ethnology—Nigeria USE Duggan family Dukawa language (May Subd Geog) DUID (Drugged driving) UF Duka language Dugginfield family USE Drugged driving Dukanchi language USE Duckenfield family Dukanci language Duiett family Dukwa language Duggins family USE DeWitt family Hune language USE Duggan family BT Benue-Congo languages Duigan family Nigeria—Languages Dugi Island (Croatia) USE Duggan family Duke family (Not Subd Geog) UF Dugi Otok (Croatia) UF Duk family Grossa Island (Croatia) Duijker family Dukes family Isola Grossa (Croatia) USE Duyker family RT Duca family Isola Lunga (Croatia) NT Dukeshire family Lunga Island (Croatia) Duijnker family Duke Forest (N.C.) Ostrvo Dugi (Croatia) USE Duyker family BT Demonstration forests—North Carolina BT Islands—Croatia Experimental forests—North Carolina Duiker Duke Frederic (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) Dugi Otok (Croatia) USE Duikers USE Frederick, Duke (Fictitious character : USE Dugi Island (Croatia) Shakespeare) Duiker family Duke Frederick (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) Duging family USE Duyker family USE Frederick, Duke (Fictitious character : USE Duggan family Shakespeare) Duikerbok Duke Homestead (N.C.) Dugins family USE Duikers BT Dwellings—North Carolina USE Duggan family Duke House (Charlottesville, Va.) Duikerboks USE Sunnyside (Charlottesville, Va. : Dwelling) Duglas family USE Duikers Duke, House of the (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany) USE Douglas family USE Haus zum Herzog (Freiburg im Breisgau, Duikerbucks Germany) Duglass family USE Duikers Duke I Site (Tenn.) USE Douglas family BT Tennessee—Antiquities Duikers (May Subd Geog) Duke James (Fictitious character) Dugles family [QL737.U53] USE James, Duke (Fictitious character) USE Douglas family UF Cephalophinae Jimmy the Hand (Fictitious character) Cephalophini Duke Nukem (Game) Dugless family Duiker [GV1469.35.D84] USE Douglas family Duikerbok BT Video games Duikerboks Duke of Albany (Fictitious character) Duglis family Duikerbucks USE Albany, Duke of (Fictitious character) USE Douglas family Duykers Duke of Clarence Island (Tokelau) BT Antelopes USE Nukunonu (Tokelau) Dugliss family Bovidae Duke of Edinburgh's Award USE Douglas family NT Sylvicapra USE International Award for Young People Duke of Edinburgh's Award for Young People Dugnani Palace (Milan, Italy) Duin Bhulan (Scotland) USE International Award for Young People USE Palazzo Casati Dugnani (Milan, Italy) USE Dun Vulan (Scotland) Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme USE International Award for Young People Dugong (May Subd Geog) Duin family Duke of Illyria (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) [QL737.S62] USE Dewing family USE Orsino (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) UF Dugong (Genus) Duke of Milan (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) Dugong dugon Duindigt Horse Track (Wassenaar, Netherlands) USE Prospero (Fictitious character) Dugongs USE Renbaan Duindigt (Wassenaar, Netherlands) Duke of Venice (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) BT Dugongidae USE Venice, Duke of (Fictitious character : Duindigt Racetrack (Wassenaar, Netherlands) Shakespeare) Dugong (Genus) USE Renbaan Duindigt (Wassenaar, Netherlands) Duke of Wellington's Berlin dinner service USE Dugong USE Prussian service (Ceramics) Duing family Duke of Wellington's dinner service Dugong dugon USE Dewing family USE Prussian service (Ceramics) USE Dugong Duke of York Group (Papua New Guinea) Duinge family UF Duke of York Islands (Papua New Guinea) Dugongidae (May Subd Geog) USE Dewing family Neu Lauenburg Group (Papua New Guinea) [QL737.S62] Neu-Lauenburg-Inseln (Papua New Guinea) BT Sirenia Duinker family BT Islands—Papua New Guinea NT Dugong USE Duyker family Bismarck Archipelago (Papua New Guinea) Hydrodamalis Duke of York Island (Tokelau) Duinn family USE Atafu (Tokelau) Dugongidae, Fossil (May Subd Geog) USE O Doyne family Duke of York Islands (Papua New Guinea) [QE882.S6] USE Duke of York Group (Papua New Guinea) BT Sirenia, Fossil Duis family Duke of York language NT Hydrodamalis, Fossil USE Dhuey family USE Ramoaaina language Metaxytherium Duke Power State Park (N.C.) Duisburger Hof (Trier, Germany) USE Lake Norman State Park (N.C.) Dugongs BT Archive buildings—Germany Duke Street (Toronto, Ont.) USE Dugong Dwellings—Germany USE Adelaide Street East (Toronto, Ont.) Duke Yansheng, Official Residence of (Qufu Shi, China) Dugout canoes (May Subd Geog) Duisman family USE Kong fu (Qufu Shi, China) [GN440.2 (Ethnology)] USE Duesman family Dukedoms [VM353 (Ship-building)] USE Duchies UF Logboats Duitt family Dukelský priesmyk (Poland and Slovakia) BT Canoes and canoeing USE DeWitt family USE Dukla Pass (Poland and Slovakia) Duker family Dugout Gulch Botanical Trail (Wyo.) Duivenvoorde Castle (Voorschoten, Netherlands) USE Duyker family BT Nature trails—Wyoming USE Kasteel Duivenvoorde (Voorschoten, Dukeries (England) Netherlands) Dukes family Dugpa (Sect) USE Duke family USE ʾBrug-pa (Sect) Duizend Gebergte (Indonesia) Duke's House (Bradford-on-Avon, England) USE Sewu Mountains (Indonesia) USE Hall, The (Bradford-on-Avon, England) Dugué family (Not Subd Geog) Duguet family Dujiang Gorge (China) UF Dujiang Yan (China) USE Du Guet family Tu-chiang Gorge (China) [Former heading] Duguid family (Not Subd Geog) Tu-chiang Yen (China) BT Gorges—China UF Diuguid family Dogood family Dujiang Yan (China) Dogude family USE Dujiang Gorge (China) RT Ducat family Duk (Sect) Dugway Valley (Utah) USE ʾBrug-pa (Sect) BT Valleys—Utah Duk family Duhamel, Georges, 1884-1966 USE Duke family — Characters Duka (African people) — — Louis Salavin USE Dukawa (African people) Duhamel family (Not Subd Geog) Duhe family (Not Subd Geog) Duka language Duhem-Quine thesis USE Dukawa language USE Underdetermination (Theory of knowledge) Duhon family (Not Subd Geog) Dukai languages USE Rukai languages UF Duon family Duhring's disease Dukanchi (African people) USE Dukawa (African people) USE Dermatitis herpetiformis DUI (Drugged driving) Dukanchi language USE Dukawa language USE Drugged driving Dukanci language USE Dukawa language Dukawa (African people) (May Subd Geog) [DT515.45.D84] UF Badukku (African people) D-281
Dukes of Alba Dukighan (Ireland) Dulcimer (May Subd Geog) USE Alba, Dukes of USE Dún Caochaí n (Ireland) [ML1041 (History)] [MT717 (Instruction)] Dukes of Alburquerque Dukinfield family UF Dulcimer, Hammer USE Alburquerque, Dukes of USE Duckenfield family Dulcimer, Hammered Hammer dulcimer Dukes of Aosta Dukkawa (African people) Hammered dulcimer USE Aosta, Dukes of USE Dukawa (African people) Salterio BT Zither Dukes of Aquitaine Dukla Pass (Czechoslovakia and Poland) NT Chang (Dulcimer) USE Aquitaine, House of USE Dukla Pass (Poland and Slovakia) Cimbalom Khim Dukes of Atholl Dukla Pass (Poland and Slovakia) Santūr USE Atholl, Dukes of UF Dukelský priesmyk (Poland and Slovakia) Yang qin Dukla Pass (Czechoslovakia and Poland) Yanggŭm Dukes of Aveiro [Former heading] Yoochin (Dulcimer) USE Aveiro, Dukes of Dukliansky priesmyk (Poland and Slovakia) Průsmyk Dukelský (Poland and Slovakia) Dulcimer, American Dukes of Bej́ ar Przełecz Dukielska (Poland and Slovakia) USE Appalachian dulcimer USE Bej́ ar, Dukes of BT Mountain passes—Poland Mountain passes—Slovakia Dulcimer, Appalachian Dukes of Benavente USE Appalachian dulcimer USE Benavente, Dukes of Dukla Pass, Battle of, 1944 UF Dukla Pass (Poland and Slovakia), Battle of, Dulcimer, Hammer Dukes of Braunschweig-Wolfenbuẗ tel 1944 [Former heading] USE Dulcimer USE Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, Dukes of BT World War, 1939-1945—Campaigns—Poland World War, 1939-1945—Campaigns—Slovakia Dulcimer, Hammered Dukes of Brittany USE Dulcimer USE Brittany, Dukes of Dukla Pass (Poland and Slovakia), Battle of, 1944 USE Dukla Pass, Battle of, 1944 Dulcimer, Hungarian hammered Dukes of Devonshire USE Cimbalom USE Devonshire, Dukes of Dukliansky priesmyk (Poland and Slovakia) USE Dukla Pass (Poland and Slovakia) Dulcimer, Kentucky Dukes of Galliera USE Appalachian dulcimer USE Galliera, Dukes of Dukpa (Himalayan people) USE Drukpa (Himalayan people) Dulcimer, Lap Dukes of Gordon USE Appalachian dulcimer USE Gordon, Dukes of Dukpa (Sect) USE ʾBrug-pa (Sect) Dulcimer, Mountain Dukes of Gryf USE Appalachian dulcimer USE Sẃ iebodzice, Dukes of Dukpa language USE Dzongkha language Dulcimer, Plucked Dukes of Jülich-Berg USE Appalachian dulcimer USE Jülich-Berg, Dukes of DUKW (Military amphibious truck) USE GMC Duck (Military truck) Dulcimer and clarinet music Dukes of Leinster USE Clarinet and dulcimer music USE Leinster, Dukes of Dukwa language USE Dukawa language Dulcimer and continuo music Dukes of Leuchtenberg UF Continuo and dulcimer music USE Leuchtenberg, Dukes of Dukwalli USE Wolf ritual Dulcimer and guitar music Dukes of Mecklenburg USE Guitar and dulcimer music USE Mecklenburg, Dukes of Dul family USE Dull family Dulcimer and harp music (May Subd Geog) Dukes of Medina Sidonia [M298] USE Medina Sidonia, Dukes of Dula family (Not Subd Geog) UF Harp and dulcimer music [Former heading] RT Dooley family Dukes of Meranier Dulcimer and piano music USE Meranier, Dukes of Dulac family [M284.D85 (Collections)] USE Du Lac family [M285.D85 (Separate works)] Dukes of Norfolk UF Piano and dulcimer music USE Norfolk, Dukes of Dulaney, McLeod (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Dulcimer and saxophone music Dukes of Normandy UF McLeod Dulaney (Fictitious character) USE Saxophone and dulcimer music USE Normandy, Dukes of Professor McLeod Delaney (Fictitious character) Dulcimer and steel drum music (May Subd Geog) Dukes of Osuna UF Steel drum and dulcimer music USE Osuna, Dukes of Dulaney family USE Delaney family Dulcimer and viola music (May Subd Geog) Dukes of Palmela [M298] USE Palmela, Dukes of Dulanty family UF Viola and dulcimer music USE Delanty family Dukes of Parque Dulcimer and violin music (May Subd Geog) USE Parque, Dukes of Dulany family UF Violin and dulcimer music USE Delaney family Dukes of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Plön Dulcimer ensembles USE Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Plon̈ , Dukes of Dulatov family (Not Subd Geog) [M985] Dulcamara Here are entered compositions not in a specific Dukes of Suffolk USE Suffolk, Dukes of USE Bittersweet form or of a specific type for ten or more solo Dulce, Gulf of (Costa Rica) dulcimers and collections of ensembles in several Dukes of Sẃ iebodzice forms or types for various numbers of solo dulcimers. USE Sẃ iebodzice, Dukes of UF Golfo de Dulce (Costa Rica) Golfo de Osa (Costa Rica) When used for an accompanying ensemble in Dukes of Teck Golfo Dulce (Costa Rica) headings with medium of performance, the term USE Teck, Dukes of Gulf of Dulce (Costa Rica) \"dulcimer ensemble\" stands for two or more solo Gulf of Osa (Costa Rica) dulcimers. Dukes of the Infantado Osa, Gulf of (Costa Rica) USE Infantado, Dukes of the Osa Gulf (Costa Rica) SA headings for forms and types of music that include \"dulcimer ensemble\" and headings Dukes of Villahermosa BT Bays—Costa Rica with medium of performance that include USE Villahermosa, Dukes of Dulceola \"dulcimer ensemble\" Duke's Study (Palazzo ducale, Gubbio, Italy) USE Dolceola Dulcimer music (May Subd Geog) USE Gubbio Studiolo (Palazzo ducale, Gubbio, Italy) Dulcian [M175.D84] Here are entered compositions not in a specific Dukesherer family [ML990.C (History)] USE Dukeshire family [MT553.C (Instruction)] form or of a specific type for solo dulcimer, and UF Curtal collections of compositions in several forms or types Dukeshire family (Not Subd Geog) for solo dulcimer. UF Dukesherer family Dolcian Tuchscherer family Dolcino SA headings for forms and types of music that BT Duke family Dolzoni include \"dulcimer\" or \"dulcimers\" and Dulzian headings with medium of performance that Dukha (Turkic people) (May Subd Geog) BT Bassoon include \"dulcimer\" or \"dulcimers\" UF Doukha (Turkic people) Dulcian music Tsaatan (Turkic people) [M110.D] Dulcimer players (May Subd Geog) BT Turkic peoples Here are entered compositions not in a specific BT Instrumentalists Ethnology—Mongolia form or of a specific type for solo dulcian, and NT Santur̄ players collections of compositions in several forms or types Dukhan dialect (May Subd Geog) for solo dulcian. Dulcimer with string orchestra BT Mongolia—Languages Dulcinea (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Tuvinian language SA headings for forms and types of music that Dulcitone (May Subd Geog) include \"dulcian\" or \"dulcians\" and headings Dukhnovych family (Not Subd Geog) with medium of performance that include [ML697] Dukhobor cooking (Not Subd Geog) \"dulcian\" or \"dulcians\" UF Tuning fork piano BT Keyboard instruments UF Cooking, Dukhobor Dulcie (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Dulcitone and lute music BT Cooking Dulcie Schwartz (Fictitious character) USE Lute and dulcitone music Dukhobor textile fabrics (May Subd Geog) UF Textile fabrics, Dukhobor [Former heading] USE Schwartz, Dulcie (Fictitious character) BT Textile fabrics Dukhobors (May Subd Geog) [BX7433] UF Doukhobors BT Christian sects—Russia Đukić family (Not Subd Geog) UF Djukic family D-282
