Foster Care – making a difference in a child’s lifeT he United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child states that for the full and harmonious development of a child’s personality, the child shouldgrow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere ofhappiness, love and understanding. For many children inTrinidad and Tobago, a loving family environment is not areality. In some instances children are abused at the hands ofthose who are entrusted with their care, while others mayhave no parents or family. In these instances, the Children’sAuthority ofTrinidad andTobago seeks to find loving homesfor the children through Foster Care. 49
The responsibility of finding foster carers for children, wasassigned to the Authority when a package of children’slegislation was proclaimed on May 18, 2015, which includedthe Children’s Community Residences, Foster Care andNurseries Act, 2000.Foster Care is meant to be a temporary living situation forchildren who are not able to live with their natural parents,for a variety of reasons. For the Authority, the ultimate goalis to provide a safe, stable and nurturing home environmentfor these children, until such time that they can be reunitedwith their family, or until other suitable long term livingarrangements can be made.Where appropriate and in the best interest of the child, theAuthority works with the child’s natural family in order tostrengthen their childcare capabilities.The aim is to supportthe child’s reintegration back into their family.Unfortunately, there are times when reintegration is notpossible and in these instances, alternative care solutions aresought. - The Children’s Authority prepare them for any challenges that may occur. Some of the areas of training include, child development, health andAt present, the Authority is on a drive to recruit foster carers nutrition, behaviour management, first aid and childwho can provide a child with a safe home, nourishing meals, protection.appropriate clothing and accommodation. However, most At present there are only 19 approved foster care providersimportantly, the Authority is seeking to recruit persons who and for each person or family, the decision to become a fostercan provide a warm, nurturing environment with guidance parent was different. However, what they all share inand supervision that respond to the child's individual needs. common is the desire to make a difference in the lives of theThere are different types of FosterCare, for example respite, children in their care. One couple stated that “they desired toemergency, medium term, long term and specialist care, bring up a child in a family surrounded with love and moralwhich can last from as little as a day to several years. In fact, values”, a single mom said she “still had a lot of love anda foster carer is encouraged to choose an option that best wisdom to share”, while a widow with adult children saidsuits their family’s needs. “while some people feel sorry and sympathise with the plightIn order to be approved as a foster parent, the applicant of children, becoming a foster care provider is a better way ofmust be thoroughly assessed to ensure that they can demonstrating that concern”. If you are interested inprovide a safe environment for children. It is important to becoming a foster parent, contact the Foster Care Unit atnote that foster parents are part of a team around the child. 627-0748 ext. 2012, 2132 or 2138.They are provided with basic training and support in order to 50
MINISTRY OF NATIONAL SECURITY CAMPAIGNA ctive Citizenship. That’s the ultimate objective of the including the people. Recently, for example, CSP hosted a current awareness campaign from the Ministry of series of workshops for photography, song writing and art National Security, Citizen Security Programme (CSP), for young people in CSP partner communities. Aside from“IAm CiTTizen.” making new friends and learning skills to last them a“It’s about getting people involved in peaceful and lawful lifetime—or even get them a job—the children showed abehaviour. It’s not us versus them, but about staking your claim marked increase in self-awareness, confidence and the improvement of your country,” CSP Programme The workshops were led by renowned professionals, eagerCoordinator Gregory Sloane-Seale said. to give of their time, including Michele Jorsling and ArnaldoThe initial six-month campaign features, amongst other James (photography); Isaiah Lindsay, Elechi Todd and Tessathings, training workshops in song writing, photography and Alexander (art); and 3 Canal (song writing). “It’s importantart for young people in theCSP partner communities; murals; a work, helping young people find their voice,” said Wendelldocumentary series; as well as a traditional advertising Manwarren of 3Canal.campaign with the tagline “IAm CiTTizen”. And one of the biggest challenges, he said, was helping the“The