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EPI Promo booket

Published by jackiecretney, 2022-11-12 01:45:03

Description: EPI Promo booket


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WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH will drop an image of the cover in here once the cover is designed

T HTEHWE WHOHLOELWE WORODRLD TO “If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things GOD MAY BE GLORIFIED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST.” — 1 Peter 4:11 In 1935, the Harlows went to America and other places the DR Congo with a deep around the world. Read on to desire to see souls saved and learn about our roots, what believers growing in their faith we are doing today, and where through the study of God’s we see the Lord leading us in Word. Working with Bill the future. Deans, they established boys’ and girls’ Bible schools and REACHING CENTRAL began to teach young people AND SOUTH AMERICA the truths of Scripture. In 1941, they returned to Ca- nada where Dr. Harlow was a co-founder of Emmaus Bible School and Emmaus Corre- spondence School, as well as other organizations. The humble beginnings in Countries Northeast Congo were the (colored brown) seed for several worldwide where we have ministries that demonstrate shipped our Dr. Harlow’s passion for the products Whole Word to the Whole World. Today Everyday Pub- lications primarily equips Africa, but also plays a part in equipping Central and South 2

REACHING AFRICA WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH Countries (colored brown) where EPI regularly sends literature to in Africa 3

WHO WE ARE Principles of when they are unable to af- Operation ford even this, we ship free of all costs, as the Lord allows. Everyday Publications is a We do sell books in North ministry that supports America for a competitive assemblies, assembly mission- price, with the proceeds of aries, and assembly national these sales helping to fund on- workers in various countries going printing expenses. We throughout the world. In our do not solicit funds but cer- calling as a literature ministry, tainly accept gifts from those our primary goal is to serve who desire to partner with us the Lord by serving those who in sending doctrinally sound preach the gospel and disciple literature to help missionaries others, and our main outreach and national workers in their is to the neediest countries in work. the world, focusing on Africa, All of EPI’s full-time staff are and expanding out from assembly-commended there. workers who are supported by We make our literature avail- the Lord’s people.To maintain able to missionaries and full- a high standard of quality at time national workers at the lowest possible cost, we slightly above cost. However, use the most up-to-date and efficient equipment available. 4

Our Global Our WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH Focus Vision The work of EPI began with We believe that every Chris- Africa and the translation of tian in every local church our first title, Start of the should understand the truths Race, into Congo Swahili. of Scripture so that all fol- The goal was to present pro- lowers of Christ can: found biblical truth in simple, everyday English. Today the • Live transformed Everyday Bible Commentary lives that reflect the Series, along with many ad- ditional books and resources, Lord Jesus Christ are available in over 80 coun- and point others tries around the world. They have been translated and to Him. printed in Spanish, Por- • Be effective tuguese, French, and Congo servants of Christ Swahili, with a few titles also by consistently in Chinese and several other applying the truth languages. These resources of God’s Word in are extremely versatile and are their own lives. used for correspondence • Know and love courses, teaching materials, the Person and small group study guides, and redeeming work of prison ministry. Jesus Christ. 5

• Worship our Savior Our in the beauty of Purpose holiness. • Remain true to Our purpose is to encourage the proclamation of the Christ and His Word gospel, the practice of Bible as false teaching study, and steady progress in increases. living out the Christian life to • Prepare elders the glory of God. As Dr. Har- low often said: “THE WHOLE to teach and defend WORD FOR THE WHOLE the flock (1 Tim 3:2). WORLD!” • Equip women to Our teach younger Mission women (Titus 2:3,4). EPI publishes Bible-based, • Help parents doctrinally sound, cross-cul- nurture their tural books in multiple children in the languages to equip mission- training and aries, national workers, and all believers, primarily in devel- admonition of the oping countries, to proclaim Lord (Eph 6:4). the gospel, and to encourage biblical understanding and • Exhort young men the disciplined practice of to keep the Word of biblical principles. God living and active in their lives (1 Jn 2:14). • Strengthen Sunday school teachers to instruct children in the truth of God’s Word. We cannot teach what we do not know. However, before anyone can teach others, they must study the Scriptures themselves. EPI resources can help many to realize this goal. 6

A EJOVEURRYNDAEYYPUTBHLICRAOTUIOGNHS, TINICM. E WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH Some important dates and events in the history of E.P.I. 1959 afteEdrHlaurnlogw rcesaignnscferorm. ESmhmeauas nBidbleECodllege faith through literature hadandsacpceepntstposoitnioen oftEexercmutiveiSnecrettharey for 1966, Ed felt we should m CoTnhge Foie,ldst(hwehnich mreertguedrnweithdCMiMnL itnh1e971). back to Toronto for the sa early 1950s for two years while his elderly mother. The nex I was there. development in our life, h Dr. Harlow writes Bible study book, Start of the 1964 Race – Genesis. Gertrud Koppel translates it ingly blamed on ME! Noiwnto CthonegoLSowarhdili.bDrr.oHuarglohwtmEardriesaGnedrtrud A NEW WORK: EP meKotpopegl.eSttahrteofrthienRaHceisspusbelisrhveidc. eEvearysday husPbubalnicdatioannsdbewginifse. . We had the same exercise for literature for As we spoke together on 1965-1969 believers on the mission field, about the new Congo Sw botaThhseEmkHanmrloaouwwssaitnrndavgEevletorhnydebaeyhsPaaulfbmolifcTeahtieoAnFisfe,rlwdicsh,aialenstwheelyl Bible, I mentioned that peocopntlienueatnodwriltae nangdutraangsleat.e Iann asdpdiittieonal believers had no books t of theneB1ib7le-ysteuadyr bdoiofkfes.rDer.nHcaerloiwncoonutinrues plain the O.T. to them. He agehiss,wtohrkeaLs oboradrdhmaedmbpereopf LaitreeradturuesCru- asked that, if he were to persafdeecs/tIlnyterfnoatrioonanl eTeaamns oantdhsepre.ndOs suevreral a commentary on Genes veryseaers aswaatrsainetrhaned spLeaokerrdfo’rsthiscmoimnist-ry. easy English, would I tran mand: “Feed My sheep – Feed it into Swahili. Of course t MyWitlhatmhebnesw” m(iJnoishtrny gr2ow1i:n1g5r-a1pi7dl)y., Dr. what I had been hintin 1970 ThaHtarlwowaress,ignasnfrdomsthteilbloiasrd,s omf Lyiterbaturre-Cru- These simple English b densa:dets,oEmfmeaeuds BiybloeuConllgegeb, aenldieGovoedrNsews would also prove usef andsPoucbitaliotsehionefgT/shCteraoFsbisewlldiassy,h.wHheticchhonemtimenrugeesdianws aitthshtCaefMf MasL- other former British colo in 1971. 1972 “I was thrilled as I tGEcloPeerIrspt.irosTurhfdaoetHyriomacncrola.oenoluOxwtliyvnlpwebudiarnoerindcrttsheodedteroaeeipnnrtnomdresagrpxvayotuebtlfbeetmaelydiCnnsohdaionnysanvenadiiagssooirntttstohr,mhtneyEoeri-dsp3sri0aoontnfiid--t aries in parts of the 7 world.”

