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Home Explore SCORE Best & Marsh

SCORE Best & Marsh

Published by Sherman Wright, 2020-08-22 15:25:35

Description: SCORE Best & Marsh


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1 Best & Marsh Fulham F.C 1976/1977  Cult Football In 1976 the sun shone for one of the greatest summers ever recorded in history on the home islands of the United Kingdom and Ireland. Inflation continues to be a problem around the world. Concorde enters service and cuts transatlantic flying time to 3 1/2 hours. One year after Microsoft is formed Apple is formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Nadia Comaneci scores the first ever perfect score in Gymnastics. In South Africa Riots in Soweto on June 16th mark the beginning of the end of apartheid. In music the first of the Punk Bands appear, The Damned. Major News Stories include NASA Unveils first space shuttle, Fidel Castro is made President of Cuba, The Notting Hill Carnival Riots, The Cod Fish Wars between Iceland and UK, The United States Bi-centennial celebrations and also the contraction of the First Legionnaires Disease were some of the events that grabbed the world media attention at this time. Closer to home in football Southampton had just created a shock by beating Manchester United in the FA Cup final with a Bobby Stokes goal. Bayern Munich lifted their third European Cup in a row and Liverpool lifted the UEFA Cup. However, n London and at a small club called Fulham F.C the arrival of two of the greatest entertaining football players that the U.K has ever produced shook the footballing world right to its boots. Fulham F.C and all of their pulling power pulled off the miraculous signings of none other than Rodney Marsh and George Best, much to the amazement of the media eye. Fulham at this stage were a second division club who showed no real vision of being able to climb the ladder to the top of the second tier in English football, never mind make the first division. (Pic Credit: Fulham F.C)

2 THE BEST OF TIMES  Fulham FC had been playing grey football on grey days trying their best to entertain crowds to the tune of 8'500. However, when the news spilled pout that the likes of these two players had signed, there was much disbelief as to how a small London club like Fulham, in comparison to the rest of the clubs in London, could pull off such a feat. Soon local people rallied to the tune of what seemed to be \"a miracle\" had been performed. Was this going to bring back the good old days when Fulham where challenging? Was this the revelation that the south bank of London had been waiting for? George Best and Rodney Marsh made their debuts at Craven Cottage for Fulham on September 4th 1976. There was an attendance of over 21'000 roaring happy fans. The previous game that Fulham played at Craven Cottage was attended by just over 8'000 fans, so this explained the harmonious effect that the signing of Best and Marsh had on the south side of London. (Pic Credit: Fulham F.C) Best scored the game’s only goal after just 71 seconds. But not only did Best seal victory that day, he spent much of the remaining 88 minutes and 49 seconds incredibly delivering on his promise to “make football fun again.” The crowd were treated to flashes of his old acceleration, the immaculate first- time control, teasing dribbles, accurate passes and a range of flicks and tricks on a day that even if the story was written in Roy of the Rovers, you still couldn't believe that it actually was true. The next home game against Wolves attracted a crowd of 25,794, nearly three times the 9,437 that had turned up to watch the opening game of the campaign against Nottingham forest just three weeks earlier. Even though the game ended 0-0, Best was again a standout player as he linked in magical form with the stylish classic player that was also Rodney Marsh. With both players producing flashes of sheer brilliance on the pitch, the crowd were in sheer awe of the moments and loved it. However, there was one game that was a stand out game that season. This wonderful season for everyone connected with Fulham Football Club will always be capped off and remembered by the thousands who turned up to watch Fulham play Hereford at home in the league. The television cameras also happened to be there as the game was also covered by The Big Match production team.

3 ENTERTAINMENT OF THE HIGHEST VALUE The match against Hereford United saw the Best and Marsh at their comical greatest. Fulham ran out 4-1 winners with Alan Slough and John Evanson opening the scoring. In the second half Best was conducting all forms of attack. Marsh to score his first with a fantastic opportunist goal. Best and Marsh were having an absolute field day. In the second half the pair stood over a free- kick. Best motioned to place the ball before flicking it up for Marsh to volley and loop wide. The pair even tackled each other to during the game such was their personally expression of enjoyment in a game that lacked nothing for the happy fans. It was carefree, flair football at its finest. Best and Marsh who had spent the previous summer in the USA playing in the NASL were quite clearly enjoying their return to what they once agreed was good football turned drab in England. From the beginning of the game Best and Marsh simply had the effect on English football for 90 mins that brought every football loving fan right back to the days when entertainment was the normal guarantee. During the whole game the crowds laughed, smiled and cheered like never before at Craven Cottage.

