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หมวด P PL-PM

Published by Naresuan University Archive, 2019-02-07 02:07:18

Description: หมวด P PL-PM

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PM HYPERBOREAN, INDIAN, AND ARTIFICIAL PM LANGUAGES (7041) Indian languages 7043 Languages of South America and the West Indies 7046 Special languages and groups of languages -- Continued Samucan 7049 7051 see PM7329 7056 Sanavironan (Table P-PZ15) 7058 Sapibocono (Table P-PZ15) 7061 Sarura see PM7296 Secoya (Table P-PZ15) 7063 Semigae (Table P-PZ15) 7066 Sepaunabo (Table P-PZ15) Setaba see PM6836 7071 Sharanahua (Table P-PZ15) 7072 Shebago (Table P-PZ15) 7073 Shelknam see PM6691 7074 Shipibo see PM7073 7076 Shuar see PM6273 7079 Sicuane (Table P-PZ15) 7081 Simigaecurari (Table P-PZ15) 7086 Simirenchi see PM5818 7088 Singacuchuska (Table P-PZ15) Siona (Table P-PZ15) 7091 Sipibo (Pacaguara) (Table P-PZ15) 7093 Siriaño (Table P-PZ15) (7096) Situga, or Situsa (Table P-PZ15) Southern Epera. Epena Saija (Table P-PZ15) 7101 Suchichi (Table P-PZ15) 7102 Tabalosa (Table P-PZ15) 7104 Tacanan languages (Table P-PZ15) 7105 7106 Including Cavineño and Tacana 7108 Cf. PM5453 Araona 7110 Cf. PM7321 Yuracare 7111 7113 Taijataf (Table P-PZ15) Taino (Table P-PZ15) Tama see PM5851 Tamanaco (Table P-PZ15) Tanimuca-Retuama (Table P-PZ15) Taparita (Table P-PZ15) Tapirapé (Table P-PZ15) Tapuri (Table P-PZ15) Tapuyan languages. Gê languages (Table P-PZ15) Tariana (Table P-PZ15) Tasio (Table P-PZ15) Taurepan (Table P-PZ15) Tehuelche (Tuelche) see PM7183 398

PM HYPERBOREAN, INDIAN, AND ARTIFICIAL PM LANGUAGES 7115 7116 Indian languages 7117 Languages of South America and the West Indies 7118 Special languages and groups of languages -- Continued 7121 Tenetehara (Table P-PZ15) 7123 Teremembre (Table P-PZ15) 7126 Terena. Tereno (Table P-PZ15) 7131 Tiatinagua (Table P-PZ15) 7136 Tibilo (Table P-PZ15) 7141 Ticuna (Table P-PZ15) (7143) Tikomeri (Table P-PZ15) Timbire (Table P-PZ15) 7146 Timote (Table P-PZ15) 7151 Tiputini (Table P-PZ15) 7156 Tiriyó 7157 7158 see PM7157 7161 Toba (Table P-PZ15) 7164 Tonocote (Table P-PZ15) 7165 Tremojori (Table P-PZ15) Trio (Table P-PZ15) 7169 Trumaian (Table P-PZ15) 7170 Tĭnts̆́ay dialect see PM5814.C3+ 7171-7179.5 Ts̆́intśă ysuyu dialect see PM5814.C3+ Tsoneca see PM7183 7181 Tuapoka (Table P-PZ15) 7183 Tucano (Table P-PZ15) Tucanoan languages (Table P-PZ15) (7185) Tucumaño see PM5658 Tucuna see PM7123 7186 Tuelche see PM7183 7191 Tunebo (Table P-PZ15) 7196 Tupi language (Table P-PZ15) Tupian languages (Table P-PZ8a) 7201 Including Tupi-Guarani languages and Old Tupi (7203) Tuyuca (Table P-PZ15) Tzoneca (Patagonian, Tehuelche, Tsoneca) (Table P- PZ15) Uaiuai see PM7252 Uara-múcuru (Table P-PZ15) Uaraca-pachili (Table P-PZ15) Uarinacoto (Table P-PZ15) Ucayali see PM5823 Ucoiña (Table P-PZ15) Uitoto see PM7254 Umáua see PM6158 399

PM HYPERBOREAN, INDIAN, AND ARTIFICIAL PM LANGUAGES 7204 7206 Indian languages 7211 Languages of South America and the West Indies 7216 Special languages and groups of languages -- Continued 7221 Umotina (Table P-PZ15) (7223) Un buesa (Extinct) (Table P-PZ15) Uokeari (Table P-PZ15) 7226 Upatarinavo (Table P-PZ15) 7228 Urabo (Table P-PZ15) 7229 Uran 7231 7236 see PM7228 7238 7241 Urarina (Table P-PZ15) 7246 Uru (Table P-PZ15) 7251 Urubu (Kaapor) (Table P-PZ15) 7252 Uspá (Extinct) (Table P-PZ15) 7253 Vaniva (Table P-PZ15) 7253.5 Vazevaco (Table P-PZ15) Vejoz (Vejoso) (Table P-PZ15) 7254 Vilela (Table P-PZ15) Villmoluche (Table P-PZ15) 7256 Waiwai (Table P-PZ15) 7261 Warao (Warrau) (Table P-PZ15) 7263 Waunana (Table P-PZ15) 7266 Wayampi see PM6713 (7267) Wayana see PM6714 Witotoan languages (Table P-PZ15) 7269 Including Witoto 7270 7271 Xaquete (Table P-PZ15) (7281) Yacururé (Table P-PZ15) Yagua (Table P-PZ15) 7286 Yahgan (Table P-PZ15) Yahuna 7296 7301 see PM7102 7306 7311 Yamea (Table P-PZ15) 7314 Yaminawa see PM6253 7314.5 Yanomamo (Table P-PZ15) Yaoi (Table P-PZ15) Yapitilaga see PM6909 Yapua (Table P-PZ15) Yaro see PM6126 Yarura (Sarura, Japoen, Jirara) (Table P-PZ15) Yativera (Table P-PZ15) Yekinahuer (Table P-PZ15) Yete (Table P-PZ15) Ypurinan (Hypurinan) (Table P-PZ15) Yucuna (Table P-PZ15) 400

PM HYPERBOREAN, INDIAN, AND ARTIFICIAL PM LANGUAGES 7316 Indian languages 7318 Languages of South America and the West Indies 7321 Special languages and groups of languages -- Continued Yuguguarana see PM5983 7326 Yunca, or Yunga (Table P-PZ15) 7329 Yupa (Table P-PZ15) Yuracare (Table P-PZ15) 7336 7341 Including Yucarari 7346 7351 Yurimagua (Table P-PZ15) 7356 Zamucoan languages (Table P-PZ15) Zamucu see PM7329 7801-7805 Zapa (Table P-PZ15) 7807.A-Z Zaparo (Table P-PZ15) 7811-7814 Zeona (Table P-PZ15) Zepo (Table P-PZ15) 7831-7834 Ziecoya (Table P-PZ15) 7836-7839 Mixed languages 7841-7844 7846-7849 Including lingua francas, pidgin languages and Creole languages 7849.A-.Z9 For Mixed Jewish dialects see PJ5061+ 7849.C37-.C3795 Cf. PL6571.A+ Austronesian languages 7849.C379A-.C379Z General and miscellaneous (Table P-PZ9) By region or country, A-Z 7849.C379T56 Sabir (Table P-PZ14) 7849.C379Y44 Creole languages 7849.C4 7849.D3 General and miscellaneous (Table P-PZ14) 7849.D58 Danish (Table P-PZ14) 7849.F3 Spanish (Table P-PZ14) 7849.G6 Portuguese (Table P-PZ14 modified) 7849.K75 Local. By dialect name or place, A-Z 7854.A-.Z9 Cabo Verde (Table P-PZ16 modified) 7854.A45-.A4595 Literature Individual authors or works, A-Z Carvalho Silva, Ramiro Alberto, 1978- see PM7849.C379Y44 Duarte, Celestino, 1972- see PM7849.C379T56 Tinudu, 1972- Ymez, 1978- Ceylon Daman Diu (District) Fa d’Ambu language Goa Kristang language French (Table P-PZ14 modified) Local. By dialect name or place, A-Z America (Table P-PZ16) 401

PM HYPERBOREAN, INDIAN, AND ARTIFICIAL PM LANGUAGES 7854.F7-.F795 Mixed languages 7854.G8-.G895 Creole languages 7854.H3-.H395 French 7854.M25-.M2595 Local. By dialect name or place, A-Z -- Continued 7854.M3-.M395 French Guiana (Table P-PZ16) 7854.R4-.R495 Guadeloupe (Table P-PZ16) 7854.S4-.S495 Haiti (Table P-PZ16) 7854.V5-.V595 Martinique (Table P-PZ16) 7861-7864 Mauritius (Table P-PZ16) 7871-7874 Réunion (Table P-PZ16) Seychelles (Table P-PZ16) 7875.A-Z Virgin Islands of the United States (Table P-PZ16) 7875.B33 Dutch (Table P-PZ14) 7875.D58 English (Table P-PZ14) 7875.G8 7875.K73 Cf. PE3301+ English dialects in the West Indies 7875.K74 7875.P55 Special languages or dialects, A-Z 7875.S27 Baba Malay Djuka 7875.S67-.S6795 Gullah dialect. Sea Islands Creole 7891 Krio 7895.A-Z Kriol 7895.B4 Pijin Saramaccan 7895.F3 Sea Islands Creole see PM7875.G8 7895.H5 Sranan (Table P-PZ16) 7895.M53 Pidgeon English (Table P-PZ15) 7895.N3 Other dialects, trade jargons, etc., A-Z 7895.N83 7895.O3 Beach-la-mer 7895.P3-.P395 Chinook jargon see PM846+ 7895.P48-.P4895 Fanakalo 7895.P5-.P595 Hiri Motu. Police Motu Michif (French Cree) 8001-8046 Mobilian trade language see PM1855 Naga Pidgin 8060 Nubi (Arabic Creole) Ochweśnicki jargon Papiamentu (Table P-PZ16) Petjo (Table P-PZ16) Pitcairnese (Table P-PZ16) Sango see PL8641+ Artificial languages. Universal languages General (Table P-PZ5) For application of universal language to individual subjects, see the subject in classes A-N, Q-Z Special languages (alphabetically) Adam-man (Table P-PZ15) 402

PM HYPERBOREAN, INDIAN, AND ARTIFICIAL PM LANGUAGES 8063 8072 Artificial languages. Universal languages 8077 Special languages (alphabetically) -- Continued 8079 Afrihili (Table P-PZ15) 8079.7 Alwato (Table P-PZ15) 8080 American (Table P-PZ15) 8085 Ande (Table P-PZ15) 8090 Atélangue (Table P-PZ15) 8092 Antibabele (Table P-PZ15) Arulo (Table P-PZ15) 8095 Babm (Table P-PZ15) 8101-8109.5 Balaibalan (Table P-PZ15) 8125 Basic English see PE1073.5.A1+ 8128 Berendt (Table P-PZ15) 8129 Blue language. Langue blue. Bolak (Table P-PZ8a) 8133 Cesges de damis (Langage des nombres) (Table P-PZ15) 8161-8164 Chabé (Langue internationale naturelle) (Table P-PZ15) 8190 Code Ari (Table P-PZ15) 8201-8298 Communis (Table P-PZ15) Dilpok (Table P-PZ11) 8237.A-Z Ehmay ghee chah (Table P-PZ15) Esperanto (Table P-PZ5 modified) 8238 Lexicography Dictionaries 8238.A1 English-Esperanto; Esperanto-English 8238.F6 8238.I8 Subarrange by main entry 8251 Dictionaries with definitions in languages other than Esperanto or English 8252 8253 Subarrange by language of definition e.g. 8254 8255 Polyglot French 8256 Italian 8257 Esperanto texts 8258 Collections. Collected works 8259 Class here works without a topical focus Philosophy Religion History Chronology. Diplomatics. Numismatics Biography. Genealogy General history General works Ancient Medieval Modern Europe 403

