THE GENERAL CONFERENCE CONGRESS OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS (CONSAL) XVI BANGKOK – THAILAND, 11 - 13 JUNE 2015 Development of Digital Historical Collections about King Naresuan The Great and Phitsanulok Local Information Sasithorn Tinamas Naresuan University Library, Phitsanulok, Thailand, 65000, [email protected] The propose of this research was to create digital historical collections aboutKing Naresuan The Great (Another name “PhraNaret” or “Phra-Ong-Dam ” : 2098-2148) and local information of Phitsanulok Province which is located in the LowerNorthern Region of Thailand. The second objective was to preserve the historicaland cultural heritage resources of nation about King Naresuan The Great and the re-lated information resources by digitization of those information resources and digitalpreservation for the long-terg8iium condition. The other objective was to promotehistorical knowledge and cultural heritage of Thailand since Ayutthaya Era (B.E1590-2148) to be well known all over the world. The process of this project were 7steps, namely :1) studying the current condition such as number of materials, scopeofrecources and physical condition 2) defining the scope of the study on subject cate-gories, type of materials, number of materials, type of content ,operation approachand service policy; 3) gathering printed materials and local information related toKing Naresuan The Great from Naresuan University Library and digitizing thoseinformation and valuable information resources such as reared books and manu-scripts. The information resources which were collected including books, institutionalpublications, journal articles, academic publications, research documents and audiovisual media. These assets were the copyright of Naresuan University or were writtenby Naresuan University Staff; 4) developing database with Open Source softwarecalled Dspace which input and storing data into the Institutional Repository; 5) creat-ing bibliographic details based on Dublin Core Metadata standards; 6) testing the in-stallation, implementing program and accessing via the intranet and the internetworldwide; 7) evaluating of user satisfaction in content and technical system issues.The results of this project were expected to give a chance for exchanging and dis-tributing Thai cultural heritage knowledge to other cultural tradition within SoutheastAsia Region. Keywords:Digital Historical Collections, Thai Cultural Heritage Resources,King Naresuan The Great, Phitsanulok Local Information.
1. INTRODUCTION Phitsanulok Province is located in the Lower Northern Region of Thailand which haslong history since ancient time. The city of Phitsanulok has been emerged as a major citysince the Sukhothai, Ayutthaya until now. Phitsanulok Province has Thailand’s significanthistory because it was the birthplace of King Naresuan The Great. King Naresuan was thegreatest heroes in Thai history and played a significant role in Thailand’s history, as heexpanded the kingdom to be independence and having national pride until today. ThusPhitsanulok province has many historical landmarks and it has been used as learningresources for students and public. The name of King Naresuan has been widely used such asin the name of Naresuan University, the country's leading higher education Institute, and inthe northern zone. Therefore, Naresuan University Library, as the information service unit insupporting the University's main mission in the field of teaching and research as well astechnical service to arts and culture information resources, has collected a variety of servicesto all branches including information about local information of King Naresuan inPhitsanulok Province both publications and modern media resources. However, Naresuan University, although is a significant leading educational institutionin Phitsanulok province, and for neighboring provinces, in using King Naresuan’s name fornaming institutions and monuments to worship and respect in the community, but it still didnot provide the information storage resources systematically and service for students andgeneral people. Therefore, Naresuan University Library was aimed at providing aninformation source of Naresuan and local information that was related to the service ofPhitsanulok province by collecting database systematically to access and searching throughthe Internet network, and it had to be run in a digital format. Besides, the users could access,worldwide and it could be beneficial to the public. Furthermore it had to be able to use as alearning sources for people in all levels to fulfill the Mission of the University in anotherway.2. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1. To create digital historical collections about King Naresuan The Great and local in-formation of Phitsanulok Province in order to serve for library users 2. To preserve and promote Thailand’s historical knowledge and cultural heritage re-sources about King Naresuan The Great and related information resource to be well knownall over the world.3. LITERATURE REVIEW From the review of the literature, there were three ways about the preservation of digi-tal information covering the migration, emulation and technology preservation. The methodof keeping digital material alive called “Digital preservation.” It helped users access to usefulinformation with electronic tools. Likewise Smith (1999) and Conway (1994) noted the pro-
