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BSM - Commercial Supplement - 2016 Spring

Published by Barker Storey Matthews, 2016-02-16 04:43:03

Description: BSM - Commercial Supplement - 2016 Spring


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B S MCOMMERCIAL PROPERTY Issue #11 Spring 2016Voted by the Estates Gazette “Most active regional agent in Cambridgeshire & the East of England”

Commercial Property Search made easy SEARCH OUR EXTENSIVE PROPERTY RANGE NOW:• Easy to use property search facility covering all property types across Cambridgeshire, the East of England and Mid-Anglia.• A Geolocation search facility enabling you to easily browse our properties on a map.• Fully mobile friendly site for ease of use on the go.• Regularly updated news and blog section with the latest deals and industry developments. We are your premier commercial property search portal!

Contents Bury St Edmunds 4-9 Market commentary 4-5 Property selection 6-9 Building Surveying Services 10-11 Cambridge 12-17 Market commentary 12-13 Property selection 14-17 Huntingdon 18-31 Market commentary 18-19 Property selection 20-31Front Cover: The Incubator, Alconbury Enterprise Campus – A new flagship building on Rating 28the low carbon Alconbury Weald development comprising flexible office space for smalland start-up businesses ranging from 57.1 - 350.4 sq m (615 - 3,722 sq ft). Peterborough 32-42 Market commentary 32-33 Property selection 34-42 Property Management Solutions 43Welcome to the 11th edition of our commercial property © Copyright 2016 Barker Storey Matthews supplement. 2016 marks a significant year for BSM as we celebrate our All rights reserved. Unless otherwise stated all25th year. Following a buyout from the Prudential Property Services in 1991 we prices and rents quoted are exclusive of VAT. Detailshave established ourselves as one of the largest firms of independent Surveyors contained in adverts to include floor areas, pricesin the Eastern Region. 25 years on and eight of our founding directors remain with and rents are given in good faith but are set outthe firm as we continue to provide our extensive range of commercial property as a general guide only and do not constitute anyservices across the region. part of a contract. No person in the employment of Barker Storey Matthews has any authority to makeOur supplement is sent to around 10,000 businesses, potential occupiers or give any representation or warranty in relation toand investors throughout the region giving our clients a cost effective way of the properties their properties. The properties advertised represent just a selectionof our instructions. Please contact one of our offices to receive detailed property All queries regarding editorial, advertising andbrochures and to discuss your requirements further. Alternatively, visit our website; subscriptions should be directed to register your requirement and find out more about therange of services we provide. Our website has a comprehensive search facility BSM Magazineand our news and blog pages provide up to date articles that we hope are of Barker Storey Matthewsinterest to you. 37 Priestgate PeterboroughWe also hope you find our latest market commentaries of interest, providing a PE1 1JLdetailed picture on what is happening across the region. Sam White Marketing Manager Tel: 01733 897722 Email: [email protected] Web:

Bury St Edmunds Market CommentaryBURY ST EDMUNDS Bury St Edmunds continues to face increasing challenges in terms of supply of modern good quality buildingsacross all commercial sectors, with vacancy particularly low in retail, industrial and offices.The lack of supply is becoming critical with low levels of stock coming to the market. Demand and take up has alsobeen lower than expected, a factor primarily due to the lack of options available to occupiers. The primary demandacross all sectors is for freehold, but with high build costs and a limited supply of land, strong prices need to beachieved to convince owners to sell.The unlocking of development land at Suffolk Park should be a catalyst to new development in the coming years, butin the meantime we expect to see a continuing diminishing supply of existing vacant properties and a subsequentincrease in rents and capital values. Overview by Simon Burton, Director, Bury OfficeOffices warehouse and distribution sector and suitable buildings throughout the region are at a premium. Generally the need isGood quality office space remains in short supply. Whilst demand for large clear span buildings benefiting from better than averagehas been subdued, as indicated above, we believe this is primarily eaves height and cross docking.due to the available stock not aligning with the active requirements. A good number of larger industrial requirements remain unsatisfied,Demand for freehold space remains strong and several large again, primarily due to lack of supply, but also as a result ofrequirements remain unsatisfied. available stock being older and to a sub-standard specification. AsThe shortcomings in the market are demonstrated at Suffolk a result, consideration needs to be given by vendors and landlordsBusiness Park, where Suffolk Housing are currently constructing to refurbishment and enhancement of buildings to meet demand,a new two storey office building for their own occupation. The but also by developers to bring forward potential design and buildfreehold demand is demonstrated with 372 sq m (4,000 sq ft) opportunities where the availability of land allows.under offer at Drovers House, Hillside Business Park, but with lack A prime example of enhancing, improving and investing in existingof supply, 2016 may see some significant shifts in quoting terms. stock can be seen at Anglian Lane Industrial Estate where around 4,230 sq m (45,527 sq ft) has received the owners attention, Ross House, Bury St Edmunds leading to serious interest in the property from a sole occupier. At the smaller end of the scale, there continues to be good demandThere are still a few good quality occupational opportunities in the for small business units, although again, it would seem thatmarket at Ross House, Abbotsgate House and Beacon House but freehold demand outstrips that for leasehold property. Ignoringoverall we expect an increase in office rents over the course of the “one off” ownerships and sales, owners and investors of multiplenext 12 months. We have already seen quoting rents for more units will only consider sales if prices are at a premium. The reasonmodern space increasing to between £14 and £14.50 per sq ft, for demanding these levels simply reflects the desire to replaceand would expect this trend to continue. With a number of larger stock as the only answer is to provide new build solutions. Therequirements in circulation and no obvious large office vacancies cost to achieve this, however, can be expensive, with constructionon the horizon, there may be a drive for new development and and deliverability costs rising as much as 20-25% over the lastdesign & build opportunities. 12-18 months.Industrial Units 5 & 6 Coppice End, Bury St EdmundsAs with the office sector, the industrial market continues to be BSM recently marketed two units at Coppice End, attracting strongcharacterised by a lack of availability of larger buildings, particularly interest, with one being quickly sold, and the remaining unit underin excess of 930 sq m (10,000 sq ft). Similarly, the market offer at the time of writing. Continued demand from Trade Counterpreference appears to favour freehold transactions, demonstrated occupiers has been shown with Benchmarx taking two units atby the sale of around 2,044 sq m (22,000 sq ft) at Easlea Road to Cratfield Road, leaving only 251 sq m (2,700 sq ft).Anti Stat and 8,268 sq m (89,000 sq ft) in Mildenhall to Barman’s.Demand for larger buildings is particularly strong for the B84 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