1976 Sam Robinson of CMML asks Dr. Harlow to write bi-monthly editorials for Missions magazine. 1981 Bill Letkeman, formerly involved with Litera- ture Crusades and former missionary to South America, joins the ministry fulltime. Alma Turn- bull joins EPI as a fulltime typesetter and continues until her home call in 2019. 1983 The Harlows travel to Nyankunde Mission Station in Africa to train national believers to use the new computerized typesetting equip- ment. Everyday Publications reaches a milestone: 1,000,000 titles distributed (1964-1983). Don MacMullen, former volunteer for the1984 ministry, joins the board and becomesVice-Pres- ident the following year.1985 1987 William (Bill) Letkeman is appointed as Office Administrator to allow the Har- lows more time for writing. Sara Townsend, another former Literature Cru- CT PHOTOS OF THE BOARDsadesveteran(1972-1976),joinsEverydayPub- lications to oversee the Spanish translation work. 1988 Dr Ed Harlow celebrates will wo at k done in God’s wayhis 80th birthday and publishes his 50th title. 8 er lack God’s supply.”

Dr. Harlow’s sudden heart attack slows the 1989 WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH work, but three more Harlow titles are published that year. Gertrud Harlow completes the 1,200- page typesetting of Bill MacDonald’s Believer’s Bible Commentary – New Testament. Within six years of his heart attack, Dr Harlow 1994 publishes another six titles, including his longest book to date: John, A Commentary (384 pages). He steps down as President of the EPI Corpora- tion; Patrick Long assumes the presidency. Gertrud Harlow undertakes the complete revi-1995 sion of the Congo Swahili Bible and includes OARD, SPANNING THE YEtheScofieldNotesinthesamelanguage. Following double hip surgery, Gertrud Harlow1996 and Doris Pitman complete the typesetting of the Chokwe Bible. l work, uniquely committed to lite Dr. Harlow suffers a stroke while preaching in1997 ature work, and determined to dFlorida. After weeks in hospital and therapy, he completes two more titles for publication: pend wholly on the Lord. ThMenandAngelsandWordsofChrist. e board is Christ-centered and f Dr. Ed Harlow celebrates his 90th birthday. t cused on the distribution of quali“Ministry takes place when divine resources 1998 meet human needs literature that will “fee I literature,through loving channels for the glory of God.” 9 , His sheep!”(W. Wiersbe) e

uoarnsyeedaIrscinwohuthilleed sebhiaescekmldtoeyrTlyormonottohefro.rThtheenseaxkteboigf cations was incorporated. I was thrilled as I could see my anding beyodnedvetlhopement in our life, he jok- ministry expanding beyond the ouCgohtnEgdoandto inmglyanblyamed on ME! borders of Congo to many oifs tsheerviwceoarsld. A NEW WORK: EPI other parts of the world. . We had the In 1994, Ed’s resignation as literature for As we spoke together one day president of EPI was finally ac- Ed and I cepted (after 6 previous at- in Frostp dm’isssiornesfieigldn, atiaobnoutatshe new Congo Swahili of chron sEamPIe wAfraicsanfinaBllibylea, cIP-amtreicnktioLonnegd sttheapts tdhoewsen as President; tDeomnpts), but he continued on2000/01 Ed’s Hom eearrgeen6.cIenipnsproieutevr ioupbelsaliinevatehtfMroe-sraOmhcM.aaTld.luyEtlnoedloeletnhcabtenoebmdoedc.ktoosHImtethhoeitasshepdeixnon-stbeitreioimen niPnr2“e0ss0ind1eo.nHwtetLuchonobentriid-rlbdoascra”dlleodf directors until the to move him Home in year-rou live here dtLaodpnhrroideretp’hesaeccrr.ectooodOnmruutss-rinuuneaaetsaidkcsleyotdmoEhntmtnehignaeluitns,ehtsiaf,trioohwynefsoeouFwrncvlrdeehoGrierInseottnttrophaneinssriwsicocslraaiopttimneeaf,ciatFylla(o2r0riai2d2,)a. b, ubtMhme,icsaarar9arci5ufehttdshe2earb0li0mrt3ho,dsftaivy3.e9Wdyeaeyahsrasd.bebfeoerne to the faithfulne dsheehpim– FeeHd omit einto iSnwahiliE. Odf’csoHurosemtheatciasll, the Lord led me ued to s nl, i2sf,i1vm:1ey5-db1u7ar)-y. s bwTheheafsoterIEesPhiImadphleetbaoedEeqnnmugalhoristinehvrtseinbgmotooakvts.ePsatrok Poofrtthe Palms literature hndgabye.liWeveershadwobueldeCnoallbsoornypeer,owavriet-hrtouhseuegnfuednl e.rionIuhs aasvsisetabnceeen able to2002 mobility has been othsetm39in ytheears.other foofrLmeseterlriBSvhrieotiashlhtse.croeloinniedse. pendently, thanks all the w thrilled as I to the Lord’s goodness and TO my ministry ng beyond the HmaernodleddufaatneoidtdthhBefatuworblonrMskeeaoscrfsDvE,PoeIua. TgtnhahedlelMaIraLechcoDoaormuvd--ethcmBueruoeostnn.tuthCaigennahdpm-awibnloiesmtrayenndofhcEaoPvmIecmjooniitnttieendd- “...behold, a rs of Congo to galls mloitvee rtaotPuorret Cionlbsoprnieteino2f00m3,y ltihme iwteodrk of publishing Bible sat on the th r parts of the around the where Hmaroolbd imliatnya.geHs aollwpringtiongoadndthsetuLdyormdaterials in five lan- world.” guages, and sending books to 2003 distribuhtioansinbperiennt s.hoTpruanlyd BHareb phroa-s vides cuastlolmthereserwvicaey. . loevdersmeaes missionaries free of charge as the Lord provides. As 2017 begins, over 4 million stry of EPI contin- books have been distributed. e and committeDdr. Ed Harlow passes 5 omen have4 joineidnto the presence of f publishing Bibltoehf ehiLso9r5dthfivbeirdthadysays.hort rials in five lan- sending books 2006 to 80,00T0 OCoGnEgoTSHwEahRiliABGibAleIsNare ssionaries free oNfearly ghiensL, oorvderp4romviidllieosns.hippeds“.a.t.tobotenhhetohCledon,thagrotoh.nreo.n..e.asnedt in heaven, and One there was a rainbow been distributed. Close toar1o0u0n,d00th0eCtohnrognoeS..w.” a(RheilviealantdioFnre4n:2ch-3). Bible study courses are shipped to Bunia, DRC. 2007 Bill5Letkeman resigns as Executive Director; Mark Beach is appointed in his place. Noel Bondt is commended to the Lord’s work at EPI where he oversees the growing technology needs of the ministry and manages the warehouse. Mark Noel 10

