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Home Explore Genesis_Nov 25

Genesis_Nov 25

Published by jackiecretney, 2022-11-25 14:59:43

Description: Genesis_Nov 25


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• AUTHOR’S FOREWORD • Welcome to a new series of devotional commentaries on the books of the Bible. There is no intention to duplicate the helpful work of so many who have labored hard and long to produce exhaustive scholarly works. Instead, the author’s desire is to combine, at an unhurried pace, some thoughts from the text, but adding devotional applications to exhort and encourage the reader. It has been a delight to prepare these daily Taste & See meditations and now to have them compiled, with little change, into book form. May they stir us all to greater love for our Lord. And what shall we say of our upcoming exploration through the book of Genesis? Louisa Fletcher penned the words of a poem entitled “The Land of Beginning Again.” In it, she imagines the following: I wish that there were some wonderful place Called the land of Beginning Again, Where all our mistakes and all our heartaches And all of our poor selfish grief Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door, And never put on again. If only she had heard of Genesis! Who can count all the beginnings in this book? “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen 1:1). And in doing that, He set in motion untold new beginnings! At sunset and at sunrise, David says to the Lord, we have twice-a-day new beginnings, “To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, and Your faithfulness every night” (Ps 92:2). And as surely as the sun resets our day every 24 hours, and the Lord established our weekend at Sabbath before the blessed first day of the week, so the moon gives us our monthly changes, and the earth’s tipped axis offers us the varied seasons. Then the earth, orbiting the sun, heralds each new year. We can add to that anniversaries, holy days, historic landmarks, and the passage of generations. How many new beginnings have you had?

Of course the poet was longing for something more than the changing leaves of the calendar or the falling leaves of the seasons. It was “mistakes” and “heartaches” she wanted erased. Isn’t it wonderful that God thought of this too! A Redeemer was on the way, promised in the Garden, pictured at Moriah, and prophesied by Jacob: “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to Him shall be the obedience of the people” (Gen 49:10). Praise the Lord, Shiloh, the Rest-bringer, has come—and soon He is coming again! Only through this blessed Person could we have a certain hope of the change we all desperately need: to become “a new creation” where “old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Cor 5:17). Then “the best robe” of God’s righteousness replaces the “shabby old coat” of the prodigal, and is “never put on again.” My thanks to Eunice Free, Brian Cretney, and my brother Bill for their untold hours of diligent work on this project. I lay claim to all mistakes. I also express my love and appreciation to Louise, my dear wife of almost 50 years, who encourages me at every turn to “make full proof” of my ministry. Special thanks to Whitney and Eva Reader, whose lifelong friendship and constant fellowship means so much to me. To them I dedicate this volume. To God be all the glory! Jabe Nicholson Starkville, Mississippi November 2022 Ways to read this... DEVOTIONAL COMMENTARY DEVOTIONAL COMMENTARY Read the daily Bible passage. as3far:ya8idthoefyl’iroenTsnHo—tEuaSnfrtHailOidthWeoDyf OsGhWoodNw, :luiSkpoe! mI’emfonlokst Ask the Lord to guide in your study. Ask the Lord to help you ecbdHcvartrGa“reIheleeyneehgeoneb”anzeudirGetcdanluei.oar”sgaewwrdronrel.alaciespttnRulo.GshekhdisfeWreisotmrnatodtahl3hgshmlese:oyae8emiut,dtndm“fobnaAaoieednntoyvrsdhr.rii”aegtshno“thhimcnfoItegtoienswtoawdeh?oalrvinredta“eo!hdsenTfLTtniHhHhtnEohheegriivieesnsde Read a section from learn from Him. this book of the Bible. Read the meditation. Consider the related notes in this resource. Ask the Lord to help you live this truth out today. Make notes. Repeat.

• GENESIS • GENESIS: It's a book like no other. Hurtling us back to the dawn of time and space, we look over God's shoulder as He creates the universe. We watch as He tenderly kneels, shapes His crowning creature from the dust, and gently breathes into him the breath of life. No greater love drama, no more inspiring human saga, no more exciting rescue mission, could be imagined than the one told in this book. Genesis, or “beginnings,” the first book in our Bible1, describes the origin of the universe, humanity, the work week, marriage, human rebellion and death, God’s promise of a Savior, family life, agriculture and industry, languages and the division of nations, climaxing with the selection of Abra- ham’s family as God’s special channel of blessing to the world.2 The word generations is repeated throughout the book with ten lists of ge- nealogies. The first section begins: “This is the generation of the heavens and the earth.” Earth’s earliest age, covering about 2,000 years, has three di- visions: from creation of man to the fall (chs 1–3); from the fall to the flood (chs 4 – 8:14); and from the flood to the tower of Babel (chs 8:15 – 9:9). This section concludes with a list of earth’s founding nations and their scattering at the Plains of Shinar. UNIVERSE 4000 BC 2000 BC 1500 BC DAVID 1000 BC PROPHETS 500 BC ADAM ENOCH2000 YRS 400 YRS 1600 YRS CHRIST Approx0 NOAH 3000 BC GENESIS 1 - 11 NATIONS SCATTERED AT SHINAR GENESIS 11 - MATTHEW ABRAHAM CREATION FALL FLOOD to the TIME OF THE JOSEPH to FALL to FLOOD TOWER OF BABEL PATRIARCHS MOSES (1-3) (4-8:14) (8:15-11:9) ISAAC JACOB But when the fullness of the time had come, God LIST OF UNTIL EGYPT FOUNDING sent forth His Son… NATIONS (Gal 4:4) THE REST OF THE OLD TESTAMENT: ONE MAN & HIS FAMILY THE OLD TESTAMENT AT A GLANCE Another 400 years of history follow, describing the times of the patriarchs from the call of Abram until his great-grandchildren and their families were settled in the land of Egypt. 5

That means that Abraham is not only the man in the middle of Genesis, but the man halfway through Obviously, people Old Testament history! In other words, Genesis 3 to are much more 11 covers approximately the same amount of time as important than Genesis 11 to Matthew. So although the early chapters are pivotal, God is clearly moving quickly through things, and these early events. He tells of the creation of the salvation far whole universe in a few verses, then uses the rest of more vital than the Old Testament to tell the story of one man and his creation! family. Obviously, people are much more important than things, and salvation far more vital than creation! According to He- brews 1, the universe is a temporary stage on which God enacts His amazing love story. J. Sidlow Baxter points out that Genesis is primarily the story of God’s dealings with seven men and their families. It has been suggested they rep- resent distinctive traits of the life of faith, as illustrated in this chart: DISTINCTIVE TRAITS OF THE LIFE OF FAITH ADAM SUPERNATURAL: Design ENOCH Fellowship NOAH Preservation ABRAHAM Call ISAAC Birth JACOB Care JOSEPH Purpose The three primary names of God—Elohim, Jehovah, and Adonai—are in- troduced in Genesis, as well as the five most important of God’s compound names. Also, of the eight great covenants3, four are found here: the Edenic, Adamic, Noahic, and Abrahamic covenants. The others—the Mosaic, Israelitish, Davidic, and New Covenants—are based substantially on the first four. Stu- dents will note the vital distinction between the unilateral and bilateral cov- enants of Scripture. Genesis is quoted more than 60 times in about half of the New Testament books4. Every part of Genesis is there ascribed to Moses, and is treated by the New Testament writers as historically accurate. Since Genesis is the book of beginnings, the New Testament writers regularly cite the events and char- acters in the book as prototypes, precedents, and proofs of gospel truth. It is essential to understand these historic details if we hope to understand the 6

New Testament. Paul had such confidence in Genesis that he based his ar- gument for salvation by grace apart from law on the sequence of events in Abraham’s life (see Rom 4:10). And since Jesus trusted this book, you can, too. 1. The first five books of the Old Testament are sometimes called the Pentateuch (Greek, meaning “five-volumed”) after the Jewish term “the five fifths of the law.”The Jews call it Torah (meaning “instruction”), but the most common biblical name is the Law or the Law of Moses.These five books are foundational for the rest of the Bible, and our Lord and the New Testament writers constantly refer to them. They explain the origin of the universe, the tragedy of fallen humanity, the promise of a Savior, and God’s strategy in selecting Abraham and his family to be the flawed but effective instruments in His wonderful rescue plan. 2. To see a video presentation of this content, go to and search“Genesis”. 3. For a thorough treatment of these covenants, see this issue of Uplook magazine: 4. Chart showing New Testament references to Genesis: GENESIS New Testament GENESIS New Testament GENESIS New Testament 1:3-4 2 Cor 4:6 12:3 Acts 3:25; Gal 3:8; 19:26 Lk 17:32 1:6 Rev 1:7 21:10 Gal 4:30 1:27 2 Pet 3:5 12:4-5 Acts 7:4 21:12 Rom 9:7; Heb 11:18 2:2-3 Mt 19:4; Mk 10:6 12:7 Gal 3:16 22:9 Jas 2:21 2:7 13:15 Gal 3:16 22:16-17 Heb 6:13-14; 11:12 2:24 Heb 4:4 14:18 Heb 7:1 22:18 Acts 3:25; Gal 3:8, 16 1 Cor 15:45 15:5 24:7 Gal 3:16 4:4 Mt 19:5; Mk 10:7; Rom 4:17-18; 25:23 Rom 9:12 4:8 1 Cor 6:16; Eph 5:31 Heb 11:12 26:4 Acts 3:25 4:10 28:12 Jn 1:51 5:2 Heb 11:4 15:6 Rom 4:3, 9, 22; 28:14 Rev 1:7 5:24 1 Jn 3:12 Gal 3:6; Jas 2:23 32:12 Heb 11:12 6:8,14 41:54 Acts 7:11 7:23 Lk 11:51 15:13-14 Acts 7:6-7 48:15 Heb 11:21 11:31 Rom 4:17 50:24 Heb 11:22 12:1-2 Mt 19:4; Mk 10:6 17:5 Acts 7:5 Heb 13:2 Heb 11:5 17:8 Rom 9:9 1 Pet 3:6 Heb 11:7 18:2 Gal 3:8 2 Pet 2:5 18:10,14 Acts 7:4 18:12 Acts 7:3; Heb 11:8 18:18 7

BefIonre the beginning... God’s wonderful Word where God is silent, but He has actually begins before the revealed ten statements regarding beginning in Genesis 1:1... His pre-time activities. As such, “We speak the wisdom of God in a The Lord lets us in on the pre- mystery, even the hidden wisdom, planning that occurred in the which God ordained before the divine counsels before time’s clock world unto our glory” (1 Cor. 2:7). began ticking. He has “made known unto us the mystery of His The Lord pressed Job, “Where will, according to His good pleas- wast thou when I laid the founda- ure which He hath purposed in tions of the earth? Declare, if thou Himself” (Eph. 1:9). We are hast understanding…Who laid heaven’s intimates. the corner stone thereof; when the morning stars sang together, and Matthew cites Psalm 78:2 and all the sons of God shouted for applies it to the parabolic ministry joy?” (Job 38:4, 6-7). Man is a rel- of the Lord: ative latecomer to the process. When he arrived, the stage was “That it might be fulfilled which already built on which the great was spoken by the prophet, say- drama of redemption would be ing, I will open my mouth in played out. The lights (with both parables; I will utter things bright and dim settings) had been which have been kept secret positioned above, set against the from the foundation of the velvet curtains of the heavens. world” (Mt. 13:35). 1. The central figure in the su- In other words, the spoken mini- preme love story of the ages had stry of Christ actually told out the prepared His entry long before confidences of the divine Persons, He came: “Who verily was fore- secrets kept in the heart of God ordained before the foundation of through thousands of years of the world, but was manifest in human history. these last times for you” (1 Pet. 1:20). In order to accomplish this What was God doing before He key part, He veiled His true iden- made man? We dare not speculate tity as Writer of the script and came in the lowly garb of a carpenter from Nazareth. 9

