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Home Explore Evonne's Sharing House

Evonne's Sharing House

Published by evonnessharinghouse, 2017-03-26 15:43:33

Description: Evonne's Sharing House

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Mission Evonne’s Sharing House, a faith based organization, assists Boone and Hamilton County residents in need with the basic necessities of life, and opens up opportunities for people to improve the quality of their lives. We also assist the greater communities in understanding and responding to these needs. When yo u ha v e m o re then yo u need, bui ld a lo nger ta ble no t a hi g her f enc e.

 317-907-4048  Boone and Hamilton County has an abundance of resources, and one of its greatest is compassion. Evonne’s Sharing House is a place where neighbors come together to help one another secure the basic necessities for life. Four days per week, Evonne’s Sharing House gives to those in need of food, clothing, fresh produce, hot showers, household goods, utility and rent assistance, advocacy and compassion. Clients will also get nutrition advise. Evonne’s Sharing House also offers opportunity for neighbors to volunteer time and money to help alleviate suffering among those who have little resources. Thank you for stopping by this incredible place where grace and love abound!

 Evonne’s Sharing House was founded in 2017 when several local congregations committed their faith, heart, resources and hands to one simple mission: \"To love our neighbors as ourselves.\"  Congregations and individuals and businesses who work together to alleviate suffering in our county. Evonne’s Sharing House is a source of compassion and crisis assistance for our low-income neighbors in Boone and Hamilton County, where we offer food and fresh produce, gently-used clothes, rent and utility assistance, household goods, camping equipment, hot showers, a safe place to share stories of struggle... and a refuge of social interaction. We also empower people who seek paths to self-reliance, through special programs.  Evonne’s Sharing House Ministry seeks to make real the incarnation love of God to all who come through our doors, whether as someone seeking assistance or a volunteer.  Being in ministry with one another, where everyone experiences an abundance of grace, brings about a mutuality of relationship. We all become vulnerable. No one is left at arms length. We discover we all have something to give. We all have deep needs for a better life. We all have power and a sense of belonging. We have shared life!  Evonne’s Sharing House is a place where we can see this kind of love in action, embodied in the very people who gather here. When the door opens, there is a buzz of welcoming words. Minds and hearts come together to solve problems. Resources of food, clothes and money are shared when there are identified needs. We work together to teach and encourage one another about the struggles our community faces in helping everyone to thrive.

 Our financial assistance includes rental assistance, utility disconnect assistance and assistance with heating oil in the winter months.  Our food assistance includes 5 days of groceries, fresh produce, meat and personal hygiene items monthly.  Our clothing closet assists with 20 items per family, per week and includes men, women, children and infant clothing.

 Hours will be from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM  Days of the week: Monday through Thursday.

Drop-off of most items will be 24 hours a day. Please do not include perishables in drop-off unless we are open. We will accept: Clothing Furniture Books Canned goods Wood/cut Appliances

 Donations are accepted by check or check by ATH.  By mail or through Credit Card or PayPal.

Joshua Langmeyer President

 Volunteers are God’s blessings to Evonne’s Sharing House. We count on different life skills every person has to offer.

 One of the key factors of our Ministry is not to judge. We are all human and we make mistakes. That said, we praise women who come to us for their courage and concern for the life that is entrusted to their care. An unplanned pregnancy often comes with problems however. Teenagers may be thrown out of their home, or pressured to have an abortion.  We will find her a safe haven so she can care for herself and her baby without the worry of day to day expenses. We will work with the schools so her education will not be interrupted. Private tutors are available if needed. Nutritionists will meet with the mother making sure she and her child are both healthy. If the mother wants someone to adopt her child, we will help with those arrangements.  Often times an unplanned pregnancy happens to a mother who already has children. The same help is available for them and their existing children.

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