Q: What has driven you to continue to A: “Our funerals! Weeping has work so diligently all these years when been replaced with singing. We CONGOGERTRUD:ObeyingwhatIfeelistheLordO'sver 81,000 bookbsuatrneowsh,iwpepseidngt!o”Angola. most would have stopped some time ago? used to wail all night and all day will for me, and experiencing His en- 2008 2008 WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH abling and blessing throughout the yearGse. rtrud Harlow wQo:rWkshawt ditrhiveMs eperotple to the assemblies? FACTS:It's HIS work, and I am only HIS handmaiarden,vdisJiaonneoWf tohlceoCtotntogocoSmwpalheitlieBaibfulel.l purchased by HIS precious blood. This is a two-yeaAr:p“rWoejeasckte.d the people. They said, ‘You are serious about Bible study. When we go to other churches, people will preach from their own minds. But they don’t open the Bible’.” 2009 TRUE STORY: “Wehadstartedasmallassem- sAhnipapdeddititoonNalo2rt0h,e0a0bsl0yt CCaoobnonuggtoo4. 5Swpeaohplieli. BWiebalerrsivaerde in our Em- Q: What has drivmseeacnntuwelyaCsoomguamthutenoritiyncgtroudconkwtwniintthhueBeirboleatsd.oA–nwothheenr mwoorsoCkovtenwsrg1ooo2uS0dwl,id0al0ihhg0ilaiebvBnoeibtoltnlksehyestsevoyaeaarrpnselladlpeswfhehtti.ywhdpWmepeseenhsodwabe.dmoenoBytekiebfsrtlaeotiosmmrts–a4el5ltwihnapeeghgyoeopclan?emteo2012 and 120 that day.” GERBTrRiaUnD:COrebtenyeiyngiswcohmamt Ienfdeeedl itso tEhveerLydoaryd's 2013 willPufboltriycapmteioseent,stiwngah,enardendheevixdovepeoerdsreeievesenlcorcpeiamntievgnet.dHeissigne, n- t is marvellous in our eyes. (Psalm 118:2a3b) ling and blessing“Tthherwoaurghahdoaulmtotsht edeysteroayresd.our faith. Then the Bibl UD HARLOW It's HIS work, and I am only HIS handmaid, 2016 THE YEARS: purchased by HA(4In7So,t2ph5er0re)cissihoseiupnmst teobnltthoeooCdfo.nBgoib.les ng 68 Years ks 86 Translated hor 20 Titles HILI LITERATURE 11 THE YEARS:

2017 Gertrud Harlow, still working on the sgWeoreovldal ndaton.ndMef,ta.2it5h:f1ul Congo Swahili translation of the Believer’s Bible Commentary – New Testament, goes home to be with the Lord.The workers she trained in the Congo continue the work. 2019 EPI signs agreement to write the Year 1 curriculum for School Mini- 2020 stries Inc., a released time program in the USA. The curriculum is developed, printed and shipped 2021 by EPI in 2020. Everyday Publications agrees to print and ship books for Rock International.They co-publish their first title, Dive In, with Nate Bramsen. Mark Beach retires as Executive Director; Terry Wilson is appointed. A joint publishing agreement is formed with Uplook Ministries to publish Jabe Nicholson titles. School Ministries signs the agree- ment for EPI to develop and print the Year 2 curriculum. Rex Trogdon, former missionary to the Congo, begins his2022 Congo Swahili and English video series of devotional com- mentaries on John’s gospel. Bob Watt, former missionary to the Congo, proofs the ongoing translation of the Be- liever’s Bible Commentary in Congo Swahili. Both also serve on EPI’s board. Printing is undertaken to ship over 250,000 Bibles, hymnbooks, commentaries, and Bible study materials to Congo and 12 Zambia. Milestone: 6,000,000+ titles printed and shipped since 1964.

ED &THGEELROTRDRUATDWHOARRK:LOW WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL In 1934, Ed and Marg Harlow were deeply burdened for the Lord’s work in Central Africa. In 1935, they arrived at Nyankunde Mission Station and were immediately involved in running both Boys and Girls Bible Schools. This burden for the lost would become the seed that launched many other ministries that continue even today. They returned to Canada in 1941 to lead the new Emmaus Bible School. Sadly, Marg was diagnosed with cancer and in 1963 went home to be with the Lord.Their joint legacy continues. Later, Dr. Harlow married Gertrud Koppel and the work of Everyday Publications was born out of their commitment to producing simplified resources for new believers. Earned PhD in Education. He OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION and his wife, Marg: Commended aEnstdaEbSrleSnirseivhereevTddeadatEhsBoaPnSmrwtehsiinetidhTbeoJonoratohrnundntSuotmniilnta1ilr19t19594871.0. . to the work in the Congo. Established children’s work. boJCarroiudnseamuddenettsmhiilbene1rb19oa97an60r.d5d.ioSnfsetLrirvtueecrdtaoatrsure EmTmaEatsuthsaabalmi.msTbhraeasdvseEalCdeSodrtwiuhtnehtilwSo1rm9la5drt8a.sandCongo Missionary Literature • 1935-41 • Emmaus Crusades Bible School Orientation Trainer Founder • 1965-66 • • 1941 • ED HARLOW EpHPuIabrilsliosfhwoeuitdnnr.adtEonedsdCwlo:arFntiietgressostm/SbGwaoenaoryhtkribuliodoks Everyday The Fields Emmaus WORLDWIDE REACH Publications Executive Correspondence Secretary School Founder Founder (CMML) • 1964 • • 1959-71• • 1942 • Executive Secretary until 1966. Helped guide through the merger of four mission organizations under the CMML name. 13