Contacts in the Bury St Edmunds Office 01284 702655Retail in the Buttermarket, let to Argos. The Adrian Browne sale achieved a net initial yield of aroundThe retail sector in Bury St Edmunds continues to perform strongly. 7.65% assuming normal purchasers Valuations andDespite the never ending media frenzy of reporting ‘deserted costs. A mixed use multi-let retail and Professionalhigh streets’ and the ‘death of town and city centres’, the already residential investment located in St John’slow vacancy rate in Bury continues to fall. Bury is continuing to Street was also sold to Harkalm in October Simon Burtonbecome an increasingly popular shopping destination within the 2015 comprising 5 shops and 6 flatsregion, supported by an affluent catchment population, good which achieved a net initial yield of 7.8%. Agency, Investmentinvestment in the town centre, proactive management with events and Developmentincluding a Christmas Fayre and initiatives such as free parking atcertain off-peak times. Steven MuddThe restaurant sector remains the most active with a number of Agencynew operators recently opening in the town including Byron andEdmundo Lounge who have taken units at the Arc and Cornhill Multi-let retail and residential investment Julian Lucasrespectively. The Edmundo Lounge transaction went someway to St John’s Street, Bury St Edmundsalleviating concern about vacancy levels in Cornhill, with uneaselifted even more following a further letting to Hughes Electrical, Continuing the theme, In September Propertywho took the 755 sq m (8,127 sq ft) former Mothercare store 2015, Barker Storey Matthews also sold Managementon Brentgovel Street, which opened in November 2015. Adnams a multi-let town centre retail investmenthave also opened a shop and café in the Buttermarket in the in Langton Place to a private investor,former Linen’s Direct premises. further demonstrating the popularity of Bury St Edmunds as a retail location, andAnother reason for the town’s popularity is the diverse mix of confidence in investing in this sector.national and independent retailers. In The Traverse, Barker StoreyMatthews let 114 sq m (1,225 sq ft) to Dapper Fox, a new We continue to experience a strong and continued demandindependent menswear retailer, whilst Nanook have also opened for this type of investment with a large percentage of enquiriesnearby. Haga, the furniture and homeware retailer, has returned directed at town centre retail or multi-let opportunities in lot sizesto the town opening new premises of 388 sq m (4,180 sq ft) and up to £1.5m, with demand also for buildings with potential forGuat’s Up, a new independent specialist tea and coffee retailer, has residential conversion. The trend looks to be continuing throughtaken premises from Barker Storey Matthews in Guildhall Street. 2016, particularly from smaller SIPP and SSAS fund owners who see bricks and mortar as a somewhat more stable haven than the Haldo House, Western Way stock market and equally providing a far greater return than cash deposits. In terms of new Langton Place, Bury St Edmunds development, there is continued activity in theWith regards to out-of-town retail, there is currently no vacancy residential sector. Thereat any of the out-of-town parks. Barker Storey Matthews havecompleted the sale of Haldo House to Western Way Retail LLP has been a numberwho have successfully obtained planning consent for a new retailwarehouse scheme of 5,295 sq m (57,000 sq ft) opposite Asda of developments andand anchored by The Range, who have agreed a pre-let of 3,344sq m (36,000 sq ft). There will be a further 1,932 sq m (20,800 applications of varyingsq ft) of retail warehouse space available to let which is alreadyattracting interest. sizes, including changeDevelopment & Investment of use applications not only from office use but also retail, demonstrated by the marketing of a retail unit with prior approval for residential use in St John’s Place, itself attracting considerable interest. Barker Storey Matthews also received instructions to market two properties for Suffolk County Council earlier in 2015, both with development potential. Both properties attracted strongThere has been strong demand from investors for property in the interest resulting in an invitation for best bids. Bury St Edmunds area, and we have recorded Finally, it looks as though work is due to commence on the Eastern a number of sales in this Relief Road in early 2016, unlocking a large amount of badly sector, primarily retail led. needed commercial development land at Suffolk Park bringing the possibility of new development further forward. Work has alreadyArgos retail unit at 29 Buttermarket In April 2015, acting started on a new school, due to open in September 2016. With a on behalf of a private number of unsatisfied requirements, this new development is an landlord, BSM sold a essential step for the town in enabling it to attract new investment 1,300 sq m (14,000 and occupiers, whilst being able to satisfy pent up demand for sq ft) prime retail unit larger scale operations. Issue #11 • Spring 2016 5

Bury St Edmunds Property Selection OFFICE - TO LETBury St Edmunds › Modern detached office building with highBeacon House, Kempson Way quality fit outRent: £96,000 pax › Prestigious business location with excellent access to the A14 › 36 car parking spaces › 633 sq m (6,813 sq ft) NIAWAREHOUSE - FOR SALE / TO LET 01284 702655 RETAIL - TO LET UNDER OFFERMildenhall Bury St Edmunds95 Hampstead Avenue 8 Brentgovel StreetPrice: £460,000; Rent: £42,000 pax Rent: £40,000 pax› Prominent factory/warehouse building with › Prominent retail unit in town centre location offices › Corner position with return frontage › Two retail floors and delivery access› Rear yard, parking and roller shutter access › 326 sq m (3,506 sq ft) NIA› Excellent access to the A11› 1,151 sq m (12,385 sq ft) GIA01284 702655 01284 7026556 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

LABORATORY / OFFICE - TO LET Celebrating 25 years RESTAURANT - TO LETEriswell Bury St EdmundsChamberlains Farm Laboratory First Floor 35-36 Brentgovel StreetBuildings Rent: £22,000 pax Rent: £14,500 pax › First floor restaurant premises› Modern laboratory/office accommodation › Town centre location close to prime retail› Attractive rural location within the Elveden area Estate › New lease available› Suitable for agricultural testing or similar › 135 sq m (1,457 sq ft) NIA uses› 241 sq m (2,590 sq ft) NIA 01284 702655 01284 702655LAND / DEVELOPMENT - FOR SALEIxworth › Former care home suitable for re-use orFormer Ixworth Court Care Home redevelopment (STP)Price: £1,300,000 › Attractive location with on-site parking › Within half a mile of the main high street › Total site area: 1.12 acres › 1,526 sq m (16,430 sq ft) GIA 01284 702655EPC’s available on request Issue #11 • Spring 2016 7

Bury St Edmunds Property SelectionOFFICE - TO LET RETAIL - FOR SALE / TO LETStowmarket ThurstonStevens House 24 School RoadRent: £8,262 pax Price: £110,000; Rent: £9,000 pax› Modern office building › Fully fitted salon premises› Prominent location close to the town centre › For Sale/To Let as a going concern› One remaining ground floor suite to let › Well established business premises for› 90 sq m (972 sq ft) NIA over 30 years › 53 sq m (572 sq ft) NIA 01284 702655 01284 702655OFFICE - TO LET INDUSTRIAL - TO LETBury St Edmunds Bury St EdmundsFirst Floor, St Frances House Hillside Business ParkRent: £25,320 pax Rent: from £8 psf pax› Self-contained office suite› Well-appointed, high specification with › Modern industrial/business units allocated car parking › Popular location with excellent access to A14› Easy access to the A14 and town centre › Suitable for a variety of light industrial/› 235 sq m (2,532 sq ft) NIA business uses 01284 702655 › 111 - 121 sq m (1,200 sq ft - 1,300 sq ft) GIA (larger units also available nearby) 01284 7026558 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

ROSS HOUSE KEMPSON WAY, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7AR• Modern self-contained ground floor office suite• Established office park in a prestigious location• New lease available on terms to be agreed• Excellent access to the A14• 18 on-site allocated parking spaces• 396.56 sq m (4,269 sq ft) NIAFor more information contact: • High quality fit-out • Raised access floorsSimon Burton T: 01284 702655 • LG7 lightingSteven Mudd T: 01284 702655 • Air conditioning • Kitchen and staff breakout area E: [email protected] E: [email protected]

