Online Some of our instructor-led classes include MicrosoftLearning Office 2016 Value Suite, Web Design Value Suite, Basic Computer Skills Suite, HTML and CSS,We offer a wide range of highly interactive courses Project Management Professional, Microsoft Wordthat you can take entirely over the Internet. All of our 2016, Supervision and Managementcourses are led by expert instructors, many of whom Series, Accounting Fundamentals Series, A to Zare nationally known authors. Our online courses are Grant Writing, and many others. affordable, fun, fast, convenient, and geared just foryou. To learn more about instructor-led courses, visit one of our online courses entirely fromyour home or office, at any time of the day or night. \"Affordable. Fun. Fast.\"Instructor-Led Courses are 6-weeks in length and ourCareer Training programs self-paced and can usually Career training programs are available in thebe completed within 6 months. catergories of Arts & Design, Business, Computer Applicastion, Computer Programming, Construction and Trase, Health and Fitness, hospitality, Information and Technology, Legal, and Writing. Visit to learn more. IMPACT | 1
TABLE OFCONTENTS01 Ed2Go Online 03 17 Classes 23 13 2103 Aviation 0705 Warehouse & Distribution07 Apartment Maintenance10 Forklift Safety11 Customer Service12 Pilot Escort 13 Personal Trainer15 Intro to Voice-Over17 APICS Certified in Logistics, Transportation, and Distribution19 Microsoft Office21 Thrive in Retirement23 Driver's Education25 How To Register26 Facility Rental27 Corporate Training28 Financial Aid 190 Crossroads Parkway, Savannah, GA 912-443-3012 | [email protected]
Airframe & Powerplant LicensePreparation CourseAVAILABLE AT THE SAVANNAH TECH CROSSROADS CAMPUSDesigned for professionals with intermediate to One-Week Intensive Courseadvanced skills and experience in airframe andpowerplant, this course prepares those seeking to Condensed to a 1-week layout, this course is idealtake the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) for the student from out of town who needs a littleexams to receive their A&P license. The course more polishing prior to taking the exam. The writtencovers various topical areas that are identified in the testing is scheduled throughout the length of theFAA Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbooks course. for General, Airframe, and Powerplant as well as theFAA Practical Test Standards for Mechanics the Oral Testing Services& Practical examination. The course is offered in twoformats in order to accommodate our learners. The Testing Center at Savannah Technical College- Crossroads Technology Campus is an approved FAAEvening & Weekend Course Testing site for the Airframe & Powerplant Exam. We also have a Designated Mechanic ExaminerStructured in a 3 week format, this course is ideal for (DME) to administer the Oral & Practical Exam. Thislocal students who would like to keep working while service is open to enrollees in the course as well astaking the course. Students participating in this the general public.course can sit for the A&P Written exams at the endof each week. Written Tests: $165 each / $495 for full license. To schedule, call: 912-443-5716. Oral & Practical Exams: $200 per rating / $600 for full license. To schedule call, 912-443-4140IMPACT | 3
Upcoming sessions EVENING & WEEKEND February 2018 Session Airframe: Feb 17, 8, 19 General: Feb 24, 25, 26, 27 Powerplant: Mar 3, 4, 5WE HELP May 2018 SessionYOU GETWHAT Airframe: May 5, 6, 71YOU NEED General: May 12, 13, 14, 15IN LIFE. Powerplant: May 19, 20, 21 Meeting Days & Times Sun & Sat: 9am-6pm Weekdays: 6pm-10pm Total Course Hours: 64 Classroom: 48 hours Lab: 16 hours Learn more at