GERTRUD HARLOW and the D. R. Congo Gertrud HarlowA BLE ORY, AGertrud moved to (Koppel) was deeply TNyankunde as a trans- impacted by her lator and worked alongside Bill Deans father’s decision to who had guided Ed leave Germany in 1933 for Switzer- and Marg Harlow in their early days in the land, and then on to BlEatfeierl,d.GeSretvruerdal years Canada. and a OND YO SED team of translators devel- In her words, “The Lord in His oped guidelines for translation mercy and grace saved me from the standards before beginning gas chambers in the 1930s. Later their work on the first Congo He allowed me to hear the gospel, Swahili Bible. This project and He saved my soul. I sought to took ten years to complete, live for Him and His glory. If there with Gertrud translating more is anything worthwhile in my life, it than two-thirds of the Old is all of Him, not of me.” Testament on her own. By Saved in 1943, Gertrud began 1963 she had also completed studying Emmaus courses the first general hymnbook through the Emmaus Day and worship hymnal. Many School, eventually moving to doubted that Africans could Chicago as an Emmaus em- study by correspondence, but ployee. Then in 1948 she was Dr. Harlow was convinced commended to missionary they could. At his urging, Ger- work in the Congo. She com- trud translated the first Afri- mented later, “It’s amazing to can course into Swahili. The me that the elders even con- response was immediate. By sidered commending me, just 1963, she had translated 15 five years after I was saved, Emmaus courses into Swahili. without a Christian back- Dr. Ed Harlow said of her, ground. But they did it — and “She is the best Swahili lin- off I went!” guist I know.” 14

In 1964 Gertrud returned to Gertrud authored or co-au- WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH NinogrtDhrA. mHeaArrilcoaNw, laOwtehTrosmEeafrOirrysN-t BEtdhiHtoiorAend,LshwFeitthrOanoFstlah.te.e.rds.86Inboaodks- wife had died of cancer. Ger- herself. trud was still burdened for the believers in the Congo. They In 1995, she worked on the re- now had a Bible and hymn- vision of the Congo Swahili books in their own language, Bible, this time including the but no commentaries to help Scofield Notes. In 2008, the S them understand what they Bible underwent another BPw“wRGyeoEr:ueeSrlDIdtrDreOuElaiNdkdNe,iTnwtgMo.itDhsaerc.eGMHaoUadcr’LolsomLwhEemslNapei,ndI-, mpraejcoiartrioenvisfioornt,hleemd by Gertrud Hcoanrtlinouwedantod gMroewrt and Jane tary in simple English for Wovoelrcotthte. Dyeuarrsin! gI this time, everdyid bnootokknoowf EltishaebetBhiEbllleio.”t or NBttoeaholafewegechlwyaheioeytwvhaTsoeeltgesrhtrsooh’etsteaarsBan’ymtsdakilbearicctnuloekeegtnmdohCjpopueowyotadrenmotdyiromkn– f“iGniosGAhoemder,tya”rucCdhshaHbremaorroilecokphw,ali.Iee’ldl,l.btr“uAatnsIsylakontueew GtheerStwruadhicliolanntginuuagede. this trans- Eitacihntoof tShwesaehwilio.m” eBnehfoadrea tghreeat lation work right up until she leonvde foorfth1e9p6e4o,pltehtehefyirwsterceocmall-ed wFoars3c3aylleeadrsH, Iohmavee ibnee2n01p7riv. iSlehgeed tmo esnertvaer,y,anSdtathrteyofinfltuheencReadcem–any htoadbecopmarpt loeftetdhethLeorMd’ascwDoornk -at pSetuodpieles airnouGndentehseisw, ohrladd. ThbeeeLnord atTcsELhellovoedrterdaodrruaycu’lsydypog,wamhsysboottmyarPhmktueeeDeabndbnrloi.todcaftaoarHhttnkyiaheodtoenawfslEtMo.lrHPauTrtIslnhhed.ebswelprHabarewtsyaoworlavalrstoiywsdh.wees sLhvllwiiaoaascrnshnraiddttemtt.isdoewuG.nnhloetAa,sirmpvttnwlrerieuedaanddbnssHetsoslheolaaaenEurtltwonevhrwdeocearhra,tkiycseamdhodinnaefaddytbnthhyyePpfeostuuteshrhbbaisotms--ehuree-- tfohraitt! GWehretnruHde shtoapdpetrdapinroevdidiinng, chluasssbaasntdh-easnedh-ewroifineesteoaf mth!e fBaiyth. tthhee mCionnisgtroy hwaovueldtaskteonp.uTphethLaotrd 1992, the entire commentary whaosrk,pwrohviicdhedwefporrayanadnd gtrrueasttly IiwmsceheeroariareveseessDownrtse.ahovsaalendcnrdoommuM2tepr0ftsol.etrwHttbehoa,oeriolpnoLkeowcoslr.udpMd’lteshiynswaegatrhpvo-- webmwnlieoiltdsrlmsdobeesfdenot2tcfht0ooiH2smH2uwdp.imoslemo.tnHaenoTawaarynoltdoruurnh:eed“arGrtceohodtemh’es- THE REASON BEHIND IT ALL: TO PROVIDE SHEEP FOOD FOR THE CONGOLESE BELIEVERS 6 15

Everyday Bible Commentary Series In the early 1950s, the Harlows took a two-year leave of absence to promote the Emmaus courses around the world, including in their be- loved Congo. They rejoiced to see the steady growth of believers there, but the Harlows were troubled that the believers had so few resources in their own language. Most of them had limited English and struggled to understand the more difficult textbooks from the West. The solution was the development of a simplified English known as Everyday English. Everyday English was developed by Dr. Harlow who was eager to find an effective method of presenting complex doctrinal concepts in a simple-to- read, easy-to-understand format.The Harlows immediately began writing materials in Everyday English, using short, uncluttered sentences and simpler words. As an educator, Dr. Harlow found that Everyday English made concepts easy to understand and also fa- cilitated translation into other languages. As new resources were developed in Everyday English, they were quickly translated into Swahili and a number of other lan- guages. The Everyday Bible Commentary series covers every book of the Bible.They are not only suitable for the average reader, but also for those who are younger, who are new to the faith, or who speak English as a second language. The accompanying test booklets also make these suitable as correspondence courses or for group Bible studies. 16