4 CULT FOOTBALL AT IT'S VERY BEST Between providing top class entertainment and also showing moments of sheer genius, George Best and Rodney Marsh, on this day, created cult moments that have not only gone down in Fulham Football Club folklore, but in the game itself. It is a long time since football fans have seen such free flowing entertaining freedom based footballers express themselves ion the field of play. The game has changed so much the new militaristic forms of defence are almost boring. Personally I feel that the defencive way of play nowadays sometimes takes away the old form of entertainment in the game, but then once must remember that football is not a game anymore, it is a business, and of course in business money talks. Some of the rule changes since these great days on 76 have also. Best and Marsh...........what a combination they had during that season at Fulham where attendances trebled instantly. Time changes and new faces arrive in the game annually, however, Best and Marsh were just something else. (Pic Credits: Fulham F.C)

1 RITCHIE AND RACEVIEW  CAN'T WAIT TO GET BACK From a personal context Seamus told me that he really looks forward to Saturday mornings the same way he did when he played before injury called a halt to his love for pulling on the shirt back in the day. Seamus also follows a rich vein of footballing blood as his Father Frankie was a highly respected former star player for many years in the league and in higher leagues more to the point, such was Frankies game. Frankie McDonald was also the BSML first division player of the year for 1979 and also went on to manage many clubs including The Homers for many seasons.

3 Seamus and his management team also wished to take this opportunity to thank their current sponsors Charlie's Bar of William Street Ballymena.  Seamus declared \"Without sponsors the club would not be able to exists and for this sponsorship the club are enternally grateful.\" To end my conversation with Seamus, I asked him finally about the current situation and how it has affected the clubs aspirations to gain promotion as BSML 3rd Division champions, Seamus concluded \"Hopefully we get to finish the season but we understand the current predicament and realise everyone’s health is the main issue.\" Score E-Magazine wishes to thank Seamus for his kind participation in this edition and we also wish Seamus and his management team all the very best for the rest of their tenure as long as the club have them at the helm.

1 CHATTING TO \"THE HURST\" Score Magazine was lucky enough to be able to grab a chat with local director of football at the famous Wakehurst F.C, none other than Mr. Martin Etherson. I asked Martin about the current situation at the club, how the team is getting on, what way they will deal with the outbreak of the current pandemic and what his aspirations will be when things are on the brighter side. This is what Martin had to say .......................... \"Wakehurst FC, compared on the grand scale of things happening around the world at this minute in time, means that football means very little at the moment. From the Champions league to the Ballymena Intermediate League players around the world are more concerned with staying safe with their families than worrying about matches or the statistics of a league tables. However, before the break Wakehurst were on the back of a 6 game winning streak had climbed to 2nd place in the league and things were falling into place nicely\" says Martin, always up for a chat. Martin also added \"Then the Covid-19 outbreak strikes as hard as any centre back ever did and all the work from pre-season until March hits the buffers.\" Martin, who has been extremely instrumental on the reformation of this great local club, then explained what he thought was the best way forward after this situation hopefully clears itself up. \"The only way, as usual, is to look forward and the coaches have plans in place to help all the players stay as fit, focused and ready for whenever we get the green light to resume.\"

2 When asking Martin about the back room of the club and how hard they work and are continuing to work for the club's future, he replied \"As a club we are delighted with the progress made in the past two seasons. At Wakehurst we have a very hard working committee focused on giving both first team Manager Damian Mccarry and reserve boss Michael Clarke, on the playing side, every possible chance to succeed.\" Martin also went on to conclude \"Like every club we are constantly striving to improve every aspect of the club, from players to training to match day preparation. Our club sponsors play a massive part of that through our new weekly lottery and other fund raising schemes. We cannot thank them enough for their steadfast support and without them it would be tremendously hard to function. The future is bright whenever that future can resume.\" I got a great feeling of hope from my conversation with Martin and I for one feel that with that sort of aspiration, it can really only turn into an inspiration for everyone involved at Wakehurst Football Club. One thing Martin left the conversation with was he wanted to wish everyone to stay safe during these uncertain times. Score Magazine wishes to thank Martin for his taking time to participate and we also wish Wakehurst the very best of luck when the football eventually returns.

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