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Long lesson plan Gereral1docx

Published by patom312201, 2022-05-16 09:01:15

Description: Long lesson plan Gereral1docx


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Long lesson plan Subject: General English1 12 + 4 system of secondary teacher education courses, semester 1 on year 3 Natural Science (Biology teacher) Teacher’s subject: Assistant Professor Sengamphone KONGPHAVONG academic 2021-2022

Long lesson plan for the second semester, academic 2021-2022 - Subject: General English1 - 12 + 4 system of secondary teacher education courses, semester 1 on year 3 - Natural Science (Biology teacher) - Period : 48 hours for 1 semester - Credits : 2(1-2-0) - Teacher’s subject: Assistant Professor Sengamphone KONGPHAVONG  Student teachers will be able to: - Know how to great to another - Know things in the classroom for using in the routine and clothes. - Know how to make the questions with yes/no and wh questions by using ‘verb to be and to do’ - colors and talk about routine week Content Teaching-learning Time materials Evaluated 1 activities 3 hours 2 Unit 1 - Charts Assignment It’s nice to meet you - T explains - Power point 1. Conversation - Ss do activity, in - Work - sheets 2. Grammar focus 3. Word power pair, giving their 4. listening information - Ss answers the Unit 1 questions It’s nice to meet you (continued) 5. Saying hello - T explains - Charts Assignment 6. Conversation - Ss do activity, in - Power point 7. Grammar focus - Work - sheets 8. Saying good-bye pair, giving their information 3 hours - Ss answers the questions

Unit 2 - T explains - Charts Assignment What’s that? - Ss do activity, in - Power point 1. Articles of classroom object 3 hours - Work - sheets 3 2. Conversation pair, giving their 3 hours 3. Pronunciation of plurals /z/, /s/ and /iz/ information - Charts Assignment 4. Grammar focus - Power point - Ss answers the - Work - sheets Unit 2 questions What’s that? ( continued) 5. What’s that called? - T gets feedback. 4 6. Conversation 7. Grammar focus - T explains 8. Word power preposition, article - Ss do activity, in 9. listening pair, giving their Unit 3 information Where are you from? 1. Conversation - Ss answers the 5 2. Grammar focus questions 3. Conversation - T explains 3 hours - Charts Unit 3 - Ss do activity, in 3 hours - Power point Where are you from? ( Continued ) - Work - sheets 4. Numbers and ages pair, giving their 6 5. Word power descriptions information - Charts Assignment 6. Listening - Power point 7. Grammar focus - Ss answers the - Work - sheets questions - T gets feedback. - T explains - Ss do activity, in pair, giving their information - Ss answers the questions - T gets feedback.

Unit 4 - T explains - Charts Assignment I’m not wearing boots! - Ss do activity, in - Power point 7 - Work - sheets 1. Word power of clothes pair, giving their 2. Colors information 3 hours - Charts Assignment 3. Conversation - Ss answers the 3 hours - Power point 4. Grammar focus questions 3 hours - Work - sheets - T gets feedback. 3 hours Unit 4 - Charts Assignment I’m not wearing boots! (continued) - T explains - Power point 5. listening - Ss do activity, in - Work - sheets 8 6. Conversation 7. Grammar focus pair, giving their - Charts Assignment 8. Listening information - Power point - Ss answers the - Work - sheets Unit 5 questions What are you doing? - T gets feedback. 9 1. Conversation - T explains 2. Listening time(1) - Ss do activity, in 3. Telling time(2) 4. conversation pair, giving their information Unit 5 - Ss answers the What are you doing? (continued) questions - T gets feedback. 10 5. Grammar focus 6. Word power Activities - T explains 7. Listening - Ss do activity, in 8. Reading pair, giving their information - Ss answers the questions - T gets feedback.

Unit 6 - T explains - Charts Assignment We live in the suburbs - Ss do activity, in - Power point 3 hours - Work - sheets 11 1. Conversation pair, giving their 2. Word power family relationships information 3. Grammar focus 4. Listening - Ss answers the 5. Pronunciation Third-person singular questions Unit 6 - T gets feedback. We live in the suburbs (continued) - T explains - Charts Assignment 12 6. Who is it? - Ss do activity, in - Power point 7. Conversation 3 hours - Work - sheets 8. Grammar focus pair, giving their 3 hours 9. reading information 3hours Assignment Unit7 - Ss answers the - Charts Assignment Does the apartment have a view? questions - Power point - Work - sheets 13 1. Conversation - T gets feedback. 2. Grammar focus - T explains 3. Listening - Ss do activity, in 4. Word power of Furniture pair, giving their Unit7 information Does the apartment have a view? - Ss answers the (continued) questions 14 5. Conversation - T gets feedback. 6. Grammar focus - T explains 7. Dream house - Ss do activity, in 8. Reading pair, giving their information - Ss answers the questions - T gets feedback.

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