PM HYPERBOREAN, INDIAN, AND ARTIFICIAL PM LANGUAGES 8260 Artificial languages. Universal languages 8261 Special languages (alphabetically) 8262 Esperanto 8263 Esperanto texts 8267.A-Z History 8268 General history 8269 Europe -- Continued 8270 General works 8271 Great Britain 8272 France 8273.A-Z Germany 8274 Other European, A-Z 8275 Asia Africa 8276 Australia. Oceania 8277 United States 8278 British America. Canada 8279 Other American, A-Z 8280 Geography. Anthropology 8281 Folklore. Manners and customs. Sports and games 8282 Social sciences 8283 General works 8284 Economics Sociology 8284.5 Political science Law 8285.A2 Education 8285.A3A-.A3Z Music 8285.A5-Z Fine Arts Language 8286 Literature 8287 Literary history Collections 8288 International 8289 Translations from individual languages, A-Z 8290 Individual authors 8291 8292 Including translations 8293 Science. Mathematics. Astronomy. Physics. Chemistry Geology. Natural history. Botany. Zoology. Human anatomy. Physiology. Bacteriology Medicine Agriculture Technology. Manufactures. Trades Engineering and building Mineral industries. Chemical technology Photography 404

PM HYPERBOREAN, INDIAN, AND ARTIFICIAL PM LANGUAGES 8294 8295 Artificial languages. Universal languages 8296 Special languages (alphabetically) 8298 Esperanto 8310 Esperanto texts -- Continued 8315 Domestic science 8360.G2 Military science 8360.G4 Naval science Bibliography 8362 Eurolengo (Table P-PZ15) Europanto (Table P-PZ15) 8365 Gab 8368 Geoglot 8370 Germanic English see PM8862 8371 Glan-ik (Table P-PZ15) 8381-8384 Gloro see PM8085 8391-8394 Glosa (Table P-PZ15) Guosa (Table P-PZ15) 8396 Hom-idyomo (Table P-PZ15) 8398 HOOM-DIAL (Table P-PZ15) 8400 Idiom neutral (Table P-PZ11) Ido (Table P-PZ11) 8401 8409 Modified Esperanto 8412 8415 INO (Table P-PZ15) 8421 Interglossa (Table P-PZ15) 8441 Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) 8457 (Table P-PZ15) 8501 Interlingua (Latin without inflections) (Table P-PZ15) 8504 International auxiliari linguo (Table P-PZ15) 8507 Itza (Table P-PZ15) 8508 Klingon (Table P-PZ15) 8509 Kommunikationssprache (Shipfer, 1838) (Table P-PZ15) 8511 Kosmos (Table P-PZ15) 8521 Langue internationale naturelle see PM8128 8531 Langue internationale néo-latine (Table P-PZ15) 8535 Lengua catolica (Table P-PZ15) 8541 Lengua universal (L. Selbor) (Table P-PZ15) 8551 Leno gi-nasu (Table P-PZ15) 8563 Lincos (Table P-PZ15) Ling (Table P-PZ15) Lingu nov (Table P-PZ15) Lingu franca nuova (Table P-PZ15) Lingua internazional (Table P-PZ15) Lingua italiana infinitiva (Table P-PZ15) Lingua lumina (Table P-PZ15) Lingua moderna (Table P-PZ15) Lingua philosophica (Table P-PZ15) 405

PM HYPERBOREAN, INDIAN, AND ARTIFICIAL PM LANGUAGES 8572 Artificial languages. Universal languages 8576-8579 Special languages (alphabetically) -- Continued 8590 Lingua universal (of Sotos Ochando) (Table P-PZ15) 8605 Lingvo internacia of Zamenhof see PM8201+ 8612 Lingvo internaciona (Table P-PZ11) 8621 Loglan (Table P-PZ15) 8629 Manavabhasha (Table P-PZ15) 8630 Master language (Table P-PZ15) 8633 Mezzofanti language (Table P-PZ15) 8637 Mondi linguo (Table P-PZ15) 8643 Mondial (Table P-PZ15) 8651 Mondolingu (Table P-PZ15) 8670 Mundal (Table P-PZ15) 8673 Myrana (Table P-PZ15) 8675 Nal bino (Table P-PZ15) Neo (Table P-PZ15) 8679 Neoispano (Table P-PZ15) 8682 Neolatinus (Table P-PZ15) 8685 Neutral language see PM8381+ 8688 North American (Table P-PZ15) 8693 Nov Latin (Table P-PZ15) 8702 Novial (Table P-PZ15) 8705 Novolingua (Table P-PZ15) 8706 Nula (Table P-PZ15) 8707 Occidental (Table P-PZ15) 8709 Oidapa (Table P-PZ15) 8712 Olingo (Table P-PZ15) 8732 Oz (Table P-PZ15) 8736 Panamane (Table P-PZ15) 8741 Pasilingua (Table P-PZ15) 8751 Pasilogia (Table P-PZ15) 8753 Pikto (Table P-PZ15) 8753.5 Qosmiani (Table P-PZ15) 8754 Ro (Table P-PZ15) 8755 Romanal (Table P-PZ15) 8777 Románica (Table P-PZ15) 8780 Romanid (Table P-PZ15) 8790 Rosaecrucian (Table P-PZ15) 8795 Salvador (Table P-PZ15) 8802 Sindarin (Table P-PZ15) 8815 Solresol (Table P-PZ15) 8822 Sona (Table P-PZ15) 8840 Spelin (Table P-PZ15) SPL (Table P-PZ15) Spokil (Table P-PZ15) Suma (Table P-PZ15) 406

PM HYPERBOREAN, INDIAN, AND ARTIFICIAL PM LANGUAGES 8862 8875 Artificial languages. Universal languages 8900 Special languages (alphabetically) -- Continued 8905 Teutonish (Tutonish) (Table P-PZ15) 8912 Tsolyáni (Table P-PZ15) 8922 Unilingua (Table P-PZ15) 8930 Universal language (J. Ruggles, 1829) (Table P-PZ15) 8933 Universal language (1869) (Table P-PZ15) 8937 Universala (Table P-PZ15) 8942 Vela (Table P-PZ15) 8951-8959.5 Velt-Deutsch (Table P-PZ15) 8961 Veltlang (Table P-PZ15) 8963 Visona (Table P-PZ15) 8971 Volapük (Table P-PZ8a) 8981 Voldu (Table P-PZ15) 8995 Wede (Table P-PZ15) 8999 Welt-Latein (Table P-PZ15) World English (Table P-PZ15) 9001 Zantum (Table P-PZ15) 9021.A-Z Picture languages 9021.E55 9021.G46 Including Isotype 9021.O8 9021.S5 Secret languages 9021.Z37 Cf. Slang and argot in special languages, e.g. PC3721+, French; PE3701+, English General works Special. By name, A-Z Enochian Ghous Ovano Shelta Zargari 407

PL1 TABLE OF HISTORICAL PERIODS (JAPANESE PL1 LITERATURE) 0.1 0.112.A-Z Through 1867 0.113.A-Z General works Special topics, A-Z 0.115 0.117.A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 0.118.A-Z Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z 0.1185 0.1186.A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 0.12 To 1600 0.125.A-Z General works 0.126.A-Z Special topics, A-Z 0.2 For list of topics, see PL721 0.25.A-Z 0.26.A-Z Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z 0.3 For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 0.33.A-Z 0.34.A-Z To 1185 General works 0.35 Special topics, A-Z 0.37.A-Z 0.38.A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 0.4 Origins. Early through 793 A.D. 0.45.A-Z General works Special topics, A-Z 0.5 For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 Heian period, 794-1185 General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 Kamakura through Momoyama periods, 1185-1600 General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 Edo period, 1600-1868 General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 Early Edo period, 1600-1788 General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Late Edo period, 1789-1868 General works 408

PL1 TABLE OF HISTORICAL PERIODS (JAPANESE PL1 LITERATURE) 0.53.A-Z Through 1867 0.55 Edo period, 1600-1868 0.57.A-Z Late Edo period, 1789-1868 -- Continued 0.58.A-Z Special topics, A-Z 0.6 For list of topics, see PL721 0.63.A-Z 0.64.A-Z 1868- General works 0.65 Special topics, A-Z 0.67.A-Z 0.68.A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 0.7 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z 0.75.A-Z 0.77.A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 0.8 Meiji and Taishō periods, 1868-1926 0.82.A-Z General works 0.83.A-Z Special topics, A-Z 0.85 For list of topics, see PL721 0.87.A-Z 0.88.A-Z Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 Shōwa period, 1926-1989 General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 1926-1945 General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 1945-1989 General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 Heisei period, 1989- General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 409

PL1a TABLE OF HISTORICAL PERIODS (JAPANESE PL1a LITERATURE) .x1 .x112.A-Z Through 1867 .x113.A-Z General works Special topics, A-Z .x115 .x117.A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 .x118.A-Z Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z .x1185 .x1186.A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 .x12 To 1600 .x125.A-Z General works .x126.A-Z Special topics, A-Z .x2 For list of topics, see PL721 .x25.A-Z .x26.A-Z Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z .x3 For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 .x33.A-Z .x34.A-Z To 1185 General works .x35 Special topics, A-Z .x37.A-Z .x38.A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 .x4 Origins. Early through 793 A.D. .x45.A-Z General works Special topics, A-Z .x5 For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 Heian period, 794-1185 General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 Kamakura through Momoyama periods, 1185-1600 General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 Edo period, 1600-1868 General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 Early Edo period, 1600-1788 General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Late Edo period, 1789-1868 General works 410

PL1a TABLE OF HISTORICAL PERIODS (JAPANESE PL1a LITERATURE) .x53.A-Z Through 1867 .x55 Edo period, 1600-1868 .x57.A-Z Late Edo period, 1789-1868 -- Continued .x58.A-Z Special topics, A-Z .x6 For list of topics, see PL721 .x63.A-Z .x64.A-Z 1868- General works .x65 Special topics, A-Z .x67.A-Z .x68.A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 .x7 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z .x75.A-Z .x77.A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 .x8 Meiji and Taishō periods, 1868-1926 .x82.A-Z General works .x83.A-Z Special topics, A-Z .x85 For list of topics, see PL721 .x87.A-Z .x88.A-Z Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 Shōwa period, 1926-1989 General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 1926-1945 General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 1945-1989 General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 Heisei period, 1989- General works Special topics, A-Z For list of topics, see PL721 Treatment of special classes, races, etc., A-Z For list of special classes, races, etc., see PL722 411

