PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE TISTLaE vannah Technical College - Continuing Education ART & DESIGN BUSINESS & COMPUTERS HEALTH & PERSONALONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAINING1-on-1 Instructors Externships Flexible Schedules Affordable Books Included Certificationcareertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtcportlandcc.trainonline.cc 800-800-0000 1
PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAININGOnline Learning offers both convenience and flexibility. Students can access their course at anytime, anywhere. Forparents, working students, and professionals access to the classroom can be managed around your schedule. OnlineLearning is a cost effective choice. Choosing online courses may help individuals cut down or eliminate costs oftransportation, babysitting, and other expenses incurred by attending a traditional classroom setting.FEATURES CATEGORIES 1-on-1 Instructor 3 Arts and Design Assistance from expert instructors 4 Business Externship 8 Computer Applications Opportunities available for many courses 10 Computer Programming Flexible Schedule 12 Construction and Trades Study anytime, anywhere, complete in 3-6 Months! 14 Health and Fitness Affordable 17 Hospitality Payment plans available 18 Information Technology Books Included 21 Legal All materials are included in cost 22 Teacher Professional Development Certification 22 Writing Most courses lead to industry certifications 2GETTING STARTED 1. Find your course or view a demo at: careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc 2. To register contact us at (912) 443-3012 or email us at: continuinged@savannahtech.com
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAINING ARTS AND DESIGNYou’re a creator. You’ve always wanted 3ds max Digital Arts Certificateto be an artist, and it’s time to make Learn to use 3ds Max to create your own This course will help you develop technicalthat goal a reality. Whether you spend professional animated 3D graphics for skills and creative artistry in digitalyour time animating colorful characters video games. This course takes you photography, imaging, and illustration. Thisor thinking about how much better a through object modeling, material creation, course covers Adobe Photoshop, Illustratorwebsite could look if you got your animation, cameras, lighting, scene and more.hands on it, a concentration in Art generation, and all the basics for aspiringDesign will help you turn your passion game artists and animators. Digital Game Artist Certificatefor dynamic visuals into a career. Adobe Certified Associate This course prepares students to become The Adobe Certified Associate course is professional video game artists by training designed for students who want to learn on core skills for jobs related to Digital Art, Adobe software programs and prepare for 3D Art, Modeling, Character Design, and the Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) exams. Environmental Art Design. Certified Residential Interior Designer Prepare for a career as a residential interior Graphic Design with Photoshop designer by learning the basics of good Students will develop graphic design skills design, getting familiar with design styles while learning the gold standard in photo and movements, exploring the materials editing and design software. that interior designers use, and putting your knowledge to work as you create your own Marketing Design Certificate design concept for a family room. This course focuses on design for marketing and business creating logos, Web Design advertisements, communications, and Professional more. You’ll learn Photoshop, Illustrator, and Microsoft PowerPoint while gaining Gain the skills and knowledge fundamental technical and aesthetic skills. needed to become a Web Designer. Multimedia Arts Certificate This course gives you the conceptual, There’s Still Time to Enroll technical, and visual design skills required to create multimedia applications and careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc environments. You’ll explore Adobe Photoshop, Flash, and After Effects, as well as digital video editing. Video Game Design and Development Using a comprehensive and analytical approach to game engine architectures, this course teaches you how to effectively design and develop games. Web Design Professional Upon completion, students can expect to have a solid grounding in the skills and knowledge needed to become a Web Designer.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 3
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAINING BUSINESSYou’re a business-minded person: Administrative Professional CCBA Certification Trainingwhen life gives you lemons, you make The Administrative Professional course You'll hone your skills in system developmentlemonade and turn a refreshing profit. teaches the skills you need to become a and evolve as a business analyst in thisOur flexible business courses will help successful administrative professional. CCBA course, built on IIBA guidelines.you hone and focus these skills andbuild a successful career. Our courses Administrative Professional with Certified Bookkeeperwill help you lead your professional Microsoft Office 2013 Master This course helps professionalcommunity to new concepts and time- The Administrative Professional with bookkeepers earn prestigious Americanproven best practices—starting right Microsoft Office 2013 Master course Institute of Professional Bookkeeperswhere you are. teaches the skills students need to become (AIPB) certification. a successful administrative professional and prepares students to use Microsoft Certified Global Business Professional Office 2013 programs: Excel, Word, This course prepares you for the credential PowerPoint, and Outlook. exam by educating you in four areas: global management, global marketing, supply Administrative Professional with chain management, and trade finance. Microsoft Office 2016 Master (Vouchers Included) Certified Green Supply Chain This course teaches the skills you need Professional to become a successful administrative Help your company achieve its professional and prepares you to sit for environmental goals with the Certified the Microsoft Office 2016 Master Green Supply Chain Professional course. Certification exams. Gain the skills you'll need to make a green impact on global sourcing, material Administrative Professional with management, procurement and buying, Microsoft Office Specialist 2013 transportation and logistics, and new The Administrative Professional with product development. Microsoft Office Specialist 2013 training course teaches the skills required to Certified Internal Auditor become a successful administrative The Certified Internal Auditor Exam Review professional and prepares students for course is built around an adaptive learning the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification platform that focuses your study to your Exams 77-418, 77-425, and 77-426 (Word), weaker areas and reduces your overall 77-420, 77-427, and 77-428 (Excel), 77-422 study time. (PowerPoint), 77-423 (Outlook), and 77-424 (Access). Certified Quality Improvement Associate (CQIA) Administrative Professional with Prepare for the CQIA exam from the Microsoft Office Specialist 2016 convenience of your home or office. Identify (Vouchers Included) knowledge gaps and target your studies This course teaches key skills for becoming from test results. Review and reinforce your an Administrative Professional and learning as part of your exam preparation. prepares you to sit for the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification exams.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 4