EMM—ADN.URE. LCOCNOMGOMU—NITY WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH Emmanuel Community is a Emmanuel Community is led not-for-profit faith organiza- by a President, who is assisted tion registered in the Demo- by two deputy Presidents. cratic Republic of the Congo Currently the organization (DRC). This association was has over 300 assemblies with begun by missionaries from about 60,500 members. Christian Mis- These as- sions in Many semblies are Lands (CMML) grouped into from the United districts which States of Amer- are each man- ica. These mis- aged by a Pres- sionaries were ident and his joined later by deputy. At pres- others from Ca- ent, CE-39 has nada, Germany, Switzerland, 15 districts, as well as 14 au- United Kingdom, Japan, Aus- tonomous assemblies. CE-39 tralia, and New Zealand. Em- also operates Emmanuel Bible manuel Community earned School in Nyankunde. This its civil personality by the school trains God’s servants, Royal Decree of 13 January both men and women, and is 1928 under the name Em- a framework par excellence manuel Mission. This was re- where the unity of CE-39 is named Emmanuel clearly noticeable. The school Community (Communauté welcomes candidates from Emmanuel – CE-39) in 1997. various ethnic groups in the Their headquarters was ini- region and beyond. It has two tially located in Nyankunde programs, one in French and but later moved to Bunia, one in Swahili. The Swahili about 45 kms (28 miles) away program leads to a certificate, and the capital of Ituri prov- whereas the French program ince, because of ongoing po- leads to a diploma. CE-39 litical unrest and wars which also manages over 250 schools affected the mission station. at nursery, primary, and sec- 17

ondary levels, spanning two faithfully training the next provinces of Eastern Congo. generation of African leaders Emmanuel Community also to continue the work. Today runs hospitals and health the work is run almost entirely centers in the provinces of by Congolese believers, and Ituri and Nord-Kivu. The first despite terrible hardships and health facility in CE-39, a dis- atrocities, they have endured, pensary, was established in the work has continued to Nyankunde in 1945 by Dr. grow, and many thousands Carl Becker, at the invitation have put their trust in Christ. of Mr. Bill Deans. In 1953, A great number of new as- this dispensary became Taraja semblies have been planted Hospital, with Canadian mis- with new leaders being trained sionary Miss Pearl Winter- and nurtured. burn as Head Nurse. CE-39 Of course, many have had to currently owns and manages flee the country because of 35 health structures, including conflict, violence, and food in- 4 general reference hospitals security. The attached map for the 4 health zones (Itendey, from the UN is one of the Lolwa, Komanda, Rwam- most up-to-date showing the para), 2 hospitals, 3 reference Congolese dispersion. People health centers, 20 health have fled east to Kenya, centers, 5 health posts, and 1 Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, medical institute. and Tanzania. Others have gone west to Angola, or south Expansion into Zambia, Malawi, Zimba- Through Dispersion bwe, or even into southern Af- rica. The remarkable story is EPI puhe DR Congo has ex- that these Congolese believers perienced almost constant have carried their faith and conflict for decades. In the their Bibles with them right early 1990s, many mission- into the refugee camps of aries were evacuated from the these various countries. In country and have been unable Uganda, which has the largest to return. We praise the Lord number of Congolese in refu- that the missionaries had been gee camps, 13 new assemblies 18 have been planted. We are working with the main Congo

Swahili assembly in Kampala We are now sending materials WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH to furnish these new works into Rwanda, Zambia, Ma- with Gospels of John, New lawi ,and Zimbabwe to sup- Testaments, and eventually port the work in those places. Bibles. In Burundi, a new as- Please pray for these believers sembly has begun in one who are faithfully carrying the camp, and another is request- gospel with them even in the ing help to start a new work. most difficult circumstances. 19

EMMANUEL COMMUNITY (CE-39): Vision, Mission & Objectives VISION: To make every man perfect in Jesus Christ (Col 1:28). MISSION: To evangelize through evangelization cam- paigns, radio broadcasts, Christian literature, our various structures including the teaching and health structures. OBJECTIVES: • To exhort all people to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior • To instruct all humans to live in godliness • To provide care to the whole person • To raise awareness among humans for responsible self-care • To take care of the environment KEY PRAYER ITEMS: • To pursue the outreach ministry through evangelism cam- paigns, through our schools, through our hospitals, clinics, and health centers, etc. • To pursue making disciples who are able to testify through their lives and service. • To make CE-39 mission stations shining centers for evan- gelism and discipleship. 20

CONGO SWAHILI WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH Literature Projects Every few years, we print and ship Congo Swahili Bibles to Central Africa, primarily the DR Congo. We reach out to other assembly ministries, encouraging them to join in our order so print and shipping costs can be reduced for all. Here are some of the partners we worked with in 2022: EMMANUEL land who support the work of COMMUNITY the CDLA in Lubumbashi. They (CE-39) – serves serve over 1,000 assemblies in nearly 300 as- the Katanga province. Ruth Wil- semblies in 15 districts in two lenbrecht, a commended mis- provinces of Northeast Congo. sionary from Kiel, Germany, Their order included 45,000 added to their order. CDLA or- Bibles, 45,000 hymnbooks, and dered 10,000 Bibles and Ruth 5,000 MacDonald commen- Willenbrecht 3,000 Bibles. taries. OPAL TRUST UK – OPAL stands ALL NATIONS for Overseas Printing and Litera- FOUNDATION – ture and is an assembly-based is an assembly- ministry in Scotland similar to based literature ours.They produce and ship ma- and Bible teaching ministry terials all over the world for as- based in the Netherlands. Their sembly missionaries and order included 20,000 Bibles ministries. They ordered 12,000 and 5,000 MacDonald commen- Bibles to be shipped to Chingola, taries. Zambia. GC3/CDLA – GC3 is an assembly mission group from New Zea- 21

CONTAINER ROUTES From Shop to Ship to Sheep The materials were shipped by container from Minsk, Belarus, through the North Sea, through the Mediterranean, and down through the Suez Canal to the Indian Ocean. The containers were then offloaded in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, then shipped by road to their destinations. See the map below for the trucking routes. Many of these roads are extremely dangerous, so the trucking companies must hire additional security to protect the cargo. We praise the Lord that these consignments arrived safely at their destinations. 22