Dulcitone music (May Subd Geog) UF Palmaria palmata Dumas family (Not Subd Geog) Here are entered compositions not in a specific Rhodymenia palmata RT DeMoss family form or of a specific type for solo dulcitone, and BT Palmaria Dumay family collections of compositions in several forms or types Dultzaina USE Demers family for solo dulcitone. USE Dulzaina Dumayne family SA headings for forms and types of music that Dultzin family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dumaine family include \"dulcitone\" or \"dulcitones\" and Duluoz (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) headings with medium of performance that Dulus (May Subd Geog) Dumb-bells include \"dulcitone\" or \"dulcitones\" USE Dumbbells [QL696.P2435 (Zoology)] Dule family BT Dulidae Dumb Bunnies (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog) USE Dooley family NT Palm chat Dumb shows Dulus dominicus Dule Indians USE Palm chat USE Pantomime USE Cuna Indians Duluth, Lieutenant (Fictitious character) Dumba (South Asian people) USE Duluth, Peter (Fictitious character) Dulęba family (Not Subd Geog) Duluth, Peter (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Dom (South Asian people) UF Dulemba family UF Duluth, Lieutenant (Fictitious character) Dumbar family RT Dulęba-Stec family Lieutenant Peter Duluth (Fictitious character) USE Dunbar family Duleb̨ a-Stec family (Not Subd Geog) Peter Duluth (Fictitious character) Dumbarton Castle (Dumbarton, Scotland) RT Dulęba family Duluth model (May Subd Geog) Stec family UF Duluth model on public intervention UF Alt Clut (Dumbarton, Scotland) BT Family violence—Prevention Breatann, Duǹ (Dumbarton, Scotland) Dulemba family Duluth model on public intervention Britons, Fortress of the (Dumbarton, Scotland) USE Dulęba family USE Duluth model Clyde, Rock of the (Dumbarton, Scotland) Duly family Dùn Breatann (Dumbarton, Scotland) Dules novemaculeatus USE Dooley family Fortress of the Britons (Dumbarton, Scotland) USE Australian bass Dulzaina (May Subd Geog) Rock of the Clyde (Dumbarton, Scotland) [ML990.D8 (History)] Dules reinhardti [MT533.D (Instruction)] BT Castles—Scotland USE Australian bass UF Bolingozo Dumbarton Oaks Garden (Washington, D.C.) Dolca̧ ina Duley family Dolzaina USE Dumbarton Oaks Gardens (Washington, D.C.) USE Dooley family Dultzaina Dumbarton Oaks Gardens (Washington, D.C.) BT Musical instruments—Spain Duley Lake (Ind.) Oboe This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Duely Lake (Ind.) Dulzaina duets subdivision. USE Dulzaina music (Dulzainas (2)) Dul̈ fer family Dulzaina music UF Dumbarton Oaks Garden (Washington, D.C.) USE Duelfer family Here are entered compositions not in a specific BT Gardens—Washington (D.C.) form or of a specific type for solo dulzaina, and Dumbarton Oaks Park (Washington, D.C.) Dulgaans collections of compositions in several forms or types This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Dolgans for solo dulzaina. subdivision. Dulhunty family (Not Subd Geog) SA headings for forms and types of music that BT National parks and reserves—Washington Dulia include \"dulzaina\" or \"dulzainas\" and (D.C.) headings with medium of performance that USE Christian saints—Cult include \"dulzaina\" or \"dulzainas\" Dumbauld family (Not Subd Geog) Labrador tea Dumbbells (May Subd Geog) Dulzaina music (Dulzainas (2)) (May Subd Geog) Dulidae (May Subd Geog) [M288-M289] [GV547.4] [QL696.P2435 (Zoology)] UF Dulzaina duets UF Dumb-bells [Former heading] BT Passeriformes BT Weight training—Equipment and supplies NT Dulus Dulzaina players (May Subd Geog) Dumbea language (May Subd Geog) BT Oboe players [PL6230.D85] Dulien language UF Drubea language USE Lushai language Dulzian USE Dulcian Dubea language Dulin family (Not Subd Geog) Naa Dubea language UF Dullin family Duma, Point (Calif.) Ndumbea language USE Dume, Point (Calif.) BT Melanesian languages Dulinty family New Caledonia—Languages USE Delanty family Duma (Poetry) Dumbeg USE Dumy USE Dümbelek Dull (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) Dumbek (Not Subd Geog) Duma language USE Darabukka USE Aduma language Dümbelek Dull copper (Insect) (May Subd Geog) Dum̈ belek (May Subd Geog) [QL561.L8 (Zoology)] Dumagat (Philippine people) UF Deblek UF Chrysophanus aenea USE Aeta (Philippine people) Dumbeg Eltham copper (Insect) Dümbek Eltham copper butterfly Dumagat language (Casiguran) (May Subd Geog) BT Goblet drum Paralucia pyrodiscus [PL5661] Musical instruments—Turkey BT Paralucia UF Agta language (Casiguran) Dumbness Casiguran Agta language USE Mutism Dull family (Not Subd Geog) Casiguran Dumagat language Dumbrak UF Dul family BT Philippine languages USE Dom̈ bra (Two-stringed lute) Duller family Philippines—Languages Dumdum fever USE Kala-azar Dull Knife Battle, Wyo., 1876 Dumagat language (Umirey) (May Subd Geog) Dume, Point (Calif.) [E83.876] [PL5662.5] UF Duma, Point (Calif.) UF Dull Knife Fight, Wyo., 1876 UF Agta language (Umirey) Dumas, Point (Calif.) Red Fork Battle, Wyo., 1876 Dingalan Dumagat language Dumetz, Point (Calif.) BT Black Hills War, 1876-1877 Umiray Dumaget language Dumo, Point (Calif.) Wyoming—History Umirey Agta language Point Duma (Calif.) Umirey Dumagat language Point Dumas (Calif.) Dull Knife family (Not Subd Geog) BT Philippine languages Point Dume (Calif.) Dull Knife Fight, Wyo., 1876 Philippines—Languages Point Dumetz (Calif.) Point Dumo (Calif.) USE Dull Knife Battle, Wyo., 1876 Dumain family BT Mountains—California Dullay language USE Dumaine family Dume Canyon (Calif.) USE Zuma Canyon (Calif.) USE Gawwada language Dumaine family (Not Subd Geog) Dumé family Dullay languages UF Dumain family USE Dumey family Dumayne family Dumelle family (Not Subd Geog) USE Werizoid languages UF Du Melle family Dullenty family Dumais family Dumelle-Weisenburger Home (Chicago, Ill.) USE Demers family UF Weisenburger Home (Chicago, Ill.) USE Delanty family BT Dwellings—Illinois Duller family Dumaki (South Asian people) Dumergue family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dom (South Asian people) Dumet Island (France) USE Dull family UF Ile Dumet (France) Dulles airport seating Dumaki language Isle Dumet (France) USE Domaaki language BT Islands—France USE Eames tandem sling seating Dulles family (Not Subd Geog) Dumas, Point (Calif.) Dulles Toll Road (Va.) USE Dume, Point (Calif.) UF Route 267 (Va.) Dumas (Poetry) Virginia Route 267 (Va.) USE Dumy BT Express highways—Virginia Toll roads—Virginia Dulley family USE Dooley family Dullin family USE Dulin family Dulmage family USE Dolmetsch family Dulse (May Subd Geog) [QK569.P25 (Algology)] D-283
Dumetella (May Subd Geog) Dumond family Domville family [QL696.P25] USE Dumont family Dunfield family BT Mimidae Dunville family Dumong family Dumy (May Subd Geog) Dumetella carolinensis USE Dumont family UF Duma (Poetry) USE Catbird Dumas (Poetry) Dumont family (Not Subd Geog) BT Epic poetry Dumets family UF Damont family Folk songs USE Demers family Demond family Dumy, Polish (May Subd Geog) Demont family UF Polish dumy Dumetz, Point (Calif.) Du Mond family BT Polish poetry USE Dume, Point (Calif.) Du Mont family Dumy, Ukrainian (May Subd Geog) Dumond family UF Ukrainian dumy Dumey family (Not Subd Geog) Dumong family BT Ukrainian poetry UF Duemey family Dun 530 (Galaxy) Dumé family Dumoulin-Marchand, Alexis (Fictitious character) USE NGC 300 (Galaxy) Dumez family (Not Subd Geog) Duń Ailinn Site (Ireland) RT Demers family UF Alexis (Fictitious character : Demers) UF Duń Ailinne Site (Ireland) Alexis Dumoulin-Marchand (Fictitious BT Ireland—Antiquities Dumez family character) Duń Ailinne Site (Ireland) USE Dumey family USE Dún Ailinn Site (Ireland) Dump cakes Dún an Óir (Ireland) Dúmha Caochaí n (Ireland) USE Cobblers (Cooking) USE Fort of Gold (Ireland) USE Duń Caochaí n (Ireland) Dún an Óir Massacre, Smerwick, Ireland, 1580 Dump cars (May Subd Geog) USE Smerwick Massacre, Smerwick, Ireland, 1580 Dúmha Chaochaí n (Ireland) BT Railroad cars Dùn Breatann (Dumbarton, Scotland) USE Duń Caochaí n (Ireland) USE Dumbarton Castle (Dumbarton, Scotland) Dump trucks (May Subd Geog) Dún Caochaí n (Ireland) Dumi language (May Subd Geog) [TL230] UF Dowkeeghan (Ireland) [PL3801.D8] UF Dumpers (Motor trucks) Downekeghan (Ireland) BT Kiranti languages BT Dumping appliances Dukighan (Ireland) Nepal—Languages Trucks Duḿ ha Caocháin (Ireland) Duḿ ha Chaocháin (Ireland) Duminy family (Not Subd Geog) — Parts (May Subd Geog) Dún Chaocháin (Ireland) Dumji (Festival) (May Subd Geog) Dumper family Dun Keeghan (Ireland) Dunkeeghan (Ireland) BT Fasts and feasts—Nepal USE Dummer family Duń Chaocháin (Ireland) Dumlupınar, Battle of, 1922 Dumpers (Motor trucks) USE Dún Caochaí n (Ireland) Dun Daraich Site (Scotland) USE Dumlupınar, Battle of, Dumlupınar, Kuẗ ahya Il̇ i, USE Dump trucks BT Fortification, Prehistoric—Scotland Turkey, 1922 Dumping, Patient Scotland—Antiquities Dun family Dumlupınar, Battle of, Dumlupınar, Kuẗ ahya Il̇ i, Turkey, USE Patient dumping USE Dunn family 1922 Dumping (Commercial policy) Dun Glen Range (Nev.) UF Commander-in-Chief, Battle of the, USE Stillwater Range (Nev.) Dumlupınar, Kütahya İli, Turkey, 1922 USE Dumping (International trade) Dun, House of (Scotland) Dumlupınar, Battle of, 1922 [Former heading] Dumping (International trade) (May Subd Geog) USE House of Dun (Scotland) BT Greco-Turkish War, 1921-1922—Campaigns Dun Keeghan (Ireland) [HF1425] USE Dún Caochaí n (Ireland) Dumm family UF Antidumping Duń Laoghaire-Rathdown County Hall (Duń Laoghaire, USE Dummer family Ireland) Dumping (Commercial policy) [Former UF County Hall (Duń Laoghaire, Ireland) Dummer, Fort (Vt.) heading] Dún Laoghaire Town Hall (Duń Laoghaire, USE Fort Dummer (Vt.) BT Competition, Unfair Ireland) International trade Town Hall (Dún Laoghaire, Ireland) Dümmer, Naturpark (Germany) NT Price cutting BT City halls—Ireland USE Naturpark Dum̈ mer (Germany) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Duń Laoghaire Town Hall (Dún Laoghaire, Ireland) USE Duń Laoghaire-Rathdown County Hall (Dún Dummer family (Not Subd Geog) UF Antidumping law Laoghaire, Ireland) UF Dumm family BT Foreign trade regulation Dun Loop Creek (W. Va.) Dumper family Dumping appliances (May Subd Geog) USE Dunloup Creek (W. Va.) [TJ1418] Dun Loup Creek (W. Va.) Dümmer Lake (Germany) BT Conveying machinery USE Dunloup Creek (W. Va.) UF Dümmer See (Germany) NT Dump trucks Dun Valley (India) BT Lakes—Germany Dumping of wastes in the ocean USE Kotadun Valley (India) USE Waste disposal in the ocean Dun Vulan (Scotland) Dum̈ mer See (Germany) Dumping reactions UF Duin Bhulan (Scotland) USE Dum̈ mer Lake (Germany) USE Dumping syndrome BT Brochs Dumping sites, Radioactive Scotland—Antiquities Dummer's War, 1722-1726 USE Radioactive waste sites Duna (Papua New Guinea people) USE Eastern Indians, Wars with, 1722-1726 Dumping stomach USE Duna (Papua New Guinean people) USE Dumping syndrome Duna (Papua New Guinean people) (May Subd Geog) Dummerston Bridge (Sturbridge, Mass.) Dumping syndrome UF Duna (Papua New Guinea people) [Former USE Vermont Bridge (Sturbridge, Mass.) UF Dumping reactions heading] Dumping stomach Duna (Papuan people) [Former heading] Dummett family (Not Subd Geog) BT Postgastrectomy syndromes Yuna (Papua New Guinean people) Dummies, Crash test Syndromes BT Ethnology—Papua New Guinea Dumpling Rock Light (Mass.) Papuans USE Crash test dummies UF Dumpling Rock Lighthouse (Mass.) Duna (Papuan people) Dummies, Ventriloquists' BT Lighthouses—Massachusetts USE Duna (Papua New Guinean people) Dumpling Rock Lighthouse (Mass.) Duna-Drava National Park (Hungary) USE Ventriloquists' dummies USE Dumpling Rock Light (Mass.) USE Duna-Drava Nemzeti Park (Hungary) Dummies (Bookselling) (May Subd Geog) Dumplings (May Subd Geog) Duna-Drava Nemzeti Park (Hungary) BT Dough UF Duna-Drava National Park (Hungary) [Z1033.D85] Dumps, Coal ash BT National parks and reserves—Hungary Here are entered works on special sample copies USE Coal ash sites Duna-kanyar (Hungary) of books issued to canvassers, showing sample Dumps, Toxic USE Danube Bend (Hungary) pages, illustrations, bindings, etc. USE Hazardous waste sites Duna language (May Subd Geog) Dumpster diving (May Subd Geog) UF Yuna language UF Canvassing books (Subscription book trade) UF Diving, Dumpster BT Papua New Guinea—Languages Prospectuses (Bookselling) Picking, Trash Papuan languages Salesmen's dummies (Bookselling) Scavenging (Dumpster diving) Sample copies of books Skipping (Dumpster diving) Trash picking BT Books BT Salvage (Waste, etc.) Samples (Commerce) Dumre-Besi Shahar Highway (Nepal) USE Bhanubhakta Acharya Marg (Nepal) Dummies (Figures) Dumu-zid (Assyro-Babylonian deity) USE Mannequins (Figures) USE Tammuz (Assyro-Babylonian deity) Dumulon family (Not Subd Geog) Dummy board figures Dumurik language [NK9955.D8] USE Tima language UF Door porters Dumuzi (Assyro-Babylonian deity) Fireboards USE Tammuz (Assyro-Babylonian deity) Picture boards Dumville family (Not Subd Geog) Silent companions UF Domvile family Dummy dolls USE Ventriloquists' dummies Dummy play (Contract bridge) USE Contract bridge—Dummy play Dummy variables BT Variables (Mathematics) Dummy warships BT Warships Dumo, Point (Calif.) USE Dume, Point (Calif.) Dumoga-Bone National Park (Indonesia) USE Taman Nasional Dumoga Bone (Indonesia) Dumois family (Not Subd Geog) UF Dunois family D-284
Duna mythology Dunbar family (Not Subd Geog) Duncomb family USE Mythology, Duna UF Dumbar family USE Duncombe family Dunbough family Duna orations Duncombe family (Not Subd Geog) USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Duna Dunbar House (Sandwich, Mass.) UF Duncomb family BT Dwellings—Massachusetts Duna philosophy Duncombe Farm Site (Zimbabwe) USE Philosophy, Duna Dunbaria (May Subd Geog) BT Farms—Zimbabwe [QK495.L52 (Botany)] Zimbabwe—Antiquities Düna River BT Legumes USE Western Dvina River Duncombe Park (England) Dunblane, Battle of, Scotland, 1715 BT Manors—England Duna River (Germany-Romania) USE Sheriffmuir, Battle of, Scotland, 1715 Parks—England USE Danube River Dunblane Mass Murders, Dunblane, Scotland, 1996 Dundas family Duna River (Russia) USE Dunblane Massacre, Dunblane, Scotland, 1996 USE Dundass family USE Don River (Russia) Dunblane Massacre, Dunblane, Scotland, 1996 Dundas House (Edinburgh, Scotland) Duna speeches UF Dunblane Mass Murders, Dunblane, Scotland, UF 36 St. Andrew Square (Edinburgh, Scotland) USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Duna 1996 BT Commercial buildings—Scotland Dunblane Murders, Dunblane, Scotland, 1996 Duna-Tisza köze (Hungary) Dunblane Primary School Massacre, Dundas Strait (N.T.) Dunadd Site (Scotland) Dunblane, Scotland, 1996 BT Straits—Australia Dunblane Shootings, Dunblane, Scotland, BT Scotland—Antiquities 1996 Dundas Street (Ont.) Dunaföldvaŕ i vaŕ (Dunafol̈ dvár, Hungary) BT Mass shootings—Scotland USE Governor's Road (Ont.) School shootings—Scotland BT Castles—Hungary Dundass family (Not Subd Geog) Dunagan family Dunblane Murders, Dunblane, Scotland, 1996 UF Dundas family USE Dunblane Massacre, Dunblane, Scotland, 1996 USE Donegan family Dundathee pine Dunahay family (Not Subd Geog) Dunblane Primary School Massacre, Dunblane, USE Agathis robusta Dunahoe family Scotland, 1996 USE Dunblane Massacre, Dunblane, Scotland, 1996 Dundathu pine USE Donahue family USE Agathis robusta Dunai River Dunblane Shootings, Dunblane, Scotland, 1996 USE Dunblane Massacre, Dunblane, Scotland, 1996 Dundee, Battle of, South Africa, 1899 USE Danube River USE Talana Hill, Battle of, South Africa, 1899 Dunais̆ ʹki plavni (Ukraine : Preserve) Dunbough family USE Dunbar family Dundee Monument (Dundee, KwaZulu-Natal, South UF Dunais̆ kie plavni (Ukraine : Preserve) [Former Africa) heading] Dunbury Site (England) BT Memorials—South Africa Zapovednik Dunaĭskie plavni (Ukraine) USE Danebury Site (England) Dunderave Castle (Scotland) BT National parks and reserves—Ukraine Duncan, Fort (Tex.) BT Castles—Scotland Natural areas—Ukraine USE Fort Duncan (Tex.) Dundon family (Not Subd Geog) Dunaĭskie plavni (Ukraine : Preserve) Duncan, Dink (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Dundrennan Abbey Site (Scotland) USE Dunaĭsʹki plavni (Ukraine : Preserve) UF Dink Duncan (Fictitious character) Donald David Duncan (Fictitious character) BT Scotland—Antiquities Dunaj River Duncan, Donald David (Fictitious character) Dundrum Bay (Northern Ireland) USE Danube River Duncan, Donald David (Fictitious character) BT Bays—Northern Ireland Dunajec Biała River (Poland) USE Duncan, Dink (Fictitious character) Duǹ dún USE Biała River (Nowy Sac̨ z and Tarnów, Poland) Duncan, Eve (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Talking drum Dunajec Castle (Niedzica, Poland) UF Eve Duncan (Fictitious character) Dundurn Castle (Hamilton, Ont.) USE Zamek Dunajec (Niedzica, Poland) Duncan, Jeremy (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT Dwellings—Ontario Dunajec River (Poland) UF Jeremy Duncan (Fictitious character) Dune (Imaginary place) (Not Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Poland Duncan, Vanessa (Fictitious character) UF Arrakis (Imaginary place) Dunajec River Valley (Poland) (Not Subd Geog) Planet Dune (Imaginary place) UF Dunajec Valley (Poland) UF Vanessa Duncan (Fictitious character) BT Valleys—Poland Vanessa Weatherburn (Fictitious character) BT Imaginary places Weatherburn, Vanessa (Fictitious character) Dune animals Dunajec Valley (Poland) USE Dunajec River Valley (Poland) Duncan Basin (Ariz.) USE Sand dune animals BT Basins (Geology)—Arizona Dune buggies (May Subd Geog) Dunajská ulica (Bratislava, Slovakia) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Duncan Creek (Wis.) [TL236.7] BT Rivers—Wisconsin UF Beach buggies subdivision. Duncan Creek Watershed (Wis.) Buggies, Beach UF Donau Gasse (Bratislava, Slovakia) BT Watersheds—Wisconsin Buggies, Dune Donau Neusidel (Bratislava, Slovakia) BT Off-road vehicles Duncan Creek Wilderness (Idaho) NT Desert patrol vehicle BT Streets—Slovakia UF Duncan Creek Wilderness Study Area (Idaho) Odyssey (Dune buggy) Dunakanyar (Hungary) BT National parks and reserves—Idaho — Radio control (May Subd Geog) Wilderness areas—Idaho USE Danube Bend (Hungary) BT Radio control Dunaliella (May Subd Geog) Duncan Creek Wilderness Study Area (Idaho) Dune buggy racing (May Subd Geog) USE Duncan Creek Wilderness (Idaho) [QK569.P65] [GV1029.9.D8] BT Polyblepharidaceae Duncan Dougal (Fictitious character) BT All terrain vehicle racing NT Dunaliella parva USE Dougal, Duncan (Fictitious character) Dune conservation Dunaliella parva (May Subd Geog) USE Sand dune conservation [QK569.P65] Duncan family (Not Subd Geog) Dune family BT Dunaliella UF Duncanson family USE Dunn family Dunam family Dunkin family Dune gentian USE Dunham family Dunkins family USE Hypogymnia heterophylla Dūnamah Dune management USE Dönmeh Duncan-Irwin House (Pasadena, Calif.) USE Sand dune management Dünamun̈ de, Festung (Rīga, Latvia) USE Theodore Irwin House (Pasadena, Calif.) Dune plants USE Daugavgrīvas cietoksnis (Rīga, Latvia) USE Sand dune plants Dunántúl (Hungary) Duncan Maclain (Fictitious character) Dune rehabilitation UF Transdanubia (Hungary) USE Maclain, Duncan (Fictitious character) USE Sand dune restoration Dunar̆ ea de Jos Dune restoration USE Lower Danube River Duncan MacLeod (Fictitious character) USE Sand dune restoration Dunar̆ ea River USE MacLeod, Duncan (Fictitious character) Dune Shack District (Mass.) USE Danube River USE Dune Shacks of the Peaked Hill Bars Historic Dunav River Duncan River (B.C.) USE Danube River BT Rivers—British Columbia District (Mass.) Dunaway family (Not Subd Geog) Dune Shack Historic District (Mass.) UF Donaway family Duncan River Valley (B.C.) UF Duncan Valley (B.C.) USE Dune Shacks of the Peaked Hill Bars Historic Dunnenway family BT Valleys—British Columbia District (Mass.) Dunneway family Dunway family Duncan Valley (B.C.) Dune Shacks of Peaked Hill Bars Historic District Dunbar, Battle of, Dunbar, Scotland, 1650 USE Duncan River Valley (B.C.) (Mass.) BT Great Britain—History—Puritan Revolution, USE Dune Shacks of the Peaked Hill Bars Historic 1642-1660 Duncanfield family District (Mass.) Scotland—History—1649-1660 USE Duckenfield family Dunbar Apartments (New York, N.Y.) Dune Shacks of the Peaked Hill Bars Historic District UF Paul Laurence Dunbar Apartments (New York, Duncanson family (Mass.) N.Y.) USE Duncan family UF Dune Shack District (Mass.) BT Apartment houses—New York (State) Dune Shack Historic District (Mass.) Dunbar Cave (Tenn. : Cave) Duncil family (Not Subd Geog) Dune Shacks of Peaked Hill Bars Historic BT Caves—Tennessee Dunckel family (Not Subd Geog) District (Mass.) Dunckelberg family BT Historic districts—Massachusetts USE Dunkelberger family Duncker family USE Dunker family D-285
Dune snail, Banded Dungeness crab (May Subd Geog) Mogao Grottoes (China) USE Morro shoulderband snail [QL444.M33 (Zoology)] Qianfu Caves (China) UF Cancer magister Thousand Buddhas Caves (China) Dune stringybark Edible crab, Pacific Tun-huang Caves (China) [Former heading] USE Eucalyptus arenacea Market crab Tun-huang Mo-kao kʻu (China) Pacific edible crab BT Buddhist cave temples—China Dunegan family BT Cancer (Crustacea) Caves—China USE Donegan family Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes (China) Dungeness crab fisheries (May Subd Geog) USE Dunhuang Caves (China) Dunenken family [SH380.47.D86] Dunhuang Mogao Ku (China) USE Donegan family BT Crab fisheries USE Dunhuang Caves (China) Dunhuang Xihu Guojiaji Nature Reserve (China) Dunes — Catch effort (May Subd Geog) USE Gansu Dunhuang Xihu Guojiaji Ziran Baohuqu USE Sand dunes BT Fishery management (China) Dunhuang Xihu Guojiaji Ziran Baohuqu (China) Dunes, Battle of the, 1658 Dungeness crab industry (May Subd Geog) USE Gansu Dunhuang Xihu Guojiaji Ziran Baohuqu USE Dunes, Battle of the, France, 1658 BT Crab industry (China) Dunigan family Dunes, Battle of the, France, 1658 Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge (Wash.) USE Donegan family UF Dunes, Battle of the, 1658 [Former heading] BT National parks and reserves—Washington Dunite (May Subd Geog) BT Franco-Spanish War, 1635- (State) BT Peridotite 1659—Campaigns—France Wildlife refuges—Washington (State) Dunk Island (Qld.) BT Great Barrier Reef (Qld.) Dunes of Schoorl (Netherlands) Dungeness River (Wash.) Islands—Australia USE Schoorlse Duinen (Netherlands) UF New Dungeness River (Wash.) Dunkar Caves (China) BT Rivers—Washington (State) USE Dung-dkar Caves (China) Dunes tiger beetle Dunkard Group USE Bruneau Dunes tiger beetle Dungeness River Watershed (Wash.) BT Geology, Stratigraphic—Pennsylvanian Saint Anthony Sand Dunes tiger beetle BT Watersheds—Washington (State) Geology, Stratigraphic—Permian Groups (Stratigraphy)—Middle Atlantic States Dunewort, Prairie Dungeness Spit (Wash.) Dunkeeghan (Ireland) USE Botrychium campestre BT Capes (Coasts)—Washington (State) USE Duń Caocháin (Ireland) Dunkelberg family Dunfield family Dungeons USE Dunkelberger family USE Dumville family USE Prisons Dunkelberger family (Not Subd Geog) UF Dunckelberg family Dunfilling, Mr. (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Dungeons & Dragons (Game) Dunkelberg family UF Mr. Dunfilling (Fictitious character) USE Dungeons and Dragons (Game) Dunkleberger family RT Tonkelberg family Dunford family (Not Subd Geog) Dungeons and Dragons (Game) Dunker family (Not Subd Geog) Dunford-Pettis properties of Banach spaces [GV1469.62.D84] UF Duncker family UF Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (Game) Dunkerque (France) USE Banach spaces—Dunford-Pettis properties D & D (Game) — History Dung Dungeons & Dragons (Game) — — Siege, 1944-1945 BT Fantasy games USE Feces BT Sieges—France Manures Dunggija dialect World War, 1939- USE Duungidjawu dialect 1945—Campaigns—France Dung (South Asian people) USE Dhangar (South Asian people) Dunghutti (Australian people) Dunkerque (France), Battle of, 1940 USE Dhungutti (Australian people) USE Dunkirk, Battle of, Dunkerque, France, 1940 Dung beetles (May Subd Geog) [QL596.S3 (Zoology)] Dunghutti language Dunkerton family (Not Subd Geog) UF Dor beetles USE Dhungutti language Dunkery Hill (England) Dorbeetles Dung chafers Dungidjau dialect BT Mountains—England Tumblebugs USE Duungidjawu dialect Dunkin family BT Scarabaeidae Dungkar Caves (China) USE Duncan family Dung chafers USE Dung-dkar Caves (China) Dunking (Basketball) (May Subd Geog) USE Dung beetles Dungra Bhil language (May Subd Geog) [GV888.15] Dung-dkar Caves (China) UF Dungari Bhili language UF Slam dunking (Basketball) UF Dongga Caves (China) Dungri Bhili language BT Basketball—Offense Donggar Caves (China) BT Indo-Aryan languages, Modern Dunkins family Dungkar Caves (China) India—Languages USE Duncan family Dunkar Caves (China) Dunkirk, Battle of, Dunkerque, France, 1940 BT Buddhist cave temples—China — Dictionaries [D756.5.D8] Caves—China NT Picture dictionaries, Dungra Bhil UF Dunkerque (France), Battle of, 1940 [Former Dung flies Dungra Bhil picture dictionaries heading] USE Anthomyiidae USE Picture dictionaries, Dungra Bhil BT World War, 1939-1945—Campaigns—France Dunkleberger family Dung flies, Lesser Dungri Bhili language USE Dunkelberger family USE Sphaeroceridae USE Dungra Bhil language Dunklee family USE Dunkley family Dung fungi Dungs Dunkley family (Not Subd Geog) USE Coprophilous fungi USE Feces UF Dunklee family Manures Dunlap family (Not Subd Geog) Dung Gate (Jerusalem) UF Dunlop family UF Bab̄ al-Maghāriba (Jerusalem) Dungsam language Dunlaps Creek (W. Va.) Moor Gate (Jerusalem) USE Tshangla language USE Dunloup Creek (W. Va.) Shaʻar ha-Ashpot (Jerusalem) Dunleavy Mallorough (Fictitious character) Shaʻar ha-Kaṭan (Jerusalem) Dungur 'Addi Kilte (Ethiopia) USE Mallorough, Lee (Fictitious character) BT Gates—Jerusalem USE Dungur Site (Ethiopia) Dunlin (May Subd Geog) [QL696.C48 (Zoology)] Dung Quá̂t Bay (Vietnam) Dungur Site (Ethiopia) UF Black-breast UF Baie de Dung Quat (Vietnam) UF Dongour Site (Ethiopia) Vũng Dung Quât́ (Vietnam) Dungur 'Addi Kilte (Ethiopia) Black-breast dunlin BT Bays—Vietnam BT Ethiopia—Antiquities Calidris alpina Erolia alpina Dung worm, Pink Dunham family (Not Subd Geog) Pelidna alpina USE Eisenia foetida UF Donham family Purre Donnom family Red-backed sandpiper Dungan cooking Dunam family Tringa alpina USE Cooking, Hui Dunnam family BT Calidris Dunnem family Dunloggin (Ellicott City, Md.) Dungan family (Not Subd Geog) Dunnom family This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Dongan family Dunnum family subdivision. Dungan folk literature Dunham Massey (England) BT Farms—Maryland USE Folk literature, Dungan BT Dwellings—England Dungan language (May Subd Geog) Dunham Post Office (Scio, N.Y.) [PL1900.D85] USE Corporal Jason L. Dunham Post Office (Scio, BT Chinese language N.Y.) Dungan literature (May Subd Geog) Dunham Post Office Building (East Saint Louis, Ill.) BT Central Asian literature USE Katherine Dunham Post Office Building (East NT Dungan prose literature Saint Louis, Ill.) Folk literature, Dungan Dunham's Hill (Ohio) Dungan prose literature (May Subd Geog) Dunhuang Caves (China) BT Dungan literature UF Caves of the Thousand Buddhas (China) Dungans (May Subd Geog) Chʻien-fu Caves (China) BT Ethnology—Asia, Central Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes (China) Dunhuang Mogao Ku (China) Dungari Bhili language Mo-kao Caves (China) USE Dungra Bhil language Mo-kao kʻu (China) Mogao Caves (China) Dungeness Bay (Wash.) UF New Dungeness Bay (Wash.) New Dungeness Harbor (Wash.) BT Bays—Washington (State) D-286
Dunloop Creek (W. Va.) Dunneza Indians Dunstane family USE Dunloup Creek (W. Va.) USE Tsattine Indians Dunston family Dunstone family Dunlop Creek (W. Va.) Dunnichen, Battle of, Scotland, 685 RT Dunstanville family USE Dunloup Creek (W. Va.) UF Dunnichen (Scotland), Battle of, 685 [Former Dunstanburgh Castle (England) heading] BT Castles—England Dunlop family Nechtansmere, Battle of, Scotland, 685 Dunstane family USE Dunlap family BT Great Britain—History—Anglo-Saxon period, USE Dunstan family 449-1066 Dunstanvile family Dunlops Creek (W. Va.) Scotland—History—To 1057 USE Dunstanville family USE Dunloup Creek (W. Va.) Dunstanville family (Not Subd Geog) Dunnichen (Scotland), Battle of, 685 UF Dunstanvile family Dunloup Creek (W. Va.) USE Dunnichen, Battle of, Scotland, 685 RT Dunstan family UF Big Loop Creek (W. Va.) Dunster Beach (England) Big Loup Creek (W. Va.) Dunnigan family BT Beaches—England Dun Loop Creek (W. Va.) USE Donegan family Dunster Castle (Dunster, England) Dun Loup Creek (W. Va.) BT Castles—England Dunlaps Creek (W. Va.) Dunning family Dunston family Dunloop Creek (W. Va.) USE Downing family USE Dunstan family Dunlop Creek (W. Va.) Dunstone family Dunlops Creek (W. Va.) Dunning Post Office (Chicago, Ill.) USE Dunstan family Loop Creek (W. Va.) USE Roger P. McAuliffe Post Office (Chicago, Ill.) Dunsun folk songs Loup Creek (W. Va.) USE Folk songs, Dunsun Upper Loop Creek (W. Va.) Dunnington family (Not Subd Geog) Dunsyer family Upper Loup Creek (W. Va.) Dunnock (May Subd Geog) USE Dunsire family Wiper Loop Creek (W. Va.) Dunsyr family BT Rivers—West Virginia [QL696.P266] USE Dunsire family UF Accentor modularis Dunsyre family Dunloup Creek Watershed (W. Va.) USE Dunsire family BT Watersheds—West Virginia Hedge-sparrow Duntemann family (Not Subd Geog) Prunella modularis (Birds) Dunten family Dunluce Castle (Northern Ireland) BT Prunella (Birds) USE Dunton family BT Castles—Northern Ireland Dunnogan family Dunton family (Not Subd Geog) USE Donegan family UF Dunten family Dunmanus Bay (Ireland) Dunnom family Dunton Lake (Ind.) BT Bays—Ireland USE Dunham family BT Lakes—Indiana Dunnottar Castle (Scotland) Dunton Station (New York, N.Y.) Dunmeh BT Castles—Scotland BT Railroad stations—New York (State) USE Dönmeh Dunnottar Woodland Park (Scotland) Duntze Island (Wash.) BT Parks—Scotland USE McNeil Island (Wash.) Dunmire family (Not Subd Geog) Dunn's red salamander Duntzfelt family (Not Subd Geog) Dunmore, Lake (Vt.) USE Red salamander Dunu (African people) Dunnu-Ša-Uzibi (Extinct city) USE Bata (African people) UF Lake Dunmore (Vt.) USE Giricano (Extinct city) Dunu language BT Lakes—Vermont Dunnum family USE Bata language Dunmore, Loch (Scotland) USE Dunham family Dunvegan, Fort (Alta.) UF Loch Dunmore (Scotland) Dunoho family USE Fort Dunvegan (Alta.) BT Lakes—Scotland USE Donahue family Dunvegan Bridge (Dunvegan, Alta.) Dunmore family Dunois family This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Dinsmore family USE Dumois family subdivision. Dunmore's Expedition, 1774 Dunollie Castle (Oban, Scotland) USE Lord Dunmore's War, 1774 BT Castles—Scotland UF Peace River Bridge (Dunvegan, Alta.) Dunmow flitch Dunoon Pier (Dunoon, Scotland) BT Bridges—Alberta UF Flitch of Dunmow This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Dunvegan Castle (Scotland) BT Bacon subdivision. UF Caisteal Dhuǹ Bheagaín (Scotland) Dunn, River (England) USE Don, River (South Yorkshire, England) BT Piers—Scotland Caisteal Dhun Bhegan (Scotland) Dunn, Emerson (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Dunrobin Castle (Scotland) Dhuǹ Bheagaiń , Caisteal (Scotland) UF Emerson Dunn (Fictitious character) Dhun Bhegan, Caisteal (Scotland) Dunn, Mara (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT Castles—Scotland BT Castles—Scotland UF Mara Dunn (Fictitious character) Duns Dunvegan Hydro Power Site, Alta. Dunn, Micah (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT Hydroelectric power plants—Alberta UF Micah Dunn (Fictitious character) USE Ringforts Dunville family Dunn anchor (May Subd Geog) Dunsair family USE Dumville family BT Anchors Dunwalke (Bedminster, N.J.) Dunn Brook (Mass.) USE Dunsire family BT Convention facilities—New Jersey BT Rivers—Massachusetts Dunsaire family Dwellings—New Jersey Dunn Brook Watershed (Mass.) Dunway family BT Watersheds—Massachusetts USE Dunsire family USE Dunaway family Dunn family (Not Subd Geog) Dünsberg Site (Germany) Dünweber family (Not Subd Geog) UF Done family Dunwich Heath (England) BT Germany—Antiquities BT Heathlands—England Dones family Dunseir family Natural areas—England Dun family Dunwoodie family Dune family USE Dunsire family USE Dunwoody family Dunne family Dunsi︠a︡n language Dunwoody family (Not Subd Geog) RT O Doyne family UF Denwiddie family Dunn Field (Cleveland, Ohio) USE Dongxiang language Denwidie family USE League Park (Cleveland, Ohio) Dunsir family Dinwedoe family Dunnagan family Dinwiddie family USE Donegan family USE Dunsire family Dunwoodie family Dunnagen family Dunsire family (Not Subd Geog) Dünz family (Not Subd Geog) USE Donegan family UF Duenz family Dunnam family UF Dunsair family Duo Alto de Pinheiros (Saõ Paulo, Brazil) USE Dunham family Dunsaire family BT Apartment houses—Brazil Dunnarts Dunseir family Duo-Art Aeolian player organ USE Sminthopsis Dunsir family USE Aeolian Duo-Art player organ Dunne family Dunsyer family Duo-Art player organ USE Dunn family Dunsyr family USE Aeolian Duo-Art player organ Dunne-za Indians Dunsyre family Duo-Art reproducing piano (Not Subd Geog) USE Tsattine Indians BT Player piano Dunnell family (Not Subd Geog) Dunskey Castle (Scotland) Duo cyclecars (Not Subd Geog) UF Dwinal family BT Castles—Scotland BT Cyclecars Dwinell family Duo family (Not Subd Geog) Dwinnell family Dunsmoor family Dunnem family USE Dinsmore family USE Dunham family Dunnenway family Dunsmore family USE Dunaway family USE Dinsmore family Dunnerdale (England) USE Duddon Valley (England) Dunsmuir Castle (Victoria, B.C.) Dunneway family USE Craigdarroch Castle (Victoria, B.C.) USE Dunaway family Dunsmuir family (Not Subd Geog) RT Dinsmore family Dunsmuir House (Oakland, Calif.) BT Dwellings—California Dunson family USE Dunstan family Dunstable Downs (England) BT Mountains—England Dunstaffnage Castle (Scotland) BT Castles—Scotland Dunstan family (Not Subd Geog) UF Dunson family D-287