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAININGBUSINESSCertified Six Sigma Black Belt Entrepreneurship: Start-Up and Business Lean Six Sigma Green Belt with BlackThis course prepares you for the ASQ Owner Management Belt with 1-on-1 Project CoachingCertified Six Sigma Black Belt Examination This course covers everything from (Exam Cost Included)and also equips you to apply Six Sigma financing to leadership. You'll learn the keys In this online course you will learn theconcepts and methods as a practitioner or to business planning, communication skills, principles of both Lean Six Sigma Greenconsultant. marketing, and management.Ever thought Belt and Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, before about owning your own business, this course sitting for the certification exams.Certified Six Sigma Green Belt can help make that dream come true!(Exam Cost Included) Lean Six Sigma Yellow BeltPrepare for Six Sigma Green Belt Grant Writing (Exam Cost Included)certification by mastering the contents of Learn to write grant proposals that get Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt is an online,the American Society for Quality (ASQ) Six funded in this nationally recognized Grant high-level, awareness course that teachesSigma Green Belt body of knowledge. Writing course. you the fundamentals of Lean Six Sigma process improvement.Certified Six Sigma Green Belt and Grant Writing + Non-Profit ManagementBlack Belt In this course, you will learn how to write a Management TrainingThis course prepares you for the ASQ grant proposal, how to supervise If you're thinking of starting a business orCertified Six Sigma Green Belt and Black employees, as well as the liabilities that pursuing an MBA, learn the essentials here!Belt Examinations and also equips you to non-profits encounter. This course is perfect for business owners,apply Six Sigma concepts and methods as entrepreneurs, and anyone who wants toa project leader, practitioner, consultant, or Human Resources Professional learn the basics of business management.team member. Master the skills you need to gain an entry- level position in human resources and Mastering Project Management withChartered Tax Professional prepare to take the PHR (Professional in Microsoft Project 2010Learn to prepare individual tax returns for Human Resources) certification exam. In this intermediate/advanced course, you’llalmost all U.S. taxpayers! With this translate your knowledge into skills byinnovative course, you can start working Lean Six Sigma Black Belt exploring key project management topics inand earning money while completing your (Exam Cost Included) depth and prepare for the Projectcourse. Learn the principles of Lean Six Sigma and Management Professional (PMP) prepare to take the Lean Six Sigma Black certification.Chartered Tax Professional for Belt certification exam.California Residents Mastering Project Management withWith this innovative online California Lean Six Sigma Black Belt with 1-on-1 Microsoft Project 2016 (SoftwareChartered Tax Professional Certificate Project Coaching (Exam Cost Included) Included)course, you can become qualified as a Learn the principles of Lean Six Sigma and In this intermediate/advanced level course,California Tax Preparer through the prepare to take the Lean Six Sigma Black you’ll translate your knowledge into skills byCalifornia Tax Education Council (CTEC), Belt certification exam. exploring key project management topics inand start working and earning money while depth and prepare for the Projectcompleting your course. Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Management Professional (PMP) (Exam Cost Included) certification.Court Interpreter (Spanish/English) Prepare to sit for your Lean Six SigmaThis course teaches the skills needed to Green Belt Certification exam with this in- Mastering Project Management withprepare you to sit for the Oral Component of depth online course. PMP Prepany State Court Interpreting Certification In this intermediate/ advanced level course,exams. Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Black you’ll translate your knowledge into skills by Belt (Exam Cost Included) going beyond the basics of projectCustoms Broker In this online course you will learn the management and exploring key topics inPrepare and learn how to take and pass the principles of both Lean Six Sigma Green depth.Customs Broker License Exam. Belt and Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, before sitting for the certification exams. MSP Foundation and PractitionerDental Office Manager Certification TrainingMaster the skills you need for a successful Learn to create a framework that organizescareer as a dental assistant and obtain the large, complex programs into manageable,skills to effectively manage a dentists office. interrelated projects with this Program Management course.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 5
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAINING BUSINESS OMCA Display Advertising Associate OMCP Email Marketing and (Voucher Included) Automation ProfessionalNon-Profit Management Prepare for your OMCA® display (Voucher Included)Examine the fundamental principles of advertising certification and start or In this course, you will master the art ofnonprofit management, explore the roles improve your digital marketing career as reaching people by email and building anand responsibilities of a nonprofit board of you learn to explain, evaluate and dissect ongoing relationship using marketingdirectors and the management team, display ad data, and best practices in automation. It will also prepare you for thediscover the essential aspects of building and maintaining display ad OMCP® certification exam.fundraising, and become acquainted with campaigns.the fundamentals of the budgeting process. OMCP Paid Search ProfessionalOMCA Content Marketing Associate OMCA Email Marketing Associate (Voucher Included)(Voucher Included) (Voucher Included) This course teaches you about digitalLearn the hottest role in digital marketing Want to learn email marketing? Make the marketing and a deep dive of paid digitaland prepare for the nationally recognized most of your companys email efforts and advertising (also known as pay-per-click).OMCA content marketing certification. prepare for the OMCA certification exam. You will learn how to drive traffic usingOMCA Conversion Optimization paid ads, and ensure you are bringing aAssociate (Voucher Included) OMCA Mobile Marketing Associate return. You'll also be prepared to takeBecome a valuable asset to your existing or (Voucher Included) the Online Marketing Certifiedfuture marketing team. Get conversion Prepare for the nationally recognized Professional (OMCP®) exam.optimization training, and prepare for the OMCA mobile marketing certification toOMCA certification exam. start or improve your career in digital OMCP Search Marketing Professional marketing. (Voucher Included)OMCP Digital Analytics In this course, you’ll learn the scope and Conversion OMCA PPC Associate (Voucher of digital marketing and dive deep into Professional Included) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Learn PPC marketing and how to bid on techniques. You will also be prepared Learn how to further your career keywords that get your company noticed, for the OMCP® certification exam. as an analytics and conversion all while preparing for the OMCA focused digital marketer, make certification exam. OMCP Social and Mobile Marketing business decisions based on Professional (Voucher Included) web numbers and prepare for OMCA SEO Associate (Voucher In this course, you will learn how to build the OMCP® certification exam. Included) mobile and social marketing campaigns Learn search optimization, one of the most from start to finish and further your career There’s Still Time to Enroll talked about aspects of digital marketing. as a social media and mobile marketing Train with industry experts and prepare for focused digital marketer. You will also careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc the OMCA certification exam. be prepared to take the OMCP® certification exam. OMCA Social Media Associate (Voucher Included) Optical Manager Prepare for the nationally recognized Master the skills you need for a successful OMCA social media marketing certification career as an optician and obtain the skills to start or improve your career in digital to effectively manage an optometrists marketing. office. OMCA Web Analytics Associate Payroll Practice and Management (Voucher Included) Become knowledgeable in all facets of Want to make sense of all your marketing payroll rules and regulations, and join data? Get web analytics training while one of the fastest-growing career simultaneously preparing for the OMCA fields today. certification exam. PMI Risk Management Professional OMCP Digital Analytics and (Exam Cost Included) Conversion Professional (Voucher PMI's Risk Management Professional Included) (PMI-RMP) credential is a solution to Learn how to further your career as an project management's increasing growth, analytics and conversion focused digital complexity and diversity. marketer, make business decisions based on web numbers and prepare for the OMCP® certification exam.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 6