Building Surveying ServicesBSM Noble are able to offer comprehensive building surveying services rangingfrom a simple defects inspection through to full project management for new buildprojects.We provide cost consultancy and feasibility studies and act for a diverse clientbase from individuals, small property companies and developers to institutionalinvestors and local authorities.Project Development Refurbishment: Health & Safety: Schedules ofManagement: Monitoring: Managing the Acting as Principal Condition:Management of Monitoring major construction Designer under CDM Preparation ofthe design and construction projects process from 2015 on both new schedules ofconstruction process on behalf of freehold inception through to build projects and condition toon new build and investors, funding completion including works to existing accurately recordmajor refurbishment institutions or all pre and post buildings. the condition ofprojects from tenants ensuring contract services, leasehold premisesinception through to that the works financial control and at the leasecompletion. are designed and dealing with any commencement constructed in necessary statutory date. accordance with the approvals. development brief.David Park DipBldgCons FRICS David Park, Director of BSM Noble has considerable experience in Building Surveying and has been involved in numerous projects throughout the UK. Prior to forming BSM Noble as a JV company with Barker Storey Matthews in 2011, David spent 19 years running Noble Consultancy, an independent firm of Project Managers and Chartered Building Surveyors, providing a full range of services for commercial and industrial premises. David has acted for a number of well-known clients ranging from small property companies to major corporates and institutions, including Legal & General, BMW (UK) Trustees Ltd, Prudential, Peterborough City Council and the Estates Management Department of Cambridge University to name but a few. While the main areas of operation are East Anglia, the Midlands, the Home Counties and Central London, David has also been involved with major projects in Dartford, Shrewsbury, Liverpool and Glasgow and will continue to offer the full range of building surveying services on a national basis. For further information and to discuss any requirements call David on 01733 233445 or email [email protected] BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

Dilapidations: Repairs & Detailed Defect BuildingPreparation of Maintenance: Building Surveys: Investigation: Conservation:interim and final Preparation Preparation of Investigating building Expertise in dealingschedules of of planned detailed building defects, identifying with refurbishment,dilapidations on maintenance surveys prior to the symptoms, causes repair andbehalf of landlords. programmes for purchase of freehold and necessary maintenance worksRepresenting tenants individual properties or leasehold interests remedial works to historic buildings.where interim or or property portfolios in commercial and and, if appropriate,final schedules have and dealing with industrial property. arranging for repairsbeen served. all pre and post to be carried out. contract services relating to repair and maintenance projects. ….and we also deal with • Insurance Valuations • Party Wall Matters BSM NMOABTLTEHEWS 01733 233445 21Commerce Road, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6LR Issue #11 • Spring 2016 11

Cambridge Market CommentaryCAMBRIDGE Cambridge is one of the fastest growing cities in the UK and in the past 12 months there has been a noticeableincrease in development activity, both in residential and commercial property. Development land is scarce withfuture supply to be determined by the long awaited Local Plans. In the meantime, demand continues to outstripsupply which is pushing up prices. Investment interest in Cambridge is also very strong given the excellent prospectsfor rental and capital growth and aided by an overheating London market. The additional weight of money is furthercompressing investment yields. The challenge for Cambridge is whether it can deliver the type and quantity ofdevelopment and infrastructure required to meet this demand in order to maintain its success and reputation as aglobal centre for innovation and technology, as well as remaining an attractive place to live.Overview by Ben Green, Director, Cambridge OfficeOffices and Laboratories Illumina’s new 14,400 sq m (155,000 sq ft) research facility at Granta Park (artist Impression)The Cambridge office market has been characterised by lowlevels of supply for some years now. With demand rising and ashortage of speculative development, supply levels are increasinglybecoming an issue. This is especially the case for good quality‘Grade A’ offices, with few buildings in excess of 929 sq m (10,000sq ft) currently available in Cambridge, which is forcing occupiersto look to the surrounding business parks. Building 1030, Cambourne Business Park - 4,025 In a couple of major pre-let agreements, global biopharmaceutical sq m (43,332 sq ft) - The largest self-contained companies Illumina and Gilead have signed up to new research building available in the Cambridge area. facilities at Granta Park of 14,400 sq m (155,000 sq ft) and 8,634 sq m (93,000 sq ft) respectively. At the Cambridge BiomedicalIn the absence of any existing available buildings some occupiers, Campus, construction is underway on AstraZeneca’s 55,741 sq mand particularly larger research based companies, are having to (600,000 sq ft) HQ. The first phase of 37,161 sq m (400,000enter into pre-let agreements. sq ft) will be delivered by the end of 2016 and will accommodate 2,000 staff.Deals of note during 2015 include lettings to Deloitte of 1,765 sqm (19,000 sq ft), Thales of 2,508 sq m (27,000 sq ft) and Carter Prime office rents are currently around £35 psf pa. Rents in theJonas of 604 sq m (6,500 sq ft) at One The Square; Brookgate’s city centre have not increased by as much as those on the fringeslatest addition to its CB1 development adjacent to the train station, over the past 12 months, instead, there has been a ripple outdue for completion in November 2016. Each company is taking effect with rents on the prime business parks starting to catch upa 10 year lease at rents of c£35 psf pa. This leaves around 6,503 with those in the centre.sq m (70,000 sq ft) available at One The Square. IndustrialOn the surrounding business parks, DowAgrosciences has leased1,548 sq m (16,660 sq ft) at the newly constructed CPC2 office As with offices, there is a supply demand imbalance with industrialbuilding at Capital Park, Fulbourn. Dow has taken a 15 year lease space. Cambridge does not have a large stock of industrialwith a tenant break at the 10th anniversary at a rent of £28 psf property, with the bigger estates mainly located in the necklacepa. Horizon Discovery has leased a new office building of 2,787sq m (30,000 sq ft) at the Cambridge Research Park at a rent of There is a supply demand imbalance£23.50 psf pa. for quality industrial units12 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

Contacts in the Cambridge Office 01223 467155towns, however, there is increasing demand from R&D type Development & Ben Greenoccupiers for “mid-tech” units with a higher than average content Investmentof office or light assembly/production space. Agency, Investment A trend still prevalent in Cambridge and DevelopmentThere has been no speculative development of note for a number is the development of purpose builtof years, however this is set to change with a few schemes student accommodation. Whilst a Mark Critchleyproposed for 2016. In Ely, developers Grovemere are building a number of schemes have alreadyscheme of nine small business units which will be ready in spring been built there are several still in the Agency, Valuations2016. At Cambridge Research Park there are plans to build around pipeline. These include a 316 room and Professional6,500 sq m (70,000 sq ft) of industrial space in a variety of unit development on Newmarket Road/sizes available at a rent of around £10 psf pa. At Buckingway Cheddars Lane, for which Wrenbridge Laurence GerckeBusiness Park, by junction 28 of the A14, Barwood Capital and recently obtained planning consent.Goya Developments intend to speculatively develop four new Student accommodation operator Study Agencyunits totalling 7,432 sq m (80,000 sq ft) on an eight acre site they Inn has recently obtained planningrecently purchased. consent to convert Castle Court, a 7,432 Andrew Smith sq m (80,000 sq ft) office buildingThere are only a few sizeable buildings of note currently available into 342 rooms; whilst at Mount Propertyin the market. These include 9 Coldhams Business Park in Pleasant House, Howard Group and ManagementCambridge, a 6,410 sq m (69,000 sq ft) unit with a 22% office Osborne Group are proposing a majorcontent. The landlord is prepared to accommodate individual new student development. Investortenant’s requirements and install further offices or production appetite for student schemes is strongspace if required. The building is available on a new lease at a and whilst demand outstrips supply weguide rent of £9.75 psf pa. will see more rooms being delivered inTo the south of Cambridge at Duxford the former Iceni Water Cambridge.bottling plant comprising 5,481 sq m (59,000 sq ft) is available forsale at a guide price of £4m. The property has attracted interest Wrenbridge recently obtained planning consentfrom both owner occupiers and developers. for a 316 bedroom student accommodation development on Newmarket RoadPrime industrial rents in Cambridge are around £10 psf pa, whilstrents for secondary units typically range from £5 to £8 psf pa. Any development sites that come to the market in Cambridge attract fierce interest, especially where there is potential forRetail residential development. A good example of this is the sale of the former Hope Nursing Home on Brooklands Avenue. At 1.36 acresIt is no surprise that retail premises in Cambridge, both high street and overlooking the University Botanical Gardens, the propertyand retail warehouse units, are in very short supply. A record high attracted huge interest and is understood to be under offer to aZone A rent of £290 psf was achieved in 2015. private school at over £10 million (£7.3m per acre).Of particular note in 2015 was the purchase of the Grafton Centre As well as the residential market being very buoyant, developers ofby L&G and Wrenbridge. The new owners intend to carry out some retirement and assisted living homes are also active in the region.intensive asset management over the coming months which will An example of this is demonstrated by BSM’s recent acquisition ofinclude the redevelopment of a section of Fitzroy Street to provide a 1.7 acre site on Lisle Lane, Ely, on behalf of McCarthy & shops and restaurants. The Grafton Centre has suffered inrecent years following the opening of the Grand Arcade and this Investment sales of note over the past 12 months include the saleinvestment will no doubt help put it back on the map and shift the of the GAP retail store on Market Hill in Cambridge, which sold forretail pull eastwards along Newmarket Road, which is undergoing £6.3m, reflecting a net initial yield of 3.75%. Kett House, a fivea considerable amount of redevelopment. storey office building on the corner of Station Road and Hills Road let to Eversheds solicitors, is under offer to Kames Capital at a price The Grafton Centre will be refurbished with new reflecting a net initial yield of below 5%. tenants following a purchase by L&G and Wrenbridge Issue #11 • Spring 2016 13