Fast Track Warehouse & LogisticsAVAILABLE AT THE SAVANNAH TECH CROSSROADS CAMPUSUsing curriculum by the Manufacturing Skill After successfully passing the Certified LogisticsStandards Council (MSSC), participants have the Associate exam, students are qualified to enroll inopportunity to earn both the Certified Logistics the final course of the program-Certified LogisticsAssociate (CLA) credential and the Certified Technician. In this course, students will build uponLogistics Technician (CLT) credential.The MSSC CLT the core curriculum from CLA. Certification is the first-ever industry-recognizednational certification for front line workers involved The Certified Logistics Technicianin the handling & distribution of materials provides students withthroughout the supply chain & logistics industry. foundational knowledge on:The Certified Logistics Associate Product Receiving, Product Storage, Ordercourse provides students with Processing, packaging and Shipment, foundational knowledge on: Inventory control, Safe handling of hazmat materials, Evaluation fo transportation modes,Global Supply Chain & Logistics, Environment dispatch and tracking, Measurements and metricSafety, Safe Equipment Operation, Material HandlingEquipment, Quality Control,Communication, Teamwork, Problem SolvingLearn more at | 5
WE HELP UpcomingYOU GET sessionsWHATYOU NEED CERTIFIED LOGISTICSIN LIFE. ASSOCIATE (CLA) March 20th - May 8th, 2018 Meeting Days: Tues/Thurs Class Times: 6:00PM - 8:00PM March 24th - April 14th, 2018 Meeting Days: Saturdays Class Times: 9:00AM - 4:30PM Hours: 30 | Cost: $700 Location: Savannah Tech Main Campus Includes Access to E-Learning Portal, PDF and Hardcopy of Textbook, & Exam CERTIFIED LOGISTICS TECHNICIAN (CLT) PRE-REQUISITE COURSE: CLA May 29th - July 17th , 2018 Meeting Days: Tues/Thurs Class Times: 6:00PM - 8:00PM May 5th - May 26th, 2018 Meeting Days: Saturdays Class Times: 9:00AM - 4:30PM Hours: 30 | Cost: $700 Location: Savannah Tech Main Campus Includes Access to E-Learning Portal, PDF and Hardcopy of Textbook, & Exam ONLINE COURSE Cost: $300 | Available upon request Includes access to E-learning portal. PDF textbook, and Exam
Start your The apartment and hospitality industry is growingcareer in and opportunities exist for skilled maintenanceApartment technicians. Savannah Technical College is pleasedMaintenance to offer a training program that will allow students to develop the required skills by earning the ANSIAVAILABLE AT THE accredited Certificate for Apartment MaintenanceSAVANANH AND Technicians (CAMT).CROSSROADS CAMPUS Designed as an introduction for new maintenance professionals or as a refresher for the veteranIMPACT | 7 employee, this course will give professionals the knowledge and tools necessary to run an effective maintenance program.
THE FIVE TECHNICAL COURSES CONSIST OF HANDS-ON CLASSROOMTRAINING FOLLOWED BY ONLINE PRACTICE SCENARIOS. Electrical Maintenance and Repair Plumbing Maintenance and Repair Heating Maintenance and Repair Air Conditioning Maintenance and Repair Appliance Maintenance and Repair Interior and Exterior Maintenance and RepairTHE NON-TECHNICAL COURSES CONSIST OF ONLINE LEARNINGFOLLOWED BY ONLINE PRACTICE SCENARIOS:Welcome to the Industry Documentation & PaperworkCustomer Service Maintenance & EmergenciesTeamwork Safety FirstTime & Project Management ComplianceMoney Mattersupcoming sessionsELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE HEATING MAINTENANCEAND REPAIR AND REPAIRMarch 3rd & 4th, 2018 May 19th & 20th, 2018Cost: $265 | 16 hours Cost: $265| 16 HoursPLUMBING MAINTENANCE AIR CONDITIONINGAND REPAIR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRMarch 24th & 25th, 2018 June 8th, 9th, & 10th, 2018 Cost: $265 | 16 hours Cost: $295 | 19 hoursINTERIOR/EXTERIOR APPLIANCE MAINTENANCE ANDMAINTENANCE AND REPAIR REPAIR April 28th & 29th 2018 July 14th & 15th, 2018 Cost: $265 | 16 hours Cost: $265 | 16 hoursVisit to learn more!