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAININGBUSINESSPMI-PgMP Certification Training Purchasing and Supply Chain Six Sigma Yellow BeltDesigned for Mid- or Senior-Level Management + Freight Broker/Agent ASQs Six Sigma Yellow Belt course helpsprofessionals in Project Management, this Training you gain a detailed understanding of thecourse will give you the skills to handle In this online training course, you will learn role, responsibilities, and knowledgemultiple projects. the agility and precision needed to be required of a Six Sigma Yellow Belt and successful within purchasing, logistics, and prepares you to take ASQs Six SigmaPRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner supply chain management professions. Yellow Belt Certification exam.Certification TrainingMaster the PRINCE2 principles, themes, Records Management Certificate The Complete Project Manager withand processes that will help you ensure This comprehensive course will help you CAPM and PMP Prepsuccess with each of the projects that you establish a successful records This is a comprehensive projecthandle with this PRINCE2 Foundation and management program, including management course for those who want toPractitioner course. electronic, magnetic, and paper media. expand their knowledge and application of project management concepts. It isPRINCE2 Foundation Certification Training Sage 50 Certificate (Voucher Included) designed to create skills for todays projectIn this PRINCE2 foundation course, you will Sage 50 is the perfect course for those practitioners and prepare them for eithermaster the PRINCE2 principles, themes, trying to expand their knowledge in the CAPM or PMP certifications.and processes that will help you ensure accounting, or those looking for an entrysuccess in your projects. level position in the field. The Complete Project Manager with Microsoft Project 2010Professional Interpreter Senior Certified Sustainability This is a comprehensive projectMaster the skills and knowledge you need Professional management course for those who want toto begin a career as a professional Are you prepared for an exciting career as expand their knowledge and application ofinterpreter. a leader in the green collar economy? The project management concepts. It is Senior Certified Sustainability Professional designed to prepare students for either theProfessional Translator online course will prepare you to set the CAPM or PMP certifications. You will alsoThis course teaches the skills to become a course and coordinate an enterprise's learn how to use Microsoft Project 2010 toprofessional translator into both languages sustainability strategy. assist you in project management.English and Spanish and also prepare youto sit for the American Translators Senior Professional In Human The Complete Project Manager withAssociation (ATA) certification exam. Resources Microsoft Project 2016 (Software Learn about Human Resources to advance Included)Project Management Essentials with your career within industry. You will also be This is a comprehensive projectCAPM Prep prepared to take the Professional Human management course for those who want toThis course is designed for those who are Resources (SPHR) certification exam expand their knowledge and application ofnew to project management and will offered by the HR Certification Institute. project management concepts. It isprovide you with a solid foundation of the designed to prepare students for either themost common terms and concepts you’ll Six Sigma Black Belt CAPM or PMP certifications. You will alsoneed and help you prepare for the Certified The Six Sigma Black Belt online course learn how to use Microsoft Project 2016 toAssociate In Project Management (CAPM) provides you with an in-depth look at the create and manage project schedules.certification exam. CAPM and PMP are Six Sigma Black Belt problem-solvingregistered marks of Project Management methodology, deployment, and projectInstitute, Inc. development approaches.Purchasing and Supply Chain The Complete Project Manager with CAPM and PMP PrepManagementDevelop essential managerial skills, and This is a comprehensive course islearn how to effectively manage all aspects designed to create skills for todaysof the purchasing process, including project practitioners and prepareprocurement, distribution, supply chain them for either the CAPM or PMPmanagement, and more, with the skills you’ll certifications.learn in this online course. There’s Still Time to Enroll: careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtccareertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 7
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAINING COMPUTER APPLICATIONSNo matter what you’re striving to do, it Android App Developer Implementing Microsoft Azureseems “there’s an app for that.” We Learn and master the necessary skill sets Infrastructure Solutions (Voucher Included)live in an app-driven world, and with a for professional Android application Learn the architecture, services, tools, andconcentration in computer development by developing six trending portals of Microsoft Azure and prepare forapplications, you’ll master the latest applications during this course authorized the Microsoft Specialist certification intechnology and prepare for a career in by Google. Microsoft Azure, Exam 70-533: Implementingmany of today’s most dynamic fields. Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions AutoCAD 2018 Certified User upon course completion. (Voucher Included) Learn basic and advanced 2D functionality Microsoft Access 2010 for AutoCAD 2018. You will also learn the Certification Training necessary tools to prepare for the Autodesk The Microsoft Access 2010 course will AutoCAD 2018 Certified User Exam. prepare you to take your Microsoft Certification Exam and familiarize you with AutoCAD 2018 with AutoCAD 3D 2018 various tasks within Microsoft Access. (Voucher Included) Learn basic and advanced 2D functionality Microsoft Access 2013 for AutoCAD 2018, and AutoCAD’s 3D tools Certification Training to be able to design three-dimensional This course prepares students for the models using AutoCAD 2018. You will also Microsoft Office Specialist Certification learn all the necessary tools to prepare for Exam 77-424. the Autodesk AutoCAD 2018 Certified User Exam. Microsoft Access 2016 Certification Training (Voucher Included) AutoCAD 3D 2018 This course prepares students for the This online course introduces you to the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification concepts and methods of 3D modeling. The Exam 77-730. course provides a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of 3D, and explores the main Microsoft Excel 2013 Certification Training features of the advanced 3D modeling This course prepares students for the workspace in the AutoCAD 2018 software. Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) This course uses Autodesk certified Certification Exam 77-420. curriculum. Microsoft Excel 2016 Certification Autodesk Inventor (Voucher Included) Training (Vouchers Included) Learn the fundamental skills required to This course prepares students for the create parametric solid models using Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Autodesk Inventor 2018. You will also have Exams 77-727 and 77-728. all the necessary tools to prepare for the Autodesk Inventor Certified User exam. Microsoft Office 2013 Master This course prepares students for the Autodesk Revit Architecture Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Learn the basic functionality of Autodesk Certification Exams 77-418, 77-425, and 77- Revit for Architecture as well as all the 426 (Word), 77-420, 77-427, and 77-428 necessary tools to prepare for the Autodesk (Excel), 77-422 (PowerPoint), and 77-423 Revit Architecture Certified User Exam. (Outlook).careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 8
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAININGCOMPUTER APPLICATIONSMicrosoft Office 2016 Master Certification Microsoft Project 2016 Professional Bookkeeping withTraining (Vouchers Included) This course combines knowledge of project QuickBooks 2015This course teaches the skills needed to management scheduling disciplines with This course teaches students how toprepare you to sit for the Microsoft Office the use of the Microsoft Project 2016 master professional bookkeeping usingMaster 2016 Certification exams. software. QuickBooks 2015 software. Professional Bookkeeping withMicrosoft Office Specialist 2013 Microsoft SharePoint 2010 QuickBooks 2017This course prepares students for the Certification Training Prepare for a career in the high-demandMicrosoft Office Specialist Certification This course prepares you to take the field of bookkeeping and accounting as youExams 77-418, 77-425, and 77-426 (Word), Microsoft Certification Exam 77-886 in order master QuickBooks 2017, the leading77-420, 77-427, and 77-428 (Excel), 77-422 to achieve a certification as a Microsoft financial software tool for small businesses.