idea behind the CiTTizen is that each individual has a children gain confidence and belief in themselves, as well asstake in this country’s development and is responsible for getting them to work, trust and support each other.ensuring the wellbeing of our country. It’s easy to dismiss Shadeya Logan, 13, from Enterprise said she joined theproblems that don’t directly affect you and assume that song writing workshop to learn more about spoken wordsomeone else will deal with it. But little things add up, and we techniques, and it was a “wonderful experience.”want to inspire our fellow citizens and let them know we can “It’s about bravery and confidence and it has made me moreand do make a difference. If we work together, we can change open and willing to listen to other people’s stories because I’veT&T for the better,” Sloane-Seale said. met people from all over at this workshop,” explainedThe nationwide campaign is already off to a stellar start Shadeya. Her parents, Brenda John and Barry Logan, were alsohighlighting some positive aspects of life in communities proud of the spark of passion they saw in their daughter.traditionally written off as “hotspot” and “crime-riddled” — 51
I am CiTTizen SongwritingWorkshop Grads with 3Canal at cinemas throughout the country. “Our goal is to make people proud to be a“We wanted her inner talent to come out; it’s something citizen ofTrinidad andTobago, and proudpositive for the youth. We were very happy when she applied,” of their communities and country,Ms John said. regardless of geography or socio-economic status. As our“The children have progressed tremendously, but this is just motto says, Together We Aspire, Together We Achieve; CSPscratching the surface,” Manwarren noted on the last day of the hopes to be just one of the unifying factors that will emphasiseworkshop, adding that he was more than willing to continue to the world why it is that here in Trinidad and Tobago, everyvolunteering his time to helping young people who are creed and race can find an equal place,” Sloane-Seale said.interested and passionate about the art. *CSP’s PartnerCommunities include:As for the children in the photography workshop, they may East-West Corridor: Mt D’or, Farm Road Extension; Samaroosoon be able to add “award-winning photographer to their Village/Mootoo Lands, Pinto Road, Arima; North Eastresumes. Jorsling, one of the instructors, said that a number of Settlement, Quash Trace, Sangre Grande;photos taken during the workshops had been shortlisted for the South/Central: La Romaine, Embacadere, Enterprise;final round of judging in a competition organised by the North/West: Dibe/Dundonald Hill, Patna/River Estate,Trinidad andTobago Photographic Society. Cocorite, Covigne Road, East Port of Spain and Environs:“There’s a stigma attached to these communities that isn’t Beetham Gardens, Belmont, St. Barbs, Sea Lots, Never Dirty,necessarily representative of their vibrancy of life. It’s not all Mon Repos.about drugs, gangs and violence. Instead of being a crime Tobago: BonAccord; Bethel; the Greater Scarborough area.hotspot, these places are a hotbed of creativity, innovation and About CSP:artistry, and that’s what we want the rest of the country to The Citizen Security Programme (CSP) is an initiative of theknow,” Sloane-Seale said. Ministry of National Security that has been implementing\"It's more than outreach.\", he said. \"Instead, it’s about providing crime and violence prevention and intervention projects inoptions and teaching the young people in these areas practical collaboration with other government ministries/agencies,skills that can enhance their raw, inherent talents. Some of the NGOs, CBOs and FBOs since 2008. Initially, partially financedprojects that CSP engages in are also intended to encourage through an Inter-American Bank (IDB) loan, the programmecommunity interaction and organising\". is now wholly funded by the Government of Trinidad andThe grand finale of the campaign will be a nationwide Tobago.celebration of “CiTTizen Day” in November, 2017. The main CSP was conceived as a way to empower communities thatevent is scheduled to be the premiere of a documentary film are “underserved” with traditional crime control andshot by T&T Rocks featuring the daily routines of residents of amelioration methods to become more proactive andCSP communities. The film will be shown for free self-sufficient in developing practices that can help reduce crime and violence, build neighbourhood trust and prepare residents for emergencies, including natural disasters. 52