Duoddarvirdnejavrre (Norway) Oligopolies Duployé-Institut shorthand, French USE Vir'dnejav'ri (Norway) NT Industrial concentration USE Shorthand, French—Duploye-́ Institut Duos Duodecimal system USE Duets Duployé-Institut shorthand, Greek (Modern) [QA141.5] Dupac family USE Shorthand, Greek (Modern)—Duployé-Institut UF Base twelve numeration USE Du Pac family Dozen system Dupage River (Ill.) DuPont Benedictus Award Numeration, Base twelve USE Du Page River (Ill.) USE DuPont Benedictus Awards BT Arithmetic Dupaninan Agta language (May Subd Geog) RT Decimal system [PL5662-PL5662.95] DuPont Benedictus Awards BT Numeration UF Agta language (Dupaninan) UF Benedictus Award Weights and measures Benedictus Awards Cagayan Agta language, Eastern DuPont Benedictus Award Duodenal sphincter Dupaningan Agta language BT Architecture—Awards USE Sphincter of Oddi Eastern Cagayan Agta language Glass construction—Awards BT Philippine languages Duodenectomy (May Subd Geog) Philippines—Languages Dupont Circle (Washington, D.C.) UF Duodenum—Excision Dupaningan Agta language This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Duodenum—Surgery USE Dupaninan Agta language Excision (Surgery) Dupâquier family (Not Subd Geog) subdivision. NT Pancreaticoduodenectomy Duperrey Isles (Micronesia : Mokil Atoll) USE Mokil Atoll (Micronesia) UF Washington (D.C.). Dupont Circle Duodeno-choledochal junction Duperry (Micronesia) BT Traffic circles—Washington (D.C.) USE Choledocho-duodenal junction USE Mokil Atoll (Micronesia) Dupont family Duplain family (Not Subd Geog) USE Du Pont family Duodenopancreatectomy UF Duplin family DuPont State Forest (N.C.) USE Pancreaticoduodenectomy Duplantis family (Not Subd Geog) BT Forest reserves—North Carolina Duplechain family Dupont Theatre (Wilmington, Del.) Duodenoscopy (May Subd Geog) USE Duplechin family UF Playhouse Theatre (Wilmington, Del.) [RC804.D79] Duplechin family (Not Subd Geog) BT Theaters—Delaware BT Duodenum—Examination UF Duplechain family Dupra family Enteroscopy Duplessis (Queb́ ec : Region) USE Dupree family Duplessis family (Not Subd Geog) Dupray family Duodenscopes (May Subd Geog) Duplex sonography USE Dupree family BT Endoscopes USE Duplex ultrasonography Dupre family Duplex stainless steel (May Subd Geog) USE Dupree family Duodenum UF Chromium-nickel-molybdenum-iron alloys Dupree family (Not Subd Geog) [QL863 (Comparative anatomy)] Super duplex stainless steel UF Deupree family [QM345 (Human anatomy)] BT Stainless steel [QP156 (Physiology)] Duplex ultrasonography (May Subd Geog) Du Pree family BT Intestine, Small UF Duplex sonography Dupra family NT Choledocho-duodenal junction BT Doppler ultrasonography Dupray family Sphincter of Oddi Ultrasonic imaging Dupre family — Diagnostic use (May Subd Geog) Duprery family — Cancer (May Subd Geog) Duprey family — Diseases (May Subd Geog) [RC78.7.D86 (General)] Duprie family [RC691.6.D87 (Circulatory system)] Duprery family NT Duodenum—Radiography BT Diagnostic ultrasonic imaging USE Dupree family — Examination (May Subd Geog) Duplicate auction bridge Duprey family [GV1282] USE Dupree family NT Duodenoscopy BT Auction bridge Duprie family — Excision Duplicate contract bridge USE Dupree family [GV1282.8.D86] Dups family USE Duodenectomy BT Contract bridge USE Dubbs family — Intubation — Rules Dupuis family — Radiography (May Subd Geog) [GV1282.8.D86] USE Depew family Duplicate tube lichen Dupuy family [RC804.R6] USE Hypogymnia duplicata USE Depew family BT Duodenum—Diseases Duplicate whist Dupuytren's contraction — Surgery (May Subd Geog) [GV1283] USE Dupuytren's contracture NT Duodenectomy BT Whist Dupuytren's contracture (May Subd Geog) Duplicates in libraries (May Subd Geog) UF Dupuytren's contraction Esophagoduodenostomy [Z689] BT Contracture (Pathology) Gastroduodenostomy UF Libraries—Duplicate books Fingers—Abnormalities — Ulcers (May Subd Geog) Library duplicates Duques de Arcos, Palacio de los (Marchena, Spain) BT Peptic ulcer Duplicating fluids (May Subd Geog) USE Palacio de los Duques de Arcos (Marchena, — Wounds and injuries (May Subd Geog) UF Copying fluids Spain) Duomitus (May Subd Geog) Duplicating liquids Duques de Medinaceli, Palacio de los (Cogolludo, [QL561.C6] Duplicating spirits Spain) BT Cossidae BT Fluid copying processes—Equipment and USE Palacio de los Duques de Medinaceli NT Duomitus ceramicus supplies (Cogolludo, Spain) Duomitus ceramicus (May Subd Geog) Duplicating liquids Dur̄ -Abiešuḫ (Extinct city) [QL561.C6] USE Duplicating fluids BT Extinct cities—Iraq UF Bee-hole borer Duplicating machines Iraq—Antiquities BT Duomitus USE Copying machines Dūr-Katlimmu (Extinct city) Duomo, Piazza del (Milan, Italy) Duplicating paper UF Shaykh Ḥamad, Tall (Syria) USE Piazza del Duomo (Milan, Italy) USE Reproduction paper Tall Shaykh Ḥamad (Syria) Duomo, Piazza del (Parma, Italy) Duplicating processes BT Extinct cities—Syria USE Piazza del Duomo (Parma, Italy) USE Copying processes Syria—Antiquities Duomo, Piazza del (Pisa, Italy) Duplicating services Dur Sharrukin (Ancient city) USE Piazza dei Miracoli (Pisa, Italy) USE Letter services USE Dur Sharrukin (Extinct city) Duomo, Piazza del (Vigevano, Italy) Duplicating spirits Dur Sharrukin (Extinct city) USE Piazza ducale (Vigevano, Italy) USE Duplicating fluids UF Dur Sharrukin (Ancient city) [Former heading] Duomo (Modena, Italy) Duplication of catalog cards BT Extinct cities—Iraq NT Porta dei Principi (Duomo, Modena, Italy) USE Catalog cards—Reproduction Iraq—Antiquities Porta della Pescheira (Duomo, Modena, Italy) Duplication of the cube Dur Site (United Arab Emirates) Duôǹ (Asian people) USE Cube, Duplication of UF Ed-Dur Site (United Arab Emirates) USE Lü (Asian people) Duplicidentata BT United Arab Emirates—Antiquities Duon de Maganc (Legendary character) USE Lagomorpha Dûr-Undasi (Extinct city) USE Doon de Mayence (Legendary character) Duplin family USE Dur-Untash (Extinct city) Duon family USE Duplain family Dur-Untash (Extinct city) USE Duhon family Duployé-Institut shorthand UF Al-Untash-Napirisha (Extinct city) Duong family (Not Subd Geog) USE Shorthand—Duploye-́ Institut Choga Zanbil (Extinct city) Đưoǹ̛ g Hò̂ Chí Minh (Vietnam) Čoġ ā Zanbil (Extinct city) Here are entered works on the express highway Dur̂ -Undasi (Extinct city) that runs north to south through Vietnam. Works on Dur-Untash-Gal (Extinct city) the ancient system of trails in Laos, Cambodia, and Dur-Untash-Napirisha (Extinct city) Vietnam are entered under Ho Chi Minh Trail. Tchoga Zanbil (Extinct city) UF Ho Chi Minh Highway (Vietnam) Ho Chi Minh Road (Vietnam) BT Express highways—Vietnam Duopolies (May Subd Geog) UF Monopolies, Partial Partial monopolies BT Competition, Imperfect D-288
BT Extinct cities—Iran Duranguesado, Peñas del (Spain) Durbars (May Subd Geog) Iran—Antiquities UF Peñas del Duranguesado (Spain) BT Coronations BT Mountains—Spain Festivals Dur-Untash-Gal (Extinct city) USE Dur-Untash (Extinct city) Durani (Afghanistan people) (May Subd Geog) — India UF Durrani (Afghanistan people) — — Delhi Dur-Untash-Napirisha (Extinct city) BT Ethnology—Afghanistan Durbi Takusheyi Mound (Nigeria) USE Dur-Untash (Extinct city) Pushtuns UF Durbin-Takusheyi Mound (Nigeria) Dura (Extinct city) Durani family Takusheyi Mound (Nigeria) USE Dura-Europos (Extinct city) USE Dorran̄ ī family BT Mounds—Nigeria Durā (Nepalese people) (May Subd Geog) Durankulak Site (Bulgaria) Nigeria—Antiquities [DS493.9.D87] BT Bulgaria—Antiquities BT Ethnology—Nepal Durbin family (Not Subd Geog) Durant, Quincy (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Durbin-Takusheyi Mound (Nigeria) Dura (Plant) UF Quincy Durant (Fictitious character) USE Durra USE Durbi Takusheyi Mound (Nigeria) Durant automobile (Not Subd Geog) Dürcksen family Dura-Europos (Ancient city) BT Durant Motors automobiles USE Dura-Europos (Extinct city) USE Dirksen family Durant Bend Site (Ala.) Durden family Dura-Europos (Extinct city) BT Alabama—Antiquities UF Doura (Extinct city) USE Darden family Doura-Europos (Extinct city) Durant family Duree family (Not Subd Geog) Dura (Extinct city) USE Durrant family Dura-Europos (Ancient city) [Former heading] UF Durie family Dura-Europus (Extinct city) Durant Motors automobiles (Not Subd Geog) Durier family Europos (Extinct city) BT Automobiles Duryea family Europus (Extinct city) NT Durant automobile Duryee family BT Extinct cities—Syria Star automobile Syria—Antiquities Durel family Durant Park (Oakland, Calif.) USE Dorrell family Dura-Europus (Extinct city) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Dura-Europos (Extinct city) Durell, Sam (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) subdivision. UF Sam Durell (Fictitious character) Dura language (May Subd Geog) [PL3801.D997-PL3801.D99795] BT Parks—California Durell family BT Nepal—Languages Durantaceae USE Dorrell family Tibeto-Burman languages USE Verbenaceae Duren family Dura mater Durante family USE Deeren family BT Brain Meninges USE Durrant family Duress (Canon law) Spinal cord Duration, Intuition of BT Canon law — Abscess (May Subd Geog) USE Time perception Duress (International law) Durability of automobiles Duration (Phonetics) BT International law USE Automobiles—Service life UF Grammar, Comparative and general—Duration Duress (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) Durability of building materials Language and languages—Duration BT Islamic law Length (Phonetics) USE Building materials—Service life Quantity (Phonetics) Duress (Jewish law) Durability of concrete BT Jewish law BT Phonetics USE Concrete—Service life Prosodic analysis (Linguistics) Duress (Law) (May Subd Geog) Durability of pavements UF Coercion (Law) SA subdivision Quantity under individual Compulsion USE Pavements—Service life languages and groups of languages, e.g. BT Criminal liability Durable bindings English language--Quantity Law RT Necessity (Law) USE Bookbinding—Durable bindings NT Grammar, Comparative and Threats—Law and legislation Durable bookbindings general—Compensatory lengthening BT Torts Undue influence USE Bookbinding—Durable bindings Duration of copyright NT Respondeat superior Durable goods, Consumer (May Subd Geog) USE Copyright—Duration Trials (Duress) UF Consumer durable goods Duration of pregnancy Duress (Roman law) Durables USE Pregnancy—Duration BT Roman law BT Consumer goods Duratón Canyon (Spain) Durfee family (Not Subd Geog) RT Nondurable goods UF Cañoń del Duratoń (Spain) UF D'Urfey family Durable power of attorney BT Canyons—Spain Durfey family USE Power of attorney Durfy family Durables Duratón River (Spain) USE Durable goods, Consumer UF Río Duratoń (Spain) D'Urfey family Durack family (Not Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Spain USE Durfee family Dural hematoma USE Epidural hematoma Duratoń River Watershed (Spain) Durfort family (Not Subd Geog) Duralumin BT Watersheds—Spain Durfy family [TA480.A6 (Engineering materials)] [TL699.D9 (Aircraft construction)] Durav̄ a USE Durfee family BT Aluminum-copper alloys USE Durawa Durga language Duramen USE Heartwood Durawa (May Subd Geog) USE Dhurga language Duramold [DS489.25.D87] Durga Murgas BT Airplanes—Materials UF Chandos Durav̄ a USE Sindholḷ ̣us Plastics BT Caste—Sri Lanka Durga-̄ puj̄ ā (Hindu festival) (May Subd Geog) Duran family (Not Subd Geog) Ethnology—Sri Lanka [BL1239.82.D87] UF Durand family Durayhim (Extinct city) BT Fasts and feasts—Hinduism Durance family USE Drehem (Extinct city) Durgamurgas USE Sindhoḷlụ s USE Durrant family Durazno, Estancia El (Coŕ doba, Argentina) Durge family Durance River (France) USE Estancia El Durazno (Coŕ doba, Argentina) USE Durkee family Durham, Fort, Site (Alaska) BT Rivers—France Durazzo, Battle of, 48 B.C. USE Fort Durham Site (Alaska) Durance River Valley (France) USE Dyrrhachium, Battle of, Durres̈ , Albania, 48 Durham Bulls Athletic Park (Durham, N.C.) B.C. BT Baseball fields—North Carolina UF Durance Valley (France) Durham Castle (Durham, England) BT Valleys—France Durazzo, Battle of, 1918 BT Castles—England Durance River Watershed (France) USE Durazzo, Battle of, Durrës, Albania, 1918 BT Watersheds—France College buildings—England Durance Valley (France) Durazzo, Battle of, Durres̈ , Albania, 1918 Durham cattle USE Durance River Valley (France) UF Durazzo, Battle of, 1918 [Former heading] Durand, Delphie (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT World War, 1914-1918—Campaigns—Albania USE Shorthorn cattle UF Delphie Durand (Fictitious character) Durham Dales (England) Durand family Durazzo Bombrini Palace (Cornigliano Ligure, Italy) Durham family (Not Subd Geog) USE Duran family USE Palazzo Durazzo Bombrini (Cornigliano Ligure, Durango scorpion Italy) UF Derham family USE Centruroides suffusus Dorham family Durango sport utility vehicle (Not Subd Geog) Durazzo family (Not Subd Geog) Durhame family UF Dodge Durango sport utility vehicle Durazzo Pallavicini Palace (Genoa, Italy) Durram family BT Dodge trucks Durrom family USE Palazzo Durazzo Pallavicini (Genoa, Italy) Sport utility vehicles Durazzo Villa (Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy) Durham Performing Arts Center (Durham, N.C.) UF DPAC (Durham, N.C.) USE Villa Durazzo (Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy) BT Centers for the performing arts—North Durban Bay (South Africa) Carolina USE Natal Bay (South Africa) Durham Red (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Durban Harbor (South Africa) USE Natal Bay (South Africa) Durban Harbour (South Africa) USE Natal Bay (South Africa) D-289