PL2 TABLE OF HISTORICAL PERIODS (KOREAN PL2 LITERATURE) 0 Through 1894 0.1 Origins. Early works to 935 A.D. 0.12 Koryo period, 935-1392 0.15 Chosŏn dynasty, 1392-1894 0.2 1392-1598 0.25 1598-1800 0.3 1800-1894 20th century 0.4 General works 0.5 1894-1919 0.6 1919-1945 0.7 1945-2000 0.8 21st century 412

PL3 TABLE OF FAMILY NAMES (KOREAN LITERATURE) PL3 0.A1A-.A1Z Since each decimal number represents an entire family name, the 0.115 author number is determined by the first letter of the given 0.12 name 0.13 0.135 Family names are arranged alphabetically according to 0.14 romanization, disregarding diacritical marks 0.145 0.148 Anonymous works. By title, A-Z 0.15 An 0.153 Chʻa 0.155 Chʻae 0.17 Chaeha 0.18 Chang. Chʻang 0.181 Che 0.182 Chegal 0.19 Chi 0.2 Chihyon 0.2115 Chin 0.212 Cho. Chʻo 0.215 Chʻoe 0.22 Chʻogye 0.23 Chʻoi 0.235 Chon. Chŏn. Chʻŏn 0.24 Chong. Chŏng 0.243 Chongsu 0.25 Choo 0.26 Chu. Chʻu 0.27 Chun 0.28 Chwa 0.285 Dyuna 0.286 Ha 0.287 Hae 0.29 Ham 0.295 Han 0.296 Ho. Hŏ 0.297 Hong 0.3 Hu 0.313 Hua 0.32 Hwa 0.33 Hwang 0.34 Hwangbo 0.36 Hyang Hyok Hyon. Hyŏn Hyong. Hyŏng I Im In Ka 413

PL3 TABLE OF FAMILY NAMES (KOREAN LITERATURE) PL3 0.364 Kae 0.37 Kal 0.375 Kam 0.377 Kan 0.38 Kang 0.39 Ki 0.4 Kil 0.415 Kim 0.417 Kimsin 0.42 Ko 0.423 Kok 0.425 Kong 0.426 Koo 0.43 Ku 0.44 Kuk 0.445 Kum. Kŭm 0.447 Kun. Kŭn 0.448 Kung 0.45 Kwak 0.46 Kwŏn 0.47 Kye 0.474 Kyŏn 0.475 Kyong. Kyŏng 0.48 Lee 0.49 Ma 0.495 Mae 0.5 Maeng 0.513 Man 0.514 Mi 0.515 Min 0.52 Mo 0.53 Mok 0.532 Moon 0.534 Mu 0.535 Muk 0.54 Mun 0.545 Myong. Myŏng 0.55 Na 0.555 Nae 0.56 Nam 0.565 Namgung 0.568 Nang 0.57 No 0.573 Noe 0.58 O. Ŏ 0.582 Oh 0.585 Ok 414

PL3 TABLE OF FAMILY NAMES (KOREAN LITERATURE) PL3 0.59 Ŏm 0.592 Omiri 0.593 On 0.594 Ong 0.595 Pa 0.6 Pae 0.613 Paek 0.615 Paeng. Pʻaeng 0.62 Pak 0.625 Pan. Pʻan 0.627 Pandi 0.63 Pang. Pʻang 0.632 Park 0.635 Pe 0.64 Pʻi 0.642 Pin 0.643 Ping 0.644 Pʻo 0.645 Poitras 0.65 Pok 0.6516 Pom. Pŏm 0.652 Pŏn 0.654 Pong 0.655 Pongmyŏnja 0.6552 Pŏpchʻŏl 0.656 Pu 0.658 Pulgŭn Suyŏm 0.659 Pʻung 0.66 Pʻyo 0.67 Pyon. Pyŏn 0.68 Pʻyŏng 0.69 Ren 0.695 Rhee 0.7 Sa 0.712 Sagong 0.713 Sam 0.714 Sang 0.716 Si 0.72 Sim 0.73 Sin 0.74 So. Sŏ 0.742 Sodam 0.75 Sŏk 0.76 Sŏl 0.77 Son. Sŏn 0.78 Song. Sŏng 0.783 Sŏngu 415

PL3 TABLE OF FAMILY NAMES (KOREAN LITERATURE) PL3 0.785 Sŏnu 0.787 Sŏrin 0.7875 Su 0.788 Suan 0.7884 Sudŏk 0.789 Sun 0.79 Sung. Sŭng 0.792 Suryŏn 0.793 Ta 0.794 T'abŭllo 0.796 Tʻae 0.798 Taeu 0.8 Tʻak 0.814 Tan. Tʻan 0.815 Tang 0.82 To 0.822 Tokko 0.824 Tong 0.8245 Tongbang 0.825 Tonyŏng 0.826 Tu 0.83 U 0.84 Uk 0.843 Ŭm 0.845 Ŭn 0.85 Ŭng 0.86 Wang 0.87 Wi 0.88 Wŏn 0.883 Wŏnʻgwang 0.886 Ya 0.89 Yang 0.895 Ye 0.9 Yi 0.915 Yŏ 0.92 Yŏm 0.93 Yŏn 0.935 Yong. Yŏng 0.94 Yu 0.95 Yuk 0.96 Yun 0.98 Zong 416

PL4 TABLE FOR THE CONFUCIAN CANON - CHINESE (16 PL4 NOS.) 1 Comprehensive editions and selections. The 13, 12, 9, or 6 Classics (Table PL7) 2 Wu jing (The 5 Classics) (Table PL7) Includes Yi jing, Shu jing, Shi jing, Li ji, and Chun qiu 3 Si shu (The 4 books) (Table PL7) Includes Lun yu, Da xue, Zhong yong, Mengzi Individual classics 4 Yi jing (Book of changes) (Table PL7) 5 Shu jing (Book of history) (Table PL7) 6 Shi jing (Book of poetry) (Table PL7) 7 Li ji (Book of rites) (Table PL7) 8 Zhou li (Ritual of the Zhou Dynasty) (Table PL7) 9 Yi li (Ceremonial usages) (Table PL7) 10 Chun qiu (Spring and Autumn) (Table PL7) 11 Lun yu (The Analects) (Table PL7) For Confucius' philosophy, see B128.C8 12 Da xue (The Great learning) (Table PL7) 13 Zhong yong (Doctrine of the mean) (Table PL7) 14 Mengzi (Mencius' sayings and doings) (Table PL7) For Mencius' philosophy, see B128.M324 15 Er ya (Dictionary) (Table PL7) 16 Xiao jing (Book of filial piety) (Table PL7) 417

PL5 TABLE FOR THE CONFUCIAN CANON - PL5 TRANSLATIONS (1 NO.) .A1-.A9 .B1-.B9 Comprehensive editions and selections. The 13, 12, 9, or 6 .C1-.C9 Classics .D1-.D9 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if .E1-.E9 given, or by date .F1-.F9 .G1-.G9 Wu jing (The 5 Classics) .H1-.H9 .J1-.J9 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if .K1-.K9 given, or by date .L1-.L9 .M1-.M9 Includes Yi jing, Shu jing, Shi jing, Li ji, and Chun qiu .N1-.N9 Si shu (The 4 books) Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if given, or by date Includes Lun yu, Da xue, Zhong yong, Mengzi Individual classics Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if given, or by date Yi jing (Book of changes) Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if given, or by date Shu jing (Book of history) Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if given, or by date Shi jing (Book of poetry) Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if given, or by date Li ji (Book of rites) Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if given, or by date Zhou li (Ritual of the Zhou Dynasty) Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if given, or by date Yi li (Ceremonial usages) Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if given, or by date Chun qiu (Spring and Autumn) Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if given, or by date Lun yu (The Analects) Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if given, or by date For Confucius' philosophy, see B128.C8 Da xue (The Great learning) Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if given, or by date Zhong yong (Doctrine of the mean) Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if given, or by date 418

PL5 TABLE FOR THE CONFUCIAN CANON - PL5 TRANSLATIONS (1 NO.) .P1-.P9 .Q1-.Q9 Individual classics -- Continued .R1-.R9 Mengzi (Mencius' sayings and doings) Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if given, or by date For Mencius' philosophy, see B128.M324 Er ya (Dictionary) Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if given, or by date Xiao jing (Book of filial piety) Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by name of translator, if given, or by date 419

PL6 TABLE OF HISTORICAL PERIODS (CHINESE PL6 LITERATURE - 24 NOS.) 0 1 Early to 221 B.C. 2 General Zhou dynasty, 1122-221 B.C. 3 4 For the Confucian canon and Chinese classics, see PL2458+ 4.5 Spring and Autumn period, 722-481 B.C. Warring States, 403- 5 221 B.C. 6 8 221 B.C.-960 A.D. 9 General Qin and Han dynasties, 221 B.C.-220 A.D. 10 220-589 (Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern dynasties; or Six 11 Dynasties) 12 General The Three Kingdoms, 220-265 12.5 Jin dynasty, 265-419 13 Five Hu and the Sixteen Kingdoms, 303-439 Northern and Southern Dynasties, 386-589 14 16 Including Northern Wei, Eastern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Qi, Northern Zhou, Liu Song (Former Song), Qi, Liang, 17 Chen 18 Sui dynasty, 581-618 19 Tang dynasty, 618-907 20 Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms, 907-979 21 Including Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, Later 22 Zhou, Wu, Southern Tang, Southern Ping, Earlier Shu, Qu, 23 Later Shu, Wuyue, Min, Southern Han, Northern Han 960-1644 General Song dynasty, 960-1279. Liao dynasty, 947-1125. Xi Xia dynasty, 1038-1227. Jin dynasty, 1115-1234 Yuan dynasty, 1260-1368 Ming dynasty, 1368-1644 Qing Dynasty, 1644-1912 General Shunzhi, 1644-1661. Kangxi, 1662-1722. Yongzheng, 1723- 1735 Qianlong, 1736-1795. Jiaqing, 1796-1820 Daoguang, 1820-1850. Xianfeng, 1850-1861 Tongzhi, 1861-1875. Guangxu, 1875-1908. Xuangtong, 1908- 1912 Republic, 1912-1949 People's Republic, 1949- 420

PL6a TABLE OF HISTORICAL PERIODS (CHINESE PL6a LITERATURE - 13 NOS.) 1 2 Tang dynasty, 618-907 Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms, 907-979 2.5 3 Including Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, Later Zhou, 4 Wu, Southern Tang, Southern Ping, Earlier Shu, Qu, Later Shu, 6 Wuyue, Min, Southern Han, Northern Han 7 8 960-1644 9 General 10 Song dynasty, 960-1279. Liao dynasty, 947-1125. Xi Xia 11 dynasty, 1038-1227. Jin dynasty, 1115-1234 12 Yuan dynasty, 1260-1368 13 Ming dynasty, 1368-1644 Qing Dynasty, 1644-1912 General Shunzhi, 1644-1661. Kangxi, 1662-1722. Yongzheng, 1723- 1735 Qianlong, 1736-1795. Jiaqing, 1796-1820 Daoguang, 1820-1850. Xianfeng, 1850-1861 Tongzhi, 1861-1875. Guangxu, 1875-1908. Xuangtong, 1908- 1912 Republic, 1912-1949 People's Republic, 1949- 421

