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Published by Zian Harmon, 2022-04-25 07:49:33

Description: PERFORMACE TASK 5


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WHAT IS PARTS AND TYPES OF VOLCANO Volcano is a natural opening of the earth where molten rocks , hot gasses smoke, and ash are ejected it has external parts: summit, slope, and base. WHAT ARE THE CLASSIFICATION OF VOLCANO ? RECORDS OF ERUPTION active or inactive volcanoesrs SHAPE OF CONE Shield volcanoes, cinder cones , composite volcanoes STYLES OF ERUPTION Phreatic, phreatomagmatic Strombolian vulcanian ,plinian WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO KNOW THIS It’s important to know it because we are part of the nature and we as humans should take care of it. Week 1

WHAT IS THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MAGMA A volcano is an opening in the earth’s crust where the molten materials from the mantle called magma rise to reach the surface of the earth through volcaniceruptions. The molten material that reaches the surface is called lava. THREE TYPES OF MAGMA BASALTIC (MAFIC) is high in iron, magnesium, and calcium but low in potassium and sodium. It has a temperature range of about 1000°C to 1220 rs ANDEISTIC contains low levels of iron, magnesium, and calcium , potassium and sodium. It’s temperature ranges between 650 c to 800 c WHY IS IT RHYOLITIC (FELSIC) IMPORTANT TO KNOW THIS has high potassium and sodiu content but low in iron , magnesium and calcium content. It occurs temperature range of about 650 c 800 ce I this lesson gave me informations about taal volcano and types of magma Week 2

WHAT IS GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Geothermal Energy is the heat stored coming from the Earth’s interior. This heat warms water which is trapped in rock formations beneath its surface. Energy from the Earth can be harnessed using geothermal power plants and geothermal heat STEPS IN ORDER TO GENERATE ELECTRICITY IN A GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT. FIRST STEP Wells are drilled deep into the Earth to pump steam or hot water to the surface.0 rs SECOND STEP when water reaches the surface, the drop in pressure causes the water to turn into steam THIRD STEP the steam spins a turbine , which is connected to a generator that producelectricitye FOURTH STEP cooling tower cools the steam which condenses back to water fifth step the cooled water is pumped back into the earth to begin the process again Week 3

WHAT IS THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE CLIMATE In the atmosphere, several environmental factors combine to produce weather and climate. Weather is the day-to-day condition of Earth’s atmosphere at a particular time and place. The climate, on the other hand, refers to the overall weather conditions over a long period of WHAT HAVE I LEARNED WHEN THE SUN’S RAY STRIKES When the place is closer to the equator, the air temperature is higher0 rs WHAT HAPPENS TO WATER VAPOR AS IT RISES OVER THE MOUNTAIN? The mountain blocks the wind, causing water to condense and form a cloud. WHY IS IT CORIOLIS EFFECT IMPORTANT TO KNOW THIS is the perceived change in the direction of the currents caused by earth’s rotation. The wind was moving due to uneven heating of the ocean current that Carrie’s warm or cold water which change the directions of the wind. e since you’re living on the surface of the earth, it is critical that you are aware of what is going on and that you adjust to the changes. Week 4

WHAT IS THE PHENOMENA THAT OCCUR ON A GLOBAL LEVEL The Earth’s atmosphere is like a greenhouse. Sunlight passes through the atmosphere and reaches the Earth’s surface. It gets absorbed by soil and other objects and is converted into heat. This will be radiated back to the atmosphere. Molecules of carbon dioxide and water vapor absorb it, thus, preventing it from escaping to outer space. rs WHAT HAVE I LEARNED CLIMATE CHANGE GLOBAL WARMING Climate change is one of the most pressing issues worldwide. The increase in temperature that we are experiencing is caused by factors other than human activity though another point of view is due to human intervention Global Warming is the gradual increase or rise on the Earth’s temperature. One possible cause may be the burning of natural gas, petroleum and coal to get energy. When these fuels are burned, carbon dioxide is released to the atmosphere which is one of the main gases that increase GREENHOUSE EFFECT greenhouse effect. This eventually will lead to Greenhouse effect is important to life disturbance in climate pattern or on Earth because it maintains the Climate Change. Higher global temperature temperature could result to: needed to support life. However, high a. melting of polar ifce caps, e. concentration of greenhouse gases extreme storms and cyclones, enhances the greenhouse b. rise of sea and ocean levels, f. effect causing an atmospheric drought; temperature higher than needed.e c. changes in ocean current; g. forest and wild fire; d. changes in weather patterns; h. death of flora and fauna, etc. Week 5

WHAT IS CONSTELLATIONS Observers in ancient times imagined group of stars that form pictures of animals, objects and people. These imaginary groups of stars are called constellations. The patterns of stars seen in the sky are usually called constellations. The Big Dipper or the Great Bear is not really a constellation, but an asterism. An asterism is a more recognizable part of a larger constellation. The Big Dipper is a part of Ursa majorrs WHAT HAVE I LEARNED TYPES OF STARS There are many star classification frameworks being used today, not withstanding, the Morgan-Keenan framework is the least demanding to comprehend. Stars are classified in this framework utilizing letters O, B, A, F, G, K, and M. They are arranged dependent on their temperature the hottest is O and the coolest is M. The temperature of each unearthly class is then partitioned by the expansion of a number, 0 represents the most smoking while 9 for the coolest.on. CHARACTERISTICS OF STARS Brightness, Color, Surface IMPORTANCE OF THIS temperature Size,Mass.e LESSON Gl 2 importance of this lesson is how constellation may be observed at different times of the year using the models .Constellations is a group of stars that make an imaginary shape in the night sky. Week 6

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