Wynda F Chandler MayaroNGC WELCOMES Head, Community Relations, NGC INTO ITS SPONSOREDA mere four (4) years ago, after an initial POLICE YOUTH one year trial period, NGC took the CLUBS decision to formalise its sponsorship of Police Youth Clubs in Couva, La Commissioner of Police (Ag.),StephenWilliams, DeputyCommissioner of Police AdministrationBrea, Laventille Road and Penal.And on July 8 (Ag.), Erla Christopher, ACP Central, Surajdeen Persad, ACP(Ag.) Sacenarine Mahabir, NGC'sthis year, Mayaro was welcomed into the Ernest Esdelle, Snr. Mgr. Engineer and Construction Services and Lisa Burkett, ManagerNGC-sponsored Police Youth Club family at Corporate Communications are photographed along with some members of the NGCthe same time that the sponsorship of the sponsored PYCs.previous four clubs was being renewed.With the knowledge that children and youngadults can become easily bored if they are notkept sufficiently stimulated, the members ofthe Police Youth Clubs sponsored by NGChave been involved in various programmesspanning education (homework centres andremedial programmes), sport (football,cricket, sailing), preservation of indigenousart forms (Carnival workshops, mas making 53
Commissioner of Police (Ag.), StephenWilliams. Assistant Commissioner of Police (Ag.), Community Senior Manager, Engineer and Relations, Sacenarine Mahabir. Construction Services, NGC, Ernest Esdelle.practice and theory), personal development (etiquette, life skillsprogrammes) as well as social activities. These activities arebeneficial in presenting youth with positive avenues forself-expression, academic improvement, building national pridethrough the preservation of indigenous art forms, boostingself-esteem and community solidarity.During the period 2013 to 2016, two major areas of focus for NGCwere (1) strengthening the management capabilities of theorganisations and (2) developing and implementing systems andprocesses to foster efficiency, accountability and transparency.These were particularly important to provide a structure not onlyfor improved management but also for data capture onparticipation to identify the clubs’ impact on their charges and alsoto inform decision making with regard to ongoing support.With respect to capacity building, basic management skills wereintroduced to the general membership of the clubs in 2013 to 2014.In the following year (2015 to 2016), leadership and communityengagement strategies were offered to the management teamsonly to build on what had gone before. Data collection onattendance was of course necessary to confirm a committed andregular membership to sustain viability.Some may view four years of financial and employee investment inPolice Youth Clubs as more than sufficient to satisfy corporatesocial responsibility obligations. NGC, as a committed partner,recognises its civic duty to our nation. And what better place tostart than with our youth!The continued sponsorship of PoliceYouth Clubs identifies NGC asa partner with theTrinidad andTobago Police Service in support ofyouth development and community solidarity in Couva, La Brea,Laventille Road, Mayaro and Penal.The wide range of activities towhich the membership is exposed provides numerousopportunities for community regeneration and youth engagementthrough exposure to an assortment of life changing experiences.In the new term of sponsorship from 2017 to 2019 NGC will, amongother things, expand on the initiatives undertaken from 2013 to2016 with an added focus on data collection to establish acorrelation between involvement in Police Youth Clubs,behavioural change and academic improvement. The introductionof a pilot programme on technical education will allow interested 54
NGC as a partner with the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service in support of youth development and community solidaritymembers to receive training in technical/vocational subjectsthereby providing alternative opportunities for employment.NGC especially welcomes the assignment of TTPS officers to thePoliceYouth Clubs on a full time basis to improve managementand strengthen ties with the community. The Clubs’ access tofunding will continue to be based on the submission of a work planfor approval by NGC.New elements include introduction of a community/volunteerismfeature in programmes classified as personal development, preand post-testing for educational programmes and a close-outactivity or competition for programmes classified under Sport andthe Preservation of Indigenous Culture that will allow for impact tobe effectively gauged.A cavalcade of PoliceYouth Clubs at the TTPS’ Police Academy onJuly 9 was a colourful spectacle, with members dressed in T-shirtsof their Divisions’ colours, and festive with the display of talent inthe form of song, dance, and steel pan music. At the end of anenjoyable afternoon, all persons in attendance got the opportunityto participate in an impromptu grand finale by joining hands andlustily singing together “LetThere Be Peace on Earth.”It seems that early 19th century orator and writer FrederickDouglass was on to something lasting and true when he opinedthat “It is easier to build strong childrenthan to repair broken men.” 55