PL7 TABLE OF HISTORICAL PERIODS (CONFUCIAN PL7 CANON - 1 NO.) .A1-.A9 Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms, 907-979 .B1-.B9 .C1-.C9 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or .D1-.D9 commentator of the original edition .E1-.E9 .F1-.F9 Including Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, Later Zhou, .G1-.G9 Wu, Southern Tang, Southern Ping, Earlier Shu, Qu, Later Shu, .H1-.H9 Wuyue, Min, Southern Han, Northern Han .J1-.J9 .K1-.K9 960-1644 .L1-.L9 Song dynasty, 960-1279. Liao dynasty, 947-1125. Xi Xia .M1-.M9 dynasty, 1038-1227. Jin dynasty, 1115-1234 .N1-.N9 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or commentator of the original edition Yuan dynasty, 1260-1368 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or commentator of the original edition Ming dynasty, 1368-1644 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or commentator of the original edition Qing Dynasty, 1644-1912 Shunzhi, 1644-1661 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or commentator of the original edition Kangxi, 1662-1722 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or commentator of the original edition Yongzheng, 1723-1735 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or commentator of the original edition Qianlong, 1736-1795 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or commentator of the original edition Jiaqing, 1796-1820 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or commentator of the original edition Daoguang, 1820-1850 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or commentator of the original edition Xianfeng, 1850-1861 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or commentator of the original edition Tongzhi, 1861-1875 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or commentator of the original edition Guangxu, 1875-1908 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or commentator of the original edition 422

PL7 TABLE OF HISTORICAL PERIODS (CONFUCIAN PL7 CANON - 1 NO.) .P1-.P9 Qing dynasty, 1644-1912 -- Continued .Q1-.Q9 Xuantong, 1908-1912 .R1-.R9 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or commentator of the original edition .Z5 .Z6 Republic, 1912-1949 .Z7 .Z8 Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or .Z9A-.Z9Z commentator of the original edition People's Republic, 1949- Cutter numbers are arranged consecutively by editor or commentator of the original edition Indexes Commentaries General treatises Treatises on special chapters or sections. By number or name Special topics, A-Z 423

PL8 TABLE FOR CHINESE DIALECTS (10 NOS.) PL8 1.A1-.A5 Periodicals. Societies. Serials. Collections (nonserial) 1.A6-Z General works 2 General special (Script) Grammar. Treatises. Textbooks 3 4 Western 5 Oriental and other non-Western Exercises. Readers. Phrase books, etc. 6 Dictionaries 7 Western Oriental and other non-Western 8 Literature 8.5 History and criticism 9 Collections Other special 10.A-Z e.g. Etymology By place, A-Z 424

PL9 TABLE FOR WAKA ANTHOLOGIES (1 NUMBER) PL9 .A11-.A2 Text. By editor Translations .A3 .A35 English .A36 French .A4-.A59 German .A6 Other languages (alphabetically) Selections. By date 425

PL10 TABLE FOR WAKA ANTHOLOGIES (CUTTER PL10 NUMBER) .xA11-.xA2 Text. By editor .xA3 Translations .xA35 .xA36 English .xA4-.xA59 French .xA6 German Other languages (alphabetically) Selections. By date 426

NUMERALS INDEX 753 Achomawi language: PM561 Darkhat language: PL431.D47+ Achuale language: PM5318 Achuar language: PM5318 A Acoli language: PL8041+ Acoma dialect: PM1511 Ababua language: PL8035+ Acroa language: PM5321 Abau language: PL6621.A23 Acroamirim language: PM5326 Abdülhamid II, Sultan of the Turks, Acúana language: PM5331 Acubadao language: PM565 1842-1918, in literature Adaizan language: PM571 Turkish Adalar İlçesi (Turkey) in literature Literary history Turkish Prose: PL223.5.A23 Literary history: PL210.A33 Abenaki language: PM551 Adam-man (Artificial language): Abidji language: PL8036.A55+ PM8060 Abipon language: PM5301 Abitibbi language: PM549.A2+ Adamawa-Eastern languages: Abnaki language: PM551 PL8024.A333 Abo language (Cameroon): Adangme language: PL8043.A3+ PL8036.A62+ Adele language: PL8043.A4+ Abor language: PL4001.A2+ Adhola language: PL8043.A5+ Abron language: PL8036.A66+ Adjective Absurd (Philosophy) in literature Chinese: PL1233 Chinese Korean: PL921.5 Literary history: PL2275.A27 Adnyamathanha language: PL7101.A33 Abua language: PL8036.A85+ Aduma language: PL8045+ Abua-Ogbia languages: PL8037 Adverb Abui language: PL6621.A25 Chinese: PL1233 Abulas language: PL6621.A26 Korean: PL921.5 Abun language: PL6621.A29 Adyukru language: PL8046.A22+ Abure language: PL8039+ Aesthetics in literature Acarnaori language: PM5306 Japanese Acaxee language: PM3501 Accawai language: PM5308 Literary history: PL721.A27 Acceleration Afade dialect: PL8046.A23+ African languages: PL8000+ Space physiology: PL721.P6 African languages and literature: Accent PL8000+ Korean: PL915.6 African literature: PL8009.5+ Accidence Afrihili (Artificial language): PM8063 Agarabe language: PL6621.A34 Malay: PL5113 Agariā language: PL4531 Accra language: PL8191+ Aghem language: PL8046.A25+ Achagua language: PM5311 Aglemiut dialect: PM85 Achang language: PL3311.A33 Agni language: PL8047.3.A6+ Acherigota language: PM5316 Agricultural colonies in literature Achi language: PM3506 Achinese language: PL5191+ Japanese Literary history: PL721.A3 427

Agriculture INDEX Chinese readers: PL1117.5.A34 Esperanto texts: PM8289 Alacuf language: PM5378 Aladian language: PL8046.A725+ Agriculture in literature Alagoa language: PM5381 Korean Alagüilac language: PM3513 Literary history: PL957.5.A37 Alawa language: PL7101.A4 Alcoholic beverages in literature Agta language (Central Cagayan): PL5550 Japanese Literary history: PL721.A42 Aguacateca language: PM3509 Aguaruna dialect: PM5337.A5+ Aleut language: PM31+ Agutaynen language: PL5550.3 Alevis in literature Ahanta language: PL8046.A43+ Ahizi language: PL8046.A44+ Turkish Āhom language: PL4251.A4 Literary history Aht language: PM2031 Prose: PL223.5.A44 Ahtena language: PM580 Ahualulco language: PM3511 Alfurese language: PL5201+ Ahunala language: PM5341 Algonkin language: PM599 Aichi-ken (Japan) in literature Algonquian languages: PM601+ ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib, Caliph, approximately Japanese Literary history: PL721.A35 600-661, in literature Turkish Aicore language: PM5346 Ainu in literature Literary history: PL210.A43 Alienation (Social psychology) in Japanese Literary history: PL722.A45 literature Korean Ainu language: PL495+ Airica language: PM5356 Literary history: PL957.5.A45 Aisuari dialect: PM5361 Aliens in literature Aiton language: PL4251.A5 Aja language: PL8046.A54+ Korean Ajie language: PL6213 Literary history: PL957.5.A46 Aka language (Central African Alikuluf language: PM5378 Republic): PL8046.A59+ Alladian language: PL8046.A725+ Akan language: PL8046.A63+ Allentiac language: PM5386 Akarimojong language: PL8373+ Alor language (Austronesian): Akatek language: PM3512 Akerecota language: PM5366 PL5204.5+ Akha language: PL4001.K35+ Alor-Pantar languages: PL6621.A348 Akiricota language: PM5366 Alphabet Akit dialect: PL5128.A37 Aklanon language: PL5551 Korean: PL918+ Akonikan language: PM6691 Malay: PL5111 Akwa language (Africa): PL8046.A67+ Alsea language: PM610.A3+ Akwapin language: PL8751+ Altai language: PL43+ Akwe-Shavante language: PM5809 Altaic languages: PL1+ Alabama language: PM592 Alu Kurumba language: PL4617+ Alabona language: PM5376 Alune language: PL5205 Alur language: PL8046.A73+ Alutor language: PM10.5 Alwato (Artificial language): PM8072 Alyawarra language: PL7101.A48 428

Ama no Hashidate in literature INDEX Japanese Literary history: PL721.A45 Andoa language: PM5426 Andoque language: PM5428 Amadi language: PL8474.M3+ Andro dialect: PL4001.A6 Amahuaca language: PM5388 Aneityum language: PL6217 Amanab language: PL6621.A35 Anem language: PL6621.A46 Amanipuque language: PM5391 Anesu language: PL6218 Amaono dialect: PM5396 Angāmi language: PL4001.A65+ Amarizana dialect: PM5401 Angas language: PL8047 Amasifuine language: PM5406 Angas languages: PL8047.15 Amateur drama Angkola dialect: PL5210+ Angola language: PL8381+ Japanese Anima (Psychoanalysis) in literature Collections: PL768.A35 Literary history: PL738.A44 Korean Literary history: PL957.5.A54 Korean Collections: PL978.5.A4 Animals in literature Chinese Amboinese languages: PL5206+ Literary history: PL2275.A65 Ambonese Malay dialect: PL5128.A43 Japanese Ambrym language: PL6215 Literary history: PL721.A48 Amdo dialect: PL3651.A6+ Amele language: PL6621.A37 Animism in literature American (Artificial language): PM8077 Japanese American Indian languages: PM101+ Literary history: PL721.A49 American Indian literature: PM151+ Ami language (Taiwan): PL6149+ Annamese language: PL4371+ Amikwa language: PM610.A6+ Annamese literature: PL4378.9.A+ Amis language: PL6149+ Antaisaka dialect: PL5379.5.A37 Amishgo language: PM3516 Antandroy dialect: PL5379.5.A38 Amjemhuaco dialect: PM5411 Anthropology Ampale language: PL6621.A4 Amuchco language: PM3516 Esperanto texts: PM8274 Amuesha language: PM5413 Anti-Americanism in literature Amusgo language: PM3516 Anace language: PM5416 Korean Anaddakkas language: PM611 Literary history: PL957.5.A57 Anal language (Kuki-Chin language): Anti language: PM5716 PL4001.A58+ Antibabele (Artificial language): Anarchism in literature PM8080 Japanese Antiquities in literature Literary history: PL721.A47 Korean Korean Literary history: PL957.5.A58 Literary history: PL957.5.A53 Antonyms Andamanese language: PL7501.A6 Chinese: PL1301 Andaqui language: PM5421 Korean: PL933 Ande (Artificial language): PM8079 Ande language (Indian language): Anu language: PL4001.A68 Anuak language: PL8047.3.A57+ PM5716 Anufo dialect: PL8047.3.A58+ Anuta language: PL6425 Anxiety in literature Korean Literary history: PL957.5.A59 429

