17th edition NEWS LETTER
INDEX p. 3 Montargil - Hydrofoil’s tests p. 5 Odisseia TSB - Introduction p. 7 Odisseia TSB - 1° stage: Entre-os-Rios | Porto p. 11 Odisseia TSB - 2° stage: Lisboa | Cascais p. 17 Odisseia TSB - 3° stage: Sesimbra | Setúbal p. 21 Odisseia TSB - 4°stage: Lagos | Portimão p. 26 Next Season - Goals
MONTARGIL During July and August, Técnico Solar Boat went to the Montargil dam to test the SR02 prototype. The main objective was to prepare the vessel for our event, Odisseia TSB, mainly by ensuring that it would be possible to use the hydrofoils system during the routes that would be carried out. The main reason for choosing the Montargil dam for these tests was the absence of strong winds and the ease of access to the water. Besides, another factor taken into account was the constant support of the Associação de Regantes e Ben- eficiários do Vale de Sorraia and the Centro de Vela de Montar- gil during our stay. They promptly ceded us a place to stay over- night, support facilities and also a support vessel so that it was possible to accompany the boat. Thanks to the support received our team was able to exponentially improve the performance of the SR02 and achieve, with great success, the objectives set (to put the boat flying). In this way, we would like to thank the the Associação de Regantes e Beneficiários do Vale de Sorraia and also to the Centro de Vela de Montargil for all the willingness and the strong desire to help our project. 4
ODISSEIA This year, due to the current world pandemic, we decided to close summer in a memorable and unprecedented way, taking a tour through Portugal - the Odisseia TSB. In this initiative, it was possible to see the latest prototype developed by TSB: São Rafael 02 (SR02). This fully solar-powered racing vessel features innova- tive hydrofoil technology that allows the boat to rise above water enabling it to reach higher speeds. Odisseia TSB consisted in the realization of a series of routes from North to South of Portugal, which aimed to promote the project as well as renewable energies, sustainability and electric mobility within the community. It was undoubtedly a memorable season for everyone. Since the live competitions were cancelled, alternatives had to be found to show to the community, aside from the project itself, all the work that had been developed under the difficult conditions in place. 5
ENTRE-OS The first stage of the Odisseia TSB took place in the north of the country from 21 to 23 of August. It began on the 21st with tests in the waters of Fluvina of Entre-os-Rios, where it was possible to verify the operation of all systems, whether electrical or mechanical and correct any flaws that were detected. The whole team was very anx- ious. Not only it was the first stage of our event, but we also wanted everything to go well, both in and out of the water. The clock was ticking at 10 am on the 22nd when the solar vessel SR02 left the Entre-os-Rios pier and set off towards Porto. During the trip, the team split up, some members accompanied the SR02 in a support boat provided by Ondastar, whereas the remaining elements followed them by land. The team chose checkpoints along- side the river in order to ensure assistance if any problems arose, as well as to make a constant photographic report. Before arriving in Porto, the SR02 needed to cross a floodgate. This was one of the unforgettable moments of this stage as it was the first time in the history of the project that we did so and due to the mas- sive size of that structure compared to our 6m by 2m boat. After the floodgate, we continued our journey to Porto where the arrival in Ribei- ra was undoubtedly sensational despite the unexpected wind and choppy waves. The day ended with a dinner with the entire team pres- ent. We seized this moment by relaxing and getting to know the most recent members of the project better, something that had not been possible in recent times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 7
S-RIOS In the next day, we were present at the Douro Marina where we displayed our boat to the community and made our project known. We would like to thank Douro Marina and Ondas- tar for all the support they gave us in those days. 22nd of August will always be a very well-remembered day by all the members of the team. It was on this day that we officially put the boat flying reaching flights lasting more than 10 minutes. On this day, 24.23 nautical miles were covered from Entre-os-Rios to Porto. PORTO 8
Douro River, Portugal - 22/08/2020 SR02 shot during the first stage of Odisseia 10