Durhame family Quercus sessilis Dur̈ rbeck family (Not Subd Geog) USE Durham family Sessile oak Durrell Edge of Appalachia Preserve System (Ohio) BT Oak Duri language (May Subd Geog) Durmeyer family USE Richard and Lucille Durrell Edge of Appalachia UF Masenrempulu langage (Duri) USE Dormeier family Preserve System (Ohio) Massenrempulu language (Duri) Durmitor (Montenegro) BT Indonesia—Languages BT Mountains—Montenegro Durrell family Masenrempulu languages Dinaric Alps USE Dorrell family Durn family Durian (May Subd Geog) USE Dorn family Durrence family [QK495.M27 (Botany)] Durneford family USE Durrant family [SB379.D8 (Culture)] USE Durnford family UF Civet cat tree Dürnfeldt family Dur̈ renfeldt family Civet durian USE Dornfeld family USE Dornfeld family Civet fruit Durnford family (Not Subd Geog) Durian tree UF De Derneford family Dur̈ renstein, Battle of, Dur̈ nstein, Austria, 1805 Durio zibethinus De Durneford family USE Dürnstein, Battle of, Dürnstein, Austria, 1805 Durion Derneford family BT Durio Dernford family Durries Durneford family USE Dhurries — Use in cooking Durnforde family USE Cooking (Durian) Durnforde family Durrington Down Plantation Site (England) USE Durnford family USE Durrington Firs Site (England) Durian tree Durnholzertal (Italy) USE Durian USE Valdurna (Italy) Durrington Firs Site (England) Durning family UF Durrington Down Plantation Site (England) Đurić family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dorning family BT England—Antiquities Duricrusts (May Subd Geog) Dur̈ nkrut, Battle of, 1278 USE Marchfeld, Battle of, Austria, 1278 Durrington Mill (Worthing, England) [GB649.D8] Dur̈ nstein, Battle of, 1805 USE High Salvington Windmill (Worthing, England) UF Hardpan USE Dur̈ nstein, Battle of, Dürnstein, Austria, 1805 BT Landforms Dur̈ nstein, Battle of, Dürnstein, Austria, 1805 Durroch family [DC227.5.D8] USE Darroch family Soils UF Dur̈ nstein, Battle of, 1805 [Former heading] NT Silcrete Dur̈ renstein, Battle of, Dürnstein, Austria, 1805 Durrom family Durie family BT Napoleonic Wars, 1800- USE Durham family USE Duree family 1815—Campaigns—Austria Durier family Duro (Coin) Durru (African people) USE Duree family BT Dollar USE Dii (African people) Durio (May Subd Geog) Silver coins [QK495.M27 (Botany)] Durobrivae (Extinct city) Durru language BT Malvaceae BT England—Antiquities USE Dii language NT Durian Extinct cities—England Durio zibethinus Duroc Jersey swine (May Subd Geog) D'Ursel family USE Durian [SF393.D9] USE Ursel family Durion BT Swine breeds USE Durian Durodon Dursey Island (Ireland) Durk family USE Dorudon UF Oiléann Baoi (Ireland) USE Durkee family Durop language BT Islands—Ireland Durkadi Nala Site (India) USE Korop language BT India—Antiquities Durorp language D'Urso-Frisullo family (Not Subd Geog) Durke family USE Korop language Durst family (Not Subd Geog) USE Durkee family Durow family (Not Subd Geog) Durkee family (Not Subd Geog) Durr family UF Darst family UF Derk family USE Derr family Derst family Durra (May Subd Geog) Dorst family Derkee family [QK495.G74 (Botany)] Dirk family [SB191.S7 (Culture)] Durstein family Durge family UF Brown durra USE Derstine family Durk family Cholam Durke family Dhurra Durstine family Durkey family Doora USE Derstine family Durkie family Doura (Plant) Durkee Lake (S.D.) Dourah Durston family BT Lakes—South Dakota Dura (Plant) USE Dustin family Reservoirs—South Dakota Guinea corn Durkenfield family Indian millet Durtnell family USE Duckenfield family Jowar USE Darknall family Durkey family Juar USE Durkee family Sorghum bicolor durra Duru (African people) Durkheimian school of sociology (May Subd Geog) BT Millets USE Dii (African people) [HM465] Sorghum UF French sociologists (Durkheimian school) Durra industry (May Subd Geog) Duru language BT Schools of sociology BT Sorghum industry USE Dii language Sociology Durram family NT Anomy USE Durham family Dur̄ ud̄ zan Dam (Iran) Durkie family Durrance family USE Doroodzan Dam (Iran) USE Durkee family USE Durrant family Durland family (Not Subd Geog) Durrand family Durugamuragis UF Dorlan family USE Durrant family USE Sindhoḷḷus Dorland family Durrani (Afghanistan people) Dorlandt family USE Durani (Afghanistan people) Durum wheat (May Subd Geog) Dorlant family Durrani family [QK495.G74 (Botany)] Dorlon family USE Dorrānī family [SB191.W5 (Culture)] RT Darling family Durrant family (Not Subd Geog) UF Macaroni wheat Durling family UF Dorrence family Triticum durum USE Darling family Durance family Wheat, Durum Durlston Castle (England) Durant family BT Wheat UF Durlston Head Castle (England) Durante family BT Castles—England Durrance family — Disease and pest resistance (May Subd Geog) Follies (Architecture)—England Durrand family Durum wheat industry (May Subd Geog) Durlston Head Castle (England) Durrence family USE Durlston Castle (England) [HD9049.W3-HD9049.W5] Durma (African people) BT Wheat trade USE Mekan (African people) Durum wheat products (May Subd Geog) Durmast oak (May Subd Geog) BT Wheat products [QK495.F14 (Botany)] Duruma (African people) (May Subd Geog) [SD397.D87 (Forestry)] UF Doroma (African people) UF Quercus petraea Quercus sessiliflora Wanduruma (African people) BT Ethnology—Kenya Ethnology—Tanzania Duruma language (May Subd Geog) [PL8142.D] BT Bantu languages Kenya—Languages Duruz̄ USE Druzes Durva language USE Parji language D'Urville Island (Micronesia) USE Nama Island (Micronesia) D'Urville Island (N.Z.) USE Rangitoto ki te Tonga/D'Urville Island (N.Z.) Dur̈ y family (Not Subd Geog) UF Deiry family Diery family Diry family Dyri family RT Deery family Durych family (Not Subd Geog) D-290
Duryea automobile (Not Subd Geog) Lagenorhynchus panope Dus̈ seldorfer Malerschule BT Automobiles Lagenorhynchus similis UF Dus̈ seldorf school of painting Lagenorhynchus supercilliosus BT Painting, Modern—19th century Duryea family Lagenorhynchus tursio USE Duree family BT Lagenorhynchus Düsseldorfer Stadttheater (Düsseldorf, Germany) Dusky duck USE Stadttheater Düsseldorf (Düsseldorf, Germany) Duryea Post Office (Montauk, N.Y.) USE Mottled duck USE Perry B. Duryea, Jr., Post Office (Montauk, Dusky family (Not Subd Geog) Dus̈ seldorfer Stadttor (Düsseldorf, Germany) N.Y.) UF Duscay family USE Stadttor (Dus̈ seldorf, Germany) Duskey family Duryee family Dusky-footed wood rat (May Subd Geog) Dussera USE Duree family UF Neotoma fuscipes USE Dasara BT Wood rats Duryodhana Dusky grouse Dussia (May Subd Geog) USE Duryodhana (Hindu mythology) USE Blue grouse [QK495.L52 (Botany)] Dusky kinglet BT Legumes Duryodhana (Hindu mythology) (Not Subd Geog) USE Ruby-crowned kinglet UF Duryodhana [Former heading] Dusky langurs Dust (May Subd Geog) BT Hindu mythology USE Trachypithecus [HD7264 (Labor hygiene)] Dusky marsupial mouse [QC882.5 (Meteorology)] Duryodhana (Hindu mythology) in literature USE Dusky antechinus [TD884.5 (Air pollution)] (Not Subd Geog) Dusky miner UF Atmospheric dust USE Black-eared miner Dust particles DuSable Park (Chicago, Ill.) Dusky pipefish (May Subd Geog) Dusts This heading is not valid for use as a geographic [QL638.S9] BT Air—Pollution UF Siphostoma floridae Particles subdivision. Syngnathus floridae NT Cosmic dust Dusky poorwill Cotton dust BT Parks—Illinois USE Common poorwill Dusty plasmas Dusadhs (Indic people) (May Subd Geog) Dusky salamanders (May Subd Geog) Grain dust [QL668.C274 (Zoology)] Lunar dust [DS432.D.87] UF Desmognathus [Former heading] Mineral dusts BT Ethnology—India Leurognathus [Former heading] Soot Duscay family Seal salamanders USE Dusky family BT Lungless salamanders — Bacteriology Duse Ampitheater (Padua, Italy) NT Desmognathus brimleyorum USE Dust—Microbiology USE Teatro Garibaldi (Padua, Italy) Mountain dusky salamander Duse family Northern dusky salamander — Control USE Dew family Dusky seaside sparrow (May Subd Geog) USE Dust control Duse Theater (Padua, Italy) [QL696.P2438] USE Teatro Garibaldi (Padua, Italy) UF Ammodramus maritimus nigrescens — Electric properties (May Subd Geog) Dusek family (Not Subd Geog) Ammospiza maritima nigrescens — Measurement Dusenberre family Ammospiza nigrescens USE Dusinberre family BT Seaside sparrow UF Dust counting Dusenberry family Dusky shark — Microbiology (May Subd Geog) USE Dusinberre family USE Carcharhinus obscurus Dusenbery family Dusky shrew [QR101] USE Dusinberre family USE Montane shrew UF Dust—Bacteriology [Former heading] Dusenbury family Dusky smooth hound BT Sanitary microbiology USE Dusinberre family USE Smooth dogfish — Prevention Dusewallips River (Wash.) Dusky smoothhound USE Dust control USE Dosewallips River (Wash.) USE Smooth dogfish — Removal (May Subd Geog) Dus̄ h, Tall (Egypt) Dusky Sound (N.Z.) [TH7692-TH7698] USE Kysis (Extinct city) UF Dusky Bay (N.Z.) UF Dust extraction Dushan (Henan Sheng, China : Mountain) BT Sounds (Geomorphology)—New Zealand BT Dust control USE Du Hill (Henan Sheng, China : Mountain) Dusky tegula (May Subd Geog) Dushan Mountain (Henan Sheng, China : Mountain) [QL430.5.T75 (Zoology)] Sanitary engineering USE Du Hill (Henan Sheng, China : Mountain) UF Chlorostoma pulligo Sanitation Dusicyon (May Subd Geog) Tegula pulligo Ventilation [QL737.C22] Trochus marcidus SA subdivision Dust control under types of UF Atelocyon Trochus pulligo industries, plants, and processes, e.g. BT Tegula (Mollusks) Construction industry--Dust control; Cerdocyon Dusky wings Foundries--Dust control Lycalopex USE Erynnis NT Electrostatic precipitation BT Canidae Duskywing, Persius Exhaust systems NT Dusicyon culpaeus USE Persius duskywing Gases—Cleaning Dusicyon microtis Dusner language (May Subd Geog) Vacuum cleaning Dusicyon culpaeus (May Subd Geog) [PL5298.98-PL5298.9895] — — Inertial separation (May Subd Geog) [QL737.C22] UF Dusnir language [TH7695.I52] UF Colorado zorro BT Indonesia—Languages UF Inertial impaction (Dust removal) Colpeo fox Malayan languages South American fox Dusnir language Inertial separation (Dust removal) Zorro colorado USE Dusner language BT Separation (Technology) BT Dusicyon Dussehra — Thermal properties (May Subd Geog) Dusicyon microtis (May Subd Geog) USE Dasara — Wettability [QL737.C22] Düssel River (Germany) UF Wettability of dust UF Atelocynus microtis UF Dus̈ selbach River (Germany) BT Adhesion Small-eared zorro BT Rivers—Germany Wetting Zorro, Small-eared Düsselbach River (Germany) Dust, Circumstellar BT Dusicyon USE Düssel River (Germany) USE Circumstellar matter Dusinberre family (Not Subd Geog) Dus̈ seldorf Hofgarten (Dus̈ seldorf, Germany) Dust, Radioactive UF Dusenberre family USE Hofgarten (Dus̈ seldorf, Germany) USE Radioactive fallout Dusenberry family Dus̈ seldorf Literary Prize Dust abatement Dusenbery family USE Düsseldorfer Literaturpreis USE Dust control Dusenbury family Düsseldorf school of painting Dust Bowl Era, 1931-1939 Duskey family USE Dus̈ seldorfer Malerschule UF Dustbowl Era, 1931-1939 USE Dusky family Düsseldorf Stadttor (Düsseldorf, Germany) BT Droughts—United States Dusky antechinus (May Subd Geog) USE Stadttor (Düsseldorf, Germany) Dust storms—United States [QL737.M33 (Zoology)] Dus̈ seldorfer Literaturpreis Dust Cave (Ala.) UF Antechinus swainsonii UF Düsseldorf Literary Prize BT Alabama—Antiquities Dusky marsupial mouse BT Literary prizes—Germany Caves—Alabama Swainson's antechinus Dust control (May Subd Geog) Swainson's marsupial mouse UF Control of dust Swainson's phascogale Dust—Control BT Antechinus Dust—Prevention [Former heading] Dusky Bay (N.Z.) Dust abatement USE Dusky Sound (N.Z.) Dust management Dusky dolphin (May Subd Geog) Dust palliation [QL737.C432 (Zoology)] Dust suppression UF Delphinus obscurus BT Contamination (Technology) Lagenorhynchus breviceps Pollution prevention Lagenorhynchus fitzroyi SA subdivision Dust control under types of Lagenorhynchus obscurus industries, industrial plants, and processes, e.g. Construction industry--Dust control; D-291
Dust control (Continued) Dusts — United States Foundries--Dust control USE Dust USE Dutch Americans NT Air filters Dusty Fog (Fictitious character) Dutch Americans in literature (Not Subd Geog) Dust—Removal USE Fog, Dusty (Fictitious character) Dutch anonyms and pseudonyms Roads—Dust control Dusty plasmas (May Subd Geog) USE Anonyms and pseudonyms, Dutch Dust counting [QC718.5.D84 (Physics)] Dutch Antillean authors USE Dust—Measurement UF Dust plasma systems Plasmas, Dusty USE Authors, Dutch Antillean Dust devils (May Subd Geog) BT Dust Dutch architecture [QC958] Plasma (Ionized gases) BT Dust storms USE Architecture, Dutch Whirlwinds Dusty-wings Dutch Argentine cattle USE Coniopterygidae Dust diseases USE Holando-Argentino cattle USE Lungs—Dust diseases Dusun (Bornean people) (May Subd Geog) Dutch art [DS597.335.D88 (Malaysia)] Dust explosion [DS646.32.D86 (Indonesia)] USE Art, Dutch USE Dust explosions UF Dusuns [Former heading] Dutch art objects Kadazan (Bornean people) Dust explosions (May Subd Geog) BT Ethnology—Borneo USE Art objects, Dutch [TH9446.D86 (Fire protection)] Dutch arts UF Dust explosion [Former heading] Dusun Dayak language BT Explosions USE Rungus language USE Arts, Dutch Dutch atlases — Minnesota Dusun Deah dialect NT Washburn \"A\" Mill Explosion, Minneapolis, USE Dusun Deyah dialect USE Atlases—Netherlands Minn., 1878 Dutch auctions Dusun Deyah dialect (May Subd Geog) Dust extraction UF Dayak Deah dialect USE Auctions USE Dust—Removal Deah dialect Dutch authors Dejah dialect Dust-fall Dusun Deah dialect USE Authors, Dutch [QC929.S5] BT Indonesia—Languages Dutch ballads UF Dust showers Maanyan language BT Meteorology USE Ballads, Dutch Dusun language (May Subd Geog) Dutch ballads and songs Dust guns (May Subd Geog) [PL5299] UF Dusting guns UF Kadazan Dusun language USE Folk songs, Dutch Guns, Dust Kadazan language Dutch banks and banking BT Coating processes—Equipment and supplies BT Malayan languages USE Banks and banking, Dutch Dust in art (Not Subd Geog) Dusun law Dutch Bible stories Dust in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Law, Dusun Dust ingestion (May Subd Geog) USE Bible stories, Dutch Dusun mythology Dutch Bildungsromans BT Ingestion USE Mythology, Dusun Pica (Pathology) USE Bildungsromans, Dutch Dusun riddles Dutch biographical fiction Dust ingestion by animals (May Subd Geog) USE Riddles, Dusun BT Animals—Food USE Biographical fiction, Dutch Dusun songs Dutch black and white West Friesian cattle Dust jackets USE Songs, Dusun USE Book jackets USE Friesian cattle Dusuns Dutch black pied cattle Dust management USE Dusun (Bornean people) USE Dust control USE Friesian cattle Dutār (May Subd Geog) Dutch bookplates Dust mites, House UF Dotār USE House dust mites BT Lute USE Bookplates, Dutch Musical instruments—Asia, Central Dutch Borneo (Indonesia) Dust palliation Musical instruments—Middle East USE Dust control USE Kalimantan (Indonesia) Dutar̄ and tabla music Dutch Canal Ruin (Phoenix, Ariz.) Dust particles UF Tabla and dutār music USE Dust This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Dutār music subdivision. Dust plasma systems Here are entered compositions not in a specific USE Dusty plasmas UF Dutch Canal Ruins (Phoenix, Ariz.) form or of a specific type for solo dutār, and BT Arizona—Antiquities Dust showers collections of compositions in several forms or types Dutch Canal Ruins (Phoenix, Ariz.) USE Dust-fall for solo dutār. USE Dutch Canal Ruin (Phoenix, Ariz.) Dutch Cap (Lithuania) Dust storms (May Subd Geog) SA headings for forms and types of music that USE Olando kepurė (Lithuania) [QC958-QC959] include \"dutar̄ \" or \"dutar̄ s\" and headings with Dutch Caribbean BT Storms medium of performance that include \"dutār\" USE Caribbean Netherlands Wind erosion or \"dutar̄ s\" Dutch carols NT Dust devils USE Carols, Dutch Mars (Planet)—Dust storms Dutch (May Subd Geog) Dutch catechisms Sukhovei UF Dutchmen (Dutch people) USE Catechisms, Dutch Hollanders Dutch cattle — United States BT Ethnology—Netherlands USE Friesian cattle NT Dust Bowl Era, 1931-1939 Dutch ceramic sculpture — South Africa USE Ceramic sculpture, Dutch Dust suppression UF Dutch in South Africa [Former heading] Dutch chapbooks USE Dust control NT Afrikaners USE Chapbooks, Dutch Dutch cheese Dustan family — United States USE Cottage cheese USE Dustin family NT Dutch Americans Dutch children's encyclopedias and dictionaries USE Children's encyclopedias and dictionaries, Dustbowl Era, 1931-1939 Dutch, Double (Rope skipping) USE Dust Bowl Era, 1931-1939 USE Double dutch (Rope skipping) Dutch Dutch children's literature Duster automobile (Not Subd Geog) Dutch abbreviations BT Valiant automobile USE Abbreviations, Dutch USE Children's literature, Dutch Dutch children's periodicals Dusterud family Dutch agricultural assistance USE Dustrud family USE Agricultural assistance, Dutch USE Children's periodicals, Dutch Dutch children's plays Dustin family (Not Subd Geog) Dutch alabaster sculpture UF Durston family USE Alabaster sculpture, Dutch USE Children's plays, Dutch Dustan family Dutch children's poetry Duston family Dutch almanacs USE Almanacs, Dutch USE Children's poetry, Dutch Dustine Edward Marsden Fog (Fictitious character) Dutch children's songs USE Fog, Dusty (Fictitious character) Dutch altarpieces USE Altarpieces, Dutch USE Children's songs, Dutch Dusting Dutch children's stories USE Sweeping and dusting Dutch-American Heritage Day (May Subd Geog) BT Special days USE Children's stories, Dutch Dusting, Electrostatic Dutch Christian drama USE Electrostatic dusting Dutch American women (May Subd Geog) UF Women, Dutch American USE Christian drama, Dutch Dusting guns BT Women—United States Dutch Christian literature USE Dust guns Dutch Americans (May Subd Geog) USE Christian literature, Dutch Dusting in agriculture [E184.D9] Dutch Christian poetry USE Spraying and dusting in agriculture UF Dutch Americans—United States BT Dutch—United States USE Christian poetry, Dutch Dustmops Ethnology—United States Dutch Christmas poetry USE Mops and mopsticks USE Christmas poetry, Dutch Duston family Dutch Christmas stories USE Dustin family USE Christmas stories, Dutch Dustrud family (Not Subd Geog) UF Dusterud family D-292