HOSPITALITYCERTIFICATIONGet Certified in Restaurant Server, Front Desk Representative, Guest Room AttendantLearn more at
FORKLIFT OPERATORSAFETY TRAININGAVAILABLE AT THE SAVANANH CAMPUSStudents attending this 8 hour course will gain the knowledge necessary for safe operation of a powered industrial truck; to fully understand the methods and proceduresnecessary to safely operate a powered industrial truck in the workplace. Each class will consistof a mixture of lecture, PowerPoint presentations, related material handouts, dialoguebetween facilitator and students, hands-on demonstration, and video. At the completion of the course students will be able to recognize and avoid hazards they mayencounter while operating a powered industrial truck, describe the controls and componentscommon to all powered industrial trucks, operate a powered industrial truck safely whilenegotiating a driving course and more. Those who successfully complete the course will receivean 8.5 X 11 certificate of completion. Location: Savannah Tech Savannah Campus- Industrial Technology BuildingMeeting Days: Saturday Time: 8am-4:30pmHours: 8 hours, Classroom: 4 hours | Lab: 4 hoursCost: $135, Includes Textupcoming sessionsJanuary 20th February 17th March 24thApril 21st May 19th Learn more at IMPACT | 10
CUSTOMER SERVICECERTIFICATION Available as an online course or a custom, instructor-led training for your companyLearn more at
PILOT ESCORT A V A I L A B L E A T T H E C R O S S O R A D S C A M P U S The Pilot Escort Certification program trains those interested in providing escort services to vehicles that are oversize/overweight according to legal dimensions. So what's a pilot escort? This quote from Great Western Transportation explains it well. \"Most likely you have seen pilot cars…Pickup trucks, SUVs or cars driving in front of or behind a tractor-trailer hauling a wide load or overweight load. These are called pilot cars or escort vehicles, and the people who drive them are trained professionals who specialize in this type of driving.\" - This course will cover Program Basics, Required Equipment, Optional Equipment, Functions & Duties, Highway Operations, Emergency Operations, Escort Vehicle Operation, Defensive Driving. Per the Georgia Department of Transportation, the purpose of the certification is to: Students attending this 8 hour course will gain the knowledge necessary for Increasing overall safety of the traveling public and of people involved in the movement of the Overdimensional load. Preventing damage to the highway system & to the load being transported; Preventing or minimizing delays to the normal traffic flow; Reducing accident/loss rates thereby holding down insurance costs; Encouraging uniform escort operations. upcoming sessions February 3rd April 7th Location: Savannah Tech Savannah Campus Meeting Days: Saturday Time: 8am-4:30pm Hours: 8 hours, Classroom: 4 hours | Lab: 4 hours Cost: $70, Includes Text Learn more at IMPACT | 12
CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINERTURN YOURPASSION INTOA CAREERAvailable at the Savannah Campus and as a Hybrid Course Offered in partnership with World Instructor TrainingGet all the School (W.I.T.S.) ur personal trainer course is a great way toinformation needed become a successful Certified Personal Trainer with anto start an exciting option to complete an employer internship that can walkfitness career & you into jobs! become a Certified This course is designed for those wanting to complete thePersonal Trainer. theory portion of the course online. The class will meet a local gym to complete the in-depth, hands-on practical labs.IMPACT | 13 Participants will be able to master the essential career skills & knowledge needed in this field.