Cambridge Property SelectionRETAIL - TO LET OFFICE - TO LET Cambridge Wendens Ambo16-18 Arbury Road Bulse Grange Rent: £29,000 pax Rent: £11 psf pax› Ground floor retail unit › Modern offices in a converted barn› Open plan layout › Close to Audley End mainline station› Popular retail parade in North Cambridge › Superfast broadband› 253 sq m (2,718 sq ft) NIA › 141 - 278 sq m (1,518 - 2,995 sq ft) 01223 467155 01223 467155OFFICE - TO LET INDUSTRIAL - TO LETCambridge Fulbourn620 Newmarket Road Unit 2 Fielding Industrial EstateRent: £48,000 pax Rent: £75,500 pax› Modern office building › Industrial/warehouse unit› Air conditioning › 5 miles from Cambridge› Fibre optic broadband available › 7.3m eaves height› 261 sq m (2,810 sq ft) › 1,475 sq m (15,875 sq ft)01223 467155 01223 46715514 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

INDUSTRIAL - TO LET Celebrating 25 years RETAIL - TO LET Waterbeach ElyUnits 18 & 25 Glenmore Business Three Cups WalkPark Rent: £18,000 - £36,000 paxRent: £10,500 pax (per unit)› Brand new business units › High quality retail unit› 4.5 miles from A14 (J33) › Open plan layout› 6m eaves to part › City centre location› 113 - 228 sq m (1,219 - 2,452 sq ft) › 61 - 122 sq m (656 - 1,312 sq ft) 01223 467155 01223 467155 OFFICES - TO LETCambourne › First floor offices2010 Cambourne Business Park › Grade A specificationRent: £22.50 psf pax › Established business park › Ample parking › 8 miles West of Cambridge › 610 - 1,339 sq m (6,569 - 14,408 sq ft) 01223 467155EPC’s available on request Issue #11 • Spring 2016 15

Cambridge Property SelectionOFFICE - TO LET INDUSTRIAL - TO LET Lolworth WaterbeachUnit 8, Hazlewell Court Unit 6 Glenmore Business Park Rent: £15,725 pax Rent: £12,000 pax› Attractive barn style office › Modern business unit› Excellent access to A14 › High quality first floor office› Good car parking › Air conditioning› 86 sq m (925 sq ft) › 100 sq m (1,080 sq ft) 01223 467155 01223 467155R&D / OFFICES - FOR SALE / TO LETBourn › Clinical research and laboratory premisesBertarelli Building › Modern self-contained buildingPrice: £2.25m; Rent: £22.50 psf pax › Set within 22 acres of stunning parkland grounds › Only 8 miles West of Cambridge › Easy access to A428, M11 and A14 › 418 - 1,360 sq m (4,504 - 14,610 sq ft) 01223 46715516 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

TO LETBUILDING 1030CAMBOURNE BUSINESS PARKCambridgeshireGRADE A OFFICE BUILDINGAVAILABLE FROM 1,268 - 4,026 SQ M (13,648 - 43,332 SQ FT)· Self-contained office building· Established business park· 8 miles West of Cambridge· Excellent access to A428, M11 & A14· Available in whole or individual floors For further information contact: Ben Green T: 01223 467155 E: [email protected]’s available on request Issue #11 • Spring 2016 17

Huntingdon Market Commentary HUNTINGDON Market improvement, which realistically started some two years ago, continued throughout 2015 and into thestart of 2016 and we expect conditions to remain buoyant for some time. Occupational demand has focused onfreehold availability with interest rates remaining low and lending support strong, particularly for owner occupiers.After several years in the doldrums we have seen a significant pick up in the demand for office property with asmuch space being taken up in 2015 as in each of the previous three years put together. 2015 saw an increase inoverall market take up of some 8.5% compared to the previous year although lack of stock in certain market sectors,notably larger industrial units and freehold offices, is likely to become an issue through 2016. Rental growth hasreturned and landlords with rent reviews during 2016 should take advice, as in most cases, rental uplifts are likelyto be appropriate. Overview by Alan Matthews, Director, Huntingdon OfficeIndustrial the adjoining unit totalling around 4,645 sq m (50,000 sq ft). In September 2015 Brighthouse Ltd. also took a lease of Unit 14,Whilst demand for industrial property was steady through 2015, it The Interchange, a 1,672 sq m (18,000 sq ft) unit at a rental ofis the one sector that did not markedly improve on the previous £5.50 per sq ft.year, although one needs to acknowledge that this sector has By contrast, St Neots has seen very little industrial activitysuffered considerably less of a decline than other market sectors throughout the year largely due to the severe shortage of stockduring the downturn. in the town. Overall, with no new development planned in the immediate future, supply is likely to tighten throughout 2016.Early 2015 saw the letting of a 4,831 sq m (52,000 sq ft) unit in OfficesSt Ives (which was sold the previous year to the Clifton & Burton A strong resurgence in office demand was experienced throughout Group) to HSS 2015, especially in respect of freehold rather than leasehold property. Hire Group on Total take up for 2015 was in excess of 4,645 sq m (50,000 sq ft) with possibly the most notable transaction being the sale of a 3 year lease. a 1,300 sq m (14,000 sq ft) office building on Ermine Business Park to Mick George Ltd. for the company’s new headquarters. Several other The building was only on the market for a matter of weeks before terms were agreed with Mick George who moved into the building transactions took in the spring. place in the St Ives 1,300 sq m (14,000 sq ft) office sold to Mick George Ltd. area including the A unit of just over 307 sq m (3,300 sq ft) on Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon, was sold to the Huntingdon Football Association 52,000 sq ft let to HSS Hire pre-sale of 1,022 achieving a figure of around £156 per sq ft. An adjoining unit of 334 sq m (3,600 sq ft) was sold later in the year to the Huntingdon sq m (11,000 sq Masonic Lodge who relocated from their 511 sq m (5,500 sq ft) town centre premises, which were sold to a restaurant operator.ft) to Cambridgeshire Constabulary at The Lakes Business Park foruse as a vehicle maintenance depot. A second unit on the samedevelopment has also been sold to Vindis Group for the operationof their commercial vehicle division. On the Burrel Road estate,space totalling 1,057 sq m (11,380 sq ft) was let to DHL TradeTeam at a rental of around £4.50 per sq ft and we negotiated thesale of a 1,208 sq m (13,000 sq ft) building for Penny Banks Ltdto a local investor.In Huntingdon we acquired a 6,503 sq m (70,000 sq ft) unit, formerly the headquarters of Wilson Alloys, for Steinhoff Beds to provide additional warehousing. Following the sale of their premises in St Ives, Penny Banks13 St Peter’s Road - 6,503 sq m (70,000 have also acquired asq ft) acquired for Steinhoff Beds short term lease on18 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

