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Home Explore Types of Backhand Serve Table Tennis for Beginners

Types of Backhand Serve Table Tennis for Beginners

Published by Pingpongbest, 2022-12-06 08:43:48

Description: The backhand serve is a great way to add variety to your table tennis game. It's important to know the different types of serves in table tennis and how they can be used to gain an advantage in a match.

Keywords: Backhand Serve


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Types of Backhand Serve Table Tennis The backhand serve is a great way to add variety to your table tennis game. It's important to know the different types of serves and how they can be used to gain an advantage in a match. The push Backhand serve The push Backhand serve is a great serve to use when you need to control the spin of the ball. This type of serve is executed by pushing the ball off your paddle with your index finger. The speed and spin on this serve are determined by how fast you move your wrist and how much backspin you impart on the ball. Topspin Backhand serve The topspin backhand serve is a great alternative to the push backhand serve. It's executed by brushing the ball off your paddle with a large forward swing of your wrist. This type of serve is great for adding spin to the ball, but it can be difficult to control if you don't have good footwork and technique. Backhand Backspin serve The backhand backspin serve is a great way to add variety to your game. It's executed by brushing the ball off your paddle with a large backward swing of your wrist. This type of serve is great for adding backspin to the ball and making it harder for your opponent to return.

No Spin Backhand serve The no spin backhand serve is an advanced shot that requires precise timing and technique. It's executed by pushing the ball off your paddle with a flat stroke, imparting no spin onto the ball. This type of serve is great for catching your opponent off guard and making them guess where the ball will go next. Overall, backhand serves are a great way to mix up your game and keep your opponent guessing. Each type of backhand serve offers different benefits, so it's important to practice all of them and find out which one works best for you. Good luck!

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