BEGINNING BEFORE THE BEGINNING... 2. Of His return to His former of life and glory is “…the Lamb place of honor, He prayed: “And slain from the foundation of the now, O Father, glorify Thou Me world” (Rev. 13:8). Isn’t it comfort- with Thine own self with the glory ing to know that God had the ulti- which I had with Thee before the mate safety net in place long world was” (Jn. 17:5). While the before sinful man needed it? He is Lord Jesus lived on this planet, not willing that any should perish. His glory, though veiled, shone through. John wrote: “And the 5. Before any debt had accumu- Word was made flesh, and dwelt lated against the human race, the among us, (and we beheld His Lord had calculated the mighty glory, the glory as of the only cost and by matchless grace begotten of the Father,) full of agreed to pay it in full. “Who grace and truth” (Jn. 1:14). But this hath saved us, and called us with must be different from the glory of an holy calling, not according to which the Son spoke in John 17. It our works, but according to His is a glory unrevealed in time. own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before On His return to earth, He will the world began” (2 Tim. 1:9). “appear …in glory” (Col. 3:4) and we shall bask in that glory with 6. We catch a glimpse of the eter- Him. What a day that will be! nal love within the Godhead — and the love of the Godhead for 3. Before time, the main acts had us. With what holy intimacy we already been written. The role of listen in on the Saviour’s prayer to King had been given to the only His Father, “Father, I will that they One worthy to wear the diadem of also, whom Thou hast given Me, the universe, and His kingdom be with Me where I am; that they was secured before ever an angel may behold My glory, which Thou rejoiced or a demon raged in His hast given Me: for Thou lovedst august presence: “Then shall the Me before the foundation of the King say…Come, ye blessed of world” (Jn. 17:24). It is the only My Father, inherit the kingdom time the Lord Jesus expressed His prepared for you from the founda- own will. And what does He tion of the world” (Mt. 25:34). want? You and me! With Him! In glory! Forever! 4. The deeply moving scene at the center of the plot was as good as 7. What shall we be doing there? done before the first star flamed Finding out the infinite reasons through the night sky, for the Lord that the Father has loved the Son 10

...BEGINNING BEFORE THE BEGINNING since before the world’s founda- His descent “even to death on a tion. The Father will show us how cross.” And what has it cost the to love the Son as He deserves. It Holy Spirit as the Great Indweller, has been the purpose of the Father not only coming into a sinful all along to have a holy, blameless world as Christ did, but into a family in heaven, chosen in the sinning Church? He is the seal, the Son to love the Son with Him: earnest, the guarantee that God “According as He hath chosen us will not give up on us, and will in Him before the foundation of bring us safely to the land where the world, that we should be holy our names are inscribed in and without blame before Him in heaven’s handwriting. We are as love” (Eph. 1:4). sure of being in heaven as those names which are already there. 8. By His foreknowledge the divine Record-keeper has guar- 10. But it is not only as individual anteed safe passage for those believers that the Godhead in the who trust Him. There is not a divine counsels considered us shade of doubt concerning the before the foundations of the eternal security of those who world. Paul declared his two-fold would receive God’s way of salva- commission in these words: “Unto tion. Known before time, the as- me, who am less than the least of surance of their journey through all saints, is this grace given, that I time and into eternity is sealed should preach among the Gentiles with the divine autograph. Every the unsearchable riches of Christ; believer is included in the number and to make all men see what is of those whose names are “… the fellowship of the mystery, written in the book of life from the which from the beginning of the foundation of the world…” (Rev. world hath been hid in God, who 17:8). created all things by Jesus Christ” (Eph. 3:8-9). 9. This life, eternal life, the very life of God, was a pre-temporal Gospel truth and Church truth offer. “In hope of eternal life, were the two pillars of Paul’s which God, that cannot lie, prom- ministry. And just as the gospel ised before the world began” was prepared before time began, (Titus 1:2). The Father knew what so the Church in general, and I in it would cost Him as the Great particular was not a second-best Planner in the giving of His only alternative after Israel “stumbled” Son. The Son knew what it would (Rom. 11:11). And just as each cost Him as the Great Sacrifice in individual is secure in the fact of 11

BEGINNING BEFORE THE BEGINNING... our final destination “ever…with if I would declare and speak of the Lord,” so the future of the them, they are more than can be Church is as certain as the eternal numbered” (Ps 40:5). promise of God: “Now to Him that is of power to stablish you But it wasn’t just the vast according to my gospel, and the number of God’s eternal thought- preaching of Jesus Christ, accord- fulness that thrilled David. He ing to the revelation of the mys- also delighted in the intricacy and tery, which was kept secret since complexity of them: “O Lord, how the world began” (Rom. 16:25). great are Thy works! and Thy thoughts are very deep” (Ps. 92:5). These pre-time Paul expands on the idea in revelations are not Romans 11, recorded to satisfy our curiosity. They “O the depth of the riches reveal to us three both of the wisdom and glorious truths: knowledge of God! How unsearchable are i) the meticulous nature of the divine plan; His judgments, And His ways past finding out! ii) the eternal greatness of divine love and grace; For who hath known the mind of the Lord? iii) the absolutely secure position Or who hath been His counselor? of every believer. Or who hath first given to Him, And it shall be recompensed Thus before human history there was eternal reality. God’s eternity unto him again? flows with all its gracious fullness For of Him, into man’s time-world. David may well express our sentiments when and through Him, and to Him, he writes: “Many, O Lord my God, Are all things: to whom be glory for are Thy wonderful works which Thou hast done, and Thy thoughts ever. Amen.” which are to us-ward: they cannot (vv. 33-36) be reckoned up in order unto Thee: There was one thing more on David’s heart, and it is this that stirs us to join him in worshipping our God together: “How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God!” (Ps. 139:17). 12

GENESIS 1 1:5 Now Let’s Begin verse did in fact begin. Scientists were afraid to celebrate this dis- AT THE BEGINNING: covery because it sounded strangely like these words GENESIS written thousands of years ago! This verse also rejects atheism, 1:1 IN THE BEGINNING: What other because a timeless, spaceless, book but the Bible dares to tell us exactly personal Spirit-being can be the what happened in the beginning? 5 only Cause sufficient for our world. It denies pantheism, be- Ka-boom! The Bible begins with cause God exists beyond His a verbal explosion: “In the be- universe. It repudiates polythe- ginning God created the ism, because there is only one heavens and the earth” (Gen God. 1:1). Note, this verse is impor- tant for what it doesn’t say. No But why did God make this effort is made to argue for God’s amazing world? That’s what the existence. Why? The apostle rest of the Bible is for! God had Paul writes, “Since the creation a wonderful plan! He wanted a of the world His invisible attrib- family, so He made creatures to utes are clearly seen” (Rom ask them if they would like to be 1:20). Everyone should know His children. We read in John 1, that. To believe the theory that verse 12, “As many as received Nothing + Nobody = Everything, Him [the Lord Jesus], to them God Himself says is foolish. He gave the right to become children of God, to those who Second, in an amazing econ- believe in His name.” Instantly, omy of words, it gives the three you become part of His new cre- elements of the physical uni- ation! The offer is still open to verse. TIME: “In the beginning.” any sinner who will receive the SPACE: “God created the world’s only Savior by faith. heavens.” MATTER: “and the And today’s the day! earth.” 1:3-5 WHEN GOD SPEAKS: When Third, this verse rejects all other theories. Our world had a God speaks, things happen: galaxies appear, beginning. The idea that it did wasn’t commonly held by mod- life explodes, and we ought to listen.6 ern scientists. But in the 1960s, evidence emerged that the uni- 5. See a short video about the first 10 words of the Bible: 6. To listen to Jabe’s sermon on Genesis 1, go to: 13

GENESIS 1:5 Many seem apologetic about the were made of dust—but our first few chapters of our Bible, as souls came from the breath of if one is anti-scientific to believe God. Notice, too, those repeated them. Nothing is further from words: “and God said.” This is the truth. Listen carefully to information transfer. After thou- Genesis 1, verses 3-5: “Then God sands of years, scientists now said, ‘Let there be light’; and know that, beyond chemistry there was light. And God saw and physics, there is infor- the light, that it was good; and mation, and behind all infor- God divided the light from the mation is intelligence. The darkness. God called the light longest word in any language is Day, and the darkness He called DNA, with 6.4 billion letters! But Night. So the evening and the God not only spoke in creation; morning were the first day.” He spoke in Christ, the living Don’t be fooled by the seeming Word. He says, “He who hears simplicity of these words. They My word and believes in Him are what Oxford scientist John who sent Me has everlasting Lennox calls “very sophisti- life” ( Jn 5:24). Believing God is cated.” The so-called new atheists the best thing you can do! mock them as childish. But as one author opined, “If people in- 1:20, 24 LOOKING THE OTHER WAY: sist on reading the Bible like a In all matters — science or otherwise — the children’s book, maybe they Word stands: “Let God be true but every man should stick to children’s a liar” (Rom 3:4). books.” Evolutionary paleontologist and Have you noticed, for exam- curator at the American ple, that the order here exactly Museum of Natural History matches modern science? Space, Niles Eldredge confesses, “That stars, planets, water, plants, sea individual kinds of fossils creatures and birds, concluding remain recognizably the same with land animals and human throughout the length of their beings! Notice also that man is occurrence in the fossil record made from pre-existing materi- had been known to paleontolo- als. Scientist Lawrence Krauss, gists long before Darwin suggesting we are made of star- published his Origin. Darwin dust, mockingly said, “Forget himself...prophesied that future Jesus. The stars died so that you generations of paleontologists could be here today.” But hasn’t he read Genesis? Our bodies 14

GENESIS 1 1:26 would fill in these gaps by dili- kind, such as dog or cat — then gent search...120 years of paleon- this would pose no problem. tological research later, it has This evolution, or developmen- become abundantly clear that tal change within certain kinds, the fossil record will not confirm is completely consistent with this part of Darwin’s predic- Scripture. The problem is that tions. Nor is the problem a mis- the prevailing theory of evolu- erably poor record. The fossil tion goes far beyond this. record simply shows that this prediction is wrong...The obser- The theory states basically that vation that species are amaz- complex elements have devel- ingly conservative and static oped from simpler elements, entities throughout long periods and living organisms have of time has all the qualities of the sprung from non-living chemi- emperor’s new clothes: every- cals...The theory of evolution is one knew it but preferred to contradictory to the biblical ignore it. Paleontologists, faced narrative of creation. The Gen- with a recalcitrant record obsti- esis account records 10 different nately refusing to yield Darwin’s times how God created plants predicted pattern, simply looked and animals after their kind with the other way.” no crossing of the kinds. Man was fully man at his creation, as 1:25 OUR TRUE “GENESIS’’: was woman, with no long, grad- Make no mistake about it! God made you on ual period of development” (An- purpose and for a purpose: “And this is eter- swers to Tough Questions, p 100). nal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” 1:26 THE THREE-IN-ONE-GOD: (Jn 17:3). The only way God can be true love, not self- love, is if somehow He is a complex unity. “God made the beast of the earth according to its kind...” Does the Do you like hearing stories Bible allow for the theory of evo- about the early days of your par- lution? Josh McDowell writes, ents, or even earlier ancestors? If “We must first understand what you do, this is it! Of your very we mean by the term evolution. If first parents, the Bible says, it is defined as simply change —  “Then God said, ‘Let Us make as the development of an infant man in Our image, according to to an adult or a change within a Our likeness’” (Gen 1:26). That’s more than a mouthful — that’s a 15