(PowerPoint), 77-423 (Outlook), and 77-424 Office Specialist. Salesforce Administrator(Access). Learn the core administrative features of Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Salesforce to tailor the system for yourMicrosoft Office Specialist 2016 (MOS) Certification Training specific implementation and prepare for theCertification Training (Vouchers Engage in the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Salesforce Administrator Certification Exam.Included) Certification Training course if you areThis course teaches the skills needed to either new to or experienced in working with Professionalprepare you to sit for the Microsoft Office SharePoint 2013. Bookkeeping withSpecialist 2016 Certification exams. QuickBooks 2017 Microsoft SharePoint 2016Microsoft Outlook 2013 This SharePoint 2016 course will provide Prepare for a career in the high-Certification Training you with the skills you need to work within demand field of bookkeepingThis course prepares students for the and manage SharePoint sites. and accounting as you masterMicrosoft Office Specialist (MOS) QuickBooks 2017, the leadingCertification Exam 77-423. Microsoft Word 2013 financial software tool for small Certification Training businesses.Microsoft Outlook 2016 This course prepares students for theCertification Training (Voucher Included) Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) There’s Still Time to EnrollThis course prepares students for the Certification Exam 77-418.Microsoft Office Specialist Certification careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtcExam 77-731. Microsoft Word 2016 Certification Training This Microsoft Word 2016 MOS CertificationMicrosoft PowerPoint 2013 Training course helps prepare students toCertification Training take the following Microsoft Office 2016This course prepares students for the MOS and Expert certification exams: 77-Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) 725 Microsoft Office Specialist Word 2016Certification Exam 77-422. and 77-726 Microsoft Office Specialist Word Expert 2016.Microsoft PowerPoint 2016Certification Training (Voucher Included) Microsoft Word 2016 CertificationThis Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 MOS Training (Vouchers Included)Certification Training course prepares This Microsoft Word 2016 MOS Certificationstudents to take the Microsoft Office Training course helps prepare students toSpecialist PowerPoint 2016 Exam 77-729. take the following Microsoft Office 2016 MOS and Expert certification exams: 77-Microsoft Project 2010 725 Microsoft Office Specialist Word 2016This course combines knowledge of project and 77-726 Microsoft Office Specialistmanagement scheduling disciplines with Word Expert 2016.the use of the Microsoft Project 2010software.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 9
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAINING COMPUTER PROGRAMMINGWhen you’re online or working with a Apache Cassandra Training Mobile and Desktop Web Developer /new application, you can’t help but The Apache Cassandra Training course Responsive Web Designthink of all the ways the experience helps IT professionals add weight to their Students who successfully complete thiscould be better. You notice a user- profile, and typically earn more compared career course will have developed a solidfriendly interface. Slow page loading to their non-certified peers. background in all of the latest technologiesand processing makes you wonder associated with web development for bothwhat’s going wrong behind the scenes. Certified SAS Base Programmer desktop and mobile environments, and at Certification Training the very end of the course, students will be The course will help you gain an in-depth able to build traditional and mobile understanding of SAS programming websites. language and the SAS tool. You will master Mobile Web Developer different techniques in SAS to access and In this course, learn to develop websites for manage data, create data structures, mobile devices, such as Androids and generate reports, and handle errors iPhones. CompTIA Linux+ and Unix Training Web Applications (Vouchers Included) Developer Linux and UNIX products have become a leading infrastructure, both for large Master the skills you need to corporations as well as government entities. create dynamic database-driven Having these credentials gives students websites using the latest tremendous marketability they can use to technologies. obtain positions in the IT field. There’s Still Time to Enroll CTFL Certification Training Confirm your proficiency in Software careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc Development and Testing with this CTFL Certification training course, accredited by ASTQB. Java Programmer Learn Java programming in this online course that covers fundamental Java syntax elements and more advanced concepts. Microsoft Web Developer In this course you will learn web development, C Sharp, HTML, CSS, SQL Server, JavaScript, Object based JavaScript, Model View and Controller and jQuery.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 10
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAININGCOMPUTER PROGRAMMINGOracle SQL and PL/SQL + Python Students Receive Timely,Developer + Java ProgrammerMaster Oracle Programming in this Helpful, and Continuouscombined online training that teaches. Asthe perfect starting point for those wanting Student Supportto learn SQL, PL/SQL, Java, and Pythonprogramming, this online course will teach Python Developeryou everything from the basics to advanced This course is aimed at those new to thepractices. Python programming language who may orOracle SQL and PL/SQL Developer may not have experience with otherThis Oracle SQL Developer course teaches programming languages. You will learn allstudents how to use SQL to build about Python programming in thisapplications, generate business reports, comprehensive course that coversmaster SQL in Oracle, and learn PL/SQL to introductory through advanced methods ofwork within an Oracle database. Python.Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Developer +Java Programmer Salesforce: Power UserAs the perfect starting point for those With Salesforce being the most popularwanting to learn SQL and Java CRM in the world, having a strong base ofprogramming, this online course will teach knowledge in Sales Force not onlyyou everything from the basics to advanced enhances your marketability but also givespractices you skills that will allow you to be more efficient in day to day use of the software. Oracle SQL and PL/SQL + Python UNIX Administration Basics Developer + Java The Unix Administration course covers the fundamental concepts of Unix including Programmer basic commands, filesystem structure, back-up compression and much more. The perfect starting point for those wanting to learn SQL, Web Applications Developer PL/SQL, Java, and Python Master the skills you need to create programming, this online course dynamic database-driven websites using will teach you everything from the latest technologies. the basics to advanced practices. Webmaster The Webmaster course prepares students There’s Still Time to Enroll with the skills and knowledge needed for successful careers in the Web careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc development. Web applications are a vital part of communication on the Internet, and Web developers are in high demand in large and small companies and organizations.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 11
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAINING CONSTRUCTION AND TRADESYou’re a person of action. When there’s Biofuel Production Operations Die Setteran opportunity to build, repair, or solve, This course will give you the education you The Die Setter course provides an intensiveyou’re on it. Turn your experience into need to work as a biofuel production overview of skills necessary for die setting.a dynamic career with online operator, inspecting and repairing You will learn math, inspection, safety,construction training. Building on your equipment, operating computer systems, materials, quality, and fabrication to work astalents and interests is ed2go’s top and handling lab equipment. a die setter.goal, and we’re here to help you takethe next steps toward a dynamic Building Analyst Quick Start Electrical Technicianfuture. This course will teach you about the This course provides an intensive overview principles of green buildings from insulation of skills necessary for electrical to indoor air quality as well as how to perform maintenance. You will learn math, comprehensive building assessments. inspection, safety, quality, electrical systems, automation, motor controls, and Certified Indoor Air Quality Manager assembly to work as an electrical Are you a facility manager, building technician. engineer, or health and safety officer who wants to improve the indoor air quality of Engineering Technician your building? If so, the Certified Indoor Air The Engineering Technician course Quality Manager course is just for you. provides an intensive overview of skills necessary for this