ARRIVAL OF CONTAINERS WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH Un-contain-able Joy! Many believers lost their Bibles, their most valuable possession, when their homes were destroyed or when they were forced to flee. This, along with the COVID upheaval, left them without Bibles for nearly two years. Imagine their joy when Bibles arrived, along with Congo Swahili hymnbooks and commentaries! In addition to the Bibles, hymnbooks, and Congo Swahili Be- liever’s Bible Commentaries, we also received Congo Swahili New Testaments and Gospels of John from Revival Movement, North- ern Ireland. “They need not go tahwe(Mmatyaos;totyemao14ute.:t”1gh6ii)vneg 23

BYSSEERRVIVNIGNTGHEOLTOHRDERS One of our greatest joys is to come alongside other minstries around the world and help them pursue their mission. For example... EMMANUEL CHURCH, UGANDA: Conflict in the DRC has forced many Congolese to flee their homes and take refuge in neighboring countries. We have had contact with a group of 14 Congolese assemblies in Uganda, thirteen of which are in ref- ugee camps. This past year, the main assembly in Kampala reg- istered with the government as Emmanuel Church Kampala. We have supplied them with Congo Swahili Gospels of John and New Testaments. These are being used as part of an evangelistic outreach in Uganda. 24

BIBLE MSC CA- WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH SCHOOL, NADA: In LIBERIA: addition to regular support re- CMML ceived through MSC Canada, missionary we also partner with them to Lucas Rich- send materials to Zambia via ard in Liberia has established their ACCTS containers. a new Bible School in Gola to Many missionaries in Zambia train those who will work in and Southern Congo make rural areas. The school is use of this service to receive using Everyday Publications’ books to help in their work. resources as their curriculum. This includes the CMML Dis- tribution Center at Musenga The pilot Mission in Chingola. program CMML: Many began in of our field part- October ners are US mis- 2022 and sionaries who receive help and will even- support through CMML. The tually be CMML team has assisted us a full pro- financially to provide re- gram. From Lucas: “A pallet sources for these missionaries of Everyday Publications’ at low or no cost. We are Bible study courses and study grateful for this partnership of Bibles for the TIM Bible many years. School — this is the second of BES (BIBLE- two shipments of EPI courses TIME): Bible we've received from Everyday Education Services Publications, very generously, is an assembly-based ministry at minimal cost to TIM. headquartered in Enniskillen, Praise The LORD!” Northern Ireland. For over 60 years they have produced a doctrinally-sound, gospel-fo- cused children’s Sunday school curriculum. Their ma- terials have been translated 25

into over 50 languages world- Publications and Uplook have wide. We are currently trans- co-published devotional books lating these materials into written by Jabe Nicholson Congo Swahili and hope to which include Seed Thoughts, have them completed in 2023. a devotional book for soul- winners, Christ All and In All, REVIVAL a devotional focused on the M OV E - person of the Lord Jesus MENT: Christ, and Petition Mission, a This ministry commenced an devotional on the prayers of evangelistic program in North- the Bible. ern Ireland in 1960 to reach each home with a printed gos- ROCK Inter- pel message. This was the com- national was mencement of Every Home founded in Crusade. In 1978 they pur- 2006 by Nate Bramsen who chased their own printing was working with street kids in equipment and moved beyond Egypt. The main mission of Northern Ireland to print for ROCK is to provide relief, op- various ministries around the portunity, and care for children world. Last year they produced who are abused and neglected. 84 million pieces of literature Their second priority is devel- in over 95 languages. They oping multi-language materials graciously provided us with to point people to the Lord Congo Swahili Gospels of Jesus Christ and to help them John and New Testaments for grow in their faith. We were use in the DR Congo and pleased to co-publish a Nate Uganda. Bramsen title called Dive In, A Hands-on Approach to Study- UPLOOK UPLOOK ing the Bible for Yourself. We MINI- also print and distribute several M I N I S T R I E S STRIES: Paul Bramsen titles for ROCK, Originally launched in 1927 as including Way of Salvation in Look unto the Fields, it was English and French. later renamed later Uplook. ELDER’S Today Uplook develops both SHOP- print and digital resources for NOTES: evangelism, discipleship, and Starting as a series of biblical spiritual growth. Everyday 26

leadership seminars, these bite- prisons. In addition, we pro- WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH sized articles have been de- vide topical resources which signed to provide practical help are used to reinforce learning for those involved in leadership and help train and equip in local churches. Everyday graders. Both Emmaus and Publications has now published EPI were founded by Dr. R.E. a five-volume series of books Harlow, so we have a long his- of these collected articles cov- tory of working together. ering themes such as Biblical Foundations, Leadership Qual- NEW ities, Leadership Principles, LIFE Practical Ministry, and En- PRISON MINISTRIES: couragement for Leaders’ Gerrit and Susan Blok began Wives. to visit inmates in 1980 to pro- vide follow-up and spiritual EMMAUS help. In 1982, they began to WORLD- send correspondence courses WIDE is the headquarters of into the prisons to point people the Emmaus Correspondence to the Lord Jesus Christ, to Schools from around the counsel those who made pro- world. Everyday Publications fessions of faith, and to help works with the directors of strengthen believers in their Emmaus in several countries in walk in the Lord. We print Africa and South America who many of their courses for them have included many of our and also supply Everyday Bible Bible study courses in their cur- Commentary courses for their riculums, including in the local students. New Partnerships CHAPA SERVE (BEREAN MINI- STRIES): Judd Kile was born in the DR Congo to missionary parents. He was trained as a printer in the US and returned to serve in the DR Congo. Today they provide print- ing and print support primarily in the DRC. They recently printed a waterproof Congo Swahili New Testament. 27

CDLA (CENTRE DE DÉ- OM (OPERA- VELOPPEMENT DES TION MOBI- LEADERS CHRÉTIENS LIZATION) AUTOCHTONES): CDLA CANADA: is an indigenous charitable OM’s role in the trust set up to assist local body of Christ is to motivate, churches in the DR Congo. develop, and equip people for They are headquartered in world evangelization, and to Lumbumbashi and serve over strengthen and help plant 1,000 assemblies in the Ka- churches, especially among tanga province. They focus on the least reached. They re- evangelism, Bible teaching, cently asked us to print some and leadership development. Afghan resources: What is They are also involved in Christianity? (Farsi and Dari); medical work and translation. The Gospel of Luke (Dari). At the present, they are trans- BIBLICAL ELDERSHIP lating the BES Bibletime cur- RESOURCES: This mini- riculum into Congo Swahili. stry exists to make Bible-cen- tered resources and training GLOBAL available to local churches for CONNEC- the purpose of equipping eld- TIONS IN ers, deacons, and other MISSION: leaders to model spiritual ma- This assembly mission group turity, provide spiritual leader- from New Zealand continues ship, and cultivate both of to play an important role in these in others. We print sev- guiding and assisting the eral of their resources, as well growth of CDLA. Some as hosting Spiritual Maturity major funding for new proj- on our website. ects in the Katanga province continues, but they have been encouraging the CDLA to- ward self-sufficiency. We con- tinue to have discussions about supplying additional Congo Swahili resources to the areas in the DRC that they serve. 28

FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS: WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH Truth for Youth SCHOOL MINISTRIES: Begun in 1991, School Ministries has assisted Christians across the U.S. to start, sustain, and grow Released Time Bible Education (RTBE) programs. RTBE allows public school students to spend part of their school day studying the Bible, not just academ- ically, but devotionally. ReleasedTime is the only legal means to teach the Bible's content and life application in the time between the first and last bell. Several years ago, Everyday Publications was asked to create the middle school curriculum for their members.Year 1 (God’s Rescue Mission) has been launched, and Year 2 (Co-Mission Pos- sible) is currently being tested by a select group of teachers. GOD’S RESCUE MISSION VIDEO SERIES: In response to lockdowns and restrictions on public gatherings at camps, Vacation Bible Schools, and Sunday schools in the past few years, we created a biblically sound, gospel-focused, five-lesson video series for young people based on the God’s Rescue Mission material. These videos created by Brian Cretney featured five gifted brothers. We received several reports of young people making a profession of faith and of others growing in their spiritual walk. One group showed the videos to over 2,000 young people.To watch these FREE videos, visit: CAMP MATERIALS: Over the years, many resources have been developed for camp ministries. One of the most popular is a series of daily devotionals called The Looking Glass. This is a five-volume series written by the senior staff of Camp Mini-Yo-We.These can be used by camp counselors during camp, but also make a won- derful prize for campers to encourage them in theWord of God throughout the year. Dive In, by Nate Bramsen, is another good camp resource to encourage young people to study the Word of God for themselves. 29

FEEDING THE SHEEP: Some of Our Assembly Writers TOPICAL STUDIES • PETER KERR – Peter and his wife, Dorothy, moved to Canada in 1988 from South Africa. They were blessed with eight children, one of whom is already in heaven. Peter was on staff as a lecturer at Kawartha Lakes Bible College, Peterborough, ON, from 1990–2005, and as adjunct faculty until 2013. In 2005 they relocated to northern Ontario to assist the smaller assemblies in the region. He is the author of Election and Predestination: Looking for Answers not Arguments. • J B NICHOLSON – Canadian-born, Jabe has traveled extensively, teaching and preaching the Word of God. He and his wife, Louise, who are blessed with seven children and a passel of grand- children, now make their home in Starkville, Mis- sissippi. Having been involved in Christian publishing for many years, Jabe has authored numerous articles and served as editor of the Choice Gleanings Calendar and Uplook Magazine. He has also authored many books, including three devotionals: Seed Thoughts, Christ All and In All, and Pe- tition Mission. • WARREN HENDERSON – Warren Hender- son was an aerospace engineer until he and his wife, Brenda, were commended in 1998 to the Lord’s work by Believers’ Bible Chapel in Rockford, Illinois. Warren is an itinerant Bible teacher and is 30

involved in family counseling, writing, evangelism, and church WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH planting. EPI distributes his book Knowing the All-Knowing. • RANDY AMOS – In 1980, Randy was com- mended to preach the Word of God as an itinerant preacher. For more than 35 years, he continued his preaching and writing ministry at home and abroad. He and his wife, Sylvia, lived in Oregon City, Oregon. Randy Amos went Home to be with the Lord in 2020. He is the author of titles such as The Church and What is the Christian Faith? • BILL YUILLE – William Yuille was born in Hamilton, Scotland, and educated at the Univer- sity of Glasgow, graduating with honors with a Bachelor of Science degree. Now living in Mark- ham, Ontario, with his wife, Naomi, Mr. Yuille served with the Ontario Hydro Commission in an administrative capacity. He is also a church elder, Bible teacher, and conference speaker. As president of MSC Canada Inc., he served missionaries in fifty countries. Some of his titles include God in Us and The Faith that Saves: James. • NATE BRAMSEN – Nate serves with ROCK International in the capacity of Executive Director. In 2018, he married Priyanka Mathews (now Bramsen) of Houston, Texas, and today carries out a global itinerant speaking schedule, internet mini- stries, and helps oversee international missional en- deavors. He and Priyanka share a vision to see this younger generation mobilized among the unreached. His book Dive In: A Hands-On Guide to Studying the Bible for Yourself is now being trans- lated into Spanish and German. Visit 31

• CHUCK GIANOTTI AND JACK SPENDER Chuck Gianotti is an elder, teacher, team member of Biblical Eldership Resources, author, itinerant preacher, husband of the love of his life, Mary, father of two grown children, grandfather, canoe- ing aficionado, outdoor enthusiast, and wood- worker. Jack Spender and his wife, Ruth, have been serving full time in the Lord’s work since 1972. Jack’s main efforts have been in planting new as- semblies, Bible teaching, discipleship, and leader- ship training. They live in Bethany, Connecticut. They have co-written the five-volume Elders’ Shop- Notes series. Pictures: Chuck, top left. Jack, above. • BRIAN CRETNEY – Brian and Jackie Cretney were commended to the grace of God on Sep- tember 8, 2013, by Brockview Bible Chapel (St. Catharines, ON), where Brian also serves as an elder. His main duties at EPI include typesetting, design, and marketing. Before coming to EPI, Brian was an elementary school teacher for 13 years. Brian and Jackie have four children. BIBLE STUDIES • R.E. HARLOW, a long-time commended worker, went to be with the Lord on March 10, 2003, five days short of his 95th birthday. He was co-founder of Emmaus Bible College, now located in Dubuque, Iowa, and co-founder with his wife Gertrud of Everyday Publications, Inc., in Port Colborne, ON. Dr. Harlow wrote more than fifty books, including Come and Dine: New Testament Readings for Every Day (1976). His Can We Know God? (1958) was the first of his series of books written in simple Everyday English. It has sold some 500,000 copies in more than a dozen languages. A native of Toronto, Dr. Harlow was also a missionary in the Belgian Congo. 32