The course consists of 15 hours Upcoming Sessionsof lecture on key topics likebiomechanics, exercise April 28th - June 9th, 2018physiology, fitness testing,equipment usage, health Location: Savannah Tech Main Campusassessment & 15 hours of hands- Deadline to Register: Tues. April 24th, 2018on practical training labs with Meeting Days: Saturdaysrole playing drills on assessing Lecture: Completed Onlineclients, programming, performing Practical: 1pm-4pm at local gymproper exercises, presentation Cost: $649 plus required textbookskills and more. successfully completing thiscourse, students will be able to: IMPACT | 14Understand and describe basicanatomy, kinesiology andexercise physiology.Assess an individual’s level offitness using ACSM guidelines.Design and customize exerciseprograms.Demonstrate proper execution ofresistance, cardio-respiratoryand flexibility exercises.Identify and demonstrate at leastone strength exercise for everymajor muscle group.Explain ACSM and AHArecommendations forcardiovascular exerciseRequirements Include: Must be atleast 18 years old and obtain aCPR/AED card(can be done afterthe course)/
INTRODUCTIONTO VOICE-OVER An Interactive Workshop Voice-Over is the voice of an unseen narrator or of an onscreen character not seen speaking. For example, the voice you hear speaking at self-checkout, radio ads, animated tv shows and movies, Siri, Cortana, Alexa. The list goes on and on. This class is about what it takes to get into the Voice-Over business. Bridget, our instructor for the course, has had her voice featured in Samsung, Audible, and Mazda commercials, as well as Spanish Telenovela English translations. When you enroll in the course, LIVE as she illustrates how YOU could actually begin using your speaking voice for commercials, films and videos! Most people go about entering the voice-over business the wrong way. Bridget will show you a unique, out-of-the box way to cash in on one of the most lucrative full or part-time careers out there! IMPACT | 15
In the class, participants will discover Upcoming Sessionsindustry’s opportunities, the structureof advertising, how to make a demo, April 5th, 2018 the kinds of voices in demand, andmost importantly, obtain a proven Location: Savannah Tech Crossroads Campusprocess for finding work. Deadline to Register: Thurs. March 29th, 2018 Meeting Days: ThursdaySuch-A-Voice’s program has numerous Cost: $25 former students thriving in thebusiness as living proof of the success June 14th, 2018of their unique method. Students willalso have the opportunity to practice Location: Savannah Tech Crossroads Campusrecording a simulated voice-over! Deadline to Register: Tues. June 7th, 2018 Meeting Days: ThursdayRequirements: Cost: $25 Must be age 18 or over.Must pay course registration fee by deadline.Teens are welcome!If interested in having a child aged 13-17 attend, they must be accompaniedby an adult and both are required topay the registration fee of $25.This is a business that you can handleon your own terms, on your own turf,in your own time! And NOW is the besttime to make this happen as newcompanies are looking for new voiceslike never before. This exciting and funclass could be the game changer you’vebeen looking for!
APICSCERTIFIED IN LOGISTICS,TRANSPORTATION ANDDISTRITUBUTION (CLTD) Stand out in your field as a logistics expert Savannah Tech, in partnership with the APICS Savannah chapter, offers CLTD exam review courses to prepare you for certification and gain knowledge to help you and your company excel. Become a recognized expert in the logistics, transportation and distribution fields. CLTD Certification demonstrates in-depth knowledge of a broad range of topics to set you apart from your colleagues — proving your high level of knowledge and skills. You’ll be a more valuable asset to your organization, keeping you and your organization more competitive in today’s global economy. IMPACT | 17
In the class, participants will cover 8 Upcoming Sessionsmodules: January, 9th - March 27, 20181. Logistics and Supply Chain Overview2. Capacity Planning and Demand Location: Savannah Tech Crossroads CampusManagement Deadline to Register: January 4th, 20183. Order Management Meeting Days: Tuesdays4. Inventory and WarehouseManagement Cost:5. Transportation6. Global Logistics Considerations APICS PLUS Members and Students: $1,4957. logistics Network Design (includes the CLTD learning system a $1,1958. Reverse Logistics and Sustainability value). Exam purchased separately ($475).Requirements: APICS PLUS Members and Students w/ Exam:Three years of related business $1,925 (includes a CLTD exam