Contacts in the Huntingdon Office 01480 451578At Ramsay Court on Hinchingbrooke Business Park there have A keen price was also paid for a 9,290 sq m Alan Matthewsbeen a number of deals with Top Hex acquiring a 488 sq m (5,250 (100,000 sq ft) distribution unit at Cardinalsq ft) unit at a figure equating to £140 per sq ft. Two other units of Park in Huntingdon, let to Somerfield Stores Agency, Investment209 sq m (2,250 sq ft) each have been let and sold respectively. Ltd. at a rental of £4.44 per sq ft. The and DevelopmentAt Aspen House, Vantage Park, we have achieved three lettings on investment also included a 4.8 acre yard letbehalf of Artisan (UK) Developments, which has taken up all the at £20,000 per annum per acre and had Richard Adamavailable space in the development. 4 years unexpired at the time of sale. TheIn St Ives, a 372 sq m (4,000 sq ft) unit at Clare Hall has been let property was offered at a figure of £7.78m Agency andto Boiler Juice who have relocated from Compass Point. Acting on representing a net initial yield of 6.5%. Developmentbehalf of the owners, the former Boiler Juice unit, which comprisesa self-contained 186 sq m (2,000 sq ft) unit, was sold by BSM to With the possibility of increasing interest Michael Beardallan investor who is now looking for a tenant. rates over the next 12-18 months weDepending on size, location and condition, capital values for new suspect that further yield compression is Valuations andmodern space are generally in the region of £140 - £160 per sq ft unlikely. Capital growth is therefore likely to Professionalwith rentals ranging from £12 - £15 per sq ft. come from increases in rental levels, itself a result of stock shortage. Andrew SmithInvestment Development PropertyDemand for investment property continued to strengthen during Management2015 with a steady hardening of yields across most sectors but in Work is now well under way at the Alconburyparticular industrial, where competition is strong. Weald development with the construction Julian LucasNotable investment transactions in the area have included a 6,503 of a new school and development of thesq m (70,000 sq ft) unit let to Polygon on a 10 year full repairing first residential units. Propertyand insuring lease which was sold to a private investor at a yield of Management7.4%. A 22 unit light industrial scheme at Halcyon Court on the Throughout 2015 work steadily progressedStukeley Meadows Estate, producing a rental stream of just over on the installation of new infrastructure Wendy Burcham£120,000 pa with one unit vacant, was sold to a private investor in throughout the site which comprisesSeptember 2015 at a figure of just over £1.5m representing a net some 1,400 acres. Following on from the Propertyyield of just under 8%. successful development of The Incubator, Management and a second building known as The Club Accounts 22 unit nursery scheme sold on behalf of private property company has recently been completed. This 929 sq m (10,000 sq ft) building will provide Matthew HuntIn December 2015, on behalf of private clients, we concluded a gymnasium, conference and restaurantthe acquisition of Kingfisher House, a 1,672 sq m (18,000 sq ft) facilities for businesses on the Alconbury Agencydetached office building. The building is let to Serco on a 5 year Weald Enterprise Zone. Negotiations arelease and the purchase price reflected a net initial yield of 9.2%. also well under way with three companies Leonie Stennett and a planning application for the first of these, totalling some 27,870 sq m (300,000 Property sq ft) has recently been submitted. Management Elsewhere in the area there has been little other commercial property development however, the demand for residential opportunities continues to be strong with development land generally achieving figures of between £750,000 and The Club, Alconbury WealdKingfisher House - 1,672 sq m (18,000 sq ft) £1,000,000 per acre. In addition, a new Lidl store also opened inoffice investment let to Serco Huntingdon shortly before Christmas 2015 bringing to a successful conclusion the company’s search for a site in the town, which has lasted for the best part of 10 years. Issue #11 • Spring 2016 19

Huntingdon Property Selection INDUSTRIAL - TO LETSt Ives › Two adjoining semi-detached light industrialUnits 4 & 6 Burrel Road unitsRent: from £23,500 pax › Good quality offices to each unitINDUSTRIAL - TO LET › Loading door and private car parking spaces › Additional space on mezzanine floor in each unit › 324 - 677 sq m (3,485 - 7,291 sq ft) 01480 451578 OFFICE - FOR SALE / TO LETSt Neots SwaveseyFoundry Way, Little End Road Barn C, Cygnus Business ParkRent: from £10,000 pax Price: £395,000; Rent: £32,500 pax› Factory/warehouse units › Barn style office› Only a short distance from the A1/A428 › Good access to A14 › Very attractive village location intersection nearby › 209 sq m (2,254 sq ft)› Size options from 139 sq m (1,500 sq ft)01480 451578 01480 45157820 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

Celebrating 25 yearsINDUSTRIAL AND OFFICES - TO LETHuntingdon › High quality modern factory and officesUnit 18, Glebe Road › Formerly the Headquarters of Lola CarsRent: On application › Secure yard › Wind Tunnel (by separate negotiation) › Areas from 465 - 6,037 sq m (5,000 - 64,983 sq ft) 01480 451578OFFICE AND CONFERENCE SPACE - TO LET Huntingdon › Centrally located site situated opposite the Elevations Business Park railway station Rent: On application › Close to town centreEPC’s available on request › Comprises two buildings: › The Beacon - 2,012 sq m (21,657 sq ft) › The Meadow - 2,400 sq m (25,834 sq ft) 01480 451578 Issue #11 • Spring 2016 21

Huntingdon Property Selection OFFICES - TO LETChatteris › Serviced offices availableSouth Fens Business Centre › On-site parkingRent: from £3,500 pax › Manned reception with function and meetingOFFICE - TO LET room facilities also available › Highly accessible location adjacent to the A142 › Range of sizes from 17 sq m (183 sq ft) 01480 451578 INDUSTRIAL - TO LETSt Ives St Neots2 Magellan House, Compass Point 16 Little End Road, Eaton SoconRent: from £19,000 pax Rent: £37,000 pax › Prominent business unit on established› Self-contained first floor office suite Little End Road› Comfort cooling, raised floors › Good parking & close to A1 junction› Private car parking spaces › 490 sq m (5,278 sq ft)› Fitted to a high standard throughout› Private parking to front 01480 451578› 130 sq m (1,400 sq ft) 01480 45157822 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

OFFICE - TO LET Celebrating 25 years INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE / TO LETSt Ives Sawtry19b East Street Unit K Sawtry Business Park Rent: £8,500 pax Price: £132,000; Rent: £12,000 pax› Town centre offices › Mid-terrace industrial unit incorporating› Central heating large mezzanine floor› Public car parking nearby› 81 sq m (876 sq ft) › Adjacent to A1(M) › 248 sq m (2,669 sq ft) 01480 451578 01480 451578INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE / TO LETWarboys › Detached warehouse building › Large self-contained yardUnit 5 Warboys Industrial Estate › 9m eaves heightPrice: OIRO £950,000; › Easy access to A14 and A1Rent: On application › 2,665 sq m (28,680 sq ft) 01480 451578EPC’s available on request Issue #11 • Spring 2016 23

