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Home Explore Dreams are boundless

Dreams are boundless

Published by cuppacakesbytina, 2018-03-23 03:44:17

Description: Dreams are boundless


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fd [[IINNSSEERRTT IIMMAAGGEE HHEERREE]] Dreams are boundless. Samsung Electronics constantly reinvents tomorrow to pursue happier and richer lives. We explore the territory of the unknown to discover potential and fulfill greater promise.NAP

We continuously develop and expand strategic products in our Consumer Electronicsdivision.Since we first won top global market share in 2006, exceptional technology andinnovative design have strengthened our unrivaled leadership in flat-panel TVs andmonitors.In the Digital Appliances business, we achieved remarkable growth by debutinginventive new products and differentiated design in the premium market.Visual Display BusinessWith our new Lifestyle TVs, we will realize our vision ‘Screen Everywhere’ that unlockslimitless freedom for displays to be placed anywhere at home.Samsung Electronics is relentless in our efforts to deliver innovative products andexperiences that maximize user convenience and make the lives of consumers better.In 2016, we saw an increase in sales throughout Asia in addition to revenue growthacross premium appliance markets in North America, Europe, and Korea. Most of all,Samsung’s market share ranked first in the US, a key market for home appliancebrands. This year, we launched innovative products that shifted market paradigms, likethe FamilyHub refrigerator, AddWash washing machine, and WindFree air conditioner.They continue to garner positive feedback from our consumers. We also focused onstrengthening and expanding our business with a new built-in lineup and system airconditioners. In 2017, we will continue to bring real value to consumers by launchingdifferentiated products and technologies. Our ground-breaking and consumer-focusedproducts will challenge routines and stereotypes, leading the market by delivering trueinnovation and convenience to our valued consumers. We will maintain our marketleadership position with premium, innovative products like the FamilyHub refrigeratorfeaturing advanced voice recognition technology that is guaranteed to improve familycommunication, the FlexWash washing machine which can support two simultaneousor separate washes of different clothing capacities and fabric types, and the WindFree

In 2016, our Visual Display Business released quantum dot TV and was globallyrecognized for its best-in-class picture quality, and our Serif TV ushered in a new designparadigm in the TV industry and elevated our position as an industry leader. The year2017 is forecast to experience rapid growth in UHD TVs and curved TVs thanks to anincreasing consumer awareness of high resolution and high picture quality. With an aimto provide the best-possible viewing experience to our consumers, we will launch theworld’s first and only QLED TV that delivers 100% color volume, a newly emergingstandard of picture quality measurement that can strengthen our leadership position inthe premium TV market. Moreover, ‘The Frame’ which transforms any living room intoan aesthetically-pleasing gallery, along with other diverse accessories equipped foreach product line-up will enable us to cater diverse consumer preferences.Furthermore, 2017 Smart TV will allow customers to enjoy a wide spectrum of contenton a single screen and feel the out-standing user experience by controlling their set-top box, game consoles, and almost all other peripheral devices on a single remotecontrol.

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