credit)experience; orBachelor’s degree (or international APICS CORE Members: $1,795equivalent); or (includes CLTD learning system an $1,195 value).The candidate must hold one of the Exam purchased separately ($525)following designations (CTL, CSCP,CPIM, CFPIM, CIRM, SCOR-P, CPM, APICS CORE Members w/ Exam: $2,275CSM or CPSM). (includes a CLTD exam credit)The program is ideal for those involved Non-Members*: $1,995*in Production and Inventory (includes CLTD learning system an $1,195 value).Management, Operations, Supply Chain Exam purchased separately ($525)Management, Procurement, MaterialsManagement, Purchasing and Non-Members w/ Exam*: $2,475*Scheduling. To earn the APICS CPIM (includes a CLTD exam credit)designation, you will need tosuccessfully complete five courses and *Fees include: course facilitation, books (4),five exams. access to online APICS CLTD Learning System * Includes a FREE annual APICS Membership (a $220 value)
MICROSOFTOFFICE SUITE Computer Training Courses Founded on CCI Learning’s world-leading courseware, Jasperactive is the world’s first kinesthetic Microsoft Office learning and validation system mapped to the Microsoft Office Specialist Global Standard. With the use of Jasperactive, our new computer training courses focus on the critical thinking and application of learning so students can spend more time using Microsoft Office rather than learning how to use it With a five-step Prescriptive Learning Pathway, your training is tailored to the items you need assistance with the most. Saturday and Evening classes available!Learn more at
Upcoming Sessions Saturday Classes Length: 3-day class,Microsoft Word 24 hoursSaturdays: April 21st, April 28th, May 5th, 2018 Time: 9am-5:00pmRegistration Deadline: April 6th, 2018 Location: Savannah Campus, Academic Commons, 2nd FloorM/T/W/R: March 19th – April 5th, 2018Registration Deadline: March 5th, 2018 Evening Classes Length: 12-day class, 24 hoursMicrosoft Excel Day(s) of the Week:Saturdays: May 12th, May 19th, May 26th, 2018 Mon/Tues/Wed/ThursRegistration Deadline: May 3rd, 2018 Location: Savannah Campus, Academic Commons, 2nd FloorM/T/W/R: May 7th – 24th, 2018Registration Deadline: April 30th, 2018 Cost: Single Course: $125Microsoft Outlook Bundle Fee: $335Saturdays: June 2nd & 9thRegistration Deadline: May 28th, 2018 IMPACT | 20M/T/W/R: June 4th – June 14thRegistration Deadline: May 28th, 2018Microsoft PowerPointSaturdays: June 2nd & 9thRegistration Deadline: May 28th, 2018M/T/W/R: June 4th – June 14thRegistration Deadline: May 28th, 2018
Thrive If you are retired or getting close to retiring, you'reFinancially in encouraged to enroll in this 2-day course to learnRetirement fundamental principles of financial planning in retirement. Participants will learn how to better AVAILABLE AT THE manage and control of investments; get information SAVANANH AND on basic tax reduction strategies; increase monthly CROSSROADS CAMPUS income; protect life’s savings from investment mistakes, and avoid unnecessary estate taxes.IMPACT | 21
This class focuses on the financial Upcoming Sessionschallenges and opportunitiesunique to today’s retirees. If you Jan 18th & 25th - Savannah Campusare either retired or getting close Feb 1st & 8th - Crossroads Campusto retiring, and want straight-forward answers to your Location: Savannah Tech Main Campusquestions and concerns, you Meeting Days: Tuesdays or Thursdaysshould enroll in this class. Time: 6:30pm -8:30pm Hours: 4 hours (2 meeting days)Learn how to plan for: Cost: $39-The threat of healthcare to reduce taxes onIRA/401k distributions and;- how to pass your life’s savings toyour heirs with minimal probate,tax and legal costsThis class is open to everyone. Ifyou are either retired or gettingclose to retiring, and wantstraight-forward answers to yourquestions and concerns, youshould enroll in this class. Thiscourse will teach youfundamental principles offinancial planning in retirement. IMPACT | 22
Driver's EducationTeaching Georgia Teens How to DriveAVAILABLE AT THE SAVANNAH, CROSSROADS, AND LIBERTY CAMPUSLearning to drive is a major milestone in life. It’s important for young or inexperienceddrivers to learn safe driving techniques. The program offered by Savannah Technical Collegemeets Joshua’s Law options that include 30-hours of classroom instruction and 6 additionalDriver'shours of drive time with an instructor. Most insurance companies also give a reduction(approx. 10%) on insurance premiums upon successful completion. Teens are eligible toreceive a scholarship to attend the course, but all who seek assistance with learning how toEducationdrive are welcome to enroll.
