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Home Explore Book opening

Book opening

Published by jackiecretney, 2022-12-15 00:04:49

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A hands-on approach to Bible Study

Some Book Reviews... Consider this book an invitation into intimacy with God. Sandy McEachern skillfully, yet simply, takes the reader on a journey of scaling the mountain of the unsearchable riches of God’s Wisdom as revealed in the Bible. Nothing thrills my soul like seeing lives dive into theWord of God for themselves and discover that God does not reserve understanding for the spiritual elite, but rather, the seeking soul. These pages not only equip the willing student in how to study the Bible but moreover, inspire one to not settle for easy answers or quick applications at the expense of missing the treasures hidden within. This is a resource that needs to get into the hands of a generation desperately needing the in- spiration of God rather than more information from man. — Nate Bramsen, Missionary & Bible Teacher I’ve had the privilege of learning how to study the Bible from Sandy for many years. He has often encouraged myself and other young adults to prioritize Bible study and dig deeper into God’s word. For many, studying the Bible can feel like an overwhelming and daunting task. Seeking the Summit provides a foundational approach to Bible study based on 4 easy to follow C’s.The book clearly explains how each‘C’can be explored and expanded upon in a way that develops a strong sense of what a passage says, ways it can be applied to our lives and what it teaches us about Christ. SEEKING THE SUMMIT is practical, provides examples to help the reader understand the steps and, when put into practice, deepens spiritual growth and engagement with the Bible. — Alyssa Gee, Student of the Bible SEEKING THE SUMMIT is an excellent starter manual for studying the Bible for personal growth, and equips new believers with many excellent skills for meaningfully reading and understanding the Bible. It’s written in an accessible style for young people, but also provides helpful tips for believers of any age. I recommend it for any serious minded Christian. — Keith Keyser, Bible Teacher This book inspires and informs. One of the hindrances to profitable Bible study is having a method to start and proceed. No one objects to Bible study. The big problem is \"how do I start?\" and \"what do I do?\" This book goes a long way in answering these questions. It is motivation with a method. — Brian Gunning This book is sure to be a catalyst for you to delve into Scripture for yourself! It is not just theoretical, but shows you in the simplest of terms“how to study.”Follow Sandy as he guides you along step by step and enjoy the as- cending journey, as you experience intimacy with Christ and can see yourself in what Paul writes to Timothy. “...a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2Tim.2.15b). —Sam Balmer, Chairman - Bible Educational Services, Enniskillen Northern Ireland I was part way through my university education when I was introduced to a Bible study that Sandy and his wife were hosting at their home. At the time I was living what I would call a decent Christian life. I figured if I were to stay on the narrow road a bit better than most of the other Christians I knew, then I was doing alright. As I look back now, in reality, my Christian life at that time was like trying to get a proper breath in a room full of stale air. And becoming involved in the Bible study classes at Sandy’s house was the breath of fresh air I needed. My wife and I learned how to study the Scriptures - how to dig deep and drink long; how to mine for gold and not just rake for leaves. My wife and I have experienced some of the richest blessings in our lives from learning how to put the principles in Seeking the Summit into practical use in our lives. We have learned to look for the special riches that God has in His Book. Through the opened Scriptures we have learned what it is to feel the God of all comfort close by our side. Aspiring to \"seek the summit\" of serious Bible study has drawn us closer to the Lord. What better commendation can I give than that? — Mitch Kernick, Student of the Bible Copyright © 2022 by Sandy McEachern CO-PUBLISHED BY: All rights reserved. ISBN 978-0-88873-762-5 Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture references have been taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada

A BRIEF NOTE OF INTRODUCTION... In one of the early chapters of the Bible, God ascribes to Himself the title of El-Elyon — the Most High God. It is a beautiful title and affirms to us that our God is high and lofty. He is the God of the heaven of heavens; the God of the utmost elevation. How, then, could we — mere creatures dwelling far below on this little place called Earth — ever relate with such a God who “stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth” (Psa 113:6)? Thankfully the Bible makes very clear that the Most High God has a heart for us, who are limited by time and space to this planet. In a description that is a microcosm of His grace and care for His people, He said to Moses, “I have come down…to bring them up” (Ex. 3:8). That sums up God’s longing for us. It found its full expression in the ministry of Jesus Christ when He came all the way down to the cross so that we who trust in Him could go up. Of course the Bible is not exclusively about the God who is up, coming down. It is also about those who once were down, going up — we who have come to know the Most High God, aiming to elevate the trajectory of our lives and draw closer to Him. Our journey up is spiritual in nature, but God loves to use imagery to illustrate spiritual ideals. Maybe that is why there are a number of memorable passages in the Scripture that describe scenes of God meeting His people on mountains. Until recent technol- ogy (like the airplane) allowed it, the only way that a person could physically go up was to journey up a mountain. Think of that for a moment. For millennia, if your heart longed to go up — a mountain was the only way to fulfill that passion. INTRODUCTION | 5

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