• GERTRUD (KOPPEL) HARLOW was a mis- WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH sionary for 14 years in the Belgian Congo, involved primarily in literature and translation work, before her marriage to Dr. Harlow. She continued in the work, revising Congo Swahili books and typesetting new French titles, until the Lord took her Home in 2017. • ROBERT HENRY SYKES was born in Mich- igan and served in the business world for many years. He and his wife, Wilma, were commissioned by their home church in Grand Rapids for mission- ary work in Angola. After returning to the U.S., he spent years teaching and writing simple Bible commentaries until his Homecall in 2014. BIBLE COMMENTARIES • WILLIAM MACDONALD (January 7, 1917 - December 25, 2007) authored over 80 books deal- ing with subjects such as evangelism and disciple- ship, church life, marital relations, as well as a best-selling Bible commentary. While pursuing a degree at Harvard (MBA), the Lord called him into Wm MacDonald the ministry. He served as President of Emmaus Bible College and also taught many classes there. He and O. Jean Gibson founded a discipleship school for young men at Fairhaven Bible Chapel in northern California. A favorite Bible teacher to many, he traveled and spoke at conferences throughout the United States and Canada. He now makes his home in Heaven. Some of his titles pub- O. Jean Gibson lished by Everyday Publications include include Kingdom Di- vided, Heaven, Only One Time Around, and 16 Men with a Message. 33

TRANSLATION WORK: Ministries To Languages Our books have been translated into more than 65 languages and shipped to more than 80 countries worldwide. This past year we have received many requests to translate our books. LEFT: Copies of What is Christianity? in Farsi and Pashto, both Iranian languages TITLES CURRENTLY BEING TRANSLATED: • Feed on the Word, by RE Harlow – Korean • The Church, by Randy Amos – Japanese • Christ All and in All, by Jabe Nicholson – Arabic • Food for New Believers, by C. Ernest Tatham – Arabic, Romanian, Eastern Armenian languages • God’s Rescue Mission, by Brian Cretney – Romanian • Election and Predestination, by Peter Kerr – German, Spanish, French • Hard Verses, by RE Harlow – Kirundi (Burundi) • Start of the Race, by RE Harlow – Kirundi (Burundi) • The Way In and the Way Out, by RE Harlow – Kirundi (Burundi) • Ephesians, by RE Harlow – Kisanga (Zambia) • From Jerusalem to Babylon, by GI Harlow – French • Matthew, by RH Sykes – French • King David, by RE Harlow – Portuguese • Dive In, by Nate Bramsen – Spanish and German • Believers Bible Commentary (NT), by William Macdonald – Congo Swahili 34

LANGUAGES SUPPORTED BY EVERYDAY PUBLICATIONS: WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH 1. Standard English 2. Everyday English – Commentaries and test booklets on every book of the Bible 3. Spanish – (North and South America, Central America and Caribbean, USA) – Com- mentaries on 40 books of the Bible 4. French (French-speaking Africa, France, Quebec) – Commentaries on 25 books of the Bible 5. Portuguese (Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Brazil) – Commentaries on 21 books of the Bible 6. Congo Swahili (Congo, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, Zambia, USA, Canada, Den- mark, Norway) – Commentaries on 58 books of the Bible These languages are all supported by Everyday Publications. We are currently in the process of developing language teams who will work to complete all Bible commen- tary, test booklets, and answers keys in each of the above languages. In addition, we will develop new resources to support missionaries and national workers in the coun- tries where these languages are used. Note: These books on both pages are presently being (or have recently been) translated into various languages. 35

FEED MY SHEEP VIDEOS (Rex Trogdon) In working with a group in Northeast weekly. These links are available on our Congo, we asked them what social media website and YouTube channel. Many in they use to reach young people. They Africa have limited access to the internet mostly use Facebook andWhatsApp, say- but are able to use WhatsApp. By saving ing that their greatest need was content these videos in a lower resolution, these in Congo Swahili. One of our board can be sent throughWhatsApp, then for- members, RexTrogdon, who had served warded them to thousands of contacts. in the Congo for many years, is fluent in We currently send these weekly videos the language. As a result, for the past to DR Congo, Uganda, Rwanda, Zambia, year Rex has been working verse by verse Botswana, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tanzania, through the Gospel of John to create and Malawi — some in Congo Swahili, two-minute videos in both Congo Swa- some in English, and some in both lan- hili and English, which we then post guages. 36

BRAND NEW these new assemblies and so WELCOME TO E.P.I. E.P.I : TIME TRAVEL OUR FOUNDERS CONGO CONNECTION WORLDWIDE REACH continue serve the Lord and Local Churches be strengthened in the faith. This year we plan, along with One of the most exciting dis- our partners, to ship 90,000 coveries of the past year was a Congo Swahili Bibles into the network of Congo Swahili as- area, as well as 20,000 New semblies in Uganda. Many Testaments. Congolese fled the violence and chaos of Northeast Congolese Leadership Team Congo, with the largest number going to Uganda. We Missionaries in neighboring recently met via Zoom with Burundi have also informed the leadership team at the us of a new Congo Swahili- assembly in Kampala, who speaking assembly in one of shared that there are 13 other assemblies in refugee camps the refugee camps throughout the country. We there, with interest in are currently praying about establishing another as- how best to ship Congo Swa- sembly in a different hili Bibles, hymnbooks, and camp. Please pray for Bible study resources to them. these believers and those who serve them. Kampala Leadership There are also com- munities of Congo Despite the terrible and dan- Swahili believers in the U.S. gerous conditions in Northeast — in California, Florida, Congo, many new assemblies Michigan, Texas, Kansas, have been established in re- Wisconsin, Tennessee, Penn- cent months. Some areas are sylvania, Illinois, North Caro- too dangerous for residents to lina, and Oregon. We return to their homes, but they continue to look for ways to have been welcomed into serve them. 37

INNOCRRETASHEDAFMOCEURS IOCNA Over the years, Everyday this in view, we are adding to Publications has commis- our current Spanish resources sioned projects to address spe- and are partnering with com- cific issues and challenges in mended workers who serve the assemblies. In some cases primarily among Spanish- these have addressed doctrinal speaking assemblies and re- issues, in others, the focus was gions. on practical Christian living. Some new translation projects We have a burden for disciple- are already in process, includ- ship and are exploring some ing a Spanish version of the additional resources for new Feed My Sheep weekly videos. believers, as well as for those We pray that these resources who are discipling others. will help equip a new genera- The U.S. is currently the fas- tion to be effective in this test-growing Spanish-speaking growing area of ministry. country in the world. With 38

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