Dutch civics Dutch epigrams Dutch ghost stories USE Civics, Dutch USE Epigrams, Dutch USE Ghost stories, Dutch Dutch clover Dutch epistolary poetry Dutch haiku USE White clover USE Epistolary poetry, Dutch USE Haiku, Dutch Dutch coins Dutch erotic poetry Dutch Hollow (Morgan County, Utah) USE Coins, Dutch USE Erotic poetry, Dutch USE Big Dutch Hollow (Utah) Dutch college and school drama Dutch erotic proverbs Dutch Hollow Site (N.Y.) USE College and school drama, Dutch USE Erotic proverbs, Dutch UF Cleary Site (N.Y.) Follett Site (N.Y.) Dutch college students' writings Dutch erotic stories Parker Site (N.Y.) USE College students' writings, Dutch USE Erotic stories, Dutch BT New York (State)—Antiquities Dutch colonial furniture Dutch essays (May Subd Geog) Dutch horror tales USE Furniture, Dutch colonial [PT5539] USE Horror tales, Dutch Here are entered collections of essays by several Dutch color prints Dutch House (Kew, England) USE Color prints, Dutch authors. USE Kew Palace (Kew, England) Dutch concrete poetry BT Dutch literature Dutch humanitarian assistance USE Concrete poetry, Dutch Dutch etching USE Humanitarian assistance, Dutch Dutch cooking USE Etching, Dutch Dutch humorous poetry USE Cooking, Dutch Dutch ethical movement USE Humorous poetry, Dutch Dutch corporations USE Ethical movement (Dutch Reformed Church) Dutch hymns USE Corporations, Dutch Dutch exiles' writings USE Hymns, Dutch Dutch Creek Site (Colo.) USE Exiles' writings, Dutch Dutch illumination of books and manuscripts BT Colorado—Antiquities Dutch experimental fiction USE Illumination of books and manuscripts, Dutch Dutch Creole languages USE Experimental fiction, Dutch Dutch immigrants' writings USE Creole dialects, Dutch Dutch experimental poetry USE Immigrants' writings, Dutch Dutch detective stories USE Experimental poetry, Dutch Dutch imprints (May Subd Geog) USE Detective and mystery stories, Dutch Dutch fables Dutch in art (Not Subd Geog) Dutch in South Africa Dutch devotional literature, Middle USE Fables, Dutch USE Devotional literature, Dutch (Middle) Dutch fantasy fiction USE Dutch—South Africa Dutch investments Dutch dialect literature USE Fantasy fiction, Dutch USE Dialect literature, Dutch Dutch fantasy poetry USE Investments, Dutch Dutch Italianates (Group of artists) Dutch didactic literature USE Fantasy poetry, Dutch USE Didactic literature, Dutch Dutch farces (May Subd Geog) UF Italianates (Group of artists) RT Art, Dutch—17th century Dutch didactic poetry BT Dutch drama Dutch Jews USE Didactic poetry, Dutch Dutch feminist poetry USE Jews, Dutch Dutch landscape drawing Dutch diplomatic and consular service USE Feminist poetry, Dutch USE Landscape drawing, Dutch USE Diplomatic and consular service, Dutch Dutch fiction (May Subd Geog) Dutch landscape painting USE Landscape painting, Dutch Dutch domestic drama [PT5320-PT5336 (History)] Dutch landscape prints USE Domestic drama, Dutch [PT5520-PT5530 (Collections)] USE Landscape prints, Dutch BT Dutch literature Dutch language (May Subd Geog) Dutch drama (May Subd Geog) NT Bildungsromans, Dutch [PF1-PF979] [PT5250-PT5295 (History)] UF Flemish language [Former heading] [PT5490-PT5515 (Collections)] Biographical fiction, Dutch UF Flemish drama—To 1830 Children's stories, Dutch Netherlandic language BT Dutch literature Christmas stories, Dutch BT Germanic languages NT Children's plays, Dutch Detective and mystery stories, Dutch — To 1500 Christian drama, Dutch Erotic stories, Dutch College and school drama, Dutch Experimental fiction, Dutch [PF771-PF778] Domestic drama, Dutch Fantasy fiction, Dutch UF Diets language Dutch drama (Comedy) Ghost stories, Dutch Dutch drama (Tragedy) Horror tales, Dutch Dutch language—Middle Dutch, 1150- Dutch farces Nature stories, Dutch 1500 Moralities, Dutch Picaresque literature, Dutch Low German language—Old Low German, One-act plays, Dutch Psychological fiction, Dutch 750-1050 Puppet plays, Dutch Romance fiction, Dutch Middle Dutch language, 1150-1500 Radio plays, Dutch Science fiction, Dutch Old Low Franconian language Sea stories, Dutch — Middle Dutch, 1150-1500 — Early modern, 1500-1700 Short stories, Dutch USE Dutch language—To 1500 — 19th century Young adult fiction, Dutch — Abbreviations — 20th century — Caribbean Area USE Abbreviations, Dutch Dutch drama (Comedy) (May Subd Geog) USE Caribbean fiction (Dutch) — Business Dutch — Netherlands Antilles UF Business Dutch BT Dutch drama USE Netherlands Antillean fiction (Dutch) — Dialects (May Subd Geog) Dutch drama (Tragedy) (May Subd Geog) Dutch figurative art NT Pidgin Dutch USE Figurative art, Dutch — — South Africa BT Dutch drama Dutch figurative painting Here are entered works on Dutch South Dutch dramatists USE Figurative painting, Dutch African dialects not conforming to Dutch as Dutch figure sculpture spoken or written in the Netherlands. Works on USE Dramatists, Dutch USE Figure sculpture, Dutch the language spoken and written by the Dutch drawing Dutch Flat (Ariz.) descendants of the Dutch colonists in South Dutch flutes (Sailing ships) (May Subd Geog) Africa which gradually evolved and differentiated USE Drawing, Dutch UF Flute ships from the Dutch South African dialects of the Dutch East India Company furniture Hollandse fluits (Sailing ships) earlier periods are entered under Afrikaans BT Merchant ships—Netherlands language. USE Furniture, Dutch colonial Sailing ships—Netherlands Dutch economic assistance Dutch Flying Cross — Dictionaries USE Vliegerkruis [PF620-PF693] USE Economic assistance, Dutch Dutch folk literature NT Picture dictionaries, Dutch Dutch economic sanctions USE Folk literature, Dutch Dutch folk songs — Etymology USE Economic sanctions, Dutch USE Folk songs, Dutch NT Doen (The Dutch word) Dutch educational assistance Dutch food relief Er (The Dutch word) USE Food relief, Dutch Fiets (The Dutch word) USE Educational assistance, Dutch Dutch foreign workers Komen (The Dutch word) Dutch eelboat USE Foreign workers, Dutch Dutch Friesian cattle, Black and white — — Names USE Schuyts USE Friesian cattle — Names Dutch elm disease (May Subd Geog) Dutch gardens USE Gardens, Dutch USE Names, Dutch UF Elm blight Dutch gay men's writings — Scientific Dutch BT Elm—Diseases and pests USE Gay men's writings, Dutch Dutch genre painting USE Dutch language—Technical Dutch Fungal diseases of plants USE Genre painting, Dutch — Slang — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Technical Dutch BT Forestry law and legislation UF Dutch language—Scientific Dutch Dutch emblem books Scientific Dutch USE Emblem books, Dutch Dutch encyclopedias and dictionaries USE Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Dutch Dutch-English War . . . USE subject headings beginning with the words Anglo-Dutch War Dutch engraving USE Engraving, Dutch Dutch epic poetry USE Epic poetry, Dutch D-293
Dutch language Dutch monologues UF Flemish poetry—To 1830 — Technical Dutch (Continued) USE Monologues, Dutch BT Dutch literature Technical Dutch NT Children's poetry, Dutch BT Technology—Language Dutch moralities USE Moralities, Dutch Christian poetry, Dutch Dutch letter writing Christmas poetry, Dutch USE Letter writing, Dutch Dutch Mountain (France) Concrete poetry, Dutch USE Alpe d'Huez (France) Didactic poetry, Dutch Dutch letters (May Subd Geog) Epic poetry, Dutch BT Dutch literature Dutch mural painting and decoration Epistolary poetry, Dutch USE Mural painting and decoration, Dutch Erotic poetry, Dutch Dutch linoleum block-printing Experimental poetry, Dutch USE Linoleum block-printing, Dutch Dutch mystery stories Fantasy poetry, Dutch USE Detective and mystery stories, Dutch Feminist poetry, Dutch Dutch liquid Haiku, Dutch USE Ethylene dichloride Dutch names Humorous poetry, Dutch USE Names, Dutch Love poetry, Dutch Dutch literature (May Subd Geog) Nonsense verses, Dutch [PT5001-PT5980] Dutch narrative painting Nursery rhymes, Dutch UF Flemish literature—To 1830 USE Narrative painting, Dutch Occasional verse, Dutch BT Netherlands—Literatures Patriotic poetry, Dutch NT Children's literature, Dutch Dutch national characteristics Political poetry, Dutch Christian literature, Dutch USE National characteristics, Dutch Prose poems, Dutch College students' writings, Dutch Quatrains, Dutch Dialect literature, Dutch Dutch nature stories Religious poetry, Dutch Didactic literature, Dutch USE Nature stories, Dutch Sea poetry, Dutch Dutch drama Senryu, Dutch Dutch essays Dutch newspapers (May Subd Geog) Sonnets, Dutch Dutch fiction [PN5251-PN5259 (History)] Waka, Dutch Dutch letters BT Newspapers War poetry, Dutch Dutch poetry — To 1500 Dutch prose literature — Ownership (May Subd Geog) Dutch wit and humor — Sections, columns, etc. [PT5131-PT5134 (History)] Exiles' writings, Dutch — — Reviews [PT5425-PT5435 (Collections)] Folk literature, Dutch — 1500-1800 Gay men's writings, Dutch BT Criticism [PT5215-PT5222 (History)] Immigrants' writings, Dutch Dutch nonsense literature [PT5477 (Collections)] Nonsense literature, Dutch — 19th century Prisoners' writings, Dutch USE Nonsense literature, Dutch [PT5225-PT5227 (History)] Religious literature, Dutch Dutch nonsense verses [PT5478 (Collections)] Travelers' writings, Dutch — 20th century USE Nonsense verses, Dutch [PT5230-PT5232 (History)] — To 1500 Dutch nursery rhymes [PT5478 (Collections)] [PT5121-PT5137] Dutch poets NT Devotional literature, Dutch (Middle) USE Nursery rhymes, Dutch USE Poets, Dutch Romances, Dutch Dutch occasional verse Dutch political poetry USE Political poetry, Dutch — 1500-1800 USE Occasional verse, Dutch Dutch political posters [PT5141-PT5165] Dutch oil USE Political posters, Dutch Dutch political satire — 19th century USE Ethylene dichloride USE Political satire, Dutch [PT5170-PT5175] Dutch one-act plays Dutch population assistance USE Population assistance, Dutch — 20th century USE One-act plays, Dutch Dutch porcelain [PT5180-PT5185] Dutch orations USE Porcelain, Dutch Dutch portrait painting — Catholic authors USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Dutch USE Portrait painting, Dutch — Jewish authors Dutch organ Dutch portrait prints USE Portrait prints, Dutch UF Jewish literature (Dutch) USE Barrel organ Dutch portrait sculpture — Caribbean Area Dutch oven cookery USE Portrait sculpture, Dutch Dutch portraits USE Caribbean literature (Dutch) USE Dutch oven cooking USE Portraits, Dutch — Indonesia Dutch oven cooking (May Subd Geog) Dutch posters USE Posters, Dutch USE Indonesian literature (Dutch) [TX840.D88] Dutch pots — Netherlands Antilles UF Dutch oven cookery [Former heading] USE Dutch ovens BT Baking Dutch pottery USE Netherlands Antillean literature (Dutch) USE Pottery, Dutch Dutch literature (Canadian) Casserole cooking Dutch prints Dutch ovens (May Subd Geog) USE Prints, Dutch USE Canadian literature—Dutch authors Dutch prisoners' writings Dutch lithography UF Bake kettles USE Prisoners' writings, Dutch Bean pots Dutch property (May Subd Geog) USE Lithography, Dutch Dinner pots UF Property, Dutch Dutch loans Dutch pots BT Alien property Gypsy pots Dutch prose literature (May Subd Geog) USE Loans, Dutch Ovens, Dutch UF Flemish prose literature—To 1830 Dutch love poetry Stew pots BT Dutch literature Stock pots NT Prose poems, Dutch USE Love poetry, Dutch — 20th century Dutch majolica BT Kettles — Indonesia Dutch painting USE Indonesian prose literature (Dutch) USE Majolica, Dutch Dutch prose poems Dutch manuscripts USE Painting, Dutch USE Prose poems, Dutch Dutch paleography Dutch proverbs USE Manuscripts, Dutch USE Proverbs, Dutch Dutch marine art USE Paleography, Dutch Dutch psychological fiction Dutch panel painting USE Psychological fiction, Dutch USE Marine art, Dutch Dutch puppet plays Dutch marine painting USE Panel painting, Dutch USE Puppet plays, Dutch Dutch parodies Dutch quatrains USE Marine painting, Dutch USE Quatrains, Dutch Dutch-marked rabbits USE Parodies, Dutch Dutch part songs USE Dutch rabbits Dutch medals USE Part songs, Dutch Dutch patriotic poetry USE Medals, Dutch Dutch medical assistance USE Patriotic poetry, Dutch Dutch peacekeeping forces USE Medical assistance, Dutch Dutch military bases USE Peacekeeping forces, Dutch Dutch pen drawing USE Military bases, Dutch Dutch Miller Gap (Wash.) USE Pen drawing, Dutch Dutch periodicals (May Subd Geog) UF Miller Gap (Wash.) BT Mountain passes—Washington (State) [PN5251-PN5260 (History)] Dutch Miller Mine (Wash.) BT Periodicals UF Middle Fork Mine (Wash.) NT Children's periodicals, Dutch Miller Mine (King County, Wash.) Women's periodicals, Dutch BT Mines and mineral resources—Washington Youths' periodicals, Dutch Dutch philology (May Subd Geog) (State) [PF1-PF979] Dutch miniature painting BT Germanic philology Dutch philosophy USE Miniature painting, Dutch USE Philosophy, Dutch Dutch missions Dutch picaresque literature USE Picaresque literature, Dutch USE Missions, Dutch Dutch picture dictionaries USE Picture dictionaries, Dutch Dutch poetry (May Subd Geog) [PT5201-PT5245 (History)] [PT5470-PT5488 (Collections)] D-294