Flexible, bespoke space for manufacturing, engineering, offices and low carbon R&D situated at the heart of Alconbury Weald. Alconbury Enterprise Campus Alconbury Weald, Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE28 4WX T: 01480 413141COMING SOONThree Mid-Tech buildings, 2–4,600 sq m, R&D, offices, production Alconbury Enterprise Campus is an Enterprise Zone, supported by HM Government, and promoted by: 24 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

For more information contact: 01480 451578Alan Matthews [email protected] 01480 451578Richard Adam [email protected] EPC’s available on request Issue #11 • Spring 2016 25

Huntingdon Property SelectionINDUSTRIAL - TO LET INDUSTRIAL - TO LETHuntingdon Bar HillGlebe Road, Unit 16, Trafalgar WaySt Peter’s Road Industrial Estate Rent: On applicationRent: from £37,450 pax › Modern business unit› Industrial/warehouse units › Good location adjacent to A14 and close› Heating to offices and factory to Cambridge› 604 - 919 sq m (6,500 - 9,890 sq ft) › 583 sq m (6,275 sq ft) 01480 451578 01480 451578INDUSTRIAL - TO LETGreat Gransden › Industrial/warehouse unitsHardwick Industrial Estate › Established locationRent: from £21,095 pax › Great Gransden is easily accessible from the A428 to Cambridge or from nearby St Neots › Potential for adjacent large yard up to 0.2 hectares (0.5 acres) › 490 - 507 sq m (5,273 - 5,460 sq ft) 01480 45157826 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

Celebrating 25 yearsINDUSTRIAL - TO LETGodmanchester › Modern industrial/warehouse unitUnit 7 Cardinal Park › Excellent location with site adjacent to A14 Rent: £39,200 pax › Two storey frontal offices with adjacent parking › 6m to eaves within warehouseINDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE › 520 sq m (5,598 sq ft) 01480 451578 Kimbolton › Detached industrial unit incorporating offices Unit 2 Harvard Way, › 6m to eaves Harvard Industrial Estate › Car park to front, yard to rear Price: On application › Expansion land of 0.37 acres adjacent › 1,992 sq m (21,445 sq ft)EPC’s available on request 01480 451578 Issue #11 • Spring 2016 27

RATINGBusiness rates can be one of the largest outgoings for your business.The 2010 rating list is based upon market rents as at 1st April 2008 which was prior to thedownturn in commercial market rents. The next planned revaluation was originally to be the1st April 2015 (based on rents at 1st April 2013) where many expected rateable values to fall.However, the UK Government announced the postponement of this re-valuation until 1st April2017. Consequently, the 2010 rating list continues to be used to calculate business rates billsfor this extended period.These business rates assessments can however be challenged.Our business rates appeals process can help you to reduce this expense and thus improve yourbottom line.Our property experts offer a specialist business rates appeal service and due to our extensivemarket knowledge and transactional database we have a long track record of making successfulchallenges on behalf of our clients across the region in some cases obtaining significant refundsover £100,000.Contact your local Barker Storey Matthews office to seewhether you could be eligible for a business rates appeal: Adrian Browne Mark Critchley Michael Beardall Tony Barker Martin HughesBury St Edmunds Cambridge Huntingdon Peterborough Peterborough 01284 702655 01223 467155 01480 451578 01733 897722 01733 89772228 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

Celebrating 25 yearsOFFICES - FOR SALE / TO LETHuntingdon › Individual office suites plus one self-containedVantage Park buildingPrice: On application; Rent: from £15,300 pax › Comfort cooling and raised floors › Private car parking available › Easy access to town centre and A14 › From 123 - 437 sq m (1,324 - 4,699 sq ft)OFFICES - TO LET 01480 451578 OFFICE - TO LETSt Neots St IvesSandpiper Court, Phoenix Park Unit 14c Raleigh House, Compass PointRent: from £17,330 pax Rent: £30,000 pax› Modern office development › Modern office with allocated parking› Allocated car parking and air conditioning › Comfort cooling throughout› Suites from 121 - 254 sq m (1,308 - 2,734 › Approximately 186 sq m (2,005 sq ft) sq ft) 01480 451578 01480 451578EPC’s available on request Issue #11 • Spring 2016 29

Huntingdon Property SelectionINDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE / TO LET OFFICE - FOR SALE / TO LETHuntingdon St IvesUnits 6 & 7 Windover Road, Unit S3 Compass PointSt Peter’s Road Industrial Estate Price: £850,000; Rent: £80,000 paxPrice: from £175,000; Rent: from £13,000 pax › Self-contained detached office building› Light industrial/warehouse units › 30 private car parking spaces› Allocated car parking › Superb views over the lake› Size options from 270 - 540 sq m (2,906 - › 514 sq m (5,531 sq ft) 5,812 sq ft) 01480 451578 01480 451578OFFICE - FOR SALE / TO LETHuntingdon › Detached office buildingUnit 10 Ramsey Court › High specification including comfort cooling,Hinchingbrooke Business ParkPrice: £915,000; Rent: £90,000 pax raised floors and lift › 26 car parking spaces › 567 sq m (6,100 sq ft) 01480 45157830 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

B8 Development Site - For Sale/To LetWoodlands Nurseries, 25MATTHEWS1991 - 2016 yearsUpper Caldecote,BiggleswadePossible Additional land The A1For more information contact: SainsburysAlan Matthews To Biggleswade01480 451578 Town [email protected]· 2.2 Hectares (5.44 acres) with substantial A1 frontage· Outline planning consent for 9,278 sq m (99,868 sq ft) of B8· Possibility of additional land if required· Freehold or leasehold turnkey packages or outright land sale Issue #11 • Spring 2016 31

