Copyright © 2023 by John Boyd Nicholson Jr All rights reserved. ISBN 978-0-88873-600-0 Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture references have been taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Cover image attribution (???): www.esa.int Printed in Canada Co-published by: www.everydaypublications.org www.uplook.org | www.uplook.tv 2
• AUTHOR’S FOREWORD • Welcome Jabe Nicholson Starkville, Mississippi November 2022 3
• EXODUS • EXODUS: The title refers to the “exit” of the children of Israel from Egypt, a continuation of the narrative begun in Genesis. We read with amazement of the raising up of Moses, the Battle of the Gods (the plagues in Egypt), and the Passover deliverance. Then follows the Red Sea rescue, God’s covenant with Israel at Sinai, the construction of His earthly Home—the tabernacle, and Israel’s escapades through the wilderness journey. The book reveals many of God’s attributes, His redemption plan through the blood of the Lamb, the outline of His law, and principles by which He is to be worshiped. It also explains the priesthood in Israel and points forward to God’s plan to have all His people as a kingdom of worshipping and serving priests in His eternal Home. The Hebrew name of the second OT book, Shemoth, was taken from its opening phrase, “these are the names.” The book’s title from the Greek seems more appropriate: Exodus or “the way out.” The exodus of the Jews from Egypt is the fulfillment of Gen. 50:25 spoken by Joseph hun- dreds of years before. In Genesis, God called the patriarchs individually; but in Exodus, He calls a whole nation to be His. His call was 3-fold: “Let My people go that they may serve Me,” “that they may hold a feast to Me,” and “that they may do sacrifice.” He still seeks those to desire to serve, worship and fellowship with Him. The book naturally falls into three main sections: Part 1 gives Israel’s national foundation in chaps. 1–18 as we see the increase of the people in Egypt and their deliverance out of Egypt. God SAVES His people. Part 2 presents their legislative foundation in chaps. 19–24, in the giving of the covenant of law at Sinai and its ratification by the people. God SEPARATES His people. Part 3 displays their religious foundation in chaps. 25–40, constructing the tabernacle and its provisions of grace through the priesthood and sacrifices. God SANCTIFIES His people. A holy God shows how He can live in the midst of a sinful people while still maintaining His righteousness. This, of course, is fully demonstrated by the Cross of Calvary. Sidlow Baxter, writing in Explore the Book, says: “We have good reason to approach our study of it with real eagerness, for never was there a more striking or vital record…Is there in all his- tory a more amazing spectacle than the Exodus? A more august and solemn revelation of God than at Sinai? A more significant piece of 5
architecture than the Israelite Tabernacle? A greater human figure than the man Moses? A more influential national epoch than the founding of the Israel theocracy? All these are found in this second book of Scripture.” Two great themes emerge in the book of Exodus, the two essentials for a relationship with God. The first is redemption in chapters 1 through 15 and the second is consecration in chapters 16 through 40. These can be seen in the parallels throughout the book: CHAPTERS 1-15 CHAPTERS 16-40 • REDEMPTION • • CONSECRATION • CHAPS 1-2 IN EGYPT IN DESERT CHAPS 15-17 Israel is preserved in Egypt Israel is preserved in the desert CHAPS 3-4 MOSES ISRAEL CHAPS 20-31 Moses is instructed at Sinai Israel is instructed at Sinai CHAPS 5-7 PHARAOH AMALEK CHAPS 17-18 The confrontation is with Pharaoh The confrontation is with Amalek CHAPS 7-11 POWER HOLINESS CHAPS 19-20 The power of God is The holiness of God is manifested manifested in the 10 plagues in the 10 commandments CHAPS 12-13 SPARED DISCIPLINED CHAPS 32-34 Judgment falls: but Israel is Judgment falls, but Israel is spared and redeemed. disciplined then restored CHAPS 13-14 DESTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION CHAPS 35-39 God’s presence seen at the Red Sea: God’s presence seen in the Taberna- Destruction of the enemy cle: Construction of God’s “Tent”. CHAP 15 REDEMPTION CONSECRATION CHAPS 40 Safe on the other side of the sea, The act of consecration results in Israel sings their song of redemption the Lord’s glory filling the tabernacle. 6
EXODUS 1 1:1-3:5 ?? WELCOME TO THE BOOK OF lined in Exodus 1:1-6), to an em- bryonic nation developing in the EXODUS!: We’re about to see the greatest womb of Goshen. Perhaps one reason God allowed the move to escape in history, God landing on the planet Egypt was the increasing in- fluence of Canaanite behavior at Sinai, and more! on Jacob’s sons. In Goshen, away from the Egyptian pop- The book of Genesis begins with ulation because their occupation God’s creation of this amazing of sheep herding was considered world and ends with Joseph’s despicable, they were kept body “in a coffin in Egypt” (Gen somewhat insulated from the 50:26). Oh, the ravages of sin! evil practices of a pagan world. Since then, billions have wept at And there “the children of Israel loved ones’ graves. But the trail were fruitful and increased abun- of tears is only part of the story; dantly, multiplied and grew exceed- God has not given up on the ingly mighty” (v 7). But the human race! In fact, time and Pharaoh of a new dynasty had again He has intervened to pull arisen, unfamiliar with Joseph’s the race back from the brink. deliverance of his nation, and he After Adam and Eve rebelled, did not like this burgeoning the first thing God did was an- population of Hebrews one bit. nounce that there would come Trouble ahead! One mysteriously called the woman’s “Seed.” “He shall bruise ?? PHARAOH IN PANIC MODE: your head” (Gen 3:15), He told Instead of seeing the Israelites as an in- Satan. Then the Lord found a fluence of blessing, the king decides to fight way around the murder of Abel, with God. the proposed line through which that Seed would come. He again The pampered lives of Jacob’s rescued the lineage of the Mes- family were about over. Given siah through the tortured story prime real estate in Egypt, the of Judah and Tamar. And re- rich grasslands of Goshen, some member how Joseph told his of the sons also held key posi- brothers, “God sent me before you tions overseeing Pharaoh’s cat- to preserve a posterity for you in the tle. Joseph had seen to it that life earth, and to save your lives by a was good for his family. But he great deliverance” (Gen 45:7)? was gone now, as was the pha- Now the plan has grown: from God’s covenant with a man, Abraham, to Jacob’s family (out- 7
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