Keeping the Memory ofAliveFallen OfficersO n June 14, 2012, Cabinet agreed to the establishment of a National Security Officers Foundation (NSOF) NSOF’s Motto is “Honoured in Duty, Alive in Memory”. under the auspices of the Ministry of National “Honoured in Duty” for those National Security Officers who Security, and to the dedication ofApril 26, each year as continue to serve with distinction despite the odds and “AliveNational Security Officers Day of Appreciation. April 26 was in Memory” for the National Security Officers who havechosen in honour of the four (4) Firefighters and two (2) made the ultimate sacrifice.Soldiers who died in the Line of Duty while responding to the NSOF is dedicated to honouring and remembering TrinidadCamp Omega disaster of April 26, 1988. The Camp Omega and Tobago’s fallen heroes; the men and women who haveDisaster saw the most National Security Officers killed in the made the ultimate sacrifice while serving and protecting theline of duty in a single incident in the history of Trinidad and citizenry. NSOF is equally dedicated to recognizing otherTobago. In recognition of the National Security Officers Day of individuals and organisations who have made a significantAppreciation a number of events including a procession, contribution towards improving safety and security in ourinter-religious service and an induction and awards ceremony nation. The National Security Officers Foundation (NSOF) isare customarily held. thus responsible for the National Security Officers MemorialAmong the aims and objectives of the NSOF: and the National Security Awards (NSA). In terms of honouring ‘Fallen Officers’, upon notification and • Honour and remember NationalSecurityOfficers who confirmation of a Line of Duty Death by the Board of have died in the line of duty; Directors, the NSOF takes the necessary steps to ensure that the fallen National Security Officer is honoured and • Pay tribute to National SecurityOfficers who continue memorialized. to serve with distinction despite the odds, by issuing Deaths attributed to voluntary alcohol or controlled commendations and/or medals as warranted; substance abuse; deaths caused by the intentional misconduct of the officer; deaths caused by the officer's • Provide scholarships and other forms of financial intention to bring about his or her own death; and deaths assistance to eligible dependents of fallen officers; attributed to an officer performing his or her duty in a grossly negligent manner at time of death are not considered. • Serve as a support mechanism to assist survivors in coping with and overcoming the loss of their loved As it relates to an operational definition, a ‘National Security ones; Officer’ means any: • Collaborate with public and private sector • Member of the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force organizations on behalf of National Security Officers and Defence Force Reserves and their families to assist in prioritizing their access to housing, medical and other socioeconomic benefits; • Police Officer (including Municipal, Special Reserve and Supplemental Police Officers) • Enhance and strengthen the relationships between and among National SecurityAgencies; • Cadet Officer (Adult Officers andWarrant Officers) • Establish sustainable partnerships with the corporate sector to provide support for NSOF initiatives and • Maintain a website hosting a database for inductees of the National Security Officers Memorial and recipients of National SecurityAwards. 56
National Security Officers at the National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA)• Customs and Excise Officer• Fire Officer (including Auxiliary Fire Officers)• Immigration Officer• Prison Officer• Employee of the Strategic Services Agency• National SecurityAssociateNSOF is managed by a 10 memberBoard of Directors appointed by theHonourable Minister of NationalSecurity.To date NSOF has been endorsed by Various National Security Officers in body armourand partnered with the followingorganizations:• Office of Law Enforcement Policy (OLEP), Ministry of National Security• Private Security Network Commission (PSNC), Ministry of National Security• Trinidad andTobago ForeignAssociate Region 101 of the International PoliceAssociation (IPA)• Trinidad andTobagoArmed ForcesVeterans’ Association• Trinidad andTobago Police RetireesAssociationNSOF Memorabilia NSOF Publications 57
Beautiful Print
PC 19304 Stefon Khan and PC 9098 Vickram Balkissoon Ryan Nanton Staff Writeri n our society, there are heroes who neither wear capes nor possess any supernatural powers. Instead, they strap on their boots, fasten their belts and tackle those who are bent on causing harm to themselves or distress to others.They are sworn to protect and serve.No.19304 PC Stefon Khan and No.9098 PCVickram Balkissoon are two such heroes. With just about three and four years’ servicerespectively, this duo continues to perform exceptionally well in the line of duty. 59