GENESIS 1:26 brain-full! Look at the first you! How do I know? Here’s the amazing fact here. God says, proof, in John 3:16 – “For God so “Let US make man in OUR loved the world that He gave image.” Who was He talking to? His only begotten Son, that Not the angels — we’re not whoever believes in Him should made in their image. It’s true not perish but have everlasting that God is one, but here we’re life.” Note the four positive introduced to the fact that God’s verbs: God loved, so He gave; I oneness is complex, not simple. believe, so I have. That’s the We call our world the UNI- good news, plain and simple! verse. Uni- means one; verse comes from the Latin vertere, 11:26-27 WONDERFULLY MADE: The meaning combined, or turned. Bible says we’re “wonderfully made”; even So our universe is one, but three with science, we still are agape with wonder. in one: time + space + matter. Einstein’s General Theory of In speaking of the crowning work Relativity showed that we can’t of His creation, man and woman, have just two out of three; all God said, “‘Let them have do- three must be present to have minion over the fish of the sea, our universe, three turned into over the birds of the air, and over one. the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that In a similar way, God here creeps on the earth.’ So God calls Himself Elohim, the plural created man in His own image; in form of God, meaning three or the image of God He created him; more. Amazing, isn’t it? In 1 male and female He created Timothy 3:16, we read, “Great is them” (Gen 1:26-27). Notice three the mystery of godliness: God thrilling facts. First, we’re not the was manifested in the flesh, product of random, impersonal justified in the Spirit…” That forces working on mindless means that God the Father was matter. We were designed by a revealed through Jesus the Son, personal God to reflect His image and the Holy Spirit can prove it in the world. Even evolutionary to us. This three-in-one God is biologists are seeing the insur- essential to understand, if we mountable problems in their believe that God is love. How theory. Pierre-Paul Grassé, past could He selflessly love before president of the French Academy the worlds were made, unless it of Sciences, stated, “No matter was love among the divine Persons? But now He also loves 16

GENESIS 1 1:28 how numerous they may be, mu- 10:29). But “you are of more value than many tations do not produce any kind of evolution.” sparrows” (v 31). Lynn Margulis, evolutionary How does human life differ biologist and member of the Na- from that of the animals? There tional Academy of Sciences, are dramatic consequences if said, “New mutations don’t man is simply the latest animal create new species; they create in the evolutionary process. Mo- offspring that are impaired.” rality then becomes a mere con- Did she always believe this? No. vention. Purpose is nonsensical, She wrote, “I was taught over for there is no Purposer. Animal and over again that the accumu- existence is the highest goal we lation of random mutations led can hope for, and life has no real to evolutionary change — led to value. new species. I believed it…until I looked for evidence.” How different the Genesis account! Male and female are It’s not goo to you; it’s God to made in the image of God (1:26) you! Second, we were given and given dominion over the dominion over creation. In fact, animal world to act as regents God gave Adam the privilege of for God (1:28). Humanity has naming the animals! Scientists not only a material body, but a call this taxonomy. We should be God-breathed soul (2:7). We good stewards of God’s earth, have an aesthetic sense to enjoy but we should never pay more creation and adore and worship attention to the creation than to the Creator — Eden means “plea- the Creator! Third, God made sure” (2:8-9). the human race with just two genders: male and female, no Also man has the ability to matter what people say. What a make moral choices and there- God, that He could design such fore is morally responsible to his creatures with minds to under- Creator (2:16-17). As well, we stand His great thoughts and have the faculty of language hearts to return His love! Yes, we (2:19-20) for which we will some are wonderfully made! day give account (Mt 12:36). 1:28 YES, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE! We are not part of the animal kingdom, but we can become The Lord loves His animal creatures. He even part of the kingdom of God. Read Matthew 21:31 to find out attends the funeral of every bird (see Mt how this can be your experience! 17

GENESIS 1:31 1:31 THE CREATOR’S PERFECT PLAN: first animals, then, finally, human beings. The universe — and you — began in the mind This pattern of forming and of God; at first, everything was “very good.” filling was beautifully shown when “the Lord God formed “God saw everything that He man of the dust of the ground, had made, and indeed it was and breathed into his nostrils the very good. So the evening and breath of life” (2:7). This is what the morning were the sixth day.” God does with all those who put Some people ask, “How could their trust in Him. He forms us God make the whole universe in anew and then fills us with all just six days?” We might better the blessings of Christ. As Paul ask, “Why did it take Him so wrote, “God who commanded long?” He could have made ev- light to shine out of darkness, erything in one nano-second! has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the But God is a God of purpose glory of God in the face of Jesus and order, and the special way Christ” (2 Cor 4:6). If you accept He made everything reflects the light of God’s truth, you this. Notice that the six days of receive life in God’s Son. So we creation are arranged in two read, “The gift of God is eternal threes. On the first three days, life in Christ Jesus our Lord” He formed the various environ- (Rom 6:23). Have you received ments; on the following three, this gift of life? He filled them. From HOW and WHEN to WHY? On Day 1, He separated the light from the darkness, prepar- When Christians talk about the ing outer space. On Day 2, He creation of our wonderful world, separated the waters on the they often talk about how and earth from the waters in the when it occurred. But the New atmosphere. And on Day 3, He Testament writers focused separated the seas from the land instead on the why. The Lord and gave the land vegetation. Jesus, in Matthew 19:4, brought up the way God made Adam On Day 4, He filled what He and Eve to drive home the sanc- had formed on Day 1: with the tity of marriage, and Paul in 1 sun, moon, and stars in outer Corinthians 11 used the same space. On Day 5, He filled what He had formed on Day 2: with creatures in the sea and birds in the sky. Then on Day 6, He pro- vided inhabitants for the land: 18

GENESIS 1 2:1 event to explain that creation Jesus, when explaining that the order is the basis both of Church sabbath was not to be a heavy order and of the distinctive roles burden but a happy blessing, of men and women. John, in said, “The Sabbath was made for chapter 1, emphasized that man, and not man for the Jesus, who came from God, was Sabbath” (Mk 2:27). in fact God. Of course the sabbath that the 2:1 REST FOR GOD AND HIS PEOPLE: Jews celebrated we now call Ah, Saturday! But God didn’t need to take a Saturday. Christians usually break from work—His rest was the result of gather on the first day of the perfectly completing His work. Are you rest- week, the day of the Lord’s ing in the salvation of the One who declared: resurrection and of Pentecost, “It is finished”? the birthday of the Church. But the principle is the same. God Genesis 2 begins this way: “Thus was thinking of us when He set the heavens and the earth, and apart one day in seven. He all the host of them, were wants us to pause from our busy finished. And on the seventh lives and consider God’s perfect day God ended His work which work — not just the precision He had done, and He rested on and beauty in this amazing the seventh day from all His creation, but God’s gracious work which He had done. Then daily kindness for us and our God blessed the seventh day loved ones. and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which Especially, though, we should God had created and made” (vv think about His greatest work 1-3). Ah, rest! Isn’t it great after a ever, when Christ through His hard day? But wait! Was God so death at Calvary made peace for tired after creating the universe us with God. This is the true sab- that He had to take a break? bath for the soul as Hebrews 4:9 Hardly! God’s rest was not says: “There remains therefore a recovery from exhaustion but rest for the people of God.” satisfaction in a perfectly com- Where can such inner rest be pleted work. By creating the found? Jesus offers it as a free world in six days, then resting gift in Matthew 11:28, “Come to on the seventh, He gave a Me, all you who labor and are pattern to humanity. In fact, heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?/ The blood of Jesus whispers peace within. (EHB) 19

GENESIS 2:2 2:2 THE GARDEN AND THE FOR- tempted to eat from that one forbidden tree? BIDDEN TREE: Was this entrapment? Some Remember why God made the ask, “Why didn’t God tell Adam and Eve not human race in the first place. He wanted a relationship with us to eat the snake?” based on loving trust. But every true relationship must be made Who doesn’t love a beautiful by free choice. If a man wants a garden? They were God’s idea, woman and she doesn’t want you know. In Genesis 2 we read, him, it’s criminal for him to force “The Lord God planted a garden her to live with him. God didn’t eastward in Eden, and there He want puppets. He wanted us to put the man whom He had freely choose to love and obey formed” (v 8). We can only Him — or not. That’s the risk imagine how beautiful that love is willing to take. And what garden was. No weeds or pesky tree was forbidden? “The tree of insects. Fruit trees everywhere! the knowledge of good and When the Hebrew Bible was evil.” The collapse of a nation translated into Greek, they used can be directly tied to its rejec- the word Paradise for the word tion of God’s laws. Only God is “garden.” I’m sure it was! Of wise enough to set standards for course it was God’s garden, and us, and the sooner we agree, the so all the fruit and flowers were sooner our lives will be aligned His. But God is so generous. I’m as they should. sure you’ve noticed. He never charges us for the air we breathe, 2:7 GOD’S BREATH: “By the word or the sunlight and rain. He’s the of the Lord the heavens were made, and all One who causes everything to the host of them by the breath of His mouth” grow, but just as with Adam in (Psa 33:6). Eden, He says to us, “Of every tree of the garden you may Even the breath of the Lord has freely eat” (v 16). power in it! We know the Son was the Creator of everything However, in the midst of all (Jn 1:3). How did He do it? “By that provision, there was just the word of the Lord the one prohibition. God continued, heavens were made, and all the “But of the tree of the knowl- host of them by the breath of His edge of good and evil you shall mouth” (Ps 33:6). This includes not eat” (v 17). Why did the Lord do this? Was it entrap- ment? Didn’t He know that Adam and Eve would be 20

GENESIS 1 2:17 humanity, the crown of creation: some Christians believe this “And the Lord God formed man means that human beings are so of the dust of the ground, and dead to God that they are inca- breathed into his nostrils the pable of hearing His voice or be- breath of life; and man became a lieving in Him. First, God, by living being” (Gen 2:7). His Spirit, must quicken, or make alive, a person so they can Christ is also the Word incar- then believe, they say. This is nate, and “all Scripture is given called total inability. But is that by inspiration of God...” [Gk, what the Word of God teaches? theopneustos, God-breathed] (2 What about Adam after he Tim 3:16). As He sent His people sinned? When God showed up, to continue His work, “He did the now dead Adam and breathed on them, and said to Eve hear His voice? Yes, they them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’” did. Could they understand (Jn 20:22). And at the climax of what He said when He spoke history, in the last great battle, the conditions of the curse to “the lawless one will be re- them? Yes, they could. So spiri- vealed, whom the Lord will con- tual death does NOT mean that sume with the breath of His people are insensible to God and mouth” (2 Thess 2:8). No His Word. wonder the psalmist exclaims: “Let everything that has breath Some use the example of Laza- praise the Lord. Praise the rus in the tomb, but this is a pic- Lord!” (150:6). ture of believers and their physical death and resurrection 2:17 WHEN THE DEAD HEAR HIS by the power of the One who VOICE: What kind of Person can interrupt said, “I am the resurrection and funerals, and ask a dead man to join him for the life.” If you want to see a bib- dinner? Jesus can! lical example of a spiritually dead person, look at the prodi- They say that in a world full of gal. Did he understand his need statistics, this is the ultimate: 1 and “come to himself”? Yes, he out of 1 dies. But when God told did. Did he come home to the Adam, “In the day that you eat father? Yes, he did. And what of it you shall surely die,” what did the father say? “This my son did He mean? It was not prima- was dead and is alive again” (Lk rily physical, but spiritual, 15:24). John 5:24-25 could not be death. Man died to God. Now clearer: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and 21