LISBOA After the first stage, we had a few days to prepare and improve even more the next leg. The main improvements implemented were relat- ed to the electrical and mechanical systems of the boat in order to increase flights during the crossings. Firstly, improvements were made to the foils mechanical systems to ensure that it would have less friction in the water. Regarding the electrical system, the code responsible for changing the angle of the back foil was refined and the cooling of the engine controllers was improved so that it was not necessary to make so many stops due to overheating. These improve- ments made it possible to perform more stable and longer flights. Similar to the first stage, September 3rd was booked to test the boat as well as to intro- duce the project to the community in Belém by the Management and Marketing team. In addition to people getting to know the theoretical part of the project, they were able to see the boat flying. Also on this day, we received with great pride the symbol of Lisbon Green Capital 2020 from the hands of Councilman José Sá Fernandes. On September 4th, the team decided to continue the activities that had been carried out the day before. That is, while the Management and Marketing team continued to disclose our project, the solar vessel sailed through the waters of the Capital, making one last checkup before the big day. Given that the tests went well, the second crossing of the Odisseia TSB began. At 10 am in the Centro Náutico de Algés, the SR02 set sail in the Capital waters. At this stage, the vessel went to Cascais Marina in a total of 19.69 nautical miles. Among several places we passed, we must highlight the passage through Praça do Comércio and the crossing under the 25 de Abril bridge, 11
once they have great national value. The arrival took place at 3pm and the maximum flight time reached 20 minutes, a new record! We also want to thank the Cascais Marina for the support provided during these days. In the next day, the team met in Cascais to display the boat to the community, giving a walkthrough the project to visitors and resi- dents of the city. We cannot fail to thank the City Hall of Lisbon and the Captaincy of Lisbon for the authorization and support and also to Sport Algés e Dafundo for all the support provided during this crossing. CASCAIS 12
Lisboa, Portugal - 05/09/2020 SR02 photo at Praça do Comércio 14
Rio Tejo, Portugal - 05/09/2020 Fotografia �rada com Drone do barco de apoTRioeioacomTme’sjpopa,icrPttueorrdetuatagekaqelun-ip0ba5y/n0ao9d/R2rio0on2Te0ejo 16
SESIMBRA Immediately after the closure of the crossing from Lisbon to Cascais on September 6th, the team went to Sesimbra for the next stage. As usual, the days before the crossing were booked to perform tests and verify if everything was in order. Hence, they took place during the 7th and 8th of September in Sesimbra. On the 8th, it was decided to imple- ment the cruise control with the dual engine, allowing the boat to rise above the water level more quickly. Until that moment, we only had cruise control running on single-engine. With everything set, the big day (Sep- tember 9th) started at 9am with the departure of SR02 from Sesimbra Marina towards Setúbal, sailing by the stunning Arrábida Natu- ral Park. The arrival took place at 2 pm at the Clube Naval Setubalense after having travelled for 2 hours and 20 minutes, covering a distance of 16.8 nautical miles. Although it was the shortest stage of the Odisseia, it was pretty challenging, as it was the first stage that was completely composed of open sea. Due to the presence of fog during the early morning, the power generation from the solar panels was temporarily threatened, caus- ing our performance to be slightly below expectations. Therefore, the maximum flight time we reached on this stage was only 5 minutes. However, everything came to be to be in our favour. The weather conditions improved, the fog completely disappeared allowing us to finish the third stage in the best way. We would like to thank the Clube Naval 17
A de Sesimbra, Clube Naval Setubalense and the respective City Halls, the Sesimbra’s and Setúbal’s ones, and also the H2O Lisbon Dive Club for all the support provided throughout this stage. Moreover, after the arrival of the solar boat to Setúbal, the team decided to display the boat and made available to the community all the information about the project and all the accomplishments made until then. Similar to the previous stages, the day ended with a team dinner in order to celebrate another com- pleted stage and foster team spirit. SETÚBAL 18
Sesimbra 09/09/2020 Begining of the third stage of the Odisseia 20