Anyang language: PL8047.3.A597+ INDEX Anyi language: PL8047.3.A6+ Ao language: PL4001.A69+ Archidona language: PM5486 Aomie language: PL6621.A65 Arda language (South America): Aomori-ken (Japan) in literature PM5491 Japanese Areare language: PL6219 Literary history: PL721.A5 Arecuna dialect: PM5493 Arenquepona language: PM5496 Aonik language: PM6691 Areveriano language: PM5501 Apache language, Western: PM2583 Argot Apache languages: PM631 Apalachee language: PM633 Chinese: PL1952+ Apalai language: PM5430 Korean: PL946+ Apatani language: PL4001.A75+ Aricari language: PM5506 Aphorisms (as a theme) in literature Arigidi language: PL8047.3.A74+ Arikara language: PM636.A7+ Korean Arinacoto language: PM5511 Literary history: PL957.5.A64 Arirang Korean Apiaca language: PM5431 Apinagé language: PM5433 Literary history: PL963.5.A26 Apma language: PL6218.5 Korean poetry Apolista language: PM5436 Apothegms (as a theme) in literature Literary history: PL960.26 Armenians in literature Korean Literary history: PL957.5.A64 Turkish Literary history: PL210.A76 April Revolution, 1960, in literature Korean Armeno-Kipchak language: PL64+ Literary history: PL957.5.A67 Aroa language: PM5516 Arosi language: PL6221 Arabana language: PL7101.A53 Art Arabela language: PM5438 Araco language: PM5441 Chinese readers: PL1117.5.A76 Aragure language: PL6340 Art in literature Arakanese language: PL4001.A83+ Arandi language: PM5451 Japanese Arane language: PM5446 Literary history: PL721.A65 Aranhi language: PM5451 Araona language: PM5453 Artificial languages: PM8001+ Arapaho language: PM635 Artisans in literature Arapesh language: PL6621.A7 Araro language: PM5456 Japanese Arasa language (Panoan): PM5457 Literary history: PL722.A78 Arauca language: PM5458 Araucanian language: PM5461+ Artists as authors Aravani language: PM5471 Korean Arawakan languages: PM5476 Collections: PL973.2.A78 Arazo language: PM7066 Archaeology in literature Arts in literature Korean Japanese Literary history: PL957.5.A78 Literary history: PL721.A63 Arulo (Artificial language): PM8085 Ashanti language: PL8751+ Asilulu language: PL5211+ Asmat language: PL6621.A8 Assam Burmese dialects: PL3861+ Assiniboin dialect: PM638 430

Astronomy INDEX Esperanto texts: PM8286 Autonomy in literature Astronomy in literature Korean Japanese Literary history: PL957.5.A98 Literary history: PL721.A68 Autumn in literature Asu language: PL8047.3.A77+ Turkish Asurī language: PL4535 Literary history: PL210.A88 Atacameno language: PM5521 Atahuate language: PM5524 Auyana language: PL6621.A85 Atayal language: PL6151+ Avakiari language: PM5546 Atchin language: PL6222.A82+ Avane language: PM5546 Atélangue (Artificial language): Avaravaño language: PM5551 Avaricota language: PM5561 PM8079.7 Avava language: PL6224.A83+ Athapascan languages: PM641 Avavare language: PM663.A8+ Athpare language: PL3801.A64+ Avikam language: PL8047.3.A94+ Atinggola language: PL5212+ Awa language: PL6621.A9 Atisa language: PL8047.3.A83+ Awabakal language: PL7101.A7 Atiteca language: PM4471 Awaji Island (Japan) in literature Atnah language: PM580 Atomic bomb in literature Japanese Literary history: PL721.A856 Japanese Literary history: PL721.A75 Awakateko language: PM3509 Awards Atsahuaca language: PM5526 Atsera language: PL6223 Japanese literature: PL722.5+ Atsina language: PM653 Korean literature: PL957.64+ Atsugewi language: PM655 Aware (The Japanese word) in literature Attacapa language: PM661 Japanese Attie language: PL8047.3.A86+ Attikamek language: PM663.A7+ Literary history: PL721.A86 Atuara language: PM5531 Awing language: PL8047.3.A95+ Aturari language: PM5536 Awutu language: PL8047.3.A96+ Ature language: PM5541 Ayamara language: PM5571+ Aucan language: PM5461+ Ayook language: PM4011 Audiovisual instructors Ayoreo language: PM6556 Ayoreode language: PM6556 Korean language: PL913.5 Ayta Anchi Sambal dialect: Australian languages: PL7001+ Austroasiatic languages: PL4281+ PL6024.595.A93 Austronesian languages: PL5021+ Ayta Mag Indi dialect: PL6024.595.A95 Authors in literature Azerbaijani language: PL311+ Aztec language: PM4061+ Turkish Literary history: PL210.A87 B Authorship in literature Baba Malay language: PM7875.B33 Chinese Babanki language: PL8047.5.B24+ Literary history: PL2275.A87 Babine language: PM664 Babispe language: PM3526 Autobiography in literature Babm (Artificial language): PM8090 Japanese Bacteriology Literary history: PL721.A85 Esperanto texts: PM8287 431

Bada language (Indonesia): PL5214+ INDEX Baḍaga dialect: PL4641+ Bade language: PL8047.5.B27+ Ballads Badyaranke language: PL8047.5.B33+ Korean poetry Bafia language: PL8047.5.B42+ Literary history: PL960 Bafut language: PL8047.5.B45+ Bagirmi language: PL8047.5.B47+ Balti language: PL3651.B2+ Bagobo language: PL5552+ Bambara language: PL8049.B3+ Bahinemo language: PL6621.B3 Bamboo in literature Bāhing dialect: PL3801.B2+ Bahnar language: PL4311+ Chinese Bahnaric languages: PL4310.B34 Literary history: PL2275.B35 Bai language (China): PL4001.B16 Baima language: PL3801.B297+ Bamileke languages: PL8049.B4+ Baimena language: PM3531 Bamun language: PL8050+ Baining language: PL6621.B34 Banaue dialect: PL5565 Baishan shui dian zhan (Huadian Xian, Banawi dialect: PL5565 Banda language (Central Africa): China) in literature Chinese PL8051 Banda language (Indonesia): PL5225+ Literary history: PL2275.P34 Banda languages: PL8052 Bajau language: PL5215+ Bandjalang language: PL7101.B3 Bajele language: PL8047.6 Bandjoun language: PL8052.5 Baka language (Cameroon and Gabon): Banen language: PL8053+ Bangala language (Congo): PL8456+ PL8047.65 Bangolan language: PL8056.B23+ Bakairi language: PM5581 Bangubangu language: PL8056.B25+ Bakele language (Gabon): PL8377+ Bangwa language: PL8056.B26+ Bakwé language: PL8047.7 Baniwa language: PM5581.5 Balaesang language: PL5219+ Banjarese language: PL5226+ Balaibalan (Artificial language): Banjōgī dialect: PL4001.B2 Bantawa language: PL3801.B34+ PM8092 Bantu languages: PL8025+ Bālālī (Himalayan language): Banyun language: PL8056.B274+ Banziri language: PL8056.B275+ PL3801.B3 Bao juan (Buddhist song-tales) Balangao language: PL5561 Balangingi dialect: PL5563+ Chinese Balantak language: PL5220+ Collections: PL2579.B34 Balante language: PL8047.8 Balese language: PL8048+ Bao juan (Buuddhist song-tales) Balinese language: PL5221+ Chinese drama Balkar literature: PL68.5+ Literary history: PL2368.B34 Ballads Baoulé language: PL8056.B3+ Chinese poetry Bara dialect (Madagascar): Collections: PL2519.B34 PL5379.5.B37 Japanese poetry Bara language (Cameroon): PL8065+ Collections: PL761+ Bara language (India and Nepal): Literary history: PL731+ PL4001.B3+ Korean poetry Barai language: PL6621.B35 Collections: PL975 Baram language: PL3801.B4+ Barambu language: PL8058+ Barangas language: PL5229+ Barasana language: PM5582 432

Barbacoan languages: PM5583 INDEX Barbada language: PM5586 Barbuda language: PM5591 Bekasi dialect: PL5128.B378 Bardi language: PL7101.B35 Bekati' language: PL5247+ Bareë dialect: PL5231+ Bekwarra language: PL8068.B4+ Bari language (Africa): PL8061+ Bella Coola language: PM675 Baria language: PL8062+ Bemarino language: PM685 Bariai language: PL6224.B37+ Bemba language: PL8069+ Bariba language: PL8063+ Bembe language (Congo (Brazzaville)): Barngarla language: PL7101.B37 Barré language: PM5596 PL8070.B45+ Baruya language: PL6621.B38 Benabena language: PL6621.B44 Bashkir language: PL72+ Bende language: PL8070.B54+ Basopa language: PM3536.B3+ Beng language: PL8070.B57+ Bassa language (Liberia and Sierra Benga language: PL8071+ Benge language: PL8075.B4+ Leone): PL8066.B28+ Benue-Congo languages: PL8026.B4+ Bassari language (Senegal and Beothuk language: PM695 Bereavement in literature Guinea): PL8066.B3+ Bataje language: PM5601 Korean Batak language: PL5241+ Literary history: PL957.5.B47 Batan language: PL5571 Bati language: PL8067+ Berendt (Artificial language): PM8095 Batta language (Indonesia): PL5241+ Berik language: PL6621.B47 Batuca language: PM3766 Berta language: PL8075.B55+ Baturoque language: PM3536.B5+ Besemah dialect: PL5128.B4 Bauchi languages, Southern: Besisi language: PL4420 Betawi (Malay dialects): PL5128.B46 PL8068.B37 Bete language (Ivory Coast): Baule language: PL8056.B3+ Baungsh language: PL4001.L2 PL8075.B57+ Bauré language: PM5606 Betsileo dialect: PL5379.5.B47 Bauzi language: PL6621.B39 Bhnong language: PL4422 Bayan language: PL5246+ Bhōṭīa of Sikkim language: PL3651.D2 Bayano language: PM3746 Bhumij language: PL4539 Bayungu language: PL7101.B38 Biak language: PL5248+ Be language (Tai): PL4251.B4+ Biali language: PL8076.B33+ Beach-la-mer language: PM7895.B4 Bian wen (Buddhist song-tales) Beaver Indian language: PM2493 Bebele language: PL8068.B38+ Chinese drama Bechuana language: PL8747+ Collections: PL2574 Bedik language: PL8068.B39+ Literary history: PL2365 Begak dialect: PL5333.95395.B44 Beggars in literature Bibliography Esperanto texts: PM8298 Chinese Literary history: PL2275.B45 Bicol language: PL5581+ Bicolano language: PL5581+ Beijing (China) in literature Bidiyo language: PL8076.B53+ Chinese Bidjara language: PL7101.B53 Literary history: PL2275.P42 Big Nambas language: PL6224.B54+ Bijago language: PL8076.B55+ Bikol language: PL5581+ Bilan language: PL5595 433