manufacturing role. You Certified Indoor Environmentalist Prep will learn math, inspection, safety, materials, Would you like to become an indoor air machining, quality, grinding, electrical quality or green building consultant? Would systems, automation, motor controls, you like to better understand how to create additive manufacturing, assembly, design, a healthy home or building by preventing, and management to work as an diagnosing, and resolving indoor Engineering Technician. environmental problems? This course will help you take the next step in your career. Freight Broker/Agent Training Prepare to enter the freight/logistics Chemical Plant Operations industry. This course will prepare you to Prepare for an entry-level position in a start your own freight broker business or chemical plant with this course. become a freight agent. CNC Machinist Home Inspection Certificate The CNC Machinist course provides an Learn about standards of practice, defects intensive overview of skills necessary to recognition, inspection guidelines, reporting perform CNC machining. You will learn methodologies, and liability management workholding, math, inspection, safety, metal as you prepare to become a home cutting, materials, quality, and grinding. inspector. Composites Technician HVACR Certified Technician This course provides an intensive overview The HVACR Certified Technician course is of skills necessary for composites processing. a comprehensive online training that You will learn math, inspection, safety, encompasses heating, ventilation, air materials, quality, machining, and joining. conditioning, and refrigeration.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 12
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAININGCONSTRUCTION AND TRADESHVACR Controls/Building Automation Performing Comprehensive Robotics TechnicianSystems Building Assessments Accelerated training packages for commonThis course will build on your existing This course will give you a thorough manufacturing roles allow you to identify theknowledge of HVACR fundamentals and understanding of the building assessment required knowledge and skills for eachequipment and help you learn HVACR process, focusing on the skills you need to worker and provide a pathway to upskillControls and Building Automation Systems. professionally conduct visual building and validate workers competences. inspections, perform diagnostic testing, Solar Power ProfessionalHVACR Technician - NATE Service Core determine improvement opportunities, and Learn the fundamentals of photovoltaicAlso Available in Spanish prepare a work scope that will guide the solar powered energy systems and gain theThis introductory course is designed to homeowners decision-making process for knowledge you'll need for an entry leveladdress the CORE knowledge areas of making the improvements. position with a dealer, installer, or otherheating, ventilation, air conditioning and photovoltaic industry company.refrigeration. Power Plant Operations Tool and Die Maker Learn the skills you need to gain entry-level The Tool and Die Maker course provides anLeadership in Energy and Environmental employment as a power plant operator. intensive overview of skills necessary forDesign (LEED) tool and die making. You will learnThis course is designed to educate Press Operator: Cold Stamping workholding, math, inspection, safety,candidates on the cutting edge green You will gain an intensive overview of the machining, materials, quality, and grinding.building and sustainable design practices, skills necessary for cold stamping press Toolmakerand enables participants to designate that work. You will learn math, inspection, safety, This course provides an intensive overviewexpertise with an internationally recognized materials, quality, stamping, forming, and of skills necessary for toolmaking. You willprofessional credential. automation to work at as a Press Operator: learn workholding, math, inspection, safety, Cold Stamping. machining, materials, quality, grinding, andMaintenance Technician stamping to work as a toolmaker.This Maintenance Technician course allows Press Operator: Hot Stamping Welder Technicianyou to identify the required knowledge and This course provides an intensive overview This course is an accelerated training thatskills that provide a pathway to upskill and of skills necessary for hot stamping press allow you to identify the required knowledgevalidated worker competences. work. You will learn the math, inspection, and skills for each worker and provide a safety, materials, quality, stamping, forming, pathway to upskill and validate workersManual Machinist and automation to work as a hot stamping competences.This course teaches an intensive overview press operator. Wind Energy Professionalof skills necessary to perform manual This entry-level Wind Energy Professionalmachining. You will learn workholding, Principles of Green Buildings course prepares you for a career in themath, inspection, safety, machining, This course explains the science that wind energy industry.materials, quality, grinding, and assembly individuals in the building, remodeling, orto work as a Manual Machinist. trade industries need to know in order to We have support make buildings perform more efficiently. to help you enroll, begin,MechatronicsLearn about the skills necessary for the Process Technician and finish your coursemechatronics industry, including math, Process Technician provides an intensiveinspection, safety, quality, electrical overview of skills necessary to become asystems, automation, mechanical systems, process technician. This course will teachfluid systems, rigging, and welding. you math, inspection, safety, machining, quality, electrical systems, automation,Natural Gas Plant Operations mechanical systems, motor controls, fluidFor decades to come, natural gas will be systems, and joining to work as a processproduced and consumed in the United technician.States, creating an ongoing demand fornatural gas plant operators. This online Quality Inspectorcourse provides the fundamental technical The Quality Inspector course provides anbackground you need to get started in this intensive overview of skills necessary forfield. quality assurance and inspection. You will learn math, inspection, safety, materials,Oil Refinery Operations quality, and management to be a QualityLearn the skills you need to start work as an Inspector.in-demand oil refinery operator.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 13
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAINING HEALTH AND FITNESSThe health and fitness field has many Activity Director CBCS Medical Billing and Codingroles, but a shared goal: helping This course is designed to give you the This nationally recognized course combinespeople live their best lives possible. training and insight in working with the the Medical Billing and Coding course withThe purpose of health education is to activity programs in nursing homes. 60 hours of medical terminology training toequip you to pursue that goal, too. give you a competitive edge in theWith ed2go’s courses in medical Administrative Dental Assistant healthcare field.coding, personal fitness training, Learn how to perform the administrative CCA Certified Medical Administrativeactivity direction, and more, you’ll have tasks essential for managing the business Assistant with Medical Billing andthe knowledge and experience to aspects of a dental practice. Coding (Vouchers Included)pursue a meaningful career. The CCA Certified Medical Administrative Advanced Coding for the Physician's Assistant with Medical Billing and Coding is Office geared towards students who are interested Take the next step in your career and in obtaining a career in the healthcare prepare for the Certified Procedural Coding industry, but have little to no experience national certification exam with the help of within the sector. this online course. CCA Medical Billing and Coding This Medical Billing and Coding course with Advanced Hospital Coding and 60 hours of medical terminology training, CCS Prep gives you a competitive edge in entering This course will utilize your existing the healthcare field. knowledge of medical terminology and Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) healthcare sciences. Increase your coding You will learn the necessary skills to skills and prepare to take the official function as a vital member of the healthcare certification exam to become a Certified team in a hospital setting, clinic or Coding Specialist. physician’s office as you prepare for a career as Certified Clinical Medical Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer Assistant (CCMA), and the national This course will further your personal certification exam. training education by teaching you to incorporate specialized resistance training, Our student advisors will track functional movements, and nutritional your progress and proactively programs for your clients. reach out if you need help! CBCS Certified Medical Administrative Assistant with Medical Billing and Coding (Vouchers Included) The Certified Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS) Certified Medical Administrative Assistant with Medical Billing and Coding is geared towards students who are interested in obtaining a career in the healthcare industry, but have little to no experience within the sector.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 14