GENESIS 2:17 believes in Him who sent Me brought a perfect woman, full- has everlasting life, and shall not grown, out of a MAN without come into judgment, but has the aid of a mother! passed from death into life. Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour Here’s the story: “And the is coming, and now is, when the Lord God caused a deep sleep to dead will hear the voice of the fall on Adam, and he slept; and Son of God; and those who hear He took one of his ribs, and will live.” Notice the order: hear closed up the flesh in its place. and believe. This is Jesus speak- Then the rib which the Lord God ing. Most assuredly! had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought 2:21-23 WOMAN, GOD’S CROWNING her to the man” (vv 21-22). Of CREATION: Woman, God’s crowning creation, course, God could have fash- was designed to be a complement, not a com- ioned Eve from the dust of the petitor, of the man. ground, as He did with Adam. But this was all part of the A beautiful place is a lonely Master Plan. He wanted this first place if it can’t be shared with man and woman to be a proto- someone we love. I know. I’ve type, to illustrate the miracle of traveled the world, but had little marriage, where two become interest in sightseeing when my one. So instead of being a loved ones weren’t with me. separate creation, Eve’s life was This was Adam’s situation. shared with Adam! There were many creatures, of course, but they only increased Adam saw that immediately, his loneliness. We read in Gen- and composed the first love esis 2:20, “So Adam gave names song (v 23): to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. “This is now bone of my bones But for Adam there was not and flesh of my flesh; she shall be found a helper comparable to called Woman, because she was him.” And now occurs one of taken out of Man.” the greatest miracles in history! In our Lord’s incarnation, God Feminists don’t like the words brought a perfect boy out of a Woman and Female (like the woman without the aid of a Hebrew Ish and Ish-ah), but they father. But in this story, God are there to remind us that Adam and Eve were one cre- ative act. Every married couple should remember this, because unity is our secret strength. 22

GENESIS 1 3:3 REFLECTION: But then, three days later, He enacted Part 2 of the plan. He Let’s pause a little longer on the rose again, conquered death for creation of Eve from Adam’s side. us, and now gives His life TO us It isn’t just a beautiful picture of as a free gift when we receive companionship in marriage. It Him as Savior. This new life also illustrates another Bride from helps us daily to deal with the a wounded side. power of sin. What an exquisite plan! Only God would have The main message of the Bible thought of it! Christ gives His life is simple. When we sin, we cut FOR us, then TO us. We can ourselves off from the life of God: share His life as Eve shared “The wages [or deserved con- Adam’s. In fact, Paul writes the sequences] of sin is death [that’s second stanza to Adam’s love spiritual separation from God]” song: “We are members of His (Rom 6:23). Like a branch broken body, of His flesh and of His from a tree, it dies because it’s bones” (Eph 5:30). Now the separated from its life-source. Church, composed of all true believers, is the REAL Bride of So God had an ingenious plan, Christ’s wounded side. involving two amazing events, to reinsert His life back into all who So remember: A marriage is are willingly reconciled to Him. made when two become one His Son, who IS “the life” (Jn flesh; a soul is redeemed when 14:6), brought that life to our we become one with Christ. planet of spiritually dead people. What a beautiful life He lived, 3:3 ENTER THE DRAGON: God healing the sick, forgiving His wanted people who made real choices that foes, restoring sinners! Even His really mattered: this one couldn’t have enemies agreed: “No man ever mattered more. spoke like this Man!” “He saved others!” cried the religious Da-da-da-da! I think we could leaders at the cross. Amazing! use some sinister music about now as our story, from Genesis But they still didn’t want Him 3, begins: “Now the serpent was to be their King. So they crucified more cunning than any beast of Him! But this was the first part of the field which the Lord God God’s Master Plan. The Lord had made. And he said to the Jesus gave His precious life FOR woman, ‘Has God indeed said, us when He died in our place to deal with the penalty of our sin. 23

GENESIS 3:3 “You shall not eat of every tree ate” (v 6). The serpent had told of the garden”?’” Trouble in them, “You will not surely die. Paradise! We find elsewhere in For God knows that in the day the Bible that this serpent is the you eat of it your eyes will be Devil in disguise! In Revelation opened, and you will be like 12, we read, “And war broke out God, knowing good and evil” in heaven: Michael and his (vv 4-5). What happened? Ever angels fought with the dragon; since, we have known good and the dragon and his angels without being able to do it, and fought, but they did not prevail, have known evil without being nor was a place found for them able to resist it. Thank God for a in heaven any longer. So the Savior! great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil 3:4 A TALKING SNAKE? Is this a and Satan, who deceives the bridge too far for people who want to take whole world; he was cast to the both the Bible and rational thinking seriously? earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (vv 7-9). “Then the serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not surely How did this civil war die’” (Gen 3:4). A talking snake? happen? When God gave the an- Is this a Disney plot? I live in a gels selfhood, some, led by the university town, and some of one who became Satan, put my neighbors say they can’t take themselves in the place of God. the Bible seriously if it means Hear him say, “I will ascend into they must believe in having heaven, I will exalt my throne chats with reptiles. above the stars of God” (Isa 14:13). And this was the same sin Well, let me tell you this. he taught the human race. If you When I was a boy, my dad had a seek independence from God, he talking car! Really! It said things said, “you will be like God” like, “The door is ajar.” But even (Gen 3:5). What a sad tale it has as a child, I wasn’t fooled. I been ever since. didn’t think the car had some- how evolved a human brain, The story continues: “So when vocal cords, and all the other the woman saw that the tree was equipment needed to speak, good for food, that it was pleas- then snuck off to night school to ant to the eyes, and a tree desir- learn English. I knew that a able to make one wise, she took higher intelligence, a real per- of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he 24

GENESIS 1 3:6 son, was behind this, not just 3:6 WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL? Yes, nuts and bolts. cutting yourself loose from God IS a big deal, In the same way, when I heard the story about Balaam having and disagreeing with Him is to commit an argument with his donkey, I wasn’t surprised that God could intellectual suicide. make it seem that the donkey had given up braying for It seems such a little thing to get Aramaic. So even as a child I upset about, say some folks. It knew someone was using the was just one bite. Was that such snake in that story in Genesis as a big deal? “She took of its fruit a cover. And when I heard what and ate. She also gave to her it was saying, I had a REALLY husband with her, and he ate” BIG clue who was actually (Gen 3:6). Well, let’s think about speaking. it. Imagine a billionaire offering to make you a partner in his No one likes to doubt, dis- massive business. He tells you tort, and deny the Word of God trust is the most important thing like the devil. He did all three in to him. If trust is broken, the the space of four verses. But I partnership is over. He pulls out have a question for my intelli- a contract. It wasn’t written by gent friends. I don’t have a prob- lawyers. There’s no complicated lem with this talking snake, but language. It’s just one sentence: I DO with a whole SPECIES of “Of the tree of the knowledge of creatures, homo sapiens by name, good and evil you shall not eat.” randomly evolving the miracles He wants you to enjoy not only of abstract thought and intelli- everything he owns; he also gent speech. That takes more wants to be best friends. You can blind faith than I can muster. connect with him anytime. On his vast estate he has a magnifi- Please understand. God cent garden. There are so many doesn’t ask you to believe what trees, laden with sweet fruit that you can’t believe, but He will all say, “The owner is generous; hold you accountable for what enjoy this garden whenever you you won’t believe. Step into the want.” But there’s one special truth you can believe, and God tree there that says something will give you more truth. As Ro- different: “This belongs only to mans 10:17 says: the owner; do not touch.” After all, the owner should get to de- “Faith comes by hearing, cide the rules to run his own and hearing by the word of business. So that’s the one-line God.” 25

GENESIS 3:6 contract. By eating from that were naked; and they sewed fig tree, Eve and then Adam said in leaves together and made them- no uncertain terms, “We’re the selves coverings.” At the end of owners, not God. We don’t trust chapter 2, we read that “they Him or what He says. We’ll do were both naked, the man and what WE want. Our personal his wife, and were NOT desires are far more important ashamed.” At that point, no part than a relationship with our of the human body had been put Creator.” And that is a REALLY to any improper use, so there big deal! You know what’s was no shame; shame only amazing? After all this, with bil- comes from a consciousness of lions of His creatures acting as sin. But now their eyes had though He doesn’t matter, God lusted, their hands had plotted is still willing to go back into against God, their mouths had partnership with us! Again it’s a openly defied their Creator, and one-line contract, based on they realized in a moment that another tree, one on Calvary’s the exquisite bodies He had made hill where the Owner’s Son died them to use for His glory they to save us from our sins. It says, had used instead as weapons of “Oh, taste and see that the Lord war against the Almighty. is good; blessed is the [one] who trusts in Him!” (Ps 34:8). Amaz- You’ve noticed that little ing! children, still without conscious- ness of sin, are unashamed when 3:7 SHAME, SHAME!  Moderns naked. It’s also true of those pretend that the only thing to be ashamed of whose mental capacity never is shame itself. But shame is a crucial warn- develops to the point where they ing system. have a sense of moral accounta- bility. But those who do have a According to Forbes magazine, consciousness of sin and who the U.S. clothing industry is a 12- flaunt their nakedness in public billion-dollar-a-year business. (or enjoy others who do it on the Genesis chapter 3, verse 7, tells internet) are described in Philip- us when it began. There we read pians 3:18-19 as “enemies of the of the moment when Adam and cross of Christ…whose glory is Eve disobeyed God: “Then the in their shame.” Ironically, in the eyes of both of them were very next chapter, we read of opened, and they knew that they those who have acknowledged their guilt before God and accepted Christ’s death on the 26

GENESIS 1 3:7 cross for them (vv 20-21). It says, couture. But nobody fixes any- “We also eagerly wait for the thing by cover-up. Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly God made two statements that body that it may be conformed stand like sentinels before our to His glorious body, according sinful race. The first is Numbers to the working by which He is 32:23, “You have sinned against able even to subdue all things to the Lord; and be sure your sin Himself.” Once again, it’s God will find you out.” The second is to the rescue! Proverbs 28:13 – “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but 3:7(b) FIG-LEAF FASHIONS: One thing whoever confesses and forsakes worse than doing wrong is trying to cover it them will have mercy.” We keep up. Adam and Eve proved it doesn’t work. trying to cover up our sins, but God won’t let us. Why? It’s only “...and they sewed fig leaves by coming clean with Him that together and made themselves we will be able to prosper. coverings.” Those fig-leaf outfits are like Here is the scene: the breath- man-made religion. They don’t takingly beautiful garden of provide a true answer for sin; Eden. The characters: Adam and they just try to disguise it. Does Eve. Everything around them is it work? What happened when perfect. BUT they have acted in God showed up? They hid self-willed, brazen defiance of among the trees! When God God — high treason against the asked for an explanation, they government of the universe. said, “We knew we were Imagine! When you or I commit naked!” So much for self-help fig sin, we are doing it not only leaves! against the Person who de- signed us, and loves us, but as We may fool people around us Daniel told Belshazzar, He’s “the with our good efforts, but wait God who holds your breath in till God shows up! How much His hand” (Dan 5:23). Now better to come clean with Him. watch as our first parents try to Why not take to heart Isaiah patch up their problem with fig 55:7, “Let the wicked forsake his leaves! They sewed them into way, and the unrighteous man crude coverings and were soon his thoughts; let him return to modeling their camo haute the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.” Oh, what a gracious God! 27