Commissoner of Police (Ag.) Stephen Williams congratulates No.9098 “When we approached the vehicle, I asked the driver to PC Vikram Balkissoon and No.19304 PC Stefon Khan on their seizure of produce his permit and insurance. The suspect claimed the an illegal firearm, at a meeting of COMPStat, in Port of Spain. vehicle was a rental and that he could not locate the insurance. He, however, produced the permit.” It wasAccording to the officers who are attached to the Freeport during this time that PC Khan saw the fake license plate onTraffic and Highway Patrol, it is not “just a job” but “a passion the back seat of the impact the lives of every person you encounter on daily PC Khan explained, “I immediately went into a heightenedbasis.”This, they said, is the greatest reward in policing, being state of alertness.” He firmly asked the driver to exit theable to save lives. vehicle, drew his firearm and conducted a physical search ofPC Khan gave his account of one incident that both officers the driver and discovered what seemed to be a firearmdeemed their “most memorable moment in policing,” thus tucked in the waist of the suspect.far.The ordeal resulted in the arrest of two former special-ops “Upon seeing PC Khan’s firearm drawn, I immediatelysoldiers. ordered the other suspect in the passenger seat to exit the“We were on mobile patrol around 6:30 a.m. on October 5th, vehicle,” PC Balkissoon explained.2016, in the vicinity of the Munroe Road Flyover, Charlieville, The officers then called for back up and a thorough searchwhen we observed a vehicle matching the description of one of the vehicle was carried the scene of a shooting incident,” said PC Khan. Four firearms and 172 rounds of ammunition were found.“The information had been relayed by E999 Command The suspects were arrested. Since then, PCs Balkissoon andCentre about two suspects believed to be involved in the Khan were responsible for making five other illegal firearmshooting at Tableland. They were reported to be travelling in seizures for 2017, the highest amount when compared toa silver grey Nissan Quasqai. When we saw a vehicle which their fellow officers of the Highway and Traffic Patrolappeared to fit the description to that which the suspects Branch.were seen in, but bearing a different number plate, westopped it and engaged the occupants,” the officercontinued. 60
The dynamic duo on mobile patrol.The officers were subsequently commended by Commissionerof Police (Ag.), Stephen Williams, for their dedication andcommitment to duty during a weekly COMPSTAT meeting atthe Police Administration Building, Port-of-Spain in July 2017.Recently installed Senior Superintendent of the Traffic andHighway Patrol Branch, Basdeo Ramdhanie, who gave theofficers the nicknames ‘Starsky and Hutch,’ said the officers goabove and beyond the call of duty to ensure the nation’s safety.When asked about why such a name, the senior officer said, “Inthe short time that I’ve known the young officers, they havetaken the oath of office very seriously and always perform theirduties with due diligence.” Snr Supt. (Ag.) Ramdhanieattributes the officers' success rate to their alertness. Heexplained, “In the wee hours of the morning, they are on the highway, always vigilant and keen to identify things that areamiss. What also makes the two officers stand out is their affinity to one other, which makes for a strong and effectivepartnership.” It is this bond which the officers accredit to saving their lives.PC Khan shared one of his “scariest moments” while being an officer, where his partner’s support and assistance ensuredthey lived to tell the tale.“It was during a night shift.We were responding to a call of vehicle stolen by gunpoint in the Carlsen Field area.After canvasing the area, we spotted the vehicle and gave chase, as the driver had failed to heed our instructions to stop.The vehicle, which had two occupants, was intercepted in a bushy area in the vicinity of the Caroni Bird Sanctuary.Theoccupants alighted from the vehicle and began firing at us. My partner and I returned fire and proceeded to gain groundson the suspects.They however escaped into the forested area.”It was the happiness of the car’s owner upon having his vehicle returned to him which made the entire ordealworthwhile. The officers hope that their passion to serve will inspire their colleagues.PC Balkissoon admonished, “No matter what the profession one has, do it to your best abilities. In life, everythinghappens for a reason. It is better to learn from it and use the experience to shape you into being someone better\". 61