Peterborough Market Commentary PETERBOROUGH The major problem we are faced with in 2016 is the shortage of stock. There is an acute shortage of newor high quality office space, particularly in out of town locations and equally a shortage of industrial andwarehouse space over say 1,000 sq m (10,700 sq ft) with space over 4,500 sq m (48,500 sq ft) effectivelynon-existent. If companies are looking to relocate, they need to plan well in advance as new build may bethe only option and if there is now an acceptance of higher rents and prices, developers may well look to startschemes to satisfy an increasing demand. Overview by Steve Hawkins, Director, Peterborough OfficeInvestment market continues taken by Atkins Ltd in August. Block B Western House, has seento perform Aldermore renew their occupation of around 1,132 sq m (12,188 sq ft) at first floor with the ground floor of 1,151 sq m (12,386The demand for well let commercial property investments remains sq ft) being taken by British Sugar plc. Rents achieved were in thebuoyant. As with vacant space however, the availability of stock region of £13–£14 per sq in short supply. Investments secured by undoubted covenants In August 2015, BSM let the remaining 758 sq m (8,159 sq ft)and long leases often lead to best bids situations, great for vendors space at Park House, to P S Financials who relocated their officebut frustrating for purchasers who spend time and effort to assess function from Isis House at Minerva. The vacated building of 488risk, prepare to offer and then find that they are one of a hatful sq m (5,250 sq ft) was then sold by BSM to PEME of potential buyers, Peterborough Business Park - fully occupied by PS Financials, limiting their chances Associated British Foods & Close Consumer Finance of securing a deal. The last remaining large scale offices at Peterborough Business Secondary investment Park, comprising in the region of 8,685 sq m (93,479 sq ft) at Lynchwood Park, was committed to Thomas Cook who look opportunities have set to relocate functions from its Conningsby Road site after refurbishment works have been completed to the building. therefore flourished. In September 2015, acting on behalf of Travelex, BSM let 987 sq m (10,625 sq ft) to Bennetts Motorcycle Insurance Services, part We have seen a flurry of the Saga Group. BSM are offering a further 4,150 sq m (44,675 sq ft) of space in the building, the only space of any size, left in the of activity with smaller city’s business parks. lots of up to say £1m, Permitted Development Rights activity increasesPeterborough Business Park - several office particularly smallerinvestment transactions with lot sizes from office buildings where In the city centre, the change of use of older offices to residential£250,000 to £500,000 at yields of between there is a prospect of continued apace with work starting on the former Touthill Close7.25 and 8%. building to provide in excess of 130 apartments. Work continued on the Hereward Tower building in Broadway and on the former rent increase and the 1,486 sq m (16,000 sq ft) Wentworth House building in Wentworth Street, close to its junction with Priestgate, the buildingprospects for re-letting are strong, due to a lack of stock to rent. being renamed Cathedral View.Offices GKL, the developers of Cathedral View have reportedly sold at least 7 apartments prior to marketing, perhaps demonstrating the strongThe last building to be constructed was the 3,716 sq m (40,000 demand for city centre living, in one of the best locations in the city.sq ft) office building at Hampton for Access Prepaid Worldwide Ltdwho took occupation in late 2014, since then there has been nofurther development take place. The supply issue has reached anacute position as virtually all of the out of town accommodationover say 464 sq m (5,000 sq ft) has been taken. Space doeshowever remain at Thorpe Wood.Several transactions on Peterborough Business Park at Lynch Wood,all concluded by Barker Storey Matthews, have resulted in all large space being occupied. A subsidiary of Anglian Water took 813 sq m (8,756 sq ft) at Block C Western House withSpace taken by Anglian Water, Atkins, Aldermore & 700 sq mBritish Sugar totalling c3,796 sq m (40,865 sq ft) (7,535 sq ft)32 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

Contacts in the Peterborough Office 01733 897722Retail adapts & continues to showroom scheme; Lakeside Court, the Tony Barker first speculative scheme in Peterboroughstrengthen since 2008, has also been developed Valuations and with units available now between 232 Professional,During 2015 the retail sector improved off the back of a strong - 808 sq m (2,500 - 8,700 sq ft). Units Investment and2014. Vacancy rates within Peterborough’s central shopping area remain available but are going fast. Developmentcontinued to out-perform the national average, running at 6.5%in December 2015 compared with the national average of 13%. Steve HawkinsThe food and beverage sectors strengthened as the High Street Agency, Investment and Developmentcontinues to adapt to changes in consumer activity, driven byincreasing online retailing. New restaurant entrants to Peterborough have included Richard Jones Bills, Loungers Agency and Handmade Julian Welch Burger Kingston Park- the first unit has been occupied Agency by Remark Group Company. At Cameron Park Earlier in 2015 in Eastern Industry, the end of WREAM acquired around 10,220 sq m Agency (110,000 sq ft) plus additional land off 2015, premises Fengate. Units are now being marketed Martin Hughes at Titan Drive, providing new, high quality are under offer buildings with only 3 units remaining of Valuations and 672, 680 and 948 sq m (7,239, 7,326 ProfessionalBSM acted for the owners of 23 Long to Wagamama, and 10,206 sq ft respectively). TheCauseway, letting the unit to Linens Direct Cote Brasserie latest occupier to sign to the scheme, and Kaspas, Selfcair UK Ltd, part of SBS S.A.S took occupation in January 2016. WREAMwith further rumours surrounding Barburrito and Middletons Steak are also marketing serviced plots for sale from 0.5 acres up.House being under offer in the city centre.M&S confirmed the closure of their Bridge Street store, expandingtheir presence within the Queensgate shopping centre, howeverthe space they are vacating is already attracting interest. LinensDirect relocated to new premises at 23 Long Causeway, andPeterborough’s own success story, Yours Clothing, are to relocateinto the space vacated by Linens Direct to offer ladies as well asmen’s clothing through their new BadRhino range.The proposed Queensgate Centre extension and the North John DadgeWestgate redevelopment area grabbed headlines with planningapplications made by both parties, an extension to Queensgate Planning andincorporating a cinema and 6 additional retail/restaurant units Development,and a wholesale redevelopment of the North Westgate site, Residential Landincorporating offices, retail, residential, hotel and leisure facilities Salesalso including a cinema. Perhaps predictably both applicationswere decided by the Planning Committee at the same meeting, Titan Drive - new units available in Eastern Industry Andrew Smithand both schemes were granted consent. It will become clear in2016 which of the developments will finally come forward. Roxhills scheme at Gateway Property Peterborough continues to progress with ManagementIndustrial and Warehousing the latest deal announced at the end of 2015. Plot 302 which can take up to Edd Maryonmarket 45,522 sq m (490,000 sq ft) of space has been sold to a leading European AgencyA shortage of stock is likely to be the major problem for occupiers manufacturer looking to develop a newduring 2016. Design and Build opportunities are still on offer at the facility in two phases, with the first phasephenomenally successful Kingston Park development at Hampton accommodating in the region of 21,367Peterborough which originally offered plots from 0.34 to 5 acres sq m (230,000 sq ft) of space. Planningand D & B packages from 186 - 4,645 sq m (2,000 - 50,000 was submitted late 2015.sq ft). During 2015 all except 2 plots sold. Remark Group, VogalGroup and Vanquish Autos have been announced as occupiers, The developers are at the same time looking to commencewhilst other major, as yet unnamed occupiers, include a motorbike further infrastructure works during early 2016 as more enquiriesshowroom and a major Malaysian manufacturing and distribution feed through. D & B packages for larger warehouse and industrialcompany. requirements remain available for buildings up to 120,772 sq m (1.3 million sq ft).Remark Group and Vanquish are likely to be in occupationfrom early January 2016. The success reflects the prominenceof the site and the reputation of local developer R&H Estatesin the design and build quality of units. A small trade counter/ Issue #11 • Spring 2016 33

Peterborough Property SelectionOrton Southgate PETERBOROUGH INDUSTRIAL / WAREHOUSE UNITS 283 sq m (3050 sq ft) 566 sq m (6,100 sq ft) 929 sq m (10,000 sq ft) COMBINATION OF UNITS AVAILABLE EXCELLENT LOCATION Adjacent To A1(M) And Easy Access To Ring Road System GOOD ON-SITE PARKING FULLY REFURBISHED UNITS FLEXIBLE LEASE TERMSOrton Parkway To Peterborough City Centre Centre Junction 1 £R3EN.5TS0FRSQOMFT UNITS ALSO FOR SALETresham Road Southgate WayNewcombe WayHolkham Road Fletton ParkwayStapledon Road years East of England Showground TO LONDONBakewell Road To A14For more information contact: [email protected] 25MATTHEWS1991 - 2016Steve Hawkins 01733 897722 34 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