Dutch quotations Dutch Tulip Mania, 1634-1637 Tariff USE Quotations, Dutch USE Tulip Mania, 1634-1637 Taxation Duties of members of Congress Dutch rabbits (May Subd Geog) Dutch Tulipmania, 1634-1637 USE United States. Congress—Powers and duties [SF455.D8] USE Tulip Mania, 1634-1637 Dutoit family UF Dutch-marked rabbits USE Du Toit family BT Rabbit breeds Dutch waka Dutoitskloof Tunnel (South Africa) USE Waka, Dutch USE Huguenot Tunnel (South Africa) Dutch radio plays Dutoitskloofpas (South Africa) USE Radio plays, Dutch Dutch War, 1672-1678 UF Du Toitskloof (South Africa : Mountain pass) [D277-D278] BT Mountain passes—South Africa Dutch religious literature UF Anglo-Dutch War, 1672-1674 Duton family USE Religious literature, Dutch Franco-Dutch War, 1672-1678 USE Dutton family BT Europe—History—1648-1715 Dutra family (Not Subd Geog) Dutch religious poetry Dutson family (Not Subd Geog) USE Religious poetry, Dutch — Campaigns (May Subd Geog) Dutt family (Not Subd Geog) — — Belgium UF Dudt family Dutch religious satire Dudte family USE Religious satire, Dutch NT Seneffe, Battle of, Seneffe, Belgium, Dutten family 1674 USE Dutton family Dutch Revolt, Netherlands, 1568-1648 Duttin family USE Netherlands—History—Eighty Years' War, — — England USE Dutton family 1568-1648 NT Southwold Bay, Battle of, England, Dutting family 1672 USE Dutton family Dutch riddles Dutton family (Not Subd Geog) USE Riddles, Dutch — — France UF Duton family NT Cassel, Battle of, Cassel, France, 1677 Dutten family Dutch romance fiction Enzheim, Battle of, Entzheim, France, Duttin family USE Romance fiction, Dutch 1674 Dutting family Valenciennes RT Dotten family Dutch romances (France)—History—Siege, 1677 Duty USE Romances, Dutch [BJ1450-BJ1458] — — Germany UF Deontology Dutch satire — — Germany (West) Obligation USE Satire, Dutch — — Italy BT Responsibility RT Supererogation Dutch school songbooks NT Palermo, Battle of, Italy, 1676 NT Deontic logic USE School songbooks, Dutch — — Netherlands Vocation Duty (The English word) Dutch science fiction NT Grave (Netherlands)—History—Siege, [PE1599.D8] USE Science fiction, Dutch 1674 BT English language—Etymology Texel, Battle of the, Netherlands, 1673 Duty family (Not Subd Geog) Dutch sculpture Duty-free entry USE Sculpture, Dutch — — North Sea USE Duty-free importation NT Schooneveld, Battle of, 1673 Duty-free exportation of goods in transit Dutch sea poetry USE Duty-free transit USE Sea poetry, Dutch — — Trinidad and Tobago Duty-free importation (May Subd Geog) NT Tobago, Battle of, Trinidad and Tobago, UF Customs exemptions Dutch sea stories 1677 Duty-free entry USE Sea stories, Dutch Tariff, Exemption from — Naval operations Tariff exemptions Dutch self-portraits Dutch war poetry BT Customs administration USE Self-portraits, Dutch Tariff USE War poetry, Dutch RT Cross-border shopping Dutch senryu Dutch war posters NT Customs privileges USE Senryu, Dutch — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE War posters, Dutch Duty-free importation of advertising matter Dutch sermons Dutch watercolor painting (May Subd Geog) USE Sermons, Dutch BT Tariff on advertising matter USE Watercolor painting, Dutch Duty-free importation of aircraft (May Subd Geog) Dutch short stories Dutch Wedding Rocks (Colo.) Duty-free importation of animals (May Subd Geog) USE Short stories, Dutch UF Animals—Tariff BT Rocks—Colorado Duty-free importation of automobiles (May Subd Geog) Dutch Sign Language (May Subd Geog) Dutch-wings (Plants) BT Tariff on automobiles UF Nederlandse Gebarentaal Duty-free importation of birds (May Subd Geog) NGT (Sign language) USE Gasteria UF Birds—Tariff Sign Language of the Netherlands Dutch wit and humor (May Subd Geog) Duty-free importation of boats (May Subd Geog) SLN (Sign language) UF Boats and boating—Tariff BT Netherlands—Languages [PN6222.N (General collections)] Duty-free importation of containers (May Subd Geog) Sign language [PT5346 (History and criticism)] UF Containers—Tariff [PT5541 (Literary collections)] Duty-free importation of copper (May Subd Geog) Dutch small painting BT Dutch literature BT Tariff on copper USE Small painting, Dutch NT Humorous poetry, Dutch Duty-free importation of goods in transit USE Duty-free transit Dutch small sculpture Nonsense verses, Dutch Duty-free importation of machinery (May Subd Geog) USE Small sculpture, Dutch Parodies, Dutch UF Machinery—Tariff Political satire, Dutch Duty-free importation of medical equipment Dutch songbooks Satire, Dutch (May Subd Geog) USE Songbooks, Dutch Dutch wit and humor, Pictorial (May Subd Geog) UF Duty-free importation of surgical equipment Dutch women authors BT Duty-free importation of scientific equipment Dutch songs USE Women authors, Dutch Tariff on medical instruments and apparatus USE Songs, Dutch Dutch women's periodicals Tariff on surgical instruments and apparatus USE Women's periodicals, Dutch Duty-free importation of methanol (May Subd Geog) Dutch sonnets Dutch wood-engraving Duty-free importation of pallets (May Subd Geog) USE Sonnets, Dutch USE Wood-engraving, Dutch UF Pallets (Shipping, storage, etc.)—Tariff Dutch wood sculpture Duty-free importation of relief supplies Dutch spaniel USE Wood sculpture, Dutch (May Subd Geog) USE Drentsche patrijshond Dutch young adult fiction BT International relief USE Young adult fiction, Dutch Duty-free importation of samples (May Subd Geog) Dutch speeches Dutch youths' periodicals UF Samples (Commerce)—Tariff USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Dutch USE Youths' periodicals, Dutch Tariff on samples Dutcher family (Not Subd Geog) Dutch still-life painting UF Ducher family USE Still-life painting, Dutch Dutchess Quarry Caves (N.Y.) BT Caves—New York (State) Dutch students (May Subd Geog) New York (State)—Antiquities BT Students Dutchman's Ditch (Mass.) USE Coonamessett River (Mass.) — Foreign countries Dutchmen (Dutch people) BT Students, Foreign USE Dutch Dutens family (Not Subd Geog) Dutch subject headings Duterrau family (Not Subd Geog) USE Subject headings, Dutch UF Du Terrau family Du Terreau family Dutch-Swedish War, 1658-1659 Duterreau family USE Swedish-Dutch War, 1658-1659 Duterreau family USE Duterrau family Dutch teachers (May Subd Geog) Duthaler family (Not Subd Geog) Here are entered works on teachers who teach the UF Thurthaler family Duthie family (Not Subd Geog) Dutch language and/or Dutch literature. Duties USE Octroi UF Teachers, Dutch BT Language teachers Dutch technical assistance USE Technical assistance, Dutch Dutch Theater Poster Prize USE Nederlandse Theaterafficheprijs Dutch Theatre Poster Prize USE Nederlandse Theaterafficheprijs Dutch theatrical posters USE Theatrical posters, Dutch Dutch Tonneman (Fictitious character) USE Tonneman, Dutch (Fictitious character) Dutch travelers' writings USE Travelers' writings, Dutch D-295
Duty-free importation of scientific equipment Duvenstedter Brook Nature Reserve (Hamburg, Duinker family (May Subd Geog) Germany) Duker family BT Tariff on scientific apparatus and instruments USE Naturschutzgebiet Duvenstedter Brook Duykers NT Duty-free importation of medical equipment (Hamburg, Germany) USE Duikers Duyts family Duty-free importation of sugar (May Subd Geog) Duvenvoorde-Van Wassenaer family USE Dye family UF Sugar—Tariff USE Van Wassenaer-Duvenvoorde family DV damages USE Diminished-value damages Duty-free importation of surgical equipment Duverne family Dvags-po (Sect) USE Duty-free importation of medical equipment USE Du Verne family USE Dwags-po (Sect) Dvaita (Sankhya) Duty-free importation of wrapping materials Duv́ ida River (Brazil) USE Sankhya (May Subd Geog) USE Roosevelt River (Brazil) Dvaita (Vedanta) UF Wrapping materials—Tariff BT Hindu philosophy Duṿikh family Hinduism Duty-free shops USE Dweck family Pantheism USE Duty-free stores Vedanta Duvinage family Dvaitādvaita (May Subd Geog) Duty-free stores (May Subd Geog) USE Du Vinage family BT Vedanta UF Duty-free shops DVB-H (Standard) (May Subd Geog) BT Stores, Retail Duvno Plain (Bosnia and Herzegovina) [TK6678.5.D84] USE Duvanjsko Plain (Bosnia and Herzegovina) UF Digital Video Broadcasting--Handheld Duty-free transit (May Subd Geog) (Standard) UF Duty-free exportation of goods in transit Duvol family BT Mobile television—Standards Duty-free importation of goods in transit USE Duvall family DVD-Audio discs (May Subd Geog) Goods in transit, Tariff on UF DVD-AudioV discs Merchandise in transit, Tariff on Duv́ ugarðar (Faroe Islands) BT DVDs BT Free ports and zones—Law and legislation UF Duegar̊ den (Faroe Islands) Sound recordings Tariff BT Farms—Faroe Islands DVD-AudioV discs USE DVD-Audio discs Duty in literature (Not Subd Geog) Duwamish East Waterway (Wash.) DVD authoring tools Duty of care (Law) UF East Duwamish Waterway (Wash.) USE DVD-Video discs—Authoring programs BT Waterways—Washington (State) DVD bonus features (Motion pictures) USE Reasonable care (Law) USE Motion pictures—DVD special features Duty of loyalty, Employee Duwamish Head (Wash.) DVD players (May Subd Geog) UF Dwamish Head (Wash.) [TK7882.D93] USE Employee loyalty—Law and legislation Freeport (Wash. : Cape) UF Players, DVD Duty of water Lamb's Point (Wash.) BT High-fidelity sound systems Milltown (Wash. : Cape) Home video systems USE Water duties Milton (Wash. : Cape) RT Television/video combinations Duungidjawu dialect (May Subd Geog) Sqw-ed-qs (Wash.) DVD read-only memory BT Capes (Coasts)—Washington (State) USE DVD-ROMs UF Dunggija dialect DVD-ROMs (May Subd Geog) Dungidjau dialect Duwamish Indians (May Subd Geog) UF DVD read-only memory Duunidjawu dialect [E99.D9] BT DVDs UF Dwamish Indians [Former heading] DVD special features (Motion pictures) BT Australia—Languages BT Coast Salish Indians USE Motion pictures—DVD special features Wakawaka language Indians of North America—Washington (State) DVD supplementary features (Motion pictures) USE Motion pictures—DVD special features Duunidjawu dialect — Treaties DVD technology USE Duungidjawu dialect Duwamish River (Wash.) USE DVDs DVD-Video discs (May Subd Geog) Duurdsura Mountains (Algeria) BT Rivers—Washington (State) UF Digital video discs USE Djurdjura Mountains (Algeria) Duwamish River Estuary (Wash.) Digital videodiscs DVD videodiscs [Former heading] Duvakin, Ivan (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT Estuaries—Washington (State) BT DVDs UF Detective Duvakin (Fictitious character) Duwamish River Valley (Wash.) Videodiscs Ivan Duvakin (Fictitious character) — Authoring programs UF Duwamish Valley (Wash.) Duval, Justine (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT Valleys—Washington (State) UF Authoring programs for DVD-Video discs UF Justine Duval (Fictitious character) Duwamish River Watershed (Wash.) DVD authoring tools BT Watersheds—Washington (State) Duval family Duwamish Valley (Wash.) BT Computer programs USE Duvall family USE Duwamish River Valley (Wash.) DVD videodiscs Duwamish Waterway (Wash.) Duval Street (London, England) BT Waterways—Washington (State) USE DVD-Video discs USE Dorset Street (London, England) Duwamish West Waterway (Wash.) DVDs (May Subd Geog) UF West Duwamish Waterway (Wash.) Duvalia (May Subd Geog) BT Waterways—Washington (State) UF Digital versatile discs [QK495.A815 (Botany)] Duwayhī family (Not Subd Geog) DVD technology [Former heading] BT Asclepiadaceae UF Douaihi family BT Optical disks Duvall, Cheney (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Douayhi family NT Cataloging of DVDs UF Cheney Duvall (Fictitious character) Duayhy family Duwayk family DVD-Audio discs Duvall family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dweck family DVD-ROMs UF Davalt family Duwe family (Not Subd Geog) DVD-Video discs De Vaul family BT Dew family — Handling (May Subd Geog) Deval family RT Dewey family Devall family Düwel family UF Handling of DVDs Devalt family USE Duffel family Dvi-iodine Devaul family Duweseb Castle (Namibia) Devaull family USE Duwisib Castle (Namibia) USE Tennessine Devault family Duwiseb Castle (Namibia) Dvi-manganese Devawl family USE Duwisib Castle (Namibia) Devol family Duwisib Castle (Namibia) USE Rhenium Divall family UF Duweseb Castle (Namibia) Dvina, Western, River Divol family Duwiseb Castle (Namibia) Divoll family BT Castles—Namibia USE Western Dvina River Du Val family Duwu language Dvina (Missile) Du Vall family USE Kairi language Duval family Duxbury Bay (Mass.) USE S-75 Dvina (Missile) Duvalt family BT Bays—Massachusetts Dvina Bay (Russia) Duvol family Plymouth Bay (Mass.) Ḍuẏar̄ sa (India) UF Archangel Bay (Russia) Duvalt family USE Dooars (India) Dvina Gulf (Russia) USE Duvall family Duyck family Dvinskai︠a︡ guba (Russia) USE Dyck family Dvinskaya guba (Russia) Duvanjsko Plain (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Duyckinck family (Not Subd Geog) Dvinski Gulf (Russia) UF Duvanjsko polje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Duyee family Dvinskiĭ zaliv (Russia) Duvansko polje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) USE Dewey family Dvinskiy zaliv (Russia) Duvno Plain (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Duyer family Gulf of Archangel (Russia) BT Plains—Bosnia and Herzegovina USE Dyer family Gulf of Dvinsk (Russia) Duyker family (Not Subd Geog) Duvanjsko polje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) UF Duijker family BT Bays—Russia (Federation) USE Duvanjsko Plain (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Duijnker family Duiker family Duvansko polje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) USE Duvanjsko Plain (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Duvaucellidae USE Tritoniidae Duvauferrier family (Not Subd Geog) Duv̈ el family USE Duffel family Duvenage family USE Du Vinage family D-296
Dvina Gulf (Russia) Dvrvgd Basin (Hungary) Dwarf chimpanzee USE Dvina Bay (Russia) UF Dvrvgdi-medence (Hungary) USE Bonobo BT Basins (Geology)—Hungary Dvina River (Russia) Dwarf cichlids (May Subd Geog) USE Northern Dvina River (Russia) Dvrvgdi-medence (Hungary) BT Cichlids USE Dvrvgd Basin (Hungary) Dvina Severnaya River (Russia) Dwarf conifers (May Subd Geog) USE Northern Dvina River (Russia) DVTR (Video tape recorders) UF Dwarf ornamental conifers USE Digital video tape recorders BT Conifers Dvinskai︠a︡ guba (Russia) Dwarf plants USE Dvina Bay (Russia) Dwa Gumal River (Afghanistan and Pakistan) Ornamental conifers USE Gumal River (Afghanistan and Pakistan) Dvinskaya guba (Russia) — Catalogs and collections (May Subd Geog) USE Dvina Bay (Russia) Dwaal Heuwel Formation (South Africa) — — Washington (D.C.) USE Dwaalheuwel Formation (South Africa) Dwarf eelgrass (May Subd Geog) Dvinski Gulf (Russia) USE Dvina Bay (Russia) Dwaalheuwel Formation (South Africa) [QK495.Z7 (Botany)] UF Dwaal Heuwel Formation (South Africa) UF Asian eelgrass Dvinskiĭ zaliv (Russia) Dwaalheuwel Quartzite Formation (South USE Dvina Bay (Russia) Africa) Duckgrass BT Formations (Geology)—South Africa Zostera japonica Dvinskiy zaliv (Russia) Geology, Stratigraphic—Proterozoic BT Eelgrass USE Dvina Bay (Russia) Dwarf elm Dwaalheuwel Quartzite Formation (South Africa) USE Siberian elm Dvogrla USE Dwaalheuwel Formation (South Africa) Dwarf Fortress (Game) USE Dvorgrle [GV1469.25.D85] Dwaas Kill (N.Y.) UF Slaves to Armok: God of Blood Chapter II: Dvogrle USE Mourning Kill (N.Y.) Dwarf Fortress (Game) USE Dvorgrle BT Computer adventure games Dwags-po (Sect) (May Subd Geog) Fantasy games Dvorak family (Not Subd Geog) [BQ7681-BQ7681.9] Dwarf fruit trees (May Subd Geog) UF Dworschak family UF Dakpo (Sect) [SB357.5] Dvags-po (Sect) BT Dwarf trees Dvorec Dornava (Slovenia) BT Bkaʼ-brgyud-pa (Sect) Fruit trees UF Dornava (Slovenia) Buddhist sects Dwarf galagos Dornava Manor (Slovenia) USE Galagoides Schloss Dornava (Slovenia) Dwags-po lamas (May Subd Geog) Dwarf galaxias BT Manors—Slovenia UF Dwags-po priests [QL638.G25 (Zoology)] BT Bkaʼ-brgyud-pa lamas UF Dwarf kokopu Dvorec Jelše (Slovenia) Galaxias divergens USE Jelsě Manor (Slovenia) Dwags-po priests Kokopu, Dwarf USE Dwags-po lamas BT Galaxias Dvorec Novo Celje (Žalec, Slovenia) Dwarf galaxies (Not Subd Geog) USE Novo Celje Manor (Zǎ lec, Slovenia) Dwala (African people) [QB858] USE Duala (African people) BT Galaxies Dvoret︠s︡ Kadriorskiĭ (Tallinn, Estonia) NT Magellanic Clouds USE Kadrioru loss (Tallinn, Estonia) Dwala language Dwarf garden geraniums USE Duala language USE Dwarf pelargoniums Dvoret͡s Knia͡ zi͡a Kochubeia͡ na Furshtatskoĭ ulit͡se (Saint Dwarf geraniums, Garden Petersburg, Russia) Dwale USE Dwarf pelargoniums USE Osobnia͡ k na Furshtatskoĭ (Saint Petersburg, USE Belladonna (Plant) Dwarf grape fern Russia) USE Botrychium simplex Dwalla (African people) Dwarf hamster Dvoret︠s︡ na Fontanke, 21 (Saint Petersburg, Russia) USE Duala (African people) USE Phodopus sungorus USE Dvoret︠s︡ Naryshkinykh-Shuvalovykh (Saint Dwarf hamsters (May Subd Geog) Petersburg, Russia) Dwamish Head (Wash.) [QL737.R638 (Zoology)] USE Duwamish Head (Wash.) BT Hamsters Dvoret︠s︡ na T︠S︡arevet︠s︡ (Veliko Tŭrnovo, Bulgaria) Dwarf hamsters as pets (May Subd Geog) UF T︠S︡arevet︠s︡ Castle (Veliko Tur̆ novo, Dwamish Indians [SF459.H3] Bulgaria) USE Duwamish Indians BT Pets BT Castles—Bulgaria Dwarf huckleberry Dwarf ale glasses (May Subd Geog) USE Gaylussacia dumosa Dvoret︠s︡ Naryshkinykh-Shuvalovykh (Saint Petersburg, [NK5440.D85 (Decorative arts)] Dwarf hunting spiders Russia) UF Glasses, Dwarf ale USE Oonopidae UF Dom na Fontanke, 21 (Saint Petersburg, Short ale glasses Dwarf hutia Russia) BT Stemware USE Capromys nanus