PoliceYouth Clubs across Trinidad and Tobago continue to be a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change in the lives of manyyoung people. Its members are given the enviable exposure to a plethora of positive role models, numerous opportunities forpersonal development and a host of extracurricular activities. These all contribute to providing platforms to develop life skillsand mould the members into all-rounded individuals. Undoubtedly, when one takes a look into the over 120 PoliceYouth Clubs,one can appreciate how impressionable minds are shaped into responsible adults. Here are a few stories that attest to this:Kareem Marcelle, 22 I am forever grateful for my time at the Beetham Police Youth Pursuing the degree was made possible after receiving the Beetham Club. As a teenager, I felt like I was between a rock and a Makandal Daaga Law Scholarship from the University of the hard place. At home, I was facing what I perceived to be West Indies which was featured in the 7pm news on CCN PoliceYouth Club insurmountable obstacles, moving in and out of school after TV6. my dad abandoned my family. This landed me in a state of I was named Community Ambassador, 2016, by the depression. Commissioner of Police (Ag.), Stephen Williams, in That’s when I met retired Insp. Sheila Prince and was collaboration with IATF for their Hearts and Mind introduced to the youth club. I was a very reserved person, programme. The honour is given to recognise key always internalising my own problems and shying away stakeholders that contribute to community development. from the spotlight. That, however, did not deter Ms. Prince I’m also a 2015 “Excellence in Community” Awardee, from from presenting me with every opportunity to reach my I95.5’s Laventille Nights initiative. fullest potential. I am also a member of 10 Non-Governmental Organisations The Club became my new home. It gave me a new (NGOs) within my community. More importantly, I have perspective on life. Through my trials, the principles of learnt to give back to others and have implemented an integrity, discipline and gratitude were drummed into me, to after-school/School Based Assessment (SBA) programme in which I now live by. Today, I am employed as a Data Entry my neighbourhood. I also host “Kareem’s Children Clerk with the Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad Christmas Party,” an annual event, which caters to about and Tobago (UDeCOTT). 500 children within the Beetham community. I am also pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Law with the My greatest aspiration is to become Prime Minister, to help University of London, after achieving eight CSEC and six those like myself who would have gone through so much. CAPE passes respectively at Trinity College, Moka. When I think about the Felicity Police Youth Club, I cannot The Club also emphasised the importance of time help but feel a sense of happiness and satisfaction. management in my life, which I used in my studies. I’ve been a member since its inception in 2012; and from As a form five student of the Couva East Secondary School, then to now, I have a renewed purpose in life. What is most I graduated with 8 CSEC passes. I was also successful in remarkable about having been in the Club’s activities and my Unit 1 CAPE exams. socialising with my peers, is that I have realised how it has Overall I am thankful for the balance that the Club brings to made me a more caring and responsible person. my life as I move forward in my endeavour to become a I must mention sports. I love football, cricket and table neurologist or cardiologist. tennis, and the Club provided outlets for me to relish in myShoaib Khan, 18 favourite sporting activities. FelicityPoliceYouth Club 62
Kimaada Clarke, 23 Join a club, not a gang. A good education makes you shine, Before graduating from the St. Martin’ Girls High School with St. James but good discipline makes you glitter. Attitude determines six CSEC passes, to pursue my Associates of Arts in your altitude. These are just some of the lessons that were Management with the University of the West Indies, ROYTEC,PoliceYouth Club impressed upon me as a member of the St. James Police I was afforded ample opportunities from the youth club. Youth Club that still resonate with me. I was elected captain of the Club’s steel orchestra and was a I joined the Club when I was about 15-years-old. It was part of the Club’s dance group, “Elite Drummers and Ignited during a period where I was looking for an avenue to tap into Dancers.” The group had given me the invaluable hidden talents. opportunity in 2013 and 2014 to travel to the United States to Over the years, through my own experiences and by seeing be a part of the ‘Drums of Thunder’ Competition in Brooklyn, it through others, lives have been transformed through New York, where success was achieved. The Club also sports, the arts and simply the sharing of love. The club was afforded me the chance to learn new cultures with its Youth and continues to be a place where I and other young people Exchange Programme in Los Angeles, California. can utilise our time constructively. Essentially, it is a place Currently, I am still a