cess of organizing digital information that it; 1) helped discovering new ways to connect withthe bibliographical details 2) broaden more information searching covering both printing andnew media 3) encouraged the use of published scholarly works for general people to access.4) helped maintenance the damaged or old documents and reused them and 5 combined newcollection from various resources. According to research about preservation of archives of digital by Wisapat and Yasat-sawin (2009) revealed that archival document was a valuable resource that required thepreservation and conservation contents in form digital electronic devices. The purpose of pre-serving digital information resources was to retain the ability in displaying, retrieval and theuse of digital collections perfect and effectively. The preservation of digital information re-sources required the process based on the concept of information management including ananalysis of the users needs, collecting and providing information that would be required plan-ning and organizing the information technology.( Choo, 2002 ; Davenport & Prusak, 1997) Watcharee and Kulthida (2011) indicated that the storage of digital information foundfrom the studies on Institutional Repositories of Thailand and oversea universities displayedthat the books were most stored in IR resources, whereas rare books and archives were notfound many. Moreover, the institutional repository was well known and commonly used astool in the management and dissemination digital collection of institute. This was helpful inacademic communication and gathering works of academic staff as well as university’s valu-able documents like archival documents, rare books, and historical documents. Also the Uni-versity has stored and preserved resources in the long-term by digitization (Crow ; 2002 ;Johnson, 2002 ; Lynch, 2003) Supawan (2004), the authors of Digital Information System: Prince of Songkla Univer-sity Archives, studied the development of the digital information systems, digital archives ofthe University with the system development cycle (SDLC). This model had been developedfor organizing various forms of archives: printed documents, electronics multimedia andmanuscripts. The developing had been carried in three processes: 1)system analysis 2) systemdesign and 3) system development, installation and evaluation. The results of the study foundthat Thai universities and overseas preferred Dspace software to store and serve archives. Universities staff in Thailand, the authors of the survey of information resources thatserved digital academic works indicated that there were several University libraries preparedInstitutional Repositories for example; The Chulalongkorn University Intellectual Repository(CUIR), PSU Knowledge Bank : The digital repository of Prince of Songkla University andDigital Collection of ThaiLIS (Thai Library Integrated System : ThaiLIS) called TDC ThaiDigital Collection. (Khunying Long Athakravisunthorn Learning Resources Center, Prince ofSongkla University, 2015 ; Office of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn University, 2015 ;Office of Information Technology Administration for Educational Development, 2015) Italso found that theirs storing information content were varied and used the same bibliographycataloging standards with Dublin Core Metadata, with some difference elements.
4. METHOD The process of this study was divided in two parts including research part anddevelopment part. Firstly, it was the preliminary study on current condition of digitalresources in Thai Higher Education Institutions. The author studied from documentmonograph, observed and the literature reviews related to both hardware and systemdevelopment by SDLC cycle model and information management model4.1 The Study of the Current Condition The study of the current condition of library resources was related to King NaresuanThe Great and local information of Phitsanulok in Naresuan University Library. 4.1.1 The numbers of materials in NU Library area were the monograph documentsand audio visual. The only documents were the printed materials which stored within NULibrary. We surveyed collection by searching NU Library WebOPAC and created list ofrecords on the Library Integrated System “Millennium INNOPAC” The bibliographies ofthese resources were sorted and prepared list of items with call numbers and bibliographicdetails. 4.1.2 The information about King Naresuan The Great was explored in order to knowthe scope of content and type of materials that would be operated including books, journalsarticles, reference books, audio visual, researches and theses.4.2 Definitions of the Study’s Scope The scope of the study was about the production policy, storing and the library servicepolicy with the limited target users, digitized content of resources, and type of material, oper-ating method and the service policy.4.3 Preparation Content of Materials The content of materials was prepared according to Dublin Core Metadata Standardobtained from other database resources which were used the same standard, for example;ThaiLIS Digital Collection (TDC), others Institutional Repositories database in form of spe-cial collection such as The CUIR of Chulalongkorn University, The Office of Documentationand Information (ODI) of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) and SUTIR atSuranaree University of Technology. ( Office of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn Uni-versity, 2015; Office of Documentation and Information (ODI), Sukhothai ThammathiratOpen University, 2015; Office of Information Technology Administration for EducationalDevelopment, 2015; The Center for Library Resources and Educational Media, SuranareeUniversity of Technology, 2015)4.4 Preparation Software Setting In feasibility study considered Omeka and Dspace for storing digital material intoNUIR. The reasons and chose open source software because it was free and better to save thecosts. Furthermore, the library staff had a good chance of learning experience with In-house