GENESIS 3:8 3:8 THE SHOWDOWN: Some folks have to guess. The Bible says in Genesis 3:21, “For Adam and his say they’re not afraid of God, like I’m not wife the Lord God made coverings of skin, and clothed afraid of lions — until they show up! them.” So what’s the difference between fig-leaf and animal skin In Genesis 3:8, Adam and Eve coverings? The first, like man- “heard the sound of the Lord made religion and self-help God walking in the garden in psychology, were human efforts, the cool of the day.” It was His and failed; the second was regular custom to visit with His entirely God’s provision —  creatures. What an honor! The imagine Him working like a Hebrew phrase for “cool of the seamstress for His creatures! day” is literally “in the evening These skin coats meant the breeze.” God designed the shedding of a substitute’s blood, calendar. Remember this? “The the first in a long line of sac- evening and the morning were rifices leading to that moment the first day.” So sunset was the when, shockingly, God Himself beginning of a new day. God would come, in the person of designed the day by spinning His Son, to provide the ultimate the earth on its axis every 24 solution for our deepest need: hours. The months were ar- “Christ died for our sins” (1 Cor ranged by cycling the moon 15:3). Have you thanked Him for around Earth, and years by this? orbiting Earth around the sun. God arranged the day so it 3:9 CONFESSION, GOOD FOR THE began with an evening meal, a SOUL: The problem with trying to pretend time of relaxation, then a good away sin is that we also get rid of confession sleep, and finally sunrise to — and forgiveness, too. begin the work day. What a thoughtful God! Christian! Have you had a con- versation with God about your Anyway, on this particular sins lately? It’s one of the best day, when God arrived, His things you can do. “If we confess creatures panicked! Sinners now, our sins, He is faithful and just they were naked and ashamed. to forgive us our sins and to Hiding among the trees, they cleanse us from all unrighteous- showed that the fig-leaf outfits ness” (1 Jn 1:9). Parents often didn’t fix things. Their shame wasn’t just a body problem; it went right to their guilty hearts. What would God do? We don’t 28

GENESIS 1 3:10 send misbehaving kids for a that we read, God “made Him time-out to think about what who knew no sin to be sin for they’ve done. But adults need us” (2 Cor 5:21). Amazing love! time-outs too! After Adam and The third one is in Hebrews 2:3, Eve had sinned, God came cal- “How shall we escape if we neg- ling. Awkward! I’ll say. Embar- lect so great a salvation?” What rassed, these grown-ups decided a question! If people miss out on to play hide-and-seek with God  God’s salvation gift, even He — not the last ones to do that, by doesn’t know another escape the way! So God called out, route. That should really sober “Where are you?” That’s Gen- us up! esis 3:9. 3:10 When the truth of your Let me link in your minds sin breaks upon your conscience, today three questions the Lord don’t run away from the Lord. Run asked to which the answer was to Him! He delights in restoring us. already known. Why? For the same reason you ask your child “I was afraid because I was or grandchild, “Did you break naked; and I hid myself.” When this vase?” You know the an- Harry Ironside was a young swer — especially if they were father, he would fix some chairs the only one in the room when in a corner as his “den” and then the crash was heard! But you play the part of a bear on all want them to fess up. When God fours with his children. One day, asked the question, He wanted his youngest panicked, crying Adam to find out where he was  out with fear as he ran into a cor- — estranged now from God, ner and covered his face. But hiding from his once-dearest then suddenly he turned and Friend. That’s what sin does — it ran right into his father’s arms, separates us from God. saying, “I’m not afraid. Not a bit afraid. You’re not a bear at all —  The second question was you’re my very own papa!” asked by the Lord Jesus on the Ironside thought to himself, cross: “My God, My God, why “Oh, God, that’s just the way I have You forsaken Me?” (Mt was once. I was running away 27:46). He knew the answer, but from Thee. I was treating Thee He wanted sinners like us to re- as if Thou wert my enemy; as alize: we are the living answers though the worst thing in the to that question. In order to save us from our sins, He had to so closely identify with its horror 29

GENESIS 3:10 world would be to be brought to remove it. But during surgery, into nearness with Thee. Thank I notice the rot goes deeper than You for running me down.” Yes, I thought. I cut the peach in half. Lord, a “Thank You” from me, Oh dear! It’s rotten to the core. too! Now what do I say? You sinful peach! Of course not. The peach 3:11-13 TAKE RESPONSIBILITY: Today couldn’t help it. Ah, but I can no one is responsible for wrong actions — help it! we’re all just victims — but there’s a costly downside to that. It’s true I was born a sinner, but as Paul points out in Romans In the conversation God had 1, we’re worse than we have to with Adam and Eve after they be. We can’t honestly say every sinned, they seemed to pass the time, “I didn’t mean to do it.” buck. That’s the big deal these Often we DO mean to. Or we days. I’m not responsible for my say, “I did it, but I’ll never do it actions; I’m a victim. It’s some- again.” But sins become habits one else’s fault. Listen to Genesis and we DO do it again. Or we 3:11-13. God, to Adam: “Have say, “I did it, but I wish I had- you eaten from the tree of which n’t.” No, says Paul, “knowing I commanded you that you the righteous judgment of God, should not eat?” Adam: “The that those who practice such woman whom YOU gave to be things are deserving of death, with me, she gave me of the tree, not only do the same but also and I ate.” God, to Eve: “What is approve of [take pleasure in] this you have done?” Eve: “The those who practice them” (v 32). serpent deceived me, and I ate.” Ouch! That’s the modern enter- There you have it: “The devil tainment business — enjoying made me do it.” But you know watching other people sin! the problem with this? Listen Thank God, there’s victory in carefully. If what I do doesn’t Jesus, not only over sin’s pen- matter, I don’t matter. Imagine alty, but over its power, too. picking a luscious Georgia peach. It looks perfect hanging DEATH COMES TO PLANET EARTH on the branch. I pluck it and carry it inside. On a closer look, When God said they would die I notice a brown spot — just a lit- if they sinned, what did He tle spot. I take my paring knife mean? Adam didn’t die for centuries, did he? 30

GENESIS 1 3:15 After Adam and Eve more or who is dead; the problem is at less confessed their wrong- the other end of the line. In doing, God had some earth- Ephesians 2:1, Paul states that, shaking things to say. He had without Christ, we all are “dead already told them, “The day that in trespasses and sins.” But the you eat of it [the forbidden fruit] Lord Jesus became the heavenly you shall surely die.” Obviously Repairman, sent to provide a they didn’t die physically right way that we could be reconciled, then, although their bodies or reconnected, to God. began deteriorating, and it’s been downhill ever since. But What was the sentence for this what happened was far more crime? In a most shocking serious. Death in the Bible does statement, God first addressed not mean annihilation but the serpent/Devil. And what separation. They were severed did He say? Amazingly, it was a from the life of God. This death wonderful promise — Someone was not an arbitrary punishment; called “the Seed of the woman” it was simply the consequence of one day would be able to crush the human race cutting itself off that enemy once and for all! from their Creator. 3:15a THE BATTLE OF THE SEEDS: Back in ancient history, we all It’s been a battle royal alright, between the had land-line phones. If there usurper “god of this world” and the rightful was no dial-tone, we said the Heir of everything. phone was dead. That didn’t mean we had a funeral in the As God spoke to the devil in back garden for Ma Bell; it Genesis 3, He sent a ricochet meant there was a break in the message to Eve as well. There line, and we needed a repairman would be a long war, He said, to reconnect us. So it is with us. “between you [that’s the devil] and the woman, and between On April 8, 1966, Time maga- your seed and her Seed.” What zine printed a cover with the a battle it has been! How many words, “Is God Dead?” embla- rivers of tears have flowed from zoned in red. But that’s like the mothers’ eyes for their children story of Mark Twain. When his who have fallen victim to the obituary was mistakenly pub- wiles of the devil! There may be lished in a London newspaper, mothers reading now who are he replied in the New York Jour- grieving over prodigal sons and nal: “The report of my death was an exaggeration.” It isn’t GOD 31

GENESIS 3:15 daughters. I want you to know from the power of darkness and that the God of heaven keeps conveyed us into the kingdom of those tears in His bottle and is the Son of His love” (Col 1:13). able to reach your children in the JESUS WINS! far country too, stirring in them thoughts of the Father’s House. 3:15b SWIFT MERCY: God’s people Keep praying that they will are not on the winning team. They’re on the come to themselves, and then team that’s already won! come home to the Father’s kisses. God hears you. C.H. Spurgeon gives this helpful commentary on the victory of Now normally the seed is pro- our Lord Jesus whose bruised vided by the man when a child heel will crush the serpent’s is conceived. But for once in his- head: tory a boy would be born of a virgin, and the holy seed in her “Consider the glorious womb was given to her miracu- achievements of our Lord as lously by the Holy Spirit (Lk the Conqueror of the devil, 1:35). Jesus, the woman’s Seed, promised in the first gospel seemed an unlikely warrior; at sermon ever delivered. Jeho- least that’s what the people vah Himself was the preacher thought. Forgiving His enemies. and the whole human race Telling His followers to turn the and the prince of darkness the other cheek. Living homeless, audience. Is it not remarkable with nowhere to lay His head. that this great promise should He seemed more like a Lamb have been delivered so soon than the Lion of Judah. But He after the transgression? Not had a secret: love is a greater yet had the woman been force in the universe than power. condemned to painful travail, And by love He won the field. or the man to exhausting labor, What Satan thought was his or even the soil to the curse. great victory in bruising the Truly ‘mercy rejoices against Lord Jesus at Calvary was ac- judgment.’ Before the Lord tually the Devil’s ruin. The ser- had said, ‘Dust you are and to pent’s head was crushed. Now dust you shall return,’ He was we can be set free from Satan’s pleased to say that the seed of control when we accept Christ as the woman should bruise the Savior, placing our trust in Him serpent’s head. Let us rejoice and His victory. Then we can in the swift mercy of God, say, “[God] has delivered us 32

GENESIS 1 3:19 which in the early watches of of raising children in a world cut the night of sin came with loose from its Creator. comforting words to us.” The Hebrew for “greatly mul- 3:16 THE MOTHER OF ALL LIVING?  tiply” is “multiplying I will Eve began some big trends: desiring her hus- multiply.” And it’s difficult to band, sorrow in childbirth, and changing his- avoid this because of Part 2: tory one baby at a time. “your desire shall be for your husband.” You will find it When God told Eve about the almost impossible to shun the coming war between the Devil great pain and peril of child- and her seed, He wasn’t bearing, because you will also finished: “I will greatly multiply have a strong desire, an appetite, your sorrow and your concep- towards being one with your tion; in pain you shall bring husband. Oh the predicament forth children; your desire shall the human race finds itself in be for your husband, and he because of going our own way! shall rule over you” (Gen 3:16). They say few things are as joyful Ironically, Adam could still see as bringing a child into the the bright side. And so, even world, and few things are as though the race was dying, painful as — bringing a child Adam by faith called his wife into the world. Obviously, I’m Eve, meaning “the mother of all not the one to opine about the living.” Imagine each contrib- pains of childbirth, but I have uting one cell, then see a child stood beside my dear wife as she develop from this! What poten- heroically brought seven chil- tial! Instead of a power struggle dren into the world. That’s right  over ruling, what a joy when we — 2 boys and 5 girls. There are have mutual submission, turning many sorrows associated with the battle of the sexes into the childbirth. My oldest has the blessing of a godly home. sorrow of boys with severe autism. Other daughters have 3:17-19 WORRISOME WEEDING: Did had the sorrow of not bearing you know that weeds only grow where people children when they longed for try to cultivate the land? Another proof the them. Still another lost a little Bible’s true! one in the womb. And some now struggle with the challenges Weeding! Don’t you love it? Years ago, I found this quotation in a book called Controlling 33