LAGOS On September 10th, the team travelled to We want to thank the Clube de Vela de Lagos for the South of the country to perform the fourth and lending the support boat during the days that the final stage of the Odisseia TSB. With a 4 hours tests were carried out and to Lagos Marina for the journey, the arrival at Sopromar – Centro Náutico authorization to set up our stall for the dissemina- facilities took place around 7 pm. tion of the project in Lagos, during the 12th of September. The day after started very early due to some electrical and mechanical problems. The The team prepared this stage with the team had to work hard so that it was possible to greatest possible dedication; however, the weath- put the boat back on the water. Consequently, the er conditions were not in our favor. Given that, the team repaired the emergency shut-down of the team reflected on whether or not to carry out with solar panels and also the L-drive of the propulsion the defined route. After discussing the possibili- column with the help of Sopromar lathe and staff. ties we had, it was decided to take a shorter route, a round trip from Lagos to Portimão. We want to thank Sopromar – Centro Náutico for all the help, from the technical support The last stage took place on September to repair the L-drive and a place to work during 13th, scheduled to leave at midday at Sopromar- our stay to the facilities for the entire team to stay Centro Náutico. The vessel SR02 sailed to overnight during the stay in Lagos. On the 12th, Portimão and then returned to Sopromar, in the team was divided into two groups. The first Lagos, arriving at 5 pm. group took the boat into the water, in order to test the proper functioning of all systems whilst the As in the first stage, the boat was accom- second group set up a stall at Lagos Marina to panied both by sea and by land, and it was possi- interact with the population in order to inform and ble to follow it from different points chosen previ- promote the Odisseia and Técnico Solar Boat. ously by the team. In this way, we want to thank Sopromar- Centro Náutico for the support provid- P 21
ed at this stage and for lending us with a support Odisseia TSB. It was with great honour that boat to accompany our boat during the trip. we ended this first edition, with pride of our work, of our team, of all the support and inter- Although the weather conditions were not est we have received from the general public. the best, thanks to the team spirit and the availa- bility of all, it was possible to get around the prob- The Odisseia TSB had the constant lems that had been emerging throughout the support of the Instituto Português do Desporto entire Odisseia, always finding a solution that e Juventude and the Portuguese Rowing Fed- allowed to close it in the best possible way. eration, which provided us with a means of transport so that we could move from North to Thus, with all the unforeseen events, the South of the country and, consequently, carry trip lasted 5 hours and 20 minutes, covering a out our Odisseia. distance of 19 nautical miles. The day ended with the traditional team dinner, followed by a small get-together to celebrate the first edition of the PORTIMÃO 22
Lagos 09/09/2020 Last stage of the Odisseia 24
NEXT SEASON With the end of the 2019/2020 season in the best way, the team is more motivated than ever and the goals for the next season are simply colossal. Currently, the team is working simultaneously on two prototypes: the solar vessel SR03 and our first hydrogen-pow- ered vessel, São Miguel 01. The work concerning the hydrogen boat takes place at Trima- rine with the help of the entire team. The hull will have been complet- ed at the end of this month, whereas the mechanical, electrical and all hydrogen components will be implemented later on. Regarding the solar vessel, the machining of the moulds occurs at Composite Solutions, in Aveiro, which counts with the pres- ence of the Design and Composites area. Until November this part must have been finalised, in order to begin with the construction and development of the remaining parts/areas. As initially mentioned, the objectives established for this season are enormous. We aspire to participate in the 8th edition of the Monaco Solar & Energy Boat Challenge competition with our two prototypes: the solar SR03 and the hydrogen-powered SM01 vessels. As each one of these two prototypes competes in a different category, the team dreams of winning two prizes. In addition, the realization of the Odisseia TSB became an objective for all future seasons. We intend to continue to make known to the community not only our project and our team but also our motiva- tions: renewable energies and sustainability. Thus, we expect that the 2nd edition of Odisseia TSB will be more challenging than the first one! 26
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