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAININGHEALTH AND FITNESSCertified Clinical Medical Assistant Certified Medical Administrative Certified Risk Adjustment Coder(CCMA) + Certified Electronic Health Assistant with Certified Electronic Health (Voucher Included)Records Specialist (CEHRS) (Vouchers Records Specialist + Medical You will learn principles of risk adjustmentIncluded) Terminology (Vouchers Included) and accurate diagnosis coding.Learn the ins and outs of electronic health This course combines the Certified Medicalrecords (EHR) systems and get hands-on Administrative Assistant course with training Clinical Dental Assistantpractice using real EHR software, which is in electronic health records and medical This course will provide you with the skillsvital to recording, reviewing, managing terminology to give you a competitive edge you need to become a dental assistant.patient information. in the healthcare field. After you've completed this course, you’ll be ready to pursue certification as a dentalCertified Clinical Medical Assistant for Certified Medical Transcriptionist assistant by passing the radiology andthe Experienced CMAA (voucher (Voucher Included) infection control portions of the Dentalincluded) Students in this course will learn how to Assisting National Board examination.Certified clinical medical assistants are properly transcribe and edit the medicaltrained to handle the increasing notes of healthcare providers in order to CPC Certified Medical Administrativecomplexities of patient care and healthcare document patient care. Assistant with Medical Billing andmanagement in clinics, physicians offices, Coding (Vouchers Included)hospital departments and emergency Certified National Pharmaceutical The CPC Certified Medical Administrativerooms, and other healthcare facilities. Representative Assistant with Medical Billing and Coding is Learn the skills necessary to become a geared towards students who are interestedCertified Electronic Health Records certified pharmaceutical sales in obtaining a career in the healthcareSpecialist (CEHRS) representative. The course covers industry, but have little to no experienceLearn how to implement and utilize pharmacology, medical terminology, within the sector.electronic health records and become a physiology, and regulations for sellingCertified Electronic Health Records pharmaceuticals. CPC Medical Billing and CodingSpecialist. (Voucher Included) Certified Outpatient Coder This Medical Billing and Coding course withCertified Electronic Health Records This course teaches the competencies 60 hours of medical terminology training,Specialist + Medical Terminology needed to prepare you to sit for the AAPC gives you a competitive edge in enteringLearn how to implement and utilize Certified Outpatient Coder (COC) the healthcare field.electronic health records and become a certification exam.Certified Electronic Health Records Fitness Business ManagementSpecialist with 60 hours of medical Certified Professional Medical Auditor Learn how to manage a personal trainingterminology training to give you a (Voucher Included) program, department, or facility as acompetitive edge in the healthcare field. CPMA teaches principles of medical strategic business with this innovative course. auditing and prepares you for the CPMACertified Health Unit Coordinator certification exam.(Voucher Included)This course teaches the skills needed to Pharmacy Technicianprepare you to sit for the NAHUCcertification exam. Pharmacy technicians support licensed pharmacists in providingCertified Medical Administrative health care to patients. Train toAssistant (CMAA) (Voucher Included) enter this rapidly growing field withThis course teaches you how Administrative this respected online course.Medical Assistants are versatile andvaluable members of the healthcare team There’s Still Time to Enroll: careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtcwho handle a broad range of duties. Youwill also be prepared for the CertifiedMedical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)national certification exam offered byNational Healthcareer Association (NHA). careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 15
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAININGHEALTH AND FITNESSICD-10 Medical Coding NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist Personal Training and Group ExercisePrepare for the future of medical coding by (CES) (Exam Included) Training for Older Adultsmastering the steps for using the ICD-10- Gain the knowledge, skills and abilities to Gain the knowledge you need to developCM and ICD-10-PCS to code medical help clients at any fitness level address safe and effective exercise programs fordiagnoses and procedures. muscular imbalances and faulty movements. older adults.Medical Interpreter NASM Performance Enhancement Pharmacy Technician (Voucher Included)(Spanish/English) Specialist (PES) (Exam Included) Pharmacy technicians support licensedThis course teaches the skills needed to Behind every top athlete, there's a great pharmacists in providing health care toprepare you to work as a Medical trainer. Get your NASM Performance patients. Train to enter this rapidly growingInterpreter and to sit in any of the Medical Enhancement Specialization and get the field with this respected online course.Interpreting examinations available in the opportunity to train the best.country. Physical Therapy Aide NCSF Certified Strength Coach Master the skills you need to begin a careerMedical Office Manager (CPPM) This course is designed to provide students as a physical therapy aide. You will learn(Vouchers Included) with the necessary knowledge, skills, and the responsibilities of a PT aide, patientThis course teaches the skills needed to abilities to successfully pass the NCSF care, anatomy and medical terminology,prepare you for a career as a Medical Certified Strength Coach (CSC) Exam and and the legal and ethical regulations thatOffice Manager. work safely and effectively as a Certified affect healthcare providers. Strength Coach.Medical Terminology Professional Recovery CoachGet the education you need to get started in NCSF Sports Nutrition Specialist Addiction is a pervasive problem in ourthe medical field. This course will teach you This course is designed to provide students society and there are many approachesproper medical terminology and spelling. with the necessary knowledge, skills, and that have been developed to achieve abilities to successfully pass the NCSF sobriety and long-term recovery. In thisNASM Certified Personal Trainer + Sport Nutrition Specialist (SNS) Exam and course, students will learn the role of theCorrective Exercise (Vouchers Included) work safely and effectively as a Sport Professional Recovery Coach and theThis online course will help you pass and Nutrition Specialist. dynamics of a strengths-based system forearn your NASM Certified Personal Trainer changing addictive behavior through acertification, one of the most respected Nutrition for Optimal Health, process of reconnecting to ones joyfulcertifications in the fitness industry with the Wellness, and Sports identity.addition of the NASM Corrective Exercise Learn to develop individual nutrition programsSpecialist (CES). for clients, patients, or personal use. Social Service Assistant This course is designed to give you theNASM Certified Personal Trainer + Optician Certification Training training and insight in working with thePerformance Enhancement (Vouchers Master the skills you need for a successful Social Service programs in nursing homes.Included) career as an optician and prepare yourselfThis online course will prepare you to pass to take the ABO certification exam. Veterinary Assistantand earn your NASM Certified Personal This course will prepare you to become aTrainer certification, one of the most Peer Support Specialist productive member of a veterinary team.respected certifications in the fitness This course will introduce students to Peerindustry with the addition of the NASM Recovery Services which are provided by Veterinary Office ManagerPerformance Enhancement Specialist people who have personal, lived Those looking to gain basic knowledge and(PES). experience in recovery from addiction, start a career on the non-clinical side of mental illness, or co-occurring substance dentistry veterinary and preparation forNASM Certified Personal Trainer and and mental disorders. ascending into office management.Exam Preparation (Voucher Included)This course will prepare you to pass the Personal Fitness TrainerNational Academy of Sports Medicine Learn how to apply your client's health(NASM) exam and earn your NASM history, goals, and abilities, as well asCertified Personal Trainer certification, integrating exercise science curriculum andwhich is one of the most respected practical training techniques, into acertifications in the fitness industry. systematic model you can use to progress your clients through different training levels and phases.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 16