Bildungsromans INDEX Chinese Literary history: PL2275.B53 Blagar language: PL6621.B55 Korean Blind in literature Literary history: PL966.15 Japanese Biloxi language: PM702 Literary history: PL722.B54 Bilua language: PL6621.B52 Bima language: PL5251+ Blue language (Artificial language): Bimanese language: PL5251+ PM8101+ Bimin language: PL6621.B53 Bini language: PL8077+ Blue Meo dialect: PL4072.95.H56 Bintauna language: PL5254+ Bobangi language: PL8079+ Bintukua language: PM6179 Bobo Fing language: PL8080.B58+ Biography in literature Bobo language (Gur): PL8080.B57+ Bobonazo dialect: PM5626 Turkish Bodo language (India and Nepal): Literary history Prose: PL223.5.B56 PL4001.B3+ Bodo languages: PL3871+ Birds in literature Body, Human, in literature Chinese Literary history: PL2275.B55 Japanese Japanese Literary history: PL721.B63 Literary history: PL721.B57 Korean Bohane language: PM6126 Literary history: PL957.5.B57 Bokar language: PL4001.B65+ Bolaang Mongondow language: Birhor dialect: PL4543+ Biri language (Australia): PL7101.B57 PL5256+ Birifor language: PL8078.B34+ Bolak (Artificial language): PM8101+ Birom language: PL8078.B36+ Bole language: PL8080.B62+ Birri language: PL8078.B37+ Bolewa languages: PL8080.B63 Birth control in literature Bolia language: PL8080.B64+ Bolinao dialect: PL6024.595.B64 Chinese Bom language: PL6621.B66 Literary history: PL2275.B57 Boma language (Congo): PL8080.B65+ Bomitaba language: PL8080.B68+ Birthplaces in literature Bonai dialect (Malay): PL5128.B65 Japanese Bonan language: PL431.B64+ Literary history: PL721.B59 Bonari dialect: PM5631 Bondei language: PL8080.B75+ Bisa language: PL8078.B4+ Bongo-Bagirmi languages: PL8086.B12 Bisayan languages: PL5621+ Bongo language: PL8085+ Bisio language: PL8078.B5+ Bongu language: PL6621.B7 Bitocuru language: PM5621 Bontoc language: PL5641 Black Carib language: PM6239 Bontok language: PL5641 Black Hmong dialect: PL4072.95.B53 Book collectors in literature Black market in literature Chinese Japanese Literary history: PL2275.B65 Literary history: PL721.B626 Bora language: PM5634 Black Miao dialect: PL4072.95.B53 Bori language: PL4001.B77+ Black Tai language: PL4251.B57+ Borneo, Languages of: PL5261 Blackfoot language: PM2341+ Bornu language: PL8361+ Boro language: PM5634 Bororo language (Brazil): PM5636 434

Boruca language: PM3539 INDEX Botany Bugis language: PL5271+ Esperanto texts: PM8287 Buglere language: PM3547 Botocudo language: PM5641 Bugotu language: PL6225 Botolan Sambal dialect: PL5644+, Bugre language: PM5646 Buin language: PL6621.B85 PL6024.595.B66 Bukar Sadong language: PL5276+ Boundaries in literature Bukawa language: PL6225.5, Korean PL6621.B86 Literary history: PL957.5.B68 Bukusu dialect: PL8092.B87+ Bulgaro-Turkic languages: PL379+ Bouyei language: PL4251.P85+ Buli language: PL8092.B88+ Bozo language: PL8087+ Bullom language, Northern: PL8093+ Brāhūī language: PL4621+ Bullom language, Southern: PL8668+ Brazilian language (Indian): PM7171+ Bullom So language: PL8093+ Bribri dialect: PM3541 Bulu language: PL8095+ Brigands and robbers in literature Buluba-Lulua language: PL8461+ Bunak language: PL5277+ Chinese Bunán language: PL3801.B8+ Literary history: PL2275.B74 Bunda language: PL4572, PL8381+ Bune Bonda dialect: PL5278+ Korean Bungku language: PL5278.973+ Literary history: PL957.5.B74 Bunun language: PL6153+ Buol language: PL5279+ Brissa language: PL8089+ Bura-Pabir language: PL8098+ Brothers in literature Buraku people in literature Korean Japanese Literary history: PL957.5.B76 Literary history: PL722.B85 Bru language: PL4423 Burarra language: PL7101.B87 Bua languages: PL8090.B83 Bureaucracy in literature Buang language: PL6224.B8+ Buasdaba language: PM3546 Turkish Bube language: PL8091+ Literary history Bubi language (Gabon): PL8092.B84+ Prose: PL223.5.B87 Buddhism in literature Buriat language: PL427+ Chinese Burma group (Assam Burmese Literary history: PL2275.B8 dialects): PL3911+ Japanese Burmese language and literature: Literary history: PL721.B8 PL3921+ Korean Buru language (Indonesia): PL5281 Literary history: PL957.5.B8 Burum language (Papua New Guinea): Buddhist authors PL6621.B87 Chinese Burunge language: PL8098.98+ Collections: PL2515.5.B8 Burushaski language: PL7501.B8 Literary history: PL2278.5.B83 Busa language: PL8099+ Bushido in literature Buddhist temple bells in literature Japanese Japanese Literary history: PL721.B83 Literary history: PL721.B84 Buddhist temples in literature Bushongo language: PL8106+ Korean Literary history: PL957.5.B83 435 Budu language: PL8092.B86+

Bushoong language: PL8106+ INDEX Business enterprises in literature Calligraphy, Chinese, in literature Japanese Chinese Literary history: PL721.B85 Literary history: PL2275.C24 Butchulla language: PL7101.B88 Calza-blanca language: PM5706 Bwamu language: PL8080.B57+ Camacori dialect: PM5711 Bwatoo language: PL6226 Camanacho language: PM6386 Byāngsī language: PL3801.B9+ Cambodian language: PL4321+ Cameole language: PM741 C Camoteco language: PM3581 Campa language (Ecuador): PM5717 Caaiguá language: PM5651 Campa language (Peru): PM5716 Cabecar language: PM3549 Camsa language: PM5718.C3+ Cacabue language: PM5656 Camtho language: PL8107.7 Cacán language: PM5658 Camuhi language: PL6227 Cácari language: PM3551 Canamari language (Tucanoan): Cacataibo language: PM5763 Caddo language: PM721 PM5718.C45+ Caddoan languages: PM721 Cañari language: PM5718.C5+ Caduveo language: PM5659 Cancanay language: PL5865 Caga language: PL8110.C3+ Canchi language: PM5571+ Cahita language: PM3561 Candoshi language: PM5718.C8+ Cahuaci language: PM5661 Canella language: PM5719 Cahuapana dialect: PM5666 Canga dialect: PM5721 Cahuilla language: PM731 Cangin languages: PL8108 Cahumari language: PM5671 Caniba dialect (Abenaki): PM745.C3+ Cahumeto language: PM3566 Canichana language: PM5723 Caicai language: PM5676 Canisianá language: PM5726 Caigua language: PM735.C3+ Cantonese dialects: PL1731+ Caingua language: PM5678 Cao Lan language: PL4251.C27+ Caipotorade dialect: PM5681 Caoque language: PM745.C5+ Caisina language: PM5686 Capanahua language: PM5735 Cajono language: PM3571 Capinjela language: PM5736 Cajueche language: PM735.C5+ Caquinte language: PM5739 Cakchi language: PM3913 Caraja language: PM5741 Cakchikel language (Guatemala): Caranca dialect: PM5746 Carapana language (Tucanoan): PM3576 Cakchiquel (Indian language of Mexico/ PM5749 Carariu language: PM5751 Central America): PM5690 Caraya language: PM5741 Calamian language: PL5841 Carib language: PM5756+ Calapooya language: PM1421 Carib language, Island: PM6239 Calchaqui language: PM5658 Cariban languages: PM5756+ Calen language: PM5696 Cariela language: PM5761 Calicione language: PM5701 Cariri language: PM6286+ Calinga languages: PL5851 Carnataca language: PL4641+ Callahuaya language: PM5703 436

Carnivals in literature INDEX Turkish Literary history Censorship in literature Prose: PL223.5.C37 Japanese Literary history: PL721.C37 Carolinian language (Micronesia): PL6228 Central Alaskan Yupik language: PM87 Central Cordilleran languages: Carrier language: PM2411 Cascan language: PM3586 PL5731+ Cashibo language: PM5763 Central Melanau language: PL5292+ Cashinawa language: PM6290.K3+ Central Mnông language: PL4456.5 Casiguran language: PL5661+ Central Sama language: PL5650 Casná dialect: PM5766 Ceoqueyo dialect: PM5804 Castles in literature Cerma language: PL8110.C25+ Cesges de damis (Langage des Japanese Literary history: PL721.C3 nombres): PM8125 Chabacano language: PL5651+ Catapaturo dialect: PM5773 Chabé (Langue internationale naturelle): Catawba language: PM751 Cateco dialect: PM5776 PM8128 Cathlamet dialect: PM753 Chacahuaxti dialect: PM3596 Cathlascon language: PM755.C3+ Chacobo language: PM5804.5 Catholic authors Chadic languages: PL8026.C53+ Chaga language: PL8110.C3+ Korean Chagatai language: PL53+ Collections: PL973.2.C38 Chagatai Turkic languages: PL51+ Literary history: PL957.95.C38 Chakhesang language: PL4001.C35+ Chamba Daka language: Catholics in literature Korean PL8110.C398+ Literary history: PL957.5.C36 Chamba Lāhulī dialect: PL3801.C4+ Chambri language: PL6621.C38 Catio language: PM5778 Chamí language: PM5804.7 Cats in literature Chamic languages: PL4490+ Chamicuro language: PM5805 Korean Chamling language: PL3801.C415+ Literary history: PL957.5.C38 Chamorro language: PL5295+ Chaná language: PM6051 Catsipagoto dialect: PM5781 Chañabal language: PM4413 Caucau language: PM5786 Chanese language: PM5806.C3+ Cauqui language: PM5788 Chang language: PL4001.C37+ Cavene dialect: PM6291 Changga Cavineño language: PM7088 Caxinaua language: PM6290.K3+ Korean poetry Cayapa language: PM5790 Collections: PL975.2 Cayapo language: PM5791 Literary history: PL960.2 Cayuga language: PM757 Cayuvava language: PM5801 Chʻanggŭk (Classical opera) Cazdal language: PM3591 Korean Cazgan language: PM3586 Collections: PL978 Cebuano language: PL5649+ Literary history: PL963 Celdal language: PM4461 Celebes, Languages of the: PL5291 Changoan language: PM5807 Chantaleno language: PM3606 Chantel language: PL3801.C418+ 437

Chapacuran languages: PM5808.C4+ INDEX Chapanec language: PM3618 Characteristics in literature Chengde Diqu (China) in literature Chinese Korean Literary history: PL2275.C422 Literary history: PL957.5.C42 Chengdu (China) in literature Characters and characteristics in Chinese literature Literary history: PL2275.C423 Japanese Literary history: PL721.C4 Chēpāng language: PL3801.C5+ Korean Cherokee language: PM781+ Literary history: PL957.5.C42 Cherry, Japanese flowering, in literature Characters in literature Japanese Chinese Literary history: PL721.J33 Literary history: PL2275.C38 Chetemacha language: PM861 Charruan language: PM5808.C5+ Chewa dialect: PL8110.C5+ Chassu language: PL8110.C4+ Cheyenne language: PM795 Chastacosta language: PM761 Chhingtāng language: PL3801.C55+ Chastity in literature Chi-Tonga language: PL8740+ Chiapanec language: PM3618 Korean Chiba-ken (Japan) in literature Literary history: PL957.5.C43 Japanese Chatino language: PM3616 Literary history: PL721.C425 Chaudāngsi language: PL3801.C42+ Chavante language: PM5809 Chibcha language: PM5811 Chaw language: PL4001.C4 Chibchan languages: PM5812 Chayahuita language: PM5809.5 Chichimeca-Jonaz language: Chechehet language: PM5810 Chegakou language: PM765.C5+ PM3618.5 Chehalis language: PM2513 Chickasaw language: PM801 Cheju T'ŭkpyŏl Chach'ido (Korea) in Chicomucelteca language: PM3619 Chicorato language: PM3626 literature Chien-ko hsien (China) in literature Korean Chinese Literary history: PL957.5.C448 Literary history: PL2275.C426 Chejudo Rebellion, 1948, in literature Chʻih-pi (Huang-kang hsien, China) in Korean literature Literary history: PL957.5.C45 Chinese Literary history: PL2275.C43 Cheke Holo language: PL6228.3 Chemegue language: PM765.C8+ Chihuahueño dialect: PM3621 Chemehuevi language: PM765.C8+ Child abuse in literature Chemical technology Japanese Esperanto texts: PM8292 Literary history: PL721.C428 Chemistry Child authors Esperanto texts: PM8286 Chinese Chen San Wuniang in literature Collections: PL2515.5.C5 Literary history: PL2278.5.C45 Chinese Japanese literature Literary history: PL2275.C42 Collections: PL756.C5 Poetry: PL757.4.C45 Literary history: PL725.2.C45 438