member of the Club, operating in many that presents me or any person with alternatives to juvenile capacities within its administration. delinquency and steering clear of bad elements.Kerron Eastman, 31 Having been involved in community service and activism Tobago Heritage Festival 2017. I am a member of the Charlotteville for quite some time now, I am certain that the Charlotteville Board of Directors of the Fishing Processing Co. Ltd. I also Police Youth Club is definitely an organisation which served as a member of the Realisation of Economic PoliceYouth Club exemplifies all the tenets of humanitarianism and positive Achievement Screening Committee of the Division of development.The Club has renewed my hope and passion Health and Social Services. This committee was set up to to contribute to the future of the nation. assist young entrepreneurs by assisting them with grants As a youth officer in the Division of Education, Youth Affairs of up to $7500. and Sports of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA), I have I’ve also been involved in an international youth leadership frequent interactions with the Club’s leader, WPC Rheanne network and youth forum in India. I certainly use these Moore, to assist in transforming lives time and time again. experiences to aid the younger members of the club both in Joining the Club has inspired me pursue my Bachelor of their personal and professional pursuits. Arts in Political Science with the University of the West I will encourage anyone to become a part of the movement Indies, St. Augustine. of transformation. There are only benefits to be derived Also, I have served as a member of the Tobago Heritage from such a decision. Joining means positioning yourself to Festival Committee in the planning and execution of the soar to higher heights.Leslie Ann Meade , 21 Before becoming an adult, I was always drawn to children. taught me responsibility, trustworthiness and how to be a La Brea As such, I felt at home every time I attended a meeting at confidant. the La Brea Police Youth Club. I was offered an internship with the Antilles Credit Union, PoliceYouth Club I had my fair share of trials as a teen in a single parent where I was awarded ‘Best Intern’ and Valedictorian. I was household and having three of my siblings incarcerated. I also a part of the Credit Union’s youth development didn’t want that for myself or any other young person in department, which goes to primary schools and help my community. students learn to save and invest. I loved this experience. So, since joining the Club 10 years ago, I have done exactly Today, I’m a pre-school teacher, imparting all the that, keeping myself and others away from crime and knowledge and skills learnt both at the club and through idleness with positive alternatives. my internship, to my students. Through the Club, I was mentored and became a mentor I’ll encourage anyone to be a part of the nearest police under its Peer Mentorship Programme. The programme youth club, because it has done so much for me. 63
Assistant Superintendent (Ag) Eric Drakes Guard and Emergency Branch It is because of this recognition that officers need to maintain their physical health while on the job, that the TTPS ensures that in the design of new police stations, each is outfitted with state of the art gymnasiums and dormitories and some Police Stations are supplied with gym equipment.These facilities give officers ready access to the tools which they require to maintain fit and healthy bodies and minds. Maintaining a conditioned fitness level ultimately protects an officer and his or her fellow officers while working. It also has another benefit of counteracting stress and depression.P ersonal health and wellbeing are now a top priority for A mentally alert officer is able to respond effectively and most people, especially those who seek the benefits of decisively to any threat or situation posed to the public, or maintaining lifestyles which guarantee them long, colleagues whereas adverse medical conditions resulting from happy and productive lives. Since most people spend not maintaining physical health can lead to medical conditionsthe majority of their time at work and less at home, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes.maintaining healthy habits on a daily basis has becomeeven Sporting activities are yet another avenue which officers canmore important. venture into to keep their fitness levels high. The TTPS isTo this end, many employers seek to educate their workers represented by its talented officers in various local leagueabout the importance of health and wellness in the workplace, competitions in the disciplines of football, netball andas these benefits can positively impact on performance and basketball and they never fail to showcase their conditioningproductivity in organisations. Increased productivity, happier and skills in