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAINING HOSPITALITYYou believe the best memories are Certified Protection Officer Preston Bailey's Intermediate Floralmeant to be shared. Guest lists, floral Master the skills you need to obtain Designdesign, vendor lists, travel itineraries— certification as a Protection Officer, and Available in Spanishthese are your tools. When friends and prepare yourself for employment in this From designing table tops to creating floralfamily reach milestones or major life high-demand field. sculptures and room transformations,events, you go into planning mode. Preston guides students through his designTurn this passion and talent into a Certified Wedding Planner techniques and processes.fulfilling and meaningful career. Available in Spanish This comprehensive course covers Preston Bailey's Signature Wedding & everything an aspiring wedding planner Event Design needs to know to get started in the Available in Spanish business. Whether you plan on working Preston Baileys Signature Wedding Event part-time or full-time, this course will Design course allows students to provide all the knowledge you need to work experience the step-by-step processes and as a professional wedding planner or start techniques utilized by one of the globe's your wedding planning business. leading wedding and event experts, industry pioneer Preston Bailey. Corporate Event Planner Become a Corporate Event Planner! The Retail Customer Service Skills Training CEP course provides a detailed guideline This course prepares students with the that prepares individuals to become skills and knowledge needed for successful successful corporate event planners. careers in todays retail world. Event Management and Design Travel Agent Training From planning to pyrotechnics, this course Learn the basic skills needed to operate a will teach you everything you need to know computer reservation system for airlines, to create events that are truly special. travel agencies, cruise lines, hotels, or as a home-based agent, and get started in a Food and Customer Service career in the travel industry! Skills Training This course prepares students for careers Every student in food services, restaurants, and the hospitality industry. receives a Preston Bailey's Fundamentals of dedicated advisor Floral Design Available in Spanish who gets to know The Preston Bailey Floral Design course is an opportunity for students to learn the your career goals fundamentals of floral design from Preston Bailey, the industry's most highly regarded and provides you floral design expert. with tools and strategies to help you succeed.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 17
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAINING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYInformation moves a mile a minute, AWS System Operations Certification Certified in Risk and Informationthanks to nonstop developments in Bundle (Voucher Included) Systems Control (CRISC)technology. As the information You will be introduced to Amazon Web This course is designed to excel you intechnology industry grows, so do Services (AWS) and how to create tasks such as managing the IT risks,career and learning opportunities—and automatable and repeatable deployments design, implementation, monitoring andyou’ve got to keep up! We offer flexible of networks and systems on the AWS maintenance of IS controls.and trustworthy training to prepare you platform. You will also be prepared to sit forto achieve in-demand skills and the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Certified Information Security Managercertifications. Associate exam. (CISM) (Voucher Included) CISM is one of the most valued CCNA: Collaboration (Voucher Included) certifications in the IT security industry. This Learn how to become an expert in all areas online course will prepare you to sit for the of Cisco telephony from call routing basics CISM certification exam, and the exam cost to advanced Cisco telephony architecture. is included. CCNA: Routing and Switching (Voucher Certified Information Systems Auditor Included) (CISA) (Voucher Included) Gain the essential knowledge to install, The CISA certification is an internationally configure, operate, and troubleshoot recognized IT certification for senior IT medium-size routed and switched networks professionals needing to know security and while preparing you for the 200-125 CCNA auditing principles. This online CISA exam or the 100-105 ICND1 and 200-105 training includes the cost of the CISA ICND2 exams. certification exam. CCNA: Security (Voucher Included) Certified Information Systems Security With a CCNA Security certification, a Professional (CISSP) network professional demonstrates the This engaging, hands-on course covers the skills required to develop a security key areas of information security and helps infrastructure, recognize threats and prepare individuals for the CISSP exam. vulnerabilities to networks, and mitigate security threats. Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) (Voucher Included) CCNA: Wireless (Voucher Included) The CCNP Certification is highly regarded Learn to support a basic wireless network in the IT industry as one of the most on a Cisco WLAN in a SMB to enterprise valuable credentials in the market for IT network in CCNA Wireless. networking security. Certified Ethical Hacker (Voucher COBIT 5 Certification Training Included) This course helps you understand COBIT 5 The Certified Ethical Hacker course is the framework for management and core of the most desired information governance of Enterprise IT. It covers security training system any information COBIT 5 principles, enablers, COBIT security professional will ever want to be in. implementation phases, and process capability assessment model.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 18
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAININGINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCompTIA A+ Certification Training CompTIA Network+ Certification Training Information Security Master Certification(Vouchers Included) (Voucher Included) Training (Vouchers Included)CompTIA A+ certification is the industry Prepare for a career as a network This course covers all crucial areas ofstandard for validating the skills of entry- technician and qualify to take the CompTIA security; from network security, cloudlevel computer technicians. It opens the Network+ certification exam as you master security, database security and evendoor to an exciting career in computer basic networking concepts and gain a project management security procedures.technology. fundamental knowledge of network design, security, routing, and switching. Information Security Training (VouchersCompTIA A+ with ITIL Foundation Included)(Vouchers Included) CompTIA Project+ (Voucher Included) This course includes 3 of the most valuableThis course is perfect for students wanting CompTIA Project+ is designed for business certifications in IT Security. Theseto enter a career in Information Technology. professionals who coordinate or manage credentials command some of the mostYou will learn CompTIA A+ and ITIL small-to-medium-size projects, inside and lucrative salaries available in the IT field.principles and prepare for certification. outside of IT.. IT Foundations Bundle (VouchersCompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner CompTIA Security+ Certification Training Included)(CASP) (Voucher Included) (Voucher Included) This introductory course is suitable forThe CASP certification is one of the most CompTIA Security+ is the certification students who are new to IT and those withvaluable vendor-neutral certifications in the globally trusted to validate foundational, ITSM experience looking to achieve asecurity field, allowing students to become vendor-neutral IT security knowledge and globally