system . However, NU Library was not ready to install software Dspace in the beginning ofproject so the researcher had applied Omeka for standalone PC in content managing and bib-liographic cataloging and examined some points of two products bellows ; (Krishnamurthy,2008; Londhe, Desale, & Patil, 2011; Wei, 2011) Omeka 1) System Functions : Omeka had 3 suits as Web Content Management,Collections Management and Archival Digital Collection Systems 2. Basic Characteristics : They were Accessible, user-friendly and the support to Dublin Core Metadata standard and support OMI-PMH 3) Capabilities : Omeka allowed to download original application to set up on host server by and it’s free to sign up. We can use Omeka Portable Version run on OS Microsoft and used application called “Ampps” for run on Web brows- er. Omeka was available to integrate with modern applications like Blog, Wiki and Social Network Program and add more Plugins to database. Dspace 1) System Functions: Dspace was a repository application developed by MIT Li- braries and Hewlett-Packard Labs. It contained specific functionality, content management, administration, search and browse modules 2) Basic Characterictics : They were accessible, user-friendly and support to Dublin Core Metadata standard and support OMI-PMH. 3) Capabilities : Dspace were stability, security, timely and efficiency performance system.We created communities and collections on Dspace. Beside this we dis- covered search results of Dspace in Google. The most important reason of selecting Dspace was Naresuan University provided theinformation policy for collecting theses, and other digital assets of institute such as copy-righted articles and archives about King Naresuan The Great of Naresuan University intoNUIR for the whole campus.4.5 Development Digital Content and Bibliographic Cataloging The developing digital content and bibliographic cataloging on database were con-ducted by scanning books about King Naresuan The Great and local information of Phitsanu-lok with Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.0 version and using resolution 300 pixel for scanning,managing files and decorating its beautiful image and arranging the pages correctly. Theproduct of Document Scanner Fuji Xerox with high performance and assign library staff forkeying bibliographic data based on Dublin Core Metadata standard were also used.4.6 Installation Testing The timeline of technical installation testing have 2 phases ; Phase 1 Installation of Omeka software on Standalone PC and trial usage of data-base since October 2014 to February 2015
Phase 2 Preparation the storage server and data migration to NU Library host serveron the new platform with Dspace and providing access service via the intranet and the inter-net since March 2015 to June 20154.7 Evaluation Evaluating 2 parts as follows ; 4.8.1 Project outcome evaluation according to action plan of NU Library with keyperformance indicator 4.8.2 Evaluation of user’s satisfaction in content and technical system after conducted.5. RESULT5.1 Results of the Implementation Results of the implementation according to KPI of project which NU Library definedthat it had one database system achieved its objectives under the Fiscal Year5.2 Results of Creating Digital Content of Resources The Results of Creating Digital Content of Resources was 20 items of digital contentresources related to King Naresuan The Great and local information of Phitsanulok includingbooks, journals, and some multimedia in NU Library.5.3 Results of Operation on Problem Condition 5.3.1 Problem on software 1) The Screen Displayingof images on Windows 7 could not be shown correct-ly with ImageMagick 2) Free Template for searching screen were a few of self-customizing. 3) Space for storing content in the Omeka program for free on werenot enough but it was easy to handle because they was no need to manage host server byyourself. However, Omeka system which was run on library host server by Ampps applica-tion network was rather difficult for librarian and would use computer office to control. 5.3.2 Problem on technical contents 1) Some item of book were large or binding glue, when they was remove outfor scanning, they might be damaged and obscured its content. 2) Some heavy books were difficult to scan with the Scanner Multifunctionwhich could not flip page on machine. 3) Remove pages out of books might be shortened the life time of book. 5.3.3 Problem on policy 1) Some Library resources related to King Naresuan The Great and local in-formation of Phitsanulok were not Naresuan University copyrighted, so they could not man-age for servicing general users, but only within NU Campus via intranet.
2) Managing digital library resources of King Naresuan The Great provided arisk on copyrighted problem. Therefore the institute had to plan on exact policy both admin-istration and operation level obviously6. CONCUSION 6.1 Digital resource management about King Naresuan The Great and local infor-mation of Phitsanulok was successful on objective while some materials of institute had notconducted such as rarebook and scholarly work on seminar about historical collections. Thus,the Library should investigate other resource apart from that and should be acquired further 6.2 Operation on technical should be improved constantly and updated since databasesystem of Institutional Repository need expert technician in computer software than librariansthemselves. 6.3 Operation on service, library was enable to serve for ordinary users on some itemsand some materials only had to serve in campus to avoid copyrighted books. University’sadministrator should provide clear policy on digitization from printed material
Figure 1: Display of Dublin Core Metadata worksheet on Omeka.netFigure 2: Browse Display of Digital Library of King Naresuan The Great
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