Dvoret︠s︡ na Fontanke, 21 (Saint Petersburg, Dwarf irises (May Subd Geog) Russia) Dwarf arctic groundsel [QK495.I75 (Botany)] Naryshkina dvoret︠s︡ (Saint Petersburg, USE Dwarf arctic ragwort BT Dwarf plants Russia) Irises (Plants) Shuvalov Palace (Saint Petersburg, Russia) Dwarf arctic ragwort (May Subd Geog) Dwarf kokopu Shuvalovskiĭ dvoret︠s︡ (Saint Petersburg, [QK495.C74 (Botany)] USE Dwarf galaxias Russia) UF Arctic groundsel, Dwarf Dwarf laurel BT Palaces—Russia (Federation) Arctic ragwort, Dwarf USE Sheep laurel Cineraria lyrata Dwarf lilyturf (May Subd Geog) Dvoret︠s︡ Palfii (Bratislava, Slovakia) Dwarf arctic groundsel [QK495.L72 (Botany)] USE Paĺ ffyho palác (Bratislava, Slovakia) Packera fernaldii UF Liriope japonica Packera resedifolia Mondo grass Dvoret︠s︡ Petra II (Saint Petersburg, Russia) Senecio cymbalaria Mondo japonicum USE Universitetskai︠a︡ naberezhnai︠a︡, 11 (Saint Senecio feraldii Ophiopogon japonica Petersburg, Russia) Senecio ovinus Ophiopogon japonicus Senecio resedifolius BT Ophiopogon Dvoret︠s︡ Sovetov (Moscow, R.S.F.S.R.) Senecio valerianella Dwarf meadow grass USE Dvoret︠s︡ Sovetov (Moscow, Russia) BT Senecio USE Annual bluegrass Dwarf Milkweed Dvoret︠s︡ Sovetov (Moscow, Russia) Dwarf birch USE Wheel milkweed UF Dvoret︠s︡ Sovetov (Moscow, R.S.F.S.R.) USE Betula glandulosa Dwarf mistletoes (May Subd Geog) [Former heading] [QK495.V53 (Botany)] Palace of the Soviets (Moscow, Russia) Dwarf boas (May Subd Geog) [SB615.D85 (Parasitic plants)] Sovetov, Dvoret︠s︡ (Moscow, Russia) [QL666.O68 (Zoology)] UF Arcenthobium Soviets, Palace of the (Moscow, Russia) UF Boas, Dwarf Arceuthobion BT Public buildings—Russia (Federation) Tropidophidae Arceuthobium [Former heading] Tropidophiidae Arceutholobium Dvoret︠s︡ Toompea (Tallinn, Estonia) Ungaliidae Arceutobium USE Toompea linnus (Tallinn, Estonia) BT Snakes Dwarfmistletoes Squamata Razoumofskya Dvoret︠s︡ truda (Saint Petersburg, Russia) NT Tropidophis Razoumowskia USE Nikolaevskiĭ dvoret︠s︡ (Saint Petersburg, Russia) Dwarf buffalo USE Tamarau Dvorgrla USE Dvorgrle Dwarf bulbs (May Subd Geog) BT Bulbs (Plants) Dvorgrle (May Subd Geog) Dwarf plants UF Dvogrla Dvogrle Dwarf buttercup Dvorgrla USE Ranunculus alismifolius BT Flute Musical instruments—Balkan Peninsula Dwarf caiman, Schneider's USE Schneider's smooth-fronted caiman Dvort︠s︡ovai︠a︡ ploshchadʹ (Saint Petersburg, Russia) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Dwarf chameleon USE Microsaura pumila subdivision. Dwarf children (May Subd Geog) UF Palace Square (Saint Petersburg, Russia) [HQ773.65] BT Plazas—Russia (Federation) UF Child dwarfs Dvr (The Hebrew root) BT Children USE Dbr (The Hebrew root) DVRs (Digital video recorders) USE Digital video recorders D-297
Dwarf mistletoes (Continued) Dwarf spiders Dwarfs (Folklore) in literature (Not Subd Geog) Razoumowskya USE Linyphiidae UF Dwarfs in literature [Former heading] BT Viscaceae Dwarf stars (Not Subd Geog) Dwarfs (Folklore) in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) NT Douglas fir dwarf mistletoe [QB843.D9] UF Dwarfs in motion pictures [Former heading] UF Low-luminosity stars Eastern dwarf mistletoe BT Stars Dwarfs (Persons) (May Subd Geog) Fir dwarf mistletoe NT Brown dwarf stars [GN69.3-GN69.5] Hemlock dwarf mistletoe Dwarf novae UF Dwarves (Persons) Larch dwarf mistletoe Flare stars Little people (Persons) Lodgepole pine dwarf mistletoe Red dwarf stars LPs (Persons) Pineland dwarf mistletoe Ultraviolet stars Midgets [Former heading] Pinyon dwarf mistletoe White dwarf stars BT Short people Western dwarf mistletoe Dwarf mongooses Dwarf stone pine Dwarfs (Persons) in art (May Subd Geog) USE Helogale USE Pinus pumila UF Dwarfs in art [Former heading] Dwarf mulberry Midgets in art [Former heading] USE Cloudberry Dwarf sumac Dwarf novae USE Rhus copallina Dwarfs (Persons) in literature (Not Subd Geog) [QB843.D85] UF Dwarfs in literature [Former heading] UF Novae, Dwarf Dwarf thistle Midgets in literature [Former heading] BT Cataclysmic variable stars USE Meadow thistle Dwarf stars Dwarfs (Persons) in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Dwarf ornamental conifers Dwarf trees (May Subd Geog) UF Dwarfs in motion pictures [Former heading] USE Dwarf conifers [SB435-SB435.8 (Ornamental trees)] Midgets in motion pictures [Former heading] Dwarf ornamental plants UF Dwarf ornamental trees BT Motion pictures USE Dwarf plants BT Dwarf plants Dwarf ornamental shrubs Trees Dwarfs in art USE Dwarf shrubs NT Dwarf fruit trees USE Dwarfs (Folklore) in art Dwarf ornamental trees Dwarfs (Persons) in art USE Dwarf trees Dwarf trees, Potted Dwarf pampas grass USE Bonsai Dwarfs in literature USE Uruguayan pampas grass Penjing USE Dwarfs (Folklore) in literature Dwarf parrots Dwarfs (Persons) in literature USE Parrotlets Dwarf trout lily (May Subd Geog) Dwarf pea [QK495.L72 (Botany)] Dwarfs in motion pictures USE Chickpea UF Erythronium propullans USE Dwarfs (Folklore) in motion pictures Dwarf pelargoniums (May Subd Geog) BT Erythronium Dwarfs (Persons) in motion pictures [SB413.G35] UF Dwarf garden geraniums Dwarf vegetables Dwars River (Western Cape, South Africa) Dwarf geraniums, Garden USE Midget vegetables UF Dwarsrivier (Western Cape, South Africa) Dwarf zonal pelargoniums BT Rivers—South Africa Garden geraniums, Dwarf Dwarf wakerobin Zonal pelargoniums, Dwarf USE Trillium pusillum Dwars River Valley (Western Cape, South Africa) BT Dwarf plants USE Dwars Valley (Western Cape, South Africa) Pelargoniums Dwarf wedge mussel (May Subd Geog) Dwarf pipe snakes [QL430.7.U6] Dwars Valley (Western Cape, South Africa) USE Anomochilidae UF Alasmidonta heterodon UF Dwars River Valley (Western Cape, South Dwarf pipesnakes Dwarf wedgemussel Africa) USE Anomochilidae Prolasmidonta heterodon BT Valleys—South Africa Dwarf planets (Not Subd Geog) Unio heterodon [QB698-QB705 (Descriptive astronomy)] Wedge mussel, Dwarf Dwarsrivier (Western Cape, South Africa) UF Planets, Dwarf Wedgemussel, Dwarf USE Dwars River (Western Cape, South Africa) BT Solar system BT Alasmidonta NT Ceres (Dwarf planet) Dwarves (Folklore) Eris (Dwarf planet) Dwarf wedgemussel USE Dwarfs (Folklore) Pluto (Dwarf planet) USE Dwarf wedge mussel Dwarf plants (May Subd Geog) Dwarves (Persons) [SB454.3.S53] Dwarf willow USE Dwarfs (Persons) UF Dwarf ornamental plants UF Salix herbacea BT Plants Snowbed willow DWD (Down woody debris) RT Miniature plants BT Willows USE Coarse woody debris NT Dwarf bulbs Dwarf conifers Dwarf woolly heads (Plant) Dweck family (Not Subd Geog) Dwarf irises USE Short woollyheads (Plant) UF Doweik ha-Cohen family Dwarf pelargoniums Duvị kh family Dwarf shrubs Dwarf woollyheads (Plant) Duwayk family Dwarf trees USE Short woollyheads (Plant) Midget vegetables Dwela (African people) Dwarf poinciana Dwarf zonal pelargoniums USE Duala (African people) USE Pride-of-Barbados (Plant) USE Dwarf pelargoniums Dwarf rabbits (May Subd Geog) Dwela language [SF455.D85] Dwarfism (May Subd Geog) USE Duala language BT Rabbit breeds UF Growth retardation Dwarf sea horse (May Subd Geog) BT Growth disorders Dwelle family (Not Subd Geog) [QL638.S9] Stature, Short UF Dwelley family UF Hippocampus zosterae NT Achondroplasia Dwarf sheep, West African Cretinism Dwellers, Apartment USE Djallonke sheep Diastrophic dwarfism USE Apartment dwellers Dwarf shrubs (May Subd Geog) Dwarfism, Pituitary [SB435-SB435.6 (Ornamental plants)] Osteogenesis imperfecta Dwellers, City UF Dwarf ornamental shrubs Progeria USE City dwellers BT Dwarf plants Shrubs Dwarfism, Pituitary (May Subd Geog) Dwelley family Dwarf Siberian pine [RC658.7 (Internal medicine)] USE Dwelle family USE Pinus pumila [RJ420.P58 (Pediatrics)] Dwarf sixeyed spiders UF Growth hormone deficiency Dwelling access USE Oonopidae Hypophyseal dwarfism USE Dwellings—Access Dwarf sperm whale (May Subd Geog) Levi-Lorian dwarfism [QL737.C435 (Zoology)] Paltauf's dwarfism Dwelling-terraces UF Kogia sima Pituitary dwarfism USE Terrace houses Kogia simus Somatotropin deficiency Sperm whale, Dwarf BT Child development deviations Dwellings (May Subd Geog) BT Kogia Dwarfism [GR490-GR497 (Folklore)] Pediatric endocrinology [GT165-GT476 (Manners and customs)] Pituitary gland—Diseases [TH4805-TH4890 (Construction)] NT Laron dwarfism [TX301-TX339 (Home economics)] Here are entered works on the history and Dwarfism in plants (May Subd Geog) — Genetic aspects description of human shelters. Works on the social BT Plant genetics and economic aspects of housing are entered under Housing. Works on the architectural aspects of Dwarfmistletoes residences are entered under Architecture, Domestic. USE Dwarf mistletoes UF Domiciles Dwarfs (Folklore) (May Subd Geog) Homes [GR555] Houses UF Dwarves (Folklore) One-family houses BT Folklore Residences Residential buildings Dwarfs (Folklore) in art (Not Subd Geog) Single-family homes UF Dwarfs in art [Former heading] BT Buildings D-298 RT Architecture, Domestic House-raising parties Household ecology Housing SA subdivision Dwellings under classes of persons and ethnic groups; and subdivision Homes and haunts under classes of persons and
under names of individual persons, families, — Cleaning — Sounds and performing groups USE House cleaning USE Household sounds NT Abandoned houses Accommodation rigs (Offshore structures) — Design and construction — Symbolic aspects (May Subd Geog) Adobe houses NT House construction UF Symbolic aspects of dwellings Apartment houses Lifetime homes BT Symbolism Architect-designed houses Asbestos cement houses — Earthquake effects (May Subd Geog) — Thermal properties (May Subd Geog) Attics — Electric equipment (May Subd Geog) — Ventilation Brick houses Bungalows NT Household appliances, Electric USE Dwellings—Heating and ventilation Cape Cod houses — Energy conservation (May Subd Geog) — Vibration (May Subd Geog) Cave dwellings — Alabama Children's playhouses [TJ163.5.D86] Cliff-dwellings — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) NT Cameron Place (Ala.) Clothes closets — Energy consumption (May Subd Geog) Cantey Plantation (Ala.) Cluster housing — Environmental engineering (May Subd Geog) Grey Columns (Tuskegee, Ala.) Concrete houses Richards DAR House (Mobile, Ala.) Cottages [TH6057.A6] Country homes BT Environmental engineering — Alaska Courtyard houses — Fires and fire prevention (May Subd Geog) NT Fure's Cabin (Alaska) Domestic engineering [TH9445.D9] Moore Cabin (Skagway, Alaska) Dormitories — Flood damage (May Subd Geog) Moore House (Skagway, Alaska) Earth houses BT Flood damage Pearson Cabin (Alaska) Earth sheltered houses — Folklore Russian Bishop's House (Sitka, Alaska) Ecological houses UF Dwellings (in religion, folk-lore, etc.) Whale House (Klukwan, Alaska) Farmhouses Fishing lodges [Former heading] — Alberta Guesthouses — Foundations (May Subd Geog) NT Grekul House (Smoky Lake, Alta.) Haunted houses Havelis UF Residential foundations — Algeria Houseboats BT Foundations NT Villa Abd-el-Tif (Algiers, Algeria) Housing, Single family — Health aspects Huts USE Housing and health — Argentina Igloos — Heating and ventilation (May Subd Geog) NT Casa del Virrey Liniers (Buenos Aires, Kings and rulers—Dwellings [TH7601-TH7643 (General)] Argentina) Lockhouses [TH7684.D9 (Ventilation)] Caserón de Rosas (Buenos Aires, Lofts UF Dwellings—Ventilation Argentina) Log cabins BT Domestic engineering Maison Curutchet (La Plata, Argentina) Log-end houses — — Control (May Subd Geog) Mansión Seré (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Longhouses Palacio Ferreyra (Coŕ doba, Argentina) Manors UF Ventilation control in dwellings Mansions BT Thermostat — Arizona Metal houses — — Law and legislation NT Boulder House (Ariz.) Mobile homes USE Heating—Law and legislation David and Gladys Wright House (Phoenix, Model houses — Insulation (May Subd Geog) Ariz.) Motor homes BT Insulation (Heat) Desert House (Phoenix, Ariz.) Octagonal houses — Layout Edward Nye Fish House (Tucson, Ariz.) Official residences USE Room layout (Dwellings) Elias-Rodriguez House (Tempe, Ariz.) Owner-built houses — Lighting (May Subd Geog) Frémont House (Tucson, Ariz.) Penthouses — Maintenance and repair Honeymoon Cottage (Jerome, Ariz.) Pit houses UF Dwellings—Repair Pauson House (Phoenix, Ariz.) Pole houses Home improvement Stafford Cabin (Ariz.) Prefabricated houses Home maintenance and repair Taliesin West (Scottsdale, Ariz.) Ranch houses Home repair and improvement Tovrea Castle (Phoenix, Ariz.) Row houses Housing maintenance and repair Saltbox houses BT House construction — Arkansas Second homes RT Home improvement fraud NT Bachman-Wilson House (Bentonville, Ark.) Semi-detached houses NT Urban homesteading Hilliard Plantation (Ark.) Shophouses — — Amateurs' manuals Jacob Wolf House (Norfork, Ark.) Shotgun houses UF Household repair manuals Lakeport Plantation (Ark.) Single story houses — Power supply (May Subd Geog) Sunnyside Plantation (Ark.) Small houses — Prices Solar houses USE Housing—Prices — Australia Steel houses — Psychological aspects NT Admiralty House (North Sydney, N.S.W.) Stone houses — Religious aspects Anzac Cottage (Mount Hawthorn, W.A.) Straw bale houses [GN414.A1] Elizabeth Bay House (Sydney, N.S.W.) Suburban homes UF Dwellings (in religion, folk-lore, etc.) Hughenden (Melbourne, Vic.) Tents [Former heading] Merriang Homestead (Vic.) Tire houses NT House blessings Winterbourne House (Winterbourne, Tower houses — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] N.S.W.) Two-story houses — Remodeling (May Subd Geog) Vacation homes [TH4816-TH4816.3] — Austria Wooden-frame houses Here are entered works on the technical aspects NT Bankgasse 4-6 (Vienna, Austria) Yalıs of home renovation. Works on the social and Grazer Werkbundhaus (Graz, Austria) Yurts economic aspects of renovating homes of older Haus Wittgenstein (Vienna, Austria) Zero lot line housing residential areas are entered under Housing Neuhof (Innsbruck, Austria) — Access (May Subd Geog) rehabilitation. Schatz-Haus (Salzburg, Austria) UF Access to dwellings UF Home remodeling — Bangladesh Dwelling access Remodeling (Architecture) NT Rose Garden (Dhaka, Bangladesh) Remodeling of dwellings — Access for the physically handicapped — Belgium USE Dwellings—Barrier-free design BT House construction NT Hot̂ el Solvay (Brussels, Belgium) — — Finance Hôtel Torrentius (Lieg̀ e, Belgium) — Air conditioning (May Subd Geog) Maison Autrique (Brussels, Belgium) [TH7688.H6] NT Home improvement loans Palais Stoclet (Brussels, Belgium) UF Home air conditioning — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Parador (Brussels, Belgium) Vlaams Huis (Watermael-Boitsfort, — — Control (May Subd Geog) BT Building laws Belgium) — Automation — Repair — Brazil USE Home automation USE Dwellings—Maintenance and repair NT Casa de Vidro (Saõ Paulo, Brazil) — Barrier-free design (May Subd Geog) — Security measures (May Subd Geog) Casa do Rio Vermelho (Salvador, Brazil) Casa Grande do Tatuapé (Saõ Paulo, UF Dwellings—Access for the physically [TH9745.D85] Brazil) handicapped [Former heading] UF Housing security Casa Vilanova Artigas (Curitiba, Brazil) Palać io das Laranjeiras (Laranjeiras, Rio Residential security de Janeiro, Brazil) — Social aspects (May Subd Geog) Palácio do Catete (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Solar dos Cam̂ ara (Porto Alegre, Rio [GT170] Grande do Sul, Brazil) UF Dwellings and society Solar Lopo Gonçalves (Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) Society and dwellings Vila Penteado (Saõ Paulo, Brazil) NT Housing Villa Kyrial (Saõ Paulo, Brazil) — Soundproofing (May Subd Geog) [TH1725] D-299
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