recognized certificate. ITILproficient in a variety of technology areas, skills. Foundation and SIAM Foundationall while allowing them to stay independent certifications are a pre-requisite for moreof any one particular infrastructure. EXIN Cloud Computing advance level training. In this EXIN Cloud Foundations course youCompTIA Certification Training: A+, will become proficient in all areas of cloud IT Security Survival Training (VouchersNetwork+, Security+ (Vouchers Included) technology. Included)CompTIA Certification Training: A+, This course includes a core group ofNetwork+, Security+ provides a Forensic Computer Examiner training courses needed to acquire thecomprehensive foundation for IT This course will train you to thoroughly certifications necessary to compete forprofessionals, incorporating CompTIA A+, examine digital media and to clearly many of the positions available in ITCompTIA Network+, and CompTIA document, control, prepare, and present security.Security+ specific training, and prepares examination results. This course willyou for the corresponding industry exams prepare you for the Certified Computer ITIL Capability Expert (Vouchersthat are desirable for IT professionals. Examiner test. Included) The online ITIL Capability Expert training isCompTIA Cloud+ Certification Training Help Desk Analyst: the perfect way for seasoned IT(Voucher Included) Tier 1 Support Specialist professionals to prepare for the ITIL ExpertCloud computing is how technology is done Train for a challenging, rewarding career in certification exam.today, and ed2go’s CompTIA Cloud+ technical support. This course will teachcertification training course teaches key you to focus on the business needs of theskills while preparing students for the customer, establish credibility, and provideCloud+ industry credential. excellent customer service and support!CompTIA IT Fundamentals (Voucher CompTIA A+ Certification TrainingIncluded)The CompTIA IT Fundamentals exam is CompTIA A+ certification is the industrydesigned to help you learn more about the standard for validating the skills ofworld of information technology (IT) and its entry-level computer technicians. Itideal if youre considering a career in IT or if opens the door to an exciting career inyou work in an allied field that requires a computer technology.broad understanding of IT. There’s Still Time to Enroll: careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtcCompTIA Linux+ (Vouchers Included)Learn the necessary skill-sets to performmaintenance tasks with the command line,install and configure a workstation, and beable to configure a basic network in Linux.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 19
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAININGINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYITIL Foundation (Voucher Included) Microsoft Certified Solutions AssociateThis online course is geared towards (MCSA): SQL Server 2012 (Voucherstudents who are new to ITIL and those with Included)ITIL experience looking to achieve a This course prepares students toglobally recognized certification. administer, query, and implement data warehouses with SQL Server 2012.ITIL Lifecycle Expert (Vouchers Included)This course prepares you for the Lifecycle Microsoft Certified Solutions AssociateExpert certification exam and guarantees all (MCSA): Windows 7the required number of credits for an ITIL This course will prepare students for theExpert status. Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) Windows 7 certification and willManagement for IT Professionals train them to identify the cause andLearn leadership skills that will help you resolution of desktop application, network,succeed as a manager in the IT field by and security issues.exploring different decision-makingtechniques. This course focuses on SSCP Systems Security Certifieddeveloping a successful leadership style Practitioner (Voucher Included)that facilitates team building, collaboration, This course is an ideal course forand a corporate culture that promotes individuals interested in advancing theirsuccess. knowledge of information and systems security.Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate(MCSA): Server 2012 (Voucher Included) VMware Certified AssociateThis course prepares students to install, This foundational course prepares studentsconfigure, and manage a Server 2012 to administer a vSphere infrastructure for annetwork. organization of any size and prepares students for the VMWare Certified Associate (VCA) 1V0-701 exam.CompTIA A+ Certification Training Learn leadership skills that will help you succeed as a manager in the (912) 443-3012 20 IT field by exploring different decision-making techniques. This course focuses on developing a successful leadership style that facilitates team building, collaboration, and a corporate culture that promotes successThere’s Still Time to Enroll: careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAINING LEGALYou might be the only one in your Certificate in Family Mediation Legal Secretarycircle of friends who finds jury duty This course teaches comprehensive Master the skills you need to be a legalfascinating. You’ve always been training in the InAccord model of mediation secretary and prepare for the Nationalcurious about civic and legal with a special focus on a wide range of Association of Legal Professionals (NALS)processes—how they’re made, upheld, family disputes. Accredited Legal Secretary (ALS) exam.and interpreted. This curiosity couldbecome an exciting new career with Certificate in Healthcare and Eldercare Paralegalsome foundational legal courses. You will learn comprehensive training in the This course will prepare you for success in InAccord model of mediation with a special this growing career field. You'll learn about focus on Healthcare and Eldercare the American legal system, how to conduct disputes. legal research and legal interviews, how to perform legal analyses, and more. Your Certificate in Mediation and Arbitration training will prepare you to become a legal This course provides students with the skills secretary or paralegal and to take the and knowledge needed to practice certification exam. mediation and arbitration in their current careers or private practices. EMPLOYMENT READINESS Certificate in Mediation and All courses Restorative Justice include Learn the InAccord model of mediation and fundamental restorative justice in this comprehensive course training training. on time management, Certified Workplace Mediator resume writing, This course provides students with the skills and job search and knowledge needed to practice training mediation. Federal Court Interpreter This course teaches the skills needed to prepare you to sit for the Oral Component of any State and Federal Court Interpreting Certification exams.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 21
Savannah Technical College - Continuing Education ONLINE ADVANCED CAREER TRAININGTEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTHelping children thrive is your greatest Child Development Associate Training Child Development Associate Traininggoal as a teacher. Whether you’re With the certificate course in Childcarecaring for youngsters in your own Education offered at Smart Horizons Career Renewalfamily or volunteering in your Online High School, you can pursue your This course provides the 45 hours or 4.5community, you want to contribute their Child Development Associate (CDA) Continuing Education Units (CEUs)wellbeing, education, and future certification and launch your career in required by the CDA Council to fulfill andsuccess. Prepare to earn your Child childcare. renew your Child Development AssociateDevelopment Associate (CDA) permit (CDA) credential.by completing a CDA preparationcourse.WRITINGDo you love crafting the perfect Technical Writingsentence? If you have a way with This course is designed for anyone whowords, you’ve probably dreamed of wishes to develop their technical writingturning that creative passion into a abilities to a professional level. You'll learnrewarding career. All you need to do is research methods, audiencedevelop your writing skills. Enrolling in considerations, style, drafting and revisiona course with ed2go can help you techniques, how to work in a collaborativelearn how to write and use those skills environment, and more.to change your life. VIRTUAL CAREER CENTER All courses include convenient access to resources for job search, in-demand job statistics, and resumé templates.careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 22
ONLINE ADVANCED TRAINING COURSESSavannah Technical College - Continuing Education careertraining.ed2go.com/savannahtc (912) 443-3012 continuinged@savannahtech.com
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