GENESIS 3:19 Weeds by the Ortho lawn care thorns and thistle-like things people: “Where do weeds come instead of the sweet fruit of the from? It’s important to realize Spirit: you know the list — love, that the presence of weeds is joy, peace, and so on. In the place directly related to our own of rest, there is sweat: over-exer- activities and that they appear tion and under-production. And when the native vegetation is at the end of the journey, it’s just disturbed. This is true of the dust: “to dust you shall return.” areas cleared for homes and Anyone who doubts God’s especially for those garden areas Word at least has to believe that! where we plant and nurture flowers, vegetables, fruits, and And yet, disguised in that lawns.” curse, there IS a blessing. The Bible says, “It’s good to work That sounds like Genesis 3:17- with your own hands” (see 1 19! There God told Adam, Thess 4:11). Imagine how much “Because you have heeded the trouble we’d get into if we didn’t voice of your wife, and have have to work! eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You 3:19 WHAT WE’RE REALLY MADE shall NOT eat of it’: Cursed is OF: You can’t help being like what you’re the ground for your sake; in toil made of, until someone figures out a way to you shall eat of it all the days of elementally change you. your life. Both thorns and this- tles it shall bring forth for you, We’ve been thinking about the and you shall eat the herb of the Lord’s conversation with Adam field. In the sweat of your face and Eve after they suicidally cut you shall eat bread till you themselves off from the life of return to the ground, for out of God. He had warned them, but it you were taken; for dust you they didn’t listen. God offered are, and to dust you shall return.” the human race convincing evidence that what He said was What a thing! This is God’s 5- true — your dust will prove it. finger rule for a fallen race: Here’s Genesis 3:19, “In the Curse…toil…thorns…sweat… sweat of your face you shall eat dust. Disobeying God reaps a bread till you return to the curse instead of a blessing. The ground, for out of it you were word “toil” comes from a taken; for dust you are, and to Hebrew word for “worrisome.” dust you shall return.” But I Disobedience results in worry, not peace. And it brings hurtful 34

GENESIS 1 3:23 think it would be helpful to earth; and after my skin is clarify something. destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God.” This is Remember the description of the believer’s certain resurrec- Adam’s creation in chapter 2:7? tion hope! “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and 3:23 ADAM, A.K.A “DUSTY”: “And breathed into his nostrils the so it is written, ‘The first man Adam became breath of life; and man became a a living being.’ The last Adam became a life- living being.” So, two parts: dust giving spirit” (1 Cor 15:45). formed and breath infused. The dust gave man a body, but the The Lord Jesus, through His breath gave him a spirit. In fact, incarnation, became “the second Solomon wrote, “The spirit of Man” and “the last Adam.” As man is the candle of the Lord” the second Man, He was a new (Prov 20:27, KJV) and the word kind of man: “the first man was “spirit” is the same Hebrew of the earth, earthy.” But notice word as “breath” in Genesis 2:7. that the second Man is not So we are spiritual beings who spoken of as “heavenly.” He is live in a house of dust. “the Lord from heaven.” Adam was like his environment That’s what Longfellow meant because he was made out of it. when he wrote, “Art is long, and “Adam” could well be translated Time is fleeting, And our hearts, “Dusty,” “for dust you are, and though stout and brave, Still, to dust you shall return” (Gen like muffled drums, are beating 3:19). But Jesus isn’t like heaven; Funeral marches to the grave” He is the Lord from heaven —  but added to clarify, “Life is real! heaven is like Jesus! Life is earnest! And the grave is NOT its goal; ‘Dust thou art, to As the last Adam, He is the dust returnest,’ Was not spoken final prototype of a new of the soul.” creation. Adam in creation was the ideal model of “a living When I was young, an elderly being” (1 Cor 15:45), but Christ lady used to tell me, “You think is of a different order, though you’re iron, but you’re really truly human in every way but dust — you’ll find out.” And I sin. He is “a life-giving spirit.” have! But thankfully I’ve also Praise the Lord! As Eve was to learned by grace what Job Adam so are we to Christ, discovered (Job 19:25-26): “I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the 35

GENESIS 3:24 “members of His body, of His tary in families.” How important flesh and of His bones” (Eph families are! They are the 5:30). primary self-governed building blocks of every civilization. 3:24 TWO TREES: “He who believes When the family breaks down, it in the Son has everlasting life; and he who can’t be long before the country does not believe the Son shall not see life, begins to collapse. but the wrath of God abides on him” (Jn 3:36). Aren’t you glad for that second tree? It is in the family that we should learn the lessons that “A flaming sword…turned every aren’t in the school textbooks, way, to guard the way to the tree lessons like honesty and fairness, of life.” Yes, God is holy and must diligence and co-operation, punish sin. But the story doesn’t respect and forgiveness, courage end there! “To him who over- and empathy, and so on. Theo- comes I will give to eat from the dore Roosevelt warned: “To tree of life…” (Rev 2:7). God educate a man in mind and not blocking us from the tree of life in morals is to educate a menace gave impermanence to failure, to society.” heartache, and death; welcoming us at the tree of Calvary brought So true! But back to that excit- eternal permanence to forgive- ing day, when Eve gave birth. ness, joy, and life. They had never observed child- birth, and had never seen a baby. 4:1-2 THE FIRST FAMILY: Remember I remember well the birth of our this – God didn’t just make individuals; He first child; it was just about the made families. And He cares about yours, too. most thrilling moment of my life! It’s nothing less than a miracle: “Now Adam knew Eve his wife, two cells join, divide, differenti- and she conceived and bore ate, and voilà! A baby is born Cain, and said, ‘I have acquired with the ability to think, speak, a man from the Lord.’ Then she create, love, and worship God! bore again, this time his brother Abel….” Welcome to the family  When Eve said, “I have — the first in history! Yes, this acquired a man from the Lord,” was God’s idea. We read in she may have thought this boy Psalm 68:6, “God sets the soli- was the answer to God’s prom- ise to send “the seed of the woman” to defeat Satan, the serpent. But that was not to be. It would be several thousand years before God’s own Son 36

GENESIS 1 4:6 would come to save us. And Cain should have known this. then it would not be one family Bringing fruit (which would in need of saving, but a vast make a fine thanks offering) was world of billions. Yet His solitary not appropriate as a sacrifice for life given is sufficient for every sin. He was angry when “the sinner, including you and me! Lord respected Abel and his Acts 16:31 says, “Believe on the offering, but He did not respect Lord Jesus Christ, and you will Cain and his offering” (Gen 4:4- be saved.” 5), angry at God instead of examining his own heart! But 4:3-4 ATTAINMENT OR ATONE- the Lord appealed to him to ask MENT? The second-most crucial day of your himself why he was angry, and life is the day you die; the most crucial, the then suggested a remedy: “If day you decide where you go. you do well, will you not be accepted?” the Lord asked. At first, it seems a matter of little “And if you do not do well,” He significance. We read in Genesis added, “sin lies at the door” (v 6). 4:3-4, “Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the This last phrase can be under- Lord. Abel also brought of the stood in two ways. If Cain didn’t firstborn of his flock.” Shouldn’t change his course of action, God be impressed with us when things would get worse — and we give Him anything? Many they did! But the word “sin” think so. World religions are could be translated “sin offering.” based on the idea that whatever Both the problem and the we give should improve our solution were at the door, as they standing with the God (or gods) are for us. We read in Psalm we worship. But is that so? 145:18, “The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who Remember the story of these call upon Him in truth.” Not our boys’ parents when they sinned gifts to God, but His gift of a cru- in Eden? They realized they cified Savior for us, is the way of were exposed before God, so salvation! No wonder Jesus they made themselves aprons of called Himself the Door (Jn 10:9)! leaves. Was He impressed with their outfits? No. It would be 4:5-6 AN AUTOPSY OF OUR HEART stated that “without shedding of TROUBLE: Ouch! It’s hard to say it, but the blood there is no remission [or, line between good and evil runs right through freedom from sin]” (Heb 9:22), so every human heart. animals must die as substitutes. 37

GENESIS 4:6 Although Adam and Eve had full measure, or iniquity, willfully been expelled from Paradise, it breaking God’s law, or even as still must have been an amazing discord in the harmony of God’s world. No pollution. No crime. universe. But basically sin is a No racial discrimination. No decision to go my own way, war. And yet there was a worm contrary to God’s desire; it is in their apple, a thorn in their treason against God’s govern- bouquet. Sin had entered the ment. And we will see in the human heart. The story has been escalation of Cain’s anger that, told of a question posed in a like a deadly virus, one sin British newspaper: “What is breeds others. The words of the wrong with the world?” The apostle John are true: “Whoever shortest response? “Dear Sirs: I hates his brother is a murderer” am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Ches- (1 Jn 3:15), because sin is a fact in terton.” Cain, if he had been us before it is an act done through honest, might have responded us. Watch out, Cain! Watch out, the same way. We read in listener! Watch out, speaker! Sin Genesis 4:3-5, “And in the is on the prowl. process of time it came to pass that Cain brought an offering of 4:8-10 THE ROOT OF BITTERNESS: the fruit of the ground to the Nothing grows like the root of bitterness, and Lord. Abel also brought of the nothing kills it like a good dose of honesty. firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord respected Abel The wise king Solomon wrote, and his offering, but He did not “Love is as strong as death, respect Cain and his offering. jealousy as cruel as the grave” And Cain was very angry…” (Song 8:6). These are the two ruling passions of life. Selfless There are many Bible words love, in its rightful place, is the for the wrong we find in our greatest thing in the world, hearts. Richard Trench explains according to 1 Corinthians 13:13. that sin is a person missing the Love is the strong desire to mark; when going beyond the sacrificially give, but this kind of limit, it is called transgression. bitter jealousy wants to ruth- Other words describe it as dis- lessly take what belongs to some- obeying a voice, or falling short one else. And as our story shows of the standard. It is portrayed as today, it really is as cruel as the ignorance of what one should grave. They say jealousy is like have known, or diminishing what should have been given in 38