Classroom Topics Upcoming sessionsManaging Risk When Driving, Understanding Savannah CampusVehicle Space Needs, Natural Laws and Balance,Starting, Steering, and Stopping the Vehicle, March 3rd, 10th, 24th, & 31st,Traffic Control Devices & Traffic Laws, Managing 2018 (No class on March 17th)Risk: Vision & Perception, Time & Space, Sharing May 5th, 12th, 19th, & 26th,the Road with Others, and more 2018Behind-The-Wheel Crossroads CampusParallel parking, turnabouts, exposure to light, March 3rd, 10th, 24th, & 31st,moderate, and heavy traffic. introduction to 2018 (No class on March 17th)parkways, highways, and interstate driving. May 5th, 12th, 19th, & 26th, 2018Training Vehicle Liberty CampusStudents are trained in a 2015 Kia Optima. Eachvehicle will be wrapped in “Student Driver” March 3rd, 10th, 24th, & 31st,graphics to make other drivers aware that 2018 (No class on March 17th)training is in progress. The vehicles are May 5th, 12th, 19th, & 26th, equipped with video monitoring capabilities to 2018ensure the safety of all participants. Course Details Did you know teens 15-17 are eligible to apply for a scholarship to take driver's Location: All Campus education courses? The scholarship can be Meeting Days: Saturdays redeemed at authorized providers. We are Time: 9am-5pm proud to be an authroized provide of a Hours: 36 hours, Classroom: 30 hours | Driver's Education Program! Visit Behind-The-Wheel: 6 Hours to learn more. Cost: $350 Websites
HOW TO REGISTER Payment for Continuing Education courses can be made by debit card, credit card, or money order. If paying by money orders, please make it payable to \"Savannah Technical College.. Payments must be received prior to the course's registration deadline. Online -Visit -Complete the form and select the course you are registering for -Savannah Tech Rep reviews submission& will send an email with a link to pay the invoice online by credit card or debit card By Phone -Call 912-443-3012 -Let us know the course you're interested in registering for -Savannah Tech Rep can accept your credit/debit card info over phone or send an email with a link to pay invoice. In Person -Visit the Savannah Tech Crossroads Campus in Pooler, GA. Our address is 190 Crossroads Parkway, Savannah, GA 31407 -Savannah Tech Rep can accept credit card, debit card, or money order payments only or an email with a link to pay the invoice can be sent to you.IMPACT | 25
Facility Rental Located within minutes of Savannah-Hilton Head International Airport, just off I-95 at Exit 104. Quiet with ample parking and close to numerous hotels, our facility combines indoor comfort with outdoor patios and low-country nature views. Areas available for rental include the auditorium, classrooms, computer labs, conference room. 190 Crossroads Parkway, Savannah, GA 31406 | Phone: 912-443-3012 | Learn More About Our Facility Options
CorporateTraining Savannah Technical College offers cost-effective training solutions that develop highly efficient and productive employees. Call or email us today to get started with your company's custom training and development program 190 Crossroads Parkway, Savannah, GA 31407 | 912-443-3015 | Learn More About Corporate Training Options IMPACT| 27
FINANCIALAIDContinuing education classes are not eligible for the HOPE Scholarship or PELL Grant.However, students, who qualify, may be able to receive financial assistance from theagencies below.WIOAIndividuals seeking training who are unemployed, laid-off, or under-employed may be able toobtain training funds by way of the Workforce Investment Opportunity Act. To learn more andlocate your nearest One-Stop Center, be sure to courses: General Maintenance Technician, Fast Track Warehouse & Distribution,Customer Service, Intro to Textile & Design FabricationMyCAAMilitary spouses interested in pursuing licenses, certificates, or certifications needed to obtaingainful employment in high demand, high growth, and portable career fields and occupationsmay be able to receive assistance through Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts.Learn more at Benefits There are various education benefits that military service members may be eligible for through the Veteran's Affairs Department. Learn more about your options by visiting Eligible Courses: Airframe & Powerplant Prep 3-Week Course, Forklift Safety Training IMPACT | 28
Savannah Technical CollegeProfessional Continuing EducationCrossroads Technology Campus190 Crossroads ParkwaySavannah, GA 31406Phone: 912-443-3012Fax: 912-966-6735Email: [email protected] Short-Term Classes. Long-Term Impact. Certification Programs Online Classes Personal Enrichment Custom Training education
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