OFFICE - TO LET Celebrating 25 years LAND - FOR SALE Peterborough Peterborough First Floor Minerva House Botolph Bridge Rent: £12,950 pax Price: £80,000 › First floor semi-detached offices › Industrial site/development site › Excellent levels of parking (5-8 spaces) › Hard-surfaced › Comfort cooled › Corner position › 100 sq m (1,072 sq ft) › 0.165 acres 01733 897722 01733 897722 RETAIL - TO LET RETAIL - FOR SALEUNDER OFFER Peterborough Whittlesey 8 Church Street 46 Market Street Rent: £19,950 pax Price: £400,000 › Period timber framed building with › Retail with a large flat above character › Significant frontage to Market Street › Application made for restaurant and bar › Suitable for redevelopment (subject to planning consent planning) › Option for first floor further 93 sq m › 365 sq m (3,932 sq ft) (1,003 sq ft) › 116 sq m (1,249 sq ft) 01733 897722 01733 897722 Issue #11 • Spring 2016 35EPC’s available on request

Peterborough Property Selection INDUSTRIAL/LAND - FOR SALE / TO LETPeterborough › Newly constructed trade/showroom units and plotsLakeside Court & Kingston Park for salePrice: On application; Rent: On application › Trade units have good levels of parking › Estate visible from the A1139 parkway › First occupier; Remark Group, already in occupation › Design and build available on remaining plots 0.69/1.2 acres › Units from 232 - 808 sq m (2,500 - 8,700 sq ft) 01733 897722INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE / MAY LET OFFICES - FOR SALE / TO LETPeterborough Whittlesey3 Botoloph Bridge Trading Estate First floor, 1-3 The Causeway CentrePrice: £595,000 Price: £150,000; Rent; £15,500 pax› Semi-detached industrial unit › First floor offices› 3 full height loading doors › Potential for residential conversion› Set on a site of 0.23 hectares (0.56 acres)› 5 tonne and 1 tonne cranes fitted (subject to planning)› 1149 sq m (12,373 sq ft) › Planning previously granted for 3 flats › 217 sq m (2,339 sq ft)01733 897722 01733 89772236 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

INDUSTRIAL - TO LET Celebrating 25 years INDUSTRIAL - TO LETPeterborough PeterboroughUnit 2, Plot 1 Kingston Park B2 Roundhouse, Padholme Road Rent: On application Rent: £18,850 pax › 5.5m to eaves› Newly built trade counter/warehouse unit › Full height loading door› Eaves of 8m › Parking to front› 10% offices to be constructed to suit › 466 sq m (5,021 sq ft)› Popular showroom/trade counter location 01733 897722 adjacent to the A1139› 465 sq m (5,000 sq ft) 01733 897722INDUSTRIAL - TO LET Peterborough › Terraced adjacent industrial units 21/22 Maxwell Road › Two storey offices in each Rent: £35,000 pax per unit › Nearby surfaced site can be made available forEPC’s available on request parking or external storage › 937 - 1,872 sq m (10,077 - 20,154 sq ft) 01733 897722 Issue #11 • Spring 2016 37

Peterborough Property Selection INDUSTRIAL - TO LET LAND - FOR SALE / TO LETPeterborough › Modern industrial unitsTitan Drive › Eaves of 7 - 11mPrice: On application; Rent: On application › EPC rating of existing units available: A › 672 - 1,353 sq m (7,239 - 14,565 sq ft) › Serviced plots of 0.31-10.4 acres also available 01733 897722RETAIL- TO LETPeterborough › Covered retail city centre schemeRivergate Centre › 3 million plus footfall per annumRent: On application › Flexible leases from 12 months upwards › Location anchored by ASDA superstore › 470 parking spaces on site › Ranges of available units from: 723 - 312 sq m (781 - 3,363 sq ft) 01733 89772238 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

HIGH QUALITY OFFICES TO LET / FOR SALE w w w. u pping h a m g at e . c o mUPPINGHAM GATE LE15· Modern high quality offices available· Comfort cooling and full access raised floors· Excellent on-site car parking provision· Flexible leasing· 116 - 455 sq m (1,250 - 4,900 sq ft)·Rent: From just £7.50 psf pax·Freeholds also availableFor information regarding either of Innovation Way, Peterborough Business Park PE2 6FLthese properties contact:Steve Hawkins or Julian Welch FOR SALE OR TO [email protected] or [email protected] SUITES TO LET FROM 570 - 2,200 SQ FT BUILDINGS FOR SALE FROM 1,660 - 2,200 SQ FT01733 897722 · Modern offices Issue #11 • Spring 2016 39 · Premier business park location · Flexible leasing options · Good on-site car parking · Available to let or for sale · 53 - 204 sq m (570 - 2,200 sq ft) ·Rent: From £11 psf paxEPC’s available on request

Peterborough Property SelectionOFFICES - FOR SALE / TO LET OFFICE - TO LETOundle PeterboroughNene Valley Business Park 33 Aston Business ParkPrice: On application; Rent: On application Rent: £16,950 pax› Quality offices › Offices fitted to good standard› Air conditioning › 20 car parking spaces› Raised access floors › Comfort Cooling› 445 - 1,841 sq m (4,793 - 19,817 sq ft) › 228 sq m (2,457 sq ft) 01733 897722 01733 897722INDUSTRIAL - TO LETPeterborough › High bay warehouse/industrial unitUnit C Harrier Park, Southgate Way › Good quality buildingRent: £80,000 pax › Prime location › Full height double loading doors to rear › Parking to front › 1,859 sq m (20,011 sq ft) 01733 89772240 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

Celebrating 25 years THORPE WOOD, PETERBOROUGH, PE3 6SB Up to 4,180.5 sq m (45,000 sq ft) available Rents from £10 per sq ft pax› Landmark office building› Grade A open plan accommodation› Full access raised floors› VVAC air conditioning system› 10 minutes from City Centre› Excellent parking ratio of 1 space per 213 sq ft.› 24 hour building with manned reception and security office› High IT integrity and large capacity with back-up generator systems› Significant incentives available subject to covenant For further information contact: Julian Welch [email protected] 01733 897722

Peterborough Property Selection OFFICES - TO LETPeterborough › Current occupiers include NSPCC, RSPCA & Kerr UK Flag Business Exchange › Smaller offices are available on a month by month Rent: from only £7 psf pax arrangementRETAIL - TO LET › Better car parking levels than any out of city centre office scheme › 1,000mb broadband on site › Modern offices ranging from 14 - 137 sq m (150 - 1,475 sq ft) 01733 897722 OFFICE - TO LETBourne Peterborough32C North Street 20 Commerce RoadRent: from £8,950 pax Rent: £25,500 pax› Prime retail unit › Modern self-contained offices in a› A1 or A2 planning consent Business park location close to the A1› Highly visible location› 39 sq m (417 sq ft) › Refurbished throughout › 11 on-site parking spaces › 213 sq m (2,296 sq ft)01733 897722 01733 89772242 BSM Commercial Property Supplement • Find more online at

Celebrating 25 yearsPROPERTYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSRent collection is one thing but managing your property correctly and efficiently can improveyour asset value and performance in the long run.At BSM we provide a fully comprehensive and specialist management service to a whole rangeof clients including pension funds, plc companies, government departments, councils, banks,accountants, solicitors, trusts and individuals.We manage shopping centres, single retail units, industrial and trading estates, offices,business parks and individual buildings. We provide an efficient service in themanagement of commercial property across East Anglia and the south-east.Several directors run the department emphasizing the importance we placeon the day to day management of our clients’ assets.Andrew Smith Julian Lucas Wendy Burcham Leonie Stennett If you are interested in outsourcing your property management and would like an informal chat please feel free to call Andrew, Wendy, Julian or Leonie in the first instance on 01480 451578EPC’s available on request Issue #11 • Spring 2016 43

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