Child authors INDEX Korean Collections: PL973.2.C45 Chilula language: PM805 Poetry: PL975.8.C55 Chilupi language: PM7246 Prose: PL980.13.C45 Chimakuan languages: PM811 Chimane language: PM5812.6 Childbirth in literature Chimariko language: PM821 Korean Chimbu language: PL6621.C4 Literary history: PL957.5.C4527 Chimmesyan language: PM2494 Chimu dialect: PM5813 Children authors Chin-tʻien tsʻun (China) in literature Korean Literary history: PL957.95.C45 Chinese Literary history: PL2275.C44 Children in literature Chinese China Literary history: PL2275.C435 Chinese readers: PL1117.5.C6 Japanese Literary history: PL722.C48 China in literature Korean Chinese Literary history: PL957.5.C4528 Literary history: PL2275.C45 Japanese Children with disabilities as authors Literary history: PL721.C44 Japanese literature Korean Collections Literary history: PL957.5.C453 Poetry: PL757.4.C45 Korean Chinantecan languages: PM3630 Collections: PL973.2.P48 Chinarra language: PM3706 Chinchasuyu dialect: PM5814.C3+ Children's plays Chinese characters Chinese Collections: PL2579.C58 Grammar: PL1171+ Chinese characters, Korean literature Children's poetry Chinese written in: PL950+ Collections: PL2519.C45 Chinese Classics (Literature) Literary history: PL2309.C45 Japanese Collections: PL2458+ Collections: PL762.C55 Chinese in literature Literary history: PL732.C45 Korean Chinese Collections: PL975.7.C55 Literary history: PL2275.C45 Literary history: PL960.7.C45 Korean Children's songs (Texts) Literary history: PL957.5.C453 Japanese Collections: PL762.C55 Chinese language: PL1001+ Literary history: PL732.C45 Chinese language and literature: Children's stories PL1001+ Japanese Chinese language data processing: Literary history: PL740.8 Korean PL1074.5 Literary history: PL966.17 Chinese literature: PL2250+ Chilliwack dialect: PM803 Provincial, local, colonial, etc.: PL3030+ Chinese literature outside China: PL3033+ Ching-pʻo language: PL4001.K32+ Chinipa language: PM4481 439

Chinju-si (Korea) in literature INDEX Korean Literary history: PL957.5.C455 Chorruto language: PM885.C3+ Chorte language (Guatemala and Chino language: PL4001.C53 Chinook jargon: PM846+ Honduras): PM3661 Chinook language: PM841+ Chorti language (Guatemala and Chipaya language: PM5814.C5+ Chipewyan language: PM850.C2+ Honduras): PM3661 Chippewa language: PM851+ Chota language: PM3711+ Chiquito language: PM5816 Chow-e-shak language: PM885.C5+ Chiri Mountain (Korea) in literature Chʻŏyong, 9th cent., in literature Korean Korean Literary history: PL957.5.C457 Literary history: PL957.5.C464 Chirichahua language: PM858 Chrau language: PL4429 Chiriguano language: PM5817.C2+ Christian authors Chitimacha language: PM861 Chitkhuli language: PL3801.C58+ Japanese literature Chocho language (Popolucan): Literary history: PL725.2.C47 PM3641 Korean Choco languages: PM5817.C4+ Collections: PL973.2.C47 Choctaw language: PM871+ Chokwe language: PL8113+ Christianity in literature Cholon language: PM5817.C6+ Japanese Choloteca language: PM3943 Literary history: PL721.C45 Choltí language (Guatemala and Korean Literary history: PL957.5.C47 Mexico): PM3649 Chʻŏndogyo in literature Chrysanthemums in literature Chinese Korean Literary history: PL2275.C47 Literary history: PL957.5.C46 Chʻü Chong language: PL4427 Chinese literature Chʻŏnggu yŏngŏn Literary history: PL2354+ Korean poetry Chʻü-fu hsien (China) in literature Collections: PL975.63 Chinese Literary history: PL2275.C5 Ch'ŏngnyang Mountain (Korea) in literature Chʻü, Yüan, ca. 343-ca. 277 B.C., in Korean literature Literary history: PL957.5.C463 Chinese Literary history: PL2275.C49 Chongqing (China) in literature Chinese Chuang language: PL4251.C4+ Literary history: PL2275.C53 Chuchon language: PM3641 Chüeh chü Chontal language: PM3651 Chontaquiro language: PM5818 Chinese poetry Chopi language: PL8115+ Collections: PL2519.C47 Chora language: PM3711+ Literary history: PL2309.C48 Chorotega language: PM3943 Choroti language: PM5817.C7+ Chuj language: PM3668 Chorruco language: PM881 Chūjō-hime, 8th cent. in literature Japanese Literary history: PL721.C46 Chukchi language: PM11+ Chulupí language: PM5817.C8+ Chulym language: PL45.C48+ 440

Chumash language: PM891 INDEX Chumbi Valley dialect (Tibetan): Civilization and Turkish literature: PL3651.T7 PL207 Chumbia language: PM3671 Chumula language: PM3676 Civilization in literature Ch'unch'ŏn-si (Korea) in literature Chinese Literary history: PL2275.C58 Korean Literary history: PL957.5.C49 Clallam language: PM895 Coahuilteco language: PM3681 Chung-ching shih (China) in literature Coal mines and mining in literature Chinese Literary history: PL2275.C53 Korean Literary history: PL957.5.C63 Chuntaquiro language: PM5818 Chutiyā language: PL4001.C7 Coca language: PM3686 Chuukese language: PL6318 Cocama language: PM5823 Chuvash language: PL381+ Cochimi language: PM3688 Chuwabo language: PL8115.97+ Cocina dialect: PM5824.C2+ Ci Gbe language: PL8115.98+ Cocoma language: PM5823 Ci-Tonga language: PL8741+ Coconucan language: PM5824.C3+ Ci (Tzʻu) Cocopa language: PM3696 Code Ari (Artificial language): PM8129 Chinese literature Coeur d'Alene language: PM916 Collections: PL2548+ Cofane language: PM5825 Literary history: PL2336+ Colla dialect: PM5827 Collagua dialect: PM5827 Cia-cia language: PL5296+ College students as authors Cinantecan languages: PM3630 Cinnamon tree in literature Chinese Collections: PL2515.5.C64 Chinese Literary history: PL2275.C56 Korean Collections: PL973.2.C64 Cities and towns in literature Poetry: PL975.8.C64 Turkish Prose: PL980.13.C64 Literary history: PL210.C58 College teachers Cities in literature Korean Japanese Collections Literary history: PL721.C5 Prose: PL980.13.C65 City and town life in literature Color in literature Chinese Japanese Literary history: PL2275.C57 Literary history: PL721.C6 Korean Literary history: PL957.5.C53 Colorado language: PM5829 Colotlan language: PM3701 Civil rights movements in literature Comabo language: PM5763 Korean Comanche language: PM921 Literary history: PL957.5.C54 Comedy Civilization and Chinese literature: Chinese drama PL2273 Collections: PL2579.C6 Literary history: PL2368.C66 Civilization and Japanese literature: PL720 Japanese drama Collections: PL764.7 Civilization and Korean literature: Literary history: PL738.C64 PL957.3 441

Comic poetry INDEX Japanese Collections: PL762.K9 Corabé language: PM5836 Coribici language: PM3716 Comic, The, in literature Coroado language: PM5846 Japanese Coroino language: PM6556 Literary history: PL721.C64 Correguaje language: PM5851 Coscoasoa language: PM5856 Commerce Cosmetics in literature Chinese readers: PL1117.5.C65 Japanese Commerce in literature Literary history: PL721.C65 Chinese Literary history: PL2275.C62 Cosmology in literature Turkish Chinese Literary history Literary history: PL2275.C67 Prose: PL223.5.C66 Japanese Literary history: PL721.C66 Communis (Artificial language): PM8133 Costanoan language: PM2053 Coto language: PM6861 Como language (America): PM931 Country life in literature Comorian language: PL8116+ Comox language: PM941 Japanese Comparison Literary history: PL721.C68 Chinese: PL1233 Coup d'etat, Turkey, 1971, in literature Korean: PL921.5 Turkish Composition Literary history Chinese language: PL1271+ Prose: PL223.5.C68 Korean language: PL927+ Concho language: PM3706 Couplets Confession in literature Chinese poetry Japanese Collections: PL2519.C7 Literary history: PL2309.C68 Literary history: PL721.C645 Confucian Canon Courts and courtiers in literature Japanese Chinese literature Literary history: PL721.C7 Collections: PL2458+ Korean Literary history: PL957.5.C68 Confucian ethics in literature Chinese Coversation Literary history: PL2275.C65 Chinese grammar: PL1121+ Confucianism in literature Cowichan languages: PM981 Japanese Cowlitz language: PM982 Literary history: PL721.C646 Coxoh language: PM3721 Craho language: PM5719 Congo language: PL8401+ Cree language: PM986+ Consonants Creek language: PM991 Creole languages: PM7831+ Chinese: PL1219 Crime in literature Korean: PL918.7 Conversation Japanese Korean grammar: PL914 Literary history: PL721.C74 Cookkoo-oose language: PM1611 Coos language: PM1611 Crimean Tatar language: PL66+ Cora language: PM3711+ Criticism Chinese literature: PL2261+ 442