GENESIS 1 4:10 someone drinking poison, hoping off we are: “Be sure your sin will that the other person will die. find you out” (Num 32:23). Adam and Eve’s firstborn son, Cain, hated his brother Abel SAYS WHO? because he thought the way to God was by personal attain- Atheists like to say they’re as moral ment, not by atonement. Instead as believers, but without God, what of loving him as a big brother is their basis for saying that? should, Cain hated that Abel’s offering had been accepted by In the book of Jude, verse 11, we God and his had not. read about those who follow “in the way of Cain.” What is it? The God Himself counseled Cain path of selfish choices that lead to be careful not to be overcome people to reject God’s mercy and with his anger and selfishness. try it on our own. It is the dead- But instead of humbly learning end road of all those who want to from Abel about the way to be pretend being their own God, accepted by God, he hatched a living for their own desires rather plot to spoil his brother’s special than walking with the Lord. relationship with the Lord. How could he do it? He would kill him! Yale law professor Arthur Allen Leff, an atheist, spoke at Jealousy is not only cruel; it’s Duke University’s School of Law, blind too! Couldn’t Cain see where he honestly explained the that, by committing this act of hopelessness of his own position. treachery against his brother, he He acknowledged that he was actually killing his own wanted to be free from a Supreme opportunity to receive the grace Being, but it left him with a that God was offering him? serious dilemma: Who then Genesis 4:8 reads, “It came to decides what is right and wrong pass, when they were in the for a society? When something is field, that Cain rose up against declared to be wrong, he said, it Abel his brother and killed all comes down to the school- him.” It seems he tried covering yard taunt, “Says who?” up his crime by burying his brother’s body, but God said to He concluded, “All I can say is Cain, “What have you done? this: it looks as if we are all we The voice of your brother’s have. Given what we know blood cries out to Me from the about ourselves and each other, ground” (v 10). The sooner we this is an extraordinarily unappe- learn this life lesson, the better 39

GENESIS 4:12 tizing prospect; looking around evidence. But even if they aren’t the world, it appears that, if all caught, listen to how the Lord men are brothers, the ruling describes people like Cain: “A model is Cain and Abel.” Ouch! fugitive and a vagabond you shall be on the earth” (Gen 4:12). But it’s true, that if there is no A fugitive is running from some- God, we have no absolute moral thing, and a vagabond has code, and the fate of the human nowhere to hide. Do you race is decided by the personal wonder what this has to do with preferences of the powerful. But you? Well, that’s where every thankfully that isn’t the only sinner is who hasn’t discovered way. The Lord Jesus came into Christ as the Hiding Place. the world and declared an alter- native to the self-centered way Remember, the Bible tells us in of Cain. In John 14:6, Jesus said, 1 John 3:15, “Whoever hates his “I am the way, the truth, and the brother is a murderer.” God sees life. No one comes to the Father the intent of our hearts, as well except through Me.” Millions as what will happen if that seed have found this to be true. What of hatred is allowed to grow. In did He mean? The road to God 2011, 79 percent of murders and heaven has been blocked by reported to the FBI were com- our sin. But Jesus through His mitted by friends, loved ones, or death and resurrection can clear acquaintances. the way, bringing us into a new relationship with God. What is Do you know how Cain re- His way? He said, “Repent, and sponded to God when he realized believe in the gospel” (Mk 1:15). he had cut himself loose from the Lord? He cried out in verse 13: 4:12-13 ARE YOU A FUGITIVE FROM “My punishment is greater than GRACE? When it comes to our dealings with I can bear!” or, as the margin has God, it really IS true: you can run but you it, “My iniquity is greater than can’t hide. that it may be forgiven.” Poor Cain. First, he badly underesti- God told Cain that He could mated his own sinful heart and hear his murdered brother’s the need for God’s prescribed blood crying out from the blood sacrifice, thinking his best ground for justice. Since then, should be good enough. Then he thousands of criminals have underestimated the way that sin been tracked down by blood metastasizes in the soul, turning jealousy and anger into rage and murder. But here he underesti- 40

GENESIS 1 4:13 mates the wonderful forgiving “Who are you to tell me,” he grace of God. Poet Jehoida retorts, “that I must forgive my Brewer wrote, wife?” “On Christ almighty “No, I didn’t say YOU should vengeance fell forgive her, just that whatever she’s done is forgivable. That’s Which must have sunk why Jesus died at Calvary — so a world to hell. all our sins could be forgiven. No, it’s very unlikely you CAN He bore it for a sinful race, forgive her — if you’ve never And thus became their enjoyed the Lord’s forgiving Hiding Place.” love to you.” God can forgive you, whatever “What,” he asks sharply, “does sins you have committed. Christ God have to forgive ME for?” died for you, a fugitive from His grace. Stop running. Come by “Well, this is a touchy subject, faith to Christ today. so let’s talk about the crimes for which God forgave me! He said 4:13 GIVING OUR FORGIVING: I was a thief, having robbed Him There’s only one thing more expensive than of what He deserved from my forgiving someone — and that is NOT life. He said I was an adulterer forgiving them. for looking on a woman and lusting after her. He told me I The subject of forgiveness is so was a murderer if I hated my important I want to linger longer brother, in fact, responsible for on Genesis 4:13, where Cain the death of Christ! ‘Guilty as says, “My iniquity is greater charged, Your Honor,’ I said in than that it may be forgiven.” my heart. And you know, He Listen in as I talk with a man forgave me of them all! Oh the who holds his wife responsible peace I had at that moment! And for the death of their daughter in when you experience God’s for- an accident. giveness, though it’s not easy, you want to share His forgive- “It’s unforgivable,” he says. ness with others.” “Oh, not unforgivable,” I reply softly. “Jesus said in Matthew Unforgiveness binds you to 12:32 that only one sin is unpar- the circumstance you refuse to donable; that’s the sin of saying forgive. Oh, what chains are No to the Holy Spirit when He released when we accept God’s offers you God’s pardon for all forgiveness, and learn to forgive your sin.” others! So “be kind to one 41

GENESIS 4:13 another, tenderhearted, forgiv- events that defy the very laws of ing one another, just as God in science. Christ forgave you” (Eph 4:32). So as we now look at the next LET’S GET IT STRAIGHT... chapters in human history — the beginning of civilization, the Isn’t it awkward when atheists flood in Noah’s day, and the use their intelligence to try and formation of the nations — we’ll prove there’s no intelligence be- have to decide whether the Bible hind the universe? We read in Ro- is authoritative or we are. Do we mans 10:17, “Faith comes by (or the experts) decide what is hearing, and hearing by the word truth, or does God? Remember of God.” Genesis is filled with that science is constantly in a events that take faith to believe —  quest to disprove what they think the making of the universe, the they know. And science can’t an- creation of humanity, and the swer life’s most important ques- judgment of the Fall. The Bible tions, like why are we here? Or will continue to call us to believe what is life’s purpose? Only the in miraculous events until its Creator can answer these. So I’ll very last page. But it isn’t just side with the apostle Paul when Bible believers who understand he wrote in Roman 3:4, “Let God this. be true but every man a liar.” If God says something, and the British biologist Rupert Sheld- world’s experts disagree, I’ll rake was honest enough to say, stand with God. Many Christian “Modern science is based on the scientists agree. God wants us to principle: ‘Give us one free think; that’s why He gave us miracle and we’ll explain the minds. But when He says some- rest.’ The one free miracle is the thing, He also wants us to take appearance of all the mass and Him seriously. energy in the universe, and all the laws that govern it, in a single in- THE GENEALOGIES: 4:17-22 & 5 stant — from nothing.” The genealogies in the Bible It isn’t just one miracle, of read like a phone book — all cast course. Everything coming from and no plot. What are they nothing, order from chaos, the doing there? fine-tuning of the universe, and living things coming from non-liv- As we turn the pages of the ing material — these are one-off Bible, we can’t leave the first 42

GENESIS 1 4:22 family behind, because we’re practical reason: they prove that related! Some say their ancestors God is paying attention to us came to America on the May- personally; everybody matters flower or received a land grant to Him. There’s also a prophetic from the king. Others came a reason, because God is provid- very different way, and find ing documentary evidence that their roots in Africa. The fact is, Jesus truly is the son of Adam, we all trace our lineage to the Abraham, and David. In Genesis same place: Adam and Eve. So 5:4, we see that Adam and Eve whether born into privilege or had many sons and daughters, poverty, we all carry the sinful but the Bible chooses to list the bloodline: “By one man’s dis- lineage of only two: Cain and obedience many were made Seth. In our next lesson, we’ll see sinners,” Paul writes in Romans the huge difference that our 5:19. That’s the whole human choices make, not only to us but race. But my heart rejoices to tell to the generations following. you the rest of the verse, which introduces our Savior: “So also 4:17-22 THE BEGINNING OF CULTURE: by one Man’s obedience many Is it true that some of the Bible isn’t true? will be made righteous.” We are Jesus said the whole world will disappear be- made righteous by first confess- fore one letter proves false (see Matt 5:18). ing our unrighteousness and then receiving as a gift “the If we believe the Bible’s account, righteousness of God, through men did not slowly evolve from faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on some common ancestor with the all who believe” (Rom 3:22). apes, using only crude tools. Instead, the Genesis account As the old preachers used to tells of Cain’s family building say, it doesn’t matter so much the first city, and, within a few where you came from; it’s where years, they had domesticated you’re going to that’s important! livestock, had invented a variety Heaven and hell are the only of musical instruments, and were two destinations, so the Bible smelting iron and crafting instru- warns, “Prepare to meet your ments in bronze (Gen 4:17-22). God” (Amos 4:12). Desiring to prove the Bible But as we read through Gen- wrong, modern man has misread esis, it isn’t too long before we the fossil record. “Stone-age come across genealogies. Some people” are the evidence of people skip these sections, but they ARE important. There’s a 43

GENESIS 1:1-3:5 degeneration and severe hard- Christ all shall be made alive” (1 ship, not of prehistoric con- Cor 15:22). Trust in Christ today! ditions. This slow rise from basic existence up to cultured civiliza- 4:23-27 LAMECH AND ENOCH: A tion is assumed, based on evolu- STUDY IN CONTRASTS: Ever wonder where tionary theory. But go to South your family will be a few generations from America, South Africa, or Aus- now? Remember Lamech and Enoch! tralia. There you find people living with all the benefits of I remember my great-grand- modern civilization, and a few mother well, a dear godly miles away are stone-age woman. And although I have people! Are they primitives, just seven children, and a host of waiting for foreign aid and grandchildren, I haven’t lived Western education so they can long enough to see my great- become like us? grandchildren, but, God willing, I hope to. Well, from your great- If, a few hundred years from grandparents to your great- now, the fossil remains of these grandchildren, that’s seven two parallel civilizations were generations. The little book of found, what would they think? Jude, verse 14, underlines the One has well-developed skeletal fact that the man named Enoch remains, tall and erect. They was “the seventh from Adam.” leave behind iPhones and Mercedes. The other are of But before we are introduced shorter stature, bent over, with to this man in the line of Seth in worn-out teeth, their tools basic. Genesis chapter 5, we meet a What would you assume? That man called Lamech in chapter 4, the advanced group evolved who is seventh from Adam in from the other? the line of Cain. Adam had other sons and daughters, but only Again, we must decide: Is the two have their lineage recorded: Bible record dependable or not? Cain and Seth. What a contrast! If it’s untrustworthy, there’s no Like two drops of water that fall hope. But if it is true, then the a foot apart but land on either Bible is not only the record of side of a mountain watershed, generation by God, and degen- how far apart they eventually eration through sin, but also of end! Lamech is the first polyga- regeneration in Christ. The New mist, contrary to the plan of Testament links an historical God. And he boasted in his Adam with the historical Christ: “As in Adam all die, even so in 44