their winning performances.employees with boosted morale, lower healthcare costs, Physical health incorporates regular exercise and properreduced stress levels and an overall improved company image, nutrition. It is nearly impossible for a law enforcement officerare just some of the immediate benefits of a health conscious to achieve health and fitness goals without a proper nutritionworkforce. Long-term benefits will be seen in an organisation’s programme.strong performance and competitiveness. A well balanced diet of the basic food groups carbohydrates,The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service’s (TTPS) successes are proteins, vitamins and water are also essential to the properlargely tied to its investment in its human resources. Officer functioning of the human, safety and well-being on the job are important aspects As part of their job, officers of theTTPS are detailed to performof the organisation’s day-to-day administration and sentry duties where they must stand for long periods at a timemanagement. dressed in all their public order Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). These situations require officers to be at their fittest to ensure they can fulfil their duties properly. There are also 64
tactical and survival training exercises, where officers 2. Officers should attempt Cross Training exercises suchparticipate in functional drills to test their attitude and aptitude as cycling, trail running, hiking and swimming.towards environmental awareness and threat assessment. 3. Take a medical fitness examination at least once aAnnually, the Guard and Emergency Branch (GEB) hosts its and wellness fair “Health Beat”, designed to encouragepolice officers and civilian employees to live a healthier lifestyle. 4. Do simple weight management exercises such as walking or jogging.The venture is done in collaboration with the Ministry of Healthas a means of giving the employees an opportunity to access In the public eye when a citizen sees a police officer in thehealth services. street, this officer is a symbol of the strength, fitness and state of readiness of the entire service. A trim and fit officerSo, what can police officers do to ensure that their health and can send the right message to the community he or she isfitness levels are maintained at an acceptable level for the protecting. It also sends a very direct and potent messagegrueling physical demands of the job? to criminals as well, that the law is being upheld by strong, fit and mentally alert officers. All officers are encouraged to 1. Officers should attempt to engage in at least one hour take their health and well-being seriously throughout their of exercise during their tour of duty. A progress report career, not only for the benefit of the TTPS, but ultimately on the Officer should be submitted by the gym for themselves. instructors assigned to the respective gyms. 65
Commissioner of PoliceIndependence Day Reception 66
Commissioner of PoliceIndependence Day Reception 67
Opening of the2017-2018 Law Term 68
Avocat COMMUNITY/ TOWN MEETINGS BaratariaCarenage CaroniEdinburgh 500Febeau Village Glen Road, Tobago Lanse Fourmi, Tobago 69
Manzanilla COMMUNITY/ TOWN MEETINGS Maracas St JosephPatna St. Anns ValenciaVessigny Wallerfield 70
PYC Sports 2017 71
PYC Sports 2017 72
Police Crossword ?DID YOU KNOW In Thailand, police officers who misbehave or break the law are forced to wear Hello Kitty armbands.The Recorder MysteryA man was found dead with a cassette recorder in one hand and a gun in the other. Whenthe police came in, they immediately pressed the play button on the cassette. He said “Ihave nothing else to live for. I can’t go on,” then the sound of a gunshot. After listening to thecassette tape, the police knew that it was not a suicide. How did they know?Answer: If he committed suicide, then who pressed the rewind button? 75
I redie ts: 1 small onion, grated I redie ts: 2 cloves garlic, grated2 cups our, sifted 2 sprigs of thyme, nely 2 cups milk2 tsp. baking powder chopped 7 tbsp. peanut butter1 tsp. brown sugar Oil for frying 1 tbsp. sugar½ lb. salt sh, boiled and Water 3 tbsp. granola (optional) aked Hot pepper and salt to 1 tsp. cinnamon1 tsp. parsley taste (optional)1 tsp. celery, nely chopped Method:1 bundle chive, nely chopped 1. Pour the milk into a blender.Method: 2. Add the peanut butter and sugar. 3. Blend until smooth.1. Combine the our, baking powder, onion, garlic, the 4. Add cinnamon and granola. Blend well. rest of the seasonings, and the salt sh. Stir before serving.2. Pour some water at a time and mix the ingredients until a soft batter is made. This recipe will make about 4 servings of peanut punch.3. Dip a tablespoon in a bowl of water before dipping it in the batter. Drop tablespoons of the batter into hot oil.4. Fry until slightly golden. Remove and drain on a paper towel.This recipe serves about 10-18 persons. 76