Criticism INDEX Japanese literature: PL714+ Korean literature: PL954+ D Crow language: PM1001 Daakaka language: PL6228.7 Cua language: PL4433 Daba language (Cameroon and Cuaca dialect: PM5861 Cuacará dialect: PM5866 Nigeria): PL8117+ Cuaiquer language: PM5868 Dadaism in literature Cuanhama language: PL8417+ Cuariba language: PM6018 Japanese Cubeo language: PM5870 Literary history: PL721.D23 Cuberé language: PM5871 Cubulco Achi language: PM3506 Daflā language: PL4001.D2 Cuicatec language: PM3731 Daga language: PL6621.D32 Cuilapa language: PM3736 Dagaare language: PL8118.D35+ Cuitlateco language: PM3738 Dagbane language: PL8119+ Cuiva language: PM5873 Dagomba language: PL8119+ Cuixlahuac language: PM3741 Dagur language: PL431.D3+ Culina language: PM5875 Dahoman language: PL8178+ Cultural property in literature Daimyo in literature Korean Japanese Literary history: PL957.5.C85 Literary history: PL722.D34 Culture and Chinese literature: PL2273 Dairi Pakpak dialect: PL5297+ Culture and Japanese literature: PL720 Dakota language: PM1021+ Culture and Korean literature: PL957.3 Dalabon language: PL7101.D23 Culture and Turkish literature: PL207 Dali Shi (China) in literature Cumana language: PM5876 Cuna language: PM3743+ Chinese Cunan language: PM5879 Literary history: PL2275.T27 Cuoca dialect: PM5886 Cupan languages: PM1003 Daly languages: PL7101.D25 Cupeño language: PM1004 Damana language: PM5923 Curano dialect: PM5891 Dampelas language: PL5298.5+ Curati language: PM5896 Dan language (Mande): PL8123+ Curomina language: PM5901 Dangaleat language: PL8125+ Curuahé language: PM5902.C8+ Dani language: PL6621.D35 Curucané language: PM5906 Dänjong-kä language: PL3651.D2 Curumare language: PM5911 Dar Daju Daju language: PL8126.D37+ Cururu language: PM5911 Dargari language: PL7101.D3 Cushna language: PM1005 Dariel language: PM3746 Cusitinavo dialect: PM5916 Darien language: PM3746 Cutalchich language: PM1011 Darling River dialects: PL7101.D33 Cutguane language: PM1015 Dārmiyā language: PL3801.D3+ Cutinana language: PM5921 Daughters and fathers in literature Cuvok language: PL8116.98+ Cuyunon language: PL5654 Japanese Literary history: PL721.F37 Dâw language: PM5924 Day language (Chad): PL8126.D39+ Dayak Kantuk language: PL5298.7+ Dayak Krio language: PL5298.93+ Dayflower in literature Japanese Literary history: PL721.D3 443

Dazaga language: PL8127+ INDEX Dazaifu-machi (Japan) in literature Dhigida language: PM1061 Japanese Dhīmāl dialect: PL3801.D5+ Literary history: PL721.D32 Dialect poetry Death in literature Korean Japanese Collections: PL975.7.D53 Literary history: PL721.D38 Korean Dialogues Literary history: PL957.5.D43 Chinese drama Collections: PL2579.D53 Decadence in literature Literary history: PL2368.D53 Japanese Literary history: PL721.D385 Diamond Mountains (Korea) in literature Korean Decolonization in literature Literary history: PL957.5.D53 Korean Literary history: PL957.5.P65 Diaries Chinese Dedua language: PL5298.95+ Collections: PL2611 Degema language: PL8128+ Japanese Dehu language: PL6229 Collections: PL771+ Delaware language: PM1031+ Literary history: PL741+ Deli dialect: PL5128.D4 Korean Democracy in literature Collections: PL980.2 Literary history: PL966.2 Japanese Literary history: PL721.D39 Dictionaries Chinese: PL1420+ Demons in literature Dialects: PL1547 Japanese Japanese language: PL674.5+ Literary history: PL721.D4 Korean language: PL935+ Dena'ina language: PM2412 Didactic literature Dendi dialect: PL8685.95.D45 Chinese Dengese language: PL8129+ Literary history: PL2275.D53 Desnedekenade language: PM1041 Detective and mystery stories Didactic poetry Chinese Chinese Collections: PL2519.D52 Literary history: PL2275.D48 Literary history: PL2309.D52 Japanese Japanese Literary history: PL732.D53 Literary history: PL721.D45 Didú dialect: PM3751 Korean Diegueño language: PM1071 Literary history: PL957.5.D48 Digaro language: PL4001.D53 Digo language: PL8130+ Turkish Dii language: PL8130.96+ Literary history Dikele language: PL8377+ Prose: PL223.5.D48 Dilpok (Artificial language): PM8161+ Dimasa language: PL4001.D55+ Devil in literature Dimuga language: PL6621.D32 Korean Dinka language: PL8131+ Literary history: PL957.5.D49 Diola Kasa language: PL8134.97+ Diola language: PL8134+ Dhalandji language: PL7101.D34 Dharawal language: PL7101.D46 444 Dhatada language: PM1051 Dhegiha language: PM1058

Dirian language: PM3943 INDEX Diriku language: PL8135+ Disarmament in literature Doromu-Koki language: PL6621.D67 Doubles in literature Japanese Literary history: PL721.A75 Japanese Literary history: PL721.D68 Discourse analysis Korean: PL927.4 Doyayo language: PL8140.8+ Dragons in literature Ditsakana language: PM1081 Divination in literature Korean Literary history: PL957.5.D73 Japanese Literary history: PL721.D58 Drama African Diyari language: PL7101.D47 Literary history: PL8010.5 Djarai language: PL4498.J3 Chinese Djaru language: PL7101.D475 Collections: PL2566+ Djimini language: PL8136+ Literary history: PL2356+ Djinang language: PL7101.D477 Japanese Djingili language: PL7101.D48 Collections: PL764+ Djirbal language: PL7101.D5 Literary history: PL734+ Djuka language: PM7875.D58 Korean Dobu language: PL6230.D6+ Collections: PL977+ Dogon language: PL8139+ Literary history: PL962+ Dogosé language: PL8139.96+ Turkish Dogrib language: PM1091 Collections: PL237 Dogs in literature Literary history: PL221 Japanese Dravidian languages: PL4601+ Literary history: PL721.D62 Dreams in literature Doguene language: PM1101 Chinese Dohema language: PM3766 Literary history: PL2275.D74 Dōjōji (Kawabe-chō, Wakayama-ken, Japanese Japan) in literature Literary history: PL721.D7 Japanese Korean Literary history: PL721.D64 Literary history: PL957.5.D74 Doko language (Congo): PL8140.1+ Dolgan language: PL45.D65+ Drinking in literature Dom dialects: PL6621.D65 Korean Domestic life in literature Literary history: PL957.5.D75 Korean Duala language: PL8141+ Literary history: PL957.5.D65 Duano language: PL5298.9797 Dulien language: PL4001.L8+ Domestic science Dumagat language: PL5662.5 Esperanto texts: PM8294 Dumagat language (Casiguran): Dong language (China): PL4251.T85 PL5661+ Donggo language: PL5298.97+ Dumbea language: PL6230.D85+ Dongxiang language: PL431.D64+ Dūmī language: PL3801.D8+ Donkeys in literature Dupaninan Agta language: PL5662+ Dura language: PL3801.D997+ Turkish Duruma language: PL8142.D87+ Literary history: PL210.D66 Dusner language: PL5298.98+ Dusun language: PL5299+ Doraksean languages: PM3753 445

Dwellings in literature INDEX Japanese Literary history: PL721.D85 Egoism in literature Turkish Chinese Literary history Literary history: PL2275.S44 Prose: PL223.5.D83 Japanese Literary history: PL721.S45 Dyak language: PL5301+ Dyula language: PL8142.D94+ Ehime-ken (Japan) in literature Dyur language: PL8143+ Japanese Dzongkha language: PL3651.D96+ Literary history: PL721.E35 E Ehnek language: PM1125 Eipo language: PL6621.E36 East Makian language: PL6230.E37+ Ejagham language: PL8149.E43+ Easter Island language: PL6498 Ekajuk language: PL8150+ Eastern Arrernte language: Ekoi languages: PL8152+ Ekpeye language: PL8153.E3+ PL7101.E37 Elderly people, Killing of, in literature Eastern Austronesian languages: Japanese PL6171+ Literary history: PL721.K44 Eastern Mnông language: PL4457 Eastern Yugur language: PL431.E28+ Ele dialect (South America): PM5936 Echemin language: PM2135 Elegiac poetry Echibie language: PM5926 Ecoboré language: PM5931 Chinese Ecology in literature Collections: PL2519.E43 Literary history: PL2309.E5 Chinese Literary history: PL2275.E36 Korean Collections: PL975.7.E44 Japanese Literary history: PL960.7.E44 Literary history: PL721.E32 Elip language: PL8152.97+ Korean Emei Mountain (China) in literature Literary history: PL957.5.E34 Chinese Economics Literary history: PL2275.O43 Chinese readers: PL1117.5.E36 Esperanto texts: PM8277 Emigration and immigration in literature Korean Economics in literature Literary history: PL957.5.E52 Korean Turkish Literary history: PL957.5.E35 Literary history: PL210.E45 Edo language: PL8077+ Emotions in literature Edú dialect: PM3756 Chinese Education Literary history: PL2275.E66 Esperanto texts: PM8281 Empēo language: PL4001.E6 Education in literature Emperors and empresses Chinese Japanese literature Literary history: PL2275.E38 Literary history: PL725.2.E46 Efate language: PL6231 Empresses in literature Efik language: PL8147+ Japanese Eggon language: PL8148+ Literary history: PL722.E47 Enagua dialect: PM5941 446

End of the world in literature INDEX Korean Literary history: PL957.5.E53 Errors Korean: PL927.6 Endo language: PL8153.E54+ Enga language: PL6621.E5 Ese Ejja language: PM7118 Engenni language: PL8154+ Ese language: PL6621.E74 Enggano language: PL5307 Eskelen language: PM1137 Engineering and building Eskimo Aleut language: PM92 Eskimo-Aleut languages: PM30+ Esperanto texts: PM8291 Eskimo languages: PM50+ Enhara dialect: PL8483.95.E53 Eslene language: PM1137 Enimagan language: PM5943 Esmeraldan language: PM5963 Enmay ghee chah (Artificial language): Esperanto (Artificial language): PM8190 PM8201+ Enochian language: PM9021.E55 Esperanto texts: PM8251+ Entertainers in literature Essays Korean Chinese Literary history: PL957.5.E58 Collections: PL2606+ Literary history: PL2395+ Environment in literature Korean Japanese Literary history: PL957.5.E34 Collections: PL772+ Literary history: PL742+ Enya language: PL8156+ Eparagota dialect: PM5946 Korean Epena Saija language: PM7079 Collections: PL980.3 Epera language, Southern: PM7079 Literary history: PL966.3 Epic poetry Turkish Chinese Collections: PL243 Collections: PL2519.E5 Literary history: PL226 Literary history: PL2309.E6 Esselenian language: PM1137 Korean Esuu̲ ̲laalu dialect: PL8134.9795.E78 Literary history: PL960.23 Etchareottine language: PM2365 Etchemin language: PM2135 Epuremeo dialect: PM5951 Etchoattine language: PM2365 Erascavina language: PM5956 Etheneldeli language: PM1141 Eremitic life in literature Ethics in literature Japanese Japanese Literary history: PL721.E7 Literary history: PL721.E8 Erie language: PM1131 Korean Eriteina language: PM5961 Literary history: PL957.5.E86 Eromanga language: PL6233 Erotic literature Etiwaw language: PM1151 Etla language: PM3761 Chinese Eton language (Cameroon): PL8158+ Literary history: PL2275.E74 Etsako language: PL8159+ Etymology Japanese Literary history: PL721.E74 Chinese: PL1281+ Korean: PL931+ Eroticism in literature Eudeve language: PM3766 Korean Eurolengo (Artificial language): PM8310 Literary history: PL957.5.E76 447

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