GENESIS 1 1:1-3:5 killing of a young man who had am involved in Mankind; And hurt him. Concerning his ances- therefore never send to know for tor and fellow-murderer, Cain, whom the bell tolls; It tolls for God had warned a seven-fold thee.” The bell-ringing, or Death vengeance on anyone who killed Knell, was a somber reminder to him. But Lamech threatened a the townsfolk of the brevity of seventy-times-seven retaliation, life and the certainty of death. quite a contrast to the Lord When people won’t listen to any Jesus’ instruction to forgive other preacher, that eloquent old seventy-times-seven (Mt 18:22). Preacher, Death, gets their atten- tion. He does just that in this The life of Enoch is a study in chapter. contrasts, one of those recorded in Genesis 4:26, “Then men You remember Satan’s lie to began to call on the name of the our first parents, even if they Lord.” We read the simple tes- disobeyed the Lord? “The ser- timony of his life in 5:24, “Enoch pent said to the woman, ‘You walked with God; and he was will not surely die’” (3:4). But not, for God took him.” The New God’s warning was to the Testament adds, in Hebrews 11:5, contrary in chapter 2: “Of every “He had this testimony, that he tree of the garden you may pleased God.” No gravestone for freely eat; but of the tree of the Enoch, but if God had not taken knowledge of good and evil you him directly to heaven without shall not eat, for in the day that dying, what a fitting epitaph! We you eat of it you shall surely die” can have no greater desire in life (vv 16-17). than to please the Lord. So who was telling the truth? CHAPTER 5: THE BELL TOLLS... This chapter gives the solemn answer. Each generation is the Genesis 5 is like the tolling of the terminal generation, isn’t it! Like death knell. It isn’t so long ago the tolling of the bell, we read that, when a person died, the over and over, “and he died… church bell would toll for that and he died…and he died.” person, often ringing one time That’s going to be true of you for each year of life. John Donne, and me, too, unless like Enoch writing in 1624, penned the the Lord catches us away to famous words, “Any man’s heaven with all believers at the death diminishes me because I Rapture. So the question is not whether we will leave this world, but how we will leave it. 45

GENESIS 5:21 Do you know where you’re been more blessed, and never going when the time comes? more cursed. Look at the rise of Some say you can’t know, but internet porn, family breakdown, the Bible says you can. The apos- teen suicide, the sex slave trade, tle John writes, “These things I and drug addiction. More money have written to you who believe breeds corruption, greed, and in the name of the Son of God, selfishness. that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 Jn 5:24). Of course there are bright Please remember these words: spots, and I like to think I’m an Life is short. Death is sure. Sin optimist, but the Bible says that the curse. Christ the cure. “evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse” (2 Tim 5:21 AS OLD AS METHUSELAH: The 3:13). In fact, the same chapter average lifespan worldwide today is 78.6 tells us that in the closing days years, just about where Moses said it was 3 of human history “perilous 500 years ago! times will come.” Paul says people will be self lovers, money In Genesis 5:21 we read, “Enoch lovers, pleasure lovers, and not lived sixty-five years, and begot God lovers. Methuselah.” Then verse 27 adds, “So all the days of Me- Sound familiar? Well, so it was thuselah were nine hundred and in Methuselah’s day. The world sixty-nine years; and he died.” was getting ripe for the judg- Have you ever heard the saying, ment of God’s flood just as it’s “He’s as old as Methuselah”? now getting ready for the judg- Well, not quite! ment of God’s fire (2 Pet 3:3-7). So why did Methuselah live so Methuselah had the longest long? His name is a clue: mathay recorded life of any man in means “to extend the time,” and history — 969 years! But there’s a shelach means “a missile of at- fascinating story behind this. tack.” His long life was the Let’s get the big picture first. measure of God’s patient grace. When he died, the flood came. Just like in our lifetime, this man lived surrounded by in- How thankful we are that 2 creasing wickedness. We’ve seen Peter 3 also says, “The Lord is… amazing improvements in our longsuffering…, not willing that lifestyle, but serious deterioration any should perish but that all in our society. We have never should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come…” (vv 9-10). 46

GENESIS 1 6:16 6:12 AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF in ours) thought they’d be hap- NOAH: Some people say that various reli- pier on their own. That, ladies gions are just different paths to the summit. and gentlemen, is a dead end. Who says we’re going uphill? There’s a statement in the It’s breathtaking how quickly Bible that reads like the warning, the world went bad. In Genesis “Bridge Out Ahead.” Listen! 1:31, we read, “God saw every- “There is a way that seems right thing that He had made, and to a man, but its end is the way indeed it was very good.” Just of death” (Prov 14:12). Know five chapters later (6:12), the what Proverbs 16:25 says? diagnosis was: “God looked “There is a way that seems right upon the earth, and indeed it to a man, but its end is the way was corrupt.” Some people of death.” Yes, God repeats it in think that, if God had made us case we missed it the first time! better, we wouldn’t have ended up so bad. But in his book Mere Genesis 6:5 says, “The Lord Christianity, C.S. Lewis explains: saw that…every intent of the thoughts of [man’s] heart was “The better stuff a creature is only evil continually.” Wow! made of — the cleverer and Like a spreading cancer, this stronger and freer it is — then required radical surgery! Could the better it will be if it goes anything be saved? Just one right, but also the worse it will family was walking with God. be if it goes wrong. A cow can- Jesus said, “As it was in the days not be very good or very bad; of Noah, so it will be also in the a dog can be both better and days of the Son of Man” (Lk worse; a child better or worse 17:26). How about you? Are you still; an ordinary man, still walking with God? more so; a man of genius, still more so…” (p 49). 6:14-16 NOAH BUILDS AN ARK: You see the point? God didn’t Building, not bending, the ark of history, be- want pets. He certainly didn’t want programmed robots. He cause history isn’t heading where most wanted people who could choose to share a loving relation- people think it’s going. ship with Him. But somehow the people in Noah’s day (like many Noah and his sons were in- structed by the Lord: “Make yourself an ark of gopherwood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and outside with 47

GENESIS 6:16 pitch7…. The length of the ark to join him in the safety of the shall be three hundred cubits, its ark. The Bible says that, up to width fifty cubits, and its height this point, God had arranged it thirty cubits. You shall make a so “a mist went up from the window for the ark,…and set earth” and watered the ground the door of the ark in its side” (Gen 2:6); rain had not yet fallen. (Gen 6:14-16). So you see what faith it took for Do you have any idea how big Noah to believe God’s warning that is? It was about 50 feet high and invest his life in such a proj- and 500 feet long — the length of ect. The people rejected the one-and-a-half football fields. Its message and mocked Noah. So capacity was astounding, hold- today, people reject the story of ing the equivalent of 450 tractor the cross of Christ, where He trailer loads. took the storm of God’s wrath for all who find in Him the only The British newspaper The place of safety. It’s love that Telegraph reported that when a warns. Jesus Himself said, “Flee group of master’s students from from the wrath to come” (Mt 3:7). the University of Leicester’s Department of Physics and 6:17-22 IS THE STORY OF NOAH Astronomy used the dimensions TRUE?  Yes, there was a real man named of the Ark given in Genesis, Noah who built a real ark that saved a real applied the Archimedes princi- family. Guess why many people reduce this ple of buoyancy and approx- account to mere myth? imate animal weights, they were astonished to find out that the Some clever people think the Ark would have floated, carry- story of Noah is an old fable. ing 70,000 animals without Jesus didn’t. He believed Noah sinking. Interestingly, the ratio of was an historical figure, and said the length to the beam is six, the so. So did the writers of both the same as a Suezmax supertanker. Old and New Testaments. No wonder the ark took many Anthropologist Arthur Cus- years to construct. Yet all this tance says, “The Flood story is time, Noah, called by Peter “a factual in its presentation, reading preacher of righteousness,” continually warned the people 7. The word used here for pitch (Heb, kopher), because it physically means a covering, is also translated in Scripture figuratively as a redemption price or a ransom. You will find this word in passages like Ex 30:12; Job 33:24; Ps 49:7; and Isa 43:3. 48

GENESIS 1 7:10 very much like a ship’s log. dissolved, being on fire, and the There is no doubt that only eight elements will melt with fervent people came out of the ark and heat? Nevertheless we, accord- that from them was the earth re- ing to His promise, look for new peopled. Genesis 10 assumes heavens and a new earth in this as a fact….” which righteousness dwells” (vv 11-13). God is not behind sched- Can you think of a reason ule. He waits for you to find people wouldn’t want the flood safety in Christ before the fire- story to be true? Peter gives us storm hits. There’s a new world one: “Scoffers will come in the coming! Are you ready? Today’s last days, walking according to the day of salvation. their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His 7:1-10 WHEN THE FLOOD CAME: coming? For…all things continue Doors are a decision; they keep some things as they were from the in and other things out. Ever wonder why beginning…’ For this they will- Jesus is called the Door? fully forget: that by the word of God…the world that then existed The apostle Peter tells us that it perished, being flooded with was actually Jesus, by the Spirit, water. But the heavens and the who preached all those years earth which are now preserved through Noah, pleading with by the same word, are reserved the people to turn from sin to for fire until the day of judg- safety. And today, when we ment…” (2 Pet 3:3-7). preach the gospel, the same thing is happening. Paul wrote, Ah, that’s it. Scoffers have a “We are ambassadors for Christ, vested interest in the story not as though God were pleading being true. The flood reminds us through us: we implore you on that a holy God must always Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to judge sin. The same word that God” (2 Cor 5:20). People who sent the flood will soon send the reject the gospel are not rejecting fire to burn up this corrupt the preacher. It’s the Lord world. That’s why Peter adds, they’re rejecting. “Since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of Well, the day came when God persons ought you to be in holy instructed Noah, along with conduct and godliness, looking samples of all the animals (not for and hastening the coming of necessarily the largest ones), to the day of God, because of which the heavens will be 49

GENESIS 7:10 enter the ark with his family. The 7:11 LIFTED UP BY GOD’S WRATH! ark had just one door, and God shut it once they were inside. Is it okay for God to get angry? Don’t YOU get This is so similar to the warn- angry about slavery and child abuse and ing of the Lord Jesus when someone asked (in Lk 13), such? God does too. “‘Lord, are there few who are saved?’ And He said to them, The rain began seven days after ‘Strive to enter through the nar- Noah and his family entered the row gate, for many, I say to you, ark. The storm continued will seek to enter and will not be unabated for 40 days, with the able. When once the Master of underground waters joining in the house has risen up and shut the deluge from above. As Gen- the door, and you begin to stand esis 7:11 puts it, “On that day all outside and knock at the door, the fountains of the great deep saying, “Lord, Lord, open for were broken up, and the win- us,” and He will answer and say dows of heaven were opened.” to you, “I do not know you, This swept away all living where you are from,” then you things except those in the ark. will begin to say, “We ate and drank in Your presence, and You However, we should not con- taught in our streets.” But He fuse God’s temporal judgment will say, “I tell you I do not know with eternal judgment. True, all you, where you are from. Depart those who willfully rejected the from Me, all you workers of message perished, but those iniquity.”’” unable to respond by age or mental capacity would not be What a shock! They had a forever lost. At least, I believe religious vocabulary, a religious that is the meaning of the Sav- education and experiences, ior’s words: “Take heed that you actually taking communion, but do not despise one of these little they were outside — forever! ones, for I say to you that…their Why? They trusted in what they angels always see the face of My had done instead of trusting Father who is in heaven” (Mt Him. Please do not make the 18:10). When He spoke regard- same mistake. It’s not coming to ing an adult who had made bad church that saves you, but com- choices in life, He said, “The Son ing to Christ. He said, “I am the of Man has come to seek and to door. If anyone enters by Me, he save that which was lost” (Lk WILL be saved” ( Jn 10:9). 19:10). But when speaking about little ones, Jesus instead said, “The Son of Man has come to 50